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NorthWhiteley Planning Supporting Statement December 2014 JGP Lakedale NORTHWHITELEY PLANNING SUPPORTING STATEMENT London Linen Hall 162 - 168 Regent Street London W1B 5TE Bournemouth Everdene House Deansleigh Road Bournemouth BH7 7DU Telephone 0203 664 6755 Email [email protected] Web © Terence O’Rourke Ltd 2014. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form or stored in a retrieval system without the prior written consent of the copyright holder. All figures (unless otherwise stated) © Terence O’Rourke Ltd 2014. Based upon the 2013 Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Ordnance Survey on behalf of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown Copyright Terence O’Rourke Ltd Licence number 100019980. © Terence O’Rourke Ltd 2014 Document designed by Terence O’Rourke Ltd NorthWhiteley Planning Supporting Statement December 2014 JGP Lakedale NORTHWHITELEY PLANNING SUPPORTING STATEMENT CONTENTS 01 Introduction Housing Density Sport and play The Applicant Allotments Application Site Surface Water Drainage The Application Consultation 02 Site and Surroundings Phasing The Site 04 Relevant Planning History International nature conservation sites Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) 05 Policy Context Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs) National Planning Footpaths and connections Development Plan Heritage designations Winchester City Council Joint Core Strategy Existing Whiteley Policy Matrix 03 Proposed Development The Application Summary of Proposals Existing Buildings Parameters Masterplan Vehicular access Parking Public Transport Pedestrian/ Cycle Provision Public Rights of Way Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Housing Extra Care Schools Retail and Community Use Northern local centre Southern local centre Community Building Building heights 2 NORTHWHITELEY PLANNING SUPPORTING STATEMENT 06 Planning Considerations Visual Impacts Employment Principle of Development Services Housing Foul water drainage Supply Water Offer Electricity Affordable Gas Specialist Water Resources Infrastructure Provision Minerals Education Retail Access and Transport Cultural Heritage Access Air quality Public Transport Ground Conditions Walking and Cycling Land Classification Travel Plan Delivery LEP funding Build out Creating Place Timing Regulating the development parameters Viability Land uses Consultation Movement and access Landscape 07 Condition Issues Design approach Distinctive Identity 8 Heads of Terms Secured by Design 9 Conclusions Sustainability Energy Appendices Wider Sustainability Natural Environment a Winchester City Council Joint Core Strategy Extracts SH1 and SH3 Open spaces b Phasing Plans Standards c Local Centres Retail Statement Outdoor sport d Minerals Report (Separate document) Parks and recreation grounds e Affordable Housing Statement Natural Green Space f Draft S106 (Separate document) Informal Open Space Equipped Space Allotments 3 NORTHWHITELEY PLANNING SUPPORTING STATEMENT 01 INTRODUCTION The Applicant abuts the woodland of Whiteley Pastures SSSI. 1.1 The development of North Whiteley is being promoted by a consortium of 1.4 WCC has identified an area of developers and a landowner, comprising land to the north of Whiteley as a suitable Bovis Homes, Taylor Wimpey, Crest location to provide much needed housing. Nicholson and the Bunney family (JGP Policy SH3 of the Council’s adopted Joint Lakedale), known collectively as the Core Strategy (JCS) deals specifically North Whiteley Consortium (NWC). The with North Whiteley in this respect. The NWC controls all of the land within the policy is extensive and seeks to set out a application boundary and has considerable framework upon which development can experience of delivering large-scale come forward (see section 5). housing developments with associated services and infrastructure. The Application 1.2 The NWC core consultant team 1.5 The Vision for North Whiteley was comprises Terence O’Rourke (TOR), set back in November 2009 at a specific advising on planning, masterplanning, stakeholder workshop, where it was landscape, green infrastructure and agreed that: environmental issues, with Peter Brett Associates (PBA) providing engineering North Whiteley will be a development that advice relative to transport, drainage, noise celebrates the magnificent richness of the and air quality. Together the NWC and existing landscape, and rebalances the consultant team have sought to devise a community to appeal to a broad cross robust and appropriate master plan, which section of the population allowing residents recognises the context and infrastructure to fulfil their day-to-day needs in an deficiencies within existing Whiteley, environmentally conscious way alongside a range of local aspirations. The master plan reflects appropriate 1.6 It is with this aspiration in mind that place making and contemporary design the detail of the proposal has developed thinking whilst providing key infrastructure over recent years. enhancements. 