Global Journal of Science Frontier Research: D Agriculture and Veterinary Volume 20 Issue 2 Version 1.0 Year 2020 Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal Publisher: Global Journals Online ISSN: 2249-4626 & Print ISSN: 0975-5896

Effect of Age, Size, and Mating Combinations in Trichomalopsis Uziae, A Pteromalid Ecto-Pupal Parasitoid of the Tachinid Fly, Exorista Bombycis, Onits Reproductive Performance By J. B. Narendra Kumar & D. Manjunath University of Mysore Abstract- Preliminary laboratory studies have indicated that the pteromalid ecto-pupal parasitoid, Trichomalopsis uziae Sureshan & Narendra Kumar, has been reported to possess immense potential to serve as a biological control agent of the tachinid fly, Exorista bombycis (Louis), which inflicts a cocoon yield reduction of 10-20% in the southern states of India. The present laboratory investigations aims at generating information on the impact of age (0-10 days at 1 day apart in age) and size (big and small) of the parasitoid in addition to mating combinations (sib, conspecific, and random) on its reproductive performance when the pupae of E. bombycis were parasitized. Keywords: brood allocation; developmental duration; ; parasitism; progeny production; pteromalidae; sex ratio. GJSFR-D Classification: FOR Code: 070302


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© 2020. J. B. Narendra Kumar & D. Manjunath. This is a research/review paper, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License, permitting all non commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Effect of Age, Size, and Mating Combinations in Trichomalopsis Uziae, A Pteromalid Ecto-Pupal Parasitoid of the Tachinid Fly, Exorista Bombycis, on its Reproductive Performance

J. B. Narendra Kumar α & D. Manjunath σ 2020


Abstract- Preliminary laboratory studies have indicated that the fly, Blepharipa zebina Walker, and (iv) the Indian uzi fly, ea pteromalid ecto-pupal parasitoid, Trichomalopsis uziae Exorista bombycis (Louis) (Sengupta et al. 1990).The Y

Sureshan & Narendra Kumar, has been reported to possess parasitism of larvae of the mulberry silkworm, Bombyx 391 immense potential to serve as a biological control agent of the mori L. (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae), by E. bombycisis tachinid fly, Exorista bombycis (Louis), which inflicts a cocoon estimated to cause a cocoon yield reduction of 10- yield reduction of 10-20% in the southern states of India. The present laboratory investigations aims at generating 20%in the premier silk producing states of the Indian sub-continent namely Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and information on the impact of age (0-10 days at 1 day apart in V Tamil Nadu (Narayanaswamy and Devaiah 1998). It is

age) and size (big and small) of the parasitoid in addition to II mating combinations (sib, conspecific, and random) on its an accidentally introduced pest from the State of West

ue ersion I reproductive performance when the pupae of E. bombycis Bengal (India), where it existed for centuries, in to the s s were parasitized. state of Karnataka way back in 1980.Since then, the fly I The results revealed that age of T. uziae had an pest menace has continued unabated in these south- influence on rate of parasitism, brood allocation, progeny XX Indian states warranting the sericulture entomologists to production, and sex ratio that decreased significantly with the make concerted efforts to develop strategies, chiefly parasitoid age. With regard to parasitoid size, big females showed significantly superior reproductive efficiency when non-chemical, to obviate the economic loss. Such compared with their small counterparts. In size-related mating strategies also include an IPM package comprising an combinations, all the reproductive parameters were adult exclusion to render silkworms inaccessible to the ) D significantly higher with big females irrespective of size of fly by confining silkworms to a nylon net/wire mesh ( males they mated with. Among sib, conspecific, and random enclosure, a chemotrap (uzitrap) to attract and kill both mating combinations, the latter led to substantially superior sexes of fly, an ovicide (uzicide) to kill eggs laid by the reproductive performance. The findings of the investigation fly on silkworms, an eulophid ecto-parasitoid (Nesolynx have been discussed to explore the possibilities of Research Volume thymus Girault) to parasitize pupae of the fly, and killing undertaking mass production of T. uziae on E. bombycis. of the fly maggots and pupae by packing silkworm Keywords: brood allocation; developmental duration; rearing residue in polythene bags (Dandin and Giridhar

hymenoptera; parasitism; progeny production; Frontier 2010; Narendra Kumar et al. 2017). pteromalidae; sex ratio. E. bombycis is reported to have long list of

