Finally,, It's Over TERRACE --At~,.The End of Week's Round, Johnson Saidr What She Descri~I!~ "An In- Resulted from 64 Ballots Being Teresting Morning', ~
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• , . , . 7.• , , •. ° ' I . .. ........• . :: .. .:: %:,:, , .....: . ; . ... .. ,.,. : /:: ,. .::7.:~.,, ,: 7 !a.... ' : ': i :/:MmeYa~roViief:s r i~ithPerb°of!i: i, n;~n~°t~s:(lfer~lnrgai;oCv~lng;ltt he;l~a~led.:i,i:Ie :i~u;t~aP.P~}~s : il~lius~nt;y~:hmimSi~fe;°i{~ '" :' = ' . ;! i: : • . • ,7 Finally,, it's over TERRACE --At~,.the end of week's round, Johnson saidR what she descri~i!~ "an in- resulted from 64 ballots being teresting morning', ~. it fell to rejected by Supreme Court local returning officer Elaine judge'Douglas Wetmore who Johnson to decide that Danny conducted the recount. Sheridan will' i'etaln his seat on Citing an appeal court deci, city council(~ :~:;~:~i~i':'~'!~ sion, Wetmore threw out every Under the ElectiOn Act, one not marked with an 'X 'and ,Johnson had to cast. the tie- ones not marked in the correct breaking vote w.h.en 8 W.ed.l!e s" square on the ballot sheet, she day,,Dec, 19 Judlelalxecount.of.-.,. added. .aldermanic ballots determined Asked how "a returning of- incumbent Danny Shefldanand ricer decides which way to cast newcomer Adrian .Van:de. the tie-breake r, Johnson said Mosselaer had each received 732 the same way anyone ~oted. votes. "It's a private, personal deci- "You never expect it to hap- sion." pen, so yon can joke about it," Because only 50 votes she commented later. "When it separated fourth from seventh, happened it "wasn't such a Rick King's and Laurent's votes joke." were also recounted. Their final For the candidates, it was the figures were King 761 (795 on end of a month-long wait to election night), Laurent 745 find out who would fill the sixth (77S). and last seat on council. Figures Front runners in the Nov. 17 announced on election night, election were Ruth Hallock, Mo Nov. 17, had Sheridan in fifth Takhar and Bob Cooper. Coun- spot with 780 votes followed by cil can now appoint aldermen to Darryl Laurent (775) and Van various committees now that a de Mosselaer (766). • final decision has been reached. Those figures changed The recount process took significantly at a subsequent re- four hours. There was no count requested by Van de 'estimate of its cost to the pro- Mosselaer when it was vincial government. discovered an error in addition at one polling station had resulted in Sheridan being credited with 46 votes rather than the correct figure of 36. They changed further when Johnson rejected 12 ballots, seven more than had been set aside as spoilt on election night. The new count showed Laurent now fifth with 768, Sheridan in sixth with 766 and Van de Mosselaer still in seventh but That prompted Van de i I . ! i. 7 " ecycling. Mossclaer to call for a judicial ~~_::11.... Bit.i too s:oon.... ", : ~: for:~ : : r " recount. Originally scheduled ~E~CE al There isn't yet .m~ket demand for.irecycled a' meet Rs :strength requirements what• I understand is the desire, wasf°rDeC.postponed4 in PrinCewhenRUpert,a heavyit . theltechnol0gy available: to use ' paper products:to continue and.. would come from envelope or ~iof your council," he said. - snowfall prevented the pfln-~_~i~:i1-' '~ ,.. recycledl paper iin..the kindof fr0m .ii . that,:i gr0wing ' letterhead.cuttings and the only : ' p01p.ahd paper.mill a company • i technologlcall research into•the place it:ci~ now. buy that from .... Council here has asked Oren- cipalSExplalnlngfrOmgettingwhy Sherldant° that citY.and • ~van~s :tO develop inl the n0r~i:~. fie!d,i!! • !".:.~ ..!:.:. j : " is in California,said Foster, dafor.a meeting to discuss:the Van de Mossdaer had both ttlWest,i. Says : a companyT. ~ltliough:.rec :led paPer ,,,is, ,"And that doesn't address subject. fallen more than :30 votes in last i Spokesman. ~' :~-i i.~/~ :"C ': i alreadYi iiVailabl : iCwon't be :iFrank F6ster70~ :~ b}ie~da :"::~str6n~g ienotigh i i~r.ov!de !he": "" "':17 i/~fest" Prdducis ~said:thdle is: furnish:¢ir kind iesearch ur~derway ~but:/that it .-Wil!ineed f0rlit~S; :'::i' i ~ wi!L be' several years:bef0re'ihe " c°ntihUedi~ i~'!~ ~: ~iHeWds responding tosuues- ~dude magtl~ne,¢ tlon~i by alderman Rick King .ing*fibre 'it: alri i tiiatOrendaincorporate recyled li~cnee! i)aper in its planned mill • just do.that b} soUth0fMeziadm, ~ i'i : i .betweenl~t~ tse ~first 6fOte~: i '?,We just can't makelsuch a i :Butd)e~ C0mmltmeht ~~t ihis time. We be 'il0ng i; don't..... think we,ll be able=tolook ..........slrengthe~ :%.::',' ~ .::. ~:"./'~;• ".'.",•. • -,.: "•,~!::•~::~,.;~': :,'f~ ::i:,7: 5":- ',;., !