IDENTlFiOii jiUi^ MARKS - SibLiV oi CHASER n


Hie western world came uader the infhience of psychoactive dn^ after the second world war. With the Hippie' culhre in 1960s the problem became more serious and with each passing di^, the number of drug addicts is on the rise.

Till IS^Os, their use was negligible in India and was mostly restricted to social or religious occassions. According to one estimate before 1982, the number of addicts to drugs other ttianalcoho l was barely 2500 in Bombay. But with the introduction of

Brown sugar in 1982 the number of addicts suddenly rose to about 80,000 in 1987 in the city of Greater Bombay, llitsct ihidia has become a transit point on the route of drug supply to the west, the dnig scene in other cities of India is equally aluminig. Even rural areas particulariy in PiMyab lud also to some extent in R^aathim and Jamiinu-Kashmir. with its loi^ border witft Pakistan, are gradually being swallowed u{> by (he drug habit

Brown sugar and LSD top the list of drugs vMdi produce addiction most

'«Mli)y Moat (kt^ are depressaeta. Hiey reduce the activity of the Central Nervous

Syatem. liowevo* aa^hctmnines, , caflSne (in tea and coilfee) and nicotine (in tobacco) are atimulauta. The;^ raise the activity of the central nervous syatenL

The present society consisits of many evil men and women who are particulariy on the look &r youngirtera wiko tcuvf be &cii^ an oocaiMiooal uptiet in their emotional li&. Un&rtunately, modem science has given them vi^i^ons to destroy individuals and even the whole oommunities with great ease and at hi^ profit to themselveiL Hieir 18 deadliest weapon today is the dnig popularly known in India as 'Brown Sugar', 'Qard',

'Smack', or 'Horse'.

A aan^le of Brown sugar analysed in 1983 showed the percentage of Heroin to be ISH, whereas san^le analysed in 1985 bad 3-6% heroin only. It is adulterated with almost any substance - chalk powder, rat-poison and so on. The in^nirities of 'Brown

Si^ar' oMy addiliockally ham the user, but the addiction ia caused by its herob content only.

Heroin is &rmed throi^ some chemical reactions fromopiu m Morphine, one of the alkaloids present in Opium was discovered in 1805, is a bitter tasting powder. It is a powerfiU sedative and strong analgetic. Morphine was found to produce addiction.

Hence scientists ^tenq)ted to se]}arate the part of moiphine molecule viiJcb gives relief from pain. Towards the end of 19th century, it was discovered that when moqihine is treated by the chemical • acetic tmfaydride - it is converted into another powenfiil pain killer called Heroin. Unibrtunat(»ly, Heroin was found to be even more dangerous ttkan morphine. It acta more rapidly, its eJ9ects are much stronger and worst of all, it is extremely addictive. Even a couple of doses of heroin could make apetson its slave fbr


Brown-sugar is avuilable in quarters (small glatn bottles) and Fudi. One qpurter consists of 6 Pudis. Brown-si^ir wrapped in tisaie paper is known as PudL As mentioned above Heroin ie derived from 'Ahlphen' or Opium Opium iii the dined extract dtitaxotA by incision of the unripe capsules of die white poppy, Papayer 19

Somnlferum, a piatA which grown in India. This extract or opium has been used for pleasure sod medical use for tttousaodso f years. The practice of using opium for diarrhoea and for making children quiet was wide-8{»vad all over the world till the


Papaver Somnlferum arAhlphena is described in Ayurvedic Materia Medica.

Some of ttie medicines containing Opium or Ahlphena, oreAhlphenasava, Akiphen- vati, Ahipkena-guda-varti, Ahipkena-karpumdl oil, Crahanl-Kapat, Dugdha-vati etc.

TSeae roodioines are indicated in various disorders such as Diarrhoea, {Atisaar)

0-uhani, Shotha, Arsha, Body-ai^, Rakta-atisaar, Pakyva-atlsaar etc.

Ahipheoa is rookxha, sookxhma, vjfavayl and vikasi; it is tikta and Vaabaya. in taste, katu in vipaka and is of ushna veerya\ It is also described as Madakar^.

Sook^ma, Vyavayi, Vikasi ondMadakari properties ofAhlphena cause sedadon and evoke a feeling of happiness i.e. ei^ihoria, when taken in small doses. But if Ahlphena is consumed fiarlonge r period,thi»e Vayavee/a sod Tej'as properties cause body and mind to deteriocate.

Prolong iMe of.VtIphena gives rise to Dhatu-Kshaya and Vat-PrakopcP.

