Vol. 50 No. 2 Spring 2016 Colorado Birds The Colorado Field Ornithologists’ Quarterly Boreal Owls in Rocky Hungry Birds Key In on Defects Lesser Nighthawks in Colorado Colorado Field Ornithologists PO Box 929, Indian Hills, Colorado 80454 cfobirds.org Colorado Birds (USPS 0446-190) (ISSN 1094-0030) is published quarterly by the Col- orado Field Ornithologists, P.O. Box 929, Indian Hills, CO 80454. Subscriptions are obtained through annual membership dues. Nonprofit postage paid at Louisville, CO. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Colorado Birds, P.O. Box 929, Indian Hills, CO 80454. Officers and Directors of Colorado Field Ornithologists: Dates indicate end of cur- rent term. An asterisk indicates eligibility for re-election. Terms expire at the annual convention. Officers: President: Doug Faulkner, Arvada, 2017*,
[email protected]; Vice Presi- dent: David Gillilan, Littleton, 2017*,
[email protected]; Secretary: Larry Modesitt, Greenwood Village, 2017,
[email protected]; Treasurer: Michael Kiessig, Indian Hills, 2017*,
[email protected] Past President: Bill Kaempfer, Boulder, 2016,
[email protected] Directors: Christy Carello, Golden, 2016*; Lisa Edwards, Palmer Lake, 2017; Ted Floyd, Lafayette, 2017; Mike Henwood, Grand Junction, 2018; Christian Nunes, Longmont, 2016*; Chris Owens, Denver, 2018* Colorado Bird Records Committee: Dates indicate end of current term. An asterisk indicates eligibility to serve another term. Terms expire 12/31. Chair: Mark Peterson, Colorado Springs, 2018*,
[email protected] Committee Members: John Drummond, Colorado Springs, 2016; Peter Gent, Boul- der, 2017*; Tony Leukering, Largo, Florida, 2018; Dan Maynard, Denver, 2017*; Bill Schmoker, Longmont, 2016; Kathy Mihm Dunning, Denver, 2018* Past Committee Member: Bill Maynard Colorado Birds Quarterly: Editor: Scott W.