~ i :~' ~/: :" •: ,~:','~• :~ ~.: / ,•..','. ....... " ,. " f Page A2 ""l;errace Standard, Monday, December 24, 1991 i 990 'They Rev,11 The revised figures for the proposed "library expansion pushed the costs over l the million dollar mark, and the > a nua r provincial government was ask, • Ii .... J y ] ed to come up with one-third of that amount in the form of a because they say: the intent of investigators may soon be called GO B.C. grant for $353,I00. the law was that the licence off the case. ,k ,# ,A. ~., Ot became invalid as soon as the Two men were killed in tile Particularly bad winter ~sistant guide was fired. explosion at Newhawk's weather, which caused the three ****** Sulphurets project. A reward of major northwestern airports to $25,000 for information was close at various times during the Revenue Canada wants posted at one time. year, played havoc with airline refunds it paid to Lakelse Lake schedules as flights were residents under the northern tax Twenty-one local teachers cancelled or rerouted, and peo- benefits scheme returned -- who refused to join the Terrace pie found themselves stranded. with interest. District Teachers Association One man was ~ussea!rom- - - Lakelse Lake residents say (TDTA) must become union Terrace to Prince Rupert; Uack . they received contradictory members by June 30 or lose to Terrace, then to Smithers and reports of what areas were their jobs, says TDTA described as Lakelse in the nor- back to Terrace -- all in one day them allowance benefits guide. spokesman Greig Houlden. and all in the effort to get to "They'll be expected to either Vancouver. In the letters sent to lake join or find employment , **, ** residents, Revenue Canada elsewhere," he said. An angling guide who hires defined Lakelse as the railway assistants• cannot later: revoke point. along_ the CN railway. ,.... line Plans to install . condom . .' • oetween Ierrace ann Kiumar, •thenr hcences, a Terrm ej~d~e . _ .,,~, - ,~ .... .,,,,~e .... machines in Northwest Con~- ruled last w eek when hi~-,~ " "~ : 'o~,,t~!,=, on ~ ..~eslaeni#.;..~. ,: .. ,.~, sa~ .. mUnity~ CoHeg~ ~ washrooms. ted an a~i.~tartt ariel ~f,;~'/i,..~p'pq~e[,,sm~,~necalle~etax- went on hold bemuse the cof-. .............. ~ ~ ~ut,~w~ : ...... "~ '~-'" " "'"~ ..... ,V.."~;I ' " " ' charged with illegal g ~n~"~:'"'~Fati, o.W~!°ffiee::~':Su .rr.ey. ~,~, was ldgds student Society Cbuidh',t:'~ afford them. ~ " ~i: ~! anghng• : ..... gu,de Andre, ~l~shton'.>'%.'~-.;:~,..<',~'.. ,. ~ [i:.tlit~laRe,,,, ,, ,.w, ~.,~.,..~_.~<~'~, tfi ;~ ,.~.~',~~', .>.', Alternately, the association .. - , . • . - fired ins assxstant gin( ~eorge ":' ''"4'~'''<r""~'"~:')~)'~'~'~t'*''"<~'~:~'Y:::' was considering having con- JANUARY brought the first heavy snows of the win~er, :resulting,in this accident on theSande Over- Springel, giving him notice • of RCMP said their investiga- doms sold in campus candy ven- pass. A loaded fuel tanker failed to negotiate the corner of the overpass leading onto Keith Ave. There the cancellation of his license, tion ]nto the 1989 explosion at a ding machines but became wor- were renewed calls for an alternative to the overpass and as spring approached, the highways ministry But conservation officers gold mine project north of ried about its liability if the announced it was studying the traffic situation along the highway as it passes through thecity. want that loophole closed Stewartis.,:. ,:., ata,• dead end and. that., machine: :'ripped .: the: ' ....packages.. - ~" ~:!i February Too much of the school almost $90,000, which is 16 per 'A former; Terrace teai:her was declined :by the RCMP. .... board's business is done behind cent of its operating budget, Committed for trial on nine * *** *i* closed doors, and that makes when the federal budget was an- counts of sexuall: offences~ Local" Chicken' farmer, rSt~ people suspicious, said the nounced. agaln'st y0ung'girls. Kinkead, who had been ch~ged board's chairman, Edna Municipal taxes will be going The charges, which were six sever~ times by the pro~ncial Cooper. up an average five percent, said counts of indecent assault, one government, investigatedi'~b}; Cooper, who hinted she mayor Jack Talstra. count Of sexual assault, and two health'officials and criticize~! bY would take steps to open up the ,0r** ~..k 'c6tmts of. having sexual inter- his neighbours over the dispo~a! board when she was elected, The Kitimat-Stikine regional course with a female under the of chzcken manure, has found~a said moving the school board district was asked if it would ac- age of 14, invoive Seven girls way to turn chicken man'm~in- toward a more open committee cept shares in the Shames whom were under 14 at the time to profit -- composting. ! '!~*~ system would help reduce what Mountain Ski Corporation as of thealleged offences. Kinkead will be recycling she c~ls the public s fear of the ~ payment for.,the Kitsumkalum • * * * * * .manure by composting it, mix- unknown. ,..... Mountain s~ hill equipment it Appfications by companies ing~tt_ap~l .is~elling it ~i.~igh~,. sold to the corporation in 1986. for guarantees to noi'th~,~s~ quality potting soil. He Said thK .... Bert Orleans reopened In other efforts to finance the pulpwood were contradictory, program will probably generate negotiations with the provincial ski project, the Shames Moun- SKEENA J UNIOR Secondary students ended a 30-hour juice fast to Two of the applicants said as.