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~. m. p, 'IIrta'N Slmuf.l. ttQ1 ~ II1f1fUlil1 "tIt sR~ 1!J8J CENSUS-PUBLICATION PLAN t19111 Census Publications, Series 11 in AI/ Serie" will be pub/ished.fn the following pO"fI)


Part I-A Administration Repo rt- Enumeration

Part I-B Administration Report-Tabulation

Part II-A General Population Tables

Part II-B Primary Census Abstract

Part III Gen~ral Economic Tables

Part IV Social and Cultural Tables

Part V Migration Tal-Ies

Part VI Fertility Tables

Part Vll Tables on Houses and Disabled Population

Part VIII Household Tables

Part IX Special Tables on SchedUled Castes and Scheduled Tribes part X-A Town Directory

Part X-B Survey Reports on seJected Towns

Pall X-C S.~l v~y Reports on selected Villages

Part XI Ethnographic Notes and special studies on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

Part xn . Census Atlas

Paper 1 of l~lS2 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes and:Scheduled Tribe.

Paper 1 of 1984 Household Population by Religion of Head of Household


Part XUI-A&B District Census Handbook for each of the 45 districts in the State. (Village and Town Directo[)\a~ Primary Census Abstract) CONTENTS

Foreworn i-iv

2 smnnT Preface

District Map

Important Statistics vii

Analytical Note ix-xl

IRfT~T('~Cfi' f~cq'ur", ~if.;;rQ iiIlfff !q"h: !A',!\I;f>«r Notes &; ExplanatioD": List of Scheduled

;;r;r~Tfq !iii) \1;") (ff'Q()n) I fcrellfCfi J 976; Castes and Scheduled Tribe-s Order r~T i'ifi'M"UfifT ~ffqifir !iiiT ~f6"~r~ iA'h: 4.f~ I (Amendment) Act, 1976, Historv:J.n;J l1I1~orTClAi fgcquft Scope of District Census Handbook, Analytical Note

&U:~f\;I'l iii ~n Tahsil Ma~

6 ~1Jj""t"UR'- VIm llii 8'ift.. Alphabetical List of V;U •. g,·s 1-123 (i) '"~~~ o~ij"l'~ I-S (ii) 1Iit~ ~m~ ~-11 (iii) ifr~rlfUT~ tr~ij"1Pf 11-22 (v) 'BT6'T'TTcr {t~~ 22-31 (v\ ari~~ a~~ ?1--l3 (vi) ~r'6'r a'{~ 43-47 ( vii ) "HrEf~~ o~ij'l'tiT 47-57 (viii) IiT!r tr{!ij'r~ "57-63

(i) Bllanupratappur Tahsil ~4-68 (ii) Kankcr Tahsil 68-73- (iii) Harayanpur Tahsil 73-84 (\' ) Kon-:Iagaon Tahsil 84-92 (v) Bijapur Tahsil 92-104 (vi) Dantewara Tahsil 104-108 (vii) JagdaJpur Tahsil HIS-I 17 (vlii) Konta Tahsil 117-123 ~15;S- Pages

7 irif11Vl';J1 "'1 ~Hfq;t; mtiw PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT 124-333

il'Hrl:: f~ 'fiT ~rrti!lT Abstract 124-131

(i) 1[r~srn~~ Cf~«rl1 (lIT1iTVT) Bhanupratappur Tahsil (R ural) 132-145

( ii) ii1it~~ ff~~ft;;;r (I1r~iUT ) Kanker Tahsil (Rural) 146-161 (;:r;r,{TlI") (Urban) 162-163

( iii) ifT'{rlJ~'(' ff~~'1~ ( mJTTur) Narayanpur Tahsil (Rural) 164-199

(iv) ifiT.rr'lTIi cri!U'''~ (~T1iTcrr) Kondagaon Tahsil ( Rural) 200-227 (;pnTlI") (Urban) 228-229

(v) if1ii1'~ Cf~ij'')\i1' (UTlf1vr) Bijapur Tahsil (Rural) 230-267 (vi) ~~crr~T 6'~«T;;;r (~TJTrvr) Dantewara Tahsil (Rural) 268-279 (;:r~rll") (U~ban) 280-281

(vii) iil't[;::~ cr~f11~ ( I'TJTTVT) JagdaJpur Tahsil (Rural) 282-313 (;:rt[Ull ) (Urban) 314-315 (viii) !filer o~U'1t; (arJl1or) Konta Tahsil (Rural) 316-333

8 qf'{ftIl151!-;J'R:'lll Sll'1fiA; iif;JfIVIll'T "m~ APPENDIX-Urban Primary Census Abstract 334-343

9 a'l~fiim iifTfu !fi1 SlT'1fq'ili iifilll'Vl"T "Rill Primary CensuS Abstract of Scheduled Castes 344-3$1

18 a;r"fq... ij(;r;rTftr !iIi1 Sl'T'lfq 3f;rfl'1Jli{T gmu Primary Census Abstract of Scheduled Tribes 352-359

11 qf'{f~~- fCl<,fiT9 Qlq'qf{ Sl'T'lfq iif;r1TVl'1IT "'UU APPENDIX-Development Blockwise Primary Census Abstract 360-363 i

~r U'lfOif tl'~r Uiil[ ~~'\im ctt iiin: {r UIifi'fuiJ 0) ~{f 'II tircrnrlf tmr it Rf 't;Rut ~ t. tit a~~l' riif~T iil"ififUTi'fT ~f~CfIliT GJif~i'fT Iifi'l ttlifi ~11Jt"lf ~iU t , i-U 9ft iftJT1:( I ITlf f.fifwCfif iii q;Tlfl 'fi) ~i'f: ~zrrt cfrdt f~T ~i'fqcrrifr ~t~'tll' IifiT ~)i5AT f"lfYIJNf, Sf1lfT~lifil, U"lflf If'lftur ~'lf It '3"q'J~ iti STtitCfi VTlf $J'h: fiifid)- Q~ if Irrif-ifrif iI\ UTtlifT t arr=t if iii) i'fll'r lf~ \'if)?" lI'lf'{ CfiT STllffir'fi i>Ji'f1T1Jri'fT ~T'{ ~h \'ifi'fiJ 1Iti'fT "liT ll~i:: 'f'lvT trln ~ "3lfiifiT Ji'f"lsrilf fif~ t ~i'f VntT if;') ;;;rJi'fitin) ttCf>f'lfCf mtvrlrt 11ft I 1961 it; ~ltT" f~T \iI~tJUfi'fT ~~Cf'l1if ifitOiT ~ ''"!'«it mifT ,"!,pn i[~ Cfifoi'f ~ 9;fI!lTtf iii) iR'~q ~ I t ~"zr fi'i ~ N~r"{ fililrT ITlrT I ~ij f~ IifiT fcn:C{H ~ iflfT ctir\Wflf fI~Ji'f'fVfi'fT ~nfcrrlft Q'R snVfflrlll zr~ wm Iifi~if it. f\ilt '"!')~T trlrr ~ fCf> :ai'fit. lItq ifi1 ;ifi'f~.ql Gftl1lUliiT m 'Ii) fir~TiIi"{ .nlf V"= "If"{ f"iflT'f.T ~t IfTtfit~ m, q~"R fi~qT fiifii'l';ft ~ ,,'h";a-;:rit; ~Tff7: f~;ft ~f~m~ IIlllTt I 19 71 ~ f::;rvrT iiI""'furi'fT 2J'fHiIiT iifil ~lIfr$JT iifi) H)" '3"q~'ig &, ~) ifit qflfwlSc "',.~ ;if), tf~ ~ f\;f;rij U ~Iifi mrrl it arieT qlfJ f.{T , iIi-'tlTtf it VTlf Q'R i'ftf'{ frriflTilfiT, ~ ~Tm if. i[T=t if ~:;rgT OJ;)"{ w-crm ;a-qW&u ~1 ~ tf'" .-"rlf it V11f $TN i'ftf, Ji'ftruro:rT m{ Q"h i~-a, ~~ \ifrrij'taT rit IJ'r~ i[ft:l~t iti ~ GI'''WIi, :aoi fq;, U' ttlfT,{ fifil[r 'fliT I '3"Cftr 'flrti ~i'fm U'l{lf iI\ ~lf OJ;Ttf'lililf tllfn: 'lfi-.:::r 1t ~q)rr hT I 'tidl" ~Tff ~ 1971 iti ""t'li~l iliT ~~i'fTClfiifiaT ilfi) m SlfTo:r if "(liT ~r 5qA if ~a- g~ itprf<:

Cfi'R1f :;rl~ ,,~ ~! ifif"{ f.:riflU 'fil it q;Eti If~~oi ~cq1lTl ~1 ~ ~ f,.Hfii fcrfq"'f Wil~ "'RfVFrt ~~lffiso ~ IfRq-cT., IDrT ~mr' fq;r~01T i't Cfi~;( 'liT ~11f1 ~ 'ut it t I iifl srTf.l'flf~; iifiI'rrlJf"'fr «T~ !A'~ ~ ~1mi'f , uiffirtf q. it. 'PT,Tlf ~'Ji{), it i3"'l;;:rGC4 maf~ ,;f.:rm:l;ff IJTrrfirm 'fir f~"f(f;qn :j(~«.lt'T ifi' ~t~1f ".iI1;s;r Q- oq-') ~a ~,hll' ifi''T ~) \ll'l(TlJr rrlJr ~ I m;:~f~~ it ~"fiIi1 w'lmlt ~ srrlJ if« iTaT' , q'tI~"".{of ~~ISffiT'{ fPl~Tf ~ ~ I

1981 Efi') iir.'(fI'GJ';{T it "'~ ~ ezrfCR'l''1'a- ""'11'1 ~ IIITPfI!f\' Iii! ~~Tllfrr ~Jiizr U'('ifiR ~ iifiiQ1liiIT Q'~ ~ ~~!f« ,,'h; S1 i?:f Sfli'f' it ~l it qf,crcr;:r ft(ilt '11t, ~~r qf~~;;T "" wmr iiiI' ~ ~ I '{~ if IrT'Ii,lIf;T U'qrr 1Jft~.~. P PfTil it ~~ ~~ \TrifT qo'h= rPT~l ~ srrlll'fl:r "'~ q~ ~ it; q;:r1l ;izrn: f

rrf~ lit. q,,,,,.w 26111,,,,1982 wmrliqT{~ it;


The district censu~ handbook (DCR), compiled by the census organisation on behalf of tho State governments, is one of the most valuable products of the Census. The DCH is constantly referred to by planners, administrators, academicians and researchers. It is inter-alia used for delimi­ tation of constituencies, formulation of local level and regional plans and as an aid to District administration. The district census handbook is the only publication which provides Primary Census Abstract (PCA) data upto village level for the rural areas and wardwise for each city or town. It also provides data on infrastructure and amenities in villages and towns etc.

The district census handbook series was initiated during the 1951 Census. It contained important census tables and peA for each village and town of the district. During 1961 Census the scope of the DCH was enlarged and it contained a descriptive account of the district. administrative statistics. census tables, and a village and town directory, including PCA. The 1971 DCH series was planned in three parts. Part-A related to village and town directory, rart-B to village and town PCA and Part-C comprised analytical report, administrJtive statistics, district census tables and certain analytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in f\!Spect of villages. However, in some states it was confined to district census tables and in a few cases altogether given up due to delay in compilation and printing.

While designing the format of 1981 DCH series some new features along with the restructuring of the formats of village and town directory have been attempted. At the same time, comparability w.ith the 1971 data has also been kept in view. All the amenities except power supply in the village have been brought together in the village directory with the instruction that in case an amenity is not available in the referrent village the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place where the amenity is available mai)' be given. The restructuring of the format of the village directory and incorporating more exhaustive data on infrastructure aspect particularly in relation to amenities and land-use pattern is expected to further meet the need of micro level planning for rural areas. It is expected t<;l help not only in local area planning but regUlating the provision of goods and services as well so as to minimise the regional imbalances in the process of development. A few new items of informat-on have also been introduced to meet some of the requirements of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Such new items of information as adult literacy centres, primary health sub-centres, and comffiumly health workers in th~ village have been introduced in the village directory with this objective ill mind. The new item on approach to the village is to have an idea about the villages in the district which are inaccessible. A new column, "total population and number of households" has been introduced to examine the correiation of the amenities with the population and number of households they serve. Addition of two more appendices listing the villages where no amenities are available and according to the pwportton of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes popUlation to the total population has also bt::;;~n made with this view in mind.

The formats of the town directory have also been modified to meet the requirements of th,:: Minimum Needs Programme by providing information 011 a few new items. A new statement on civic and other amenities in slums in class-I and Class-II towns (Statement IV-A) ha~ been introduced with this objective ir.. mind. It is expected that this will help the pianne[s to Chalk out programmes on provision of civic amenities for the improvement cf slums. The columns on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes popUlation in statement IV relating to civic and other amenities and adult literacy classeslcenues under educational facilities in statement V are alsO added inter-alia with tbis iv vrew. A signific ant addition is class of town in all the seven statements of the town directory. The infrastructure of amcmties in urban areas of the country can be best analysed by taking the class of towns into consideration. The addition of the coJumns on civic administration statuI and popuJation in :1 few statements also serves this purpose.

The format of the primary census abstract for the villages and towns has been formulated in the light of changes in the economic and other questions canvassed through the individual slip of 1981 census.

In order to avoid delay in publication of 1981 DCH series it has been so desigl1cd that Part-A of tbe volume contains village and town directory and Part-B the PCA of villages and towns including the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes peA upto Tahsilffown levels. At the beginning of the DCH a detailed analytical note supported by a number of inset tables based on peA and non-census data in relation to the infrastructure_ has been introduced to enhance its value. The district and tabsil/police stationjC D Block etc. level maps depicting the boundaries and o,her important features bave been inserted at appropriate places, to further enhance tho value of the publication.

This publication is a joint venture of the State Government and tbe Census Organisation. The data have been collected and compiled in the State under tbe direction of Sbri K. C. Dubey, tho Director of Census Operations, on behalf of the State Goverrunent which has borne tbe cost of printing. The task of planning. designing and coordination of this publication was carried out by Shri N. G. Nag. Deputy Registrar Genera] (Social Studies) of my office. Dr.B. K. Roy. Deputy Registrar General (Map) provided the technical guidance in tbe preparation of the maps. Data received from census Directorates have been scrutinised in the Social Studies Division at tbe headquarters under tbe guidance of Sbri M. M. Dua, Senior Research Officer. [am thankful to all who have contributed in the project.

P. PADMANABHA REGISTRAR GENERAL" INDIA New Delhi the 26th April. 1982 y


One of tbe most importan~ publica.tions oC tbe Censul are tbe District Cenaul HandboOb. Tbis pUblication was bebun in this caption since 1951 Census. But prior to this. a similar publicatioD was released in tbe Census earlier than 1951. nat publication was on the title of Village Statistics and It contains only village names and total population thereof. The 1951 Census could. therefore. be said to represent a significant step in tbe process. of making detailed Census statistics available down upto tbe village level.

In fact the District Census Handbook is the most important publication at tbe Censul and it 81so perhaps the blost widelY used. Also perhaps this is the only publication used at the micro-level down upto the tahsil and development block.

Tbe form of tbe District Census Handbook bas gone considerable change since 1951. This is basically due to the growjng demand for more information. For the' p1ll'pose of convenieBce as well as witb a view of making tbe basic statistics availa ble with the data ulers as early as possible the District Census 'Handbooks have been split into 2 parts, Part-A contains the Introductory Note on the district and Town/Village Directory. This volume will be found useful to get allJ'lost all the non-Census statistic. available at one place. Part-B also contains an introductory note and the Primary Census Abstract.

One 01 the innovation of tbe presC'Dt Census bas been in terms of allotment of Location Codo numbers to the villages. In the earlier Censuses the location code system w~s such tbat the- village.. of a Patwari Circle were found at different serial numbers. Since the Patwari CirCle still remains an imponant administrative unit. the location code numbers have been so given in the present Censul tbat it may be possible to locate all the villages of a particular Patwari Circle at one place one below the other.

When the planning for the present census was started in 1979 the tahsils were still revivable as an important unit of tbe administration. the whole planning was. therefore. done taking tahsil as tho unit. It W8S during the course of the census that some requests were informally received fOf making blockwise data available. Since these requests were received very late and were also received only in an infolmal manner. it bas not been possible to disturb the original planning of villages arranged according to the location code numbers taking tahsil as one unit. However. additional exercise has been done and in addition to the tahsil figures blockwise figures have also been indicated. It is hoped that tbe availability of these b}o(;kwise data will enhanco tbe utility of this, publication. - It is boped that this handbook will provide the basic statistical .upport to executive and developmental administration. It is needless to state that the proper implementation of policy depends on tho ability of the administration autborities concerned.

It may be remembered tbat the villagewise area fijures given in the Primary Census Abstract and the Village Dir~tory are those based on the village papers while the tahsil totals given in PCA ar.. obtain,cd from the Land Re~ords department, which in many cases exclude forest area, Tile statistics that arc ~ontained in the district census handbooks are the result of a massive and marathon exercise in the compilation and tabulation of voluminous statistics. The compilation .of the statistics contained)n this volume was carried ..,11t by 9 Regional Tabulation Offices each under, a Regional Deputy Director of Census OperatIons. The1>c Regional Ofrices were run with- the hel,) of pure]y temporary staff-rotlghJy about 1,500 Tabulators. about 250 Checkers and about 80 Supervisors. [ am grateftil to my colleagues, ·the Regional Deputy Directors and those temporary staff for the speed and accuracy in the ecitwg and basic compilation of more than nearly 522 lakb slips. and nearJy J iakb of household schedules. The compilation of village directory was taken uP. at the headquariers and , am equally grateful to the officers and staff who have worked wbole heartedly on the job !O a collec­ tive and co-operative venture. It is Dot possible nor fair to name in this. The maps contained in the handbook have been prepared in the Cartographic Section of my office. However, the analytical note has been prepared by Shri M. L. Sharma, Deputy Djrector of Census Operations.

I ~ tbllllk.fu] to al1 who have contributed to bring this publication possibJe. The ecnSU5 organisation is also ~rateful to' the Government of Madhya Pradesh for having -been ~ kind as to undertake the publication of these handbooks and to the Controller. Printing and Stationery. Madhya Pradesh. Bhopal and his staff for the printing arrangements made. The inspiration.behind this ambitious 'Venture is that of our indefatigable Registrar General, Shri P. Padmanabha to whom we are all deeply grateful. Our thanks are also due to Shri N. G. Nag, Depuety Registrar General tSocial Studies) for all the help that. we received ·from him and his s=ion.

K. C. DUBEY Director of Cenaus Operation' • . Madhay Pradesh. Bhopal Jaoma.htami, 31 AUI. 1983. vii


MADHYA PRADBSH __ DllCliItr Population Total Persona 52 .. 17•• 144 I,sa.as. Males U,1NI6.305 92•• 321 Femare. 3S,Z!JZ,5" .32•• 33 Rura) PersOIlS 4I,S!12.38S 1.13t.148 Males 21,266,321 861.848' Pemales 20.326.064 t69,300 UrbaD Persons 10,586.459 111,10. Males 5,6119.984 SI.473 Females 4,966,475 53.233

Decennial Popula~ion Growth Rate 1971-81 25.27 21.51 Area (Sq. Kms.) 443.446.0 .]9.114.0 Density of population (Per Sq. Km.) 118 47 Sex-ratio (Number of Fenlalea per ] ,000 males) 941 1,002 Literacy rate Persons 27.87 14.2S Males 39-.49 21.:U Femarca 15.53 7.30 Percentage of urban population to total population 20.29 ·"6.06 Percentage to total population ( i ) Main Workers Persons 38.41 44.11 Males 53.52 .iiO.58 Females 22.35 27.67 ( ii ) Marginal Worken P~rsons 4.52 7.63 Males 0.96 0.95 Females 8.39 :14.30 (iii) Non-Workers Persons 57.07 ·48.26 Males 45.52 38.47 Females 69.35 'n.03 Brak-up of Main workers (percentage amORg main workers) ( i ) Cultivator. Persons 51.96 '71.62 Males 53.81 '"73.77 Female. 47.28 ·66.9'1 (ii) Agricultural LabOUR'" Persons 24.24 17.09 Males 17.81 12.74 Female. 40.61 :26.5& (iii) HousehOld Industry ;Persons 3.52 1.54 Males 3.36 1.65 Female. 3.93 -;J • 33 (iv) Other worker. Persons 20.28 "9.75 Males 25.02 1"i,1.84 Females 8.18 -S.18 PeIcenta&e tJf SchedUled Castes Person. 14.10 5.49 population to total population Males 14.~6 ~.48 Femalea 14.04 "5.50 Percentage of Scheduled Tribes Persons 22.97 '67.69 population fO total 'population Males 22.33 67.33 Female. 23.66 68.24 Numbe(of occupied reSidential house. 8.92?,190 335,708 Number of Vi I lases Total 76,603 3,731 Inhabited 71,429* 3,492+L Uninhabited 5,1 740 239 Number of Towns . J27 4 • Includes 77 inhabited villages which have been treatetl wholly as urban outgrowth of nearby City/Town. o Includes 58 u:a.inhabited viII ages or which Abadi Area have been merged in nearby City/Town. + IDcludoe 6 inhabited villages which have been treated wholly as urban outgrowth of neBr by-City/Town.

fClIlJi"ulrfqiK fc!tqui\ ANALYTICAL NOTE


This note gives the meanings and explanations could be ensured ,and whicb should provide basi, of terms and concepts used in this handbook. This for analysing of figures and urbanization in the is necessary because, without a proper grasp of the country. But it has to be remembered tbat the . meanings of such simple concepts as buildjng,bouse. urban criterion of '1981 varies slightly from household. workers etc.• it is not possible to appre~ that of 1961 and 1971 censuses is that the cjate the data presented in the handbook. Thus males working in activities sucb as fishing. one who does not know that an unpretentious hut logging, etc_ Were treated.as engaged in non-agri­ in the thick of Bastar forests with unplastered balll­ cultural activity and therefore contributed to the boo walJa and a thatch roof and with space hardly 7SO/o criterion in L96 i and 1971 censuses. whereas euough for two cots is not a bit less of a buildlng in the 1981 census tbese activities are treated as oll than the Indian versions of the sky scrapers in one par with cultivation and agricultural labour for tho of the metropolitan cities. or tbat a central jail purpose of this criterion. housing all manner of criminals and shady characters is as much a household as the household Applying the criteria described above, a Ust of of the most pious and god-fearing citizen in the 327 towns was finalised and it is these 327 towns State. may not be able to appreciate what exactly which are treated as urban areas for the purpose of the figures represent. . . 1981 census. The additional Secretary to the Govt. of India in the Ministry of Home Affairs sent a Concepts and Deftniri.,... letter to the Chief Secretaries of the State Govern­ Rural/Urban : ments as back as 10th May, 1979, requ~sting them to ensure that no changes are made injurisdiction It bas been the tradition of the Indian Census and boundaries of municipalities and revenue to present the census data for rural and urban areas villages, tahsils, sub-divisions and district.s during separately. In fact, in all the Censuses through­ the period from 1-1-1980 to 30-6-}9&1. However, out the world this classification of census data into subsequent to our finalization of rural and urban rural and urban units is generally recognized. How.. frame the State Government in tbe Local Govern­ ever. distinction between rural and urban is not yet Olent Department notified lUany places as notified amenable to a single definition which would be areas and muniCipalities. Such places have not applicable to all countries. ' been treated as towns for the purpose of census and the secretary to GoverlllUent in tile Local Govern­ The definition of an urban unit at the 1971 ment Department had agreed to this arrangements. Census was as follows - Similarly, the State Government raised the status of (a) All places with a munioipa!ity, corporation, n municipal committees to that of municipal corpo­ cantonment board or notified town area: rations. Tbese new municipal corporations are also treated as municipal comm.ittees. (b) All other places wbicb satisfied the follow- ing criteria. While dealing with the subject of rural and urban (i) A- minimum population of 5,000 ; break up m~ntion may be made of the area under (ii) At least 75 per cent of male working the Special At ea' Development Authority. The population engaged in noo-agricultural Speclal Area Development Authority have been pursuits'; and . constituted uuder tbe, Madhya Pradesh Nagar Tatha (ill) A denSity of population of a I least ' Gram Nivesh Adh;niyam. 1973 and they enjoy the 400 per sq. lan. (1,000 per sq. miles). power to function as a municipality to far as the municipal management of that area is concerned. The same criteria is retained at tb. 1981 census The limits of these Special Areas include large pm­ abo that co mparability with tile previolls census dons of rural areas com.prising number of villages situated around the corc town or village of such (i) it should have a core town of a mimmum Special area. For example. Orchha is a SADA population of SO.QOO. (ii) tbe contiguOUS areal area in Tikamgarh district but there is no town in made up of other urban as well a'J rural administra­ this area. Similarly. Malanjkhand in Balaghat tive units shouJd have Illutual socio-economic lanks district, Bhedaghat in Jabalpur di~trict. Mandav in with the core to_wn and (iii) in aU probability this Dhar district and similar other cases are SADA entire area should let fully urbanised in a period of areas but there is no urban area within that. The two or three decades. Certain Standard Urban objective· of the SADA areas perhaps is to control Areas were detemlined on this basis in 1971 and the future development of the~e areas in a planned some basic data were presented ror 1951. 1961 and manner and that is all . It was, therefore, not con­ 1971 for such areas and their oolD.ponents. Similar sidered desirable to treat such SADA areas at par -data have been presented for tbe Standard Urban with other urban bodies like municipal corpora­ Areas in 1981 also. The idea is to present basic tions, municipaJ committees etc., and only that part data for tbose areas for four to five decades so that of it is treated as urban which is really so. As such the urbanisation process in tbose areas can be in tbe Korba SADA area only Korba town has been studied. However, there have been minimum changes treated as urban and rest of the area remains in tbe in the constituent units of the Standard Urban rural frame. Areas of1981 Census.as compared to those of 1971. but the list of SUA remaines uncbanged. Urban Agglomeration: Size Class of Towns :

Apart from town/chy the 197] concept of The urban areas ar.e classified into 6 classes urban agglomeration is also adopted for the 198] referred to as towns of Class I to VI. The classi­ censuS. Very often large railway colonies. university fication is shown beJow- caJDPUSel, port areas, mUitary camps etc., come up' outside the statutory limits of the city or town but Class I 100,000 and above adjoining it. Such areas may not by themselves Class II 50,000 to-!)'9.999 qualify to be treated as towns but if they form a Class III 20,000 to 49,999 eontiauous spread with the town, they are out­ Class IV 10,000 to 19.999 growths of the town and deserve to be treated a. Class V 5,000 to 9.999 urban. Such towns together with tbelr outgrowths Class VI less than 5,000 have been treated as one urban unit and called 'urban agglomeration'. An urban agglomeration rt is customary to treat a town having a popu­ maY constitute :- lation of 1 lac and abovCi :!s a city.

(8) A city with continuous outgrowth, (the Cenlus Roue : part of outgrowth being outside the statu­ A Census House is a building or part 'Of a build­ tory limits but falling within tbe bound­ ing having a separete main entrance from the road aries of the adjoining village or Yillages); or common courtyard or staircase, etc., used or (b) One town witb similar outgrowth or two recognised as a separate unit. It may be occupied or mOre adjoining towns with their out­ or \'aeant. it may be used for a residential or non­ growths as ill (a) ; or residential purpose or both. (c) A city and one or more adjoining towns If a building had a number of flats or blocks with their outgrowths all of which form a which were independent of one another having continuous spread. separate entrances of their own from the road or a common staircase or a common courtyard leadin&" Standard Urban Area: to a main gate. they have been considered as separate census bouses. A new concept of Sl~ndard Urban Area intro­ duced in 1971 census will also be followed for the rn some cases, however. it was difficult to .'81 Census. The essential requirementl for the apply the -definition strictly. For ex'aJllple. in an constitution of 8 Standard Urban Area are- urban area, a flat has five rooms, each havinll direct entraJ1ce to common staircase the or courtyard Scheduled Cutel and Scflelluled Td_ which by definition had to be treated as five census houses. If all theae five rooJUS were found Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are occupied by single houbehold entiIe fiat was treated those found in the Notification of Scheduled Castesl as one census house. In such cases singleness of Scheduled Tribes Order (Amendment) Act, 1976 use was taken into consideration to avoid undue (l08 of 1976). By this amendment. area restrictions proJii:eration of the number of census houses. for most of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes have been removed. However, the area An occupied residential census house means a restriction still remains in respect of Dhobi (in census house whicb is actually used for residential Bhop~l. Raisen and Sehore districts): Kotwal and purposes, either wholly or partly by one or more Pardhi (in Bbind, Dhar Dewas. Guna, Gwaliol', households. Indore, Jhabua, Khargone. Mandsaur. Morena. Rajgarh. Ratlam, Shajapur. Shivpuri, Ujjain and Household: Vidisha Districts) and Kumhar (in Chhatarpur. The term household in c!:msus is defined as a Datia, Panna, Rellla, Satna. Shahdol, Sidhi and group of persons who commonly live together and Tikamgarh districts) Scheduled Castes. Likewise would take their meals from a common kitchen Keer and Pardhi Scheduled Tribes are still restrict. unless the exigencies of work prevented anyone of ed only in Bhopal. Raisen and Sehore districts: them from doing so. There may be a household of Mina in Sironj sub-division of Vidisha district: persons related by blood or a household of un· Panika in Chhatarpur. Datia, Panna. Rewa. Satna, related persons Or having a mix or'botb. Examples Shahdol. Sidhi, and Tikamgarh districts; Pardbi. orunrelated households are boarding hQuses, mes­ Bahelia. Bahellia. Chita Pardhi, Langoli Pardhi. less. hostels. residential hotels. rescue homes. jails. Phanse Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar, Takia [in (I) .. Ashrams" etc.. These are called institutional Bastar, ChhindwaJa, Mandla. Raigarh, Seoni and households. There may be one member households Surguja districts, (2) Daihar tahsil of Balaghat two member households or multi - member district. (3) Betul and Bhainsdehi tahsils of Betu) hou'Seholds. For census purposes. each one of these district. (4) Bilaspur and Katghora tahsils of Bilas­ tYpes is regarded as a 'household'. pur district, (5) Durg and Balod tahsils of Durg district. (6) Chowki. Manpur and Mohala Revenue There are three types of households viz, normal, Inspector's Circles of Rajnandgaon district. (7) institutional and houseless households. A hauseless Murwara. Patan and Sihora tahsils of Jabalpur household is that. which is normally found to be district, (8) Hoshangabad and Sohagpur tahsils of residing on the road side, pavements, in hume pipes Hoshangabad and Narsimhpur districts. (9) Har­ under staircases. or in open, temple, mandaps. sud tahsil of Khandwa district, (10) Bindra-Nawa platforms and the like. Institutional household. garh, Dhamtari and Mahasamund !ahsils ofRaipur have been explained above. Those households whjch diltrict .J do not falJjlin the category of institutional household and house less hOllsehold have been categorised as Persons belonging to 'he castes/tribes mention' Donnal households, The enumerator waS required ed a hove found in the districts olner thaD those to indicate in the Household Scheduled whether the where Scheduled have not been treated as schedul· hOllsehold belonged to 'Institutional household' or ed castes or scheduled tribes as the \:asc may be. 'Houseless household'. For institutional'!' was It may be mentioned here that '3chc:duled castes call written against the question 'Type of huusehold' be belong to the Hindu or the Sikh religion only, and '0' was indicated in the case of houseles~ while the scheduled tribes belong to any religion. household. For normal household, no entry was The list of Scecduled Castes and Schedulc:d Tribes required to be mad c. relating to Madhya Pradesh relevant to 1981 census The enumeration of institutional households has been given immediate Iy al'ter Ibis note. as was done ID,tho manner the normal households were Annexure-I. enwnerated dudng the enumeration period from _ Literates and Edueate4 Persons : 9th February to 28th February, 1981. The house­ less households were enomera' ed 00 the night .or A person who can both read and write with 28th February, 1981. understand ing in any language is treated as literate. A p~rson who can merely read but can not write, is Censuses, the economic questions were based on not literate. It is not necessary that a person different approaches. namely. usual status and who is literate should have received any formal current status, • were adopted with reference period education or should have passed any miuimum of one year and one week for seasonal and fOi" ~ducational standard. regular work, ·respectively. Current status appro~ch was thoug~t to be irrelevant in the context of our The test for literacy. was necessary only when country where usual status of a worker is consider­ the enumerator had any, doubt about any person ed to be more appropriate. returning as "literate'. The test for literacy was ~bility to read any portion of tbe Enumerator's The above questions are in three parts and Instruction Booklet and to write a simple letter. have been designed in such a way that tirst of all Ability merely to sign one's name was Dot consider­ it" attempts to divide the population into two broad ed adequate to qualify a person as being able to groups viz., write with understanding. If a person claimed to (I) those who have worked any time at aU be literate in sOlUe other language with which the during the last year, and (2) those who have not enumerator was not familiar, the respondent's word worked at all. was taken as correct. The latter group consists of the non-workers. AlJ children of the age of 4 years or less were This information is obtained in Q. 14-A. Having treated as illiterate even if they might be g~ing to classified the popUlation into two groups, the next achool and had' picked up read;ng and writing a attempt has been to classify those who have worked few words. any time into Main workers and Marginal workers, on the.. basis of time:: spent on work as well as ClassifieatioD of workers by Industrial Category: secondary work, ir any, of the Main workers. It a person had worked for six JnQnths or more (180 At the 1981 Census, the questions which were days or more) he was treated as Main work.er canvassed in the Ind ivid~al slip to elicit informa­ and if the period of work waa less than six month. tion on economic chara,cteristics of the population he was regarded as a Marginal worker. In Q. were as foHows:- ISB details of secondary work or marginal.work are obtained. Finally an attempt has been made to ti) Q. 14A Worked any time at all last Year ? determine whether those who are non-workers or Yes marginal workers are seeking or are available for No. (HjST/D}R/B}I/O) work. Q. 14B If yes in 14A, did you work for major part of last year '1 Yes( t)JNo (2) [t will thus be seen that these questions on economic aspects have been so designed as to identify all workers, full time workers Or seasonal ii Q. I SA Main act ivity last year? workers or marginal workers and ~on-workera with Yes in 148 (C/AL/HHIIOW) reference to the activities during the last one year No in 14B (H/ST/DjRis7I/O) period prior to the date of enumeration.

Q. 14B Yes-Any other work any time last year? The various terms and definitions used in ISB Yes (C/AL/HHJ/OW)/N,o..:.. ____ collecting the economic data have been explained Q. 14B No-Work done any time last year ? briefly in the following paragraphs. (C/AL/HHI/OW) Definition of work : iii Q. 16-lfNo in 14A or 14B, seeking/available for work 1 Yes (1 )/No (2). Work has been defined as pa(ticipation in any economically productive activity. Such participa­ The above questions were formulated after tion may be physical or mental in nature. Work detailed discussion at the Data User's Conference involves not only actual work but also effective and tecbnica1 groups. At tbe 1961 and 1971 supervision and direction of work. For persons on regular employment or engaged dependents, retired persona or rentiers. began. in regular type -of work, temporary absence during iamates or institutions, unemployed penoas etc. the reference period on account or illness., 110Jiday, They are' penon.. who have not wOI"ked any time at temporary closure. strike etc., was not a dis­ all in,the year preceding the enumeration. qualification "for treating them as workers-. actbity eI WOl'_•• Persons under training, such as apprentices, M_ with or without stipends or wagea ~ere also treated The main activity of workers bas been clasaified as workers. In. the case of a pers~n who had been into four categories viz-., cultivator, agricultural Q:fI'ered work but bad not actually joined,. he was labourer. household industrY and other work in the Dot treated as a worker. Rent receivers, pensionen peA at the 1981 cens:us. A siguificantdeparture &as, etC., were not treated as economi~ally active unle~ tbere(Dre, been made this time while presenting the­ they allO ensaged themselves in, some economIC data on economic activity whicb refate to only four activity. broad categories indicated above as- against nino In all these questions. the reference period is ind U&uial categories of the- T961 and tbe 1971 the one year; preceding the date of enumeration •. censuses. The nine categories 9f the J 971 cens(ll. Certain types of work such as agricultlO"C, house­ were-fi) Cultivator, (ii) Agricultural labourers, hold industry like gur making etc •• carried on either (iii) Livestock,. Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and throughout the year or only Quring certain seasons Plantations, Orchards. and allied activities.. (iv) or part of the year, depend ing on the local ~ircum­ Mining, (v) ~ufacturing, Processing and servic­ Btance. In all such cases the reference penod lias ing with sub-categories-(a}At Household Industry beeD the broad time span of the agricultural sea­ and (b) Other than Rouse-ho-Id Industry. (vi) Con­ BOns preceding the enumeration. struction. (vii) Trade and Commerce. '(viii) Trans­ port., Storage and Communications. and (ix) Otbel' Main Worlen: Services.. The correspondence betweeu the cafe­ The main workers are those. who have wo,ked gcu·ies of 198-1 and 1971 are as under- Cor a major part of the ,ear preceding the enume­ ration. Main activity of a person who· was engaged 1981 Categocy '911 Category ill more than one activity was reckoned in tenns of time dispOSition. For example, if a person had I J worked as daily wage labourer for 4 months,. as an II I] agricultural labourer for 1 month and as- cultivator In VIa)' for 2 months, he was treated as a Main~worker on IV Ul.IV.V(b).VI.VII,Vnl & IX the basis of total time spent on work and his main actiyity have been reckoned as Daily Wage Labourer Colthater: .ince he spent major part of his time on work in this activity than as cultivator or agricultural For purposes of census a· person is working a. labourer. cultivator if he OT sb e Js engaged either 8IJ employer. single worker or family wo-rker in cuItiv'ation of Marginal Work.en; land owned or held from Govemment or held from Marginal workers are those who have worked private persons or ins-t.itutions for payment in any time at aU in the year preceding the enumera­ money, kind or share. tion but have not worked for a major part of the Cultivation involves ploughing, sowing and fear. For exampl~, if a person who is mostly harvesting and production of cerea,ls and mille! 'dO-ing hou.ehold duties, or is mainly a student, or crops such as wheat, paddy, jowar, bajra, ragi, mainly a dependent or a rentier or a beggar and etc., and olber crops sucb as sugarcane,groundnut s the like who is baSically a non-worker had done tapioca. etc.' and pulses, raw jute and kindered lome work at some time dUring the referenc;:c fibre crop.. cotton etc.• and 'does Dot' include fruit, period. he was treated as a marginal workor. • growing, vegetable growing or keeping orchards or ItOD-Worken' ; aroves Or working of plantation like tea, eoffee .. , I ' tubber, cinchona, opium and otber medicinal pIa.­ Non-workers constitute of householders. students. cations. Agricd1tu_a:a' Labourer ~ p[ocessing•. servicing, repaJrlDg or making aDd 8'el1i~g (but not merely selling) of goods such as ·Pepsons working in "Bnother person's land for handloom weav!ng. dyeing, carpentry, bidi rolling. kind wages in money. or"shar~ have been treated as pottery ma~ufa~tqre, bicycle repairing. blacksmith­ agricultural labourers. An. !lgricultural labOllrers ing. tailoring etc~' It does not include professions has no risk in the cultivation and he has no right of' lIuch as a pleader or doctor or barber or 'dhobi' lea:So.41r contract on land.oD·wbioch he works. even if such professions are run at home by mem. bers of the household. - "oasebold Industry :

HousehoJd Industry' is'\~lefined as an industry Other workers : conducted by the head of-the- household himselfl herself and or by the members of the households at home or within the village in rural areas and only All workers, i.e. those who have been engaged within the precincts of the house where the house-. in some economic activity during the last one year, hold lives in urban areas. The larger proportion who are not cultivators or agricultural labourers of workers in a household industry should consist or in household industry are 'other wC?rkers'. The of members of the household incJuding the head. type of work en that come under this category The industry should not be run on the scale of include factory workers, plantation workers, those registered factory which would qualify and has to in trade, commerce. businels, transport, mininl, be registered under the Indian Factories Act. construction,political or social work,all government servants. municipal employees, teachers, prielts. Household Ind ultry relates to production, entertainment artists etc. nii



r The Scheduled Castes and &heduled TribcIO,ders (Amendment) Act. 1976 J Dated the 18tb Septcmber, 1976 scWaletl Ca••

I Audbelia. 35 Kumhar (In Chhatarpur. Datia, Panna, Rewa. 2 Dagri, Bagdi. Satna, Shahdol, Sidhi and Tikamgarh districts) .. 3 Babna, Dabana. 36 Mahar. Mehra. Mehar. 4 Balabi, Balai. 37 Mang. Mang Garodi. Mang Garudi. Dankhni S Bancbada. Mang. Mang Mahasi. Madari. Garudi, Radhe 6 Barabar, Basod. Mang. 7 Barlunda. 38 Meghwal. a Basol. Durud. Bansor, Bansodi. Banspbor. 39 Moghia. Balar. 40 Muskhan. S) Dedia. 41 Nat, Kalbelia, Sapera. Navdigar. Kubutar. to Beldar, Sunkar.· 42 Pardhi (In Bhind. Dhar. Dewas, Guna, Owa­ III Dbangi, Mehtar. Dalmik, LatbeSi. Dbarkar. lior. Indore. Jhabua, KhargODeo. Mandsaur, 12 Bhanumati. Morena, Rajgarh, Ratlam, Shajapur. Sbivpuri 113 Cb ad ar. Ujjain and Vidisha Districts). 14 Chamar, Chamari. Dairwa. Bhambi, latav. 43 Pasi. Machi. Regar. . Nona. RObida.. Ramnami. 44 Rujjhar. Satnami, Surjyabanshi. Surjyaramnami. Ahir- 45 Sansi. Sansia, war. Chamar Mangan. Raid... . 46 Silawat. liS Chidar. 47 Zamral. 16 Chikwa, Cbikvi. 17 Chitar. Scheduled Tn" ill Dabait, Dahayat, Dabat. :19 Dewar. I Agariya. 20 Dhanuk. 2 Andh. 21 Dbed. Dbcr. 3 Baiga. . 22 Dhobi (In Bhopal, Raisen and Sehorc 4 Bhaina. districts). 5 Bharia Bhumia, Bhui'lhar Bhumia, Bnumiya. 23 Doh,or. Bharia, Paliba, Pando. 24 Dom, Dumar, Dome, Domar, Doril. 6 Dbattra. 25 Ganda, Gandi. 7 Bhil, Bhilala. Barela. PateHa. 26 Ghasi, Ghasia. 8 Bbil Mina. 27 Holi)'a. 9 Bbunjia. '28 Kanjar. 10 Biar. Biyar. 29 Katia, Patharia. 11 Binjhwar. 30 Khatik. 12 Birbul, Birbor. 31 Koli. Kori. 13 Damor, Damaria. 32 Kalwal (In Dhind, Dhar, Dewas, Guna, 14 Dhanwar. Gwalior. Indore, Jhabua. Kbargone,Mandsaur IS Gadaba, Gadba. Morena. Raja.rh, Ratlam. Sbajapur, Shiv. 16 Gond: Arakh, Arrakh. Agaria. Asur. B&4; puri, Ujjain. and Vidisha districts). Maria, Bada Maria. Bhatola. Bhimma. Bbuta 33 Khangar, Kanera, Mirdha. Koilabhuta. Koliabhuti, Bhar, Bis90hora 34 . Kucbbandhia. Maria. Chota Maria. Danoami Maria. Dhul'u. xviii

Dlturwa. Ohoba, DhuUa, DorIa, Gaiki, Gatta 35 Oraon, Dhanka. Ohangad. Gatti, Gaita, Good Gowari. Hill Maria, Kan­ 36 Panika (In Chliatarpur, Datia. Paona. Rewa, dra. Kalanga. Khatola. Koitar, Koya, Khirwar Satna. Shahdol. Sidhi and Tikamgarb districts.) Khirwara, Kueha Maria, Kucbaki Maria, Madia, Maria, Mana, Mannewar, Mogbya, 37 Pao. Mogia, Mongbya, Mudia. Muria, Nagarebi. 38 Pardhan, Pathari. Saroti. Nagwanshi. Ojha. Raj. Sonjhari Jhareka. 39 Pard hi lIn Bhopal.Raisen and Sebore districts) Thatia, Tbotya. Wade Maria, Vade Maria, Daroi. 40 Pardhi, Bahelia, Bahellia. Chita Pardhi, Lan- goli Pardbi, Phanse Pardhi. Shikari, Takankar 17 Halba, Halbi. Talcia [In (I) Bastar, Cbhindwara, Mandla, 18 Kamar. Raigarli, Seoni and Surguja districts. (2) Baihar 19 Karku. tabsil of BalBghat district. (3) Betul and 2.0 Kawar, Kanwar, Kauc, Cherwa, Rathia, Tan- Bbainsdebi tahsils of Betul district, (4) Bila.pur war, Chattd. and Katghora ·tahsils of Bilaspu r district. 21 Keer (In Bhopal, Raisen ano Sehore districts). (5) Durg and Balud tahsils of Durg district. (6) Chowki, Manpur and Mohla Revenue 22 Khainrar, Kondar. Inspectors' Circles of Rajnandgaon district, (7) '3 Kharia. Murwara. Patan and Sihora tahsils ofJabal pur 24 Kondb. Khond, Kandh. district. (8) Hosbangabad and Sohagpur 2S Kol. tahsils of Hoshangabad district and Narsimha­ pur district, '(9) Harsud tahsil of Khandwa 26 Kolam. district, (l0) Bind ra-Nawagarh, Dhamtari and 27 Korku, Bopchi, MOllasi. Nihal, Nahul, Bondhi Mabasamund tabsils of Raipur district.] Bondeya. 28 Korwa, Kodaku. 41 Parja. 29 Majhi. 42 Sahariya. Saharia, Sebaria. Sebria. Sosia. 80£. SO Majhwar. 43 Saonta. Saunt•• Mawali. '1 44 Sauro 32 Mina (In Sironj sub-division of Vid isba diltrict) 4S Sawar. Sawar •• 33 Munda. 34 Nalesia. Naguia. 46 Sonr. HISTORV.AND SCOPE OF DISTRIC'f CENSUS HANDBOOK

The History of the District Census'H3ldbook Thus the present serks 'of District Census 'Hand­ , could be traced from the 'Village lists', brought out book consists of two volumes viz., DeUB Part.A I Cor every district in 1901 and 'village statistics' for and DCHB Part B. Part A contains-the viJ.Jag-e/Town every district 1911. But this was discontinued Directory and Part B contains the Town/Villagewiso in 192i and 1931. In 1941, how~ver 'village ~tatis­ Primary Census Abstract of the concerlled district. tics' wctre brought· out by then Central' Provinces and Berar Government. It was for the first time in Part A-Village Directory contains information • 1951 ,the practice of bringing out a single volume about the name of village, total area of vitJage, known as the District Census Handbook, ghing total pJpulation anJ nUlllber of households in the villagewise statistics and other census tables for village, amenities like education, medical, drinking the district at the cost of the, State Government water,. post am) telegraphs, market day. communi­ was initiated and is continuing ,&ince then. cations. approach to Village, distance from the nearest tOWll, power supply, staple food, land use, The District Census Handbook, compiled >by places of religious, historical and archaeological the Census Organi


Bastar district is situated in the extreme south been derived fro n it. Tbere arc tW() explanations of Madhya Pradesh and lies between latitudes 17·46' regarding the ety nology of tbe na'lle Bastar. and 20Q 34 1 North and between 10njEitudes 80·15' A-;';i)rding to o,e. tit ~ w.lrd B l\tar is c:>rrupt (rom and 82°15' Bast. The district is bounded on tbe oftbe Hindi word Vastra meaning cloth and refers nortb by Rajnandgaon and Durg districts; on tbe to the legend of the gifl of a piece of cloth bv thc west by of Maharashtra and Past tutelary diety to the first chief of the State. . Godavery district of Andhra Pradesh; on the south again by east Goda~ery district: on the Calt by According to the 1981 Census, the poplliation of Ortssa. of the district as on S'unrise or 1st Mucb is recorded as I,84.2.~54 persons with 920.321 rna,les and 922,533 Bastar district was constituted in 1948 afler the f~males. 173.148 persons live in 3.486 popUlated merger offeudatory States comprising the entwhile villages and 111.706 persons live in 4 towos of the feudatory States of Baslar and Kanker including tbe d istricl. Thc percentage ofpopul ation living in urban Z"mindaril thereof. It is the biggest district of areas works out to 6.06 per cent as against the "tate Madhya Pradesh in terms of area and is even bigger average 1)( 20.29. Thus the district is predominantly tban Kerala State. rural in character. Of the two constituent feudatory States forming tbe Baltar district. was bigger than The following table gives the popul:dioo, 111l111- the other. The name of the district seems to have ber o( villages and towns, 1981


PopUlation. Number of Villages and Towns. 1981 ------S'" Name of Population No. Tahsil ,.------• _____.A,, ______~ No.or village. Me, Total Rural t.'rban r- - -A_--... of r--_A ---.-_ r--~---.. ~ ,--__ --A. ___--.. Total Inha- Town. P M F P M PPM F bited ------1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ------~------1 Bhanupratappur 93,707 46.818 46,889 93,707 46.818 46.889 252 252 Tahsil 2 !Canker 219,356 107,63S 111,721 204,211 99,762 104,509 J S,as5 7,873 7,212 318 315 t Taheil 3 Narayanpur 197,074 100,004 97,070 197.074 100.004 97,070 .. 704 673 Tahlil 4 Kondagaon 313.385 157.014 156,371 296,106 148,245 t47.861 17,279 8,769 8,510 537 530 I Tahsil 5 Bljapur 153.638 77.061 76.577 IS~,638 77,061 76.577 731 576 Tahail CI DlUltewara 194.895 97,026 97.869 179,185 88,756 90,429 15,110 8,270 7,440 237 230 t Tahsil 7 . 509,010 H4.859 2H.U& i45.378 221,298 224.080 63.632 '33,561 30.071 6t3 590 Tahsil 8 IConta 161,789 79,904 81.885 161.'189 79.904 81,88S 333 320 Tahsil ------_.. _------_.. ------Totat : 1,842,854 921),321 922.533 1.731,141 8G1,848 869,300 111.706 5',473 53.133 3,731 3,48Ci .. ___...__------,... ------uii

There are 3,486 inbabited villages and 245 u·nin­ Table I· I (Coneld,)

ba bited villages in the district. The average popula­ - - ___ 0 ______------__ tion living in a viJ.lage in the district works out to 2 ' 3 4 s 491. Dantewara tabsil is thickly populated witb an ------~-.---- . , ------, average of 779 persons per village whereas Bijapur 4. Kondagaon 3,682.3 85 5.S1 is sparsely populated where the avera&e is 267 per­ 5. Bijapur 4,508.4 34 sons per village. Obviously, because, tbe tahsil is 6. Dantcwara mostly hiJIy and \~overed with forests. The pace of 2,211.0 88 S.Ot; urbanisation in the district is very low. Bbanu­ 7. Jagdalpor " 4,091.4 124 12.S0 pratappur, Narayanpur, Bljapur and Konta tabsila 8. Konta 2,390.2 68 are entirely rural. ------The following table gives the area, density and Total: :23,145 6 6.06 p:lpulation of the urban population in tahsils. ------Table 1.1 The geographical area of the district is 39,114 Area, deDsity and proportion of urb•• popalatlon. sq. km. according to tbe fjgures suppliod by the Surveyor General of India but tnc tahsilwise area ------fignres .hown in the above table do not add up Sl. Tahsil Area· in Density Proportion of to the total geographical area of the district, Tbis is No. Sq km, per ( sq • Ie m) orban proportion due to the fact that tabsil wise forelt area is not --_. _------_ available and as such tbey exclude forest area. 1 2 J 4 5 The district is mOltly billy and ha s a large cover ------of forests. As such it is sparsely popl.&lated. 1. Bhanupratappur 1,371.7 68 2. [Canker 1,750.6 12~ 6.11 The following table gives c1asswise clallification ~. Narayanpor 1,140.0 63 of towns in the district.

Table 1.2 ------_--.------Size- class of Location Name 01 Town Population Population in Tahsil ,------J.- ...... ___~ Personl Males Femal •• ------_---- 2 3 4 S 6 ------~------~ Class II (SO,OOO ..99,9Q9) Jagdalpur Jagdalpur (U.A.) 153,632 33.561 30,071 laldalpuT (M) '1,2,86 27,069 24,217 Class IV (10,000-19,999) Kondagaon KondalllOD (M) 11,279 8,769 8,-S10 Dant.wars IC.irandul (N. M.) 15,710 8,270 7,440 KRaker Kanker (U.A. ) 15 ,085 7,871 1,212 IiCanker (M) 12.993 6,7111 6,212 ------_..------_.-..... - Note: W. A-. -Urban Agglomeration, M=-M:unicipality. N. M. ==-NoD-Municipal. - " Jagdalpur U. A. and Kanker U. A. have the bllowillg :O.utitlntlt u.lits vith t!l:ir pJ;;Jlbti:l1l ;'1)\11'11 against each.

---_... _-_ .. _------.-_....-._-

Urban AglJlomeration Population ~ ______-_-A------~ Persons Males Pemales

.. ------__ ... ------...... _------_------2 3 4 .. ------..... -._------__.....,__--_._-----

1 • Kanker l U. A.) J 5,08S 7,873 7.211

(i) Kanker (M) 12,993 6,781 6.212

(ii) Kanker Kasba (0. G. ) 1,882 992 .890

(iii) Singarbhat (0.0.) 210 roo 110

2. Jagda1pur CU .A.) 63.632 33.561 30,071

(i) Jagdalpur (M) 51.286 27,069 24,211

(ii) Hatkachora (0. G. ) 3,810 1,937 1,873

(iii) Frezerp.lf (0.0.) 3,74(; 2.0tS ;t.72S

Civ) Pakbnaguda (0.0.) 91 4!) 42

( v) Ka!lgoli (0. G • ) 2.119 1,106 1,013

(vi) Dharampura (0.0. ) 1 .578 836 742

(vii) Jagdalpur Kasba (O.G.) 632 342 299

(viii ) Sargipal (0. G. ) 376 207 169

--- ~..--- ...---- .. -... ------.. ------....---~

Jagdalpur is an old town ot 1901 wbich rema­ iand is growing steadily. while Kondagaon, the tahsil in::!d declassified as rural during 1911 & 1921 Censuses heauquarter·s of the tahsil of the same name has been but regained its status as uroon in 1931 and since classified as urban for the first time in 1981 Census. tben it 18 a town. Likewise Kanker was a town in 1901 The pace of urbanisation during the recent rast has but got declassified as rmal In 1911 and after regain' received a boost due to the expl<>ltation of iron-ore ing its status in J91 J, it continues to be a town since' from Bailadila. then. Klrandul cable- up as an iUGustrial town in 1971 The following table gives ·,he decadal change in distribution of population.


Oeeadal change in the distribution of population

------_------_... _------Name of Tahsil Population A--______~ r------__ Percentage decadal 1971 1981 variation 1971-81 ,...- ____ ._J...__ ~ _ _ ~ r---- _J...____ -.. r------"------"'\ Total Rmal Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban ------.._---_ .. _------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ---_------.._------.------J Bhanupratappur 74,704 74,704 93,707 93.707 +~S.44 +25.44 Tahsil 2 Kanker Tahsil 186,126 175,480 10,646 219,556 204,271 15,085 +17.85 +41.16 +41.70

3 Narayanpl1r Tahsil t61,529 162.529 197.074 197,074 +21 25 +21.25

4 Konda,aon Tahsil 248.242 248,242 313.38.S 296,106 17,279 +26.24 + 19.18

, Bijapur Tahsil 117.6S0 110,650 1S3,638 1S3,638 +30.59 +30.59

(; Dantewara Tahsil 172,174 163,117 9.057 194.895 179,185 U,710 +13 20 + 9.85 +73.46

7 Jagdalpur Tahsil 422,380 38.5,448 36,932 '0'.010 443.378 63,632 +20.51 +15'55 +72.30

8 Kanta Tahsil 132, lSI 132.151 161,789 161,78' +22.43 +2.2.43 ------Total: Distriet 1,515.'56 56.635 1.731,148 +Z1.56 +97.14 1,45t.3lt 1,'43.854 111.706 +18.63 ------

The district has registered a growth rate of 1971-81 may be attributable to favourable response 2 i.56 per ceilt during the decade )971-81 which is by the people towards family welfare programmes. bdow tne State average of 25.27 per cent. There has Outmigration from the district does not seem to be however, been a fall in tbe growth rate of population a plausible reaSon since the tribal population baa. during the present decade as compared to the growth the tend.ncy to remain within their rural lurroun­ rate of29.85 per cent recorded in the previous decade dings, as most of them arc depcndend on forestry i.e. 1961-71. The low growth rate during tbe decade industry. XXV

The fol1owina table gives the decadaI powth of is reflected. The -other reason for the increase in population of the diltrjot since 1901. the growtb-rate of population seem, to be due to the fact that the district became more and more open Table Z.t and invited in:nigration. The Consus Report of DeeadalgfOwlb of popaJatioD. B.stu Disb-Iet 1931 however records about B:l!Itar anj Kanker States "Migration is negligible factor in both States• • iDee 1901 In Kanker the years .921 to 1930 were marked.by a ICTies of satisfactory harvests and by the absence ------.------Decadal Censua Year population orramine and pbgue, chofera or other epidemics" (p-54) -__.------~ -_._-- -~- 3 1 2 During the decade T931-41 there wa!. an increase ---"'------of IS- 54 per cent which was higher tban the corros­ ------_ .. - - pond Ing State average of 12.34 per cent. Dwriug th e 1901 410,161 1941-51 d~de the district again registered a very high increase which was almost double tbat of 8.61 1911 560,474 +l6.65 per cent for the State as a whole. Possibly the higb J921 589,335 + 5.15 increase recorded during the decade is due to better +12.13 1931 660,822 enumeration as is- evident from the observations 1941 783,359 +18.54 made in regard to popUlation growth in the 19$.l 913,746 +16.64 backward districts orMadbya Pradesh in the Cenlus Report of 195J; ·'These are sparsely .populated 1961 1,167,501 +27.77 areas, naturally, therefore, there is ample room for +29.85- 1971 1,515,956 ellpansion. Secondly, the g.eographkal conditions, :(981 1,842,854 +21.56 means of communications and almost utter illiteracy in thue areas tend to encourage unlter enumeration ------_.._----- during the Censuses and with increased efforts better The high increase of 39.56 per cent d uTing the records. are obtained at each successive census. The decade 1901-11 was ascribed to a more accuralC abnormal growth is. therefore, partly due to the enumeration-. During the decade 1911-21, there was probable under eumeration in the pas' .•.....•...• '. an increase in the population of the district which The sample verification enquiry. however, shows was nominal although the influenza epidemic of that even now there is some under-enumeration and 1917-18 was wide, .pread and had taken a heavy toll' thts fact will have to be borne in mind while judging of population. The Census Report of1921 has recor· the figures of the next Census' (P-20). ded about the erstwhile kanker and Bastar States as: There was in "a slight falling off in tbe The 1951-61 decade IS marked by the beginning present decade owing to the Inrtuenza epidemic" of many development programmes. The district and in Bastar State "the. increase is almost entirely formed part of the Project for the settlement of refllgeel from East Paklstan- ( Now due to the course~of nature" p-23. Bangladesh). Tbe 1961 C~nsus has the disnnction The growth rate of populaUon during the decade uf making special efforls toward s complete enumere· 1921-31 was recorded as 12.13 per cent which was tion of Abhujmar area. The increase tbns recorded higber tban that of the previous decade ie. 1911-21. in 1951·61 was to the tune of 27.77 per cent. With The 1931 Census Report mentions that an estimated the rehabilitation of refugees and also the develop­ 10 per cent of deaths and SO per cent of births in ment activities due to tbe exploitation of iron ore erstwhile Baltar State were under reported and .from BaiJadila. the district registered. a record pOSSibly due to better enum.eration of population increase of 29.85 per cent during the decade 1961·71 the steady increase in the growth rate of population which has been during the last sevenCyyears i.e. from ,he deoade 1921 .. 31 and also in subsequent decades 1911-1981.

"'c .P. & Berar Census Report, 191 t P-43. The followiug table gives. the 4istributjOJa o-f villages by popul,~tion ran,.,.


Distribution of dUages by ------_-----...,_------_._----..... ---_...... ___ ---_--- 1}A~TAR DJSTRICT Bhanupratappur Tahsil ICankcr Tahsil Narayanpur Tahsil ,--__-A ___ -.._ ,------"----.... ,.-----"----.~ ,---_..A--_-. Range of No. of Percen· No. of Pe!'cen- No. of _. Percen· No.of Percen- population viJIages in tage villages in tale_ villages in taae villaaes in tage each range each range each ranae each range

_o______- ______

2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 ------:----::-----_._------.------

Leis than _200 I, 118 32.36 ,74 29.37 29 9.20 386 57.36

200-499 1.2 t 5 34.85 126 50.00 1')2 32.38 203 30. t6

500-1,999 1,0.53 30.21 49 19.44 1~2 57.78 72 10.10 2,000-4,999 42 2.]5 3 1.19 0.32 11 1.63 ',000-9,999 7 0.20 1 0.32 I 0.15 10,000+ 1 0.03 .. ------_._------_._-- Tota. 3.486 100.00 252 tOO.OI 315 100.00 673 101.10 ------_ ------_____ r..-.- ______

"f Majority of the ,-mages in tbe district are in less than 200 in each. The position among tahsil. the population range 2C0-499 accounting f-or 34.&5 is lome what different., Kanker tahail hal re latinly per cent of the total number of inhabited villages. large sized villages whereas Naranyanpur tahsil i. Another 32.36 per cUlt of them arc having po.pulatioD characterised with small lized vtllages. nvii


population rlDget

_---_ ------...... -- ...... ------.-..._------...... -- --.._.--...... _-- ltoDdasaon Tahsil Bijapur Tahsil Dantewara TabSll lagdalpllt' Tab.1I ICoota Tahsil ,----A __'"'" ,----..A..:....~ r---~ r-----A---...., -_-A_I"""\ No. of Percen- No. or PorCoD- Ma. of Pcraen- No. or percell- No. of POMeIl- Ra_or villages in talC villages in tage "flJagel in tage villa.. , in tage 'illages in tap popu •• each range qch range tloD each range each range eac11 rau", - ----_---._------...-_------_ .___.__- 10 .. 11 11 13 ·14 15 16 17 18 2 ------....._.------...... _------.._...-..-..----.._.--~

114 21.51 328 5l.95 26 11.30 90 15.25 11 25.31 Le.. than lOO 213 40.19 177 30.73 13 36.09 115 31.53 US 39.06 200-4~!J 188 35.47 67 11.61 109 47.59 279 47.29 107 33.44 500-1.'" 13 2.45 4 0.69 11 4.78 32 5.41 1 1.19 1,000-4,999 2 0.38 3 0.51 5,OOO-',9t9 .. I 0.44 .. 10,000+

-----...... -----.-----..--_.., ------~..---...... ,_.------__ ._..------100.00 576 100 80 230 100.GO 5" 100.00 320 180.00 ~------~---~----~-~~--~~~-----~-~--~--~ xxviii

The fallowing table gives "the di~tributioll of villclJ;e by density.


Distribution of ViUages ------"""'------.... _------.-_-

B-\STAR DlSrR[Cr Bhanupratappur Tahsil KaQker Tllhiil NaraYlopur TabsiJ ,----A__ , _----A...---., ,---_,,_-~ r- _.,.,..__~ Ra.nge of Total No. Percon- Total No. Peroco- Total No. PerceQ- Total No. Perten- of villages or density tase of villages tagc of villaJII. tage or vilI9Jes tage (Per sg. in each in each io eaeh in each

Icm ) r&n,c range ran,e r~nge

..... ------~..------.. ----.. _.....------,-.,...__...._._------.__,,------_ 1 . 2 3 4 , 6 7 8 9

------...--...... ---.--..------~-----.

Less thao ... tO 119 3.41 3 1.19 r 0.32 29 4.31 11- 20 242 6.94 8 3.18 1 . 2.22 n 8.62 21- 50 879 25.22 97 38.49 27 8 .57 227 33.73 SI-I00 1,056 30.29 103 40.87 95 30.16 HS 21.S4 101-200 718 20.60 !7 ~4.68 144 45.12 41 6.09

201--300 I~O 4.30 2 0.,9 27 8." 7 y.04 301-S00 69 1.98 1 0.40 II 3.49 6 0.89 501+- 84 2.4( I 0.40 3 0.9.5 2 0.30 riot KnowD 169 4.8.5 lSI 23.48

- _.... ------.... --_._ ..------._------...... Tot.1 3,486 100.00 lOO.OO 315 100.00 613 10••••

-..._----___ ------""----_._--...._...._,.._------~----.,;._------

It may be Doted that a. the density range increase in the density range. the number of villages increases till it attains a maximum raIlBe of 50-100 faJJing under each tends to decrease. Thus majority pehons per sq. km., the number of vilJages arc found oflbe villages in the district have the density of to be steadly increasing and thereafter "'ith the pOpulation bet", cen 51-100 persons per sq. km. 4

Ity Density

----.. -__._....,_,_ ...... ---.--.-...... ------..... ------

ICDndagson Tahsil Bijaput Tahsil Dantewara Tahsil JasdaJpur Tahsil Kont. Tabsil r---.A.-~ r---.A--~ ,...--.,)t...--~ r---"---'"'"\ ,-_---Aw...-_""-\

Total No. Percen.. Total No. Percon.- Total No, Percell- Total No. p"rcen- Total NJ. Percell- Iti'lJc 0 of villages tqo of yill'geg tage of villages tage of villages lage or villaaos tap ot demit in each in each In each in each in each (Per sq. range T.nge raDge rllage raqe bu., ______-..a-______.._.. .,__..--______._..______

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 11 19 1 ------_....------___ ...._._..------..__,__

4 0.76 71 12.33 .. S 0.85 6 1.88 Less Chall~JO 41 7.92 90 IS .63 I 0.43 4 0.68 32 10.00 11- 20 nr 22.83 181 31.42 44 J9.13 50 IL47 132 41.25 21- SO 198 37.36 ttl 1'.27 128 55.65 169 28.64 101 33.44 n .. l00 US 27.36 44 7.64 44 HI. 13 239 40.'1 24 7.50 101.200 ]I 2.08 8 1. 39 '2 0.87 85 14.4l 8 2.50 201-300 5 0.94 4 0.6'9 2 0.81 34 5.16 6 1.81 301-500 4 0.7' 67 11.63 1 0.44 4 0.68 1 0.61 501+ S 3.48 3 0.94 NotKnoWD

--- --.. ------.------.,.._.----- 530 JOO,OO 576 100.00 230 100.00 590 100.00 nO 100.00 Total

---_ ...... ----_------__.~---- .... ------_.------_--_

It follows that the larger the number of villages in to other tahsil as the largest number of villages in lower density range, greater is th(land area available these tahsils lie in the density raDge 100-200 persons per persoD. It is JagdaJpur aed Kanker tahsils which per sq. km. are relativeJy more densely populated as compared xxx

TIle following table givos the proportion of Scheduled Castes population to total population ill the vilbges.


Proportion of Seheduled ClJ'!ltet Pop ulatioD

-----.--.------~ ------Percentaae BASTAR, DISTRICT Bllanupratappur Tahsil Kanker Tahsil Narayanpur Tahsil range of I -"-~~ ,-_...A...---~ r----..A----~ r----.A.,~---.,. Scheduled No. of Percen~ No. of Percen- No. of P-CJ;Cen- No of Pen:"D~ Casles viHqes tage vlnages tage villages t88~ vU)ages talC population to in each in each in each in each total pOpulation raDBc rll.Il8C range range ------_ 1 2 4 s 6 7 s 9 ------.. ------Nil 1.756 ~O. 'J7 72 28.57 56, 17.78 456 67.76

0-5 921 26.42 104 41. 27 172 54.6G 124 18.43

6-10 361 10.36 42 16.67 49 15.60 40 ,.94

11-15 194 5.56 22 8.73 14 4.44 29 4.31

16-20 1/)4 2.9g 6 2.38' 6 1.'0 13 1.93

21-30 94 2.70 5 1. 98 5 1. 59 7 1.401

31 and obovc 56 1.61 1 0.40 13 4.13 4 0.59 -----...... ------..------.---.. ~------Total 3,486 100.00 2S;Z 100.00 '31' 100.00 673 100.00 - _-__..,,------_------.. ------.. _

Table 5.1 The percentage of scheduled castes population DistribBtion of Scheduled Ca.tes population in "mag_ to total rural population of the district works out to by population range Bastar district S.33 as against the State average of 14.52 per cent. Population No. or Tot-al Rural Scheduled %ors.c. About SO per cent of the villages in the dis-trict do l'llDse villa,ea p(»))uJatioD Cutes I. total not have in them any SCheduled Castes population. It population rlU.) popuJ.tJ_ i3 however. interesting to not~ that as the percentage ------_.- ...... ------range of Scheduled Castes population increases.' , I 2 3 4 there is a g.radual decline in the number of villages ------_ .. _------L('ss than 200 1,128 118,450 2.271 1. 92 falling under each. 200-499 l,21S 403.103 16,795 4.17 SOO-999 7S0 527,541 30,151 5.72 As the villages groW' in size the Scheduled Castes 1000-1,999 303 412 ,241 25,952 6.30 population increase. more or less proportionately as 2,000-4,999 82 211,822 13.741 6.49 would be evident from the rollowing fiiures. 5.000-9,999 1 45,251 2,131 4.71 10.000+ 1 12,740 1, 168 9.17

------Total 3.486 92,209 5.3-3 -.. ______1.731,141 - _ .. rI_, ______._,.. xlIXi

to total population in the villages

------..--~------~-- ._------KondagBon Tahsil Bijapur Tahsil Dantewara Tabail Jagdalpur TabsiJ Itoata Talasi 1 Pcrceutap r--.A.--.~ ,-----___..,__--~ ,....--..A.---~ ,-----.Ao-~ r--'1-..A..----...... , '811"., No. of Percent- No. of Percent- No. of Percent- No. of Percent- No. or Pcrcent- Scltecfulod village age village ase village age village ago village age CUtes" in each in each in each in each in each papulation to range raoge ranle range raoge total populat ion ------...... 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 Ht I

---.__------~------.....------272 51. 32 430 74.65 128 55.6.5 128 21.69 214 66.87 Nil

] 63 30.76 69 11.98 71 30.S7 137 23.22 81 2S.31 O-S

SO 9.43 29 5 03 14 6.09 121 20.51 16 5.00 6·10

23 4.34 11 1.91 S 2.17 86 14.58 4 1.25 H-IS

U Z.08 11 1.91 S 2.17 52 .8 L 16-20

6 1.13 16 2.78 4 1. 74 48 8.14 3 0.'4 21-30

s- 0.94 10 1. "4 3 1.31 18 3.05 2 O. n 31 lIDCIabove ------530 JOO.OO 576 loo.ao 230 100.00 5'0 100·00 310 100. Oct Total ------~-

The numbor of villaBes which do not have any Castes population in Konta tahsil is the lowest of &heduled Caste. population is relatively hiah iD 2.36 per gent and higbest 0(9.46 per cent in Jagdal­ Bij.a.pur tahsil. The concentration of Schedulctd pur tabsil. ltuii

The foHowilg table gives the proportion of Scheduled Tribes population to total population in the villages.


Proportion of Scbeduled Tribes Population _._------_...------BASrA'R DISTRICT BhanlJpratappur Tahsil Kanker Tahsil Narayanpur Tahsil r---.A. , r---.A----, r---.A.-.--. ~_.A-__ -. Percentage Range No. of Percen· No. of Pereen. No. 01 percen- No. of PerCOD- S~bcduled Tribes villages tace viJIages taec vii Jagc. tale ViIJapl tale population to in each in each in eacb in each range raD,., -----_---total population ------_._.,,_-----lanse ------range ;\ 4 S ------_---1 2 ----_----_------6 7 ------8 9 '!IIH 12 0.34 0.32 6 0.89

0-5 14 0.40 1 0.32 4 0.,9

6-15 46 1. 32 1 0.40 1 0.32 24 3.57

16-25 Ci4 1.84 3 1.19 11 3.49 16 2.38

26-35 84 2.41 2 0.79 22 6.98 13 1.93

36-50 188 5.39 14 S.S6 48 15.24 15 2.23

51 and above 3,018 88.30 232 92.06 231 ------73.33 '95 88.41 Total 3.486 100.00 2S~ 100.00 315 100.00 673 100.00 --~-- -_.. _------_... _------._------

The percentage of scheduled tribes living in Table 6.1 Distribution or Scbeduled Tribes in 'fUlages by villages to total rural population of the district popalation range, Baltar, district works out to 71.17 per cent as against the State ------.------average or 27.78 per cent. There are only 12 viJJai~a Range of No of Total rural Scheduled % of ST to in the district which do not have any scheduled Population villaae population tribes total population Population tribes population in them, A dirferent pattern is ------1 4 visibJe in regard to the distribution of scheduled ---....__------2 3 tnbes population in villages than what was observed Less than 200 1,128 118,450 106,124 89.59 in the case of scheduled caStes. There is a steady 200-499 1,21 S 403,103 323,684 80,30 increase in the number of villa$es with the increase 500-999 750 527,541 372,202 70.55 in the percentage range. This however su,ge.ts that 1.000-1.999 303 412.241 275,271 66.77 the concentration of sched uled tribes populat ion i. 2.000"'4.999 82 212,822 124,717 58.88 5,000-9.999 7 45,251 26.802 59.23 mainly in smaller villages as would be evident from 10,000 1 12,740 3.238 25.42 the following figures. + ------_._------....------Total -_._------3,486 1,731,148 1,232.038 71,17 xuiii


to total popalatloD In tile yillages ---.._,----...... ------1C0ndapIJD Tabsil Bijapur Tahsil DaatcW'1ra Tahsil Ito:ua Tahsil Perc.nt.p r---.A.. __.","" r----A.----, r----"- '-"\ r---.A.--.....-.., r----.A.-~ I'&IIp or No of percent- No. of Percent- No. of PercDt- No, of Pen:ent- No. of Percent- S.T. viliaFS village age vilases age Yinagel village age populatIon AG each in each in .:ach in each in each to total range ranp rango range ranF ------• -----_._------population 10 11 J2 13 14 16 17 IB 19 I ------_._.. ------1 0.19 2 0.35 2 0.34 Nil

1 0.19 0.69 2 2.87 1 0.17 I 0.31 0-.5 " • 7 1.32 6 1.04 1 0.44 .5 0.85 I 0.31 6-15

8 1. S 1 8 1. 39 8 3.48 7 1.18 3 0.94 16-25 7 t.32 8 1.39 7 3.04 21 3.56 " 1. 25 26-35 28 '5.28 13 2.2& 7 3.04 59 10.00 4 1.2j 36-50

478 90.19 535 92.S3 20S 89.13 495 83,90 307 95.94 51 aa4 abov. ------.------2)0 100.00 590 100.00 320 100.00 Total ---530 100.00 576 --100.00------... -- Tbe folJowiDI table live. tbo proportion of Scbeduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population in tOWDS.


ProportiOil of Scheduled Cutes/SclMdaled Tribea Popalatie. ia TowDs ------_ Total Total Percent... of Percent ale of Nam.oftlle Total Scheduled Scheduled Schedllled C.ltel -Schedllied Tribe Town Population Calt•• Tribel population to total population to PopuIatioD Population population total populatioll

------I 2 3 4 5 . , ------...... ------_------Jqdalpur 63 ,632 5.441 7.691 8.5.5 12.09 !tanter 12,085 871 2,486 5.77 H.48 IClranduJ 15,710 972 2,802 6.19 17.83 _..------._------lCondapoD 17,279 1,683 4,180 9.74 24.19 All Tow.. lU.706 17 ,IS, 8.01 15.36 - __,------8.'" - The Scheduled Castes population in towns are opportunities. It may be noticed that the proportion generally enaaged in their traditjonal jobs but the of scheduled tribes population is also rrelat.ivety relatively high proportion or them in Kondgaon, large in Kondagaon, l.{irandul and Kanker towns Jagdalpur towns seems to be due to job which again may be attributed to the jobs available TABLE

Literacy ote by po,uJ.tiOD ------_"'__ ...... ------_..__- __._,..._------

Butar District Bhanupratappnr TahsiJ Kanker Tabsi I Narayanpur TahsiJ Range or ,----..A...:.---, r---~--~ r---A ---, r---..A..----. Population No. of P'erceo- No. of Perceo- No. of Percen- No. of Percen- villages t!lgc villages calC' villl'ljes tage village. raee in each in each ·in each in each range raoac raole rallJC

_... _------_ ... _----.__.. 2 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 9 ------

Less than 200 I, t 28 4.'26 14 8.37 29 8.32 386 S.1I 200-499 1,215 8.63 126 14.60 102 IS.74 203 11.29 500-1,999 1,053 11.84 49 18.86 182 23.93 72 23.58 2,000-4,999 82 17.41 3 41.29 1 11.97 11 40.35 5,OOO-eJ,999 7 20.90 1 40.06 1 42.28 10.000+ 1 45.31 ..

------... ------_----- Total 3,486 17.', 315 :U.IO 673 1'.87 ---...:------It tPay be noticed that higber the range of average of 21 .22 which indicates that the district has population, higher is the literacy rate in villa,el. been lagging far behind in the field of literacy in lt follows that as the villages grow in size, the i rural areas. One or the imrortant factor for this low literecy rate is found to be increasing. This is ~ literacy rate is)he lack of awarenC:Is!amoug the rural obviously because of the availability of educational parents and particularly am"'ng scheduled tribes to faCilities in bigger villages. The number of big send their children to schools_ viUages is however small. Literacy rate is found to be lowest (S.10 per The literacy rate in rural areu of the district cent) in Konta tahsil which being IpredoJllinan~. works out to 1J .74 per c:ent as aaainst the State rural and inhabited by as bigh as 85.62 per cen(of xxxv

for them but these towns do not conform to the rural The folfowiDJ til"le liye. tbe literacy rat. by traditional pattern of preponderance or tribal popuJation I'ansea 01 viJ)aaes. population.


raDle oC"illages ------_------,.._.--

Kondalaall Tahsil BUapor Tabstl Dantcwar4 Tahsil Jagdalpuf TabsiJ ICoata Tahsil r---...A..--~ ,-__A ---'"""'\ r---...... -.-~ r---""'-~ r----.,JI..--~ No. of Perccn- No. of Pereen- No. of Pereen... No. of Percea- No. of Poteen- Range of

villages tage viIJages laKe villages tage villages tage village tago PopulatioD In each in each iq. each in. each iDeaeh rup rRap range range ...up ----_---_.------10 . 11. 12 13 :(4 IS :(6 17 18 1 ------_-

114 4.34 328 2 70 26 3.85 90 3.94 81 0.98 Le.s thlln-2(J0

:113 6.87 177 6.25 83 3.58 186 6.90 125 2.67 200-499 188 10.74 67 9.24 J09 4.44 279 1.83 107 4.48 500-1,999

13 17. S8 4 25.20 11 14.39 32 6 • .54 7 1'.80 2,000-4,999

2 11.04 3 10.72 ',000-',999 45.31 10,000+ .. - ~ 1 ---_... ------_------530 10.26 576 %30 8.87 s,. 7.49 310 5.10 'fotal ------tribal population. Even in the highly urbanised' TABLE 9 tahsil of JasdaJpur the position is not better. It is Literacy }lJtes for Towns 13.59 per cent wbich a,ain is far behind tbe corres­ ------ponding State average of 21.22 per cent. Name Literacy Rankine of Town Rate r----..A.-- -_" Size or LilerllC.Y Literacy is generally associated with urbanisation. population rate It is not howe'Yer true in the case of town. in this district. Urban centres with relatively small 1 2 3 4 population have bisher literacy rate as would be , ------.I~ t evident from tbe ranklog of population size of the JagdaJpur '6.17 1 2 towns aDd literacy rate in towns shown in the Kanker S8.44 4 1 following table:- K.iranoul 49.76 3 3 Konda,8oD 19.97 2 4

------_------All TowDs 53.13 ------.------~ "xxvi

The following tabel givc:s tbe literates, workers. non-workers scheduled castes/scheduled tri bes. TABLE

Literates, Workers, Non-Workers, SCbeduled Cutes

------_... _---- PERCEN --~----- S.C. S.T. Total I Total PoplIla.ion Population Population Literates to total Population Name or the Rurarl r-----..A.---~ to total (0 total r------.A._---~ District ITahsil Urban. Persons Males PemBles poplllBtion population P M F ------4 5 6 7 8 9 10 --_.------_._------...,....1 2 3 Bsstar District T 1.843,854 920,321 922,533 5.4' 67.79 14.25 21.21 7.30 R 1,731.148 861,848 869.301 5.33 71.17 _ 11 74 18.36 5.17 U 111,706 58.473 53.233 8·03 15.36 53.:13 63.17 41.10

1 Bhl!nopratappur T 93,707. 46,ftJS 46,889 5.68 70.65 17.99 28.43 7.56 Tahsil R 93,707 46.818 46,889 5.68 70.65 17.99 28.43 7.56 U ..

2 Kanker Tahsil T 219.356 107,635 111,721 4.75 57.H 25.53 39.01 12.55 R 204,271 _99~'62 104.509 4.68 60.5.5 23.10 36.49 10. JZ U 15,085 7.873 7,212 5.77 16.48 58.44 70.91 44.83

3 Narayanpur Tahsil T 197,Q7·1 100 ,004 97.070 3.08 56.67 19.87 28.14 11.36 R 197,074 100,004 97,070 3.08 56.67 19.87 28.14 11.36 U

4 Kondagaon Tahsil T 313,383 157,014 156,371 4.34 70.12 11.90 19.00 4.77 R 296,106 148.245 147,861 4.02 72.80 10.26 t 7.15 3.36 U 17,279 8,769 8,510 9.74 24.19 39.97 5.,.23 29.39

5 Bijapur Tahsil T 153,638 77,061 76.577 5.03 80.74 7.90 12.68 3.09 R 153.638 77,061 76,577 5.03 80.74 7.90 12 .68 3.09 V ..

6 Dan lewara Tahsil T 194,895 97,026 97,869 3.40 71. 86 12.16 17.00 7.36 R 179,185 88,756 90.429 3.15 76.59 8.87 12.!H 4.89 U 15,710 8.270 7."40 6.19 17.84 49.76 60.91 37.38

7 Jagdalpur Tabsil T 509,010 254,S59 254, lSI 9.35 63.41 13.59 19.34 7.82 R 445,378 221. 298 224,080 9.46 70.7' 7.49 12.37 2.67 Tr... 63.632 33,561 30,071 8.55 12.09 56.28 65 29 46.21

8 Kont. Tahsil T 161.789 79,904 81,885 2.36 85.62 5.10 7.97 Z.30 R 161,789 79.904 81,885 2.36 85.62 5.10 7.97 2.30 U .. ------"...... ------.------Scheduled Tribes Population iu the Distriet --'1'1------.------TAGB MaID wor\.ell to Marlinal workers to Total workers to NOIl-wGl'ken co lotal population lotal po})uIatit"D total populatiOD tolal popatatioD (~ ____--A ______~, r-----A----"'" r------'----~ r-----..A. - -~ p M F P M F P M F P M F ._--_------_... _------_------_._--- It 12 14 IS 16 Ii 18 19 20 21 22 -----~------_._------_.__ ------44.11 60.55 27.67 7.63 0.94 14.30 51.74 6 •. 53 41.'1 48.26 3a.47 51.03 44·" 61.31 28.63 8.08 0." 15.11 Sl.98 6J.29 43.75 47.01 37.71 56.15 31.84 49.91 11.99 0.71 o 38 1.06 32.55 50.30 13.05 67.45 49.70 86.9S

50.83 62.03 39.65 6.30 0.50 12.10 57.14 62 • .54 51.75 42.16 37.46 48.25 50 .. 83 62.03 39.6S 6.~0 0.50 12.10 57.14 62.54 51. 75 42.86 37.46 48.25

52.05 58.39 45.93 4.39 0:70 7.'4 56.44 59.10 S3.87 43.56 4().90 46.13 53.60 59.43 48.04 4.68- 0·74 8 43 S~.28 60·17 55:47 41.72 39.83 43.H 31.00 4'.31 !S.U o 52 0.20 0.87 31.53 4;.51 16.26 68.47 54.49 83. 74

39·95 58.82 20.50 9.31 1.95 16.90 49.26 60.77 37.40 50.14 39.23 62. .60 39.95 58.82 20.50 9.31 1.95.. 16.90 49.26 60.71 37.40 50.74 39.23 62.60

41.80 59.5$ 23.98 7.57 0.69 l4.47 49.37 60.24 38. ~S SO.63 39.76 61. S5 42.32. 59.99 24.60 7.89 0.68 15. 12 50.11 60.67 39.72 49.79 39.33 60 28 32.96 52.16 H.ts 1.96 0.76 3.20 34.93 52'93 16.38 65.07 47.07 83.62

47.44 63.09 31.58 7.15 0.86 13.68 54.(4) 61.9S 45.36 4'.31 36.0~ 47.44 63.09 31.68 7.,Z5 0.86 (l.6S.. 54.69 63.95 4S·36 45.31 36.05

43.43 61.28 25.74 8.54 0.69 16 32 51.97 6t.97 42.06 48.03 38.03 57.U 44.31 62.20 26.76 9.19 0.66 17.55 53.50 62.86 44.31 46.50 37.14 5'.69 32.4\ 51. 45 13." l. 19 0.99 1. 41 34.60 52.44 14.16 65.40 47.56 85 24

40.69 60.62 20 71 7.56 0." 14.28 48.25 61. 47 34.9' 51.75 38.53 63.01 42.03 62.23 22.08 8 59 0.95 16.14 50.62 63 17 38.22 49.38 36.S3 61.78 31. :J4 50.03 10.50 Q.29 0.18 o 41 31.61 50.20 10.9 ( 68 37 49.RJ 89.09

47.39 63.54 31.63 10.39 1. 49 19·07 57 78 65.03 50.70 42.12 34·97 49.30 47.39 63.54 31.63 10.39 1.49 19.07 S7.78 65.03 S'l 70 42.22 34.91 49.30

------_------The population of the districts is 1,842,854 State average of 941. Bastar is One of the districts which is :1 .• 53 per cent of the total population of thr. in the state which is characterise:! with sex-ratio State. The district occupies fifth rank higher than the State average in eacb CensuS from dmong tlle 45 districts in the State. Jagdalpur IS 1901 to 1981. But it has to be noted tbat the sex­ the most populous tahsil in the district witb 27.62 ratio was found to be dividing from Census to Census p:r ceLt of the population living in it. while From the adverse position of 997 in 1971 it has Bhanupratappur is the least populous tahsil and is again become favourable to females in 1981. That entirely rural. is to say that females outnumber malCls in 1981. The State as a whole has adverse sex-ratio right from Sex-ratio: 1901-1981. The sex-ratio i. e. the n limber of males per I, ooa The following table gives comparative pictur. fe .. al.:s works out to ) O·!2 which is bigher than the of sex-ratio in the State and district since 1901.

Tabre 10.1

Sex-Ratio in state and Bastar district 1~Ol-1981

-_ .... _------;------: ... _------,.. .--._-----_--. C~nsus Sex-ratio (No of Fernal per 1000 males) year r------..A-______----~ Madhya Pradesh Bastar District r------A------~ r--~---.A..------__.. 1'ota) RUJa) Urbao Total Rural Urban --_._------I 2 3 4 S 6 7 ------..------19U1 990 99S 937 978 978 996 1911 986 9!H 913 994 994

1921 974 982 878 989 988 1.144

193J 973 983 872 1,000 1,000 1,006-

1941 970 980 882 1,006 1,005 1,013

1951 967 975 907 995 995

1961 953 970 856 1,005 1,007 903

1971 941 956 868 997 1,003 946 1981 941 9Sri 884 1,002 1,009 910 ------_.------

Similar position exists in regard to sex-ratio is Urban areas are generally characterised with rural and urban areas. In the earlier decades the low sex-ratio. This is due to the fact that menfolk dividing sex-ratio figures may perhaps be due to generally leave behind their families at their original under enunmeration of population most probably of l'llace of abode and move alone to urban areas to fema1lls in remote and inaceessible areaS which earn their livelihood. Of late the· paucity of nli.;ht hav.e led to this situation. It is after 1961 residential accomodation in urban areas has further accentuated this situati"n. tbereby creating the Census tbe inaccessible areas like Abhujhmaf Where position still worse. It is due to tbe fact that efforts were made to ensure complete enumerations, sex-ratio in urban areas of tbe district has the position reflected is somewhat realistic, deteriorated in 1981 as compared to that of 197 I. xxxix

Scheduled Castes Sdleduled Tribes : to 14.25 per cent in 1981 but it il Car behind as compared to the corresponding State a"cragc. or Scheduled Castes constiute 5.49 per cent of the 21.24 per'cent and 27~B7 pet-cerit-respectively. Male total population of the di.trict wheras Scheduled literacy has moved up from 15.17 per cent in 1971 to . Tribes are 67.79 per cent. The wrresponding 21.21 por cent in 1981 while the remale literacy has proportion for the State as a whole works out to gone up 4.06 per cent in 1971 to 1.30 'Per cent in 14.1l) f.>rJs~heduled castes and 22.91 per cent Cor 1981. The gap between the male and female literacy scheduled tribes. The proportion or scheduled castes rates is still very wid e. population is relatively more in urban areas as C"ompared to that in rural areas whcreas it is Among the tabails, tbe literaoy rate among both reverse in the case of scheduled tribes. This is due the sexes is found to be highest in Kanker tahsil, to the fact that sched uled castes do their trad itional obvio usly because it enjoys a better position' so jobs and move to urban areas and earn their far 8S the availability of educational fa,cilities is Jivelihood by serving the urban popUlation. concerned because of tbe tahsil headquarters town This is a peculiarity of this State areas having Kanker lying in it. The tribal pr~ponderant tahsil higher concenteration of scheduled tribes population Konta ill Car behind in tho field of literacy. has correspondingly low proportioDohcbedued casteS population and vise-versa. Bastar is a district which Participation rate: is characterise,! with a very bigb proportion oC The definitions or workers main-workers, ached uled tribes :population and a very low proportion marginal workers and non-workers have already been of scheduled .c~lItes population. given at the beginning of this note.

The population of scheduled castes had gone up The participation rate, is the perccntage of from 48,459 in 1971 to 101,176 in 1981 tbereby workers (maio workers and marlinal worken taken showing an abnormal increase of 108.79 per Clent tOlethes) to total population of the district works doring the last 10 years. Tbc high growth rate of out to 51.74 (61.53 per cent ror malrs and 41.97 pOpulation seems to be due hl area restrictions per cent for females) as again.t tbe State averaae having been removed by the Amendment Act of 1976. of42.93 (54.48 per cent for male. and 30.65 per where by a large number of sched lIled castes which per cent for females). This is one of the district. were not scheduled earlier got included in 1981, in the State where female participatian in economic while in the: case: of scheduled tribes the popUlation activities is fairly high, bas lone up from 1,033,950 in 1971 to 1,749,1;}7 in 1981 which shows an increase of only 20.89 per cent. Main workers constitute 44. J I per cent of The amendment act had little effect in the growtb the total population of the district while marginal of population of scheduled tribes. workers are 7.63 per cent. Females from the bulk of marginal workers aqd their percentage being The concentration of Scheduled Castes as high al14.3Jpercent as against 0.94 per cent population rangel between 2.36 per cent in Konta for male•• tahsil to 9.35 per cent in la&dalpur tahsil, while tbat oC scheduled tribes Narayanpur tahsil has the Agricult.ure is the mainstay of tbe population lowe.t with 56.67 per cent and Konta tah.il has as in the district al 88.71 per cent of the total workers 85.62 per cent. are found to be en!alled as cultivators and agricultural labourers. A striking feature of this Llt.racy : district is that as high aa 66.91 per cent of the total female workerl ~arc engaled as cultivators. This is ThoUlh tho di.'rict has made lood stride in the due to fact that paddy, kodon-kutki 'are the fi.ld of literacy as the percenta~e of literates to total important crops grown in tbis distr ict, which I --_" population hal gODe up from 9.63 per cent in 1971 requires large number of workers. xl

l'alJle 10. 2

The following table gives the distributitons or workers by broad ind ll~trial categories.

_------..-----_.. _------District/Tahsil Pcrsous/ Pcr('entnta&C among main workers Male./ ~------_-__ - __ -A-~------~ Females Cultivators Agr. labour Household Other workers industry ------_------_ .. _---__ .. _-_ ~------.r------1 -- --.. -----2 ... ------....-,_,----3 4 ------5 6 BASTAR DISTRICT P 71.tH 17.09 I.SS 9.75 M: 73.77 12.74 J .65 Jl.8.4 F 66.91 26.58 1. 33 S. 18 1. Bhnttpratappur Tahsil P 75.94 15.01 1. 46 7.59 M: 76.91 It AS 1. 74 9.90 F 74.42 20 58 1.00 4.00 2. Kanker Tahsil P 63.43 24.00 1.53 11.04 M 64.89 18.10 1.72 ]5.29 F 61.64 31.21 1.30 j.8S 3. Narayanpur Tabsi 1 P 78.52 10.48' 1.44 9.56 M 79.69 8.26 I, 37 10.68 F 75.06 ]7.03 J. 64 6.27 4. Kondagaon Tahsil P 78.17 13.50 2.67 .5.66 M 80.50 9.87 2.80 6.83 P 72.36 22.55 2.35 2.74 5. Bijapur TabsiJ p 74.82 20.ts o 74 4.29 M 78.36 15.06 0.93 5.65 P 67.71 30.3' 0.36 1.58 6. Dantewara Tabsil P 74.01 10.1.) 0.76 15.10 M 72.98 7.86 0.83 18.33 F 76.45 15.50 0.58 7.47 7. JagdllJpur Tahsil p 62.58 22.71 1.68 J3.03 M 66.52 16.79 1. 68 IS.01 F 51.00 40.07 1.70 7.23 8. Konra Tahsil P 81. 56 10.62 1. 09 6.73 M 82.27 8.54 1 .25 7 94 P 80.16 14.68 0.80 4.36 --,...,------_ .. - ...... _------._-----"'------._.----_-

The participation rate varies from 49.37 per cen tin The district has a vety high proportion of }Condagaon tahsil to 51. 97 per cent _in Dantewara population engaged in agriculture. The percentage of tahsil. Among the two sexes, the higher rate of population engaged in this sector (cultivators and 65.03 fl~r cent in found in K01.ta tahsil and lowest agricultural labourcs) taken together accounts for or 60.24 per cent in Kondagaon tahsil for males 88.70 per cent of the total worker.. Thus the main while the highest of 50.70 per cent is again stay of the population of the district is agriculture. in KOD ta tahsil and lowest of 37.40 per cent in The highest proportion 94.17 pcr cent of suell Narayanpur tahsil for females. workers is found in Bijapur tahsil, wh.iJe tbe lowest proportion or 84.14 per cent is in Dantewara tahsil. MADHYA PRADESH "'''''''''1 111111\ I \ TAHSIL BHANUPRATAPPUR \1' I~~~ )..'~'. DISHleT BASTAR ,.J \ '\ I I 0 I , 11111 ~, IIU~IIIIUI I ~ l/: 1",1.1101 ~ ... 1 I I 0 I , I ,11011'" " I I !' ,., I (J\

'" I J , 1\,,"-1 "" I ( , ,'" '·v'JIIDILIUI. ! I':' I \ I I i 1\ IUlPU! \ O.IHIIIIII\ 0 / ) I i,_I'! '\,.. I, i~ ,I \, _, ~ / \, .I 'oJ / i (, (' 'oJ,,1 , ~ ) \ 1011',: 14 0 14MK.!11 I .. ,!::;:::l=:i, /",,' 41140 4IKILOMETR!I

• z

\ REFERENCE 8QUNDARi, DISlRIC!.,,,,,,,,,,,, .. , .. ,,,,,, '''' .. ,,,,,_,_,_ 'I TAHSIL""" .. " .. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,_,_ r"··, II VILLA&! WITH LOCATION COD! NUMIER""". L.~I! ••J y!ADQUAR1!RS: TAHSIL"" .... ,.. " .. " .. ,,"""" 0 VIILA6ES WIIH POPULATION SIZE: !!LOW 100, ~

lOO.lIlj50o-ttl '100001111""""""""""".,0 I •• STATE HIGHWAY"., ",,,.,,,,,,,,, """,,,. " .. "".--ll- M!lALLED ~DAD ...... "."""",,,.,, .. ,,,,,,,,,,,,._ UNMETALLED ROAD",., ". """" " ... "". ,,, " .. ,,:::: =: = RIVER ~D STREAIot"""" .. """"" .. " .. """,,~ P05T OFFICE I POST ~D TELEGRAPH OFFICE •• " ". 1t/"0 o p HIGHER SECDllDAAY SCHOOL ..... " ...... " .. ,.. " .... 20 N R S· POLICE STAT10N ...... " ...... ,,"""",...... "

PRIMARi HEALIH CENIAE I DlmNSARY .. " .... , • I + N MAlKE! I HAl, MANDI6 ...... "" .. ,," ", ~


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)Dlf SI'JIl'llt Hi ~OT U ml~IU 111~ iOi,\t~~ ml M~iIlJU In II ,": f'~1U 'iji'1~, 1 I rI,. .I. .' .' .' .' " .. MADHYA PRADESH TAHSIL NARAYANPUR DISTRICT BASTAR oGAON , . ,... 1 , ~~ M . A 1II.1II:'" P R A )+ " A N U T ~ P ~ 5 I L P U • ~.,. , ~ ,~~Sl L K~Ii,(~



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UfIIl£IICI ,,; .. 10\MId¥ l'lAU .'111(.1'WIllI. ___ _ ~\ I VLUeE WlTN LOCATION CODE NweC~~~] I ., .....DQIIAIfUl· TAMIL 0 _rl-r .1 VLU.ID wnH POPULAr .. SIZE IILlW 101, . l ..... IDI ...... 'O.. 6I11U...... D YI •••• '/ Ir IIIl111AllnDVILLAll1 I \ ( ~ '.'IIIIIH_ ....!.!!.J._ .., ,-_j METALLED "AD • ( UIiI."ALLID,-, n IIIYEItAIIIITIIIAil ~ 0 '(lIRT uu. ~ "" .'Itl/IIII" NIl rt:LUt"H DfFICI _1m HMR 'UDIOA" nHOOL + NLICE''''1II11 . DI5'IIIIWY + J .... ,,;... .. I .. ,..... ""'_1 IIT_ ,,_ • ...... I. IIA,I.U ... 1,..-,... ' .... _.11'

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o 1

1(.q..1lTt61~ IJtIft ~- ,11ft

------.-~-- .. I11f 151 ;nq ~ ~. 'III ...... ;d1l ~1IiR~ ..A ftn r=" ----, IItMr ~~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------I l 3 4 I 2 3 4 ._------.-.

4 ~ /1 'lTlsrnTq'~ a;~~

III 20 .~ 204 204 21 lfim) 249 2Sl I 81'~m 157 :,6 22 lPrilr~!I'tll' .181 184 2 '~'i!:!l 156 IS7 23 Ifi"~ 165 166 3 ~ 238 237 24 Ifi~~ 224 223 an .lS iti("'TlIT~ 82 82 26 iti(~6j 1.89 189 27 itiUitif 75 75 4 81'J1'Qr." 129 133 28 Ili'{roT ttl 191 5" IIT~ 46 40 29 241 243 6 4' 50. I6'(I"Ilfl[, lIT'""" 30 iti~IfT' 139 H7 7 arr~ 35 34 31. 164 164 lIi..r~-q 6 ~ omj,"'''~ 32 itiCil'q'{ S 1 33 iti~qf" 8 8 34 !fiJifTq'T~ 41 4% ., ~11rtlf 40 41' 35 fl!iliT"t'r 169 169 1(' '~Tq1" 207 207 36 ~n' In 171 37 t'(f 232 2'u 38 I'fl:I'4i~~Q 184 133 39 !1I'Tq'TifT 168 165 77 76 11 ;;rf!fiTi't~ 40 iR~T IS!) 160 12 :j~" 218 222 41 !f.T4ii-.: 146 146 13 142 142 :rcrr"'T~ 42 'li'rfr'(~"" 36 31 14 ~m"!fi1 247 247 43 1Ii)i,(i 81 81 44 ;r;'t~q1" 127 121 4~ .-)!{mlifT 111 HI 46 ;r;T;:.-qGl' 63 67 S ~ 50 52 .. 47 lIiR 100 16 If

51 .~ 177 178 lfIfIo;ft !fi€~ 112 114 52 lill'6'lfj

"ui""Tiu1, 1"P'1 ~ 'J..a ------..._---- lIPI lIN.., ;:rill II1f ""' IIIil ;nil ~""'"~ ~-1fIIiN ... A u.r _. "-' r==' , ~ 1!J71 1981 197J J981 ------_- --- I 2 , 4 1 2 3 4 ------_.---~--.----.._--- 4 5/1 miSl m-1f2;~ t'I'W~~

136 80 iitawr 53 'tetrtcr 136 48 46 54 .,Ilfcr 91 88 81 o;;ftilqr 188 187 55 ~~q (:f!'WI0I"'I') 102 100 174 173 '6 ..)~, 82 f"';:~IJf" 2_ 21

126 51 . tf'{U 12S 78 58 ~'ilt~ 79 83 \jf;f~ 168 1S9 34 2& 59 ~ 84 'il0'I'jf( J7S 175 60 71 70 ~ilf 85 "~lOllfim 2IZ 212 61 ~1{.l 59 S9 86 ISFI,~-m 6S 64- 62 101 99 87 'ilTtlTlft,r J45 145 63 ,,{If"it"'f'~ 90 91 88 i'iIl~. 203 203 64 42 4S ,,""'" ~ 89 iiIl'f'n'tt 226 229 (is IIT~!{~ 76 77 90 -It 108 10, ,,:Pi~ 19 19 60 91 ,,\iliffi{') 144 143 92 ~\T 143 144

67 srTf!ll'T ISO l5'1 68 18 18 ")~iI11"'" 93 .1'~Yqf~t 37 !5 171 ]74 69 'lit?:T 94 {m"" ~)I;n 14 14 70 - 186 186 ~)'T

71 194 194 .... i1orT 96 ;?lfil~;t 20S 206 72 78 79 'Ifl':a'\""" 97 €,~~qr 199 200 73 'ilTWcr 235 235 74 '1fT 1(""" • 118 Il9 75 A!i'qr')- 98 95 76 f'il'fll'flf 211 214 98 ~fl{.'f 64 62 77 f ...... 'f'{' 166 168 99 wTtT"{T 56 S5 78 ~l 231 230 100 _.. q'{lfire 223 221 19 f~) 44 43 1-01 lf 24 22 t ' 3

Elui'5liq~~l~ cnql fIi' ,Iif) ------." V11'I !fit iIJ1I ~ lIilt' iI''fl IIIiII' ani !fit i'IT'I' m;fl'l( iIil. ~ A pq, r- '""""""'l Drr ,.----J----.. 1971 1981 1971 1981 _------I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 ------~ _._----- _.___,._

45/1 ~>rnT'19:t ~

127 ;:rEfflTTIt' 102 iflt~;r;e~ZT 217 224 51 51 128 103 iP"n:lft'f 234 234 itTtJ1P= 2 4 107 129 "Tn:r~ 182 182 104 lf~1tiT ~~ 106 130 fif~tt'tifIiiT 246 245 131 f.rrr.Wt~11 1()7 IQ6 132 ;{~lITiI 4 3 9 11 lOS tf~T 133 if~"f'l' 80 80 23 23 106 tf~'" 134 ;fcm:Ii~ 113 115 ;:{~r~ 1lI'~1l' 3 7 107 135 ;fem:r 121 121 108 a-q~iT 251 248 109 i;!;qlJ.~if 242 240 110 i;!;~q 195 195 III i;!;'f">:1~Q:) 153 153 136 q'Fprr 95 97 112 i;!;Jf~Tl!~ 72 72 137 q-~m<'!" 134 JH 113 6'iI'nl'T 243 242 138 lJC"t]'I<'!" 48 48 139 q;:6'l:Ttn :t') 158 154 140 q~.q," 60 60 141 'n:lI"T };5 175 114 !{lfllfi"m 22 25 142 q"(TiI') 93 87 115 c{l;~ 99 101 143 1J~·l!ir .. t 12 13 116 ;:T.I!i!"~' 210 Z09 144 qfil'~T~ 83 13 117 fl(~HfTt" 140 J40 145 If,~,ti" 117 113 118 ~rfl!i);:c{", 138 139 J 4 6 qf~~) 192 193 119 135 135 147 IfTiI'.ft B7 89 120 C{~'"'~ IliT~~ 96 96 148 Iflil'r'!.<: 137 138 149 fq,.~ l!ie~er 209 210 ISO fq

125 "f~f"if1~ 222 2]9 126 rr'tzT eTOlt 116 90 H7 ~«

f{ui.qlF"~ .nql qi) ~;j)

__ ------~ ifi)w i(~ IJi1I 1Ji~ IITIr IIi1 iJllI "'If" iJ,q ~~fPIR b:n r=- -" '\ aMT t --"- 1971 1981 U71 1981'"'"""' ------1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 I ------_------~------

4 511 '1r~r:Il~ ~«l;:;r

189 ,.j~~;S') 198 198 190 ~~r"'~l~ 197 197 ~)o:f'f 246 246 15'8 191 "Ul"'~H: 221 218 220 220 159 II(lfT~T~ 192 'llf;:.lfl 216 211 160 iiI

178 ~t~f.g.lff ~8 58 ]79 'I1'i'(~~1 213 213 209 ~l!.ofT I 1 180 m;:sraJI£l~ 180 180 210 '{T~'{in~fl 47 47 lSI 'I1T~lrrfCf 152 152 211 ~t~;rJ~) 239 236 182 'I1T~fi'Tj[') 16 15 21.2 ,{J;rCfIq:T 183 181 lR3 "!ur 179 179 213 'l~ln'T-ry 170 170 184 ,,!1:~ 74 73 1&5 'F~m<:fi~ 25 24 186 "1~'fir 133 131 187 ..r:orr 173 172 214 ~,a-~'f;"'i 109 109 188 ~;;{Cf,qt;h fi7 63 215 ~)~, 32 33 s

q~"~,,,~ Vl'if ifi) ~;it ------1M VIII IJT If(ll f'lAbr ~lw 'l5W1 .. ImI 111' ;:rfll ~m;p:n A _,. Po r- • -, a'Mr t -, 1971 1981 1971 1981 -----: ------I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 ------... _--- .. ----_.. ----

4S/1 'ifr:!sr~(~ ~~rlW

232 ",t'i'qf" 230 22' 233 U~~ 228 226 216 ~~"''" 116 112 234 m;rq'T"I' 88 94 217 ~1: 13 12 235 m.rr~ 31 36 236 a);f2f;;j[H 154 155

218 "'TiI!f;~~ 163 163 237 ~'ii", 97 98 238 ~~J 176 177 239 ~;J2;il' 229 225 219 a~"'r S5 49 24D iI'fT~Ifi);q:", 219 217 220 aFIffl

45/2 Ofit~ ff~Q't~

3 i'I'>L"ilt J68 167 4 iIf~T 119 118 '-'1' '!,l{T'l 216 216 5 ilflli'f2;"( 272 212 6 ilflf~' 2'8 258 7 81~l<; 87 as 8 ilfq'{I"fTa' 117 115 2 oT\iI;J) US 195 9 ~if,) 29 25 6

.qj"~ID~ aNl 'Ii) ~

..... ------.----

,,~ In1J 151 ;rpf fIIIFfhr !lin if... 'PI ~f'I Iil ijfq ~1Ii'I'.;pn ~ j Rqr r- -" --, r ~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 _------1 2 3· 4 2 3 4 --~.------

4S/'2 ~~ mr~1vr

34 ~Tm~ 47 50

15 'l~I'll; 172 176 43 ~otl,u~ 304 304 44 ;j~

~!fi~l~tn~ '11,,1151 fJliIl ------.------111" !iii iffll ",,6f .,.~ VT1f IIiJ Iffll fllllit)~ Itlt. liAR "'" _,. ~I r-----"-----. - ~ 1971 1981 - 1971 t981'""""" ------I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------

45/2 ar;f~~

95 'Ift"tl 211 211 96 'ifCl'llr 212 212 .AI 280 283 69 IifOI'QCA 97 "'T"t~ri5r 253 254 241 243 98 70 .~'"~ ';;IH"'m 18 20 160 71 .~lft 159 99 "I'r1:r", 22 17 72 72 7Z IIiI'~T JOO "'rCl'~) 65 C;5 307 73 '1IqJHr 307 JOI f~l;1 95 95 62 62 74 102 f'"l

287 76 tT~~~~1f 288 174 77 ~flf'iAT') 173 105 f""1"'''''''') 12 111 i3[rrIlT1f') gt; tT)~8if 186 185 213 214 112 \i[CR:1 '18 78 87 fT)Iif~~~ 71 71 88 tTW... rt:~"( 163 163 89 1I)1:fT'ar 106 lOS 113 IRflifllPI:r"t'l 262 262 114 I!;;r""ff~ 305 305

90 "'i)-IfAT~ 282 280 91 'Iif)f.5ln 145 141 115 i!{i;firtfl"(t 85 87 116 fa;;l:Ttfr "(t 81 84 117 i!i.<:Tilr, 167 168

92 "IiJ;~

.Qj'lli~"'~ ~1 $t ~.n

___ a ______.. ______.... __

-~------Ipt VT1f !fit 'IPI fIIA~ m II~ .. alII IIrJ ""'11 ~.w ...... A On' w.n r- ~ f .. " 1971 1~81 1971 1981"""""' ------1 :z 3 4 I 2 3 4



145 Ifi;:rr (;n~) 123 121 146 ?l:'R:lil'r 1 120 ~i""nifT 277 277 147 ~1T~;:r 23 23 121 ~~,{IiT't 300 300 ]48 If~tf&i{ 17 21 251 149 l{ 69 6~ 125 142 ~~~' 125 168 iit~T 213 223 169 ;rt~"T~T 162 157 170 i'fT':T 103 101 171 r;:rQrri'l(~r" 311 310 143 III'RTifT~ 222 2~1 q

H4 'lii'l'l 254 252 171 1li\1II 194 194 9

flVifi'lT§flT,{ VT'lllfi) ~i

------.------~------II1q lQ;nq ""Iillf .... IIIRn !ijIf VI'!' I(if ifill mil)tf ~. lI'ani "" ".,. fin, ,----..A---.:..., ,. ~ 1971 1981 "" 1971 1981 ------2 3 4 I 2 3 4 ------

45/2 ifitif;~ a~

173 llTl:iqJ;il 1.5 13 2116 ifl~ it(ll'f 91 9J 174 q'~qt;ft 165 166 207 iI,i{~ 246 241 175 qn'Ar-il' 220 219 208 ilT~lTtt ,19 22 176 q1{'l:Y 176 173 209 imriR~ 317 317 177 ~;fm 245 247 210 il'n:r;r1f,~ 74 74 49 I7!J qi;1{~ 48 211 il'fF.'rn'l: 309 301)· 179 !it&'T;riflf" 8 8 212 fOl1:if2;, 231 228 49 48 ]80 ,"~T 213 fil{lCfT 28' 289 181 q~crr 92 92 214 'Ii"" 26' 264 108 107 182 qf.miil' 215 iI' fa-lfr<:lJT-a. 13!1 146 139 .. 183 Ift&m~ 137 216 i

181 ~~r~r 191 190 188 ~~nm: 134 134 189 ~liI';~ 188 189 219 'IIlJ~. 2S() 2S0 190 ~ 107 108 220 'I<:i"mn 4 6 191 ~rcr;r 271 271 221 'Ilil1U 83 83 192 ~ 115 117 222 f1r~JifI~) J69 Ui9 223 f'fl'~"t

204 il'Tlfm'l: 102 103 234 q;ifT~ 5 4 20, .tIfT, 207 205 235 q;ritw<:') 174 111 10

Cfqj'lli'l11~',( V1'Il !fit tt:cU


1111 VI" Ifil ;:nil ~ Q;r'IR IR " .. liT ;j11l ~...w'Pfl __,. hIrr ,,", F '-" t -'--.._, 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------_.__ -._--- I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 ------


44 44 271 ~iHf:;r 236 '!'If1'l'1 39 38 41 41 27.Z ~~~ 237 """ ~m 58 60 124 273 IJ)~ 2J8 1'[,1tit i\"\I1't (q;iJ'IR) 124 153 152 239 1I<:iIi' ~m (51'1'('1"") 208 208 240 ~n:l{~ 178 182 1'[~YqqTifi 235 235 24t 274 ~f~ 1!f~Tn 233 233 13 32 242 275 ~{~, 243 'I'dif\' 146 143 70 70 276 ,(Ji;J~ 148 148 244 24Ci 244 "qfTIiiI f~" 277 '(un;!n.-, 20 245 ~~ 276 276 19 278 ~;ft~T 246 1'fTilift (~=n) 109 109 89 85 279 ~T"J;' 241 I!I'TIIiU (r~'1'1:11f) 110 110 214 213 280 '(rlfp: 248 lI'T~~rq

"\fi"1~~1~ Vl"'IIiT ~T

-... ------~---__.------",lftll IIi'tt IIIn !IiII VIII' IIi1 1'fl'1 ~I~,", 1I'Al"C 'Ii'f lIT" .. Ill" _,. 'lit. ~, r -, u.n r----A-~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------

45/2 ~ ~1If

293 ~r.rr 292 292 307 ftn:f~T 66 66 294 l1ti1!.i61 318 318 308 f:a:~" 121 122 295 ~I~"'T 286 28S 309 f:a:E{ a rrT'U 261 261 296 1118'ilR 192 193 310 ~fJ 240 240 297 m~i'lr 303 303 311 ~~1q;e 59 59 312 '!J

45/3 "~TlJ~t \'1'6:6"1«

ar 13 orT~.,Il; 2"62 262 14 orTf~I'fq'~ 594 594 .tGil;fr 58 58 lS atTh1Tl~ 571 571 2 ~Cf~ 242 242 16 a:rlQzrflf 508 SOB 3 ~m S8S 58S 17 8T'II'TlIi,I 258 258 4 or\iT~ (II' • VI • ) 668 668 J8 8Ttll'Trt'\'~ 211 211 S ritT, 334 334 19 8Ttll'TzrR 314 314 6 IRq1" 210 210 20 8lTII'Ti,gT 345 345 7 lRillf~ ~ If 't!1;jiTiI 515 515 21 a:rT1JHr1:T 391 391 a:rrd 367 367 1fT 22 23 ITrqrlli~f1: 191 191 8 8lT1liii"C!t 96 96 24 8lT~T1: 431 431 9 arl,I'fI{U' 54 54 25 arrcr«n: i31 131 10 ITr"{IJT~ 559 559 26 81Tt'I''R« 132 131 11 arT~~tTf'l' 586 586 27 8[Tm~11: 368 368 12 arT~1:i.T ('I'.IlT.) 661 661 28 8lT"TR 17 17 11

!:T"lfiqT~m'{ mill !fiT ~;r)

--"'---"__ -_ ------!PI VIII II' 1fT" f"I1;f\1l Ii'lJ 1Pir1 'lill IiIIII llil "''' "",,')q ~ liAR ~, ,-----"------t v~ ,------J------. 1971 1981 1971 UBI ------____o_- ______J 2 3 4 I 2 3 4

------_------_... _ ~------

45/3 ifT~.:rq~"'( 6q~


29 ~11: 638 638 54 8T) ifa:

:al''),m t

~!f;'"2"n 'i(~i 'tiT 'J.)

- --_.... _------~------IIIi'J VH' 1ft "''' "TIft~ IIIilJ 1iJIOI'1 'lfi" VT1f llir ill" f'ni'illT II\'tw ,,'on: ~, ,--~ a.n .. r- --~, 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------2 3 4 1 2 3 4

------_------~-..-- ---

4 5/3 ;:r1"'tTlfUJ'9:~ ~m~

85 ,"~vr 412 412 120 ~lf,"'" 112 III 86 ~q'T" 413 413 1 2 t flf'lt't 512 512 87 'fR'I'lTflf 2.43 243 122 ~l!"~ 410 430 8S IfivrqlWfT~ 580 580 123 ~,ir<:r 2~5 2SS 89 Ifi~q''ttr 287 287 124 ~'F.it"" 349 349 90 lfioflfl'" 560 560 125 :!i~ff'1r't 521 52t 91 ~1:~zr 405 405 126 f"'U-;-J't 'a'1Il v~trfq 510 510

92 1fi~1:~ 443 443 127 :F trPf'1:

9~ 1fi~1:T 147 147 128 f~trOi:'r~T 4 4 94 IJiU~" 148 148 129 ~~UT'ii"

114 ~'E{1;q'T" 377 377 149 ;r;"1z;:r UT?, 246 246

115 ~;:G';;rT 206 206 j50 IliT~PfT~ '583 583 116 ~"~"'T 444 444 151 'Ii")~)~T 168 1611 117 ~~';:T 296 296 152 IliTc1;;ir 696 118 ~~~n:) 'iilTeT 624 624 153 IliTs~''''H 48R 488 1]9 i".i!PJ iT,r 587 587 IS l 1f.T~ffl;rT'f;'J 632 532 14

"ui'fiqT~'gH V'I'Il !!fiT fJlif)

-----_.__ .. ------'!PI gur U IIl'II Rrlll'1lf q ifIif' !iIiII VH' iii' ilT1f f'rnr)zr _ trAA ~, ,--~ &W ,...-----A---..,. 1971 1983 1971 1981 ------_. ------I 2 3 4 . I 2 3 4 ------. ------_._------

4S/3 ifl~JWl1f~ ~~

540 190 ;Jt~'( 342 342 US ~ 540 191 156 IliT~;r~ ri ~~ Af~ 513 '13 .)&T",' 701 192 157 lliT.f~q1: 539 539 ;r;~).r" 385 385 158 iifirs~ 106 106 159 'liTi"~t 630 630 HiO 'ti~ifn: 434 434 J93 v~ '!>TtTf... 502 502 }61 "f~6T'SI~1Ttlf 231 231 194 V~fiTrri" 395 395 162 T 686 J Sx iflrqifiTtJr'( 636 636 218 m:'l'T 446 446 89 1 ",Tt!'Ii.llC!T 433 433 219 1f.1~1 378 378 IS

I!fCIi!fillT~~R VI'illfi) we' _-- --.--.--- .-.------..------IIJjq 'Ii1f Vfq 1ft IIlq "".nlf .,.. ~ IT" iii' "IT" f1mW)1f Ittf "'OR _,. 8", J: .riff' r= --, r= . ~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 ------=------;- .--_... _------45/3 i'fT'tTlfllf'll ~Rr~

447 447 255 1Trq 261 261 220 1T'{raril' 680 256 1T1'~Qi' 602 602 221 1Tf"WJ«1: 178 178 257 1f~-.:r 468 468 222 1Tfgf~l" '232 232 223 1Ttq .fr1Ji

~vi$q'~m~ VT'Il ctiT fl.)