I. Introduction parasitoids (as many as 21) (larval, larvi-pupal, and

pupal) which also includes the newly reported ecto- Science ontraryto the general thinking that tachinid flies

pupal parasitoid namely Trichomalopsis uziae Sureshan of have been relentless in their attack of in & Narendra Kumar (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae). Csectpests of various crops, thus lending a (Narayanaswamy and Devaiah 1998; Narendra Kumar helping hand in man’s relentless fight against such and Manjunath 2018). Of these, only a few, viz. N. Journal pests, there are a few tachinid flies reported to be thymus (Aruna 2007), Trichopria sp. (Veena 2008), and causing problem in the raising of silkworm larvae by Tetrastichus howardi (Olliff) (Gangadhar 2009) have sericulture farmers as they parasitize these larvae which been studied for various biological aspects. Preliminary Global results in considerable reduction in the production of laboratory investigations have indicated that T. uziae cocoons/raw silk. These include (i) the Japanese uzi fly, possess immense potential to serve as a biocontrol Crossocosmia sericariae (Randani) (ii) the hime or black agent of E. bombycis. However, in-depth studies are yet uzi fly, Ctenophorocera pavida (Meigen) (iii) the tasar uzi to be undertaken on various biological aspects of the parasitoid in order to understand whether the parasitoid Author α: Central Sericultural Research & Training Institute, Central Silk could be used alongside N. thymus as a biocontrol Board, Govt. of India, Mysuru. Author σ: Professor (Retd.), University of Mysore, Mysuru. agent. The contemplation of such an idea assumes e-mail: [email protected] great significance in the backdrop of the statement of

©2020 Global Journals Effect of Age, Size, and ating Combinations in Trichomalopsis Uziae, A Pteromalid Ecto-Pupal Parasitoid of the Tachinid Fly, Exorista Bombycis, o n its Reproductive Performance

Bellows and Fisher (1999) and Gordh et al.(1999) that the sericulture farmers in the Cocoon Markets located in increased dependence on a single biological control Karnataka and allowing them to pupate in the agent for containing any pest is not a good proposition. laboratory. For parasitoid size-related studies, the size In addition, keeping in view the increased sensitivity of of parasitoid adults (males and females) was decided B. mori to most chemical agents, exploitation of based on measurement of the cold-exposed (at 4° C for biocontrol agent(s), especially parasitoids and predators 2-3 min) individuals using a stage micrometer under a (if any), would undoubtedly assume great significance light microscope at 50 X and ensuring that there was a and go a long way in the management of E. bombycis. significant difference in size of the adults of the When the use of a biocontrol agent, such as a respective sexes. parasitoid, is contemplated in a pest control program, b) Effect of female age on the reproductive what becomes the pre-requisite is its mass production. performance of T. uziae Such an effort is invariably preceded by investigations The impact of T. uziae female age on 2020 on the factors influencing the parasitoid performance reproductive performanceof the parasitoid was recorded r subsequent to its release in the field. Such factors

ea by allowing 1 to 10 day-old females to parasitize 3 day-

Y include (a) host-associated factors (age, size, quality, old pupae of E. bombycis for a period of 5 days at a density, etc.), (b) parasitoid-associated factors (age, 401 parasitoid-host ratio of 1:5 in glass test tubes the mouth size, density, mating status, super-parasitism, multiple of which plugged with cotton. Aqueous honey 30% parasitism, etc.), and(c) environment-governed factors smeared with a camel hairbrush on an elongated stripe (chiefly physical) (temperature, relative humidity, solar of paraffin wax-coated paper hung from top in test tube radiation, etc.) (Singh and Thangavelu 1996; Traynor served as the parasitoid adult diet. After the stipulated V and Mayhew 2005; He and Wang 2006; Aruna 2007; duration of parasitism, the parasitoid females were II Veena 2008; Hu et al.2012; Iqbalet al. 2016; Broski and removed from test tubes. The host pupae in test tubes

ue ersion I King 2017; Narendra Kumar and Manjunath 2018; s were observed and data were recorded on rate of s Narendra Kumar et al. 2018). Further, the interplay of

I parasitism (%), parasitoid developmental duration some or all of these factors would decide the fitness of (days), brood allocation (numbers of parasitoid adults XX the progeny individuals and their efficiency in containing emerging/host), progeny production (total numbers of the pest problem. Fitness is exclusively associated with parasitoid adults emerging from parasitized hosts), and parasitoid size which assumes great significance, progeny sex ratio (females/male). especially when it relates to female. Therefore, what one

) needs to understand is ‘bigger the female better would c) Effect of female size on the reproductive

D be its fitness’ by way of possessing the desirable traits performance of T. uziae ( of a biocontrol agent, such as being more fecund, long Size-related reproductive ability of T. uziae was lived, efficient in host searching and parasitism, higher studied by exposing 3 day-old E. Bombycis pupae to temperature tolerance and so on (Godfray 1994; big and small females of the parasitoid at a parasitoid-