From Ahlphena, different alkaloids were derived. Morphine, the active alkaloid of die opium poppy was isolated in the mid-oineteedh century, Heroin

(diacefyl morphine) was derived in 1898. Si&sequently odier similar drugs, syn&etic or semi-synihetic opiates have been produced. All the derivatives obtained from

Papaver Somnlfenwt are poisonous. According to Ayurveda, the prq>ertie» of poisons 20 are opposite ofOJas. Laghu, Uskna, Teekshna, Sookskma, Amta, Vyavayi, Vlkasi,

Rooksha, Vlshad and Sara are tiicte n properties of apoison^ The efiects of Opium poisonii^ can be conveniefldy understood if we comprehend (he meaning of all the propwtiei of Vlsha or Poiitoa Ibere sre ttiree stages of Opium poisoning viz

(1) Excitement (2) Sopor and (3) Narcosis.

1. Stage of Excitement : This st^ may be absent if die dose taken is lai^. In achilta,

a euphoric feeling of well-being and ease comes en early. There may be a certain

pleasurable mental excitement, umally of very small dur^on. Laughter,

hallucin^ons and rapid heart rate occur. Tlie breath may smell of Opium. In

children convulsions are a marked feature of this stage.

Z. Stage of Sopor : The stage ofexcitemeot is soon followed by weariness,

giddiness, a sense of weight in the limbs, diminution of sensibility, aiid a strong

tendency to sleep fromwhic h (he patient can be roused by external stimuli The

pupils are contracted, the &ce and lips cyanosed, and an itching sensation is feh all

over the skin. The pulse and reqjiration are almost nminal.

3. Stage ofNarcosti : The patient passes into deep cmna from which be cannot be

roused. The muscles are relaxed and reflexes are abolished. The pi^ils are

contracted to pin-point and do not react to light Tltey tax^ dilate terminally when

asphyxia ensues but still do not react to ligjbL The conjunctiva ai-e red. The blood

pressure fidls. Tlie pulse is small in volume and weak at first but later becomes

slow and fiill as coma develops. Ilie breatfaiug is slow, the rate beiAg 2 to 4 per 21

minute, sibling and iiregular. 'Rui ia known as Cheyne-Stokea breathing or

Chhinna Shwas. The temperature ia niboormal and sldn cold and bathed in sweal

There ia cyanoaia. Froth eacapea from the mouth. Coma deepena and deadi resulta

from aapfayxia due to re^>iratory paralyaia and nu^ be preceded aometimea in

atfcilta and oflen in children by twitdiing and apasata of nmaclea or convulaive


Tbt above descri|iliiin of Opium poiaoning. quoted frommode m medical text­ book is not &und in Ayurvedic text-books. But all these signs and symptoms vMch are produced by Opium can be explained according to the properties of Ahipkena.

Ahiphena is l^sha aodMadakari havii^ramo dosha in excess (as well as raJo dosha), destroys the intelligence and brings about intoxicati

Laghu, Jtuksha, Ashu, Vlshada, Vyawayi, Tikshna, VHmshi, Sukshma, and Ushna. Due to Siiksha guna, Vata ia aggravated; due to Ushna, Pitta; due to Sukshma, rakta or blood ia vitiated. Btin^ Ashukari it follows the fi>od juice immediately, due to Vyavayi guna it ^n-eads to the body rapidiy, due to pungentness it kills the marma (vital seats); due to Vlkashl guna it is Prana-hara or life-taking. Being Laghu it ia very di£Bcult to treat and being Vlshada ita progress is unstoppable in the Dos^a. Due to all these gunas the poisons spoil dte Doshas, tfieir places and kill die person^.

If heroin or Opium or brown-sugar consumption ia dmiptty atof^d, it prothicea withdrawal symptoms. Due to prolonged, regular consumption of brown-sugar, the body develops tolerance to Brown-sugar. The phenomenon by which ingested 22 iiubstances are digested and asstfflilated eistly is known lis Satmy<^. The concept of

Satmya is peculifir to Ayurvedsi A substar«ce (dnig 'vc ditit) which achieves Satmya in die bo(^, needs to be given in greater quantity the next time in order to produce the same desirable effect The concept cXSatmya is thui similar to 'toleraDce' development, where increasii^ doses of drqgs are required to pro

When regular practices • consumption of dnigs or diet or habits - wf sbiiipily stopped / d>andoned, the body reacts in an simoraval wsy, producing witiidrawal syn^oms.

