Eastern Beaches 1 Important Telephone Numbers
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EastErn BEachEs 1 Important telephone numbers rm of alexander Fire .................................................................................... 911 First Responders ................................................................... 911 Trainor Ambulance (Pine Falls) ........................................................... 911 Box 90, Victoria Beach RCMP ........................................................................... 367-2222 ManitoBa, r0e 2c0 rm of st. Clements Fire .................................................................................... 911 r Ambulance (Selkirk) ............................................................... 911 756-2701 - office (Des) RCMP .......................................................................... 754-2300 Medical Clinic (July & August) ......................................... 754-2525 756-8634 - shop rm of VICtorIa beaCh 756-2078 - fax Fire .................................................................................... 911 u Ambulance ........................................................................... 911 One call does it all First Responders .................................................................... 911 Police Emergency ................................................................... 911 for all your trucking needs at the beach! Police Non-Emergency..................................................... 756-2322 c Summer Doctor (July & August) ....................................... 756-2247 ● Gravel Driveways & Cottage Bases pIne falls, powerVIew, st. GeorGes Fire ................................................................................... 911 ● Screened Stone Ambulance ............................................................................ 911 RCMP ................................................................................... 911 k ● Excavating nearest hospItals ● Lot Clearing Pine Falls .................................................................... 367-5400 Selkirk ................................................................ 1-204-482-3330 ● i Beach Sand manItoba ConserVatIon Grand Beach ................................................................. 754-5040 ● Building Demolition Powerview ................................................................... 367-6130 & Removal Forest Fire & Tips .................................................. 1-800-782-0076 n ● VeterInarIans Complete Subdivision Road Selkirk Animal Hospital ......................................... 1-204-482-4401 & Drainage Construction Coast Guard ........................................................ 1-800-267-7270 Chiropractor (Dr. Esser) ................................................ 367-4858 g Dentist (Dr.A. Grant) ..................................................... 367-4417 lakeshore StabilizaTion Pine Pharmacy ............................................................. 367-2517 - Natural solutions to your lakeshore erosion problems The Cottager’s Guide to the Eastern Beaches Area - We have the experience, equipment and Phone: (204)756-8381 Toll Free: 1-866-404-4844 Fax: (204)756-2662 l products you need Web: www.thecottager.com Email: [email protected] - Many satisfied customers over the past 35 years Publisher/Editor - Cathy Halgren Advertising Sales - Glenn Halgren - Large rock supplied & installed Printing - Premier Printing Ltd. Design/layout - Shelly Makus Design The Cottager’s Guide to the Eastern Beaches Area is published annually for distribution T - Complete engineering service on the May long weekend. Contents are subject to errors, omissions, and/or changes may be made without notice. Cottager Publications accepts no liability for content of ads. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited. We wish to thank the advertisers closed Weekends and other contributors without whose support this guide would not be possible. d2 cottagEr’s guidE EastErn BEachEs 3 INTERLAKE WOOD STOVES • Visit our expanded and renovated showroom with over 30 units on display including propane stoves and fire places and SPA WORKS • We display, sell and install prairie stone and Sunset stone • Factory built ceramic hearth pads in many shapes and sizes, also built custom pads • Propane stoves and fireplaces, propane tanks with certified gas installations • For your convenience, we now sweep chimneys on Saturdays • Large selection of pellet stoves, we stock pellet bags and pellet venting. Starting at $2995 Plug in or 220 volt Electric Fireplaces • Wood/Electric Furnaces Chimneys/Double Wall Black Stove Pipe Sales Service • Installation • Licensed Chimney Sweeps • Hot Tub Chemicals • Hot Tub Repairs • Hot Tub Covers Insurance Inspections • Winterising Service