------~------._-- VlIf IQ "'If ",1ft" q 1f~1 'Ii1I liRA _,"" ~'" 'lir" "''' f'lni11l' -. ,--~ u.n ~~ 1981 1971 1971 1981 ------I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 ------

45/3 ifT ,rlflJf~ ~~

2U rr.~ 690 283 f~'n 564 564 284 sri ::ii6,!U 302 302 312 f'~""n; 353 353 285 sri 'lil'H(T 27 27 313 fe,,;:rT~ 449 449 286 sri ~~Z, 123 123 314 fC:~~ifT"( 627 627 287 sti im.r~l 651 652 315 il!rlO1'fl; 608 608 288 Sl'z 6'~ 605 605 316 ~'liIl''!T 107 107 289 gri i{~ Ifi"~ 269 269 317 a'l"ii~ 47 47 290 sri ;ffo'll 87 87 318 alJ~'f'" 629 629 291 mi i{1~i.'IT 18S 185 319 ilJ~rrr. (if. VT • ) 663 663 292 "ri ,!~n 448 448 320 ~1t~ Ifl;:rT 200 200 321 e"lfe;:r 6'llRr 672 :jf_

293 "'e~ 207 207 294 'lfq~;::gf 653 6S3 322 :g;::gi{if SSt 551 295 ~~') 48 48 323 :gflfl:f 304 304 296 \'ifl"" 124 124 324 '61i!:liii!T s6 56 297 fi!r~I"er~ 170 170 325 e-)=i 28 28 298 fi;r!f~t 'fiR 511 511 G 299 GJ:~ 142 142 300 ~i{qrifT 26 26 301 ;;Y_ilTrrf ~~ 188 188 326 '{i!T S26 526 327 "LeT 45~ 4~~ 302 ~,"~T 477 477 ~a-r 216 303 I'i!~ ii~t 86 86 ns Pfqm 216 304 l'ifi5rrtcr 215 215 329 <1m i" 510 570 330 463 30' ;;i \n;:rcrllT fer 247 247 '".~ ~i'T ri I'if'fllll: 463 331 lihitii!~T 2 2 3D6 ;;ftiflcr~ 103 103


307 Iff~T 565 565 332 i.'f,,~y :565 36S 31)8 III<:r 606 606 333 i.'fi!:'Iilif' elm 327 327 309 III~t"l1i{f 458 458 334 6~'Ii'<'f 2.36 236 310 In,(TcrT~l 278 278 335 _(fT, or" :a"t If '~t_" 490 490 311 li'l,"11fCf 607 607 336 a'r'

qQ"~~ II1'i1 IIil ~

------.. ------._ ~. rn:ar~ 'liN IliT itTII' RI'iihr ;rq~ ~ Imf '" fIl'II 'IIi" m r" .,It. --, On r wA.- """ lIJ71 1981 U7J UBI ------_ 1 :1 It 4 I 2 3 4 ------

4 Sf3 ~J1.ti.~~ 6'Q_ «J-\'f

495 370 '{tTl.'n'!' 399 399 337 ~:r:ri~ 49.5 371 574 574 338 61~T

...t."rt~ vt'Il ",1 t"l1

- - - --.------IIi1f 11111 llil '1111 ,,""'If ..... "a(~ '5'1' 111'1' IIiI Ii1T1f ~;illf iii), ;r~ .lIIff ... --, r= "' ~ --, 1981 1971 - 1971 US] -----~------I 2 3 4 ] 2 3 4 ------,------

45/3 ;rp,:Tlf'Jl~ ~~

401 f",~'f~ 329 329 435 q,<'r'~' 372 372 ;n;;rlf,{ 341 402 341 436 1ft<'r;r1iT 43 43 491 4]7 403 ;f~;r('{ 491 ,q'T<'r~W~ 312 312 404 i{U'C'fi1f 31 31 438 ~1l~ 9 9 405 ;lm;rl,{ 5S0 550 439 Ift<'rT H 20S 205 '\ ... 406 ~;:rt'{ 633 633 440 qn:r lien 113 113 401 it;;r

.~""1'ig~ .....n 'lit I'4t ------~ '"" !lit ;nq ~. ;n:iI'~ 'iiI( 111'1( ., ;nlf ~.~ A -. r ~ v.n f ..Aw , 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------...... -- 1 2 8 4 I 2 a 4 -._------_---_

45,3 ;::rrtl~ft~

466 ~\'ffl' 49 49 SOl ;:fl~. 128 l2'8 467 ~Ifi'q"«) 19 19 502 i!"(1IiT (i0 60 468 .-iiF.!;lrt B8 88 503 i!"{1ft 93 93 504 469 if'~~.~ 675 ;:"Iqv~ 230 230 ~os 470 II~~~~) 531 531 or", -437 437 506 471 ari..rCl2.,-l 252 252 i~'Q''; 97 97 507 472 ifillllVlie.. ~, 32 32 ~r 0610 (i16 50s 473 ifi~Rlol6T 6SJ 651 ;f~r""a- 545 S4~ 509 474 if,a-i!J"¥T 344 344 iI";_l: 4S1 481 510 475 if~tr)"qr;.;r 228 22& ol,!,"t ii' 89 655 6SS 511 66 ..(j6 476 ""ttiI"~ (It'""") "iQi~ 417 m~" l53 153 512 q~, 45-l 454 418 ;;r..wn;.;r 387 387 5J3 i~~~r ~76 514 479 i(~il;ft 441 441 iiii" 423 423 670 SIS 592 592 480 ... " (~"VI") 670 ~i~~ 516 iiji~ 646 646 481 n"q1Jf~ ii'li t~;.;r 407 407 517 162 452 .n:.~ 225 22$ lo62 518 ~" 667 661 483 lAm 152 152 ~" (;r.mll) 519 il:t'llirt't 373 373 484 ;fw)i~ 692 520 i~l~ 46 46 485 iIi«qrw 577 577 521 .r~fJ'''- 498 498 486 ~~ 645 645 487 IlTi~cr :aqi IIII~~ 683 522 .r;.;r"T 95 95 523 i")~) 339 339 488 1ilTit=A,~ 497 497 4S!) ;rrqln 567 561 524 .~t~~~(~ 341 301 490 ifT1T6"'hr() 504 504 52S .)"rif 209 209 iI)'ITif ,f"Tf.'fl 669 491 vfq)mf~If' 99 99 ,:,26 (~f1I) 669 492 i((;:~ 44 44 527 liI)1rr 578 57& GlttrTff

...t$f(1I"n: Vllll "" 'rI' --- -- _------lPr,iftlf Iil~ 1IIf 1111 IIJif .,'" q 'IIi1I VN IIJif lIT. "";it,, iii), 1f"A Jl ~ .. -, ..,,__ IPr' .... ~ -, 1971 1981 1971 '981 _____R __- ___ ------I 2 3 4 1 2 ------3 4

45/' iff{r~ .. ~~~

536 'lR:IQ;T 471 471 .566 '1"{itOf 424 424 .567 qlor" 102 '10:1. '1' oS68 '1'{qr4ft;n,~ 331 331 569 Ql", 42 '1ft ;~, (lRlllll) 664 664 42 537 570 qriC!T 263 263 538 wrft·im 356 356 57! '1OfliC!r 320 539 ,,1C!:!JtOf 482 482 320 572 q~;rl-': 472 <;40 \ft'l:l1ffa; 483 483 47.! .573 q;ij''_l 59 59 534 534 541 '!,<"!."T 74 5 qij'tO 200 542 "I,ls:IOf 484 484 260 .575 q~ 202 202 163 163 543 \T '''~'.: 576 qfi{lIr ""I,) 579 579 544 ~ . allta; (I!f;flllq) 662 662 577 ql~l 545 ff{;~'J'~ 64 64 62 62 518 qflfT ..,C!t;fi 693 S?9 1{ 1JTi!: ~sl 617 617 580 qT!')lIit 10 10 546 ,"lIaT UA"lT~ 293 293 .581 "18~1 549 549 547 Q'fi,f 108 J 08 ~ "nR:~ 582 'lT8m (ar) 360 360 548 qif'lJjcr 219 219 583 'lT8m (if) 370 370 549 485 48,5 'f!"l"~ ~ ill""' 584 ~r 53' 535 5S0 q." 33 33 58S 'I'P.r ~u 226 226 551 ~~ Iffll'{ 611 611 586 'lT~ 37 37 552 626 626 Q'~ .581 403 403 553 q,)i{;m 647 647 "'~ 588 "'~T 425 425 '54 q;srlTia; 34 34 589 "1~IIir.:rR 462 462 555 q;.,-\II'') 558 558 590 qri{~;rl'{ (cr;r",II') 666 666 SS6 qif&rifil~ 183 183 591 "'r:Q' i1: 319 319 "7 q"trfer 173 173 ,s92 f1r"i~T 618 618 5S8 JR:lli'PlH 145 145 593 IlWl1:6') 700 559 Q'{ifit;rl1: 67 67 594 fIJi.') 129 129 lHifir;rI'{ 560 55 55 595 1!~;nfi{ 308 308 56t ~p::"'lis, 478 478 596 ~ta'if~)ft 677 562 'R"'t~l 506 506 597 1!_qq'l"l' 546 546

563 II'~T.r'1 284 284 .598 ~1:m: 6 6 361 1Il~' ]8t ]RI 599 ~1:if;:s' 52 52 S6" 11,<;1 154 154. 600 l!1;rrn: 174 174 21

"';"""'"~ Q1fiI &tt 'J'ft

---~------~11' ~g ~ ('IIIf;ft'q m ~ '"" 'lit ;n1t .. 11111' 1M '"If ._A .Ac bn r= ---, Is , f - -- l!iJ71 198] "" 1971 ---1981 I 2 a 4 I 2 S • ~- ... _------_._- J==_

4513 iln:r~ ~

601 ~1~ 438 438 634 ~i6 473 473 602 q'l:;rrl:.. I!I~ .. 316 316 635 l:~ 614 614 323 323 603 ~~" 684 604 ,!l:I{Tq~ 267 267 60S ,!~;;r;rlon 636 687 W11J11r~ 229 229 606 '!,1Il;r ~ 637 220 220 607 ,!l:1crm 25 25 '"";w 40 638 ~~'l 233 233 608 ~r..-~ 40 639 :;;rm ~;wr'( 455 45' ti09 ,!~q~ 257 257 640 Vf){a~ 347 347 t,J 0 ,!t'~ 384 384 611 ~ ..)ro 442 442 611 t:f~Tcn~ 71 il 383 613 t:f'ifl;rl't 383 641 659 659 618 q~T 65 65 644 ~'''m; 298 298 619 q)'lil!};lIF 555 55' 645 ~ 130' 130 620 1iror 1Ifi~ 536 536 .. 646 ~1i't1ll'R: ISS 155 621 Q~ 496 496 647 426 426 622 q'r'tli." lOS 105 .. won" 648 ~~lJr;;r 182 :a82 623 'ihrll'lir," 79 79 649 ..(;i'r 322 322 650 .. ,~ ~~" 45 45 651 .. ,~'hr~) 6t 61

624 ~T;r,!~ 612 612 652 fg~","'~ 221 221 625 ,('~l: 340 340 6 53 f~'liJf~ J56 156 626 <:1.0 IJ1:IIiT 274 274 6S4 f6a"~q 100 100 627 'Uq;rT't 613 613 6S5 f",7mm 259 259 628 l:'lI'itl,(

,",'lfi'"t~R 'JPIl .1 pl ------V11f !If "'1f fill"'" q "Cln: ~ fTIf IQ FIl'1'I' ~ 15). "RiA Jl gal ...... , Qn .Jl - r= ( -__,__,. 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------I 2 3 4 1 2 3 ------_._------4 45/3 ;:n(lljUI~t a~~

203 682 662 Fliff~) 203 ~T~ 266 266 625 683 663 ~m 62S ~l; sS6 556 IS7 157 664 ~m 68~ ~, 493 493 665 pm 427 427 685 ffIi~ 615 6lS 666 ~l;iiet 351 351 686 r~lIilfi!T 699 (liI'rrQT1'I') 656 656 667 ~~tCf 687 ft:~;rl't 116 116 204 204 668 ~)~ 688 1t~"R 538 538 355 355 669 m. 689 f~, 649 649 429 429 670 m'f2;~ 690 f~liff' 674 ~);rrqr.;r 487 487 671 691 ~w 1 1 22 22 672 ~~ 692 ft"'tfiATIlN 253 233 693 f~,"" 238 238 694 f~i(n: 164 164 6 95 f~'I'f 616 616 673 ~«, 146 146 696 %d .n~') 223 223 674 .~~ 11 11 697 r'" lIiT;r .. 697 675 ~ 569 5.69 698 ('ITt\' 380 380 676 ~~1Iil" .. 703 699 ~, q;;r)f' (~1'1') 657 657 677 ~;m 1369 369 700 fW'IC 305 305 678 ~"",;r"ZJ 50S 505 701 ~~ 460 460 67P ~W"~ 81 81 '02 ~ 650 650 680 tIfit;'{ 7 7 703 ~ 289 289 681 II!'~)~) 281 281 704 ~,~ 165 165

4~/4 ifl~,qt ... il8~~


~iqT 95 95 7 mll;r .~ 102 ~IOZ 2 BI;f"~ 485 484 8 m'A'R 383 377 3 ar1'l'u

IIq"Ttgl~ vNfltfttttft -- ---.---- V'PIIfiT l1l'i ~ IIi'Iw ;n:ar~ ~ Imr iii' ilT'!" ~1IlR~'( A On r=" -, QIn ,..----A----,,\ - U71 1981 1971 1981 _-- --- I 2 8 4 I 8 • ------..... 45/4 ~mqtcr~

132 13 111'1~ 132 ar) SOO SOO 14 1I1"'lJ.llff .40 8J)i;:ft 156_ ' 156 277 278 15 8J1"~ 41 aim~1ft;r 53'0 531 235 235 , 16 1I1qf\', 42 w~1 184 184 78 17 1(firl1 7.

43 iiIi:;ffu 426 425 18 ~0lf'{' 158 158 44 q;i~'~ 386 387 19 ii,~t('" 332 331 45 iiliol'11';'- 46~. 474 20 ~rm" 1 1 4'6 iiIi~'{t(icr 242 243 318 21 ~u~l~ 355 360 47 ItiOO 313 48 llii£

..t$1l~~''( QlJfllifiT p) _- - .. ---_-'------mlftlf IilJ If~~ Ill" IIiT In" il'JGR 'Ii" Q1" !fir "''II 'Ii" m~ iii)', .. --, pqof ~ "' r---'--~ 1971 1981 - 1971 1981 ------4 2 I 2 3 1 3 4 ------~------45/4 ~f1tcr ~

33 33 107 IJ"M 289 290 72 f'ti'l~ 446 108 IJR~ 25 25 73 ~ipT~ 1fl~'fiyqll!l 447 38 38 109 ~ 11 11 74 'Ii<:fJ

• .q ..q~U1~ V1'i1 em ~

------_.. _-...:------..------lIf;'I' Vf1II1iT ;nil ~m 1fa:;R lIfj'I' 11111' iii' ~tli ~m~ ~ ftqr On r=' ...... , t wA...... , 1971 1981 1971 1981 _------1 2 II 4 I 2 3 4 ------_. ------4514 iril~rrtcr 6'~'h;r

137 qfu-f\;ntro 58 58 168 r'l1f;:r,~ 280 281 138 "'" tim 518 519 169 f,"mft 341 338 18 18 139 ~ 170 f.....-qitlll'lI' 352 352 140 ~lj 144 144 171 f""'~""t 134 134 244 245 141 lfil'tl\' 172 N'ifT,," 211 211 513 514 141 m~ 173 f"f~'" 6S 65 100 100 143 'I1ucr.~ 174 f:qqyt .. 467 466 190 190 144 rn~ 175 r;;r~ 103 30S firoi'rqft 53 53 145 176 f;rllt~ 292 293 ~)lII'T 334 334 146 177 f'i(~i!'l" 333 335 147 483 485 '1~ 178 ,~"'~ 3 3 148 232 232 IJ.~ 179 ,;:'ttriq 221 221 149 ,!lII'IfT 340 342 180 'itlft 38.0 383 150 ,!~Tim: ... ;:.- . 202 202 181 iiRlf 367 367 151 li'r,IfT 290 291 181 'itli)?,' 46 46 152 If)lII'''''~ 435 435 183 ;;rRlJ 302 306 153 rr)~~ 503 504 154 1f)1[" 279 280 ISS "Rift" '(fqi f;;rnr ~~ 75 75

'e(' 184 'Ba~, 497 498 185 fsm;r"r 293 294 444 440 156 ,",TIff" 186 ~lII'''r 150 ISo 157 44 44 • ~1Ifl 187 ~~"r~~ 245 2~ 188 fWo\1~ 486 493 189 ~~8U 375 380 158 ~lfIlft ... 254 255 190 ~ ,"~J1T~ 255 256 159 'li(qf 523 524 ]91 Wt~ ~1iJ;:rtl 413 413 160 'Ifl~t 229 229 192 ~ iI'i1i, 373 385 161 ;rn'1IiT 304 304 193 ~,"'IiJU 494 496 162 ..tih 521 522 194 om1i ;f.n~ 459 455 19!' s)~ f'ff"{lCJrI' 457 456 163 'CftlfT" ~" 228 228 164 ;;rr;:GT

.-i~"lIan ",,,lilli' ,'I'

.--.---.------.----~------IIi1J "rift" II'~'( trIll .. "''' q 'Ii'l Illlf ~r if'" ",,~q ~), 11''''' ..., r ... --, a.n "' r----A--~ 1971 1981 1971 ------J981 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 ------

;.~/t4. .l'~tCf. ~

224 Vlfijln 342 348 .,225 .:;griJllJ _ 6 6 . 1iI',IIi"fm·. 174 174 226 200 iYlI ~ ffil"6 512 513 ~.') 161 161 227 201 ifll'U ...... r 335 337 202 Q('{'" • 99 99 203 ~ika 462 461 iZ 204 IOlTIfIJ icr 246 . 247 221 ihJ1:T 205 IOlTIfIJt( 'I.. 71 IS3 IS3 229 2 ... 6 \3{1Jd 217. 217 .'i1:rlfT'" 62 62 207 "IJ r.f\';I;,"~ 224 224 208 "S~ 319 317 ff 209 III)IT' 8rTiI"cn, 365 3f.S 230 . SIf,{JCJ;, SI4 SIS 231 210 l'ihrn 510 511 ad ~fT 528 529 232 211 1I"I,1!n:1 146 146 ET~f it~ iliff ~'(i)fr 1~9, 13!J 233 212 ~lff 395 395 ~mnT 520 . 521 213 111m 442 438 234 (IT,(lft~ 192 192 235 finAl 193 193 236 f~,) , 14 14 237 f{fftl'(~~ 143 143 214 1IT..m 281 282 238 ~ 52 52 215 IrT1:T 432 433 '239 t!.~ffr 389 392 ,240 ilq~, B4 535 :241 glJu mlf\" 59 59 . 242 - 6~ 257 216 r~qo;rr'( 379 379 '" 258 217 ~ltiAlfr 406 406 241 tt-&at,l 533 534 . ,244 218 c?~"T 175 175 ~IfT '361 361 219 ilfllTN 305 Ju7 245 tr"\llf 311 310 ..246 220 icrm 110 110 0,,"r1 17 17 , 247 aom 385 376 221 ttUIfiTQ''I' 101 101 248 ((mlfT~ 256 257 249 o~;, 294 293 250 ~~;:'" 476 476 222 hITter 191 191 251 m~'", 475 47R

223 ~lfil 17' 176 252 ~lIillfT 448 447 27

..r.",,~ -" arit pt ------!i1i1l '"' 151 If11I ~q~'t 'Ii1f IA~'

j.. ~ ftan r- -, ftIrr t .. ~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 _------1 l , 4 I 2 3 4 ------4S 14 ifil~TqtCf ftq~

253 IO~«' 61 67 254 258 259 ~'" 283 Ifi' 16 16 255 f~if1~ 507 508 284 Ifij'~ 211 212 256 p'I'il( 354 354 285 IJAR 402 402 257 ~~",tif 343 345 286 ~ilr 41$ 415 2~8 tcT'I't. 247 248 287 srfll;r~ 96 259 536 536 9' ~ ... '''' im 288 '("{)en 248 249 260 mT"~ 201 201 289 IJ'{MY 398 398 261 m~~ 529 5.!'o 290 IJ~," 3~0 329 26]. i~wrr 208 203 291 qil.,r 135 135 292 1If",",' 282 283 293 IJ~it 344 350 356 359 263 gil,i1r 294 IJiI1{( 89 8!' 264 gil'lT 26 26 295 qrzt;fy 210 210 26~ 138 138 81IiIF' 296 qr"'ti1 112 11! 266 ",~.n 162 162 297 qfqian~ 219 219 298 lJlIiI'l' 12 12 299 Iffl)~ 131 131 267 1I'lR'\' 427 426 300 !frill 308 30l

268 iI~lill, 91 91 301 1fT~ 283 284 269 ilfl{f 368 368 302 qT~ll't 216 2J(i 270 ililllI1: 204 204 303 q'Ti'!ifr 117 117 271 ifiITm (erllV flf) 498 499 304 tIT.IIJI" 149 149 272 ilifT~ 90 90 305 rniTQ10f l63 163 273 iliflrrtif 414 414 306 .:f\'~ 93 93 274 'flliff 80 80 307 ,'I'I,{q(i1 404 404 275 ilr~~r;nt S78 382 308 $«q-lOf 396 396 276 fit '{T f'l§;:~il1 81 81 309 $«r:n~ 200 200 277 filvnl'l' 468 473 310 i Ql",r1l' 449 448 278 i tJtil'\' 306 308 311 D-;:1lIR 120 120 279 ~ 269 270 312 QllfrQ10f 376 373 280 iRrJ' 336 336 313 q)vf;r 434 431 281 it'HT 527 528 314 ")ii!~l~ 401 401 282 iI'~.~r 1 ~ Ii 155 315 1{«71 237 237 28

"~Ti6Tt ",,,lIfiT ~) ______.. _r ______

'!PI ifill iii' IQq R''''1f Iitt II~ IIi1f VT~ iii' 11111 ",;it" iii)", IJ'fl

Vwl r= .. -, f ..,,__~ "' 198] 1971 - 1971 1981 ~------I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------_

45/4 Cfillrrllt" o~"'m

347 .if ~~I~ 309 31J 348 II'Ifmm- 345 343 316 ~ 453 453 349 &rAIfT'Ijif 28 28 317 q;ur'lR 214 214 350 il'f.rtrT~" 360 356 318 ~iff;r (&(jut) 284 285 351 Ii('tRr 454 454 319 q;'~If~ ~ 1{~'IT~ 61 61 351 .m 177 177 3~0 '{i~ t1n)~f 469 464 353 1I~;:ft 357 321 285 286 358 ~"'~I'I"'if 334 ~Iiff,{ 259 260 366 366 ;J:!2 2jri'{ 355 iiRl(\'l 203 :?03 323 Tf1Tiif 238 138 356 450 451 357 ~"''' il'Prtti'f 215 215 358 iI'(tr~T 194 ]94 359 iiI1,Q 3'24 .~,,~ 73 73 327 322 325 .,,)m 298 299 360 .T~m" 261 262 326 ;;fm" 249 250 361 iirl"IIfif 121 12] 327 1iI'!~oft' 82 82 362 il'Tij1'

.....lI1pl'( WI'i11ti1 ,.

------.. ~------'lIIiIf a11Il1i1 ;nq ~. ;port '1M III I1r IIit ;nl[ fIIfth • ;p:i(1,; On • ..., on ...., r- "' f • 1,71 1981 1971 "' 1981 -_------_ ------I Z II 4 I 2 3 4 -.L. ------

4514 ."Rrtltci ~lIJ

382 ~qyl[,"i)" 47 47 'If 383 48') 491 ~'" 414 I#'fimT JlOl! 408 384 522 523 oreor" 415 'fii~ 166 16-6 385 i~~i;r 531 532 416 ~ ~24 124 386 i~~iCf 180 )80 417 403 41)3 387 ~d" 23 23 ~"" 4IS Q"~ 273 . 274 388 if;ft;:.') 482 480 4), 'fin"",, 3-63 363 389 ~U 499 S02 420 ~~ 370 370 390 ~ 236 236 421 ~ 425 427 391 .r.-~ri~ 260 261 422 qr:fqrqr 4Jl! 418 392 Iiilit li!i1i~r 433 430 423 ,,~ 392 386 393 oill!fT 297 298 424 qt{~wm SI9 520 394 -nln ri ~R~r lI',Zf 431 434 425 'RlI"~n~ 391 390 395 anttTtCf 70 70 426 q~~l~ 377 384 396 Iif)WCf 429 428 427 ilil6f 94 14 397 or)~qf" 506 507 "'l~T 428 qU~ 34i 398 mlm' 460 462 349 429 'I'll''' 440 441 430 181 181 1f 'lTIIJI'," 431 'ItR"t Q'TolJiif 209 20' 432 'l'tif,"lh:' 76 76 399 ~Cfr 4SS 458 433 IIfm orR" 326 325 400 'l'6;rt 164 164 434 qlGllN 42 42 401 'II"'Cn: 1f1~ 41 41 435 ql~IIIi"t I!I"(rri'lf 152 152 402 ,,~'(cr.cT 2H 233 436 "Ri'~r 35 35 'II;.~ fn;:r') 403 230 230 437 ql~IlftCJ 274 275 404 'llte1lfif 29 29 438 "rfiflFi~~ SOl S(li 405 'l'Tz'ik 206 206 439 "'~ll~ft HG {36 406 1Il"~') 223 223 440 ""'llt" 323 326 407 f'll~~ 165 165 441 qr~lfhr 47J 472 408 f'l"{lqf" 347 344 442 ",tor" 407 407 409 f1J'{T1ftC( 470 471 443 q,torl ~TZ 349 340 410 1fiulflor 205 20S 444 m~it~ 66 66 411 1!"ifir 239 239 445 fq~ 45 4' 412 'IIlm,"t 331 331) 446 fil'.fq-.~ '509 510 413 '111'rrrlfr~ 27l 273 447 f"lJ~') 275 276 30

"""''PR VJIIlllii pi _--- - .. -----_._ ------'IiIf VIII' iii' 11111 ""iftll' .1Ii" Iil'An 'Ifill VI'II iii' I'll" m~ llif' I'I'Rn ~-", .. v.n r= "' -.... ,.-----J--~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------~------I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 ------..------4S/4 ifil~tcr ~

475 448 ~'lTcrt" 3d9 369 "'ITT 182 182 449 ,;rrrTlfiR 437 442 476 f"~''I1ii 133 J33 477 450 ,"'lTl: 419 419 'I'" 195 195 472 465 451 '~"T 452 ""'TiT' 517 Sl8 453 287 287 ~

f!fq"'lUn: gtq1 ~ t'il

------___.~-----___.----- ...... 'Ii" '"" IIIiT ;ryq ~m ~'( 'Ii" VPf IliT ;nq ~1fiW~ J .., e'w J\w- an r- t ~ J97, J'98 I 1971 1981 , ._------_ ---- - ~."'- 1 :2 a 4 I 2 3 4

------.-... ~------_,.,_

4SJ4 ~TTlqtq ~~

502 ftnn~ SIl 512 $19 ~I!fi''') ~2 92 503 f~~ta"' 31 31 520 ~<:.rtlt ~3 63 504 fuor;ft 480 481 $21 ~t 142 142 505 fUl!f;f,,,UW 97 97 522 1if~nrr , 9.8 !J8 , 506 !I~ 441 437 523 ~~I,( 394 394 507 lj'(~11T,( 68 68 524 i{~ wi 253 254 508 i~~ 36 36 525 i{f!"~ ~i

4 S/5 iI""\SI'T~,( ffi{tfl~

11 and'(~ (jSO 6SS J2 artqlfif 248 293 I 1T'l!.';:r,,~ 98 99 348 375 2 q'~.~ 130 134 13 8n~" 3.03 305 3 1II'~1Ii~ 1f;!) 174 14 1II'f~' 581 4 III'''II~') 3(\4 318 1 II 8\'T';~ 575 5 ~~') 176 178 16 m~~,"lIJ 170 Hi7 399 6 ~t 511 517 17 iIfJ~'{ 404 561 568 7 1II';:;rfT: 45 55 Is 8\'1~,{ 385 390 8 q ...n~ 142 149 19 8\"~ar"J 47 9 8\';;1'1) 266 298 20 'lRilirqiJor, H 21 q'1"QiQfi 42 39 ofT 22 8\'f~qq)w) 't" 80 81 10 8JTfi~ 724 737 23 qr"'

""""Iltut VAl 'fi' 'Pi ------Vf'l !iii IIRII "'Ilftlf ~ II," IA IIiII' VI1I IIi1 11111 momr Ifil', 'fAA 8~r u.n r--~ t ...A- 1971 1981 ~ 1971 1981 ------2 3 4 I • 2 3 4 ------

45/ S ir1;jf1l~ a,,,"hr

arr~ 173 1'72 24 52 ~gUtln 614 488 49.5 25 CIIlCflIf;';{lj't 611 53 ~''''~ 300 289 54 ~,,,,q~ 467 468 5.5 ~ri~ 7Us 734 56 7t' '(1';pfq';,;t'(') 220 242 ~'!f;,;VI') 21 34 27 ri.;n't 119 736 57 ~~ 1.5'0 136 51!! 583 58 :?R ~q:T;;r It"''', 154 IH 29 '(6'lq''( 365 380 59 l!;'('fi!'T{ .551 560 437 60 30 ~",;;r P'1f 387 tOO*" 330 720 566 31 ~nl'~ 563 61 ~hn~ 709 692 249 301 52 ~~" 62 l!;~I'Q~r ] 77 117 33 \{'( 349 376 63 rt0il'1'1'turn ]86 2 (1 34 ~~OII,( 487 498 35 ",(q'T ~Z~ 38 45 ar) 386 393 3' ~lfTrrI~ 64 iIf"'ttifn: 486 37 ,(,(lft~ 468 473 487 65 ann !) 38 ¢'l~ 608 615 32 66 ann 246 39 ~ (1Iit.rn) 723 732 226 67 ~(I'll1' 244 233 68 i3' ~"'~ 207 219 69 8T~ifmiIiT 221 240 40 ;;rtlfiOil' 2S7 70 ~, 3.51 386 41 ;;rZ;;rTlfi!OiI'T 671 685 71 II'')~ 243 2.39 42 ;;rcrOil'T 437 451 72 afl''I''(T 271 264 43 ;;rg;:rl~iOil" 689 7.11 44 '3~'i'( 84 8s I!fi 4S .r", 1fillfZ00q 267 29' 73 1Ii'iT;;r, 46 ;;mIfiTlizT 23 7 687 688 74 ifi'fOil'l,'l ]67 47 ;;rij'IfiT ~. 183 185 168 7.5 ~J'('l S59 48 ;;rij'q"(r 350 381 56S 76 Ifi~;;r"r'( 49 ;a 11'( 618 620 530 537· 77 ifiZ1vn 389 441 78 Ifi~n: 516 542 79 Ifi,"( 526 532 50 tt~ 599 60S 80 ;p~f,!'1 588 592 51 o;i'''''')i~ 187 208 81 Ifilfl'Oil' I 147 140 33

.aitIi"l191~ ,",,1 Ifil , ...

------_. __ ..,------.- 'IIIi~ VIlIIIiT 11111 fII'Al. m 11IGf1: .... a I1r IIIiT iII1r ~..w1A'C A Qn n.n r= .. -, r---"""---~ 1971 1981 197J 1981 ------I :z It 4 I 2 3 • ------

451S iihrJ'2;~ ff~~r~

82 lfimria 138 147 118 ~J:{n"u 285 269 83 ltiml'r1;:cm 128 132 133 1fi)1tiT:qw 417 425 98 IfiT·~;rr~ 570 577 134 IfiT~I 16 28 99 'tiT~ 420 392 135 1Ii"'f~~) 164 159 too 'tiH'I!,\iI" 292 251) 136 IfiT~~ 616 624 101 lIi1"'i'lt~ 717 730 IliTa~;;IT 102 Ilil~)I!~r 646 651 137 436 409 t03 fili1l'n.ro;;rr 25 19 138 I(;Ti'{ 538 544 139 Ifi~lfil 276 287 104 f.t;~1fi0f 352 364 140 IfiTil~ 455 461 105 ~~;rl'( 550 561 141 lfiTi6rqni\' 684 67J 106 ~.lfilj)' 411 391 107 ~'TT<'i">; 223 222 142 ..niqm 225 241 Ifi)q-m~ 1011 ~":11.'{ 1)6 93 143 471 493 109 1jc.1i 30S 309 144 1fi)~~lqr. 332 340 110 "J.~ii'{ 470 478 145 IfiR~r,!" .656 ~Sg ;¢'I~51l!"r 70 76 III 1I!.;;rt~l1'1f1!.'I 52 56 146 112 II!q'tOf 239 238 147 1Ii)~(\,Il!,'1 (P~) 11: J LJ I1J '8lJm 210 148 ~crlO:;''''T 83 70 114 ~'tlft 4U 427 149 llimrrq~ 161 160 lIS "J_'tHIl 416 417 ISO ifiRcnq~~ -673 706 116 :8~'IT~) 286 279 151 itft«rJqr« 574 579 117 !l -{F"l)\;rl 149 145 1"2 llirnl~r 701 6H 34

..r!fi1n~1,{ VfIIllili) ~)

-~ .. -----...------_ ... _------lIP' VTq "" ;nil "";ft~ iii" 1t~1l 'lfj1l en" Ih iI11I ~;th iii), ;rAn ~, A ,...----'-- ~ --, U..n __ 1971 1981 1971 t981 ------..------I 2 3 4 1 2 3 ' 4 ------_

4~/~ c.f\'~T= ~~

150 187 153 1liR!~ 141 1i~1: 5o, 510 700 fi81 188 ~~, 154 'l'iffll: 661 669 " 100 100 ISS lllim~ 189 .~~ 189 195 IlliT;:gll'!)trq 127 131 190 156 ~T~ 333 344 157 1Ift"¥~ 307 323 ]91 tllI'll 5J6 ~20 158 IIi"t;:.l"" 124 lOS 192 'f'l:\l~ 18 30 159 1I\')6l:rqr~ 7:1.4 193 'TI)!'T~) 413 160 II\'Ti{I'!.~T 180 182 ]94 tr\'l'rrq 621 626 161 1IIi)q;r15l'"6 224 247 ]95 m~')t!;T 683 690 162 'IlTll 299 290 196 fll"l'm.n 185 '163 'Il)~q,~' 699 672 184 197 ~'..r"'l:a) 666 164 'IlTq~qii"r 158 158 671 198 1on 'llter 562 l65 Efilq'fiii'l'T 329 331 571 199 1f~~T "T'{;fif .~ 212 190 166 14it"'~ 549 SS9 200 If~~ll{m 167 II\'nrlf 390 438 .~ 252 297 201 168

""''''t'f'~ V1'if iii' ..

------... -- 'Ii1f V1If!fit ;n1l ~ ...... 'I'Rn: ~ "'I1f IIil ;n1l fIII;ft1r IIlR IRe On r= A -, On r=--.A.--.-.., 1971--_ 1981 1971 1981 ------I I :I I .. 2 EI • ------..-.._

45/5 iil"Ti>fI1' ~

42 2S1 fi!Fmni5"( 104 222 ~~;:.. t '4 . U7 130 252 f;r.riR 223 m~ 146 191 20S 728 253 f.;r;:riT~ 224 oiroJr 721 440 454 124 254 f"qilqi'E'ft 14 23 22S IlT"«rT 109 J79 2SS 659 664 226 1l"~l1;" 179 m~~'fI'¥1 89 88 2S6 f"~~iIiI 82 10 227 ~v"'t ~'t 257 r"E1'liN fE'l" 637 642 ~ 258 f.;m;n~ 546 SS2 259 ~ SS5 383 S3S 536 228 '!.'I'1;T 260 't"~ 21S 198 37S 358 229 ~ 261 '¥~ 662 66S 439 447 230 ,,)~qt« 262 601 604 263 "",~iji~"'~ 537 543 264 ~~ 19 24 26S "'~~ 102 112 206 231 'ifZ~i '90 266 "'~qt'" 518 523 86 232 'iI;:~~~i 86 267 o;f'{m- 481 488 137 146 2:n 'iI';:~1; 268 o;flrqm 603 607 617 234 ,""~q-..m 613 269 :q~qJ\II" 499 501 676 235 Y"1fif ~ 703 634 236 f"lI'~iiI"" 629 462 237 r"~lqriil' 459 210 f~~T 277 292 238 A;:a-'fqi!,;fi S58 563 271 Wtaarriiliff" 192 204 239 r,,;:a-iI1{TiiI 593 590 272 mi~~ 26 27 2411 f";:a-t~r 610 613 273 'Iit~ !fitri~ 37 49 241 r~t~l 283 252 214 'BI~ 328 324 242 f'I'~~iiI'f~m 672 686 ,,"'til''''' 275 6)i~~ 356 369 243 f.r""r!P

__ ."­ ----_.. ---- -_------.-.... -~------_-_._--- - ~ "'It IIfil ;nq f'lli{'h 'Ii'r, 'fAR A v.n f _,__~ 1981 1911 1971 1981 ------I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 ------_._------_._._------_

527 531 281 \\fif ...'\' 484 282 \\fisf 491 108 121 J08 .~ ...r ~83 \1ll~"',!'1 (m:p'l~) 641 644 295 249 309 ~I~Tq'{'· 284 lil'Tci.!'{ 245 225 337 310 ~ruq-r"" 285 ;;;rtlT6lIl 334 454 460 78 63 311 .-r~ 2&6 ;;;rrllilil 359 384 541 312 287 \1ll'{"'TIfr 539 i!\" 424 428 187 313 i!.'I'hqrlil'tJl'': 288 \'IITVT 194 716 726 40 36 314 289 \iT,{TI!.~ .'""... 382 360 717 315 290 ;;;rl'lq~~ 678 .1J:.1{~ 472 417 316 )~ 291 :ifT'{T'f(lIII 254 277 .. 19S 186 317 it6"lq,'RT1:: 292 "arlwitfl11ll 35'7 371 513 518 318 iI51111::~1 293 1iI'li' 419 40) 214 212 319 294 f\\f~) 686 698 .).'II~IIi' 291 254 320 295 f;wf~tq-r 606 611 "'... 11 264 299 296 ~IJ.'{ 312 313 297 ~at'1.'{ 582 584 298 ~~HII 'HO 330 321 651 657

299 mihTm 311 329 .. " 322 a,}'4iIST 460 300 f~ 466 358 372 323 allISTr~m 178 180 324 aill 614 619 325 ar~, 366 367 326 mzl'!c"eT 56 48 327 ~r,;rl,{ 301 e~~riIT'T 302 275 429 407 328 ~T,i\';:nT 302 f'evil'u 719 226 247 :129 ~'~1'{ 303 i~m:"'T 617 313 312 622 330 304 ~~IST ~fulrll m~"'T,r 289 256 625 630 331 305 ~r"'t,r 372 361 i~~I'!l!~ 2.55 258 ~32 (fT,,", 57 40 306 ~~~~ 674 7J8 333 (f1'~_"l!e.c!:T 307 i~T1iet , 209 189 43 43 334 ~~ti'te 441 450 37

""II1'I"Y-': V1'if 'til ~

------~ ----.~ f'IIfFitq m ~~ ~ Imf IJT 11111 _,. 'lIi1f "III' II5T 'IT1f ~m~ v.n r= ....., r---.A.--""",,, 15171 1981 "" U71 _- 1981 I 2 , 4 I 2 B 4 ------

4 S /5 ifhrTF ~~

335 m~ 485 483 365 'f!:1fT 326 311 336 6"'~'l' 512 519 366 ~T"r'{" 99 97 151 337 6"T'{onl!.lT 140 367 ~'''n:" 196 197 143 338 8~ 135 368 101'fTCTt~" 694 463 339 (ffiAT'{ 461 369 .m:iM 367 37' 639 340 ftTSJIT~ 634 370 ~~ 694 696 341 ~;rT,{ 476 500 371 fll",,!'t 297 250 342 fCl~~'" 27 2 372 604 610 88 89 'tiff,!" 343 futt, 373 702 <;;'"'1111" 77 78 344 ~~~n 696 374 ~qfqm 28 18 345 ~i~ 395 434 320 375 ~r In 148 346 ~,,;rt~ 323 547 376 ~q,r (ifi'mT'19f) 113 lU 347 ~"'n"t 541 377 76 66 348 ~mt 702 674 '!"" 333 178 ~i'il' 29 3 349 ~".n 314 379 ~6tt 39 51 350 ~Cf"1't 556 557 380 ,!iq'~~ -6 14 3S1 q_<;JT'{ 335 349 381 352 ~~·;;jUT 405 401 ~\;T 566 S76 382 353 ~~;;jT\; 394 395 <;;'flI;Tttin 494 49{1 354 ij;~'t 450 446 383 ~'tI'lT 529 533 355 a-~~~~ 265 28S 384 ~t'I'T 126 128 356 o'"h!'t\;T 287 303 385 <:)'I'i't~ 552 662 357 Clr..ifil 519 529 386 ;:11:T'1" 473 482 358 a~'fT 423 426 359 mll1I" 677 611 360 ~orl,{ 462 467 • 361 a"llJ;fA 564 572

387 tr.r~~ Jl7 114 388 nru 572 576 389 1ft'" 442 448 362 IIJ:~,!~T 427 422 390 fn'"2,'" 645 -li49 391 ""-"''t" -li8t 6\19 392 flT'tl;;jHIf 597 603 363 <:1lJII:TI Ill! 109 393 q~Tar)c 336 334 364 <:"1''1','t 75 79 394 '!,i<;T It83 35. 38

qGj!6q'~6T'( Vl'll ~) 'S.'

~ ...... ------.------.. ---._--_-...,_,-- 'IFf 111'1 IA ;n'l ~r;ft~ q.,~ ~ Gl1t Ifil '"If f1{1,,')!f 'Ii), II'JiA u.rr ~~ 6.n ,.--A-~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ---_...; ------I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 .... ------_.. _._------

45/5 ~T1~ cr~~'ff

425 qc::iI'zr 369 374 426 q'1T;rqI<'l' 591 593 427 395 ~q;:;;ri 620 625 ~T 257 302 428 396 ~i 628 633 IfR"r~ 713 723 429 397 itlrT '};qy~trqr 235 229 q1~T 6S7 662 430 398 il'lI'r.m: 409 408 qTcn:'IHr 331 341 431 If'ItI1 ~~ 315 399 ~"(m~ 624 629 306 432 q').,r"'c::r 711 400 ;:rilt:rc:~.n- 8' 84 716 433 ql'l;:rqrvr 40t ~TmCfT~'I 58 50 Sfi8 574 434 qTIf~ 402 f;ftTIJ 447 443 162 16.1, 403 f;f(TilT 410 402 435 qTI:{<'I' Cflq'l 547 550 436 ql~ 404 ",')I;f~ttn 165 164 679 707 405 ;:r')t:rTIJ,'_ 120 101 437 qT'~TI'ft1rT 30 :10 438 ql~

qai1lq~U1~ a1'if !lit ,'I)

--_.-_ ------.. _ ------. ,.-- lIfi1f VA lit 11'111 E'I'~ 1Ii"tw IIq1; "Ii" ~111' iii' ~ ~mlPq A a..n r -, On t wA -, 1971 1981 1971 19n ------I :z 3 4 I :z 3 • ------_--. .---

451 j iI"hrri~ a~

495 qTif)""l'{f 460 ~~ifir.~ 633 641 318 319 496 q)cmq 241 228 461 'l~~~T 59S 601 497 q1~·ifl" 484 499 462 ~tJ6fifi' 258 281 498 ~I{q~ 615 621 463 ~i'fl"( 338 338 509 499 1itW~ 698 682 464 ~~if1' 503 415 500 q)o?if 64 68 465 ~eiif1'1i' 406 SOl qT~vr"t 466 ~~i(TifiT 660 666 145 126 467 qifi"(q 199 21S 468 q~q 602 608 115 116 469 q~Ff~ 502 q;;:1(t1fm IS 22 470 q~Tlfiqfr 658 663 503 CIi1:~ 1 I 471 "~'mvr"t (1Ii"'ta11!") 116 110 504 qrormm Sss 597 114 120 471, q~~lcn:vr' (artm~,,) 50S ~q 197 213 473 QZliI')"'" 67 71 506 ~~,;i\' 619 623 414 ito, 317 307 507 "l6'iti'w 636 640 475 .hIliftt~ 665 668 508 ~Z~~ 466 470 476 ","~

cui!fiq"(~"N Q1~1 Cfi) ~)

______"T' ___.... ___ ..- __ ... ._ ...... -_ - ...... ",..... ~~ ~ ...... ------_.. _------~ VHf ... "111 ",,;ftlf ~ IIAr~ 'Ifi1I !Ill!' 'm ;rf~ f'frit't !tiT, IIR1"t .... -, U.n PlI' ~ .. I '""'----"" 1971 1981 1971 t9111

_.- .. _---_._------~- - - .~ -- I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ----- ...... _------_------_ _---_--

4 5/5 a1:JfT,!~ cr~~(_;f

526 or-~ 1t'{lliT 279 304 56t ~lfer 236 234 527 or-iT "',;pT 282 270 562 iif);rf'!.lI6f 495 479 528 ~if~n 714 722 563 iif)~t~ 39B 433 529 "'if'!) 79 83 564 ~~ 693 677 530 i(~tt" 121 107 565 il'1"(~ 571 575 531 orr;f~ 399 416 532 II'tmw) 451 457 533 iIl1til~ 144 129 $66 ~~)~gT ~ .. 584 598 53 d "'1~ttfT 68. 73 567 ~1tt~ 706 678 535 iIlUTI!¥T 652 656 568 ~~ 218 201 536 fiT

.. ai""I1"'~ IT'ilIlil t.n

-----~- --_ ------~ ifilliii' ;(N ~ IIi'R II"RI"( IIfi'I' iiPI' IIIiI "IT" Rnft'q m IR1l ftIn r= ~ --, flIn t wA l!J71 1981 1971 1981"""""' --.------1 2 , 4 I 2 3 4 ------..-. ....------,...,_

Gfr\ifrq~ ~~ 45/5 .. ,

626 tiromr 514 SIS 591 1i'lflq~T 321 310 mil'" 627 fiR::1fT'if~ 72S 592 !i.'hi;:..:) 228 224 628 482 475 m~g' 181 181 f""~1; 593 ~ , 629 ,,~ 203 19% 594 'If;:i'1{ 200 214 630 'Ij;r.r~) 202 196 595 'If;R;fi'r 722 731 631 ,!Q1; 34 17 596 'If~rq'r~ 445 455 632 2ft 217 597 ~~~ 373 388 "~'{ 37 633 284 265 598 l{~fl:lJq'~ 60 "'iI~~ 245 634 I!'GI't" iliiitil ~oo 606 599 ~~ 238 8 26 635 I!ffiT~,{ IS6 156 600 'If~~' 636 liiftr) 524 f01 qri? ~Q.'If 237 '232 528 602 'lJfl'!.~t 91 91 637 ,!~efr;m ZOI 191 235 603 q.lq~.1. 229 638 '1:iliTifR 592 591 159 165 6(J4 ~1'IJ~t 639 '"«III.r 532 637 368 373 605 m:lli~r 640 ,!qqil'l~r Z93 260 11("f.;rr,T 500 505 606 641 ,!~r 232 244 607 ~, 508 513 642 '_ffi~' "4 555 644 647 608 qt:~q'~T 643 ~'!ft~ :aqi IfittflNltl'T 152 151 609 I1<'i'IIQ;l!:r 670 684 644 m~lii 131 135 610 lIi1ft'f.~f 577 580 645 ~r riflii ~~ iliRtfT't~r 132 138 611 ilrl!:iifr~r 342 336 646 il?:1'!.,r 695 689 612 lffitiilT 565 569 647 ii'eTq'TiiI 501 506 613 ~'( 230 223 162 614 'IJT~,!'{ ~1 231 221 648 ~q'''iilT 163 227 615 'lJT~qr~t 46 57 649 -q",iiilT 247 ~16 'lJTq~ilit 626 631 650 .)~'" 324 314

617 illiil~ 74 64 6!11 q

...r~'~~l'{ VTQl 11\) ~)

------lIIiII Vlll 1IiI ifTll ""lilt{ 'I'lt I(Rr~ 'A fIT" IIi1 ifTll f'If!;f)q 1Iil, ;rRA ti.,n ..". g.n r= ..., t ...... __~ 1971 1981 1971 t9n --_------I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 ------

4 5/5 othTT!!~ ~~(Of

689 f"tn~t: fi23 628 690 fil'~q 171 175 660 Zl'f$1.: 688 708 691 ~lIi

694 63 65 664 ~~~q 105 115 "'~t:ll 69S cnf~ 665 '{Tmr 655 661 413 ~96 6)6 666 Ui'i)if)~t:h 204 200 q'lfTill~ 234 231 697 fcrf,t{r llfq 667 <:t~~r 71 77 371 378 668 <:tlf$~ ,,69 680 669 ~rqita-r 129 133 fi70 'lZlrr..~' 110 125 698 ~'l~~"\' 583 599 671 1:T~rr~vft' 9S 96 699 ijll'1I'~ 182 183 672 1:1~T'f~ 41 38 700 ~iF'lrrr"", 72 75 673 1:TfI'T«mr 579 586 701 ~lfi'lTrr~ 322 322 674 'T~rr\"~"\' 712 712 702 ~Tl: 402 436 675 'ill'{1f 97 98 703 ~qr 452 456 676 'tlliTrrTIiT 301 274 704 543 548 677 'tlit'ml'l 631 636 ~~ 70S W';1 10 29 678 't1!~r 133 137 679 'tnt 706 ~"'lt~~1 103 III ~- 496 504 707 ~::

.ai""Tim~ Q1W1 Cfil «.0

--- --_------_.---.- --- .--- .- '!ill INIIIi1 ;mr ~ IIIi'tw ;:p:;n; q;1f Ii (If iii' ;:nil w.thm~ On r J ----.. ~r ,..--A--...... _ 1971 1981 1971 198. _------_._-_.. ------._------I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4


45/5 iffiiflTt a'&ff1~

719 ~tiI'?;t 415 424 727 r~1I 364 366 720 ~)q;r~ 172 176 728 ~-=r 381 354 729 721 lI)'If;J~ 206 209 ... '28 no f{Q~~" 635 631 731 ~~q 61 46 732 ~"()~ 715 727 474 722 ~ 483 733 1i~CI6T 362 723 ~'{ 345 350 734 I-{l!qt 493 413 724 ~~qR~" 4 5 735 Qi,!arml 263 211 725 ~M 492 489 736 gilJl~ 477 4'7 726 ~ 262 266 737 ~~Cfr,r 281 291

45 /6 ~~qls:r ~~1w

J 1 l{51JT~ 21'2 .1.09

I lIirm 186 183 CIi'

2 S("(

..r~§"T,{ VAT ",) ~i

----~--- .. ------I(Iq I'flr III enq IITIf I'ITq "'rlftlf ~ """ -n E'I1;ft If IliTr "''I''': ~1 ...... , "" r--~ u.n ,----A-~ 19')1 1981 1971 1981 ------I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 -_._------_

45/6 ~qT~~~

57 S6 58 29 ~~~ f'l"limt' 224 222 ~;i.,.r~ SO SO 59 30 fil'aT\;I,rr 8S 85 31 fOit ....r 102 102 60 f'lQ'T'l'( 74 74 32 Ti~ 96 97 61 ~WI' 10 3 33 103 103 ~'1!:R"~ 62 'fllrofn: 168 165 34 ~.n III"I'qy 150 148 ·63 .mr"r~ VIiI f~T 1R'l 120 118 35 ~~~rvr 121 119 9S 36 ~ 89 9 37 lIi'I""~If("" 141 138 64 fg~;q~ 38 1II"I'ii'iIiIi .... 3 'ii\i ~r 13 S 40 mlfi'lit (lAfT'!') 237 232 66 m-~ ITRIT 228 224 41 m",",q-~ 24 24 67 m-€ ~~, 215 212 42 ...·ht:mr 204 201 68 s)~~ 78 78 69 e'Ii ~1fIn~ 41 V 41 70 ~ i£flTr 205 202 43 157 ~~crr'!f ISS 71 'fit! Ift''''lfr~ 232 229 72 g)~ ~'"~~ 203 200

\if' 44 q~;:rr'( 125 123 73 4' 1f[C!:1f 134 132 ai'f:ll'lft~ 230 227 74 Gfqr.,. 46 ~fl(-a 148 146 S9 S9 75 ;Q;.;rr 41 'flWnii!' 127 1'24 196 194 76 48 'f'f1iif1,r 106 106 GfTl:lf 70 69 77 fijnh: 49 ~l(1( 64 62 159 157 78 fGf&' ~~r 219 50 '!1f?T 68 68 lt6 79 \ill" (

~ 57 III(~;:IT~ C'filVlq) 239 236 84 l:1l1!i

.ai"fl1im~ V1'Jl .n \!_

-_ ..... _, ~ ------_.------,----.--~-- -_ .. _...... _ 'iiII' tmrl6T lIN ~. ;n:orlj 'lIIi'~ iii). iR'C _,. 'Ii" II '" iii' '"" ftrn r= -, tiw r--"---., 1911 1981 1971 1981 _------.------1 2 I 4 1 2 3 4 --_------_.----_.

45/6 c:-~crT6;r ~dt~

85 homw 161 159 110 "f~ 146 141 111 86 ~;n~ 80 80 if,;m: 22"2 219 87 iZ1f 216 214 IU ;rl.JI;:nl 140 139 113 .. ~~ 190 187 114 "1~' (~iI1l11t) 234 231 tI5 "T~ 62 63 144 143 88 ~;rmlJ~1IiI 116 r.. mcrrtIT 198 196 i'l'lIf{m 97 91 89 117 ;f<£t' ;rrlj 20 19 ~rt; 213 210 90 tt8 ~\'II~ (

1lI'Ii!fi'nt6T~ ~t ifit ~)

---_... ------_-""_"--- -- 1111 VIII 1111 'lT1i """'If 1J)f 1il'Rn:: ~ 11111 IIfiI Ifftl f1II;ft'" iii), II'AR .. "., r- -, 6.n ,. ..,._ 1911 1981 1971 198t'"""" ------1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------4 S /6 ifr?cm:r ~dtllf

172 142 I:{\,{II 69 70 .~.. ~ 136 134 110 109 173 .~'( 143 '"~)~ 113 112 174 ;ilNr;;r 179 176 to 175 ari[tl',;;r 117 US ] 76 ~q-T~'" 180 144 qmm~ 55 52 177 145 'lReqT~~ 4S 45

146 q;;:~~~ 46 46 147 44 44 117 'IWI1~ ~

."IIIIi"~ 11111 ~ «_

--_ ------.._....__ ._-- .--- ~ .. _---.._ OItiIf If1I' IItT IfT1f ~II. I'I'1=

202 I!~~ 86 86 219 ~lI""!.~ '3 54 203 mHJ\It 133 131 220 ~~ 177 274 204 ~;:nt\lt 188 185 221 ~TJlftrU lSI 15& 20S lfill''R=ri 132 129 222 ~m;{Tl; 36 37 206 q\ItJirTgf 153 151 223 f~;{T'{ S4 55 107 lI)IIQt'l 208 20S 224 '~<'ftl; 143 144 '08 ,,1"liiA'l't 42 42 209 qT~~;r'l; 122 120

210 ~lIir 23 22

211 ~lTr;:m: 147 145 225 ~;m: 66 66 212 ~;:rr~ 87 88 226 ilt".-.mr 1$1 149· 213 ~

21R ~r:r~ifT,( 175 173 237 f{~)~ 173 168

45/1 iif~t"I'q'"{. a~~t)t"I'

6 atOlClT 521 521

Iff ~i!'qil:'(i ~q'(T 372 312

2 ar"if~'( 439 439 7 arhf,( 45 45 3 arq~TflH 10 10 H arr;-flfTOf 202 202

4 at~ift'( 96 96 9 atr~lin ... 375 375 S iIl"(.{;rn: 410 410 10 atl~q'~ 80 80 48

1IIvi$IIT~~n: Q't'llIfiT ~T

- --_. ------lIP( VI" IIiI ;n" """'If IIi'IlIlRA !Ii1I 'Ill" JI;l IfJ1I ~i(11F 16')', !fAA d'-I .t.n r--~ f A--~ 1~71 1981 1971 r981 ------I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 ------

4517 :sr~~~ a~

94 11 aAi(t~ 94 37 ~cn.m: 14 14 3Trlfl'f~ ~S1 351 12 ... 38 1ti~;:rT'{ 551 SSI 2~1 254 13 3TTq'T~ 39 ~iiT~~ S6S 5f;5 381 381 14 3Tt~~ ij',(q~ 40 ~'I(if('{ 296 296 15 ar~lfT~ 145 145 41 1Ii~;:rr'{ 519 519 16 3Trwrr 448 44d 42 lfi';fiiTlfRr 576 576 43 ~~iifl 464 464 44 1Ii"(;;ft 278 278 45 ~~lfir J 7 216 216 569 569 ~WI'l~ 46 18 581 58t ~'!" 38 3~ ~iif'q'I~ 47 19 mT 71 71 lti~iiT 1];" 386 386 48 Iti~ifil 1fT"'" 20 W'iImI' 43 43 102 102 49 1Ii~~ 21 ~1fiItt~ 534 534 166 166 50 22 ~1fi1J(~ 302 302 1Ii~'{ 360 360 51 ~Cf~ 2S8 258 52 ~, 183 183 53 1fi'~')Q'filf 23 :af'IfI'«'1 322 322 310 310 54 'i~ ;riTo 24 ':Jt(;yq'f;;( '340 340 24 24 55 Ifi';;;r~ 364 25 ~T1l 42i. 421 364 S6 ifi~qr~ 26 ~;;;r;:rt' 331 331 489 489 57 ;ri~IJ(;;;r 17 :a«~') - 174 174 ( CflfflT") 604 604 28 :a«~ i., 114 114 58 ;ri~ 546 546 S9 ififcr atrl'fo1T 191 hIt 60 ~~CfT;;;r 33 33 6t 1Ii~~T 29 t!;1:~~ 6 6 342 342 62 ~ (~ 30 ~,~~ 32 32 ... 4 4 63 ifiTifi~T" H ~"i(T'iI' 105 lOS 413 413 64 ifiT~rifiRT 32 ~~1~ 499 499 506 507 65 1liTi'l:Trm: ri 1iq;:rq'(~ 33 ~r~ 44 44 574 574 66 34 ~ .. 1Ii'ta" 495 495 Ilili(f ~1Ahr 540 540 67 ifil;nlfTii'l" 35 ~'fi'l1~ 575 575 307 307 68 IIiT Cflit T,{ 73 73 69 iiTq~ ~~" 49[ 49f 70 ifi'llT"T~ 558 558 36 lli'litirr 438 438 7t l(i1:lfiTlfrtf 444 444 49

c,",,",m'{ ""', ~ ~

--___...... ---.. . -----~ ...... ---.... _.. ------'Ii'" I11f Ifil ;mr ~m i'I'JiI1: 'lIi'f II "" IIiI iIR ~1liW1A1 .. ~ ....., ~ ---=A a.n r r - 1971 1981 ------197J ---1981 I :a 3 4 J 2 3 • ------45/7 ,;rq-{

101 .'~1 "'~ (q;mq) 608 608 72 ~,mlJ." 384 384 108 EIi)~~ 23% 232 73 IfiT~iit ri fi[~ 452 452 J09 Eli)!' "'~ (;mn",) 600 600 142 74 ifil~iI' 142 110 lfi)forlf 11fT 107 t07 380 75 Ifil~Qf 380 111 'fi~iIlTW 583 S83 79 76 ~,crt.n~ 79 112 Ifi't~~ 321 321 285 285 77 f

~uj$',"~~n( ~nqt iii) ~) -.--_.. _------qil{ lll'l 'to, ;nll f'f11l11f ~Tf iin~ \f,1{ iiI" !iiI ofT8 f"fti!')!I' $), ij"tif(; U~, .-----"--_, (l~1I1 r--'---...... 1971 1981 1971 '981

------_ "'-_ • .r;. __ 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------

4~/7 ;sr;rGi1Ij;~ i36:ij"1~

142 li·g~T 234 234 143 Ii'fl"{"fcr 356 356 174 "fl~nr') 189 189 • 44 fli~liR~ 348 348 175 "fTe:ffiinT 476 476 ... 5 ~\iI'r~T 433 433 176 "fIe: ~IJ.'{ 456 456 146 ~~q~ 3SS 355 177 "fle:<;£~ 147 1i)e:

J80 'iff,,!U 152 152 93 93 150 ",~r 181 'if'ifr~1; 396 39CJ 151 iffclfT ItO J 10 182 'il.;:;r~"{ 118 118 152 ""I;I~;T.<'I't 367 367 183 'if;oll:f1t'1;) SIS ,,"{(eroe 369 369 '15 !53 ,Ii 184 'ifOs{qT"T 562 562 154 'l1!1t SOS SO, ISS 'if;:~ 13 13 155 ifTC'I"{T{f 582 S8:! 186 'ifCfIliI J72 172 156 'lT6''f ~~, 553 553 187 ~fl Ql'l1:,{ 2112 282 ·57 ifT61"fle 383 383 188 'ifr'fql~ 393 393 158 1'fT~ifT 245 24<; t89 'ifT'{ifA (erIlVT'f) 589 389 159 fIT," ilur) 5t2 512 H)o oqr~iji'II'1 106 106 160 fif1;T;;rr 268 268 191 f'ifa'1::lTTCf 251 25t 161 11'-'" ql{lTl 539 ~39 192 f'Cf"{«<;£ q;"'f~ 283 2;53 162 "f

"ar.q~~ vmlilit ~

...... -----~--.,---- .. ------!IIilf U1lf Itil 1'fJ1J ~m 1'I'"I''t 'Ii'!' tI Pr IIif IIt1I fII1';i\'I( m ~ ... a'.n IliIilfT r= "' -, ~--... 1971 1981 1971 1981

~------I 2 3 .. J 2 II 4 _-..-.--.-- - -,~-- ... --- .. ------_.. _-----

45/7 ,.,q~~

205 :il:~ifl1T~ ilNr 6'''f1ftl' (

220 ~~rc;:. 231 231 221 g;)~ 3TiPTl'f'~ 151 151 252 RT'{ Oi'l~lfilf 292 292 222 ~ 3TIlfl iTT<=!' 153 153 253 Irl'{ «~t 176 176 723 gr~ 1li4r1l'T 527 527 224 wre 'lilfTWr 400 400 2H g)i ~r'li~.. ,{ 88 88

226 g~~ fiIJiorcmr 81 81 254 ~,{Tl!fT J21 121 227 g;le'I{.U 508 5(18 255 tf"IJ', II')", 85 8S 22R fite~ ~fiflffll'T<=r 40 40 256 twn~ 335 335 219 f9TZ~ 'r,'ti 580 580 251 eTIfO"'{f l!*l ;;:00 200 230 w~' f;;m'ITt;f 237 237 258 ZT·1:'IQr ... 479 479 231 me" iiil'

fI..r~~l"{ vt~llfi) wa)

._..------.------_.-.. ~-~ ...... -- - 'Ii1I 11111' iii. 1IT1I' ~I1I1lf iii" 1I"l~ ~1f II1If llil ;:rill ftU;f\'lf 'II) (lff.Ol'l ",I _,. r= ~ «.u "...----A-~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------1 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 -_------

45/7 ~~~~ ~~

266 ~~If 1 293 f;:r1:f1'T 137 137 294 ~'tr,q,,,,, 267 ~q~-.m:T 510 510 326 326 168 il'1lOf Fft1: 246 246 295 ~1:1!1: 236 236 269 il'ifilqt~ 531 531 296 ~UI);.1: 60 60 270 ~)'1I',q,Of 417 417 297 ~:b:rT<.'II) 104 104 271 a-)'l"1: 561 561 298 q_'t Ii 588 58.8 309 i'()"'~" 1 (Cll'RrT1f) 598 598 278 liI"'lilI' 56 56 219 IJ).~'~ '522 522 ~ 280 2')' 291 "'1~" 310 ;::,111 566 . 566 311 ~«ftrt;;r 313 313 312 ~TC'IiJT 324 3?4 281 6111'1:<1"" 38S 388 313 Illii1'q"I;;r 108 108 282 tr,qr'li1iff 449 499 314 iq";fqr"l' 497 491 283 ;:rm'lA 470 470 315 ~~ ~~tCf 212 212 284 tn'U'ITCf 167 J67 316 hwtCf 466 466 285 at,{T'It" 100 100 317 il:q~T 168 168 286 ([T1:T~,( 330 330 287 tno{''(: '117 211 288 f;:r6'U 55 55 289 ftrftr'{'lfrcr 455 ASS 318 Ifif~'",,,\, 343 343 290 fa"{'{q' 99 90 319 aif~ 259 2.59 291 ferf'{lrT (Cfll"ln'l') 597 597 320 afill:f~l; 425 425 292 or,('f«"IJ 567 567 321 alft i1l'f 12 12 53

."""'iID,( I1'if Iff1 I~

____.-.._ .. ___ 'Ill'_" ---....-- .... -~---- _. ------. .---~-

~m ~ 1m!' IIil ;rrq ~lfm 1'fIq1; !ill' II fir !liT I'IT1r __ ftqr On r=' ..". -, r='----"---"'"\ l!HJ 1981 1971 1981

~~------I 2 S 4 I 2 a .. o_ . ---_------...___-----~-

45/7 ~~~~

32l Q~IflU 451 451 352 ~I~ 514 514 323 Erl:'II'ra"( 458 458 353 ~l:~T ri q lIlT 50! 503 324 ![<:'tfT 968 368 354 q';~At;r,\, 434 434 355 q';:IT;:n"( 325 !'(l:Tlfilf 117 117 288 288 356 'R'r~ 197 197 326 eitofi W' 30t 301 357 q''(q'J '33 533 SS8 CR:I~T 398 398 359 IJmft- 180 180 327 ififib qlf"(f 373 373 360 Iffiit 437 437 328 ;rq"{Ifll: 339 339 361 q'm~ 178 178 362 ~T ,,";no 3'! 9 'fI<'{T UTt(( 181 181 224 224 363 q'~ 537 537 330 ;r;:q~"(f 222 222 364 qfll'lflf ilf'{T 136 136 331 iflJ1;rn: 430 4JO 365 qltifiq'~ 332 332 332 ifl:llfr. 273 273 366 qUnT: 140 140 333 ;n;mlfri' 327 327 367 q'J1ifU 248 248 334 ifcrnrTcr 536 536 368 q'f~lf 70 70 335 . "1Il,!~ 415 415 369 qTl:'~ 37 37 336 if~;ft 235 235 370 qT~q 16 16 337 ~);r;r 51 51 371 q'J~'''J'( 78 78 33!l ;rTl'f(:fU~ 394 394 372 q'I

";~gR QYIlllfiT ~) ------_------'Ifi1r 111 .... lIT .. ""Ift~ 16)f If~ 'Ii" tn.. I(iJ IITII f'fI;ft'q 1Ii)(;rAR _,. -, W-' r= 6'" r-----A-~ 1981 1971 1971 7981 ------t 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 ------___.....--_------

45/7 ~tft~$~ ~

419 II'AIJ ItfTcr 223 223 420 iiI'~WIJTW 98 98 320 320 388 'fl'tA'mlf 421 1iR'a<: 207 207 389 ~r 239 239 422 iiI'~r;;,r~ 69 69 '1iTq;;:r') 221 221 390 423 .r~'m:r 488 488 442 391 liqr't.~ 442 424 iiI'r~ 160 160 425 iiI'r"'!m ~ 67 67 426 iiI'I~~t 218 218 427 IIltrot (iiI'ifV ,,,) 595 59S 392 tAil.... 3]7 317 428 ..fmQ1W 198 393 1191T1lIi. 32'9 329 19& 429 iil'tlll'rrlJTw 461 394 ., ar8~A 169 169 461 430 IIIltlrlqrw 103 395 lIi.m 122 122 103 396 or, anll1iiI'IW ISS 155 431 iil'f~T:a-.: 346 346 432 397 ri art"~" 498 498 iI1~ i;ji~ 86 86 433 39B ""i;ji"" 523 523 iil'Tiif.. ~lI1:r 370 370 399 qlfi~l~ 397 397 434 iiI'~) 350 350 400 iiI'"f ifili;ji~ 15 75 435 il"J<;l;r 280 2110 401 if~ f~~1fIW 92 92 436 "'~) 333 333 402 if.f '!.fq1Jlq~ 46 46 437 iil'rmmr 453 453 403- ~ ,!-.:i 579 579 438 if'~m 213 213 404 ifij' 'iI'~ 179 179 439 orlilrr~ 66 66 4C5 ~' f~-.:rVl" 244 244 440 fiTi6T 2S 25 400 in;' itq' 264 264 441 f«mm 57 H 44l f... m'it 407 .~ am:n 111 111 377 377 408 ifl' Q,)l(l 112 112 443 finr~~ (

f(Gi.,,~~,~ VI'Il.=tpl _--_------...... ~. 0111 iIit ;mr f'fJiihI .ttl ~ ~q I. N IIiI iIN ~m~ J- ---, aw A_ an r= I ~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------1 :I 3 4 I 2 3 .a


4 S[7 GFm:\;~ ate"Rr

454 ~gl ~q~'fN 293 29,) 455 i(,ltIt~ 275 275 456 ii'(Tm~lii'1: 115 115 487 'Ill\ "'''''~T 446 446 457 .<>rTr~ 331 3)7 488 liq.ili~ 3.52 35Z 458 .r,,~,{') 279 279 489 li'filJ'{ 557 551 459 i~ 120 120 490 Ii'fill,{ 257 257 460 if~q'1lI' 113 li3 49( QCfI 501 501 209 461 i6,{TCfIW 209 492 ~T1ittr' 126 126 162 162 462 i~ 493 ll~ 491 493 63 63 463 i(~ 494 1R:"", . 34 34 161 161 464 ii"'6;

'-fQj'ifi'm2~T,{ Vlq'T efi) ~,

--...~-- .. ------.------_,.,.,_------~

'I!l1{ Q'l" 11\1 'I'ff "l

45 J7 ;;r4f~c"1~ tIQ~:ft~

5:::0 ;rl

-- ... -~-" ------.------_ I11f IIil ;mr ~ ;:n:;r~ 'Ii'" m 'iii!' II III IIiI ""'" ~q~ 8'11n j. a.n r t A_ -, 1971 1981'"""' ------11'71 1981 I 2 II 4 --- 1 2 3 4 - -_------..---

4~/7 ii!~q;:;~, ~

445 445 599 582 m~rr ~",)'a ~ 208 208 469 469 600 583 f6tT;{$ 1: m~ 272 272 405 405 601 584 fQ'~~ ~lJtw 468 468 220 220 602 58S fam:niil'iJ VtifT~qrW 170 170 319 319 603 mtriil' 586 fQ'~ 227 221 604 587 fwU 6W 486 486 miATW 542 54:! 89 60S m-ifT't 588 fQ'w~~') 89 586 586 fi06 589 fQ'w~ So SO m~ 2U 265 150 150 607 m~1 590 fl{;r.J) 253 253 306 306 608 mllJlw 591 ~~ 127 127 139 592 ~m1il' 139 49 49 593 ~I!" 48 48 609 594 ~~I!,r ii(~,"~ ~W~ 8 8 601 601 610 595 ~'i'~"'" (~fi) ~,~.n'Q 447 447 23 23 596 Wi~' 611 ~f~lIi"')~r 443 443 252 252 612 597 "il'ffi;:~ IITEq?{Il~ 409 409 ~411 548 613 S98 ~l ~.n~ 27 27

4 S i8 lfili!r ~

Sf 10 ~tn~qj'. • 14 14 11 ~1fI 16 16 1 8N~~ 179 179 12 241 241 2 !A"if~I~"IQ' 74 74 ~lJIq" 3 W'iIftfrW 61 61 4 ~\iI''''~\iI) 219 2U 13 arr ~mrot 272 27Z 14 :a-q1Jcn;~') 132 132 15 5 arf1l'IQ;Cr 291 291 :a-l:'flIflW 56 56 6 16 ~~ 164 164 at I~lfe:~er ri iI'~ ~~ 226 226 "\ 7 arr~\iI',q;~ 328 328 8 8lnrh: lJirf... .240 240 ~ ~ 17 U;i'l'~~~' 244 24J !J ~'i('('" 242 242 18 U;'lllJl, 286 286 58

...r~'~T,{ mqllliT 'irf'

----- _------,_ _ !Ipf 11'1" IIif "'" "'11ft" q 1iI''"I1.: '!ill '"II _1Iif ;:nil' fqf;ft If If;), il'An URI U.n _,.__ r-~ f ---, 1981 1971 1971 1981 ------I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 ------

45/8 ~er tI~

19 ~l.:~iITl.: 234 234 49 it;<~"", 121 127 283 283 20 1:!;t=rif;'rr ~" 50 it;l.:;;rlq.~ 140 140 21 P;t=r'l"q-~~ 135 135 51 ~anr 19 19 22 '290 290 ~t=r'l"r'L'" 5J 1fi)'ti~'IT'" 32 32 23 tt"'r'f6~ 323 323 ~3 'Ii);-~ 152 JSZ arT '4 ~')lfl'" 52 52 55 1fi)arl1~ 189 189 56 1f;l61~ 142 24 .uij{l; 46 46 142 57 lIi'Iq,~ 300 300 58 ~rrfif

."""9'~ 11'if..a ~

------~ ... - -- 11511 IN Ili1 ;nil ..FihlIIilw &n:iR IA liN IR IiIN ~m~ -. r= .. ~ --, Ibn r- ..A--.., IP71 1981 15»71 1981-- I 2 I 4 I 2 8 • ------..------_

4 S/8 ;pTZT ~

114 81 '!.~If' 49 49 ffi ""'AI 136 136 82 ,!l'I)~ 154 154 lIS 'Ilvl~nr 6 6 83 ~ 91 91 lUi 'If~ 75 75 84 1ft!! .., 138 138 8S lI'~iif 'to" 201 20] 86 lim"'" 210 210 87 .rr.i~w 120 120 117 fW~I' 54 54 119 88 1I');:{lf~ 119 118 g'Uq?;~. .. 57 57 89 tft~ (~IIiT) 162 162 90 ,";:~~r 332 91 ")'N(, 236 236 92 tiR., 239 239 119 1iIli1lllfW' 44 44 93 .m'!.;:~ 216 216 120 Gl'1R'!.::wt 159 IS' 94 Iff«;rT 11 11 121 Gl'rn~q 248 241 95 ")iifT~~ 178 178 122 ... ·II .. ~q 321 321 303 96 IITmq"" 303 123 li(iill~~ 192 192 97 'it,"iJ~ 94 94 124 .mfF 31{J 310 125 ;fi~q. 1fT", 77 77 126 .ii~ 25 25 127 173 173 98 ~iif) 208 208 .rr.n,!" 128 mar" ~ ~q',", ~3 83 99 f'flilfTiif 128 128 34 34 100 f~iIl~ it 101 f'I"'IiT~TlI' 66 66 ]02 r;;r"m~q 110 110 129 Rfq~ B5 as 103 f~)1;~ 97 97 104 f~tiif 33 33 1005 f;;roiifrrR 37 37 106 fq.aiif~R: 188 188 ll0 i~,t 225 225 107 f;;r;:oTIIi~ 270 270 131 zi~ 330 108 f;;r;:aT'!.,," 202 202 109 f";:OT'!.'fiT 235 235 110 f;;r;:rfift~itiiif 191 191 iii' 111 f~,qTiif 69 69 112 f'ifl'l<'fT 180 180 132 ••Ift I I. 113 f~,!~ llS 115 133 6f81 ..n"l' ri ~m 'tIT 78 ,. 60

1!fGi~'ftT"( 'lt~' Iifi) 'if.)

_---_ -----.... _------IPI "'III''llf "'''' !iii "'" ~ If'" !I'" Inlf • IJ;I "'II ""or')Q' 1fi"t":;rRn 1Ii~' r--~ u.n ------.A- ~ 1971 1981 1971 T981 ------__.....__------I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------_.. _------

45/8 cn"'k:T Ffi[tr')t;r


137 lZ"TOg"tl 27.1 271

166 EI'

J83 Ifftrifr€ ~m 60 60 157 q;:~~1f 316 316 184 Iff1:lI'T 112 112 158 ~'ifr ita-, 213 213 185 qf~lfT 129 129 J59 ~ut "'"(~r 264 264 186 qf~~r J02 J60 102 ~:~~~1I'f 169 169 187 IfriliCil'l 71 71 61'

."""1161'( ~ Ifil l;it

-- ... ~ ------.- -- - "!ill I11f I5T iR1I ~..w 1J1:;I'~ 'Ii1I ~ 'I1f lIlT ;m:r ~..w~ A _.v... WtIII(J F"" ...... , On f ...... , 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------I 2 :t 4 I 2 :t • ------.,.~---.. ---..- .. ------

4518 'iil~r~" ~"

33] q; 188 Ifr~ 148 189 Ifl.:~t~~ 148 280 223 'Ii;:;::')IJ:~ 263 263 190 Ifl~I'if~," 280 207 224 q;;iftllR 5 5 191 lfI;;rr~1!.. 207 21 225 "l'f~ 123 123 192 If'<'I1l 21 324 324 1~3 f~~ iI' 134 194 q\;;II{;;[') 134 118 118 195 ~;;[T<."tq,Ol 226 lIfiI!'frcn~ 63 63 SO 144 196 ,'Plli\"IfIOl (~) 50 227 ~I{" 144 212 197 ,!;r~') 212 228 i[,u~t 122 12l 119 IS6 ]98 'lcrcff 172 229 156 252 252 iI'~ 309 309 199 ~U1f'T 230 ot"Wcn~ 302 250 250 200 '!U'!.'l'it 302 231 ot;;rrIf1!" 2 2 .;oJq~~') 183 183 201 ~Q',!"fT 232 88 3S 35 202 '!~') 88 233 liTI,ifIf'Ol 41 41 i[UCI 260 260 203 ~wrtOl 234 199 211 211 204 ,!Q'CIl~r 199 235 ir~

.ai~~UT~ VI'" !fir ~)

--.------~------.------'lIiII' IIHIIQ ifT~ ""'fhl' 1Ii~ If'" ~ Ql1I ~ lin ifT~ f'Wft'1I''Ii)(If1:" ~r ...,. r= --, u.n t ...... A- 1971 1981 1911 '9Rt""""' ------.,.-.------1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------_------_

45/8 !fil

251 196 196 284 "i'Il1Tl~1t N 1IIi(~,!" ~e'Tl!~ 249 249 252 "i'Iln~{1t ri f~~n''1~I' 168 168 285 1{~~1; 314 314 253 ;r\jfl 229 229 2116 ~Il:cr, 251 251 254 'I{<=I'l{,ql~ 8·2 287 It){q~~ 82 193 193 288 1tt~1t~'l 30S 30S ;r 289 ~'l 325 325 255 ~~~ 262 262 256 #;(<=1''1'' 282 282 257 'I',m6l'T<=I' ",iii '!.~'!~ 89 89 290 1;ftt',n ~ 'lilU' 67 67 258 li~ 1tl;1ili' 161 ] 61 291 1;,~;:a-T 177 177 259 'I'''T'Ii);:~t 228 228 292 1;t;:;rq;~ 'Gtfi ~""I~ 245 245 260 'I'd 11" 231 231 293 1;'III1It~ . 329 261 JRf ,,!~T 307 294 307 1;ll1'l1;'I' 79 7Q 262 ItfiiliT 20 295 20 1;Tmt'l' ,86 186 263 ItTil'!ilIf'''' 113 113 296 1;T1fT1;1~ 96 95 264 "'ltT1',!~ T 30~ 297 304 1;TltT1;T'I' 318 318 265 m~ITT 2s 298 8 1;'lf~'T 295 29S 26'; II'n)<=I'T 108 299 1;r~Ti!fTlI'T 108 17 17 267 f"'IIl{ll 9 300 't~IT~~T 9 . ~ 23 0 230 26R 30t fltf.i'!." 137 137 'ttT~ 1Ti!... eT (if;AI 'If ) 301 301 269 fiJ;:rql 302 203 203 ~~rll'~~ 204 204 270 303 f""!JT 133 131 'tnrT'tOi'<=rr 297 297 271 '!.'Iil;1t 194 304 'tirqT<=I' 194 64 64 271 1f.~<=I') 30S 1;1if;<=r 13 113 62 62 273 If,_2TI

.QII1Im: "",1 rfil ~ -__ ..-._------~ IRllIiT ;mr ~ IIftw SI'JiR 'lli1f U1f iii! ;n1l "*-IRC .... A 8wr R:n r= - -, f ----J;..-.. --, 19.71 1981 1971 1981 -- I If • I 2 3 4 ------... --~-.

45/8 c6T2T ~

312 r~,~1 160 160 323 gla-lIftvr 48 48 313 mtlltvr 2S9 259 324 ~lfim 86 86 314 1i1fic.~1f 265 26S 325 §,~~ 184 184 326 §i"qrvr 39 3, 327 ~""IIIJ.~r 268 268 328 it"1~~ 284 284 24 31S ~;r'lfr~ 24 329 ~qzr 277 277 274 274 316 UTri~ 330 u);rr :!tQ;rN J07 107 317 m~lfJvr 22 22 331 m1fvr ,!yT 291 298 318 m1R(~a') 131 131 319 mmu1f 176 176 320 fU'IHT1f 311 311 321 f~~..e"t 124 ]24 332 ~~ 26 26 322 fe-qrqf; 165 165 333 ffl:iR"h:n' 68 68 64


---~--._.------_.... SI. Sa.... 01 vin sae L.C.No. SI. Nama of "mille LO.No. __..A-__ No. r---..A..-_ No. 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 _.------~------_-

45/1 BbaDupratappur Tahsil

A 31 Bhelwapani 67 63 32 Bhiragaon 152 U2 1 Adgud 50 S~ 33 Bhirawabi 16 15 2 Alwar Kalan 157 156 3'4 Bbondiya 216 211 3 Alwar Khurd 156 157 35 l'Ihurka 179 179 4 Amagarh 49 50 36 Bburke 74 73 5 Amaguban 35 34 37 Bhuras TarandUI 25 24 6 Amakada 46 40 38 Bhuliki 133 131 7 Andhabeda 129 133 39 Bikramganj 147 148 8 Anhur 8S 85 40 Binayakpur 201 199 9 As tarO 238 231 41 Birkondal ISS 158 42 10 Asulkbar 164 164 BOde Ii 53 57 43 BOdeJi 214 U5 B 44 Bogar 200 202 45 Botechan. 148 149 11 Bagwahi 149 147 12 Baijanpuri 225 228 C 13 Bsngachar 110 110 46 Chabela 194 14 BanoJi 245 246 194 47 Chahchad 118 119 IS Barbaspur 236 238 48 CharglioD 235 235 16 Bargaon 17 17 49 Chaurgaon 78 79 17 Barhell 38 38 50 Chemal 43 46 239 18 Barvi 237 51 Chhindgaon 21 21 19 Baskuhud 244 244 52 Chichgaon 211 214 20 Basla 196 196 53 Chichmarra 166 168 21 Bayanar 220 220 54 Chihro 44 43 22 Bejhar 68 68 SS Chikhli 98 9$ 65 23 Beldo 62 56 Chilhati 231 230 218 24 Bbainsa Kanhar 221 57 Chogel 188 187 25 Bhainsa Kanhar 197 197 26 Bhai smundi 198 198 D 27 Bhanbeda 213 113 2M Bhandardigi 58 58 58 Dabkatta 210 209 29 Bhanupra tappur 180 180 59 Damkasa 22 25 30 Bheja 173 172 (10 Dangra 56 S5 65


--. ------_.. _-_------Sl. Name of ,,111 ... L.C.No. Sl. Name of 9111a. L.O.No. No. ,----.."--~ NO. ______,.___ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 ------_.. ------45/1 Bbanopratappur Tabsll

61 Dargarh 99 101 89 Gumdi S9 S9 62 Dhangudra 190 190 90 Gumdidih 101 99 63 Dhaneli 2.50 250 91 Gur Wand i 90 91 64 Dhanwa Fulchur 69 69 65 Diyagaon 140 140 H 66 JJandai Kheda 64 62 92 Hadfad 97 98 67 DodOde 135 135 93 Halrra 176 177 68 Dodde ICadar 96 96 94 Hahaladdi 132 132 69 Dondka Anhm 106 107 95 Hepur Kasa 29 70 Dongarg_on 234 234 32 96 Hamatwahi 89 93 71 Dongar Katta 217 224 97 Hanpatri 52 S4 72 Dumar Kot 223 nl 98 Haranpuri 22.9 225 73 Durg Kondal 138 139 99 Harbaipani 161 .61 74- Duwa 24 22 100 Hat KOlldal J$ 16 75 Dhodda 227 231 JOI Hawar Kondal 219 217 E 102 Hetar Kasa 240 241 103 Higanjhar 10 9 76 Bragaon 40 41 104 Higanpuri S4 53 105 Hilchllf 33 29 F 106 Hirange 11 10 107 Hulghat J03 103 77 Faraskot 162 J62 1 G 108 Irogaon 207 207 78 Garda 125 126 79 Ohoda battar 186 186 J 80 Ghotha 171 174 81 Ohotiya 150 151 109 lade Kburse 65 64 82 Ohotulrnunda 18 18 110 Jalhur 178 176 83 Oodpal 16 77 111 latin Kasa 212 212 84 Goyanda 19 19 112 lamdi 203 203 85 OUdphed 34 28 113 Jampara 226 229 86 Guddatold. 79 78 114 Janakpur 160 159 87 Gudum 11 70 115 lata~ada 14S 145 88 Gul al bodi 42 45 116 lepra 1~3 144 66


~---.- .... -----~ ... _---_._------_... _---- ._----_.------_ ----.- _

SI. ~ Name of vill8le L.C.No. Sl. N.m~ or viUqc L.C.No. No. r---..A.--.. No. r--_ ...... _.- 1971 1981 1911 1981

------¥. ---~------_._------I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------.. _------.. _------_ ..... - - -

45/1 Bhanupratappur Tahsil

117 Jharripara 37 3S 150 Ronde 100 102 118 Jhitka tala 14 14 151 Kondruj 63 67 119 Jholin 202 201 152 Kopa Katel 1 J4 117 120 Juee 108 108 l.B Korllr 233 232 121 Junwani 144 143 ~54 Kasparali 94· 92 ISS Kudal 172 In K 156 Kulhad katta 184 183 157 Kuni 232 233 J22 Kachcbc 204 204 158 Kuwapani 168 165 t 23 Kalagaon 8 8 159 Kwachi Katel 112 114 1::!4 Kalaugpuri 6 6 S 2 125 KaJwar L 126 Kanakpur 165 166 ]~7 Kanapa. 41 42 160 Latmarka 109 109 128 Kanechur 224- 223 161 Lohuar 32 33 129 Kanharg30D 18[ 184 130 Karaki 75 75 1\1 131 Karathi 191 DI 162 MadJe 141 141 132 Karkapal 1:2 82 163 Mahendrapur 4S 44 133 Karmoti 189 189 161 Manghur 92 86 IH Karramad 139 137 165 Mardel 208 208 135 ICarra Naidu 241 243 166 MarrampaOl 124 120 136 Katholi 249 251 167 Medo 119 122 137 Kewati 159 160 168 Melegaon 66 67 ]38 Khadka 177 178 169 Metaghamre 105 105 139 KhasgaoD 252 252 170 Mi"he Sukhai 123 124 ]40 Kbed'gaon 91 88 171 Mlchewada 84 84 141 Khedegaon (Subbani) 102 100 172 Mindoda S7 56 142 Khara 174 173 173 Mohgaon 'l7 27 143 Khutgaon 136 136 1 7-t Mohgaon 144 Kinari 169 169 185 185 175 Mokha 26 26 US Kl)da khnrri 36 3[ 176 MuJla 1~7 188 146 Koda Pakha ]11 111 177 Mungwal 215 216 147 Kodc KUrsc 81 81 148 Kodogaon 127 127 N 149 Kokder 146 146 178 Naghur 2 4 67


--~------.. Sl. Name of vmap L.C.No. Sl. Name of villewo i..\:.No. ,---J-~ NO. _-.J<--_ No. U}71 1981 1971 1981 ---_------,,_..------I 2 :4 4 I 2 3 4 ------..... -~------4511 Bbannpratappar Ta.....

179 Narayanpur 182 lR2 208 Pife FuJchur 7r 66 180 Naretitola 86 90 209 ['udo Michgaon 13J 129 181 Nar,il'Jghpur 222 219 210 Pujaripara 7 5 182 Nawagaon Sl 5l 211 Puttarwahi 151 150 183 Nadgaon 4 3 184 Nelchang 80 80 R 185 Newari 121 ]21 2]2 Radwabi 239 236 186 NeW8!kheda 113 115 213 Raoidongari 170 170 187 Nic:letonka 246 245 214 RasuJi I 1 188 Nirondadih 107 106 215 Ranwahi ]83 18J 2]6 Raurwahi 47 47 0 S 189 odabuT 126 125 217 Selegondi 228 190 Ote katta 73 74 226 218 Salhe 206 205 P 219 Sambalpur 193 192 220 Sandhu Michgaon 130 130 191 Pachangi 9S 97 221 Srind Tarai 115 J16 192 Padgal 48 48 222 Saraabughamre 104 104 223 193 Padgal 134 135 SateH 55 49 194 PaJachur 137 138 224 Sdegaoo 230 227 225 Seoni 20 20 195 Paliyar 83 83 226 Shahkatta 163 163 196 PaJvi 87 89 227 Sihari 120 118 197 Pandarouri 192 193 228 Silibahar 248 249 198 'Pandripani 158 154 229 SiJpat 28 30 Parali 87 199 93 230 Sitalpur 61 61 parbbeli 200 60 60 231 Sonadal 31 36 201 Parre Kodo 12 12 232 Sonpal 88 94 202 Parwi 175 175 233 Sone Kanhar 154 155 203 Paurkheda 117 113 234 Sukhai 112 123 Pedawari 39 204 39 235 Suraoguab 128 128 20S Pewari 167 167 T 206 Pichche Kat ta 209 210 207 Pidchod 30 37 236 Tamoda 9 11 68


-----~------_.---~--.-- -- .... SI. Name 01 villaac L.e.No. Sl. Nali.'c of village L.e.No , __...A.- __ No. ,..--..A----.. No. 1971 1981 lin. 19d1 ------.- ----_--_------_. ------_.-. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------_... _------._------_._------

45/1 BbanD~ratappur Tabsil

237 Tarai Gbotia 3 7 U 238 Tatandul 251 248 247 Uikatola 77 76 239 Tarhul 23 23 248 Unchpani 218 222 240 Tedbai Kandal 199 200 249 Upartonka 247 247 241 Tekadodha 205 206 250 Uttamar 142 142 242 Telamma 243 242 Tudge 195 195 243 V 244 Tueguhan 242 240 153 153 245 TUmari Kuhi 251 Vainar 13 12 2 246 Tumari Sur 72 7 252 Valin Tola 116 112

A 45/2 Kauer Tabsil

Aalbeda ISO 150 18 Bagdongri 52 56 2 Abhanpur 272 272 19 DagoJ 207 205 3 Amajhola 177 177 20 Bagodar 102 103 4 Amoda 258 258 21 Bolhanapani 236 237 5 Anchidongari 290 290 22 Bangapari 316 316 6 Andi 119 118 23 Bansasar 219 220 7 Anjani 1. 9S 195 2,4 Banspatar 3G9 309 8 Ankhiharra 237 238 25 Barchegnndi 151 151 9 Awarabhat 117 115 21i Barelhin Bahara 249 248 10 Anwari 29 25 27 Bargari 19 22 11 Arjun; 168 167 28 Bar Kachhar 42 42 12 Araud 87 88 29 Bark'li 297 296 Aturg'lon 183 179 13 30 B:l~anwahi 317 317 31 B


------_---_ .. - 81. Name of "maae L.e.No, SI. Name of "illaKc L.e.No • No. ,_. ..,.,..__~ NO. ,_. J.-- 1971 1981 1971 1981------_.. __ ._-- 1 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 _------

45/1. Kanker TahsiJ

37 Bhaismudi 259 259 D 38 Bhairadih 127 121 39 Bhanpun 83 83 69 Dabbipani 277 277 40 Bhansuli 250 250 70 Dabena 254 252 41 Bharritola 4 6 71 Dabena (Babu) 123 123 72 4' Bhelai 11 11 Daldali 295 294 73 DaJljdih 43 Bl':imadih 287 286 17 21 74 Damkasa 44 Bhiraud 13 15 7S Dargahan 45 Bhiraud 273 213 23 23 76 Dashpur 46 Bhirawahi 169 169 201 200 77 Dawarkhar 300 47 Bhotha 40 40 300 78 Deodongar 279 279 48 Bhuigaon 73 73 79 Deogaon 260 260 49 Bihav.a 289 289 80 Deori tBalaji) 263 266 SO Biranpur 231 228 81 Dey Kongera 184 180 51 BodeJi (Panka) 97 97 82 Deyi Nawagaon 230 227 52 Borgaon 187 181 83 Deoribar 114 114 53 BUdeli 265 264 84 Dhaneli Kanhar tt3 1 11 54 Budhiyarmati 139 146 85 Dhaneshara 269 269 C 86 Vhanora 284 284 87 DhantuJsi 143 142 55 Chapar 205 203 88 Dhaurabhat 248 249 56 ChandeJi 56 54 89 Dhed Kohka 27 27 57 Chapeli 34 34 90 Dhoklawand 281 282 58 Charama 22 17 91 Dhekuna 211 211 59 Charbhata 253 254 92 Dhodrapahar 242 244 60 Cbarbhata 18 20 93 Dodkawahi 94 93 61 Charbhathi 217 217 94 Dokala 3 3 62 Chawad 212 212 95 Ilomaharra 131 131 63 Chawadi 65 6S 96 Dompadar 25.5 255 64 Chinauri 95 9S 97 Dudhawa 285 288 65 Chhind Khadak 3.10 312 98 Dudumbahura 251 251 66 Chiwranj 157 162 99 Dumali 199 198 67 Choriya 294 297 100 Dumarpani 221 224 68 CbuchrWlgpur 28 26 101 DUrga to)a 79 79 70


------.. ------.-----~------_.. _... _ ------_.. _------81. Name of villaae L.C.No. Sl. • Name or village L.C.No. ,--_Jl.-__ No. ,---J.--_ No. 1971 1981 197. 198) ------I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 ------._------.-

45/2 Kanker Tabsil

G 1 3D Jhulna Tendu W5 305 131 Jiwalamari 180 lR7 102 Gadagauri 68 68 132 Junwani 14 12 174 103 Gadhpichhwadi 173 133 Junwani 213 214 104 Gahrinhandha 283 281 K 103 Ganwarsili 267 267 Gattagdum 288 287 106 134 Kahadgondi 35 35 Gaurgaan 106 105 107 135 Kalmuchhe 147 147 71 71 108 Golkumhada 136 KantkaKudum 135 135 145 141 109 Ghothiya 137 Kanclgaon 141 138 282 280 110 Ghotiyawahi 138 Kanapond 63 63 Gidhali 25 28 III 139 Kandel 9 9 21 18 112 Girhola 140 Kanhanpuri 266 263 Gitpahar 80 80 113 141 Kanharpllri II:! 112 Gobardhan 186 i8S 114 142 Kanker 166 J6S Gotpdr 196 197 US 143 Kapaspoti 274 274 116 Govindpur 163 163 144 Kapsi 126 12' 117 Gutd Tola 54 53 145 Karaiha 16 14 H 146 Karap 299 299 147 Kariyapahad 232 232 81 81 118 Halba 148 Karrajaisa 24 24 119 Haradula 76 76 149 Kasawahl 2 2 224 222 120 Halkacharama 150 Kashipur 36 37 104 102 121 Hat Kongera 151 Kalagaon 46 46 53 55 122 Hinganjhar 152 Keshampuri (Pando) 226 226 I 153 Kewatintola 118 119 241 243 123 Ichchhapur 172 176 154 Khadarwahi 124 Iradab 179 186 155 Khair Kheda 62 62 151) Khairwahi 45 45 - J 157 Khnjrawan 280 283 125 jambahara 53 52 158 KhaJari 307 307 126 laingaon 256 256 159 Khamdhodangi 159 1'60 127 Jawartara SO 47 160 T


------81. NalDO of vlUqe L.C.No. 81. N&mCI of 9111810 L.C.No. No. ,----J..--_ NO. ,_. A------. 1971 Ull 1971 1981 ------I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------_.------

45/2 Kanker Tahsit

163 Kirangoli 111 113 M 164 Kisbanpuri 47 SO 194 Machandur 5 4 165 Kochwahi 238 239 195 Madabharri 315 315 166 Kodabhat 202 202 196 Maheshpur 276 276 167 Kodagaon 116 116 197 Mahud 6 5 170 168 Kudajunga 170 19B Mainkheda 39 38 61 169 Kohka 61 J99 Mainpur 58 60 101 104 170 Kokdi 200 Makari (Khuna) 109 109 122 120 171 Kokanpur 201 J'vfa kari (Si ngrai ) 110 11. 0 160 158 172 Kokpur 202 Malaj Kudurn 14e 148 130 173 Koliyari 130 203 Malgaon 161 161 185 183 174 Kornalpur 204 Malgaon (Rugan) 296 295 129 129 175 Koretha 205 Mandari 154 IH 2;)3 206 176 Korrampara 206 Manikpur 264 26S 225 177 Kosumpani 22S 207 Mankeshri 174 171 88 89 178 Kotola 208 Maradeo 233 ;;.33 179 Kotgaon (Niche) 132 132 209 Marawadi 227 231 180 Kotgaon (Upar) 133 133 210 l\h.rdapati 178 182 181 Kottara SI 51 211 Markatola 41 41 182 Kulgaon 182 178 212 Markato!a (Fatechand) 124 124 183 Kumhankhar 304 304 213 MarkatoJa (Largaon) 208 208 184 Kurathemri 252 253 214 Marrampani 235 235 185 Kurana 210 210 215 Marrapi 146 143 Masulpani 243 245 186 Kuristikur 158 159 216 1S7 Kurubhat 86 86 217 Matradahra 27S 275 ISS 155 188 KurrutoI9 26 29 218 Matwada (LaJ) 219 Matwada (Modi) 200 201 Mawalipara 314 314 L 220 221 Mayana 44 44 222 Mode IS2 152 189 Lakhanpuri 64 64 223 Mohpur 189 188 190 Lendara 306 306 224 Muddhoba 84 82 19 1 Lilejhar 43 43 225 Muddongari 156 156 192 Lilwapahar 215 21S 226 Mudkhusara 7 i 193 Lulegondi 181 184 227 Mu~par (Dakhani) 301 301 72

ALPHABETICAL LIST Oll VILLAGIfS ------_____ ~ ______0.:_ SI. Nam. 01 villago L.e.No. S). Nan.c of village L.C.No

~_..A-_. __ No. ,,---"--_ No. 1971 1981 197. 1981 ------_------.- 1 3 3 4 I 2 3 4 ------_------_... - 45/1 Kanker Tabsil

228 Mudpar (Subhiya) 99 99 259 Puri 37 36 229 Mujalgondi J 40 l45 260 Puriyara 298 298 230 MujaIgondi 204 207 261 Puswada 191 190 231 MuragaoD 138 137 262 Pusawand 188 189 232 Murumtara 228 230 R 233 Musurputa 291 291 263 Raghoto!a N 20 19 264 Rajpur 244 246 234 Nandanmara 162 157 265 Rampur 38 39 266 23' Nara 103 101 Rampur 214 213 267 Ranidongari 236 Narharpur 239 236 89 85 268 Ralesara 237 Naudabari 223 223 70 70 269 Rawas 312 238 Nawagaon (Saradhia) 69 69 311 270 239 Nawagaon (Bhavgir) 171 175 Ratedih 33 32 240 Nawagaon (Nathiya) lOS 106 271 Risewada 257 257 272 ROde (49 ~4l Nishanharra 311 310 149 P S

242 Padampur 48 49 273 Sainmunda 318 3tB 243 PaJewa 92 92 -'-74 Salhebhat 293 293 244 Pandaripani 165 .166 275 Salhebhat 153 154 245 Pandaripani 15 13 276 Salhebhat (Matadin) 100 100 246· Pandaripani 220 219 277 Salhe Tola 31 30 247 Pandarwahj 108 107 278 Salhe Tola alias Babu 206 204 248 Parsoda 49 48 279 Saranda 303 303 249 Pataud 194 194 280 Sarangpal 197 199 250 pathrinara 245 247 281 Sarona 292 292 251 Patharri 176 173 282 Sarwandi 286 285 252 Pusajhar 134 134 283 Sa (lor 192 193 253 Pendrawan 271 271 284 Shahwada 93 94 254 PetoJi 107 108 285 Shan:tara 278 278 25S Pidhapal 137 139 286 Shriguhan 216 216 256 Pipraud 96 96 287 Sidesar 198 196 :ZS7 PotlaoD 115 117 288 Siniarwahi 268 268 258 Pradhindongri 8 8 289 Siharinara 261 261 73


----... ------... ------.. ------______... ___. ____,..a_ ...... _

Sl. Name of "ma,e L-.C.No. Sl. N"we of Yilla".: L.C.No. __-.A.-_ No. _-Jt--_ NO. 1971 1981 1971 1981

---.--~------. ._------I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 ------_.. _------_-_------_._------_._------

45/2 Kanker Tabsil

290 Siltara 171 122 306 Thelkabod 164 164 291 Singanpur 302 302 307 Therna 308 308 292 Singarbhat 175 172 308 Tikrapara 82 84 293 Sirs ida 66 66 309 Tiriyarpani 313 313 294 Son pur 209 209 310 Tirkc1dand 32 33 295 Surahi 240 240 311 Tueguhan 75 75 296 Sura_wand 59 59 312 Tultuli 142 144 297 SuroJi 128 128 3J3 Turakh2r 167 168


298 Tahkapar 85 87 314 Udkuda 57 57 299 TaJakurr4 120 121 315 Ukari 30 3 i 300 Tansi 10 10 316 Umaradah 218 218 301 Tarasgaon 98 98 317 Uraiha 247 241 302 Telawat 125 125 303 Telgara 60 58 V 304 Telguda 12 16 305 Thanabodi 222 221 318 Vyas KODgera 190 191

45/3 N.rayanpur Tahsil

A 12 Aamakot 211 211 13 Aamasara 391 391 54 S4 1 Aadapharsi 14 Aamagaon 314 3J4 Aadpal S59 5S9 2 15 Aamgaon 508 ~08 571 3 Adermad 571 16 Aarrs 367 367 4 Aadimpar 594 594 17 Aatargaon 586 S86 S Aadnar ·262 262 18 Aaturbeda (P, V.) 661 661 6 Aslanar 368 368 J9 Acheli S85 58S 7 AaJkanhar 191 191 20 Adenga 334 334 8 Aalnar 431 431 21 AnjreI (F. V. ) 668 668 9 Aalar 17 12 22 Akmeta 96 96 10 Aalpar 131 131 23 Alwar alias GaltakaI SIS 515 11 Aalparas, 132 132 24 Amabeda 345 345 74


------.. ~ _"-- ._ - - --._------_...... s1. NalDO 01 \'iIIage L.C.No. Sl. Name of village L.O.No ,--_J.-__ No. ,--J.--_ No. 1971 1981 lin I 1981 ------_------1 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 ------45/3 Narayanpor Tahsil

258 58 25 An,akaJa 258 Darungbhad alias Kudreshal 407 407 210 59 Da~ing 26 Amodi 210 435 435 58 60 Bawadi 27 Aniadi 58 532 532 242 242 28 Anta&aTh 61 Baweli 152 152 62 Becha 437 437 B 63 Bechaghat 97 97 675 64 Bedma 610 610 29 Bad.. Bedkot 88 65 Hedmakot 545 545 30 Badebe,hiya 88 53 J 66 Helgal 46 46 31 liadejamhari 531 67 Be'gaon 498 498 32 Badejaitpuri 252 252 68 B::Joda 9.5 9S 33 Badejhar Kalta 32 32 69 Belodi 339 339 34 Bade Kapsi 19 19 70 Benoor 89 89 35 Balebeda alias Ba!emeta 683 71 Renoor 481 481 36 Bade Pjjodi (F V.) 65S 5S3 72 37 Dade Tondabeda 651 651 BerkoJ (F. V. ) 667 667 73 Bertanar 3ft Bade Topal 228 228 3H 373 74 Bhainsasur 202 20'2 39 Bade Teoda 344 344 75 Dhaisgaon (F. V.) 662 662 40 Dadgaon 590 590 76 Bharanda (F. V • ) 664 664 41 Badgaon 38 38 77 BharritoJa 356 42 Badilgarh 49 49 356 Bh"1tpaJ 43 Badkanar 591 591 78 482 482 44 Badrengi 153 153 79 Bhingidhar 64 64 Bhiragaon 4S Bagdongri 504 504 80 483 483 81 Bhurbhusi 59 46 Bagjhar 567 567 59 47 Baiha Salebbat 301 301 82 Bhuf\\al 484 48..J 48 Bakulwahi 497 497 83 Bilai Kachhar 187 187 Bile Jar 49 Bamhani 441 4~1 84 264 264 50 BandapaI 387 387 85 Binagunda 282 282 51 Bango Bbodiya 692 116 Bijlee 422 422 S2 Bande 44 44 87 Bodagaon 32S 325 S3 Bango ghotiya 99 99 88 Bogan 209 209 54 Banhker 645 645 89 Boganbhediya (F. V.) 669 669 55 Banspal 577 577 90 Bondanar 285 285 56 Barda 20 20 91 Bondum 310 310 57 Barrebeda 225 225 92 Borand 533 533 75


---_------_------_... _._ .... ------Sl. Name of yllJ aae L.C.No. Sl. Name of 9i11a.,e L..O.No. No. _--..A-----.,. NO. ,...-J-- I!J7J 1981 1971 1981 ------._------I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4

_------_... ------~ ---

45/3 Narayanpur Tabsil

93 Boranirpi 279 219 126 ChhCJ.te Jharlcatta 123 12:1 94 Borawand 47J 471 127 ChIlOte Kapsi 27 27 9S Borehc (F. V.) 670 670 128 Cbhote Suhnar 448 448 96 Borgaon SOl 501 129 Chbotc T ondabeda 6S2 652 97 Bnrpal 402 402 13!) CIlicbgaoll 326 326 98 Botha 578 518 131 Chihra 604 604 99 Botor 679 132 Chikhli 338 338 to!) Brehbeda 66 6


------...-.._ Sl. .. Nam. of ~ilJB&e L.C.No. Sl. Name of village L.O.No. r-_..k __ No. r--.A.-_ No. 1971 1981 197. 1981 ------I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 ------45/3 Narayanpar Tahsil

159 Dhuta PipIi 216 216 188 Gawadi 378 378 160 Donde 28 28 189 Gedgaon 357 357 161 Do~ometa S, 51) 190 Ghamandi Its lIS' 1(2 Dubal 336 336 191 Ghodagaon 57 57 163 Dumdi 574 574 192 Ghodagbat 101 101 164 Dugabengal 399 399 193 Ghotanbeda 68 68 165 Dumnar 543 543 194 Ghotiya 35 35 195 Ghotiya 671 E 196 Gholulbed .288 288 197 Ghumar 199 199 166 Edangpal S44 544 198 GhumsJ munda 2St 251 167 Edka 393 393 199 Godelmarka 681 168 Bdanar 321 321 .. 200 Codari 248 248 169 Ehnar 432 432 201 Gohda 468 468 170' Ekodi 517 517 202 Gomagal 635 635 F 203 Gome 261 261 171 Farasbeda S99 599 204 Gondahoor S 5 172 Farasgaon 530 530 205 Gondbinapa.1 254 254 206 Congla 436 416 G 207 Gongla 515 525 208 Gote-benoor 523 173 523 G.ldawahi 178 178 209 Gotaj 194 194 174 Garda 376 376 210 Gotajamhani 524 175 Garanji 524 446 446 211 GUdabeda 176 , J40 140 Garawand 447 447 212 GUdadi 476 476 177 G,ubeda alias Harimarka 68'6 213 GuJumkodo 467 467 178 Garda 239 239 214 Gumchur 159 159 179 Gardapal 642 642 215 Gunldadi 180 682 G8rhbengaI 445 445 216 GumiyapaI 522 S22 Ul Gandawar 680 217 GumiyaDaf alias Munjbeda 516 182 Garpa 516 283 283 218 Qumjhir 183 Gattakal 332 332 137 137 219 Gummarka '97 597 Hr4 Gattakal 619 619 220 Gumter alias Hoyeger 554 185 Gattapalli 554 73 73 221 Guadul 186 139 139 Gal.lrdand 602 60.2 222 Guner 179 187 Gawade KhasgaoD 179 232 ~32 223 Gunjnar 290 290 77


..... -. ------Sl. Name of vlllate L.e.No. SI. Nam. of "illaM' .... C.No.

No. ,...----J--_ NO. "...-..A--~ 1971 1981 1971 ; 1981

------"'-- .... _------~------I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4

------_. ------~--- -.=- --- - ._.

45/3 Narayanpur Tahsil

224 Gurdai 542 541 256 Hodnar 650 6S0 225 Gurga padar alias Kodeoat 309 309 251 Horadi ]65 165 226 Guriya 411 417 258 Hoyecbur 289 2&9 227 Gurm4njur 461 461 '259 HU4:hadi 380 HI) 228 Guta Kachhar 138 )38 260 Huchclwkot 697 2 ,d) Gutlakal 541 541 26J Hurra Pijodi (P. V. ) 657 657 230 GlItaapal 601 601 262 Hurlalai 3()J 305


263 Jdnar 638 638 Hachekoti 281 281 231 264 Imfipadar 237 2J7 232 HaJainar 369 369 26S Jrakbhatti 456 456 233 Halamimunmeta 50S 50S 266 Irikbult8 15 IS 234 Hamokal 266 266 267 ITko 392 392 Hanker 7 7 235 268 [rpanar 76 76 Harangarh 11 11 236 269 Jrpanar 4S7 4S7 703 237 Hari Marka 270 Jrpanar 593 593 238 Harwel 569 569 239 Has::ar SS6 S56 J 240 Hatadkasa 146 146 241 HawaJbaras '81 81 271 JabeJee 48 48 242 Hetlanar 460 460 272 Jaitanawagaon 247 247 243 Hikohoar 116 116 273 Jamdi 124 124 244 Hikohnar 538 538 274 Japgunda 653 653 245 Hikpad 493 493 275 Jatwar 207 207 246 Hikpu1a 615 615 276 Jethegaon 215 21S 247 Hikmeta 699 277 Jhara 56S 565 248 Himoda 238 :38 218 Jhara 606 606 249 Hindparas :79 Jharawahi 278 278 250 Hjndubin~pal 253 253 280 Jharawahi 458 458 2S1 Hi ran genar 164 164 281 Jhorigaon 607 607 25~ Hirgai 616 6]6 282 Jiwlapadar 511 511 253 Hlrrabodi 223 223 283 Jiramtarai 170 170 254 Hitulwad 649 649 284 lonawar 103 103 255 Hitulb'lu 674 285 Jugda 142 142 78


------~------__ .... S1. ... Name 01 villqe L.C.No. Sl. Name 01. rillqc L.C.Mo • No. ,..--J>----.. No. ,..---"--- 1971 1981 lin. 1981 ------_--_------_. 1 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 ------45/3 Narayanpur Tahsil

188 319 Kare Katta 286 Junagabadegaon 188 63 63 477 287 jUbada 4"17 320 Karkabeda 311 311 26 26 288 Junwani 321 Karkanar ~82 S82 86 86 289 lUrhanmehda 322 Karalkha 412 412 32" Karlapal 413 413 K 324 Karman 375 375 325 Karmari 518 176 176 '18 290 Kac:1.chapal 326 Karregaon 640 640 213 213 291 KachaUla 327 294 2'4 Kasadand 148 148 292 Kachwar 328 Kastura 147 147 Kadahi khodra 240 240 293 329 158 158 Kasturmeta 40.5 405 294 Kadar 547 547 330 Kasturwad 443 443 29~ KadhagaoD ]61 331 Katabans 119 119 296 Kadme J67 134 332 Katgaon 118 118 297 Kagbaras 134 595 333 Kawanar 641 641 298 Kahkodi 595 109 334 Kehla Beda 694 299 Kakhoor 109 560 335 Kesekodi 135 135 300 Kalepal 560 287 336 Kesurbeda 359 359 301 Kal e paras 287 337 Khadgaon 234 234 302 KalgaoD 243 243 338 Khadkagaon 502 502 303 Kalmanar 580 580 339 Khadkagaon 414 414 304 Kamta 249 249 340 Khadkagaon 39S 39.5 3005 Kamteda 120 121.1 306 Kanagaon 177 177 341 Khadkagaon 330 330 307 Kanagaon 214 214 342 Khairabhat 415 415 308 Kanagaon 394 394 343 Khairkatta 16 16 309 Kandadi 98 98 344 Khandi 85 85 310 Kalndadl 133 133 345 Khargaon 479 479 311 Kandcldi 514 514 346 KhedegaoQ 122 122 312 Kant:ra 411 411 347 Khodgaon 416 416 313 Kanera 623 623 348 Khodpar 596 596 314 Kanga]I 584 .584 349 Khodepar 685 315 Kanhargaon 75 75 350 Khodpanl 198 198 316 Kanhargaon 639 639 35t Khudpai 396 3'6 317 K..J.psi 507 507 352 Khutgaon 150 ISO 318 Karakonda 72 72 353 Kiskodo 386 386 ALPHA8E:fICAL LlSr OF VILLAGii.S --_._-._------_ ----- 81. Name ofvmap L.C.No. 81. NImiO of villallo L.C.No. No. ,-.---"--_ NO. ,..---..A---- 1971 1981 1971 1981

.---. ------...------I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 _-- .-.------

45/3 Narayanpor Tahsil

520 520 354 Kochwahi 389 Koram Kodo 272 272 35S Kodagaon 196 196 39Q Koranhur 363 361 356 Kodegaon 702 391 Koraas Kod() 273 273 357 Kodher 63J 630 392 Korenda 553 553 358 Kodhur 106 lO~ 393 Korhobeda 14 14 359 Kod Kanar 488 488 394 Kosalnar 561 561 360 ~odliyar 539 539 395 Kosfonda 297 297 361 Kodnar 434 434 396 Kostaeli 634 634 Kadnar alias Ghodagaon 513 513 362 397 Kotankhod 246 246 S40 540 363 Kodnllr 398 Kotenar 583 583 509 S09 364 Kodoli 399 Kotkhursai 390 390 36S Kodoli 519 519 400 )Cotkodo 366 3 ~.{j Kodoli 654 654 366 401 Kotkud 343 343 27S 275 367 K'\donar 402 Kotodi 168 J68 368 Kodo K.basgaon 231 231 403 Kocoli 696 ]69 .. 369 Kodosalebhat 169 404 Kotoul 149 149 632 632 370 Kodtamarlc:a 40S Koturbeda 673 371 Kohchur 342 34l 406 KoyeJibeda t36 136 372 Kahka.neta 433 433 407 Koyegaon 13 13 373 Kohkspar 636 636 408 Kringalmuspi 121 121 374 Kokodi S03 503 409 Korhomeda 701 375 Kokpad 628 628 410 Korhobeda 385 385 376 Kokwar 364 364 411 KudhargaoD 466 466 377 Kolar 300 300 412 Kudhurpal 377 377 378 Koliyari 358 358 413 Kudmel S72 572 379 Koliyari .H2 '52 414 Kuhehe 241 241 380 Kondahur 563 563 415 Kukdajhor 500 500 381 Konda KOli 568 568 416 K.ulanar 465 465 382 Konechur 197 197 417 Kumchal 112 112 S83 Kongali 114 JI4 418 Kumhali 444 444 384 Konge 276 2'76 419 Kumhari 296 296 385 (Congera 382 382 420 Kllmharibada 587 587 386 Kongera 562 562 421 Kumhari Chhota 624 624 387 Kogudhur 698 422 Kumnar 430 430 388 Konje 270 270 423 Kumnar 512 S12 80


------_...... _------....,... ..__, sl. ,MalDCl of vlllllRe L.C.Mo. s •. Name of village t..C.No. r-_.A.. __ No. r---J.--_ No. 1971 1981 197. 1981 ------J 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------• 45/3 Narayanpur Tahsil

424 Kundla 206 206 454 Malmeta 263 263 425 KUrenar 74 74 455 Malmeta 320 320 426 Kursel 25S 2'5 456 Mandallaon 34 34 4 4 427 KUTllsbodi 457 Mandagaon 219 219 KUflhbodi Katru 193 193 428 458 Mandali S58 554 Kurusbodi Manjhi M2 t9:! 429 459 Mandoki 53S 53S 521 430 Kurusnar 521 460 Manegaon 173 173 Kurusnar alias Belmor 280 280 431 461 MaD.Jhi Khutani 693 432 Kurusnar alias KhargaoQ 510 SH) 462 Mangata Salrbhat 293 293 433 KUrulo}a 349 349 463 Mllngbeda alias Musjarsl ]08 108 409 434 Kutul 409 464 ManhakaJ 183 183 435 Kutulnar 581 5lll 465 Marda 154 IS4 466 Mardel 424 424 L 467 Markabeda 284 284 468 436 Lalsuhnar 455 455 Markabeda 478 478 469 431 Laman 220 -220 Markabeda S06 S06 470 Markanar 438 Lamkanhar 229 229 55 5, 471 Markanar 67 439 Lampuri 233 233 67 472 Markanar 145 440 Lohtar 347 347 145 473 MalIna Konadi 331 331 M 474 Maloda 42 42 473 Madohnar 647 647 441 MachhballJ 62 62 476 Masbaras 226 226 .442 M9dagada 626 626 477 Masoor 37 37 443 Madle 33 33 478 Maspi 26Q 260 444 Markud 181 HI 479 Maspur 163 163 445 Madamnar 611 611 480 Matawand alias Bagbeda 4!!5 4iS 446 Mahimagawadi 579 579 481 Mausamtola 79 79 447 Mahka 403 403 482 Metbeda 617 617 4-t8 Mrhka 425 425 481 MatIa 549 '49 449 Mahkanar 462 462 484 Matla (A) 360 360 450 Mahla (F. V. ) 666 666 485 '\1atla (8) 310 370 451 M_hurpat 319 319 481') Matoli 10 to 452 MaJt!chur 534 534 487 Mechanar 383 383 453 M'aJingnar 472 472 488 Mehda 6S 65 8]


---_.... ---_. ------. -----_ ... _---_...._------... -- -_.-- .._...- -- - -..-...- Sl. Name of village L.C.No. 81. NameofviUaae L.e.No. No. ,..---"--_ No. ,.--""'--- 1971 1981 1911 U81

------_------~---.-- -_-_----- I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

~- -- -.. _------~ ------.-_- 45/3 Narayanpur TalatJl

71 489 Mekawahi 71 522 Narayanpur 440' 440 4g0 Medadongri 442 442 523 Nareki 3 3 659 49. Mendra (F. V.) 659 524 Nariya 695 102 102 492 Merbeda 525 Nadmunmeta 452 452 621 493 Metabeda 621 526 Nawagabadegaon 201 201 6 186 494 Meta Bodeli 18 , 517 Nawagaon 244 244 618 495 Michbeda 618 528 Nawagarh 217 217 496 496 Mohandi 496 529 Nawa Gondahoor 24 24 497 Moksul 555 555 530 Nawnareki 8 8 498 Moras Kodo 536 536 531 Nawgel 190 199 499 Morekhandi lOS lOS 532 Nay.nar 470 410 500 Motanar alias Matahnar 678 533 Nednar 491 491 501 Mindi 129 129 534 NeeJjhar 341 341 384 384 502 Mulle 535 NeJangur 410 4(0 546 503 Mu dpa! 546 536 NeJnar 633 633 257 257 504 Muramer 537 Nelso


_.. _ --- .__ ------_... - SI. Name of villale L.C.No. SJ. Name of villaF L.C.No.