Research Volume Petersen and Hardy 1996; West et al. 1996; Gao et al. host ratio of 1:5 for 5 days. Aqueous honey 30% was 2016). It is, therefore, necessary to undertake detailed provided as parasitoid adult diet during the period of investigations on these aspects so that information oviposition. Observations on rate parasitism,

Frontier generated thereof would be useful for developing developmental duration, brood allocation, progeny protocol(s) for mass production of parasitoids. In the production, and sex ratio were recorded. Data on these backdrop of this, an attempt has been made in the parameters were also collected to understand the current investigation to record the impact of age, size, reproductive performance of the progeny individuals, as Science and mating combinations on the reproductive influenced by female size in parent generation, by of performance of T. uziae that could be of considerable allowing the randomly chosen females to oviposit on the value in the direction of working out a protocol for mass pupae of E. bombycis(3 day-old) at a parasitoid-host production of the parasitoid. ratio of 1:5 for 5 days. Journal II. Material and Methods d) Effect of size-related mating combinations on the reproductive performance of T. uziae

Global a) Procurement of parasitoid adults and host pupae To understand the impact of mating among the The investigations were undertaken in the big and small sized parasitoid adults, the following laboratory at 23-28° C and 70-80% RH. The adult mating combinations were set up: a) big female x big females of the parasitoid (T. uziae) (0-10 day-old) were male, b) big female x small male, c) small female x big chosen from the laboratory culture maintained on the male, and d) small female x small male. Each of the pupae of E. bombycis. The pupae of E. bombycis (3 mated females was offered 5E. bombycis pupae (3 day- day-old) were procured by collecting the post-parasitic old) for parasitism for 5 days. Aqueous honey 30% was maggots that were emerging from the cocoons of B. provided as parasitoid adult diet during the period of mori subjected to transaction (sale by open auction) by oviposition. Results on rate parasitism, developmental

©2020 Global Journals Effect of Age, Size, and ating Combinations in Trichomalopsis Uziae, A Pteromalid Ecto-Pupal Parasitoid of the Tachinid Fly, Exorista Bombycis, o n its Reproductive Performance duration, brood allocation, progeny production, and b) Effect of female size on the reproductive progeny sex ratio were recorded. performance of T. uziae The mean results for rate of parasitism by small e) Effect of sib, conspecific, and random mating on the and big parasitoid females were 60.00±5.96 and reproductive performance of T. uziae 72.00±6.80%, respectively with a highly significant With regardto studies on these aspects, the variation (P≤0.01).The time spent for completion of following mating combinations were set up: a) sib parasitoid progeny development was almost identical mating (mating between brothers and sisters), b) from small(12.70±0.21 days) and big (12.50±0.17days) conspecific mating (mating between sons and parent females. While the small female allocated a daughters of two mothers) c) random mating (mating brood of 25.12±1.79 numbers, the big one did so with between sons and daughters of several mothers). In 33.36±2.09 broods that were significantly higher in each mating combination, each of the mated females number. Insofar as the progeny production was was offered 5 pupae of E. bombycis(3 day-old)for concerned, it was significantly greater in numbers for big 2020

r parasitism for 5 days. Aqueous honey 30% was female (120.50±14.17) as compared to small female ea provided as parasitoid adult diet during the period of (77.10±10.19) with progenies sex ratios being 6.08±0.51 Y oviposition. Results on rate of parasitism, developmental and 3.60±0.21, respectively (Table 2). 411 duration, brood allocation, progeny production, and c) Effect of size-related mating combinations on the progeny sex ratio were documented. reproductive performance of T. uziae The observations on all the experiments were Of the 4 mating combinations, the rate of based on 10 replications. The accrued data were parasitism was highest with big female x big male analyzed by one-way ANOVA (Version 21) followed by V (88.00±8.00%) which was at par with big female x small DMRT for understanding whether or not the results were II male (84.00±7.48%). The mean results scored for these significantly different from each other at 1 or 5% among ue ersion I s

mating combinations were significantly higher (P≤0.01) s the treatments as per the methods outlined by Snedecor

