gate mmtnn 1 VOL. XXIII. LAKKVIKW, LA K K COUNTY., OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 19. 1002. NO. 24. MISS AMICK THE LOCAL A BIG SALE OF GREAT WOOL COUNTRY A JUNE BRIDE WOOL MARKET ROAD LANDS SALE AT RENO DELIVERY Pretty Outdoor Wedding Lake view Irlce5 Range Million Acres In Eastern A Million Pounds Sold By New 0rder5 In Regard ta at the Amlck Nome Prom 12 1- -3 to 133-- 8 Oregon Sold to Booth-Kelle- y Bid System at Flan- Delivery of the flails, Near State Line. Cents for 19o2. Company. agan Warehouse. in Rural Districts.

Cloud-Ami- Hpeclal to The Examiner Tim ck wedding occurred at ConaidnraMe wool haa Uen txM in The Oreiron Central Military Koad Now that the new mail contracts will Rano, Nev. June 17 The first great the home of Ihe bride', parent, three l.akeview dnriiiK the aat Meek. Company haa Iranaferred to the atock soon be in effect, July 1st, and a new-ord- John I mile .oiilli o( New I'lfio Crock, last I...I.I..- -. ..11 - 11 ..L lr - t ' t 1 Mi- wool aale to be held by the Flanagan from the market here at ' ! tbe department regarding Io,h..,. V2i wim. 1,000,000 Sunday al noon. The ceremony Mat ,, . . . . . Iny acre, ol land. The land Warehouse Company occurred yesterday. raral delivery will be in vogue, it will ..enn.i.y eo . on u.e lonninKn tcr formed by Rev. Smythe of co,Ilprls(.B evry lUtrnitto section for The bidding waa spirited and the aale be in order to give a brief account of the beneath a canopy of Mowers and eve- 1 ro. clip to l.l'4 Mnrae, the Koaton three in I lea on each aide of the road for duties of mail carriers nnder the new. ' was successful. Kepre ntativet from rgreen, In I rw front yard of the residence. buyer, then look up aeveral rlipa at l.'J1,. a iliatance of nearly 500 milea, beginning law. the principal buying concerns in the The bridal couple stood a mar Thia a the hiKliei.t price offer.-d- . and l KnKM, aro the Caacatle, through Any person who, living remote from Kaatern Oregon, Lakevtew, country were present. The town riago bell when tin milliner spoke the foi TtliMMluV Ml'lilitnif ll.i. ma.Lul MMMttl a via thence to tale were or country postoffice, who deirea moid (hat joined them for life, About I lioiiw City, Idaho. Much valuable ti ru- - caried on by bids. One million his mail deposited at a given point on alan.lalill. no ofler. linK made. Moat ; U.r j, Ilcllldw! kilty H'i tit itnced tint marriage, ami fn lhli mrom.e. aold the line of the route by the carrier on of pound were 11?4' cents was the aflfr llir ceremony all invited to a the Surpriae Valley clip taken by In connection with the tranafer of the said route may provide and erect a suit- with lowest price offered and 14J. the high- big Wedding prepared liy Mm. Mormt at ll'a cent.. The taller Iihi proierty of the Military Wagon Htd able box or crane on the roadside, loca- est. These prices were made on the A miik ami tfit tn tti. Joy ami hap- bought alxmt a half million hiiiiiiI. in Company there are aeveral railroad ru ted in such a manner as to be reached I mora atloat, and much ia product delivered Madeline. piness reigned supreme, and lie only all in thin acflion. It i. e.tiinateil thai crelence at The as conveniently as practicable by the in incident to mar the pleasure of t!m day iliveli Ilium. Mti iIim PrKik fVxmtv Flanagan Warehouse without dismounting from lAmi Img. enterprise is now have Wen aold in Lake jliurn. The principal ia wax the auddeii illnfHD of a iiumlxT of project that an assu'ed fact. It lias proved a great the vehicle or horse, and such person the gnests, a. hich in to have from ralt Lake to the coaat at Cooe Bay. shall file with tbe postmaster at the aaiif benefit to producers. Another big sale Ixo-i- i cauaed lv rating that The balance of the Ijtkt. county clip ''ia railroail itcheme ia lo be backed postoffice to which bis mail is addressed