No. J-.--~ No. ".. ...__ ...... -1971 1981 1971 1981 ------_-----_ ----_._ 1 2 3 4 I 2 3 4

,._,..- --- -.--__. .. ------._------.... ------

45/3 Narayanpur Tablilil

p 587 Phulpad 303 303 588 Phurphundi 53 53 554 Padamkot 406 406 S89 Phuphgaon 348 343 515 Pa.Jbe':a 295 29' 590 Pindkasa 80 80 556 Padenga 70 70 591 Pipli 36 36 557 Padhargaon 324 324 592 Pipra 388 388 558 Padhargaon (F. V • ) 660 660 593 Pito Bh'ldiya 12 12 SS9 Padnar 631 631 .594 Pakurkal 94 94 .560 Paiwari 24~ 245 595 Palemeta 113 113 S61 Pakhanjur 23 23 596 Pondgaon 227 227 5fJ2 Pakhanjur 91 91 597 Porondi 184 184 563 Palarhur 312 312 598 Pu,arpaJ 401 401 564 Palaclmcta 372 372 S99 Pungaon 224 224 ,55 Palabud 20S 205 600 Pus8gaon 328 328 366 Palamureli 9 , 601 . Pusagaon 421 421 567 Palemeta 688 602 Pusaahati 335 335 568 P",lki 420 420 603 Pusawahi 151 151 56' Pam 576 576 R 57fJ PalDadi 43 43 571 Panawar 82 82 604 Raynar 613 572 Pulanj Salebhat 172 172 '13 60S Rayoar alias Bhattabed. S57 557 573 Pan gad' 277 217 606 Rajpur 340 340 574 Panedobir 144 ]44 607 Rajpur 612 612 S7S Penkoda 41 41 608 Ranimarka 576 Panigaon 480 480 274 274 609 Rawnadi 265 265 577 P.:Iriadi 110 110 610 Rayo 381 381 S7IJ Para I bh at 419 419 • 611 Remav.and 473 473 579 Paralbhat 529 529 612 Rengabeda , 537 537 580 ParaH 222 222 613 Rengabeda 704 SRI Paralkot 665 665 614 Rengawahi 11)4 104 5S2 Pariyahoor 126 126 615 Rotod 614 614 583 Parpa 589 589 SS4 Partapur 125 125 S S8S PatlJrbeda 400 400 S86 Phara'lgaoD 566 566 616 Sahdongri 61 61 83



SI. Name of vlllase L.e.No S1. Name of vilJa.,o _ __L.e.No,..A.. ___ No. ,..__--..A--_ NO. 1971 lUI 19~! 1 1981 - -- __ ... _------.-- I 2 3 4 I :1 3 4 ------.. _-""--- --

45/3 Nara:yanpur Tabsil

617 Sambalpur 130 130 6'0 Tadonar 489 489 618 Safandi 322 322 651 Tadooar 528 524 619 Sargikot 155 155 652 Tadopal 398 398 620 SargjpaJ 182 tE2 653 TadwaiJy 92 92 621 Siragipal 426 424 654 Tdhkadond 307 307 622 Satighat 298 298 655 Tahkal 236 236 623 Sawer alias Harwel 45 45 656 Tahkantola 327 327 624 Semargaon (F.V_) 656 656 657 Talabeda 299 299 625 Sendl1rmeta 3S1 351 6SS Tamolra 365 36$ 626 Seoni 474 474 659 Taragaon S89 588 100 627 Sitrllm 100 660 Taralkatta 2~6 256 156 628 Siksod 156 t- 61 Tlmnar J53 353 221 221 629 Siksod, 662 Tiralgarh 69 6!1 630 Sirpur 486 486 663 Tc'-arneta 47 47 631 Sirsangi 259 259 664 Tekameta t07 t07 632 Sode 204 204 665 Tcl..aoar 608 608 633 Sode 355 355 666 Telanga 374 174 634 Sohgaon 22 22 667 Tclsi 418 418 635 Sonllpal 487 487 668 Terr.rugaon (P. V., 663 663 429 429 636 Sonpl1r 669 TeDlrugaon 629 629 637 SUklapal 346 346 670 Temrupani 200 2(10 638 SuJanga 625 625 671 Terdul 450 450 157 639 SlIlangi 157 672 Timnar 449 449 427 427 640 SuI ega 673 Tirdul 527 527 641 Supgaon 428 428 674 Tlfkanar 627 627 250 642 SureJi 250 675 Todhur 83 h3 203 203 643 SUr.:wahi 676 Toke 1110 180 648 648 '4~ Surrewahi 6i 7 Tokajabelce 78 78 672 T 678 TO(inuongra 679 Toyameta 622 622 6-.5 Tadnar alias Gardabeda 490 490 680 Toyameta 644 644 646 Tadobeda 208 208 681 Toynar 573 573 647 Tadogunda 268 268 682 Tud'ko 160 160 648 Tadokee 291 291 683 Tumapal 292 292 649 Tadokur alias Badhur 495 495 684 Tumasnar 337 337 84


- ...... - __ -.... _ ..... ~ ...... J:. _. _.-,.... --- ~ .. -- .------_ _--_ __ _-_._ ------SI. Name 01 villaae L.C.No. Sl. Name of village L.C.Nil. No. _-_;._-_ No. ---"-_- 1971 1981 1971 H81

------.------~- _. -----_.. _------.. , . 1 2 3 4 J 2 " 3 4 -_ ------..... __ -

45/3 Narayanpur T,l1sil

685 Tumiradi 161 161 696 Udidgaon 464 464 686 Turtha 548 548 697 UseIi 333 333 698 687 Tursani J43 143 Usebeda 404 404 Tukasmeta 643 643 688 W 689 Tuskal 362 ~62 699 Wadapenda 306 306 U 700 Wala 175 175 701 Warkot 127 J27 690 Udanpur 166 166 691 {Jdumgaon 18 18 Y 692 UJiya 90 90 Yesebeda 693 Umargaon 600 600 702 21 21 694 Umki 212 212 70~ Yetewalka 195 195, 695 Uparkamata 658 658 704 Yetegaon 352 342

45/4 Kondagaon Tahsil

A 17 Arandi 85 a5 18 Arangula 157 157 1 Aadnar 383 3-7 B 2 Aadwal 400 401 277 3 AadwaI 276 19 Babai 177 177 278 4 Aalmer 277 20 Bade Amrawuti 487 5 Aamaguhan Soo SOO 21 Badaloor 417 417 375 6 Aamgaon 384 22 Badbattar )47 147 7 J 32 Aamgaon 132 23 Bade Banjoda 451 450 8 Aamgaon 263 264 24 Bade Bendri 463 460 Aanori 9 'i8 78 2S Bade Bhirawand 458 457 to Adanbeda 102 102 26 Bade Dongar 29S 296 Jl Adenga 95 95 27 Bade Ghodsara 495 495 12 Ahra 376 381 28 Bade Kanera 446 449 13 AaJor 235 235 29 Bade KhauJi 19 19 14 Arnrawati 526 527 30 Bade Kurusnar 416 416 15 AmraWati 493 488 31 Bade Odagaon 262 263 16 Anantpur 48S 484 32 Bade Rajpur 111 111 IS


-_.------_.. --- Sl. Na.... of vllJ age L.C.No. 81. NamcJ of "UIa_ L.C.No No. "..---.A---- NO. _-A----. 1971 1981 1971 1981 ______~r-. __-_ ------I 2 3 '" I 2 3 4 ------

4514 Konllagaon Taflsil

33 Bade Sohanga 488 492 69 Bedagaon 489 491 34 Bade Usri 443 439 70 Dedma 86 86 35 Badgai 270 271 71 Bedmamari 47 47 36 Badgaon 178 178 72 Bclgaon 180 180 37 Badgaon 261 262 n Belgaon 531 H2 38 Badgaon 121 121 74 Befgaoo 23 23 19 Badko 372 372 75 Belondi 482 480 40 Badra 327 322 76 Betbeda 522 523 41 Dadwar 27 27 77 Bhagdewa 455 458 42__ 4S4 Dafna 454 78 BhandarpaJ 41 41 194 43 Bagbeda 194 79 Bhl'ndar Seoni 230 230 44 Baijanpuri 499 502 80 BlJandar Wand: 233 233 45 Rail 236 236 81 Bhanpuri 223 223 46 BaIenga 140 140 82 Bhatgaon 206 206 47 482 DaIenga 481 83 Bhalgaon 29 29 48 BaTond 321 323 84 Bhatwil. 164 164 49 Bakhra 450 451 85 Bhiragaon 205 20S 50 Damhni 357 358 86 Bhiraga()D 347 3:.4 51 Banchapai 296 297 87 Bhiragaon 470 471 52 Banggaon 215 215 88 Bhiranda 165 165 S3 Bango Ii 299 299 89 Bhogadi 331 330 S4 Baniyagaon 28 28 90 Bhongapal 272 273 55 Baniyagaon 360 356 91 Bhumka 239 239 S6 Banjoda 249 2S0 92 Bljapur 492 489 57 Banjugani 309 31( 93' Binjhe 9 9 58 BansgaoD 3'10 312 94 BijoIi 49(; 496 59 Bansirsi 3'45 343 PS Biola 320 324 60 Banskot 141 141 96 Bital KhauIi 20 20 61 Baodt 364 364 Bokrabeda 260 261 62 Barda 271 272 97 460 462 63 Barkai 203 203 98 BoIbola 429 428 64 BatraIi 82 82 99 Borgaon 70 65 Bavnimari 56 56 100 Borgaon 70 507 66 Bayalpur 73 73 101 Borgaon 506- 67 Bayannr 366 366 102 Botlla 297 298 68 Becha 390 389 103 Botha alias Karia Kata 431 434 86


------. ------_._--_._-- ... --_ .... _- 81. Na_ 01 vmaae L.e.No. sr. Name of villaae L.C.NI1. ,.--_..A.. __ No. r--..A.-_ No. 1971 1981 1971 19H ------._---_-----_ ------I I 2 3 4 2 3 4 - ..- .__ ._ - ---- ~-- --, -_ -- ---~- ,._------.-. -

45J4 KondagaoD Tabsil

430 137 Chhindli 104 Boti Kanera 433 15u ISO' 503 138 105 Budra S02 ChhindJi 293 294 139 106 Blldf!1 179 179 Chhindlibeda 245 246 107 Buiki Juganar 7 7 1 ~o Chhot.:banjoda 459 455 141 108 Bunagaon 346 341 Chhote bhirawand 457 456 142 Chhote ghodsara 494 496 C 143 Chhote Kader 373 385 144 Chhote Kurnsnar 413 413 109 Chalka 304 304 145 Chhote malgaon 126 126 110 Chamai 523 524 146 Chhote Odagaon 2B 256 111 Chandabeda 291 292 • 147 Chhote Rajpur 113 113 112 Chanda Delgaon :!2'i 227 148 Chhote Salna 173 113 Chand"gaon 228 228 171 149 Chhote Sohanga 114 Changer 521 522 487 494 150 Chhote Usri 11.5 Chaniyag40n 254 255 37S 380 116 Ch:1rbhat<\ 8'" 87 117 Charkai 229 229 D 118 Chaudang 302 306 119 Chema 380 383 151 Dadargarh 67 67 J20 Cherang 367 367 152 Dadhiya 342 348 121 Cherbeda 46 46 153 Dahikonga 448 447 122 Chichadi 134 134 154 Dandwan 176 176 2! 1 211 123 Chichadi 155 Daode 258 259 124 Chichdongari 341 338 156 Deodongar 201 201 Chichpolang 352 125 3:2 IS7 Deogaon 247 248 J 26 Chikhalpuri 351 3.51 158 Deogao1'lbcda 535 536 J 27 Chilputi 333 3J5 159 Deoharduli 208 208 Chimdl 128 303 305 160 Deokhargaon 343 345 129 Chingnar 280 281 161 Deorpal .529 530 Chipawand 130 467 466 Hi2 Dha.manpuri 138 138 131 Chiprel 65 65 163 Dhanora 2' 26 132 Chiyan3r 292 293 164 Dhansuli 356 3S9 133 Churcgaon 221 221 165 DharIi J 62 162 134 Churegaon 3 3 166 Dhoderapiil 62 62 135 Chhatndi 497 498 167 Dhondara 153 153 136 Chhinarj 486 49,) 168 Dignar 507 508 87


--.------::-----_------SI. Name of vIII age L.C.No, SI. N .... of villa_ _,.,._,_L.C.Mo ..---..A.--__ _ __ No. NO. 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4

------.~------_ .. -

45/4 KondalaoD Tahsil

169 Dongriguda 335 337 197 Gohda 279 280 110 Dongar Silati 513 513 198 Golawand 435 435 171 Dudhgaon 354 354 199 Gaurgaon alias Chikhladihi 75 75 172 Dundabedn.a 6 6 200 Goyindpur 503 504 201 Guhaborb.. nd 202 202 E 202 Gulbha 340 342 203 Gumdi 483 173 EJ:agaon 1 1 48.5 204 Gumdi 232 174 Erandwal 410 410 232 175 Erla 484 483 H F 205 Had~1i 423 423 206 Hadigaon 183 183 176 Fara~gaon 214 H4 201 Hadkali 422 422 177 Fara~gaon 453 453 208 Ralda 142 142 178 Farasgaon (Kasai) 284 285 209 HaUa 98 98 179 Farasgaon aJias Murnar 61 61 210 HandapaJ 393 391 180 FukagiroJa 469 464 211 Hangwa 181 Funder 259 260 .516 .517 212 Harwan Kodo 92 92 G 213 Harwel 63 63 214 Hasalnar 394 ~94 18 18 182 Gadad 215 Hasel 424 424 Gadantarai 518 519 183 216 Hatehapal 253 254 513 514 184 Gagda 211 Hatma 119 1] if 144 144 185 Gambari 218 Hichlea 15 IS 186 Garawandi 100 100 219 Hirapur 168 168 187 Gare 190 190 220 Hirawand. 478 479 188 Garh dhanora .57 57 221 Hirhbhat 490 940 189 Garh <;iIiyara 58 .58 222 Hirri 240 240 190 Gatti palna 218 218 223 Honawandi J 23 123 191 Gawadi 244 245 224 Honhed 37 37 192 Ghodagaon 444 440 225 HUdawa .51 .51 193 Ghodajhar 44 44 226 Hukkabeda pathri 322 328 194 Girola 334 334 I lQ5 Girgoli S3 53 196 Godma 290 291 227 Indagaon 332 331 88


- _... ------_------~------._... _-_ --- L.e.No. Sl. Name of villag# L. C. N;). SI. Name 01 villaae __ ._..A-__ No ~-..A----.. No. 1971 1981 19"'11 1981 ------_.._---_-- - --_ ------2 3 4 1 2 3 4 .------._--_ .. ------._------45/4 Kondagaon Tahsil

158 258 491 486 228 Ingra 158 Karandi 360 259 461 463 229 lsalnal' 355 Karanji 260 Karanpur 43i 444 J 161 Kal'athialwad 338 339 262 Karmari 21 21 174 174 230 Jadkonga 263 Karmar I 170 110 319 317 231 Jaitpuri 264 Karmari 145 145 71 71 232 Jamgaon 265 Kararmeta 24 24 246 247 233 Jamgaon 266 Karsing 524 525 99 99 234 larandi 267 Kat!'gaon 17i 171 Jarandi 161 161 235 268 Kl:ltawand 465 474 Jarebel1dri 462 461 236 269 Ka~lDdkera 128 128 Jhakri 281 282 237 270 KawagaoD 4 4 Jhara 432 433 238 27i Kawra 172 172 Joba 442 438 2~9 272 Kehlakot 278 279 Jobenga 3Q5 3S5 240 273 Kejang 371 371 Jodekara 146 146 241 274 Kewti 339 347 42 Jogialwad 365 365 7 275 Karawahi 325 321 243 Jondhra 510 S 11 276 Keshkal 69 69 Jugani Kalar 224 22-1 244 277 Khachgaon 436 436 217 217 245 Jungdai 278 Khadpadi 399 399 130 130 K 279 Kbajrawand 280 Khalari 11 5 115 246 Kabonga 318 311 281 Khale HeDdi 22 22 247 Kachora 41.6 425 282 Khale Chandeli 43 43 248 Kadenar 386 387 283 Khale MUrwendi 60 60 249 Kakadgaon 525 526 284 Khandam 430 432 250 Kalepal 8 S 285 Khandsara 268 269 251 Kalgaon alias K:!lapal 154 154 286 Khetarpal 88 88 252 Kalgaon 105 105 287 Khod Sanar 412 412 253 Kamela 445 445 288 KhUdi 1'89 189 300 301 254 Kanag~on 10 ]0 289 Kibaibalenga 137 255 Kanga 411 411 290 Kibda 137 532 533 256 Kanharga()n 242 243 291 Kirmari 299 300 257 Karagaon 312 314 292 Kodagaon 89


---._ -... --~.. _------_.... ------...... ------_ ...... Sl. Na .... of village L.C.No. 81. Nemo of villa.,. I..C.N." No. -~-- NO. _-..A---- 1911 1981 1971 1981 --_--_.------I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------_..._----

4~/4 KondagaoD Tahsil

293 Kodobhat 72 72 329 Kulanar 21>4 265 294 Kohkoldi 381 378 330 Kulhadgal.ln 225 225 295 Kohkamctr- 74 74 331 Kuljhar 466 468 296 Kokodajunganar 243 244 332 Kumharbadgaon 315 315 297 Kokodi 301 302 333 Kumud 39 39 187 298 Kokodi 181 334 Kupagondi 34 34 299 Kokodi 353 3D 335 Kurla bahdl' 160 160 388 J36 300 Ko!am 387 Kurrubhat 122 122 266 301 Kolanga 265 337 Kusma 35:) 359 234 302 Kondabeda 234 537 L 303 Kondagaon 350 253 304 Kondapakhana 252 338 Labha 182 182 :;107 303 305 Kongera 339 Lakhan:::uri 456 459 108 306 Kongora 108 340 Lakhapuri 421 421 268 307 Kongud 267 34t Lanjoda 31,6 3t8 151 308 Kopra lSI 342 LJhagaon p3 133 289 290 309 Korai 343 Lubha 1,95 195 11 11 310 Korgaon 106 106 M 311 Korgaon 362 362 312 Korhobeda 101 344 Machhali ~24 ~24 313 Korahobeda 107 25 345 Madagaon 363 363 314 Korkoti 25 397 346 Madagaon 274 275 31S KormeI 397 213 341 Madanar 370 370 316 Korrabadgaon 213 425 427 317 Ka!!agaon 317 316 348 Madanar 42 42 318 Kasaharduli 188 188 349 Madgaon 273 274 319 Kasmi 114 114 350 Madkada 392 386 320 Kotbe! 199 199 351 Mandoda 1.52 152 321 Kuthodi 13 13 352 Madoki Khargaon 1.66 ~66 322 Kotpad 266 266 353 Mageda 66 323 Kudadwahi 38 38 354 Mahurbeda 66 281 287 324 Kudhur _ 388 393 355 Mainpur 129 129 325 Kuye 40 40 356 MainpuT 440 441 326 Kuldadihi 148 148 357 Makdi 181 327 Kukadgarkapal 447 446 358 Makdi ~81 349 340 328 Kukdadah 33 33 359 Malakot 90


---_ ... _----_-_.------_ - --- ~-- --- SI. Name of villlllle L.C.No. Sl. N.1De of village L.C.N'l. No. ,----"--_ No. ,.-_....."..__ ...... 1971 1981 1971 1981 - .. _------2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------... - .. --~~- -... - -

45/4 Ko ndagaon Tahsil

360 Malam 407 407 392 Nahkanar 378 382 361 MalgaoD 471 472 393 Nalajbar '04 204 362 Malnar 377 384 394 Nalajhar 498 499 363 Mangwal 403 408 395 Nariha 368 368 364 Manikpur 501 SO 1 396 Narna SO SO 209 365 Manjhi Aathgaon 209 397 Naukabeda 15.5 155 366 Manjhl Borand 326 325 398 Na.wagaon 414 414 76 367 Manjhi Chena 76 399 Nawagarh 90 90 323 326 368 Maragaon 400 Nayanar 91 91 136 136 369 Marangpuri 401 Net 269 270 418 418 .' 370 Mardapal 402 Newra 527 S2~ 391 390 371 Markapal 403 Newta 336 336 348 349 372 Masora 404 NiJji 468 473 Masukokoda 94 94 373 405 Nirachhindli SI 81 403 403 374 Matwal 405 Nugali 306 308 375 MayuT dongar 519 520 376 Medpal 5!7 518 0 377 Mirminda 509 510 378 Misri 275 276 407 Odargaon 530 531 379 Mode 250 251 408 Ondari 184 184 380 Modebedma 2S1 252 409 Otenda 156 156 381 Mondonga 286 289 382 Mohlai 226 226 P 383 Mohlai 439 443 410 384 Mohpal 504 505 Padde 16 16 411 3s5 Motenga 3; 3S Padeli 415 415 386 Mulmula 472 465 412 Padnar 402 402 • 387 Mulnar 419 419 413 Podoki 112 112 388 Mungapodar 437 442 414 PainsaT8 237 237 389 Mungwal 369 369 415 Pal. 308 309 390 Midade 45 4S 416 Palari 344 350 417 PalJi 330 329 N 418 PaIns 282 283 419 Palna D5 135 39J Nalri 427 426 420 Palora 89 89 91


------__ ------_ .. ----.. -.. -.... SI. Name of village L.C.No. SI. H .... of ,,111a.- L.C.No. No. _--..A--_ NO. ---"---...... 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------.._-~------I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4

_------.------~- ... --.. ,-

4514 KondagaoD Tahsil

421 Pando AthgaOD 219 219 4S3 Raobeda 50 50 422 Parali 12 12 454 Rengagondi 382 374 423 Paroda 248 249 S Paroda 398 398 424 455 Sadadi 505 506 131 131 425 Parond 456 Salebhat 64 1'4 416 Pasangi 216 216 457 ~aleb!-tat 104 104 210 :uo 427 Patla 458 Salna 127 127 212 :l12 428 Patoda 459 SambaJpur 358 35S Poiwda 283 284 429 460 Sampur 3~4 ~27 120 120 430 Pendrawand 461 Sandsa 196 196 376 373 431 PermapaJ 462 Sarbeda 222 222 238 432 Phupgaon 238 463 Sargipal 83 83 286 433 Phutan Chandgaon 285 464 Sargipal 116 116 163 163 434 Pidhapal 465 Satgaon ;28 333 435 Pidhapal 149 149 466 SawaJa 30 30 436 Pipra 93 93 467 Sa~aJwah.i 5 5 437 Pitechunwa 117 117 468 Sendurmeta 36 36 438 pohmar 401 401 469 Seoni 480 481 439 Porang 434 431 470 SeonipaJ 97 91 440 Pr adhanch~rra 96 96 471 ShsDkarpur 535 241 441 PUngarpaJ 404 404 472 Sidhawand 77 77 44l Puspal 396 398 473 Sidhawand 473 470 443 Pusapal lOc) 200 474 Sikagaon 103 103 444 Pusawand 449 448 475 Silati 31 31 476 Silad 511 512 R 477 Singl"npur 84 84 478 Singaopur 474 469 41S Randhana 288 288 479 Singarpuri 220 2'ZO 446 Rajagaon 452 452 480 Sirpur 231 231 441 Rakasbeda 508 .509 481 Sirsi Kajar 314 319 448 Rakasbeda 479 477 482 Sitli 329 332 4"9 Rakasmera 405 405 483 Sodma 167 J67 450 Randha 5.5 -55 484 Sodma 313 320 4.51 Randhna 207 207 485 Sod Seoni 197 197 4,2 Ranapal 420 420 486 Sohanga 477 415 92


------_-_._------.- .. _ -- SI. Name of villqe L.e.No. 81. Name of vilJaac L.C.No. No. ,_-..A--_ No. ---"'--- 1971 1981 1971 1981

------__ - I 2 4 I 2 4 ------..--- 45/4 Kondagaon Tahsil

487 Soobal 428 429 515 Tl1mbeda 534 5H 488 Sooabeda 198 198 516 Tumdiwal 389 392 489 Soopur 109 109 517 Tumus Kooadi 59 59 518 49J Sukurpal 441 437 Turibeda 53J 534 491 Surdongar 68 68 519 Turki 257 2S8 520 Tutari 52 52 T U 492 Tamrawand 5t4 SIS 4Q3 Taraibeda 528 529 521 Udenga 186 166 494 Taraibeda al ias Harbel 139 139 522 Udidgaon 159 159 495 Targ40n 192 192 H3 Ulera 185 185 496 Tatri 520 521 524 Umargaon 337 346 497 TedmundI' 175 175 52S Umargaon 169 J69 498 Tepapa] 406 406 526 UmargaoD 467 467 499 Telaoga 361 361 527 Urnla 2 2 500 Temrugaon 305 307 528 Umradah 32 32 sot Tenwasa 110 110 529 Undri 79 79 502 Thempoo 191 191 530 Uparbedi 48 48 503 Timdi 14 14 531 UparchaodeJi 49 49 504 Timenar 379 379 532 Upannurvend S4 54 50S Tit irwand 143 143 533 Uraodabeda 241 242 506 Titna 193 193 534 Udidgaon 125 125 507 Todarn 311 310 535 Usri SIS 516 508 Todasi 17 17 509 Torand 294 295 v 510 Tourcnga 475 478 536 Vishrampuri 118 111 51t TOTondi 476 476 5J2 Ta!IJkapal J 01 101 y 513 Totar 385 376 514 Toyapal 256 '157 537 Yahkali 409 409

45/5 Bijapur Tahsil

A 2 Aadedwaya 170 167 3 Aador 404 399 1 Aadad 575 581 4 Aader 561 56! 93


-- -.-_------_._------... ~ -- ---~ .. ~~_ .. - SI. Nam. of 'Village L.C.No. SI. Name or vUlajle 1~.C.Ho. No. __--..A--- NO. ,..,..--.."'---~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------_------I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------__ "'1 ____._

45}5 Bijapar Tahsil

S Aaklanlca 248 193 38 Bamanpur 144 129 6 Aaloor 173 172 39 Bandemarka 279 304 7 A'1waplJi 611 614 40 Bande parre 168 170 8 Adawalli 304 318 41 Bandeparre 260 294 9 Aded 303 305 42 Bandimarka 282 270 ~O AdeP4IIi 21 34 43 Bandregudd J4~ 141 11 Adewada 385 390 44 B"ngapalJi 155 IS", J2 • Adwada 348 3'5 45 Bangapalli 175 171 13 Ai~nta 724 737 46 Bangoli 4.51 4S7 14 Alampotiguda 80 81 47 BanjoJi 119 104 lS Alwada 380 356 48 BardaJi 79 83 16 AbeJi 266 298 49 Bardal 714 722 17 Andri SI1 517 50 Bareguda 68 73 18 Angampalli 176 178 51 Bareguda 111 J07 19 Annapur 4S 55 S2 BasaglJda 652 656 20 Annaram 142 149 53 Bechapal 478 494 21 Alrepalli 42 39 54 Bedre 227 230 22 Arjun•. 1i 98 99 55 Belad 384 351 23 Arkopalli 51 47 !6 Belchar 374 377 24 AtukpalJi 130 134 57 Belnar 443 449 25 Atukpalli 169 174 58 Benchram 319 321 59 Bengla 320 326 B 60 Bengloor 397 439 61 Detekal 433 389 26 Badealwada 213 188 62 Bhadra.kllli 27 134 139 Badebodli 270 267 63 Bhairamgaon 344 335 28 Badegundam 217 207 64 BhandarpaI 598 602 29 Badeindur 32 21 65 BhatpalJi 87 87 30 Bade Kakler 44 52 66 BhatpaUi 218 201 31 Bade PaW 360 370 67 B1}attig-.ada 584 598 32 Bade SukanpaIIi 643 648 68 Dhattiguda 706 678 33 Bade teknlcta 274 276 69 Bhatwada 362 38S 34 Bade TungaIi 3'4J 343 10 Bhatwada 431 406 3S BaiJ 444 452 71 Bhikal 278 284 36 Bakeli 399 416 72 Bhimaram (Rampuram) 92 92 37 Baknagulgada 653 660 73 Bhimaram 668 687 94



S1. Name 01 villBle L.C.No. Sl. Na.... of viJllllle L.C.Na. No. ,---.A..-_ No. ,..-_...A.. __ 1971 1981 1971 1981 - ---_ ------. __ .-..... ------4 1 2 3 2 3 4

------.. ------... -

45{S Bijapor Tahsil

74 Bhogamguda 523 521 106 CheraKdodi 601 604 94 94 107 75 Bhopalpatnam Cherh 481 488 544 55! 108 Cherps) 76 Bhasaguda 518 523 77 IJhurri 261 272 109 Cherpalli 19 24 78 Bhuripa) 269 282 110 Ch~rpa!1i 102 112 79 Bhusapur Alias Bhusaguda 622 627 111 Chhindwaya 277 292 80 Blbri 49 60 112 Chhotealwada 192 204 81 Bijapur 55~ 5SR 113 Chbotebodli 2$3 26b 82 Biko 275 273 114 Chhote gongla 328 324 113 lljrabhatti 259 286 lIS Chhote hiroli 504 508 84 Biraguda 648 653 116 Chhote indur _26 27 85 Birarnungi 33 16 117 Chhole KakIer 37 49 86 Bodmeta 236 234 J It! Chhote paIIi 356 369 87 Bodga 361 363 119 Chhote potenar 309 317 88 Bodghal 398 433 120 Chhotesu KanpaIIi 642 645 89 121 Chidrapal Bodla pusnar 725 733 459 462 90 Bomed 693 677 122 Chihka 355 383 123 91 Borje 57] 575 Chilkapalli 637 642 124 Chillamarka 92 Botagunda 495 479 82 80 125 ChiInar 93 Bote al ias Dharaguda 448 442 546 552 126 Chlngampalli 94 Boter 294 255 629 634 127 Chinganmot !J5 Dotetong 710 70 703 676 128 Chinger 96 Bllrdamadgu 704 709 ]91 205 129 Chinger 97 BUrdum 396 429 440 454 130 Cflinnarewa 98 Burguda 143 127 55 54 131 Chinnadharmakasa 99 Burji 507 oS] I 676 710 132 Chinnadharma am 682 700 13.3 C Chinnageloor 664 667 134 Chinoajajer 497 503 135 Chin na KawaJi 100 Chandanglri 580 585 86 86 136 Chinna Kodepal 101 Chandoor 581 587 137 146 137 Chinnamathur 104 117 102 ChallapaIli 613 617 138 Chinna to Kameta 103 Chalpalli 268 280 190 207 139 Ch'nnautlapaIli 104 Cherao,angi 672 686 603 607 140 Chintadevi ]05 ,Cher Kanti 283 2.52 537 543 141 Chin takon ta 610 013 9S

ALPHABETIGAL LIST 01' VILt.AGES ------_._------, SI. Name of village L.C.No. Sf. Name 01 viJJaae L.C.No. No. ,---..A.-_ No • __.A. __ 1,71 • 981 1971 1981 ------I 2 :3 4 2 1 4 _------_ ------_.------. ------._------_-

45/5 8ijapur T~sn

142 Chintanpaf 593 590 175 Doditumnar 513 51B 143 Chintanpa Hi S58 563 176 Dodum 264 299 144 ChipanpaUi T4 2:3 177 DoaoJi 552 562 145 Chirpurbhaui 659 664 178 Doke 195 J86 146 Chokhanpal 499 SOl 179 Doraguda 473 482 147 Chuch Konta 215 198 180 OudepalJi 6 14 148 Chutwahi 662 665 181 Dudheda (Kottaguda) 113 119 182 Dudheda 139 148 D 183 Dudma 76 66 184 Dudme 29 3 Dakaturri 245 225 149 185 Dudme 39 51 l59 384 150 Daler 186 Dudoom 424 428 Dalla 64~ 644 lSI 187 Dusaiauda 6()4 610 DaD'aram 99 97 152 t88 Duglamguda 77 7R 196 197 1S3 Da'llaram 189 Dumirpalnar 116 726 Dnmawaram 694 154 190 Dumkameta 494 490 155 Dampa,ya JIlt 109 191 Duog. 312 360 DammUT 75 79 156 192 Dupeli 566 570 157 Darapal 454 460 19) Durdha 529 5H 158 Darbba 326 311 194 Durgapara 28 18 1S9 DareJi 694 696 31)7 ~79 1(1) Darmel E 161 Degm"ta 472 477 162 Depla 126 128 195 f!daspadar 488 495 163 Dhangol 1 t 7 114 196 Edasgondi 187 208 164 Dhanora 57'2 .576 i97 Edasmeta 300 289 165 Dharawaram 597 603 198 Edasmeta 467 468 166 Dnarmapur 645 649 199 Edasmeta 718 734 167 Dharmaram 681 699 200 Elapur'am ]So 136 168 Dharma 442 448 201 Elgandra 177 177 169 Dholeguda 6S1 657 202 EJigendra 186 211 170 Dhusaod 336 H4 203 Enchoda 154 154 171 Dhuseli 3f!3 35'9 20~ Eramaftgi 330 720 172 Diwalur 297 250 205 Eramnar SSI ·560 173 Dodimarka 214 212 206 Errabar 709 692 174 Dodimarka 291 254 207 Engpalli 599 605 96


.~ ...... ---~------...... -~--~ -~ ----.------_ __ _--...... _- .--.--- SI. Namo or viJlalo L.C.No. SJ. Name of vUlalo L.C.No. No. ,- 4..-~ No. ,...~- 1971 1981 1971 1981 .. ---_--. ----_._.--__ ..------.-----.-~------1 2 3 4 1 2 S 4

- - -._------._---_- _------_--. ------'"' ~------... --- -

45/5 Bijapor Tabsll

F 239 GOlaiguda 90 90 240 GOletong 489 491 22 208 Fandiwaya 15 241 Guddippl 573 578 1 209 Farasnar 1 242 Gudma 308 S27 597 210 Farsapalli 585 243 Gudra 251 296 213 211 Farsegarh 197 244 Gudsaleal 354 382 466 470 212 Fulgutta 245 Gufa 392 432 636 640 213 Futkcl 246 GuIapentu 93 95 247 Gumner 242 G 237 248 Gtlndam 663 670 344 249 Gundapur 531 538 214 Gadamali 333 690 250 Gundapuri 10 31 215 Gadiguda 683 669 251 Gundeleot 296 261 216 GagempaUi 661 626 252 Gundrajguda 690 695 217 Gal gam 621 520 253 GunjakODta 562 571 218 Gampur 516 5tO 254 Gun.jeparti 666 671 219 Gangaloor 50S 69 255 Gupdilanka 458 472 220 Gangaram 69 30 256 Gupkonta 594 5 '4 221 Gartul 18 257 Guttaman(li 252 297 Gattapalli 189 195 222 258 GuUamarka 212 190 223 Gauraram 179 179 224 Gawadi 413 H 225 Ghot 375 358 259 Hakwa 483 414 226 Ghotpal 439 41(7 260 Halbatumirguda 4 5 227 Ghumra 535 536 261 Halloor 34S 350 228 Gilgicha 185 184 262 Handapal 492 489 229 Gokhur 66 67 263 Hluemeta 262 266 230 Gollaguda 89 B8 264 Hingum 364 366 231 Gomter 393 394 265 Hirapur 635 638 36B 232 Gondmeta 370 266 Hirapuram 61 46 233 Gondnagar 5 10 261 Hiroli 715 727 234 Gongla 502 507 261 Hitul 381 354 235 Gorgunda S4 42 269 Hitulwada 328 236 Gorgunda 146 130 27,) HurrelUbali 263 271 237 Gorla 109 124 271 Hurrepnda 493 485 238 Gorna 721 728 272 Hurregunda 362 97

ALPHABETICAL LIST Oil VIL:hAGES ------_---..__------SI. Nam. of vlUage L.C.No. Sl. Name of vii'" L.O.No. No. ,..--.A.-_ No. ,.--~-- 1971 1981 1971 J981 --_------I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 ------45/5 Bijapur Tabsll

273 Hurrepal 477 497 303 Jarre 419 403 274 Hurrewada 281 291 304 Jarwa 194 187 305 Jatlur 29' 249 I 306 Jeenippa 606 611 307 Jhadigutta 311 329 275 Idenar 719 736 308 Jhilli 276 Jder 349 316 358 372 309 J:dpaJli 277 Idkapalli 220 242 686 698 Idwada 249 301 278 K 279 I1midi 603 61S 280 Indrinar 487 498 310 KachaJaram 559 565 45 281 Irpagutta 38 311 ICachilwar 530 537 393 28~ lrpanar 386 312 Kachlaram 167 168 283 Irbapomra 468 473 313 Kadenar 536 542 284 Isulnar (lColera) 723 732 314 Kader 526 532 285 Itampar 365 380 315 Kaika :.28 534 316 286 Itpal 578 5:3 Kakadmeta 567 5ti4 317 287 Itulkudum 387 431 Kakler 122 102 318 Kakekorma 288 Itulwar 563 566 129 319 Kalhaja 379 355 J '320 IOImdgoo 420 392 32J Kambalpeta 138 141 289 Jabbe 491 484 322 Kamkanar 498 502 290 Jaigur 312 313 323 Karolapur 630 635 291 Jaitaloor 582 584 324 Kanchala 687 ~88 292 Jaiwaram 310 330 325 Kandapadp tOO 100 293 Jajalauda (BhattiJUcfa) 208 ht 326 Kandla ;1.28 132 294 Jamka 78 63 327 Kand Iapart i !O 61 29.5 Jangla 334 337 3~8 Kandulnar 570 577 296 Japeli 280 300 329 Kanhaiguda 588 592 297 Jepeli 527 S3' 330 Kapala 147 140 298 Jaragucfa 40 36 331 ICarans;ul 292 2Si 299 Jaramarka 254 277 332 Karremarka 721 300 Jaramongiya 357 371 331 Karkawada 2 4 301 Jarapalli 678 717 3304 Karkeli 22"2 243 301 Jargoya 539 541 335 K.lTame 24 25 98


, .. _------~------. ~ ------_--_------_... _- .------Sl. Name of village L.e.No. S). Name 01 viJIa,e L.e.No. No. .----..A-----.. No. ,_----.J-__ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------__ ---..._ - _------_._------1 2 3 4 I 2 3 4

- -- .. ---~-- - ___IO_.- _------. ------_...... _-. _. -~-- _._-- - --.----

45/5 Bijapor Tabsil

336 K.1~ relliar ka 193 217 371 r.::IJngupalli 164 159 337 Kasiguda 646 (iSt 372 Kanjed 616 624 338 Katar 240 24@ 373 Kopanjarri 224 247 :'39 Katauli 389 441 374 Koramdodi 490 492 340 Katur 188 199 375 Korcholi 517 530 341, Kawadgaon 717 730 376 Korenjed 166 169 342 Kar::~e 7 IS 377 Kaurgutta 685 691 343 Kesaiguda 111 123 378 KorlapaUi 216 218 344 Kesaal .s89 588 379 Kormeta 327 ~i)8 3 • 5 Keshkutul 331 339 380 Korowaya 378 353 '346 Kesoli 184 173 381 Korra 407 391$ KatanpaI 325 "4" 332 382 Korrabode 408 400 34S KetuInar 306 316 383 Korrabode 421 41r 349 Ketulnar 457 465 384 Korsaguda 649 654 350 Kimar bech'1 25 19 385 Koslllnar 391 440 351 Kiskal 352 364 386 KotapaJli 83 7G 35:? Kanrlapalli 684 673 387 Kotapenta 701 679 353 KodepalJi 225 241 ~88 Koter 538 544 354 Kodk" a 276 287 389 KotIanji 436 409 355 Kodoli 455 461 390 KotrapaJ 332 340 356 KohKameta alias Duganpal 403 414 391 Kotrapal 724 357 Kohkawada 388 430 392 Kottagu!la 70 76 353 KokachaJ 417 425 39.3 Kottaguda (Dudheda) 112 113 359 KOkera 16 28 394 Kottaguda 656 6S8 360 Kolnar 353 365 395 Kottapal 574 5;9 361 Komatp

ALPHABETICAL LIST Oil VILhAGES ------_._------91. Name of villale L.C.No. Sl. Name of vilJqe L.C.No. No. ,..---J---_ No. ,..-_...A.. __ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------1 2 3 4 1 2 3 ______ft"" ______--.. • ------45/5 Bijapur Tabsil

391 437 406 ltukadi 411 MaTda 74 64 407 Kumbadi 286 279 438 Malempenla 670 684 41 4]9 MallepalIi 408 Kumer 53 644 647 269 440 Malloor 409 Kumharmela 285 '08 51] 145 4'*1 Mandem 410 Ku U1harnila 149 200 214 222 442 Mandimarka 411 Kungler 223 3JS' 52 56 443 Mangalnar 412 KunnawayalDJuda 363 387 427 444 Mangaltor 707 413 . ICupari 412 704 417 445 Mangapetha 414 Kupasi 416 321 316 238 446 Mangnar 415 Kupre) 23'9 401 4.15 210 447 ManjnigUda 577 416 Kuprel 580 514 448 Manji mendry 417 Kurush 509 228 224 193 449 Mankeli 418 Kusumbeli 219 722 731 ;109 450 Mardinagpal 419 Kutru 305 60 37 421 451 Mardiogpal 420 K.uye 425 373 388 521 452 421 Kuyem 515 Markapal 45S 445 453 422 Kuyenar S50 561 Markud 8 2& L 454 Madegundam 237 232 455 Mariam 23~ 245 288 263 423 Lanka 456 Marriguda 91 91 607 612 424 LankapaUi 457 Marrimadgu 229 235 298 283 425 Lekwada 458 Marrimeta 368 373 639 650 426 Lendra 459 Marrimala 159 16S 647 652 427 Lingagiri 4bO Marriwada 500 50S 4..:8 Lingapur 81 52 461 Marudbakv 626 6Jl 623 628 429 Lingapur 462 Marwada 46 57 17. 173 430 Liogapuram 463 Malasi 400 423 431 160 163 Loded 464 Matala 565 569 465 Mattimarka 62 62 M 466 Matwada 342 3.)6 432 Mad:!ed 181 181 467 Medpal 324 314 433 Maddepalli 123 J06 468 MedpaIli 24' 227 434 Madepar 230 223 469 Meghapnr alias Karkawaya 152 152 4JS Madepurturri 231 221 47f1 'Metaguda 695 689 436 Madpal 479 4110 47: Met."al 501 506 100


------~------...- Sl. Name of vilIale L.C.No. S). Name of viIlap I:..C.No. No. ,...--.A----.. No. ,_. -'------1971 1981 1971 1981 ---~ .. ------I 2 3 4 1 2 8 4 ------~.------45/5 Bijapur Tahsil

472 Metlacheru 131 135 507 Muttapur 156 156 473 Mer tacheru .alias KottalUda 132 138 474 Metupa.1Ii 163 162 N 475 Midte 569 573 508 Nadpa1ri 620 625 476 Mindrar 446 445 509 Nagawaram .58 50 477 Mi:::18chal 343" 345 510 Naimed 553 554 478 Mingatta 692 683 511 Nainpal 506 512 479 Minkapalli 157 157 512 Nalampalli iSS 84 480 Minoor 153 151 513 Nambi 628 '33 481 Minpanoor 174 166 Sl4 Narsapur 624 629 482 Mirganghatul 514 515 SIS Nayanar 409 408 483 Mirgachat 725 516 Naya tumirgunda 235 229 484 Mirtur 482 475 517 Nedurtarre 430 405 485 Modakpal 590 589 5J8 Nedwaya 272 278 486 Modamwada 428 418 519 Nela Kanker 627 ( 32 487 Mediguda 70S 714 520 Nelasnar 453 458 488 Magadi 434 412 521 Nemler 208 22:) 489 Mohnar 426 419 522; Nendra 720 735 490 Mormed 560 567 523 Netikaklcr 11 13 491 MosIe 532 535 524 Netiwada 12 11 492 MotakpalJi 107 l22 525 Nilamadgu 120 "tot 493 Kotakwaya 35 8 526 Nilamdippa 165 494 Muehler 34 17 164 527 Nilawaya 474 495 Muehler 211 481 216 528 Nirali 496 Muehler 284 410 402 265 529 Niram 497 MukabeJi 202 196 447 443 530 Nugar 498 Mukrare 203 192 256 262 531 Nukanpal 499 Munga 524 528 555 556 532 NUkanpal 500 Muojal Kankel' 600 606 5'6 600 501 Murda.lcla 632 637 0 S02 Murkinar 201 391 503 Murkinar 592 591 533 Odru g 504 Murumwada 32 293 260 534 Odru 50S 24' 226 Musaloor 554 555 535 506 OdrutOOIr 244 233 Musii 232 244 536 Ods. 351 387 101

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES ------SJ. Name of villa,e L.C.No. Sl. Name 01 \flU,.. L.e.No. No. ,...-..A--_ No. ,..-_..A.. __ 1'71 1981 1'71 198. ------~------1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ...-.------.-.. ------45/5 Bijapnr Tabsil

207 219 570 537 OdsanpalIi Pedadharmaram 697 70J Odsanporka 22t 240 571 Pedajojer 53S 533 540 486 487 572 539 Okenar PedaIcaww&li 576 581 239 573 540 Omrd. 243 Pedakocepal 540 54S 574 541 Omra 271 264 Pedakorma 521 527 650 6SS 575 542 OawrpaHi Pedapal 480 476 576 PedapaIJi 640 643 P 577 Pedyageloor 665 668 578 Peddamathur ]06 543 Paddeda 521 524 118 579 PegdapaJli 544 Padmeta 290 2S1 115 116 580 PegdapalJi 658 545 Padmet. 369 314 663 581 Pegdapalli (BallSagllda) 546 Padmoor 534 539 114 J20 582 PegdapaUi (ltottaguda} 547 Padnar 422 431 116 JlO 583 Pendlalam '48 Pakela 657 662 65 69 584 Pengunda 549 Paleguda 691 693 3 6 585 Pentaram 550 Paldevi 198 194 602 601 586 Penkram 551 Palewaya 449 443 199 215 587 Penkudur 552 Palle\\-aya 713 723 22 !J 588 PerampalJi 553 PaInar 520 525 612 618 589 Petabogda '54 Palsegundi 17 33 67 71 590 Petba 555 I'amalwaya 547 550 317 307 591 556 Pamed 679 707 PhuJ gun dam 3'11 53 557 PamgaI 162 161 592 PhuttapaJli 619 62J SS8 Pangampal 591 S93 593 Pidiya SIO 516 559 Papanpal 568 574 594 Pidil'akot 376 357 560 Paragoma 30 20 S9S Pidkatungali 34' 34' S61 Parkli 257 302 S96 Pikmohnar 418 411 562 Pasewada 13 {2 597 Pilur 4$ 59 563 Patakutru 315 306 S98 Pinacbanda 711 716 564 Patarpara 337 341 599 l'indumpal 316 325 S65 PaUiguda 463 471 600 Piokl)nda 464 464 566 Pawam S9 44 601 Pitepal 475 486 567 Pawrel 586 596 602 Pitetllogali 34-6 345 568 Pedachanda 708 697 603 Pochawada 377 352 569 Pedadharmakasa 675 715 604 Pvlal1lpalli 698 682 102


-- -- ._-- -~------~------SI. Name of villaae L.e .Nu. S) . Name of villqe L.e.No. No. ,- ...A---~ No. ,----..A--_ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------.. ------_.------1 2 3 4 1 :a .3 4 _,,,_ - -_- - .. - .. .. ---- __- _------_------.. -- ...... ----~--- --

45/5 Bijapar Tabli1

'05 Polem 64 68 638 Reddi 496 504 606 Polempalli 615 621 639 RedpaUi 73 72 601 Pl)ndum 339 342 640 Reguda 133 137 641 Rekapa) 301 608 PenJer 125 103 274 642 Rekh!lpalli 631 6:16 609 Ponjer 548 549 643 Rengawada 432 40C 610 Ponodwaya 318 3]9 644 Rengawaya 233 237 611 Poparo1m 241 228 645 RodoiIa 6ll Porrewaqa 484 499 t 51 144 646 Rotad 435 597 613 Pasadpalli 145 126 647 Rudraram 97 98 614 Potenar Ichwada 340 347 667 675 615 PuJa.ri Kanker S 616 Palad. 465 469 617 Pulod 273 288 648 Sadar 402 4S'i 618 Pumhali 31 9 649 Sajimarka 47 58 619 Punnoor 60S 609 650 Sagmetll 205 202 620 Pnsbaka 406 415 ,,51 Sagwahi 545 553 621 Pusbalca 660 666 652 Saknapalli 72 75 622 Pusgudi 595 601 653 SaknapaJli 322. 322 623 Puskouta 633 641 654 Salepalli 210 203 624 Puslanka 258 281 6SS Sandra 20 29 625 Pusnar 338 338 656 SandrapaJlj 103 Itt 626 Pusnar 503 509 657 Sandrel 587 595 6.'f8 Sangampal1i 182 ~83 R 659 Sankanpalli 583 599 660 Santashpur 543 548 627 Radpuram 105 115 66l Saped 680 70S 628 Raiguda 71 77 662 Sarkcguda 654 659 629 Raiguda 110 125 663 Satwa 452 456 630 Rajpeta 655 661 664 S.twnar 525 52b 611 RaJapal 579 586 665 Sehrameta 41$ 424 632 Ralapalh 41 38 666 Semaldodi 609 616 633 RaJlapalli 95 96 667 Sitanagram alias JajalgUda 136 142 634 Rampeta 129 J 33 668 Sornanpalli 172 176 635 Rampur 669 68:> 669 Somanpalli 206 20ll 636 Ranibodli 204 200 670 Surnar 638 646 637 Raspalli 712 712 671 Surokhi 456 459 103


.. _------_.... ------.- Name or villqe L.C.No. Sl. Name 01 yiUaao L.C.No. Sl. .-_.A. __ No. ,--.A.-~ No. 1,71 1981 1971 1981 ------I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 - ----_. ---- _- ---"'------

45/5 BfJapor T ......

T 70S Todma 423 426 706 Togo Ii 287' 303 t8g 707 672 Tadigu'ta 209 Tongguda 677 711 466 708 Toynar 462 467 673 TadkeJ 460 246 709 Toynar 572 674 Tadmendri 226 564 312 7tO Tukiguda 696 702 675 Tadmcr 313 407 711 Tllmb 314 333 676 Tadnar 429 712 rumnar 323 320 677 Tadopat 441 450 713 Twnnar 541 TadsocJ 57 40 "47 678 714 TumreJa 7\)2 674 Tadwada 289 257 679 715 Tunder ,395 4H Tadwala 372 361 670 716 Tumar 556 557 1'ahkawada 302 275 681 117 TUrrenar 335 349 . 366 367 682 Tatted 718 Turrewaya 405 401 Talnar 461 463 683 719 TuswaJ 394 39'; 684 Tam JapalJi 178 180 483 685 Tamodi 485 U 686 Tamodi 512 519 687 Tarlaguda 140 151 720 Udramalla 689 701 688 Tarrem 614 619 721 {Jibl 257 689 farud 135 143 722 UJloor 84 85 690 Tatigutta 56 48 723 Uskaled 183 185 691 TekaJ gudiyam 625 630 724 Uskamela 23 7 692 Tekameta 43 43 725 Uskapatnam 2.67 295 693 Teklanugur 255 258 726 USDor 618 620 694 Tekler 674 718 727 Uspari 350 381 695 Tenmetla 617 622 728 Utla 437 451 695 TelitekJa 26S 285 729 Urlapalli 671 685 697 Tendur 450 446 698 Thulthuli ,.27 422 V 699 Tidodi 719 700 Till1arbech!l 27 2 710 Viriyabl1umi 371 378 701 Timed 88 89 W 702 Timmapur 634 639 703 Timmenar 476 SOO 731 Wadij 413 396 704 Todka 519 529 732 Wadla 63 6S 104


- - ..... _--_._. ----_.------..- Sl. Name or "iJ1ll1e _..-.J4--_L.C.No. S). NaJne of villap L.C.No. No. No. ,... 1--- 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------_.. ---- .------.------....._------J 2 4 J 4 _. ------45/5 Bfj.pur Tab,n

733 WaY.loar 231 735 Y'aplo lOt 108 y 736 Ychkali 438 453

734 Yampur fi8B 708 737 Yetepal 469 496

45/6 Dante"ara Tahsil

24 BansapaJ 47 47 2.5 Barrem 199 195 1 Aanwrabhata 79 7' 26 Bllrsur 18 2] 1 Acheli tB6 183 Basanpur 104 105 3 Adpa) 212 209 2" 28 Behnar 113 112 4 AIDar 52 53 29 Bensloor 136 134 5 Alnar 181 178 30 Bell8pa) 179 176 6 Araopur 187 184 31 Bairamband 82 82 197 7 Arbe 191 32 Bbansi laS 108 Atepa) 213 8 218 33 BhatpaJ 22 21 B 34 Bhogam 92 8\) 35 Bhusaras 210 207 9 Bado BacbeIi 1(5 113 36 Binjam 56 57 10 S-de Bedma 206 203 37 BodepaU 180 177 U Bade Gadam 227 225 38 Budhpadar (F. V . ) 233 230 12 Badegodre 77 77 39 BUldi Karka 142 140 J3 Bade GOOta 214 211 40 lJurgum 194 192 14 Bade Hadmamunda 154 154 ts Bade Kameli Itt 110 0 Hi Bade Karka J4 , 17 Bade LakhapaI 139 137 41 Chandenar (F. V. ) 239 236 f8 Bade Paneda 65 65 42 Cherpal 10 3

~9 Bade Surokhi 49 48 43 Chhindoar J6 8 20 Bade tumnar 48 49 44 Chhote Bedma 20S 202 21 Bainpal 117 115 45 Cbhole Gadam 228 224 22 BaJood 73 73 46 Chhote Godre 78 18 23 Balpet 81 11 41 Chhoto Gudra 21S 212 lOS


-- - -~------.------_..---_....._,.__----...... ,_. Name of villa,e L.C.No. SI. Name 01 villaae L.C.No. SI. ,..-_.A. __ No. ,--__,._ --. No. 1971 1981 1971 Ull ------_. __ ------._------1 2 3 4 1 2 1 4

------. --- -_..... ------_ .. ------~------

45/6 Daotewara Tablil

200 76 Gadhruiri 48 Chhote Hadmamunda 203 148 146 13 5 77 Gamawada 106 106 49 Chhole Karka 229 78 Ganjenar 50 Chhote La\cbapal 232 125 &:13 41 51 Chhote Tumnar 41 79 Gatam 134 1)1 222 52 Chikpal 232 80 Gutoli 43 43 as 53 Chitallalca 85 81 Gidam 64 62 74 S4 Chitaloor 74 82 GondpaJ 9;) 96 165 55 Cholnar 168 83 GODgpal 155 1.52 118 56 Cholnar alias Siwana padar 120 84 Gudase 221 218 85 Gumalnar 38 36 D 86 Gumda fiR 68 87 Gumiyapal 57 Dantewada 83 83 182 17' Dabpal 129 127 58 H 59 De~lras 97 92 145 141 60 Dhani Karka 88 Halbaras 151 14, 107 107 61 Dhurli 89 Han~awad. 7 IS 210 62 Dodpal 213 90 Haram 61 60 63 Doriras 160 158 91 HarIa 31 28 64 Dugeli 119 117 92 HaUrnar 66 66 65 Dumam 131 128 93 Hidpal 26 26 66 Dudhiras 211 208 94 Hikul J , 67 Dllwali Karka 144 143 95 Hiranar 34 34 68 Dholpal 27 29 96 HiroIi 28 30 97 HiroJi 171 168 F 98 Hitameta 19 18 9:) 69 Faraspat 55 57 H!t.l~ada 8 Hi 100 Hitawar IS2 1.50 70 Faruspal Bodali 45 4S 71 Farasmadur 46 46 J 72 Fulnar 75 76 73 Fulpad 202 199 101 JabeJi 196 194 ·,4 Fundari 44 44 102 Jang'lmpal 230 227 Japodi 59 59 G 103 104 Jaram 70 69 75 Gadapal 127 124 105 Jaunga 67 67 J06


-_. __ .... _------Sl. Name of villale L.e.No. S]. Name or villqe L.C.No.

No. """"-=- ~ No. ,...---...A.-~ -1971 1981. 1971 1981 ------I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

------.. -~- - _._------.... _-----

45'6 Dantewara Tabsil

104 137 106 lharalawa 105 Kumharas 103 103 98 100 !33 Kundeli 107 Jhirk.:L 102 102 58 58 139 Kllndenar 108 Jhodiyawadam 50 50 219 216 140 Kuper 109 JlIlhakodta 96 97 157 141 Kutrem 110 Jimer 159 183 no 235 142 Kutll.lnar 111 Joela Taral F. V. 236 S7 S6 143 Kuwa konda 150 148 It L 163 112 Kadampal 163 186 144 Lakhras 138 136 1)3 Kakadi 189 145 Lawa 169 166 Kalcpat 176 172 114 146 LendrlO 162 160 115 Kamaloor 99 100 116 Kanda Karaka 40 40 M 117 Karanjenar 71 71 147 Madadi 16' 164 111 ICarli 60 61 148 Maclaae 63 64 119 Kasoli 33 33 149 Madenda 17. 175 120 Kateklyam 137 135 150 Madakamaras 174 169 121 ltatiyarras 94 91 151 Madpal (F V.) 238 234 lZ2 KatulnSf 29 31 152 Maharahaurnar -156 153 123 Kawadgaoo 130 130 153 Mahra Karka 209 206 ICawalnar 91 94 124 154 Mailawada 153 151 KeshapUl' 89 95 125 ISS Marjum 226 223 155 126 KhUtepal 157 ts6 Masenar 124 122 127 Kidariras. 207 204 157 Masodi 51 51 162 128 Kirandul 165 158 Matenar 76 75 129 KodaripaI 141 138 159 Mathadi 135 133 13() Kodenar 164 161 160 Mangnar 10 I 99 131 lCodokal 3 14 161 Mendo)i 132 129 132 Kariras 204 201 162 Mendpal 188 US 133 Korkoti (F. V.) 237 232 163 MClapal 133 131 U4 Korlapal_ 24 24 164 Midkulnar 88 87 J1S Kaurgaon 9 1 HiS Moralnar 42 42 136 ltullche.pal 121 119 166 Mokhpal 208 205 107


.. ------~--.- --_-_.------...-.-...-. 8J. Name of village L.C.No. SI. Name 01 viUaae L.e.No. No~ ,--Jo--...... No. ~--"'--- 1911 1981 1911 1911

--"------_ ...,.-_ .. ------~ ..... _------1 2 3 4 1 2 1 .. ------_.-_ ------_ - -~- ... --- -_... _-

45/6 Dantenra Tahsil

122 1'20 197 Pcrpa 171 171 ],7 Mola~anar 17 17 198 Pina Bacheli 114 116- 16B Muchnar 86 86 199 PiDjkapal 10 169 Muhnder ll} I 188 200 Pi nar .72 170 170 Muler " 225 211 201 Pahumar IS 7 171 Munga ,72 2fl2 Pondum 69 70 172 Murki 72 125 203 Porokameli 110 109 1~3 Muske: 126 35 204 Potali 189 174 Mustalnar 35 "2 20S Pratapgiri 231 221 ·N 206 Pudan Tarai (F.V.) 235 233 207 Pujaripal 195 190 222 219 175 Nadenar 208 Purangel 170 167 146 142 176 Nadiyapadar 209 Puran Tarai 93 ,0 331 177 Nl\gfani (F.V.) 234 178 Nagul 62 63 R 187 179 Nahadi 190 147 210 Reka 23 2% tBO Nakulnar 149 ] 39 ReDgaDar f47 145 181 Nayauar 140 21t 39 212 Rewali 193 191 182 Nalgoda 39 27 87 88 183 Nerll 30 213 ReYo'oar III . 214 Ronje 32 32 184 Nerli 112 Netapar (F. V.) 240 237 185 S· 186 N.:Urnar 20 19 187 Nilawaya 19~ 196 215 Salnnr 36 37 216 Samalwar J75 173 P 217 SameJi 177 174 218 Samgiri 158 1S6 116 114 188 Padhapur 219 SamJur 53 54 189 Padmeta 12 4 220 Siyanar 54 55 190 Painar 201 197 221 Surnar J43 144 191 Pandewar 100 98 192 Paratuar 4 12 T 193 Parchcli 223 220 194 Patarras 84 84 222 Tahakwada 2 13 195 Pedka i3S 181 223 Tancli 184 181 1% Penta 200 198 224 Tarlapal 37 38 108

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES ------_----- Sl. Name of vl!Jqe L.e.No. S). Name of viltqe L.C.No. .&. No. -_ No. ,...---....I--~ -1971 1981 1971 1981 ---.------I" 2 3 4 I 2 :I 4 ------_._----_ -

45/6 Dante".r. Tahsil

225 Teknar ao 80 ~J3 TumakpaJ 220 217 226 Telam 217 21S 234 TUlDiraunda 11 2 227 Tetam 216 214 :Us Tikaopal 161 159 U 229 Tongpal 229 226 235 Udenar 21; 20 230 Toylanka 128 126 236 Udela 123 121 231 Toynar 5 1 t 237 Upet 212 Tudparas 95 93 25 2S

45/1 Jagdalpur Tahsil

A 21 Bade "Ioar 169 169 22 Bade Amaba' ISS 155 202 I Ad'awaJ Z02 23 Bade Aarapur 498 498 375 2 Adawal 375 24 Bade Badam 418 418" 3" Adwat 80 80 25 Bade Bodal 414 414 4 Adwal 94 94 26 Bade Chakwa 179 17' S Aghanpar 4'39 439 27 Bade Deada 264 264 6 Arakot 495 495 28 Bade Dharaur Ul III 7 Alangnar 57S 575 29 :a_ade Gwni),apal 46- 46 S Alkur Taipadar 381 381 10 'Bade Gurbe 579 57~ 9 Alnar 96 96 31 Bede Jirakhal 244 244 to Alnar 410 410 32 Bade Kadma 523 S2.J 11 Alwa 521 521 33 Bade Kakluri 75 15 12' Alwahi 145 14S 34 Bade KawalikalBD 397 397 254 254 13 Amadula 35 Bade Kilepal 92 92 14 Amaguda 351 351 36 Bade Marenga 541 541 15 AmIidhu 10 10 37 Bade Morathpal 463 463 16 Aanjar 4.5 45 38 Bade Murrua 412 412 44 44 11 Arwar 39 Bado Parakot 532 532 IS Asana 448 448 40 Bade Paroda 112 112 372 19 Atpahari SeIbrB 372 41 BadJawaod 269 269 30 30 B 42 Badrenga 43 BaghanpaJ 103 103 20 Babu Semra 370 370 44 Baghanpal 461 461 109


------_.. _----... _------_----.-..-....- Namo of village L.C.No. Sl. Namo of villaac L.C.No. sl. ,.-_.A.__ No. ~-_"_-- No. 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------.~------_.-_--_ ------I 1 3 4 1 2 1 4 ------. ------_ - -_ .. _------_... ---_--

45/' Jagdalpor Ta'siI

80 Bhaisgaon 128 128 4' Balhr.ur 346 '346 81 46 Bag Mohlai 21S 218 Bhaluguda 361 361 8:'! Bhanpuri 47 Ragmundi Paneda 67 67 ItS3 163 83 Bharni 184 1804 48 Bagrai (P. V.) 595 595 84 Bhatagtlda 366 366 49 Bahanpur 66 66 85 BI~fpaJ 201 201 50 Daja\\and 329 329 ali Bh.eja 19 19 51 Bak':lwand 317 316 87 Bhejaripadar 115 :Jts 52 Bakei 160 160 88 Bhejaripadar 494 4.94 53 Balenga 213 213 89 Bhejapadar 338 338 54 Balikont& 4S3 453 90 Bhiranda (P. v.) 593 593 55 Balputi 333 333 9. Bhirlinga 297 297 56 Bamhani 350 350 92 Bhond 205 20S ~, Bandaji 122 122 93 Bhosdi Ras 82 58 Baugapal 198 198 8~ Bf:.ursundi 59 Bauiagaon 223 223 94 204 204 60 Baniagaon 271 271 9S Bijapur 341 341 61 Baniagaon 336 336 96 Bilori 377 377 62 Barchhepal 98 98 97 Binta 2S 2S 61 Barda 280 280 98 Biranpal 43S 435 64 Barupata 488 488 9 Birgali 57 57 Bispur (F.V) -607 607 65 B:1stanar 69 69 100 66 Bastar 207 207 101 B isramp uri Hi4 164 161 67 Batkonta 1S6 86 102 Bodanpill 16l 68 BedagBon 275 275 10J B~danpal 177 177 131 69 Beda U margaon 293 293 104 Bodara 131 72 72 70 Belar 120 120 105 Badenar Kalan 71 Belgaon 337 3:" 106 Bod Ii 2 2 217 72 Beliyapal 113 113 101 Borigaon 217 63 73 Belpl1ti 279 279 J08 Borja 63 74 Bengloor 408 408 109 Borpadar 298 298 54 75 OeDgpal (F. V . ) 60S 605 110 Burgum 54 Ben i DhBranr 115 115 111 Burji 485 485 "77 Besoli 162' 162 112 Burundwada Semra 371 371 '8 Besrapal 209 209 1J3 Burungpal 504 S04 79 Bhadishgaon 459 459 114 nur


-- --~ .. ------SI. Name of "iIlage L.C.No. SJ. Name 01 "map L.C.No. No. -~- No. ,--___,._~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ---.------I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ---_.... _------

45/7 Jagdalpur Tahsil

C 149 Chhotc Kilepal 81 n 150 Chhote MorathpaI 460 460 396 396 J15 Chachalgul' lSt Chhote Murma 403 403 1t6 Chalkiguda 106 106 152 Chhote Parakot 535 535 117 Chamiva 152 152 153 Chhote Paroda 109 1°' 118 Champa' 393 393 .154 Chhurawand 231 231 t] 9 Chandanpur 118 118 ISS Chidai Padar 196 196 120 Chandela 13 13 IS6 Chidpal 526 526 121 Chandraliri SIS SIS IS7 Chikhal Karmari 283 283 562 122 Cnandrapal 562 158 ChUkuhati 411 411 2~2 12l Chapapadar 282 159 ChlDgpal 555 55S 172 124 Chapka 172 1(0 Chitalgur 389 389 589 589 125 Chargaon (P. V.) 16! Chitaloor 334 334 157 157 126 Cherakur J62 Chira!wllr .129 .129 478 478 127 Chhapar BhanptlJ'i 163 Chitapadsr 978 3Td 318 128 Chbinari 318 J64 Cbitllpur 524 524 Chhindwada S68 568 129 165 Chitra ICot 36 36 101 lot 130 Chh;nd Babar 166 ChiurgaoD 251 251 Chbiod Bahar' 475 475 131 167 Chl)kar 187 187 55: 552 U2 Chhind Babar '68 Chokawada 344 344 133 ChhincJgaon 124 124 169 Choknar 241 241 134 Chhindgaon 240 240 170 Ch.oknar BahgIa Dongri (F.V.)6U 60 135 Chhindgur 572 572 171 Cholnar 294 294 136 Chhote Alna,. 151 151 172 Chondimetawada 467 461 137 Chhote AmabaI IS3 1S3 173 Chorras 382 3U 13' Chhote Badam 419 419 13' Chhote Bodal 399 399 D 140 ChhO'te Bodonar 83 83 141 Chhol e Deod. 290 290 174 Dabguda 324 324 142 Chhotegudra 508 508 175 Dabpa) 108 108 143 Cbh()tegumiyapaJ 40 40 176 Datbha 566 566 144 Chh()te Gurbe 580 580 177 Dasapal 313 313 145 Cbhote Jirakhal 237 237 178 Deoda 168 168 146 Chhote Kodma 527 527 179 Deurgaon 466 466 147 Chhote KakIU1' 88 88 180 Dbaniyatoor 425 425 148 Cbhote Kawali 400 400 1St Dhaop'" 2S9 259 ]11


--- - -~--- -_ ----- . _._--_._------L.C.No. Nam~ of rill_ae L.e.No. SI Name of village 51. ,..-_.A.__ No. ,.--.A.-_ No. 1971 1981 1911 1981

------._------~-- ..------.... _.. _- 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------_____T __ ,.. _--- -... _-- -_._------.-..-- 4517 Jagdalpur T.t1sil

343 ~O9 G:uen.::a 24S 245 181 DbanpU11}i 343 451 210 Gatam SOS 183 Dharumpura 451 '05 12 12 21 f Ghas Dhanora 476 476 18 l nharm•• b~da 212 Ghat KawaU 1S9 189 IPS Dhalmaur 458 458 213 194 194 IR5 Dhobiguda 301 301 Gh"t Lohanga :'91 2t4 Ghat Padmoor 456 4S6 187 . nhodrt'llal 291 522 215 Ghat Saegipal 473 473 I1I8 Dhodarapai ~22 56 56 216 Ghotiya 189 Dhokam 133 133 117 217 Gida baTJi 5]2 190 Dhuragaon 117 !l12 368 21S Girota 191 DhUrguda 368 2~8 268 509 219 Gondiyapal J 41 141 192 Dilm iii 509 242 242 220 Goriyapal 84 84 193 DimrapaJ SJ8 221 Gudiya 194 Dimrapal 53lJ 387 387 428 222 195 Dogam 428 Gut'ra Marenga 539 539 223 196 Dongarigudll alias Kumbar Gurnadpal 517 517 Marenga S4~ 544 224 Gumalwadil 3805 385 225 197 Durkabeda 267 267 Gurndel 309 30!J ]98 Dllbe Umargaon 212 212 226 Gllmga 153 ] 58 227 GUmiyapal 483 483 199 Duganp'd 4\17 497 228 Gunpur 146 146 E 229 Guphani 211 211 230 Guram S06 506 200 Erpund 6 6 231 Guriya 143 143


239 201 Farsara 239 232 Hatap Damur 409 409 233 Halba Kachora 447 447 G 234 Harra Koder 8 8 202 Gadagbat 383 383 235 Hathi Dacha 27 27 203 Od.damguda 553 553 236 Hat Kachora 443 443 204 Gadam Ras .582 582 205 Gadhiya l!O 110 I 206 Garawand Kalan 367 367 207 Garawand KhW'd 369 369 237 Ichhapur 216 216 2e8 Garda 93 93 238 Ijdepal 58t SSl 112


.--~ ------St. Name 01 .lJJa.e L.C.No. 5). Name 01 villap L.C.No. No. ___..A--_ No. ~--. 1971 1981 1971 1981 --_._------I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4


45/7 Jagdalpor Tlhsll

239 frikpal 534 534 270 Kalepal (F. V.) 604 '04 240 Irikpal 43 43 271 Kalipur alias Bilchoor 452 452 241 Irikpal 302 302 272 lCamanar 558 558 142 Jrpa 71 71 273 Kamdeo KuruspaJ 491 491 274 Kana K.uruspal 540 540 J 275 Kan:lpa] 307 307 276 Kandanar aU as Khemanpa] 574 S74 243 Jagddpqr Debt 440 440 .277 Ksngoli 438 438 244 Jaibel 243 243 278 Kankapal 576 516 Jaitgirr 266 266 245 279 ICap.nar 73 73 Jamawada 420 420 246 280 Karandola 166 166 62 62 247 JamgaoA 281 Karanji 278 278 241f Jamgaon 228 228 282 Karanji 464 464 249 Jangadpal 585 585 283 Karanpur 360 360 ~50 Jatam 427 427 284 K.arekot 24 24 251 Jaranpal 144 144 285 Karitgaoa 3JO 310 345 345 252 Jeeraaaon 286 Karka 569 569 2S3 Jh3.rtarai 176 176 287 Karka Gilda 38 38 254 Jbar Umarpoo 292 292 288 Kapka Gilda 386 386 255 Jojal 423 423 289 Karkapal 102 102 2" Junawani 311 311 290 Karkapal 444 257 Jlln!pani (P. V.) 609 609 444 291 Karamrida 183 183 K 292 Karpawand 258 IS8 293 ICasturi 342 342 258 Kahcbcnar .. 4 294 IC.as turpal 33 33 259 Kacbaar 296 296 295 Kata !(anda 507 507 260 Kaika alias Cherbahar 406 406 296 !Coteaar 519 519 261 ~aikagarb 407 407 297 Kaudawand 321 321 262 Kaleallfur 565 '65 298 Kavi Asoa 191 191 2U Kakorwada 413 413 299 Kawadpon 142 142 264 Kaknar 14 14 3011 Kawanar 79 79 265 Kakou 551 551 301 Kawapal 380 380 266 Kalaguda. 384 384 302 Kelaur SO Sfl 2fi7 Kalcha 364 364 303 K.erajhodi 347 347 268 Kalepal 489 489 304 K.esbarpal 225 225 269 Kalepai H6 546 30S Keshapur SS4 'S4 113


-...... _------_ . -...... _------_._----_.. __ .. _... _----_..... -._- Sl. Name of villqe L.C.No. S). Name ofrin. L.C.No. No. ,.._-~ No. F'* A .. 1971 1981 1971 1'81 _.. _------_.. _------I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 ------_... -_ ... ------.. _------45/7 Jllgcldpar Tahsil

306 Keshloor 547 547 34J ~orgali 6.5 65 307 K,badaka 229 229 342 Korli 18 I8 308 Khamargaon 356 356 343 Korpal 304 304 309 Kband Sara 234 234 344 Korpa) 429 429 310 Kbid Kbad 348 348 345 Korla 313 323 311 Khorkbosa 214 214 346 Kosmi 32.5 325 130 130 312 Khotlapal 347 Kotamsar (F. V.) 600 60G 256 256 313 KhotlapaI 348 ICoIgarh 232 232 433 433 314 Khuja Parpa 349 Kl'thiyaguda 107 101 355 355 315 Khutpadar HO Koynar 549 549 285 285 :316 Kinjoli 3St Koypal 529 52)) 192 192 317 Kil1joJipal 3.52 Kuda1gaoo 195 195 tt9 119 353 Kadhurwada 318 K~debeda 392 392 91 91 354 Kudkanar 319 Kodenar 190 190 11 11 3SS K..udum Khodra F. V. 320 Kodenar 606 606 29 29 321 Koder 356 Kukaoar $78 578 612 612 322 Kodomali (F. V . ) 357 Kulgaon 426 426 608 608 323 Kodri Chhapar (F. V . ) 358 Kumhali 123 123 583 583 Kumhar Soldra 77 324 KodripaJ 3.59 77 154 154 325 Kobako Seoni 360 Kumbarawall.d 281 281 450 450, ltumharaVland 363 363 326 Kohkapal 361 305 30S 362 Kumharaw-and 436 436 327 Kohkapal 465 363 Kumli 226 22' 328 Kohkapal 465 364 Kumli 349 349 329 Koleawada 584 584 365 Kungarpal 159 1S9 330 Kolawada 395 395 366 Kurandi 379 379 331 Kolawali 249 249 367 Kurenga 462 462 332 Kolchur 185 US 361> Kuruspal 134 134 333 Kolchur alias Bamhani 300 300 369 Kurushpal 308 30a 334 Koleng 573 573 370 KusUmpal 376 376 335 Komar (F.V.) 592 ~92 371 Kuthar 39 39 336 Kondaloor 477 477 337 Kondwal 454 454 L 33. Kondloor 570 570 9S 33' Kondoli 68 68 372 Lakhai Beda 9S 51 340 Kopaguda "4 354 373 Lalaguda 58 114


-_ ... ------__,.. ------._------__ --- Name of Yillale L.C.No. Sl. Name of villaac L.C.No. SI. ___..A-_- No. ,---..A--_ No. 1911 1981 1911 1981 ------_ - 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 .. ------...... ------.... _---- 45/7 JagdaJpur Tabs II

D 404 Markapal 472 472 405 Markel 3S3 3SS Lamker 175 175 374 406 Marlenga 182 182 Lawagaon (F. V.) 591 591 375 407 Masgaon 312 312 376 Lendra 556 556 408 Matkot 493 493 377 Limau Padar 31 31 409 Matnar 34 34 378 Lohandiguda 116 116 . 410 Matnar 274 274 M 411 Mawali Dhata 502 502 412 Mawaliguda 149 149 413 Mawaliguda 215 379 Machkot (F. V.) 596 S96 215 414 Malawi Padar 560 380 Madhota- 126 126 '60 415 Mendad 35 381 Madpal 359 359 35 416 Metawada 382 Mabima 15 15 299 2" 38J Mabkapal SSO SSo 417 Metawada 530 5,0 384 Mahupal Darai 199 199 418 Michnar '9 99 38S Mabupat bad 188 188 419 Milkulwada 3fl 391 250 386 Mailbeda 250 420 Madar Konta 525 52' 387 Majhipal 563 563 421 Modeoar c. F • V.) 603 603 388 Malgaon 303 303 422 Mohlai 287 211 389 Malamunda (F. V.) ,610 610 423 Mohilli (F.V.> 590 590 7 390 Malewahi 7 424 . Mokhagaoo (F. V • ) 594 594 391 Mamadpai 5t6 516 425 Mongrapal 295 295 392 Maudar 41 41 426 Morath PaIJi 35. 35' 393 Mandla pal 156 156 427 MuIi 284 284 394 Mandwa 501 501 428 Mundagaon 148 14. 395 Mangadu Kachora 446 446 429 Muodagarb 571 571 396 Manganpur 'B'2 352 430 Mundapal 116 186 397 Mangnar 257 257 431 Munga 511 S18 398 Mangnar '57 557 20 20 399 Manjhi Dhata 87 87 432 Munjer 171 J71 400 Manjhigl.lda 404 404 433 Munjla 434 Markuchi 165 165 401 Mardum 26 26 Musagllda 520 520 402 Maretha 238 238 435 436 MlltanpaJ 52 52 403 Marcosa 28 28 11S


- ... -~ ______~_ w ______- -. ~ ------_---. ------__.. ------Sl. Name of village L C.No, SJ. Name 01 rill... L.C.No. No. --~----... No. ,... ~ ...... 1971 IS81 1971 1981 ------·_------_1.-- 1 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 ------.. ~------.------__ -_------

45/7 Jagdalpnr Tahsil

N 468 Pam 437 437 469 PaJli Bhata 224 224 181 18i 437 Nad. Sagar 470 PaUi Chakwa 178 178 438 Nagarnar 339 339 471 Palwa 537 531 439 Naharni 235 235 472 PandaDar 218 288 440 Nainmur 492 492 473 Pandripani 434 434 441 NainDar 490 490 474 ParaJi sso !SO 442 Nakti Semra 373 373 475 Parali 398 398 443 Naktoka 51 51 476 Paralmeta 70 70 444 Nalpawand 327 327 477 Palapur 37 31 445 Nandpura 222 222 478 Parchandpal 197 )97 446 Nangur 402 402 479 Parpa 533 533 447 Narawand 273 213 480 Pascbim Temra 136 136 448 NlJrayanpal 13~ 132 481 Palhari 140 140 449 Narayanpal 203 203 482 Pathari 1.48 248 450 NawaaaoD 536 536 483 Patbarli alias Udwa 503 503 451 NawalJll"a 415 41.5 484 Pedawada 564 564 452 Nayanar 430 430 485 Phaphani 221 221 453 Neganar 289 289 486 Pharasgaon 32(.\ 320 4.54 Neganar 559 459 487 Phrezarpur 442 442 4SS Neganar 42 42 488 Peermeta Cit 61 456 Negiguda 357 357 489 Pichi Koder 9 9 457 Nagalsar 394 394 490 Piplawand 219 219 458 Netanar 399 390 491 Phhapur 328 328 459 Nilegondi Bodenar 513 513 492 Potanar 480 480 493 Potiapal 401 401 N 494 Potiawand 262 262 495 Pulcha (F. v.) 599 599 460 Pawal 587 587 496 Purvi Temra 13.5 461 PahurbeJ 270 270 135 497 Puspa) 17 17 462 PaikDal 332 332 498 Puspal (P.A.) 5 5 463 Pathanasuda 441 441 499 Pusem 64 64 464 Pakhna ICongera 233 233 500 Puspal 424 424 465 Pakhnar 514 514 466 Palam 16 16 R 467 Palanar 18 18 SO·l Rajgondi 22 22 115


------.. ------.------~------.. _.. ~-...... - --- st. Name of village L.C.No. SI. Name 01 vllI.,e L.C.No, "..-_..A.. __ No. ".---"--_ No. 1971 1981 1971 1981

------_.------"---- ... -~-.. ---- -. ------I 2 .3 4 I 2 .3 4 ------_.. -.------...... ------.--- - - 45/7 Jagd. Jpur Tahsil

502 Raikot sao 500 535 Sedwa 548 548 503 Raj nagar 316 316 536 Semalnar 208 201 504 Rajpur 14.7 147 537 Seoni 150 150 50S Rajur 528 523 '38 Sidmud 405 405 506 Rampal 286 286 539 Silakjbodi 50 SO 507 Rampal 362 362 540 Silakjodi 89 89 508 Ram Biranpal 416 416 541 Simoda 3t9 319 542 509 Ran Sargipal 482 482 Singanpuc 469 469 543 Sirisguda 510 Rl:ltenga 138 138 486 486 544 Sitlawand '511 Retawand 210 2tO 220 220 54S SO.DarpaI 512 8.otma 125 125 '170 J70 546 SODarpal 468 468 S 547 Sonpur 272 272 548 So rglJ on 227 227 422 .422 513 Sadgu~ 549 Sosanpal 542 541 97 97 st4 Sadra 550 Sudhapal 139 139 ?6 5lS Sa drs Bodeoar 76 55] SuJcrapal 306 306 484 484 516 Sakargaon SS2 SUlanga 23 23 21 517 Salaspur 21 553 Surgllda 49 49 206 Sl8 Salemeta 206 554 Surgipal 314 314 230 .519 galemeta 230 555 Surguda BodeDu 48 48 3 3 520 Salepal 556 Surund\\ada (P.y.) 601 601 Salepa} 487 487 521 557 Suwa Chondi 252 252 522 Salosa 247 247 260 523 Sandeoda 260 T 524 Sandh Karmari (F.Y . ) 613 613 525 Sand Karmari 261 261 558 Tahakwada S77 .577 526 SanwBeJ 53 53 559 Takraguda 121 121 Sargiguda S9 527 59 560 Takraguda 200 200 528 Sargipal 432 432 '61 Talnar 335 335 529 Sasan Kachora 445 445 562 Taloor 217 117 530 Satla~and 276 276 563 TamakODi 449 449 531 SauDra 253 253 564 Tamarwada 388 381 532 Sauorapal 127 J21 56S Tandapal 479 479 533 Sautnar 586 586 566 Tangiajbodi 8S 8S .534 So:!utpur 265 265 567 TanJlkapal 481 4Sl 117


------~ -- --_-_.. - .. _-- -.------81. Name of ,,1I.,e L.e.No. SJ. Name oI91l1qe L.C.No.

No, _---A--_ No. ,- :0 197t 1981 urn " 1,1. ------I 2 3 4 I 2 ! 4

------..... -~------~-----

45}7 lagdalpar TaIJ.iI

568 TaraS301l 100 100 S'4 Topar 561 '61 569 Tarapan 167 167 595 TOlar 474 474 570 Tarasaon 470 470 596 Toyanar (P. v.) 602 602 571 Tarapur 330 330 597 Toyar 47 47 572 Tareka 588 588 ~98 Toyoar 74 74 513 Tekameta 457 457 599 Tunppal 326 32' 574 Tel sa Aarapur 496 496 600 Turaogaur 60 60 575 Tolimarcnga 543 543 601 TlIRmodta 104 104 576 Teli SeJnra 374 374 602 Turena! 365 36.5 577 Tempal Kumar 246 246 603 Turpura 236 236 578 Temrll Dhata 510 510 604 Tusel 431 431 579 Tetam 1 t U 580 Tlkanpal 173 173 581 Tikt'a Dbanora 471 411 60S Udiyapal 322 322 582 Tikt'a Lobangs 193 193 583 Tirathlllrh 567 567 606 UJnar 331 331 421 584 Tidya (F. V.) 597 ~97 607 Ulnar 421 585 Tinha 137 137 608 UpaDpal 340 340 586 Tirthum 90 90 609 Uuri 174 174 610 Usaribeda J)4 587 Titargaon 455 455 114 588 Titri 55 55 589 Tokapal 531 531 Y 590 Tolawada F, V. 598 598 591 Tondapal 417 417 611 Yerandwal lOS 10.5 592 Tong Kongera 2SS 255 612 Yerandwal 499 499 593 Toohati Deoda 263 263 613 Yermur 32 31

45/8 Konta Tabsil

A 4 Amapenta 291 291 5 Aodumpal 61 61 1 Achkat 179 179 6 Argaua 226 226 2 AlampalJi 135 135 7 ArlampalJi 219 2t9 3 Almagoods. 290 290 8 Arlapenta 318 328 118


._ _o ---_ .. -- - -- .. _.. ------_ _.._ _.. , ------Sl. Name of villale L.C.No. SJ. Name of vlJJ ..e L.C.No. __.A._- No. ,_..-J.--__. No. 11'11 1981 1971 2981 - _-_._ -----_ ._------,. --- " ---- .. ----- 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

0 ______0_- _ ----- .- .. _------.... --_---_ .. , _-----

45/8 Konta Tahsil

240 9 Asirguda 240 C to Ategaua 244 244 74 74 11 Atkarirfts 41 Chichorguda 97 97 42 Chidpal 33 33 B 43 Chikaras 66 66 44 Chfkp&.1 128 128 35 12 Badanpal 35 45 Chikpalli 208 208 13 Badehirma 156 156 46 Chilma!awa 136 136 122 122 47 14 Bade satti ChimJi 180 180 144 144 l' Bagdeguda 48' Chinabodkel 191 191 1st 151 16 BainpalJi 49 Chingawaram 110 110 17 Banjamguda 250 250 50 Chintagupha 202 202 63 63 18 Bdkulaghat 51 Chintagupha 23S 235 255 255 19 Balangtong 52 Chinta Konta 270 270 260 260 20 Banda 53 Chintalnar 188 188 Banjalwahi 309 309 21 54 Chipurpal 69 69 BanjepaUi 183 183 22 5S Chirmur 115 115 BardeJpad alias Tongguda 211 211 23 . 56 Chitalnar 37 37 Bedre 166 166 24 57 Chiurwada 34 34 Bhandarras 72 72 25 58 Chopol 75 75 26 Bhattiguda 312 312 59 Chindgarh 54 54 27 Bheji 229 229 60 Churagatra 57 57 82 82 28 BhelwapaJ 61 Chuleras 6 6 29 Bhimapuram alias Mis:guda 168 168 30 Bhimapuram alias Karkanguda 196 196 D 31 Sira Bhatti 322 322 6:! Dabbs 1 n Birla 233 233 1 63 Dandabadl alias GUlaguda i8 78 33 Birsatpal 70 70 64 Daoteshpuram 316 3J6 34 Badko 121 121 65 DewarpalJi 215 215 35 Bodumpal 326 326 66 Dhani Kodta 4 4 36 Bojraiguda 269 269 67 Dharrnapcnta 289 289 37 BorBuda 90 90 68 DhobanpaJ 58 S. 38 Budrdi ali.. Sawaka 84 84 69 Dhondra 271 271 39 Burkapal 198 198 70 Dodpal 106 106 40 BurungJanka 279 279 71 Doleras 8 S 119


------_---- _ .. - __.... _ -- __ --._ ... __ ..l-___~ ______-_... ______•• ______81. Name of 9iUa.. L.C.No. SJ. Name 01 YiHap I..C.No. .~_Jo.--_ No. JO. No. ~ 1971 1981 1971 ------1981 ------1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

... --_.--_I-- ______-. _. ---~- _. --- -- _ .. --- _ __ --- --

45/. Koala Tdail

221 102 72 l>arnapaJ 221 GondpaI& (Malldi Marka) 161 162 103 73 Dubba Konta 320 320 Gongla 91 91 104 74 Dubba marka 264 264 Gor&unda 216 216 213 105 7S Dubbatota 213 Gorklla 239 239 205 106 76 Du)ed 20S Godi 11 11 169 107 77 Durau Darbha 169 Gondi81lda 332 108 78 Durroa 253 253 Gudra 59 S9 157 109 Gumma 79 Durma 1S7 49 49 110 GUOlodi IS4 IS4 E 111 Guphadi 114 114

283 80 Elkanguda 283 II 286 1,12 Hwn,ir&Rrh 26 81 Entapad. 286 26 234 113 82 Errabore 234 Hikmiras 68 61 G I

83 GachanpaIli 315 3B 114 Ilamadgu 323 3:13 84 Gadiras aI'as lTurrepal) lO~ 103 115 Injaram 242 242 85 Gaganpalli 232 232 116 Irpa 16 16 86 Gangrajpad 254 254 117 Irpaguda .24) 24) 87 GanjeDar 51 51 118 Itagupha 14 14 88 Gangler 305 30S 89 Gangulawa 141 HI J 90 Garipal 10 10 91 Gattapal 146 146 119 Jabagatta 192 191 92 Geedam 80 80 120 Jabeli 310 310 93 Godelguda 201 201 121 Jagaram 248 248 94 Gogunda 138 138 122 Jagargunda 159 159 !IS Golabekur 94 94 ~23 J?gavaram 321 321 96 Golsudium 178 178 124 Jaimer 25 25 97 Golapalli 308 308 125 .Jnngampa) 44 44 98 Gombad 236 236 126 Jeerampal 71 "I, 99 Gonderas 120 120 127 JhRpra 85 8S 100 GondpalJi 210 210 128 Jonaguda J73 173 101 Gondpalli 119 11 ~ 129 Jorutong aJias Kokarpal 83 13 120


------..... -----.------~ SI. Name of village L.O.No. Sl. Name 01 viUaae I..C.No. No. ,.--.A.-...... No. ~_.A._-. 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------_._------_-----!..--- 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ------45/8 Konts T ••slI

It 163 Kosabandar 273 273 164 KotR811da 189 189 218 218 130 Kama Pedaguda 165 ~otapaJli 142 142 181 131 ICamaram 181 166 Kotur 300 300 132 Kamrajpad 238 238 167 Koyabekur 126 126 133 Kanhaiguda 257 257 168 Kudkel 93 113 134 Kanhaiguda alias Nelmeta 256 .256 169 Kudukras 87 87 135 Kflnbaiguda 147 147 170 Kama Kolen. 36 36 136 ICanhaiguda 313 313 171 Kundanpal 7 7 137 Kanjipani 65 6S 172 Kunded 167 167 138 Kakerlanka 200 200 173 Kunna 3 3 139 Karigundam :!85 28S L 140 Kari~undam 319 319 281 281 ]41 Kasaram 174 Lenara 243 243 23 142 Karwara Kops 23 175 Leda 31 31 53 53 143 Kawalit'lls 176 Lakhapal 187 187 19 19 '144 Keratons 177 Linga!palli 306 306 127 145 KerJapal 127 178 Littiras 27 27 146 KerJapenda 140 140 147 Kikirpal 45 4S M 148 Kindarwada 40 40 149 Kistaram 185 185 179 Mahima 20 20 ISO Kistaram 278 278 180 Mamirguda 304 304 lSI Kodmer 152 152 181 Mandimarka 161 161 152 Kodripal 52 n 182 Maoplguda 262 262 3Z 32 183 Mangatguda 282 282 IS3 ICokalpaJ /' JS4 Kolaiguda 224 224 184 Mangipal alias GUllagoda 89 89 IS5 Konanguda 100 10~ 185 Mani Konta 228 228 lS6 Konda Sawli ISO ] 50 186 ManklapaJ 113 113 157 Kondre 101 101 187 Maraiguda 231 231 IS8 Kontagaon 267 267 188 Maraiguda 307 307 159 Konta Town 266 266 189 Marenga 28 2' 160 Korajguda (Oolpali) F. V. 292 292 190 Maroki 108 108 161 Korra 111 111 191 Medwahi aJlas Tonguda 223 223 1:62 Korrapad 206 206 192 Mehta 251 2S1 121

ALPHABETICAL usr Oil VlLLAGM ------Sl. Naroo 01 villaae L.C.No. S). Name -of v11laae I..C.,No. No. ._--..A.--_ No. ..A-.. ~ ~ 1971 1981 1971 1911 ------I 2 3 4 I 2 :f .. ------

45/8 Ko•• TalJaiJ

193 Mokhawaya 5S 55 226 Nimalguda 275 275 194 Melasur 314 114 227 Nulkatong 258 2S8 195 Metaguda 249 249 196 Michiguda 137 137 0 197 Michwar 9 9 228 Oler 46 198 Minpa 203 203 4' 199 Misma 133 133 P 200 . Morpalli 193 193 201 MosafmadJU 325 32S 229 Palcela 71 71 202 Mosalmadgu 308 308 230 Palachalma 280 280 203 Mukram 194 194 231 PalamadJU 207 20, 204 Mulagoda 81 81 232 Palem 21 21 205 Mula ICisoJi 241 247 233 Palia 102 J02 206 Mundpalli 130 130 234 pamlur 331 207 MundUm 18 18 235 Paria 112 112 208 MundwaI 38 38 236 Pariya 129 129 209 Murki 109 109 237 ParJagaua 141 148 210 MurJiguda 261 261 238 Patinaibas 60 60 211 Murrepal 76 76 239 Pedabodkel 190 190 212 Murtonda 99 99 240 Peda KisoJi 246 246 213 Mutheli 13 13 241 Pedagoda 214 214 242 pedakurti 227 227 N 243 PendaJnar IS IS 244 Penta 222 222 214 Nadilupha alias Pata Sukma 95 9S 245 PentacbimIi 17S 175 :!15 Nagalgunda 220 220 246 Pentapad 287 287 216 Nagalam 139 139 247 Pennalas 30 30 217 Nagaras 104 104 248 Phandipda 263 263 249 Phandiwar 5 218 Narsapuram 317 317 5 219 Nayanar 12 12 250 Phulbagadi 123 123 220 NeJwada 333 25t Pidmel 324 324 221 Netanar 43 43 252 Pinabheji 134 134 222 Nilamadl" 237 237 2S3 PolampalJi 217 217 223 Nilawaram 98 98 254 PolampaUi 296 .29' 224 Nilampalli .182 182 2S5 Pondum 73 73 225 Nilawaya 116 116 256 Pongabheji 125 125 122


--- -~ ...... --.,. ------_._------....-..... L.C.No. 81. Namo of .tllaao I..C.No, Sl. Name of villaac ,.--Jo.--...._ No. No. ~~-- 1,71 I'll 1"1 It81 ------_.------4 ' 1 2 3 4 I 2 3 --.-_-- ....------~-~.----..-.- ---- ~------45/S Konta Tahsil

] 17 117 S 257 Pordem ]55 155 258 Parogurnodi 288 Sadrapal 22 22 Porokakadi 153 153 259 289 Sagemghat 24 ~4 149 149 260 Porokonda Sanwli 290 Sakler 274 274 276 276 261 Pot ok pa lli 291 SamsaUi 131 131 112 212 262 PunpaJlj 292 Sendurguda 284 284 I 18 1111 263 Pujaripal 293 Sennamp"Dta 277 277 50 sO 26-\ l~ujaripal (Chhindgarh) 294 Silger 16S 165 252 252 265 Pusguda 295 Singaram 311 311 302 302 266 Pusguta (P. V.) 296 Singaram 17' 176 2 2 267 Pusgunna 2" Sirs8tti 124 l24 41 268 Puspal 41 298 Sitapal 48 48 88 269 puspalli 88 299 Somalguda 298 298 199 199 270 Puswada 300 Sana Kukanar 107 10'7 \72 172 271 Powarti 301 Sukma 86 86 302 Sunaamgnda 268 268 R 303 Surpanguda 1,84 184 3(:4 Surrepal 39 3, - Regrayguda 204 204 272 T 273 Raiguda 295 295 274 Rajpenta 177 177 305 Tada MateJa 197 197 275 Rajpcnta aUas Darbhaguda 145 24' 306 "falner 47 47 329 276 Rajamunda 307 T~rlaguda 158 158 318 277 Ramaram 318 30' Tarlaguda 294 294 278 Rrmaram 186 186 309 Tekla Oudiam 171 171 279 Ramaram 96 96 310 Tetemadsu 330 280 Rampuram 79 79 311 Te)a",arti 92 92 l81 Rasawaya 17 17 312 Temalwada 209 209 l82 Ratinaikral 67 67 313 Tetrai 225 225 283 ReddlpaJ 64 64 314 Tiganpalli 293 293 284 RedJapalH 297 297 315 Timmapenta 143 143 285 Regadgatta (F. V. ) 301 301 316 Timmapllram 170 170 286 Regadgatta 230 230 317 Tokanpalli 145 145 287 Roko) 62 62 318 Tolewarti J63 162 123


____ ~ ___I .._____ --

Sl. Name of 'rillap L.C.No..__ S). Name of "UIqc L.C.No... No. No. -1971 1981 1971 1981 .------I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4

- _.----~ ------_-- -~ -

45/8 KODta T ....iI

319 Tolnal 327 327 327 upampalli J!2 132 (lnnapal 56 56 320 Tongpal 29 29 328 321 Tongpalli 195 195 329 Ursanpl 164 164 322 Tongrlll 105 105 323 Tumakpal 42 42 V 324 Tumalpad 174 J7.4 330 VlPlkamac!1U 299 2" 325 TumaJpad 288 281 331 Venkatepal 259 2S9 U 332 Vcnkatap1l'l'am 2(1' 26! 1,0 160 326 Ul!ala~arai 272 272 333 Vlkrampalli 124

.. -.------

~crr;ft~ f,;n;r /Eri[u);;r ! qft:qr-.-l f" (m "'If lin "m~ wr;r«..-, m iflJl:/ifif( ~ ~fIT; ~ aTlfnft31 II\"I'~.. Ift~ ~\'IrPIl if ~ ~ ~t 'IfIl if1f'(tq ~it 1JIfiIi'il ri III'ftA'f vf(~ ) m ~if(/~. Ill'\' IJTCI'1i Total PopulatioD «1PI't (including Institutional fit;.~. if and Name of Area of No. of Houseless Population) Loca- Dis t ri ct/Tahsll Total I Village occupied Number tion in hectares Resi- of --_,.._------~ Code Town/urban- Rural! &. Town/ dential Houae- ~ ~ ~ No. Agglomeration Urban Ward inKml Houses holds Persons Male. Femalen ------2 ;\ 4 5 6 1 8 9 ------

45 n[l'1: fllt=rf rntr 3',114.0 335,708 346,354 1.842,854 920,321 922.533 39,060.4 31Z,9SZ 322,886 1.731,148 IU,848 869,300 """"II1lUIl 53.' z2,9Ui 23.468 111.706 511,473 53,233 1 "r

2~~" 1,750.6 38,102 41,914 219.356 107,635 111,711 I't*rorIf'" 1,740.9 35,543 38,864 204,271 99,762 104,509 ~N 9.7 2,659 3,050 15,085 7.873 7.212

-.;Tt1; (if.U.) ~'fur 9.65 2,659 3,050 15,085 7,173 7,212 ( i) lIi~ (if .Ill.) if1rtilf 3.87 2,2.16 '1,597 12,993 6,781 6,212 ( ii) ~1:lIi~(&I1.i.) if1r(tzr 5.00 2a9 399 1,882 992 890 (iii )f«m~'IfR: (lifT.".) iflJ\Pf 0.78 54 54 210 108 100

, ;rmq~-.:~ liM 3,140.0 35,172 36,08' 197.074 100,004 ,7.071 n~fIT 3,140.0 35,172 36,089 197.074 100,004 97,070 ~

4 lIilW11t t. ,,~ lJ)tr 3,682.3 55,379 5(J,887 313.315 157.104 156,371 nlftvr 3.672.0 51,922 53,369 296,106 148.245 147,861 ~rr-Ulf ]0.3 3,457 3,.518 17,279 8,769 1,510

ItiT6rtTi~ (if .In. ) iI1t1:)q- 10.28 3,457 3,518 17,279 8,769 8,510

5 .~R~"" zrrf £ 4,508.4 27,736 28,164 153,638 77.061 76,577 v rJi'tQl 4,508.4 27,736 28,J64 15),638 77,061 76,517 if~~T~ I ,

6 ";:!RI'll ~{If lJrrr 2,211.0 37,845 38,31Z 194,895 '7,026 97,16' VTJftvr 2,200.4 34,065 34,462 179,185 97,756 90,429 iflJ\TIf 10.6 3,780 3.850 15,710 8,270 7,440

flfi~Q1' (il.iJ.lfT. )


~ 1r.N~ f'lPiff/o{(iR/ 'Iil1ftr it.fGfTM ifIR'~,( ~ :rLr IfiT ifl1r ~t

Scheduled Scheduled Castes Tribes Literates Name of ,,-----..A. ___-. ,,--__.A._~ r---.A.-~ Districtfl'absil/ Total I 'J" m ~ m ,!.r m TowniUrbaD- ItDraII Maiel Pemales Males Females Males Females Agglomeration Urb.. 10 11 12 13 14 15 2 ,

50.445 50.731 61'.669 619,528 195,17' 67,380 Bastar District Tot•• 45,'31 46,Z78 610,U' 6ZI,74' 158.Z41 44,,69 .Rural 4,514 4,453 9,380 7,77' 36."8 ZZ,411 Urbao

Z,697 2.6Z1 32,921 33.281 13,-311 3.543 Bhaoopratappur Tabsil Total 2.697 2,621 :12.921 33,281 33,311 3.543 Rural .. Urbaa 5,037 5,390 61,479 64.685 41.984 14.016 Kaoker Taftsil Total 4,598 4.958 60,016 63,662 36,401 10,783 Rural 439 432 1,463 1.023 5,583 3.233 Urban

43'9 432 1,463 J ,023 5,583 3,233 Kanker (U.A.) Ulhan 4JO 414 1.049 736 4,932 3',041 (i) KJioker (M) Urban 28 17 347 219 596 171 (ii )Kanker Kasba(OG) Urbaa I 1 67 68 55 21 (iii) Singarbhat (M) UrblOll

2,91, 3,085 56,435 55,252 28.140 11,325 Narayanpur Tahsil Total 2,98«) 3,085 56.435 55,252 28,140 ]I ,025 RUral Urban

6,861 6,738 109,739 JlO.017 2',825 7,462 KODdagaon Tahsil Total 6,013 5,903 107,622 107,954 25,420 4.961 Rural 848 835 2,117 2,063 4,405 2, SO] Urbas

848 835 2,117 2,063 4,405 2,501 Kondaagaon f M) Urb!lD

3,881 3,848 61.924 U,1l6 ',769 1,364 Bijapur Tahsil Total 3,881 3,848 61.924 62.116 9,769 2.364 Rural Urban

3.3,2 3.Z2, 68,S71 71,473 16.4'9 7,205 Dantewara Tahsil Total 2,902 2.747 67,160 70,082 11.462 4,424 Rural 490 411 1,411 1.391 5.037 2.781 Urban

490 482 1.411 1,391 5.037 2,781 lCirandul (N.M.) Urbas ,... _-___- ______..J..-.- ______-_-- ~ IIi11f ;nit__ ;nil'

~/tfW.iml 'fA/ ~ ~ 1fi'mAiT't liiftrtt ~ 1ITf1:;nfu; fthr ('IT" iflttfifll<. ~~il V11ft'Ur, IIiTlf rn 'liT :aNI!(';f, smrfft, IIiT ;:r11l' ;nmll ~ ~ 1fT ~)

(I-IX) II V (a) Household Industry· Name of (Manufacturiog, Pro Total Agricultural cessing, Servicing District' Main Workers Cultivators Labourers and Repairs) Loea Tahsil/ To tall tion ~~..A._~ ~---"--"""",\ ~-..A--_~ ~ -"----""\. Town/Urban­ Rural/ -- Code ~ m il" ~ il" "'" ~ ~- No. Agglomeratioo Urban Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 1 2 3 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ------

~ 557,560 255,279 411,303 170,819 71,061 67,844 9.178 3.400 ~~ 528,375, Z4I,.'8 408,820 170,247 68.917 66,4S1 8,498 3,279 ~ Z9,185 6,381 2.483 571 2. i44 1,406 680 Ul

1 '1111!~ ~Q'''' ~ 29,043 18,590 22.338 13,835 3,325 3,825 506 187 I'flfrvr 29 , 043 18 ,590 22,338 13,83.5 3,325 3,82' 506 187 "~T'~"'f ...

'fm 62,852 51.314 40,783 31,618 11,375 16.017 1,084 668 rivr .59,285 58.204 40,460 31,520 11,051 J5,743 1,044 657 if1T'{1lt 3 , 5-6 7 1.110 323 108 324 274 40 1J

llif\l, (if. Q'. ) if... 'ftIJ 3,567 1,110 323 108 324 274 40 11 ( i ) llifoi'{ (if • qT • ) ,,~'l"rr 8,043 808 212 SO 227 177 28 9 (ii) Ilitrti1; ~tiIT.ef.) ~ 461 268 89 46 86 82 12 2 (iii) f«"'Tt'lITa-lifl.li. J~ 63 34 22 12 11 15

3 ifTtT~~" ll')'" 58, 825 19,900 46,877 14,937 4.861 3,389 803 327 v11fl'vr 58,825 19,900 46,877 14.937 4,861 3,389 803 327 ~

'" 1IIilwT'l'ftr I'f~ 1f)1I 93,499 37,498 75,270 27,136 9.229 8,454 880 V'(1I'1vr 88,925 36.376 74,134 26,802 8.720 8,156 847 ifq~ 4,574 1,122 1,136 334 509 298 33

~"f:ct1rflf (if. qT. ) ~')1:r 4,574 1.122 1,136 334 509 298 278 33

1f)1I 48,620 24.263 38,101 16.428 7,321 7,364 451 88 VTIf"'tur 48,620 24,263 38,101 16,428 7,321 7,364 451 88 ",,,-all' ••

.mr 59,457 25,190 43,392 19,258 4.671 3,905 495 146 vtlftvr 55,202 24,197 43.376 19,250 4,661 3,905 453 132 ~ 4,253 993 16 8 10 4 42 14

993 16 8 10 .. 42 14 127


Main Worked _- ~

In. IV • V(b) VI.VE. VIIl & IX

Other Workers Marginal Workers NOD Worker. NIUIUl of ~_.A-__ --:,\ -A.. District/Tahsill Total I r----.A----""'\ ~ ~ d ~ m ~ ~ Town/Urbaa- Rurall Males Penta). MaJ. FemaJe. Males Fctnales AgJomeratioo Urban 24 25 26 27 28 29 2 3

,6.818 13,216 8,6" 131.947 354,064 535,307 B.... District Total 42.140 8.'34 8,47Z 131.383 325,001 48',019 Rural 23.178 4.llZ lZS 564 29,063 46,218 Urban

2.174 743 235 5,673 17,540 22,626 Bbanupratappar Tabsit Tota' 2.874 743 235 5,673 17,540 22.626 Rural Urbs.ln

9,618 3,881 757 8,874 44,026 51,533 KaD"er Tahsil Total 5,730 2.284 74[ 8,81~ 39,136 45,494 Rural 2,880 71..7 16 63 4,290 6,039 Urban

2,810 717 16 63 4.290 6,039 Kanter CU.A.) Urban 2.576 572 IS 51 3.723 5,353 (iJ KRnker (M) Urban 274 138 1 12 530 610 (i) Kanker Kasba(O.G.)lJrban 30 7 37 76 (iii) Singarbhat (M) Urban

6.684 1,347 1,946 16,404 39,2.33 60,766 Narayaapar T.... iI Total 6.284 1,247 1,946 16.404 39.233 60,766 Rural Urban

6.385 J,028 1,080 22,631 61,435 '6,242 KODdagaon 1'",.U Total 3.734 571 1.013 22,359 58,307 89.116 Rural 2.651 457 67 272 4,128 7,116 Urban

2.6S[ 457 67 2.72 4.128 7.116 Kondapon (M) Urban

2.747 383 661 10,473 '1.7,780 41,841 Bijapar Tahsil Total 2.747 38J 661 12,473 27,780 41.841 RUral Urban

10.899 1,881 672 15,974 36,897 56,705 Dan.wara Tahsil TOlal 6.712 914 ~90 15,869 32,964 50,363 Rural 4.181 967 82 105 3,933 6.342 Urban

4.117 967 82 lOS 3,933 6,342 IC.irandUI (N .M.) Urban 128

iffa~ f"lItt ;(..-qG(iIt IliT ~ 8T~m ------.------~-----

"'-fT<{!1I fGrm' !tfi!6t"! ri'tlrJ ~Itil' 11m<=" cmcrr7t f" ;;r::ru",r (m amlftQ lli'l'uwr "'~ r{lfT/;:pr( ~ VTIi'I'arJ ~ aft'{~ if~ ~ Itil'FJJ1I' ~ ~ii 1fIIiT;::rl W 1IffiNf$) ~ ernlIlT ~iftli Total Population «~ (including Institutional fiI;.~. if and Name of Area of No. of Hoaseless Population) Loea- VilIaBe occupied Number tion District/Tahsil Total/ in hectares Resi- of r-_----.A.-----.... Code Town/Urban- Rurall & Town/ dential House- ..m& ~ ~ No. Agglomeration Urban Ward inKml Houses holds Perso~ Male. Females ------_- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

7 .lRlIr~ ~nr q)q 4.0,1.4 95.500 97.088 509.010 254.159 254.151 'l'rlfrur 4,068.4 82,17S 84,038 445,378 221,298 224,080 iftrt}q 23.0 12.830 13,050 63,632 33,561 30.071

ii(iJ'!{~~'{ (0; ."" .) iil'trUq' 23.02 12,830 13.050 63.632 33,561 30,071 (;) ~ff~ (iii' • lIT.) FJorUq 7.77 10,042 JO,2:S6 51,286 27,069 24,217 (ii) ~~ (iTJ'.IIl.) ifq-Ull 2.82 917 917 3,810 1,937 1,873 ( iii) q;~ii('{~ (ill. e'i- .) iftJUlf 2.30 864 866 3,740 2,015 1,725 (iv) q-lil'if'r,!" (ill. e'i- • ) iJtJ'{'N 2.11 21 21 91 49 42 (v) If' ,,'-h:ft (an. Ii . ) iJ1Iitll' l.SO 436 436 2.119 1.106 LOll (vi) 8'(~r (&I'r. u.) ~ 3.02 302 304 I,S78 836 742 (vii )ii(tJ~~'{ lIiliIT(lI'r.er.) lfITiN 2.01 154 156 632 342 290 (viii) U'{tft'tTlII' (.r.lit) iJtT'61r 1. 49 94 94 376 207 169

8 'Ii~ R8"lw iii" 2,390,2 30.017 30,882 161.789 79.,04 81,885 t'11ft'ur 2.390.2 30.017 30,882 161.789 79.904 81.885 ~ U9


lA.,td ~ fQT/s~1 IIif';J\ilTM iPR/i(~ 1'11' :Ir.r, !!if If11r IA'ftIof

Scheduled Schcduled castCI Tribes Literate. Name of r---A -----. r---..A.-~ r-_J.-_~ District /Tahsil/ Torall ~ ~ m ~~ m Town/Ul'ban- Rural/ Males Females.. Males Females Ma1ea Females AaalomeratioD Urbaa 10 II 12 13 14 IS 1 3

23.702 23,884 160.651 162,137 49.286 19.884 Jqdalpar Tahsil Total 20,965 21,180 156.262 IS~,8~5 17,173 5,988 Rural 2.737 2,704 4,389 3.302 11,913 ] 3.896 Urban

2,737 2,704 4,389 3,302 21,913 1J.896 Jagdalpur (U. A. ) Urban 1,970 1.949 3,182 2.154 18,098 ]].713 (i) Jagdalpur (M) Ul'ban 312 315 479 492 ] ,019 560 (ii) Hatkacbora(O.G.) Urban 207 183 164 179 1,162 62.8 (iii) Fl'ezerpur (O.G.) Urban 4 1 18 20 22 9 ( j")Pakhnaguda{O.O.)Urban 113 14S 174 177 740 513 (v) K.angoli(O.G.) Ul'ban 83 66 229 149 574 339 (vi) DharampuratO.G.) Urban 14 13 97 86 201 97 (vii)JagdalpurKasba(O,G.)Urban 34 32 46 45 97 37 (viii) Sargipal (0. G. ) Urban

1.886 1.936 67,949 70.567 6.365 1.881 KOBta Tahsil Total 1.886 1,936 67,949 70,567 6,365 1. 1St llural Urbao 130

~------~------~------f1rnr jat«TifI ifNI pr 'WI 16'mRiJ' iftr~ ~ Ifrf1;:~ Rtv ('ITW ~j~tR: ~~ tmi\'Iir, If1f'f ~ IIiT

(I-IX) II V Household Industry Name 01 (Manufacturing, Pro cessina. Servicing DistriCtJ Total Agricultural l.oca Main Workers Cultivators Iabourers and Repairs) . Tahsil' Toral! r---..A----:"'\ ,--_-.A-_~ r-----.A.--~ r--..A--~ lion Rurall Code Town/Urban- ~ ~ ~1f m ~. fift' ~... ~'). No. Agglomeration Urban Males Females Males Pemales Males Females Males Pelllalu 2 3 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 ___ A 23 -~-.'-----"'------_.--,.------.------~------_,------_. _

7 .....llI'~~ an" 154,493 52.625 102,773 26,837 25,941 2(.087 2.590 896 ~1II 137,704 49,"69 101,765 26,7t5 24,641 20,251 2,270 833 PftrOlI j 6. 789 3,156 1,008 122 1.301 . 830 320 63


8 .In ~ 1ft" . 50.77J 25.899 41.769 :z0.7" 4,337 3.113 634 2'1 V11f\'vT 50,771 25,899 41,7" 20,760 4,337 3.803 634 20, ;r~


~qvr1 :- (t) f1[W!fit ~Er "er'R, 'IT«( it; ~ 1Ir~ 6 ~ if~rf ..nthf~,,~ t , (2) ;r~ Q~~ arAi,~~, SIlca flI;li"Q f' ( 3) f'Iir 1fT vrlihr el1;J1liW, filii' it; jQll' \lei ~ if «~1l'Ii1r U{lIraif it SI'IICtT ~ llierQ;QII' ~ 'lRTIIi" f.R;m '"" t • (4) s(~1Ii ~l:r !tiT ~'l'T Q'II1T ~.1(t ~If'T if; 8(~~'t t , , ll'iifi't 8fN11RJ. ,!-arf'fQ. 1IW m "" ~ Ii6ir 'It I. ( S) f;n;:r dffr:& ~ ~ iii'" IfTIfRlIi furf\'l' .n ~ I{ I ;r. qt. l'PT'(1fT~ ~.if."r. \'l'( OflJ"'{qlfQll'ifiJ ". '9' • Ifli'"{ «"iii "T. sf . ifTl!l"i{f~ p 131


------.Main Workers

In, IV . V(b) X VI,Vn,VIIl& IX

Name of Other Workers Marginal Workers Non Workers ,--___ A_~ ,--___.A. __ -~ District)'fabsilJ r- ....A- Totall ~ ~ ~ m I" ~ Town/Urban- Rurall Male. F~male. Males Female. Males FernalCi Agglomeration Urban 14 2S 26 27 28 29 2 3

23,188 3,805 1,158 36,301 ~1.2Q8 165,2:l,5 Jaldalpur Tahsn Total 9,021 1,664 2,098 36,(77 81,496 138,434 RIIral 14,160 2.141 60 124 16,712 26,791 Urban

14,160 2.141 60 124 16,712 26,791 lagdalpur eU A.) Urban 11,674 1,868 54 112 13,628 21,690 (i) Jagdalpur (AI) Urban 684 108 2 867 1,587 ( ii) Ha tkachora ( O. G • )Urban 1.035 90 3 947 1,619 ( iii) Frezerpur (0. C.) Urban 11 21 29 (iv) Pakhnaguda (O.O.)Urban 373 38 564 828 (v) Kangoli (0.0.) Urban 162 24 t 455 643 (vi) Oharampura (O.G.) Urban 12% 4 144 241 (vii) Jagdalpur (O.G ) Urban 519 9 6 6 86 154 (viii) Sargipal (O.G.) Urban

4,031 1.,U8 1,188 15.617 27,945 40,369 Konta Tahsil Total 4,031 1.12& 1,188 15,617 27.945 40,369 Rural Urban

Note :-(1) The tota] area figures given for the district is provisiona! 'Geographical Area' as supplied by the Surveyor General of India. (2) The urban area figures are those supplied by the loea] bodies. (3) The Rural area of the district has been derived by subtractin, the urban area figures suppJied by the local bodies from the total area figures of the district. (4) T()tal arca figures of tahsils are according to village papers as slipplied by the Commissioner of Land Records, ~adhya Pradesh. (5) The followinl abbreviations have been used to denote the civic atatusefTowns. M. Municipality N .A. Notified Area. U. II Urban Agglomeration O. G. Urban outgrowth 132

",,;1\1:( 6~~I"l6l' i 1Tf1r llil fIltil'll( f~ ;orif~T (;ffll litc writ iftt'C./ ••IIi" ITTlH8")~ 1Ill: ~,,"al ij 1;t.f ;p:cfl; Ifr. IIiT ifTlI tm it II'lIiIif"f 1Q",'IlfMlIl trfta' ;pJ~/1(tt iii) Total PopUlation IIit .Ii .!lllfT (includio.g Institutional fiI.~. it and houseless Schedu\ed Scbeduled No,o! Area of populationl) Castes Tribes Literat. Loca- village occupied Number ,-----..A. ___ """"\ r---.A--_ tion Name of in hectarcs resi­ of r-..A.._ Iqftli J. ,~ Code Tahsil/Village & of Townl' dentia house· ~. fd\' ~. fii\o No. Town/Ward Ward in ICms houses holds P. M- P. M. P. M. F. 1 z 3 4 S 6 , 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ------45/1 '"1~ "(tiM 1,317.7 17,018· 46,818 2,"7 3Z,921 13,311 (~) (1(.~.~.) 16 ,351 93,707 46,889 Z.611 33.281 3,543 1 '(.~~'" 327.46 10 10 73 37 36 37 3~ 2 iIi""'{ 572.07 28 28 143 6S 78 60 72 3 ir~ltt" 489.54 53 5S 290 148 142 4 7 136 124 2 4 'n~[t (Iilhl') 783.05 62 64 359 198 161 163 130 31 1 5 '!3fTUIfI"{f 542.30 62 62 338 171167 10 11 145 143 23 2 6 ~~'!~ 340.15 32 36 188 90 98 2 47 S6 17 S 7 {I'(rtcrTf~1I1 585.0) 46 49 273 134 139 34 41 62 63 38 16 8 iti"liTfl{ 709. So 53 57 289 136 153 27 37 92 103 25 7 9 ~R,{ 586.31 43 43 256 128 128 3 3 106 104 14 10 f~iT 144.82 11 12 62 37 2S 35 23 11 iJlIm. 615.05 63 65 354 178 176 16 156 156 18 :{ 12 ~if't 393.53 34 36 188 95 93 92 90 14 13 qiifi)-g) 615.39 76 77 4~8 215 213 15 9 178 179 57 9 1 4 fiRGiIirim'r 382.68 65 67 342 159 183 6 6 124 144 17 4 1 S 'ir1,{T"t~<'t 823.96 199 226 1,173 5G6 607 37 31 368 389 256 i9 17 ~d" 340.94 39 40 245 123 122 7 5 106 103 55 2 1 8 'I;I:l:~<'tI!;:.r 451.94 35 37 220 114 106 99 89 46 14 19 Il)~ 225.82 26 26 124 61 63 7 4 49 56 33 9 20 f«IfifT 335.68 30 33 217 108 109 2 3 sO 82 43 19 21 fl!l"'ltrt" 396.24 49 49 256 133 123 4 9 115 100 30 3 22 ~'" 619.19 61 61 333 167 166 131 135 59 7 2 3 6l:Qt'I' 435.86 79 80 - 499 248 251 3 213 220 110 18 2 4 ~«ta-'lq~" 163.17 59 S9 364 176 188 24 24 138 152 92 J 3 25 ~ltifim 414.44 51 53 332 16) 169 6 7 135 126 63 26 272.95 43 26 "'lIT 40 303 142 161 19 27 118 129 45 8 27" lirn'rrtif 419.76 26 26 158 74 84 6 8 45 48 18 2 28 I!.~i:w 390.23 32 33 195 99 96 92 88 18 1 29 fifillT1.'{ 216.14 15 IS 87 43 44 40 41 2 30 f«ijfq~ 377.76 IS 15 123 S~ 64 5 5 S4 59 25 S 31 ...... r~ 347.90 37 37 203 97 106 90 97 15 4 32 ~~T 329.09 9 9 81 44 37 ~ 3 39 34 1 33 ~'ff1; 387.27 76 84 544 295 249 31 36 235 180 84 27 3 4 8Trll'J1!~if 480.37 31 32 236 123 113 116 109 ~9 6 35 II"6rn"u 518.91 48 48 264 140 124 136 122 39 4 36 m;nd 539. :J2 31 38 183 93 90 1 4 74 71 31 1 3 7 flf,;;ft~ 737.49 22 22 161 75 86 1 :1 68 77 3 38 Il~~ 464.13 77 77 426 219 207 18- 10 140 140 94 19 39 iht,",' 640.41 60 60 346 163 183 26 21 lOS 125 64 21 40 amnqT 551.36 111 114 686 330 356 22 12 260 289 102 23 133


_------J------~ 1IiI1I' flit ",tit MaiD Worken______IV .- "''''1IrR llif4'1 qlf(CIlf... lfilf IfirIr m IIiT1I' .m ~ ~ ~ vi

(I-IX) II V(a) m,IV, V (b). VI. x VII,VIIl '" IX Total Maio Aaricultural Household Other Marlinal Workers Cultivators Labourer. Industry Workers Workers Non-Worker. ---..A.---.., .___...A..----. ,---"-----. ,...--A---.. r----A----.. ,---.A-----. ,--~ Namoof ~. d' ~. fift t. fift i. H't I· • I. nt S. fiB Tahail ,VIII... M. P. M. p. M. P. M. P. M. F. M. F. M. P. Towil/Ward IS 16 17 18 19 2!1 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