than those obtained for mating combinations of small I and Cochran (1979). female x big male (68.00±10.20%) and small female x XX III. Results small male (64.00±4.00%) with the mean values for these mating combinations being comparable with each a) Effect of female age on the reproductive other. The time taken by the parasitoid for completion of its development was nearly identical for mating performance of T. uziae combinations of small female x big male(12.00±0.00 ) When the parasitoid females of 0-10 day-old, at D a space of 1 day in their age, were allowed to parasitize days) as well as big female x big male and small female ( x small male (12.60±0.24 days). With regard to brood E. bombycis (3 day-old), the rate of parasitism was highest by 1 day-old female (96.00± 4.00%) and least by allocation, it was least with small female x small male (22.48±0.88numbers) and highest and significantly 7 and 8 day -old females (48.00± 4.90%) with variation in Research Volume the mean values among the treatments being highly superior with big female x small male significant. The parasitoid developmental duration was (33.56±3.11numbers) which was no different from longest for the progenies of 8 day-old female mating combination involving big female x big male Frontier (12.80 ± 0.20 days) and shortest for those of 1, 2, 5, and (32.72±2.85numbers). The parasitoid produced a 6 day-old females (12.20± 0.20 days) with mean results progeny which was maximum and significantly higher being comparable. While the 10 day-old female with big female x big male (154.40±25.80numbers), allocated a minimum brood of 9.00 ±1.00 numbers, the which was at par with mating between big female x small Science zero day-old one (newly emerged and mated) allocated male (145.40±24.50numbers), when compared with of a maximum brood of 37.33±0.59 numbers. The small female x small male (71.80±4.60numbers). The comparison of mean data among the treatments mean sex ratio(females/male) for progenies produced revealed a significant variation. With regard to progeny by the above mating combinations was significantly Journal production, the mean value was greatest for zero day- superior with big female x big male (6.09±0.20)when old female (164.40 ±15.66numbers) and least for 10 compared with rest of the mating combinations where day-old female (22.60 ±1.60 numbers) with mean results the mean sex ratio scored for big female x small male Global among the treatments revealing highly significant (4.23±0.62) was significantly higher than that for small variation. Looking at the progeny sex ratio, it was female x big male (2.88±0.17) and small female x small highest for zero day -old female (5.42 ± 0.48 male (2.81±0.22) with the results for the latter mating females/male) and least for 10 day-old female combinations being comparable (Table 3). (1.90 ±0.25 females/male) with mean values differing d) Effect of sib, conspecific, and random matings on significantly (Table 1). the reproductive performance of T. uziae The results onimpact of mating among the progenies of a single mother (sib mating), of two

©2020 Global Journals Effect of Age, Size, and ating Combinations in Trichomalopsis Uziae, A Pteromalid Ecto-Pupal Parasitoid of the Tachinid Fly, Exorista Bombycis, o n its Reproductive Performance

mot hers (say A & B) (conspecific mating), and of several phenomenon/condition where matured eggs in ovary mothers (random mating) were documented by setting getting absorbed whenever there is a longer time lag up the mating combinations as follows: a) sib mating, b) between egg production and availability of host for female progeny of mother A x male progeny of mother oviposition (Flanders 1942; Doutt 1959; King 1963). The B, c) female progeny of mother B x male progeny of reason for substantial reduction in progeny sex ratio was mother A, and d) random mating. It was observed that due to production of more numbers of male progenies mean values registered for rate of parasitism for the relative to female progenies as parasitoid females in treatments a, b, c, and d were 72.00±7.42, 84.00±5.81, general allocate more numbers of male brood to a host 82.00±6.29, and 90.00±4.47, respectively, with the when they are older and less numbers when they are values differing significantly except the mating involving younger and vice-versa for female brood (Broski and conspecifics that had nearly identical performance. With King 2017). regard to parasitoid developmental duration, the mean The information available with regard to impact

2020 data for the treatments were 12.50±0.17, 12.20±0.13, of parasitoid age on biological parameters of pteromalid

r 12.50±0.17, and 12.50±0.17days and the values were parasitoids, more so of Trichomalopsis spp., is rather ea

Y comparable. Considering brood allocation, the results scanty. Nonetheless, Singh and Thangavelu (1996) scored for the above treatments except sib mating studied the age-specific survival and fecundity, 421 (29.24±1.11) were significantly greater and comparable intrinsicrate of population increase, and sex ratio in the (33.75±1.74 for Fem A x Male B; 34.09±1.21 for Fem B case of Trichomalopsis apanteloctena Crawford, a pupal x Male A; 37.81±1.39 numbers for random mating). parasitoid of the tachinid fly, B. zebina, parasitizing the Taking in to consideration of the progeny production, tropical tasar silkworm, Antheraea mylitta Drury,

V the mean results for the above treatments stood at underlaboratory conditions. It was revealed that the

II 105.50±12.06, 148.70±11.44, 142.00±13.99, and numbers of progeny produced by the parasitoid and the

ue ersion I 171.70±12.35 with conspecifics being comparable in sex ratio did not vary significantly with maternal age s s performance and sibs to be inferior and random ones to when the parasitoid developed on the pupae of B. I be significantly superior. The corresponding sex ratios zebina. Hu et al. (2012) working with Pachycrepoideus

