Case of : Promoting common values through teaching and learning process

Nigar Abbaszade Vice-Rector of International Affairs June - 2019 • The value means to prize, Learning process: EU common to esteem, to appraise, to estimate. It is an act values: of cherishing something, Social cohesion human dignity holding it dear and also freedom the act of passing Media judgment upon the democracy nature and amount of Critical thinking equality values as compared with something else ‟ (Dewey, Active citizenship the rule of law 1948). Dictionary of (1959) explains respect to human Inclusive education value as, „the things in rights including which people are persons belonging interested- things they Intercultural competence want, to desire to be or to minorities become; feel obligatory, worship or enjoy “Psychology of the child and curriculum” published EU common by NCERT 1983 has listed Nothing can be values: the following important more helpful in moral qualities which need human dignity to be developed in molding the freedom children. child's moral democracy  Honesty in words and deeds behavior than equality the teacher's the rule of law  Truthfulness  Self respect and a desire own conduct. respect to human to respect others rights including  Self Control persons belonging  Duty to minorities  Consciousness Comparison Azerbaijan State Pedagogical

• Founded in 1921, ASPU was the first university in Azerbaijan with the education goals about and teacher preparation. • ASPU is accredited by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. • Uses the ECTS system and is part of . • Offers a wide range of courses and programs from undergraduate to doctoral level in 8 faculties (schools) • Bachelor programs are included in 5 branch campuses throughout Azerbaijan (Agjabadi, Guba, Jalilabad, Shamakhi and Shaki) • Research focused university • Intensive two-semester course of Azerbaijani or Russian languages are available for international applicants • We offer lifelong learning through • International activities and networks: Erasmus+; Mevlana Exchange Program; European Network (ETEN) • Active external cooperation with international and local organizations • Azerbaijan State Pedagogical College and 7 function under the auspices of ASPU KEY FIGURES* FACULTIES • Uundergraduate students - 12929 Faculty of Philology • Master students - 695 Faculty of Primary Education • PhD students - 76 Faculty of Education, Psychological • International students - 220 Service and Speech Therapist/Logopedia • Pre-bachelor’s students - 3640 Faculty of Physics and Technology • Employees and teachers -1511 (487 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics male, 1024 female) Faculty of History and Geography • Full Professors - 45 (38 male, 7 female) Faculty of Chemistry and Biology • Alumni - more than 130 000 Faculty of Music, Fine Arts, Physical Training and Pre-conscription Preparation • * reference date – 31st January 2019 ORIGIN OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS 2018/2019 Reforms of primary education in Azerbaijan The World Bank’s involvement in primary education reform occurred in two phases. During the first phase (2003-2007), education reforms focused on the development of a new national curriculum framework and syllabi for primary education, the training of teachers, establishment of a new national system of student assessment, and the development of new per capita financing arrangements for education. In the second phase (2008-2014), the World Bank project added objectives for improving teacher training and learning results in schools that received new school libraries, while fostering the implementation processes at all levels. The 2006 national curriculum was designed as a set of achievement standards determining what students should know and be able to do as a result of learning at each grade level and for a number of subject areas. This was a profoundly new approach in curriculum development paradigm that traditionally was built around the topics and specific facts to be taught and knowledge and skills to be acquired by the students, whereas teachers were main agents of delivering the curriculum and therefore stood at the center of teaching and learning process. The new national curriculum approved by the Cabinet of Ministers in 2006 and started to be implemented at primary level in all schools across the country in 2008 emphasized importance of application of knowledge and skills as the outcomes of teaching and put students’ learning at the center of pedagogical discourse. The 2006 new national curriculum consequently brought reforms mainly in six areas, including formulation of learning outcomes for each subject area, teaching methods, assessment of students’ achievement, teaching resources (mainly textbooks and methodological guides for teachers), teacher education and professional development, and school structure and libraries. Azerbaijan case of promoting common values: Human dignity - Social cohesion

New School for New Azerbaijan - Heydar Aliyev Foundation • The major goal of the Programme conducted since the year of 2005 has been to support the efforts aimed at addressing existing problems in education, establishing new training centers meeting the world standards in the country, eliminating the obstacles having a direct impact on the quality of education, and finding out the possibilities for cooperation among various social strata, as well as local and foreign companies in this field. In the framework of the Programme, up to 400 school buildings were erected or renovated in the different regions of the country in 2005-2012, with an overall capacity exceeding 100 thousand school children. • Since July, 2018 Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities • The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Population (MLSPP), State Employment Service of Azerbaijan (SES) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) start of the Self-Employment Programme for Persons with Disabilities. • The Self-Employment Programme is part of the Creating Inclusive and Decent Jobs for Socially Vulnerable Groups Project implemented by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, State Employment Service of Azerbaijan and supported by the UNDP. Azerbaijan case of promoting common values: Freedom – Media literacy . Educators' Professional Development Institute