2,..043 21.338 3.325 506 Z.874 %35 J 7 • 540 Bbaoupratappar T.II tI.590 13.835 3.8Z5 187 743 5.673 22,616 (Rural) 26 12 19 7 7 5 1 11 23 Rasuli 4S 18 40 11 5 ,. 7 14 20 46 Kalwar 102 56 86 48 13 8 3 3 3 43 83 Nedgaon lIS 31 10l 30 9 1 2 2 81 130 Napur (KIt.. ) 96 27 84 26 11 1 1 1 75 139 Pujaripara 56 47 43 38 6 9 I 6 34 S 1 ltalangpUri 79 48 59 37 16 11 4 5S 9J Taraighot jya 85 82 79 75 6 7 1 1 SO 70 KaJagaon 82 33 64 24 15 9 3 37 46 58 Higanjhar 25 1 19 5 6 2 11 12 7 Hiraage 125 46 109 34 12 12 2. 2. SO 53 80 Tamoda 67 64 64 62 1 2 2 .. 4 28 25 Vainar 141 118 109 91 14 12 18 IS 4 74 91 Parrekodo 106 80 86 69 3 7 12 1 5 3 3 38 SO 65 JhitkatoJa 216 214 187 179 20 :;5 2 7 4 140 t J " Bhirawabi 336 321' ISO 77 115 206 16 19 55 '9 230 285 Hatkoadal 77 78 72 64 3 14 2 46 44 Dargaon 65 58 55 SO 4 6 1 2 3 49 48 GhOfuhPllJlda 38 37 33 3S 3 2 1 1 23 26 uoyand.l 63 61 54 56 4 3 3 2 2 45 48 Seoni 79 ]0 74 19 2 It 3 50 54 43 Chi.indgaoll 90 50 80 43 7 7 3 36 76 80 Duwa 150 44 12S 33 9 10 15 98 207 Tarh'J( 102 90 85 80 12 10 1 4 J4 74 84 Bhursatarandui 88 87 80 81 1 5 I 6 1 12 75 70 Damkasa 93 68 82 49 9 19 9 49 23 Mokha 48 12 42 10 4 2 1 1 1 26 71 Mohgaon 63 12 54 7 5 4 4 2 42 34 42 Gudphed 31 1 25 5 I 21 It 22 Hi]chur 34 9 31 7 3 2. 4 26 21 29 Silpat 62 8 57 5 4 3 1 2 63 38 35 Kodakhurri 28 S 24 5 3 1 10 . 32 Haipurlcasa 168 U5 134 81 22 33 12 4 127 ; 30 Lohattar 72 66 66 63 3 2 51 47 Amaguban 92 79 82 68 '"7 11 1 2 48 4S Jharripara 64 55 42 36 17 19 5 29 35 Sonadai 47 49 45 41 2 8 2 28 35 Pidchod 140 119 103 89 29 28 3 1 5 1 1 79 87 Barheli 110 lQ7 87 IS 18 20 1 1 4 1 S3 76 Pedawari 199 184 177 169 16 15 .. 6 1 18 130 1 54 . Amakada 134

~T'lill' 8~1;;rJ rtfIII' iii' IItTirur ,"«ro f9l' :iI'if«" l iffA ..... VIII i{~J ••lIie IIIllJuftlJ 11ft Vat ill'lt.iiflll'nii if '(~ ~ IfTi IIIiT ;rIll ~iI IflIiTii'f ..if' '" ftAr ulta' lJIn:,m ..., Total Population (ineludinJ IIiI' IlIi fiVIJ' Institutional r•. ~. it and hoi.ucless Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of population]) castes Tribes Litcmate Loca- village occupied Number ,.----A---~ r----"----. ~-_...... -~ Hon Name of in hectares re~i Of r-"-­ Code. Tahsil/Village Ik. of Townl' dcotia house· '''ft'll~. fd\' ~. ar) S. N'I S· fift No. Town/Ward Ward inKmI bouses bolds P. M- P. M. F. M. F. M. p. ------_ l :a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ------41 ~ulfi~ 435.19 67 67 329 151 178 t4 10 103 110 63 25 42 llir;nqri;f 252.39 7 7 43 23 20 23 20 2 43 f,(~ 721.44 51 57 394 199 195 1 85 175 68 11 44 1{l~~~ 332.61 48 48 2S4 137 147 2 3 89 85 44 45'I.m~'" 240.28 21 21 111 52 59 39 40 17 46 'Ii,"" 489.12 64 60$ 411 216 195 128 112 71 13 4 7 <:JO;l;Cfr~· 570.78 103 103 693 344 349 13 10 298 305 118 11 48 ",'nil 194.95 5 .5 66 32 H 25 29 • 1 49 rioft 383.37 33 34 281 137 1.44 1 3 109 125 48 6 50 IITIITTtr, 159. II 26 26 190 90 100 67 70 20 3 51 ::rillTlltlf 271.06 20 20 144 83 61 4 3 61 45 17 52 ~, 208.50 10 10 61 28 33 28 32 3 53 f(l1i{~') 148.87 12 12 98 48 50 3-S 30 14 7 54 ~r;:rqair 5S2.00 40 41 354 172 182 27 20 131 145 55 ! 55 ~r 991.98 90 92 696 344 352 21 17 282 284 62 12 56 flJi''')¥' 129.48 13 14 100 48 52 43 -46 11 1 57 ifn,,·ft 746.31 12 12 97 48 49 3 45 48 9 5 8 '1'<4rllf,1ft 678.06 71 72 508 2,t( 267 6 IS 2\5 226 56 6 59 ~~ 435.14 37 37 229 112 117 104 109 21 S 60 q''('Il~ 226.61 27 27 162 72 90 2 3 59 BI 61 \fta~ 155,66 7 8 42 22 20 22 20 4 62 •••~ 534.51 33 33 20.+ 110 94 8 5 90 8 I 7 63q~ 403.32 30 30 18{) 84 96 I I 80 91 16 64 ;;;0,(\1.:6 492.63 48 48 278 145 133 6 4 70 H 57 5 65 arl'it 297.74 18 18 100 47 53 4S 52 1 66 Aa-l!;;r;;~ 257.13 36 36 228 110 11S 10 9 92 9' 10 2 67 ~ntJf" 194.21 17 17 96 47 49 31 33 68 .rllt 209.99 13 13 71 4'! 29 42 29 69 ar[ilr'<;f,,~ 663.03 35 36 269 136 133 4 2 98 107 19 6 70 '13"11 680.14 66 67 378 J9.5 1S3 25 26 130 IH IS 71 'fi'Iqq1(' 1.014.31 84 84 60S 289 31G 1'7 t I 232 254 25 3 72 i!1JV~~ 504.56 19 19 124 65 59 65 59 I 73 1!<:it; 565.37 33 35 2211 121 107 III 96 5 74 iI1')~iti~r 794.48 91 95 583 271 312 12 13 233 266 31 4 75 trnitiT 584.38 57 57 354 190 J14 19 16 87 79 59 21 76 ~fitil~);;rr 42g.54 46 47 359 178 181 164 169 17 7 77 mft(tOJ SOS .11 74 87 538 265 273 48 47 198 208 &3 15 18 "~Irnn 155.15 26 2S 176 93 83 72 66 46 79 .... t~trt" 641.43 63 64 415 217 198 8 6 237 128 48 15 8,0 ~IJ 218.54 27 27 172 80 92 47 57 30 ·135


_------J----.~ IiiIIf lRir l(Ii MaiD--- Worken______P 'PI' aamm wfir... q,f<.. ,f<'Ii 1Ir~ IiI1r m ,"If m ""it ~ d Ill"

(l-nD I II V(a) JII,IV.V (b).Vr. x VII,Vma: IX TOUlI MaID Apicultural Household Other Mar&lDal Workers OIItivatom r--"--Labourers____ Industry Workers Work.en Noa-Worken --~ ,...-J----., r---A-~ (----A------r---J---. ,....--"--'--. N ..... of I. m ,;. ~ I· ~ I. m S· ~ t. • t. .- Tahail,VIII.,. M. P. M· P. M. P. Me P. M. P. M. F. M. P. Towo,Ward IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 2

103. lOS 77 90 91 14 1 48 73 Bragaon 17 14 15 14 2 6 6 ICanapaJ 132 110 103 98 25 12 4 67 85 Cilihro 87 93 78 14 S 9 1 I 49 H M.lh~adrapur 32 36 3( 22 8 7 20 23 GUialb()di 121 U4 102 10Z 15 11 2 1- 95 81 Chomal 208 135 182 93' 24 42 2 51 136 157 Rallfwahi 22 22 .. 10 34 Padllll 83 9 &1 (; 1 3 54 US SateH 5S 33 49 24 5 9 3S 67 Amagarh 51 4 50 3 1 1 32 57 Nawagaon 21 S 19 2 1. 3 .. 7 7 21. Adgud 29 24 3 2 26 19 24 Higanpuri 113 6 108 4 3 2 2 15 '9 162 Haopatri 216 11 199 2 7 (; 9 3 17' 128 166 Dangara 25 25 .. 29 23 21 Milldoda 3S 27 35 27 11 22 80deli 143 65 139 62 3 3 79 97 11'; Bhandardigf 84 77 79 67 2 8 2 2 28 4) Gwndi 45 62 37 49 2 10 S 2 .. 27 28 Parbholi 17 13 16 13 1 5 7 SiraJpur 74 68 72 65 3 1 36 26 Dand4ikheda 51 68 46 58 12 10 26 28 Bhelwapaoi 93 94 86 90 4 4 3 51 39 Jodekhursc 1 , 3'3 41 30 39 J II Beldo 77 74 70 CiS 7 6 .. 33 44 Pi tefulchur 36 25 30 20 S .5 11 24 Mercsaon 29 19 24 17 4 2 13 10 Bejhar 92 58 66 25 18 33 7 4 5 40 70 Dhanwa Phulchur 129 90 11S 86 1l 4 3 I 5 65 88 Gudum 182 ISO lSI 114 21 31 .. 10 5 3' 37 104 U9 Kondruj 4S 28 45 1.6 6 19 2S TlImaTislU' 82 S1 81 S6 31 42 Bhurke 184 188 182 188 1 87 124 Ote-katta 114 14 98 7 9 7 7 95 76 65 Karaki 126 9 119 8 3 4 108 52 64 Uikatola 163 109 125 14 4 2 12 34 80 102 s.t Godpal 57 36 4' 32 8 1 4 1 1'; 36 32 Gllclclatola 126 111 107 104 14 7 1 4 10 23 81 64 Chauargaon 50 53 43 46 6 7 1 1 8 29 31 Nelchanll 136

fIr{.ftlf fttu),,; 1ft.. llil fi"' Gfil'ft!:rT l iiliA 1Ii't. vrl( ~~J ••q;ff 1Ift~. ~lfwmi; it '(.it ~ llni 1IiT ill'1' ,~ it ..if' Rlffilf' ~ TOlal PopulatioD ""'" ifrW (including 'iii' I(~ lnatitutional fi5.~.iI and bouaoIcss Scheduled Scheduled Area of No,of pGpulationI) Castes Tribes occupied Numbor Literat. Looa-­ village r----A---~ r--Ji--. ,-.A._ tioo Name of in hectare. Rsi or Code Tahsill Village & of Townl' dentia bouse· Illr~ S. ~ ~. Wt No. Town/Ward Ward inKms houses holds P. M· P. M. P. M.,. P. ----_. ------:a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

81 1II't',!U 576.95 152 155 848 421 427 89 96 143 138 123 25 81 ~~~rqr<'[ 1,013.70 65 75 436 237 199 15 11 191 .1.67 11 1 83 qf",lfr~ 296.38 IS 21 119 59 60 8 6 34 40 6 84 f~ifTll 420.32 41 41 300 156 144 117 108 19 85 qil1' 585.04 71 72 417 201 216 .3 2 147 164 14 1 16 "'f8~ 1,006.34 61 62 337 171 166 14 8 145 H6 27 13 87 q"{~ 724.16 25 25 114 59 55 6 5 47 42 1 88 ~''fr~ 284.33 10 10 63 32 31 19 18 89 qr<'('!1.... 507 .. 45 3t 31 186 87· 99 82 93 5 90 ,,'te:')~)0IT 514.38 23 23 130 70 60 70 60 .. 91 'f~I('.'T 527.87 30 30 160 74 86 U 10 32 48 .3 92 ~6'nr..t\' 625.33 25 25 120 5? 61 ,7 6 38 42 1 9 3 ~'fficrtift 440.92 38 39 232 111 121 16 16 83 102 11 .3 946~ 384.77 34 45 249 131 118 S 3 76 64 9 95 f-

PRJl\tIARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Bhanapratappar Tahail

,. IliT1f 1Ii~i\' 1fT" Maia Worken ",,_------,J.------______...... qlf('iJlf

(I-IX) I 11 Veal III. IV. V (b), VI, X VII,VIn &: IX TOUlI Mall; Airjcultural Household Other M .....Dai Workerl Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Worken NOD

246 205 J 70 144 34 44 13 8 29 9 1 18 174 204 Kodekhu.rse 165 39 158 33 6 6 1 95 72 65 Karkapal 31 19 31 15 4 19 28 22 Pa,iyar 111 84 III 84 ·. 4.5 60 Michewada 140 124 139 124 1 61 92 Anhur 109 103 100 98 6 5 3 62 62 Manghur 42 37 41 37 1 17 18 ParaU 27 23 27 23 S 8 KJledegaoD 59 66 59 6~ ·. 28 33 Palvi 49 43 48 43 21 17 Naretitola 39 55 4 31 29 Gurwandi 43 " 49 44 49 44 .. · . 10 1 7 Kasparali 89 BB 84 84 4 4 1 22 33 Hamatwahi 90 79 82 74 2 4 6 1 2 39 39 SoopaJ 19 74 69 70 1 1 7 3 2 5 34 29 Chikhli 77 75 74 75 1 2 1 64 40 Dodd':kad.ir· 103 37 83 32 IS 5 1 4 2S 70 49 88 Pachangi 101 29 83 29 15 2 1 20 60 62 74 Hadfad 99 101 77 16 101 6 54 6 I Gllmdi dih 64 24 55 8 23 30 28 28 Kh<:d~gaon(Sllbhani) 85 27 80 4 5 23 54 30 48 . D.ugarh 67 14 52 10 7 3 8 35 22 55 KJndl) 57 18 55 16 1 2 28 34 60 Hulg11at 72 16 60 12 10 4 2 36 36 89 Saraghughamre 70 34 64 32 6 2 46 70 Metaghamre 31 26 28 25 3 18 27 Nirondadih 51 4S 48 44 2 1 28 44 Dondkaanhur 13 6 10 6 3 6 11 Juee 27 26 17 26 16 ~7 Lat:narka 9S 66 91 ,61 3 5 I .5 38 58 Bangachar 111 61 73 52 16 8 4 12 20 59 9r Kodapakha 148 101 123 96 13 3 7 5 2 27 SO 37 Vatint()la 86 54 77 49 9 S 22 56 57 Paurklleda 61 32 56 27 3 5 27 21 21 Kawachikatel 34 29 3~ 26 3 3 2 19 17 Newarkheda 29 22 20 22 1 8 II 6 Sandtarai 58 37 SO 31 6 6 2 37 33 Kopakatel 109 48 87 43 15' 4 7 1 4l S4 12 Sibari 20S 133 85 39 113 93 7 1 1 43 67 7S Chahcbad 103 52 83 26 19 26 SO 35 34 Marrampani 138


"'-I't"I)1i 6~~ i qfff ... , an_II( qf~ f'f ijJiIuql (~'" • VT1f ffrrtJ ."'Ii" lIITiIT~itlJ am • .., ait~, ~ftmiHi l;iI~ ~ Ifri !lIT ;r,~ ~ it II1IiA'f Ifrir 8)fMill'i ~~ 1I'R,ll(R "" Total Population IIIil It~ filllll (including , Institutional fill • ~. it and houscless Scheduled Scheduled Area of No, of PoplllationI) Castes Tribes Lit-.o Loca- village occupied Number -- lion Name 01 in hectares resi· of r---_;A---~ ,...--J>.---. ,.--__..---.. r--A-- Co4e Tahsil/Village 8t of Townl' dontia bouse· 'fila., 2;. ~ 'i· ~ ~. • ~. m No. Town/Ward WardinKms houses bolds P. M· P. M. F. M. P. M. F • . ---_._-- - --_------._------_:_ 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14

121 il'i!IlU 438.85 ~9 39 214 112 102 4 102 92 4 1 122 q~ 178.76 99 102 S2W 257 271 16 14 173 190 45 4 123 ~1iI~ 422.42 7~ 77 393 181 212 3l 28 102 132 57 22 12 4 flt;f ~If~ 424.13 42 42 250 121 129 120 128 18 2 125 BJ~~ 555.21 34 34 210 100 ltO 2 7 84 93 I) 126 rrt~ 324.29 9 55 26 29 26 29 127 ~if 5!J7.76 24 26 166 84 8:! 3 1 77 76 128 §t1T~ 792.50 87 88 533 273 260 67 59 122 125 72 14 129 ~~Tfl1"'tftIf ' 393.72 22 22 152 73 79 fi9 74 1 130 m'iflt'

PRIl\'IARY CENSUS ABSTRACI' Bhanupratappur Tabail


(I-IX> II V(a) III, IV, V (b), VI, x VII. VIIl & IX Total MaiD Aaricultural Household Other Marlinal Worker. industry Noo-Workers Cultivators__ Jt.---., LaboureR Worker. Worken ---.A.--...., ,_--"----., ,.--.J'--., r---"-----., ,--.A.---. ~ Name of s. ~ S· ~ S. ft\" S· ~ S· ~ S. m S. ft\" Tabail:VIII ... M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. F. M. P. M. P. Town I Ward 16 11 18 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 2

76 SO . 67 48 9 2 9 36 43 Ncwari 156 1S7 124 124 22 27 2 8 6 9 101 105 Medo III 120 86 68 20 S2 6 69 9 Z Slikhai 83 88 76 75 6 ~3 1 I 38 40 'Miche Sukhi 63 54 S9 52 2 2 2 11 37 4!J Odahur 15 14 15 14 I I 15 Garda 54 51 53 SI 30 31 KodogaOD IS7 S5 132 50 t8 S 3 4 116 205 Surangdah 41 42 41 42- 32 37 Pudo Micbgaon lOS 75 8J 49 IS 26 9 .. 1 2 S4 7 J Sadbu Mic:bgaon 52 11 41 4 4 7 7 2 24 30 32 Bhuski 43 U 21 5 10 5 12 2 21 38 27 Hahaladdi 109 108 96 91 5 13 8 4 10 65 Andhat.eda 40 45 40 45 33 40 Padgal 66 59 63 56 3 3 34 36 Dodade 174 61 127 35 16 18 4 27 8 97 122 112 Khutgaon 118 112 79 92 J9 11t 20 2 96 118 Karramlld 57 SO 55 49 1 1 43 S4 P ..Jachur 206 56 106 48 8 8 92 152 261 Durgkoadal 70 57 67 JS 3 2 4.t 46 Diyagaoll 143 97 138 94 2 3 3 1 3 12 92 Madle 1(3 SO 104 35 7 15 1 t 40 46 65 UUlmar 60 12 58 1~ 2 5" 39 33 JU1w.lRi 102 103 92 87 9 16 1 70 80 lepra 95 96 76 16 13 20 6 62 57 latawada 73 71 64 69 1 2 8 .. 38 24 Kokdcl 28 29 26 28 I 2 8 14 Bagwahi 20 35 20 35 15 8 Bikramganj 78 89 7.() 83 4 3 3 3 36 26 Botechang 79 83 59 2.5 15 42 2 3 16 6 44 35 PUttarwahi 179 178 145 116 13 59 " 2 7 21 104 104 Ghotiya 312 51 210 IS SI 23 13 38 13 46 230 257 253 Bhirgaon 40 20 35 20 2 1 2 21 28- 28 Tumari Kubi 79 42 62 34 4 6 13 2 45 42 33 Padripani 86 46 77 44 4 2 S 60 96 46 S':Jnckanhar 35 41 30 36 5 5 5 22 22 Alwar Kal an 57 SO 46 44 11 6 33 27 Alwar Khurd 70 6S 56 SO 9 7 5 8 2 29 58 BirkondaJ 126 33 119 29 S 4 2 96 66 76 Janakpur 180 160 128 83 15 63 4 2 33 7 1 23 100 120 Kewati ]40


fWftilTtr "~,.'" i 'I''Iir 'iii 8IT~. qf«m I'" iA'~_ (if," m vrJl

P~ARYCENSUSABSTRACT Bhanupratappar Tah.il

11,_ ilirq ~it lffrit Main Worken ,------..A------______.nellin Ilif«('1 tnftIrrft-fi .;:If llifq m ~ R't1r ri

(I-IX) II V(a) Ill. IV • V (b). VI, x VII,VID &: IX Tumi Main Aaricultural Household Other Marlinal Workers Cultivatol'l LaboureTl Industry Workers Workers Non-Workers -~ _-.JI--~ ,--A--"""""", ,--.A--"""""", ,--~--"""""'" r--.A.-~ r-.._)\,,~ Name Of S. m S. m S. ld\' J. \'\fr S. td\' ,;. fiit I. ~ TahailtVlIJap M. P. M. P. M. P. M. F. ------M. P. M. P. M. P. Town/Ward 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2' 26 27 28 2

61 23 49 19 5 4 .. 7 18 24 32 ~arharPlinj 1111 64 94 51 15 12 2 1 7 3 62 59 61 Faraskot 114 77 98 70 9 7 3 4 7 58 74 72 SbahkaUa 97 95 74 77 9 14 2 12 3 47 48 Asulkhar IS7 154 120 140 32 14 S 93 81 Kuwapani 53 39 38 34 2 4 2 10 1 8 36 53 Kanakpur 63 61 53 !H 2 5 S 5 1 6 32 46 Pewari 93 48 70 36 6 3 7 3 10 6 1 22 64 62 Cblchmarra 103 105 93 101 7 4 3 2 6 49 40 Klnari 105 106 88 95 9 10 1 7 2 10 44 33 Ranidongri 98 47 80 31 15 16 1 2 14 58 116 KudaJ 190 94 170 81l 19 8 1 33 63 138 Bheja 46 13 34 10 12 3 25 23 17 Khora 243 86 195 63 42 22 4 1 2 139 123 IS3 Ghota 147 4 140 1 4 6 138 70 89 Parwi 3 3 .. 1 4 1a I bur 68 64 4 S6 47 4S HaCarra S6 5S 48 3'; 2S Khadka 42 42 63 26 23 Bhurka 875 167 52 35 45 26 49 6 701 10J 1(' 82 692 1,031 Rhanupratappur 113 71 76 51 28 2() 9 27 43 79. Ranwahi 225 178 It3 105 82 7Z 1 22 5 IH 170 Narllyanpur 210 173 176 84 20 94- 9 5 "60 116 84 Kulhadkatta 152 141 77 87 S3 52 4 18 2 l1S 146 Kanh4rgaon J42 147 101 132 19 1 I 2 20 4 12 U 72 Mohgaon 125 27 28 4 21 ~3 1 S 65 144 Ghodabatar 111 26 88 7 12 18 6 1 5 50 152 Chogel IS7 IS 3 87 93 43 58 3 24 1 81 107 MulIa 189 64 67 11 107 49 9 3 6 I 1 165 317 Karmoli 55 49 53 46 5 3 44 43 Dhangudra 114 92 96 83 9 8 9 2 6J 76 Karathi 192 389 282 ] 87 168 130 58 19 283 53 16 18S 743 986 Sambalpur 83 24 59 62 2J 32 49 4~ Pandarpuri 204 204 ] 72 190 8 I i 3 3 21 1 15S 127 ChabeJa 154 98 148 96 5 2 1 38 81 76 Tudge 237 63 202 32 29 31 6 4 122 167 195 BasIa 173 16 152 11 1 3 2 .. 12 2 1 148 100 101 Bhaisakanhar 103 10 91 2 8 8 2 2 58 68 10J Bhaismundi 94 8 90 2 3 6 1 62 60 98 Binayakpur 95 104 74 90 17 12 4 2 .. :z 47 51 Tedhaikoodal 142

~r.ftij' 8~1 Iff" ~ tw~(;t"" ~ VJ1'I if,"/ ~ 6f'11VJ if ,,,it ""An: m IIit ;J'(lI ~iI""'Ii" "'~i: aqf~i v~ i ;r1I~/ ..ni Total Population .,;r (incJudioS 1I.r Institutional fiI; .'". it and houseless Scheduled Scbeduled Area of No.o( population!) castes Tribes Literate Loo .. village occupied Number r---.A---~ r--"""__' ,-.--'---., ,..--A--. liOD Name of in heclaros resl· or S. Wt Code Tahsill VilJaac & of Townl' dentia bOUIe­ Ivfs .. S. - S· ~ I· m No. Town/Ward Ward in Km. bouse. bolds p. M- P. M. P. M. P. M. p. 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 .10 II 12 13 14 ------_------_ 201 .nfi;r" 306.92 32 32 206 109 97 102 92 13 3 202 ."rlT~ 792.24 15C5 157 831 421 410 12 13 265 215 154 25 203 G{~T 307.81 28 28 135 66 69 61 58 5 204 Ifi~ 35'9.59 540 565 2,504 1,196 1,308 73 7; 584 633 456 17g 205 Q1~ 1.115.37 179 179 1,003 484 519 18 19 386 427 55 5 206 ~~iJT 656.45 74 74 401 200 201 3 1 180 183 43 3 207 ",rqt~ 991. 3v 113 114 649 316 333 6 7 295 306 80 19 208 ~« 45 I. 78 45 47 261 137 124 129 115 42 7 209 ~... ~~r 855.76 9S 97 528 263 265 2 3 247 252 46 6 2 10 firri\'~p 834.43 89 89 425 206 219 3 4 194 202 64 10 211 mf«T 627.68 161 166 826 380 446 11 13 271 326 128 102 212 QTlfIfiUT 721. 33 22 24 132 59 73 58 72 18 12 213 'll'T~ 863.1.4 196 198 904 451 45J 10 10 329 315 161 41 214 f.;rirtrf~ 1.118.87 185 190 968 483 485 7 11 334 340 103 13 215 ~ 497.81 67 61 321 167 154 10 9 131 130 .57 8 216 ,.,·tf~ 1.061.62 118 120 630 313 317 11 5 282 301 58 14 217 ~i(iil1.i({;t 740 94 59 60 331 Hi4 167 8 13 1'3 153 31 3 218 'Ilmlfi~~ 713.80 115 117 578 284 294 30 IS 244 265 51 ~ 219 il-U~i~ 481.92 41 41 228 117 111 90 93 37 13 22{) "'If~' 71S.14 67 69 338 169 169 7 9 158 15Z 38 2 21 .... 1I<:;r;1~ 625.64 109 lit 540 251 289 7 8 230 265 60 8 222 ~"qr;:ft 488. I') 43 44 239 116 123 110 115 16 223 Ifi~~ 624.S2 100 100 495 246 249 12 14 19S 198 145 8 224 ~'fu~q;z~, 447.64 88 88 468 220 248 3 5 211 239 33 12 225 ~if1!-{t... 5'40.77 85 96 504 250 254 4 6 206 220 102 38 226 ~~ 273.58 64 64 374 183 191 147 157 91 23 227 utl!'lTfcr 503.65 150 185 988 498 490 74 72 113 118 221 92 228 i\jf;:r~') 678.67 123 193 1,023 508 SIS 65 63 306 294 99 _15 22.9 iiIll'lcrrU 279.11 93 94 530 262 268 5 4 150 151 113 44 230 f'ifi~l S50.90 24% 249 1,351 679 672 34 31 375 381 306 68 231 ~i{j' 2H.53 60 66 338 160 178 2 I 98 117 91 30 232 Ifi~ 618.53 2.46 290 1,540 769 771 31 26 429 449 346 133 233 lI!,'tl 792.07 128 132 731 346 385 15 20 298 335 137 31 234 i'f'f'(1flif 940.77 103 103 531 252 279 4 8 176 182 52 8 23" ~lTtcr 324.48 49 49 289 151 138 134 129 29 4 236 ~r'If1tT 567.68 52 52 302 HI 161 1 3 100 112 12 327 'ffirl:r 601.S7 81 81 441 212 229 5 10 188 199 7' 21 238 .'(~ 421. 09 70 70 419 198 221 3 4 190 210 61 19 239 ~~cft 293.10 68 68 '71 182 195 5 !J 154 163 39 20 240 \l,~tt~if 613.52 126 130 698 351 347 14 10 ]01 221 92 19 143

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Bhanupratappar Tab• .u ------~ liN tnit ani MmD Worker. ------"'------~ --- Q,f("im> ~

(1 -IX. t II Yea) III. IV •V (b). VI. x VIl.!.~1ll ~ IX To[al MaID Aaricu1tural Household \lIber MaqlDal Workers Cultivalore l.:abourerl Industry Workers Workers Non-Worken ---~ _-Jl..-_ ~-.A._--.. ~-J"'_.--. ,..-_Jo.-_-"",,",\ ...... ---_A---., _--..A--_ Nameo' S. ~ 1· ~ ~. td'r 1· ~ s· ~ 1. flfr 1· ~ Tabsil/VllJaae M. P. 4M. P. M. P. M. P. M. F. M. P. M. P. Town/Ward 15 16 17 18 19 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 :.I ------6S 66 63 61 4 1 1 44 31 JhoJin 250 235 186 187 50 48 14 1 4 170 171 Bogar 46 41 146 13 630 29 20 27 Jamdi 549 486 69 52 93 82 12 375 345 17 647 80S Kacbche 303 131 244 103 20 11 7 4 32 13 1 164 180 224 Salho 138 132 126 U5 4 5 8 2 1 61 69 Tekadodha 201 63 275 48 22 14 3 1 140 114 t 30 Iragaon 87 92 66 38 15 14 1 5 5 3! 45 40 Mardel 178 163 153 145 16 IS I Il 6 10 79 22 Dabkatta 144 105 115 88 20 17 3 6 4 37 58 77 Picbcbekatta 238 112 169 50 43 61 16 1 10 1 10 141 314 Bhondia 41 13 39 1-3 1 I 18 60 Jalinkssa 256 214 180 170 37 39 2 3 37 Z 195 239 Bhanbeda 322 287 259 216 3'9 64 16 7 8 3 20 158 178 Chichgaon 98 60 69 16 26 44 3 4 69 90 Bodell 223 112 190 88 26 24 1 6 82 90 123 Muogwal 106 4 100 4 ] 5 67 58 96 Hawarkondal 198 190 192 183 3 7 3 12 86 92 Bhaisaunbar 7'1. 36 59 26 3 12 7 I 8 45 67 Narsingbpur 104 73 93 10 72. .. 1 65 96 Ibyanar 165 47 140 4 17 43 4 4 14 86 228 Duruarkot 84 50 79 48 S 2 32 73 Unchpani 1'9 145 lSI 134 6 (; 12 S 2 77 102 Kanechur 147 69 122 17 24 52 t 1 73 128 Dongaruua 149 141 121 127 15 11 2 1 11 2 1 100 113 Haranpuri 102 105 88 85 12 t8 2 2 81 86 SeJesondi 280 182 182 114 6S 57 14 8 ] 9 3 218 308 Sclegaon 317 314 256 247 51 67 5 5 191 201 Baijanpuri 165 91 132 50 28 41 2 3 1 56 96 ,121 Jampara 399 180 235 102 108 74 2 3 S4 18 280 474 Chilhati 99 108 88 96 8 12 I .. 2 61 70 Dbodda 401 204 204 28 56 169 16 125 7 8 94 360 473 Korar 229 255 190 228 20 17 11 10 8 4 117 126 Kurd 155 156 118 118 28 32 4 5 5 1 1 97 122 DoogargaoD 97 1 95 1 1 80 S4 57 CbargaoD 89 82 4 ..- 89 52 72 Radwahi 14S 2 125 1 13 4 1 3 122 67 105 Mlara 133 121 118 117 7 3 2 ~ 6 12 65 88 Barbaspur 123 89 112 80 8 8 1 1 2 24 59 82 Barvi 248 242 222 220 21 20 1 1 4 1 1 6 102 99 Tuephao 144

~A,!'{ er~~s iiI'f'1'Vrifl '" 511'ri"ffi ~f8


fl'{crr'{l lfif6t~a ;wrtf'{ ~R)~ 8~"J Ifflf iii' ~" j" lIIiI'ftII'l ("tn lTi1'if~8' Vf1l ;r~1 an;nm ;JtaAl am 8f1lrVI ij ~ilit itfa ;r;ranftl •~ III'ri llif ;nq tm:".'Ii" iI IAiIiif 1I1~ itlffli'i, U~j ;rQ~jil'ri • ~ TOlsl Population IIi1 Iffi a." (illCluding Institutional ,..~. if and houwess Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of populationl) Caatea Tribes Number ;---__A ___~ Literate Loca- village occupied r---_'___, ,.--'--. lion Name of in hectares resi- of ,.--.Ao- Code Tahsilj ViUage &'ofTown' dential house ."ftl I. ~ I· .. I. fift' i· fiR No. Town/Ward Ward inKms house. holds p. M· P. M. P. M. P. M. p. . ------_------_--_---_------1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ------_ ------_ ------241 ~~ 374.01 75. 75 418 215 203 17 16 67 63 79 18 242 ~qr;1l1 245.19 50 51 264 132 132 66 65 23 5 243 1li1:'t.rll1'i!. 472.79 125 126 631 328 303 13 13 184 162 25 20 244 ortafP. 1,474.77 77 77 418 222 196 3 157 I;}S 20 1 245 fiflllcrr.r'liT 473.00 24 24 154 74 80 69 76 4 246 ar-mr1 936.54 46 46 234 -]16 118 112 11.. 3 13 2 247 :a~ 1,029.49 14 14 90 48 42 44 41 248 ~~ 928.51 73 13 419 208 211 40 44 161 158 13 -2 2-19 f~m'llin: 341.56 18 18 78 42 36 42 36 4 1 250 ~ 1,607.59 105 108 636 328 308 20 9 275 263 II ·251 IliQm'" 1,090.64 49 49 289 140 149 23 20 102 106 S It· 252 III'~ 934.18 66 66 3'7 204 193 7 ~ 184 172 23 .. 145

PRIl\fARY CENSUS ABSTBA:Cl Blaaaupratappar- Tahail.

'!fi iiiI'I' llitir III. Main Worton "..------,.;...------. p I{WIl IIfftiliA met qyfmm; .nr 'liN m ~ ....51' m "Ul'~ ...~ ~ IQW tlPfJ1IIR/1II1I--, 11M '"" ...... (I-IX) U V(a) III. IV. V &b). VI. X VI~VII & IX Total MaiD AJrjcultural Household ther Margiaal Workers Cultivatol'l Labourer. Industry Workers Worken NoB-Worken -~ ---"---., ,--J..--., ,--..A-~ ,--Jt---., ,--A---., ,-_..A.---.. NalDO of I. ~ !I. ~ S· ~ I· dt I· ~ I· • ,. TabaUIVIII ... M. F. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. -P. Town/Ward 15 16 17 18 19 2) 21 22 23 24 2' 26 7.7 28 Z 1Z3 63 88 11 2S 52 1 9 2 11 90 129 Hotarkasa 8S 38 69 13 '14 25 :! 27 47 67 Tolamma ltarranaidu 200 105 137 57 2. 24 9 21 30 3 38 128 160 144 102 121 94 6 7 9 8 1 II 77 83 Baskuhud 49 9 47 8 2 1 31 15 40 NichotODka 73 9 69 9 3 3 66 40 43 BanoIi 27 25 27 25 11 17 Upattonka 144 120 132 113 , 7 1 6 64 21 Tarandul 33 19 33 19 9 17 Silibabar 211 32 202 34 1 , 8 2 117 267 Dbancli 99 12 87 3 7 6 4 3 1 71 41 66 [Cathali on 138 11 120 4 15 7 3 70 66 112 K.basaa 146

fffl;r):q ft~ i f;;r~(;;i1A .rr. Vt~ if'lf'( I ••"'""Ii" IA 1Il~ riNRii ij

1.740·' 38.164 ",762 4,598 60,016 36,401 (lI'.fifi.~.) 35,543 20 4,2") 104,50' 4.'51 63.661 10,783

1 1l:~4i~ 578.19 78 81 412 199 213 181 189 94 28 2 lIi'«rlfft 446.16 122 122 645 318 327 9 10 719 219 199.52 3 ~1Ii;;rr 536.91 207 208 1,014 498 516 28 29 85 85 224 79 4 If'll'tl~ 297.19 J18 122 667 322 345 19 22 123 tl9 152 48 5 1O~'f 254.61 123 170 836 421 415 29 31 224 22.4 200 SO (; 'l·{ttt~, . 145.16 9!J 100 SIS 251 264 165 191 1I2 21 7 ~"~~,{T 167.37 J OS lOS 580 289 291 34 30 10 16 134 50 8 STm;r~ 267.07 35 35 192 94 98 80 8S 38 7 9 ifi;::i..- 232 .36 79 79 437 224 213 60 S 6 102 4.5 10 6't~r 663.07 86 90 498 239 259 6 10 56 6J 92 31 11 'if'ft 187.79 85 85 458 207 251 92 115 105 49 1 2

PRl.1vtARY CENSUS ABSTRACf Kanker Tahsil

~ Itilil fli\'..... Main Worken ------..,._------rrMIAl .rS'(~ II1RlITftiili I(;lI" Itil" rn ~ a~~ IITW

(I-IX) I II V(a) 111. IV •V (b). VI. x VII.VIlI & IX Total Mam Asricultural Household Other Marlin•• Workerl Cultivators Labourers Industry Wox-kers Workers NOD-Worken ----"--'~ ._-..A-...... r-~,""", r---''--...... ,--Jl-----, ,---A-...... ,..--.)1..---. NaQICI of ,;. ~ 1. fd'I ~. ~ ~. dt 7;. fd'I,;. ,. ,. M TabsillVlIJap M. F. M· P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. Town/Ward ------15 16 17 18 19 21 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 2

59,185 40,460 11,051 1.044 741 39,736 Kanker Tahsil 50.204 31.520 15.743 657 2,284 .,811 45,494 (Rural) 126 41 93 6 29 35 4 73 172 Damkaea 183 217 127 141 34 51 3Z 25 US 110 Kasawahi 1 Ookala 273 168 123 46 1"3 119 24 23 31 225 317 195 167 136 108 39 44 20 15 5 127 173 Machandur 246 2S6 131 19 222 7 6 89 28 5 115 154 Mahud 141 144 96 22 31 122 1 19 17 104 103 Bharritola 153 144 71 70 27 38 11 9 38 27 136 147 Mudkhusara 52 23 35 5 16 18 1 16 42 59 Pradhandongari lJO 106 46 28 47 70 1 16 8 17 114 90 K.andel 131 167 96 123 39 44 2 102 92 Tansi 111 12_8 42 40 30 S9 45 29 1 4 89 J 19 BheJai 164 153 105 112 11 22 48 19 127 ' 1-1-2 Junwani Pandaripani 173 190 137 141 25 44 11 5 111 155 Karaiha 17-1- 180 137 141 20 31 3 2 14 6 159 J 64 Bhiraund 23-1- 260 132 151 33 48 2 67 61 149 183 Telguda ISS 175 66 75 33 71 2 S4 29 J 07 121 1,558 991 264 166 169 195 64 40 1,06 1 S90 4 79 &,337 1,810 Charama 221 251 110 122 62 76 49 53 202 186 Oil-bola Uninhabil0d Ragllotola 20g 240 \ 71 208 12 17 2 H 13 162 ! ~ 6 Charbhatha 12 2 to 2 S 20 Dallidih 137 68 118 52 2 11 }. 15 3 66 115 148 Baraari 174 86 68' 5 41 46 65 3S 196 232 Da·gahan 435 408 212 191 80 117 143 10') 18 366 406 Karraj:lisa 134 136 68 S4 30 63 4 32 18 2 1 IH 136 Awari 63 3S 52 27 HI 8 1 2 45 Chuchrungpur 206 227 155 166 34 60 16 2 4 J94 198 Dlledkohka 66 74 '54 68 5 5 2 5 56 SI Gidhali 195 214 149 185 25 27 2! 2 121 133 Kurrutola 172 162 76 64 42 73 4 51) 24 7 28 91 I l.! Salhetola 147 160 76 93 15 25 2 54 41 1 2 130 143 Ukari 45 ~3 30 35 5 10 9 8 29 41 Ratedih 95 94 73 78 III 15 4 72 72 Tirkadand 93 99 66 64 Il 32 IS 2 63 82 Chapeli 11 77 58 49 11 28 1 411 67 Ka·ladgondi 173 136 90 50 44 8S 3 36 71 171 i 16 Puri 38 14 27 6 8 8 .. 3 24 ::;I} 27 Kashipur 96 7S 65 38 21 16 10 21 1 H 67 Mainkheda 153 ],28 105 6S 41 63 4 3 6 77 97 Rampur 163 134 103 57 50 76 J 9 1 89 99 Bhotha J 48

"'til"1l ft~)qr i "'if IliT I"' iflfnzrr l ~'" 1lli\1 vtll if~J "''' il't{. g~'1nil ir '{'Iii ~.1: .Ii Ifi1 iIlll ~iI.. I(JW itlfflilfi-v~ 1f'I't,m TOlal Population (includins IIIiT ." Institutional rl1i.~. it and hOUlleless Scbeduled Scheduled Area of No. of populationl) Castes Tribe! Literate Loca- village OOC'Upied Number ,-----A ___"'""" ,_.--...A-_ _-.J--_._.. tion Name or jn hectares resi Of ,..-A-- Code l'ahsillVill&ge &.of Townl' dentia house· Ilfffli I. ~ ~. Wt ~. ~ 1· fli't No. Town/Ward Ward in Kms bouses bolds P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. ------1 :I 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 ------41 111: ",ra)<:r, 1,070.93 117 123 651 320 331 J6 14 :!4S 256 108 IS

42 iI"{... ~r~ 330 00 61 63 301 146 155 8 9 77 85 50 17 43


~ IliHI lIOlir lI[1. MaiD Worken _------~------IW ~ 1IiT"'1IiR IHfmful; - II1'I1I rn .f.IIq1 ~

(I-IX) II Y(a) III,IY, V (b). VI. x - VII.VlIt &: IX Total MaiD Aaricu1tural Household Other Marginal Work e•• Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Workon NOD-Worton ,--.A..__ --~ ,..-Jt.---.. ,--,A....---.. ,--.A----.. ,.--J<-----.. ,--..A----., Nam.of ~. m 2;. ~ 2;. ~ 2;. {'itt~. ~ 'S. ~ S. al Tabail/Ylllap M. F. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. F. M. F. M. F. TOWD,Ward ------IS 16 17 18 19 Z,} 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 2 ------183 196 148 165 16 30 19 1 1 3 136 132 Markalola 91 87 75 14 9 11 7 2 55 68 .aarkachhal' 306 306 230 246 48 58 3 2S 2 4 2Jt (88 Lit.jhar 221 199 125 108 66 89 3 27 8 41 157 142 Mayana J 79 173 78 60 87 111 2. 12 1 82 77 Iehairwabi . J87 151 119 75 42 68 4 22 7 15 24 91 76 Iealagaan J27 108 91 84 27 23 J 8 4 27 82 90 JaWarlara 251 281 148 172 43 97 I 59 12 7 243 224 Parsoda 66 70 65 68 1 2. 9 9 63 6S padampur ~72 168 148 ISO 18 18 6 121 162 IeishaDpuri 257 212 189 J 51 44 S8 5 2 19 11 41 188 210 Kottara 73 38 50 8 19 30 I 3 2 38 63 Jambahilla 147 105 92 9 36 92 3 1 16 3 4 83 130 OuttitoJa 216 209 184 177 23 24 8 8 1 116 1()4 CltaadeJi 129 130 91 99 23 21 8 9 7 2 93 125 HingaDJb.ar 260 289 178 222 45 56 -13 21 24 2 186 178 BasdoDsari 421 460 294 302 109 158 18 31 I 32 Udkllda 186 199 137 156 17 42 7 25 10 186 206 Telgva 81 73 64 56 9 17 8 2 4t 44 Silrawand 237 267 188 254 8 10 21 2 2 165 165 Mainpur 116 125 9-' 119 5 6 2 IS H 76 Kohka 527 568 428 450 69 112 10 6 20 2 305 340 lChairkhcda 178 162 114 73 31 84 7 3 2('1 2. 2 138 191 Kanapond 294 152 146 6:J 18 73 7 69 10 (; 2~8 33 Lakhnnpuri 132 116 68 56 35 60 1 28 11 1 6.) 8-' Chawadi 316 318 162 161 27 31 129 126 3 2. 236 264 Sirsida 322 34Z 239 245 73 93 4 4 6 2 7 20t 216 Bad~g;auri 266 281 161 138 81 136 4 2 17 5 2 7 166 (55 Oadagauri 149 169 75 92 47 68 .!. 4 2S 5 2 114 143 Nawapon (Saradul) 119 119 73 67 35 46 2 5 9 1 81 87 Ratesara 15S 177 96 11l.. 34 65 2 23 144 14-' Oolkumhada 278 261 2~4 216 33 38 21 7 186 245 Khartha 149 155 104 125 36 30 8 805 87 Bhlligaon 202 233 105 117 46 90 11 40 14 2 135 168 Basaowahi 131 12.0 87 81 37 IS 2 2 90 115 TuCgahaD 316 358 217 243 69 104 9 7 21 4 2 8 231 244 Haradula 218 268 144 161 56 lOS 6 2 12 2 169 173 Kilcpar 353 298 214 198 67 9S 8 4 64 1 3 297 371 Jepra 7 10 7 10 4 2 Durgatola 473 180 320 95 110 84 4 1 39 25 382 371 346 Gitpahar ISO

f!l(T'I'tl{ 5~i rrfll' iii' an.. .- qf~'tl fl'f i1I';mqT (ilIA 'fir. VTl'{ ifrrt/ ••'Ii" IIT""nll !Iff • .", att~ ~mlii it ",it ~ Ifri IIi1 'I'll'{ ~i IAiRf qir arfflilll U~ ft1I"{.1(~ IIf' Total Population vwr (inc)udil)g IfiI' ." Institutional rlfi.~. it and house1ess Scheduled Scheduled Area of No,of populationl) Castes Tribes Occupied Number Litera" Loea- village r----A.---~ ;---...A---.. ,--_,._-_...... lion Name ot: in hectares resi· or ,-.A._ Code l'absil/ViUage & of Townl1 dentia house· •• raJ ,t. ~ i· ~ i. m ,. QQ No. Town/Ward Ward in KIDs houses holds P. M· P. M. F. M. P. M. F. ------~. ------~------123 4 , 6 7 8 9 to 11 12 13 14 ------, 81 ~j'«l1TTq ("fTf1rtrt) 659.66 123 150 752 385 361 24 27 267 254 188 66 1 0 7 q'~",-«T~ 560.16 100 109 614 313 30t 47 45 151 U6 74 2S 108 iR);_;fi 654. IS 179 187 944 461 483 17 13 276 310 123 29 109 'I11Ii.::1 (Iil.~) 315.48 76 87 461 212 229 14 20 144 150 104 25 1 10 ,"'Ii"-) (flJlfl:lll) 355 . 76 96 107 593 291 302 IS 16 156 153 91 13 I 1 I !litI;J1'1i~H: 501.65 179 J86 996 4118 508 9 9 312 338 229 86 112 'Ii~T.::~1 772.55 267 272 1,465 733 73:! 12 19 624 607 296 123 1 13 f'it;"{q),," 504.05 129 129 781 389 392 16 10 330 321 (66 54 114 t~(iI11;) 944.59 215 220 l,285 619 666 25 22 485 524 285 99 1 1 5 aJCnT1I'Tl!: 198.20 53 54 277 132 J45 12 12 114 123 47 15 116 tIfo"t~"'R 1,351.56 352 362 1,897 914 983 59 66 471 500 2'6 113 \17 q~1f 795.90 264 269 1,395 683 712 89 80 416 421 221 60 1 18 ar.:~ 549.49 151 157 853 408 445 23 30 ISO 141 183 48 1 I 9 fl~... i'ti!1'T 442.97 '5 113 614 306 308 31 35 199 214 122 45 1 2 0 1fi)IfiTif~' 516.78 96 101 578 309 269 27 31 lOS 92 134 30 151

PRIl\fARY CENSUS ABSTRACf Kanket Tabail ------~~ Itilq llilit 1I1.J Main Workers ,------..It------______.-.,

(I-IX> 11 V(a) _ III,IV. V (b), VI. x VII. VIII '" IX Total MaiD Aaricultural Housebold Other Marlinal Workers Cultivators Labourer. Industry Workers Worke1'8 NOD-Worker. --~ ....---.J\-.--.. ,..---.A.._--.. ,..--.A.---., r--Jo.-----.. ,..---_ r-~ Name of 1. ~ ~. ~ S· ~ S. feft I· ~ S. ,1ft' J. m TabaillVlIlap M. F. M. F. M. F. M. P. M. F. M. P. M. P. TownlWard 1.5 16 17 18 19 2J 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 2

292 235 1,72 172 66 43 11. 9 43 S 13 78 223 228 Halba 171 138 154 120 13 17 4 1 3 110 131 Maddnoba 144 141 131 126 10 15 1 39 108 99 Bhanpuri 160 62 83 20 67 4~ 1 9 6 35 91 : 6 5 Tikrapara 16" 176 140 }25 21 51 4 86 101 Ranidoqri 211 92 157 48 52 44 1 .. 1 145 144 149 Kaarubhat 293 228 227 175 44 49 11 4 Jl 54 194 163 Tahlcapar 242 240 152 177 70 63 17 208 234 . Araud 251 265 226 232 18 33 1.3 26 1,92 207 Kotela 184 92 100 36 65 52 2 1 i7 3 8 68 108 148 Dhaisakall. 1S4 213 99 136 23 73 3 29 4 11 20 97 J 21 Badato)a 280 351 242 319 11 17 9 IS 18 5 166 165 PaJewa 206 231 196 224 5 7 5 3 135 147 Dodkawahi 173 15.5 71 17 46 75 2 54 3 2 147 188 Shahawad. 351 310 227 174 84 131 4 36 S 24 77 257 244 Cbinauri 165 191 87 100 42 72 1 , . 3S 19 5 121 1.56 Pipraud 121 145 102 126 21 19 S 112 t 16 Bodeli (Panta) 307 378 209 264 75 104 6 I 17 9 10 6 228 225 'rarasgaon 133 lZS 58 4] 45 76 11 (j 19 10 29 112 116 Mudpar (Subhiya) 62 47 31 24 16 21 1 2 14 1 , 1 45 44 Salbebhat (Maiadin) 199 224 162 192 16 3t 21 1 11 1 110 Nara 35S 354 163 168 3'0 45 4 6 168 J35 41 218 193 Hatkongera 263 172 213 91 31 74 1 3 18 4 2 39 209 266 Bago:iar 191 11 ti 112 5 71 t04 8 10 126 20t Kokadi 114 121 82 5S 19 66 13 10 8 i 77 Gaurgaon 211 94 147 44 14 29 7 3 4" 18 2 77 172 196 NawagaoD (Nathiya, 15.5 164 97 85 47 79 1 10 158 1 37 Pandarwahi 272 261 207 189 5d 69 7 3 2 1 187 221 Petoli 149 87 71 22 30 64 48 83 142 Makri (Khuoa) 174 144 68 5 ( 88 92 17 ? 27 JlO 131 Makrl (Singrai) 290 !192 151 170 80 112 59 10 5 36 193 180 Dhaneli kanhar 437 320 272 148 00 ~66 1 34, 6 1 70 295 342 Kanharpuri 224 233 170 205 25 27 29 S 24 157 135 Kirangoli 36's 46~ 291 368 49 93 4 2 21 1 253 202 Deori (Bar) 82 95 65 88 12 7 5 50 50 Awarabhat 561 471 385 319 133 141 7 I 36 10 98 353 414 Kodapon 390 318 261 228 73 73 6 1 44 16 14 123 279 27 ( Potgaon 247 135 212 98 24 36 2 9 1 III 161 199 Andi :(89 50 1,47 n 33 18 2 7 11 171 106 87 K.ewatintola 169 lZ6 80 21 44 97 6 4 39 4 14J 141 Kokanpur 152

f'{Fi\1t t'I~)~i rrf 800.55 169 195 1.001 484 517 12 13 351 373 133 33 124 ~IIiTi'm'T (1fKi~) 746.88 148 180 880 4111 462 49 49 189 229 187 56 125 ~~ 591.96 177 191 928 479 449 25 19 322 312 172 51 126 IliT'Hr) 625.55 124 135 651 313 338 3 4 198 221 147 56 127 .q\Ti~ 447.79 78 87 461 229 232 4 8 150 lSI SO 7 128 ~ir~ 464.48 56 56 304 161 14) 12' 111 31 a J29

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Kanker Tab.1I ------'l'" IfiT1J ~lit lI1i-Ma;n Worken ------_------..A------______pr '1.- 1fi'r1ll'l'1Iif{ llirl'r(l q"fromw I(;lf iJT1f flit IImI'm ~ ~ ri .ri

()-IX) II Yea) JIl, IV I V (b) I VI, X VII, VIII '" IX Total Maio Alricultural Household Other Marlinal Workers Cultivatotl Labourers Industry Workers Workers ,__ Non·WorkeA_-"", ... -_~ ,,---J'----.. ,------A.-~ ,----..A.-""-\ ,---"---""-\ ,---.A.-_ Name 01 S. ~ '1. ~ '1. ~ '1. m 1· ~ 1· ~ s. m Tah8i1 VIII ... M. p_ M. p_ M. F. M. P. M. P. M. F. M. P. Town/Ward ------16 17 18 19 2Q 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 :z

312 221 262 176 34 44 16 1 39 124 222 216 Talakurra 113 29 87 26 21 3 1 4 2 88 75 67 Slltara 260 Sl 205 30 49 2r 1 5 8 259 216 207 Dabena (Babu) 263 ,-, 206 273 2-~ 33 7 4 26 5 US 147 Markafola (Patchand) 295 268 232 212 42 5S S 16 2 11 182 170 Telawat 199 171 142 74 21 74 6 I 30 22 34 114 133 Kapil 172 86 135 35 33 31 3 1 88 57 58 Bhairadih 10' 48 103 46 5 2 1 52 52 43 SUroli ItO 65 90 56 10 4 7 5 3 45 41 30 Korctha 121 67 108 S9 12 8 1 50 56 SO K.oliyari 18, 96 179 96 2 2 (j 3 61 131 Dl)maharra 131 63 96 51 32 11 1 2 1 48 46 S4 ltotgaon (Niche) •• Uninhabited Kotgaon (Uper) 24 14 20 12 4 2. •• 10 6 6 PusaJhar !2 2 8 1 4 1 S 4 1 Kr.mkakudum 93 43 90 41 3 12 22 42 BhaisagaoD 5.3 33 43 27 10 6 27 35 Munagaon 75 S4 67 47 6 7 2 32 70 Kanagaoo 213 203 142 142 47 56 4 J 20 2 1 S 3 lS,) Pidhapal 90 86 2 1 45 144 Kirgapati 119 93 98 72 6 8 14 -_2 62 72- GhothiY!l 88 44 82 42 6 2 12 53 84 Dhanlulsi 70 68 69 67 43 39 Marra'Pi 172 225 146 167 22 58 2 2 98 lot Tultuli 19 9 19 9 7 8 Mujalgondi IS 9 14 9 5 9 Blldhiyarmari 38 20 32 20 3 3 2 11 21 Kal rnuchche ' 60 69 60 69 30 35 Malajlcudum J 12 123 65 72 21 2S 2t 25 3 2 64 65 Rode 123 124 ttl 118 7 6 4 50 59 Albeda III 34 10~ 34 4 3 4 6i 52 66 Bacchegondi 411 492 3SJ 403 36 81i 13 12 9 156 161 Mode 66 34 61 21 4 13 I 28 41 40 Mandri 119 76 99 50 9 16 8 10 3 9 40 11 5 Salhebhat 242 4 214 2 25 2 3 172 155 132 Matwada (LaJ) 145 IS4 118 128 16 23 7 3 4 2 60 67 Muddonaari 142 161 72 87 58 73 12 1 107 97 Nandanmara 193 196 134 96 4S 98 14 2 5 179 187 Kokpur 254 128 229 109 17 19 3 5 134 J09 127 Kuru'tikur lOS 104 79 96 14 8 11 .. SJ 72 Khamdl\(\danli IS4

flll'T'I'lll "w.m(f I ITfcr lilT pi' GARIl'T lor," 61111, m 1111 'I''f{/ ••'iff Ii't{. «,,,,Iii ij '{~ ~ ~"'IIiI';yt1l ~i ..iT' q'fffiqj ~(f illl'(lm TOlal PopulatioD I5T (including lui Institutional fiJI.,". it and bouscless Scheduled Scbeduled Area of No, 01 populationl) Castes TribeS Loca- village occupied Number ,.----A ___'""'" ,..---..A--_ ,..-...... _..-----..., tiOD Name or in hectares resi· of Code Tahsil/Village &ofTownl' dentia bouse· I.ffti I. ~ I· ~ ~. ~ No. Town/Ward Ward in KIDs houses bolds P. M· P. M. F. M. F. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ------_._--- 1 61 1J1'1ITjCf 605 16 117 125 686 322 364 5 8 195 235 138 39 16 2 f'fan:f~ 68"9.52 51 53 257 114 14J 5 9 107 125 23 2 163 ~)fCf~~"( 110.62 104 115 57~ 269 304 14 13 76 74 150 81 164 ~qrlllm .. 303.07 123 128 606 283 323 13 19 56 66 131 45 165 IIIft"( 658.78 iJl~f:(! Iff~ ;t:.'I' it lliilfl'"( ""'1: it I!"um ~fi:m(f 166 1fo'i'-aQA1 97.36 76 8S 412 206 206 5 7 . 58 .54 94 29 161 ar(;ft 198.07 83 89 468 233 235 15 18 108 106 98 2Z 16 8 ~ 1:TlfT"l: 145.00 43 49 267 12:' 140 34 34 84 91 4... 5 169 f1R:TCfTlP 164.98 99 109 633 321 312 6 12 70 69 lSI 42 .i. 7 0 1f:t~l'"1ITT 6!i9.06 75 88 413 207 206 6 9 161 157 84 14 ] 71 ltififwU 233.51 67 81 .~99 206 193 49 50 96 95 75 25 172 fEl"n:m~ 443.98 91 110 545 266 279 7 2 163 148 81 34 173 '1'1'1" 336.88 49 58 332 ISO 182 2 2 137 158 33 2 174 "lfq~ 993.63 122 132 754 361 393 6 g 268 291 148 34 1 7 5 ~

PRI1\fARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Kankel' Tahafl --- _------._------,CIr llit" -nit II1W MaiD Werken _------.A------______IV ,- 1IiJ"',..R .f«" 1I'1f«rm; .HI' ""'" m IIiIlr ~ ~ ~ ri .mt (.-.X) II Veal III, IV. V (b). VI, x VII,VIIl '" IX Total MillO Alricultural Household Other Marlinal Workers CultivatoR_ -.A-_ Labourers Industry Workers Worken Non-Worken ____,.__,_ r-~---. ,--...A.--., r--.A.----. r--..A.-_ ,---.)1,,--....., Name of --S. ~ J. ~ J. ~ J. m J. .Ift' ,. .- TalWllvm... M. P. M. F. M. P. M. P. S·M. "'"F. M. P. M. P. Town/Ward 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . 2

195 195 129 42 43 lSI 1 22 ]8 127 lSI MaJgaon 71 6S 69 59 2 6 2 41 78 Chiwranj 140 122 31 14 46 93 1 62 IS 129 ]82 Govindpur 169' 125 81 52 30 59 9 10 49 4 1 64 113 134 Thelkabod •. Included wholJy in urban outsrowth of Kanker Town .• Kanker 127 109 34 17 26 54 21 12 46 26 2 2 77 95 Pandripanl 137 80 S9 40 26 18 3 49 22 2 46 94 ]09 Arjuni 81 28 59 21 11 7 11 53 46 59 Turakhar ISS ISO 94 89 26 39 2 .5 ~3 17 5 166 157 Bhirawahi 128 124 78 62 37 56 13 6 10 8 69 74 Kodajunp 116 11(1 44 40 47 51 25 19 7 3 83 80 Mankeshri 186 182 106 130 52 50 28 2 5 80 92 Singarbhat 97 130 70 91 27 39 53 32 PatharEi 230 218 143 99 42 98 45 21 IS 13 \ 160 Gadhpichhwadl 115 69 58 5 52 64 5 9 58 71 Nawagaon (Bha"lir) 132 56 90 2 42 54 1 2 19 56 113 It:hchhapur' 51 40 48 38 J 2 10 23 [ 7 All1lIjhola 106 J09 87 83 13 23 1 2 5 I 52 50 Kulgaon 207 67 164 53 16 8 26 6 17 116 103 150 Aturgaon 89 93 83 67 {j 26 4 53 51 Devkongera 51 ~6 38 27 13 29 33 Borgaon 36 30 ?3 17 12 13 27 23 Mardapoli 26 22 11 6 11 16 4 18 18 Komalpur 69 S5 47 34 20 21 2 39 43 Lulegondi 134 141 128 ]32 9 1 4 H 71 Gobardhan 109 ltO 95 ]01 10 9 4 62 67 Iradah 16 13 16 13 S 10 liwalamari 260 267 213 132 43 133 3 14-0 ]56 Mohpur 130 7) 98 S2 21 25 2 9 2 34 86 119 Pusawand 466 473 3JJ 343 116 128 2 17 27 266 341 puswada 329 279 296 239 17 38 3 13 62 153 172 Vyaskongera 408 40S 222 234 144 169 7 35 1 270 265 Bevard as 111 51 52 21 50 4 7 22 2 77 80 Satlor 322 lSI 191 219 IV2 12S 3 5 26 2 8 10 240 211 Pataud 248 231 190 182 37 45 7 3 14 IS 208 233 Anjaoi 199 176 127 139 34 24 8 8 30 5 5 35 167 175 Sidesar 170 193 100 118 23 26 7 10 40 39 128 128 Gotpur 230 143 116 7 73 l28 2 39 8 4 151 2';4 Dumali 275 163 128 66 5l 26 40 22 56 49 1 2 179 32S Sarangpal 289 221 157 811 59 109 4 5 69 19 24 87 222 236 Dashpur 156

~A)ll 8'~)"'; tr!'1f ,.;, anl(l" crf1:I1111:1 !iI' ;;r;r~, l;i'IIA ""_ VA ;Jtf'{j ••IIii! anlfJ8l1r IIil 8M1 iI't'(.8ftmii ii '(,it ~ .ri Ilir;n1l ~ it Il~ Q~ III'ftti", u~, 1fIR,1I"N III'l Total Population IIiT llwi .IIIfT (including Institutional fiI; • .n. it and hooselels Scheduled Scbeduled Area of No, o,f Number populationl) Castes Tribes Lit.. ,. Looa- village occupied A ..A- r- _ lion Namo of in hectares resi - of ,----_ ---""""' ,--- --. A Code TahsiijViUaac &. of Townil dentia house. Hlrfll ~. .:~ 'l. a:1: 1· .. No. 1'own/Ward Ward in ICms bouses bolds p. M· F. M. F. M. P. ------~------1 2 3 4 .5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ----~~------ZOI 1l1~'J (q).rr) 177.04 51 54 285 142 143 12 8 69 82 46 22 202 iji)~r"l~ 470.56 IS 2 184 821 415 406 13 16 240 217 154 76 203 4f;:r,~ 737.89 116 150 7'10 404 386 37 34 322 314 106 32 204 \T~i!)"'T (ifT!> 558.43 146 170 876 424 4S2 107 109 229 257 141 40 205 iIlti't, 534.59 116 136 729 H3 386 15 15 222 271 142 40 206 lIi)d~ 863.33 57 66 322 155 167 18 19 132 143 33 12 207 lJ.'Ollil'tOm 221.02 18 21 111 52 59 52 S9 14 10 208 "'~'i!)<'rl (<'I'TW'f) 870.54 131 185 1,109 543 566 33 42 326 345 132 27 209 ~)or'i't 545.63 67 71 422 209 213 4 2 178 193 68 10 210 ,'torT 437.47 160 173 965 479 486 36 39 128 127 236 83 211 i"l;rT 536.32 149 159 795 368 427 30 31 172 215 136 37 212 lIIif


11- llinl' IIillt 1fT" Main--~~------WorJcen ".._.------...,.___------_ IA"'''R .r«(.. cnron~ ar.:~ ~ rn ~ :;Vhf ri

(I-IK' I II V(a) m.lv. V (b). VI. x VII,VIIl at IX Toral Maio Aaricultural Household Other Margioal Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non·Worken --~ ~-..A.---. ,..--.A..---. r--.A----., ,---"-----. ,--A-_ _,--.A.--., Name of S. ~ 1· ~ S· ~ s. dt S. fih s. ,it S. m Tabail/VlIIaao M. F. M. F. M. P. M. P. M. F. M. F. M. P. Town/Ward IS 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 2

70 41 30 7 22 30 I 17 5 5 26 67 7S Matwada (Modi) 235 174 67 57 83 103 1 85 13 1 20 179 212 Kodabhat 254 131 219 78 16 53 IS 20 125 130 130 Chanar 229 263 133 156 87 103 2 4 7 5 11 190 178 Salhetola (BabU) 181 J95 99 94 54 87 28 14 162 191 Balod 96 101 57 70 30 28 9 1 13 59 53 Korrampara 36 30 23 23 10 4 3 3 5 16 24 Mujalgoncll 348 338 320 321 20 12 4 5 4 53 194 175 Markarola(Latpon) 139 72 112 24 11 29 16 19 8 69 62 72 Sonpur 263 286 221 246 21 34 3 1 18 5 2 214 200 Kuran. 222 190 16) 137 38 52 5 1 10 5 58 :141 179 Dllekuna 256 295 194 203 44 91 2. 16 1 1 188 172 Chawad 114 115 84 30 27 85 3 2 t 66 93 Rampuf 279 322 227 289 38 32 t 13 2 203 195 Junwani 75 70 52 35 18 34 5 1 3 bl 65 LiIwapahar 131 110 100 75 22 35 9 21 77 94 Shriguhao 284 352 262 335 13 15 3 6 2 I 197 231 Charbhatbi 272 331 242 320 11 7 5 4 14 198 216 Umaradah 169 93 120 6 27 85 15 7 1 71 107 107 Pandripani 201 177 8) 50 85 122 4 2. 23 3 11 56 180 207 Bansagar 159 172 93 103 59 69 6 2 2 88 112 Thanabocfi 217 214 142 145 63 68 5 11 111 148 Hatlcac'1ara'11 231 265 211 250 10 15 7 143 137 Naudabari 297 366 239 298 40 59 5 2 13 7 180 154 Dumarpani 101 103 78 78 J8 22 1 3 4 7 58 60 Kosumpani 199 179 145 140 36 38 1 17 I 11 19 124 140 lCeshartpuri l Pando) 317 62 144 17 126 41 S 42 .. 242 242 218 Devi Nawaaaon 190 63 113 29 60 32 9 2 8 S 154 132 130 Blraopur 180 12 126 6 47 6 6 16* 133 1 38 Baadongari 133 33 74 1 48 31 6 106 811 89 M.lrumtara 151 38 124 14 17 23 9 26 145 13~ 123 Marwadi 92 .. 8 .. 2 3 3 101 60 79 JUriyapahad 31 31 31 28 23 Maradeo 102 92 5 1 4 liS 74 68 Bat bani 117 43 100 39 13 4 4 Si 43 122 Marrarupani 456 336 267 216 89 103 2 1 98 16 17 68 326 360 Narharpur 107 24 98 IS 2 8 I 1 59 69 142 Bahnapaoi 189 192 141 134 34 53 8 5 6 112 144 Ankhiharra 136 107 96 68 33 39 7 53 107 118 Kochwalli 343 '13 218 216 8' 93 1 • 1 39 3 18 38 248 308 Surahi 1058

~1;r)lJ 6~)~j qk llil f'" iJ("'~' (arl(~ 'lit. '!rrll i{~1 ••'lift iIft'~ «iIllJU; it ~iliI' ~ 'ni !fir ;rill fR:t il Qir ilJfffilfi u~ I iI',,~/m Tolal Population (iacludins IIiT II'Ii Institutional fiIi.Ifi. it and houaeless Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of populationl) Castes Tribes' village occupied Number Litem'. Loc:a- r----A -----, ,----..A--~ .-__.,. ----., r-..A..- liOD Name of in heclares resi of Code l'ahsil/ Village &ofTownl' dentia house· ",ra; I. f;r) I. m i. fih 2;. fift P. M. F. M. F. M. P. No. Town/Ward ----Ward in--_._------_ Klns houses holds ---- M. P. 2 3 4 7 8 10 1l 12 13 14 ._------241 ~r 412.29 85 85 476 215 261 210 250 29 5 242 iI1~" 989.8S 177 179 947 459 488 6 7 380 401 83 16 243 ~l.l.~",~T 203.8J 11 11 63 29 34 29 34 3 1 244 ihmq~~ 28-1.30 31 31 161 78 83 . 72 72 11 245 I(t~ilq'fif"t 37.5.46 50 SO 247 lIS 132 104 123 18 246 ~;;(~1; 323.42 50 54 249 114 13.5 2 2 84 109 37 5 247 qtfUrrm 288.75 34 34 192 93 99 3 2 90 97 8 248 OI"tt\if ifT~ ·U2.97 55 55 306 158 148 2 1 15 3 143 48 6 249 a-1<::T"ftc 620.72 88 88 482 239 243 4 8 219 220 52 7 250 '4AlJ.ilT 640.39 88 89 521 2t;5 256 2 6 240 225 55 12 2S 1 ~.,lIiif1~~r 567.34 39 43 239 118 I2l 6 8 ~07 108 12 252 riifr 1.391.66 131 157 813 396 417 21 2S 29M 322 78 22 253 ~'I"'€~'T 1,027.82 141 15S 921 455 46" 18 8 380 407 109 24 254 'i{~"IZr 454.33 67 79 413 207 206 1 2 196 195 7 7 255 ~)lI'q~~ 712.~0 98 114 589 265 324 3 3 230 287 65 18 911 .61 171 219 1,205 592 613 7 g 2 5 6 ;;rt "iI'" 412 420 15] 21 257 ft~T6r 1,237.62 124 159 856 420 436 5 tj 232 243 140 28 258 aT1i)" 833.89 228 273 1,364 646 718 I ~ 21 357 414 VO 85 259 ,,«~) 934.86 64 68 402 201 201 141 lS6 73 L4 260 it'1flJr


_--- ______J.--- __.____ _

If; lI' IfiTIf m ~

(I-IX) II V(a) HI. IV •V (b). VI. x VII,VIn", IX Total MaiD Alricultural Household Other Marlinal Worker. Cultivators Labourere Industry Workers Workers Non·Workera _-~ ,..--.".__ ___ r-__,;o._._-., r-----.. r--..A.----. r--..A.-..... r---.A..--...... Name of S. ~ i. ~ S· • !- m S. W\' S. .Ilft' S. m Tahsil ,Village M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. Town I Ward ------15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 Uraihli 147 lS4 122 127 11 12 10 10 4 5 63 f07 298 324 273 300 13 24 4 8 8 4 153 160 Badal 10 Khadarwalli 21 21 13 2 8 19 3 8 I t 30 36 Dhodrapahar 48 36 37 1 10 35 Maaulpani 74 67 59 16 14 51 1 4 3 37 62 20 43 46 Rajpur 71 69 49 t5 67 5 2 2. 14 42 J 10 25 19 Pathrinara 6i 70 53 28 •• S 72 60 Eharethin EkUmra 86 88 76 76 5 9 3 82 94 12 2. 98 98 Dhourabhat \41 H5 47 49 133 2 2 10 16 30 68 12 BhansuU 181 144 t06 9 63 17 1 3 33 45 Dudumbahara 85 73 68 56 16 82 4 133 112 11J Dabena 284 171 157 83 45 84 65 235 2 1 10 1 IS 177 181 Kuralthemri 278 264 201 27 12 t 1 1 13 78 78 Charbhata 129 115 116 104 102 8 52 98 146 Dompadar 167, 12.6 1~0 24 9 2. 2 24 2. 3 ~32 294 Jamgaon 360 316 267 193 67 119 116 - 187 Risewada 244 249 141 147 53 89 10 10 40 3 84 117 39 10 12 93 298 404 Amoda 33' 221 213 94 2 83 72 Bhaismudi 118 129 55 110 18 19 3 5 17 1 18 170 ISS 186 Deogaon 333 141 25S 83 56 56 53 51 Siharinara 94 119 82 94 10 25 2 64 108 Jhaliamari 111 102 70 46 35 54 S 2 3 30 204 295 Kanhanpuri 345 31\ 248 196 65 le9 8 3 24 32 4 3 186 340 Budeli ::163 83 171 35 56 43 4 5 3 125 ISS Manikpur 208 238 186 213 15 24 2 3 182 22.6 Deori 360 391. 301 214 55 175 1 2 ]0 12 50 58 Ganwarsili 118 132 95 110 13 10 4 40 39 Singarwahl 78 79 60 69 6 (:j 12 7 1 3 160 214 230 Dhanesara 394 215 281 47 96 155 10 12 9 3 136 113 Bhainsmundi 182 210 111 156 53 34 7 11 11 5 101 124 Pendrawan ISS 175 103 130 49 44 3 8 6 4 4 104 117 Abhanpur 227 251 182 217 35 28 2. 8 104 150 Bhiraud 2:7 172 142. 83 76 89 9 I 78 16 Kapalpoti 146 157 103 90 39 67 4 94 80 84 Matradahra 142 55 129 25 10 30 2 10 33 52 Maheshpur SO 31 44 26 4 5 2 4 9 71 76 Dabbipani 95 139 84 122 5 13 2. 4 172 288 Shamtara 277 194 176 92 S5 76 17 23 29 3 174 410 Deodongar 269 12 247 3 18 9 4 2 150 224 Ghotiyawahi 236 181 183 76 37 98 8' 3 8 4 160


281 ~TijilfhiTT 276.54 52 56 300 150 150 2 2 130 136 41 5 282 i~IJilCl'·~ 380.65 7 7 36 18 18 2 8 13 4 283 'I!I'~'I;Icr;r 238.61 49 49 221 107 114 41 38 33 4 284 QiI)'(T 234.00 74 75 452 220 232 9 5 144 15'1 67 20 28 5 I!ff,(cr<.' ~S47. 60 266 271 1,361 667 694 22 14 381 397 262 61 286 ,fhnfll( 483.91 73 74 409 194 215 .. 165 185 47 9 287 ~!TI!.".. 'If 478.32 101 101 491 HI 251 4 3 205 213 80 12 288 ~mlfT 563.53 213 215 1,139 595 544 15 21 271 229 234 44 289 fiil'i!_rCl'r 762 39 68 68 455 218 237 6 10 155 168 53 7 290 arT'i!ilm-'("t 345.94 33 33 210 lOS 105 67 7J 38 3 291 1!~~cr 583.75 206 210 1,149 574 575 18 19 321 339 196 40 292 ~n:);rr 562.49 298 375 1,902 951 948 44 52 329 337 506 183 293 "'1~1fTa' 444.30 209 J 18 672 326 346 8 13 235 252 95 15 294- C::~~ 241.44 136 131 758 360 398 3 4 246 280 98 14 295 'lfr<=f"T" (""") 125.64 51 51 230 111 119 102 III 49 14 296 cr'I;lfif 274 51 130 131 683 342 341 175 162 136 47 297 :;fIf'(ql 1,6.'H-5-J 290 361 1,960 97'J 988 10 .., 777 825 251 45 298 '1f~I" 253.33 105 123 624 306 318 9 6 232 234 107 30 299 I(;'(q' 488.36 U6 168 892 437 455 12 15 240 265 134 51 300 ..«


~ IfiI1r 1In:~ lOi Main Worbn _------~~------_ p ~ a.~A .fCl'~ Ifff(iuf... IIl'If ...,~ m IIiJ1I' m ~:;r'Iihr ~

(I-IX) I II V(a) III. IV •V (b), VI. x - VII,VIll & IX Total Maio Agricultural Household Other Margioai Workers Cultivatol'8 Labourer. Industry Workers Workers ----"----. ,,---J..-...... r---A.-~ r--..A.-...... ,----"-----., ,--A-...... Namool S. m Z· ~ S· ~ S. iRft S· ~ S. m Tahail/Vlllap M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. Town/Ward

15 16 17 18 19 20 ~1 22 26 __ ------23 25 27 28 98 7S 78 44 18 ·30 2 1 8 SZ 67 Gabrinbandha II 11 3 2 6 9 2 7 7 Dhelkawand 62 60 10 2 37 53 IS 5 45 54 Kbajra'van 126 25 74 7 26 18 26 2 94 92 113 D!}anora 393 2S4 233 123 79 93 7 4 74 34 119 273 321 SJfwandi 124 108 104 15 17 93 2 1 35 70 72 Bhinu:lih 145 lOS 78 21 51 75 2 tG 7 61 96 85 OattagllJllm 324 188 207 128 55 54 2 60 S 45 27( 311 Dudhawa 132 19 81 7 44 12 4 3 1 117 85 10 l Bihawa 68 23 50 9 16 14 I .. 31 37 51 Anchhidongari 325 276 239 197 .51 53 21 20 8 6 7 65 242 234 Musurpula 507 381 210 170 159 185 10 4 128 22 10 52 437 515 Sarona t90 181 139 120 33 55 3 2 IS 4 1 2 133 163 Salhebh'St 207 199 148 127 35 62 4 20 10 30 ISJ 16:) Daldali 73 96 50 17 23 78 .. I 38 '23 Malgao i (RUganJ 204 208 126 136 46 60 17 11 15 I 138 133 Barkaj 584 581 445 420 92 131 29 27 11 3 6 42 382 36S Choriya 202 195 137 146 35 38 30 11 6 15 98 108 Puriyara 248 159 163 96 24 34 14 13 47 16 31 142 ISS 154 ICarap 235 39 172 35 24 2 2 1 37 1 191 133 144 Dawarkhar 307 348 189 197 83 136 7 5 23 10 2 15 243 245 Mudpar (Dakbani) 98 112 88 93 8 18 2 1 .5 81 108 Singanpur US 116 163 29 8 86 1 17 -...... 17 122 231 SaranJa 211 12'J 164 110 30 8 8 4 9 1 57 130 168 Kumhankhar 41 34 41 34 21 29 Jhulnatendu 253 214 213 178 15 24 6 8 19 4 7 6..l 139 132. Lendara 48 23 45 20 3 3 32 45 Khalari 68 49 63 49 2 3 3 48 77 Thema 46 17 41 16 4 1 1 21 53 Banspahar 110 43 82 24 24 19 4 I 66 68 76 Nishanharra 111 44 87 37 22 6 I 1 5 80 124 Rawas 35 20 28 20 3 4 19 43 Chhindkhadak 33 10 30 6 3 4 16 38 Tiriyarpani 249 226 180 151 • 53 7S 2 14 1iI6 220 Mawalipara 283 231 237 160 40 71 1 5 137 204 Madabharri 276 235 184 137 56 74 13 IS 23 9 1 172 197 Banpbari '42 475 449 313 143 134 19 20 31 8 28 159 414 429 Basanwahi 272 164 175 113 75 42 15 9 7 121 170 174 Sainmunda 162

iiI'""upr, 'fiT 5I~ ,,,-.:m

------_ ------!------_- _------_-- _------

~'q 6~m~i qfIr If' an~. crf~ !'~ illiI'~qr (if," aronrf.fs ari1~ ;are~ m VTff, iflf'(/ ••'11'" IIITGIl9'JII "8MI lilt i,,,rvi ij '{;ir ;;Qfu iI(;{G(lf« ~ lfri "" illlI ~il 'lfililii'i m'i1ff

lilian ~~'!.,

45/1/-, ~rm'l1t~ 9.~5 3.050 7,873 439 1.463 5,583 2,659 15,085 7,2,Z 432 I,Ol3 3,233

45/1 ~.(". Iff.) 3 87 2,597 6,781 410 1.049 4.932 2,116 • U,993 6.212 414 736 3.041 45/1/1 ~<{ crru .ni 253 295 1,494 892 602 21 26 287 131 743 361 45/1/2 \'iIiIT~l!(T. 263 310 1.375 693 682 68 75 204 143 431 239 45/I/3 artffNf{t cri 188 203 923 480 443 51 54 S6 44 348 214 45/1/4 w')m;rm~' Ifri 182 20S 1,006 531 475 22 22 70 33 386 22' 45/1/5 ~ __


.. IfjJq n" Ifni MaiD Worken .------_,..___------_ P 'PI 'IIRIIn lifa('l Q,f(",f(4I ~~ 4iN 'lAir ~ ... "'~ .." IIinr m w IAfiwi m.r ... III1rIIlliRJ '"' ... IIiI' IQ1I' (I-IX) U V(a) m.lv, V bb), VI, X - VIIbVI "IX Total MaiD Alficultural Household aber MargiaaJ Workers Cultivaton Labourers Industry Workers Workon NoD·Workers... --.A..---.. ".---"----. r-~-' ,...-A---. ,--.A.---... ,--A---. ,- 1'1.... 01 s. fit S· ~ ,. ~ ,. fift S. "" S. fir S. - iii T.... Ulvm ... M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. - M. P. M. P. TOWDI'Wani U 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2' 26 27 28 :z

Kanker Urban AgglomeratioD

3,567 323 324 40 2.880 .. 16 4,2'0 .Kuker (U.A.) 1,110 108 274 11 717 63 6,0.3' 3,043 :lU 217 28 1.576 Is 3.713 Kaoker (M.) 808 50 f77 9 57Z 51 5,353 _, 333 52 22 7 13 12 2 296 33 559 5S0 Mahurbandpara Ward 329 140 13 9 66 65 5 245 66 1 3 36] 53, Jawabar Ward 222 94 8 1 214 93 3 2 2SS 347 Amapara Ward 248 83 11 6 22 15 7- 2 208 60 5 8 278 384 ShcetJapara WU'd 1S( 34 15 3 52 15 5 114 11 3 193 303 Mahadeo Mandir Ward 239 16 18 1 7 1 3 211 14 8 331 541 Manjhapara Ward 181 64 18 1 10 12 1 .. 152 51 243 321 Subhash Ward :410 97 27 6 19 25 6 258 66 30S 524 AnDBpumapara Ward 287 61 6 IS 11 4 1 262 49 2 28 285 451 Mahatma Gandhi Ward 301 86 34 11 18 20 1 249 S4 407 552 Kankaleenpara wara 159 36 ,IS 3 1 143 33 209 336 Janakpur Ward 253 45 25 2. 4 1 224 42 2 1.95 499 R ajapara War4 524 302 III 58 97 97 12 2 304 145 1 11 567 686 Urban Outgro,,'" 461 268 89 46 86 82 12 2 274 138 1 12 530 610 (ii) Kanter ICasba(O.G.) 63 34 22 12 11 15 30 1 37 76 (iii) Sinprbhat (0.0.) 164

~lzr . 6{61'f; qf1r iii' f"" 'IIIif«qr (~'" m Vl'l ifff't/ llin" III'tt ef'lrvl i '{ifi't if'IR Ifri I5J ifill ~iI fl~' iQ'fffi1r1 «~, "lIm Toral PopulatioD 1Iil" •• (including Institutional Ai.IR. if anel houaeleas Scbeduled Scheduled Area or No,of popuiatiool) Castes Tribe. Literate OOCIlpied Number Loca- village r-----A ----....._ ,---..A---. tiOD Name of in hectares, Risi· or ,...---1'0-­ Code Tahsil Village & of Town' dential house nrs ,;. 9\' ~. ~ J. ~ . No. TowD/Ward Ward in KIDs houses holds p. M· P. M. F. M. F •

1 2 3 4 6 ~ 7 8 9 10 11 12 J3 14

45}3 1'I'm~ .... 3,140 00 36,08' 100,004 2.98, 56,435 21,140 <"'*") (-r.A;.f.:l.) 35.17Z 1'7,074 '7.070 3~085 55,2~2 11,025 1 t1;:l{tR~ 457.15 46 46 290 138 152 82 61 2 iJ)~~r 1,159.18 85 85 536 290 246 139 11' 84 37 3 ;f1::ilif 1,695.26 53 5S • 37S 197 178 79 34 4 lI!.1:iU'aitit 354.80 105 105 604 321 283 42 32 157 81 5 IT);:~II' 1:135.93 166 168 972 488 484 126 97 219 134 6 "{t.SR 1.043 39 ':47 141 868 453 415 2 5 73 69 160 75 7 i!~'{ '863.06 164' J 68 960 460 saO 3 1 64 71 247 17i 8 ifCfTif1::lfI1' 448.60 95 95 606 HI 295 28 37 87 2f, 9 ffl:;rI,!''lIh 499.94 139 141 899 441 452 161s 86 10 'lImIT 1.183.0t 318 319 I , 94~ 995 -946 76 69 456 267 11 i!'{lfiJ 1,064 23 237 240 1,315 649 666 96 89 346 168 12 rqtft,,)f~1 1,095.14 229 231 1,265 663 602 143 128 242 103 13 mlftif 265.54 16 16 125 65 60 58 56 3 14 ."'~~ 187.93 176 177 931 474 451 2 1 IS 18 207 111 1 5 .-erili'ifa'~1 1,071.75 48 48 354 172 182 172 182 16 3 16 ~1R'"e:T 90 1,10 439 439 2,566 1,2881,218 3 2 121 119 639 345 17 "r~" 1.018.82 45 4S 320 165 155 20 16 130 129 19 6 18. -:at'lllT



(I-IX} II V(a) III,IV,V (b),VI. x VII,vm & IX Total Maio Aaricultural HouSchold Other Marlinai Worker. CuiUvaton Labourers Indllstry Workers Workers Non-Workers _ .-.A.----.. r-J.-.--.. ,_.--"--...... ,_.-A---.. ,---Jt..----.. ,--A-...... ,_.--"--...... Name 0' I. ~ z· ~ J, ~ 1. m Z· ~ i· ,~ S. fiil' TalJsillVillap M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M, p, M. P Town Ward 15 16 17 18 19 211 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

51,815 46,877 4,861 803 6.184 1 .. 946 39,%33 NarayaDptII' Talas. 19,900 14,937 3,389 327 1,247 16,404 60.766 (Rural) 66 3 64 3 2. 38 94 34 55 H:ndparas 177 46 173 46 2 2 37 95 76 lOS Dhorkatta 87 4 59 2 7 2 21 11 20 99 lS4 Nareki 173 3 142 2 1.1, 1 20 3 148 2,77 Kurusbodi 244 6 214 ]7 4 3 10 2 36 69 109 409 Gondahoor 1.84 10 ~44 4 26 5 2 12 47 75 222 330 Murjhar 228 2 206 2 4 3 ~5 11 .(23 22f 375 Hanker 156 7 113 7 3S 2 6 21 155 267 Nawanareki 224 10 I.9~ :I 30 6 3 I. 9 1'1 214 425 Palamureli 502 50 401 28 66 19 P 1 22 2 15 94 478 802 Matoli 374 64 279 7 30 47 8 3 57 7 76 275 526 HarangarTl 349 8 306 2 1,7 5 1 25 1 27 97 287 497 Pitobhodiya 47 2 43 2 .. 1. 3 31 18 27 Koyegaon 256 I- 238 3 10 3 8 2 1 67 217 382 ICrohobeda 117 23 114 23 2 I. 86 55 71 Irikbutta 713 50 642 33 2S to 1 45 6 14 89 561 1,139 K,",airkatta 9S 85 8 2 72 70 83 Aalor SI 50 2 2 4S 33 36 Udumgaon 613 l21 535 95 34 25 3 41 1 46 136 443 769 Badekapsi 680 111 421 112 226 56 2 31 3 63 87 650 I,U6 Barda 8tS lOS 697 7S 56 21 3 1 59 8 lOS 3H 610 913 Yesebeda 503 191 296 107 51 18 9 147 66 6 2 480 744 Sohgaon 1,203 150 347 16 6t f2 r4 5 781 117 3 6 1,230 2,100 Pal<.hanjur ISS 32 lIS 27 13 2. 24 3 7 20 150 227 Nawagondahoor 17 12 16 12 I S 11 Murawandi 817 17 10J 10 71 5 43 2 47 9 811 1,628 ]unwani 480 75 159 14 95 35 11 2 215 24 11 31 426 790 Chhotekapsi SS 5 69 S 50 111 DODde 205 25 121 4 11 2 10 3 63 16 31 IS8 107 ]42 Deoda 80 6 79 6 1 .. 4.5 100 Nahgceda 43 43 32 11 Ncndgaon 112 15 100 8 11 6 1 1 10 78 87 116 Badejharkatta 89 6 82 2 4 4 3 3 . 49 38 64 Madre , 35 1 28 6 ... 25 21 18 MaodagaoD 64 33 64 33 1 31 48 Ghotiya 147 69 102 30 31 38 2 12 2 61 76 78 Pipli 81 47 78 45 2 2 1 26 56 Masoor 204 55 123 28 16 12 6 2 ,59 13 3 62 125 204 Badgaoll 1;97 56 147 18 41 37 9 1 5 148 280 Chhindpal laO 93 .. 1 1 2 12 60 119 Murawandi J 66


~'(I",)zr a~QI'; rrkllil P "iT~1 ~ 1i!R m vrq,'F{'If'{j ••q;" 1I't~ 6,... r,,'; ii '{~it II"I'l ..ri IJiI ifT" ~it Q~-il(fflilir U'~ ifQ'{/ifTi Total Population (including liP'" Institutional fiIi.1i't. it and bouseless Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of populationl) Castes Tribes Literate Looa- village OCICIlpied Number ,..--__ .A. ___--.. ,----"-- ,------.. ,--.A-_ _tion Name of in hectarea resI­ of Code Tahsil, Villaae & of TOWD' dential house nfll i. - ~. ~ ~. d 1· m No. Town/Ward Ward in Kms houses bolds P. M· P. M. F. M. P. M. F. ------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14

41 tf;:rlfi~ 948.92 127 133 768 389 379 49 40 225 116 42 ~.T 1,936.86 234 241 1,200 604 596 13 11 127 123 171 66 43 ~;:rl(T 814.62 148 148 848 429 419 53 64 139 47 44 1fT;t 905.39 437 440 2,193 1,175 1,018 5 4 140 126 658 303 45 ~T~~ (~IIl) 1,246.48 89 94 515 263 252 3 10 79 69 89 27 46 I(QI'ITTW 1,182.16 37 37 210 10~ 107 3 2 98 109 37 10 4 7 z..;ril?;T 210.63 ]6 16 85 44 41 44 41 4 1 48 liriorT 688.59 17 17 98 44 54 2 43 52 49 if.r~ 834.97 12 22 78 48 30 39 22 5 50 III'T'If'{T 146.96 Iit,(Ti'I' 5 1 f,f'~ 1,064.73 77 77 428 211 117 6 3 73 84 67 17 5 2 '{1:iln 1,207.10 19 19 84 45 39 39 31 3 2 53 q;~;:it 507.69 21 21 101 S6 45 3 4 32 26 8 1 54 ;T~q;7~T 683.88 229 229 1,447 739 708 71 62 292 164 55 ~m, 207.67 413 413 2,2331,144 1,089 474 210 56 .rarilc1 2.080.32 278 279 1.679 821 858 22 19 74 87 31S 177 57 'If"t;1tITcr 1,273.76 285 286 1,642 823 819 5 5 94 86 311 135 58 &rNrTi\" 1.058.10 17 17 124 64 60 64 60 3 169 39 ~li'I' 59 1f""~o 0 60 "!.'{;ri'T '628.05 77 77 478 242 236 64 54 10 I 61 ~llillJ"T ~5,22 c;ft'(TiI' 62 "T~,," 1,648.37 52 52 287 149 138 147 133 6 63 Ifil~~i!J 1,323.07 2S5 257 1,260 635 625 -11 4 176 160 245 103 64 f~T'~ 1. 443 33 )]6 316 1.703 891 812 2 2 63 67 307 90 65 1i~ 882.41 77 78 400 203 197 1 71 61 66 18 66 qi~ 374.22 8 10 48 24 24 2 1 17 18 .. 67 1f1:lfili'lTt 970.55 21 21 124 64 60 64 60 68 ,,~il1' 1,208.02 3 10 31 19 12 7 6 69 fiRor", 548.59 12 12 85 42 43 42 43 70 qT.'1T 801.92 88 88 519 263 2S6 3 3 87 91 73 20 71 ~IfiTcrTi!\' 337,70 76 76 458 236 222 47 39 44 5 72 lIi'T'~r!Ji'fl(T 672.90 53 53 334 172 IS5 64 53 42 27 7 3 '1~~erq~orT 1.092.33 69 69 420 214 206 2 1 23 19 92 36 74 ~'t.,1'{ 1,865,05 229 229 1,250 637 613 30 42 121 138 285 94 75 Ip.i!n:m 332.23 25 25 146 73 73 68 71 1 76 ~~q{;f~ 891. 5S 261 263 1,376 678 698 1 2 93 106 321 139 77 i1~T 490.03 107 110 543 287 -256 4S 39 J,11 62 78 arllil;or~orr 629.97 53 53 286 146 140 20 26 66 36 79 m«'ROO 592.10 95 95 484 265 219 15 22 88 29 80 fir.iifiur 1,293.31 30 30 162 83 79 83 79 167


I{'I'f IIII11r m lIRi MaiD Worlr.en _------...A------_-- - _ 1A.nR .fCf~ ~ro. IImr IA1I' m "i' :nmr 11M

(I-JX) II V(a) III.IV.V (b), VI. x VII.VIIl& IX TOlal M81D Aaricultural Household Other Marginal Workers CulUvaton Labo\lt'ers Indostry Workers Worken Noo-Workers _--..A----. r--.A-...... ,----"---...... ,---.Jt.--...... ,---.A.--...... ,---.A.---. ,.-----..A--_ Name 01 S. ~ S. ~ J. ~ J. ffJ\' J. ~ 1. ,;it- Tahsil/VIII. M. P. M. F. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M.$. --P. TOWD,Ward • IS 16 17 18 19 10 21 22 23 24 2' 26 1.7 28 2

209 14 84 1 9S 13 I :6 7 9 173 356 Penkodo 317 179 237 112 54 61 4 26 2 25 10 262 407 Maroda 243 31 232 22 1 1 10 8 5 12 181 376 Palnadi 643 79 301 28 70 28 13 259 23 I 4 531 935 Bandc . 164 12 143' 10 9 2 12 99 240 Sawcr (Harowel) 61 7 51 5 7 2 3 20 40 82 Belga} 24 6 19 4 3 2 1 2 16 18 19 Tekameta 29 13- 29 13 15 41 JabeJee 34 4 22 1 11 3 3 14 23 Badilgarh Uninhabited Ogra lOS 4 97 3 4 4 20 33 86 180 Nirde 31 24 31 24 t 14 14 Murdonda 36 5 30 S 5 1 12 20 28 Phurphundi 382 8 365 6 3 Z 13 S 357 695 AaJapharsi 617 53 516 36 S$ 9 46 8 16 4 5 II 1,032 Markanar 406 82 369 78 2 1 3$ 3 21 Z3 394 753 Dotometa 489 267 444 249 6 10 1 38 8 40 103 294 ·449 Ghodagaon 46 48 46 48 18 12 Al\iadi Uninhabited Bburbhusi 142 S3 142 51 .. 3 100 180 Burka Uninhabited Sabdongd 95 83 93 82 1 54 55 MachhpaJli 335 107 271 91 45 1$ 1 18 1 29 271 518 Karek:lUa 354 78 305 74 61 3 8 1 165 53 372 681 Bbingidhar 126 S4 118 46 S 8 3 3 14 74 129 Mehda 20 17 17 is 3 2 .. 4 7 Brehbeda 39 20 39 20 25 40 Mark4Dar 16 10 16 10 3 2 Ghotanbeda 26 22 26 22 16 21 Tiralgarh 149 39 136 36 11 3 2 30 114 187 Padenga 123 13 101 10 17 3 5 2 34 111 liS Mekawahi 92 9 90 9 .. 2 7 80 J 45 Karakonda 105 104 3 106 206 Gatt apal Ii 347 47 277 28 24 14 46 5 4 69 286 497 Korenar 47 31 45 31 1 1 3 9 23 33 KanbargaoD 372 21 238 11 58 9 3 1 73 8 128 298 549 Irpanar 161 23 150 13 6 6 5 4 2 10 124 223 Orcha 74 Ii 74 Ii 1 9 71 125 Tokajabclee 130 21 21 107 20 2 28 46 107 152 MauSllmtola 58 49 48 41 10 8 25 30 Pindusa 168

",",'Il iI~i Ilk llil p "if~_r (Ii," m VTlI 'I~J lit••• 1II't~ i(fQrvl ij 1:cit ~ II"ri IfI '1111 ~iI lITir· ilIfffill'f ij"~ JffRJrrrf Total Population (includiDII t514ni Institutiona. f.rr.Ift. it and booaeless Sobeduled Scbeduled Area of No, of populationl) Castes Tribes Literate Looa- village ooc:upied Number ,..----A----...... ,..---J--_.._ ,..----__" liOD Name of in hectares resi­ of r-.A..- Code Tahsil Village &ofTown' deDtial house ''!If", 1. ~ 1· .'" J. ~ 1· ., No. Townj Ward Ward in ICms houses bolds P. M· P. M. P. M. P. M. .... ------_- -_._------_------_ ------_-- - 123 4 S 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14

81 'lcmlR~ 690.21 62 62 342 1.84 158 14 12 II 24 &2 IfAlcrrt 1,511.84 151 159 809 409 400 2 2 71 69 144 49 83 tl~ 1,544.59 52 52 315 1S6 159 60 57 33 1.6 84 ;rR"~. 1,723.40 169 191 '18 475 443. 90 54 166 47 85 ••"t 133.55 5 5 27 14 13 H 13 86 ar:~1lP.T 257.28 3 3 18 11 7 11 7 81 ~ _!till 23 \. 80 83 83 390 200 190 29 34 77 24 88 ~ ~fi5I.TI 612.49 62 67 351 173 .79 3 2. 31 31 57 14 89 -1.<= .HT 1,676.4] 6 6 37 18 19 .. 18 19 90 ~~ 1,502.27 92 92 S08 280 228 87 85 80 28 91 q-.r~~ 1,398.23 50 50 272 1.21 151 104 116 7 2 92 ilT~q~ 1,141.93 43 43 278 149 129 136 (16 15 2 93 i(,'{1i'f 373. t 3 57 57 3S2 174178 46 54 51 20 94 q-rf~ip,," 632.05 12 U 66 37 29 37 29 9S ;f~~ 699.98 72 74 362 .t76 185 .. (2 19 64- 3-$ 96 arr!f;~ 718.29 9 9 57 31 26 .. 29 21 14 4 91 .....prr~ 175.40 7 7 41 22 19 8 I~ 4 4 98 ~ 407.05 40 40 112 Ul 101 101 95 16 1,1 9 9 art~I{tf'If' 104.7S 8 8 47 24 23 24 23 .. 100 f~~l1 t,773.15 81 98 408 212 196 2 158 1S7 8 101 ~~l!': 37.04 3 3 17 8 9 8 9 102 IHaf~ 380.74 16 16 77 . 39 38 39 38 103 Iil'Atcrl"( 1,231. 35 7 1 36 21 IS 21 - 15 104 ~tr1~ 528.50 103 103 504 264 240 3 96 92_ 34 105 ~~ 480.37 10 ]0 54 26 28 ., 26 28 106 ~, 202 34 11 11 67 3~ 30 31 30 107 i;m,,~ 161 87 6 6 36 17 19 17 19 109 '1."""'~" Pt6llli"(~) 323.75 1 13 8 5 8 S I 09 1fiT1fi~"( 202.34 7 7 28 14 14 14 14 11 0 q-I'tilfTR 283.28 5 5 26 12 14 U 14 III an.'CI"ICf"( 242 81 5 5 19 9 10 9 10

112 ,~ 202 34 ~;f J 13 q"J~im 161.87 IOU.; 114 IJPrTm 404.68 11 11 55 28 27 28 27 115 "If~~ 485·62 )0 10 60 27 33 27 33 116 f~'Ii~l"( 445 _IS 9 9 46 26 20 26 20 117 ,"1Wn: 35 97 ifrmr 118 ~1Tl" 853.45 29 29 176 87 89 10 11 36 29 6 ],19 "'~IIIM 412.88 10 10 63 35 28 3S 28 1 120 'IiT$J«" 863.91 52 52 290 155 135 145 127 20 3 169


'I"f ~q lIl(iit en" Main Worken _------.".__------_ P I{Wq II&TIII.. A 'f~ IlI'ronf'(l!; "II' IAq m If'" m ..... n"hr Ifn1 IIIi

(I-IX) n V(a) III. IV. V (b). VI. x • VII.VIn A IX Toral Main Aarlcultural Household Other Marlinal Work en Cultivatorl Labourel'l industry Workers Worken Non-Workers _--..1------., r-Jo.--. ,,--.A.--...... ,,--..A.-~ r-----JI.,.-_,. r--.A.-,"","" ,---..1<--...... Name or J. ,. I. ~ S· ~ S. a\' S· ~ ,;. ~ ,;. TabsllIVm... M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. -P. Town/Ward 15 16 17 18 19 10 21 22 23 24 25 26 '1.7 28

100 16 80 9 19 1 .. 1 12 33 12 109 Hawalbaras 249 73 190 51 37 21 .. 22 t 21 8S 139 242 Panawar 47 44 102 Todhur ~08 10 101 1.0 1 4 278 20 226 14 6 4 46 2 29 197 394 NagaIdaod 8 8 6 6 7 Khandi , 5 .. 3 6 4 Jurhanmehda U5 17 116 14 3 2 I 1 IS- 2 62 63 ] i 1 Chhote Bethiya 111 40 95 30 12 9 1 3 1 38 62 1.01 Bade Bethiya 9 9 7 9 12 Ben oar Khas 152 H J33 29 {6 5 3 16 8f 112 113 UI~a 77 3 72 1 4 2 1 5 64 39 84 PakhaDjur 87 2 83 2 1 3 6 6.( 58 66 Tadwaili 98 2 92 It 3 3 1 4 38 72 138 Burai ! 0 10 Pakurkal 27 19 27 19 107 4 88 1 9 2 10 1 5 14 64 168 Beloda 14 7 10 6 4 1 1 7 19 Aakmeta 13 5 J2 .5 I 9 1:4 Bechagha r 75 33 65 31 6 2 4 36 68 Kaodadi 14 10 12 8 2 2 .. 10 1 3 Banaogbodiya 140 83 103 66 28 16 9 1 72 113 Sitram 3 3 3 3 .. 5 6 Ohodagbat 25 23 25 23 1, 3 1 3 12 Marbella 12 8 U 8 9 7 Jonawar 159 65 J44 - 64 S 1 10 14 105 161 Rengawahi 17 14 13 1: 4 2 1 9 13 Morekhandi 15 30 Kodhur 2.1 22 .. 12 12 5 i 9 Tokameta .5 5 .. 3 5 Mungabeda (Musfarsi) 8 I 8 1 fi 13 Kalchoor 9 9 3 14 Pareadi 8 8 1 10 Odchapar Uninhabited Kumcbal .. Uninhabited Palometa 18 18 .. .. 10 27 Kongali 15 IS 12 33 Ghamandi 19 19 1 20 Hikohnar Uninhabited pdapar 53 53 16 (5 3.5 38 1 1 34 36 Katgaon 25 17 24 16 1 10 11 Katabans 95 72 70 54 22 18 2 60 63 Kamteda 170

~ilf sq:m'lj trftf lilt . lit... fq( iil'i(~' (aill'l 1Iit. vrl( rt~J un" III'tIil18')Q 8I')~ «'"rai ij '{iii! "'1'1("{ lui 16' "I'll ~ii qllilii'f ..~ ilffffiii u~ ilq~J'"' ~ Tolal Population (including lIlT -If ."1' Institutional rill.,". it and houseless Scheduled Scheduled Area of No,of populationl) Castes Tribes Literate village occupied Number Looa- ,-----,A.------. ,----..A.---., "..-_.--~ ,.-..A._ lioD Name of in hectares resi· Of Code Tahsil Village &ofTown' dential house I'lr81 ~. ~ ~. ~,. 7;. ~ I· ~ No. Town; Ward Ward in KIDs houses holds p. M· P. M. P. M. F. M. F.