XX for progenies of these mating combinations were vindemmiae (Rondani) recorded a decrease in off spring 3.33±0.21, 4.17±0.31, 4.47±0.35, and 5.50±0.34 with male percentage with female age. Likewise, parasitoid the latter (random mating) being significantly superior female age-related reproductive strategy has been (Table 4). observed in Anisopteromalus calandrae (Howard) (Choi

) et al. 2001; Choi and Ryoo 2002; Ji et al. 2004; Zilch et

D IV. iscussion al. 2017) . In a recent study, Broski and King (2017) ( D noticed the impact of female age on reproductive When a constant number of E. bombycis pupae performance in Spalangia endius (Walker) . (5 in number) was offered toT. uziae females of varying It is a well-known fact that a parasitoid female

Research Volume ages from zero to 10 days, at a space of 1 day in their exhibits a great deal of fluctuation in egg production and age, brood allocation, progeny production, and sex ratio egg deposition during her life time. Considerably fewer decreased with parasitoid parent female age. The mean eggs are laid on the first day of life than on the following values for these parameters declined sharply at an age days, showing a peak of egg deposition on a couple of Frontier of 5 days where the decrease amounts to nearly 1.70 - days; the number diminishing gradually towards the end folds for brood allocation and 2-folds for progeny of her life. With the egg number varying greatly, often the production as well as sex ratio when compared with number of eggs laid would be more than that of progeny Science corresponding results at a parasitoid age of zero day. emerging as a large number of young larvae on most of The further decrease in mean results for these occasions dying as a consequence of competition for parameters at a parasitoid age of 10 days vis-à-vis zero food (resources), especially under the conditions of day was of the order of nearly 4, 7, and 3-folds, all of super parasitism (Merwe 1943; van Dijken and Waage Journal which were appreciably inferior even when compared 1987; van Alphen and Jervis 1996; Aruna 2007; with those at a parasitoid age of 5 days. It’s also worth Gonzalez et al. 2007; Kraft and Nouhuys 2013). mentioning that rate of parasitism at a parasitoid age of Enhanced fecundity was realized in younger female Global 10 days too was found diminished by 1.70-folds. The parasitoids than older ones (Guang and Oloo 1990; above findings, therefore, clearly demonstrated that Iqbalet al. 2016). As far as sex ratio is concerned, in parasitoid female age had a substantial impact on the younger parasitoids female-biased sex ratio and in older reproductive parameters, except developmental ones male -biased sex ratio has been realized (Simser duration. The substantial decrease in brood allocation, and Coppel 1980; Laetemia et al. 1995). With increasing progeny production, and sex ratio, at least at parasitoid age, an ovipositing female may receive depleted sperm female ages of 5 and 10 days in comparison with zero numbers and hence produce more male progeny day, as has been considered for discussion here, could towards the end of her reproductive period (King 2000; be attributed to oosorption/ovisorption, a Santolamazza-carbone et al. 2007).

©2020 Global Journals Effect of Age, Size, and ating Combinations in Trichomalopsis Uziae, A Pteromalid Ecto-Pupal Parasitoid of the Tachinid Fly, Exorista Bombycis, o n its Reproductive Performance

Ininsects, including parasitoids, bodysize is of crop pests. Nevertheless, the role of host-related found positively correlated with fitness of their life-history factors, especially host size and host quality, need to be traits (Leather 1988; Odeet al. 1996; Cloutier et al. 2000; coupled with parasitoid female size while undertaking Ji et al. 2004; He and Wang 2006). Larger females may mass production program. have greater longevity (Visser 1994; Ueno 1999; He and The findings on reproductive efficiency of T. Wang 2006; Aruna 2007; Veena 2008), higher fecundity uziae based on whether mating was between brothers (Visser 1994; He and Wang 2006; Aruna 2007; Veena and sisters (sib mating), sons and daughters of two 2008), superiordispersal and host searching ability mothers (conspecific mating), or sons and daughters of (Visser 1994; Ellers et al. 1998; He and Wang 2006), several mothers (random mating), were on following greater oviposition success (Ueno 1999; Gao et al. lines: random mating > conspecific mating > sib 2016), and an innate capacity for increase (Cloutier et al. mating. Be it an or any other , including 2000), thus clearly supporting our understanding that human beings, it’s a universal phenomenon that mating

‘bigger the better’. Especially, in hymenopteran among sibs leads to reduction in vigor among 2020 parasitoids, “adult size-fitness hypothesis” shows that progenies and expression of certain genetic defects. As r ea

large sized individuals (especially females) possess against this, in the case of random mating the progenies Y more physiological and behavioral advantages, such as would be vigorous and almost devoid of defective gene 431 ability to search and attack large and high quality hosts, expression. In the case of mating among progenies of lifetime fecundity, longevity and mating success, even two different mothers, the progenies are likely to be the outcome of numerous parasitoid-host interactions, ‘mediocre’ in vigor and expression of defective genes. In than small sized congeners (Wylie 1966; Godfray 1994; keeping fine tune with the fundamental principle

