©fficial alette OF THE Government of Palestine. PUBLISHED FORTNIGHTLY BY AUTHORITY.

No. 222 JERUSALEM •1st November, 1928.

CONTENTS Page I. GOVERNMENT NOTICES (a) Draft of Registration of Land Ordinance, 1928, with Explanatory Note 668-670 (b) Notification of non-disallowance of Ordinances 671 (c) Appointments, Leave, etc. 671 (d) Order under the Width and Alignment of Roads Ordinances, 1926-1927 672 (e) Order under the Commutation of Tithes Ordinances, 1927-1928 672 (f) Order under the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, 1928 673 (g) Order under the Land Settlement Ordinance 1928, 673 (h) Authorisation under the Land Settlement Ordinance, 1928 ...... 674 (i) Regulation under the Salt Ordinances, 1925-1927 674 *j) Rules under the Antiquities Ordinance, 1920 675-676 (k) Agreement with Trans-Jordan re taking of evidence on commission 676 (I) Convention with France re legal proceedings in civil and commercial matters 677 (m) Notices declaring certain areas infected under the Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1926 677-679 (n) Notice under the Animals (Export and Import) Ordinance, 1920 679 (o) Appointment of Consuls... 680 (p) Appointment of Committee for revision of Cooperative Societies Legislation 680

II. DEPARTMENTAL NOTICES (a) Notification of posting of claims in village 681 (b) Licensing of Veterinary Surgeons ... 681 (c) Foreign Advocates examinations 681 (d) Tenders and adjudication of contracts 681- 682 (e) Court Citations and Sittings 682- 683 (f) Amendments to General Regulations ... 683

III. RETURNS (a) Meteorological returns ... 683 (b) Financial Statement 684-685 (c) Sale of unclaimed goods and returns of wreck salved 686-688 (d) Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary 688

IV. SUPPLEMENT Registration of Trade Marks and Patents 689-692

Price 50 Mils. 668 OFFICII AL GAZETTE. 1st November, 1928.

The following draft of an Ordinance is made public in accordance with Article 17 (1) (d) of the Palestine Ord.r mj Council, 1922, as amended by Article 3 of the Palestine (Amendment) Order in CÜ\M

An Ordinance to !provide for the registration in the Land Settlement of prescriptive title to land, the registration of land of the category of Metruke, and similar purposes.

BE IT ENACljED by the High Commissioner for Palestine, with the advice of the Advisory Council thereof:-

Short title and 1. (!) This Ordinance may be cited as he Registration application. of Land Ordinance, j 1928.

(2) This brdinance shall a !.)ply in any settlement area to which the Land Settlement Ordinance, 1928, has been applied, and shall be read together with the provisions of that Ordinance.

Registration 2. Where lan<;l in registered in the name of any person,

where prescript- and t]ie Settlement Officer is satisfied either - ive title to land is established. ! (a) that another person has been in possession thereof for such period and under such conditions as will, prevent any action for recovery of the land being heard, or j (b) that the person so registered or his successor has disposed of the registered interest in the land in favour of the person in possession or his predecessor in title; he shall enter the name of the person in possession in the Schedule of Rights aè owner of the land in respect of the interest therein which was held by the person registered as owner.

Registration of 3. Where land is registered in the name of any person,

possessory title. anci t}ie Settlement C>fficer"is satisfied:

(a) that another person is in possession thereof in such circumstances that, if his possession continues for the period prescribed by law, any action for recovery thereof by the registered owner ]will not be heard thereafter;

(b) that the registered owner cannot be traced or makes no claim to the land:

he may enter the name of the person in possession in the Schedule of Rights asj having a possessory title, and shall state the date on which Jus possession began.

Effect of regis• 4. The effect of registration with a possessory title shall tration of be as follows:- j possessory title.

(a) The person previously registered as owner or his heirs shall thereafter be entitled to recover the land by action, provided that such action is begun within the period prescribed by law. j

(b) If action is brought within due time and judg• ment is given in favour of the registered owner or his heirs and is registered, the registration of any person with a possessory title shall" be vacated, and the interests of any person claiming under him shall be deemed to be avoided from the date of registration of the judgment. 1st November, 1928. OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 669

(c) The person registered with a possessory title and his successors shall be deemed to be owners of the land and entitled to the revenue thereof until the date of registration of judgment for recovery of the land by the registered owner. (d) If no action for recovery of the land is brought by the registered owner or his heirs within the period pres• cribed by law, the Director of Lands, on being satisfied that the person registered with the possessory title, or his successors, are in possession, shall vacate the registration of the registered owner and enter the person registered with the possessory title as the owner of the land. And all rights and interests therein of the person previously registered as owner shall cease and determine. (e) No disposition or transfer, otherwise than on the death of the registered owner or the person registered with a possessory title, shall operate to create any right to the land, and no entry thereof shall be made in the Land Registers.

5. If a Settlement Officer is satisfied - Registration of person in pos• session where no (a) that land has been in the possession of any person adverse registra• for such period and under such conditions as will prevent any tion of the land. action for recovery thereof being heard, and that no person is registered at the time of the settlement as owner; or

(b) that a person is in possession of land under an unregistered transfer to himself or his predecessor in title made by a person who was in possession at the date of the disposition but was not registered as owner, and that no other person has a registered interest in the land ;

he shall enter in the Schedule of Rights the name of the person in possession as owner of the land. Provided that, unless the land is Mulk, the person entered as owner shall be liable to pay bedl misl on account of the land; and provided, also, that nothing herein shall apply to Mahlul land or !\iewat land.

6. (1) Land shall not be deemed to have been assigned Conditions on ״to the public ab antiquo within the meaning of Articles 91, 97, ™hiCh laild slla be deemed t0 be 98 and 101 of the Ottoman Land Code unless­ assigned as common. (a) the land is registered as Baltalik, Mera, Yaylak or Kishlak respectively; or

(b) there is documentary evidence that the land was assigned to the inhabitants under one of the classes mentioned in paragraph (a) by the decision of a competent authority.

(2) Land shall not be deemed to have been assigned ab antiquo within the meaning of Articles 94, 95 and 96 of the Ottoman Land Code unless there is evidence that it has been used for a period of not less than forty years for one of the purposes mentioned in those Articles.

7. Where the Settlement Officer is satisfied that­ Form of regis­ tration for land assigned. (a) land has been assigned ab antiquo in accordance with the provisions of the previous Section; or

(b) land has been assigned as Metruke since the date of the Brittish Occupation by authority of the Government of Palestine ;

he shall enter the land in the Schedule of Rights as Metruke land. 670 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 1st November, 1928. !

EXPLANATORY NOTE ON THE DRAFT REGISTRATION OF LAN I) ORDINANCE, 1928. I The examination of the Land Law which was made for the purpose of preparing a statement of the Law for the guidance of the officers engaged in the land settlement has indicate( a number of difficulties in the present rules of the substantive laws and the •egistration of the land, and the desirability of introducing amendments befor e the settlement is carried out.

Certain of these amendments of (lie law will apply only to the operations of the land settlement; others will apply generally to the tenure of land. So far as the present Ordinance is concerned, the amendments are required for the purpose of settlement, and it is therefore stated in Clause 1 that its appli• cation is to be so limited.

Clauses 2, 3 and 4. j i It has been laid down by the Court of Appeal that where a person is registered as owner in an existing land register, another person who has been in°adverse possession of the land during the period of prescription cannot nevertheless obtain registration df his title against the registered owner. Pre• scription by the Ottoman system is not regarded as a basis of title, but operates simply to deprive the person against whom prescription has run from enforcing any rigid of action. In the settlement by which it is desired to secure a complete record'of the ownership of the land, it is necessary that if a person has been in possession of land for such period as to deprive the registered owner of his right of bringing action for recovery, he should be able to obtain registration of his right. | Two different kinds of cases have to be met:-

(1) Where the person in possession has a right which cannot be defeated by the person registered as owner or any person claiming under him..