for Hot Tubs Free in home estimates • Softub Rentals - $225/wkd, $250/long wkd, $275/week LARGE SHOWROOM • OVER 30 UNITS ON DISPLAY Hours: Saturday and Sunday 12 - 5:00 or by appointment Ph: 754-3319 Fax: 754-2135 E-mail: [email protected] W.E.T.T. Certified Website: www.interlakestoves.ca Website: www.interlakestoves.ca Insurance Inspector 4 cottagEr’s guidE EastErn BEachEs 5 RuRal Municipality of VictoRia Beach Reeve: Chief Police Constable AnglicAn - lutherAn Tom Farrell Stewart MacPherson Councillors: Pubic Works Foreman PArtnershiP WorshiP Karin Boyd, Kathy McKibbin, Allan Scurfield Penny McMorris, Bruce Morrison Medical Office schedule CAO 124 Birch Ave. July & August Raymond J. Moreau Golf Course Manager Anglican and Lutheran Parishes Invite the #303-960 Portage Ave. Winnipeg Karl Hutchison Eastern Beaches to worship with them. Phone Toll Free1-800-513-3839 The council of the R.M. of Victoria Winnipeg (204) 774-4263 Beach endorses “Recycling” The Anglican Parish of St. Jude, Grand Marais Website: www.rmvb.ca Service of Holy Communion at 11:00 a.m. every Sunday during July and August. September thru June, services are at 9:30 a.m. For further info Greg Dewar contact Wilma at 754-6107. We'd love to see you! M.L.A. for Selkirk The Anglican Parish of St. Michael, Victoria Beach Selkirk legiSlature Service of Holy Communion at 9:00 a.m.every 218 C Manitoba Ave Room 234 Legislature Bldg. Sunday during July and August, and at Selkirk, MB R1A 0Y5 Winnipeg, MB R3C 0V8 11:30 a.m. September thru June. Ph: (204)482-7066 Ph: (204)945-0143 For further info, please call Eileen at 756-2296 Fax: (204)482-4745 Fax: (204)948-2005 Everyone is welcome. Toll Free 1-800-282-8069 E-mail: [email protected] Trinity Lutheran - Thalberg St. John’s Lutheran 1 mile S and 1 mile E from Greenwald corner of Hwy 12 & Stead Rd . 1.5 miles N of Hwy 317 on Hwy 12 July & AuGust June 5 – 11:00 Cemetery Service at Brokenhead River June 19 – 11:00 eaChes ews June 12 – 9:15 b n July 3 – 11:00 June 26 – 11:00 Cemetery July 17 – 11:00 Service interested in advertising? July 18 - 22 Vacation Bible July 10 – 11:00 contact Glenn 756-8381 School [VBS] – 9:00 – 3:00 July 31 – 11:00 July 24 – 11:00 VBS Closing August 14 – 11:00 Deadlines are program ; picnic to follow August 28 – 11:00 June 15 and July 15 August 7 – 11:00 September 11 – 11:00 the Beaches news August 21 – 11:00 September 25 – 11:00 is available September 4 – 11:00 October 9 – 11:00 Thanksgiving September 18 – 11:00 Service at local businesses October 23 – 11:00 October 2 – 11:00 throughout the area. October 16 – 11:00 October 30 – 11:00 reaching 5,000 cottagers! For more info contact Cliff Miller @ 754 – 8682 or Elaine @ 265 – 3213 6 cottagEr’s guidE EastErn BEachEs 7 Your Catholic Parishes invite you to come and celebrate the Lord’s Day Albert Beach, Notre Dame de Plage Albert Chapel (Saffie Road) Mass: Sunday 11:00 am (en français) May - Oct. Fort Alexander, St. Alexander Parish Church (387 South Shore Hwy #11) Mass: Sunday 10:00 am Grand Marais, St. Theresa Chapel (Glenvale Ave) Mass: Sunday 10:00 am Powerview, Notre Dame du Laus Parish Church (40 Laura St.) Mass: Saturday 7:30 pm Sunday 10:00 am Stead, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Chapel (Stead Rd) Mass: Sunday 12:00 noon St. Georges, St. Georges Parish Church (baie Caron) Mass: Sunday 9:00 am (en français) Traverse Bay, St. Marguerite Chapel (Pitt Road) Mass: Saturday 7:30 pm Sunday 11:30 am (May - Oct.) November to March: Closed Manigotogan St. Louis Chapel Sunday 1:00 pm St. Georges & Albert Beach Ph: 367-2571 / Fax: 367-2571 Father James Gray, pastor Powerview & Stead Ph: 367-2700 / Fax: 367-2700 [email protected] Father Malachy Ekezie / Father Augustine Ezediniru Fort Alexander, Traverse Bay & Grand Marais Ph: 367-2561 / Fax: 367-4555 [email protected] 8 cottagEr’s guidE EastErn BEachEs 9 Julian Gorchynski Cottage Country Rep. CounCil’s Corner [email protected] Becoming an elected official has been a steep learning curve! My vision was to strive for a more equitable distribution of services and tax dollars throughout the RM of Alexander. In conversation with other Councillors 255B Main Street Selkirk, Manitoba R1A 1S1 and our Reeve, we were able to develop an 11-point strategic plan which Ph/Fax 204-754-3400 Toll Free: 1-888-632-8221 17 Years of Cottage Country Experience we hope to implement. We inherited a few items that we are going to Res. 204 Grand Marais Blvd. Grand Marais have to look at with different eyes, and projects that we will have to be www.century21jefferson.com reconsidering. For instance, we have had a request to support the construction of a Victoria Beach Residents & Cottagers Regional Museum in St. Georges. The cost will be in the millions and I feel that having just completed the Library in 2010 (also located in St. Georges) In