Petersen and Hardy 1996; West et al. 1996; Ji et al. governing the breeding in plants or , the V

2004; Gao et al. 2016).Therefore, it is a foregone parasitoid in question(T. uziae) followed this principle II

conclusion that adult size is known to have effect even with utmost discipline. Interestingly, it was evident to ue ersion I s on some of the behavioral traits, such as mating, host note at this juncture that random breeding provided an s searching, host acceptance, sex allocation and other opportunity not only to enhance the progeny production I parameters, viz. longevity, fecundity, progeny but also to boost the production of female progenies XX production, offspring adult size and so on. that would directly contribute to the efficiency of mass Our attempts to document the reproductive production of the parasitoid. Further, the relatively efficiency of T. uziaeas influenced by its sizeled us to reduced numbers of males in random mating in

understand that rate of parasitism, brood allocation, comparison to the remaining two types of breeding (sib ) progeny production, and sex ratio to befargreater for and conspecific) wouldn’t be a constraint in view of the D ( mating combinations involving big female irrespective of fact that the males oftener sort to multiple mating size of male she mated with as against small female of (polygamy) so that even a few of them would be the parasitoid. When the effect of parasitoid size based adequate enough to inseminate several females. on mean data for females of both sizes were quantified Based on our awareness of literature on the Research Volume and compared, the superiority of big female was to the above aspect pertaining to parasitoids belonging to the tune of nearly 1.20, 1.30, 1.60, and 1.70 times, genus Trichomalopsis in particular and family

respectively for the above parameters. For superior Pteromalidae in general, it appears that efforts by Frontier performance of big parasitoid female, the female researchers are yet to be spared. However, just to quote progeny numbers proved instrumental and males had some instances where the parasitoids from other no role whatsoever as their numbers remained almost families too followed the fundamental principles Science similar for mating combinations comprising females of governing mating among individuals of close or distant both the sizes. From these observations, what one could relatives have been drawn from the reports of Aruna of conceive is that parasitoid female gained advantage in (2007) and Veena and Manjunath (2015) working on N. terms of reproductive capability by virtue of being thymus() and Trichopria sp. (Diapriidae), bigger, irrespective of size of the male it mated with, respectively. Journal thus falling in line with the glorifying statement that ‘bigger the better’ to indicate that bigger parasitoid References Références Referencias Global females are bestowed with superiority in terms of 1. Aruna, A.S. 2007. Developmental dynamics of an longevity, temperature tolerance, dispersal, parasitism Eulophid ecto-pupal parasitoid (Nesolynx thymus) rate, progeny production and so on (Cloutier et al. 2000; on some Dipteran hosts. Ph. D. Thesis, University of King 2002; Eliopoulos et al.2005; He and Wang 2006; Mysore, Mysuru, India. Sagarra et al.2002). Therefore, production of parasitoid 2. Bellows, T.S. and Fisher, T.1999. Handbook of females of bigger size undoubtedly assumes supreme Biological Control: Principles and applications of importance when one contemplates the idea of biological control. Academic Press, USA. undertaking their mass production for inundative release 3. Broski. S.A. and King, B.H. 2017.Effects of Size and of parasitoids in field under biological control programs Age of the Host Musca domestica (Diptera:

©2020 Global Journals Effect of Age, Size, and ating Combinations in Trichomalopsis Uziae, A Pteromalid Ecto-Pupal Parasitoid of the Tachinid Fly, Exorista Bombycis, o n its Reproductive Performance

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©2020 Global Journals

Effect of Age, Size, and ating Combinations in Trichomalopsis Uziae, A Pteromalid Ecto-Pupal Parasitoid of the Tachinid Fly, Exorista Bombycis, o n its Reproductive Performance

) a a b b c c c c c c ab ♂ / 48 43 17 19 22 23 30 43 49 42 36 83 75 74 16 05 03 90 98 18 ♀ 0. 0. 0. 5. 4. 2. 2. 1. 5. 3. 4. 2. 2. 2. ♀ ( ± ±0. ±0. ±0. ±0. ±0. ±0.2 6 ±0.25 ± ± ±0. Sex ratio c c f f a e bc cd ab de de ab ab 72 01 90 33 59 03 21 52 68 29 80 00 68 57 40 40 15 00 67 05 0. 9. 2. 3. Total 29. 10. 35. 37. 21. 33. 32. 22. 17. 25. ±1.68 ±1.00 ± ±1. ±0. ±4. ±3. ±1. ±2. ± ± 2020


ea a b c c c c d d ab ab ab Y 92 94 59 12 90 78 36 30 93 33 75 10 73 37 55 36 16 64 17 77 0. 2. 2. 7. 5. 31. 24. 28. 14. 461 26. 27. 16. 12. 17. ±0. ±0. ±3. ±0. ±1. ±1.09 ±0.62 ± ± ± ±2. Female