(2) Where the person in possession is liable to have his right upset by the person who is recorded in the old register as owner or by a person claiming through him.

The former case is dealt with in Clause 2 of the draft Ordinance. The Settlement Officer is directed there to enter the name of the person in possession in the Schedule of Rights as owner of the land. The latter case is dealt with in Clauses 3 and 4 and it is prescribed in the draft that the Settlement Officer shall record in the Schedule of Bights the possessory title of the person in occupation. That title will not ripen into a title of complete ownership until a period has passed in which jrevious registered owner may take proceedings for vindication of his title.

Clause 5 of the draft Ordinance deals with the simple case where a person has been in possession of land for the prescriptive period and no other person is registered in the existing land register as an owner. In this case, although the person in possession is not under the existing law entitled to registration, provision is made that he shall be entered as owner in the Schedule of Rights, subject to his liability to pay becll misl on the unimproved value of the land as a condition of the recognition of his title.

Clauses 6 and 7 deal with thej conditions of registering land as Metruke, that is, land dedicated for the common use of all the public or inhabitants of a particular village or area. It is desirable to lay down that land is only to be recognised as of this kind in the! settlement where either there is a registered entry to support the claim to an assignment or some documentary evidence from which assignment by a competent authority may be presumed. I The case put in Clause 7 (b) is designed to cover the acts of the demar• cation committees appointed under the Forests Ordinance, 1920, who were instructed to allot areas as Metruke for villages in which State Forest Land wTas delimited. \ 1st November, 1928. OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 671

CONFIRMATION OF ORDINANCES. Mr. G. MacLaren, 0. B. E. Assistant District Commissioner, Grade "F", District Adminis• tration, Northern District, to be Acting District Commissioner during the absence on The Right Honourable the Secretary of leave of Mr. E. F. Colvile, C.M.G., with State for the Colonies has notified that His effect from the 24th of October to the 6th of Majesty will not be advised to exercise his powers November, 1928, both dates inclusive. of disallowance in respect to

Mr. C. T. Evans, Junior Assistant Secretary, No. 10 of 1928, entitled "An Ordinance Class 3, Secretariat to be Acting Assistant to legalize certain payments made in the nine Secretary during the period Mr. M. Nurock months ended 31st December, 1927, in excess is acting as Assistant Chief Secretary, with of the expenditure- authorized by the Appropria• effect from the 31st of October, 1928. tion (April-December, 1927) Ordinance, No. 44 of 1927".

Ordinance No. 11 of 1928, entitled "An Ordinance to appropriate a sum not exceeding LP. 2,443,677 for the service of the twelve months ending the 31st day of December, 1928'. 'ß" Vacation Leave.

The Officer Administering the Government has granted vacation leave to the following APPOINTMENTS, etc. officers :-

6A" Appointments. Dr. H. Abu Rahmeh, Department of Health, 14. 7.28-13.10.28

The Officer Administering the Government has appointed - Musa Eff. El-Alami, Legal Department, 7.9.28-6.12.28

Zaki EfF. Tamimi, Public Prosecutor, Class 3, Legal Department to be Acting Government Mr. M. Mani, M.B.E. Judicial Department, Advocate during the absence on leave of Musa 30.9.28-29.10.28 Eff. El-Alami,' with effect from the 7th of September, to the 9th of October, 1928, both dates inclusive. Dr. Sami Shihab, Department of Health, 2.10.28-1.11.28 Mr. C. D. Harvey, Senior Assistant Treasurer, Class 2, Treasury to be Acting Deputy Dr. M.K.M. Mishalany, Department of Health, Treasurer during the absence of leave of Mr. W. J. Johnson, O.B.E., with effect from the 5.10.28-4.11.28 24th of September, 1928.

Dr. Fouad Dajani, Department of Health, Mr. E. N. Koussa, Public Prosecutor, Class 3, 8.10.28-27.10.28 Legal Department, to be Acting Government Advocate during the absence on leave of Musa Eff. El-Alami with effect from the Mr. G. R. H. Sykes, Palestine Railways, 10th of October, 1928. 18.10.28-17. 1.29

Nazmi Eff. Anabtawi, Administrative Officer Mr. A. L. Jones, Palestine Railways, Class 3, District Administration, Southern District, to be Acting Public Prosecutor, 18.10.28-17. 1.29 Haifa, during the period Mr. E. N. Koussa is acting as Government Advocale, with effect from the ICth of October, 1928. 'Afif Eff. 'At'ut, Department of Education, 20.10.28-19.11.28

Mr. D. Cornet, Assistant Running Superinten• dent, Class 3, Palestine Railways, to be Acting Running Superintendent, during the absence on leave of Mr. G. R. H. Sykes, with effect from the 18th of October, 1928. 672 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 1st November, 1928.



Order by the Officer Administering the Government.

H. C. LUKE Officer Administering the Government.

In exercise of the powers vested in the High Commissioner by Sections 3, 4 and 5 of the Width and Alignment of Roads Ordinances, 1926-1927, the Officer Administering the Government has ordered that the Ordinance shall be applied to the two roads mentioned below and that the said roads shall be widened to a width of 20 metres, and that no permanent work of improvement be carried out within a distance of 10 metres from the centre of the said roads: | (1) Rehoboth - El Mdghar - Katrah - El Mesmiyeh el Charbiyeh.

El Kustineh ־ Wady Stirar ­ EL Mesmiyeh el Charbiyeh ־ Latron (2) ­ Deir Sineid ־־ Burberah ־ El Mejdel Station ־־ El Suafir el Gharbiyeh ­ Julis ­ Beit Hanun ­ Gaza. |

by His Excellency's Command, | I E. MILLS

18th October, 1928. Acting Chief Secretarym (16683/28) |


Order by the Officer Administering the Government.

H. C. LUKE J Officer Administering the Government.

In exercise of the powers [vested in the High Commissioner by Section 3 of the Commutation of Tithes Ordinance, 1927, the Officer Administering the Government has declared that in lieu of the tithe payable by cultivators under the law in force relating to the !payment of tithe at the date of this Order there shall be payable annually by thé reputed owners of lands within the boundaries of the tribal areas prescribed id the Schedule hereto a commuted tithe which shall be assessed and paid in accordance with the provisions of the said Ordi­ nance; and that the commuted j tithe shall be the average aggregate amount of tithe assessed as payable during the period from April, 1925 to March, 1929 and shall be payable as from tlie 1st April, 1929.


Southern District. Sub­District of Beersheba. Juberat Tribe. Diqs, Wiheidat־Sub­Tribes. Abu­Jeber, Ruteimat Abu­Lidous, El Juberat, j'Amareen, Hasanat lbn Sabbah, El­Thawabteh. Tiyaha Tribe. Sub­Tribes. Intoush, JGelazeen, Ibdeinat, Abu­Rashed, Ramadin El Sheour, Ramadin El­Masamreh, El­Huzzael, Abu­Abdoun, .Jukaim־Liblj)eh, Abu־Abu

By His Excellency's Command, E. MILLS 25th October, 1928. | Acting Chief Secretary, (16740/28) 1st November, 1928. OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 673


Order by the Officer Administering the Government.

H. C. LUKE Officer Administering the Government.

In exercise of the powers vested in the High Commissioner by Section 9 of the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, 1928, the Officer Administering the Government has appointed Muhammad 'Aref Eff. Gostantini to be Chairman of an Assessment Committee in the Urban Area of Jerusalem, in the place of Ibrahim Eff. Al Alami, resigned; and Sheikh Mahmud Eff. Dajani, Mr. David Shako, and Mr. Elia Shamma to be on the panel of unofficial members of such Committee in the place of Mahmud Eff. Ragheb, Mr. Abraham Saporta and Mr. Samuel Slonim, resigned.