Under the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Since April 2016 introduced pilot version of new curriculum for “Media Literacy” as general subject in pedagogical specializations of Higher Educational Institutions. The private already included it in their general subjects. The EPDI as main in service training institution in the county has performed numerous workshops and certificated programs for the higher educational institutions teachers and trainers to perform this subject at their home institutions. In October 2018 EPDI joint Global Media and Information Week held in Kaunas, Lithuania, under UNESCO umbrella and cohosted by Vytautas Magnus University, University of Latvia

In ASPU it is a subject for discussion between Academic Council, the faculties and learners. Azerbaijan case of promoting common values: Democracy – Critical thinking

Critical thinking is a part of Research Methods or Research Seminar that students in Higher learn during their bachelor/master studies.

Educators' Professional Development Institute under the Ministry of Education, in June 2017 performs workshops and seminar for the primary school teachers in methodology of teaching such topics as democracy, citizenship and basic human rights. Thus was performed by EU experts in framework of Eastern partnership project and was aimed to spread the knowledge of Children’s Right convention among the teachers of primary schools of the country. Azerbaijan case of promoting common values: Equality – Inclusive education On 14 December 2017 State Programme on Inclusive Education for 2018-2024,was signed by His Excellency President Ilham Aliyev. “Azerbaijan was one of the first countries in the region to ratify the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and the signing of the new State Programme on Inclusive Education demonstrates the country’s commitment to upholding the rights of children with disabilities,” said UNICEF Representative to Azerbaijan Edward Carwardine. Expanding Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities in Azerbaijan”, project implemented by the UNICEF and Ministry of Education “Ensuring Teachers Readiness for Inclusive Education”, project implemented by Regional Development Public Union (RDPU) ASPU is main partner in both of this projects, and resource centers in 5 regional branches and one of the ’s campus was established. About 200 teachers of different subjects already went threw the trainings in these recourse centers. Primary education teacher, Pre-school teacher, Psychology Service in School, Logopedia these specializations already included in their curricula Inclusive Education as a subject In Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: 1.0.15. "inclusive education" means that persons with disabilities can receive education together with other persons 4.2. Discrimination against persons with disabilities shall be prohibited and punishable under the terms established by law. Specific measures necessary for facilitation or attainment of de facto equality between persons with disabilities and other persons shall not be considered to constitute discrimination 5.0.2. Inclusivity — ensuring the availability of work and education environments and other types of social environment and infrastructure for persons with disabilities in order to provide them with a decent standard of living regardless of the type, form and severity of disability; 5.0.4. Equality — creating equal conditions and opportunities in order to enable persons with disabilities to enjoy and use the services; Respect to Human rights including persons belonging to minorities – Intercultural competence According to Decree of the Ministry of Education, Republic of Azerbaijan in 2019-2020 academic year subject “introduction into Multiculturalism” should be taught as general subject with 2 credits for all the specializations in Higher Educational institutions of Azerbaijan Republic According to the ideology of Azerbaijanism, and aiming at ensuring preservation of tolerance and cultural, religious, linguistic diversity, as well as for recognition of Azerbaijan in the world as the center of multiculturalism, research and encouragement of the existing multiculturalism models, on order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan of February 28, 2014, it was founded the service of the State Counselor on Multiculturalism, Inter-ethnic and Religious Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan. And on the order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan of May 15, 2014, there was created the Baku International Multiculturalism Center The winter and summer schools project of the Baku International Multiculturalism Center is implemented with the organizational support of “Knowledge Foundation” under the President of the Azerbaijan Republic. Within the “Teaching the subject “Azerbaijani Multiculturalism” at universities of foreign countries: problems and prospects” project. Now the subject “Azerbaijani Multiculturalism” is included in curricula of 13 prestigious higher education institutions of the world countries and 28 higher education institutions of Azerbaijan. National Qualifications Framework

Pilot partner university in the two-year TWINNING Project “Support to Strengthening Higher Education System in Azerbaijan”, funded by the European Union.

The general project objective is to further develop Azerbaijan’s higher education system through aligning it with a competence- based education approach. The project purpose is to increase the institutional capacities of the Ministry of Education, higher education institutions and the Accreditation and Nostrification Office for the continued introduction of the principles, mechanisms, tools and policies of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and to ensure their consistent implementation and application supporting the shift towards a student-centred system and learning outcomes approach. The project is implemented by a consortium of 3 EU Member States: France, Latvia and Lithuania. The project implementation period is April, 2018 – 2020. Thank you very much for your attention!

Vice-Rector of International Affairs - Mrs. Nigar Abbaszade Email: [email protected]