Education of Children with Disabilities in Azerbaijan: Barriers and Opportunities
107 Education of Children with Disabilities in Azerbaijan: Barriers and Opportunities ULVIYYA MIKAILOVA, ALMAZ ISMAYILOVA, YULIA KARIMOVA, ULKAR ISAZADE, RAMIZ BEHBUDOV, YUSIF AGAYEV, NIGAR ALIYEVA1 he public education system of the Republic of Azerbaijan was built on the Soviet science of “defectology,” and usually associated with the education of children with disabilities (CWD) in special schools and home schools, separatedT from other children . Thus, the majority of the currently available gov- ernment-provided educational systems facilitate isolation and segregation of CWD from their peers and the society at large . Additionally, educational facilities for CWD are not widely available across Azerbaijan, not fully accessible, and not proactive in locating and involving the CWD in education . This article explores the level of educational data collected using qualitative and quantitative provision for CWD in Azerbaijan from the per- methods complement, support and prove each spective of the Convention on the Rights of the other’s findings . Field research was done during Child (CRC) . It looks at policies, resources and the April - June 2008 period, while data analysis practices, the extent that the national legisla- was done in the months that followed . tion, regulations and educational policy provide The study’s main target group consisted opportunities for social inclusion and main- of CWD aged between 6-10 years, and data stream education for CWD . It provides recom- was gathered from parents, teachers, school mendations to strengthen the capacity of the principals, policymakers, ministry officials and government and other partners in Azerbaijan other key stakeholders, such as NGOs . The col- to bring about policy reforms, ensure adequate lection of data used different research methods resource allocation, and promote programming such as survey, interview, focus group discus- that supports inclusive education .
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