By His Excellency's Command,

E. MILLS 25th October, 1928. Acting Chief Secretary. (17371/28)


Order by the Officer Administering the Government.

H. C. LUKE Officer Administering the Government.

In exercise of the powers vested in the High Commissioner by Section 33 of the Land Settlement Ordinance, 1928, the Officer Administering the Govern• ment has ordered that the Order with respect to the lands within the boundaries of the village of , and other villages, which was published in the Official Gazette of the 1st October, 1928, shall be amended as follows:

(1) Paragraph 2(c): The figure "1/2 dunum", being the minimum area of divided land, shall be replaced by the figure "1/4 dunum".

(2) Paragraph 3: The words "or which is reserved for a building" shall be added after the words "The site on which a building is erected".

By His Excellency's Command,

E. MILLS 26th October 1928. Acting Chief Secretary. (17015/28) 674 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 1st November, 1928,


Authorisation by the Officer Administering the Government.

H. C. LUKE Officer Administering the Government.

In exercise of the powers vested in the High Commissioner by Section 2 of the Land Settlement Ordinance, 1928, the Officer Administering the Govern­ ment has authorised Mr. M. Golden berg, Assistant Land Settlement Officer, to act for the Settlement Officer oil the Settlement Area of the Sub­District of Ram leii for the purpose of exercising the powers vested in and discharging the duties laid upon the Settlement Officer in the following Sections of the said Ordinance: j

Section 7. Section 8, Section 9(a), (b), (c), (d)J(e) and (g), Section 21, ! Section 22 (1) (a), (b) and (c), Section 22 (3), Section 24,

provided that his action in every case shall be subject to the approval of a Settlement Officer and that he shall not administer oaths or adjust the rights of the owners of the land affected by the lay­out of a fresh boundary in place of the original boundary. !

! Bf His Excellency's Command,

E. MILLS .Acting Chief Secretary .1928־ ,25th October (16358/28)


Regulation made under Section 1$. I In exercise of the powers Rested in the High Commissioner by Section 15 of the Salt Ordinances, 1925­1927, I, Harry Charles Luke, Officer Administering the Government, hereby vary as follows the Regulations made under the Ordinance which were published in the Official Gazette of the 16th November, 1927:

Regulations 10 of the Regulations shall be revoked and the following sub­ stituted therefor: I

"No salt shall be delivered from the premises of the holder of a licence until it has been placed in bags and weighed in the presence of an Excise Officer. The holder of a licence shall supply such scales and weights as may be required by the Director of Customs, Excise and Trade".

H. C. LUKE 17th October, 1928. Officer Administering the Government. (16653/28) 1st November, 1928. OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 675


Rules made under Section 00 by the Director of Antiquities with the approval of the Officer Administering- the Government.


1. All Permits to excavate issued before the date of Period during- these Rules by the Director of the Department of Antiquities wmcn permits ire valid׳ under Section 24 of the Antiquities Ordinance, 1920, shall cease to be valid on the 31st December, 1928, unless they have been specifically endorsed to the contrary. A Permit to excavate shall be valid only until the 31st December of the year in which it is issued, unless it is other­ wise specially endorsed by the Director.

2. The holders of Permits to excavate who desire to Renewal of continue their excavations after their ;permits become invalid Prermts shall apply for the renewal of their Permits. necessaiy.

3. An application for a Permit to excavate or a renewal Application £° ^™^!j ^ ־of such Permit shall be made in writing to the Director, De partment of Antiquities, P.O.B. 586, Jerusalem, at least one permits^ * month before the Permit or the renewal is required.

4. Permits to excavate shall be produced on demand Permits to be to any District or Police Officer and to any Officer of the produced on Department of Antiquities. demand.

5. A Permit to excavate shall be subject to the following Conditions on conditions, in addition to those prescribed in Sections 27 and which permits 29 of the Antiquities Ordinance, 1920, and to any special are ^ranted• conditions contained in the Permit: (1) the antiquities found in the course of excavation shall be divided between the Department of Antiquities and the holder of a Permit at the end of each season's work. The holder of the Permit shall inform the Department in writing of the date on which he desires the division to be made, not later than 14 days prior to that date. He shall submit at the same time:

(a) a complete list of all the antiquities discovered, sufficiently descriptive to make it posible to identify each object and showing the number allotted to each by the excavator. The number shall also be legibly written on the object or on a label securely attached to it; and

(b) a note explaining the excavator's system of numbering, accompanied by such sketch plans, sections and other information as will provide a record

(i) of the circumstances attending the discovery of each object, such as position in the excavation, and associated objects;

(ii) of all architectural remains.

No division shall take place until the information prescribed above has been given, and no permit to export antiquities shall be granted until a division is made. The information will not be communicated or published by the Department without the consent of the excavator until a period of two years has elapsed after the close of his excavations. 676 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 1st November, 1928.

(2) The excavator shall not subject antiquities dis• covered by him ip the course of his excavations to any chemical or electrolytic process of cleaning unless he has previously obtained permission in writing to do so from the Director of the Department !of Antiquities. Provided that the excavator may employ preservative measures, such as the use of paraffin wax, to consolidate objects.

E. T. RICHMOND Director, 14th October, 1928. Department of Antiquities.


H. C. LUKE 17th October, 1928. Officer Administering the Government. (16881/28)



Between the Government of Palestine and the Government of Trans-Jordan for the taking of evidence on commission for the purpose of any criminal or civil matter.

The following Agreement has been made between the Government of Palestine, acting through the Chief Secretary, and the Government of Trans-Jordan, acting through the Chief Minister :

1. Where the evidence of a witness resident in Palestine or Trans-Jordan is required for the purpose of a criminal or civil action pending in a Court of the other territory, the President of the Court in which the action is ])ending shall apply to the President of the Court within whose district the witness resides, for the evidence of such witness to be taken, and shall forward with the application a list of the questions to be put to the witness, or of the points on which the statement of the witness is to be obtained.

2. The President of the Court receiving the application shall take the evidence of the witness in like manner as if such witness were summoned in a criminal or civil action, as thq case may be, in Palestine or Trans-Jordan, and shall certify at the foot of t •le depositions so taken that such evidence was taken before him. The evidence may be taken in the presence or absence of the person charged, if any, and the fact of such presence or absence shall be stated in the deposition.

HASSAN KHALED ABDUL HUDA S. MOODY Chief Minister on behalf of the Acting Chief Secretary to the Trans-J or dan Governm ent. Government of Palestine.

Jerusalem 20th May, 1927.

E. MILLS 18th October, 1928. Acting Chief Secretary. (15692/28) 1st November, 1928. OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 677


Convention between the United Kingdom and France respecting legal proceedings in civil and commercial matters.

With reference to the Notice published in the Official Gazette of the 16th September, it is hereby notified that the French authorities to whom commissions rogatoires as well as judicial and extra-judicial acts should be addressed under the terms of the Convention between the United Kingdom and France respecting legal proceedings in civil and commercial matters, are the French Procureurs Généraux in the Courts of Cassation of the Republic of the Lebanon and the State of Syria.

Any communications and any translations should be in French.

E. MILLS 17th October, 1928. Acting Chief Secretary. (15837/28)


Notices by the Officer Administering the Government under Section 16.


H. C. LUKE Officer Administering the Government.

In exercise of the powers vested in the High Commissioner by Section 16 of the Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1926, the Officer xAdministering the Government has declared that the village of Al Khadder in the Sub-District of Bethlehem, and the lands belonging thereto, are an infected area for the purpose of the said Ordinance, so far as poultry are concerned, on account of the existence of fowl plague therein.