The diagnostic criteria for Opiod wididrawal / grades of Opiate withdrawal for different drugs and diagnostic criteria for opiod intoxication according to Che

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders, third edition (i.e. DSM -DI-R) are given in tabular form : 23

TABLE 1 ; DSM -HI-R DIaimofttc Criteria for OntoJ WMidriiwal

A. Cesaation of prolonged moderate or heavy uae of an opiod, or reduction in (he

amount of opiod used followed by at least 3 of the following :

1. Craving for an opiod 2. Nausea or vomitiqg 3. Muade acfaea 4. r ACT iiMlion or rfainofrfaoea 5 Pupillary dilatation, piloerection or sweatiAg 6 I>iflrTbi>»ii 7 YaMviffi 8. Fever 9. Inaomnia

B. Not due to any pliyaical or other mental diaorder. 2A.

TABLE 2 : Gmdcs of QHJU wWawlrayal for dWcrciH diKitt

Grsde SyiqHoms and Si^is Hours afierlast (lose Mea Spoataneoufl ejaoulatioa 36-48 24-36 Haemoconceidration 2S

TABLZ 3 : PSM-ffl-R : Dfauwiitlc crltcriiifrmteihitoxkidfw

A Recent use of an opiod

B Maladaptive b^ncvioml dsaQgea (e.g. initial ev|3borim followed by apathy,

dyairfraria, psydi(Miiotor retardation, impaired jad^pwat, impaired social or

occupational finctionii^).

Pupillary conRtriction (dilatHtdon cm occur in case of anoxia fitnn severe

overdosage) and at least one of tbe following:

(1) Drowsiness

(2) Slurred speech

(3) hnpaimmit in attnitira or memoiy

C. Not doe to any physical or mental disorder. 26 A TABLE OF HYPOTHETICAL SfflPMENT OF BROWN-SUGAR which it tdf-cxpLuuUtfy.

FARMERS rCnltivUe the poppy plMt tnd harvut ix. (oMuUy in the poppy fieidi of the North-we«t Prootier Plxnr- iitce, and alio from the Golden Trimble.

GUIDES : He ofUn t*caiu the buys to LEVELI ud from the (rowing arc*.

BUYERS : Boy the poppy CMftahe* from (heii (tude«, extract the opinm and tnniport it to their ba«eUb.

LABS : TbcM Utx fint coovett the opiom to mMptuoe tod then by acetyladon to di-acccyl LEVELn taoipbine (Hooin)

SMUG(EJBRS : Amngof for tti transpoitrntion into India, oontactini at few people u poanble. LEVELm Hc'U be in a good liaiioa with the major wholeaakn in the country.

WHOLESALERS : Boy SO kilof and above and KII in linfle kilo. Prom this (ta|« oj- ually hiffa quanlitief of adoitranU are added which letaitt in a decreaae in % purity of Heroin

MAJOR DBALERS : Buy in nnfle Idiot and icU* in Bsall qtiantitiea. The teilinf atnooot LEVEL rv varying from 0.5^4 to S (rami. ^/it^^/tt tttt DEALBRAJSER : Sdli pocaibly to 10 to ~^^^;:~^'i:'¥fi_ 100 cooMimen either 3 gm padu or in pUsdc bottUe«(200Da|) or in wax p«pcr£vca be funher ^•JYUltttft•^VA! n tftff adultoralc* the drug and increaaea ilj teliing price to pay coat for bit drug habiti.

IJbVELV rtti-'i^rh-r^m^mmmmvnntmA \ V I 'i I ^Ti Willi I I I A All withbe^ootmcrethamo*/n*erfbrhijp«»onaJu*e.Itreacht4bui. i 3:Ktt.-^ Ill 27

Like Opium or Browci-m^^nr there are otfusr dru;^ which ive rommoDly abused in India.

Their brief descriptioD ii given below.

OTHER NAMES Splash, bumble bees, Nugtteta, Dynamites, Cbioken

Powder, Likening, Jv^, B-Bomb, T^n aboiM,

Blactdbird, Black Besudet, White crosses, Oreenies,

SPEED PEXIES. UPPERS. Peaches yellow, bunnies.

Bottle pep pills, peppers, Bombedos, Co-pilots,

He^>ers, Amped foott-balls. Crystal, Crsnk, cross roads,

Hsfts, Criiiks, Drivers, whites, wskemps, Besns, Roses

and oraqges.

WHAT ARE THEY : Tliese dr^gs sre stimulants. Usually stiKfeots use it to

crsm ikxiagmf^ of examtoadons. Thick drivers us«

ittoke^ awake fiu long ni^ of trudcdrivini^ Rock

'freaks' use it for getting 'speeded up'. Prescribed by

Doctors to reduce appetite.