1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14

121 W·IfI'l1!«.;ft 1,040.46 5 11 76 44 32 42 30 13 122. .'lft~ 719.20 S 5 48 29 19 29 19 123 mim'lIifI 419.58 25 29 140 77 63 1 I 61 46 17 124 ,...(~ 259.96 9 9 39 21 18 21 18 125 q'Unl~ 1,292.37 129 132 777 415 362 13 11 360 324 143 29 126 qr~lftQ' 594.11 ~')~'iI .. 127 ql'~I!i)~ 1,537.18 23 23 146 77 69 61 59 5 ... 128 lI!a",~ 387.85 24 24 148 77 71 4 4 71 63 5 1 129 fil"·it 564.59 SO SO 238 ]22 116 122 116 11 3 130 ~I'=<'li~ 714.76 41 42 255 127 128 2 99 108 12 .. 131 il'Wt~ 619.00 q~'if 132 arr"q~U 1.3,97.00 23 23 112 63 49 59 41 4 133 ~"t 603.00 27 27 133 71 62 11 5 18 21 4 .. 134 !!i1lTliI~~ 888.00 19 19 111 (j(J 51 58 SO 4 13' it;61!i)~ 2,326.00 91 91 450 238 2I2 176 BI 21 136 'Ii~i;f?' 1,208.00 208 299 1,420 727 693 114 109 210 200 Z59 4S 137 11i'1!i'" 1,072.00 41 41 223 120 103 110 100 4 1 1 3 8 1J.~'IiliWI~ S22.00 II II 64 31 33 31 33 139 til" 878.00 27 27 169 85 84 85 84 11 I 40 'l~lii



(I-IX) II Y(a) 1I1,IV ,V (b), VI. x vu,ynl '" IX Total MaiD Aaricol tural Household uther Marginal Workers Cultivatollt Labourers Indostry Workers Workers ,--_.A--...... ,.--.A.--... Namoo. ---~ ,.---"----. ,.--.A.---.,. ,----J.----... S. 'Ed\' I. feft S· Qft S· ~ I· ~ i· ,~ TahalllVlII... M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. F. M. P. TOWAIWard 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 ------4 7 KringaJmuspi 39 25 32 24 6 1 1 1 13 5 KhedcaaoD 16 14 16 14 (j 20 22 Chhatejbarkatta 57 41 46 34 7 5 .. 7 7 Jamdi 14 11 14 11 14 71 161 137 Partapur 240 154 182 114 32 4 17 .. Uninhabited Pariyahoor 12 2 22 27 Warkot 55 42 52 30 .. 10 2 1 2S 30 Budhandand 52 40 49 30 2 10 1 43 48 Mindi 79 6B 76 58 6 1 35 41 92 Sambalpur 83 1 77 1 Uninhabited .. Aalpar 5 18 26 20 AaJparas J2 11 29 7 3 4 3 19 19 23 Kandadi 49 20 48 19 1 1 S 19 22 16 Kagbaras 33 16 32 14 1 2 3 5 110 88 84 Kesd(odi 145 18 136 13 5 5 1 8 5 42 284 521 ICoyelibeda 438 130 266 75 79 47 4 89 3 39 40 28 GattakaJ 77 36 68 3 9 33 ; 1 9 8 10 Gutakachhar 22 14 21 5 1 9 . 3 26 26 25 Gllndul 56 33 42 3 13 30 1 3 16 36 40 67 Gudabeda 85 35 68 13 35 1 5 18 22 23 Chilparas 34 14 31 1 2 13 21 25 26 Jugda 24 24 2 4 60 52 66 Tllrsani 87 80 1 9 1 62 47 63 Panedibir 71 52 10 2 29 32 65 Maraknar 56 43 5 6 18 21 28 Hatadkasa 34 33 1 1 6 39 69 -Kastura 60 3S 51 28 4 6 .. 5 12 18 Kasadand 31 14 26 12 3 2 2 14 22 40 69 Kotlll 84 31 47 14 20 6 16 1 4 1 2 67 11 3 Khutgaon 10~ 25 94 24 l I 39 19 18 pUsawahi 35 1 32 1 1 .. 2 26 18 29 Baweli 27 27 1 88 65 70 Badrengi 112 6 101 2 7 3 4 1 1 77 84 78 Marda 146 62 132 53 11 9 3 42 36 37 Sargikot liZ 9 57 8 3 1 1 I 1 29 42 45 Slt.od 71 10 65 6 3 4 3 6 116 275 Sulangi 176 1 142 1 27 7 3 5 Kader 6 5 6 S 15 14 Gllnlchur 11 13 11 13 15 21 TlldkD 19 17 19 17 .. 172

~if)1( tI~~i en.lll f~ \'IAnqT (If," "'" llil • VT'I ;('If(/ .....e In"nr')~ iII'\'( uf'mii i lili!t ~ 11'1. IJT "'UI ~il q'lil;fi lII1ijr .llffflril $ ;rq,{/IIrj ~ Tala! Population IIiI III; (including .tIfT Institutional f.... m. i1 and houseless Scbeduled Scbeduled Area of No, of populationl) castes Tribes Literate Number LOCla- village occupied r----.A. ----_ r-~...A-- lion Name of 'n beclares resl· of r--A-­ Code Tahsil ViIIage A of Town dential house nfaJ J. ~ J. ~ i. fli't No. TowD/Ward Ward in Kula houses holds P. M· F. M, F. M. F. 1 2 3 4 .5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

161 ~liI"ur« N.A. 12 60 32 28 32 28 162 i~,r N.A. ift'tr;J ]63 ~ N.A. 22 22 ]07 58 49 57 49 1 164 f~"'t't N.A. 5 S 33 19 14 19 14 165 ~~T~ N A. 14 14 64 32 32 32 32 166 T,11Jtif 637.12 60 60 3.97 191 2..06 9 9 157 166 46 18 197 IliTit,_'t 446.70 35 35 210 100 JI0 2.5 24 70 80 12 198 VT~qm 455.80 53 53 308 153 IH , ... 143 144 28 199 't1J~ 698.79 52 52 299 156 143 128 It 7 33 • 2 00 ~lI~ql;jt 882.29 83 92 451 226 225 28 32 156 ISS 67 23 173


,_------_.--..."' ... _-- ._------_

(I-IX> J II V(a) III, IV •V (b), VI, x VII,VIII &: IX Total MaiD AJricultural Household Other Marginal Worker. Cultivators Labourers 1ndustry Workers Worken NOD-Workers ---....II..----.. ,--J..---, ,-__,A.---. ,--..A.-~ ,---"--...... ,..--.A.---, ,--~ Name or 'I. m 'I. ... S· ~ '1. "" S· ~ TaballfVlllap M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. $.M. ''"P. M.S· -P. TOtrD/Ward 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2' 26 21 28

20 13 20 13 12 15 Tumiradi Uninhabited Brehebeda 32- 19 31 19 1 1 26 29 Maspur a 4- 8 4 11 J 0 Hirangeuar 15 IS Horadi 17 17 .7 17 80 4 77 4 2 1 26 119 98 Udl1npur 117 Kadme 101 19 92 14 S 5 4 19 54 - 39 13 38 11 1 2 17 32 35 Kotodi 69 '12 3 6 43 40 63 Kodosarebhat 79 13 2 1 170 6 165 f. 2 6 137 53 80 Jiramtarai 74 6 73 6 .., 1 36 37 78 DadbiaaIebhat 83 6 79 6 2 2- 25 36 8S Pulanjsalebhat sf 8 50 8 1 25 24 36 Manegaoo 14 3 37 39 Murnar 73 40 56 26 14 6 46 3 14 57 64 34 17 23 19 56 33 Wdla 5 36 30 .. 2 13 44 KacJ.chapal 63 Kanagaon 41 41 5 32 3 8 9 Gadawabi 15 12 6 4 8 Guner 4 4 .., 2 32 1 3l 2 1 31 19 32 TOke 6_ Markud 6 6 22 22 20 14 16 Sargipal 2 40 3 84 Manhakal 88 5 47 1 49 50 235 3 183 1 20 1 1 31 1 102 97 207 porondi 61 31 60 30 1 1 6 42 46 34 Chhotebodeli 47 16 45 16 2 7· 23 33 30 Metabodeli 2 7 Bilai~achhar 4S 31 38 lS 5 6 2 4 10 '22 17 S8 74 54 1 4 2 4 16 52 61 JIlnagabadegaon 205 25 117 25 7 8 13 11 190 78 1 t 1 Cbargaon 34 9 32 , 1 2 1 25 19 13 NawgeJ 62 33 49 25 11 8 2 1 16 23 27 Aalkaohar 64 33 57 23 4 9 3 1 2 27 40 S 2 KurulbodJmanjhi 58 27 56 22 5 1 4 25 19 22 KUrusbodiktaru 27 1 25 2 1 IS 20 14 Gotaj 44 44 .. 19 18 32 Yetewal.ka 126 14 111 9 1 4 1 13 ~ '9 65 13'3 Kodqaon 71 8 69 6 2 I 1 67 29 3' Konechgr 98 20 95 19 2 I 66 54 69 Khodpani 2 U 6 62 42 48 Ghumar 1;08 33 '5 Jj .J.50 32 141 26 6 6 3 1 83 75 110 Temrupani J74

",f;f\~ 8~" i qfIr llil I" ,",611rT (.1(1 lib Ill{ iJfR/ iIIl'i ",.rv; it ~iI~ ~ Ifri IIIiIlI'f" ~iI._'li" lQir ill'fffifl'j 6~ fI'f(/'fli Toeal PopdlatioD IIiT .Ii (incJudin. Institutional fiII.m. it and bousolea Scheduled Scbeduled Area of No. of population) Castes Tribes Number Literate Looa· village oCICUpied r--~-..A.----_ r----"--...... ",.,...__.----._. ,-..A._ tioa Name of in hectares resI­ of Code Tahsil, ViUage & of Town' dential boUSe .,r" i. flit S· ~ ,. ~ ,. fCft No. 1'own!Ward Ward In KIDs houses bolds P. M· P. M. F. M. P. M. F. ------~------1 2 4 6 7 8 .10 11 J2 13 14

20 1 ;r


(I-IX) 11 Yea) III, IV. V (b). VI. x VII.VIll & IX T,nal Maio Aaricultural Hoosohold Other Marllinal Worker. CultivatoR Labourer. Industry Worken Workers NOB-Workets ---..A..-____. ,..--...... _ ...... ,,---"--...... -r---J'---., ,,--.A.---.. ,---~""-"-\ r---J'--...... Namool S. ~ S. ~ .!t. ~ 2;. M'r 1. fir TahsillVIII ... M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. J.M. -P. M. F. M.S· -P. TowolWarcI IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

57 2 52 2 2. 3 17 38 2' 4f NawaaabdegllOD 35S 98 2.70 46 18 24 S 1 62 27 41 263 145 143 Bhainsasur 128 47 120 34 2 li 2 1 4 6 69- 60 88 Surewahi 122 45 109 43 3 3 7 2 2 SO 58 65 Sode 6 6 4 7 5 PaJahud 32 6 32 6 ... 11 28 44 Kundla 17 17 14 13 1 ':' Jatawar 16 3 15 3 .. 1 11 4 10 Tadobeda 11 11 12 9 13 Bogan 124 13 116 9 4 4 4 92 63 57 AQlOdi 11 2 58 2 3 10 59 39 51 Aarnalcot 21 10 18 10 3 1 7 11 8 Umki 72 55 67 53 112. 1 2 4 16 32 SO lCarregaon 137 2S 128 12 6 13 2 1 17 93 119 122 Kanagavo 129 64 110 42 6 22 1 12 25 69 76 106 Jethella.on 93 9 92 9 1 89 39 29 DhulapipJi ISS 6 105 2 1 49 4 2. 107 60 - 42 Nawagarh 39 38 1 33 17 9 Nelsod 161 155 3 3 145 94 107 Mandagaoo 51 51 70 28 19 Laman 67 3 67 3 .. 60 37 38 Siksod 34 26 33 24 1 2 .. 1 7 9 ParaXi 6S 58 - 58 SO 6 8 1 38 37 Hirrabodi 98 92 91 83 6 9 31 34 Pungaon 48 45 45 41 1 4 2 .. 16 28 Barrebeda 1·74 83 150 50 12 26 9 7 3 76 84 1 18 Masbaras 276 286 232 261 20 23 24 2 29 42 116 144 Pond180D 106 110 97 103 S 7 4 53 44 Badetopal 97 90 81 84 4 6 1 S .. 53 42 Lamkanhar 118 54 112 46 4 8 2 1 68 89 94 Bulawand 90 48 78 35 8 13 2. 2 ••. 47 69 S 8 K.odokbasgaoo 107 106 101 101 4 5 2 .. 41 '6 Gawadekhasgaon 82 85 69 68 12 17 1 40 34 Lampuri 39 43 39 43 17 15 KbadgaoD 17 Deharitopal 31 38 28 ~8 2 .. 1 22 53 31 33 IS 17 15 1 2 14 26 31 Tabkal 20 14 12 11 S 3 3 7 18 14 Imlipadar 74 46 56 29 9 9 7 7 2. 1 1 44 S5 56 Himoda 37 1 36 ,1 1 16 44 Garda U8 1 103 13 2 1 €~ 162 Kadahikhodra 1'76


~)II 6~~ft~i "'" ifil arm. qf,{Cff-.:l 1\11 IiIOf~ (lilA m 1111 if'f(/ ._'li" an"nrrq Ifil 6Ml il't'{ Ul'trfV"i ii '{I~ ~ liT. IR iflll ~ it lFifiAf IIIlW·qfffi."i u~ J "-.:/." III Total PopulatioD IIiI • ., ."" (iocluding InstitotioDal fill • lit. it and bouseless Scheduled Scbeduled Area of No. of . populatiool) Castes Tribes Literate Laoa- . village occupied Number _,I J.- lion Name or in hecta res resi' of ,----_ "-----, ,---- -.. . ,--...'----, ,..-A-_ Code Tahsil Village & of Town' dential bOuse .~r~ J. ~ ,;. ~ ,;. ~ ~. ~ No. TownjWard Ward in Kms . houses holds P. M· F. M. F. M. F. M. F. _------'-- 2 _ 3 4 S 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 ------241 1fl(41 343.59 - 32 32 182 88 94 3 2 76 83 33 18 242 ar'8Ft, 951.14 607 652 3,153I,6001,S53 132 163 453 431 926 461 243 1Ii\ll"'", 633.87 123 123 677 329 348 IS 13 162 169 114 37 244 ,{'11mq 475.35 66 66 396 195 20\ S S 72 77 88 18 245 oi'l1U' 344.5-1 4S 45 263 130 133 19 21 107 103 23 4 246 1Ii~~ 153.37 40 42 235 121 114 121 114 21 247 limq11Jlq n5.94 26 2.6 160 14 86 8 6 59 69 "6 9 248 ~ih:-a 331 26 68 71 316 198 178 65 60 108 10J 43 8 249 '4ilJl 6 40 21 19 .. 21 19 179 .m:tf;roft N.A. 6 6 36 19 17 19 17 280 1Ii@'«;j'r-.: (it~~) N.A Ifroif 177



(I-IX) I n V(a) m.lY.v (b). VI. x VII.VIU & IX Total MaiD Aaricultural Household Other Mllflllnal Workers Cultivatol'l Labourers Industry Workers Worken Non-Workera --~ ,..--Jo..-...... r--A--...... ,.--.)1..-...... r--Jt.,.--...... r--..A.-~ r--~ NalMoI 1. felt I. W\' S. at 1· ~ 1. fWt J. .. 1· .- T... JlIVlI", M. P. M. F. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P.' M. P. Towa fWfIlCI 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1.7 28

58 62 47 9 1 1. 1 2: 30 30 Kuhche 890 413 275 148 165 lSI 60 1.6 390 91 15 151 693 9a9 Antaprh 211 171 149 113 44 42: 8 10 10 , 2: ., 116 no Kalpon lP 125 5 3 \43 62 58 N

flfA\1I' (I~')iI'; rrflIllif lit.... qf'«f~l f"" nnatf (.rIA ""- V!1f 'f'f"./ ••'1. 1IT;mfi~ lit .-If! 1Il~ &''1',,,,1 ii ~iJ~ Ifq't m ., "nr ~ il IJIIiI;it flEF 'Ilft'liqj u~ JffRjm'" Tolal Population IIif Iflj 11m (including Institutional fiII.1ft. it and hOUJeless Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of . population}) castes Tribes La. village occupied Number Liferate cioa Name or ia hectares resi. Of ,---__ A ___-., ,---..A--.. r--"-- Code TahsiI'Vi1Jqe & of Towa' deatial bouse- ."rEII ~. ~ ~. ~ No. Town/Ward Ward in KIDs houses holds P. M· F. M. F. M.J. ""F. ------1 2 345 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 J3 14 ------_._------281 {I'~'liR:' N.A. 7 1 39 17 22 ).7 22 282 fiAT'~ N.A. 13 U 63 28 35 28 35 283 ,"WT N.A. 10 10 48 21 27 3 5 1& 22 7 4 284 In:'liT~¥, N_A. 4 4 33 16 17 10 17 -2 II 5 .n~ifr~ 454'.06 53 53 349 118 ~ 71 6 8 lSI 14{ 73 37 286 . f'fiAT~ 235. 9~ 26 26 158 86 12 7':J 69 9 2 287 lIfi~q~« SO{.40 52 52 309 150 159 5 2 129 HO 58 19 288 ~~" 199.24 26 26 ~7~ 76 95 I 63 79 39 24 289 tl)q~ 461.77 35 37 229 1]5 114 4 4 8,0 80 47 13 290 ~';;pJr, 109.3S 20 20 127 66 61 62 57 6 2 291 ;T?)~ 284.65 90 93 484 267 211 7 2 117 89 125 3~ 292 q'flIJTiI' 152.89 33 H 184 88 96 75 85 18 4 293 1I'1ffiT «T","," 716.35 45 47 263 131 132 113 11$ 29 .5 294 IAcr~ 255.79 41 42 219 106 113 2 7 103 ~05 1;9 1: 295 'RaJ" !l06.63 40 40 238 127 III 2· 3 122 103 23 6 296 1Ii~ 414.19 21 24 127 71 56 47 36 14 4 297 "'m"~ 409.03 41 41 246 125 121 4 6 91 86 2' 3 298 ~ 109.73 23 23 ~27 64 63 '61 60 IS J 299 {lm{fJ 5S8.35 38 38 213 115 98 8 5 93 82 31 '" 300 ~~ 1,058.75 117 117 978 475 503 26 31 393 416 215 57 30 1 .r1{r«TW,"~ 823.19 S9 64 294 152 142 6 9 107 95 ,. 12 302 w)i~ 208-91: 9 9 67 31 36 20 31 , - 2 103 2i~' 730.67 55 5.5 31,9 166 1S3 4 8 162 145 60 304 cftt~, 160.16 8 8 39 18 21 18 ,21 3 305 G~'tt 2~2. 36 43 43 236 q9 117 19 100 {02 , 1 306 lJtm~' N.A. 14 14 74 40 34 40 34 307 HTi!lIitWr., N.A. 16 16 90 49 41 49 41 308 ~Tflf N.A. 8 8 35 16 19 U 19 309 -i~C;t (~) N.A. ~f{rr 310 ~~ N.A. .'m;r .. .. 311 1I>1:'Ii'~ N.A. 7 7 41 24 17 24 312 I{l~ N.A. 8 8 59 26 ·33 26 313 '!~ N.A. ~ .. 314 11111""", 510.20 70 76 440 221 219 1 146 H4 as 9 :U5 f~ 2.54.46 28 28 154 80 74 1 .. 79 74 29 U 316 'i~;rR ill_ 247.97 25 25 122 73 49 73 49 14 1 S 17 a"RnwTi 514.58 ~4 14 63 32 31 29 3~ 2 318 8'\«, ftt 210.28 16 18 78 39 39 20 20 3 319 1ITI1:ffT. 199.21 10 10 47 24 21 24 23 310 ~I 307.37 36 36 211 109 102 1 101 102 2S 4 179


'1'" "'"' m II'Al Main Worbn _---- _.,.,.___------_--- - Ilil'fIIIIR ifir{t qlf<4lf(l6 ar.:'f 1A1I m ..... ~ IIfW

(I--IX) I n V(a) III. IV. V (b). VI. x VII,VllI '" IX TOlal MaiD Apicultu.ral Household Other MarlPDIII Worker. Cultivaton Labourers Indostry Worken Workers --~ r--.J-----... ,....-.A.._-.. .,.--.A..---... r--~---" ,.....-.A.---... Name 01 S. ~ ~. ~ J. ~ S· ~ i· ~.. S. m TaUIVIII....,. M. P. M. P. M. F. M. F. M. P. M. P. TownfWtJId IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Z, 26 27 2J :I

8 3 6 1 2 2. .. 4 9 :1;5 Hadietofi IS 1 17 1 1 IS 10 19' Bina_cIa 11 3 7 1 3 3 2 to 22 Garpa 7 1 7 1 6 9 10 Markabeda 109 90 102 89 1 6 69 80 Bondanar 67 53 66 52 1 J 19 19 Chinpar 53 63 Ka!eparas 97 93 84 87 5 3 6 3 2 3 42 37 28 32 6 1 3 4 S 34 58 Ghotulbeda 73 34 65 29 4 4 1: ~ 3 42 80 lIoyechur 37 26 31 26 :]9 35 Gunjnar 146 46 98 17 23 29 78 121 93 Tadokee 41 39 ~6 26 38 21 6 S 2 .. 1 31 Tumapal 78 47 63 38 12 9 1 2. 36 53 4t Mangtasalebhat 70 70 66 65 3 ~ .. - 1 1 36 42 Kachwar 79 67 7S 65 3 2. I '( 48 43 Padbeda 48 40 46 39 I 1 1 23 J6 Kumhari 84 81 79 7. I 2 3 1 1: 41 40 Kosronda 4S 40 40 37 2. 3 1 1 19 23 Satighat 74 61 61 56 7 3 2 1 4 1 41 37 Talabeda 278 242 228 207 19 21 9 9 22 5 2 4 195 257 Kolar 107 98 106 98 1 45 44 Baihasal e bhat 17 26 14 24 2 2 t 14 10 Cbhote Jaitplll'i 119 106 116 104 3 2 47 47 Phulpad 13 :r.t 13 10 1 5 10 Dangara 73 81 fiS 77 4 46 36 Hurtarai 24 3 17 7 3 19 16 12 wadapenda 30 1 17 13 1 21 18 I 9 Tahkadond tr 2 1 4 2 7 5 10 Mutenadi Uninhabited Gud'\padar (KodeDar) Uninhabited Boodum 13 J , 4 1 8 10 8 Karkabeda 16 8 12 4 8 J4 10 I_I Palarhur .. Uninhabited Dhuma ]36 139 108 U8 ]9 ~9 4 2 S 85 80 Aamagaon 54 44 42. 39 6 4 6 I 26 30 Chipondi 4S 28 33 22 9 5 3 1 2. 21 MUrDar Kburd 26 22 26 22 6 9 Dhaunsachbote 25 25 22 23 .. 2 .. 14 ~ 4 DbauDsa Kalan 18 14 ~8 14 .. 6 9 M'lhurpat 68 66 67 65 I 41 36 Malmeta 180


qfIr 1li1 !fl~' (i'IR Wit ~""JVl if tlJir •••• I ~iI .nr q-fmlfl u~ Toral Population 1fIft/'d (including '" llti Institutional fill ••• it and bou.seles. Sched1Jled Scbeduleci Area of No. of populatiool) Castes TribeS Literate occupied Number Loca- village r----.l .... ---~...... , r--Jo--- r-"-­ red- lion Name or inhcctarea or ,.f'HI ~ ~. ~ i· &;ofTown' dential bouso- s. ftft Code TahsillViUqc P. M· P. M. F. M. F. No. Town/Ward Ward in. Kola bouses.--- holds ------10 11 12 J3 14 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 _--- _------61 406 212 1114 142 137 41 4 3 21 l1;1TifI ~ 466.78 67 z '" 339 1.448 7l1'l 712 43 70 483 486 236 61 322 ~ 1,522.38 239 270.70 11 q 66 30 ,36 .. 30 36 8 3 323 "!.~" 40 208 112 96 104 92 2 324 ~rr 475.13 40 41 183 84 99 83 96 11 2 525 ~llltcr 460.48 41 237 114 123 94 111 326 flf~ 457.45 43 43 116 60 $6 58 S5 2 3 27 ~IIiT;r:i!mr 27 [. 32 24 25 294 ISO 144 137 133 9 128 iQ'flTfil" 963 5S 50 SO 19 319 f;ffllrRr 253.51 6 6 41 22 19 2~ 114 61 53 57 49 330 ~'1tf 2S7.br 65 80 12 3 347 ~'f,( 345.08 32 40 189 8S 104 '. , 362 18S 171 1 165 156 27 2 348 ~ 606.73 6l 69 57 43 34~ ~1ii'c



(I-IX) D Yea) Ill. IV .V (b). VI. x vII,vm", IX Total MaiD AariCllltural Household Other Marpat Worke,. Cultivators ~r. Industry Workers Worken Noo-WOl'bm --~ ,---"----., ~---. ,....-A-"","", ,....___,.__~~ ,--.A.---. ,...-~' Name Of I. ~ I· ~ s. a\" S· ~ I. fit ,. H\- TallsilIVm..., M. P. M. F.' M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M.I· -P. TOWOD iWard 15 16 1'7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 . ~oo 68 96 65 3 3 I .. 11) S6 61 Bdanar 234 190 180 133 24 49 11 3 19 5 16 58 158 III Sarandf 19 19 17 18 2 1 3 9 8 8 Murpal 79 1 75 l 2 1 63 33 32 PadhargaoD S6 .. 55 I 63 28 36 ~on 72 1: 65 1 4 2 1 62 42 60 Oi cbpon 44 1 42 1 1 1 33 16 22 Tableantol. 93 7 b5 4 8 3 6 32 51 105 PusapOI1 IS ,. 13 10 3 4 4 Niiesondi 34 3 32 2 2 10 35 17 15 Khadkagaon 12 9 3 1 14 7 4 MarmaJconadi 82 1 65 14 1; 3 5 7S 54 63 Gu~hir 63 6 49 3 8 3 6 .. 4 36 35 63 UseH '6 2 47 1 9 1 9 53 27 3(J Adenga 75 3 70 4 3 12 97 44 45 Pusa.hati 6 6 11 2. 5 Dubal 105 4 100 3 2 3 t 1;5 106 51 49 Tumasnar 15 4 49 23 4 3 S 73 41 47 Chikhli A 1 4 55 S8 44 BeJolldi 62 53 .. " 84 77 3 1 3 77 65 53 Rajpur 29 19 24 ' II 17 Neel.ibar 41 40 31 31 27 Kohchur 25 24 1 26 23 13 Kotkud 206 1 19S 6 1 4 191 97 96 Bade Teoda 193 3 103 2 37 7 46 1 j' 154 153 165 Amabcda 42 39 2. 1 42 19 34 Suklapal 57 43 5 ·. 7 6 64 22 40 Lohtar 105 . . 93 7 .. 1 4 10 lOS 70 72 PhuphpOD 42 37 3 · . 2 32 l' 14 K.urutola 124 2 122 2 2 6 121 52 49 Naprbeda 88 80 7 1 .. 6 89 40 52 Sondunneta 76 74 2 63 :J2 32 YcfciaoQ 160 1 141 11 2 89 72 120 Timnar 180 2 177 2. 2. · . 1 147 87 95 ChaDlodi 98 5 90 1 4 4 4 63 62 Sode 28 16 2. "23 15 16 Bbarritola 61 20 3 3 2 80 44 41 Gedgaon 87 1 r 146 48 127 36 14 10 4 2 ,1 16 66 166 ICoIiYlIJ"i 38 6 3S 5 3 1 15 43 ICe.urbeda 92 11 89 q . , 2 43 134 Matla (A) 182

fflTWi)7f 6~1~ i qftr llil p Il;rrUVIIT (~'I'l m VTIf~J Ill.. " iII't~ 8,... r.. ·-; ii ~iiif II'RR ",. !liT ;rill ~it 1fJ":illfffiQ; U~, "~/"1i Total Population !iii .~ (includiDI Institotional fit.m. 'iI and houselell Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of population]) Castes Trjbes village oocupied Number Looa- r----A---~ ,---J.---. liOD Name of iD hectares res]­ Of Code Tahsil, Village A of Town' dential hOuse· ."rat ,;. m ,;. ~ No. Town/Ward Ward inKms houses holds P. M.. P. M. P. 1 z 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 U 14

3 61 ,,~1vt'IT~i 79.54 6 6 41 21 20 21 20 6 1 362 ~"lil'" 391.52 29 29 150 71 79 49 57 to 3631ji~ 184.16 13 13 70 35 35 35 35 7 364 Ifi"'tifi~ 217.68 8 8 39 16 2J 16 23 2 365 ~ar.d 188.14 24 l4 122 S6 66 50 58 1 366 Iji')?;lji") 204.00 16 16 97 59 38 S9 38 3 367 8(rd 669.97 62 62 324 165 159 ~4S 116 31 3 36 8 8l',,,,,;rr<: 808 03 56 56 307 158 149 3 3 133 129 13 ~ 6 9 ~'"I'iWlT~ 536.35 24 24 134 66 68 58 60 370 IIlft'"l, (II') :!28.60 17 17 84 48 36 35 24 3 371 cr.,,' li!wt 478.21 25 25 109 SS 54 7 8 44 43 4 372 qTRq~T 585.78 1.4 14 82 34 48 27 39 373 i"(ffl;rn 362.47 25 2S 135 74 61 74 61 1 374 ~<'f1rT 752.86 45 45 233 126 107 119 103 (j 375 1Ii'{1tU 302.37 18 18 97 47 50 47 ;10 376-~T 317.60 14 14 83 39 44 39 44 1 377 1Ii'!~qt"" 462.63 12 12 87 49 38 49 38 3 7 8 'T1fr", 504.69 28 28 192 96 96 1 93 96 S 379 ",qf 211.13 6 6 41 19 22 19 22 571.92 33 41 216 ~IJ 103 5 91 90 7 380 &""" 381 ~ 350 82 18 J8 126 67 59 67 59 3 382 1Ii'\'il-u 527.41 28 31 188 84 104 73 95 1 3 &3 iR'T'IT~ 531 . 12 31 31 175 100 75 100 15 384 ,~i 1,364.15 46 46 288 133 H.) 1Z1 144 2 385 'liT~:i'1 318.22 16 16 103 52 51 49 49 3 S6 fliliU"IJi)Jf 352.91 23 25 153 79 74 73 62 4 1 387 _;grlfTiiI' 399.09 54 54 315 ] 5 5 160 5 7 143 147 13 .. 388 NIf~ 158.05 14 14 115 '9 56 58 S5 1 5b9 ~" 871.90 58 58 332 167 165 ISS 161 20 10 390 m~~" 250.13 30 .:H 14!l 65 80 ~8 13 7 391 ~'I'm' 590.03 41 42 260 137 123 116 110 2S 5 392 ~IIiT 296.:21 20 20 123 58 65 54 59 7 4 393 ~ 453.59 90 95 472 2S4 218 11 19 107 88 1'1. 17 394 1IIl;rT1fl" 338.35 38 39 191 102 89 21 16 S4 44 21 3 395 ..;m~i1f 721.19 48 48 303 157 146 7 6 ~2j 111 4 396 ~~qf 228.61 16 16 101 58 43 54 J9 1 397 f",q~", 545.49 35 35 216 J 10 106 108 105 1 398 tfT,Tn", 812.79 62 62 347 165 112 2! 27 96 107 5 399 ~r~miif 438.59 51 51 "284 146 138 146 138 18 400 qT~." 91.93 II 11 651 33 36 33 36 6 183



(J-IX) I II Yea) III, IV ,V (b). VI. x VII,VIn &. IX Total MaiD Aarieu1tu.ral HOllSOhold Other Marginal Worker. Cultivatorl La.boarcr. Iociustry Workers Worken Noo-WorkeR --~ ,---.A.-...... ,.---A.---., ...--.)1..-",""", ,---.A.__ Name of I. d' I· ~ I. mS.ml. aft Tabsil;Vm... M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. ------Town/Ward 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 7.7 28 2 13 5 13 4 I .. I 6 7 9 Darrokbalari 35 31 :u 29 1 3 2 36 48 Tulkal 18 14 18 14 17 21 Itoaarhur 1~ 14 1~ 13 1 .. S 9 Kokw4f 35 35 33 3S 1 21 31 Talo>rra 21 26 27 26 1 31 12 Kotkodo 90 46 7S 40 1 4 14 2 10 27 65 86 Aarra. 109 106 93 95 10 11 1 S 1 4~ 42 Alanar 52 46 43 3'9 2 6 1 1 6 14 22 Halainar 36 26 32 23 3 3 1 12 10 Matla (8) .42 39 29 31 10 8 1 2 13 15 Budha Kllursai 23 19 20 16 1 3 2. 1.( 29 Paladmeta 45 32 45 32 ... 29 29 Bertanar 68 66 S9

Eqr;rN 6~~ft~i rr~ IIiI 10j{ "'if~r (~'" m gf" if'ft.} .... an-~ ~f'{rai it 'tllit IfIIr( If,i ltiJ ill11 ~iI IQV'qfmlf' '6~ f(fR/'fri Total Population (including '" .If Institutional r•. 1ft. it and houseless Soheduled Scbeduled Area or No. of population)) Castes Tribes Number Literate Looa- village ooc:upied r----..A.---"'"'\ ,...--J.--. tioD Name or iD hectares teSI· of r--A-­ Code Tahsil, Village & of Town dential house ."fa. ~. ~ ~. ~ i· WI No. Town/Ward Ward in Kms houses holds P. M· P. M. P. M. F. .~-- --_. _------_.,------_._------1 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 '0 11 12 J3 14

40 J itrf'{lfR1 128.07 10 10 67 33 34 33 34 402 ,,"1;.qt~ 1.071.19 86 86 534 276 258 247 234 403 "'~t 464.29 32 32 [57 74 83 72 81 404 '3«i~r N.A. 16 J6 75 43 32 43 32 405 Iti~~~t N.A. 19 19 '98 47 51 6 5 41 43 406 q~i!: N.A. 25 25 112 52 60 .. 52 60 407 nll'lli!: (lIl8'l:ur


___ ------Jt--.------_ipII' 1IiIq tnit 111'1" Main WorteD P ~ "'lIAin lifer" wnronf"

IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 '1.7 28 1

23 23 .. 10 34 Pungarpal 92 111 Borpa. 177 10 160 7 3 3 .. 10 7 137 15 37 Mahka 47 11 45 11 2 2 35 18 22 14 Usebeda 21 21 J 6 Kartunneta 28 1 28 1 34 ~9 36 )9 22 Padamkot 33 2 33 1 Uninhabited .. Barungbbat (Kudlueshal) Uninhabited Osmatka 4 68 53 60 Kutul 87 3 86 2 1 1 .. 23 23 22 NeJaogur 30 2 27 3 2 2 6 9 Kaner. 9 8 7 6 2 1 16 140 247 Iearalkha 166 43 130 23 29 19 2 .. 5 1 30 156 109 113 Karlapal 242 127 13l 7 1 5 5 2 104 113 6 2 4 76 53 66 Kh~dkagaoo 10' 25 93 22 8 1 2 11 37 14 21 Khairabhat 35 12 30 7 2 4 1 2 1 21 71 44 45 Khodg.lon 101 36 85 32 13 4 3 Guriya (i5 45 22 20 11 13 32 12 10 34 32 46 10 17 ~3 24 Telsi 21 18 1 (5 1 1 2 12 9 2 3 8 6 Paralbh'lot 14 11 13 11 1 2 124 lIS 148 Palkl 181 58 IS5 21 2 2 22 32 34 24 20 Pusagaon ?9 36 3 SO 28 41 246 144 lSI Bijlee 229 46 153 6 18 12 8 13 17 2 31 30 Brehbeda 67 59 50 38 -4 4 1 1 15 10 8 Mardel 27 10 14 2 11 7 1 24 24 1 69 55 71 Mahka 110 38 77 11 8 3 1 21 30 Sargipal 47 49 45 4S 3 2. 1 26 6 20 108 89 121 Sulcga 142 37 106 2S 10 6 457 Supgaoo 10 2 9 1 1 1 ., 14 1 54 S4 108 Sonpur 12:> IS 18 4 18 11 2 1 !tWnnar 7 7 . , 3 8 Aaloar 7 2 7 2 8 28 Ehoar 2.5 3 25 3 4 26 19 139 2.53 Kohkamcla 216 116 177 68 9 2S 4 2 1 13 Kodenar 12 2 7 2 5 .. 3 9 8 Ba.inl 30 27 22 25 6 2 1 6 4 12 Go"l. 11 1 11 1 19 20 16 Beehl 28 5 26 (5 1 2 I 7 28 35 Murnar 42 30 37 26 3 4 2. 3 5 Orcbhakoral 1 1 7 3 67 669 2,07~ ~.089 Narayaopur 2,360 635 6B4 186 253 190 81 20 1,342· 239 186


ftlRN ~i "", .. ,. ,",flIfl (.'" 111ft fiRrvi Ii '{iiji! ..w '"",~J Ill... ~ m IIl;rp! ~il IQWqf<'lilli. Total Population f!lni/'ITi (includiDI 1111 llii Institutional ,..~. it anel hou.selen SohedUled Scbeduled Area of No. of ,---_Apopulationl)___ --, Cutes TribeS Literate Looa- village oCCllpied Number ,..--..A.-_ r--A--­ feU­ of tiOD Name or in hectares l!lrS 1. flft I. Wt S· .. Code TalWl/Vmasc &; of Town' dential bouse· No. TowD/Ward Ward in Kms houses bolda P. M. F. M. F. M. F. ------~------.--- 1 :a 3 4 s 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 2 441 ~ 70'.94 70 '70 371 179 192 2 lS8 163 36 1 442 mil~ 344.63 12 12 65 29 36 29 3~ 2 46 22 24 22 24 443 l(i~'!fI' 122.83 7 1 444 ~'l:;ft 370.74 4S 45 313 ] 61 152 10 '14 ~39 122 26 445 awtlfT. 676.33 194 200 1,041 516 525 10 16 296 293 141 U 167 446 lf~ 590.52 81 SI 398 ]96 202 7 5 175 23 4 65 (,6 447 ~tj. 219.67 29 29 146 12 74 6 ]7 448 tmil{:f1"{ 226.67 24 24 134 61 73 IS 46 56 1 449 fa"1f.IT'{ 6630.51 71 71 405 213 192 10 8 149 128 10 21 10 21 450 ~~ 502.97 42 42 297 1$2 HS 123 129 45 1 ~C{lfi'f 986.57 92 94 520 276 244 31 31 17& 154 49 J, 452 l'fI~q~a 264.94 39 39 238 117 12l 2 2 101 lOt . \, 2 206 t03 t03 3 2 78 69 U' 3 453 ~ 493.87 31 32 454 ~r 101.23 2 2 743 3 2 72 ,.0 - 4SS m~ 466.60 22 23 142 72 70 88 99 10 4 4'6 'i'{~ N.A. 3.J. 34 187 88 99 18 25 457 ~lItm -N.A. 10 10 41 18 2S 4 58 Im:l.r(r N.A. 46 46 220 10') 111 8 '7 lO( 104 8 i 2' 1 459 ~l:T N.A. 18 18 100 43 " 36 49 460 ~~~ N.A. 27 211 145 14 71 74 71 2 461 I!.'{q'~ N.A. 2 1 4 2 2 ,Z " 2 "62 qr~1Iiflm: N. A • 1 8 S 3 3 4) 463 I'm." (1Ifq;n~) N.A. 3 3 16 7 9 .. 1 464 ~ 1.049.39 50 50 321 163 158 125 128 S 3 ~T;r 465 ~~If'll: 423.2' 466 lI!~qk 808.59 114 114 640 337 303 6 2 206 192 31 2 41 40 14 S 467 ~~,n" 303.26 2S 25 107 S5 52 1]0 62 68 59 1, 2 468 ~~ 374.23 28 28 SO 469 ~~i ... 189.18 12 12 53 21 26 12 111 2 470 ~ 496.10 S4 56 385 }94 ]9) 174 162 11 3 471 ~I' 871i.97 58 58 336 168 168 156 no 6 3 472 ,«f.fITifrl 858.27 61 61 354 187 ]67 trS IH 19 6 473 'tInii, 633.63 49 49 200 132 128 lJ( 10' 43 U ,174 fu~ 704.29 42 47 282 148 134 1)7 121 10 1 ,t7S amsr N.A. 104 lOS 431 227 204 31 III 112 53 10 476 'Ltrtj\ N.A. 39 39 193 100 93 100 '3 288 151 137 2 3 149 131 477 ,~" N.A. 59 S9 418 IflIIlR,T N.A. 15 IS 79 45 34 4S 34 479 IRItf;r 303.98 30 30 20S 102 103 102 103 4 32 .. 480 ~ 415.80 S4 54 210 121 89 82 7!J 187

pmJARY CENSUS ABSTRACt Nara,..pa.: ...hail

1!WIJ1fiPr 1Iilit' lOW Main WOllen _------_,.__------_ pr iI('II IQm1 Wf«C1 tnrortmr .~ IIiR ~ VII ~ 1Iq'""" ~ d

(I-IX) II V(a) 11[. IV. V (b). VI. X VII.VIII" IX TOlal Maio Alrieultural Household Other Marllinal Workers CUltivators Labourers Industey Workers Workers ---Jo--., ,...... -"'-""",, r--"--"""""\ r--"-""",, ,..--A-""",, ,..--A--.. Name 01 I. tit i· ~ S· ~ 1· ~ ,. .. ,. ,~ T.,IIVmap M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. fl. TowajWarcI 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1.7 28 z ------_ ------124 5 H2 5 7 4 .. 55 132 BamhaDi 20 20 9 23 Mendadonpri 15 5 15 5 7 19 ICastlltWad .90 3S 89 30 5 46 71 7l KumhaJi 319 17% 250 135 41 34 3 19 3 197 333 Garhbenpl 120 !12 46 7 65 18 S 5 4 2 16 110 Garanji 47 36 41 25 6 11 25 38 Garawand 44 28 38 1 6 27 17 4S Chhotc Sufmar 127 103 127 10'2, 1 t 86 88 Timnar 97 95 91 19 1 s 3 55 So Terdul 161 96 131 73 21 17 S 5 4 1 4 liS 144 DeollllOn 76 68 7 I ' 68 41 53 NaUOluometa 64 4S 51 44 I 1 4 2 8 39 SO Ne Iwad 3 2 1 3 I Brehbeda 51 51 49 21 20 Lalsuhnar SS 23 53 23 '2. .. 27 33 49 Irakbhatti 13 7 13 7 7 5 11 Jrpanar li8 25 57 21 3 4 '2. 6 31 41 55 Jbarawlb.i 31 3 29 1 2 1 9 12 45 Dhuta 35 7 34 6 1 3 39 61 Helluaar 2 2 1 2 Ourmanjur Mahkanar 9 4 3 4 8 3 3 Dhodarbeda(Jamaat) 115 100 112 99 t 47 58 Udidgaon .. Uninhabited Kulanar .. '2. 102 133 123 Kudbarl80ll 202 78 167 13 18 5 6 1 16 16 Oulllmkodo 39 36 33 31 4 5 21 23 Gohda 41 45 36 41 3 4 '2. 9 12 Chandagaon 18 14 14 H 4 .. 79 Na)'&llar ll5 113 98 96 15 17 1 78 58 64 Rorowand 110 104 109 101 1 3 127 104 119 91 5 9 2 4 1 60 63 Malinauar 52 55 Remawand 80 73 53 36 13 3( 5 3 9 3 .. 92 66 92 65 1 56 68 Seonl ]0 131 61 92 45 12 19 27 3 96 121 Orc:bha 55 4 54 1 3 45 89 Glldadi 19 l 7. I 2 72 134 lubada Markabecla 24 24 21 34 Khargaon ,70 55 66 51 4 4 .. 10 32 38 "'40 86 41 51 40 6 4 1 2 27 1 2 2 33 Panigaon J88

",,;:rIll' 8~i qff( .. f~~_r(~~ m '"",'11(1:/ wnw Il)~ fif'frVr i '{jliI' ~ mllil'''I'' ~i1 Ifrw""fffill'r ~~, iflR/'Ui Total Population (inc:luding III ."if Institutional ,.. wit. and bousclcss Scbeduled Scheduled Area of No,of populatiooJ) Castes Tribes , Literate Loga- village oocupied Number r--.J..--_ lion Name or in hectares resl' of r----.)"'---~ ,,---Ao- Code TabsWViIlage & of TOWD' dential bouse ."rtll s. ~ 7;. ~ 7;. ~ No. Towo/Ward Ward ioKms bouses bolds P. M· F. M. F. M. p. .._ .. _------1 2 3 4 6 7 8 '0 11 12 13 14

481 i,.~ 1,188.13 113 177 922 487 435 30 29 286 247 141 24 482 ,"nT~ 1,0;0.96 88 88 513 256 257 216 215 22 I 483 ~~J1I1C 28S.77 23 23 129 68 61 5 J 46 39 1;3 (; 484 "!.{

p.RJl\tJARY CENSUS ABSTRACI' • Nanyaa.. r rah••


(1-IXl I D Yea) 1I1,IV,V (b), VI, VII,vm& IX TOlal MaiD Alrieultural Household Other MarllDal Workers Labourers Industry _ Workers Worken Non-Workers --~ r---"----. r---"----.. ,-_..,._--~ r--A-~ r--..A.-~ Na.... or I. fih ,. ~ ,;. S· ~ S. .. i· .. Tallsil/VIII... M. P. M. P. M. -P. M. P. M. P. M. P. Town/Ward 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Z7 28 ------283 206 193 171 33 25 6 1 5t 9 .. 204 229 Benoo,. 176 94 155 89 3 1 7 2 11 2 41 80 122 Bhatpal 4'3 16 40 15 3 1 22 25 23 BlairapOD '2 12 :(0 38 132 BhurwaJ 125 -4 120 3 1 1 2 55 186 Matawand (Bagbeda) 62 59 59 59 1 1 1 30 37 Sirpur ISO 156 146 !S2 4 2 62 19 Sonapal 25 6 25 2 4 9 20 Kodkanar 14 1 11 3 • 1 4 12 Tadonar 8 .. 2 1 4 Tadonar (Gardabeda) 23 3 19 2 4 -1 25 30 Nednar 20 6 :20 4 2 9 31 Nirameta (ViprJa) 15 11 13 7 1 1 1 3 1 9 20 Hikpad 23 14 18 8 3 4 3 .. 23 18 Okpad _(Brehbeda) U 3 8 2 3 1 3 16 Todokur (Badbur) 10 7 10 7 7 9 Mohandi 208 18 185 78 9 6 4 10 1 152 263 Bakulwahi 164 45 128 37 20 7 16 1 9 145 231 Belgaon 36 1 33 1 2 1 .. 22 16 34 Chitapal 22 94 224 Kukdajhor 155 19 148 16 4 1 3 2 57 54 3 12 27 20 Dorgaon 48 1 46 1 2 16 31 54 Khadkagaon 51 2 51 1 1 8 24 78 KoJeodi 134 1,31 3 8 106 69 108 Bagdongri 49 49 43 45 2 2 4 1 29 30 HalamimuDJDeta 124 tl9 120 118 2 1 1 1 50 69 Markabeda 95 85 86 10 3 15 5 1 10 57 59 Kapsi 16 93 81 89 1 3 4 1 SO 39 Aamgaon 9 11 8 9 1 1 4 4 Kodoli 39 29 35 27 3 2 1 9 7 12 28 ICurusnar (Klutrpoo.) 19 14 18 13 I 1 7 5 17 JiwJapadar 18 13 18 13 1 6 11 Kumnar 11 7 11 7 4 5 Kodoar(Ghodapon) 45 42 44 39 3 .. 1 4 18 19 Kandadi 15 11 15 11 6 6 Alwar (Gattaltal Uninhabi ted Gumiyapal (Munjbeda) 4 4 2 11 Ekodi 55 1 54 1 1 14 37 72 Karmari 74 66 4 4 2 34 107 Jtodeli 113 1 109 1 1 3 66 88 107 Kochwahi t90

------..- ----_._------

fl{riflzr 8~1'"i rrr. I5r f'" ~~r(~1fl lib VTIf,iflR/ ••lIiff ..~ ~"rv1 ii '(if~ ~ ... 15' ifTIf -nir .llfl'lil.ii' ufircr 1fIR/"rW'lin il Toral PopulatioD IIiI IIIq (includiDg Institutional fiII.lft. iI and howeless Scheduled Scbeduled Area of No. of Number populatioDl) Castes Tribes Literate Loca- village occupied of ,...... _. .... tion Name of In hectares resi­ r----.A---~ ~--""---.. -~ ~- Code Tahsil/ViUage &ofTownl dential house- ."r81 ~. ~l ~. fift I· ~ i· fii\ No. Town/Ward Ward in Kms houses holds P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. p. ------_.__ ._------1 :iI 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 '0 11 12 13 14

521 lfim: 216.20 5 5 21 8 13 8 13 .. 522 Iff'f1Wl1'" 37.3.13 7 7 32 15 17 IS 17 2 523 Jr!fO{'t'{ 662.87 17 17 112 60 52 60 52 524 1t)?:T'3f~ft 1.375 44 4r 41 268 138 130 4 4 1.15 93, 17 1 525 trt~ 379.03 10 10 41 21 20 20 17 .rrUlf ·. 526 '!~ 443.52 527 ft('~~{l{ 148.20 4 4 27 9 18 9 18 90 42 48 ·. 518 8~if" 841 11 16 16 .. 40 44 ·. 529 f{1:~e 384.15 8 8 34 14 20 14 20 o. 5 30 q;'WlffCf 180.64 51 51 302 162 140 90 83 65 15 531 iT~~1 320.29 43 43 258126132 122 127 34 7 532 ""~'\' 997.79 57 57 286 144 142 10 11 97 97 50 6 S33 ifRf. 1.068.85 85 85 456 223 233 176 190 35 2 534 ri't1: 351.42 15 15 69 38 31 7 4 31 27 S 35 lI'fiitoll\' 409.06 23 23 131 61 70 56 65 .. .5 36 lfttu1fitf" 685.55 28 28 168 90 78 90 78 .537 ~~""'fT 507.39 9 9 35 17 18 17 18 !'i31 f~~t'( 256 04 9 9 36 14 22 14 22 539 l5~f~ N.A. 24 24 12S 60 65 60 U 540 ~T~ N.A. 20 20 91 49 42 49 42 1 541 W-tiT'" N.A. 17 17 86 36 50 36 50 542 ,!,{if~ N.A. 40 40 191 88 103 88 103 543 ~lT;r« N A. 10 10 49 24 -25 24 25 . 544 ~qmr 360 06 30 30 165 87 78 70 62 545 iif~r'li)z 616.12 47 47 230 .t09 121 6 4 58 68 11 3 546 I!q'q','" 645.65 24 24 136 71 65 65 62 2 1 547 ~Tlfli{ 475.68 30 30 190 94 96 88' '9 10 548 C!~, # 365.38 25 _5 189 85 104 5 2 76 89 16 2 5 !I. 9 lTt~T 333.19 27 27 174 89 85 8t 81 5 .5 0 ;foA'r1: 690 00 57 57 354 183 171 171 160 20 4 SSt "'''-Cfif 501.55 47 47 2"13 122 ISJ 87 110 23 1 5 5 2 -.nr"'lfT,l 584.21 52 53 308 153 ISS 147 148 10 2 553 ~~ 1,012.45 78 78 520 260 260 242 232 3 5 554 'I'lli, !i1~~) N.A. 7 7 33 19 14 19 14 55.5 Ift'li~ N.A. 26 26 f17 62 55 'l. 55 556 ~nrifr~ N.A. 44 44 185 90 95 89 9S 1 5 57 'UlfifR (llIt~"') N.A. 28 29 132 69 63 69 63 S58 li~T N A. 15 15 80 41 39 41 39 I 559 8fT~'" 721.96 41 42 235 110 125 4 5 93 102 14 560 llli'ilmq( 338.67 19 19 108 55 53 SS 53 .. PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACJ'


(I-IX) U Veal m,IV. V (b). VI. x vlI.vm& IX Total Malo AIrlcultural Household Other MarlliU& Workers Cultivators Laboarers Ind\lStry Workers Worken --~ r--,J..._--... r---A----... r'-..A.-~ ,..---J----.. "...--.A.-~ I. W\' I· ~ s. ftf\' I. fift' I. .. M. '.Po M. P. M. F. MoJ. ,P.- M. P. Yo P. 15 16 17 18 19 .%0 21 22 23 24 26 2

5 5. o' .. S 3 "S ~ 8 3 • 3 .. 2 7 111 Oumi)oapal 38 1 38 1 , .. .. 19 22 ~~ Gotl!:be~ 69 5 61 5 s 3 5' 69 cJ6 Gotajambari 15 14 .. 1 12 6 8 Gonila .. Uninhabited .. . . Dhuta 9 9 9 9 Tirdul 28 27 1 27 1.4 21 Tadonar !J 9 9 5 11 p..uaJ~at 84 19 53 8 9 8 22 3 61 75 60 FaraslIIIOD 81 76 73 26 S 50 3 4 45 52 Badejaruhari 93 30 83 25 4 3 2 2 4 G 51 106 Bawadi 130 52 121 4 2 48 6 1 94 93 87 Borand 28 ,. 2 27 2 1 .. 18 10 11 Maleehur 43 24 42 24 1 26 18 20 ~andolci '6 20 56 20 28 34 30 Moraskoda II 11 9 6 9 Rengabeda 11 11 .. , 3 13 Hik()bnar 30 2 25 4 1 I 1 30 63 Kodli:;oar 23 1 22 1 1 2 20 39 Kodnar 21 1. 21 1 15 49 Guttakal 42 42 46 103 Gurdii 15 IS 9 25 Ihunnar 55 39 47 37 8 2 32 39 Edan,pal 60 42 48 38 3 3 1 8 49 79 Bedmakot 37 31 35 29 1 2 1 34 34 MUndp31 56 3' 51 33 S 6 .. 38 57 Kadbaaaon 45 31 43 28 1. 3 40 73 Turtha 58 . '26 56 24 .. 2 2 .. .. 31 59 Mada 122 25 119 18 1 5 1 2 1 61 146 Netaoar 90 44 80 31 4 11 2 1 4 1 32 107 Danclw8D 100 97 94 94 2 3 1 3 S3 58 Koliyari 172 140 162 136 5 3 .. 1 1 88 120 ICorenda 9 1 9 1 5 10 8 Gumter (Hoye.... ) 31 5 31 5 ... 9 25 22 2.$ Moksul . 50 14 48 13 1 1 " 45 36 36 Hasnar 40 2 35 2 4 1 S 34 24 27 Raynar(Bhattabeda) 27 7 27 6 1 l 18 13 14 Mandali '78 27 73 22 1 2 2 3 2 50 32 48 Aadpal '37 12 37 12 20 18 21 Kalepal J92


~'All1 8~"j ~" 'IA\NIft ("lin lIN VT1r 'IfIR./ lin."'" iii' 1IIl{. VRral if '{'lit' ~ m'IiT 1'1'111 ~it .,it' I1Iffli'll 'l'~, TOlal PopulatioD ""~/m (including IIIill" Institutional ,. •1ft. if and houseless Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of Number popnlationl) Castes TribeS Literate Loaa- village ocx:npied r---'-""", tioo Name of in hectares resi· of r---"'-_ ...... ~~ r-"'- . Code Tahsil/Village &:ofToWD' dential honse. • ..r'fll S. an S· .. S. ftft ~. m No. TOWD/Ward Ward inKms hOUies-_----- holds P,' M· P. M. P. M. P. M. P. 1 :a 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ------561 ~~~ 86'.79 60 60 308 162 146 .. 157 142 II 1 562 !flint 1.102.89 100 100 '46 267 279 242 252 S 563 1IiRT&'~ 514.45 15 IS ,. 32 39 32 3' 564 f'iAl~ 995.07 67 67 409 198 211 148 ISO 13 5 565 m'U .778.74 21 21 104 52 52 48 48 3 566 CIiW1I't'lf 509.24 18 18 126 69 57 65 S5 .. 567 iI1~ 645.47 32 52 311 158 153 6 8 124 123 3 .. 568 Iliro!f)tJ N.A. 10 11 50 19 31 19 31 569 ~~ N.A. 25 25 140 72 68 72 68 570 .tm" N.A. 30 30 1.68 87 81 87 81 5 71 a:rr~1f" N.A. 40 40 197 9S 102 95 102 29 4 572 ~ N.A. 70 70 322 168 154 168 154 •• 573 UPr.m 904.10 43 44 264 136 128 128 124 1 574 n1ft 655.11 41 41 101 92 102 93 97 ... 575 ""'f 1,131.47 158 158 152 390 362 75 89 141 122 100 U 576 ~ 5'79.92 39 39 221 110 111 91 96 4 '. 577 arhImr 460.97 2S 25 130 61 69 58 67 578 &ft1n 799.64 38 40 152 120 132 71 80 4 579 ~~ 2.487.33 238 249 1. 336 6~4 672 48 45 1158 171 121 25 580 IliWllAA N.A. 15 15 89 44 45 42 44 9 sst '!!.~1 N.A. 20 20 102 50 52 46 47 1 582 1RlIi~ N.A. 14 14 78 39 39 39 39 583 I(i)i~~ N.A. 1 ) 11 52 28 24 26 23 584 1IIirmf\' N.A. ]4 ]4 72 32 40 32 40 1 585 IiR.tY N.A. I{\',(A' 586 a:rr~"tll 977.67 80 82 435 200 235 179 211 5 S87 1Ii~~'l." 1,429.35 41 41 201 105 96 102 93 1 S 8 8 aro"'" 614.15 95 96 557 276 281 7 8 137 131 47 7 589 -ron 590 47 12 12 58 26 32 26 n 590 qtd1( 788.64 121 127 121 378 343 6 7 257 236 46 2 591 .,~~ 360.16 4 4 20 7 13 7 13 .. 592 i~~ 96.06 4 4 IS 8 7 8 7 ., lII''l,r-r 593 ~fl' N A. •• 594 ar~1ItI'R N.A. 9 10 50 23 27 23 27 4 5!;i5' I(i~;it~ N.A. 7 7 30 14 16 14 16 S96 w~ N.A. 14 14 79 35 44 35 44 ,I- . 87- 597 't.~I(i' N.A. ~4 34 186 99 81 99 .. 598 lI'~ml. . N.A. 18 18 96 47 49 47 4, 599 ~ij'it" N.A. 17 17 109 51 52 57 50 600 ;o~f'I 225.60 23 23 137 71 66 20 12 40 37 5 2 J93

P.RIl\'IARY CENSUS ABSTRAct Naray_par Tah".

'!"f 1IiT~ m IIRl Maio' Worlcert ,.,_------.J>..--.---______. __ _ lAemiR _fQ1 qyf(inm; 8f;1f IIiIIf .~ ~ ~ "'"

(1-IXl U Veal III, IV. V (b). VI, x VII,VIII &. IX Total MaiD Agricultural Household Other Marl)iDal Worker. CUltivatort Labourers Industry Workers Workora _-..A-----. --"-~ ,--..A..--=" ,--.i.... ___, ,.--J'---~ r--.A-~ N&meOf 1. 'fitt 1. fift 1· Qft 1· ~ 1· fijft 1· .. Tabtil,Vill... M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. TowlI(Ward 16 17 18 19 10 21 21 24 25 16 27 28

97 37 94 34 3 3 62 65 .7 ICosalnar 148 19 143 19 2 126 119 134 Kongera 24 10 24 9 1 10 8 19 Kondabllr 118 65 109 63 I 1 7 1 1 71 80 75 Chhinari 32 1 29 1 1 2 25 2() 26 Jhara 44 8 43 8 30 25 19 Pbarasgaon 95 d 93 10 2 73 63 69 Bagjbar 1.3 13 1 1 6 29 ICondlikoti 36 1 36 ~ 36 61 HarweJ 46 1 4(' 1 .. .. 13 41 67 Dhondarbecla 46 1 41 1 20 49 8t Aadermad .~ s ,3 3 92 3 1 15 lSI KudmeJ 77 40 71 37 t 1 5 2 4 3' SS 85 Toynar 60 38 5S 3S \ 4 2 4 10 35 S4 Dudmi 222 92 IS6 43' 34 46 32 2 168 268 Ghaudai 53 30 S3 30 57 81 Palli 40 18 38 18 I 1 25 21 26 Bans.,.. 71 17 64 15 4 2 1 2 64 49 SI Botba 426 170 327 133 60 32 16 2 23 3 12 221 226 281 Mabimagawadi 28 9 26 9 1 1 19 16 17 Kalmanar 31 9 28 6 3 29 18 14 Kutulnar 23 13' 23 13 16 26 Karkanar 16· 4 ]4 4 1 1 7 11 13 1{ofcnar 2' 8 23 8 11 9 21 ICangaJi Uninhabited Acheli 134 . 1 131 1 2 126 66 108 Aalargaon 69 1 65 .. 1 3 1 62 36 33 Kumh.aribada 163 160 107 104 21 41 5 7 30 8 28 13 8S 98 Taragaoo 20 17 20 16 1 2 6 13 Parpa 238 83 200 53 14 11 3 21 17 1 58 139 203 Badgaon 6 1 6 1 5 1 7 Badkanar 6 2 6 2 4 2 1 Brebcbcda

. ~ ~ .. UniDhabitcd Irpallal' 17 l7 ·. 6 27 Aadimpar It 11 .. " . 7 3 , Kabkodi 23 1 23 2 '. ·. 12 42 Khodpar 57 57 .. ·. 42 87 Gummarka 31 22 31 22 1 16 26 Dhurbeda 36 1 35 1 1 27 21 24 Farasbeda 45 16 42 11 3 5 9 12 24 38 Umarillon 194

-- - _. - - . __ ------

Ii!( ii(;{6qT C.'" "",)tI a~')'" i '1"" llil IiR 111( ;{lftl ••'Ii. aft{ g-"',,vI if l:ilit IffW iuf

224.06 ~7 17 99 48 51 48 51 2 601 '!mtI~ 245.07 44 46 242 129 113 128 III 57 12 602 q"C{Q'il 476.65 36 36 189 103 86 93 75 2 603 ~~" 19 123.16 8 II 38 19 19 19 .. 604 flIr~T 425 441 2,:!88 1,185 1,]03 136 128 780 756 38S 77 605 9ti~1f'( 1.963.73 2,043.43 28 28 144 7S 69 16 10 S9 S9 606 "'" 233.68 13 13 53 29 24 20 24 607 106 .null'" 409.56 49 56 247 l_27 120 111 9 4 608 ~lfiTif" 356.61 40 41 196 98 98 63 62 38 6 609 q-.r,"lT 854.70 11 11 52 .2.S 27 25 27 610 al",T 351.27 20 20 103 53 50 53 50 6 11 ~I(ifT' 42 43 199' 101 98 2 1 61 64 24 2 612 uq't 452.52 155.18 21 24 118 58 60 31 29 27 31 1 61 3 ,'P(;{T~ 171 72 13 13 74 39 35 39 35 (; 614 ~ijl~ 153.05 9 9 H 15 20 1 3 12 14 1 61 5 ~,!"" 302 36 9 9 46 25 21 6 4 19 17 616 f('('Tt N.A. 24 24 116 65 51 6S 51 617 1(T?:i1t N.A 9 9 47 26 21 26 21 618 fll'iilisT '56 N.A. 18 18 102 46 56 46 61 9 l1Z~'.'''' 21 21 130 62 68 62 68 620 1iIq. N A. 13 13 65 37 28 37 28 621 1im;t N.A. N.A. 25 25 114 55 59 55 59 622 6TlTIQzt 1 12 70 IS 2 194.38 27 28 179 94 S5 623 II"fu 74 64 326 98 22 24 138 74 64 , . 3 624 ~~-a~ 193 ) 71 27 1 938.16 80 80 4,5 243 222 2 67 625 ~'" 4117.75 35 35 183 90 93 .53 12 I 626 II~T~1 45 42 851.72 17 17 97 50 47 627 f«;fif;tt1: 30 669.52 16 16 81 45 36 35 628 ~q1'l 119 108 2 1 1,788.62 52 52 296 ISS 138 629 ~~ 62 sa 295.22 20 20 120 62 58 630 ~ 42 167.61 14 '14 81 39 42 3' 631 ~1: 42 39 • N.A. 14 14 81 42 39 63 2 IIi"Ilm~ 77 N.A. 35 35 152 75 77 15 633 ;f'filT, 5 4 4 10 S 5 5 634 ~ N,A. 42 166 89 77 89 77 6 3 5 ...)lltmilf N.A. 42 49 636 1Ii)1ilitcm: N.A. 20 20 95 46 4" .. 4' 291133158 133 IS8 637 'iiIT ...;i-( N.A. 54 54 14 22 N.A. 8 36 14 22 638 ~~ • 163 182 58 , 1,704.17 10~ 10!J 597 292 305 II 639 Ilii(R'I't" 1 (; 38 22 16 20 15 .. 640 1Ii""-' 141.67 6 19'

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACl ------1{WII1IiI'II -n_'" MaiD Worken _------Jt-..------.._ IV IlWIf lIfeIMA IIifiItt 4if"ir~ IPIJ .. m IIJJIf m ~ Rhr ri ri

(I-IX) II V(a) 1I1,IV ,V (b). VI. x vnJ...VIR& IX TOlal MaID Apicoltural Household uther Maqioa. Workers Cultivators LaboaRt'I Industry Workers Workers Non-Workers ,----.A.----., Name of --~ r--.A---., ,.....-"--""",", ~-"'---.. r--J.-----., r--..A.--.. S. fii\' t· ~ S. fih to ~ to tift' 1. ,it 1· ., Tallan,vm ... M. P. M. Po M~ P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. 'P. Towa;Ward IS 16 17 18 19 %0 21 22 26 17._ 28 211 , 29 Gutlapal 21 2.1 27 21 I o' 1 33 S6 47 Gaurdlllld 77. 33 6S 29 7 4 2. 25 43 45 Chameli S8 16 53 16 4 2 7 4 5 Chihra 13 9 13 9 2 137 21 3 124 50S 561 Chhotedonaar 677 418 437 233 97 162 6 ~ 7 23 28 Jbara SI 34 50 33 1 2 4 9 5 Jhoripon 18 IS 18 14 5 2 10 8 1 9 45 47 TeJumar 81 64 ~O 42 16 12 J7 4 9 2 4 38 40 Dhanora 60 54 32 3I 16 3 6 9' 16 Becfma 16 5 16 5 4 19 46 Madamoar 34 32 2 7 19 34 79 Raj pur 67 57 3 4 1 19 59 Rayoar 39 34 1 3 17 32 Rotad 22 21 1 11 3 8 Hikpula 12 1 9 3 2 9 19 Hir,ai 16 16 22 20 Malbada 43 '31 41 31 2 6 8 Mitchbeda 13 20 13 20 10 28 Gattakal 28 34 28 2 36 14 26 Dhobe 48 42 48 42 12 8 Metabeda 25 20 2S 20 10 14 Toyameta 45 45 45 44' t 9 5 1 32 31 Kanera 62 53 46 40 3 4 8 4 12 21 23 Kumhul Chhota 49 29 46 27 3 2 3 2 1 9 91 81 Sulanga 151 132 139 123 1 5 3 1 . , 13 35 42 Madagada 55 38 54 38 4 24 17 17 Tirkanlll' 29 6 26 6 3 9' 21 18 9 Kokpad 18 6 17 3 1 3 2 8 69 61 55 Temrugaon 89 14 84 14 2 1 5 41 21 16 Kodh.er 36 1 35 1 21 16 11 Padnar 10 22 2ft 1 23 2S Kodtamarka o 0 • 0 14 16 26 26 • 0 1 32 7S NaJnar 43 1 43 1 I 4 Kostadi 4 1 4 1 32 70 Gomagal 57 7 57 3 4 23 48 ltohkapar 23 1 23 1 4 13 46 143 ehalcher 87 2 87 .0 o • 2 5 20 Idnar 9 o , 9 2 29 14 85 28 183 KaohargaOD 180 37 146 5 1 1 3 2. 30 1 7 12 9 Kachaura 10 • 0 9 .. 196

---- -_. ------.~------

lilif1 Iff .. lilt f~ \'IIiI1IWItT C ~l( a~i lilt 8~'I'lvi ij '{Kill • Vf1f fI'If"(J ••'Ii" fl~ in~iffiii 6~ ~ 'IiW IIiI il1'1I ~1l TOlD I Population ;r'If"(/ 'lIfIW (includio8 1ti,1(1( . Institutional and boullelclS Scheduled Scheduled fill ••• it Tribe. Lirerato Area of No. of populatioal) Castes ,....---_.A ___--.. ~__,-...... _., village occupied Numbe,r ,---_,.__ ~ Loca- of ,;. liOD Name of iD hectarel resl· ."ral~. ~) ~. a) ~. ~ &;of Towo' dential bouse M. F. M. ..F. Code Tabsil/Vmaac P. M· F. M. F. No. Town/Ward WardinKms housel------_._-holds ------_._- 11 12 13 14 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 - . __ .------40 153.75 16 L6 94 49 45 4' 641 4iRfo'T~ 82 79 748.13 21:1 :til 169 86 83 642 I'~tql<'f 82 75 31 31 157 82 75 643 ~q~ZT 595.22 35.90 ~tij' 6~4 aTl(ti'tzt 6 4 55 63 231.98 26 26 133 64 69 .. 645 ~ 36 34 449.67 ]4 14 70 36 34 646 iti,," 72 84 3 3 33 33 200 94 106 647 Q~n 645.51 101.65 iI'Uij' 648 ~~''fl~ 40 32 271.03 14 14 79 44 35 649 ~~~~ 72 34 38 34 311 :!75. )4 14 14 650 tT-


~ IIilIl' ~~ III. Main Worbn ,..------J.-.------.__ IIIltnA .rq. IITronmt rolf !liN m ~ ~ Q

(I-IX, n V(a) m.lv. V (b). VI. x VII. VIII &: IX TOlal MaiD Agricultural Household Other Mar&iD1I1 Worko,s Cultivators Labourer. lndustry Workers Workers , N.>o-Worker.__ .A.. __ __ .Jo-_~ --~ ,--__;..__ -., ,--.A----., ,..--..JIo.---, Namoo. S. fii\' ~. ~ ~. fib t. fib S. ,;ft' S· .. TahaUIVIII ... M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. F. M. P. TownlWarcI 15 16 17 18 19 10 21 22 23 Zi 25 26 27 28 ------_ ------31 2 29 2 2 IS 18 25 ICawanar 60 3S 52 3S 1 2 5 2 1 11 25 3 .. Gardclpal 57 44 54 40 3 4 t 1 24 3a Tu.rwmeta Uninhabited Toyulleta 38 38 3S 3S 3 3 26 31 BanIlker 21 21 21 21 15 13 Breheb.:da 59 53 56 53 2 35 53 Madolmar Uninhabited SurreW'lhi 27 21 21 17 6 4 17 14 HilulWad 20 20 11 14 9 6 14 18 HoJoar -;.7 11 27 rt 1 25 48 Bade Tondabeda 22 2 18 2 :1. 2 .,.. 16 36 ChboteTondabecla - 68 7 67 5 1 2 2 60 117 Japgwlda 57 9 S6 9 1 2 1 26 7S Kodoli 6' 3 4' 2 18 1 2 1 59 121 Bade Pinjodi (F. V. ) 31 17 ~3 t - 22 44 SemargaoQ (P. V.) 80 12 28 1 52 11 6 lIS Hauapiojodi (P. V.) 36 6 13 1 23 S 23 46 Uparkamta(P. V.) 207 63 176 59 21 4 10 101 109 94 Moodr. (F.V.) 20 28 19 27 1 1 1 S 12 PadbarpoD (F. V.) 80 64 63 51 lS 10 2 3 48 81 Aiuarbeda (P. V • ) 73 34 62 33 3 1 8 13 64 66 Bhaisgaon (F. V.) 26 1 16 4 6 2 1, 18 37 Temrugaon (P. V . ) 64 37 2 1 1; 61 36 IS 24 60 95 Bharanda (P. V.) Uninhabited Paralkot F, V, ) 53 J9 37 9 12 6 4 24 56 MabJa (F. V.) 41 32 33 27 8 S 1 1 23 27 Berkod (F. V) 44 4) . 1 38 31 24 Anjrel (F. V.) Uninhabited Bogan Bhediya( F. V. ) 48 38 42 36 3 2 2 1 11 23 Barche (F.V.) 10 10 1 8 18 9 Ghotiya(F. V.) 23 10 23 8 2 13 6 16 Totindongra ($ Koturbeda 21 4 20 3 1 1 3 IS • \6 IS 6 IS 4 2 10 11 13 Hitulwad 11 -3 11 3 9 5 9 Badebedkot 22 14 22 14 .. 10 IS Brehboda 16 14 16 14 .. 2 12 7 Mutteu.oda 14 11 14 11 ... 7 9 Metanar (Mataboar) 4 3 4 3 2 Botor 9 8 9 8 S 3 Gandawar 198

,"~11fUf'!~ a~~flil i3t""1If'f1 Ifil Sllcfillri ",~t" ------

~lf 8~~; iii" llil 8n~~ qf1:iff1:t f~ liI;:rnqr (;('" 1I'''t'lf'if8 lII'I1'1m VIISI'{ lin 1IIl~1;P("{1 Ii"'iil ",anuI" Itft 6"' il'j1< ~f'lfl"i ;; '(iil~ iTt-a ",",,,,"f« ~ IIri IIiT ;ffJl ~iI rrIfiIiif Qir ii1.l fffilf; ~ftcr frq~/m ..... TOlal Population (including iii' lui u.n Institutional fiII.1ft. it and houseless Scheduled SCheduled Area of No,of populationl) Castes Tribes Number Literato Laca- village oeco.pied J ,---...J"'__ ".--_'--~ tion Name of in hectares resl- of r---- ... ---"'""" r-"--- Code Tahsil! Village & of TownJ dontial house· l!lfflJ i· ~ i· ~ ~. fifi ~. Eii\ No. Town/Ward Ward in KIDs houses balds P. M· P. M. P. M. P. M. F. ------.,.------1 :I 3 4 5 6 1 ,8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ------.------681 mfl!(~1IiT 75.00 6 6 40 20 20 20 20 682 ~;r"R 9.5.00 10 10 48 19 29 19 29 683 Ii\''''~~ (..,~")!r) 70.00 6 6 47 21 26 21 26 684 ~.,tl:tq'!f( 200.00 II 12 60 26 34 20 25 5 685 Ii~q" 100.00 aft1:f ... 686 ~'( (~q'i!fiT) 25.00 2 2 S 3 2 3 2 687 ~.~~ 50.00 S 5 27 16 11 16 11 q(~it~T N.A. 688 .~ if~ 689 inri!>'{ N.A.. mTiJ 690 fs~~ 85.00 6 6 28 11 17 11 17 691 ath:'lJtjte:T 80.00 26 26 136 67 69 66 69 3 692 1I'~"lI'( N.A. i!T'f:Tif 693 ~'!.z;() N.A. 10 10 60 31 29 .. 31 29 S 694 ~lSfTi~ N.A. qTzyr 695 il'rorT 35.00 if)'{T;:r 696 ~'llTI 50.00 2 2 tl 6 S SO 4 697 ~Iji)! N.A. 16 16 81 47 34 33 25 698 ~lR'{ 100.00 3 3 15 6 9 (j 9 .. 699 ~ljilie:r 100.00 3 3 16 s 11 5 11 11 1 700 '1IJ1fW') 105.00 7 7 71 46 15 2 41 17 701 ~ lSO.OO '8 8 41 17 24 17 44 702 1IiT,1(fif 75.00 5 S 48 29 19 29 19 703 ~ 40.00 1 1 3 2 1 2 J 704 ~trN" N.A. 2 2 9 6 3 6 3 199


'fill IIiPI' ~~ ...i MaiD Worken _--- "_--- qrfmf<1il IIJ;q IIiIq if tw~ IIlWIIiA 1Ii~ m ~ .-rq m , WIll' IIidl ~ :aVPr lIN ....m lOW INjlf'R,•..... ri IJiJ ;mr

(I-IX) n V(a) III. IV. VJ_b), VI. x V1iV &: IX Total Maio ABricultural Household ther Marginal Workers Cultivators Labouren Industry " Workers Workers Noo-Workon --~ ,..--J-.--. ,.--.A-.-...... ,.---'.... ---., ,.---.A-----., ~-.A.---., ,..---A.--...... Name 0' "I. fift' I· ~ "~. ~ '1. ~ IJ. ~ ~. "W\- TaballfVIII ...... P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M.I· -P. TowalWarci IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3

12 5 12 5 3 8 S 7 Godolm'Uka 12 3 12 3 1 9 6 17 GUmdadi 12 3 12 3 9 9 14 Balbeda(Balemeta) 19 7 . 17 7 1 1 8 6 19 Murhapadar Uninhabited .. Khodepar 3 2 3 2 Garbeda (Harimarka, 8 1 a 1 1 4 7 6 ' Muyantele .. Uninhabited Palometa Uninhabited Neskar 9 1 9 1 .. 8 2 8 Cbbindpur 38 1 37 1 1 13 29 5S Orc:hhameta .. Uninhabited Bangobhediya 21 2 21 2 7 10 20 Maojhikhutni Uninhabi ted 125 .. Kohlabecla Uninhabited ._. Nanya 3 3 .. 2 3 3 Kotoli 24 5 24 1 .. 4 23 29 Huchcbakot 4 1 4 1 2 2 6 KOIUdhur 3 3 .. .2 11 Hitmeta 42 13 11 3 .' 2 31 8, 4 12 Mu&parsi 11 11 9 6 15 ICrohmeda 10 10 .. .13 19 6 ltodogaon 2. - 2 1 Harimarka 4 1 4 1 2 2. Ren&abeda 200

~zr a~"i rrfIr ." f"" ;a;rlRRlrf (if an lAw ".,;rq1;/ •• IIi" 11')"( 8fVIVi if ~~~ ...,. m ~ ;rIll fmi'l ••ir ilfHAi e'~ If'R/m Tolal Population (includiol ...." IliltitationaJ fill ••• it and houselcSl Scheduled Scbeduled Area of No,of populationl) Castes Tribes Literate Looa- occupied Number villase ,...----.I'---___ ~-..,..__~ ,_...._;--_ dOD Name of in hectares resl· Of r--A­ Cod. Tahsil/Village- & of Town' dential bouse ."ra S. ~ J... I· ~ J. a't No. TOWD/Ward Ward in Kms houses bolds P. M. P. M. P. M. p. M. p. ------,------1 :a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 16 11 U 13 14

115/4 ~~ 3.672.0 53,369 148,245 6.013 107,622 25.420 (~) (".f..lll ) 51,922 J'f.l06 147,8fl 5,,03 10~,'54 4,"1 1 ~l1Ttor 1,058.48 142 142 855 461 394 6 3 199 169 127 20 2 '3"lfllO 378.12 ;14 34 210 100 110 98 ]06 6 3 ~tq 383.92 56 56 319 156 163 11 13 129 J 34 12 4 15I1fl~ 386.07 69 09 370 191 179 6 7 15", 144 10 6 5 6lI1i1~ 4~S,81 H 25 137 68 69 61 60 1 6 ~;:WT.r.'~n 835.92 63 64 287 141 146 10'4 110 22 6 ., 't~' ~trT 'fT"( ~2S .14 53 53 280 144 136 128 124 5 3 • "T~qT'" :;86.25 48 48 263 130 133 103 J08 l 9 firs 1.259,.18 156 159 843 411 432 42 49 327 331 31 6 10 "T;n~ 1,001.78 77 83 439 215 224 186 200 17 1 1 ..-nqf" 388.80 48 4& 260 132 '128 126 122 22 8 .12 qmrr 228 27 31 31 189 105 84 95 77 1 13 ~ 473.49 18 1ft 82 43 39 -H 37 1 14 ~ 878.13 53 53 304 159 145 14 9 120 119 2 1 S fi"15I 633.24 43 43 244 113 131 3 4 95 102 3 16 qwi 678:1() 56 57 283 147 136 95 91 22 3 17 mlr~r 872.03 134 134 709 359' 350 38 48 J 41 130 44 3 ]8 ~ 378.21 26 26 137 72 65 60 49 8 19 il'i~{tRl 403.81 62 61 330 164 166 158 161 25 11 22 1ilTtt.1~ 679.03 33 33 146 12 74 72 74 9 23 ~~~ 904.77 56 56 303 152 lSI 140 140 36 1 24 lIi"(ro{ZT 737.78 1 t 5 117 648 331 317 16 17 262 HS 29 6 25 lIi'mi"ta 524.30 74 74 398 197 201 US 158 63 7 26 IA)"(, 1,341.16 275 275 1 616 813 803 17 19 526 472 287 98 27 ~ 991.02 88 90 508 256 252 6 6 199 184 58 10 28 ;;rf,:rzrrqf"f 3116.1g 80 80 . 373 181 192 18 23 99 106 33 2 29 'IIR~ 511.89 68 68 388 189 199 171 176 14 3 30 UlfliIT 1,270.04 128 129 720 370 350 4 3 312 30~ 48 11 3 1 fe'E'ITZ"I' 987.53 66 66 356 192 164 4 81 71 40 7 32 '3"'f"(I~i( 548.25 _ 17 17 84 41 43 31 39 33 Iqte:r~ 1,103.76 35 35 157 81 76 75 69 40 a 34 IIi~T 559.19 19 20 1I2 SO 62 46 56 4 35 ~~IIT 908.42 41' 41 260 136 124 Ilf no 36 \t;i"(q~ 430.98 10 10 48 23 25 21 23 37 ~ 698.28 2' 29 164 83 11 79 7, 1 38 1Ii~ 605.n 19 19 l24 66 51 63 ,. .-. 39 'ill' 361.08 10 10 i3 28 35 28 35 40 '!~ 420.71 20 20 a04 51 54 50 53 201


'l'I' llinr 1Ri\' IfIi Main Workon ... ------_ ------..

(I-IX) U V(a) III. IV • V (b). VI. x VII.1.VIn &: IX Total MaID Aaricultural Household uther Mar&iDaa Workers CultivatoJ'l Labourer. Indl;Jstry WorkeR Workers NOB' Workers --..A.----., ~..A-.--.. ~--A._~ ,....__, .... -...... , ,....--.A.--~ ..--A-...... , ,---_A~ Namoo' 1. Rt 's. lift ,. ~ S· ~ ,. ~ S· ,. I· .. TahsllfVIlI... u. P. M. P. M. P. M. V. M.P. M.. F. M. P. TowalWarcI 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

81.9~5 74.134 8,7l0 2,337 3.734 1.013 58.307 KODdagaoil Tallsll 36.37' 26.102 8,1'6 847 571 8!1.12' (Rural) 296 .1.44 260 224 19 20 17 165 ISO EragaoD 70 67 60 6S I 2 30 43 Umla 109 81 104 l!4 3 3 2 47 76 ChuregaoD 122 103 111 9S , 8 1 1 69 76 Kawapon 52 53 52 53 16 16 Sawalwahi 104 lOS 92 9S 11 10 , 1 37 41 Dundabedma 96 83 95 81 2 I 48 S3 Buiki Jupnar 78 75 69 58 9 17 52 5S Kalopal 246 204 21S 171 9 15 12 u 10 5 2 163 228 BiDjhc 140 65 96 4R 33 JS 9 2 .. 20 75 141 Kanagaon 84 70 12 'I 1 48 128 lCorgaen fil 3 53 3 6 2 44 81 Parali 29 20 24 18 5 2 14 19 Kl)thodi 104 71 86 67 11 3 7 1 1 S4 74 Timdi 77 75 13 71 4 4 .. 36 S6 Hichka 91 82 69 ,I 20 14 6 t SO S3 Padde 244 8 218 3 14 S 9 1 209 04 133 Todasi 48 1 39 4 1, 5 41 24 23 Gadad 159 139 141 129 S 9 13 1 1 • 83 86 Baclothawi '7 72 61 62 4 10 2 J 29 32 BitalkbauJi 102 7S 73 48 19 25 3 • 2 7 1 15 61 76 Karmarl 4S 44 30 27 13 15 2 2 5 27 2S Khalebendi 89 84 48 20 39 64 1 2 63 6S BeJgaon 183 97 158 83 21 11 1 1 3 2 148 220 Karrarmota 123 4S 117 43 1 3 1 2 1 74 156 Korkoti 522 435 418 380 31 ~6 73 29 291 J6S Dhanor. 1'5 145 127 118 18 21 5 4 IS 2 91 107 Badwar 109 116 99 107 5 7 1 1 .. 1 72 76 Baniyagaon 131 118 129 112 2 6 2 58 79 Bhatpon 234 206 191 18S 31 20 12 1 1 135 144 Saftla 131 122 106 99 19 20 .. '3 2 3 1 58 41 SUad 31 11 29 11 2 19 10 13 Umractah 44 22 30 14 10 6 4 2 1 26 36 28 ltukc!adah 34 19 27 12 5 7 2 9 16 34 Kupqondi 18 1 23 1 3 2 108 123 Mateo,_ 10 I 2 13 25 Sendurmeta 23 4 19 3 3 1 1 60 77 Ronhed 21 3 24 1 :z 2 '3 37 55 ltudadwahi 10 it .. 1 .. 18 3S Kumud 11 , 17 1 2 .. I 32 51 Kuye 202

~lJ a~J 'If" llil Iiii' ~nq-r (i(~ ~ VT'I(.',rfR/ ••'fie ...~ fl'f'lfvi ij ~iril' ~ ,,~ IIGT ;r,q lm: il .mr iqfttiq-l ~~, 1f'I~/cnt TOIIlI Population (including Ifif "Ii IllStitlltional fi&.;fi. it and houseleSl Scheduled Scbeduled Area of No. of populationt) Castes Tribes Literate' L0ca- village occupied Number ,..---..A----__" ,_--Joo----. tion Name of in hectares resI­ of ,-A-­ Code Tahsil/Village & of Town' dential house IlIrfti J. ~ J. ~ ~ P. M- F. M. F. M.... F. No. Town/Ward Ward inKms houses holds 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 ------41 ~qy 671.17 26 25 157 76 81 75 76 42 ,"~i" 429.47 15 16 80 38 42 38 42 43 .l'if~;~~.., 497.48 19 19 97 49 48 48 47 3 44 "'~,m: 761.74 17 18 87 46 41 44 41 10 2 45 fq~ 558.87 20 20 92 46 46 35 37 1 46 ",,,,~t 1,038.74 29 29 230 118 112 106 106 47 ~~ 991.75 37 37 190 106 84 2 101 80 S 1 4 8 'Oq,i(;ft. 346 36 15 15 86 40 46 40 46 1 49 oq,'if~"t 526.93 14 14 98 47 51 42 48 50 'fq~~' 804.92 23 23 139 78 61 72 55 10 1 51 ~"q, 235.65 5 5 26' 11 15 6 11 1 52 ;;r~n:T 1,106.00 38 38 185 97 88 80 76 24 2 53 ffJ'(~)m 643.75 20 20 86 4? 44 40 40 6 S4 oQ'{I!'{1.tPi' t,139.35 44 44 246 127 119 118. 109 21' 1 55 ,hIT 466.30 17 17 85 40 45 .. 39 44 5 1 5 6 ~cr.r"¥I'r"ir 793.69 26 26 130 61 69 40 43 2 5 7 qU

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACI' KomJagaoo Tabajl ------~ IIrq m 111. Main Worken ----_ .. _------.....

(I-IX) II V(a) III,IV • V (b). VI. x VII._VIII" IX Toral MaID AlricuJtural Household Other MarllDaJ Wurkers Cultivatotl Labourer. Industry Workers Workers Non-Workers _-..A---.. .__-.-I,__--. ,..---;...__~ ,..--..i'-.....,. r- _.A.--""""\ ,..--A---.. ,-~ "'----.. Namoo' 1. ~ J. m J. m i. frIt ,. m J. dr ,. TablIlIVIII ... M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. -P. TowojWanI ------_._------15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 zs 26 21 28

SS 2 48 1 5 1 1 1 44 21 35 Bhandarpal 31 31 1 27 7 14 Madgaon 39 38 34 10 14 Khalecbandeli 31 1 28 2 2 29 IS 11 GhOdajhar 34 29 2 1 3 28 12 17 Middey 83 75 2 1 6 .. 69 35 41 Cherbeda 61 8 52 7 4 .. 2 3 52 45 24 Bedmamari 29 1 28 .. 4 11 41 Uparbedi 37 34 2. 2 10 49 Uparchandel i 48 26 36 26 12 30 3S Raobeda 6 3 6 3 .. 5 12 Huds". 56 35 54 35 2 41 53 Tutari 22 17 21 17 20 27 Girgoli 64 31 S6 30 7 1 1 63 88 UparmUfvend 26 4 21 4 4 1 14 41 Randba 47 43 44 36 1 1 4 1 3 14 26 Bavnimari 45 23 40 22 3 1 2 44 59 Garhdhanora 35 22 31 18 4 . 4 14 30 Garhsili)ara Uninhabited TumuskOnadi 195 165 164 124 20 39 4 7 1 10 24 98 125 KhaJemurvend 86 79 82 76 4 3 42 42 Farasgaon (Murnar) 95 86 85 79 9 7 54 67 Dhonderapal 145 13 131 8 9 5 3 1 90 229 Harwel 179 112 170 97 5 IS 4 85 174 Salebhat '228 208 193 167 26 34 8 7 3 119 128 Chiprol 16 12 11 8 5 4 7 11 Mahurbeda 28 26 20 21 6 5 ? 12 16 Dadargarh 365 244 144 116 69 101 5 5 11.7 22 6 249 368 Surdongar 631 202 121 55 136 111 13 2 361 34 5 818 1,143 Keshkal 321 167 105 65 60 76 16 4 147 12' 108 256 333 Borgaon 222 229 154 164 44 65 4 20 137 13l lamaaon 104 105 96 73 7 32 76 69 Kodobhat 109 96 94 78 11 15 1 4 2 46 69 Bayalp.ur 195 181 126 105 40 70 2 1 27 5 1 164 138 Kohkameta- 279 75 160 5 99 64 12 6 8 1 210 169 155 Gaurgson (Chikhladihi) 149 166 135 148 4 7 4 11 6' I 93 100 Manjhicherra 1S6 130 115 83 38 47 1 2 100 107 Sidhawand 289 264 198 67 86 193 3 4 2 128 139 Aanoari 106 51 90 3 16 48 1 ~O 120 Undari 96 34 66 2 28 32 1 1 39 111 Narna 204

",r.f\'ll Il{m-'I'i mil' .1 .'.T. fiil' ;;mrqr t IfIiR IIi'I'w ITlf fft("(I 1I1i1I'fiW IITlIlu'hl 1I'i~ 9"'"1''' ii '{lit !fAn: Irri iii' if'" &.~ it lAlloif ..if ilff~ii «~ ~l'i(rj Ifil TOldl PODulation ~JI,fi (including Ii"" Institutional fill. ¥it. i1 and houseless Soheduled, Scheduled Area of No,of populationl) Castes Tribes Literate Loca- vilJage occupied Number ,----.A.~ ___--. r--_.I"'__ ___ '__---' --~ ,-A--- tion I Name of in hectares resI­ of Code Tahsil/Village & of Town' dential bouse ,,,r,,, ~. fiifr ~. fitl I. ftft '1. fiQ No. Town/Ward Ward inKms houses bolds P. M- P. M. P. M. P. M. F. 1 3 4 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 ------,I f.,"(rf9;1{'I'j 748.91 139 ISS 798 421 377 4 5 371 322 63 II 82 ~"IT 536.41 112 itS 611 302 309 8 9 257 265 84 IS 83 ~1;liNr'l' 252.72 32 33 143 78 65 78 65 14 84 f QQ"'1"( 766.01 463 472 2.456 I ,203 1,2~3 70 58 820 879 373 100 85 ~;w1 2,OS8.93 380 391 2,155 1,085 1.070 40 37 588 587 257 57 86 i,lJ' 563.40 123 ] 38 689 343 3~6 13 17 261 2u5 130 32 8 7 'if'~1I1!'T 411 72 76 76 454 226 2'8 209 218 34 3 88 Ii


,., ~~ -n_ ... MaiD Workon _------Jto------___ ---_--- ., _ ~1RAiR ~ Qlf(4I"(l6 arnr 1Iil~ !I'd ... :nmr ami

(J-JX) D V(a) III,IV • V (b), VI. x VII,Vm& IX TOlal Ma. Alricultural Housebold Otber MarilIn_I Worter. Cultivatotl Laboureh Industry Workers Workers , Non-Worton __ Jt-_~ --~ r----A--""""'II r--J... - ...... ,.--J'---...... ,._-..A.----. r---"----.. Name 0' 'I. .. 'I. ffift s. f\ft s· ~ 'I. ,~ S· .. TablIlIVIII... M. P. Z·M. --P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. F. M. P.' TowolWard 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 23 24 25 26 28 :I

12'7 193 208 l14 13 77 1 :z 5 194 184 Niracbbindali 173 J 8 153 3 11 13 2 7 2 2 159 127 132 Batrali 4.5 1 42 1 1 2 41 33 23 Sargipal 733 652 S50 369 124 265 26 18 33 7 . 23 463 578 SinPDplIr' '47 316 .510 ~89 113 121 8 3 16 3 227 438 527 Arandi 117 197 165 162 37 32 6 • 2 9 1 2 126 147 Bedma 125 81 104 67 16 12 3 2 1 5 57 96 90 Chai-bhata 204 144 179 129 17 8 2 6 6 1 51 106 129 Khetarpal 178 70 158 37 14 32 5 ., 77 101 130 Palora 148 2 137 2 3 6 .. 77 87 14J Nawagarb 157 62 147 .57 5 3 4 1 7 98 72 71 Nayanar 79 35 77 3.3 2 2 2 39 49 62 Harwaokodo 1,913 1.074 1,687 917 124 145 39 6 63 6 6 13 1,242 2.065 Pipra 102 16 175 9 17 7 5 5 140 319 Masukokoda 712 216 575 108 108 104 7 2 32 2 610 1. 225 Adenga 89 5 53 13 5 19 4 4 14 58 61 Pradhancherra J06 80 99 78 3 1 4 27 62 84 Seonipal 64 59 64 58 .. 3 23 21 Halia ~01 1 100 1 2 1. 55 164 Jarandi 106 4.5 199 35 1 .5 5 5 1 3 55 140 221 Garawandi 217 11' 186 37 29 79 2 161 152 Tosk a pal 76 J6 SO 26 16 4 62 108 Adanbeda 110 10 91 18 20 73 160 Siltagaon 152 142 147 136 3 5 2 1 2 100 107 Salebhat 183 3 170 12 2 1 • 4 176 131 125 Kalcaon 528 (80 441 147 56 32 9 22 3 283 348 459 Korgaon 157 l~S 223 137 18 IS 8 1 8 2 1.75 192 201 Korahobeda 124 1 111 10 1 2 16 118 227 KODgera ~07 32 191 2 11 29 2 1 3 3 149 156 161- Sonpur 304 31 245 13 38 5 13 11 8 2 3 235 188 230 Tonwasa 607 139 515 112 63 22 16 3 13 2 6 122 422 651 BaderajpQr 135 6 119 4 10 6 2 131 64 85 Padoki 284 23 236 11 13 1 32 4 3 217 442 Cbhoterajpur 193 98 83 92 91 13 6 S 1 78 126 169 ltoemi 339 126 190 8 111 102 26 16 11 .' 1 234 476 Khal.,! 8(j 49 64 41 10 8 10 2 92 116 Sargipal 198 210 165 181 30 29 1 2 , . 126 117 Pitochunwa 1,689 753 1,436 660 I 109 69 49 ~7 J5 7 2 286 I.XS3 1,802 V Jahrampur i 194 7 147 1 145 - 6 2 137 433 Hatma 243 39 110 17 29 22 4 18 132 142 236 PondrawaDd 205

fIrR\!f 8~')iI' i Ilk iii' fil' .....flIfr lallA m VTIPlIJl:/ i,,'Ii" iIl't «t'llf rvi if t ~iI' iiI"n II'ri iii' ;rIll (am: it .Q~ ijl{fi:&... i u~ ifq~llI'rj TOlal Population (including IliP'" Institutional fiIi.Ifi, i1 and houseleu Scheduled Scbeduled Area of No,of population) Castes Tribes Literate Loca- village occupied Number ,---..A--_ tion Name of in hectares resI­ Of __ --A---...... ,..-A-­ Code Tahs.il/Village &: oCTown' dential house I ... r.. ~, . 'I" 7;. ~ i· m No. -Town/Ward Ward in KIDs house, holds p, M- F. M. P. M. P. ------._------1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ------__-_ 121 ilTrr1l'flr 289.82 77 87 414 215 199 134 136 64 9 122 !f;~'11~T 375.('9 69 69 382 186 196 176 189 36 2 12 3 ~).rlq;:~ 521.41 104 104 627 299 328 279 316 53 6 124 1{WiI'l 3,24.83 411 53 318 153 165 149 lqO 24 5 125 ;a-~'li{lT'" 805.79 150 159 874 426 448 3 2 384 42\ 71 12 126 ~lIril'q-rll' 235.03 70 70 368 190 178 . 32 22 135 .131 48 10 127 «~T 649. :SO 265 282 1,550 782 768 45 63 265 252 281 56 128 1!i~it;l:T 600 94 211 220 1,161 574 587 15 25 193 198 223 34 129 i\;r~ 224 31 72 72 410 207 203 .. 160 161 43 4 130 v~,,;: .. 647.06 157 167 873 450 423 21 2~ 355 331 103 14 1 3 ] 'f!'l;T«f 769.82 163 171 899 434 465 9 7 320 343 83 7 1 3 2 anlltttar 556.32 128 Il2 787 395 391 1 263 261 142 4 133 f~'1iq 1,1~6.22 313 321 1,682 855 827 29 38 626 599 161 4 1 3 4 f;;r'iIT~.'''t 376.86 103 103 637 321 316 22 23 276 275 99 13 135 ~T 390.25 117 117 673 334 339 11 10 100 100 142 40 13 6 1{T~t(~r 514.36 223 242 1,344 669 675 13 12 369 374 191 37 137 flt;~ 747.21 115 116 725 353 372 8 5 301 313 13 1 138 'fI{ij"~U 680.83 113 115 62~ 338 324 2 3 308 296 33 1 139 ~l"d~~l (~) 1,085.70 163 165 999 499 500 458 467 42 7 140 iTT~t(' 2,60:.65 310 310 1,786 905 881 794 784 56 3 14 1 il'tuI!i)~ 2,119.18 509 513 ·2,7241.3401,384 - 24 23 863 877 353 101 1.42 ~"'~T 227.71 48 52 293 151 142 116 94 29 2 143 fij'fal:~ 2,205.34 236 244 1.248 628 620 1 466 463 59 3 144 t(~l:'l 1,078 08 209 210 1,114 540 574 6 3 344 377 88 4 145 'fil:1R'l 188 00 57 59 368 180 188 174 185 , 146 \jf~tT 825.73 61 64 366 177 189 12 10 149 164 S 147 il'fiRl"t 1 , 131 . 50 220 233 1,331 656 675 34 30 513 S46 25 2 148 ll!iI'lOfilr 517.66 57 57 35' 185 170' 8 6 144 134 5 149 QliJ!'lI'!W 442. O~ 55 60 358 170 LSS 1 ~7 172 5 150 f8~1 1,397.67 194 L99 1,174 570 604 33 27 51S 558 49 4 151 'fiN"T 1,503.73 261 269 1,576 771 80S 31 29 655 685 69 5 15 2 IlT~ .l:ll'jlf 1,058.38 191 192 1.184 586 598 13 14 466 490 9 153 ~tT 1,030.44 89 89 512 266 246 241 218 30 1 54 ~ (riqril') 88 01 6 6 32 15 17 1 1 1 5 5 if'tfli" 685.45 77 77 489 239 250 1 2 228 239 29 156 ar)i ..r 1,256 00 201 207 1,157 577 580 21 2{ 485 492 33 I 157 ar'{~~ 221.00 34 34 192 104 88 83 74 (; ] 58 ttf'U 739.00 105 105 583 283 300 200 207 30 2 1 59 ;a j\;::1IflI' 695.00 89 96 564 283 281 5 3 139 130 57 9 160 1Ii~~~ 309.00 56 56 322 175 147 160 138 21 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACJ' XondagaOD Tab.

_------..A------.'f...... ,ro.

(I-IX) o V(a) DI.IV.V (b).VJ. x VB.VIII Ie IX Total MaID Agricultural Household Other Marliaal . Wor.kers Culti\'lltors Labourers bld08try Workers Workers Noo-Wor!cera --~ . ,..--.A..---., ,----A.---., ,--.A-_~ ,..--A---., ,--_.A.---., . Nameof s. m I. d s. fWl 'J. fift ~--., J. .. So .. TabsillVIIJ... M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. Towa 'Ward IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

119 57 103 48 1 2 96 142 Badhaaaoo 114 62 102· 54 11 8 I 72 134 Kurrubbata 169 1 S9 163 155 3 4 2 1 .. 130 J69 HOJ1l1.wandi 107 tl3 74 90 9 2 to 12 14 9 46 52 Ma~hhli 249 117 228 91 9 24 4 2 8 I 43 176 288 Udidgaoo 106 53 73 42 20 10 7 I 6 84 125 Chhotemalaaoa 481 327 329 180 125 145 26 2 1 301 440 Salna 374 242 266 161 69 67 18 11 21 3 71 200 274 Koundkera 110 49 102 47 2 3 2 3 I l 96 IS1 Mainpur 259 157 237 152 14 4 5 3 191 264 Kbajrawand 263 239 258 4 4 235 1 171 226 Parond 214 213 193 190 7 16 9 7 5 24 33 158 145 Amgaoo 453 52 399 31 39 21 6 9 1 215 401 560 Libagaon ]90 166 137 107 39 46 1 2 13 11 2() 131 130 Chicbadi 212 197 168 159 29 35 7 8 3 1 122 141 Palna 444 77 401 62 25 10 4 3 14 2 334 225 264 M4langpuri 264 44 165 ~S 20 12 13 7 6 22 IS8 127 170 KiMa 190 6 182 4 3 2 3 2 1 147 318 Dhamaopuri lIS 182 291 179 11 t 5 8 12 184 305 Taraibeda (Harwel) 487 74 371 12 106 62 10 418 561 Baleoaa 706 124 568 III 119 II 2 1 17 1 48 633 l.212 . Banskot 81 26 78 21 3 5 1 1 69 115 Halda 369 166 322 ISO 27 16 II 9 259 454 Titirwand 318 74 264 58 40 15 8 I 6 222 499 Gamhari 97 46 92 44 4 2 83 140 Karmari 104 91 13 73 189 Jodekara 353 3 324 3 19 5 5 25 152 278 520 Badbauar 104 95 3 6 81 170 KWdadibi 95 2 92 3 2 7S 186 Pidhapal 306 16 299 15 213 2 37 264 551. Chhindlj 432 38 400 31 S 5 16 2 8 3 186 336 581 KGpra 320 110 297 91 9 12 14 7 19 146 247 342 Madoki lthaqaoo 164 116 152 JOI 8 10 3 5 1 6 47 96 83 Dhodera 10 9 10 9 5 8 ICaJaaoo (Kalepal) 145 145 139 142 1 3 4 1 3 94 102 NaUkabeda 320 72 2=15 62 27 6 7 3 11 1 J& 255 241 253 Otenda 65 28 48 17 8 11 B 1 I 32 38 28 Araapla 164 SO 139 35 11 11 • 3 6 1 5 106 114 144 In.... 176 101 153 ao 15 20 1 1 7 3 36 104 144 UdidgaoD 97 78 85 50 10 26 I 1 2 14 28 64 41 Kurlubahar 208


161 "'l;:~1 1,053.00 155 1-58 863 437 426 24 14 370 368 96 8 162 UT't;:;IT 276.00 58 59 340170170 6 4 129 125 39 7 163 Q'JT'H" 675.00 JOO JOO 584 301 283 272 252 54 7 164 "'(flit 120.00 26 26 166 85 81 74 76 165 f~·~T 190.00 32 32 159 77 82 49 55 8 2 166 lIii~T I!07.00 ~47 150 938 450 488 13 ~ 1 409 452 22 1 167 ~)~'fT 1,057.00 124 125 779 387 392 3 5 337 349 4S S Hi8 f~t~-': 913.00 143 143 9:6 468 448 8 5 272 264 78 16 169 'lll'l'ljq- 839.00 lOS 1I\J 665 3-17 318 290 265 22 170 ~'lllU 245.00 72 72 424 210 214 93 98 57 13 171 ~zt"iq- 1,203.00 124 124 785 407 378 3 3 344 324 27 1 171. ~cm 666.00 94 94 579 29~ 285 255 252 29 173 me:'ftMt 405.00 93 94 499 260 239 173 150 8 1 174 ~);:'1t 324.00 58 58 364 165 199 143 177 25 5 175 ~.'1;~T 305.00 50 52 3:<:4 174 150 4 156 131 19 176 ... rn;:J 41)0.00 67 67 314 156 158 5 11 142 137 31 4 177 ~;rt 732.00 115 157 959 459 50J 56 67 282 285 71 3 1 '.Po illlTlq 2t7 .00 49 52 307 153 lS4 6 3 60 62 38 6 179 or."U 988.00 90 92 540 265 275 4 3 173 185 58 5 t 80 i<'T qy" 241.00 52 57 273 141 132 131 120 9 1 181 ~'T 1,209.00 290 310 1,569 819 7~0 IS 5 573 54 t 299 71 182 <"I"T 317.00 57 59 345 174 171 168 165 38 6 1 8 3 tlT,'T"flf 933.00 144 168 912 466 446 9 11 421 400 70 7 184 an ..-u 6"4.00 80 96 5U 304 282 273 250 11 185


------___ --______J.-- ______

P ~ ~.nn iftItt cnf..... Ft. Ir.'I( IIIR m 1IIJ'Ij' m "!t m.r ri IIfi

(I-IX) II Y(a) Ill, IV ,V (b), VI. x vn,VIR.1t IX TOla' Maio Al1'icultural Household Other Marlin_' Worke.s CUltivators Labourer. Industry Workers Workel'8 NiJIl·Worken ,--A--., ,..-_A.___" ...... ~ ,..---"---. ,..--J>...-.--. ,..--.A.---., ,--..A.----. Name'" -- i. ,. T.... II/Vlll ... J. ~ S· ~ s. fift I. 8\' i. fift So .- M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. TOWD,W.

IS 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 2 ------__ - _------278 101 251 87 15 12 3 3 9 1 1-23 158 201 Jarandi t;;~ 59 61 Dharli 1tl 40 99 32 3 8 8 1 I 4 52 Pidhapal 187 23 178 22 4 1 4 1 108 r Z 27 36 31 Bhatwa 47 23 41 20 I I 2 I 3 .48 42 31 26 16 16 1 10 J6 19 24 bhiraada 295 186 279 183 7 4 2 5 ]34 135 168 Maged& 154 187 227 68 206 65 7 8 1 6 6 137 Sodma 179 197 Hirapllr 280 51 229 28 20 12 15 10 16 9 200 20 SS 1"-8 188 Umaraaon )7' 75 139 19 34 56 4 2 4 76 103 Karmari 134 35 1 1 18 19 17 16 2 38 113 )28 KatagaOD 292 212 278 :104- S 3 6 5 3 J06 191 ICawra 188 ,3 182 87 1 3 5 3 .. 36 3 2 5 45 96. 92 Chhotesalaa )59 102 109 60 3 4 44 I 10 64 15Q 1adkonga 101 39 99 39 1 3 2 1 71 71 68 Tedmunda 103 4 6S 1 35 13 66 83 Dandwan 90 2 86 1 2 1 I 1 6 1 154 159 228 Babai 300 118 264 107 23 9 7 27 6 2 4 1 58 61 64 Badgaon 92 32 48 1 34 10 5 1 4 71 135 Budra 190 ,139 166 t 1, 10 9 " Z 5 31 53 66 BelgaoD 83 29 '63 8 1$ 21 3 9 • 84 376 SOl Makdi 442 245 269 189 6S 38 24 1 " 2 4 3 53 74 111 Labha 97 1 80 1 11 2 29 2 100 175 218 Hadigaon 289 128 249 118 3 7 I 6 1 1 6 106 116 Ondari 197 )60 187 149 2 5 7 1 6 4 S9 136 295 Ulera 212 4 205 2 4 1 7 30 55 101 Udenga 95 11 B2 S 4 10 6 3 3 137 - 232 Kokodi 115 11'8 4 ... 4 2 5 8 122 233 Kosaharduli 1" 1 0 147 6 7 56 JOO KhUdi 72 25 66 24 6 1 101 202 Gare 149 37 142 37 3 4 3 121 290 ThemgaoD 200 40 188 10 8 30 1 .. I 71 142 TargaOll 88 13 61 12 24 1 3 21 24 29 Tltna 55 23 51 20 1 3 .. 3 194 194 Bagbeda 269 2SS 231 233 30 16 7 6 1 148 127 Lllbha 241 113 207 111 9 2 9 J5 .. 39 Sand.a 64 S3 60 SO 2 3 2 35 96 Sodaseoni 117 91 104 87 10 11 3 7 23 S. Hi3 Sonabeda 280 241 255 220 11 10 4 6 10 5 145 76 51 Kotbel 100 96 .3 90 10 4 J 1 6 1 54 Pusapal 119 110 109 105 8 4 1 1 1 63 210


crk ... , f" iIIff\Rlf1 ~



(1-1X) o V(a) Ill. IV • V (b). VI. x VII.VIII dI: IX Total MaID Apicu)tllr&l Household Other MargInal Worker. Cultivators Labourer. Industry Workers Workers NOD-Workers _-..A.~ r---"----., r---.J.... ---.. r---"-"""",, ,-_.A.----.. ,.--A--. r--A.----., Name Of I. ~ S· ~ I· ~ I. m So ~ ~. ,~ I· .- TablII'VllJap M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. . P. M. P. Town/Want 15 16 17 18 19 %0 21 22 23 24 25 26 Z1 28

127 12 116 5 5 6 .. 2 1 1 109 68 82 OeOOO.Qgar 67 26 5 7 109 170 88 132 2. 1• 186 Guhaborand 34:l 39 276 25 42 14 14 10 .. 2 235 488 Barkai 127 41 107 35 16 4 3 2 1 4 67 148 NaJajhar 87 3 71 8 3 1 96 173 DhiragaOD 85 90 77 83 2 2 2 5 4 50 41 Bh'ltagaoll 285 t70 226 142 24 J8 17 9 18 14 159 2S0 R:lndhna 62 48 49 39 12 7 J 2 1 31 41 O'!.lb:udllli 259 37 234 16 11 20 8 1 6 71 175 318 MaoJhi AathgaoD 56 2 55 2 1 2 4S 3J 46 P,uJa 194 17 183 6 5 11 4 2 22 194 134 148 Chichadi 149 52 . tI8 31 18 21 9 4 92 106 130 Poltoda 86 36 83 34 1 1 "I 1 1 53 110 Korrabadgaon 461 146 150 28 86 89 16 4 209 25 3 1S 57] 720 Fllrasgaoll 326 131 286 106 U 24 21 1 I 1 74 204 304 Banggaon 174 11 135 5 32 6 1 6 1 31 152 228 PaSdngi 16 7 14 7 2 3 20 16 Jungdai 190 4 182 4 2 2 2 2 122 151 I5S Gattipalna 2)7 165 203 138 29 26 4 1 1 2 10 141 20S Pande AathsaoD 128 15 104 4 21 J I 2 3 52 83 151 Singarpuri 143 72 113 40 7 14 IS 9 8 9 3 7 102 163 Churegaon 16 3 16 3 17 2] Sarbeda 300 22 265 14 17 8 1 17 10 2Z6 480 Bilanpl1rl 254 14' 158 91 36 21 14 22 46 14 6 78 209 225 Juganikalar 220 76 163 37 23 53 8 6 26 11 126 236 Kulhadgaon 115 85 78 51 14 21 17 12 6 1 ,3 49 70 69 Mohlai lo! 18 9 15 3 3 4 11 9 CbandabeJgaon 137 138 128 135 3 S 3 1 100 73 ChandalaoD 167 3 158 3 3 4 2 2 123 277 Charkai 435 218 402 188 11 19 16 11 6 .. 212 330 38R Bh:mdarseoni 157 60 146 34 6 24 5 2 3 94 110 103 Sirpur 69 66 2 .. 1 2 64 134 Gl1U1adi 220 126 191 93 16 23 11 10 2 SO 112 177 Bhandarwandi 52 35 43 31 9 4 3 31 37 Kondabeda 606 115 548 96 30 27 15 1 13 9 473 415 458 Aalor 105 67 91 62 7 3 3 2 4 5( 74 62 Bail 89 43 7. 37 3 4 6 '/. '/. 43 61 69 PAinsara 248 5 216 2 18 3 5 9 3 255 190 193 Phupgaon tci5 5 129 3 28 1 1 7 1 137 169 Bhumka 168 27 142 2 18 21 2 6 4 J67 122 116 Hird 212

~If G{61vr I ~ .1 .,.,.. qf~I"{l pr ~, l.r ... , m mil/111ft) allft tmn8'l1r 1ft aMI iIIl~ frf"mii ij {~it tn:n IfIi IIil 11111 ~ il 'Ritill ... ~ -qffliffl \l~ ""/~rt., TOlal PODulation ~~ ~_ O~~~ Institutional r. . ~. it a.nd hOUllCless Scheduled Scbeduled Area of No. of populationl} Castes Tribes Literate vill.,e occupied Number ,.--__ A ____...... Loca­ ,---J.-_ ,...--"" .... -..-._ ,.-A-- tioa Name of in b.ectare. resi· of ....A Code Tahsil/Viti.., &ofTownl dential bOUse .,.rftl ,. ~I i· ~ s· ~ S· "" No. Town/Ward Ward in KIn! houses bolda P. M· P; M. F. M. F. M. p. ------1 :a 3 4 5 Ci 7 .. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

2U 1i~ 84.0{) 36 36 172 92 80 80 7t 28 7 242 :;R~~ 381.00 78 78 421 196 225 1 88 96 19 2 243 ~~rnTtif 535.00 44 44- 254 131 123 3 96 96 2% 4 244 1I'i'r'F)P:o!ifT;;l1; 1,095.00 118 118 60S :UO 29S 34 28 264 257 19 245 1T'f1~ 926.00 61 61 3)8 163 175 156 169 14 3 '246 ftg;c.ni" 626.00 82 84 434 225 209 5 7 171 165 18 247 liI'l'lft1t. 412.00 60 60 335 157 178 6 6 83 97 .29 2 248 ~1ftIT 804.00 115 124 628 316 3(2 40 43 157 161 75 12 249 q-(tlfl 594.0(1 42 46 239 111 128 14 22 75 87 14 S 250 ~csi'I;-r 7'!7.00 150 150 885 459 426 13 IS 347 321 86 14 251 ,,"t~ 679.00 93 93 412 116 196 159 t 38 15 5 252 ~~,qr 228.00 45 45 241 123 124' 113 117 14 1 253 ~.cTql§ifI 25\).01') ]9 19 96 53 43 48 40 S 254 ~c:"ftIt 594.00 71 71 387 190 197 46 46 128 133 33 2" 5 ;rfiRf1Ifif 1,418.00 12S 127 725 362 363 68 66 267 269 S6 18 256 w~~ 624.00 28 29 160 89 71 83 6.5 3 257 ~RII' 214.00 21 21 145 65 80 61 75 6 258 ~'i{",'"t


'rP' 1Ii11f 1Ii'(~ lIN Maio Worken "..------;------..A------.---_ IIIlIRA ~ qrr«rf<'Ii 1(';11 iiTIf m ~ ~ d

(I-IX) II Yea) 11I,IV • V (b). VI. x VII.VIll &: IX Toml MaID AariClJltural Household Other Mar8loai . Workers Cultivators Labourer. Industry Worken Worker. Non-Wolkon _--..J\..-~ ,..--.A.-_ ,..---"---., ,----,J_...... ,---_;.._~ r-.A----., ,---A- ..... N ..... o' J. fti\' I. M I. m s· ~ s. ,b I· .. T_U,Vm... M. P. M. P. M. P. M. Po' M.S· -P. M. 'F. M. P. Towo/Ward Ui 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2' 26 1.7 28

53 12 39 1 13 11 43 39 2S Shankarpor 118 69 101 S4 13 IS 4 4 77 HZ Uraodabeda 92 3Z 87 25 1 7 '1 '1 39 91 Kanllarg'40Q.i 215 12 183 4 13 8 It '1 .0 196 95 87 K.okodajungauar 108 79 98 75 8 3 1 23 55 73 Gawadi 127 8 117 563 3 1 31 131 67 70 Cflbindlibeda 87 4 68 2 11' 2 2 6 1 f03 69 71 JamgaOO 202 83 164 60 20 23 8 10 1 lit 113 118 .Deogaon 77 29 62 26 12 3 3 28 34 73 Parada 281 88 252 79 10 9 12 7 6S 178 273 Banjoda 114 108 93 90 19 17 1 2 1 102 87 Mode 82 64 70 5R 9 5 3 1 2 41 58 MOclebedma 29 . 10 24 10 2 3 14 24 19 KO!ldapakbana 118 36 107 32 9 4 1 1 32 72 129 Hatchapa( 263 225 244 211 13 13 1 5 1 4 99 134 Chaniyagaon SO 19 40 15 7 4 1 2 16 39 36 Cbhc.teo

43 19 42 18 1 1 o 0 26 29 itehlakot 50 29 48 24 1 5 1 .. 13 25 40 Gohda 214

fll(r-ft1J cr~')w I qJ1r1lil fir IIrlfn

281 f«;rT, 3,637.0p 101 XOI 625 305 320 26 31 233 23,t 67 4 282 1fTl'i"U 1,540.00 49 49 339 174 J65 164 J57 9 2 283 qiriiT 2.940.00 54 54 356 176 180 2 4 149 150 15 4 284 qrlJ~r 2,189.00 82 82 457 220 237 186 206 i 285 qjl«l!fif (liIi«fJ 1,872.00 49 49 298 15i) 148 4 4 127 128 11 286 "i,!~;r;:;:J1lf1f 1.272.00 48 48 273 137 136 81 78 2 287 ~1: .(,785.00 83 83 4~0 232 218 25 31 96 .93 30 1 288 ,rs;:rr 9.75.00 26 26 1537479 61 71 5 289 tit,'I" 1,410.00 42 42 231 128 109 1 123 105 21 290 'tih:t 415·00 62 6~ 319 172 177 12 6 70 79 9 2 291 '1'),111 690.00 126 126 674 341 333 28 26 261 258 9 292 'iiJl;:~toi" 1,057.00 125 126 695 346 349 4 2 213 230 36 3 293 f'iflfT;:n, 799.00 . 42 42 272 143 129 2 1 ~35 117 4 294 W.~T ] ,056.00 37 37 206 112 94 91 80 1 295 errol" 195.00 60 60 324 165 159 4 3 68 57 45 1 296 ~g",'1: 3,088.00 '457 476 2,5231,2521,271 ]7 XS 942 998 504 106 2 97 il'If'illlf 973.00 77 77 493 252 241 1 239 230 14 298 mr 164.00 36 36 J92 102 90 89 '3 13 I 299 ~"'T 1,213.00 129 129 744 372 372 21 19 319 326 22' 5 300 lIi'mlftill" 284 83 28 28 168 91 71 80 68 ~ 301 flfiiilfllTitT' 1,252.62 125 125 708 351 3J7 12 16 212 207 70 11 302 IfiT!fi"tl' 119.29 31 31 166 79 87 9 7 30 45 23 5 303 lfiTI{,r 779.10 58 58 359 190 169 165 10 21 304 '1(<'1''''' 1.388.06 60 60 324 162 162 149 ISO 17 2 30 5 f'ifI1~"r. S8J 90 55 55 322 170 152 119 107 ( 306 ;,iRtT 725.16 48 .. 8 :74 138 136 2 115 118 4 3 307 ~q.iJiiJ 822.42 61 61 354 181 173 8 5 170 165 15 308 ~"'(if1 276.13 17 17 100 59 41 .. 59 41 2 309 qnu 1,45(.74 58 58 326 174 152 149 129 4 310 a~l'f 417.42 41 41 209 107 102 6 2 85 83 1 311 iI'iI,\'rT~ 879.98 121 123 701 JS4 347 3 4 327 3,22 42 2 312 ort«'rtll" 827.59 94 94 519 258 261 207 209 27 3 313 lR"fflT 1,210.00 154 157 887 411 476 20 17 356 425 45 5 3' 14 !liT""'", 120.0t) 28 28 169 33 86 83 86 2 315 ""qtTiif 542.00 85 85 515 244 271 235 262 XO 316 Iim'rtif 349.00 65 6~ 335 181 1,4 37 21 137 121 21 4 317 riaJ(t 2,020.00 229 232 1,373 672 701 5 7- 469 519 84 2' S18 ~fT , J ,316.00 457 468 2,5571,291 1.266 208 205 903 ,91 391 1~6 819 f~'l'Ifi\IFR 1,100.00 :(16 117 600 283 317 211 233 36 3 320 ~ 277.00 85 IS 482 229 253 229 253 24 I, 21S


~ 1fi11f m ~ Main Worken _------..A------_ P ~ IRIIII1IiR .~ .. ,f

(I-IX) II V(a) III. IV • V (b). VI. x VI1~Vm& IX Tutal Malo Aaricultural Household Other Marpallt Workers Cultivators , Labourer. Industry 'Norkers Workers Non·Wort-en N ...... " ---~ ,..--.A.-'""""I ,..--Jo----.. r--..A.-"""" r---.A.--'""""I r--A-~ r--.A.,.-...._ I. m I. m I· ~ t· ~ ~. ~ ~. m I· at TalllII'VltI... M. P. M. p. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. Town/Ward

IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28

203 43 17S 3. 14 3 10 2 .. 102 277 Chingnu 115 54 90 15 46 6 8 4 46 59 6S' JhuKari 106 53 89 13 52 3 t - 1 51 70 76 Paloa 157 19 J 47 16 2 2 5 1 3 133 63 8S Pawda 89 8 83 \ 8 4 1 61 140 Farasgaon (Kasai) _90 4 83 I 4 .. 2 41 132 Phutanchandapou 154 32 116 36 31 1 1 1 77 286 Mainpur 47 42 2 2 1 53 27 26 Radbana 42 Modenga 76 72 2 1 67 52 104 4 92 3 8 1 3 82 68 n Korai 172 3 lSI 3 14 4 3 169 330 Godma 183 18 166 6 14 12 1 2 J63 :J30 Chandabcda Chiyaoar 80 16 74 11 3 5 2 1 6 53 S7 60 Chhindli 59 6 55 3 4 3 2 49 51 39 114 59 77 7 26 52 3 8 54 51 46 Torand 779 Badedongar 702 2'5 522 l64 -82 60 24 14 74 t7 20 237 530 113 126 Banchapai 139 134 3 1 1 115 4 53 40 37 Botha S8 56 2 Baogoli 218 17 166 7 33 6 12 3 7 1 I 12 lS3 283 ICodagaon ... 64 50 64 SO 27 27 ICibaibalcnp 167 IlH J50 139 2 t 15 4 184 213 30 Kokodi 53 38 33 J 5 16- 22 4 2 19 24 Kongera 107 98 96 5»3 3 3 5 2 3 3 13 fi8 102 22 91 9 3 9 4 2 4 2 74 60 66 Chalka 48 49 Chimdi 1:2 84 113 73 4 4 S S 2 19 52 Chojaog 91 55 80 48 6 4 5 3 29 47 67 Temarugaon 114 [ 106 2 1 5 ·1 1 105 66 24 I3 NugaJi 3S 3S 28 66 Pala 109 2 102 4 1 3 1 84 65 43 Todam 75 3 68 1 3 6 56 32 Banjugani 234 124 212 215 S 6 to 2 7 1 3 120 120 Dansgaon 188 183 183 183 2 3 70 78 278 118 20S 34 43 81 21 3 9 87 133 271 Kaboo.. 60 KaragaoD 43 16 39 14 4 2 1 10 39 159 Ie umharbadllaon 150 48 131 39 11 9 7 1 2 64 92 101 47 :'4 19 10 28 3 74 101 Kasagaon 196 85 342 36 30 47 11 13 2 14 216 602 Jaitpuri 719 370 S02 179 108 169 8 101 22· 572 896 Laojoda 176 7S IS7 S9 12 12 6 4 1 101 242 SirsikaIar Sodn.a 129 10 129 9 1 .. 1 126 99 117 216

------~------_------_------_ ----

~~ ~1w1 qilrllil t"f ~T,.," • Wf1(, 1fIlt./ ••'Ii. 1I'1~ a',qrlii if ~iI'it ~ ....1 ;rl" ~ii Q~ Qffa;fii 9'~ I 1fIR/1ri Total PODulation (includins IfiI ." - 11IStitutionai ftIi .m. if and hOUlOleSl Scbeduled Scheduled Area 01 No. of population) Caatea Trabes Number Literate Locaa "'illaa. ~pied __--J .. ----...... r--_"'___ ,--A-_ lion Name of in hectare. resi· Of Co&! Twill vmage &ofTown dential house .!lrs ,. t1f\' ,;. .1 I· ... ' p. M- P. M. F. M. p. No. TOWDIWard----- Ward in Kml bOUle" holds 1 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I.

321 iImCr(\' 1,338.00 254 270 1,499 7S1 14. 552 SS4 124 7 322 orreu 62S.00 76 80 410 210 200 1 8 139 136 40 3 323 omi\';:ir 1.335.00 211 216 1,296 6S7 639 11 12 5)6 561 43 3 324 flf"~t 693 00 73 73 40S 216 189 200 175 IS 2 3 2S lI1li"!iIl'{.- l.929.00 163 163 898 438 460 4:5 432 :..5 2 326 :q"(~i'r 617.00 114 1\6 6S( 333 348 12 13 242 244 60 It 327 ~1(~ 932.00 221 22S 1,180 611 569 4 6 233 I$S 234 39 328 ~}Ri,~~qt"-U 1,091.00 70 70 387 200 187 194 179 30 3 3'2.9 t{;;~t 1.012.00 315 335 1.912 934 978 884 927 48 4 330 .wn~ 439.00 47 48 252 III 01 74 82 6 1 331 ~~llJ'r'l" 321.00 27 27 148 72 76 72 76 1 .. 3 32 f~HI'<4\' 634 .00 49 50 249 128 121 107 102 6 333 malJ'iif 551.00 182 182 963 466 497 23 15 130 IS4 108 23 334 flJ't)m 781.00 252 254 1.394 703 691 63 6S 264 263 144 21 33S f~~ 1.133.00 194 194 1,127 540 587 7 9' 481 5'33 65 3 336 ~T 1,133.00 131 131 1'0 395 385 11 fi 223 204 83 8 33 7 .11f~'t" 984.00 177 177 1,093 544 549 469 - 479 58 3 338 f~TIf'6' 401.00 91 94 569 287 282 223 217 2{ 339 !iJ>Ulit ~I:r\ll 'I', 537.00 25 25 161 76 91 .. 63 80 20 1 340 lI'11i(1lfiR 1,814.00 260 260 1,474 724 750 43 48 S80 60S 83 3 341 ,!iflq~ 975.00 llS 115 60S 287 318 21 19 216 242 75 7 342 I{\=I',," 524.00 33 33 182 91 91 sg 88 33 343 ;;r;rf9'1:iT 89.00 8 8 33 18 t5 15 14 344 mRt'l" 515.00 82 82 540 268 2"2 8 5 219 215 41 2 3 4 S it'l"Q',{1T f" 355.:)0 42 42 269 137 132 3 3 128 125 6 346 ;a'~lJ'f" 499.00 36 36 153 81 82 28 28 41 36 11 1 347 il;iI(i\' 629.00 S8 58 . 304 140 16 ~ 105 III 9 3411 _fill'T 625.00 34 34 204 110 94 88 80 12 1 349 ~'U 2,290.00 454 459 2,455 1,197 1,25b 18S 191 682 733 228 42 350 q~~ 414.00 1 ~19 20S 1,153 532 621 60 S3 389 476 116 13 '351 f"t1Iih,'1U 278.00 21 23 118 63 55 38 38 17 9 3 5 2 f,ir'lllffijq- 321.00 34 34 174 83 !H 17 85 3 2 3S3~ 1,043.00 202 202 J,134 579 55' 4 3 403 396 107 a 3S4 pITA 285.CO 24 24 109 59 SO 59 SO 1 355~ 1.092.00 260 263 1,521 741 773 103 99 347 372 10. 12 356 ~'rrA' 1,509.00 459 469 2,5731,2751,298 72 .6 841 .65 301 52 357 IVIfr 98$.00 191 192 1,134 SU 166 172 276 302 Sn " IS 358 ~ 927.00 283 291 1.6~' 808 811 139 134 108 121 210 ,. 3'59 ~ 248~Oe 35 3S lSS 14 .4 14 84 1 '60 ~I',{ 288.00 77 77 390 193 197 t" 177 U l 211


------..J'------'1W ~ ~- - MaiD Worlen______IIIWtIiA ~ cilf<.. ,f(... 11'11' ... m , ~ ~ .. ..,'fIR,...... ~ .... (I-.X) o V(a) III.IV,V (b),VI. x VI~&IX Total MaiD Apic:ultural Household MargiDal Worker. Cultivaton J..abouroq IDdllStry Worbin Worken Nou-WOI'!lora --..A.----.. r---"-_ r-..._"A..-_ ,...-...... A.---. ,_.-.A.----.. ,.--..A.--...... -..A.__ S. ~ s. ~ I· flit J. "" s· ~ s. m J. .. M. P. M. P. M. P. 'M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P.