Brood allocation (No.) a a c c bc bc ab ab ab ab ab V 03 61 45 45 48 92 72 50 33 95 79 27 40 78 02 90 73 23 67 27

II 0. 0. 0. 5. 6. 4. 3. 3. 6. 6. 6. 4. 8. 6. Male asinfluenced by its age ±1. ±0. ±0.66 ±0.49 ±0. ±0. ± ±0. ±0. ± ± ue ersion I s s I XX a a a a a b c c bc bc bc 60 27 40 66 40 24 60 88 00 20 60 19 60 79 40 40 40 35 64 82 was parasitized 15. 24. 10. Total 27. 22. 83. 52. 55. 50. 149. 164. 143. 141. 125. ±2.52 ±1.60 ±8. ±5. ±5. ±8. ±5. ±26. ± ± ±

) D ( a b ab ab c d d cd cd cd ab 80 40 40 08 60 60 83 51 76 00 40 80 29 20 40 00 92 05 72 88 10. 11. 20. 18. 14. 60. 38. 37. 35. 119. 113. 101. 137. 123. ±1.76 ±0.40 ±3. Exorista bombycis ±3. ±6. ±4. ±5. Female ly different from each other each from different ly ± ±

± ±20. ant Research Volume hen w signific c c d Progeny production (No.) cd a a a d d ab cd ab ab bc ab e Frontier 80 00 60 09 01 81 al 4. 4. 1. 9.20 8.20 M 23.20 28.00 15.40 26. 28. 24. 22.80 14.20 18.00 ±1.07 ±1.24 ±6.47 ± ± ±1.66 ± 5.238 ** 19.804 ** 16.573 ** 5.053 ** 23.661 ** 16.416 ** 17.315 ** ±2.75 ±1.69 ±2.67 ±3.15 alues given in the Table are the means of 10 replications (Mean ± SE) ± (Mean 10 replications of means the are Table in the given alues v Science ism; e uziae 1: Reproductive performance of Trichomalopsis of bl 20 20 20 24 24 24 20 20 24 20 20 80 40 80 40 60 40 20 20 40 ev. 0. 0. 0. Ta NS ration D 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. ±0. ±0. ±0. ±0.24 ±0.20 ± ± ± ±0. ±0. ±0. (days) du Journal @ . c c c c a a a ab ab ab bc 20 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Global 90 90 90 00 94 32 94 4. 8. 88. 96. 84. 80. 80. 76. 60. 48. 48. 52. 52. ±8. ±4. ±9. ±4. ±4. ±4. ± ± ±8. ±6. ±10. significant 6.090 ** Per cent - parasitism Non - NS e lu d on 5 pupae host provided for parasit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ase F va ≤0.01; Age of (Days) female B - parasitoid Mean values followed by the same superscript in columns are not @ ** P

©2020 Global Journals

Effect of Age, Size, and ating Combinations in Trichomalopsis Uziae, A Pteromalid Ecto-Pupal Parasitoid of the Tachinid Fly, Exorista Bombycis, o n its Reproductive Performance

a b c c )

♂ 09 23 88 81 0.20 0.62 0.17 0.22 6. 4. 2. 2. ♀♀ / ( ± ± ± ± Sex ratio )

♂ 3.60 6.08 ♀♀ / ±0.21 ±0.51 ( Sex ratio a a b b 72 56 12 48 2.85 3.11 1.50 0.88 Total 32. 33. 23. 22. ± ± ± ± 6.896** 18.912** Total 25.12 33.36 ±1.79 ±2.09

Exorista bombycis 2020 a a b b on r 05 76 19 89 17 35 48 54

ea 17. 16. 29. 26. Y ±3. ±2. ±1. ±0. Female allocation (No.) 471

its size when when size its 19.58 28.38 ±1.46 ±1.72 15.27** 8.970** 20.008** Female Brood a b ab ab 82 45 22 48 78 66 95 00 5. 6. 4. 6. Male Brood allocation (No.) ±0. ±0. 2.127 * 8.996 ** ±0. ±0. V ntly

II NS 5.53 4.98 Male ±0.44 ±0.53 as impacted by a a ue ersion I b b s significa s 40 80 40 50 80 80 71 60 I Total 76. 71. 154. 145. ±9. ±4. ±25. ±24. XX 77.10 ±10.19 was parasitized Total 120.50 ±14.17 different from other each a a b b e ly al