ROUTE OFADMINISTTIATION: Most users take it orally in the form of a

TABLET (M-acflpsule. Few speed' fredcs, crash the

td»let, dissolve it witii eittm* water or alcohol and tt^ect 28

it into their blood stream.

EFFECTS Initially itbringi ^out increased alertneai and

widirefiilnesfl. Users seem to be ^apttdtd up\ All

activities are increased. High doses cause the user to

THp\ He feels confident. Patients have reported an

iflookediflte rudi of pleasure. At times, used as an

aphrodisiac too.

HOWTOTOENTDFY The user may seem to be ovoraotive and abnormally

cfaeerfiil. Heavy users esdiibit nervousness and are very

'juo^ \ Proltmged use m^ lead to hallucin^ons aod

dehisions closely resembling those of a Paranoid

Schizophrenic. Other physical maiu&atatioiis of

prolonged use are hren^liqg hands, dry mouth, increased

penq>iniioo and dilated pi^ils.

CONSEQUENCES : Pivlonged use nuQ'develop

1. Suicidal tendencies.

2. High blood pressure (Hypertension).

.1. Heart Attacks.

4. Brain damage.

5. Arri^dimias (abnormal hrart rbythma).

6. Anorexia. 29

7. Oeneralized ts^ainnent of phyaiciil and mental condttioo.

8. Increased nuceptibiUly to mainutritioa aoA pDeumooia.

9. Paranoia 30


OniER NAMES Lysergic Acid Diettiylamide, Chocolste cfaipa,

California, woshine, mellowyellow. Purple haze ,orange

murfroomfl. Black widow, cubes, coffee, Bhie Heavefi,

Blotten, tripping cryttdtfieaat, Hawk-2!l, n^gar. Big D,

C^flt, window panei, paper acid, THpa.

WHATisrr? : Ita the ttnet naoie of a aeoai synthetic

derivativf of ergot &Qgus rye, a lubstance that growa oo

grains. Though this substance ii black in colour, acid is


ROUTE OF ADMINISTRATION: ORALLY - It is available in the fbnn of amicro

dot on bloating paper. Ihe position of the micro dot

beiog indicated by a star, bird or an animal. It m^ also

be avail^le in the form of a fihnviliicf a is about 1X1

cMitiiiieter or in the fonn of a cryitol. Sahirated sugar

cubes, tiy>lets, or capsules or some other forms are also

injected. Hie ampoule may t)e INJECTED into the blood

stream. mn^i"^ Causes hallucinations, nervous breakdowns, mental disturbances, psychotic manifestations, and suicidal 31

teodlencies. Hie effects of the drug depends upon tbt

enviroomenL the users state of mind and other variable

&ctor8. There is a general distortion both in space and

time. At times, visual distortion is so sharp that aperaoo

on nn 'trip' can see tttepore s cm the haods of aperson

who may be 30 to 40 feet SMray. Users have reported to

'seeing sound'

HOW TO roENTEFY : Users become very emotional, shifting; moods frequently,

laugluQg or crying uncontrollably. When he is

experiencing the hallucination it is impossible to miss it

For e.g. oa an acid trip auser kq)t on pullix)g out an

imaginafy thread fromhi s nose ibr more than 45

miiHites. There is no w>^ to communicate wi& him

when he is on the trip. Hwre is marked dilation of die


CONSEQUENCES ProloQged use may result in brain damage. The dnig

m^ cause deformity or mental retardation in the user-s

afi'-a|)ring. Prolonged use often causes permanent

payctiotic behavior or even results in deadt 32


OTHER NAMES : Downers, green dragons Reds, devils, Nebbies Nimbles

Blockbusters, Red birds, Ooof balls. Blues, Bluebirds,

Barbs, Blue Heaven, Blue devils. Blue bullets. Yellow

Jadcets, Red Devils, Bhie dots. Candies, Soft balls,

Cluistmas trees, Mexican reds.

WHAT IS rr? : They are tranquilizers which reduce anxiety or ia slightly

larger doses they are sedatives to induce sleep. (There

are over 1000 different types of Barbihin^s.)


Taken orally as a tablet or a c^>sule, injected also. istTlsCl'S Small doses relax fbe user. Heavy doses liowever cause

sioggidtDeifls and depreasioa At times user may go into

coma Hie gait is stqggerii^ and speech unclear. Regular

users are often gloomy and quarrelsome.

HOWTOIDENTmr • VTien a heavy dosage ia swallowed, it is easy to identify

the user. He will have the appearance of a drunkard

u4tfaout the breath of an alcoholic. His pli^ical

coordination is impaired and mental status variable.