15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 2~ 26 Z7 28 2 ------455 47 395 13 41 32 12 2. 7 13 349 283 352 Kefawahl

I 125 6 113 2 3 I 8 3 1 IS 124 70 70 Badra 439 192 308 14' 127 177 3 14 248 204 199 BaJond 122 121 1 120 94 69 BloJa 269 248 8 8 5 280 169 180 Manjbiborand 197. 47 155 36 '27 11 9 6 143 135 158 'MaragaoD 352 l40 242 164 69 66 7 4 34 6 1 74 252 255 S.lmapur 124 19 121 17 :z 1 1 t07 76 61 Hukkabcdapathri 651 217 597 167 13 24 26 14 IS 12 3 320 280 441 Pam 68 6 65 5 1 3 3 16 SO 109 BhogacJi 47 12 46 12 1 6 25 58 Iodagaon 84 7 15 7 2 7 3 43, 41 71 SitU 273 72 256 66 10 5 2. 1 5 1 150 192 275 Satgaoo 447 176 408 108 22 62 2 1.' 5 2. 254 254 261 Giro.a 336 5 316 8 4 7 s .IS0 204 432 Chilpuri 246 14 235 11 10 3 1 2 133 147 240 Newta 336 104 311 89 5 3 15 11 S 1 3 208 442 DODgari pda 178 174 4 90 109 192 Chichdonpri So 46 3 .. 1 4 45 22 46 KaratJJialwad 483 337 4JZ 318 29 11 20 8 2 3 116 238 297 MaJakot 152 44 101 22 19 11 6 20 11 20 93 115 181 Bunagaon 45 3 38 3 1 S 6 42 40 46 Olllbha 13 2 8 2 3 2 5 13 Bansirsi 155 37 132 8 11 29 2 4 113 235 Bhiragaon 81 15 64 6 7 9 10 .56 It7 Deokhargaoo SO 4 40 .. (j 3 1 3 22 31 S6 Umargaoa 89 23 65 1 21 20 3 2. 1 51 140 ICewti 70 33 67 33 2 1 40 61 Dadb.iya 742 258 604 215 63 24 44 11 31 8 49 450 406 SSO Masara 31S 62 264 25 20 31 31 6 ISS 211 374 PaTari 34 IS 13 10 12 4 9 1 29 40 Chikhalpuri 49 25 49 2S 34 66 Chichpolang 321 157 302 1.$1 13 9 5 1 37 1s8 361 ICokodi '3 20 30 19 3 1 26 30 DucJhaaoll 404 274 356 237 40 37 8 .. 9 85 335 414 8ambalpur 689 237 H2 167 69 43 14 8 64 19 37 1.39 549 922 Baniyagaoll 324 107 272 83 SO 24 2 1 198 231 266 Itusma 513 53 453 16 37 36 4 19 1 1 195 164 Bamhani 45 43 39 35 '6 8 29 41 DhansuJi 111 110 101 98 (j 9 3 3 1 1 82 86 Isaloar 218

------. ------~ ------~

~I:I' (t~lirj 'Tflf 15' p IIrrr~~CIlR .... IT" iflp;,J ••'fie ill), ~n;l!flfii if l;git ~ m;m' ;rIll ~it ;n~ liiifflilJI ~~ 11'1.. , ...... TOlal PODulatioD !fiT .. Ii (inchidiDII Institutional fiIr • '". it and houscless Soheduled Scheduled Area of No, or populationl) Castes Tribes Loca- villago occupied Number ...--__ A ____...... ,....---J'o--. ,----" ---.,.. tion Name of in hectares resi­ of Code Tahsil/Village & of Town' dential bouse Iqffll J. ,ilfi ~. ~ ~. ~ No. Town/Ward Ward iu Kms bouses holds P. M. P. M. P. M. P. 1 3 4 6 1 8 10 11 12 13 14

361 6vitt'T 763.00 39 227 117 110 111 101 3 362 ar.T~;i~T 501.00 ],2 22 134 70 64 69 62 363 ".1 II Iii' 586.00 33 33 -1798891 75 81 364 ifI'... ~ 222.00 29 29 162 79 83 13 15 49 55 365 ;;ftfll'at(i!IoI'T~ 162.00 19 19 101 51 SO 49 4.5 Z 366 O('l(T 25 316 Jj~J 1,107.00 29 29 ISS 73 82 68 75 387 !lii;:J" 2.621 00 84 84 471 227 244 181 19.1 12 7 388 !Ii)~q 2,944.00 55 55 312 165 167 20 16 127 123 389 of", 432.00 4l 41 221 107 114 17 16 84 95 5 1- 390 "~rlfT\=I' 1,669.00 9 9 45 24 21 6 5 391 ~;:wrcn", 881.00 19 19 137 64 73 64 73 392 i:!~\11 2,488.00 89 89 560 276 284 25' 272 3 393 !f'!' 1.127.00 158 158 886 418 468 3 357 401 55 15 394 i!~~ifr~ 618.00 106 113 Ci16 313 303 )04 93 170 168 40 7 395 ""r,ffr 193.00 41 41 230 125 lOS 17 7 46 42 3 396 ~"r\=l' 1,630.00 88 89 508 264 244 192 110 8 6 397 llih:~ 809.00 41 42 268 139 129 134 124 1 398 qtr~ 635 .00 36 36 189 96 93 74 74 3"99 "lcr,1 ,1.202.00 70 70 399 185 214 173 20S 18 2 40 0 "'tlftV 966.00 29 29 161 86 7S 86 15 219



(I-IX) o V(a) ID.IV. V (b). VI. x VII.VIII &: IX Toral MaiD ApiCilltural Household Otbcr' Marginal Worker. Cultiv_rorl Labourer. Inclust..,. Worbn Worken Noa-Wortora --~ ,..--Jo----.. . ,..-:--"----.. ,..-._....._-...... r--...... _-~ ,.--..,._--~ ,..-_...A.~ Name of S. • S· ,. s· ~ S· ~ S· ~ S· "'" I· .- T.... 1I1VIlIap M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. TOWIll Ward IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 26 1.7 28 2 74 1 73 I 1 .. 1 43 108 Telallp 50 30 50 30 20 34 Korhobeda 56 32 52 32 4 .. 32 59 Madaliaon SS SO SS SO 24 33 B~di -37 33 36 33 1 .. 14 .7 Jogialwad 224 S9 HS 28 11 56 28 12 3 11 146 170 176 BSY.lnar 140 38 124 31 14 1 2 72 58 90 -Cherao" 140 7 139 7 1 2 8 72 220 Nariha 73 69 4 47 132 Muogwal 64 8 54 1 4 6 5 1 1 2 3 41 106 Madaoar 124 S 117 2 5 3 2 1 5 111 218 Kejaoa 6S 1 59 I :I 4 1 51 55 6& Badko 93 8 84 6 1 1 7 1 1 1 11 69 157 Permapal 62 1 59 2 1 1. 3 40 93 Reogagoodl .82 2. 72 2 5 5 .. 8 30 40 &6 Aamgaoo 145 12 126 12 4 14 1 2 54 95 141 Totar 138 9 115 7 16 2 3 4 4 124 71 80 Aadoar 31 3 26 1 5 2 23 12 17 lCohkadi 29 12 22 12 5 2 6 12 9 20 TiDlCQar 118 71 112 70 1 3 4 1 56 79 Chhoteusari 71 5S 66 S2 4 2 1 1 28 48 Abra 101 104 9S 102 6 2 33 43 Nahkanar 125 36 1 t 3 33 8 2 3 1 1 11 68 47 74 Chema 82 16 58 7 13 9 11 4 19 46 103 Malnar 21 8 20 8 1 9 9 8 ChhoaekOder 54 16 52 16 2 19 66 Maodo.fa 144 43 127 4 15 39 1 .. 1 83 201 ICadeoar 109 39 88 29 17 7 4 3 56 128 lColam 73 47 67 30 3 17 3 34 67 Becha 16 13 16 13 . . .. 8 8 MarkapaJ 45 39 45 37 2. 19 34 Handapal 210 190 209 190 1 66 94 Tumdiwal 278 299 234 255 34 40 6 2 4 2 3 140 166 Kudhur 193 62 IS8 45 2.3 16 12 1 10 121 110 120 HaaInar 79 16 66 16 4 1 2 7 1 43 45 45 Jodenga 159 61 129 46 27 - 15 1 2 3 105 180 Puspal I 14 7 73 4 10 2. 1 1 .. 55 122 Eormel 65 9 65 9 31 84 Paroda 134 23 122 22 7 3 1 2 51 191 Khadpadi .59 21 59 21 .. 27 54 AadwaI 220

~r.f\1:J 6~1'if i en" •• ~ 'li(OI~r l-'A ~. VTq,i'('(f'(j ."'lie""" !fi' an",~,q iii\{ ~.a:1fI"i ij tilij ~ ..-ri llil "Ill lm: il ITIIiI;r"i .,~ iqf;;;r.il U~ "q~i"Ji iii) TOlal P'lDulatioD 151 lui .Wlll (including Institutional fill •..n. ii and houseless Scheduled Scheduled Area of No,of population) Castes Tribes I..oca- village occupied Number tion NalDO of In hectares resi· Of .tI""'----"J...... ----~ ,..----"--- Code Tabsil/VilJage & or Town' dential hollSe IIlrfll S. R) I. M No. Town/Ward Ward in Kms bouses bolds P. M. F. M. F. 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 10 11 12 J3 14 ------_.. __ - .. ------_.. _-- 401 q~r1; 4'72.00 48 48 275 142 133 18 18 54 402 q~=rr{ 742 00 47 47 2112 149 133 143 130 1 403 ~Te- 8H 00 78 78 525 249 276 14 25 190 200 12 6 404 ~~qT'l"J 493.00 27 27 138 63 7S SO 58 405 'Ulli~ 297.00 10 10 47 24 23 24 23 .. 406 Zlfillftor 565.00 So 50 273 133 140 120 129 407 1fl\'tq 186.00 I(T~Ii'J' 408 qlTcUl'r 837.00 1 1 11 46 23 23 23 23 409 !{ij!fiI'lT 258.00 30 33 228111117. 5 9 29 27 9 410 ~l.:... n'if 566.00 JO 30 174 92 82 83 74 411 1Iit·1JT 1,329.00 104 105 555 287 268 20 19 192 188 11 2 4 I 2 mil QT'fT'{ 609.00 26 27 176 91 85 9 7 57 50 2 413 'B)~f·Hrl{ll.: 229.00 24 2-l 129 65 64 51 S6 5 414 "<(I'll" 640.00 42 j 1 292 139 153 12 93 111 7 415 q'tvrT 41 •. 00 33 33 219 101 118 88 101 1 41 6 iI'~'~li~"'l.: 431. 00 105 105 602 309 293 96 95 165 159 16 1 417 ~~I1J1: 362.00 23 24 145 68 77 47 50 7 41 R lfl{fqlO( 982.00 196 208 1.156 597 559 71 67 255 246 196 46 41 9 ~\ilifll.: :375.00 89 93 535 266 269 24 28 114 125- 63 18 420 ~rinqll1J 3 9.00 68 71 40' 200 20S 6t 66 112 lOS I2 2 421 iifVril:T 668,00 74 78 426 205 221 ISS 112 22 S 422 ~~Ifi~ 513.00 52 54 378 200 178 177 154 5 423 ~*I1JT 686.00 42 42 240 126 114- 19 17 67 65 1 424 (lit'l"J 727.00 36 37 280 137 ] 43 119 121 4 2 425 ";;.-t(1 312.00 70 72 4Q9 208 201 lOS 171 40 7 426 i'(llU 254.0(1 SO 50 325 162 163 99 104 26 4 427 Inn'lT~ 1,374.00 • 186 186 1.100 533 567 311 343 84 , 428 ;;r"T~lTtlf 531.00 55 66 389 185 204 178 197 24 J 429 'iT)WT1f 434.00 87 87 507 246 261 9 7 . 235 Hi 7 433 atl.:r 512.00 49 52 295 151 144 141 134 4 1 434 ;;fi'l(f (1tifl.:!{I'tiTeT) 303.00 29 19 185 96 89 1 1 93 8S 4 435 If)iifflfJW 742.00 152 154 847 417 430 90 88 24S 271 S3 4 436 V'iJIfill' 630.00 SO 80 499 254 245 J7 13 190 J92 30 6 437 ~~ 953.00 122 127 656 323 333 9 8 241 266 10 11 458 ;;rTiI'T 2.124.00 257 258 1,544 722 822 IS 16 643 735 133 12 439 :q';a'({1;T 759.00 26 26 l.S4 19 7S 66 68 14 2 440 tit~f1r 2.912.00 1113 186 1.137 569 568 50 47 4~0 432 49 1 221


~ IIi11f m... Milia Worbn _------..,..__--- l5f.nR .... qlf<4If(4i ~ fttIJ

(I-IX> o V(a) m.lv. V (b). VI. x VII.VIn iii: IX Toral MaiD Aaric:ultoral Housebold Other Marilin.. Workers Cultivators ladustry Workcn Worken LaboureTS ,-_.A.._...... --~ ,---"--...... ,..-...._A...-"""",\ ,--..A.-...... ,---A- ...... N.... 01 S. • J. s· ~ J. d\" s· .. T_lIlVlt,.,. M. P. M· '*p. M. P. M.s· '*P. M. P. M. P. Towa/Wud IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 2 12 • 71 2 8 6 3 62 60 63 Puhmar 93 13 83 9 8 4 2 .. 57 S6 63 Padnar 164 34 ISO 31 9 2 2 3 8 118 77 124 Matwal 46 '0 40 10 6 31 17' 34 Pungarpal 19 3 18 'J 1 12 5 8 Rakasmeta 94 29 88 22 :2 6 3 1 16 39 95 Tekapal Uninhabited Malam 13 13 1 10 21 Mangwal 69 40 51 32 J4 7 3 1 1 3 17 39 60 YahkaJi 57 9 42 3 9 6 S l 7 3S 66 Er.mdwal 166 21 140 10 21 II 1 4 1 121 Z46 Kanga SO 43 5 2. 5 41 80 Khodsanar 38 5 33 3 5 2 . , 27 59 ChhotekurlQdllr 86 3 65 2. 14 I S 2. 3 S6 50 94 Nawagal)lJ 56 1 54 1 1 1 5 S5 40 62 Padeli 177 6 143 4 26 2 8 4 132 283 Badekurusaar 49 7 49 7 19 70 BadaJur 336 110 187 38 53 40 47 -4 49 8 2. 4 259 445 Mardapal 171 108 132 60 23 44 11 4 S 161 Mulaar J31 27 95 11 31 16 4 1 "69 178 Raaapal 128 36 94 19 32 17 2 57 77 128 Lakhapuri 118 36 108 35 9 1 1 26 81 116 Hadkali 79 21 70 15 8 6 1 39 47 54 Uakeli 7S 65 9 1 .. 6.2 143 Hasel 128 6 113 3 12 3 1 2 29 80 166 Kachora 84 Z 61 . 16 2 3 3 2 77 159 Naari 325 37 299 1 12 36 13 1 13 208 517 Madanar 117 1 107 1 8 1 45 68 IS8 Borgaon 5b9 118 438 88 87 39 22 II 22 4 343 811 Sooba! 17S 72 152 S4 21 18 1 1 1 83 99 126 Botikanera 148 11 141 9 3 2 3 I 114 240 Plllang 148 62 136 57 10 3 2 :2 2. 98 197 KhaDdc11D 88 31 68 13 18 17 1 1 1 1 63 112 Jhara 58 U 46 S3 8 8 2. 1 2 38 27 Botha (Kariyata,a) 267 198 216 135 42 63 .. 9 3 44 147 188 Oolawand 154 96 124· 79 25 16 4 I 3 58 97 91 K.hachpon 216 157 175 130 32 27 1 8 101 176 Sukurpal 433 17S 384 168 10 3 13 . 26 4 69 289 578 Joba 49 25 46 25 .. 3 30 SO Badeusari 374 202 348 194 24 6 .0 2 2 195 566 Ghodapou 222

~r.nll' ft~')qfi qflr iii' -'ifill f;jf aJff«qr lor", lilt. vr1f fflR/ «_'lif! 111111''". lilt 9-f'fl'V; if 'l:iSit ~ III'tW llil ;WI" ~iI 1f1lA;i'i .ri!r {tcf 1,315.00 101 107 563 276 287 5 7 175 186 21 1 45 3 q;'(~l(t



(I-IX) II V( a) III. IV • V (b). VI. x VII.VIII & IX TOlal MaID Apicultoral Household Other Marlios. Worker. Cultivarors Labourer. Industry Workers Workera NoD-WOlken r-_.A._---, ---~ ,--.A---., ,.---"'----., ,--_...... _--, ,---..A.----., ,--..A.-"""'"'I S. fift' S. M 1· at i. felt 1. fift" S. .- ~. M. F. M. P. M. P. Moo P. M. P. M. P. M. ..P. IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

308 238 270 21S 30 22 2 I 6 189 2$1 Makdi 230 6 170 45 6 6 9 177 394 Ml1ilgapadar 265 270 242 248 16 18 2 3 5 1 170 18 r Mohlai 295 16 233 11 12 5 28 2 1 3 166 389 K.lranplll' 199 II" 158 .. 32 109 3 5 6 159 213 lCa.mela 199 52 ISS so 1 2 5 2 3 122 260 Kukarmarkapal 495 306 358 219 40 39 63 36 34 12 306 488 Dahikooga 165 152 J34 6 21 140 S 6 5 8 95 147 Pusawane! 836 224 636 82 127 13 I 28 J1 45 10 11 71 609 1.200 Bade kane ra 253 263 235 245 14 IS 3 3 1 125 96 8adebanjoda 165 51 111 26 29 23 14 8 5 2 7 119 212 Bakhra 179 J 186 ISS 154 10 22 4 4 10 6 2 96 99 Rajapon 38 46 35 44 .2 2 1 IS 17 Farasgaoll 293 214 253 195 21 IS 7 4 12 13 62 255 316 Bafna 86 8 86 8 4 67 60 73 Chholebanjoda 136 45 129 39 I 4 5 2 1 6 128 97 75 Chhotebhirawane! 148 15 125 7 12 3 10 5 1 S 146 70 7~ Badebhirawand 247 11 22S 3 9. 3 12 4 1 1 5 254 158 1'37 Bhagdewa 26 32 16 20 10 12 .' 17 21 LakbanpUri 387 J22 350 109 27 12 7 1 3 33 164- 255 390 Badebendri 57 3 52 1 4 2 1 7 59 46 47 Iarebendri 120 37 108 9 6 18 S 61 95 138 Botbo!a 240 21 197 6 27 7 16 8 163 414 Karanji 84 65 68 40 III 22 2 3 .. 24 49 55 Fukagirola 959 563 688 352 199 205 38 5 34 1 12 290 SS8 696 Mulmu1a 288 89 238 72 14 , , 4 29 6 1 149 189 196 Chipawand 185 ISO 169 126 11 20 3 4 2 122 159 Umarsaon 13 9 59 3 9 5 S .. 35 86 105 KuljIiar 86 77 1 6 2 1 1 111 190 Sinpnpur ' 57 46 10 1 41 125 Sidbawand 96 IS 59 24 6 8 'l 5 70 173 Bhiragaon 355 312 247 209 81 97 17 6 10 19 40 216 246 Malgaon 49 20 43 15 2 4 3 1 57 ,94 Nilji 74 30 48 13 25 17 1 CiS 118 Karawand 84 19 78 18 I 3 1 2 65 114 Sohanga 263 118 234 III 13 5 9 2 7 5 139 292 Torondi' .. Uninhabited Rakasbeda 228 43 197 41 19 2 8 4 183 150 152 Torenga IU .42 94 28 11 1 3 13 6 .. 2 4 78 146 Hirawandi no 81 108 ~3 25 33 1 9 16 6 1 29 7b 102 Belondi 224


~q' tI~');;ri rrflf II' IOlfril 1'''' \ifif~r l


'l'" iii'" m "" MaiD Worken --...A------___ _ .flr.,. .m.rmr llill" 1IiI''f-m ~ ~ ri

(I-,Xj l) Yea) 11I,IV,V (b), VI, vnl.VIn & IX 100ai MaID AaricuJtaral Household utber Marllinal Worker. Cultlvatol'l Labourer. Industry Workers Workers Non-Workers ,.i'-_-... _-...A.__ _-.,.JI..----. ,..--.,.JI..__ .--_..A. _...... ,...... ,....._...A. __ _ ,.....-.A.--... NIUlJO of I. fit S. fifi S· ~ S. dt i. m 1. ,eft ,. fiR TahlIl/VII•• M. F. M. .P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. P. Towo/WIIJd ------15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

51 30 43 25 , 4 2 II 29 30 Seoai .. Uninhabited Balenga 15 164 Erla 177 78 119 37 28 26 30 30 117 Anantpur 351 tt3 269 67 50 43 25 2 24 1S2 231 'JI Gumdi 78 73 51 30 25 43 51 44 (; 1 J54 281 Karandi 267 44 165 23 28 17 3 8 2 Uninh.&bited .. Bade Amrawati 7 24 Amrawati 36 11 29 9 7 2 11 liS 130 Bijapur 149 60 98 47 38 13 8 11 60 69 Hirlabbat SO 8 4S 3 2 4 3 37 4 70 185 Hedagaon 110 11 79 2 .22 8 4 1 5 2. 2. 9 81 167 Bade Sohaaga 124 3 106 I 1 ~2 2 S 2 5 79 80 157 Chh;pari 156 16 124 2 25 12 3 23 3!' Chhote Sohaoga 20 1 16 1 4 ... .- 8 118 270 Bade Ghodsara 1st 2. 96 51 2 2 2 10 4 32 11 Chl10te Ghodsara 45 3S 21 3 4 1 177 143 ill Dijoli 212 51 180 23 25 1 122 279 Chhatodi 14 140 4 12 8 II 2. 4 168 24 60 Nala,ibar (F. V. ) 31 49 29 I 2 2 .. 52 Aamaguhan 3 1 1 1 46 92 ~8 39 74 38 40 I 1 5S 102 MaoilLpur 93 47 73 7 19 .. 2 I 69 85 Daijllopur 98 63 96 63 7 4 64 67 77 Budra 126 61 105 58 13 .5 3 1 4. 49 70 Govindpur 111 54 90 39 18 15 7 2. 3 80 82 14'1 M·}hpal 163 9 146 2. 12 46 40 70 Sadadi 67 1 59 7 1 10 6 1 83 51, 46 18 398 654 Borgaon 292 70 t S3 !'O 81 52 46 Dianar 82 1 S2 1 30 58 123 R4kasbeda 108 S 102 2 , 3 2 35 73 142 Mirminda 149 6 145 6 2 14 25 40 Jondbra 41 4 40 3 1 1 4 15 162 Silati 94 88 2 3 S 51 137 Dongarsilati 86 14 80 5 5 9 1 32 26 28 Gaida 36 1 30 5 1 95 80 103 Tamrawand 98 5 74 t7 5 6 1 51 98 Usri 110 74 109 74 134 264 Haopa 192 37 191 37 1 S 2 16 58. Medpal 38 2 29 2 2. 22 65 Gadaotarai 37 33 4 1 35 115 MayurdoD,ar 75 1 74 1 .. 226

...... "". i:I'~'. ij(~'" IIi1 sr .... fo aT..:t • ----- ... ------_ ------_------_. ------

, "'m~ Gj[u'lvrj If'. llil art.l~ "flim:) tiii .il6Cl:(r l ci''A It~~f'lfff 1Ii,!:v;mr m .rll,;I1r~l ••'Ii" I((I(IU)" 'Ii) ••111 atj-{ g-".mil ir 'iI~ "lIm .or\ilffa II~ .Ii 'iii Ill" ~iI II'litiif "rile i14fffiil u~ ;rf'-':j,ni 1li1 T"lnl Population (including 'iii III" "fiIll Institutional fiI;.~. it and houseless Scheduled Scheduled Area of NOt of population)) Castes Tribes Liler&te viUale occupied Number -_.-.)'----- Loca· ,-- ___ ,...--J..--_ ",------~ r-..A.._ lion Name of in hectares resi· of Code Tahsil/VilIage & of Town' dential bol1Se IIlffli !. ~~'l !. ~ ,;. ~ I· fiR No. Town/Ward Ward in KIDs house. holds P. M· F. M. F. M. F M. p. - -- - _------_------I 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 --- 521 ~:n(R) 513.00 21 21 124 63 61 60 57 1 522 :qt it1; 183.00 11 1 t 75 43 32 43 32 523 i(fi~T 137.00 22 22 132 S9 73 55 6S 524 -",iii 274.00 41 41 241 til 130 2 4 102. 122 1 525 IlirofuQ' 242 00 42 42 285 159 126 139 11 I 2 526 llirqq'tcf 9G 00 34 34 179 89 90 67 63 12 1 527 Q1roorm 149 00 60 63 462 247 215 184 1'58 44 '6 5'28 ~"U 663.00 38 40 '251 127 124 99 100 529 ~iifr 61 00 34 35 185 104 81 104 81 1 530 ~'" 87.00 S9 59 339 ] 76 163 173 16J 1 531 ar)lt1;qtcr 252 00 54 59 371 185 186 . 173 ] 78 J3 1 532 iI~~tttcr 241.00 70 70 466 224 242 222 238 1 533 f~'fr(1. 40.00 18 18 114 57 57 53 54 534 ~-t'I.r" 36.00 16 16- 108. S5 S3 5S 53 535 ~IIif.,. 19.00 ~Tif 536 mAi" 19.00 S9 60 350 192 158 186 152 2 SJ7 1Ii~ N.A. ;fi1;Trr 227


'1WIIlliur m Ill. MaiD Worken ...... ------_- ---_ --A..---- _-_-_ -- -- -_ --_ IW.-r e'~ .~ qlfiwl," ..~ IIiI'II m ~ !Jill' I'f fl:t qftw, e'JI' ..mr ~ :aVhr W ~ 1III/1I1ft 'IfI'i tml ..... '" .. ifPI

(I-IX) II V(a) DI,IV •V &bh VI. X VII.VII St IX Total MaiD AJricultlll'&l Household Other Mar.... ' Worker. CultIvators Labourer. Industry Workers Workers Noo-Worken ...-_A. __ ,-_.. A ___-.., ---,..A..-~ ...--..A--~ ...--..A.---,\ ,--..1>---.., ,-~ Name 01 'Ed\' Qft I. S. ~ S· S· ~ S· ~ 'i. - ~1.VlJ"" M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. F. 'i-M. -P. M. P. TOWIll'" 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 1.7 28 2 IS -_---2' 44 44 J9 61 Tatd 27 6 27 6 16 26 Chaoaer 42' 17 40 16 2 17 56 BeaJeda 67 17 63 17 2 44 113 Chamai 91 3 88 3 3 67 119 ICarasing 60 2 43 S 12 2 " 29 88 ltabdpoll. lSI 14 83 2 38 12 4 26 27 95 174 Amrawati 84 9 79 7 4 2 7 43 108 Nn-ra 67 47 SS 37 12 10 37 34 Taraibeda 1,(0 96 9S 83 IS 13 66 67 Dcorpal a& 8 61 2 24 6 1 99 178 Odarpon 148 56 119 4 21 49 8 3 1 34 75 lS2 Be'pon 31 .. 31 6 32 20 2' Kirman 35 35 4 .. 21 HI 25 TUribeda .. UaiDhabited .. Tumboda 94 85 7. 1 1 14 It, 84 39 Deopoabeda UBinhabited 1 J(onda,80n 228

.~, IIit 511.. f_ ",~hr

_------~ ------

~,;ft~ 8~i ~1Ii1 if'.'. "f~lff~l t9f • .,~r (oflt'l lIi1[~f"cr &rfiNs et.~ .r. 1111 if'R/ ••'Ii" anq-ytfiq tit."", iI't~ «ferr"; if ~iif 'ifrftr "ry~fa ~'t m 1IIl1fl~ ~it fit;jY i(fijr ~fffiQ'i ~ iJq~;I(~ iii"! Tntal Population iii! lui (iocJuding It., Institutional fif.~. it and house[css Scheduled Scheduled Area of No,of papulatiool) Castes Tribes l.uerate Loca- village occupied Number r------..I...... -----.....-, r--..A--- ,...... --~----.. ._..A._ lion Name of in hectares resi of Code Tahsil,Village & of Town dential house l'frill 1· ~~ '1. fift 1· ~l ,. fift No. Town/Ward Ward in Kmll housell bolds P. M· F. M. F. M. -p. M. F. ---_------1 :a 3 4 S 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ---_ ---- 1fi);W1'1'far "q~""1tiT

4S/1V j-lfi),.. trrr. (If. en.) 10.ZI 3,4i7 17,279 8,519 835 2,063 2.501 3,518 8,769 848 2,117 4.405 45/IV! 1 f~m'u I(ri ] 93 194 1,052 538 514 57 58 149 141 118 26 4S/IV/ 2 8rr~ 'Il'i 295 319 1,686 869 817 201 !80 157 164 358 139 4511V/ 3 1IIl~'ni 387 390 1,992 1,007 985 9S J02 2"7 261 362 ]61 45/IV/ 4 1I"~mf~ 301 302 1 . 454 745 709 68 70 191 193 366 198 45/IV! S ft~~i't<'r'fT7T "Ii 266 270 1,417 749 668 51 39 131 108 501 34S 45!IV/ 6 "QC~~Qlf

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACf - - -_--_ - ---_- ~~1fmlri Main Worken -- --- _------J'o- _------_ "",,,11m _ftq't pr~ qlf«lf«t ;II; If ~'" ...r.. ~ iliA" m .WI __rillR ;nj IAlFm ~ ni'hr ri omhI'flt 11m ml IIiI wrJ1I

0---1"; II ,V(a) III. IV •V &b). VI. X VI~VII :'It IX Toral MaID A!lricultura) HOUSehold ther MaraiQaI Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non· \V orten ,--_.A.__ --.. ,._--A_ ...... - --"'-----. ,---""'----, r--~"" ---, '--~"'---.. ,---.)1..---, Nalfl'o o. I. tdt t· fift S· ~ S· M't S· ~ 1· ,~ '1. .- Tallllllvm... M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. Town', Ward -__------15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 ------Kondagaon Municipality

4.574 1,136 509' 2.7' 2.,651 67 4,111 Kond.gaoD (M.) 1,122. 334 198 33 457 2.72 7,116 302 83 146 48 S6 26 58 3 42 6 236 431 Itumharpara Ward 453 71 129 6 73 28 57 5 194 32 47 III 369 635 Aadwaocbhep Ward 555 174 229 62 104 89 32 11 190 12 5 27 447 784 Jamketpara Ward 397 70 40 2 16 18 40 3 291 47 9 58 339 5S1 Bazarpara Warcl 3S1 49 9 31 7 22 289 42 1 11 397 608 Tabsilpara Ward 37] 83 25 6 28 22 11 309 SS 11 346 6lS Dandkaranya Ward 298 84 124 41 15 7 7 152 36 226 446 Bhelwapadar ward S61 167 210 100' 23 36 11. 8 116 23 1 35 279 4S4 ForestcoJony Ward 355 S3 16 4 11 7 7 321 42 2. 2 :86 (:32 HospItal Ward 487 137 78 14 72 27 11 326 9 iii 2 IS 431 742 Sargipal Ward 273 45 5J 2 J5 7 8 3 199 33 315 S59 ~ararpara Ward 369 105 79 49 55 24 13 221 33 2 3" 629 Rojaaripara Ward 230

------.-._-__ ... _ -~ - __ .

~Il 6'~'Mi qfIr IWiI f'" ar.rnqr t;f1R • '"",;m:/ HiJ'li41 iII't'{ UAfvr if '{iJ~ ,,"I"t m IIIi1 '"11 ~iI Ifl~ ;Qfimir u~ !fIR;.... Tnlal Population (i.acluding '" I(q Institutional fir ••• it and house1ess Scbeduled Scbeduled Area of No. of population)) castes Tribes Literate oCCllpie(j Number Loea- village ~----• ..J ... ___ ~ , .--_-..J'--_ ,,---"--., ,_..A.._ tiOD Name 01 in hectares resi or Code Tahsil' Village & of Town dential bouse ,qfm S. "" ~. feh ~. fifi I· ., No. Town/Ward Ward in Kms houses . balds P. M. P. M. F. M. P. M, P. ------_ ---_-_------1 :I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

45/5 If"'~ ~ 4,508.4 28,164 77,061 3,881 61.924 I '.-7" l ",,,,",,,) ( .... fit;. ) 27.736 153,638 76,577 3,848 U.1I6 2,364 1 q;{~;rT'{ 558.43 7 7 3S 17 18 6 4 2 f(fll~;fo;n N.A lifll,l;r 3 l5.~ 1,1137 07 10 10 69 37 32 29 26 4 1Ii,{;pf!ff' 1.197.45 17 17 91 45 46 45 46 5 ~~m'!,~ {,102.98 J J 17 8 9 8 9 6 Ii~;fl 95!J.OO 17 17 103 54 49 .. 34 30 3 7 a~IIi1i\'!, 632.64 •'h-l'f 8 tfla-llilfTlt' 3,867.70 if'hl;r 9 ~I~ft 934.40 "'l<:f;r 10 ~il~It,.'{ 936.14 20 20 131 66 65 60 .59 11 ilI'6\'''I~T 6Q4.57 9 9 38 20 18 20 18 12 ql«!fT~r 978.37 8 8 37 16 21 16 21 4 13 inniliTIfi'" ], 11_2. 55 ]0 10 64 30 34 29 34 14 Ifq~~, 1,402.]2 :20 20 113 53 60 S3 60 15 ~q 2,362 08 31 31 IS3 100 83 95 80 10 t 6 ifh:T'!.·tTT ],4:16.76 :U'l'f 17 ,!~i'{ ],690.94 it~,;r 18 ~lTTqlU N.A. CfTttll 1 9 f.t;JJ,'{~;rr N.A. lII''l''{I1f . .. 20 IfnTQ"', 5,667.31 Ift'~,;r .. 21 ~'.:~'{ N A. ,.. liI'j~", 22 q;~"'JlfT 1,089.96 2 2 10 4 6 4 6 :1 2 3 f';N;r'mr'l' 893.93 , 3 18 6 12 6 12 2 24 ",'{q~ 1,487.59 30 30 t 76 84 92 84 92 J 25 ~ N.A. cih:r'f 26 ~~~ • 2,062.32 8 8 38 19 19 19 19 27 s"tt{"'l'{ N.A. ",'h:rrr . . 28 1Ii~' 2,309.57 7 7 34 21 13 . , 21 13 .. 29 tr"F 1,718.42 113 111 638 3~2 316 14 5 214 213 103 30 m-eJ..W 978.26 II 11 71 28 43 2. "3 31 ~q,~ 1,078.45 10 10 63 33 30 33 30 32 aitfi 1,966.07 9 9 61 24 37 24 37 33 ~;:.-'l' 1,621.91 15 15 123 59 64 Sf 64 2 34 ~'~'l' 4,340.05 46 46 356 167 J89 J5 23 152 166 11 2 35 it"H'( .825.78 J4 14 92 41 51 41 51 , 1 36 1Ifm'!~ 854.19 17 17 ]21 62 S' 62 59 37 'f1:r;{T[q'IW N.A. ~" 38 '(lwr~ 851.16 12 12 76 36 40 J6 40 3 39 lFl'i~ 6.1.09 13 13 90 oil 42 41 42 11 .. 40 m,m, M.A. ~ .. 231


-- P lInll' lAir 11'1. MaiD Worken ------.".__------_ --- lIIJelliA pr~ ~ "f<4If<. ar.1f 1Ii11t m Wl''fIR iliN It m IIf1I'm ' ~ ~ ri '" 41W IPJIIIfl.. m ...... , IfPF ( I-IX) U V(a) III,IV ,V J..b), VI, X vn,VI & IX Toral MillO AaricuJtural Household Olber MarIliWU Worker. Cultivators_-.A__ Labourer. ID4ustry Worken Workon NOIlaWorkera ,--..A.._ __. --"------., _-A.._~ r-__"'_-~ r----"---_ ".--A- -... NallMlOf --- f{ft I, S· d S· ~ S· S. d S· ~ ,. ., T.... iI/VHf ... M. P. M. P. M. P. M, ""P. M. P. M. P. M. P. ToWII'W•• IS 16 17 18 19 21) 21 22 23 24 2' 26 1:1 25- :a ------_ ------<41,610 31,101 7.321 451 2,747 "1 27.780 Bij'lp8l'T..... 24,263 16,428 7.364 81 383 10,473 41 841 (Raral) , 12 6 10 1 6 8 5 4 Farasnar Uninhabited TlDlarbecha 27 11 19 7 J J 1 6 10 15 Dudme 38 tI 34 4 4 4 18 7 20 KaTkawada. ., 4 6 1 4 1 5 Halbstumirguda 30 14 24 ! 1 4 3 2 13 24 22 Pengunda Uninhabited USlcameta .. Uninhabited MOlakwaya .. UniDhabited Pumbali 44 19 4X IS 3 4 19 22 %7 GondnllguJ' 13 11 11 9 2 2 7 7 Netiwada '9 10 8 6 4 7 11 Pasewada 20 20 19 19 1 1 10 14 Netikakler 36 2 36 2 8 42 9 16 Duct epalJ j 57 23 54 23 2 1 2 43 58 Kerpe •• Uninhabited BiramuDgi . ," lIninhabited Muchler Uninhabited .Qprgapara Uninhabited Kimarboch. Uninhabited .. Paragoma Uninhabited Badeindur 4 3 4 2 3 Fandiwaya l , 2 4 2 3 6 Chipanpalli 50 52 50 47 5 34 40 CherpalJ i Uninhabited Karme to 8 10 8 •• I I 9' 10 Markud Uninhabited Chhoteindur t 1 It 11 10 2 Kokera J84 142 .. IS 7 20 184 138 132 Sandra 9 1,6 Gartol 19 2 19 2 ~ . 25 II 9 18 9 4 15 17 Oundapuri 18 3 17 3 f 5 6 29 Odru 35 23 28 3 23 4 8 17 16 24 PalselPlndi 99 26 81 11 18 8 3 13 '65 150 AdepalJi 27 13 27 13 .. 14 38 Penkudur 38 21 n 9 12 8 24 30 Jaraguda Uninhabited Mardinlpal 24 10 23 8 2 1 13 12 17 RalapalJi 24 J 24 3 2 2 24 35- ArrepaIU

• I UDiDbabited Tad.od 232

""""" i rrr.r iii' f" IAUW!I'F ( .IR ... 1T'(.iPRJ(I~vr ••q;\Il iIIl{ 8"f'Jrsii iJ tiJit ~ ~Cl;nq ~II .,~ ntf~lii .~ 1f1R/~ Tolal Population (including IliP"; Institutional fils. 1ft. it and houseless Scheduled Scbeduled Area of No. of population)) Castes Tribes LUerate Loca- village oocupied Number ,,-- __ __ ...1 ..... ___ --.. ,..-_-..A--_ ,-- --~ ,,-.A.._ tion Name of in hectares reSI of Codo Twill Villap & of TOWD dential house Ilff.. S. ,qft S· ~ i· ~ ,. fti't No. Town/Ward Ward in Kms bousel bold. P. M· P. M. F. M. P. M. F. ------_------_------1 3 .. s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ------_ 41 ~ N.A. ~ 42 'f)"(~;11 N.A. ~A '43 i~r 813.41 11 J1 73 33 40 •• 33 40 4 44 qr<{~ N.A.

PlUMARY CENSUS ABSTIlACf Bi.... r ..... -_ ------'lW1I ~" lIRir ~. MaiD Worbn _ ---_ - - _- - -- -..A------~ -- _ ._. ~f'(If WI~_ p~ ~ ...... ~ ~ III1'1r -nil ~ ~ ri if1Ifftt ... .,.1"'.1'.. IIAl III'" (1 -IX) II Yea) lII~lV, V I..b). VI, X VJ~Vl & IX TOlal Maio ApiCQ)tural Household Oiber Maqinat __Worker...A._---. Cultivators Labourers Industry .Worken WOI'ken Nom-W'orkesa ,_.-..J>.-...... ,--_..A.-_ ...... ,-._A.-~ r--..A.--~ ,--A-"'""'"'I ,- --"'--_ Name oj I. ~ i. • J. ~ J. fift , S· ,. ,. TaildliVU'", P .. M. P. M. P. M. P. M.. P. M. ..P. Towa ,.,. M. P. M. .. 1, 16 17 18 19 lo 21 22 23 24 23 26 a7 28 J ------Uninhabited ICumer Uninhabited GOrgaJlda 20 2 20 1 1 2 U 36 Tebmcaa Uninhabited .. Pawam 41 21 41 2l 3 '28 43 Irpagutta .. lTnlDhllbited Hirapuraua Uninhabited ArbpalJi Uninhabited TatilUtta 24 6 18 3 S 3 .. 1 12 .31 Cbhotekak IC'l' .. Uniohabited Na.gawaram .. . Uninhabited Dudme (; 71 046 67 44 2 4 50 54 Badekakler 29 18 29 18 J 19 34 PbUlgundam Uninhabited Chinnarewa 56 27 S2 21 '2 6 2 2 39 S6 Annapur .. Uninhabit. ICuomwayam&'lda 14 16 13 14 1 2 8 12 Marwada 61 46 ~ 60 46 1 45 65 Safimark4 34 25 JO 24 '4 2S 31 PiJur UniD.babited Bibari 35 32 30 30 1 4 24 31 Kandlapartj 23 29 23 29 16 17 Mattimarka .. Uninhabited Jamka Uninhabited MaJda 26 23 2' 23 18 18 Wadla Uninhabited Dudma 23 21 23 21 14 9 Gokllur 57 42 J7 42 25 31 PoIem 17 9 17 , 6 4 PondJalam Uninhabited ICorapaUi 53 51 52 51 1 33 24 PetaboJda 59 43 3B 37 , , 15 44 26 R.edpaUi 166 171 146 118 1 9 10 119 90 Bareluda 42 44 42 44 30 30 - Gangaram 55 45 46 41 .] 4 6 20 28 Sabapalli 41 44 41 44 19 37 ltottaauda 41 39 25 25 S 14 11 .. 17 36 Raiguda 66 72 66 72 . . .. 3.5. 18 Duslamguda 97 '5 17 16 7 , 3 42 43 Dammllr 21 22 21 22 6 S Chillamarka 234


~;r ft~1«i qf" llir fi<1l' l(if{Alrr ~ if," m VTIf'~1 lIlil'li" '"~ 6fllHVf ij "{IIii' ~ m!lil ;{Iq ~" fl~ 'Q'f'mrii 6~ ifIA/'fN Tnl.!1 Population 'liT 1I'1i (iDCludiDg Institutional .fi5.~. if and houseless Sc:beduled Scheduled Area of NOt of population!) Castes Tribes

~ Literate Loca- village occupied Number _ ____ .J..... ____ _-..A--_ riOD Name of in hectares resi of .------,...... ,....- Code Tahsil Vmsge & QfTown dential bOUSe ",fa; S. ,~ ~. fCI) ~. fit)- No. Town/Ward Ward in KID! houses holds P. M- P. M. F. M. F M.I· ""F_ 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 ------81 art~~,r 24.13 5 2 3 2 3 R2 ft=rttl';l.: 277.36 70 71 397 192 205 13 14 120 148 77 5 83 ~, 370.84 128 118 628 314 314 32 29 179 174 92 18 84 ~~"'T 343.01 52 52 275 136 139 45 37 87 99 28 .! 85


------'------'1'" III" m ~i MaiD Worken __ ------_------.A------_ .~ •• fl(4lf...... IImf ..rot ~ ft\lJ lOW

(I-.X) 11 V(a) III. IV •V- (b), VI. x VII,VIn &: IX Toral MaiD AJricuItural Household Other MaqioaI Worker. CultivatoR J...aIxNrcra Illdustry Workcn Workon NOD-Worke,. _-.A.--.. ,.---"----.. ,._-.A.-____ ,..-J---., ,._-..A..----., _-A- ...... r- _.A. __ --.. Name 01 I. • S. at S. at J. R'r ,. ~ S· ,. ~. Tahsil VilI... M. F. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P M. -F. TowD 'Ward 16 17 IS 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 11 28~ 2

2 3 2 3 AI&DIPotigud. 117 141 J09 134 5 7 .. 3 .' 75 64 Linppur 230 200 206 170 12 29 4 8 J 1 14 113 Bardali 82 73 74 66 7 7 S4 66 Nalampalli 82 51 7-1 44 6 7 2 2 42 89 t'lloor 59 70 52 56 7 14 30 31 Chaodaqiri

13 87 48 57 31 30 ')' 4 41 SO Bhatpalli 217 11 S 87 40 62 66 33 5 35 .. 29 J47 229 Gollaguda 115 97 28 19 37 61 36 14 14 3 3 SO 52 Timed 138 65 62 13 30 46 8 1 38 S 3 65 87 11 3 GOlaigllda Uninhabited Marriauda %2 20 I 1 14 13 23 Bllimaram (RaJDllPW1llIl) 57 46 51 38 4 8 ., 2 24 30 Kucbnoor 470 129 100 19 78 78 22 1 2:-0 31 4 133 427 555 Bbopalp:u nam 155 118 72 101 59 73 5 19 4 11 S 121 134 Oulapenla 54 34 41 10 12 24 1 6 29 53 Rallapalli Uninhabited 4 • .. - .. Damaram 257 133 16B 60 48 59 4 2 37 12 42 160 ISS 172 Rudraram 165 100 137 91 1 9 7 20 4 59 86 10 Arjuna1j 29 1 26 3 1 20 IS 19 K.oadapadp 12 2 12 '7 5 8 Nilama.Jgu Uninhabited K.akler Uninhabited Ponjer , . Uninhabited Banjoli Uninhabited .. _ ICondoH Uninhabited .., Maddopalli Uninhabited ·. .. Baroluda 27 , 24 3 3 3 1 l' 10 26 Yapl. 138 18 11, 9 16 9 1 5 9 124 74 114 Dampaya 51 43 SO 42 1 1 14 28 Peldapalli (:K.ottsauda) 74 77 39 42 35 35 38 46 Sandrapalli 175 ]69 137 141 8 12 2 3 28 13 5 130 139 Cherpall i Uninhabited K.otaauda (Dlldhoda) 29 3 7 2 28 13 21 Dhaogol -" Uninhabited Radpuram 148 15 125 49 20 36 3 · . 4 4!l 73 '9 Peadapam 45 25 1 2 "4 23 11 41 Chinnamathur lOS 49 20 5 U 44 ·. 64 125 Peddamathur 79 72 49 4 25 65 , 5 3 '40 67 Dudheda (Kottaauda) .52 10' 14 13 31 12 37 21 27 79 101 Peedapalli (Bsnlapda) 23-6


~I:l 8~mQfi rrT1r IliT IIT.nll !j<1l' i'iiI'iRRlfT (;;ftA m "'''I~I ••'fie an;nul'l,· iII')~ &'f'ffV' q <:illJ ~ ..rW IIil '"11 ~iii lJIIilon II'riir Iilffmir 9'~ ~q~J"yj I5't Total Population IIil ..Ii· (l'Ii'rT (including Institutional fiII.lft. i and houseJess Scheduled Scbeduled Area or No. 0.( Number population) Castes Tribes Loca- village LUerate oocuplcd of 1"""-- --..1 ... ------, ,..---.Jo.-.._ ,-..A.._ tion Name or in hectares reSI· Code Tahsil; Village 8t of Town' dential bouse '''itll';. ~'\' ,;. a. I· .. No. Town/Ward 'Ward in Kms bouse. bolds P. M· H,. M. F. M. p. ------1 ·4 5 6 7 8 10 1J 12 J3 14

121 \iI1:srOf~~t ('If~~) 448.79 22 22 160 77 83 77 83 20 , \ 2.2 ~",6~cwq'{1 313.09 37 )7 230 116 114 114 112 34 5 123 $~~~T 777.98 &1 85 489 219 270 2 2 196 248 28 1 124 mQfl 459.54 39 39 :'88 156 132 12 8 144 124 47 3 125 66.65 21 21 122 63 59 63 59 4 1 126 514.95 38 38 194 9S 99 95 99 8 I 27 ,!1;I!S'T 132 38 II t 1 73 39 34 39 34 128 ~ 332.57 36 36 188 10,. .83 103 83 . 16 12 9 iIlcr


~--- - ~ ------..A..------_ -- _ -- -- _ ~ Cfrmrf(llr ~If .... _ ~ ~ IItW

(1--0() 11 V(a) III.IV,V (b>,VI. VII, VIII .'1< IX TOlal Main Aaricllltural Household Other MaraimU Workers Cultivaton Labourers Industry Worken Workers ,..-_A..Noa-WoR~___ ' ---"----. _-A_~ r---"--_., ~-J.----., ..--_)I..--~ ,.--A.--.... s. ~ S· ~ J. ' feft' 1. Rr ,. td'r i. m- M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. F. M. P. M.'I. -P. ---- .------, ------15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2~ 2S 26 28 J ------_------48 44 31 13 16 21 29 31) ,.rpda (Bbatfipda) 75 7Z 69 62 S 10 1 41 42 Mota'kpalli 127 128 121 124 2 3 4 s 92 t 34 K.esaisudo. 97 75 90 70 7 5 S9 57 Goda- 49 37 49 37 i4 22 Raipda 71 62 61 S3 10 9 .. . . 24 ·37 Posadpalli 30 28 17 14 12 14 ',' 9 6 BLUgllda 72 28 66 IS 3 6 1 6 43 27 U Dcpla 54 51 35 30 17 21 2 1 17 11 Bawanpur 103 90 91 78 12 12 1 to 46 41 Gorgullda: 24 10 21 8 3 2 4 14 9 ltondalDOSIHlJ 16 4 14 4 2 IS 3 "1 Jtandla 4' 16 45 11 S 31 11 13 Rampela 130 42: 99 29 20 13 5 88 46 41 Atll4:palh 37 to 24 2 12 8 15 11 15 Me tJacb.eTII Uninhabited Blaplh'am 21 12 3 27 10 IS Regtlda .. Uninhabited •• Mctlacheru (Kalll&1lia) 68 37 34 2 28 3S 6 22 42 Bhadrakali Uninhabited KapaJa. Uninhabited BandresUda 20 14 12 8 14 5 6 14 Sit• anagram (JajaJpda) 12 32 51 26 32 4 SO 47 SO Tarud .. Uninhabited Rodnlla uninhabited KUlTlhamila 88 32 47 21 27 9 6 1 8 1 1 53 46 41 Chandon 31 25 20 14 8 8 3 3 3 13 18 Kanbalpeta lOS 91 65 SO 11 41 21 1 2 70 72 Dudheda 67 S9 57 S2 9 7 1 1 48 44 Annaram 133 101 94 73 12 25 11 3 16 15 75 81 Kotm 46 SO 33 38 10 12 3 , 30 28 Tarlaauda 61 61 2 26 86 Meppur (Karkawaya) 141 3 4 131 3 12 II 121 2&;0 Minot)r 40 36 40 36 .. 22 26 Enehod-. 121 182 63 12 62 77 3 2 7 as 99 Baoppalli 58 47 41 3S 15 12 2. 2 i 31 29 Muttapur 11l 92 102 4 5 88 S 7 61 79 Minkapalli 9' 74 51 2 43 72 2 54 63 KomatpafJi 89 84 84 10 S 4 8 32 5'1 lCoogupaJli 136 77 61 4 68 73 7 1 34 84 94 Kotlapalli 238

~~ 6~l9rj ~1IIi' .,11"111 f" 1II'i{{'I1Ilrr l-IEA m vur I iI1I't/ iRillfifJ ammrrll .'t{ «f"ni, if ~iJir .~ m ,,";n~ ~ir III1l1iil "'~ i!lfmlii tf~ ;pRIm 111ft Tnral Population Iflllll (ioaludina '" ,,~ Institutional '•. .n. " and houso1eS8 Scheduled Scheduled Area of No,of populationl) Castes TribeS Literat. Loca- villase occupied Number ,..----.J-..-__ """"' r---.A---... tioo Name of in hectares resi of ,..-A-_ Code TabllillVillase & or Town dential house Iqrfll ~. ~qft ~. ~ I· • No. Town/Ward Ward in KID. house. bolda p. M- F. M. F. M. p. 1 Z 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1 61 tn'l1Pl" 664.85 110 110 590 283 307 10 63 125 236 7S 17 1 (j:2 "iI~'-Ilofi 428.14 J9 39 240 120 120 120 120 32 3 163 ~~? 795.99 68 68 360 178 182 178 182 1 b 4 ::rT\Ir "t)cqr 110.68 itu::r 165 ~ffqr", 95.63 5 s 32 14 11 14 18 J 66 f,,",qr~ N.A. i(l-~R ,. 1 (j 1 Ifr~~;rTlT' N.A. 3 3 14 8 6 8 6 ] 68 "'''',,"'{If N.A. arrn::r ,. , 169 1Ii"h';;f~ 372.67 8 8 51 22 29 22 29 170 ~qi 374 20 8 !! 66 28 38 28 38 171 .m~.n N.A. ,,'hl~ 172 !IT<~' N.A. lI"t~Tif 173 %«f.:r'T N A. timif 174 8T!.IIi~ N.A. or""rntr 175 ft;r~ N.A. Iinr.r 176 mlfflq"f\lrr 596,97 20 20 J20 6!1 H 65 55 7 1"!7 ~~T 54.33 lfh:Jif 178 vq:~r 271.69 33 33 194 91 103 91 10:1 3 179 If~ 230.60 17 17 75 33 42 33 42 180 ",lJiI1IJi1m 6"24.8:2. 142 146 -687 347 340 22 1-7 319 313 49 J 181 q'l~' 618.94 490 497 2,3511,1841,167 198 195 440 451 567 242 182 ..rr.rTI{~ 38.23 27 28 135 72 63 7Z 63 ... 1 183 ~~ 976.68 127 127 604 305 299 37 33 210 201 30 3 J84 f~~ 770.49 29 29 139 74 65 74 65 11 18 S :a"'lit~, 1,267.30 202 207 1.167 566 601 S54 589 52 7 186 8")iJ; 2,579.15 8 8 58 35 23 31 2{ 1 8 7 'iIl<:


_- -..1'------__ -____

(1--1X) 11 V(a) III. IV • V (b). Vl, x VII.VIII <, IX Total MaiD ABricultural Household Other Marlina) Workers Cultivators Labourer. Industry Workers Workers Non-W.),ker!l _-..A..----., ,..--..A.---, ,..-_..A._-.,. ,---.A---.., ,..--..A-----, ,..--.A..--.. ~ _.J'o....r. ___'"'" Name 01 I. ~ S· ~ J. m J. faft ~. §t 7;. ,~ ~_ M Taheil'VIlI", M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. F. M. fI M. fl. TowofWard -~------16 17 18 19 2'1 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

162 160 152 29 7 111 3 6 121 141 PamgaJ 78 S9 77 S6 3 1 13 26 29 3S Me.upalli 106 94 99 7 94 4 20 68 613 Lodcd .. Uninhabiled Nila.ndippa 8 6 2 8 6 10 Marrimala .' Uninhabited Minpauoor 5 2 4 1 1 3 3 Ade:1waya l'ninhabited 15 10 11 Kachlaram 11 12 ]0 10 2 11 16 Koranjed 17 17 15 J 1 2 6 1 I 2[ Baildepure Uninhabited Banlapalli Uninhabited Aaloor Unlnbabited Kesoli Uninhabited Atllkpalll tTninhabited Lingapuram 35 20 30 20 4, 1 17 29 18 Somanpalli Uninhabited Elgandra 60 31 58 26 1 .5 1 4 39 27 33 AngampalJi 27 22 26 ~ 22 J 6 20 Oauraral11 235 45 169 S 62 40 4 6 144 106 151 Tamlapalli 659 319 250 41 160 247 52 3 197 28 6 78 519 770 Madded 48 36 42 32 6 4 24 27 Konaguda 202 181 97 7 96 174 9 .. 103 liS Sangampalli 4' 38 45 34 4 4 .' 1 4 24 23 Oilgicha 389 20.5 313 197 1 .. 16 7 6 149 171 247 Uskaled 16 12 16 12 19 11 Doke 18 21 ] S 16 1 5 9 11 Jarwa Uninhabited Badealw9da Uninhabited Tadigulta Uninhabited Outtamarkll 40 29 36 26 4 3 1 6 19 20 Murkinar 11 16 7 4 11 10 2 10 7 Multram Uninhabited .. ltusumbeJi Uninhabited PaJdcYi 25 19 15 11 10 8 3 6 20 13 Oattapalli 31 18 30 16 1 2 .. )0 18 Mukabcli 11 9 9 9 2. 1 10 Damaram Uninhabited Chuchkonta 2' 21 16 , 10 12 IS IS Katur 95 125 is IU 2 2 4 5 4 45 32 Ranibodli 2~O

"'r.t\ZJ 8~')ii(' i qf... 111'1 Iii(' ~~r l.fA IIih ,"If, iflf'{/ il.'1i~ aij{ ~n:~,"i ij '{;fit trq'{ 'fri IIi1 iff1r lWt ii Q~ -"f

20 1 '1'Zq~," 554.55 16 16 74 38 35 8 6 30 30 6 202 ~''fJfitT 2.124.49 53 53 309 16S 144 81 67 84 77 14 203 ~,.tq(;~ 236.85 4 4 1~ 8 II .. 8 11 204 mi?arrfll,T 528.16 21 21 92 49 43 49 43 .. 205 fq.rin; 1,141.31 3i 31 165 77 88 77 88 3 206 ;ncm;rT 36;.97 13 13 65 34 31 34 31 9 207 aRl'!;s1I' 1,563.80 ~'l1:Tif 208 ~~~)~, 351 39 J2 12 50 23 27 23 27 209 ~ih,;rq~ 933.90 26 30 174 B3 91 68 77 9 1 21 0 ~q'{ii(' 172.89 q'h:lif 211 qii(',tJT;:I'{1 932.52 6 9 38 21 17 19 17 3 212 ihr')-lfI'>;11iT 1,691.42 ,"(rlt 213 ~ifiJ 1,218.26 58 59 300 143 157 8 8 113 128 29 5 214 Jrril1' 2.135.64 49 49 297 165 132 1 157 125 12 3 215 q'I!i1:l1' 701.62 15 15 98 54 44 54 44 2 216 Jr."if~1: 1,381.75 10 10 57 27 30 4 7~ 23 23 3 2 1 7 !f;~.troI>T N.A. 8 8 45 19 26 19 26 218 lfi),{iI'l"i>



(I-IX) II Veal 1II.1V.V (b), VI. x VII,vln ok IX Total MaiD Asricultural Household Other MarlPna. Worll:el. Cultivaton Labourers Industry Workers Worken NOD-Workon --~ ,--.A-.--. ,--A.--~ ,--.A.---.., ,--.A.----... ,--A---.,.--""""""'__ Nama fo I. ~ ~. ~ J. ~ i· m i· t'eft' S. ,~ t. .. Tahsil/VIllagc M. F. M. F. M. P. M. P. M. F. M. P. M. P. Towa/W_ ------~------IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 1

22 21 8 10 14 11 2 16 13 Bhatpalli 109 84 103 80 5 4 1 56 59 Sagrueta 7 5 7 5 1 6 Salepalli 28 26 21 12 7 4 21 17 Chhoteal~ada 62 72 62 72 IS 16 Chinaor 13 19 7 13 6 (j 2 2 19 10 Chatpalli Uninhabited Badegundam. 15 14 15 14 8 13 Edasgondi SO 46 32 36 7 6 11 4 1 1 32 44 Somanpalli Uninhabited .. Kuprel ~4 8 10 8 1 3 7 Bligandra Uninbl1bited Dolimuka 89 n 70 78 3 2 4 12 2 1 54 74 Farsegarh 93 69 91 67 1 2 1 1 2 71 61 Malldem 44 36 44 36 10 8 Penk.anl 23 24 2-3 24 4 6 Muehler 15 16 15 16 4 10 Karremarka 10 11 10 11 12 10 ICorlapalli Uninhabited OdsanpaJIi Uninhabited Nemler 28 22 27 20 1 2 19 18 MadepurturJ"i 2!) 22 27 20 2 2 1 16 23 KUngler 31 24 26 20 5 4 22 24 Madepur 26 15 25 15 1 7 15 14 Manjimendry • UDlnhabited Dakatwri Uninhabited Odru Uninhabited Medpalli Uninhabited Poparam 22 14 22 14 11 10 NayatunlirgUDda 109 99 97 92 3 6 9 1 2 S8 60 Bedre 18 19 18 19 13 11 .Wayanar Uninhabited Madegundam Uninhabited Odrutong Uninhabited Bodmeta 36 38 29 31 S 4 2 3 2 15 20 Marrimadga 33 30 30 28 1 l' 1 1 1 11 18 Rengawaya Uninhabited Gumner Uninhabited Kuprel Uninhabited Omra 23 17 21 17 2 6 9 Odsanporka 242

~ll 8118\''''1 Iffcr llil 8f'""" ~f~ifH) f'" ";f~IJ1f' l ii'A ~. IRq ;rIf'{.j . ara'lie ilRifnj)tr llii U"' .'j-{ ,,"~"friil ij "(iii!' II'~IR 1fT. !fir ;frq ~ iI lI1moi'f "'~ iillfffiir lJ~a. II'q~iqni ifi) Total Population !iii 'H; IlIiIlI (inc)udlUg Institutional til; • q'). it and houseles! Scheduled Scheduled Loca- ~ff.!s~f ~.;i~d Number populationl) Castes Tribes Literato lioo Namo or io hectares resi. of ,..-----.)\..-.-----.. ,-_-..A-__ . ,--_,.... ---., r-A-­ Cod, Tahsil/Village & of Town' dential house Illflfl 1· ,iff 1I. fdl 1· ~') I· m No. Town/Ward Ward in Kms houses holds A P. M· F. M. F. M. .F . M. p. --.---.-. __------_. ._--- "_--- 1 :a 3 4 6 7 8 9 JO 11 12 13 14

241 lIi1fql"'') 756.42 9 9 47 25 22 25 22 242 ii'ifiJq~ 2,415.10 21 21 122 56 66 56 66 243 ifi<:~;;r'" 2,461. 51 47 47 320 170 150 6 169 144 4 244 'L"<'rr 315.69 8 8 30 13 17 .. 13 17 2 4 5 'l<:iI1l 1,276.06 1ft"" 246 <:fT~if'Rr 1,457.94 36 36 175 86 89 86 89 247 l!itqifartf 778.42 14 14 77 38 39 J8 39 248 !IHa~ N A. .o~T" 249 ;;(T~t\<: N.A. 47 47 268 145 123 126 122 24 1 2 50 NliT"t<: N.A. 17 17 89 S3 36 53 36 251 Cf1iIii~r N.A. 17 17 76 34 42 34 42 252 f;q'o:fT~crr N.A. .lhT" 253 ~i 864.40 28 28 174 91 1s.1 91 83 .. 254 1' 130.118 32 32 176 82 94 12 .. 94 1 26 4 ar)lf<:r N.A. ~r;y .. 265 ~'iWn: N.A. cffu;r 266 1l!~i!T 665.76 38 38 201 96 105 94 102 1 267 q."t.~ - N.A. ,,'rolf 268 91i?oif6;;rr 547.23 16 16 97 41 56 40 50 1 269 f~r~ 282.76 cr)"tr;r 270 ;r;~T


~ ... " m Ifti Maio Worken _------.A------__ -___ _ "If ~If m ~1If6. IRa ,' ....wi

(I-JX) , lJ Via) 1lI,IV ,V (b), VI, x vll,vm", IX Total MaiD AarlciiJtural Household Other Marlioiil Worker. CultivatoR Labourer. Industry Workers Workers Non-Worken _-..A.-~ ,.--.Jt.----. ,_.-Jo..-"""""'I r--A---", r--Jo...----"' ".--.A.-_ .-~ N .... o' I. ~ S. ~ ,. ~ ,. ~ ',. ~ ,. ,~ t. al TabslljVIIl... M. P. M. p. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M p~ TowafWd IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3

16 18 14 16 2 2 9 4 Kodepalli 42 44 38 39 4 S 14 22 Idkapalli 123 8[ 122 81 1 47 69 KarkeIi 11 11 9 9 2 2 2 6 MusH Uninhabited Mariam 61 59 61 59 .. 2S 30 Tadmendri 28 21 28 21 10 38 ICopanjarri Uninhabited Katar 76 69 74 69 2 1 1 68 53 Jatlur 35 4 3S 4 16 17 16 Diwalur 18 20 18 20 1 2 15 20 Padmeta Uninhabited Chintadevi 53 .51 41 2 12 5 38 27 Koande 32 28 32 28 2 19 12 Dodimarka 38 3S 38 3S II 7 BOler 8 6 8 5 1 1 1 7 5 Tadwada Uninhabited Uillial 7 :1 4 3 :z 3 2 4 Teklanugur 38 32 38 31 1 1 12 21 Kara.lgul 70 61 70 61 .. 21 17 Murumwada 17 4 17 4 .. 9 6 6 Gundekot 59 21 37 4 18 17 4 23 36 70 Nugur 44 2 44 2 29 38 63 Lanka ljninhabiled . , .Omra Uninhabited lvIuchTer .s4 12 30 11 2 1 21 4 45 38 48 Hingmeta Uninhabited Badebodli 28 13 27 11 1 2 18 13 2S Chbotebodli Uninhabited Kumharmeta Uninhabited Bandimarka 31 16 18 11 3 10 21 29 Hurregubali 31 31 10 42 Bhllrri Uninhabited Bika 1& 16 18 16 11 5 Rekapal 15 3 15 3 11 9 12 Tabkawada Uninbabited Ba4etckmeta 70 s 49 18 s 3 1 27 45 85 Jaramarka 6 S 1 4 4 Nodwaya 11 7 10 5 1 2 1 9 14 Kumbadi Uninhabited Chinnatokameta 244

~"'q 6~')liI'j Iffar llil arTIIJU' t<;f .;{(('it!'f l i( '" m VTIl iflf(/ 1Ii.'6" arri(f{flll ~h tr.li.I"' if ~iiit ,,~ If'. ifj, ;J,II ~it 1JIIil.n 1fT~ ~fffirii "l'f~ ifj) TOlal PooulatioD 1fIR"nw Cincluding ~1I~ Il'i'n Institutional rlli.IlI. " and houseless Soheduled S::hedul~d Area of No. of populationl) Castes Tribes Literate Loca- village occupied Number ,,--__ ...1...... __ --...... ---..A--_ tioG Name of in hectares resi­ of ,.-A-­ Code Tahsil/ViUage & of Town' dential hOuse I"fffl ~. ~ ~. fir) i· fiQ No. Town/Ward Ward in Kms bouses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l 12 13 14

281 ~If>r 183.29 16 16 91 45 46 45 2['2 "lnl:!T'OI" N.A. q'T<:r-r 2 83 ilr1f;cUI" N.A. 21 21 120 62 58 62 58 284 f'Q'il:OI' N.A. iF,'I' 285 8~~lli;;n 366.93 4 , 4- 29 13 16 7 II 286

pRJl\rJARY CENSUS ABSTRAct Hijapal'T.....


(I-IX) II V(a) m,IV, V (b). VI, x VII,Vlll.& IX Total MaiD Agrlc:ultural Household Other Marginal Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non·Workors --~ r--A---. ,..--"--..._,. ,..--Jo.----'\ ...-----"---__,,_ r---"----. ,..--.J<...--.. Nam.o' s. m- i. ~ ~. ~ ~. ~ i. m- i. ,~ ,. m T.... U(VIll ... M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. TowalWard 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 2.7 28 1

31 4 25 1 6 3 15 14 27 Pushnk:& Uninhabited BhuripaJ 14 14 2 18 16 26 Lekwada Uninhabited Bhika' 9 9 4 16 TeJitekl~ 27 , 4 II 3 2 14 6 33 ~9 18 Bi rabltRtt i ]7 17 6 19 IO>dka Uninhabited Pulod (j] 9 63 9 I 37 23 38 EdaslIleta 31 10 33 10 1 14 17 2S Komhu Uninhabited Hurrewada Un inhabited Chhindwaya '34 1 27 J 7 11 16 IZ 23 Aaklanka 38 1 30 6 1 2 6 47 19 26 Bandeparre 12 12 2 16 7 8 Uskapatnam 21 9 21 8 1 11 6 Gudra 17 17 1 3 23 Guttamangi '6 14 64 6 8 6 64 51 44 AmbeJi 37 34 37 34 18 23 Dodum Uniohabitt:d Japeli 31 26 31 23 3 I 14 20 Idwada 25 25 .. 6 11 27 Parkeli Uninhabited Togoli 23 18 23 7 ]0 Bandomarka Uninhabited Adod 41 41 20 21 27 Patakutru 88 2 86 2 1 t 75 46 75 Petha Uninhabited Kormeta 143 20 70 ., 1 .. 3 62 16 1 70 108 118 Kutara 106 81 SO 51 19 11 37 19 11 43 45 Mansapetba 184 88 157 n 26 19 1 2 61 144 169 Darbha 51 52 51 52 2 33 33 Tadmer 174 5 135 4 32 I 7 14 124 98 145 Jaigur 33 2 21 2. 12 25 11 20 Medpal 18 13 18 13 1 9 6 Mandimarka 253 2 24' 2 3 1 184 121 191 Ketulnar 47 10 30 16 10 1 19 66 Chhotepotonar 59 51 59 51 3 34 37 Adawalli 22 19 21 18 1 1 10 12 Ponodwaya 49 16 38 1 11 IS 29 3S 30 Tumnar " 246

~q «{{ft'fl . trf~ iii' arTiI". "ftCiHl ~"" 3fif~ 61f' l;fen . m att{ iNt./ ••'liff arTlrnrlll • ;tr 8"' - il'jt «~JH';' if ~ill;' IIqt m 16' 11'1'1 ~~ il ,q;J'J;:R Iffijr ~fi'fiqr fffl{tr . rrtRi'!Jra , rotal Population iii' q.rf 411i1l'"'" (includmg q't. it IDstitutional r•. _ and houseless , Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of , populationl) Castes Tribes . Loga- , village occupied NumlJer Literate tioo Name of io hectares -resi lof _---A---__.._ ,--A-~ ·Code Tahsil/Village &ofTown' dential hOIlle • IIlf... ~. <{:iJI i· -m No. Towo/Ward ,-. Ward in Kms hOWies balds . p. ,M. F. M. F, , 2 3 4 . 5 6 7 8 - 9 .10 1J ------12 J3 14 321 i'o;Rlf S3S."7 36 36 '1-68 '85 83 ,63 57 1 322 ~q;'1yqC1i1) 1.001.48 105 105 493 247 246 247 246 8 323 1I'o"l'l)~j 348.72 . 62 ..62 . -288 149 139 - 57 42 2 ., 324 ~l1'lrliin N.A. ;f'~!"f 325 ttr~q!JT'" 425.87 -28 28 '157 7 S 82 21 28 54 S4 3 326 ~11'1(t 298.93 III 18 93 4S 48 '7 8 33 34 , 327 '!;:I{' 1,342.63 . 76 16 3"7 182 1-65 177 162 38 15 328 ft:~!$T 333.61 16 16 80 44 36 44 36 1 329 m~"t~! 412.17 29 29 136 79 57 79 S7 2 330 ~qT~1f 664.15 50 - 50 317 1 (i0 157 2 1 158 ')56 21 1 331 q;)qll't'<'I"t 811.57 26 26 123 67 56 61 56 332 ~iJ,!q", 586.94 42 42 190 100 90 96 '9 1 333 q:"'~ 643.03 38 38 192 9g 9-l 8 7 87 85 fO 334 ~IDay)iJ 395.08 17 17 67 38 29 30 23 . 335 'll~q~ 3,596.32 492 493 2,3441,152_1,192 107 109 662 720 211 110 936 If!e~' 238 .. '1 69 69 32J '169 154 4 5 95 84 30 7 337 ;;rtzr~, 1.728.58 122 122 649 32~ 3-21 - 7 - 7 '275 '274 13 - 2 338 1~;r!~ 31S.-5S 33 33 183 '88 '95 43 45 11 4 339 rtl'llAia'OI' 610,15 80 . 80 - 451 242 209 .. ~ 242 209 7 2 340 q;)iJUQll.'l' 1,029.32 72 '72 328 176 152 -132 123 2 1 341 qHI"~qT~ 566.12 -67 67 388 181 207 132 162 20 5 342 rft~ 1,296.'66 115 . 115 59.f. 303 291 303 291 343 ~ q,'iTI\'fl 893-.51 24 . 24 175 93 82 93 82 344 ~q;;fi . 1,862.56 , 64 64 '403 202 201 201 201 12 345 f1'fll'!:orOl' 133.29 , 15 , 15 73 39 34 34 . 28 7 5 346 q"iicfm~"~ N.A. 3 3 12 7 5 7 5 3 4 7 q)~;rp: ~"'CiT~T 723.48 87 83 482 261 221 .256 217 348 f'liJll'iH!."1JT""I N.A. •• '!Jfll" 2 2 349 ,!~·;rH 223.20 6 6 S5 30 25 90 25 S50 ~"i~ 920.73 43 43 333 167 166 162 163 9 1 851 of"", N.A. Cil,1'1' 352 qf.;;nlJ'" N.A. 19 ·19 101 44 57 44 57 3 5 3 IiliR)iiJIIiT N.A. 3 3 14 6 8 6 8 S54 ft~'f .N.A. 88 88 486 236 2Si) 231 248 ass q;~, N.A. . 14 14 63 33 30 33 30 ... • '6 ;mrlftff N.A. 8 8 55 30 2S 30· %S 857 fif~Jifi)C! N.A. 122 122 606' 312 294 242 231 I 358 ~ N.A. 11 11 52 23 2, 23 29 359 ,!U""T N.A. if~'" 360 ~'1JT N.A. 169 169 912 487 425 475 41~ 1 .. 247



(I-IX) 11 V(a) III.IV.V (b).VI. x VII,VIU '* IX Total Main Aaricultural Housohold Otber Marginal Wo{ters Cultlvaton LabOurers Industry Worken Worl{ers Non-Worken --~ r--A---, ,---"----.., ,--..A.-~ ,--..A.--~ ,--A--., r- -A---, * ... 01 I. ~ ~. I. d I. fd'f I. fiift I· ,. J. .. TalulllVIl.... M. P. M. '*P. M. P. M. P. M. F. M. P. M. P. Tmnt,W.. IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 I , ------S3 12 36 17 32 7l Bencbram J36 38 136 38 111 208 S"'KDapalli 91 41 62 3 27 36 2 2 38 58 60 ICondroji . . .. Uninhabited Chhotegongla 43 4'l 32 82 Pindumpal 28 12 19 2 9 10 17 17 19 Benala 97 3 94 t 3 2 85 162 Gudma 19 18 .. 1 .. 2S 36 Hitulwada 38 4 16 3 22 1 1 40 S3 Jhadigutta 7'1 30 63 25 16 S 3 81 124 laiwaram 37 29 31 29 .. 30 27 KompalJi S4 54 54 54 46 36 teetanpal 65 56 62 54 2 2 33 38 Tumla 26 26 21 12 8 Dhusaod 70S 147 346 34 204 108 9 146 5 28 418 419 567 Bhairamgarh 113 67 56 3 44 62 13 2 3 30 53 57 Matwada 210 79 139 33 66 4S S 1 120 118 122 Jang1. 51 15 44 12 5 3 2 4 38 33 42 Pusnar 149 47 J09 19 40 28 4 93 158 Kesbkutol 116 21 90 6 24 15 1 1 to 86 SO 45 Kotrapal 106 37 101 36 3 1 1 1 1 72 74 98 Patarparl\ 179 180 179 179 1 124 111 Pondum 53 5 46 2 7 3 40 77 Ba de Tungali 119 6 88 4 30 2 83 195 Gadamali 21 7 \5 2 3 3 .. 3 2 18 27 Minsacbal 4 4 2 3 3 PitetuDgali 171 37 136 33 35 4 95 90 89 Potenar Ichwada .. Uninhabited Pindkatugali 22 22 8 2S Turreoar 102 4 88 4 13 6S 162 Halloor Uninhabited Belad 31 1 21 1 23 56 Pochawada 4 , 4 5 2 3 Korowaya 170 56 166 .53 3 3 .. 1 18 66 176 Hitu] 26 18 26 18 7 12 Kalhaja 16 12 16 12 -, 14 13 Alwlida 206 40 204 38 1 2 1 11 145 9S 109 Pidiyakoc 17 15 17 ~S 6 14- Ghot .. Uninhabited Dhuseli 313 47 301 41 12 6 107 174 271 Dunga 24&

~" 8~~1 "tcf 'iiI IItt.", , .. 'ilif«~ l if£A m atll!Rtf ••'lifr IIllfte"tar 3()~ a;:t,;" I if "iil~ ~ ..ri IfiJ ;frll ~iI 1I''IiJii'i .rill" ii(fffi'" i{~ IA'tllfri ~ Tellal Population 'Iil ill'; (including ,,"', Institutional f'iI; .-t\. it and bouseleS8 Scheduled Scbeduled Area or No. of popuiationl) Castes Tribes Literate villaso oocupied Number L0ca- _-----J'------., ~---'.._.- ,--_',,__ ___ tion Name 01 In hectares resi­ of r--oA-­ Code Tahsil/Village & of Towo' dential hollSO 'lff", ~. ~) ~. ~t J. fift I· fift No. Town/Ward Ward in Kms houses holds p. M· P. M. P. M. P. M. p. ------_------_ 1 z 3 4 8 9 10 II 12 J3 14

36 1 t{ll"wrt 911.21 15 1,5 72 31 41 30 38 36'2 ~~qt N.A. 12 12 80 47 33 47 33 363 -'.qt 7'17 .45 64 64 388 188 200 180 192 364 fiAft 2 .. 7.45 13 13 91 48 43 48 43 365 16)a'i:n':t 4c,8.47 16 16 87 46 41 46 41 366 r~Uq 219.70 18 18 113 50 63 50 63 367 iJTIfi~' 7!).1.33 143 145 828 417 411 403 401 18 3 368 t(~cT 725.63 51 51 259 124 135 124 135 369 Wl'iq~ ..ft 310.97 3? 39 247 126 121 2 104 109 9 4 370 qlW~"t 922.87 65 (,5 361 175 186 173 184 9 3 7 ] GffiT1'ITfIJ'lrT 3 J? 5S 23 23 126 64 62 35 3S 3 372 m~.:'t -302.59 11 11 73 31 42 1 21 39 373 1f<1qa:T 477.96 38 38 210 114 96 85 74 374 ~T 93.15



(I-IX) U V(a) III. IV • V (b), VI, x Vn,VIn& IX TOlal MaiD Aaricultural Housohold Other Marginal Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Worken Workers Noo-Wortera - ---"--""-"\ ,--..A.---.. ..---A._~ ,---..A.---.., ,---.A.--...... ,.--..J .... ---.., ,..--.A.-_ Name." I. • J. fift i. fit) ~. M !. ~ S· .. ~. 1'aII511, VIII ... M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. ML ..P. TOWD;WfJId 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 17 28 :I

24 25 24 25 7 16 Tadwala 22 21 1 17 25 16 Hurrgtlllda 127 19 118 17 8 2. 100 61 81 Bodga 29 26 28 25 1 1 2. 19 15 Kiakal 31 17 29 17 1 1 9 IS IS Kolnar 29 12 29 12 25 21 26 HiDIWO 243 56 166 11 74 45 3 17 69 157 286 Takled 84 1 S1 3 .. - 72 40 62 GODdmeta 84 52 70 43 9 8 5 1 15 42 54 Cbhotepalli tll 95 102 92 8 3 1 24 64 67 BadcpalJi 33 11 27 6 6 S 21 31 30 Jaramongiya 20 17 19 IS 1 2 6 l1 ]9 Jhilli 70 1 65 1 S 54 44 41 Marrimeta .. Uninhabited Padm.ta 59 2S S9 25 1 35 44 29 Adawada 21 9 26 9 1 17 16 18 Ider Uninhabited BeJchar 71 4 67 4 71 SCi 54 Viriyabhumi 32 1 27 1 3 2 24 26 23 Darmel 46 23 40 11 6' 12 14 32 40 Itampur 3. 9 32 6 9 1 22 43 Ulpari 39 9 31 4 8 5 24 30 31 Gudsakal lC53 77 147 76 14 1 1 1 85 52 81 Chihka 93 37 78 S 15 32 58 83 71 DaJer 90 42 85 41 5 1 52 63 51 Bbatwada 39 3 25 13 3 .. 1 4] 26 28 Odsa 91 4 73 1 18 3 71 52 6S Mangalnar .... 6 1 6 1 3 3 5 Mardingpal 20 S 20 S 10 23 Betekal 26 14 12 1 15 4' Adewada .-. Uninhabited Kukadi Uninhabited ICamdloo J4 12 2 5 10 lrpanar 29 1 19 9 1 1 2 17 42 Gomter 20 15 5 1 14 40 Tuawal .. .. Uninhabited Wadij 40 11 40 11 29 44 llotad .. Uninhabi\~ Kotra. Uninhabited Aader Uninhabited .. IConabed• ~II 8~"""J qflf .., an." Iff,{iIT{J I~ _;J{f~l l af&rl 811l'lf~8 I(i.~f~ mm m ITII'If'RJ at.Clitr ,"iml''). .., 8Uf iIl){ off'l{I:«1 ij ~i;~ iIlM GAlIITftf ~ lI'ri 'liT Ill" IIIIfliiY ~ijr "'fi'lirii u~, it Iffl/iftW'lin .1 Total Population Ii... ('ncluding "'1I1l Institutional fiIi.~.i'I and houseless Scheduled Scheduled Area or No. of populationl) Castes Tribe. Number Literate Loea- village occu.pied _---A------, ,.-----"--__ r-__'''______,.....-A-_ lioD Name of in hectares reSI- Of Qi() Code Tahsil/Village & of Town' dential house· Illfi'll ~. f~ ~. ~. ~ No. Town/Ward Ward in KIna house. holds p. M· P. M. P. M. P. M.i· -P. - -...------1 :I 3~ 4 S c; 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ------401 ({~'ifTlfT N.A. if')'{l'l' .. 40:! f~'{t\u N.A. "T{l'l' 403 ;;(I~' N.A. "')tfif 404 ~I'PIt,r N.A. 1ft'{T'! 405 ir~,{lIii N.A. 17 17 83 41 42 41 42 406 'l'IC:IflJl N.A. 1 1 ]3 10 3 10 3 407 8'~'I"'{ N.A. 9 9 58 30 28 30 28 408 ;J1fi"l'{ N.A. fiT')"~ 409 ~


-- ~ 15111 IIRI\' IIftl MaiD Worken ,.....------.A------______._ .. p~ .....n .,.. qrft;ffiW 111011 'liP( 1IR:;f mqfcJ" ' IIllf;y ~ , 11111' ~ .~ .... 0'Ii't1f .r.i ~ lIN WllJj""1I'IW ri .. ;ntI

U-IX) 11 Y(a) Ill. IV • V (b). VI. X VII.VIII & JX TOlal MaiD AaricuJtural Household Other Marginat Worker. CultivatoR Labourers Industry Workers Worken Noo-\Vorlron _-...A...----, ,---_"'__--., ,...... __,.___~ ,---..J-~ ,---..A-----., ,---..1\.---.., ,--_.A.-_ Name'" J. ~ 1· ~ ',;. ~ 1· m 1. d i. ... TahtiljVIII... M. F. M. F. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M.J. ""P. TOWD/Ward 15 16 17 18 19 20 2J 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 :I ------Uninhabited Turrewaya Uninhabited Nirali Uninhabited Iarre Uninhabited .. Reagawada 24 6 24 6 17 36 Neduckarro 3 3 7 3 Bbatwada 16 4 16 4 .. 14 24 Tadnar .. Uninha.bited Nayanar , .. Uninhabited Kotlanji .. Uninhabited Korabade .. Uninhabited pjkmolmar 12 3 12 3 ! 19 Mogadi 2 1 2 1 2 3 Oawadi .. Uninhabited •• Kohkameta (Dugaapal) Uninhabi ted Puswaka 19 16 3 8 31 BakeH Uniahabi ted Kupasi 13 4 13 4 .. .14 20 Modamwada , , 4 9 4 8 13 Mohoar Uninhabited Kubkapal 21 Kuye 15 2 15 2 13 90 Thulthuli 71 33 70 33 3 41 Matasi 10 7 3 4 7 14 Uninhabited Sehrameta Uninhabited Kokachal 27 4 1.1 '3 6 1 .. 15 39 Todma ., .. Uninhabited Kupad .. Uninhabited Dudoom 10 3 8 2 2 1 4 13 Burdum Uninhabited Kohkawada Uninhabited Padnar 24 1 14 6 1 4 .. 6 18 Oufa 16 10 16 10 6 1 Bodghat 52 4S 51 4S 1 1 12 16 Tunder 202 35 192 35 7 3 89 253 Maqnar p 9 S 4 4 5 1 , Sadar 27 23 . , 13 IS 10 .. 3 1 5 5 Itulkudum 27 24 19 21 8 3 6 8 'KojaID 14 Benaloor 8S 89 85 89 , . 25 379 19 352 15 25 4 2 1 207 585 , Kosalnar 252

f1(rfllJ 6~i 1Jf2f 'iiI fil iIIifUIWf l-en m VTIf,;rIRj llalMl ij'1~ q~~,," Ii 'liil II'flR "Ii IIi1 ifJ1I ~il mr ;qiffi!{' lfmf I ifIn:,,,1i lolal Population "'lilt , includlDg ".Iit. if Institutional Area of ILRd houselesl Soheduled Scheduled NOt 01 populationl) Looa- village occupied Number Caales Tribe. Literato ~-----A.- __ -.. lion Name 01 in hectares resi· of "..---Jo---.. r--.; .... - ___ Code Tahsil/Village & of Town' ".-A-- dential house ''IfTIl $. f«1 !. flit $. ~ ,. fIft No. Town/Ward Ward in KIDs houses holds P. M. F. M. F. -.- ... --- .... M. F M. F. 1 ._-- _------3 4 5 (j 7 8 II 10 1J 12 13 14 441 lIIi!loh 251.42 8 3 53 24 29 24 29 442 fi"tili'TT 147 1 817.51 126 126 689 3JJ 356 24 462 f'Q'{r


_--- --'---'---'-'- ----_,._------_--

(I-IX, II V(a) Ill. IV • V (b). VI, x Vn,VW& DC Toral MaiD Al1'ic:ultuIal Household Other MatlPUai Workers Cultivators Labourer. Industry Workcn Wort.'}rs NOD-Workore --.A.----.., ,--..11----.. ,.--A..-~ ,.--..Ji.----.. r--..Ji.-----.. ..---'~---.. ,.--..A.-...... " Na~o' s. aft' ,. ~ 1· ~ !. M !. ~1. ~ '1. WI rahill/VIII... M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. TowD'Wd ------_._------15 16 17 18 19 20 --_._------_._------21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 20 18 11 16 3 2. 4 11 Katouli l!ninhabitl!d Bole (DballllPlda) 74 12 58 3 16 9 51 111 Nlcam 226 54 185 1\ 40 43 149 170 160 Palewaya Uninhabited Mindrar .. Uninhabited TeadUr Gbotpal 82 69 57 32 25 37 • 29 38 112 5S 84 35 23 23 5 1 52 82 64 Dharma 408 276 292 65 114 211 2 1 131 167 209 Helnar 49 13 45 12 4 1 .. .. 29 23 33 Tddopot 64 Utla 102 39 88 18 14 21 55 70 69 5 38 4 31 1 66 48 51 &liZ 62 54 8 1 66 114 Yehkali 110 77 96 66 13 11 •• 33 6J 48 Cilinger 151 105 118 42 32 63 1 7 S1 121 Markapal 123 90 107 73 14 17 2 34 49 60 :3atwa 81 90 45 20 34 70 2 1 54 62 Bangoli 325 123 187 32 110 89 1 27 2 1 13 198 343 NI:I aSDaI 71 6S 66 62 4 3 9 40 48 Surokhi 105 S9 101 87 3 2 10 49 56 Darapal 2.11 16) 157 113 48 46 12 6 6 116 185 KodoJi 12S 18 127 18 1 91 92 96 Chidrapal 150 Il6 125 105 22 11 3 82 181 Talnar 459 482 432 456 22 24 5 2 2 24 228 221 Pinkonda 82 75 52 13 29 61 1 1 21 33 Kctulnar 187 172 180 156 6 16 1 1 93 114 Tadkel Toynar 45 40 21 1 24 39 .. 38 30 15 6 8 .t 1 5 9 9 Bdasmeta 139 120 139 1 119 93 91 Puladi 275 310 262 298 ~2 12 145 170 Pulgatta 74 62 46 21 27 34 1 38 70 Patliguda 26 31 13 10 13 21 17 21 GUpdilanka SO 43 46 41 4 2. 2 .. 12 17 lrpapolJU'~ 84 80- 83 79 1 1 1 35 40 Hakwa 222 141 47 4 ISS IS6 17 1 1 1 99 197 Mirtlll' 54 IS 25 1 29 14 .. 2S 8Z Podapal 22 2 .5 16 2 1 4 17 Degmeta 25 21 23 20 2 1 13 9 Kudmer Uninhabited Botalunda 121 93 120 98 . , 1 1 12 53 71 McUipal 254

~llf a~"'''i Ifflf IlJil fII'~~ !'" iiJ

48 1 ;ft~ftlT 27C.0-t 18 18 106 S4 52 54 52 8 1 482 ~)~TIJ.'I 147.41 12 6S 2') 36 t 5 22 48j mI:J),) 387.96 14 14 77 4:! :t5 42 ~5 484 GI'~ N.A. 6 6 23 12 II 12 II 485 ~1:''!.~ N.A. l;fTl; 1,559.62 112 112 681 342 339 23 18 255 250 5 1 5 0 3 f;f;:~rr;y"hf1:: 576.51 24 2·' 180 101 79 10 6 91 73 1 5040 =tor:) 547.03 93 9S 418 202 216 57 68 3 3 22 1 '0.5 1(ffiin" 715.99 8 8 60 29 31 13 20 506 if

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACl Bija.-r Taisil ------Jo---.----______. ____ _

(J-,X) 11 V(a) fII.IV,V (b},VI, x VJI,VillllL IX Total MaiD Aaricultural Household Other Margina' Workers CuI ti'fatorl Labourer. IlIdustry Workers War].!:>1'll ,.--..A._--. ___ _.o..._,-\ Non-Worlrore --~ ,---.Jo.,.,--., r------"'---~ ,---...... ---, ,..--.Ao.--.., Na.. of Z. • 'i. tdt ~. ~ i· ~ 4J. f;ft ,. fir 1- .- TUtU/VIII... M. F. M. P. M. p, M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. Town,/Ward 15 115 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 26 17 28

28 11 7 21 11 26 41 Nilawaya 19 12 1:8 11 1 (; 10 4 14 Doraguda 26 14 21 8 S 6 2 16 14 S Tamodi (; 6 6 6 I 6 4 Jabbe Uninhabited HurreglJi{a 59 41 58 46 1 8 40 28 30 Pitepa! 17 9 17 8 1 1.J. (; 7 Ok.:aar 117 58 '9 51 10 6 7 27" 80 39 48 Cherli Uninhabited Handapal Uniubabtted DUrnkalllefa ., Uninhabited Gore1ong Uninhabited Koramdodi 40 22 39 20 1 2 32 1.7 14 Koodapal 12i ]46 10 133 12 13 ·1 • 4 71 68 Bcc:hapal Uninhabited Eda~padar t2 26 8 14 13 12 r 3 25 22 Yatepal 70 39 66 39 3 1 44 51 66 Hurrepal 23 13 22 17 1 6 22 22 lndrinar 17 10 g 3 9 1 6 J 2 11 PorewaJa 53 36 53 35 . , ., U 45 58 TiIIUllcnar 122 3 125 " .. 79 218 Chok.llanpal ~91 8 149 8 42 .. lSJ '311. Kamkanar 11 71 .. 30 79 Chinnajojer 119 7 109 6 5 2 1 1 83 209 Reddi 12 11 I 17 31 Marriwada 136 124 11 lOS 226 M~tapal 109 2 17 1 31 1 104 210 Gongla UUinbabited Chhotehiroli 388 149 347 130 26 12 3 12 7 203 449 Pusnar J ,038 11 S 896 182 98 30 1 43 3 3 519 1,360 GangaJoor 81 1 81 I 44 105 Bl1rji 11 1 11 1 Ii 27 Naiapal 52 I 52 1 45 60 Malloor 29 3 29 3 20 36 Kurush 7:( 10 5S 3 6 7 61 136 M irganabotul 307 2 26'6 2 39 1. 1 I. 230 136 lP2 Pidiya 67 67 34 lOS Andri 145 8 142 3 3 s 1 12 204 Doditumnar ]18 117 I . , S8 178 Tdmodi 224 ZOP 213 202 1 I 1 I 110 122 Gampur 2~6

~~ 8~~i IfT_ llfi'l srI,"• Iiii' iifint~t llifJ' 8'111'1 ..u vtll',;r1R1 ••'!iff 111"-16') • il'r~ e'fQf';l ij ~iiit cqn: m .1 "Itt ~q lI'.. oit iIfI~ 'it{ r"",fi ~f~(f: II'lRjcrrW Ifi) Tolal Population IIfi'T .Ii 11 ..1 (includmg Institutional fit; • '". it and houseleslI Soheduled Scheduled Area of No, of population) Castes Trjbes Literat. occupied Number Loca- village ._---.A.------, ~---"----.. tiOD Name of in hectares resi· of ,...-A-­ Code Tahsllt V illage & of Town' dential bOUle •.,r... S. ~ijft S· ~) I· m No. Town/Ward Ward in Kms houses bolds P. M. P. M. P. M. p. ------_._-_ 1 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ------521 ~~q 1,139.50 30 30 13'0 70 60 70 60 522 'lit'f("'t,r 278.70 14 14 102 S5 47 55 47 t .. 523 o;f~'fl<'1' 1,253.58 172 174 941 453 488 239 278 37 41 89 17 524 tf;:_,~~r 2,076 36 DO 134 734 3(,2 372 80 87 281 285 31 17 ~ 2 5 tf'''''l~ 2,208.92 165 170 995 491 s04 38 48 420 423 36 2 526 lI'r"""1: 1,074.00 93 94 725 363 362 3 2 360 360 9 2 5 2 7 q-;:rif;T~qT 841.68 .. 6 46 364 173 191 172 191 22 4 528 If.""iff 705 J 8 27 27 1 S I 84 97 84 97 .. 529 ~!Jl 534.46 1'9 39 252 124 128 124 128 '30 ifin",''\'OlT 470.45 64 64 397 194- 203 19-1 203 ~ 31 iif"Ol) 1.437.06 41 41 231 112 119 H 65 532 ifiT~"'~ 745 60 54 54 420 18S 2.n IS6 201 3. 1 533 ,!"6l 734 SO 26 26 163 81 H2 81 82 4 '304 ifilfiT 682.61 21 :3 190 87 Ie) 87 103 11 7 ~3 5 ql~;;rT 785 11 H 34 J80 91 89 91 89 536 ,!'I'I<:1 822.17 38 38 21S 112 103 112 103 1 S 3 7 llif'iflil'Cff"( 612.99 20 20 161 76 85 76 8S - 538 'I);.~~'t 427.36 cfmrr 539 ~~ 1.273.76 S3 "S 3 308 159 149 14 8 97 106 3' 2 5 40 q-~r;;ft;;f~ 1,270.01 72 72 340 189 151 J89 151 ',' 54 1 \jff"(;ft~t 574 92 47 47 214 103 111 3' 39 3 3 542 !fiTfrr~ 1.292.51 80 82 510 245 26S 243 262 5 1 543 o;{~ft\' 704.02 57 57 341 177 164 57 -18 2 544 lliT~~ 754.81 81 81 460 229 231 2 3 22 2 !'i45 q-~TiiI\'T,'«rrlil' 2,160.S4 122 J22 769 357 412 348 403 16 1 ~46 ~lft~~t;;r 2,183.63 11 71 423 200 223 200 213 24 1,3 547 ~"""1l: 2.,813.65 200 200 1,29S 633 662 17 21 565 589 3S .2 543 ~fflf~l: J,120.04 69 69 388 18 6 202 73 77 14 549 -.n~~ 1,061. 52 35 35 197 94 103 94 103 2 550 «rrq;;r'flilf 76.68 4 4 14 7 7 1 I 4 3 1 5 5 1 ttRrr'tfi 29J.06 14 14 88 43 45 43 45 9 1 5 52 f'if~fl: 315.51 15 15 83 48 3S 48 35 553 ~q",T~ 166.57 7 7 49 25 24 25 24 2 S54 ;I", 1,493.22 167 ]67 937 463 474 8 6 343 372 1 t1 3S 555 ],515.38 93 93 506 266 240 222 201 37 8 556 336.16 11 11 62 32 ~O 1.3 23 7 1 5S7 (f.l"'~ 700.86 54 54 :87 140 147 132 138 6S 13 558 _":;;(11" 3.216.36 654 663 3,054 1,659 l,l95 92 67 791 714 8S1 32~ 559 ;tTqllfT 262.32 36 40 217 109 108 94 96 3 •• 5 60 1l;'t1l'i\'tl: 2,744.31 123 128 741 356 391 4 8 no 342 18 5 257



(I-IX) II V(a, III, IV, V (b), VI, x VII. VIII ~ IX TOlal MBID Apicultural Household Other Margioal Workers CoJtivato1'8 Laboarer. Industry Workers Workers Non-Workers --..A.~ _-..A-..~ .--"'--...... ~..... -~ .---.A--- _"""'I .--.)... -...... ,- --;-''-- ..... Hamefo I. .. ,. ~ ,. ,. fift 1. fm J. .- TabsiJ/VlI1age M. P. M. R M. ..P. M.1· "'"P. M. P. M.P. M. P TO'WD/WanJ ------16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2) 24 26 27 28 :a l' ------39 26 26 31 34 Kuyem 5 5 4 24 23 J8 Bbogamguda 11 32 16] 266 '290 190 25& 178 7 •1 22 4 Cherpal 224 198 202 H9 i4 9 R 26 130 148 Paddoda 341 142 322 132 17 16 2 62 150 300 PaJnar 245 108 233 ) OS 11 3 42 118 212 Sawnar 90 26 8!) 26 8 B5 7S 30 Pedakorma 49 38 49 38 5 20 30 39 MllDga 8S 26 7S 8 10 18 2 39 100 Todk"l 112 t 1 107 10 5 1 82 192 Korc:holi 71 S9 65 57 6 2 41 59 Jape Ii 13 t 127 108 JJI 22 26 57 105 Kader 55 53 55 53 26 28 Dtll"dba 58 65 56 65 2 29 38 Kaika 89 89 89 89 2 Mosla 103 96 94 85 9 11 9 7 Ghumra 56 62 56 62 20 23 Kachilwar Uninhabited Gundapur 14~ 139 91 98 ss 38 3 3 .' 10 10 Padmoor 153 129 153 129 36 22 Pedajojer 76 49 72 48 1 I 3 3 27 S9 Jarloya IS8 111 ISS t08 2 3 4 87 ISO Kadenar 112 86 110 89 2 2 2 21 63 57 Cherkanti 132 III 122 106 10 S .. 14 43 83 77 Koter 218 224- 122 3 94 221 2 1 138 1 8 8 Pedakodepal 129 8 121 8 6 .. 2 I 137 70 78 Koyaitpal 3S 4 129 317 123 14 6 3 44 262 235 271 Tumnar 108 15 97 2 9 13 1 1 S 77 112 Santasbpur 68 21 68 20 1 44 26 38 Ponjer 4 1 1 3 3 6 Pama)waya 20 5 18 2 5 23 40 Dhosaguda 24 20 4 24 3S Chilnar 14 10 4 2 11 22 Sagwahi 290 24 233 16 24 4 33 4 2 31 171 419 Naimed 1.57 58 147 S5 6 J .J 6S 109 117 Musaloor 18 S 17 3 1 I 1 .. 13 14 12 Nukanpal 83 12 70 7 1 5 1 II 42 57 93 Turnar 114 211 367 31 137 12S 13 477 5S 9 117 656 1,067 'Bi !apur 66 62 S9 57 4 4 3 1 Ei 3 37 43 KomIa 256 263 234 242 13 15 7 6 2 ~ loa 127 Eeramnar ~~ tI~i !Jllr iii' tw iIIiRI,,' ern m .,'" f{lf(/ ••'Ii" lilt. {if"'V! it ".it IP'R .nl 1111 iTl'll ~i) 11"" <-qffliqj ~~ I Toral Population "~/If'" (including ..PI" lastitutional ,..~. it and houselesl Scheduled Scbeduled Area or No, of populationl) Cutes Tribes Literate Loca- village ocaJpied Number ,-----A ____ -. ,---J.--_ tion Name of in heCla res resI­ of r-"-­ Code Tahsil/Village & of Townl dential hallie' ."r... :I. ft\' ~. fIih i· m No. Town/Ward Ward in KIns house. holds P. M· F. M. F. M. F. - . -- ._- - -.-- -_.- - -_.. _------I :I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .10 11 12 13 14 ._------5 (i 1 lIltJ;ifT1: 504.69 71 72 311 166 145 8 11 120 108 47 6 5'2 cf\'iT~1 934_99 ]05 105 534 267 267 8 8 234 213 33 IS 563 f~;;er~m 1,338.94 62 62 393 180 113 2 178 212 2 564 ~iIi~~T N.A. crrmf 565 'li'il'o;m:1I 1.571.06 1'7 17 87 41 46 41 46 5'6 ~t=r.rr'{ N.A. 1I(1-u"l 567 1f\''{ii, 1,848.79 89 90 494 255 239 74 71 180 168 44 4 568 ar'~ N.A_ """,'''I .. 569 lrT6m N.A. If)'{"" 570 '!:.cTt'£1 458.33 14 14 73 39 34 34 31 4 571 ~';rTiIi);zy N.A. 1I(i~:.r 572 If)lr;-;~ 4,430.47 261 261 1,473 767 706 213 204 425 417 1.58 16 573 f~ 377.20 24 24 141 66 75 60 68 5 3 574 q'Tlfi'{qJt'( 2,585.90 173 173 1,000 493 507 lSI 145 342 362 40 7 575 .~ 2,3&0.82 116 116 614 315 299 55 62 242 220 61 15 576 8''ff'{' 1,541.81 165 169 ~68 486 482 5 6. 459 458 104 12 5 7 7 !f;T;:~t'(ifr'{ 1,563.52 84 84 511 245 266 3 4 239 259 6 3 578 ~w:1qtt'£ 485.58 37 37 187 82 105 80 105 20 I 579 llli"'rmro:r 5 I 0.11 58 64 319 170 169 5 2 41 48 .45 13 580 1Ifmll" 209.09 49 49 253 118 135 2 2 116 133 62 l(j 58! arrq 623.81 20 20 111 52 S9 52 59 3 58 2 tfCfflfi-!fTW\' 1,488.66 18 18 107 58 49 3 1 5S 48 3 583 ~Zqyt'( 952.70 99 99 529 272 257 3 t 254 244 129 18 584 ..t«T~ 558.42 65 65 317 160 157 136 129 63 2-&. 5 8 5 fq-,.;n;p~W\' 1,027.29 52 52 248117131 111 124 21 I 586 '{lmrvT 582.50 12 12 60 29 31 2'7 29 1 5R7 f",;:;rl'l\"l',"'qJt'( 449.54 32 32 135 75 60 72 60 2 58& ~«ift'( 490.42 .p'{T"- 5 8 9 'IITl(lIiqTt'( 678.45 47 47 26J' 128 133 1 74 35 8 59,? f~

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Bija.. r Tallsil ------


(I-IX) I) Vta) lU,lV.V (b),VI, x vlI.vm & IX Total MaiD Acricultura) Household Other Mar&lllld Worker. Cultivator. Laboaren Industry Worken Workers Non·Worlers ___ -J.... --., --~ _-..A-...... r--A.-...... r--.A..---., ,--.A---., .-- -~""'---p~ Namefo S. fift' ,. fift' J. ~ ,. ~ ~. ~ !. ,ti\ i- .. Tabsil/Vlllage M. P. M. Pi M. P. M. P .. M_ P. M. P. M. P_ Town/Ward IS 16 17 18 19 21) 21 22 23- 24 25 26 '27 28 ------97 76 82 69 9 6 2 4 1 4 10 65 S9 Kuyenar 195 187 168 166 33 21 4 1 72 79 Dogoli 115 48 114 48 44 65 121 Chintanpalli tminhabited Kakacfmeta 29 S 29 S 19 12 22 Kachal aram­ Uninhabited ItuInar 188 130 176 123 10 7 2 6 51 61 58 Monned UDlnhabited Aaded Uninbabited MataIa 26 14 3 9 10 11 OupeJi Uninhabited Gunjakonta 5-12 294 383 188 101 103 3 3 25 47 255 365 TOYllar 49 31 48 30 1 1 IS 17 29 Midte 311 9 303 9 6 3 .. 181 49R Pal?anpaI 191 108 183 la4 3 - 4 5 2 124 189 Borje 2SS 67 268 64 6 11 '2 201 414 Dhanora 192 130 180 118 11 12 1 53 136 KanduInar 48 73 4S 69 '2 4 34 32 Guddipal 102 8& 89 79 12 9 68 81 K.ottapaI 58 26 56 26 2 60 109 Manjhiguda 37 16 37 9 7 15 43 Aded 31 13 2~ ~3 1 1 1 26 3S Pedakawwali 159 48 112 16 27 32 20 113 209 Itpal 101 20 88 14 8 6 5 59 137 Jaitalo()r 75 5 63 10 5 2 2 42 124 Chi nnakawaU 27 15 22 13 3 '2 2 S 2 11 Ralapal 48 3 43 1 4 2 2 27 5S Chi nnakodepal Uninhabited Ktsgal 86 66 36 35 4 8 46 23 4Z 67 Modal{pal

000 Uninhabited Chintanpal 85 76 68 63 6 5 11 8 60' 66 Murkinar Uninhabited Kanbaiguda 21 16 13 U 7 S 1 6 8 Pangampal Uninhabited Gupkonta 57 47 46 43 8 4 3 .. 29 3S Sandrel 115 98 85 62 27 34 3 2 7 65 81 Pawrel 52 48 2S 20 27 28 27 36 FarsapaUi 73 35 44 16 2& 19 1 41 52 Bhattiguda 341 194 296 122 26 71 7 1 211 381 Sankanpalli 86 86 71 73 13 13 2 59 5S Nukanpal 260


~ tf~liri qflf llil Iff""" ~Iir \'II'iI'RlJr (;fill • tIlqI if1r(/ ••'Ii" anllnnll iI[)'i.8fflnrf ii l;'~ ~ mill ;Jlq ~it 1Aif;:if 1fI~ ;;Ilfflillr ,,~, • "1I~iC('" ~ TOil! I Populatioo IiftT (including iii' "UT I nsti tutional fiB.,". it and house1ess Scheduled Scbeduled Area of No, of populationl) Castes Tflbe~ Litorate Loca- village occupied Number ,-----J-..---__ ..----.A--_ tion Name of in hectares resi­ or r-"-­ Code Tahsil I Village & of Town' dential house· .Ilffll 1- ~ 1· ~ ~. m No. Town/Ward Ward in Kms houses holds P. M· F. M. F. M. F. 1 3 4 s 6 1 8 9 JO '. 11 12 13 14

601 ~"I!W;T 1,028.86 98 99 478 249 229 3 1 229 209 55 8 602 ~~M' 339.77 30 36 195 lOS 90 105 90 1 603 9'l1:t~q 850.45 25 26 122 63 59 63 59 3 604 ;f1.:I!i6')wT 2,561.61 70 71 417 211 206 211 206 9 1 605 £ttmlirT 589.69 66 66 437 218 219 4 4 115 123 67 29 606 ;:(;;rTlirllifi!1~ ~91 .20 30 31 148 72 76 47 46 13 3 607 :i~Tqm 1,386.00 46 47 226 115 111 114 HI 21 3 608 "~,(II" 1,143.02 46 46 216 112 104 112 104 2 609 '1;'1-,' 1,613 94 56 56 258 ]34 124 134 124 19 2 61 0 ~1f€'!~t 861. 7.! 48 50 257 118 139 108 134 23 2 611 r..-f'ltlfr 308.46 47 47 221 102 119 65 84 1 6 1 2 ~~tom:rr 617.21 85 85 520 256 264 3 3 213 234 S4 5 6 1 3 f"f;,n~T;~T 1,060.57 72 73 H2 165 161 19 21 137 138 77 16 614 anql'W~ 2,098 45 184 184 898 450 448 47 4S 296 JoO 142 S4 615 ~lirrlf~T 1,069.85 230 234 1,182579603 130 122 428 460 216 73 616 U"'~)~ 2.961.11 136 136 707 367 340 55 48 310 290 290 8 6 1 7 ~~IirTIf<1;ft 2.244.;5 53 53 267 128 139 2 2 1.19 131 t2 5 6 1 8 if'nrq~r 342 68 13 13 76 4~ 3-1 42 34 1 ti 19 ff~·q 265.33 90 90 642 308 '334 22 ]4 284 3.20 4 620 GlJ.l.: 2,957 91 149 149 6i[1f 672.86 23 23 123 59 64 59 64 625 ;r~T 1,002.40 44 44 270 142 128 142 I ~8 6 2 6 1J"1ir1PJ 1,994.93 16 16 15 46 29 46 29 627 'f."~ (1J."11!") 1.582.09 6 6 26 17 9 17 9 6 2 8 ft;rlJ T'j-': 1,418.37 16 18 9S 54 41 4 5,", 40 629 ;m"~ 561.58 21 21 129 67 62 6:! 57 630 .f~lllfq 525.82 26 .l6 111 51 60 51 60 1 631 _ iIlUiIlllir 2.058.10 63 63 407 209 198 2 2 199 190 9 1 632 ~lIitilil.: 861.84 30 30 192 92 100 89 96 2 633 iI'~ 1,796.34 27 27 181 92 89 92 89 634 fif~q~vrj 1,246.97 11 11 51 29 22 .. 29 22 635 ;nqljfl2;'{ l,94L44 28 28 177 98 79 98 79 636 'tlirr~ 1,880.73 54 54 276 142 134 142 ,134 3 271 63; 1I".'Utugt 5,003.81 271 1,414 704 710 S9 " 601 586 91 19 '38 %,(111.: 1.191.45 70 70 371 191 180 180 172 40 9 639 rff~$' 2,194.11 148 148 835 41-4 421 374 38'2 47 12 ~40 lJj_a'ii"{1 993.88- 100 100 634 300 334 3 52 73 33 7 261

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRAcr BijapBr Tahsil ------I[.r ~ m Iff. Main Worten .------"------.:.------...

(1-"() I II V(a) Ill. IV • V (b). VI. x VIl.Vln& IX TOIaI MaiD A8ricultural Household Other Maraioal Worlea. CuJtiv310n Labourers IDdastry Workers Worken Non·Workers --.,..,..______,_ _-..A----. r----A.---. ,...--..1"---. r--Jt...----., ,...--A.--., ,_---.A--.... Name (0 t. m ~. ~ ~. ., 1. fiI\' ~. fiff S. ,it S. .. Tabsi I/VIIlago M. P. M. PI M. P. M. F. M. F. II. P. M. P. Towo/Ward ------15 16 17 18 19 2) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 :a ------160 144 10:1 109 40 J5 II 89 8S l'"usgudi 70 2 SO 19 2 1 so 35 38 BhandarpaJ JS 4 35 4 .. S 28 SJ Dharawaram fJl 114 15 2 lZ1 80 8S Cherakdodi 144 51 82 2 27 33 2 33 16 74 168 Engpalli -47 28 38 9 28 25 48 MunjaJkanker 69 1 59 7 3 21 46 89 Cheramangi n 1 67 7 1 .. 1 I 59 36 44. Penkaram 79 17 ti2 (4 16 3 1 1 5S 106 Punnoor 73 41 S9 28 13 13 I I 45 97 . DUgaiguda 69 68 37 27 67 1 4 33 51 Jeeaippa 172 152 69 ~ 80 147 23 .. 4 84 108 LankapaUi 114 48 9S 24 ]4 23 1 4 l 4 62 47 51 Chintalconta 270 76 104 Jl 86 SO 12 1 68 14 7 180 365 Aawapalli 360 206 HS 16 162 187 6 27 4 (4 33 20S 364 I1midi 262 64 210 4 31 60 3 18 1 6 104 270 SemaJdodi 76 74 2 52 139 Chath,pa 1; 20 3 20 3 6 IS 16 16 PerampalJi 21b 176 48 143 170 6 4 19 1 29 92 129 Tarrem 196 42 107 19 32 16 1 56 7 22 86 133 J66 Usoor 90 88 2 3 90 189 Pollempalli 41 2 46 2 1 28 64 Tekmetia 26 3 26 3 5 ~3 15 28 Phuttapalli 32 32 27 64 Konjed 92 8 62 8 26 4 SO I 20 N!-,dpall i 27 8 27 8 19 21. Gal gam 15 .. J5 2 8 Bhusapur lBhusaguda) 40 1 40 1 14 40 Lingapur 33 33 34 62 NarsapUr 36 33 1 ~ 3S 31 .. 2 4 13 23 Tekalgudiyam 121 124 44 044 75 79 2 6 3 82 71 Marudbaka 51 46 S 41 100 Nelalanker 59 28 3 2R 33 89 Nambi 19 13 9 6 10 7 10 , Chiganpalli 52 51 1 3 46 76 Kam~apur 108 98 36 32 67 58 S 8 .. 34 3G Re.1chapalli 418 32 371 17 41 15 4 12 2 259 274 41' Murelanda 100 20 78 7 18 U 4 -.. 1& 91 142 Hirapur 277 258 213 197 54 Gl 2 8 I 28 1,36 13S Timtnapur 223 124 210 104 13 20 .. 21 77 189 Fatkel 262

~r;hq 8~~ftqri rrflf lli'l arTorl1& !"" ilif~' (ii1il"~ .mr VI" if'ff'(/ ."Q;ff aniIT8')'~ iil~ «f"rtfi ij tilit ~ Ifli I6J if'" ~ii Ifilififl Ifl~ ol{iuHrl «ft[tr I "ll~Jqrj ..."1 Total Population IIiI II'~ (including Ii"" Institutional fils,,". it and bouselcBI Scheduled Scbedule-o Area of No,of Number populatiooJ) castes TrIbes Literate Loca- village oocupied ,,-----.)... ,.....--.A--_ tion N&rne of in hectares reSI' or ------._ r-A-- Code Tahsil/Villase &. of Town' dential bouse •.,rUi ~. ~ ~. ~) 2;. .. No. Town/Ward Ward in KIDS bouses bolds P. M- F. M. F. M. p. 1 :I 3 4 S 7 8 9 JO 11 12 J3 14 ------641 ~~)~ 471.42 16 16 86 40 <46 40 46 1 642 N~Ifi1tI(',fr 1,787.23 42 42 286 148 138 148 138 28 1 643 q<::lq~\'ft' N.A. 7 7 41 19 27 19 22 644 ~;;;;rT 952.95 46 46 282 128 154 127 154 11 3 645 9I'~§'Ii;fq~\'ft' 452.78 18 18 116 54 62 54 62 17 88 41 47 41 04, 646 ~1: 405.65 17 .. 647 1f.~'1i'\'ft' 521.89 85 85 434 208 226 208 226 4 6.48 n"'~'~'f 41S.~3 30 '31 171 78 93 2 76 92 1 54 49 649 ~"1~' 493.05 84 85 397 207 190 153 138 64 4 6S0 \if;rr N.A. 11 11 63 28 35 28 35 651 1f1'~'t't~, 106.46 10 10 38 20 18 20 18 I 652 f;;r'lTfui"r 491.03 105 109 521 263 258 118 111 41 3 653 ;rT'UlJ'~r 1,95.66 :JCf 30 160 75 85 75 85 I 1 654 iI!i')'{~~~ 264.37 29 30 165 85 80 8S 80 3 6SS 11113''t1f~ 698.50 2n 24 120 63 57 63 57 6S6 limn'!" 15!.60 . 156 156 730 345 385 84 97 35 32 152 63 657 ~'I" 131. 74 47 47 206 102 104 102 104 29 S 6S8 "I;'nn,!;


------~------~- 1AR$A .~ q,f<",f<... ~II' 1A1f IIiU' IRrft awDr d

(I-IX) , II V(a) III,IV,V (b),VI, x vn.vm II! IX T oral MaiD AlriculturaJ Household Other Marlill~ Workers CI'UIV3tOD Laboon:ra Industry Workers Wor"ers Noo-Workers --~ ,_--'--.,,....,...--A---., ,..--..J'---, ,-_.A._--~ ,---.l.... -_ ,_. - -...... _.-. Name ro I. ... I. R't I. .. I. m I. £Cik I- aft !. .- TahsUjVIIlage M. P. M. F. M. F. M. P. M. P. M.. P. M. P. Town/Ward ------'------_. ------IS 16 17 18 19 %0 21 22 23 24 :u: 26 27 llJ :u 12 25 • 6 4 ... 9 34 Pusltonta 6S 26 62 -4 S 22 1 22 79 90 Chi I kapal1i IS IS 14 4 8 Pedapalli 7S l 14 3 88 53 63 Dalla 36 36 38 t 8 24 Chho,esukanpalli 25 2S 26 16 21 Surnar 148 14 141 12 6 2 1 5 60 206 MalJepalU S9- 26 43 14 14 12 t 19 61 BadesukanpaUi 134 106 93 42 40 64 4 73 80 Dharmapur 24 24 19 4 16 Lendra 12 H 3 ( 9 10 B 7 Kas igucfa 177 110 123 51 47 56 7 34 86 Jl4 l.ingagiri 42 IS 39 14 3 1 .. 31 33 39 Biraguda 52 35 44 21 7 i4 1 20 33 25 Korsaguda 41 9 39 I] 2 ZO 22 28 OaurpaHi 189 33 91 7 49 23 9 40 3 2 7l 154 280 Basaguda 66 27 58 19 8 8 13 36 6·1 Dholeguda 94 79 18 3 74 76 2 46 70 ICottaauda 32 11 25 l() 6 1 14 15 20 Sarkeguda lO 8 6 4 8 1 3 6 BakoaguJpda 17 1 S 12 7 XI 14 Rajpeta 22 12 10 12 12 n 14 Pakela S4 28 53 1 2 1 36 72 Pegdapalli 43 41 fO 33 41 32 33 Chirpur Bbatthi Unl nhabitcd Chutwahi 302 262 2S7 229 40 33 S 9 198 246 Pusblaka 98 16 SO S IS 11 .. 67 6J 85 Chi nnage Joor 134 9 130 , 3 1 122 68 96 Pedyageloor 67 2 SI 14 2 2 .. 14 S9 39 SI Ganganp!llli J35 26 Ul 32 26 2 25 51 104 Gundam 23 1, 3 1 24 18 12 Gunjeparli 39 1 22 16 .. 1 2 32 35 46 Komatpalll 39 8 32 2 7 6 .. , 34 'I KanClapa(li 46 16 29 8 16 II 1 18 30 35 Tumrela 49 S 29 2 12 3 8 16 18 26 PujarikBnker Uaiababited ,. Cbinpnmot 63 41 61 40 2 1 16 21 53 55 Domed 14 5S 50 14 34 41 53 81 Bhatt i guda Uninhabited Kattapenta .. Uninhabited Rampur 264

~ s~; trill 15' ~ ... \'i(ifftqr (Ii," IIita "''II fNtI ar)li &f'rrV'; ij ~ilil ~ Iffi lIT il'PI ~iI••• Ifr~ ·~fffl.' u~, 1fII'e/m Toral Population 1111 Ij'ti (including Inst itations) r•. IR. it and houseless Scheduled Scbeduled Area or No. of popolationl) castes TrIbes Number Literate Loca- viUage occupied ,-----A ____ ,..---..A--~ tioD Name of in hectares reSI· of r--"-­ Code Tabsll1VilIage & of Town' dential house· 'II'r!ll S. fw1 S. \'iih ~. flit No. Town/Ward Ward in Kms houses holds P. M. P. M. F. M. P. ------_.- ---_._------1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

681 ~~ N.A. . . 1Ifro" .. .. 682 If)<'flf'n-oft N.A cftuil' 6 83 fJf.,q!~r N.A. 32 32 113 93 80 93 80 684 'II~;rcI-;:t"T N.A. 21 21 74 42 32 42 32 2 685 ~Tlll'ilT 769·16 6 6 36 20' 16 .. 20 t6 686 fqi'ift~~T N.A. cft~if 687 V{TtlT~1f N.A. 8 8 36 17 19 17 19 688 iIl''ifilT N.A. 39 39 224 11 S 109 115 109 1 689 imtfc~ N.A. 18 18 108 51 57 48 56 690 tTT~l!6T N.A. 44 44 201 1) 4 87 113 87 691 ;r;'h:tfz


------P lIN m Ifti M ..iD Worton ... ~------_- qlf(illf(4 ~

(I-IX) U V(a) III, IV. V (b). VI. x VII.VIII &: IX Total MaiD Aarie11ltural Household Other Marginal Workers Cultivatora Labourers IndllStry Workers Worke... NOD-WOllen ,..--..JI..-"",-\ _-.JI..-_ Namefo --~ ,---..A.-""""" r--"--~ r---A---., ,.....-JI.--- ...... s. ~ i· .. I. m i. fd't i· ~ I· .. ,. ~ Tahsil/Vlliap M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. Town/Ward IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2) 24 :u 26 27 28 2 ------Uninhabited Kotur UBinhabiled PolampaJU 59 37 14 45 37 16 34 27 Mingatta 27 3 9 1 15 2 3 \1 15 12 Malempenta 14 t 13 1 1 6 6 9 UtlapalJi Uninhabited Chinnautlapalli 4 15 Bhimaram 13 13 4 Kanchala 67 8 66 8 •. 1 .. 45 48 56 8 26 18 27 Metaguda 2S 4 21 3 4 1 40 4l Gadilllda 73 54 71. 54 .. 26 40 51) Kaurptta 53 8 A2 .1.1 8 31 27 Errabor 40 1,5 37 14 2 1 I 4 24 1 61 66 87 Palaguda 72 7I 2 II 32 38 Damawarau 49 23 29 4 20 19 I 19 26 27 Gundrajguda 27 27 2 1 5Z 103 105 Dareli 186' 135 64 119 134 1. 20- ]8 Pedachaoda 30 23 30 23 1 52 65 Jidpalli 85 79 66 64 11 15 1 7 3 119 102 Dharmaram 131 117 88 12 3' 35 Uninhabited Chionadharmaram 16 1 1 28 37 Udtamalla 66 56 52 40 13 .. Uninhabited .. Tukiguda Uninhabited Pedadharmaramt 10 7 Manaaltot 16 13 16 13 1 1 12 29 . S4ped 33 23 33 22- 4 2 3 53 43 64 Kottapalli 69 9 50 S 14 , 2. 42 3 17 8S 142 Pamed 151 36 58 3 42 28 1 2 16 54 58 Yampor 73 48 71 45 1 3 Uninhabited Bardamadgu Uninhabited Chinnadharamkasa Uninhabited Tonggoda 20 26 Raspalli 44 57 44 57 20 22 Botetong 30 24 30 24 16 t,9 22 MediaDda 3S 9 33 a 1 .. Uninhabited PedadharamDrr.8 14 2.5 Pinacbanda 21 25 28 25 45 54 Jarapalli 7S 53 68 so 6 3 1 1 2~ 39 4S Tekler S3 31 46 2S (; 6 1 3 27 5 38 163 Tindodi 121 128 16 Ui Bramanai SO 48 50 48 266

~II lI~i ,,~ .if .f'(I(,'(l f~ iIIi!'UWII" CIi", a!~~ft .~ ",en m Vlq,«tnJ ..... I('[I(1V)q."''' 11ft ..... ant .• "'I"i if 'tift .....fir Inn m 1IIi111", ~it 'I1iIi!l I(rw &ilfflilf' V~~: IfflJ1I1i IIil Total Population (includinl filllff Institutional fiIiIIiT • wft. "" i1 and houseless Scheduled Scheduled Area or No. of populationl) Castes Tflbe5 Number LiteraCe Loea· villale oClCupied r----A ---__ .----.A--~ ,---"''''_''~ OOD Name of in hectares resi· of ,-A-- ~. fift ~. ~ ,. fift fti't Code Tahsil/Villale & of TOWD' dential hOllse· .... r'" ,. No. Town/War Ward in Kma hOllse. holds P. M· P. M. P. M. P. Moo p. -- - -- ~- ---_------I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14

72.1 flllmiT N.A. S3 S3 216 ll' 101 10 5 92 85 3 l 722 ~i{~ 84.00 43 43 260 131 1.29 S 2 122 I:! 3 S 2 723 m"';fT N.A. 31 31 202 109 93 109 93 724 ;r;)~'UCfT~ 214.00 63 63 33] l80 1.50 13 7 167 1-l3 725 fll'U11f~ 390.00 87 87 476 239 237 15 13 ].54 148 20 I 1r aft'(ll1~ 92.00 18 105 57 48 57 48 126 • 18 727 fli't)vf\' 352 00 26 26 172 86 86 86 86 728 Il)'{ift 89.00 23 23 111 51 60 51 60 729 IliTtiiliTt1l1 N.A. 33 33 175 89 86 89 86 2 730 IliT~!f 144.00 23 23 100 57 43 57 43 731 ~;ilft) 13'.51 55 55 456 2It 245 211 245 1. 732 'l~~ (1Ii'1fm) 116.00 32 32 231 109 122 10' 122 733 ~~~'{ 129.19 21 21 92 49 43 49 43 734 ~ii~ 114. flO 32 32 222 106 ~16 106 IU 73S ~T 130.37 36 36 216 102 U4 lOZ 114 3 738 ~ N.A. 15 15 77 40 37 40 37 737 '"«~ 168.00 38 38 190 91 '9 1 83 89 2 267

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACI' BijaJlllr T..... --_------,.,,1IiPf m IIAl MaiD Worbn .------:------'*""'------_---_- -- -- p~ _4>R ~ qlf(lllrw ~ ...... ~'" ~IIM liN If ~ , IIiIlfm ~ ..... d - lIN 1R/1IIA'.•. W ~'" • II11f

(I-IX) I II V(a) Ill. IV •V Jib). VI. K VIl.V & IX Toml MliiD AsriCllltural Household Other MargInal WorkelS Cu.Jtivaton Laboarera Industry Workcn WOII,C,. Non·WorkocI8 .---..A-_--.. ,.--.)'-_---. ,----"--....,_- Namclo - --"-----.. ,..--"---~ r--..A----., ~-- "'---" I. d ,. ~ ,. m t· M ~. feft S· .- Tahsil/VIII... M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. S·M. -P. M. P. Town/Ward ----_ IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 ------_ ------79 79 1 51 36 49 Kam:mark. 85 82 53 33 30 47 2 2 1 46 46 Budai. 62 6 38 23 6 51 47 36 Palleway. 119 9S 77 71 42 24 61 S5 Kotrapal 131 24 65 62 24 4 ·-1 78 107 135 Mirlacbal 44 35 44 3S 13 J3 DllmirpaJoar 62 57 62 57 .. .. 24 29 HiroJi 38 6 37 6 1 1 33 12 21 Gome 56 22 S6 22 3 32 30 32 -ltakoJco.rama 51 37 50 37 1 6 6 ICawadpoo 134 65 134 65 20 102 57 78 MweJi 87 4 87 4 22 118 IsuIDar (Itolcra) 36 2 36 2 ·. .. 13 41 Bodla PosDar 57 57 49 116 Edasmeta 60 58 2 1 1 42 112 NeDdra 25 25 ·. .- IS 37 Idenar 4' , 45 6 1 4S 93 Aipcnta 268

~If 6~)9ri 11111" ., fW i1(ifnqr (1Ii~ .... It" ,'(1R: J ••ft litt. u",",qj it -.:,ir ~ 'frW 'It ;j',q ~iI ~ir qfffiql U~{f I !PRIm Total PopulatioD (including !liT II'Il Institutional fils .1i'I. it and housele81 Scheduled Scheduled Area of No, of populationl) Castes Tribes ,--_..,Jt...... __ Literate Loca­ village occupied Number r----.A------.. ,...... A-­ tioD Name 01 in hectarel resi· or ."r~ '!. ,iift ,;. ~ Code TahsillVillale " of Town I dential house· ~. fiil No. Town/Ward Ward in Kms houses holds P. M· F. M. F. M. F. ------.. _ -----_._------_._------_. 1 234 7 8 9 .10 11 12 13 l4 ------.---.~-- - 4SI' ~~qalw %,200.4 34,462 88.7S6 2,90% 67.160 11.462 ('ltTq,..,) (111'. fifi. q).) 34.065 179.185 90,419 2,747 70,082 4.424 1 ~mq 2.968.49 194 199 1,051 545 506 14 7 523 424 .. 2 gq),{(i'J 2.539.49 112 140 812 432 38~ 6 4 336 281 , ;f<:'ff

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACI' Daatewara 'rallllil ------_ ------,., ""If lRiiI''II. Main Worbn ----_ ------~------

(I-IX) II V(a) III. IV • V (b). VI. x Vn,VIIl & IX Total MaiD Apico!tural HOUSehold Other Marginal Workers ___ ..A.~ Cultivatol'& Labcmrers Industry Workers WorkCB 1't000-Wm1.ers ,..--..A-_ r--A-----.. r--..I~---., r---"------.. ,..--- -''-----.. .- --"--_ Name to­ S. ~ ,. fih t. ~l 1· ~ i. m I· ., Tahsil/VII lage M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. i·M. -P. M. P_ Town/Ward 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 :I ------S5.10Z 43,376 4,661 453 6,712 590 ~Z. 964 DaDtewar. (T..... l) Z4.197 19.250 3,901 III 914 15. 86~ 50, 363 (Rural) :lOS 122 275 104 24 17 6 1 240 384 KaurgaOD 277 110 188 38 89 n H5 270 TwwrgUOda 107 21 93 3 10 18 4 61 145 Cherpal 89 37 86 36 3 1) 30 89 Padmeta 101 8 101 8 18 39 !J6 Chhote Karka 138 g 136 8 2 43 111 179 Bade Karka 170 12 ] 60 11 10 1 4 145 134 148 Pailiunar 206 34 177 24 24 10 s 137 342 Cbbindnu S4 6 54 6 30 45 60 Hikul 32 44 32 44 17 26 Pindkapal 77 78 77 78 38 47 Toynar 40 40 40 40 21 22 Paralnar 25 10 2S 10 16 32 'rahakwada 12 2 12 2 13 23 Kodolcal - 140 141 136 1·~0 4 1 87 68 Han.Jawada 174 96 173 54 2 1 123 161 Hitawada 169 144 161 144 2 .. 6 126 17" Muchnar 136 95 121 86 13 9 96 167 Hi tlLlM ta 84 61 68 46 1.(; IS lJ 36 51 Neumar 81 38 73 3S 6 3 2 33 54 41 Udenar 136 126 7 3 8 90 226 Bhatpal 60 48 4S 38 14 10 1 45 74 Reka 98S 530 699 374 90 101 16 7 178 48 1 67 S87 1,037 Barsnr 192 IS3 158 129 20 IS 9 9 5 28 124 149 !torIapal 80 SI 79 SO I 1 54 68 60 lJpet IS7 150 144 133 12 17 1 2 81 92 Hidpal Uninhabited Nerli Uninhabited Halla 484 131 438 105 42 25 4 17 88 389 6S1 DhotpaJ 24 IS 21 13 3 2 14 32 Hiroli 260 76 212 43 46 33 .. 2 2 125 lS6 Katulnar 240 '1.57 21;2 146 13 9 IS 2 127 228 R.anje 462 2~6 440 199 l8 1,7 4 4 277 499 Kasoli 298 36 2S2 g 32 IS 2 7 12 3 139 297 Hiranar 141 29 132 27 7 2 .. 2 1 102 228 Mustainar 188 184 7,81 183 1 7 l29 lS1' Gumalaar 90 22 86 22 2 2 51 119 Salnar 154 77 154 77 .. 88 153 Tarlapal 7 49 2 16 5 1 44 8S Nel.oda "14 5 14 5 . . .. 11 19 Kanda IC.arko 270

~II s(ll')~i ITflf llil 111"1.'. fi~ .;rnq, (;i~ m I11f,i'(If(/ ••IIIi" lTTiI"nrTlT lilt ftfqrlii if lj(it III'" .ri IGT ;rIll ~it 1(lJf;if .," 'l~f<'lilJi U~tr) ""'jCftW TOla! Population IIif Iflj Vlilfl ( including '" Institutional r•. lb. it and houselc.1 Scheduled Schedule;d Area or No. of populationl) Castes Tribe!! L.ilerate LOQa- village occupied Numbcr r----..)I..---__" .----"--_ lIoD Name of iD hectares resi· of r-A-- Ifdftl i. M i. fih Code Tahsil/Village c!tofTown' dential house· ~. No. TowD/Ward Ward in Kms bouses holds P. M. P. M. F. M. -p. 1 z 3 4 5 (j 1 8 9 JO 11 12 13 14 ------41 v§li~lA't~ 1.350.33 168 169 969 465 504 15 17 233 261 22 42 1f)q:;(If;:r,~ 788.72 110 110 6)3 3~0 363 277 297 10 4~ ,~)"" 680.52 75 75 497 257 240 176 168 6 44 ~;sU 857.70 69 69 377 170 207 123 151 t 6 1 45 q;rH'tTiif ~t"" 1,670.75 165 155 1,121 523 598 15 19 501 573 14 3 46 ~~,!'It 428.96 29 29 198 88 110 88 1I0 47 -'ilIon", 765.24 83 83 488 249 239 199 188 39 t 48 ;ri~"l;)~ 648.14 89 98 527 247 ~SO 168 20t 9 2 49 ;riC!. 'f;:rT~ 1,524.53 189 193 1,000 489 511 8 7 229 229 • 87 9 50 ~~i;:rr~ 771.38 43 43 351 178 173 ] 78 173 3 51 II'nr)ft 7.58.63 40 40 ~61 110 151 110 151 7 52 6 j06 667 318 349 18 20 221 252 39 8 54 ~J{<1-': 674.05 158 158 982 484 498 8 11 202 206 42 2 S 5 f'1l:n;:rt~ 221.54 64 64 420 208 212 76 60 69 89 1

56 f

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACF Dautewara ralaail ------,--- _------;------'PI' ~II' nit III. Main Worton ------'Ilft'tft.-.