U-c- n will be made later on. had prepared a a part of the will prolmMy go at to lucent. by the (iould people, whu want to reach a request in writing for the delivery of ami stood two long in a tin the I'.cilic Coa.t, and have decided to his mail to the carrier on the route tor

11 build thia line. di- ill r . None were aeriotiHly ill, how f armera' Inatltute, June Joth. Thia line would be The above announcement of the first deposit at tbe designated point, at the 0 ami festivities contiuiitxl rect. It would urn it through vatit risk of the addressee (the one ! ever, the I'oHtera are out anmniiicitig a Karmera ui. sale of wool by the Flanegan Warehouse who ia throughout t afternoon. Mm. C. A. j developed territory in Koutheaatern Ore- ia big addressed). The carrier on each Irmtitillu to be lii l I under the auttpicea Company a feather in the cap of route I lit1 gon, which would at once give it much Knox, liM'al arlint, Psik a picture of of Oregon Agricultural College the promoters of the enterprise. The will also be require, to hang small the and I'UHincHa. thr I r ill tt I couple an tliry hIimmI beneath j local it wonld have the curry bidding system is becoming or containing mail on or cilixena of I.akeview, on June 'M, IW2. ' competitive cianes marri,ige Im II, a ing of vast amounts of lumber to the posts the ami took second It ia the tlekire of the I'rofexKori of ihe popular in this country and the sales that may be erected along the Kant The lumber ahipioenta alone, it picture of tin guest a they stood Oregon Agri 'iiltural College to meet the are made on practically the same plan route, if preferred to boxes. The btnall aromiil ceremony. A i ttuid, will le cuflicient to tunlain the or be provided to wilnc the dinner, ami nI.m kinen of thia aeclion as in London, where auction sales must by tbe to j huiiiImt of from Lakeview attend-- c road from the person for whose use is mii iliiHtiaa w ith them phaxea pertaining to are made at stated periods. At the it intended tint wi tiding, which they any wa Flanagan Warehouse sealed bids are without expense to the Department. animal tiiiHliuinlry, etc. The IiiNlitute Cattle For Silver Lake. a very pretty on. will be in two m'a.i.itia, afteriitHn ami handed in on the various lots of wool, Tbe intentior of the new ord-- r is that Mr. ami Cloud Hill remain down A bund of 500 bead of cattle left Benton opened the party receiving mail Mr. evening, comuiencii.g at 2 p in and 8 p and at a stated hour. In this aong the route I County yesterday morning for Silver shall the valley all hi week and will come m. Thu afternoon will bo devoted to way the producer is more apt to get tbe receive same without cost, and Southern Oregon, aayi a Corvallis to lakeview to lake up their M'rniaiieiit general topic prtaining to the farm, best price for bis clip. Take the best that the party in turn provide his own residence next Monday. The Examiner paper. They have been, during the pant price brought by box, or satchel, and crane, his own aUM'ktrrow ing, etc , and the evening w ill the competitive bids at at join many In wishing month gathered up by Walter Brown expense. with friend the be devoted to aterenptii-o- illuntrated the Flanagan Warehouse last Monday, and win for 1'underaon and Chester Lake-vie- w of happy couple all the Joy to lie found In lecturce on typical Mciinenii of the dif it exceeds the best price offered in It shall be the duty the postmaster pood Avery. They are to be delivered by the upon wedlock and all the fortune 1'fe ferent breela of liveatnek, and