1.7 This statement supports an: Application Site Outline planning application (strategic 1.3 The application site comprises access roads unreserved) for provision of approximately 208 hectares (ha) of of up to 3,500 residential units, land to the north of the existing Whiteley including affordable housing, 2 primary settlement. It lies within the administrative schools and 1 secondary school, up to area of Winchester City Council (WCC). To 2,000 sqm of flexible space for A1, A2, the west and north west of the site lie the A3, A5, B1 and D1, identification of 2 village of Curbridge and the A3051, Botley potential sites for children’s nurseries, Road. To the north the site boundary provision of an extra care facility (with follows a length of the mainline railway scope for all uses to revert to residential between Portsmouth and Winchester. To if there were insufficient market the south and south west lie the existing demand) in 2 local centres, creation of settlements of Whiteley, Swanwick and a community building, sports facilities Burridge. To the east the site boundary (including pavilion, grass pitches and 4 NORTHWHITELEY PLANNING SUPPORTING STATEMENT 2 all weather pitches), allotments, into matters such as ecology, landscape, landscaping, extensive recreation and archaeology, ground conditions, flooding, play provision. Creation of link roads noise, air quality and traffic. As a result between Whiteley and Botley Road, of this work, and extensive stakeholder wider highway works, on site cycleway engagement, a robust proposal has and footpath networks (including evolved which recognises and celebrates two localised footpath diversions), the ecological and landscape interests bus priority measures, car parking, at the site and has used these, along flood attenuation network, service with the wider site context, to shape the enhancements demolition of a limited development proposals. number of existing on site structures and associated engineering works 1.13 It is intended that North (including changes to levels) Whiteley will comprise of two discrete neighbourhoods that respond to the 1.8 As the description of development physical constraints and opportunities highlights detail of the three strategic of the land, and which will together highway access routes through the site, function as a single cohesive community providing north south connections, is with existing Whiteley. The development provided for consideration and agreement will deliver some of the key community at this time. infrastructure that has been missing/ promised at Whiteley for so long, including 1.9 It is also the case that the schools and strategic access corridors applicant is seek agreement of a formal Design Code that will support the master 1.14 The remainder of this statement plan in setting out a clear framework for seeks to set out further detail on the the detail of subsequent reserved matters proposed development, relevant planning applications and how the development history, planning policy context and comes forward. a range of planning considerations. Where appropriate policy compliance 1.10 Information on the detail of what is highlighted and sign-posted to other is proposed within the development can documents where more information can be be found in section 3 of this statement, as found on specialist/ technical issues. well as within the accompanying Design and Access Statement and Design Code. 1.11 Given the size of the development, complexity of the site and the partial detailed nature of the submission the application package is extensive. Detail of this is provided at paragraph 3.5 although is summarised in figure 1 shown on the next page. 1.12 The NWC has been involved in the site for many years and has spent a considerable time establishing the baseline position for a planning application, through commissioning a range of detailed studies 5 NORTHWHITELEY PLANNING SUPPORTING STATEMENT KEY APPLICATION PLANNING DESIGN AND DESIGN CODE ENVIRONMENTAL SHADOW HABITATS INFORMATION: STATEMENT ACCESS STATEMENT REGULATIONS STATEMENT NON-TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT STATEMENT GREEN SUMMARY INFRASTRUCTURE STRATEGY ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT ARBORICULTURAL • Site Location Plan APPENDICES: APPENDICES: APPENDICES: APPENDICES: APPENDICES: REPORT - ON SITE (red line) (INCLUDING • Topographical Survey TREE REMOVAL/ • Affordable Housing • All plans @ A3 • A1 Defining Identity • Scoping • Recreation Survey RETENTION PLAN) • Land Use Plan Statement Results • Sustainability Areas - Analysis, • Cultural Heritage •