By His Excellency's Command,

E. MILLS 11 th October, 1928. Acting Chief Secretary. (14637/28)

II. H. C. LUKE Officer Administering the Government.

In exercise of the powers vested in the High Commissioner by Section 16 of the Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1926, the Officer Administering the Government has declared that the village of Ain-Ganim in the Jaffa Sub- District, and the lands belonging thereto are an infected area for the purpose of the said Ordinance so far as poultry are concerned, on account of the existence of fowl plague therein.

By His Excellency's Command,

E. MILLS 15th October, 1928. Acting Chief Secretary. (16718/28) 678 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 1st November, 1928.


H. C. LUKE Officer Administering the Government. | In exercise of the powers vested in the High Commissioner by Section 16 of the Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1926, the Officer Administering the Government has declared that the town of Jen in and the lands belonging thereto are an infected area for the purpose of the said Ordinance, so far as poultry are concerned, on account of the existence of fowl plague therein.

By His Excellency's Command,

E. MILLS 18th October, 1928. Acting Chief Secretary. (10006/28)


It. C. LUKE ; Officer Administering the Government.

In exercise of the powers vested, in the High Commissioner by Section 16 of the Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1926, the Officer Administering the Government has declared that tlie town of Bethlehem in the Jerusalem Division and the village of Kalansawa in the Tulkarem Sub-District, and the lands belon• ging to each, are infected areas !for the purpose of the said Ordinance, so far as poultry are concerned, on actount of the existence of fowl plague therein.

By His Excellency's Command,

E. MILLS 19th October, 1928. Acting Chief Secretary. (17013/28)


H. C. LUKE | Officer Administering the Government.

In exercise of the powers vested in the High Commissioner by Section 16 of the Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1926, the Offfcer Administering the Government has declared that !the village of Mizpah in the Sub-District of Tiberias, and the lands belonging thereto, are an infected area for the purpose ol the said Ordinance, so far as: cattle are concerned, on account of the ex• istence of Bovine Contagious Abortion therein.

! By His Excellency's Command,

E. MILLS 29th October, 1928. Acting Chief Secretary. (71507/28)

! VI.

H. C. LUKE j Officer Administering the Government.

In exercise of the powers vested in the High Commissioner by Section 16 of the Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1926, the Officer Administering the Government has declared that the following villages and the lands belonging 1st November, 1928. OFFICIAL GAZETTE. (379

thereto are infected areas for the purpose of the said Ordinance, so far as poultry are concerned, on account of the existence of fowl plague therein.

Hebron Sub-District : Idna, Beit Nattif, Zakariya, Ajjur, ' Dair Al Dubban, Kudna, Beit Jebrin, • Ra'ana.

Nablus Sub-District: Deir Sharaf, Bizarieh, Burka, Urif.

Jenin Sub-District : Silet El Daher.

Tiberias Sub-District: Yabniel.

Safad Sub-District: Biria.

By His Excellency's Command,

E. MILLS 29th October, 1928. Acting Chief Secretary. (17169/28)

ANIMALS (Export and Import) ORDINANCE, 1920.

Notice by the Director of Agriculture.

In exercise of the powers vested in me by Section 2 of the Animals (Export and Import) Ordinance, 1920, I hereby declare that is deemed to be infected with a contagious or communicable disease of animals, to wit, South African Horse Sickness, and that the importation of horses, mules and donkeys therefrom is prohibited till further notice.

E. R. SAWER Director of Agriculture and Forests.


H. C. LUKE 26th October, 1928. Officer Administering the Government. (17432/28) 680 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 1st November, 1928.


It is hereby notified that the King's exequatur empowering Mr. Paul Knabenshue to act as Consul-General of the United States at Jerusalem received Iiis* Majesty's signature on the Oí Ii August, 1928.

E. MILLS 29th October, 1928. Acting Chief Secretary. (17131/28)

II. It is hereby notified that the Norwegian Government has appointed Mr. Dimitri Nicolas Tadros as honorary Norwegian Vice-Consul at Jaffa.

NOTICE j It is notified, for general !information that the Persian Government has announced that in future documents issued in Palestine by any local authority to persons other than Persian Subjects concerning matters of personal, status, such as certificates of births, deaths or marriages, will not be considered as valid evidence in a Persian Court, unless attested by a Persian Diplomatic or Consular Official. |

The following are the accredited Persian Consular Officers in Palestine:

Jaffa and Tel-Aviv: j Vice-Consul-Anis Bey Jabi'i.

^ Haifa: Vice-Consul - M. J. Scopehich.

Acre: .Mohammed. Elf. Alifi ־ Hon. Consul

E. MILLS 24th October, 1928. Acting Chief Secretary. (16954/28)



The following Committee! has been appointed to consider the operation of the Cooperative Societies Ordinance, 1920, and to make recommendations for its amendment : !

Mr. J. Homa, Senior Assistant Auditor, Chairman, Mr. M. Doukhan, 0. B. E., Department of Lands, Mr. Harry Viteles, ! Mr. M. Smoira, and Mr. J. Beham. !

22nd, October, 1928. | (17072/28) I 1st November, 1928. OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 681


Notice is hereby given that Schedules of Claims have been posted in the village of Zarnuqa, in the Ramleh Settlement Area, in accordance with Section 24 of the Land Settlement Ordinance, 1928.

Persons having any interest in the land of the said village should examine the Schedules and should take the necessary steps to ensure that their rights including mortgages, leases for a period of three years or more, or servitudes, are examined by the Settlement Officers in Zarnuqa.

A. ABRAMSON 22nd October, 1928. Commissioner of Lands. (17331/28)'

A preliminary deposit of LP. 200 must accompany each tender as a guarantee of good NOTICE. faith and this sum, in the case of the accepted tender, will be retained as a security for proper fulfilment of the contract. The undermentioned has been granted a licence to practise the profession of veterinary medicine and surgery. Tenders should be enclosed in sealed envelopes, marked "Tender for Porterage*' and addressed to the General Manager, Palestine Mr. Haim Appelbaum Railways, Haifa Station, to reach him not later than 1400 hours on the 30th November, 1928.

E. R. SAWER The Railway Administration do not bind Director of Agriculture and Forests. themselves to accept the lowest or any tender.


The following four gentlemen have suc• cessfully passed the Foreign Advocates Exami• Tenders are invited for the undermentioned nation, 1928. services and supplies during the period of one calendar year from the 1st January 1929, and should reach the Principal Stores Officer not Mr. Solomon Turtledove later than the respective dates stated. Raja Eff. Saad Mr. Simon Agranovitch Mr. Isaac Olshansky. Full particulars and tender forms may be obtained from the Principal Stores Officer, Government Offices, Jerusalem.

The Government do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. TENDERS.

I. Benzine and Kerosene. Lubricating Oils, etc. 10 a.m. on Solar Oil. Friday the 16th Tenders are invited for the loading, Soap. November 1928. offloading and transhipment of goods and Coal. baggage at all stations for a period of three years commencing on the 1st January, 1929. Fuel Wood. Asphalt. Conditions of contract and form of tender Rations for British 10 a.m. on may he seen on application to the Superinten• Police. Friday the 23rd dent of the Line at Haifa or District Traffic Commercial Bulletin. November, 1928. Superintendent, Lydda. Type for Rubber Stamps. 682 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 1st November, 1928

III. cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the said Court within ten days from the date of the publication hereof in the Official Gazette, and Tenders are invited for the supply of show cause, if any they have, why an order of prisoners' rations to all prisoners, jail labour 1 administration of all and singular the movable companies and reformatories in Palestine for property, rights, credits and mulk immovable the period 4.1.29 to 31.12.29. | property of Haim Perera should not be granted unto Esther Perera, as in default thereof the Full particulars may he obtained from the Court will proceed to grant the same accordingly. Commandant, Police and Prisons, P.O.B. ¡436, Russian Buildings, Jerusalem, and tenders !must reach his office not later than 9 a.m., Thursday, Dated this 15th day of October, 1928. 15th of November, 1928.