) m D e 57.00 52.60 117.00 132.80 ( ±7.55 ±3.01 6.763** 5.568** ±20.71 F ±22.37 103.10 60.40 ±12.91 ±8.44 rista bombycis 7.665** 6.13** Female xo E Progeny production (No.) Research Volume ly different from other each significant not e l Progeny production (No.) e a NS al M 21.60 28.40 19.80 19.20 ±5.07 ±3.47 ±2.31 ±1.88 M 16.70 17.10 ±1.99 ±1.72 Frontier aluesgiven in the Tableare the meansof 10 replications (MeanSE)± ; v ; columns are Trichomalopsis uziae Reproductive performance of Trichomalopsis ev. 24 24 00 24 Science 60 40 00 60 NS NS ration ev. D 12.70 12.50 NS ±0.21 ±0.17 ration (days) . D 12. 12. 12. 12. du ±0. ±0. ±0. ±0. of (days) e 2: du Trichomalopsis uziae Trichomalopsis of efficiency reproductive the on combinations mating related bl - @ Ta significant b Journal a a b ent 80 @ 60.00 72.00 Non - er c ±5.96 . significant ±6. 3.78** - 88.00 68.00 64.00 84.00 P 3.98** ±8.00 ±7.48 ±4.00 parasitism ±10.20 Per cent Effect of size of Effect Global parasitism 0.67±0.02 mm (small) and (small) mm 0.67±0.02 differing with (big) mm 0.82±0.01 measurements Non - : - e 3: gth NS ost pupae provided for parasitism for provided pupae ost n bl e e ll ll # l g Ta e y ed on 5 host pupae provided for parasitism for provided pupae host 5 on ed alu d ma lu Bi o as S size v ≤0.01; t B B

lues givenlues in the Table are the means of 10 replicationsSE) ± (Mean Parasitoid - - F va Mating x ll Fll x M Small F x ll @ Va Mean values followedbythe same superscriptin columnsare not significant # ** P F ased on 5 h

F x ≤0.01; ≤0.01; * P≤0.05; NS combination B g i ig M ig ma ma - B B B S S Small M Small Big M @ Mean values followedbythe same superscriptin ** P

©2020 Global Journals

Effect of Age, Size, and ating Combinations in Trichomalopsis Uziae, A Pteromalid Ecto-Pupal Parasitoid of the Tachinid Fly, Exorista Bombycis, o n its Reproductive Performance

) c b a bc ♂ / 34 35 31 50 17 47 33 0. 0.21 0.

4. 4. 5. 3. 2, 27 ♀♀ ±0. ± ± ± ( Sex ratio b a a a 24 75 09 74 21 81 39 11 1. 1. Total 33. 34. 37. 29. ± ± ±1. ±1. Exorista bombycis 2020 on r c b b a

ea 59 12 10 66 Y . 1. 27. 27. 31.85 22.35 ±1 ± ±1.17 ±0.91 Female 481 10.176** 6.431** 8.362** Brood allocation (No.)

9 37 42 3 63 43 06 89 0. 0. 0.43 NS 6. 6. 6. 6. Male V ± ± ±0. ± Trichomalopsis uziae

II c b b a ue ersion I s s 70 35 44 99 70 00 5.50 I 11. 13. 12.06 2, 27 2, 27 2, 27 2, 27 Total 148. 142. 171. 10 ±12. ± ± ± XX b a c b 50 70

) 81.20 D 119. 144.80 115. ±9.72 6.041** 4.822** ±9.83 Female ±12.15 ±10.67 ( ly different from other each

e Progeny production (No.) 45 53 20 30 Research Volume al 2. 2. significant NS M 29. 26.90 26. 24.30 ± ±2.29 ± ±2.50 e not Frontier 17 17 13 17 50 50 20 50 ev. 0. 0. NS ration 2, 27 2, 27 2, 27 D 12. 12. 12. 12. ±0. ± ± ±0. Science c,and randomon mating the reproductive efficiency of du of . @ c a b b Journal 27 significant - 2, 82.00 84.00 90.00 72.00 3.943* ±4.47 ±6.29 ±5.81 ±7.42 Per cent Non parasitism - Global Impact of sib, conspecifi sib, of Impact -A -B ≤0.05; NS e e 4: lu ating Male bl * P df Ta om mating B x A x Male - - F va pecific mating ib m ib ed on 5 host pupae provided for parasitism for provided pupae host 5 on ed S and em A x Male B: female of motherx male A of mother B; male fem B x female A: of mother B x male of mother A as - ≤0.01; F Fem ons R B C - Mating combination Mating @ Fem Valuesgiven in the Table are the means of 10 replicationsSE) ± (Mean Mean values followedbythe same superscriptin columnsar ** P

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