(I-IX;) I) Y(a) 1Il.IV.V (b).\ll. x VIl,vm l...1X Toral MaiD AaricuUwal Household Other MarglJlal Workers en tivalors Labourers Industry Worken Workerl Non·Wocli.ers - -..,..,___,_ _-.J_ ...... ,-----A..-_--.. ,--..1>"'---., ,---..A..----.., _--A.---.. .- -- ...... - -. Name Co I. m S. ~ 1· fift '1. m 1. fifi I. .. 1· .. Tahsil/VUI•• M. P. 1\,(. P. M. P. M. P. M. F. M. P. M. 1<. Tovrn/Ward ------_------_._------15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 :a ------_._------295 193 226 111 30 20 33 2 6 3tJ 170 2g1 Chhotelurnnar 2Z9 20S 206 188 19 14 4 3 101 ISS MoCalnar 176 38 172 38 3 1 81 201 Gutoli 121 t'3 98 53 22 10 .. 41 49 97 Fundari 332 l8S 308 180 tJ B J 1 13 191 397 Paraspal Bodali 64 38 64 38 .. I 24 71 Farasmlldur 162 176 lSS 175 1 3 86 63 Bai18apa) 160 169 142 145 18 24 87 111 Bade Surokhi 303 156 223 95 47 58 3 34 186 32t Bide Tumnar 128 40 US 40 6 SO 127 Kundcnar 73 100 71 98 2 2 37 51 Masodi 333 50 277 38 18 9 38 3 106 245 460 Faraspal 219 222 140 134 69 88 5 5 13 21 86 106 Alnar 292 6 256 3 32 3 4 192 49~ Samlur 109 10 93 8 14 2 1 99 20:! Siyana.:: 71 66 4 39 136 KutUTnar 212 209 1 3 .. 190 422 Binjelm 158 6 133 J8 6 7 98 241 Jhodiyawadam 9 7 1 I 19 16 JapGdi 472 IH 243 9 138 71 17 74 11 150 318 531 Haram 80? 217 686 151 97 64 1 18 2 49 641, 507 497 Karli 1044 235 213 89 17S ~l 7 2 646 53 1 6 785 1.367 Gidam 213 81 293 76 7 4 2 1 1 22 176 111 102 Nagul 273 28 267 28 6 116 386 Madase 370 6 32,5 3 43 3 2 23 246 617 Bade P1neda 28S 134 203 115 15 15 67 4 124 257 Haurnar 344 201 300 182 42 19 2 3 206 374 JaullJ8 '02 269 407 232 30 19 65 18 7 275 506 Gumda 176 62 168 S6 5 5 1 2 .. I 136 100 120 Jaram 650 124 594 89 33 32 2 ~l 3 2 483 350 464 Pondum 24 1 17 1 5 2 14 11 19 Kamjenar 157 S 149 S 3 2 3 157 83 93 Murki 535 2, 460 16 43 7 4 1 28 5 513 396 347 Baloocl 216 26 154 2 56 24 6 172 147 148 Chitaloor 297 175 268 81 21 94 8 2 '16 188 273 Matenar 250 1 219 1 24 4 3 257 135 129 FUlnar 76 14 63 13 1 13 4 68 33 22 Bade Godre 11 3 11 3 13 11 [4 Chhote Godre 75 26 13 1 16 7 46 18 .. 37 60 Anwarabhata 427 110 382 60 43 50 2 .. 73 414 Teknu ,272

p~r(li1n ~ 8~)iri If'" iii. m VT1t,I'I1R:/ It)~ &fIfTV' ii -':I(~ ~ "rW III 1fT'll ~it••• 1Q"·Olffiiq. lI'~) ""-./,,rj Total Population 11&1 .Ii (including Institutional ,..~. it and bouselea. Scbeduled SCbedulc.d Area or No,of population) Castes Tribes l.o4:a- village occupied Number ,----__ A ____--, ,---"--- lioB Name of in hectares resi· or Code TahsillVillage & of Town' dential bouse· ,"rt'll 1. ,lift 1· ~ P. P. M. P. No. Town/Ward Ward in Kms bouse. bold. ------.----- 1 3 4 6 7 8 9 JO 11 12 13 14 ._ ------_------81 iln=rtil!: 776.23 191 191 1,105 522 583 108 124 114 179 17$ 24 82 ",{Q'~ 148.06 37 37 199 96 103 27 23 11 II J1 ]. B3 ~l!fr~T 1,050.53 - 787 799 3,299 1,146 1,553 139 128 401 371 1,104 603 84 ~mrr~r~ 215.21 26 26 J 36 11 65 47 47 15 2 85 f;re'Tt:filiT 8(11. 45 166 167 842 435 407 15 12 84 ~6 62 5 86 ,,~'{ 1,242.65 85 85 558 280 278 280 278 9 87 ~~<'f;rT1: 647.91 55 S5 474 223 25 I 219 247 S ,"~rrr 88 ~,!~T1: 70.07 . " 89 mfTJST 81S.12 f04 104 588 286 302 174 168 37 4 90 ~~=t'fv:n\' 459.40 48 48 3J2 160 142 108 93 40 3 9 I Ifif8"lfT<:'{T6 227.20 41 46 236 12l ItS 46 41 38 30 17 2 92 itf<'l""(T~ 718.68 89 92 441 222 219 200 197 28 9 3 ~'fl'V:TU 316.51 45 45 J5S 170 185 169 185 56 8 94 iIiiqT"( 520.98 86 87 499 243 25G 15 15 120 125 15 4 99 ~1FfT1: 532.14 85 88 470 236 2:H 233 234 25 5 100 f!1t1liT 517.61 SO SO 230 116 114 115 114 1 101 iIi~"t:'{ 955.85 125 125 522 260 262 7 7 182 196 59 28 102 iI!~~ 941.80 tl8 119 575 277 29S 211 297 14 4 103 lII!.~nT 927.61 18'2 218 966 491 475 43 45 302 308 46 6 J 04 IlIT1:t;;nqT N_A. Iif')-{r;:r lOS iIl";:r~ 490.72 41 41 181 87 100 80 93 9 1 0 6 ~T1{1CfT" 2,326.45 263 264 1.383 66S 7lS 11 8 630 fig 4 37 IS 107 tH... " l,745 • .zS 267 268 1,570 745 S2S 4 4 723 805 77 SI 108 ";~1 667.85 202 202 869 429 440 33 38 212 215 142 74 109 ")~)iIi~"') 114.16 30 36 199 97 102 28 21 ]8 50 30 1& 110 or,ilimIT 1,762.77 202 202 1,206 579 627 4 5 SS9 606 15 3 111 ~fiT 638.46 107 107 576 273 303 22 25 225 250 IS S 112 ~~;:rT,{ 643.10 67 67 372 184 188 184 118 19 .. 113 If, .~fi) 1,573.79 3,21.4 3,303 12.740 6,802 5,938 611 557 1,691 1,546 3.730 2,043 1 14 ""11"( 252.56 42 42 252 126 126 J 2.6 126 115 .r;mfi 426.80 70 70 444 222 222 2 1 214 217 3 116 'fliJr ~')- 383.33 61 61 303 140 163 (; (j 134 157 20 1 117 ~Ii~ 3.013.60 438 440 2.334 1,129 1,205 12 9 1,115 1,194 48 t 18 ..n;rr;:rlV: (ftrcr.tll{~) 103.45 IIT1'J';r 119 "i&n" 149 41 39 39 205 103 102 102 102- 3 . , 120 l{)~~I{R 2.029.69 248 lSi 1,422 703 719 687 713 16 1. 273


'lW IIiIIl m III" Main Worken _._._------...,Jt.".------.. _

(I-IX) u V(a, ID, IV • V (b), VI, x VII.VIll & IX Total MaiD Agricultural Household Other Martinal Worke.. Cultivatoo Labourers Industry Worken Worken Non·Workers ,_,---"'-- ,--_A____ ...... --...A----.., ___ r--A---. r---"----.. ,.---"---~ r--..A..---.. Name-fo I. ~ s. m !. m ,;. M\' ,;. ~ ,;. ,W\' Tabsi I/VIllaga M. P. M. F. M. P. M. F. M. F. M. P. 1M. P- Town/Ward IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 26 17 28 ------338 188 227 139 43 46 5 63 2 1 170 183 2:5 BaJpet 73 55 12 6 77 23 26 -Bhairambancl 940 143 150 t1 95 74 13 s 682 53 14 201 792 1,209 Dantewada 43 29 12 2 44 28 21 Patatras 2S9 132 187 72 20 17 .. 52 43 2. 35 174 240 Chitalanka 173 1 169 2 I 2 136 107 141 Mubander 142 32 116 23 24 7 1 2 3 63 78 156 Midkulnar Uninbabited Rewnar 197 128 160 133 28 16 5 9 4 41 89 133 Bhogam 10.5 14 94 1 6 13 .. .5 55 128 Puraotarai 82 44 34 44 44 4 39 71 Katiyarras -152 124 22 1 5 9 70 210 Degalras 92 26 71 17 .5 8 .. 16 1 5 54 73 105 Tudparas 248 8 238 7 7 2 1 1 255 98 135 Kawalnar 165 100 160 94 4 6 1 76 95 105 Keshapur 64 40 54 36 9 4 1 33 18 32 GondpaJ 229 116 190 105 9 6 1 29 5 2 143 255 Kuper 174 19 154 12 8 7 12 7 148 62 89 Pan dewar 160 61 12.8 53 17 1 2 13 1 107 76 66 Mangnar 81 17 79 15 2 2 49 3S 48 Ihirka 168 59 103 25 3' 34 62 6- 92 197 Kamaloor 160 25 144 23 7 2 9 14 155 103 118 Kundeli 315 )14 175 25 31 38 47 23 62 28 6 177 170 184 Kumharras Uninhabited - JharaJawa S3 50 44 47 6 3 3 34 SO Basanpur 463 191 434 180 20 11 1 8 10 264 192 263 Gamawada 427 170 387 73 22 41 18 6 33 158 285 547 DhurJi 269 92 81 4 71 85 5 1 112 2 2 160 ~46 8bansi .56 13 ;\4 1 16 6 6 6 41 89 Porokameli 351 191 327 185 10 5 2 .. 12 10 228 47.6 Badekameli 169 61 111 18 52 43 6 21 104 221 Nerli 89 _ 13 88 12 1 1 18 99 77 76 Bebnar 3,716 572 386 94 22 27 39 8 3.269 443 12 30 3,074 5,336 Bade Bacbeli 82 78 82 78 44 48 Padbapllr 123 23 U8 22 3 2 47 131 52 68 BIoinpal 87 102 81 97 3 5 1 2 2 53 59 Pina Bacheli 758 199 717 141 46 57 1 1 4 2 295 359 711 Dugeli Uninhabited Cholnar (SiwaDllpadar) 63' 32 61 32 1 .. 1 11 29 29 41 KUl'lchepal 515 256 470 247 20 8 20 5 1 7 132 181 331 Molllsnar 274

f~1I ftf!U)qr i 1fT" llil sri.'. f .... iIif'Erqr (ij'ql ~ lIT" if~J sr_'Il" lITiflu1q ilit{ fri!''ffiir ij tF, if ,,~ .-1. IfiT ift"" llf~ it qlJT;:f'j Iflik ;;qfffifii 8f~, Ifl.... ,m .) Total Population llil II'; IiWlfl ( including Institutional r• . Ifi. it and houlelesl Scheduled Schedulc:d Area 01 No.of populationl) Castes . Tribes L.ilerate Loca- village occupied Number r-----A------.. ,,---..J---_ ,..-A-­ tiOD Name of in hectares resi· of Code Tahsil} Village & of Town' dential house· ."fiJi S. ,lit ~. RI ~. m No. Town/Ward Ward in Kms houses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. F. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 - ----.-.------_.. _-_.------121 ~'h 229.60 29 29 162 84 78 . , 81 77 5 2 1 22 l[itifT~ 2,296.93 292 292 1,735 844 891 2 837 888 14 J 23 ti;it'ff~ 1,826.84 295 295 1,548 789 759 SO 37 702 687 30 1 124 "T~rtf1i'i1' 1,970.36 282 182 1,38:2 648 734 3 3 624 712 7 125 '_eili'.'1' 943.99 94 94 540 260 280 3 6 24& 26" 11 2 126 ~t 1,737.67 173 173 951 468 4g3 9 8 454 468 15 2 127

(I-.X) 11 V(a) 11l~IV • V (b). VI. x VII.VIfi & IX Total MaID Alricultural Household Other MargiDal Workers Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Wonen ,.-_A..Non-Workers__ , --~ ,_-..A----., r---A-2 ,---J'--~ r--.A.----,. ,.....-..A.-._., Name Co 1. m I. fift' I. ~J 1. m ,. ~I. ,. I m Tahsil/VII lap M. P. M. F. M. P. M. F. M. F. M. P. M. • Towo/Ward ------16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 .z-6 27 28 1

SO 25 46 24 1 3 3 31 31 22 Udela 546 522 Sl2' 514 9 8 5 298 369 Masenar 521 126 485 111 24 14 6 6 1 1 24 267 609 Ganjenar 492 497 472 480 18 17 .. 2 1 10 155 227 Gadapal 175 200 168 189 7 7 4 2 83 80 Muskel 357 269 324 25~ 31 14 2 86 111 128 Toylanka 107 29 75 26 5 3 .. 27 1 47 96 141 Dabpal 110 25 92 25 6 12 59 78 [21 Dllmam 200 106 180 65 15 41 5 103 105 111 MendoU 291 83 19Q 76 18 6 t .. 73 1 158 161 230 Kawadgaon 1072. 45 1.034 38 2S S 1 1 12 1 1 924 636 835 Metapal 299 143 270 121 25 22 1 3 t 149 156 141 Oatam 249 22 243 20 1 4 1 2 3 224 130 135 Mathadi 232 12 214 10 16 2 1 4 154 141 201 BengJoor 3H 113 263 86 60 21 2 32 4 123 233 350 Katel·al)'an 86 26 75 3 9 23 2 SO 65 73 Lakharas 426 30 404 21 1 18 8 4 .. :as5 368 608 BadelekhapaJ SO 52 80 S2 1 '6 72 KOdaripal Il5 69 III 69 4 4 6 74 110 Nayanar 62 70 61 51 1 19 36 40 Buradikarka ~28 159 193 140 11 S 20 14 4 95 162 Dhanikarka Uninhabited Nadiyapadar 177 152 170 148 S 3 I 1 I 84 90 Duwalikarka 545 534 517 513 IS 16 5 5 8 1 3 268 337 Surn!lr 118 97 102 93 7 4 9 4 86 103 Renganar 694 221 649 193 29 27 7 9 28 332 33:' 497 Gadhniri 265 122 143 119 2 1 120 2 4 36 161 246 Nakulpar 529 92 366 62 117 23 46 7 6 441 308 368 Kuwakonda 226 69 141 18 9 6 4 72 45 .. SO 114 206 Halbaras 215 147 116 14 78 126 21 7 60 105 121 Hitawar 399 230 330 190 49 38 2 1 18 271 490 MaHawada 248 148 242 142 1 5 4 1 1 155 312 GODspal 111 91 101 85 5 3 1 4 3 68 105 Mahara Hawoar 108 56 105 56 2 1 46 106 Bade Hadmamanda 168 95 153 91 10 4 3 2 6 66 136 Khutepal 204 164 187 J47 13 13 1. 3 4 2 57 109 124 Samgiri Uninhabited Jimer 82 53 75 46 6 7 1 25 74 Doriras 788 539 763 457 18 82 7 230 449 513 Tikaopal 99 76 9 11 67 13 37 57 Lendra 276

~ a~"t"j rr'" ., fi" llI(;fnqr (lifiR m "T'qi~J aAW at}'i 8f'l'rcii if 1:,il ~ IIITi "" 1[111 ~i iffii' qf~"i \(fta', .,..~;~. Total Population IIi1 If'; . (including Institutional ~.m.i't and houseless Scheduled Scheduled Area 01 No. of populationl) Castes Tribes Literate Number ,...... -___ .A. ______Loca- village occupied .---.A--_ ,,-A--­ tiOD Name of 'n hectares resi· of Code Tabsil'Vmaae & of Town' dential house .Ilra; ,;. ,~ ~. ~ ~. R) No. TownlWard houses holds P. M. F. M. F. M. p • .~~dinKms ------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

16 t 1Iitf;m: 152.S5 22 22 121 S3 68 53 68 162 f~~ 665 70 55 55 2lH) 148 132 6 135 127 30 6 1 fi 3 .,qq-r

PRIMARY CENSUS- ABSTRACI' Daatewan: Ta'" ------


(I-IX) It V(a) III, IV. V (b). VI. x VI~Vm& IX Total MaID Aaricultural Household Other MarsiDal WorBa -Cultivators Labourers Industry Work.. Worker., Non·Workers -~ --_"__~ r-~--., ,---..A-...... ~---.. --..)I,.-~ ,--..A.-__ Name r" I. ~ ~ ,. aI\' ,. fit\' ,. ,. S· - '0 .. Tahsil/Village M. P. M. -P. M~ P. M. F. M. F. M. P. MoP. TownjWanI ------~------l' 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 :u 26 27 28 2

38 34 4 42 15 26 Kocfenar 81 3 56 5 20 3 1 60 66 69 KirallduJ liS 95 199 84 3 1 13 10 7 137 94 1 04 ICadarnpal 175 tOl 167. 97 4 4 3 1 1 11 lOS 135 141 Nadadi 168 159 1 :J. 5 187 114 138 Cholnar 21 17 20 16 1 1 14 11 Lawa 52 54 48 51 4 3 40 46 Purangel 176 175 170 167 6 8 '7 6S ffiroli 64 75 62 72 1 3 1 53 '4 Madakmaras 70 53 70 53 1 51 50 Pimar 96 100 87 89 9 11 90 88 Perpa 122 105 118 104 2 1 2 6 4 61 89 Kalepal 309 330 30S 330 4 76 94 Samalwar 417 356 379 336 29 18 2 2 7 8 35 256 297 SameIi 103 8 93 5 6 3 4 7 83 58 64 Madenc.'la 58 40 2.5 1 31 39 2 32 37 41 Bengpal 48 13 29 4 19 9 22 30 23 BodepaJi 72 5 69 4 2. 1 1 27 48 83 AIDar 291 8 201 4 90 4 1 296 141 140 Gumiyapal 162 (; 145 3 16 3 1 18 144 92 12" Kutrem liU 34 81 25 19 9 1 42 39 56 TaneJi 58 22 37 9 21 13 .. 24 29 43 Pedka 104 8 98 5 Ci 3 , . 85 43 7Z Acheli 219 52 204 47 2 5 3 10 .. 140 92 114 Aranpur 77 40 44 16 32 24 2 39 45 41 McndpaJ 292 255 227 207 60 48 5 1 31 179 271 Kakadi 110 27 80 23 30 4 68 71 121 Nahadi 142 10 91 4 48 6 -' 136 89 97 Miller 569 203 50S 121 19 66 29 6 16 10 16 370 379 435 PotaIi 65 6S .. So 32 92 PUjaripal 268 6 261 6 6 1 27S 187 219 Rewali 367 12 351 11 4 1 6 2 393 226 252 Burgum 163 67 155 59 4 3 4 5 12 140 85 92 Arbe 331 182 307 168 15 13 2 7 1 1 97 160 215 JabeB 40 37 36 35 4 2 20 19 Barrem 224 217 214 211 S Ii 5 143 148 Nilawaya 330 88 330 84 27 4 1 22 347 643 Palna, 73 11 53 5 10 2 10 4 1 59 106 Penta 474 288 410 246 61 41 2 1 1 16 199 248 30~ Fulpad 48 66 44 62 2 3 1 1 11 33 47 Chbotc Hadmamuada. 2'78

~ ~~'Pri ~1Ii' fiil \t(iI"nlfr (;;ilf' m VT" ;JlRj ••q;IIr aft.: u"'fv1 ii lltil ~ 'lfri ., ;:n1J II'''' 1iltf'fflQr .r~) "'Zll if Total Population If'i~, "'_ ( including iii! ." Institutional ,..Ift. it and hoosoles. Soheduled Schedule:d Area 01 No, or populationl) Castes TrJbes Literate LoeB- village occupied Number ,.---.-A ______,..---....1--_ lion Name of in hectares resi· of r-Aa­ Code TahsilJVillage & of Town' dential house .lIft'll 1. ~ ~. ~ ~. ~ No. Town/Ward .Ward in Kms house. bold. P. M. P. M. P. M. P ------_- ._------._---_._------._------1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ._---_.__ ._-- - ._------201 Ifi~m 572.65 123 124 645 293 347 14 14 274 326 7 2 '}2 Bil~~it,~r 511.72 69 69 364 180 18~ 174 178 10 201 ~i~ 1,816.04 307 307 1.490 714 776 2 2 678 760 93 8 204 f


..... ------.,Jt".,------______"f«Ift:. ft\1r

(I-IX) II V(a) III, IV. V (b). VI. x VI~:&·IX Total MaiD AIJ'ic:ultural HOUSehold Margloal Worker. Cultivators Labourer.. Industry Work.. Workers Non-Workers --~ _-A_--.. ,----.A----. ,--A---., ,---.A---...... --...)1",-...... ,..--.A...-_ Namero I. fiit ,;. ~ ,;. ~ ,;. m ,;. fiIt i· ,. ,. .- Tabsil/VDIagIII M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. Town/Ward 15 16 17 18 19 10 21 22 23 24 2S 26- Z7 28 ------186 229 174 228 6 1 2. 4 1 H2 117 KcJriras 108 117 94 107 12 9 1 1 I lei 1Z S6 55 ChhoteiJedms 414 428 391 413 12 13 3 2 8 5 18 29S 3]0 Badebedma 3S 33 35 33 .' 6 26 27 ltidarira. 511 237 386 107 95 130 30 18 264 601 MokhpaJ 271 170 249 148 19 22 Z 1 4 111 294 Mahrakarka 4S0 426 319 334 SO 82 1 2 10 8 16 202 254 Bhusara. 159 166 156 166 2. 1 92 81 Dudhiras 137 88 78 18 58 70 1 1 5 J 98 121 Adpal 81 71 77 6S 4 6 40 66 Dodpal '6' 868 886 833 28 31 9 2 43 2 8 410 546 BadePdra 23S 92 233 90 2 2 1 134 128· 177 Chhotegudra 174 5 165 5 S J 1 1 162 102 106 Atep.ll 226 14 194 10 28 4 2 2 177 135 150 Tetam 390 371 10 6 3 362 198 279 Telam 101 95 3 2 1 .. lOS 61 S2 liohakodta 364 329 357 325 3 4 4 2 49 247 259 TllIDIIkPal 60S 306 574 282 26 24 1 4 IS 207 416 552 Gud.. e 119 IS IP 14 6 1 62 91 lSI Nadenar 518 319 470 347 37 42 5 6 6 44 341 466 Parebcli . 73 51 67 49 5 1 1 1 11 20 31 42 Monaas 229 52 142 36 82 is 3 3 135 137 190 Chikpal 327 92 3i6 SO 10 12 1 16 142 178 275 Marjllm 30 29 2S 21 S 8 12 21 • Chhotc Gadam 169 154 165 153 I J 2 2 95 114 Badea:adam 163 156 163 156 37 41 Tongpal 12 t 124 107 lOS 9 JS 2 1 3 2 14 77 87 Jangampal 95 111 94 111 . , 1 .. 3S 32 Pratapgiri 146 100 96 73 43 27 4 3 96 12' Chhote Lakhapal 8,.. 75 84 7S 2 1 55 72 Budhpadar(F. V) 132 51 109 30 18 20 2 1 3 85 166 Nagfani (P. V.) 81 S3 73 14 7 39 1 66 !ill Korkoti (F. V.) 108 34 103 27 S 7 .. 2 82 157 Pudantarai (F. V • ) 114 116 7 8 106 108 '. 1 1 S9 57 MadpaJ (P. V.) ISS 14S 79 68 ~9 80 98 141 Jodatarai (F. V.) ~68 347 83 4 278 342 4 3 1 156 112 Chaodcnar (P. V.) 194 129 164 108 30 21 1 62 100 108 Netapar (F. V.) 210

;;r;{f1U{;{r lilt 51111f'lll m~ill


ftrIih~ s~)"j IJI1r llil .,~ .. crf'(orl,{l I" ilI(;rnqr (_.... 8I~"CI 8111n arl'{. gf'lnii if '(lIif ilI(;f;;n .u Vlll I ;(If'{J ••IIi" aUiffurli 16'8.' ~ ~ .... 161 ;rl" ~it -rllil;rl Q~ i~ft'fi~' u~) Ifq"{Jif.w ~ Total . Population (Iocludioa ~ Ifli filill! Institutional r•. Ih. i1 and hOIlsc1eBs Schedule(1 Schedul~d Area of No,of population) castes l'r!bes Literate occupied Number f..oca- village ,-----..J... -----., ,..--.Jo--_ ,---'__~ resi- of r-A-- Cion Name or in hectares fijft 7;. ~, 7;. fiR Code Tahsil/Village & of Town' dential hOUle' '''f8i ~. ~. Ward inKms hou,ea holds p. M· F. M. P. M. P. M. ..p. No. Town/Ward ------_ 1 :J 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 _------~------...------_--

flfi~w q~ ""'tCfTfW1fiT

45/II1 ~;"'" (q.l'f.q-r.) 10.58 3,780 15.7'0 7.440 482 1,391 ;:,781 3,850 8,270 490 1,411 5,037 45/1Il}1 .",;r; ;t. 1 J6S J6S 612 286 326 166 199 33 26 113 42 4 S/lJIi2 iilt. ;t. 2 168 168 661 339 329 10 13 99 77 131 52 4slm/3 i\'I'Tlifi ;t . 3 86 88 461 '239 221 3 3 9 9 160 115 45/llIf4 i<'fTifi ;t • 4 142 142 586 283 303 95 115 126 40 4 S/JII; 5 ii"'TI'-II' ;f . 5 133 133 500 247 253 2 3 85 92 110 22 45 {lII{6 i~ ;t. 6 190 225 &95 483 412 1 18 IS 327 172 4SfIJI/7 ~'" ". 7 147 154 5.98 332 266 5 3 190 72 45/III/S .:iilTlIi' ;t_ 8 148 148 524 286 238 52 43 38 37 123 46 45/rn/9 ~. ;t. 9 lSI 151 679 371 308 13 n 14 IS 281 188 4511II/I0 i\lTTIIi' ;t 10 140 140 654 347' 301 4 a 303 237 '45/Il.I/ll i~'1II' if, 11 ]45 145 574 311 263 JO 13 39 31 234 142 451111/12 i'Illifi if. 12 111 111 440 234 206 2 3 38 35 174 llJ 45/1JJ/13 iqrT. ;t. 13 100 100 393 139 204 32 33 21 38 73 37 45/111/14 eerilli' ;t. J4 176 184 812 485 327 39 28 69 58 328 112 45/111/15 ''11. if, IS 181 186 762 394 368 8 3 48 54 281 149 45/Ill/16 ''''111' Ii. 16 184 184 750 384 366 15 24 80 100 181 58 45/111/17 .qrlllfi ;t. 17 248 249 966 500 466 22 20 113 118 261 115 45/1«/18 '''''Ii ;t. 18 112 112 497 248 249 9 9 25 21 168 122 45/111119 1«'" ;t. 19 166 168 824 422 402 5 6 36 25 343 306 4S/I11/20 '''''Ii if. 20 187 187 822 447 37' 36 25 119 124 255 117 4S/11I/~1 i'fl1li if. 21 200 200 767 419 348 22 7 124 109 260 150 45/m/22 nI'T1li if. 22 142 142 538 292 245 27 25 94 69 147 87 45/111/23 '''1111 if. 23 166 J 66 563 316 247 8 8 135 124 158 S9 45/111/24 '''1IIi ;t. 24 J92 202 825 416 409 8 6 68 82 310 230 281

P~YCENSUSABSTRACT ------_------,. iii", IR_ ~i Maio Worken ....------.-- -_ -- -

(I-IX) II V(a) IlI.IV.V (b). VI, x VII.VIfl.-llt IX TOlal MaiD Agricultural Housohold Other Margmal Workers Ct'ltivators Labourers Industry Workers Worl,ers NOIl·Workers ---_.A..___ _--"'----. ,-_.A._--., ,--.A--~ ,..---.A---..... ,- - )_-~ ,_ -- A.__ Name (01 1. ~ s. fift I. ~ 1· m 1· m 1. m s - Tahsil/Village M. P. M. Pi M. P. M. p. M. P. M. F. M. P. TOIWD/WarcI ------_------U 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28

Kirandul NOD Municipal

".IS5 16 10 4,187 3,'33 Kiraodul (N .M.) 993 8 .. 14 967 105 6.342 J60 74 2 2 2 1 156 70 6 27 120 225 BlOCk No.1 198 117 1 3 194 116 14J 212 Block NOI. 2. 108 13 6 1 6 1 95 11 1 J30 209 Block No.3 174 122 .. 174 122 loS, 181 BlOCk No.4 1S6 124 ISS 124 91 129 Block No. S 284 3 2 1 281 3 199 409 Block No.6 J66 4 166 4 166 262 Block No.7 162 7S 11 8 1St 67 124 '63 Block No.8 160 4 J60 4 211 304 Block No.9 143 3 .. 143 3 .. 204 304 Block No. 10 156 2 1 .. ISS 2 ISS 261 Block No'1 t 111 4 111 4 123 202 Block NOI. 12 98 22 1 97 22 1 91 181 Block No. 13 276 57 12 264 57 32 25 177 245 Block No. 14 201 40 2 1 198 40 9 2 184 326 Block No. l' 211 76 2 3 1 S 4 201 71 11 36 162 254 Block No. 16 247 135 1 1 t 246 133 6 7 247 324 Block No. 17 107 24 1 106 24 141 225 Block NOI. 18 ISZ 21 182 27 I .. 239 375 Block No. 19 229 6 229 6 1 217 369 Block No. 20 218 21 1 217 21 5 2 196 325 Block No. 21 153 S 2 4 lSI 4 139 238 Block No. 22 166 12 166 12 , 3 145 232 Block No. 23 189. 20 189 20 5 2 222 387 B'ock No. 24 282

t'" iifil~' (iii," • "'" II' "'.m 11111'.15~1irj if'f'{./ Ii•• w iiI'i~ oifQrV; ij 'f;1!~ ~ ..ri II' "III' ~i1 If'~ iqfffiq"'j ~ft!tI' It'q-.o,lft'I TOlal Population ( i.ocludio8 IIi1 If" Institutional fi& ,1ft. if and houscless Scheduled . Scheduled Area 01 No,of populationl) Castes TribeS Number Literate Looa- village occupied . r------A ----____ ,---..",._-- liOD Name of in beetarell resi· of ,..-A-­ Cod. Tahsil/VlIlqe 8t of Town' dential boUSe· ,qffti 1. ~ 7; •• ~ ,;. m No, Town/Ward Ward in Kms bousel bold. P. M. P. M. P. M. p. 1 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

45/7~~ 4,068 4 84,038 121,2,. 10,965 156,.162 27.373 (VM"IIIf) (iI'.f~."r.) 8l,175 445,378 224,080 21,180 158,835 5,'" 1 ~~If 847.34 19 4~ 241 137. 104 42 27 85 65 2 il'T~T 3099.81 17 17 83 42 41 42 41 1 1 3 ~Tilfl'l' 298.84 4 4 25 8 17 8 17 .. 4 ltii[oi;m; 1,001.62 52 52 274 146 128 142 125 1 s ~WIT\'I' (i,~ ) 515.68 8 8 42 22 20 22 20 6 ~~;:. 497.29 44 44 247 113 134 12 J3 . 88 106 9 7 lfI;fcrr~T 298.84 12 12 63 33 30 33 30 8 ~1'aI;1I"~ 925.78 108 110 624 j17 307 36 48 13S 130 31 14 9 fit,,",Ti~ 339.46 25 25 127 7:J 54 73 54 10 ilt1'WrT'Etn: 442.78 45 45 235 122 113 2 3 118 109 2 1 1 t ItiTf;:m: 363.46 22 22 119 64 55 64 5S 2 12 s"f~" ]9-0.23 18 18 95 48 47 15 8 3 8 1 3 ",a:on 628. I R 107 107 541 285 256 11 8 55 44 1 14 1ti'ti'

PRIl\IARY CENSUS ABSTRAG jagdalpur T.... ------'fII' IJTII tn"..... Maio Worhn _------..Jt------

(I-I") II V(a) III. IV ,V (b). VI. x VII.VIII & IX Total MaiD Alricultural Household Other Marginal Worke,. Cultivators Labourers Indllstry Work.. Worl(ors Non-Workers ___ ..A._~ _--"--""'""\ ,---A---"",",,\ ,---...A..---., ,----"---...... ,---A---., ,.--.A.-....._ Name to S. fGh ~. ~ s. m ~. ~ s· ~ 1· ,~ ~. .. Tabsil/Vlllage M. P. M. Pi M. P. MA P. M. P. M. P. M. P. Town/Wud ------~----- IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2' 26 21 28 J ------137.704 .11,765 24,641 2,:170 9,028 1.09& 81,496 49,46' 26.715 :ZO,:!57 833 J, '64 36,177 138,434 Ja_:dalp!lr TaMi. ,,~48 1 1 96 47 40 S6 Tetam 25 9 11 2 14 7 17 32 Bodcli 5 8 3 1 2 7 3 9 Salepal 82 52 55 34 24 !7 2 1 1 64 76 Kahchenar 16 , 13 6 3 3 6 - 11 Puspal (P.A.) 64 54 40 36 21 17 2 49 80 Erplllld 19 15 14 13 S 2 14 15 Malewaai 195 127 159 102 31 23 2 2. 3 I 122 179 Harrakoder 46 34 24 18 22 16 27 20 Pichikoder 82 76 22 27 59 49 1 40 37 Al1llidhar 50 43 22 18 28 25 J 4 12 Kodenar 40 30 10 11 30 19 .. 8 17 Dharmabeda 194 128 125 82 68 46 1 91 128 Cilandela 157 102 126 85 29 J7 2 1 95 176 KakDar 45 1 38 1 3 4 28 81 Mahima 41 '35 2. 4 27 6S Palam 56 7 46 2 10 5 9 31 87 Puspal 34 11 34 11 19 48 KorH 291 128 129 8 155 118 S 2 2 2 192 337 Bheja .. Uni:ehabiled Mllnje~ 135 37 101 4 33 33 1 1 74 198 S.uaspur 56 4 43 10 3 2 1 36 90 Raigoodi 87 11 85 6 I 1 1 4 3 26 77 140 Slllanga 318 299 14,3 87 167 201 7 11 1 2 1 135 167 K.arekot 242 146 114 17 109 126 19 3 2 166 281 BiDta 50S 184 441 56 56 128 1 7 2 IS 309 692 MaldulD 99' 7S 67 41 28 33 4 6S 106 Ha.thidarba 105 7S 87 48 18 27 81 120 Marenga 295 154 293 152 1 1 144. 317 Koder 258 253 247 248 6 S 3 2 130 151 Hadronga 107 100 69 28 37 69 1 J 32 42 Limallpadar 346 225 3IS 20i '10 10 IS 8 3 IS 22S 332 Yermur 197 176 197 176 190 206 Kasturpal 4[8 275 403 219 7 SS 3 5 7 IS9 327 Matnar 58 55 55 S4 2 1 34 42 Mendri 647 428 S04 132 94 287 11 7 38 2 2 177 375 435 Chitrakot 555 342 393 166 146 169 5 3 11 4 39 341 506 Para pur '37 32 33 30 2 2 2 12 23 Karkagllda 28S 2S8 277 238 4 17 3 3 1 130 183 ICtIthar 89 75 88 7S , . 1 74 92 Chhoteaurniyapal 284

wqt;ftq e~wl rrr ...I 8Ifilnll f~ ilif{fqf (ii"~ • ,"q.~1 I(tl{tu'):q ill:l~ «~lIrql ij {fli( " '1{ ~ .,. IIil ;f'JI ~iI".. qiJJiif Ifrw - Imlll g-~ ;rq",,,rj ~ TOlal. Population ( Including ~Iui e'~, Institutional fiB • 1ft. it and housciesl Scheduled Scheduled Area 01 No. of populationl) Castes Tribes L.iterate Loca- viUage oocupied Number ,..----A---__,. ,----.Jo.--_ of ,-A-- tion Name of in hectares resi· 2;. ftft Code Tabsil!Vmqe & of Town' dential bouse· ."rftl ~. f.\l ~. No. Town/Ward Ward in KIna bouses bolds P. M- F. M. F. M. -p. 1 3 4 5 7 8 10 II 12 13 14 ------_ 41 "If« 424.43 In 152 860 436 424 67 69 185 184 83 10 42 irqt;r~ 2.61. 31 95 9S 492 247 245 47 46 ~Ol 102 25 10 43 ~T

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACl Jagdalpur Tabsil ------Jo--..-----,... 1ISI1I15~" lIT. MaiD Worten_____ - __ at9"'h,' '1rlfJwPR/'frt !fir ifllf (I-IX) II V(a) III,IV,V (b).VI. x VII,VIn '" IX Total MaiD AIrlcultlll'al Household Other Marginal Work.. CuJtivaton Labourer. Industry Workers Workers Non-Workers --~ _-.A._--.. ,---..A._-.,. ,--.A.---., ,.--.A.--",,",\ ,---..A.--., ,- -_.A.-~ Name fo I. - I. fift I· ~ I. M S· ~ S. ,~ I .. Tahsil/VII lap M. P. M. P. M. P. M. F. M. P. M. P. M.' P. ------TOWD/Ward 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ZS 26 27 28 2 ------262 202_ 215 174 41 28 6 46 83 123 139 Mandar 170 164 101 105 53 44 16 15 5 77 76 Neaaaar 113 H2 91 93 11 16 4 3 45 40 IrikpaI 49 S2 47 SO 2 2 H S5 Arwar 487 403 393 317 86 85 4 4 1 50 298 351 Aaajar 168 7 166 6 1 2 95 250 Bacle-gumiyapal 270 277 200 126 66 1S1 4 ·. 188 204 Toyar 147 125 147 125 107 161 Surgudab~denar 136 5 136 4 1 1 146 280 Surguda 37 37 33 72 SiIak,jhodi 79 1 74 1 1 49 139 Naktoka '1.52 124 496 26 247'" '8 1 8 6 556 1,110 Mutanpal 175 g 163 5 9 3 2 1 1 111 281 Sanwgol 1'8 46 112 86 46 138 259 BlJrgum 21 7 8 13 7 6 21 Titri 35 6 25 10 6 31 65 Dbokam 161 3 159 2 3 19 115 264 BiraoIi 251 79 197 35 43 43 4 1 7 5S 24i 417 LaJaguda 101 13- 69 7 31 6 1 ·. 26 98 188 Sargiguda 176 7 143 2 24 5 9 94 88 160 Turangur 92 9 3~ 24 8 31 1 2 16 87 170 Peermeta 145 6 132 4 10 2 j 107 259 JamaaoQ 124 10 117 7 5 2 2 1 1 3 101 215 Borja 63 15 43 4 19 11 1 67 119 Pusem 141 55 139 53 2 I 23 77 145 Korgali 16] 103 157 103 2 2 16 91 89 90 Bahanpur 266 167 242 43 16 124 2 6 88 142 156 Bagmlladipaneda 175 2 174 2 ·. . . 136 333 ICondoIi 651 103 606 81 23 IS 21 13 524 1.149 Bastanar 118 6 118 6 1 86 215 Parafmet. 450 188 439 180 861 2 2 1 278 599 lrpa 701 46 683 4S 2 1 15 J 495 1,181 BacieDar lCalan 528 175 523 171 5 4 40 133 322 577 Kapanar 25 2 10 13 2 2 2 15 9 21 Toynar 947 53 887 47 7 4 1 52 2 47 487 664 1,185 BadekakJuri 243 249 186 184 55 65 2 2 ISO 134 Sadrabodenar 263 168 223 10 30 156 10 2 37 238 330 Kumharsadra 188 123 172 108 2 5 11 9 3 1 S 18 146 169 Palanar 100 9 97 2 1 S 105 37 47 Kawanar 76 6 66 4 3 69 30 39 Adwal 286

flll"lwh" a~j ~1Ii1 iI1~I" ~;;r


~ 1li11f ~ III. Maio Worken

~ ___ - ______,."Jt...,..-- __.~ ___ ------_

pi' ~ -.slim .~ 'ITRlnmr llilllliTlf ifi;I;it IInr..... l6'Q ~.vhr ~Ti (I-UI) 11 V(a) m.lV. V (b). VI. x VII.VIll & IX Tora) MaiD Asricultural Household Other MarglOal Workeu Cultivators Labourers Industry Worken Worl,ors Non·Wod.era __-J ... - ...... --~ ~--"--...... , ,----A-----, ,---.A-----, ,--J.---...... ,.,--."''''''- -It Name fG I. fit) I· ~ I· ~) I· ~ S· ~ I. tiP' ,. .- Tahsil/VII lage M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. Town/Ward 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28

124 , 111 9 5 1 23 64 JJ7 J98 Cb.botekiJepaI 100 34 Sl 33 1 49 .. 3 52 68 82 Bhosdiras 59 11 S9 10 1 1 3=1 ]0 36 ClIhotebodenar 49 6 48 (; 1 4& 49 43 Godyapal 78 52 58 35 17 17 3 2 26 47 44 Tangiajbodi 40 41 32 JS 7 (; 1 2 22 31 Batkonta 8 14 6 9 2 5 1 5 4 Manjbibhata 13 18 11 16 2 2 8 11 Chhotekaklur 80 6 74 S 6 1 1 97 60 62 Silakjhodi 154 77 145 75 6 2 3 14 112 95 94 TirthuDl 1.007 119 Bb8 III 13 4 7 1 J 9 4 95 909 656 758 Kodenar 1.517 353 1.465 32l 51 28 '2 1 53 S 48 553 1,234 1.891 'Badekilapal 417 277 368 236 49 41 9 268 404 Oarda 32 30 2 34. 9 18 Aadwa! 58 1 43 9 1 2 4 .1; 40 . 35 40 LaklIaibl:da 219 1 113 17 4 25 1 109 199 300 Alnar 230 17 190 8 28 10 3 2 6 189 101 165 Sadra 38 37 1 46 22 17 Barcbhcpal 640 213 S33 119 76 72 27 22 4' 283 409 56S Michnar 54'2 176 428 117 96 56 6 12 5 291 319 389 Tarqaon 314 22 300 17 14 5 8 2Si 140 157 Chhindbabar 121 104 48 30 53 73 11 1 9 1 77 lOS Kal"kapaJ 311 240 113 68 135 172 3 34 159 235 Baghanpal 124 105 62 43 53 62 3 1 67 93 TlIremorka 176 106 146 48 27 58 1 2 48 18 105 YeTandwal 37 27 . 27 19 9 8 1 6 1 g 12 Chalkiguda 118 5 100 2 6 2 2 10 I 4 11 80 218 Kothiyaguda " 183 148 104 82 71 64 8 2 4 7 120 162 Dabpal 72 6 65 2 7 4 11 SO 104 Cbboteparoda 915 572 676 364 194 189 20 10 25 9 27 144 S05 680 Gadhiya 534 330 274 167 136 12 1 32 17 92 25 14 31 297 497 Badedbaraur 179 131 121 2 57 129 J 10 139 Badeparoda Uninhabited BcUyapal 148 25 91 10 6 47 JO 1 7 133 223 Usribeda 47 43 2 2 30 79 BeDidharaur Uninhabited Lohandiauda 309 132 187 53 101 75 3 1 18 3 17 77 185 327 DhuragaOD 94 2 88 1 2 1 4 60 148 Chandanpur 119 109 9 1 84 207 Kod.beda 610 257 524 65 64 190 9 13 2 1 374 8S0 Belar 288

~ a~J qf1r llil IIt1nIl t~ ~:pqJ ("&I' ..n ITq/~1 .....w lIl

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACI' Jagdalpur Talllil ------=--- ~ IIiI1r m... Maio Worton ",.__ __ -. _---_ - _-_ ---.A------______

(I-I},,) II V(a) Ill, IV ,V (b), VI, x VlI,VIIl 81: IX Total Main AJrjcultural Household Otber Margina) ___Workers ...A.----, Cultivators Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non-WorIren _-..JI..._ ...... r-~---.. ,---.A---.. ,--_..A-__--.. ,---...A.---.. Namef" 1. ~ S· ~ S· m S· ~ S· ~ S. , .. ,. "'" TaluJiI/VIIl.ge M. P. M. P M. P. M. p. M. P. M. P. M. P. TOWD/W_ ------15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 28 l' ------285 115 251 108 28 t1 6 7 181 396 Talc:raguda 407 147 288 82 94 61 3 22 Z 4 104 395 SlU Bandaji 204 37 95 7 99 29 10 I 200 38] Kumhali 231 3 193 35 3 3 7 39 115 357 Chhiodgaon 254 139 159 63 71 75 18 1 3 21 178 274 Rotma 824 351 683 283 112 62 5 3 24 3 10 317 445 595 Madhota 64 3 50 2 13 1 32 99 SauDr.pal 405 51 362 37 29 11 3 3 11 It 113 222 455 Bhai~saon 56 1 56 1 24 84 Chitalwar 85 2 71 2 14 8 54 145 KbotJapal 315 18 277 4 31 14 5 2 6 23 154 452 Bodara 265 21 226 14 32 6 4 1 3 ]95 437 Narayanpal 226 12 172 4 28 8 4 22 34 168 385 Ghotiya 114 1 96 5 1 8 5 1 2 77 200 lCuruspaI 44 1 25 5 1 14 40 89 Purvitemra 52 50 2 23 92 Paschi mtemra 118 110 6 2 81 180 Tirtba 455 40 387 20 52 20 9 7 1 S ,9 266 639 Rateaga 33I 17 213 2 105 IS 8 .. 5 9 126 187 363 Sudhapal 175 171 I 3 169 319 Patbri 185 72 161 56 20 16 4 .. 129 206 Gondiapal 307 4 251 1 45 3 8 3 316 577 Kawadgaoo 146 3 127 2 12 1 3 .. 4 1 152 300 Guriya 26 25 20 49 Jatanpal 81 13 43 2 26 11 11 69- 119 Alwahl 99 33 41 44 32 14 1 73 120 Gunpur 481 325 441 275 27 42 S 2 8 6 108 259 313 Raj pur 486 106 , 338 52 7S 25 37 16 36 13 t l1S ~86 S82 Mundagaon , . .. Uninhabited Mawaliguda 772 25 645 16 111 9 3 13 10 384 1,097 Seonj 98 81 S5 69 13 12 3 1 72 75 Chhotealnar 163 50 121 3 41 47 1 ]3 124 244 Chamia 167 2 129 21 2 9 8 19 131 121 207 Chhote Am:tbal 214 45 184 23 26 22 4 14 83 80 202 Kohkaseoni 719 ]95 575 91 85 84 13 5 46 15 108 490 933 Bade Amabal 403 120 321 14 106 1 2 2 225 542 Mandlapal 250 70 194 54 49" 16 7 129 ~03 Cheral(ur 117 57 55 15 62 42 .. S5 100 Gum,a 428 203 385 34 202 4 5 1 17 222 382 Kung;trpal 391- 31 352 7 25 24 9 5 192 242 418 Bakel 290

"-f1';fpr 111~')~ j qf~ llil eMUI f~ ilif~r (if," • Ill[ iflfl.J itillli" IIIIlIJij'')q an~ g.fqr~i ii ~~iI ~ lUi IIfi1 ifl" ~iI q",,;if In~ ilifffiri'r u~a­ "lilfTW iii) TOIBI. PODulation 4'T .d Vllllfl ( Including Jnstitutional r... .n. it and bouscless Scheduled Scheduled Area of No,of populationl) Castes Tribes NUmber LUerate Loc .... village occupied ,----_A_ -- . ---.., r- - ....J>-.- __ ,--.A..._ lion Narne of in hectares resi· of Codo Tahsil'ViIlago & of Town dential bollSC Illfl'li !. ~~) !. fill ,;. m No. Town/Ward Ward in KIDs bouse. bolds p. M- P. M. F. M. p. 1 :a 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 ------l61 liit'''lql~ 591.07 108 110 561 269 292 31 35 211 229 30 8 162 i6t~ ,.1 79 .30 72 72 392 191 201 3S 22 105 116 55 19 1 (j 3 ~Fr~"{T 1,229.38 381 394 2,()19 991 1,028 72 82 504 513 355 87 ~ 64 faJ'JiITI[~-tl 1.653.25 186 186 936 465 471 63 66 343 346 112 If J 65 ''t:!j'i[) 697.79 144 165 947 494 453 24 207 187 134 16 J 66 ~'t'!l'~T 695.63 218 225 1,127 569 558 41 54 1,93 199 256 134 1 67 crn:11TT

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACl Jagdalpul' Talis. ------~ "11' lIi~it ~i MaiD Worken _------..A..------._------

(I-IA) lJ V(a) III. IV • V (b). VI. VII.&.VIIl & IX Toral MaiD -A&rlcultural Household uther Marlio.1 Worker, Cultivaton Labouron lDdustry Workers Worlu:ra Noo-WorRerl ----"---, ,.---"--""""\ ,....~---.. ,....-J--~ r--..A..---., r--..A.-_ _-A-_ Name I. 'I. ~ s. Rl S· m '1. fit S. Rl S. ,. s. m Tahsil/Villaae M. P. M. :P M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. Towa/Ward ------15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 I ---~ ------.------163 65 114 42 36 23 13 4 106 233 BodaDpal 116 5 102 4 9 1 2 4 10 102 6S 94 . Besoli 541 194 304 55 136 108 29 15 72 16 44 292 4Q6 4S Z Bhaopuri 279 90 178 28 72 59 9 1 20 2 139 186 24 2 Bisrampuri 291 192 201 115 74 73 1 15 3 47 203 214 Murku~bi 294 150 134 80 51 48 16 93 21 1 52 274 356 Karancfola 12~ 6 103 5 14 1 1 3 109 223 Taragaoo 438 169 318 91 62 31 40 45 18 2 7 297 Gil Dcod'a 283 110 272 102 10 8 1 ISO 168 222 Bade Alnar 547 133 304 56 119 55 12 112 22 3 34 417 798 Sonarpal 121 2 78 2 40 2 1. 83 223 Munjla 345 38 201 8 94 2S SO 5 3 319 SSO Cbapka 156 63 118 31 29 32 4 5 3 74 90 1 19 Tikanpal 202 67 179 45 '15 22 8 136 106 1 J 3 Usari 352 7 336 6 5 1 11 181 504 Lamker 268 230 24 13 280 149 140 Jhartarai 207 146- 194 85 1 61 12 2 118 • 57 Bodanpal 136 107 21 4 4 120 66 70 Pallichakwa 422 27 406 25 4 2 1 10 352 168 194 Badcchakwa 102 97 4 105 63 44 ParaJi 198 185 1 3 10 76 133 233 Nadi Sagar 176 67 172 67 1 3 2 96 66 8 J Marlcnp 227 7S 225 75 1 6 98 113 202 Karmarida 132 116 116 86 5 29 1 10 .. 28 83 70 Dharai 324 101 220 32 60 55 6 2 38 12 5 19S 221 278 Kolchur III 8 89 14 5 1 2 7 1 1 SS 58 139 Mundapar 336 24 291 16 16 8 .. 29 2 J20 218 242 Chokar 28 5 23 1 1 3 4 1 1 24 S 3 Mahupalbari 321 9 306 8 7 8 17 160 466 Gbatkawali 288 9 233 7 30 2 I 23 274 ISO 153 Kudkanar 101 5 75 S 24 .. 8 63 180 l{aviasna 14 14 S 23 Kinjolipal 198 41 162 30 28 11 8 7 120 107 184 Tllira Lohanga 138 53 89 27 16 20 2 1 31 5 11 80 71 108 Ghat Lohanga 403 34 245 12 67 20 14 2 77 204 259 41 6 KudaIgaoo 36 17 26 7 3 8 4 2 3 4 28 20 20 Chidaipadar - 59 31 32 21 13 7 14 2 17 48 34 29 Parcbandpal UDinhabitcd Dangapal 208 35 127 19 30 8 4 3 47 S 8 lSI 158 211 Mahupal Barai 116 43 ~3 36 24 7 1 8 10 52 59 Tankraguda 292

fq~ 1!I~'l9l'1 qfl( llil IIIT.I~ ~91' aril'Ptrf (;J~ 1Ii"t. auI' illf(/ ."'fie ,"lFIa')" oil{ «"..-,,,, it ~ilit _~ it 'f1';r~ ~ iii' il111 qllili!1 In~ itlfffilff llfi!a "'r"'/~ ..1 TOlDI. Population llil iilfi ('ncluding 6l1li' Institutional ,. .~. iI and houaelclI Scbeduled Schedule;d Area of No, or populadonl) Castea Tribes LUerate Loca- viUaao ooc:upied Number ,-----.A.---__, r-_wo.,.),--_ tion Name of in hectares resi Of ..-A--. Code TahsJI. VilJage & of ToW'D' dential bouse 'lfr", Z. ~;j) z· ~) i· ftQ No. Town/Ward Ward InKm. housol bold. P. M. P. M. P: M. F. ------_------_.------1 3 4 6 7 8 9 JO 11 12 13 14 _------201 "J!II1~ 286.70 84 84 490 224 266 37 S4 180 207 48 5 202 ~W 324.03 99 101 542 271 271 33 37 192 til 23 203 'fnTllvr'illr 82.05 35 36 215 112 103 2 4 68 63 11 204 ,,!'1;.~~ 190.47 50 50 276 139 137 14 15 114 115 9 1 21'S 'f)~ ],004.25 281 30t 1,528 739 789 69 78 52l 543 80 20 206 ll~!T 429.95 85 102 635 302 333 38 46 246 274 92 <} 207 ~ 3,684.6~ 1.085 1,111 5,6542,9262,728 372 332 1,676 1,567 943 364 208 @rq

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACf jagdaJpar " ... ------~ III1J m ..i Maia Worken .___.-- -- ...... -- ... _---_- ----..A------wra.-. 'fIfmfW ~ ~

(J-JA) II Yea) III. IV • V (b). VI. x VlI.z..VIII &: IX Total MaID Alricoltural Household utber Mar8lna~ Workers Cultivatol'll Laboutel'8 Industry Workers Worlten Non·Workers ----A..----. _-..A.-....., ,..--A.-_____ ,..---'..... -~ ,---..A-----., ,..--..A..--.... ~_--.A.-_. Namef" ~. d~. ~. ,til" m I. m ,;. Wt ~. tift S. - Tahsil/VDlaae M. P. M. P M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. Towu/W_ IS 16 17 18 19 10 21 22 23 2* 25 26 27 28 2 ------_ ----- ISO 78 115 72 4 '5 4 27 1 '6 74 92 Bbatpal 184 186 154 150 23 32 7 4 87 85 Adawal 67 60 67 60 45 43 Narayaopara 93 93 93 93 46 44 BhursUndi 461 188 330 112 93 74 10 1 28 18 90 260 511 Dhoud 204 188 157 146 37 42 10 98 145 Salemeta 1,625 343 865 141 369 153 18 373 48 S 180 1.296 2.205 Bastar 243 117 178 96 31 20 4 1 96 t95 SemaJnar 89 30 88 30 1 45 110 Besrapa) 324 70 232 3 72 57 6 S 14 S 20 74 182 38 I Rctawand 113 16 90 4 16 12 1 77 S9 76 Gllphani 284 183 149 79 106 98 8 5 21 1 4 14 206 334 Dubeumargaon 468 135 362 22 68 103 3 1 3S 9 13 132 267 185 Balenga 584 192 195 129 63 60 14 12 3 J47 320 640 Khorkhosa 182 34 144 26 27 8 11 U 12 149 225 Mawliguda 6C8 261 502 173 77 85 3 2 26 1 90 332 638 Ichbapur 185 6 163 18 6 1 3 178 169 183 Taloor 696 313 429 19 212 284 27 S 28 5 3S 420 176 Bagml>hloli 238 214 179 82 51 129 2 8 1 1 4 170 J 47 Pfplawalld 158 86 93 25 58 61 3 4 12 81 169 Sillawand 201 201 118 46 7S ~S4 1 1 7 124 I40 Pbaphani 667 602 478 442 176 160 1 12 3 356 436 Nandpura 626 208 413 124 174 84 7 32 3 28 441 829 Baniagaon 128 85 42 25 69 60 6 3 75 118 PalJibhat 448 74 331 16 81 51 14 4 22 3 1 113 274 538 Keshafpal 485 64 387 27 84 37 7 1 102 361 641 Kwnli 359 171 285 103 63 63 1 2 10 3 1 U3 181 268 SOlgaOO 204 137 1St 82 41 53 3 9 2 95 ISS Jamgaon 90 73 71 39 15 34 4 60 48 Khadka 243 226 177 168 S5 S5 11 3 t 1 150 160 Salemeta 145 57 115 3~ 22 20 3 3 S 1 7 63 90 119 Chburawand 62 2S ~1 9 6 1 I 26 57 lColgarh 177 50 159 44 7 2 6 4 s 35 122 215 Pakhnakongera 265 111 233 41 21 69 6 -I 5 .. 13 151 318 Kllandsara 83 58 50 22 31 36 2 .. 40 72 Naharni 521 172 335 96 139 74 1 48 r 20 252 325 480 Turpura 142 19 96 U 44 8 2 15 125 58 83 Chhotej i rakhal 318 26 203 S 87 16 3 2S 5 11 317 160 201 Maretila 122 SS 85 29 3S 26 1 l 14 59 58 51 Farsara S52 332 478 164 51 154 11 9 12 S 21 111 322 434 ChbjnqaoD 294

flrfJ;ftlr fI~)W I ttI~ ., lINT. .r~i!I'f~l p ~r (""" IIh' '"11' if1r(/ ."'&,, 1R1fl8R lin alllll ilr~ a~rlii ij 'ti!~ ~ .... 1IiJ 11'111 ~ it qllil;ff ~~ ;;iffffifl'; tTf(a- rrq~/~ III TOlal. Population IIiI ." Ii.. , (Including Institutional ".6. it and houae1CS11 Scheduled SCheduled Area 01 No, of populationl) Castes Tribes L.iterate Loca- village oacupied Number ,---_A__ .__ r----"--_ ,-A-- tion Name 01 in becta res resi or ...A Code Tahsill Villase &: of Town' deotial hollSe IlffiB S. ,.. ~. 'tOil I ). fiR No. Town/Ward Ward in Kms housel' holds p& M· P. M. P. M. p. ------._------_._------._---_----- I 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 J2 13 14 ------141 "')1Fm: 559.28 78 85 413 224 189 ..31 24 140 122 11 1 242 f.fI(IQIW 305.09 183 196 1,146 571 57S 66 71 168 159 Il3 2 243 1iT.r<=r 1.913.~9 324 342 1,835 919 916 77 68 534 528 156 37 244 iff f<;R:,fIT<=r 746.88 95 119 '55 329 326 29 29 224 215 36 16 245 ~'1fT 1,228.73 191 195 1,059 523 536 76 76 217 293 100 12 246 l ""'Ifill: 492.24 9 9 46 25 21 .. 16 9 247 u'~~n 2,533,74 343 343 1.878 906 972 58 69 74B 785 89 2 248 IfIII(~l 854,40 169 169 906 436 470 41 40 362 465 31 1 24!J ~)\'Ilql\lii 1.119.77 192 299 1,852 943 909 126 128 771 743 89 5 250 q<=r.~ 689.11 93 93 466 232 234 35 30 193 194 7 I 25l A~q 903.90 141 141 802 388 414 51 50 244 256 49 12 252 ~:qtF 412.76 91 94 503 247 256 16 19 206 213 9 253 U)1:r 855.45 184 187 1.058 528 530 68 71 3~S 310 56 15 254 artl1f~'I'r 141.59 36 36 194 84 110 5 4 61 74 6 255 61~'U 783.47 ilS 127 614 285 329 28 34 188 215 34 2 256 1I!I~'I'Iq-T'T 491.14 109 109 626 309 317 I. 9 245 260 36 3 257 *r~ 1,&80.37 395 395 2,266 1,099 1,167 lOS 102 457 481 104 10 258 ifiW'l"" 1,554.56 360 366 1.914 952 962 141 148 397 413 l70 41 259 ~ 650.8' 133 133 791 398 393 21 22 291 309 62 4 260 tTAtcm 366.08 45 46 260 125 135 26 32 48 51 21 I 26 I a;'{R1I'ft 1,478.47 145 346 1,773 865 908 18 12 60S 646 80 2 26.2 q)f~cr... 410.75 142 146 723 346 377 46 63 2 )1 21.2 30 1 263 ~~~, 322.00 57 58 273 152 121 12 12 68 58 33 1 264 II"~ 691.39 275 276 1,531 746 785 67 55 495 528 42 2 265 tT~ n8.24 216 220 1,120 561 SS9 160 J 68 305 301 37 1 266 .ar~ 593.89 249 249 1,174 584 590 2 2 295 307 199 72 267 "~Tim 205.54 27 37 135 74 61 60 51 3 26 8 fii.'{~' 559.,4 56 57 259 135 124 2 1 79 69 23 6 269 .'{"... ~ 468.74 77 107 557 279 278 180 185 48 7 270 rn~.rw 1,326.03 314 330 1,698 861 837 n 23 60S 593 178 15 271 1I'f.lIfT'I'It.f 337.70 69 69 357 182 175 t28 127 46 4 272 mlf~ 1,230.66 276 276 1,706 813 893 31. 36 312 322 III 5 273 ;ro1(rI' 256.49 82 82 443 224 219 24 17 89 72 63 (; 274 smrr1: 691.22 217 219 1,107 546 561 87 BO 260 286 86 23 275 il~tif 256.40 21 21 118 63 55 1.( 13 19 16 1 1 276 aa~ 939.59 197 197 996 512 484 70 56 320 30S 38 Z 277 1iRt'lflf 996.65 181 200 1.035 523 S12 32 29 283 282 as 3 278 IJ(qft 228.14 79 79 401 205 196 S 4 130 130 47 n 279 it~) 1,321.36 223 234 1,264 622 642 72 75 360 356 lS1 15 2.80 ifTllU 405.12 146 152 755 381 374 Ci3 69 137 13' 114...21 295

PRIMARY CENSUS ABS11.lACf ------=::;;=--=::!;;--::-::-:-::-:-::------_._------=--_ 'P" ~~ m _ M~in Wor_t _------..A------_____ ._ -- -

(I-IX) II Yea) III. IV • V (b). VI. x VII.. VIn &; IX Total MaiD Asric:ultural HoUlChold Other Mar&lnIW Workers CUltivaton Labourer. Industry Workers Workcn Noo·Workers ---~ _-J\--....., r--"--....., r--.A---"\ r---"---...... ,---A---... -~~ Name'. I. "'" I· ~ I· ~ 1. fifI t. fift' i. ,wa J. .. Tabsil/YDfage M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. F. M. P. M. P. TOWDfWarct IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 26 27 28 J

143 1 106 2 29 4 2 6 123 81 Choknar 354 24 209 4 114 15 8 5 23 9 219 208 33~ Dimrap:ll 581 87 374 35 161 27 19 3 27 2 24 377 314 452 laibel 206 9 156 9 31 9 10 2 195 121 122 Bade JiratlJal ..15 26 183 7 96 7 36 11 29 260 179 250 Garcn8ll \S 9 9 1 13 7 7 Tempalkumar S86 24 546 22 32 2 3 5 5 545 315 403 SaJosa 272 7 247 21 6 2 2 21 164 442 Pathri 598 2 5(:8 52 I 16 22 1 6 291 339 616- ICoJawali 151 10 123 2 25 8 3 5 8l 219 MaiJbeda 274 7 204 62 3 2 5 5 3 196 III 211 ChiurpoD 141 5 117 2 15 2 3 (; t 1 130 105 121 Suwachondi 316 7 226 64 4 10 3 16 10 250 202 273 Saunra 61 24 39 15 14 8 2 I 6 4 46 19 40 Amauu!a 204 60 158 45 27 10 8 5 11 1.4 177 67 92 TOGgkongera 202 60 168 42 24 13 7 3 3 :z 27 107 230 Khotfapal 766 428 612 320 ]32 96 9 7 13 5 25 321 308 418 Mangoar 610 305 417 215 128 73 18 4 47 13 SO 342 607 Karpawand 270 1 217 42 S 6 276 128 116 Dhanpur 88 46 56 22 24 22 3 2 5 17 37 72 Saodeoda 593 182 462 121 86 57 21 3 24 I 21 397 2S0 329 Sandkarmari 238 18 205 11 7 7 5 20 195 lOS 164 Potiawand 83 60 72 47 7 10 1 3" 2 (; 69 55 Toohatideoda 537 223 402 156 103 65 11 21 2 168 209 394 BaoJedeoda . 1 180 278 38~ 281 286 187 74 9( 9 2 12 Sa'ttpur 342 1"07 141 S 116 89 51 3" 34 7 242 483 Jaitgiri 48 (i 26 :( 20 5 2 1 26 S4 Durkabeda 79 21 43 1 30 21 (; 1 S6 101 Girola 187 3 144 21 2 7 15 1 172 92 103 Badlawand 589 27 360 157 6 39 8 33 13 ]4 4,28 258 382 p.murbel 100 31 67 29 31 4 81 144 Baniagaon 494 65 358 35 91 28 6 2 39 19 201 300 627 Sonpur 139 18 110 13 24 5 2 3 56 S5 145 Narawand 398 98 307 ,2 22 5 9 1 185 208 278 Matnar 46 12 34 7 9 4 3 1 13 17 30 Bedagaon 318 48 268 12 27 36 3 20 10 12S 184 311 Satlawand 363 196 242 131 72 SO 19 6 30 9 8 146 152 170 Borigaon 131 22 102 3 21 18 5 . 3 1 to 94 64 80 Kara.uji 404 170 304 89 78 81 6 16 1 195 217 277 Bclputi 227 57 167 23 31 19 11 12 11) 3 6 162 148 . 1S5 Barda 29t'

f1Jl;:fpr lr~vr i qfif •• ~'" \lIiRf_r ("'''l: -m. 11'Jf. if'f(I " ii't{ 6"""' ii 'ili'! if~n .-ri III I(l1I •.. .I~ olff';'6lfi ~iI wfi!cr "q~/if'" TOlal. PopUlation llil ... ( 'ncluding Institutional fiI; .~. II and houlClel. Scheduled Scbeduled ARa 01 No. of populationl) CaatCII Tribe. LUerate Loca- "ilIaso oCCupicd Number ,------A ___ --. ,----J"'--_ tion Name 01 'n hectarcil resi­ of r-..A..-- Code Tahsil Village & of TOWD' dential house '!If... J. ~ift ~. ~ S· fiQ No. Town/Ward Ward InKms housel holds P. M. P. M. F. M. p. . ------_._------I 3 4 s (j 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ------281 ~T~" 456.26 125 126 741 369 372 32 34 274 279 51 2 2 8 2 "Iqyq~. 287.59 87 87 499 244 25S 21 30 199 2J2 30 3 283 f"'IR'fi~1!1:1 121.5S 33 33 156 77 79 4- 2 47 41 19 10 284 Ii'" 335.14 ]54 160 ass 4S5 400 32 35 274 227 87 20 2 8 5 f'lii\5[re) 1,541.44 362 386 2,023 994 1.029 74 90 814 818 63 10 286 1:t1ATvr 202.74 70 70 330 164 166 7 6 149 154 21 28 7 1{)i!:"ft 277.86 110 111 531 267 264 68 60 127 III 11 9 288 q~;:rll: 276.03 67 68 342 In 170 14 10 66 67 29 1 289 i\'1f(;:rr~ 346.44 106 117 627 303 324 15 IS 282 30S 39 290 ~~~, 1.030.19 3&0 414 2,220 1.104 1,116 131 130 784 8l:! 94 7 291 lImlfrvr 227.16 99 100 51'Z 293 279 72 68 143 133 46 4 292 tm:


,... IIIil1I' ~ IIfIi Main Worken _____ ------..A-- - -

(I-IX) II V(a) III,IV ,V (b). VI. x VII, VIII & IX TOlal Maio Alrlcultural Household Other MargIDal Workers CuI tivators Labourers Industry Workers Workers Noo·Workers --.A.----., _-..)1...---.. ;----A----.. ,----"...._-~ ,_--_)... -----, ,---..i'.-...... ,.- -"--- ,_ Name fa 1. .. S· ~ 1. m 1· ~ 1. m 1· ,ib s. .. Tabsil/VIUage M. P. l\f. P. M. P. M. p. M. P. M. P. M. P. TowD/Ward ------_------IS us 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2:7 3

241 198 169 124 46 69 26, 5 3 128 171 Kumbrawand 162 110 88 3 64 107 10 2 23 80 122 Chapapadar 49 34 42 23 4 11 3 28 45 Chikhalkarmari 256 14 173 1 39 10 44 3 4 195 195 191 Muli 641 43 536 33 79 $I 5 21 1 18 60S 33:5 381 Kinjoli 102 71 72 to 24 56 6 5 1 61 95 Rampa) 181 tSl 141 130 23 21 2 J 5 1 4 , 82 107 Mohlai 118 III 105 103 5 8 8 1 54 58 Pandanar 189 23 171 18 6 2 12 3 39 209 75 ~2 Neganar 194 153 552 89 88 60 3 ~ 2 19 2 1 259 409 7(j4 Chhote Deoda 150 9 111 30 9 1 8 ] 143 269 Dhodrepal 217 4 168 4 27 6 16 114 135 231 Jharumargaon 326 298 263 240 44 55 7 2 12 1 10 176 22.J Bedaumargaoo 265 51 237 41 11 5 3 14 S 15 186 339 Cholnar 315 40 314 13 39 26 4 1 J8 277 J21 304 MongrapaI 3~~4 3 299 21 3 8 148 184 386 Kacbnar 120 26 lOS 18 15 8 14 80 161 Bbirlinga 189 3 139 1 8 18 2 24 16 213 99 121 Borpadar 89 17 14 10 5 64 12 39 74 74 100 Motawada Uninhabited Kolcbur(Bamhani) 125 \9 30 1 16 2 9 11 70 5 19 130 76 93 Db()bJguda 140 18 76 3 16 10 3 2 45 3 2 74 106 138 IrikpaJ 282 20 193 6 64 10 4 21 4 31 160 192 346 Malgaon 24 2 15 1 8 1 .. 1 19 6 6 Korpal 409 14 342 13 53 1 2 12 8 362 196 24'2 Kohkapal Uninhabitc~ SukrapaJ 7 4 2 5 3 1 .. 4 5 1 Kanapal 98 20 32 45 19 21 1 62 39 43 Kllruspal 77 25 47 18 14 7 16 9 81 141 Gumdel 169 120 7S SO 13 63 21 7 1 94 176 Karitgaon 204 10 165 5 33 5 4 2 73 III 214 Junawani 206 39 138 56 34 2 3 10 2 18 106 246 Masgaon 182 39 138 7 39 32 5 3 87 239 Dasapal 238 73 145 9 62 57 2 29 6 1 124 129 112 Surgipal 258 242 165 14 86 223 3 4 5 165 160 Bhejaripadar 770 136 482 24 184 101 1 103 11 2 211 57S 901 Rajnagar 532 67 333 25 84 36 44 4 71 2 46 164 343 753 Bakawand 196 7 160 3 27 1 9 3 22 191 144 IS7 Chhlnari 45 1 38 5 .. 2 1 5 42 27 33 Simoda 226 21 184 9 28 10 2 1 12 1 9 12 110 228 Phar.slIaon 298


~ ~~"'I rrf1r llil "'111 Ifh:.m:l Iiiii' ~T (01", ...... vtq,'I1RJ ••IIiW IRIO'u1q llil nil' lilt ~f'.r,\ii ii 'tifit ;p:;n: 1I1'i III ;nq ~ if IlIti1'l'if I(J'~ iqfffiq; ",Itt( II'IA;onW IIi'l Total. PODulation ... Iff( ..., ' ('ocludina Institutional r•. q't. II and houselesa Scheduled Scheduled Area of No. of populationl) Castes Tribe8 Literate village oocupied Number .A ,-_ ...A.--. Loc:a- ,,---...__~ ,....-A-­ 1100 Name of 10 hectares resi· 0( r;:------r.. I. fib Code Tahsil/Village &. of Towo' dential bouse .",tII I. ,~ 1· fill ~. ... No. TOWn/Ward Ward io KIDs bouses bolds P. M. P. M. F. M. P. M. P. ..__ .-_ ------_------_-- 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 14

321 1II'r,11(" 1,277.21. 270 272 1,397 709 688 5S 57 468 462 17.5 26 322 wfflnlJriiil' 483.91 190 199 1,006 477 .51) .. 30 41 341 389 9S 7 3 2 3 Efi) {,!;T 332.14 196 196 895 459 436 ·11 71 300 300 66 12 324 e:{~I[~ 307.68 84 88 417 204 213 57 57 116 128 26 S 32.5 ;ftQq) J .510.70 297 304 1.579 790 789 85 61 614 62.5 58 7 326 ~'t(1lfTiiiI' 690.99 55 55 327 169 158 39 37 129 120 22 327 ill1"lfT

pRll\tIARY CENSUS ABSTRACI' Jagdalpur T....

~ l1li11 151:_ _ Main Worken ,.,.------....A..------lIIJelliA llifir" cn~lro. IInr l1l1I ,"it ~ ~ ami

(I-I") II V(a) III. IV •V (b). VI. x VILVID & IX Total Mhin Agricultural Household Otber Marginal Worker. CultivatoR Labourers Industry Workers Worker. Non,Workers ---~ ,._-A---.. .--~-~ .---..A.-~ .-- --"---~ .---...J .... ----. .-- -A._ Name 10 I. ~ ~. tift 1· ~ ~. fGft 1· ~ 1. fllft ~. .. Tabail/VUla. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. p. M. P. M. 11.- M. ------=--_P- Towa/Ward U 16 17 18 19 20 11 22 23 2~ 25 26 27 28 t ------414 206 349 159 44 44 5 3 16 15 14S 280- 337 Kaundawaod 303 115 245 76 43 36 IS 3 20 S6 1S4 358 Udiyapal 305 12 198 3 81 8 1 25 1 263 1S3 161 Karta 109 12 76 4 17 6 6 10 2 l3 11 72 190 Dabguda 555 251 390 98 130 149 11 24 4 1 147 234 391 Kosmi 103 6 84 4 13 S .. 66 IS2 TUngapal 344 42 250 29 SS 9 5 2 34 2 46 326 176 207 NaJpaWaod 121 21 65 12 44 2 2 6 ]0 23 1~6 73 85 Pitbapur 492 310 249 149 90 88 93 65 60 8 10 7J 242 386 Bajawan

82 - 41 60 34 22 6 1 1 R 51 92 Bijapqr 238 37 168 6 37 17 33 14 IS 122 312 Ieastun 310 155 158 74 102 61 2 IS 48 5 H il6 160 209 Dhaopuoji 340 288 266 216 62 66 12 6 1 22 147 185 ChakaWada 91 14 78 5 4 2 9 7 29 36 74 Jecrapon Uninhabited Baghraur .. Uninhabited Keraj'liOdi Uninhabited >•• Khidkbad 265 250 171 154 6. 92 26 4 111 141 K.wnhli 245 177 150 131 49 39 5 3 41 4 7 143 19S Bamhaoj 182 122 132 65 31 5S .' 19 2 :(10 131 AalDagtlda 98 34 92 30 6 4 " 72 150 ~:tnpur 730 172 321 14 239 136 2 168 22 462 980 Markel 131 65 73 45 65 13 22 63 106 Kopaguda 107 58 85 27 17 31 5 38 54 96 KhutpiLdar 189 2. 140 1 34 4 11 1 27 116 272 lthamargllOo 101 49 60 - 1 40 48 1 .. 73 126 NClIiguda 70 26 32 38 26 2 39 66 Morathpalli 494 138 282 9 104 98 4 1 104 30 .. 22 358 7J9 Madpal 223 134 163 4S 56 89 4 6 83 166 Karanpur 3"00

~.. tlit~ftw i ~II>I 1111(111' d't1lrr,n" 306.81 41 . 41 222 117 IDS 117 lOS 1 396 'iI':;mr,~ 418.46 33 33 194 100 94- 95 91 1 397 ill'f;Ii"';;i\'. ifiq{f 543.90 130 130 '90 3011 282 20 25 242 215 59 12 398 1f""{I'.,.-') 231. 93 57 57 269 13 1 138 , S 123 128 399 o;;t~ &iN« 472.73 21 21 98 '0 48 4' 48 9 4 400 '!itt II>crRft 348.38 124 124 639 314 325 86 76 177 190 52 10 301


'l'" IliJII ~'~i Main Worbn ,_------Joo------__ ••1Im wfs(, 'IIf«FfW ..q: ;ppf ~~ ~ flit'!

(J-JA) 11 V(a) HI. IV • V (b). \II. x VII.VII} & IX TOlal MaiD AJric:u1tural Household Other Margina~ Worker. Cultivators_-.)1.,,- ___ Labourer. Industry Worker& Worken Non-Workers _--- .A.-":'_' ,---A. - ___ ".--.A--~ ,--_...... ,...---'1...-- ,-- - )1..,----- N&IDIe. fo J. fift J. flit· J. m f. Rh J. -----Aft· J. 'flit f. ,iii 'l'ablUJJYllJase M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P TOWD/Ward IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 J ------2S 17 25 , 8 · . 7 16 BhaJaguda 37 39 32 34 4 5 1 39 '4 Rampal. 52 46 40 38 9 6 3 2 :_ll .54 Kwnmawand 279 64 120 5 l42 57 3 14 2 10 72 197 3.66 Kalcha 195 32 140 1 25 15 1 29 16 ., 1~ 147 314 Tureoar 144 48 120 34 10 9 14 5 ·73 ]97 Bbataguda 103 19 64 3 34 15 ·. 5 7 96 IS3 Garawand Kalan 247 103 124 3 77 87 2 46 11 157 311 Dbur&1Ida 95 90 72 71 20 19 3 65 57 Garawand Kbard 231 46 130 9 36 31 3 62 3 3S 146 294 Babu Serora 105 30 69 13 22 17 14 1 68 148 Burundwada Semra 87 39 65 26 16 11 6 2. 28 68 Atpabari Somra 113 28 24 1 48 24 1 40 3 1 s 6t 156 N4ktiSemra 39 13 5 7 6 n 7 1 1 16 26 Teli Semra 33' 63 30 4 129 41 2. 2 178 16 3 9 261 499 Adawa' 24 7 2 8 5 14 2 3 1 5 23 Kwumpa' 535 115 352 6 1 ~7 106 5 2 2l 2 269 7'~ Bllori 119 79 80 47 12 26 5 6 5 21 48 79 Chitapadar 891 366 4CO 65 377 283 6 110 18 3 34 499 989 ICurundi 94 3 42 51; 3 · . 74 ISJ Kawapal 26 3 22 13 32 Alkur Taipadar Uninhabited Chorras Uninhabited .. Gadaghat 41 8 11 30 8 25 S5 Ka'aguds 99 6' 61 38 25 19 2 11 II 52 as Glimalwada Uninhabited Karkagllda 34 26 17 J2 9 12 622 .. 15 Gudiya Uninhabited Tamarwada 86 77 73 52 4 20 2 7 5 1 42 50 Chitalgur 366 275 276 131 87 144 2 1 223 328 Netanar 47 37 34 28 12 9 1 1 20 2X MiJka1wada Uninhabited Ku;lhllr wada .. Uninhabited Champa 1 73 70 69 63 7 3 36 39 NallaIsar 6' 73 66 61 2. 6 49 32 Kolawada 57 60 39 26 16 31 2 3 43 34 Cbachalgur 208 116 163 131 42 48" 3 1 lao 95 &dekawali Kalan 86 55 34 26 45 58 6 1 1 8 45 45 Parali 34 31 25 24 7 7 2 16 17 ChhQte Bodal 198 210 85 57 104 148 4 1 5 4 S 116 110 Cbbote KawaU 302

~ !I~wi ifill .1 arnrtll fl'l' ili(ifnq~ (if'" m VT'I','if'l'(l;1 ••'Ii" IITIfI~q ill'tt ftfflnii ij '(;:~ I'f~ m '6T ii'" ~iI 1J",;fl ifliij' illfffi"; u~, ifq~/m ..) Toral. PopulatioD ., ilq ." ('Deluding Institutional f•. 1i'r. II . and hOUleless Scbeduled Scbeduled Area or No. of populationl) Castes Tribes LiE.rate Loca- village oocupied Number ,..-_.J,,"-"_ tiOD Name or in hectares resi· Of ,-----.A. ---""""' r-"--­ Code Tahsilt Village & of Town' dential bouse· Illr.. ~. ,90 ~. ~ ~. m No. Town/Ward Ward in Kms houses bolds P. M- P. M. P. M. p. ------.---- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14

401 q)fiNRrW 123.03 13 13 94 4\ 53 41 53 402 I'fti(~~ 596.88 212 214 1.017 513 504 126 141 216 193 130 47 4:>3 "§t~q."{l:n 161.88 44 .t4 249 131 118 22 21 43 35 32 11 404 1'!f'lf,')I!" 271.98 104 104 596 298 298 19 12 221 234 18 2 405 fa,'l' 2.40.41 J21 121' 623 289 334 61 74 200 226 67 1Z 406 'liiIiT (~~~"{) Z.9'Z.95 91 !H 509 236 273 8 5 220 257 4 407 ~~r""iJ 272.46 82 83 45 I 214 231 5 6 150 159 24 4 408 .IT


~ IIiIJJ lIR:it "'. MaiD WOlken ------..A------IIII'I'tRiA 1Iifir~ cnmrro. ..II IIIIr1J ;nit ~ ~

(I -1]\) II V(a) III. IV •V (b). VI. x VII,VIIl & IX Total Maio Alricultural Holl8ebold Other Marlinal Worlten Cultivatofl Labourers Industry Workers Worlcer& Non-Workers - -..A..----.., .-- _-"-_ ...... ,---"'--_ ...... ,---.J..... ---.. ,---"-----.. ,---...A--....., _-...... A..__ ... ~ Namefo 1. ~ 1. fit 1. m~. m i .. fit i. , .. I· .- TahsiljVUJage M. _F. l\f. F. M. P. M. P. M. F. M. P. M. P. Towa/Ward ------._-----_._-_._------IS 16 , 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 J ------.------~--- 33 -, 31 24 23 9 8 8 Potiapal 294 149 135 13 1 t s 11 iii 6 6 38 12 219 355 Nangur 73 9 38 1 31 4 4 4 58 109 Chhote Murlna 177 U 159 6 J 3 7 3 2 121 284 Manjhiguda 191 187 149 37 26 J-l9 12 4 11 98 136 Sidmud 163 2S 120 1 ~8 24 2 3 132 73 116 Kailca (CIlerballar) 131 42 61 16 61 25 9 5 69 7R 126 Kaikagarh 35 29 22 1 12 25 28 35 Beng!O 92 78 4 3 20 1 39 J36 241 Bade Murma 181 86 103 9 78 77 . '- 6~ 175 Kakarwada 131 20 128 19 I 1 91 170 Bade Booa1 133 50 115 IS 1.8 3S 2 "i 68 148 Nawaguda 167 108 132 65 34 43 1 6 7.3 104 RanbiranpaJ 93 13 72 1 17 11 2 2 6 16 85 160 Tondapal 43 13 26 12 13 1 ~ :(8 52 Bado Badam 26 9 21 S 9 19 54 Chote Badam 634 107 516 54 99 48 18 5 36 288 375 627 Jamwada 160 144 113 IG6 39 38 2 6 117 120 Ulnar 487 292 428 247 45 40 3 2 11 3 40 208 350 Sadgud 9S 22 67 15 12 7 9 5 67 156 JojaI 39~ 217 181 63 92 72 S 1 121 81 7 115 263 330 Puspal 435 199 339 141 88 S6 1 7 2 4 163 184 2SS Dbanialoor 144 79 lOS 48 37 30 1 1 1 3 72 141 Ku)gaon 20, 206 181 118 28 88 38 3S Jatam 150 22 no 12 16 6 24 4 3 43 9.5 175 Dogam 154 144 12B 80 26 64 36 Korpal .422 210 259 126 97 S6 3 63 28 3 2.43 425 Nayanar 181 90 121 45 51 45 9 .. 4 73 172 Tusel 223 123 80 S 109 91 1 93 26 1 147 296 Sa rgi))a 1 210 2.11 95 105 22 SO 93 56 99 1.23 Kbujat)arpa 676 214 393 13 234 1~6 3 46 S 311 784 PandripaDJ 21" 102 ISS 36 24 63 38 3 2 74 138 189 Biranp'l) U8 6 28 58 2. 32 1 lOS 20S KUnmrawand 85 12 19 1 42 11 24 " 91 150 Palli 25 7 17 1 16 43 Kangoli 496 117 73 5 95 65 327 47 S 293 557 Aghanpur Included in l.!rban area as Urban Outgrowth of Ja,dalpur (M) lagdaJpur (Debat) 304

f1frrt\1r «~ivr i I'ffll !fil f~ \ifif~J (.IJ~ m 1T1f, ifflJ lIl"IIi" lIT": oj"Hlii ij '(IIi! if1=ii('{ ant .. I "III ~iI .f~ ilffffill'l {f~tf "q1j/1rni Total. Population (locludinS "Pili Institotional r•. lft. it and housele.. Scheduled Schedulecl Area of No, or population) , Castes Tribes Literate Looa- village occupied Numbe, ,----_A ____ --., r---..)'--_ tiOD Name oJ in hectares resi· of ,..-A-­ Cod. Tahsil Village &ofTown' dential house' tifft'll i. toiil') i. 1ftI) J. m No. Town/Ward Ward in Km, bouses holds p. M- P. M. F. M. P. -.--.------_._--- 1 :a 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 J3 14 ------4 41 lNifT,!~I 189.57 ~"i' ~ if ,aia: ~,F.i iii ~ it ~P:1t~ 442 q;''a(~ 118.39 1II"f~~ ;:rq'{ if T'ia: q,f.i iii ~ it af1=1lftl. 4 13 ~TC!"' ..Y'{' 270.72 Qflf'{;;r~ ;:rlf~ it iufa: iI'1~ i(fi[ if ~ it uf;qf",a 444 "''{'''AT~ 244.26 84 86 423 212 211 34 3' 132 12() 41 If 445 ~",;r IIJ;rY'{f 80.70 26 34 179 88 91 13 13 64 18 7 446 q~ !fi'qT<:r 128.76 33 33 220 125 95 5 6 87 10" 43 7 44 7 &:"'T er;;rT:{{ 205.53 53 55 297 144 153 38 34 95 106 27 4 448 iIl~' 58 3 • 26 490 492 2,631 1,354 1.217 117 110 680 640 564 267 449 8'T1f(lIiY;(t 125 16 3S 35 222 110 112 89 97 24 1 4S0 1fi)~Ifi,q,~ 75.31 61 68 3S4 171 183 31 31 80 97 66 11 451 a,{~'{l 309.64 'Ill~~ ..'I'(~ it 'tai6 : il1~,fc iii .q' ii uf1=1tma 45 2 -.;t,,')~ (fil'<'J'i{'{ ) 536.45 172 172 942 457 485 42 4S 196 228 202 49 4S 3 ii(T~i!iT"..g, 237.23 109 109 595 302 293 75 64 219 221 67 7 454 lfiY;:.'


IIA IIIilll nit ani Main WOlken --- ______---..1'------._ 1IIif"'1IIiI~ .rs,", lllro.m. "If IJI1I m Ifq'( ~

(1-" ) II Veal III, IV. V (b), VI, x VII,VIII 3; IX Total MaID AlP"ic:ultural Household Other Marlillal Workers C1Jltivators Labourer. Industry Workers ,--_Workers J.... _____ NOD·WorJ..Cl1I _ -.A--"""", ,.-_.J"'-__ ~ ----"----. ,--.A.-_ ~ ,---J.... _---.. ,---_"__-~ Name Co S. m S· ~ i· m i· ~ i· ~ S. ,fih 'I. .. TalJailjViHage M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. Town/Ward 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 31 28 J ------Included in urban ares as urban outgrowtb of JagdaTpur(M) " Pakbanaguda •. Included in urbaD area as urban Qurarowth of Jagdalpur (M) •. Prezarpur .• Include,l in urban area as urban outgrowth of Jagdalpur lM) " Hatkachora 134 32 54 1 25 10 S5 21 4 20 74 lSI) KarkapaI 59 S 33 11 4 6 9 1 29 86 Sasao Kachora 65 14 25 1 28 12 12 1 60 81 Mangadu Kachora 98 24 33 45 {3 20 10 45 129 Halba Kachora 737 223 189 ,1236 137 14 3 298- 32 9 53 608. I. OO~ Asana 72 23 SO 6 16 21 1 38 89 Tamakoni 87 41 21 g 5 15 4 6~ 14 84 142 Kohkapal . Included in urban area as urban outgrowth of Jagda]pur(M) •. Dbarampura 273 - 85 66 75 68 3 1 129 16 4 184 396 KaJipur (BiJcboor) 178 17 47 3 49 2 82. 12 1 124 275 Balikonta , 90 13 39 3 19 2 32 8 IS 35 68 133 Koo:Jawal 228 104 111 80 79 2 3S 6 195 314 TiII rgaon 380 77 182 117 76 2 79 t 207 244 318 Ghatpadmoor 145 28 127 12 14 15 4 1 88 208 Tekameta 184 91 47 10 93 78 .. 44 3 130 217 Dharm.ur 260 30 185 37 27 3 35 3 1 6 118 363 BhadishgaOD IS 13 3 9 13 3 14 6 Chote Morathpal 89 75 82 6S 2 3 3 S 4 4 7 SS . 66 Baghanpal 101 ]28 483 27 185 87 26 13 \7 1 6 463 1,074 Kurenga 427 25S 218 10 185 242 IS 3 6 66 214 322 Bade Morathpal 383 171 301 94 61 73 21 4 S 233 474 Karanji 64 51 40 24 51 3 31 49 K'>hkapal 353 110 202 23 134 84 1 16 3 14 8Q 172 318 Deurgaon 101 62 68 2 30 58 3 2 76 122 Chondimetawada 77 3S 41 3 33 32 3 3 52 100 SODarpal 288 16 170 5 110 9 1 1 7 3 272 148 115 Singanpur 4S 20 25 41 20 22 TaragaoD 117 40 92 21 24 19 1 3 58 S5 88 Tirka Dhanora 26 16 20 3 4 12 2 1 15 30 MarkapaI 31 16 29 4 2 12 15 33 GhalsargipaI 64 62 1 1 46 28 41 Totar 58 57 1 1 41 16 19 Chindbahar 267 7 25S 7 7 .. 5 188 129 218 Ghatdhanora 208 79 186 55 16 23 4 1 2 108 103 155 Kond,i1oor 622 309 552 264 42 31 6 10 15 4 8 98 365 643 Chhapar Bhanpuri 136 42 109 5 23 3S 1 3 2 67 161 Tandapal 312 126 175 72 91 47 20 26 7 194 399 Potaaar 306

~II ft~1 Iff•• , ~~ .~rlorEA m 'lftq.~J "''' 1Il~ "'~If'ra'r ii '{iilit ~ vni I5T ""W ~iI.. lfr~ Rf fffiqj '£ftl:itI' IfIRf(TW Total. PODulation (Including ~'fll" Institutional ,..•• iI and houseless Scheduled Scheduled Area of No, of population!) Castes Tribes Literate occupied Number ._-__ .)1.. ___""'"' Loea- village r---..A--- ,.-..A.._ lioD NalDO of in heotares resi . of ,. M ,---~ Code TahsJl/ViJJage & of Town' dentia} house· '''fffi ~. ~iift ~. fifi S· .. No. Town/Ward Ward in Kms houses holds p. M- F. M. F. M. F. M. F. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ------481 iiJl"( 1.107.02 114 114 591 284 307 226 246 510 I!~" 155.15 21 21 114 58 56 58 56 307


.,.._------..A------_- ---- ______.~ Iftrortmr .; II' I6fII !lid ~ Whr IfTi

(I-IX) II V(a, III. IV • V (b). VI, x VII,VIn 3< IX Total MaiD Aplcultu.ral Household Olber Marlinal Workers CultivatoR Labourers Industry Workers Worken Non·Worters __ -..A-----. ,---..)1..---. r---"-----.. r--.JI.,.-~ ,---"---~ ~---. ,_-.A.----.. Name 10 J. .. 1· ~ ,. feft S· ~ ,. .it ,. .. TabslljViUqe 1.M. -P. M. F. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M - P. Towo/W_ ------IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 J. ------149 82 105 5 40 76 4 1 76 162 Tanhlcapal 336 320 304 280 27 39 .. 5 1 131 181 Ransargipal 144 14 141 13 2 1 69 220 Gumiyapal 288 215 283 211 1 3 3 1 t 0 (74 Sakargaoll 74 11 69 5 3 5 2 1 50 III Burji 542 296 428 214 110 81 4 1 3 2 2' l 582 Sirisguda 562 209 494 19) 60 14 1 2 7 2 157 :!:JI 479 SalepaJ 208 a 191 3 11 5 3 3 6 199 131 124 Barupata 83 73 90 6 67 I 2 17 39 68 Kalepal 263 9 258 8 5 1 38 114 348 Nainnar 82 3" 79 2 "2 37 1 21 68 Kamdeo ICunupa I 1 J 6 92 102 2 13 89 t 8 55 83 Nainpur 243 9 214 5 21 3 2 6 1 1 140 369 Matkot 207 28 91 2 109 24 4 3 2 2 77 118 223 Bhej aripadar 5U 22 334 7 176 13 22 1 1 1 16 311 297 .s09 Arrakot H8 4 100 3 7 .. 4 7 1 4 94 50 96 Telga Aarapw­ 122 111 105 11 107 6 3 1 S6 68 Duganpal 395 47 321 34 43 12 2 23 1 346 235 185 Bad~ Aarapur 318 86 206 14 93 t'i8 8 2 11 2 7 183 123 226 Erandwal 463 86 329 IS 90 66 1 43 5 26 261 260 436 Raikot 169 4 152 14 2 3 2 34 189 7S 73 Mandwa 262 81 18S 7 J 36 9 4 37 1 161 158 171 Malwibhatha ]67 22 138 5 25 15 2 2 2 22 118 78 142 Patharli (Udwa) 274 65 256 61 1 6 11 4 1 210 146 17.: Burungpal 13 6 12 2 1 4 3 1 2 Gatam 109 54 84 3 19 51 .. 6 2 34 11 37 Gurafn 146 67 122 47 23 20 .. 1 •• 2 65 31 46 Katakanda 13" 99 109 51 20 47 7 1 I 79 104 Chbotegundra 744 113 S86 49 28 '4 3 127 30 51 415 J. .Q25 Dilmili 107 35 102 32 4 3 1 74 64 74 Temrubhala 301 110 206 63 90 46 J_ 5 51 164 300 Kelaur 117 3 Its I 2 2 112 41 76 Gidabarli l!51 4 145 3 6 1 .. 141 81 99 Nilegondi Bodena" 868 128 719 59 114 67 11 24 2 567 534 618 Pakbnar 561 514 480 421 71 90 2 2 8 1 3 233 294 Chandragiri 127 109 81 59 42 SO 4 1J (OS Mamadpal 270 240 249 225 17 14 1 1 3 1 1 133 139 Oumadpal 1.21 15 97 7 23 8 1 43 164 72 82 MUDga 212 188 24 2 72 305 Katenar 41 .. 36 S .. 17 56 MlIs.guda 30S

~If lIilURrj rrt" Ifi1 f~ ;ri'l~'!fT t if," ...... VllI'ifIR/ UiI

521 8T"I"

545 "!.l'lQrl;( 446 14 12!1 135 629 302 327 3 2 235 242 4S 13 546 lp~lfrl;( 593.40 154 157 808 418 390 19 15 344 316 43 13 S-4 7 riQl


'[R 'liP!' IRit If'Al Maia Worten ______---.A----- ______..----~ 1IiI'1RfIIiA .~ q.f{llIlF(. ~Il IR1f ..rot 'IAI11 ~ cmi

(I-IJI> II Y(a) III, IV •V (b), VI, x VlI,Vin& IX Total MaID AJriCl1Jtural Household Other Marlinal Workers CuJtivators Labourers ]Ddustry Worken Worken NOD-Worlers ---"-----.. _-..A--"",,", ".---.J,___--... ,..--..A. _~ ,....---A--~ ,.--..A.-_ ....'-----. Name fo S. fift' ,. fib ~. m s. ~ ,. ,. ,.. --,. .- TalJsiljVur.., M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. .P. M. P. N. P. TownfWara 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 Z, 26 27 28 1

287 75 249 45 38 30 195 410 AJwa 125 9 101 8 10 12 1 2 10 79 60 lit Dhodarepal 138 6 115 5 16 t 5 2 15 91 72 JOf Badekadma 703 356 661 314 33 38 S 4 4 2 20 431 735 Chitapur 53 ]0 34 ... 18 30 1 32 71 Ml>darkonta 231 29 198 4 30 25 3 117 323 Chidpal 119 48 109 46 3 2 7 44 GO 71J Chhotekadma 941 457 656 286 175 149, 24 9 66 13 9 161 567 911 Rajnr 122 7 94 3 19 .. 2 1 7 3 98 235 Koypal 89 7 62 1 21 4 6 2 S9 113 l\4etllwada 224 95 143 60 34 26 47 9 31 178 267 TOk.apal 19\ 75 143 13 40 60 5 1 3 1 1 1 88 247 8adeparakot 226 3'3 99 10 42 11 8 3 77 9 5 67 129 269 Parpa 123 38 103 4 U 32 4 2 3 1 71 171 IrikpaJ 30 7 25 5 6 2 31 48 Chhoteparakot 127 20 90 16 17 S 2 15 2 .73 70 97 Nawagaon 406 372 323 300 67 62 11 10 S 214 242 Palwa 139 30 8t 5 41 19 1 16 C5 72 273 DimrapaJ 75 15 54 7 3 5 15 3 3 38 90 Gudra Mareaga 64 2 60 1 1 1 3 40 91 Kana KuruspaJ 285 212 186 130 63 66 17 14 19 2 4 144 262 Bademarenga 84 64 64 43 14 20 1 5 1 1 33 60 58 Sosaopal 144 7S 107 54 IS 19 22 2 81 58 96 Tellmarenga 237 8 188 6 40 1 5 4 1 9 109 320 Dongriguda (Kumharmareop) t91 76 150 19 37 56 4 1 2 3 109 248 BurungpaJ 255 73 157 10 92 62 .2 4 1 3 166 J60 HI KalepaI 381 22 306 8 40 5 3 1 32 8 4 59 230 556 Keshloor 137 35 132 35 2 .. 3 3 62 161 Sedwa 309 20J 241 95 61 108 7 S6 181 244 lCoynar 86 4 41 t 39 3 2 3 1 2 63 128 MahkapaJ 140 20 49 7 86 13 5 6 95 7S 114 K.almar 301 ,163 183 43 103 119 5 10 1 5 97 144 191 Chhindbilhar 81 32 85 32 1 • 1 1 50 128 Gadamguda 224 146 180 94 45 52 1 114 191 Keshapur 211 86 169 23 86 4 IS 114 275 Chingpal 439 244 365 198 58 45 7 9 6 346 488 Lendra 145 27 121 23 23 4 1 77 197 Manaoar 137 14 84 2 49 9 3 3 1 1 105 23S !tamanar 183 15 138 t 22 9 1 3 22 2 135 284 Nepnar 595 210 394 38 114 133 76 39 11 10 12S 328 618 Mavlipadar 310

""",,If lI~vrl qT. llil f" ~r ~if," til_ VTql"'~1 ••'filS aft~ "~lfr«i it 'I: .. ij ;r1=&R ~ 1fiT iflll ~ij ~~ illf~"jjil u~ "'~lf~ TOlal. Population IJf illi ( Including Instiiutional r•. lit. it and hOlJ8elc88 Scheduled SCheduled Area of No,of population)) castes Tribes Number Literate Loca. village occupied ,.....--._J... _ ._--,. ,..-_-..A--_. ,--..A.._ tion Name of in hectares resi of ."----'-_,, Code Tahsil/Village & of Town' dential hOuse· .qf~ S. ~ ~. ~, S· Qfi No. Town/Ward Ward in Kms housel!l holdl!l p. M- F, M. F. M. P. M.i· --p. ._------4 ? 8 9 10 • 11 12 13 14

561 itcr1: 287.07 45 -45 224 110 114 9 13 101 10 I 562 ;{r'il"'1'l"f 72.52 ifI"<:F( S6 3 ~ffrcrr\'f 135.27 16 16 94 49 45 7 3 37 39 564 ~""'I 113.07 34 34 155 68 87 2 2 60 81 565 llliIfiT\lf411: 540.45 78 79 409 199 210 199 210 4 566 ~1:," 469.20 134 134 544 317 227 2 176 136 146 30 567 aj~ 1.371.~2 177 178 925 447 478 62 74 320 349 38 5 568 fw.:;UifTsT 3,006.67 536 538 ~.904 ],465 1,439 207 234 ,,172 1.136 103 14 569 1IIi1:1fi1 225.2l 47 47 3 I 2 144 168 142 166 5 70 -.i'r.e't1: 254.s6 35 35 185 94 91 94 91 571 ~t~ 1,208.53 1(10 1(10 494 237 257 10 14 225 242 572 fs;q~1: 901.81 82 86 491 248 243 2 204 206 1 573 lifi't~tT 850.93 130 133 657 344 313 13 17 307 274 5 574 1fi;;U;f" (VllrrcrT"f) 337.48 33 34 183 88 95 88 95 5 7 5 t(~tTi{l1: ,349 .32 65 65 377 198 179 t 197 (78 4 2 576 1fi;fIfiMW 767.32 225 228 1,083 527 556 4 2 511 546 7 '77 i!:T{{'filqT~ 329.00 101 101 495 244 251 240 244 17 '7M ~iiliAT,( 8,032.86 1,443 1.456 7.2603.6103,650 107 116 2.739 2,748 392 122 579 '" '!,,(oT 402.27 53 53 310 138 172 116 147 1 580 ~'Fi 152. 15 15 15 90 39 51 39 51 .. 581 '{\1I'fcrr~ 966.81 78 78 468 229 239 215 218 18 '82 IIl'Q,{HI' 1,141.14 101 102 Sao 250' 250 3 2 234 230 10 583 1IIi)~ I ,63e. 34 203 246 1.304 J25 679 8 S 426 496 80 3 584 lfi)iililil1~ 663.42 174 177 921 461 460 32 34 291 272 78 S 585 G1'TtT~I\'f 330.23 84 94 448 237 211 7 8 158 127 '" 40 S 5S6 ~'( 1,859.26 371 376 1,880 947 933 44 46 844 840 42 2 587 I[lfi" (if vr.) 41.68 17 17 93 45 48 40 43 588 Wt~iilil (.I'.VI.·) 129.50 44 44 301 157 ]44 150 138 23 589 ;;rT1:tTtCf (If. VT. ) 129.50 54 54 359 180 179 3 3 164 160 23 2 590 ~ (<1'.1"1.) 131.44 76 76 397 203 194 I 4 194 185 33 8 591 WJ1[tll1


,...... q m.mt MaiD Worten .------..A------______IIIilIllAm .ftii(1!Qrorrro. ..1f IImr m ~ ..mr

(1-1::\) II Yea) III. IV • V (b). VI. x V11.VIll & IX Torat MaiD Agricultural Household Other MarglDal Workers Cultivators Labourer. Industry Workers Worken Non·Worters --..A--___ _-..A-."""",\ ,--.A-_--., ,--~\,. _ __.. ,--.A---__.. ,..--..A.-_ .-----'''--__ Namefo I. fift 'I. ~ 1· fift 1. ~ ,. ~ 1. ,~ t· .. Tabsii/VIllage M. P. M. P. M. P. M. p. M. P. M. P. M. P. TO'fID/Ww IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2t 25 26 Z7 28 1

72 s 10 3 2 2 61 37 48 Topar Uninhabited Chandrapal 26 3 22 1 4 2 3 14 20 28 Majhipal 47 6 30 12 5 5 .' . 2 30 19 51 Pedaw1da 123 68 95 52 20 J 3 1 3 7 ... 41 76 \01 Kakalgo.Jl." 195 7 82 2 13 2 3 97 3 98 121 122 Darbba 297 75 219 14 63 61 3 12 5 166 14S 237 Tiratbgarh 941 294 778 122 132 171 4 1 27 5 462 519 683 Chilldawada. 85 5 81 5 3 1 3 68 S6 9S Karka 49 16 38 13 It 3 I 6 44 69 Kondloor lSI 123 132 112 17 11 1 20 86 114 Muodagarh 155 116 149 112 6 4 26 93 101 Chhindgur 207 214 105 92 212 3 2 7 3 137 96 Koleog 31 3 2 31 ". 33 54 1 30 31 Kandanar( Khemanpal ) 110 14 101 11 7 3 2 .. 4 90 84 75 Alangnar 356 132 30.6 114 41 11 1 8 171 -424 Kankapal 135 86 104 61 28 25 2 1 61 109 101 Tahakawada 2167 666 1590 224 318 208 84 122 175 112 24 447 1419 2537 .Kukanar 88 15 76 6 J 0 9 1 1 50 156 Bade Garbo 23 30 23 30 16 21 Chhote Gurbe 137 127 95 82 39 45 3 73 92 39 Ijdepal 167 107 130 84 31 23 5 I SS 83 88 Gadamras 374 202 295 147 27 33 18 4 34 18 2 167 249 310 Kodripal 286 254 179 153 77 93 21 8 9 3 47 172 159 Kokawada 149 108 80 51 31 23 5 2 33 32 .' 22 88 81 Jagadpal. 572 403 459 309 72 30 10 31 14 22 192 353 408 Sautnar 33 2." 33 25 12 23 Paba} (F. V . ) 86 12 75 10 7 2 2 2 39 71 93 Talcka (F.V.) 110 54 97 4 1 SO 6 '70 12 5 Chargaon (F. V.) 120 65 81 35 6S 4 48 83 81 M()hlai (F. V. ) 130 76 72 54 74 2 2 2 41 82 73 Lawa.aon (F. V. ) 163 136 16 8 3 5 IS8 101 lIS lComar (F. V.) 61 49 10 1 1 24 SO 10-1 Bhiranda (F.V.) 77 67 .. 4 1 5 17 47 90 Mokhapon (F. V . ) 70 27 68 22 s 2 .. 5 28 68 Bagrai (F.V.) 52 43 7 2 1 48 2S IS Machkot (F. V.) 107 77 31 6 27 22 49 49 54 79 Tiria (F. V.) S 4 1 1 6 2 Tolawa

iilllllfUlffl IfiT ""."'!~ 6,,,). SI~1fi ~f...... ------_ ------

qfl:cff"() ft1l' ;r;rQ'q! t iii~ iI'Ii!Qf"CI ar~fiIcI ft{R)~ !I~')"j I(r~ llil an." "'lin ~, 8/fRlI aftt 6fllmii if '(iii ;;rIM If,:[\liRfa ~). i(ff{./ an-nUPI v," I(r~'u:rfffiq, Q'f~ If$n ~ iii' ilill ~i'"."'" IlIfiTill ,,1ft 'lfri 16) Toral. Population ('ncluding I(;f ,n; finl losth uliooa! r~ .Ifi. it and houIICle811 Sched\lled Scbedulc:d Area of No. of populationl) Castes Tribes Literate Number Loe... village occupied ,..-----.A. ----__ ,-----.1'--- ,_..__,--~ r-A-- lion Name of in hectarell resi Of ~ dential hOllSO' ."riti I· ~ 2;. 9ft I· I· ~ Cod. Tahsil} V mase &ofTowo' p. M. F. M. P. p. No. Town/Ward Ward in KIDs houses holds M· P. t.J. - - --_--- -_------7 8 9 !O 11 12 13 14 I I 3 4 5 6 _------_------57 SO 601 1!~~ft (I{.,".) 106.66 20 20 107 57 SO 164 152 163 1 602 i'it~

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACf Jagdalpur 1'...... ------_ ------'lR 'IiT1I' 1Ii,{~ ml Main worken __ .-... ------..A-- -- - P'!- .... 1Rf~ .r8(~ cnronft1& .. ~ I5T1f ni) gyllf

(I -I~) II Veal Ill. IV. V ~b). VI. VI'c,VI & IX rota' Maio AgricuJ tural Household ther MargInal " Worker. CultivatoR Labourers Industry Workers Worl(ers Non-Worken ---'__ .____ - ,..--...... - ...... r--"----.. ,...--Jl----., ,---.A-----., r'- '1..--_ --_ ...... -_..._ Namefo I. ~ 1- Rl' S· m 1· ft't 1· tift 7;. ,tft I. M Tabaii/VIllap M. P. M. P M. F. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. Town/Wud ------_------IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2' 26 27 28 I ------32 21 28 17 4 4 25 29 Surundwada(F. V.) 99 90 84 74 12 13 2 2 1 1 3 56 71 Toynar (P. v. ) 78 68 70 60 6 6 2 2 35 55 Modenar (F. V .) 153 52 144 49 4 2 4 1 66 196 Kalepal P. V.) 63 18 57 18 6 33 34 35 Bengpal (F. V. ) 92 29 84 23 l 1 4 4 2 62 127 Kudumkbodra(F. V.) 120 18 114 18 6 68 170 Bispur (F.v.) 59 72 58 71 1 1 2 40 54 lCDdrichapar(F. V .) 82 72 81 72 1 3 43 37 Junapani (F.V.>, Uninhabited Malamunda (F. V. ) 60 43 16 1 26 17 41 Choknar Bangia Dongri (F.V.) 23 14 16 6 7 8 11 12 14 Kodomali (F. V.) 30 2 22 8 2 33 19 11 Sanahkarmari (F.V.) 314

:.if""U1iU tf)1 5I11Ifill6 "'~il1 ------_ ------

~ fI~J 1ft. 151 .,,~. ilf't'fn) I" "if~l (or" ilif'lf.. a ~ m ,"II 'fffR/ ••'liW "'IIT~ Itir eM! ift1: 9""",';; ij .:git ;;nfcr I!t.flUm ~ IiITi !liT ;{(11 ~i IfIIIPil trrir ~fm~i'i u~ 1ftR.~ III rOlal Population 1&1 illi '!'INI (ioeJudiog Institutional fiB. 1ft. it and houseleu Scbeduled Scbeduled Area of No,of populationl) Castes Tribes Looe.- village' occupied Number .-----A ___--,. Literate doo Name of io hectares resi· of r---.J>--~ ".-__..-~ r-"--- ~ 7;. ~ Code Tabai1!ViUage &. of Town I deotial bouse· '''fill J. ,. fib S· art No. TownjWard Ward in Kms houses bolds P. M- P. M. P. M. P. M. p. ._--_- -- --_---- t 1 3 4 5 Ii 7 8 9 10 11' 12 13 14

;r1R",!~ ~ '"l~

45/11 iiPl30 2,50' 1,189 1,320 282 291 44 4S 702 575 45{n/22 1Ii~ cui 659 661 2,7641,4151.349 273 259 171 147 664 376 :t"~ liIT~r:(<

PJUMARY CENSUS ABSTRAC1' ------... IJI'I m... Main WarUn .------"------lifftilll Cllf«IF(lII .." 1Iir1I ~ ~ ~

(I-'J<) 11 Veal III, IV, V (b). VI. x VO,VIII & IX Toral Main Aaricultural Household Other Margioal -__Workers..A._--, Cultivators Labourerl Industry Workan Workers Non·Worlters --..)1:..---... ,.---A._ ...... ~--A._--.. ~--~-~ ,,--A---.. _-.A.-_ Namefo 'l. d S· ~ ~. ~ S. fi't S· ~ S. ,;it S· .. TabsilJVDlaae M. P. M. P M. P. M. p. M. P. M. F. M. P Town/Ward 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 JagdaJpur Urban Agglomeration

16.789 1,008 1.301 320 14,J60 60 16.712. Ja~dalpor (U.A.) 3,156 122 830 63 2,141 J24 2,,7~J 13,387 748 703 11,674 54 13.628 Jagdalpol' (M.} Z,415 98 387 62 1,868 lIZ :U,6g.0 648 _ 29S SO 2S 33 9 20 9 545 252 3 29 480 834 PDveer Ward 462 60 39 16 3 1 3 417 43 I 1 451 760 Vija,.a Ward 432 38 ]9 7 2 '.' 404 37 1 S72 906 Subbash Ward 958 59 230 1 88 14 I 626 57 1.297 1.040 Bhairamdeo Ward 520 98 26 , 34 46 23 t 437 48 575 93S Pathraguda Ward " 6S'1 75 23 9 7 3 J 626 6S r 533 891 Bhagatsmgh Ward 4] 8 S 9 ! 7 3 2 4 6 1 393 SO l 6 486 820 Sadar Ward 749 161 26 16 t 18 61 12 393 84 1 6 6Jl 1,019 Lalbag Ward 619 78 6 1 2 23 2 588 7S 3 1 752 1,260 Ken waramunda Ward 430 28 26 2 I 2 403 24 1 605 963 Prafapdeo Ward 604 139 44 6 8 5 4 549 127. 5 1 775 t.OS6 Maharani Ward 481i 63 10 2 8 7 12 2 456 S2 622 854 Indira Ward S64 7S ]9 1 2 13 2 S30 7"'- 1 527 1 083 Ramaiya Ward 57. 91 47 ~ 20 IS 19 1 48S 73 7 8 591 977 Dalpat Ward 498 62 30 20 2 448 60 1 2 539 908 [twaribazar Ward 774 2] 6 40 3 8 1 18 6 108 206 6 20 591 1,091 Danteahwari Ward 687 133 21 6 118 82 19 15 529 30 Z 11 610 1,054 Oandhinagar Ward 591 6S 14 7 10 2 56B 54 1 3 479 818 Nayapara Ward 813 64 18 94 30 IS 686 34 1 703 1.322 Ganganagar Ward 518 143 22 3 34 27 3 459 113 8 13 616 849 Sflantinagar Ward 587 217 14 4 57 42 11 8 49g J 63 5 3 591 1,100 Nayamunda Ward 799 196 7 55 44 11 3 726 149 3 616 I,ISO Kumllarpara Ward

3,40:1 731 260 24 598 443 58 1 2,486 Z73 6 U 3.084 5,101 Urban Ootgrowtb 1,070 284 87 16 279 160 20 684 108 2 867 1.587 (ii) Hatkachora 1,068 103 5 22 12 6 1 1,03S 90 3 947 (.619 (iii) Frezerpur _ 28 13 17 13 1I 21 29 (iv) Pakhanaguda 542 185 41 5 98 142 30 373 38 564 828 (v) KangoJi 381 98 120 3 97 71 2 162 24 1 455 643 (vi) Dharampura 198 49 76 4S 122 4 144 241 (vii) lagdalpur lCasba 115 9 7 9 99 9 6 6 86 154 (viii) Sargtpa' 316


"'" ., fq( ..,,~r (.r1A ••'Ii" 1I't1: ~n:'mil ir '{flit ~i t(,'r itlfffill'l ~ .I~m Tntal. PODulation ..., ilq (Iocluding Institutional fiB • .n. it and bousele.s Scheduled Scbeduled Area 01 No. of populatioDI) Castes Tribes Literate Number Loca- village occupied ,--.. -J..... ___--.. "..----"'--- ,___, ...... ---.,.. ,...-A-- in hectares resi of tiOD Name of 111ft'll ~. ,11ft Code Tahsil/Village & of Town' dential bouse ~. ~ 1· ~ ~. No. TOWD/Ward Ward iD Kms house. bolds P. M. P. M. F. M. P. M. P. ------, J 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