J. N. De FREITAS Acting President, ADJUDICATION OF CONTRACTS. District Court. Jerusalem.

The contract for resurfacing a section between Kilos 73 and 74 of Jerusalem-Haifa Road has been awarded to Rashid Eff. Abdul Hady at 22% below P.WD. estimate !rates. In the District Court of Jerusalem. Period of contract is one calendar month.! In the matter of Frank Tate Ellis, deceased.

Citation for re-sealing grant.

COURT CITATIONS AND SITTINGS. I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the said Court within 10 days from the date of publication of this Citation In the District Court of Jerusalem.! in the Official Gazette, and show cause, if any they have, why probate of the will of Frank Tate Ellies, deceased, granted to Charlotte Ellis In the matter of Jacob Valero, deceased. | in His Majesty's High Court of Justice at London should not be sealed with the seal of this Court, Citation for Probate. as, in default thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the same accordingly.

By virtue of an Order of the District Court of Jerusalem, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to appear in J. N. De FREITAS the said Court within 10 days from the jdate of Acting President, the publication hereof in the Official Gazette, District Court, Jerusalem. and show cause, if any they have, why the last will of Jacob Valero, deceased, should (not be proved, approved, and registered, and probate thereof granted to Menuha Valero, named therein, as in default thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the same accordingly. In the District Court of Jaffa. Dated this 19th day of October, !¿28. In the matter of Abraham Srogov, deceased.

J. N. De FREITAS Citation for Probate. Acting President, District Court. Jerusalem. In virtue of an order of the District Court of Jaffa bearing date this day, 1 do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the said Court in 10 days from the date hereof, and show cause, if any they have, why the last will of Abraham Srogov, deceased, should not be proved, approved, and registered, and probate In the District Court of Jerusalem. thereof granted to Moshe Chelouche named therein, as, in default thereof, the Court will In the matter of Haim Perera, decease(!. proceed to grant the same accordingly. M. SALAMEH Citation for Order of Administration. Chief Clerk. Jaffa, 23rd October. 1928. By virtue of an order of the District Court of Jerusalem, bearing date this day, I do hereby 1st November, 1928. OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 683

NOTICE. G. Regs.-Amending Slip No. 58.-1.11.28. Page 174. COURT OF CRIMINAL ASSIZE.

Notice is hereby given that the Court of Amendment to Appendix 4. Criminal Assize will sit at the following places on the dates mentioned. Add: The following shall be the forms of Tuesday, and Thursday, address of the Chief Justice, Judges of November 6th and 8th Jaffa. the Supreme Court, and Presidents and Tuesday, November 13th Safad. Judges of District and Land Courts

Tuesday and Wednesday, November 20th and 21st Nazareth. (i) The Chief Justice His Honour Mr. Justice X B. O. DENHAM Superintendent of Courts. (ii) Judges of the Supreme Court His Honour Mr. Justice X

NOTICE. (iii) Presidents, District Courts Regulation of Trades and Industries President, Land Ordinance, 1927. Courts His Honour Judge X Copies of the Regulations made under Sections 5 and 9 of the above mentioned Ordin• (iv) Judges, District ance which were published in Official Gazette Courts His Honour No. 218 dated 1st September, 1928, may be ob• Judges, Land Courts Judge X tained on application to the Superintendent of Printing and Stationery, Russian Buildings, Jerusalem, at the price of 10 mils each.


TEMPERATURE (Centigrade) -10 ) lativ e nidit y oud s . Forc e -10 ) oratio n

MEAN ABSOLUTE *1 Evap ! Mean 7o Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum 8h. 8h. Daily of day 8h

Haifa 33.8 23.0 28.4 34.4 21.6 52 2.3 2.3 6.29

Jenin 32.0 21.5 26.3 34.9 20.1 70 1.8 2.7 8.36

Jericho 37.3 23.9 30.0 42.0 22.5 61 0.1 1.1 11.73

Jerusalem 30.0 17.0 23.4 34.6 14.7 66 0.5 0.5 4.79

Gaza 30.1 19.1 24.6 32.7 17.2 69 1.4 0.2 4.68

Beersheba — 16.8 — — 9.4 62 1.2 1.0 7.89

Acre 30.9 21.3 26.4 32.6 18.5 66 1.9 1.7 7.54

Tel Aviv 22.9 20.8 24.5 31.0 19.7 86 2.0 1.7 — 684 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 1st November, 1928.


Dr. Account of Cash Receipts and Payments from 1st January, 1928

Receipts in the Receipts month of from 1st Jan. 1028 RECEIPTS TOTAL to 31st July, 1928 1928׳ ,August LP. mils LP. mils LP. mils 1st January, 1928 64,882 096 64,882 Balance on 1st August, 1928 57.006 665

1. Customs 90,059 575 500,851 044 590,910 2. Port and Marine 441 100 3,200 508 3,641 3. Licences, Taxes, etc. 57,791 071 344,199 070 401,990 4. Fees of Court or Office, Receipts for Specific Services & Reimbursements 16,268 044 129,894 096 146,162 5. Post and Telegraphs | 19,273 399 107,292 101 126,565 6. Railways I 36,011 538 228,159 388 264,170 7. Revenue from Government Property 796 073 9,445 238 10,241 8. Interest 15,954 762 23,060 718 39,015 9. Miscellaneous j 312 274 2,328 533 2,640 10, Land Sales 18 462 3,664 771 3,683 236,926 298 1,352,095 467 1,589,021

11. Grant-in-Aid 5,899 190 13,596 000 19,495

Total Revenue L.P. 242,825 488 1,365,691 467 1.608,516 Loan Account 2,237,376 593 2;237,376 Advances 595,934 488 7,275,789 884 7,871,724 Deposits 181,627 461 1,266,428 632 1,448,056 Imprests 10,142 476 217,983 547 228,126 Drafts and Remittances Unallocated Stores 13,515 285 139,632 856 153,148

Total Receipts L.P. 1,044,045 198 12,502,902 979 13,546,948

TOTAL INCLUDING BALANCE L.P. 1,101,051 863 12,567,785 075 13,611,830 1st November, J 928. OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 685


to 31st August, 1928 Cr.

