CAMPAIGN TO SAVE PORT MEADOWow Port Meadow, with views of the dreaming spires, is“Oxford’s oldest monument that has changed little since prehistoric times”, says .

Not any more! Photo: Adrian Arbib

Help us save this ancient landscape from this monstrous development being built right on its edge, destroying much-loved, centuries-old views. The new Castle Mill development is a planning fi asco, built by an unthinking and We want planning permission revoked, the buildings’ approved by an inept City Council. height reduced, proper consultation and to hold the City Council to account. To do this, we need support & funds. The University and the City Council say “nothing can be done”. But it can! They hope public outrage will subside. Your donation will be held and managed by local charity But it won’t! CPRE Oxfordshire and will help pay for legal, publicity SOMETHING CAN BE DONE and other costs in our Port Meadow campaign.

The Campaign to Save Port Meadow is a community campaign FIND OUT MORE run in partnership with the Oxfordshire branch of the Campaign to Protect | Rural , registered charity number 1093081, and a company limited by Twitter @cpreoxfordshire | @alumnioxford guarantee, registered in England number 04443278. Registered address: Unit 1, London Rd, Wheatley, Oxfordshire, OX33 1JH. " YES! I WANT TO HELP Donate online at or text to PTMW99 £10* to 70070 . *or any other amount or send a cheque for Help us claim Gift Aid on your donation which will add an 25p o£50 o£100 o£500 o£1000 oOther £…..… to every £1 you give, at no extra cost to you. Simply tick the payable to CPRE Oxfordshire (Port Meadow Appeal) box below, sign and date. Thank you! along with this form to CPRE Oxfordshire, Unit 1, London Road, Wheatley, OX33 1JH. o YES, I want CPRE Oxfordshire to treat as Gift Aid all subscriptions and donations I make from the date of First name ...... Last name ...... this declaration until I notify you otherwise.

Address ...... I confi rm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for the current tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs Postcode ...... (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for the current tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I Email ...... understand the charity will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I have given. Please tick here o to allow us to keep in touch with you about the campaign. Signature ...... Phone/mobile...... Please tick here o to allow us to contact you via SMS on your mobile. Date......

Please notify CPRE Oxfordshire if you: want to cancel this declaration; change Make your gift worth 25% more at no extra cost to you! your name or home address; or no longer pay suffi cient tax on your income See the Gift Aid declaration in the next column... and/or capital gains. If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Your personal data: CPRE Oxfordshire holds and manages data according to Gift Aid donations on your self-assessment tax return or ask HMRC to adjust the Data Protection Act (1998). your tax code. We would like to keep you up to date with news of our activities, including our Port Meadow campaign. In the event of more money being If you do NOT wish to be contacted by post, please tick here o raised than is needed, funds will be If you do NOT wish to hear from us by phone, please tick here o held by CPRE and used for the future protection of Port Meadow and other green spaces in the City of Oxford. THANK YOU!