view of up to date by a snll margin, allow- a written order from any person may have In atom for them. Browna at the Kaat Deacjiatee, and from ing ?4 of delivery pro- living on or near the star de- the Agricultural College, ground, build-ingi- , a ceut for of the route, to Sin, e writing above it is there Cheater Avery ia to take them on rail- liver to proper I,ier the luhoratorica, etc Both aeHi.ii.ii a duct at Madeline sta.ion on tbe the mail carrier lor that learned t (he owe of i of to the Silver Lake country. For the any tint en the linen will bo entertaining and inatriirtl ve, par road. It is safe to say that the Lake route mail matter placing in their w a of purchase and dells erv of the cattle the respective w the guc( partaking rake that ticularly the evening aeaxion, and no county product would have brought satchels, here such are used, A sugar Browns are to receive f2.50 per head. top-notc- hail a colored coaling. citixen ahoultl fail to attend, whether he the price at the warehouse the mail for the persons to whom sucb The cattle are yearling and 2 year- - Following in a lil of present received lie a atock grower or not. Ktecially because our clip is unusually clean and satchels belong with instructions as to by the hride mid groom : Oida. Th y were purchased in various of excellent the proper mail box or crane which ill the Indie, he welcome. No atock-ma- fiber this season. at li.vlil Vt nrthliiyttiii. llvi r t.lilc ajMioiia. parts of the county at an average cost within a day'a travel of Ijikevicw The Flanagan Warehouse Company said mail matter shall be deposited;, Mr. ami Mm. J. '. MurrlMin. .Ilvrr miliar of about 1 17.50 per head. They i are to has established a system that will prove but shall not be so de- atiil niHin hulilrr rutiitiliieij. ihoulil m'lHa t li iimtructive ii'Htitute. t'iil lie taken hy Chester Avery to the George beneficial livered unless expressly requested Kv. Amlrk .ml Kttitn. liiMNlin.ti, inlrmr. The atthjecta in the afternoon to I dia to the woolgrowers generally by K. J Small ranch at Silver Lake. Mi. Avery w addressee in his w Mr. Miliary, liuri'.u ar.rf. ciihhi) I are forage plant, Hiiminoua weetla and one that ill become popular. It is the ritten order. Jo Mr. .ml Mm. J. H. K.-i- . .mill pillow. returns later to harvest his crop in Ben mail al (iTiliiiif, cure Mini dim-tiM- of tiM'k the first of the great sales to be estab- matter so delivered by a carrier A It k live fill.. III . colli' j ton and in the Autumn he goes with his lished on the competitive bidding plan shall be carried past another petofiice Oilcan mii lr. u hiillvlilii.l It will he iiitercMinit and entertaining rrcmniT". i family to Silver to reside. Grover tiro. lluiH.f(ti, art. for all who attend. The lectures are in this section of the country. The same on the route before being deposited - Avery is a member of party Mr. anil Mm. IPM, act a.uci- llln .ml free. the that system has proved succes-fu- l at Pendle- into a mail box or bung on a crane or If Jiali. left with the cattle yesterday morning ton, this state, and growers generally post. Mr. ami Mm. I. K. A in Irk, I wo lr I.e. cur-litl- Itlair'A Conors Are Speedy. The band started from I'undersonAvery 'a are in accord with the movement. The carrier on tbe star route will be .ml liun nii ar.rf. farm, two miles south of town. Mr. anil Mm. Hrti 1'loinl, lruarla run. John idnirlmaa pair of Conor colla The second big sale will soon be held, required to receive from any postmaster " K4. Mulki-y- , M.nli ImikI tier. and will lie reported to our woolgrowers ou the route any mail matter or private .ml .li with excellent .iie'd. While on his Bleakmore Get A lilatrnin lima., mlvi r ..It .ml