Payments in the Payments month of from 1st Jan 1928 PAYMENTS TOTAL August, 1928 to 31st July, 1928 LP. mils LP. mils LP. mils

1. Pensions 1,205 262 8,791 604 9,996 866 2. Public Debt and Loan Charges 69,530 940 58,574 605 128,105 3. His Excellency The High 545 Commissioner 180 762 3,903 808 4,084 570 4. Secretariat 1,631 029 10,095 275 11.726 304 5. District Administration 7,432 887 52,120 386 59,553 273 6. Legal Department 602 175 5,209 777 5,811 952 7. Judicial Department 5,810 129 44,882 631 50,692 760 8. Treasury 1,373 598 9,380 675 10,754 273 9. Audit Department 693 030 6,114 888 6,807 918 10. Customs, Excise and Trade 5,675 426 35,511 039 41,186 465 11. Department of Health 8,238 800 56,268 707 64,507 507 12. Department of Education 11,293 888 75,330 780 86,624 668 13. Department of Agriculture & Forests 5,292 437 44,188 062 49,480 499 14. Antiquities Department 701 085 4,658 509 5,359 594 15. Land Settlement 971 124 5,293 644 6,264 768 16. Lands Department 1,241 024 10,148 199 11,389 223 17. Survey Department 3,666 603 22,226 372 25,892 975 18. Police and Prisons 32,657 361 185,124 293 217,781 654 19. Gendarmerie (Palestinian Section) — — — 20. Gendarmerie (British Section) 58 208 282 091 340 299 21. Transjordan Frontier Force 9,588 836 87,314 850 96,903 686 22. Defence — — 31,000 000 31,000 000 23. Posts and Telegraphs 10,479 858 71,449 827 81,929 685 24. Public Works Department 3,064 693 18,942 194 22,006 887 25. Public Works Recurrent 10,605 219 82,075 792 92,681 011 26. Railways 19,853 768 147,011 755 166,865 523 27. Miscellaneous 11,398 093 265,807 718 277,205 811

Total Ordinary Expenditure L.P. 223,246 235 1,341,707 481 1,564,953 716 28. Post and Telegraphs Extraordinary 2,474 507 5,526 576 8,001 083 29. Public Works Extraordinary 13,998 174 106,227 158 120,225 332 30. Railways Extraordinary 972 742 12,077 758 13,050 500 31. Transjordan Frontier Force Extraordinary 25,273 246 25,273 246

Total Expenditure L.P. 240,691 658 1,490,812 219 1,731,503 877 Loan Account 926 004 1,105,356 330 1,106,282 334 Advances 592,204 096 8,219,098 558 8,811,302 654 Deposits 189,090 453 1,390,711 094 1,579,801 547 Imprests 13,044 196 170,693 517 183,737 713 Drafts and Remittances Unallocated Stores 10,519 487 134,106 692 144,626 179 Total Payments L.P. 1,046,475 894 12,510,778 410 13,557,254 304

31st July, 1928 57,006 665 Balance on 31st August, 1928 54,575 969 — — 54,575 969 TOTAL INCLUDING BALANCE , L.P. 1,101,051 863 12,567,785 075 13,611,830 273 NOTICES. 1. The following unclaimed goods lying in the Customs Stores, Jaffa, will be sold by public auction if not cleared within three weeks of the date of this Notice.

Quantity Name of Date of Number and Marks or Weight Contents Consignee Whence Steamer arrival Description of Kilos Packages

Cyp. Prince 7.3.28 E.M. 1 4 1 case Marbles (Samples) Candelar Antwerp Asia 8.3.28 N/M 7 4 pieces Wood Over manifest Milos 11.3.28 Z & J 70 2 cases Wooden ware Dr. S. Kaltgrad Hamburg 3879/80


The following unclaimed goods lying in the Stores of the Levant Bonded Warehouses Company, Jaffa, will be sold by public auction if not cleared within three weeks of the date of this Notice.

Quantity Name ot Date of Number and Marks or Weight Contents Consignee Whence Steamer arrival Description of Packages Kilos

Ramleh 21.8.27 PMA/RL 480 2120 1 case Motor Car W. Frankfurt Alexandria Lotus 24.8.27 DZF 98 9 1 baie Whips S. D. Mizrahi Marseilles Angkor 9.9.28 EK. 780 251 1 case Bicycles Access. Barclays Bank Jaffa Marseilles Nauplia 8.9.27 JTF VAG 43 1 case Old Cloth Paul Aberle Antwerp Sardegna 14.9.27 FT 715 49 1 case Laboratory articles Messageries Maritimes Genova 1st November, 1928. OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 687

Statement of Wreck salved at Jaffa Roadstead during the month of September, 1928.

Serial Date of Name & Residence Description of Wreck No. Report Where found of Salvor

56/28 1.9.28 1 case sardines 1 roll Br. wire 19 pieces angle bars 4 pieces flat bars 11 pieces round bars Jaffa Roadstead Ali Mohd. el 1 bdl. T. iron Ghattis 1 bdl. round bars 1 bdl. flat bars 1 bag wheat

57/28 1.9.28 1 case window glass, Mark BB Jaffa Jaffa Roadstead Abed Ali Bozom

58/28 1.9.28 2 pes. old engine parts .Jaffa Roadstead Massad and Darwish Zoghra ״bdls. pipes 1 13 15.9.28 59/28 ״bdl. pipes 2 26 ״bdls. pipes 3 50 Mark E.E.S. >Jaffa Roadstead Abed Ali Bozom ״bdls. pipes 4 27 ״bdls. pipes 5 12 ״bdls. pipes 6 25 ״bdls. pipes 8 7

30/28 19.9.28 3 bdls, angle bars 1 bdl. angle bars Mark MP 3״ pes. iron pipes 3 5 pes. iron pipes 4" Mark MP 1 pes. iron pipes 5" Mark MP 4 pes. iron pipes 3" Mark MD. 9521 10 pes. iron pipes 4" Mark MD, 9521 Mark B. 9516 3״ pes. iron pipes 1 Jaffa Roadstead Mark B. 9516 Abed Ali Bozom 5׳'bdl. iron pipes l 1 Mark B. 9516 2״ bdl. iron pipes 1 3 pes. iron pipes 3" Mark GEO 1 pes. iron pipes 4" Mark GEO 3 pes. iron pipes 3" Mark AR/ZS 6 pes. iron pipes 4" Mark AR/JAF 1 pes. iron pipes 3" Mark AR/JAF

1/28 19.9.28 1 bale Jeather Mark JD. 2079 1 case milk Mark OD. 9368 1 crate closet Mark BW/SSM 23 1 bale springs Mark S & C 25, HP. 1 bdle buckets Mark S D, SRC, K 1 case printing paint Mark CNL. 24273 1 drum elect, wire Mark VJR 1 drum elect, wire Mark VJR 3 cases C. beef /Jaffa Roadstead 1 bdle. buckets ) Abed Ali Bozom 130 pes. plates 105 pes. fittings 44 bottles wine 16 bottles wine 9 bottles syrups 3 bdle. zinc 1 roll barbed wire 1 brl. paint 2 pes. C. iron 088 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 1st November, 1928.

Serial Date of Name & Residence Description of Wreck Where found No. Report of Salvor

3״ .pes. iron pipes Mark IG 2 25.9.28 62/28 4״ pes. iron pipes Mark LG 18 3״ pes. iron pipes Mark MD 3 4״ pes. iron pipes Mark MD 6 1 pc. iron pipes Mark MD 6" 1 bdle. galv. pipes JMar : LG/PA 1 1 bdle. galv. pipes jMai LG/PA 2" Jaffa Roadstead Abed Ali Bozom ״pc. iron pipe Mark LG/Pa 10 1 ״pc. iron pipe Mark JS ' 8 1 ״pes. iron pipes Mark JE 12 2 ״pc. iron pipe Mark LG/PA 12 1 ״()pes. iron pipe Mark LG/PA 1 1 ״pes. iron pipes Mark LG/PA 12 5 1 pc. iron sheets Mark JF ״pes. iron joists ' 1 white 9 2 2 bdls. black pipes!

11.25״ bdle iron pipes 1 26.9.28 63/28 2״ piece iron pipes j 1 3״ pieces iron pipesj 4 4״ :pieces iron pipes 6 1 piece iron pipes: 6" Jaffa Roadstead Abed Ali Bozom 2 pieces iron pipes! 8" 10 bdls. iron bars ! 21 pes. iron bars 1 pc. wire rope j 3 pes. iron wheel j

Mark AR/JAF 4״ pc. iron pipes 1 28.9.28 64/28 4l Mark LG״ pes. iron pipes 6 Mark MD |3״ pc. iron pipes 1 4j Mark MD׳ pc. iron pipes 1 — Mark !4״ pes. iron pipes 2 1 bdle. iron bars •| 1 roll barbed wire! MarkJSS Jaffa Roadstead Ali Mohd. Ghattis 2 pes. siphons | Mark B W1411 (sanitary ware) | G G 83&48 1 pck. cast iron accessories 5 pes. asphalt |

Quarantine and Infectious j Terms of Subscription for the Diseases Summary. j Official Gazette. For week ending midnight of 27­10­28. Single copies sold locally 50 mils. 1. Quarantine Restrictions. Post Free. No changes have occurred since 20.10.28. Quarterly Half­yearly Annually No restrictions are at present in force. 2. Report of Infectious Diseases in Palestine 250 mils. 500 mils. £P. 1 Palestine. Abroad 400 mils. 600 mils. £P. 1.200 mils.