67.949 45/8 m~" 2.390.2 30,881 79,904 1,886 6,365 (lJIiffQf) <'f.fGfi.1fi. } 30.017 161.789 81.885 1.936 70,567 1,88'1 1 !l"iiJl 2,187.32 200 200 915 493 422 490 419 1 2 ~~,!;;rT 1,473.06 148 148 718 359 359 351 353 1 3 f;;fT 3,350.78 309 309 1.667 821 845 14 16 776 796 6 .. 4 ~"ttaT 923.89 106 106 493 245 248 .. 243 247 I 5 qift~· 322.53 37 . 37 206 103 103 99 101 5 6 ,"!~~g 289.35 62 63 307 IS9 148 2 2 85 86 3 10 7 7 1i~IflR 2.559.63 216 230 1.305 631 674 535 589 31 8 155 191 8 m'l~ 477.52 64 66 3S6 161 195 3 1 - 9 fIT'll""" 1.634.94 172 172 887 459 428 448 415 3 1 10 ~q'l;;r 1,359.33 117 1 t 7 663 3tO 353 9 12 277 321 21 3 11 tiR;;i1 1,453.61 ] 31 f 32 748 367 381 2 3 308 330 18 5 12 ;W'''H 794.00 117 117 590 283 307 282 304 13 'I'.~~ 796.42 51 51 2~5 112 1 13 112 113 14 '{6'T'T.'liT 141.64 9 9 43 18 25 7 8 9 14 15 q~n 439.89 76 76 439 206 233 18 11 58 68 8 16 ~Ifl 558.46 57 57 319 137 182 125 170 6 1 1 7 "~I1fIII" 466.19 . 49 49 3005 143 162 121 138 2 I 8 1!;:~'I' 4511. 10 54 54 294 139 155 138 153 19 ~"UaTlf 691.89 68 68 403 192 211 185 202 4 20 'I'f&'l'l' 176.04 30 30 J65 85 80 83 77 '2.1 om(~ 1,14{.61 I1t 122 650 310 340 301 33\ U 22 ~TnJq'T;;r 710.22 89 89 451 221 230 2 1 2(9 229 2( U 23 IliTCJ,IIIi)q'J 1,024.25 155 155 784 385 399 379 397 17 1 24 ~~... ""z 806.53 113 114 606 285 321 234 266 43 6 25 -.i~ 788.32 79 80 422 218 204 215 201 3 26 11ft~, 1,694.82 180 221 1.103 561 542 380 378 28 4 27 fmmr 727 62 147 147 749 393 356 27 29 328 294 23 28 lI'T~ 687.96 175 181 859 435 424 376 380 14 29 ~1rr:n;;r 364.23 274 277 1,160 624 536 56 64 241 233 334 230 30 i:ron"", 376.36 75 75 352 18l 170 4 5 164 149 23 31 ~~t S9f.. 57 1\0 215 950 4i9 47\ \{\ \5 3\8 3\5 83 41 32 ~~T« 325.77 54 54 321 149 172 143 166 16 1 33 ~ 667.96 132 134 658 324 334 21 21 259 262 38 4 34 f..-.ron~ 728.43 129 129 620 300 320 281 308 28 3 35 iifl~ 410.75 99 99 469 236 233 212 212 17 3 36 f'l'l~1f 866.06 171 171 900 435 465 1 277 305 50 IS 37 f~ 1.207.10 234 240 1.1" 573 622 9 U 503 530 28 6 38 ~~r~ 517.99 SCi 5fi 290 151 139 1 148 138 3 39 ~·qffl 483.59 54 54 252 138 114 9' 8S 18 2 40 f.~,"" 619.93 148 148 855 407 441 392 432 49 317


~ Ifit~ ~il' tn" ~D Worn... .------.A------_ . IIIJWCR .fir~ q)'ftvtW .; Il 1IiJ~ qi'(if ~ m~ ~i

(I-IX) IJ V(a) 1lI,IV • V (b), VI, x VII,VIII &: IX Total Mall) Alricultural Household Other MarglDal Worker. Cultivators Labourers Industry Worken Workors Non·Worken ---_ _.I...__---,. --- ...... ______--')'__.-., ,..-_..A-._--.. r----"----.. ..----...A.---"" r--.A---.. Namefo 'I. ~ I· ~ '1- m '1. m I. ,~ Tabsil/VDla,e M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M.!I. -P. M. P. S·M. -P. --- TO."D/W'" 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2' 26 27 28" J ------50,171 41, '69 4,3307 634 4,0£1- 1,188 27,'45 • KOBta TabsU 15.899 20,760 3,803 208 . 1.IlS 15.611 40,36' (Rural) 2!H 5 273 3 8 2 64 241 148 176 Dabba 283 241 271 2~6 7 6 4 1 29 73 S1 PusgllQoa 542 120 503 101 21 12 J2 7 7 13 285 267 440 Kuona 189" 114 183 11 t 2 5 1 19 56 115 Dh


fWrAhr a~1 1fI~ ~I P iII';:marr (i", Uflll'IVi it '{'~ ..rtw IT~ I "1A1 ••q:;" .,.;C ~ m~I 'I'" ~ii Ifr", ~fffirii g~ Ifll,{ 'frW TOlal. Population .. iTq ( Including Inst itational ,. .•• it and houselesB Scheduled Scbeduled Area of No, of populationI) Castes Tribes Literate Looa- village occupied Number ,_----.A. ___ __ r---..A--- lion Name of in hectarcs resi of ,------... ".--A-­ Code Tahsil/Village & of Town dential house urn; '1. flh 1. 'E

41 Su;mT 390.11 131 131 60S 315 290 11 6 227 217 120 19 38 42 ~"' 287.32 38 22' 116 113 116 113 1 100 101 518 255 263 43 ~" 809.36 201 206 28 3 44 ;sftT'(tl1Oi1' 665.71 63 63 328 163 165 140 141 3 1 4 S f~flfi'{t[Tl1I 1,102.26 183 183 944 458 486 62 67 299 303 64 11 46 afh;)l.: 741. 78 108 111 S9i 298 294 7 5 256 261 22 I 47 1'I,~;r~ 1.657.58 327 333 1,779 272 907 37 30 SH 584 134 22 48 ~cnq'TOiI' 851.85 62 62 341 176 !65 168 154 4 49 I!~T 1,670.13 299 299 1,655 811 844 32 29 696 728 40 1 50 ~l.:'\qlOil' 460 12 68 71 415 189 296 175 204 29 51 1fit~1<: 1,730 83 228 234 1.204 604 600 447 432 11 1 52 ~ntllTOiI' 859.96 141 141 731 ~47 334 3 3 267 298 24 4 53 ~


------_._---- -__,.___---- -.-- ---

(1-"',) II V(a) III. IV. V (b), VI, x VII,VID& IX Toral MaID Alricultural Household Other MargiDllt Workers Cultivators - Labouren Industry Workers Workers Non-Worken _-..A._--.. (0 --~ r--Jo..----., ,----"----.. ,..--..A.----., r---..A.---.. Name I. .. I· fijft J. m I. m J. ~ J. ,~ Tailsil/VDlap M. P. M. p. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. TOIffD/Ward

15 16 17 18 19 2a ~1 22 23 28 1

178 3 139 1 3 1 36 1 28 187 ]09 100 Puswal 78 77 82 38 31 TumaIcpal 173 6 131 2 39 4 3 7 141 75 JI6 Netanar 10& 95 8 4 1 14 94 41 71 Jaogampal 30. 127 272 103 30 24 6 13 83 J31 276 KikirpaJ -21Ci 3 167 3 ~ 42 4 3 S 205 77 86 Oler '62 272 357 145 164 U4 10 S 31 8 21 310 614 Talnar 112 99 107 95 2 2 1 2 2 64 66 Sitapal .534 389 451 3.53 48 28 28 8 1 277 455 Gumma 114 62 94 .51 11 5 1 6 2 1 75 163 Pujaripal 383 367 335 332 32 26 3 4 13 S 221 233 Gaojenar 245 246 217 22.5 9 10 8 10 11 l 102 138 ICodripal 214 28 207 24- _6 3 1 :1 208 106 129 B:awasiras 506 338 ]81 SO 232 274 1 2 92 12 6 365 484 Chhindgarh 321 179 294 149 21 29 4 1 2 1 3 18t 340 Mekhawaya 4.52 123 383 99 58 23 3 8 l 9 21S 279 531 Urmapal 82 32 64 21 15 11 3 3 64 34 34 Chhuragatta 237 222 211 189 23 33 2 1 7 124 19' Dhobanpal 283 28 241 17 24 11 5 7 152 154 292 Godra 174 8 159 6 6 1 6 3 16 192 116 120 Patinaikaras 171 180 151 166 7 4 1 J to 2 I 2 82 118 An dumpaf 426 282 312 241 27 19 24 8 63 :4 33 110 203 271 Rokel .0 36 67 2S 1 2 8 7 4 2 '25 69 66 90 Bakulaghat 98 .52 93 47 5 S 23 80 58 58 Reddlpal 210 3 190 3 12 1 7 4 207 109 132 Kanjipani 36 20 34 15 3 J 2 2 18 11 ]6 Chikaras 84 52 77 SO 3 1 4' 1 8 42 26 40 RatinBikras 144 33 128 28 12 5 2 2 14 126 54 66 Hikmiras 187 8.5 164 "I 10 13 6 1 7 10 127 113 92 Chipurpal 176 3 167 2 6 1 2 I 1 156 94 116 Birsatpal 731 .538 606 471 52 42 13 3 60 22 27 137 378' 460 Pakela 207 118 185 91 20 17 2 3 5 13 90 187 Bhandarras 342 2.57 249 189 86 64 7 4 44 169 2.58 Pondum 432 70 409 56 13 14 4 6 27 339 266 307 Atkarir.s 60 2 57 2 2 1 50 54 55 Chopel 1.50, 1 126 14 2 8 123 126 136 Murrepal 688 41S ,CS4 241 91 169 26 5 7 6 10 327 60S Jcerampal 72 54 71 53 1 1 1 52 88 Daodabadl (Guaguda) 81 48 80 47 1 2 56 94 Rampuram 8'7 29 60 17 4 '.5 1 22 7 19 .57 48 69 Geedam 320

if'fFf~ ('f~M i fV!" i51'if~'IfT (iflR m vrq iftr(J liar",,,"'II' iii' iII't~ OI'f''II'rtii ij tiiit ;w1';n: lfI'i 'tir iflll ~it 1fJ~ iilffffilii utt'a' ;rII~ Toral. Population lIT. (Including IIIiI "Ii Institutional 1'ifi.Ift.it and houseless Scbeduled Scheduled Area of No, of population)) Castes Tribes Literate Loca- village occupied Number ~-_.J""" ______r-"-.J""___ in h.ecta r ell resi of ,..--A-­ tion Name of S. ~ COde Tahsil/Village & of Town' dential boU&e' ,,,f.. ~. ~) ~. m No. Town/Ward Ward in Kms houses holds P. M. P. M. P.· M. P. _. _------, 3 4 (j 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

81 ~~~ a58.60 63 63 350 165 ISS I(iS 1,5 3 2 82 ~mV!" 742.52 109 109 600 300 300 297 294 16 2 83 lil'tlicr"'ftr ( "Ii'r'ti1:lff<=r ) ?83.SS 138 138 744 362 382 352 371, 1.5 3 S 4 i!~ (~ifrltiT) 2:992.07 331 339 1,905 901 1,004 17 21 856 953 9 4 85 mlf1:r 612.52 81 81 478 239 239 10 8 229 231 81 20 86 ~qT .2,020.41 907 95l 4,359 2,2632,096 . ISO 174 742 736 ,867 330 87 Rifi"(T~ 747.97 48 48 231 114 117 112 110 11 1 88 ~q~r 968.07 79 80 472 240 232 238 232 17 89 *ilqr<=r (~~ZI~") 608.62 54 54 278 125 153 120 148 18 1 90 .m1!,T 1,304.57 90 90 516 240 276 238 273 52 9 91 ITtITvrT 1,115 18 I 15 lIS 580 295 285 74 82 100 78 56 18 92 6"1'!iRI'1 420.05 19 19 89 40 49 37 45 93 ~ 895.88 58 58 330 165 165 156 159 2 I 94 In,,",~"{ 970 99 100 100 573 266 307 4 2 10 9S if~lfif(qt('lr¥1{fJ 1,17::1 73 53 53 273 129 144 129 144 3 96 '~nfrUif 985 72 94 98 564 268 296 9 9 202 295 90 20 97 A~~lT 329.40 35 35 210 108 102 108 102 98 rr'tvrr"1"{q 1,496.35 133 133 698 367 331 32 33 335 298 P9 q.~T 3.73~.81 296 296 1,544 762 782 10 8 567 571 23 3 100 ifiT~rrl!..T 6~2.49 24 24 130 57 73 57 73 101 'tiTri 2,382.65 235 2H 1,202 543 659 15 27 528 632 15 8 102 qfvrll'T 691.65 53 54 263 121 142 120 142 6 4 103 m~.(~~-qrvr) 3,971.73 486 506 2,660 1,340 1,3.20 102 96 967 977 181 69 104 ;:rrm'{HT 926.93 95 95 608 284 324 282 320 23 9 105 6T~T~ 495.75 . 80 80 427 195 232 .2 2 193 230 6 106 .T5'mr 486 69 89 89 393 178 215 44 53 134 162 11 4 1 0 7 ~"TfT~lIirrR: 1,386.43 180 180 945 472 473 13 1 1 263 266 12 108 multi"t 1,589.56 200 201 1,165 528 617 528 637 6 1 09 l!1:lfil 1,119.20 74 75 410 194 216 194 216 .. 110 f~lI'T~ 514.86 94 94 493 24 3 250 241 248 1 111 ifi"td 4,190.27 52S 540 2,837 1,362 1,475 91 91 1,245 1,372 '137 37 112 IfrorT 672.49 60 60 368 179 189 t 79 189 21 25 113 'l'rifltiII{T<=r 1,210.49 127 127 656 316 340 6 311 334 2 114 ,!~1 2,066.80 148 148 796 394 402 394 402 115 f.rot"{ 177.74 33 33 156 78 78 75 75 12 11 6 frrV!"TifT~r 313.87 32 32 181 89 92 89 92 .1,11 Ifr«q 937.50 110 110 561 272 2119 14 14 25. 275 3 2 11 8 $iiI'r1:1q'Tvr 233.63 46 46 238 107 131 103 128 119 ITRllt"vrr 3.941.06 14' 149 8(;0 407 453 14 12 393 440 .. 120 rrli1:ffl 1,693.09 198 200 1,049 517 .532 J9 24 491 507 2 •• 321


,,_,--- --______..A- ______--- -.-----

(I-IX) lJ Y(a, Ill. IV • V (b). VI. x VII.VIIl & IX Toral MaID Agricultural Household Other MarlPDal Worker. CuJtivatort Labourers Industry Workers Workers Noo-Worlen ,_--A-_____ ,_--.... I..._...... ,.--_)I...-____ ---~ .-- -.JI,__-", r--A------... ,--.. jI.---... Name ro I. ~ ,. fiIft' I. fift' I. ~ I· ~ S. ,a. S· .. Tahsil/Villa.,­ M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M.. P. Towa/Wa-d 15 16- 17 18 19 2.0 21 21 23 24 25 26 :11 28 ------_--. 116 134 t09 124 6 9 1 1 49 51 MuJagucfa 197 205 l89 198 7 7 1 t OJ 95 BbeJwapaJ 241 S 739 5 1 7 1 t5 l77 J"orutong (Kokarpal) 623 457 576 416 29 40 8 1 10 49 162 229 19, Buddi (Suwaka) 137 131 6 .. 97 102 J 42 J'hapra 1,304 180 424 35 IB 35 54 5 673 105 39 529 920 1,387 Sukma 70 4 56 2 13 2 J 1 Ss 43 58 Kudukra8 145 1 134 t 7 4 t08 95 123 PuspaJli 83 15 59 13 21 2 2 1 43 42 95 Maogipal (Guttaguda) 14<\ 1 114 1 26 2 2 ISO 96 95 BorgUda 187 23 133 2. 38 19 16 2 1 17 107 245 GODsla 31 1 21 9 6 1 9 42 Telawarti 102 7 99 7 2 101 63 57 KudkeI 172 so 169 46 4 2 113 94 144 Golabekur 19 79 90 50 S4 Nadigupha (Patasuktna) 11S3 15 132 10 8 9 6 12 1 99 105 182 Ramaram 68 60 67 58 1 2. 16 29 24 .13 Chichorg\lda 242 197 230 182 11 15 1 36 47 89 87 Nilawaram S05 294 456 236 37 57 4 8 2 19:) 255 289 Mllrtonda 42 44 41 43 1 1 S 29 Konanguda 344 358 325 336 19 2 3 4 4 n 195 229 KOl1dre 75 23 73 22 2 1 6 81 40 38 Palia 178 429 677 303 76 122 3 122 4 41 462 850 Gadica. (Turrepal) 186 85 165 36 17 49 4 98 239 Nagaras 132 142 122 102 10 40 63 90 Tongras 117 112 103 62 12 SO 2 61 103 Dodpal 3S1 23l 268 8-5 60 136 21 3 12 82 108 160 Sonakuknar 369 264 3S5 257 12 7 2 1 147 158 226 Maroki 162 184 l59 184 2 1 32 32 Murki 187 J89 185 188 1 1 1 56 61 Chingawaram 1161. 193 75) 137 90 54 3 9 2 66 569 435 713 Korra 113 56 103 45 to 11 60 66 73 Paria 215 16 208 13 5 1 2 3 213 161 111 Mankapal 232 216 224 210 5 3 3 3 2 J 60 185 Guphadi 39 2 34 1 1 1 2 2 11 41 28 35 Chirmur 40 40 23 55 26 37 Nilawaya 167 5 159 4 6 1 2 12 161 93 123 Pordem 78 101 74 98 4 3 .. 29 30 Pujaripal 242 228 242 228 .. 1 9 164 216 Gondpalli 298 285 283 271 12 13 3 1 219 247 Gonderas 322

fl!I'R')'1I I!~'" j If'" !til in.11iII qh:.m:l FI' llI';ru_r (oren lliN Vl'lt if'fRJ ihl'liw 1111119')" 'lit dAl ~'" Ufll"Ul ij ~iiil ;p:n Ifri 161 ;tn, {otZl if q~;:i1 .r~ li~fi'filii 9f~tI' ;rIll "yj "" rOlal. Population 'lif II'tT !lIN' ( 'Deluding Institutional f'li • 1ft • it and houseleSII Scbeduled Scheduled Area 0' No, of populationl) Castes Tribes Literate Loca­ village occupied Number ..A. ...I tion Name of in hectares resi of r-;,------,---- '---- .--~---., ,--.A._ Code Tahsil, Village & of Town I dential hOuse 1I11i'fi~. fQ(r i· aft 7;. &'1 i· ~ No. Town/Ward Ward in Kms houses holds P. M· P. M. P. M. P. M. F. _------_._----- \ a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ------121 1Ii'I'!1i) 2,356.56 168 J 69 887 421 46' 420 46i 8 122 iI" .... u~')' 1.876.74 371 373 2.007 9361,071 21 27 884 1,013 . ~ 13 12:' Q;0l0lTl;-) 2.806.49 183 183 1,042 519 523 11 13 SOD 503 , '" 12 4 f«~«ee) 4.62~.SO 170 170 954 454 500 3 4 449 494 125 qpnitor, 926.72 157 ]57 881 425 456 420 453 126 'fii'qri:§, 1.599.66 129 129 6S5 300 355 13 1;2 287 343 2 1 2 7 iRt:rI!fT~ 2,688.10 258 263 1.328 663 6~5 4 4 4911 535 77 2! 128 f"f'lilfffl 1.208.25 124 125 588 276 312 209 243 14 3 1 29 qf'nn 977.79 58 317 167 150 3 s 154 145 1 3 0 ~',IR'~')' 588.03 69 69 353 175 178 165 162 2 131 tit-.nfep 2,645.92 210 210 1.109 550 559 537 SSt 43 21 132 :aqltq~ 884.91 26 26 138 73 65 73 6S 133 tirUIIT 575.79 62 62 309 155 154 149 1 so --13 1 134 q,,\,;:rr~T 1.110.34 62 62 298 138 160 J 38 160 9 135 ~~) 1.734.31 97 97 494 236 258 235 2S8 lJ 4 1 3 6 f~1'ITOlPIr 3,322.86 55 61 316 151 165 151 165 4 1 137 f1'lf"I!6"T 1.40~.81 68 68 383 182 2(11 .. 182 201 21 1 38 tTTlf.;,' 4.44S.70 293 296 1.471 731 740 1 729 740 21 12 1 39 ifTm'{t1'l 1.78 I. 19 86 86 422 :H6 206 214 206 10 1 140 ~~qG:r 1,547.70 93 100 536 26S 271 251 2S8 13 1 41 1frirt!.~t 528.53 39 39 200 104 96 102 93 1 1 42 1!i'Iwt~, 1.088.83 9t 91 449 3:'5 214 234 210 14 3 ftI~q;.eJ N.A. aftw:r 144 <1'~"'l!'T 1.252.90 88 88 ·517 247 210 247 270 145 a"''Ii''''~ 1,391.11 4S 45 250 121 129 118 128 146 ~qT~ N.A. ~R:r" 1~7 ....~f!t~T 356.48 28 28 179 83 96 83 96 148 qro;tTtfe~eT 673.94 34 34 229 113 116 112 116 2 149 1f"t<'A1't;:6"T I1rlffl')' 137.65 9 9 48 25 23 25 23 150 lIiWr«rqOlT 2,14'l.69 104 105 677 337 340 332 340 22 11 lSI iifq~) 986.89 40 40 230 109 121 109 121 1'2 ",_in: 265.31 8 8 S3 ,24 29 24 29 I I 53 q~i!iT') 3:!5.66 9 9 52 22 30 22 30 154 ~~ 2,173.30 74 74 367 179 188 179 188 1 15 5 l:iffil!1'IT~T 265.47 9 9 SO H 25 25 25 156 iI"~f~1'I1 242.31 14 14 86 39 47 .. 38 44 157 ~~ 1.459.69 73 73 413 217 196 216 196 9 158 a'T,{OlT,!9'T '"7.20 29 29 157 70 17 70 111 .. 1 59 6I'1T1;1J,;:'" 944.15 177 190 897 4Sg 439 105 87 . 193 127 142 46 1(1) f.'!lIi"~ 621.93 32 32 226 log 118 1"7 118 1 323


------_------"------.. ~ .f~ qlf('uf\. .... 4PI ~i) ~ wllf ;mil

(I-IX) I) V(a, III, IV , V (b), \(1, x VII,VIn & IX Total MaID Agricultural Household Other MatlPlIIII Worker. Cultivatol'l Labourers Industry Workers Workers Non-Worken ,..--A-,,_,_ r--..;.... -_ --.A.----... r---"'--~ r--";"'---.. ,..--..A.----.. ..) .... -.., Namero 'I. ~ S· ~ 'I. ~ ~ -- Tllhsll/Vin•• ~ ,. ,. M. F. '0M. F. M. P. M. p. M. P. M. .•F. ,. M -P. TOWD/Ward 16 17 18 19 20 2l 22 23 25 26 '1.7 28 J _------288 58 286 57 l 2 180 133 228 Bodko 620 498 578 476 20 18 9 4 13 147 3lS 426 Ballesatti 3S~ 352 345 341 8 If 6 1 159 17t Phu.fMgadi 320 17 309 87 7 4 3-1. 131 179 Sir.atU 300 326 295 324 5 2 2 125 J28 Pongabbeji 181 157 173 151 7 6 1 1 34 118 164 ICoyabekur 427 84 352 !J7 23 16 7 6 45 5 2 289 214 292 KerJapal 177 51 152 43 10 1 15 7 24 146 75 liS Chikpa.l 98 46 92 43 2 2 2 1 2 6 42 63 62 Pariya 109 55 102 54 4 2 1 49 66 14 Mundpalli 326 39 20S 18 120 21 1 2 '222 511 Samsatti 46 32 38 27 8 5 l 27 32 Upampalli 98 73 87 69 3 4 8 57 81 Misma 7S 45 70 32 5 13 .. 4 47 59 68 Piaabheji 16S 161 164 161 1 71 97 Alarnpalli 95 91 88 87 4 4 3 56 74 ChUmalala 130 118 120 108 10 10 52 83 Michiguda 482 444 465 428 15 16 2 249 296 Gogunda tI3 57 105 54 5 3 3 2 51 10J 98 Naaram 140 71 134 71 1 5 52 125 148 K.crlapenda 62 27 60 26 1 2 3 15 39 54 Ganglllawa 137 38 114 16 21 22 2 2 29 96 147 Kotapalli ·2 Uninhabited Timmapenta 136 136 145 111 125 Bagdegllda. 75 75 73 46 56 TokanpaJli .. Uninhabited Gattapal 56 21 56 21 27 75 Kanbaisuda 74 52 72 52 2 39 64 Parlagatta 13 15 13 IS 12 8 Porokooda Sawali 177 8 164 7 1 1 12 160 332 Kondasawali 45 S 44 5 2 5 44 58 12 Bainpalli­ 13 13 13 1) 16 Kodmer 11 2 11 2 6 11 22 Porokakadi 98 4 94 4 2 2 1 81 80 103 Gumodf 11 11 1 9 14 15 Poroguroodi 28 27 18 18 9 8 1 1 11 20 Badebirma 127, 92 109 79 17 13 .. 1 1 4 89 100 Durma 47 38 45 36 2 2 23 49 Tar)aguda 286 187 156 61 78 46 1 51 311 172 294 J'agargllnda 58 6 57 6 1 11 SO tal VikrampaJli 324

f1JIif'Pr .,~').. i Ifflf 1li1 F il;rnqr (;fIA ~)W Itq~J ••IIie 1Il~ uflllrvi ii '(sit ~ ~ iii' ii'''' l'mit iil'r~ 'lffffiQ' ~~ ,,111 or" TOlal. Population IIi1 IJ1i ti~, ( loclwting Institutional fiB. 1ft. if and houseless Scbeduled Scbeduled Area of No, of population)) Castes Tribes Number Literate Loca- village oacupied ,---.--A-----., ,--.-"--­ ,---A.._ lion Namo of in hectares resi· of Code Tahsil/ Villago . &: of Town' dential bouse ."fill ~. ,aft ~. M No. Town/Ward Ward in Kms bouses bolds P. M. P. M. P. M.I· ""p. ------_---_- \ 1 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

16( ~~, 2,148 71 74 74 481 248 233 22. 20' 6 162 1I~~T(q~'I'1:Ifil) 2.216.84 61 61 520 272 248 272 248 I 6 3 t'l:'t~rqcr')" 860. 32 28 28 242 119 123 119 123 164 ;a<:um;r 1,175.67 43 45 328 165 163 163 16] 29 165 fu~"" 1,674 91 58 58 391 200 191 199 191 9 166 i~~ 2,062.22 54 54 30S 150 ISS 150 155 1 161 ~ 1,772.85 78 78 481 228 253 227 253 168 'q"rlll~q(fqmlL~) 1,043.45 45 61 339 176 163 10 2 160 157 11 t 169 ~ilit{'ilT 1,487 84 49 49 :!73 134 13'} 133 139 1 170 fu;~n~q 769.75 24 24 oJ32 51 71 61 71 1 71 ~~I!f.qq t ,166.90 28 28 Hi6 78 88 78 88 172 'lora'" 3,899.03 70 70 .~84 204 180 11 7 191 173 17 3 ,",);rT,!~, 871.53 28 28 155 88 67 88 67 174 ~T"

... I51W nil' lOW Main Worbn _------_~ _-_. ----._-_----_. - pi' ~ _1111 tifir.-. 4If.. lllf(ii *_ .... ~ IIInI' m 1111(( ~ ;ni ri

(I--IX) II V(e) 1I1,lV •V (b), VI. x VII,VIn & IX TOlal MaID Agricultural Household Otber MarIlDa. Worker. Cultivators Labourers Industry Worker. Worker. Noo-Worlers --,...A...... -.. ,...--...JI,..._~ r--A.._--.., r--A ---.., r---...A..----.., r--..)..... -- r--.A.....__._ Name fa 'I. ~ S· ... 1· m 1. "" 1. fii'r 1· ,1ft 1· .. TabsiljViIlage M. P. M. P. M. P. M. p. M. P. M. P. M. P. TOVID/Ward 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 37 28

14. 69 147 69 1 100 164 Mandimarka 197 188 197 188 75 60 GoodpalJi(1\,fandimarka) 83 78 81 76 2 2 , . 36 45 ToIcwarti 98 ,9 90 96 4 3 4 9 67 55 Ursangal 133 132 129 128 3 4 1 67 ;,9 Silger 99 91 95 88 4 3 .. 4 51 60 Dedrc 133 124 128 118 4 6 1 9 9S 120 Kuaded 96 51 71 3S 3 1 22 15 3 33 77 79 Dh impuram(Misisuda) 83 76 18 72 4 4 1 51 6 J Durandarbhll H 32 33 32 28 39 Timmapuram 44 47 43 46 1 'J~ 41 Tekalgudiam 123 94 100 79 23 15 81 86 Puwarti 41 27 47 27 41 40 Jonaguda 33 17 30 (; 3 11 16 26 Tumalpad 58 29 41 21 4 4 13 4 4 34 52 Pentacbimli 61 4S 58 45 3 5 27 45 Singaram 50 32 40 26 10 6 17 28 22 Rajpenta 26 17 21 16 S 1 (; 14 11 Golagudiam 32 31 32 31 1 18 33 Achkat 43 18 43 17 1 IS 28 32 Chimli 149 104 107 15 32 85 3 2 1 2 S 85 124 Kamaram 2'1 168 283 160 5 7 3 1 17 53 214 339 NilampalJi 93 fi9 82 46 11 23 37 68 BanjepaJli 189 118 166 94 20 24 3 20 73 104 128 SurpaDguda 41 4 41 4 8 34 39 54 Kistaram Unlnha.bited Ramaral1l 100 43 93 41 4 2 2 1 1.8 64 101 IJakhapal 276 61 186 34 4S 21 45 6 9 179 "98 179 CbintaJnar 125 3 105 3 16 3 1 1 102 77 89 Katagllde 61 36 55 27 6 9 9 22 20 27 Pedabodkel 48 40 46 37 2 3 10 6 45 64 Chinabodkel 39 27 38 26 1 1 (; 10 34 19 Jabacalta 107 67 99 62 6 4 2 1 19 36 77 1 04 MorpaJJi Ho 7 104 4 4 1 22 2 1;03 90 9f Mukram H 1 51; ] 3 1 1;4 55 38 63 Toolpalli 41 29 41; 29 9 l,S 36 34Bhimapuram(Karkangada ) l87 45 145 15 21 21 10 8 4 1 127 261 Tadmat.la 94 33 55 4 3 6 36 23 54 129 Bllrkapal 102 1 98 2 1 2 .. 82 48 74 Pdswada 240 1;9 167 (; 1 10 57 :( 67 163 217 Kankerlanka 326

~II s~1wi Iffll iii. Irt.l. pi' ....flI(r (11''" q 1IIl~ 'qIf'(J ••IIi" an.nrl" ill'tl ';{"I'II1'I ij ~fiil' iPIiR ~ iii' ;fIll ~if q.-r;i'f u~ ';;Jifflilll 8~ ""~I~ "') Total. PopulatioD 18'lirif (Including Villi' Institutional fi&.~. it and houseleSI Soheduled Scheduled Area of No, of populationl) Castes Tribes Number Literate Loca- village oGCupied ,----_A---'__ """ r---...A---. ,--...A.._ tion Name of in hectares resi· of Code Tahsil! Village &ofTownl dential house Iqr~ 1. ~~ 1· ~ S· m No. Town/Ward Ward in KIn. bouses boJds P. M. F. M. F. M. p. 3 4 5 (; 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

201 ~WIl" 1,137.19 59 59 326 167 159 7 9 160 l.50 J 202 ~'Ii' 2,079.75 93 108 535 279 256 240 217 6 4 203 fq;m 2,199.62 66 66 3'16 190 206 189 206 1 204 ~T~~T N.A. 36 36 154 72 82 1 1 71 81 205 \i, 40.54 121 121 633 337 296 307 271 3 206 lfrh:ittf? 1,838.84 121 J 21 663 338 325 328 320 4 1 207 lfJifJ~.. 1.072.74 71 71 455. 219 236 217 234 2 1 208 foqlfi~T 70 32 11 11 48 29 t 9 29 19 2 209 e-~r" 1,'35.03 86 93 45J 219 234 6 6 209 227 2 210 'l'T~"\' 1,854.82 70 70 364 184 180 179 '178 1 211 ~'(~") 1,579.69 71 71 378 184 194 177 188 J 1 212 ~~qrT 1,581. 48 126 132 649 317 332 1 1 298 314 8 8 213 ~rn:t 1,405.65 147 190 915 469 446 7 9 418' 395 7S 91; 214 ~IIJ.~' 176.16 23 23 99 45 54 .. 43 50 215~ 1,0.27.27 98 119 595 301 294 4 4 266 264 9 S 216 m~lJ.;:tT 350.73 151 153 830 396 434 325 360 25 1 217~~ 3,224.73 224 227 1,?-32 598 634 29 26 .s52 591 31 11 218 ~l{T~~ 410 06 62 62 198 154 144 154 144 1 219 ~wqcn.m 1,682.42 117 117 562 268 294 3 2 249 275 5 2 220 ,"'lll!1T... r 1,239.39 141 ] 41 . 776 3as 391 283 390 14 2 221 lU'{;:rmw 382.73 158 188 627 319 308 37 44 68 66 14 8 46 222 ~ 1,334.79 93 111 504 262 242 17 16 218 200 29 8 223 ifl'cnfr (mll'!'" ) 3,13~. 26 125 125 917 434 483 433 483 11 224 Ifi~~ 982 70 55 55 329 163 166 2 2 161 164 2 1 225 ilm 1,832 02 83 83 542 258 284 258 284 226 an~~e~T ( an~'l" ) 3,544.80 2(3 251 1,234 620 614 2 566 J82 7f) 15 227 .:mt'~T 1,62 1.27 76 76 388 197 191 .73 171 15 1 228 ~lIi'trcr 1,645.45 81 81 434 216 218 216 218 3 2 229 "l;i'l 2,844.25 195 195 1,073 541 532 7 5 452 459 22 2 230 ~~'l'l... lr 1,646.40 92 97 571 278 293 7 11 226 281 5 1 231 ~,r 2,852.69 142 ~55 710 381 329 360 314 14 2 232 'l1T~ 3,628.68 243 294 1,44 2 711 73[ 22 23 619 653 72 16 233 firoIIT 1,252.95 50 62 303 146 15"1 143 156 15 .3 '234 C(~t.m: 5,433.99 363 370 1,779 888 891 8 8 844 850 36 7 235 f....-..a-J1!,'l'ir 377.51 43 43 250 120 130 120 130 3 236 mif'fTf 147.13 22 22 116 61 55 '1 55 2 3 7 ;ftt;rTll'~ 111.99 23 24 113 56 57 55 57 2 238 lfiJ1P:~q-T' 231.02 cr't'tTif .. 239 mli'T 1.163.85 56 72 360 177 183 166 169 8 I 240 amrl~"'T 1,026.51 65 65 284 139 145 137 144 3 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACl Ronts Tahsil ------~ 1liJq" 'nil'.mt MaiD Worken .---- -_ ------..A------" __ vrM~ .f8~ qlf('uf<. .11 ~ m IPItt mar 'f'N

(1- IX) II V(a) Ill. IV • V (b), VI, x . VII.VII} & IX Total MaID Agricultural Household Other Marilin_a Worken Noo-WOI'kcn Workers Cultlvaton Labourers Industry ,--_..A.Worker.__ --., ,.--..A.-_ _ -_.J'--., _, _- -"-----.. _-J\..._~ r--.A.. ---, ,-----".._---., Name fo 'I. m 1. m ,. m ,. fir I. ,it ,. Tahsii{vi'lage 1· - M. ..P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. Town./W" 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 zs 26 Z7 28

1"9 106- 2 1 JOO 58 59 Godelguda 165 SO 125 31 17· g 1 22 11 19 105 95 101 Cbinlagupha 110 6 HIS 5 4 1 1 109 80 91 Minpa 46 46 46 46 26 36 Regrayguda 212 196 14 2 ]77 125 It 9 Duled 212 191 208 191 4 126 1] 4 lCorrapad ·139 5 138 5 1 119 80 ] 22 Palamadgll ,22 20 2 12 7 7 Chikpalli 135 112 90 49 37 60 8 3 84 112 Tcmalpada t03 67 100 67 2 81 1 1 3 GondpalJi 99 94 97 94 2 85 100 Bardelpad(Tongguda) 167 87 158 79 7 6 2 2 8 81 142 164 PunpalJi 246 64 lSI 3 32 25 .. 63 36 10 223 37 2 Dubbatota 34 27 33 15 1 12 11 27 Pedaguda 207 73 130, 57 22 16 5 94 22 1 DewarpaJli 231 100 220 95 4 7 5 1 165 .3j 3 Gorgunda 360 76 32t 6$ 15 13 9 11 1 203 2.J8 3j 5 P.Jlampal.i 95 64 93 53 1 11 1 5!J 80 Kamapodaguda 165 75 148 73 3 1, 11 1 3 I 103 218 Arlampalli 278 162 266 155 10 6- 1 1 1 30 106 99 Nagll.lgllnda 207 13 33 ;. 7 11 156 9 3 112 292 Dornapal 212 96 177 95 1 1 33 1 91 50 5S Penta 304 230 298 225 5 5 123 130 130 Medwahi (Tongguda) 87 1 t 0 83 109 3 76 S6 Kotaigll(fa 170 172 169 172 88 112 Tetrai 458 i57 381 119 1 5 72 37 247 162 210 Argutta (Bodiguda) 109 23 101 21 4 1 4 1 83 168 Pujakurti 114 21, 107 19 6- 2 1 :1 102 195 Manikonta 344 145 256 117 63 28 6 19 197 387 Bheji 203 99 179 90 16 .3 8 6 .. 7S 194 Regadgatta 286 120 271 119 14 1 1 9S 208 Maraiguda 447 248 347 177 33 27 15 52 44 5 103 259 380 Gaganpalli 92 11 82 1 2 8 10 S4 146 Birla 590 95 473 33 88 61 3 1 6 274 292 522 Errabore 6-5 6- 62 3 3 1 12 70 43 S4 Chintagupba 33 11 29 9 2 2 2 6 24 22 20 Gomapad 34 13 30 8 2 5 2 19 22 2S Nilamadgll Uninhabited Kamrajpad 122 103 n 56 12 21 S 2 Ii 17 1 S5 80 Gorkha 85 54 82 17 2 37 1 4 54 87 Asirguda 328

",r-fhr ft{UI" J I[flr llil an." fil liIila.r (1i'1!fl rjR VPr,~1 " " IItTlfJa'N 1Il~ .f'f'''' it "{iii'! ~ 'ITi 161 ifl~ ... 1I'~;ff .I~ ilJfffirii u~cr ~nif "~,G(r8 161 rotlil. Population ti~r (Including iii' lI!''' Institutional ,. . 1ft. iI and houselesl Scheduled Scheduled Area of No,of populationl) Castes Tribes Number Literate Laca- village occupied ,-----.A.-----__ ;-o--..J'--_ ,--..A._ tioo Name of in hectares resi­ of ,. M Code Tahsil/Village & of Town' dential bouse I"ftll S. ~Gft 1· ~ No. Towo/ward Ward in Kms bousel bolds p. M- P. M. P. M. p. _------_------1 :I 3 4 6 1 8 9 10 II 12 J3 14 ------241 ~~I'P.' 672.97 19 19 83 40 43 40 43 242 i\iR1f 485.57 67 67 105 15' 147 142 135 9 4 86 243 "4l'U 1,909.54 86 431 222 299 221 209 1 244 1:!;i"fI'e!f 6~0 26 24 24 140 73 67 73 67 245 "aNieI(~'IlT~r) :i. ,013 76 31 31 139 67 72 67 72 246 qitlflfim,,1 238 61 7 35 139 72 67 42 41 8 24 7 1i"'f~,), 837.65 67 67 354 170 184 170 184 248 ."'1:11' 552.45 43 4J 184 9·1- 90 93 90 1 249 -m:t'P.t 917.17 51 '1 239 111 128 111 128 .. 250 .r~~ 590.40 !l6 36 145 81 64 81 64 251 ~(6T 512.68 2S 25 116 63 S3 56 48 9 3 252 ,;a1!~T 495.08 25 25 131 67 64 67 64 8 I 253 t-':lI't 709.10 31 31 122 68 S4 68 54 as 4 tTtt'{JGrIfT ~ N.A. IffiTif 255 ;;fhr"mim N.A. ;ft-u;r 256 ~~T(~l~) N.A. IiIT1:Tif 257 1fi~~"T 251.78 31 31 137 72 66 70 66 1 258 ~QI'IIi'HI1fI' 442.50 41 41 132 79 53 79 S3 259 if~~ N.A. in:Tif 260 liu 1,773.41 59 78 331 170 1(; I 2 2 152 139 10 2 261 '1C:~1!~ 570.34 38 38 178 91 87 89 85 262 1i1r~~ 186.40 16 16 73 39 34 9 8 263 q;;e(T'tCt 1,365.05 120 120 594 277 317 273 308 10 2 2 64 't;;iIT~ifiT N.A. aftc:t~ 265 ~II' 60.26 71 71 304 1S4 1 SO 54 46 30 34 41 10 266 1Ii)~~eJa''1' 529.69 445 490 2,1301,1121,018 40 40 1_34 130 682 411 267 "")~ N.A. 84 84 363 173 190 3 1 122 46 26 268 ~;J;:fIl1[.t 435.63 44 47 221 112 109 112" 109 2 269 i1)~JlI'IJ.'1 N.A. Wif 270 f'fo:fTifiTZr 240.·32 33 33 135 62 73 62 73 271 ,,~ 1,239.00 19S 200 960 478 482 2 1 425 441 81 39 272 ~lf(iII'_IIT.) 205.22 52 52 324 159 165 157 164 273 l!i)m;r~ (cr.VI ) 513.54 54 54 314 158 156 3 3 15S 153 5 274 ~,(iII' "T.) 307.56 52 52 227 108 119 t08 119 1 1 275 r.r~~~ (

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTIlACI' Koota Tahsil -----.- 'l'" ~"r m Iff. MaiD ~orten ,_------.J------

(I-IX) II V(a, Ill. IV •V (b). VI. x VII,VIII &: IX Total MaiD Agricultural Household Olber MarliDal Worters Cultivaton Labourers Industry Workers Worken Non-Worken ---_,._____, ,..--.)1.._ ...... r--A.----.. ~..__--. ,----.A---~ r--..A.-_ --.).... ---.. Namefo I. m s. ~ S. m s. f\ft I. m S. ,. t. .. Tahsil/Village M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. Town/W_ 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 28 J

27 23 22 7 S 16 13 20 Irpagada 126 104 119 100 7 3 4 29 43 lojaram 172 156 170 155 2 1 2 SO 51 Lendra 56 53 56 53 17 14 Ategatta 55 51 34 31 21 20 1 I~ 20 Rajpenta(Darbhaguda) S5 41 21 12 2 5 .. 32 24 2 17 24 PedokisoJi 104 111 9S 100 9 11 66 73 Mulakisoli 56 36 S5 34 2 I I IS 37 39 Jag3ram 80 63 79 55 1 8 1'8 31 41 Metaguda 43 32 43 32 8 13 30 19 Banjall'lguda 36 29 7 27 53 Mehta 39 39 .. 1 28 63 Pusguda 46 44 2 22 54 Durma Uninhabited Gangarajpad

Uninhabited .. 00 Bolangtollg Uninhabited Kanhaiguda( Nehneta) 41 2 39 1 2 1 3 30 61 Kanhaiguda 57 56 1 - 22 53 N~lkatong Uninhabited Venkatapal 114 18 74 5 12 3 28 10 65 56 78 Banda 67 14 S 1 6 9 2 1 6 6 37 24 36 Murliguda , 21 1 4 3 2 1 19 12 10 Mangalguda 27 • 194 223 149 167 30 47 6 9 .. 83 94 Plundiguda Uuinhabite~ Dubbamarka 81 32 2 1 1 1 2 76 30 20 34 53 84 VenkataPlJra 11 636 124 32 3 1 27 7 577 113 23 38 453 856 Konla Town 107 71 34 35 9 14 2 62 22 6 14 60 lOS Kontagaon 7S 57 59 44 4 10 12 3 5 15 32 37 Suonamguda Uninhabited BOjraiguda

~4 41 45 39 2 7 2 7 8 2S Chintakonla 294 229 143 50 15 19 1 135 169 33 87 151 166 Dhondhara 91 14 74 7 3 t 1 13 6 20 9S 4g 56 Udaltarai (P. V . ) 117 104 78 63 39 40 1 41 S2 Kosabaodar(F. V. ) 69 20 69 4 16 39 99 Sakler (F. V. ) 70 3S 70 20 15 .. 49 1& Nimalguda(P.V. ) 76 20 70 18 2 11 4 3 38 65 Potakpa1iCF. V.) 7 3 7 3 2 1 Scnnamponta( p.V ) 201 130 146 123 1 54 7 2 94 162 Kistaram (F. V • ) 73 8 73 1 7 31 57 .5 Buruglanka(F. V. ) ~3 30 52 30 1 40 78 Palachalma(F. V. ) 33'0

f'l'I;ftq !t(6[Qti Iff" iii' .,"" '1'" iJifnqT (;f1i[~ ~ 1'11l'i'lIf{.J ilftlq;8 ''''lnrT'' iIIl:c uf'mr, ii ~gil IYMR: 'ITi 'I" "T~ ft!"{ it" q;w;r;:if IfJ~ ';;qfmlii u~ II'II~, erR iii) TOfal. PopulatioD ( 'ncluding 161 "ri ri~' Institutional flli.lh.ll and houseless Scheduled Scheduled Area of NOt of populationl) Castes Tribes occupied Number Literate LOca- village r-----A ------, ,----"--- tion Name of in hectares resi­ of r--"-- ",raJ ~. Code l"ahsiliVilIage & of Town I dential house ~. fiifi fIl(T 11;. fiQ No. ~ Town/Ward Ward in Klns houses holds p. M· F. M. F. M. P

1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 J3 14

281 IWiTwrof(iII.VT.) 165.91 24 24 120 67 S3 67 53 282 *'

296 !ftOJ~T (if .lI"T. ) 189-.39 2. 2 l.l 7 5 ~. 7 5 297 't1""I1Ifl''''T (cr '. Vr. ) N. A . q'h::TWf 298 ~TIJiRtJ.~ (iI'.VT.) 216.51 7 7 52 28 24 28 24 299 i(1!Ii~1T,_ ('!f.I'I.> 1'78.06 14 14 71 35 36 3S 36 300 1li1t!.~ (iI' VI.) 243.ll 15 IS 102 S4 48 54 48 2 301 't~,,~ (iI'.lI"I.) 341.96 4 4 31 IS 16 .. 15 16 302 ~«IfGq;r (if.{fl ) 248.07 3 3 10 5 5 5 5 303 tT)~~m (iI'.~T.) 254. S4 45 51 219 . 108 111 2 2 6t 74 51 15 304 lI'Tlft~~ ('Jf. VT. ) 184.54 35 35 218 113 105 113 lOS 8 305 tTiTr~~ (cr Ill.) 3 S4 • 10 24 24 122 59 63 58 61 5 1 306 ft;ttr .. q~ (cr.VT.) 464.17 9 9 53 24 29 24 29 307 ~" (cr.VT.) 526.09 52 52 324 153 171 150 169 4 308 lI')!'I"OJIJ~~ (if. VI. ) 281. 86 8 8 50 27 23 21 23 . 309 ;t~nrarT~') ('LilT,) 303.71 15 15 83 41 42 41 42 1 3 10 ;rim (cr.aT.) 2S3.98 8 8 39 20 19 20 19 31) f~~q- (cr. u. ) 215.49 38 38 195 95 100 3 1 81 95 6 312 "'e~,!6T (l{.1FT. ) 404.68 25 25 146 77 '9 60 57 1 ~13 1!Ii'-&~'T (if.Ilf.) N.A. llI"J"lf 314 ~ Cl{.VI.) 288.24 91 91 4'7 256 241 256 241 31 5 1f'!f:;IJ~T (cr VT.) 254.95 98 98 521 273 248 273 248 2 516 ~ff~1J {l{ ~r.) 277.21 29 29 152 76 76 76 76 317 ~m,!'tq (if qT ) 312.42 22 22 133 n 71 62 71 318 "'CfHt'Cf (l!f .Wl. ) 84.18 61 . 79 411 203 208 1 2 160 166 11 2 319 ~~glf (~VT.) 146.43 102 102 532 261 271 4 7 255 261 26 3 320 ~iil'Tlf1l";:er (iT ,1I'f. ) 126.37 50 66 347 173 174 1 160 168 , 1 331


'P'I1IiN l5'tir ri Maio Worken ___ -----___ -- ---.J'------p ~ IAIfJIIin .fir~ '11 r(l"rw 11'. IIiI1I m "'11' m ~ 'I'Iihr em) -mY

(I-IX) I ' II V(a) III. IV ,V (b), VI, x VII.VIn & IX Total MaID Agricultural Household Other Mar.loal Workers Cultivators Labourers lodustry Workers Workers Non·Workers -- --"------. ,---.A._...... r--.-A..--~ ,---..J'----., ,--.A.----., ,.--.A.---.. ,---"--- Namcro s. ~ t· ~ 1· ~ I· ~ i· ~ i. ttit t· .. TaluiljVilJaae M. F. M. F. M. F. M. P. M. F. M. P. M. p. TOWD/Wani 16 17 18 19 '1.0 21 22 23 24 25 26 1.7 28 J ------33 6 33 6 34 41 Kasaram(F.V.> 22 16 9 7 13 9 21 25 Maogalguda{F. V.) 28 20 21 S 7 15 17 3 1 Elkanpda( F. V • ) 66 SO 37 21 16 29 13 1 52 54 Seodurguda(P·V.) 89 3 67 3 21 1 41 37 43 Kluigundam(P. V.) 94 64 28 89 71 78 Eotapad(P. V.) 42 4 42 3 24 32 70 Pentapad (P.V.) 44 36 8 46 42 45 TumaJpad (P. V.) 9 9 9 9 6 7 Dharmapeota(F. V.) 74 58 74 58 44 4$ Alrnagunda (F. V.) 19 19 9 22 Amapenta(F. V.,) 33 3 29 4 '1. .. 21 45 K.9rajguda(GoJapaUi) 13 3 10 1 2 2 1 14 21 Tigaopalli (P. V .) 18 2 10 1 5 3 1 1 11 27 TarIaguda(F. V.) 16 12 2 '1. 1 11 22 Raiguda( F • V . ) 4 3 1 3 5 Polampalli (F. V. ) ,. Uninhabited RedJapalJi (P·V.) 14 1 13 t 11 14 12 Somalgada(F.V.) 23 1 19 4 15 12 20 Baokamadgu(F. V.) 38 37 1 21 16 26 Kotur (F _V. ) 8 '1. 8 2 4 7 10 Regadgatta(F.V.) 4 4 2 4 2 1 1 PusglIpha(F.V.) 80 29 12 1 2 66 28 28 65 Golapalli (F. V. ) 72 19 51 4 5 3 15 12 10 41 76 Mamirguda(F. V . ) 39 21 6 12 19 20 44 Gongol( F. V. ) IS 2 15 2 '1. 9 7 18 LinganpaJli (F V.) 96 21 82 26 10 1 4 7 67 50 77 Maraiguda (F. V. ) 14 3 S 9 2 I 1 13 19 MosaImadgu (F.V.' 22 9 12 '1. 9 1 7 2 It 31 Banjalwclhi(F.V.) 12 5 10 4 2 1 8 14 Jabeli (P.V.) 60 g 23 2 30 .'. 7 2 2 35 90 Siogaram{F. V.) 43 11 2S 4 16 1" 2 6 34 53 Bhattiguda(F. V.) Uninhabited Kanhaiguda(F. V.) 153 146 IS3 146 103 59 Melasur(F. V.) 160 149 157 149 1 .. 113 99 Gachanpalli(F. V.) 50 52 47 48 3 4 26 24 Daoteshpllrm(F. V. ) 29 7 29 7 33 64 Narsapuram(F. V . ,t 131 130 101 99 3 2 27 29 s 72 73 Ramaram(F.V.) U9 16' 163 164 3 '1. J 92 lOS Karignndam(F.V.) 114 123 80 94 9 12 3 22 17 59 51 Dubbakonta(F. V.) 332

_li!l 8t"'" 'fOlffJ'Ufif r ~l st~ ",'(til -_------~------. ---

tqliftQ 8..-1,,; If'" ., 1111(" .r~orr~l Iiii' \l(iRRIfr (if.... i11i1~'n' 8Ifif.la 611f1'l .)W all,OI''l''tJ .iI'Ii" lIITanvlq llit aM' Ii){ 6~'m" if '{ijit '111ft! Ir.!'IRM ~ m iii' on" ~if II'IIiRf .,;;,. 'lIfffilfl uf(6 If'R,orrt ... TOldl. PopulatioD 'I"1I1i 8liQI (Iocluding Institutional r..wt I and houaclesl Scheduled Scbeduled Area 01 -No,of populationl) Castes Number Tribes Literate Loca- village occ::upied r-----A -----.. ,,----..J""-_ ,---.;1---.. lion Name of In hectares resi- of .-...A..._ {tfi EW') Code Tabsill Vill~ &t of Town' deotiat house ."rftl !J. ,.1 ~. ~ ~. i· No. Town/War Ward in Kms houses holds p. M· F. M. F. M. F. M. F. -_--_------_-_ ------, 3 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 J3 14 ------'21 ~~ (11' ••'.) 149.74 56 S6 359 18j 174 3 3 182 171 322 tI

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Konta Tahaii ------.. "'"' n~ .mt M.in Womefl ------..A------IV '1- Ilil'IRJIIm .fcr~ "'~ Ir;II' ""' m EftqfEfll IliPf if IRIt ~I ~~ ~ ~ ;mi l5Pket vrq/iPR/ifli ml IIif ;mr (I-IX) II V(a, m,IV ,V hb). VI. -X VII,VI & IX Torat MaIo Agricultural Housohold Other MarllDal Worker. Cultivator. Labourers IndUstry Workers Worken MOD·Wodlen --.A.--...... ,..---"--""""'\ r---..J.-_--.. ~--.. r--..A---~ r--.A---.. ,-_.... ----.., Namefo 'I. m 'I. 'I. ~ 'I. "" 'I. ~ 'I. .wft ,. T.... iI/ViII • ., M. F. M. P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. P. M. ..p. "" TOVID/W'" IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2' 26 37 28 J ----- 103 115 84 94 18 21 1 82 59 Jagavaram(F . V • J 44 SS 37 50 6 5 1 31 28 Birabhatti (F. V • ) 60 61 57 61 2 39 SS llamlldgu (F. V . ) 158 B2 123 124 t 1 34 27 66 72 Pidmel (F. V.) ~6 50; S4 54 2 1 27 29 MosaJrnadgu. (F. V • ) 16 4 16 4 2 18 35- Bodumpal (F. V.) S9 61 S9 61 16 29 Tolnai (F. V. ) Uninhabited Ar1apenta(F.lV. ) 114 12] 69 79 42 41 1 1 2 5S 69 Rajamunda(F. V. ) 62 58 62 58 I 14 44 Tetemadgu( F. V. ) 143 117 142 lOS 7 102 121 Pamlur(F. V. ) 14 14 14 14 1 15 5 GODdiauda( F . V. ) 42 8 49 a .. 3 41 75 Nelwada(F. V.) 3'4


~ .''''''16 ~;rf(aril'r ~TtlW Urban Primary Census Abstract

. Total Scheduled Castel aDd Scbeduled Tribes POPlilatloll-Urbaa Blot),wise

_.---.--.. -~------f1IIohq ._. • • «4lm l1li" rrf1I qli RrJiIi at.. pntiMI IIOlPtJ tQftr .,tf'q ~fiI L.C.No Name 01 Town/ Ward and BllJek NlIiDber Total Poplllatioa Scheduled Castes Sobedllied TrJbea ------I 2 3 4 5 ------~------.-- 45/1 ~ (".w.) KaDker(UA) 15.085 871 24,16

(i) ~ (If qT ) Kanker (M) lZ993 8Z4 1,785

. 45}1/1 1{IR~~T Ifri Maburbandpara Ward 1.494 47 418 iWAi'lll. BlOCk No 864 40 243 ;qrrIJ !!Ii • BlOCk No. 2 630 7 175

45/1/2 1SA'ft' lIT. Jawahar Ward 1.375 143 347 ifrAi "Ii. Block No. 3 469 37 97 ''llll> 'III. Block No. 4 906 106 2'0

45{1/3 8IT1Il'TR:rcni Amapara Ward 9U 105 10, IWTIi'lll. Block No. S 459 86 69 ;~'III. Block No.6 464 19 31

4S}I/4 u~u~ Sheetlapara Ward 1,006 44 103 ~TII> "Ii. Block No. 7 S03 6 9 ~TIi 'lIi. BlOck No. S 503 38 94

45/ 1/5 ",,,"q~ m Mahadeo Mandir Ward ,14 7 g i~'III. Block No. 412 6 II<'rrl5 " • Block No.tO 302 1

"5/1/ 6 IfTmlfT1;J erri ~aDjhapara VVar4 I, )35 Zz &WIlli ~. Block No.l1 530 II ''filii ~. Block No. 12 605 II

Subhash Ward 810 45/1/7 """ llIi. Block No. 13 342 5 43 ~1Ii'IIJ. Block No.14 468 114 39

45/1/8 arRIJ.QJ'f


~ II'ftIffiJ'fi 3I'iflI'lififT m"ulll' Urban Primary Census Abstract

Total Scheduled Caste. and Scbedllied Tribe. Populatioa-Urbao BICKitwilO - _- _.. ------E'IrliR ~ Ii . .;rtA/~ ... IfIIf ~ qflti 'lAt. p~"'1 IIilPm ...... ~ L. C. No Nama of Town' Ward alld Block: Nlllllber Total PoplilatioD Scbeduled Ca.,. Scheduled Til_ ------,------..-.. 4 s ------45/1/9 qR'IT 'Ii1fr ~ni Mahatma Gandhi Ward 11,20 118 178 iWAi '!IIi. Block No.17 6:Z4 28 69 awl11i '!IIi. Block No. 18 496 90 t09

45/1,10 IlliItiTqjhlllT'U m Kankaleenpara Ward 1,346 103 349

~Iti 'iiIi. Block No. 19 656 58 160 -ifi"; 'Ii. Block No 20 690 45 189

45/1/11 ""~i~

45/1/12 ,T;;nqT~ !IIi Rajapara Ward 1,094 12 75 i~'!IIi. Block No.22 654 , 39 i't'I"tlli 'III. Block No 23 440 7 36

45/1 "IT't ~If ,f«Ghr Urban oot Growtb 2,on 47 7ill

Oi) ~ ~iiI' Kanker Kasba 1,882 45 5~

~6T''t' qn:T Bhandaripara '47 11 9' IWJlt; 'Ii. BloCk No. 24 404 21 ~'!IIi. Block No. 25 543 It 75

qur'{if;::q"I'(T Parwarbandpara 115 5%

i\lf)1I> '!Ii Block No.26 US 52

l(iit~qT~r Albelapara 484 17 2.23 .;;rrlti 'lfi. Block NO.27 484 17 223

lil"n:i'ifr~ Bardebhatha 336 17 US ~'Ii. Block No.28 336 17 195

( iii) ffJltT't'SfT?; Singal'bhat 210 2 135 imlli"li. Block NO,2' 210 2 135

------.-----~---- ... ------336


i11I'iR I'flPl","ilfi l1'iftr .... ifr trrtlw Urban Primary Census Ab.trac.

Total Scheduled CastCl and Scheduled Tribe. PopulatfoD-Urban Blcxkwise

------~------rool\'lr IAI • • ~l.ri IIi1 ;mr ~ lOfTiIi IAtIl f" na'1itrl 81'1t'lm ;;nfil 1IiI~ ~rfiI L.C.No Name 01 Townl Ward and Bloo" NlIllIber Tota I Popu Iatioo Scheduled Ca.te. Scheduled Tribes ------I :2 3 4 5

------_.- ---~------. 45(11 ~ (if.g. ) Jagdalpur(U.A. ) 63.631 5,441 7.691

~!'( (if.II'T.) (i) Jagdalpor (M) 5J,Z86 3',19 5.336

45/11}\ q~~ «,i Par.. eer Ward 1.189 512 264 -mifi 'lIi. Block No. 661 Sf 132 iirlifi 'lIi. Block No. 2 841 443 50 ~Tifi "'Ii. BlOCk No. 3 787 23 82

4J/II/2 fer\;llf emf Vijaya Ward 17,35 21 95 1R'1111i'Jtl Block No. 4 709 2 52 ~Iifi 'lIi. Block No 5 680 19 20 i<'TTifi'li. BlOCk No. 6 346 23

.. S 11113 '''"''''';:Jt illa- crri Subhashchandra Bose Ward 1,9'4' 18 115 ~1JIIi. Block No. 7 577 10 106 ;;t;(1'ti 'IIi. Block No. 8 795 8 ."'... 'JIi. Block No. 9 577 9

4SI1l/4 Bbairamdeo Ward 3,363 73 944 Block No.to 844 8 42 Block NO.l1 835 1 32 Block No.J2 1,684 64 870

44/U/S lIf'I'~rlJ.,r ,"i Pathragud" Ward 2,128 71 24, .

4'5/II/6 Bhag3tsiDgh Ward 2J.511 45 212 i<'TTiifi "Ii. Block No.16 898 18 97 !<'Ttll\' '3Ii. BJock NG.17 461 17 25 l<'TTiJi IJIIi • Block No.1 & 800 10 90

45111/7 8~~ lIT. lIIadar Ward 1.790 , 23 i<'Ttlli 'Ii. Block No .19 842 15 . 1«111\' 'JIi. Block No.20 948 9' 8 337


;y~~hf 51"''f'firc1r iil'it~Gf;'H ur~w Urban Primary Census Abstract

Total Scheduled Castes aDd Scbeduled Tribe. Popliia tloD-Urban Blex,kwise

- _.... --_ .. - ~------fW .if~_ ~~.IIi't••• ;:rlA,IIJi IIJI1 lI'flJ ~ IlIITIli 'lilt. iIIiltf";m ""'if lP!'If4lll ~ L.C.No. Name 0' Town/ Ward and Block Nllmber Total PoplJlatioD Scnedaled Calfa SohOclu,ed 'I'd_ ------_------_ ---....------5 I 2 3 4 ------2,547 328 543 45/11/8 ""~q' Iff" Lalbaa Ward iiJllIi SJi. Block No.21 418 19 218 'mlll'lfi. Blork No.22 728 264 IS4 fi'Illii 'lIi. Block No.23 688 34 94

~T.'lfi. Block No.24 713 11 17

59 45/11/9 .~T~q.T ;ni Kenwara01unda Ward 2.713 140 52 iWAi 'Ii. Block No.2S 921 17 3 11 ;"'~ '!Ii, Block No.26 961 831 220 16 '~TIIi 'lfi. Block No. 27

2,027 (; 57 4S/II!10 lHncRlf lfri Pratapdeo Ward 6 iallii lJ. BlOCk NO.lB 856 6 1 I

Maharani Wald 2,580 !)7 161 45/11/11 ~T'u;ft' lfTi 10,41 !J7 147 It=(TIIi ". Block No .31 14 iRl'flIi 'Ii. Block No. 32 730

.wTIIi $. Block No.33 809 2% UI 45(11112 ~fr;nT !fT. Indira Ward 2,025 72 IWlI6 ... Block Nll. 34 671 22 Block No. 35 773 34 ""Ai •. 22 iQfJlli ~. Black No. 36 '75

2,251 15 10'7 4S/II/l3 'U.('I'T m Ramaiya Ward 20 Block No.37 S6'7 iiJlIIi 'Ii . 34 7H 9 iWTIfi 'I!l. Block No. 38 929 6 SJ I~~ 'Ii. Blo!:k No.3') 2.245 l51 37. 45/11,114 .t=NRtIft 1(tW Dal pataagar Ward 114 Block No.40 60') 145 ~TiIfi'lli. 130 853 7 ~lJ. BlOCk No.41 783 134 ."[!;Ii 'lII. Block No.4.Z 338


~ .",fq!f, iif'iIIJUJrrr WTUW Urban Pr~mary C~nsull AIDstraer

'W .,.,q W'8 ~ ",.rw IIPI1RftI ~ ..,..... -~ IIilTIRA Total Scbeduled Castes aDd Schedliled Tribes Poplilation-Urbao Blottwhe

______a __ - .------______

~ • " • iflf"C/'ni 151 ;p1I q1i l\1li'16 'lAt. ar-tlftm lllfir If';~ ",",fir

L. C. No. Name 01 Townl Ward and Block MilIUMI' Total PoplllatioD Scbeduled ~te. ScheduJed TIt bee ------I 2 3 4 5

45/11/15 "tf ... rt')iI1;;rr~ "ri ItWaribazar Ward 2,010 4 '4 i\ll"TIIi 'lfi • Block No.43 564 14 ~1IIi'lfi. Block No.44 671 27

~1Ii'lfi. Block No.4' 775 4 .53

4'5/11/16 {~cru l1l'i' Danteshwari Ward 2,698 273 444

~1Ii!lli BlOCk: No.46 594 21 29 23 42 ."""Ii !IIi • Block No. 47 '59 i~1I!i "Ii. Block No. 48 1141 15 223 iWllli "IIi. Block No.49 7(14 214 150

45/11/17. mrftif1T~ crrw. Gandhinagar Ward 2,497 536 172 "fIlii "IIi. Block No.SO 1.031 163 54 'i~11IIi '!IIi •. Block No. 51 573 263 14 ~1Ii". Block No. 52 892 110 104

4~/f.1'18 iflfTCf11;, ""i Nayapara Ward 1,957 27 li8 i~ll1i' 'lfi. Block No 53 565 2 45 i<'IflIi 'lIi. Block No. 54 697 10 52 ~11fi "IIi. Block No.S5 695 IS 71

45/11/' () ~'"

'<,[I~ "Ii. Block No.56 691 64 90

1i\lI"T~ "IIi. Block No 57 941 67 US iI<=n1lli '!IIi Block No. 58 80S 89 264

~lfi"'III. Block No.59 466 75 128

Shant inagar Ward 2,147 60 51 45/11/20 wtftr;r~ "'. 1"\lI"1~ 'lIi. Block No. (;0 482 21 40 i\lI"TIfi '!Ifi. Block No.61 7)8 19 C5

~1IIi'lli. Block No.62 947 20 S

45/11/ 21 iIIlfTtt':c1 cni Nayamunda Ward 1.S09 573 ., r.;rrlfi '!Ifi. Block No.63 713 131 26

i,,"~ 'lIi. BJock No.64 606 109 26 ;a;mr iii. Block No.6S 569 Sli 4 ,,"Ili ,'Ii. Block No.66 621 277 33 339


~ 51"I~'fiAr i3I'iIq'lIfi'n 9'ni... Urban Primary Census Abstracf

Total Scbeduled Castes aDd Sob"dllled Tribe. Populalloo-UrbaD Blor;kwlso

f'I~. IIik. • . ;JlRj,ni !iii ;rur It'i RRlI IIItt.. L. C. No Name of Townl Ward anel Block Nlllnber Total PopulatioD

------.~------, 2 , 4 5 ------45/11/22 f~lq-r"(T if'. Kumharpar3 Ward 2.764 532 318

~t ... "Ii. Block No.6? 793 231 116 ron ... $. BJock No 68 865 39 86 10m; " • Block No 69 413 '2 80 IQITiIi 'Ii. Block No.70 633 210 36

45/11/ ~ .np-,t"4r "II Urban Ontgrowth lZ,'4, IS,ZZ Z,355 (ii) iP'cIAR' Hatkachora 3,810 627 971

.nlli "Ii. Block No. 83 471 71 123 i.ntIi 'Ii. Block No. 14 SOO 28 335 ;~ 'Ii. BlocIc No.U 748 11 14 ''''lIi iii. Block No.86 640 9 240 Ivnlli'lfi. Block NO·87 81s 288 78 ,,"iIi'lfi. Biock No. 88 636 220 181

(iii) q;~~ Frezerpur 3.740 39& 343

l«IlIi "Ii • Block No. 76 765 143 98

~"'$. Block No. 77 706 2'

~lIi"ll. Block No. 78 51" 192 3 18115 1JIi. Block No. 79 841 27 89 28 128 i~T"'''' . Block No. 80 909

(iv) Palchnaguda 91 5 3. ~" .mlli iii. Block No. 75 91 S 38

(v) 1Iii{t~,\ Kangoli 2,ltg 25. 351

Iq(llii 'Ii. Block No.71 1,232 216 326

'~'Ii. Block No. 72 881 42 25

(vi) s~~r Dharampura 1,578 14' .371

iWJlli 'iIfi. Block No.8I 833 32 249 IW1I5 'iIfi. Block No.82 745 117 129

(vi i) G(q'l('f~ ~r JagdaJpur Ieasba 631 27 183

i~Ij;'JIi. Block No.74 632 27 183 340


~ l'",fQifi iil'i'mariH U'T'tlW Urban PrImary Census. Abstract

Total Scbedulecl Castes and Schedlilod Tribe. Population-Urban Bloc;kwhe

- ---.... -~------~II' • iii • Jffl/If,i ~, IIR ~ 1<111''6 .... P IIRaA! 1II''l~ ..fit L.C.No. Name of Townl Ward and Block Nllmber Total PopulalioD SchedllJed CaSUI. ------..-_------2 3 4 5 ------.I ------._-- --- (viii) ~r~d'tcn\'l' Sarsipal 91 .WllIi "Ii. Block No. 173 91

------_--.------_ ------

45/111 ~ (il.;r.IfT.) Kiraodul (N.M.) 15,710 2.80Z

lf1ti"lR fw '{~ Koudenar Ring Road 61~ IWlIIi'lli. Block No. 1 612

~~ Banllali Camp 668 23

~'lIi • Block No.2 668 23

• ~'\' 1Il;qo Baosali Camp 461 6 18 Pl'IIfi "Ii. Block No.3 461 6 18

"t,,1 ~ Bangali Camp 586 210

iOlJ I1Ii ". Blpck No.4 586 210

;;fllTtIft ti'fq DanaeU Camp 500 5 177

~'Ifj'lli. BlOCk No.5 300 S 177

~1Ii1~ Railway Colony 895 1 33 Pl'fIIi' "Ii. Block No 6 895 1 33

~ 1IiT"~ Railway Colony 598 8

~"!!Ii. Block No. "1 598 8

~III'~ lhilway Colony 524 '5 75 &1IT.1III. Block No. 8 524 95 " ~q- u'\' 'IiT~ Type C. Colony 679 24 29 fin••• Block No.9 679 24 2' 11m ui 'IiT,,)ir) Type! C. Colony 614 12 iI'IrTiJ 'lJ. Block No.lo 654 12 341


~ trllllfl!Oii iilil~ari'l'J vRhr Urban Primary Census Abstract

IV -wf"q 'II'Tftr 'tIf ~ 1FPIIfit. ~-iI1Rhr iIiIPAR

Total Scbeduled Castes aad SCbodll,ed Tri.... PoptlJati_U..... Bl«kwlac

--_._- .. _------~..n •. iflA/ffri IJil ifJ1f qfi 1Wf. 'lAt. IW~ ~ .. IPlpnr .... L.e.No NalDO of Townl Ward and Block NlliDber TOlal PopufatiolJ SGbedulcd Can. Sclaedaled Tribea ------...... -. , 2 ;, 4 ! ------~~UIli1~ O<>ubal Story Colony 57. 23 ,. IWJII; ~. Brock No.] 1 "'4 23 70

,orO'l' ~it)~i 1Iil~;rT Doubal Story Colony 440' 5 573

....IiIi' ~. Block No .12 440 S 375

, .... ~R:"t IJI",Rl Doubal Story Colony 39"3 61

"",.. 'IIi. Block No.13 393 6S" 61

~1:~:rr~ Patthar Loding Plant 811 67 117

1"'1111 ~. Block No. 14 812 61 127

.llr~lJ1~r Bayarpara 762 11 101

1miii' ~. Block No.1 S 762 11 102

1f1~~1"-1 Bayarpara 750 39 .8e

~'!IIi. Block No 16 750 39 180

il'ff iZV: q-r~r .BUs Standpara 9'6 4:& 231 i;;rIlfi' iii. Block No. 17 966 42 231

"'iQl'l{m Schoolpara 497 18 51

;;;ry;r; ~. Block No.lS 497 16 52

I!'~n Town Ship 824 11 61 ivrrlfi' 'Ii . Block No.1' 824 11 61

- .r;rAm Thanllpara 822 61 143 ilIIllfi' '!IIi • Black NO.20 822 61 243

trPI'fClm tfR(TH Thanapara Guest House 767 29 233 ""1IIi iii. Block No.21 767 29 2.33

riarll'ur Elevan C 53. 52 163

IWflIi 'Ii. Block No. 22 ~38 51 163

it..ntrrit t;;rJ it Dokighat Plot SCiS 16 %59 eQI'TIIi '!fi • Block No.23 563 16 259 342


;:pritZl srPrf1Jif> ,",if_QJifT U'rullJ' Urban Pn mary Census AbstracT

Total !lehedulod Castn and Scheduled Tribe. Population-Urban Blcxkwlse

- ----.------~ ..------filii. m fi . 'f'f(/'ifR Ifi"T iffq ~ 10iJI'fi ~ ,~ ~".!.11 ili!tf.im _fir iiIf~tfW ~fiJ L.e.No Name or Town' Ward and Blook NUmber Toral PopulatloD Scneduled Casto. Sobedulocf Tribes ------_------1 2 3 4 S ------__..._------_------ffli.'r~q' Hiltop 825 14 151

i.'rlili • Block No. 24 825 14 1$0

---'------.---.. ------_-_.. _------

4S/IV 1f1t.11ri. (q. '" ) KoodagaoR (M) 17.279 1.683 4,180

45/IV/ 1 ~n:q,{l ifl. Kumbarpara Ward 1.0S2 115 2'6 IlII'rlli ~ _ Block No. t 668 78 135 ...,.1Ii "Ii • Block No. 2 384 37 111

4Sj1V/2 ar,arT;rWq lifT. Adwanchhep Ward 1.686 311 321 Qllli'!ll. Block No.' , 466 34 18 Unllli'li. Block No. 4 435 71 IS iqrrlli iii • Block No. S 362 20 193 ","'iii iii. Block No. 6 423 256 25

4S!JV/3 "'q

~"II- Block No. 7 3S8 23 8 i"n; "Ii. Block No 8 393 46 86 ~TIfi "Ii. Block l'1o. 9 697 96 177 ~,q;- !f;. Block No_ lO S44 32 l73

4'j/JV!" .''lfn:qr1:r ini 8azarpara Ward 1.454 138 384 Imlfi' "II. Block NO.II 558 9 117 ...,.iIi "Ii. Block No. D 527 88 191 iii"'lIi "Ii. Block No.13 369 41 6.

4~/IV/5 ~~~Tarri Tahsilpara Ward .,417 90 239 ;mq;- !IIi. Block No.14 492 69 100 ;Wft!; "Ii • Block No.IS 324 12 16 IWN !IIi. Block No.16 601 9 123 4S/IV/6 1I;~..m:III~ 'fri DandkaraDya Ward 1.411 II " .


iI1F61r .,,,fqiili 'lril.GJiI. "mill' Urban Primary Censlis AbatrllCl

Total Scbeduled Castes IIOd Sabedlalod Tribal Popllla.loa-Ur.... _.brile ------_.------f'lr;UJr 1IIil. " • iflA/.ri .. ifI~ ~ ""itO lII1rt. plliRiW IPltfQ ...... ,~ .... L.C.No NalDO 01 Townl Ward aDd Blook NlLIDber Total Population ScbcduJed ea. ... SoIIcduJed Tria. ------_"_ -_._-----"_ ------2 3 4 , - -_------~----- ._..------4S/IV/7 'Ilil'~ql{l't cni Bbelwapadar Ward 1.054 70 SSG

;~Tif; 'IIi. Block No .20 222 227

mifi~. Block No.21 358 46 72

~Tifi~ BloCk No. 22 469 24 ZBl

45/IV/8 q;R:~ 1Ji'T<:i'",') ,,"j Forest CoJony WareS 1.297 58 832 fil'flli 'IIi. Bloek No.23 641 52 159 IVRIfi' ... Block No.24 656 6 473

4S/IV/9 ~wm Hospital Ward 1,430 6!t 153

I8fII;' " • . Block No. 25 640 45 69 .WAf'lli, Block NO.26 410 22 18 iVI'fIIi 'IIi. Block No. 27 380 '2 66

4S/IV/IO m:~lfr~ 'fIi Sargipal Ward 1,814 36% 3ZZ ""iii' ~. Block No.28 385 66 8!J IfI1Ifi' ~. Block No.29 419 30 100 ~J'lII''Ifi. Block No.30 444 1.10 42

;~IIi''IIi. Block No. 31 566 1S6 91

4S /IV/ll If'tt'{ flU ,,"I Mararpara Ward 11,93 8 Z03

1I~'!If;. Block No. 32 312 32

1IIfII'.'!If;. Block: No.3 3 426 3 131 wwtlfi' 'IIi. Block No. 34 454 , 40

4S/IVJ12 ~'6cn'(l ~ Rojgadpara Ward 1.463 107 :107

1Wl'. '!If;. Bleck No.H 466 89 IIfRi ... Block No. 36 459 :n 76 Blcx:k No.3 7 538 76 42 """' ~. 344

.ftfinr ;nftr lin' srNfq GPrrrur;::r, wwm ._-----

~IIIJ f-irm I-q_{f", I litlrl IJ;;:~ P ~ffit i51'iffilTRI it ;;r;ulrfillll» ~r. fI'ff./'f'lf<' ~ Q"" ~, 1fQ'( ~ If(1t ~ qf'mu~ ~, Name of Total Districtl No. 01 Scheduled Trib.:s Population Location Tahsil! Total I household. r-- --A- ---. Code Town/Urban. RuraJ, with S. C. !IIffiRr ~ ~ No. AgglomeratloD Vrbao member. Persoos Males Pemalos 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 .------_------

45 ~~<;T 1I11f 22,045 101,176 50,445 50,731 vr~1Jf 19,895 92,209 45,931 46.278 rr~'h:r 1.150 8.967 4.514 4.453

1 1[fiJ.sr6Tq'~ ~~~\'f trTq 1.084 5.318 2,697 2,621 vt~1Jf 1,084 5,318 2 697 2,621 rrm')ti

2 ififti.. tli!~')~ If)tf 2,295 10,427 5,037 5,390 VnrTIJf 2,081 9,556 4,598 4,958 ;:r'lft\'!.J 208 871 439 431

III>fif,T ;:r.~. ;:r"l'<.i!.J 208 871 439 432 ( i) ififiti1: (" Iff.) i{tf1:I1;f 193 824 410 414 (ii) ~'( 'fim (irT.el.) ;:rtrUII' 14 45 28 17 ( iii) fu'lfn'fre ( ~ • III ._) iftrt'lll 1 2 1 I

3 ifl'(r~~ at~'T<; 1,235 6,074 2.989 3,085 ",r4)vr""" 1,235 6,074 2,989 3,015 if'RIII'

4 III>RT'rf;J 6~6lw If)V 2,854 13,599 6,861 6,738 ... Uli'vr 2,481 1.1,916 6,013 5,903 ifff,)lf 373 1,683 84B" 835


S ~tl{Ui<;r II11f 1,701 7,729 3,811 3,148 crnftvr 1,701 1,729 3,881 3,548 ~!.J 545

Primary Census Abstract of Scbeduled Castes

IlWl' IIIilIf nit lIN MaiD Worke" ~ ---- 9'f!jA p~~~~cmi ~ fftf~1 ;If1f(.hPR 8~ lliforT1l I-IX , Name 01 LI-..A-- ••are. _____ Total MaiD Workers Cultiyator' District/ r ,-----"---~ ,------" Tahsil, ~ J'" 111m ~ ~ 'IIIiiRf ~ M- Town/Urban PersOUl MalCi Females"" Persons Male. Females PersODS Male. Females Aalomeralioo 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2

14,089 U,013 3,076 44,415 30,882 13,533 20,862 15.633 5,219 BASTAR DISTRlcr ] ,738 9,391 1,347 41,056 28,482 13.574 20.654 15.464 5,190 2,351 1,622 729 3,351) 2,400 959 208 169 39

1,126 898 228 2,667 1,642 1,025 1,519 943 576 Bhanupratappqr Tahsil 1,126 898 228 2,661 J ,642 1,025 1,519 943 576

2.996 2,230 766 5,298 2,867 2,431 2,293 1,271 1,011 Kanker Tahsil 2,572 1,944 628 4,981 2,670 2,311 2,283 1,261 1,022 424 ~86 138 317 197 120 10 10

424 286 138 317 197 lza to 10 Kanker l U .A. ) 40Y' 269 134 298 183 115 7 7 (j) Kanker (M) 20 16 4 J8 13 5 3 3 ~ii) Kanker bsba (OG) 1 1 1 (iii) Sinaarbhat (00)

1,001 776 :Z25 2,680 1.858 822 1,472 1,087 385 Narayanpu[ Tabsil 1,001 776 225 2.680.. 1,851 822- 1.472 1,087 385

1,745 1,455 290 5,62' 4,093 1,530 l,U7 2,422 695 ICondagaoQ Tahs iI 1,376 1.191 185 5,OOS 3,639 1.366 3,011 2,341 671 369 264 lOS 618 454 164 99 75 24 369 264 105 618 454 164 99 " 24 Kondagaon (M) 1,399 1,108 291 3,319 2,289 1,100 2,044 1,470 574 Bijapur TahsiJ 1.399 1,108 291 3,389 2,289.. 1.100 2,044.. 1,470.- S74 346

aa- illfi:'f llil SrTlffirlI arlfllllJ;rt an'" ------~fIiII' ifl'M iIi~ ~ ~q f,;r~/~{lI litfr/ .~~~ cnronftlB ft'hr iIi)1' ;r1J' (;rf("( u'J.fl IIT~TGfJ (..-I" IIiT ;mt~. si'tir~. ;r~ fl ;rllT ;wfJ't}lr ~'"~) (J V

4S ~1:f"'lifl llY'" 14,325 8,050 6,215 1,264 990 :&74 Vl"')lIf 13,603 7,5'5 6,008 1,182 916 256 ~"'{\lI' 711 455 267 U 64 18

'"I!!:I'OTIf'!1: ~"r. ITl'I' 74' 310 37!1. 54 44 10 Vtil"lIf 749 370 379 54 44 10 ~l('1:Tl!' ..

2 iii1111'( tfilVTt:!' ITT'" J,733 727 1,006 122 7S 47 iTtIRlif 1,696 709 987 12Q 74 46 ;:r~ 37 18 19 2 1 t

1Iif1i~ (~." ) .,lrUlf 37 18 l' 2 1 1 (i) II'tIiit (;:r 1ft·) orISi'll!' 28 13 15 2 1 (ii) ~'t IRi(J (~.~.) if~lf 9 5 4 (i i i) Rf'll1:'lftli (ill. IS" • ) ~~

3 ,"'(rIfCIT~ ~"'I'" lI'nr 671 364 307 46 21 VT'I'tur 671 364 307 "67 46 21 iftrUlI'

4 p,nr. a~m-~ ~ 1,537 903 634 348 274 74 a'Pft'ar 1,360 786 S74 29S 232 6J ilflT'("Pt 171 117 60 53 42 11

llimrrt"l' (if. 'tT • ) "tnTlI' 177 117 60 53 42 11

S ~~~'" ti\Tr 919 446 473 161 145 16 vri)ur 919. 446 473 161 145 16 ilm:Ttr 347

Primary Census Abstract of Scheduled Castes

.~-----.. Maio WOlken ----...... l1'li IIiI1f 6'Pttft 'Ill'll if m IlI'N f.lrwr/~1 IIrol aml _ftr 1fIR/;rIf{ ~ III , IV, V(b} I III ""' VI. VII, VIII, It IX

OtboJ' WorkeR Marlinal Worken Non-Wc.ken Name or r . __'___-~ _----.A..---~ Diatrict/l'absU, • rliRr qfiIa ~" ~ r;fe ~ - Towa /UrbaD. PerIOD. Male.~ Females"'" Persona Males Females PersODS Males Femalea• Aalomerat ioD 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2

7,964 6,209 1.755 7.531 474 7 ,057 49.230 J9,039 30.J41 Badar District 5,617 4,497 1,120 7,381 435 6,946 43.772 17,014 Z6.758 2.347 1.712 635 150 39 111 5.,458 2,075 3,383

345 285 60 327 14 313 2.324 1.041 1,283 Bhuopratappur Tahsil 345 285 60 327 14 313 2,324 1.041 ] .283

1.150 794 356 381 47 334 4.74. 2,123 2,625 Kanker Tahsil 882 626 2.56 377 47 330 4,19. 1.881 2.317 268 168 100 4 4 550 242 308

268 168 tOO 4 4 SSO 242 308 Kanker (U. A. ) 261 162 99 3 3 523 227 296 (I) Kanker (M) 6 S I 1 I 26 15 I ( (ii) ICanker Kasba (00' 1 1 ... 1 (iii) Singarbhat (OO)

470 361 109 cUI 39 572 2,783 1,092 1,691 Narayanpuc Tahsil 410 361 109 ~Il 39 572 2.783 1.092 1,691

621 494 127 1.031 43 988 6.945 2.725 4.220 Kondagaon Tahsil 332 274 58 981 34 947 5,930 2.340 3,590 289 220 69 SO 9 41 1.015 38' 630

289 220 69 50 9 41 1.0lS 38S 630 KonclalaoD (M)

:l.65 2Z8 37 560 53 507 3,78Q 1.539 1,241 Bijapur Tahsil 26S 228 37 560 S3 507 3.780 1.539 2,241 '48

II§~""" iirTnr lIT IINfq :shI11'GI';rT 8'Rm

------.------~------_------_--_--- -_---

~ f.5rOilTjQ.mw/ r/tIr I crl!~ f" '!'!tlf.nol tr.n fI'IrT./;:pr .. ~ g~1 ;pfilllf8 i$ ~3ftfer ~ 161~ II1I'6v crft~"{l..n ar.rftq-T III~ P.lT Name ot Total Districtl No. of Scbeduled Trib.:s Population Location Tahsil! Total} bousebold. ,-- ...A- Cade Town/Urban- RUl'sl! with S. C. IIlfiftr ~ ~ No. Alslomerat;on Urban members PerllODl Malel Pemal.. - - -_-_-- I 2 3 4 , (j 7

6 if~1fm (fil:~1,," ~:hr 1,594 6,Zl ti3,3U 3,ll9 vrll'}vr 1,340 5,649 2,902 2,147 "IT~"I!T 254 972 490 482

fiI;"{;-'t<'l' (q.". qr • ) "1T1:Tll 254 972 490 482

7 ~~"{ tf~,,')a If)"- 10,387 47,586 2'3,101 23,884 vTlftar 9,072 42,(45 20,965 21.180 ~IT"()~ 1,315 ',441 2,137 2,704

\11'~~ (If. « . ) """ttl" J,3 ) 5 5,441 2,131 2,704 ( i) GTlfiil6T'J't (Of. Ifr • ) ~If 941 3,919 1,970 1,949 (ii) ~n~' (i('.~•. ) "rrit~ 1 /6 627 312 3l.5 (iii) qf~'t (an .lIf. ) iflft\1r 91 390 207 183 (iv) qlAr~'T (an ~' .. ) "1T ..IIf , 4 1 (v) ~ ("r.!!if·,) ;:rlftt!f 'l 258 113 145 (vi) 1R:1I1'U (an .sf' • ) iflf6iT 30 149 83 66 (vii) 'II!1T~ ~~ (.,.If).) il1{l:~ s 27 14 13 (viii) ({~ifr'tT\'f (iI(r.~".) OfIf~T If 19 66 34 32

'8) ., ai{~ ~ 895 3,822 1,88' 1,936 vrlftar 895 3,822 1,886 J ,936 IfIJ'@r 349

Primary Census Abstract of Scheduled Castes

'PI" 11111' m _ MaID Worken ~------.. 1IWlf ..... mIR ~ fftrJqtftwl 1f'R{irIR .~ IIIJSf ;n1I' I-IX Name 01 Literates Total Main Worken Cultivatort maarict/ -..A.---"",,"\ r----...A---~ _---' Tabsi" aqfiRr rszdiRr ~ ftfi WII" ~ ~ SW feft- Towa/Urb&1I PersOD. Mare! PemaJes PerIons Males Pemale! PersOD. Males Females AaJomcrarioa 8 , 10 II 12 13 14 15 Hi 2

l,t06 840 266 2.731 2.030 701 821 650 171 Dantewara Tahsil 870 671 199 2,403 1,780 623 811 650 171 236 16' 67 328 250 78

236 169 67 328 250 78 , . Kirandul (N. M.)

"'.2'Z 3,384 908 20,274 14,893 5,J81 9.0J'" 7,352 1,682 Jagdalput Tahsil 2,970 l,481- 48' 18. t 78 13,394 4,784 8,935 7,268 l,'S67 1,322 903 419 2.096 1,499 '97 99 84 IS

1,322 903 419 2,096 1.499 597 99 14 l' Jagdalpur (U.A.) 1,013 682 331 1,491 1.067 430 47 34 13 (i) Jagdllipur (M) 81 64 17 283 20S 18 17 17 (ii) Hatkachora (00) 81 63 18 t 24 106 18 ( iii) Frezcrpuc (00) (iv) Pakhanguda (OG) 1 3 2 1 '" 74- 42 32 126 62 64 12. 10 2 (v) KaDloli (OG) 6t 44 17 34 34 23 23 (vi) Dharampura (OG) 7 4 3 10 7 3 .. . (vii) Jagdalpur ICasbl(OO) 4 3 1- 19 16 3 ...... (viii) Sar.ipsl (OG)

424 322 102 1,753 1,210 543 562 438 124 Konta Tahsil 438 124 ~24 322 101' 1,753 1,213 543 562 350

anhB Infa IliI SlTtrlil. • ..."aprl 8T(m It.,ltil1I'mm

~r.it" rill~/6~<'I ritIr/ ------lifir(l n~ cnftqJmr ;nillr cit'! if~ I r(rn; u1J.il: vrlftar/ (In'" IIil ~Ill'r, si'tifn, II~ IlirrrJll' iflJUQ uf"iIf\rIr lIT II'(R«I' > (J V HoulChold Industry Aaricultural (Manufacturina. Processina, Name 01 Labourer. Servicill8 and Repair.) ,_-____,A. ____ ~ Locadon District/Twill Total, ~------Code ToWll/Urban- &rall IIfIiftf ~ ~r IIlfiRr ~ m No. AllllomeratioD Urban Per.ons Males FemalCls Penoo. Males Female. ------1 2 3 17 18 19 20 21 22

---- ~------_------_-_----

6 ;{tl

~~<'I' ((.r( .qT.) ;Jm::,q 4 3 3 3

. 7 Tf~l; 6~#j1\IT !flIT 7,320 4,380 2.949 330 276 54 «r!{tar 6,81' 4,063 2,753 306 258 48 .. ~rlf 504 317 187 24 18 6'

(i) ~ (.... ~.) 'T'f"{'\lf 504 317 187 24 18 6 (ii) III'~ (iT. CiT. ) iJlJm 226 158 68 21 16 5 (fIi) ~,~lti~, (ill • fi . ) ~'Pr 161 103 58 2 2 (iv) qi~ (.r.~'.) iTtrUlf 13 7 6 1 (v) If.... ~~ (ill .~-.) i'fIJ-{'tlf 3 2 (vi) 1Ii~1 (iIl,lSf.) ~ 83 3Z 51 (vii) ~T (iIT.'lSf.) i'f.ro1J 7 7 (viii) il'1J~ ~ (ill • Iff'" ,) iflJ'UiIf 7 4 3 ~IftqTqf (~.~"'.) if~' 4 4

8 "'lz' ~')\IT rmr 653 391 261 145 10:1 43 vT'ft'Gr 653 391 262 145 102 43 ~ 3-51

Primary Ceo.us Abstract of Scheduled Castes

MalaWolbn ------~ C[RI IIi11I ~ IliI1l if IIRil ..... IitQIJ/~J 1IIi'{;{ II1ll ~iiliat iPR./~ •• III. IV. V(b). IR ;mr VI VII. VIII, & IX " Other Workers M&rgiaal Workers Non-Wcwker. Name of ,--- .. r-. """----~ Diatrictfrab·U I Inw fir IIffiIa ili" r;f.a. m- TOWD /Urbaa- ~ ~ ~ Person. Malu Female. Person. Male. FernalOi Peraoal MaJes Female. Aaiomoraljoq

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2

1.130 883 247 454 32 422 3.436 1,330 2,106 Dantewara Tahsil 809 639 170 399 14 385 2.147 1.108 l,n9 321 244 77 SS 18 37 589 222 367

321 244 77 SS 18 37 S89 222 367 Xirandul (l'tt.M.)

3,5'0 2,885 705 3.865 218 3.647 23,447 8.591 14,856 JqdaJpur TaJujJ 2,121 1.805 316 3.824 206 3,618 20.143 7.365 12,778 1.469 1,0BO 389 41 12 29 3,304 1.226 2.078

1,469 1,080 389 41 lZ 29 3,304 1.226 2,078 JagdaJpur (U. A. ) 1.203 859 344 35 8 27 2,387 895 1,492 (i) JagdaJpur(M) 103 83 20 344 107 237 (ii) Hatkachora lOG) 110 99 11 266 101 165 (in) Prezarpur (00) 2 2 (iv) Pakbnaguda(OO) 31 20 II 132 51 81 (v) lCanaoli (00) 4 .A '115 49 66 (vi) Dbarampara (00) 3 :4 17 7 10 l Vii) JagdaJpur ICasba{OG) IS 12 3 6 4 2 41 14 27 (viII) Sar&ipal (OG)

1,119 393 279 ~ 114 302 21 274 1.767 648 Konta Tahsil 393 279 114 302 28 274 1,767 648 1.119 '52

.ftA'& liI'II:st1ft1 ~ SI1"Iflflli .II1I'IAt ~tn

,- - -- . ------. ---- f'fA'- fi8riiCf~WI riPr/ .,,~ fif"~f.iRr IJ). C'«/~ ~ fInfrvrJ Q(i('lTfu iti 1II;r.tfcr iii) =r1lR ~ ;rfI' ~ qmm~ ~ ~, Name of Total Dlatrict/ No. of Scheduled Tribes___,.__ PopuJatJOD LOcation Tahsil/ Totali household. r- Code Tovm/Urban- Ruralj with S. T. arfiRr ~ ~ No. Ag,lomeratlon Urbaa member. Penona Males Females

I 2 3 4 5 6 7

lflfl 229,072 1,:149,197 619,669 629,528 111,"0( 225.167 1.232,038 610,289 6'21. 749 IfqtTlI" 3,905 17,159 9,380 7,779

~ 11,590 66.Z02 32. .911 33.2.81 vpf\-ur 11 ,590 66,202 32,921 3.1,281 ~lf

1f")Jr 23.996 126,164 61.479 64,685 I11lftur 23.421 123,678 60.016 63.662 ~ 515 2.486 1,463 ] ,023

~'~'{ ( .... ij'. ) "'If~hl 57S 2,486 1.463 1,023 (i) ~,(;:r.CH ) ~")If 399 1,785 1,049 736 (ii) 1Ii1~~;n (iIl.IIT.) ~)1f 140 566 347 219 (ii!) fU'l'f'{"'a' (iIl.lS. } ;r~1f 36 135 67 68

~ 19,,96 111,687 5',435 55.252 .,.~ 19,896 111,687 56,435 55,252 ;r~

lOll 38.955 219,756 109,7.39 110.017 vAh, 38,035 215.576 107.622 107,9S,,- ~II" 920 4.180 2,117 2,062

.... T~1f 920 4,180 2,117 2.063

tittr 22,430 124,040 61.924 62.116 VI1JI" 22,430 124.040 61.924 62.116 ifQ,)If 353

Primary CeDRus Abstract of Scheduled Tribes

------. '!~ IIIi11I' m IIrir MaiD Work.. ,..------.A. {fran P 1!&r IRq ..mr cmi ~J't f?li1fTJ

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2

92.822 77.641 15,181 575,602385,B69 IB9.733 463.997 324,341 139,656 BASTAR D(STR}cr 17.429 .",.623 13,106 569,148 381,046 188,102 462,717 32!.33Z 139.385 5.393 ",Oil 1,375 6,454 .... 823 1,631 1,280 1.009 271

9,447 7,856 1,591 34.623 20,829 13.794 29,367 18,142 11.22S Bhanupratappar Tahsil 9,447 7,856 1,591 34,623 20,829 13,794 29,367 18,142 t 1,225

25, 'Z70 20,14. 5,122 69,889 37.325 32,564 50.074 28,097 21,977 K~nker Tahsil 23.947 19,129 4,818 69.039 36,739 32,300 49,915 27,990 21,925 1,323 1,019 304 850 586 264 159 107 52

1,323 1.01~ 304 850 586 264 159 107 52 Kanker (U .A.) 994 745 249 S72 414 158 60 48 12 (J) Kanker (M) 278 235 43 212 133 79 77 45 32 (ii) Kanker kasba(OG) 51 39 12 66 39 27 22 14 8 (iii) Singarbhal (00)

11.665 l,a.7 1.7'i8 49,514 35,001 14,573 43,503 31.279 12,ZZ4 Narayanpur Tahsil 10.665 1,887 1,778 49.574 3.5,001 14.573 43,S03 31,279 12.224

16,543 14,5:Z0 2,02,3 93,820 66,368 27.452 80.738 59,131 Zl,607 lCondagaon Tahsil 15.753 13.942 J ,all 92.217 65,183 27,034 80.018 58.589 21,429 790 578 212 1,603 1.185 418 720 542 178

790 578 212 1,603 1,185 418 720 S42 178 ICondagaon (M)

6.0,. 5.258 816 59,631 39,418 20. ZIg 47,054 32,750 14.304 Bijapur Tahsil 6.066 5,250 816 S9.637 39.418 20.219 47.054 32.750 14.304 3~4

Gn .... ft Inl1irfrr "'t sn,,_ .IIQVl1Q ~

J!.,q 'liP!' lfi~ ~~ ------_ .. -_-.. -_ - .. _------_ '!''lmrll f'll'''fr/

4S ifHI"( fQT ~ 89,4CiO 44,068 4S,3!U 2.566 1,158 1'08 trmfvr 18,037 43,2:U 44,814 2.532 1.1'ZI 804 il'mfq 1.423 845 578 34 30 4

1f1~SIl'rrq~ i'f&"r"l' II't1r 3,906 1.716 2,190 141 73 68 VTII')or 3,9,06 J , 7J 6 2,190 141 73 Ci8 ~

2 ;fitih fr(m;;r rmr 16.447 6,673 9,774 4'4 281 213 !1r,.fiur 16,209 6,552 9,657 494 281 213 ~~ 238 121 117

ifi~~ ('I'.{f.) ;r'f~'TIf 238 121 117 (i )!fitllh (l'f.IfT.) ifm:'P-r 139 74 6S (ii) llit~~ lfil'iIl (~. 8!' . ) orlf"61r 75 36 39 (iii) mlfT~'IITZ(~.e:r" ) ;r;ra~ 24 11 13

3 ,"~I1Pr~ ~w If)1r 3.914 2.022 1,192 167 115 52 !lI1I"'m 3,914 2,022 1,892 167 115 52 i!1T"61r

4 1Iff~'TI1f a'~ ~ 10.468 5.099 5,369 678 457 221 VTlffvr 10,157 4,908 5,249 657 438 219 ;"R)~ 311 J 91 120 21 19 2

lIiRr"f" (if. In. ) if1f~ 3Jl 191 120 21 19 2

5 ~~ lf1tr 11.405 5,630 5,775 108 91 17 lfr1il'ar Jf,405 5,630 5,175 toa 91 17 1Iln'\1r 3" Primary Census Abstract of Scheduled Tribes

~--- Main Worterl------_ aRl 'IiTIf fiPftn .... if 1IRil_ twr~1 -n;f aml ,,",iIift' 1Rt/1PR 8Ilt m.lv. V(b) , I&J ;rpr VI, VII. VIlI.a IX

Otber Worton Marlinal Workera NOII-Worhn .Name of ... r-----~- _----.A.------.. ... Di!triaifJ'ahsi. , sw .ma ~ ~ '"";fM SW - TOWII/Utbart- 1.PeI'llODI Males Females• Persons Males Pemal_ Persoaa Males PomaJeI.. AgIomeratioa 23 24 25 26 27 28 2!J 30 31 2

1'.579 15,70Z 3.877 106,168 5,547 108,6:11 567,427 221,:153 )3',174 Bas.... Distrid 15,861 n,'63 3.09' 10S,'8.. 5,521 100,46:1 556.90(j 22J.721 333.185 3,717 2.'39 778 184 25 159 10,521 45,31 5,9.9 ,

] ,2" .98 311 4,551 151 4,400 27,018 11.941 15,087 Bbanupratappur Tabsll 1,209 898 311 4,551 151 4,40e 27.C28 11.941.. IS.01l7

2,874 2,274 600 6,161 441 5,721 50,114 23,7.3 26.481 ICaDker Tahsil ~,421 1.916 SoS 6,153 439 S,714 48,486 22,838 25,648 4S3 3S8 95 8 2 6 1.628 875 753

4S3 358 95 8 2 6 1.628 815 '53 Kanker (U.A. J 373 292 81 4 1 3 1,209 634 575 (i) y'ank~r, (M) 60 52 8 4 1 3 350 213 137 (ii) Kanker Kuba( 0 G. 20 14 6 69 28 41 (iii) Singarbhat(O.G.)

,.,'0 1,58',- 40S U.3.' 757 11,5'Z 49.794 ZO ••" 19,117 NaralianpUr Tab.liI 1.990 1 .. 585, 405 J2,3'19 757 l1,562 49,794 20.677 29,117

1,936 1,681 255 17."7 732 17,065 108,139 ,U.63!) 65,500, Konclapon Tahsil 1.385 1.248 137 17,700 724 16,976 10'.659 "1.715 63.944 551 433 118 97 S 89 2.480 924 1.556

551 433 118 97 8 89 2.480 924 1,556 KoodagaOD ,(M)

1.07. ,.. , II. ,.2.,,,, 515 ',68, 55,199 21.9,91 ' 33,29, Bijapur Tab.Ii 1,010 9.' 123 1,204 515 ,.689 S50199 21.191 33,208 •• .. ' 3S6

.~f.Er(IJ lIflfinftr lIT s""f..... InI'I'IA' ...d" ------_ ------

~ mnJ~1 rirtTj Gi.tf'4lI P~IW m fIItt/iflfl ~ V,.... , ;or;rlll(ffil it; lil'if.1ftf ...... ~ IJI1I II1r'6a qrontf ~ IPI'ftIrr ~r Name of Total Dlstrlctl No. 01 SchccluJed TI"'" Populadoa Location Tabsil' Totall bouaebold. ---.A.-.- Code Towo/Urbu. Rural' witb S. T. r;.,. I'" No. Agglomeration Urbaa membel'l Penoaa MaJea FeJMIea.. I 2 3 4 5 , 7

6 "~8~ 1I'Pr 26,30' 140,044 '8,571 71.473 VTIftvr 25.540 137.242 67.160 70.012 if'lihr 768 2,802 1,411 1,391

flli1;~'" (".Of.t:rT.) if1R"hr 168 2,802 1,411 t, l,l 7 1iI'~6~\II" ~)fJ 5','" 32.:2.7'8 160,651 1"'.137 vrlftar 58,354 3U.097 156.262 151,835 ~1q 1.642 7,691 4,389 3.302

\'IPJ~~ (If. ~ . ) 'fm'ltr •• 642 7,691 4,389 3,302 (i ) ~IP(~ (If.U.) lI1t< ~ (lIT .~.) lPIihr 46 183 97 •• (viii) ~W(wr.ft.) ~ 18 '1 46 45

m~'l~ q-)fJ 25.'01 lSI. 51' 7'.517 • WPfM 61.'4' 2$."1 138,51«5 " .949 70.567 ~ .. • • .. 357

Primary Ceasus Abstract of Scbeduled Tribes

'I. IIifIf______m.mr MaUD Worken A ,- .,,,~ 1liRQ1Ii'~ f.. P 1!~ lIil1f m """ "f/6~{i'r"1 'f~!~ ~'i' iii' ~PI I-IX Name 01 Llteratel Total Main Worters CUJtivalori Districtl

_....A--___~ r----Jt----~ ,,------" --., TaLsiJ/ ~ ~ .~ Town/Urban ~ afi III_ IIJfcRr ~ Persona• Males Pemales PenoDl Males Pemales PelSODS Males Females AulomcratioD 8 9 ]0 11 12 13 14 15 16 2

55,237 37,671 17,556 Dantewara Tallsil 5.37S 4.:.20 1.15. 64,584 43,338 21,246 37,661 17,550 4,458 3,560 898 63,490 ,42.563 20,927 55,211 16 10 6 920 660 260 1,094 775 319 10 6 Kirandul (N. Y. ) 920 660 260 1,094 775 319 16 7,.704 20,98% Jagdalpur Tahsil 15,912 13,827 2,085 137,012 100,404 36,608 99,686 78,354 20,947 13,552 12,066 1,486 134.105 98, t 27 35,978 99,301 385 350 35 2,360 1,762, 599 2,907 2,277 630 385 350 3S JagdaJpur (U. A. ) 2,360 1,761' 599 2,907 2,277 630 249 20 (I) Jagdalpur (M) t.7S5 1,286 469 1.952 1,594 358 269 401 303 98 66 S3 13 lii) HatkachOra (00) 2,1' 173 46 (iii) Frezerpur (00) 67 23 J02 89 13 2 2 90 ., Ov) Pakhnaguda (0(;1) , 3 1 18 II 7 79 26 25 1 (v) Kangoli (00) 64 42 22 18 S !06 15 1 (vi) Dharampura (00) 132 19 131 83 48 16 151 •. (vii)Jagdalpur Kasba(OG) 52 37 15 gO 63 27 6 6 .. (viii) Sargipal (00) 25 21 4 28 28 38.567 19,781 IConla Tahsil 3,541 1.'33 601 '6,463 43.186 23.277 51.348 43,186 23,277 58,348 38.567 19.781 3.5'1 2,93' 608 66,463 .. 358

IIHfq "".'" 'fi' SIt" ..... IIIf11VI1I1 8T'tm ------~~ IIiI1f lRit IIUir ~ ftm/." rittrJ ~ 1I'iril q'F.... 'F(II ft"Pr m ~( .. iA~, VlJitvrl (~&I' llil ~qyllil', flif61J, 'J~ lIT ifPr ~ wfimpr,"~) II V


6 cili~'t ~~6)iiI ~ 6,309 3,203 3,106 205 168 37 IIUI-')II( 6,304 3,200 3,104 205 168 37 iflr~lzr S 3 2

f.I;~~if (i\.if".ql. ) if'l"(tll S 3 2

7 GJlJ'.(~~ a~m¥t -zrTtr 30,9b8 J6,569 14,419 565 ,tIs ISO vt~ler 30,119 16,039 14,080 5S2 404 148 "'I-all 869 530 339 13 11 2

IIJ'I~ (iJ.6 ) .,-ll'{lQ 869 530 339 13 11 2 ( i ) GlIJCiI~~ (ot. 1fT • ) iJlf"tllf 369 253 116 10 'S 2 {ii) t[IE...m:I(iiIt.fi.) iJ'n:R 166 102 64 2 2 (iii) qfGlW (1iIl .•• ) iJqUll 5 4 1 1 1 (iv) If'lll"I1!,,(In.Ifl.) "'Rill 17 10 7 ( v) .~'mr1 (iIT . Ill.) "'l-ear 134 56 78 (vi) ~ (iI'T ••• ) if'l'{lzr 107 60 47 (vii) artT~(iI'r. _.) iJ.ri\1I 68 42 26 (viii) ~fflCfT'" (... ".) 'l'lnTzr 3 3

8 m~~)'f tf)lr '.013 3,156< Z.8" ZO' 158 so IT1f\ur 6.023 3.156 2.867 208 IS8 SO iI''RR 3"

Primary Census Abstract of Scheduled Tribes ------_ .__ . Mala Worke,.

------~ W'II ilil~ 6~ IJiNifm..w ~/~I if>uI ;ml IJiTQ"lJiar ifl((/;r1R U~ Ill. IV, V(b) ~ ifI1I VI VU. VIII.& 'X

Other Worken MarSinal Worken NOD-Workers Name of ,,-____ .A..-___~ ,.------'-----~ Districl/Tahsi II ,.....~ --"-----_ .!(f.ra ~ fift' ar1iRr ~q ~ ~q td'f Town IUrban- Penon. Male. Fcmales PersODI Males Females Persons Males Femalcs Aalomerat ion

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 :a

1 .. 843 l,196 ~47 13.759 541 13,217 61,781 24.691 37.010 Dantewara Ta.hsil 1,770. "534 236 13,717 532 I3 ,I ~S 60.035 2~,06S 35.970 1,073 762 III 42 10 32 1,666 616 1.040

) ,073 762 311 42 10 32 1,6(l6 626 I 040 Klra.ndlll (N,M.)

5,773 4,716 1,057 27.493 1,413 26,080 158 2.83 58.834 99,449 Jagdalpu!' Tahsil 4,133 3,330 S03 27.456 I .408 26.048 153,536 56,727 96.809 1,640 1.3&6 254 37 S 32 4,747 2,107 2,640

1.640 1,386 254 37 5 3l 4,747 2,107 2,640 Jagdalpur (U. A. ) 1,304 J ,084 220 3. S 26 3.353 t,583 1,770 (i) Jagdalpur (M) 167 146 21 2 2 568 176 392 ( ii) Hat kacJ~ora( 0 G) 94 82 12 2 2 239 75 164 (iii) Fcezerpur(O G) 1 1 20 7 13 (iv) Pakhnaguda(OG) 2S 25 166 68 98 (v) KaDgoli (00) 8 8 247 146 101 (vi) Dbarampora(OO) 22 21 93 34 S9 (vii) JaadaJpor lOG) 19 19 2 2 01 18 43 . (viii) Saraipl1l (OG)

1.884 1.305 579 14.884 996 13,888 57,169 23,7ti1 33.402 Kanta Tahsi I 1.8B4 1,305 S79 14.884 996 13,888 57. 169 23.761 33,402 360


~ caq... ,~ ;srtf'1Wl1U 1111' ,,,.. _ ~

------._- -- - ~-----. ------. --

IA fl5(<=ITJfirlfiT~ .... qflrlJt IIf'I'R qft",~, ~ I51iRfllln (;11ft g'W 1111 I'JI1I' ~ IITctHrflf 11\'''1' 6"" $~if~ ~it IRiTit1 "'~ aqfu5lft wf~) Ill"{ 0!lR Icmr 11ft' Total Popa Jatio. iii' q u.r (including fiIr.lft'. if Institutional Arcd of No. of and H8Os.less Nam.of Village occupied Number Population) District/ in hectares Resl. of ----oA.------., 81. Development & or Town/ dential house- r;m; ~ ~ No. Block Ward in Kml Houses holds Persons Males Females

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ------45 ~ f,Jmr 396,060.4 • 3tl,981 321,886 1,731,148 861,848 869,300

1 IiWlli't



Scheduled SchedUled Casta Tribes Literates ,---__..A-.-_~ ,.....-~--- r----..A..---~ ~ m 1ft .. ~ ., Name of DistrictJ Males Female. Males Pemales Males Pemales Development Block 9 10 11 12 13 14 2 ------45.931 46,278 610,Z89 6Z1,749 -158,141 44.'69 8.saar District

692 687 19,011 18,860 6 20S 1,671 K.eshkal 602 557 19,455 19,003 ' 3,520 428 Makdi 1.478 1,461 18,894 18,869 5_501 1.306 FarasgaoD r 799 788 ~9,O20 19,277 4,667 742 Baderajpu 2,442 2,410 3 J. 242 31.945 5,527 814 Kondagaon 1.131 1,081 14.851 14,881 4,273 817 Durgukondal t ,566 1.5'40 18 ,070 18.400- 9.03& 2,666 Bbanupratappul" 1,241 1,208 11.842 12.139 3,636 834 BhIJpaJpatDalll 712 683 14,781 14.778 2.0S' 4"0 Usur 467 4"3 21,199 21,006 1,398 316 Bhairamgarh 1,461 1,504 14.102 14,193 2,676 764 Bijapur t 7 ,03 1,705 19,445 19,891 . 2,295 561 LohaDdiguda 284 270 17.177 17,657 748 20S BastaDar 5,451 5,549 31,558 31.759 7.617 1,659 Bas.tar 4,871 4,927 27,3H 27.787 6,777 1.095 Bakaband 1,312 1.388 21.739 21,969 1.698 323 Darbha Jqdalpul' 4.871 4,757 21,279 2 1,527 '5.953 1,502 2,473 2,582 17,712 18,24' 2,285 643 Tokapal 1.201 ],203 2S,163 2S .016 6,604 1,982 Narayaopur 1,018 1.0" 17,208 16,928 5,241 1,380 Aolagarb 770 785 14,064 13.308 16,295 7;663 Itoylibeda 495 468 27,401 27,829 2,210 811 Koola 765 831 18.R85 20.U5 1,991 631 Sukrua 626 637 21,663 22,623 2,164 439 ChhiDdgarb 1 .321 1,472 24,724 26,495 11,537 3.030 Narharpur 1.868 2.020 17.144 J8.300 14.704 4.840 Charama 1,409 1.466 18.148 18,867 10,160 2.913 ~r 214 207 15,350 15,821 648 116 Katekalyan 1.367 1,276 19.941 20,738 6,698 3,049 Dantewada 885 833 16,974 17,6()l 3,157 1,03S Geedam 436 431 15.195 15,922 959 224 !tuwakoDda 362


fIW'" ....~ 1flf1lUtifT IliI SIT1Iff'A> "'~m ------~~11lm~ Main Workers r------...".___------'Ii" f\1r~r IfiAinJ Ii'. P'liilf ltl~~ vftr~ 'l~'t qrronm. ~. (1ITir eelu 1ft ;n1I !t>'~Iii~ 1Ii'~~. ~, crm mcrf~q- Iff 'l~ \ I-IX II V(a) Heusehold Industr, (Manufacturing. Pro- TOlar AgflcultUral ceq; ng. SerYiclng Name of Main Worker~ Cu!t:vators Labou.rers and Repairs) District! ".----""".... --- ~ ,---- .... --~ r---...... -----, ,---..A---.,. 8l. Developm;:nl ~ ~ ~ ~~) ~~ Qft' 1''1!1 ~ No. Block Males Females Males Fc:males ¥ales Females Males Females ------2. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ._---. ------45 ""flT( ~lIn 528.375 248.898 408.120 170,247 68,917 66.438 8.498 3,279

~"''fi'''r 15,980 9,531 12.()67 6,945 1,874 2,307 316 121 2 qllfi~ 15,113 5,525 12,614 4,137 1,530 1.145 406 176 3 ~~trfcr 15,875 ;,086 1J,253 3,45,4 1,361 1,346 430 135 4 ""T(rw'!T( 14,893 5,708 12.499 4,235 1 ,610 1.292 381 134 5 ..n.tq-l ... :!7,o6.t 10,526 23. 101 8,031 2,345 2.066 804 281 6 't1T"i!fir.:-t:r. 11,269 8.360 10,312 6,756 1,201 1.422 123 52 7 m~smTII1'( 16,774 10,230 12,026 7,079 2,124 2.403 383 135 B ","cn~i'Jq 10,014 6,3'89 7,036 3.884 1.795 2,324 261 46 9 ~~T( 10.95~ 4.938 8,013 2,619 2,244 2,214 106 8 10 ~~ J5,825 7,920 13,003 '.834 2,280 1.,997 37 tS 11 ...-r..rl~ 11. 823 5.016 J 0,039 4,091 1,002 829 47 J9 12 t:r~'" 16,050 8,679 12,280 5,115 3,084 3,374 225 1J3 13 amn~,'( ]0,695 2,534 9,430 18.04 813 697 69 12 14 tr~ 29,742 9,337 22,5,1 5,131 4,850 3,829 497 145 13 t(1I'iIIfJ 27,905 7.572 20,274 3,937 S,218 3,232 686 198 16 In:1IT 1(;.397 6.838 12,995 4,084 2,321 2,231 329 209 17 i5I1T~'l~ 21,358 9,127 12,543 3, H23 5.497 4,546 214 72 18 lIIr..;,cnW 15,557 5,382 11.692 2,821 2.858 2,348 250 84 19 ;rr~lltvr~ 20,014 8,381 15,750 6,095 1.431 1,396 408 194 20 at",q-, 14,163' 6.408 11,820 5,242 I ,160 891 209 86 21 ~~~ 24,~88 5.1 Jl 19.307 3,600 2.270 I. 102 186 47 22 11>1<1:, 19,!93 10,070 15,616 8,123 1.365 1.1'9 -176 48 23 !Ifi'l' 14,788 7,529 )2,370 6,126 1,133 1.] 99 161 47 24 fg;.CfIf, 16,790 8,300 13,783 6.511 1,839 1,485 297 113 25 ;r~~ 22,012 17,699 15,824 I 1,265 4,190 5,838 391 270 26 19,654 1~,159 12.30Z 1 1, 169 3,666 S.383 350 186 "'~'lI"' 27 ~'T 17,619 14,346 12,334 9.086 3.19j 4.522 303 201 28 aRifil!lIT'T 10.305 6,300 9.307 5,608 703 634 106 43 29 l{~ ] 8.795 6.238 12,445 4,235 1,415 1,322 166 49 30 q-R1r 15,052 6,355 12,078 4,983 1,582 1.180 105 29 31 !1JT4iNT 11,050 5.304 9,546 4,424 961 765 76 11 363



------~-~ am.r IIi11t m m ~. IIi1'f if.~ f.Iwwt /fircmy .. ~t lIlT ;n1J III,IV V(b). -X VI,VII.VlII &tXl

Other Worke1'8 Marcinal Wottera Noft-Worten ,..--.__ .A--- ...... r----~--.. ,-----.,1+.. ""'"\ Nallle of DistrictJ ,. ~ W'I De1eIopment .. Malo. B.kJe1c MaJ_~ FemaJOI- Males Females _- Pemaln 23 24 25 26 21 28 2

41.140 8.934 8.47% 131,383 325.001 4.9, ctl' ...... DfsCriet

1.123 158 76 2,024 10.467 14,759 Keshkal 563 67 228 50.60 9.614 13,114 Makdi Faraspan 831 lSI 18S .401 10.8"68 16.B9 403 47 147 3.561 )0,467 1'-,428 Baderajpur 814 148 377 6,313 16,891 28,066 KondagaoD Durguk\)[Jdal 633 130 97 2,107 6.955 8.U8 2,241, 613 138 3,566 10.585 13,788 Bhanupmtappur 922 135 176 2.136 5,SSS 7,610 Bhopaf'DatDalD 585 97 ISO 2,517 6,365 9,867 Usur 50S 74 217 . 4,298 8.966 12,507 Bha.iramgarh Bijapur 735 77 118 1,522 6.594 11.857 L,lbandiguda 461 77 ISS 2.293 9,714 lS,563 13,291 Basraaar 383 21 308 3,196 7.610 32,659 Baatar {,844 2 '2 337 6.969 18.658 23,695 Bakabaud 1,727 205 765 13,2:'2 15,,282 15.403 Darbba 752 314 115 4,104 9,515 22,426 Jaldalpur 3,104 686 173 2,246 12.363 15,397 Tonp'!l 731 129 J85 4,137 8,354 18,839 Narayaopur 2,485 696 425 5,671 12,892- 10,329 Antagllrh 974 189 346 5.239 7.894 KDylibcda 2,825 362 1.175 5.494 18.447 31.598 16,507 1t.onta 2.036 780 330 4,345 1l.272 11 ,838 Sukma. 1,124 IS7 359 4,687 7,U6 12,024 ChbiDdgaJlI 871 191 499 6,585 8,a17 Narharpur 1,607 326 2.93 4,193 14,219 16.729 16,318 Cl!.arama 3,336 1,421 221 1,528 14.481 12.447 kanker 1,187 537 221 3,0'0 11,035 7,980 KaCekalyan 189 IS 106 2,712 5,864 4769 632 ZU 6,J18 11,3'4 1 "J, 6Z1 Dantcwara 1,287 163 117 2,345 9;340 16.Z46 Gct;dam 467 104 156 4,494 6,366 8,516 Kuwakoda