However those ^msiog smaller amountu are difBcult to 33


CONSEQUENCES : Baibiturates are habit forming drugs (physically

addictive). Discontinuation of regular use results in

paiofiil witfadnwval symptoms, which can be dangerous

at times. Drug automation is common i.e.: the user

forgets bow much drug be bafi already taken and be may

wakei^) from his sleep again and again repeating doses


Regular uses are more prone to accidents - as the pain

perception is dulled.

Over do8«ge may lead to nidden l^se ioto sle^. If this

is not arrested, death is certaia 34


OTHER NAMES : COKE. SNOW. Cecil, coconut. Big C, Palang Todh,

Corine, Flake, CRAX. Bernice, Jam, Saifi^ Bernieii,

Rock, Lady aoow. While, FHaky powder, Incentive,

dream girl, gold duat, atardiu^ Paradiae, curry Nation,

Heuven dust. None can(^, Up-town and tooth.

WHAT IS IT : tt ia a white, odourleaa, flufi^ powder that locks like

ciygtalline anow. It is made jfixMU ifae leaves of the Coca

plafoL 'Crax' is fiieebaae d cocaine &at can be smoked in



Orally t^en in powder form and kept below the tMigue

or taken with betel leaves. Snorting / SnifSng is the

coomtonest method It m^ be injected. If mixed with

Hei-oin it is called speed ballii^ Crax' can be

smoked. Unlike pure cocaine which can only be free


EFFECTS : An ahnost feeliqg of ei4>horJa or exhilaration and well

bcimig. This is aocon^aoied by a remarkable

overcoiifidence in ones abilities snd physical sireqgtti. 35

HOW TO IDENTEFY : Th«i Cocaine user may have dilated popila and naiy be

diaoriented in time. He will be alert and aeema very

perceptive. There m^ be a sli^ increase in body



I. Uaera damage the nasal aeptum. Cocaine can eat ri^ tfarou^ tlie aeptal membranea,

jQrst cauaiog ulcera and then a hole big enoi^ to put a finger dirou^ This can be

corrected by aufgeiy.

2 OverdoMe maty tisault from as little as 0.20gms.

3. Hyperatinailation, headadies and nausea are commML

4. Irregular respiratioa

5. At times coke users may ger convulsions.

6. Severe wei^ loss and malnutrition because Cocaine burasupeneiigy ataveiy &at


7. Regular usitra become chronic insomniacs.

8. Paraooid deluaioaa

9. Halhicinatiooa.

10. Anxiety.

II. Vitamin A, B2, C and E ,Calcium, Iron, Phosphorous, Iodine, Magaeaium and Zinc.

12. Vertigo.

13. Mental coofiiaiou. 36

14. Death from ovfrdoac (,.Smokers of freebased Cocaine (Crax) are more susceptible

to unintftntional overdoses. n



weed, hetb, tea^mary Jane, Apaculpo Gold, Colombian,

Panama red. Bush, cage. Dry hlg^ Sweet Lucy, Texas

Tes, Kerala O, Qiggle smoke, loco weed, muggles,

stidcs, Indian hav.HASH. . solea, quarter

moon and BOMBAY BLACK.

WHAT ARE THEY? : They are mind altering drugs that are found in the

flowering tops and leaves of the ladiaa heni^ plant

When the leaves and flowers are dried and cru^d, it is

refinrred to as Marijuana or Cbaras is a blackish

snuUl ball that is a concentrated ftxtn of Marijuana

which contains leaf dust and fmely ground seeds. The

plant is. It contains 400 different substances. Active

iqgredieiit is 9 THC i.e. 9 Tetral^^ocannabinol.

ROUTE OF ADMINISTTLATION: Marijuana is mixed with Tobacco and can be

smaked through a cigarette, pipe or cfaeelum. Charas is

burned and tbea mixed with tobacco before ligbtiog vp

the cigarette or the cheeium. Occasionally it can be

e^en as 'hash cakes' or mixed with honey. (Rarely 38

userfl Bfjply with butter ana em it Oenerally it is done in

the U.S.) llhyECTS : When smoked, tfaroi^ the lungs they enter the blood

stream and act on ttte brain. Shortly after smoldng it,

the user feels intoxicated. Memory of recent events get

impaired. Unialiy, there is a feeling of great

perceptiveness and pleasure. Larger doses produce

erratic behaviour.Constaot use derails memory.

HOW TO IDENTIFY : Users appear ^assy eyed and generally stare into space.

Loud talkiiQg followed by drowsiness is common. Tlie

users eyes seem red (At times on the person of the

user, eye

i\ui retkwtai of the eyes) The users physical co-ordination

'is also affected. :59


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