Relap­ Application with remittances (Cash, sing ! Date Postal or Money Orders only) should Place. Typhus Fever notified. be made to : Superintendent Printing and Stationery, Russian Buildings, Petah Tikvah, Jerusalem. No subscriptions will be Jafta District 1 22.10.28 refunded, after payment• Hedera, Haifa District 26.10.28 Tireh, Haifa The Official Gazette is obtainable by the Trade District 26.10.28 from the Superintendent, Printing and Stationery, Russian Buildings, Jerusalem. It can be purchased Correction of Summary No. 314 dated 24.9.28. by the Public at all Booksellers and Newsagents Case of Typhus Haifa notified on 19.9.28 is in Palestine. hereby cancelled. j

Printed by Greek Convent & Azriel Printing Press, Jerusalem. TRADE MARKS ADVERTISEMENTS.


NOTICE. in Glass 1, in respect of chemical 1241׳ .No The following applications for the regis­ substances used in manufactures, photography and tration of the Trade Marks referred to therein research and anti­corrosives, in the name of I. G. are hereby advertised in accordance with the Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft, a company provisions of the Trade Marks Ordinance 1921. incorporated under the laws of Germany, of Leverkusen, near Köln a/Rh., Germany, pharmaceu­ Any person may within six months from tical chemists and dyers. the date of advertisement of any application hereunder file with the Chief Clerk of the .1927׳ ,Court of Appeal of Jerusalem, a notice of opposi­ Filed the 11 tli day of April tion to the registration of any Trade Mark referred to in any such application.

Formal opposition should not he lodged until after notice has heen given by letter to the applicant for registration, so as to afford him an opportunity of withdrawing his mark before the expense of preparing the notice of X opposition is incurred. Failing such notice to the applicant, an opponent may be disallowed his costs. The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 1241 is c/o N. Abcarius Bey, K. W. STEAD Advocate, P.O.B. 82, Jerusalem'. Registrar of Trade Marks.


No. 1369 in Glass 47, in respect of illuminating, heating• and lubricating oils, in the name of Relgo­ Caucasienne des Pétroles, Société Anonyme, a Company incorporated in Belgium, of 21, Chaussée de Charleroi, Brussels, Belgium, merchants, refiners and manufacturers. Filed the 12th day of December, 1927.

The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 1369 is c/o Dr. H Farbstein and J. Ben Meir, Advocates, P.O.B. 181, Tel Aviv.



No. 1399 in Class 43, in respect of cognac, in the name of Messrs. Otard Dupuy and Company, a campany incorporated under the laws of Frajice, of Chateau de Cognac, Cognac, France, distillers. Filed the 1st day of March, 1928. [

IV, V.

No. 1411 in Class 8, in respect of automatic No. 1400 in Class 43, in respect of !cognac, photographic machines and photographs, in the in the name of Messrs. Otard Dupuy and Ccjmpnny, name of Photomaton Parent Corporation Limited, a company incorporated under the laws of !France, of Pinners Hall, Austin Friars, London, England, of Chateau de Cognac, Cognac, France, distillers. manufacturers. Fifed the 18th day of April, 1928. Filed the 1st day of March, 1928.


No. 1413 in Class 8, in respect of automatic photographic machines and photographs, in the name of Photomaton Parent Corporation Limited, of Pinners Hall, Austin Friars, London, England, manufacturers.

i Filed the 18th day of April, 1928.

The-address for service in Palestinejof Trade Mark Applications Nos. 1399 and 1400 is c/o S. 0. Richardson, Solicitor, P.O.B. 300, Jaffa, j PHOTOMOVETrE;


VII. The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 1474 is c/o Horace B. Samuel, Barrister­at­Law, P.O.B. 378, Jerusalem. No. 1430 in Glass 39, in respect of photo­ graphs, in the name of Photomaton Parent Corpo­ ration Limited, of Pinners Hall, Austin Friars, LondonJEngland, manufacturers. XL Filedfthe lOthlday of May, 1928.

No. 1479 in Class 42, in respect of substances used as food or as ingredients in food especially PHOTOMATON cocoa and chocolate, in the name of Burk and Braun Kakao und Chokoladenfabrik, a partnership according to the laws of Germany, of Cottbus, Germany, manufacturers.

VIII. Filed the 10th day of July, 1928.

No. 1433 in Class 39, in respect of photographs, inlthe name of Photomaton Parent Corporation Limited, of Pinners Hall, Austin Friars, London, England, manufacturers. Filed the 10th day of May, 1928.

PH0T0M0VETTE The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 1479 is c o Dr. Z. Beigel and Dr. K. Hilb, Advocates, P.O.B. 454, Haifa. The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Applications Nos. 1411, 1413, 1430 and 1433 is c/o H. W. Stock, Patent; Agent, P. 0. B. 544, Jerusalem. XII.

No. 1500 in Class 2, in respect of chemical IX. substances used for agricultural, horticultural, veterinary and sanitary purposes, in the name of I. G. Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft, a corporat­ No. 1469 in Class 50, in respect of cellulose ion organised under the laws of Germany, of 28, ,Landstrasse, Frankfurt o/M., Germany ־ fibre,^in the name of I. G. Farbenindustrie Aktien­ Mainzer gesellschaft, a corporation organised under the dealers and manufacturers. laws of Germany, of 28, Mainzer ­ Landstrasse, Frankfurt, o/M., Germany, dealers and manufacturers. Filed the 16th day of August, 1928. Filed the 5th day of July, 1928. Travis Leunaphos XIII. The address for service in Palestine of Trade MarkpApplication No. 1469 is c/o Dr. L. Weinberg, Advocate, P.O.B. 17.2, Tel Aviv. No. 1504 in Glass 2, in respect of chemical substances used for agricultural, horticultural, veterinary and sanitary purposes, in the name of I. G. Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft, a corporat­ ion organised under the laws of Germany, of 28, X. Mainzer­Landstrasse, Frankfurt o/M., Germany, dealers and manufacturers. No. 1474 in Class 8, in respect of sound reproducing apparatus and instruments, in the Filed the 26th day of August, 1928. name of Barnett Samuel and Sons Limited, of 32 and 34, Worship Street, London, E.C. 2., England, manufacturers of musical instruments and grama­ phones. Filed the 6th day of July, 1928. Calnrea

The address for service in Palestine of Trade DECCA Mark Applications Nos. 1500 and 1504 is c/o Dr. L. Weinberg, Advocate, P.O.B. 172, Tel Aviv.


XIV. The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 1512 is c/o Harry Sacher, Barrister-at-Law, P.O.B. 393, Jerusalem. No. 1509 in Glass 21, in respect of naval architectural contrivances and naval equipment not included in Glasses 19 and ci0, in the name of Deutsche Werke Kiel Aktiengpsellschaft, of JKiel, Germany, manufacturesrs. j Filed the 4th day of September, 1928. j


Patent Application No. 59 advertised in Official Gazette No. 219 of 16.9.28.

The address of Samuel Hananeli should read "P.O. Box 259, Haifa."

Patent Application No. 61 advertised in Official Gazette No, 219 of 16.9.28.

The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 1509 is c/o Harry Sacher, The last word in the title of this invention Barrister-at-Law, P.O.B. 393, Jerusalem. should read "buildings" and not "building".


No. 1512 in Glass 17, in respect of portland cement, in the name ol The Atlas Portland Cément Company, a corporation organised and existing Patent Application No. 62 advertised in under the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, UiS.A., Official Gazette No. 219 of 16.9.28. of 25, Broadway, City, County and State of New York, U.S.A., manufacturers. j The last word in the title of this invention Filed the 4th day of September, 1928. ! should read "building'* and not "buildings".

Patent Application No. 57 published Official Gazette No. 212 of 1.6.28.

The corrigendum re the title of the invention in this case, published in Official Gazette No. 215 of 16.7.28, is hereby cancelled.

SUPPLEMENT TO THE OFFICIAL (GAZETTE NO. 222 of the 1st November, 1928. 1 692. ©fficial





695­694 ״ a) Note of Egyptian Government) (b) Note of Palestine Government ... 695­696

Price 10 mils.

Supplement No. 8/1928. .1st November, 1928׳ OFFICIAL GAZETTE 694 I



NOTICE. It is hereby notified thai; the arrangements made in the following exchange of notes between the Egyptian Government and the Government of Palestine came into force on the 1st November, 1928. I ' E. MILLS 1st November,' 192S. ! Acting Chief Secretary. S I ! • Note of Egyptian Government.


Direction des Affaires Politiques èl Commerciales. No. 1. 31/1 J j Le Caire, le 6 Juin, 1928.

Monsieur le Haut Commissaire,! | ! J'ai ITionneur de me référer à la correspondance échangée entre S.E. le Haut­Commissaire Britannique en Egypte et ce Ministère au sujet du désir que vous avez exprimé en vuej de la conclusion d'un accord commercial entre l'Egypte et la Palestine, basé sur la clause de la nation la plus favorisée.

Je m'empresse d'informer| Votre Excellence, en réponse, que le Gouver­ nement Egyptien, envisageant jla réforme prochaine de son système douanier, est d'avis de conclure, pour Je! moment, avec la Palestine, un accord commer­ cial provisoire, susceptible de !dénonciation de part et d'autre moyennant un préavis de trois mois. j

Le Gouvernement Egyptien consent par conséquent, sous bénéfice de parfaite réciprocité, à ce que les produits du sol et de l'industrie originaires de Palestine, importés sur le territoire égyptien et destinés soit à la consommation soit à la réexportation ou au transit, jouissent du traitement de la nation la plus favorisée. Ce traitement s'appliquera aussi aux tabacs palestiniens importés en Egypte qui jouiront du tarif cliflérentiel à la condition toutefois qu'ils soient d'origine purement palestinienne. Il est entendu, d'autre part, que le traite­ ment; accordé par le Gouvernement Egyptien aux produits soudanais, et celui accordé par Je Gouvernement Palestinien aux produits syriens sont exclus du présent accord. ;

Cet arrangement provisoire nentrera en vigueur qu'après l'assentiment du Parlement Egyptien et il pourra être dénoncé par chacune des parties con­ tractantes moyennant un préavis de 3 mois.

| En priant Votre Excellence de vouloir bien me confirmer votre accord sur les bases ci­dessus, je saisis l'occasion de vous renouveler, Monsieur le Haut­ Commissaire, l'assurance de ma très liante considération.

Le Ministre des Affaires Etrangères WAG Y F BOUTROS GHALI.

Son Excellence, j Monsieur le Haut­Conunissàire de Sa Majesté Britannique !en Palestine, JERUSALEM. 1st November, 1928. OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 695


MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Directorate of Political and Commercial Affairs. No. 1.31/1

Cairo, 6th June, 1928. Sir,

I have the honour to refer to the correspondence exchanged between His Excellency the British High Commissioner in Egypt and this Ministry on the subject of the desire expressed by you for the conclusion of a commercial agreement between Egypt and Palestine based on the most-favoured-nation clause.

I beg to inform Your Excellency, in reply, that the Egyptian Government, contemplating the early reform of their Customs system, are in favour of con• cluding with Palestine, for the present, a provisional commercial agreement, which may be denounced by either party giving three months notice.

The Egyptian Government agree in consequence, on condition of complete reciprocity, to grant most-favoured-nation treatment to agricultural and industrial produce of Palestinian origin imported into Egyptian territory, whether intended for consumption in Egypt, re-exportation or transit. This treatment shall also 'apply to Palestinian tobaccos imported into Egypt, which will enjoy the benefit of the differential tariff, on condition, however, that they are of purely Pales• tinian origin. It is understood, on the other hand, that the treatment accorded by the Egyptian Government to Sudanese products, and that accorded by the Palestine Government to Syrian products, shall be excluded from the present agreement.

The provisional arrangement will not come into force until after the assent of the Egyptian Parliament thereto, and it may be denounced by either of the contracting parties giving three months notice.

I request Your I^xcellency to be good enough to confirm your agreement on the above bases. I have, etc.

WACYF EOUTROS GHALI Minister for Foreign Affairs.

His Excellency, His Britannic Majesty's High Commissioner for Palestine, JERUSALEM.

Note of Palestine Government.

DESPATCH No. 25 M. Government Offices, REFERENCE No. 10173/28 Jerusalem. 21st June, 1928. Your Excellency,

I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency's note No. 1.31/1 dated the 6th of June in the following terms with regard to the proposed agreement between the Governments of Egypt and Palestine for the grant of reciprocal most-favoured-nation treatment. 696 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 1st November, 1928. I

" J'ai l'honneur de nie référer à la correspondance échangée en Ire S.E. le Haut-Commissaire Britannique on Egypte et le Ministère au sujet du désir que vous avez exprimé en vue de la conclusion d'un accord commercial entre ]'Egypte et la Palestine, basé sur la clause de la nation la plus favorisée.

Je m'empresse d'informer votre Excellence, en réponse, que le Gouver- nenien!, Egyptien, envisageant 1 réiorme prochaine de son système douanier, est d'avis de conclure, pour le îoment, avec la Palestine, un accord. coramer- ci al provisoire, susceptible de dénonciation de part et d'autre moyennant un préavis de trois mois.

Le Gouvernement Egyptieh consent par conséquent, sous bénéfice de parfaite réciprocité, à ce que les produits du sol et de ]'industrie originaires de Palestine, importés sur le teijritoire égyptien et destinés soit à la consom• mation soit à la réexportation oui au transit, jouissent du traitement de la nation la plus favorisée. Ce traitement i s'appliquera aussi aux tabacs palestiniens im• portés en Egypte qui jouiront du tarif différentiel à la condition toutefois qu'ils soient d'origine purement palestinienne. Il est entendu, d'autre part, que le traitement accordé par le Gouvernement Egyptien aux produits soudanais, et celui accordé par le Gouvernement Palestinien aux produits syriens sont exclus du présent accord. !

Cet arrangement provisoire !rentrera en vigueur qu'après l'assentiment du Parlement Egyptien et il pourra être dénoncé par chacune des parties con• tractantes moyennant un préavis de 3 mois. i ; Ln priant Votre Excellence do vouloir bien me confirmer votre accord sui• tes bases ci-dessus, je saisis l'occasion de vous renouveler, Monsieur le Haut- Commissaire, l'assurance de ma très haute considération".

2. In reply I beg to confirm my consent to the agreement on the terms cited.

I have the honour to be, Your Excellency's obedient servant,

PLUMER, F. M. High Commissioner for Palestine.

His Excellency, j The Minister for Foreign Affairs, CAIRO.