pprr likm. the Business by mail satchel may roundrt performing hi. dntiea an HHncHKiir The Examiner. that be intrusted to Ml. 1'i .rl llHrlnv. i liln. Irtill illxli. l'.d. F. well IiihI MoimIhv, iintl l'eart, a known gentleman him, outside of the usual , and Mr, mimI Mm. Tniii M ulkey. liT plti'luT. while coining through representing the grocery of de-Io- - department shall carry such mail and sit Uh .ml Mltitilf Mulkry, M l nuri- itUlio. n gate way at the Vernon pliteo south of Letter to the Public. matter to Mulki-)'- . i l The Adams, Booth Company of Sacra I IIkI. .ti'l AiU intnlili'rs. I.akeview, the atiimulx hecHine frighten-et- l desire to state that I am in no wav it iuto the proper mail box or Mr. Mm. II. It. iiuliU, (ln w n t r iiiento, ami Bleakmore, who took connected with con- .ml hii.I iltmliel the inle of the Imgy Ia the meat market hang it on the proper mail crane placed Mr. .ml Mm. I. r. II. rr) , m.iiil l.inp. place in ducted hy Mr. Scliweinfurth in- Lake- - iigaiiiit gate Arthur Ioupe's the cigar de on the line of the route for this purpose ; A H url llrrry, allvrr luillur ilmli. the mihI. The pole wiih view. 1 am strictly in the vegetable partment of the same house, were here such service by the to be with- AIIhtI .til Ml All. Hpr.y, Iwrry ml broken off tdiort and ihe ct.lta coiichnled and fruit business nt my old stand te carrier seveial dava last week in the interest out charge Mr. .ml Mm. I.uku Mulki y, raki' ainiul .ml to "how the ownr how f lit they could the Oregon Hotel, aixt am trying to the addrcsttes. liapklnn. of their respective departments. The to make an go. Mr. Blair was on tlm ground when honorable livelihood. It is The person providing either box or Krr 1 Itti , dm pit i n lirlili- - not my to with rlnnn wllli .ml team Marled, Adams, Booth housu is known as one of purxiee interfere the satchel should see that it is of sucb KriMiin' IiiIMnU. the but could not hold husiness of others. 1 ask the people of the leaders of the Pacific Const. Mr. , MIhm Aiiiih, pr. I.t-- them, niid the aniinalM continued in Lakeview to give me a share of character as to afford ample protection-- Inn rurlHltm. l'eart knows all our people and their (ir.mlih. hiiiI tirHii'lpn ('IimhI, Ini i.ri'.i. their mail career adown the lane. They enjoys a patronage. AH kinds of vegetables in to his mail. If there is a lock attached Mm. Tom big trade among Lakeview business Mr.. iiI Hi'IhIitiiii, u .irr .rl. piled Ihe buggy up on top of a rail fence, men. season, ami the lies! fruits to tie had in to the box, a key is not to be held by the Mr. II rloii'l, kihiiiI I tn . It was .Mr. Bleakmnre'a first visit the market will lie found in season at anil continued nu toward (iolden here, carrier, as he is expected to depot-i- t the Mm. Kunx.K ilil I.h.i h 'W k Iml.l.T. the my stand. Very Respectfully, bu; he at once made himself popular as mail of Minn Myrtle Hu I h, pupi l rmk. Stale. JiiHt aouth of Will McKco'g L. B. Whohton without the necessity unlocking a business of 11111 . man full carat fine. He Mr. K..II. (Joml 11, t illnm r .lHt.', mt ranch a bicycle rider Mopped them uinl the box. t handles the best brands of ctuars known 'lpinml umiivm, pll.'li.T. m't pl plHln after hiiching Iheni to a fence came on The carrier is not required to collect bet-ide- Death of W. A. Bagley. ami iiii'.l 1'lntirr. to the and a to llnd the owner. Blair .aya trade, is an enter- mail from the boxes, but there is no Mr. T.i.l. I IIiiiiiiit. ullri'r li.ik tint lit'. the Conors W. Bagley, taining and dever gentleman. Mr. A. whom The Examiner objections to his doing so if Mr. .ml Mia. IImvi h Mulkry, li t rrr.m wt. ba ve great "peed. The damage w ll only it does not Bleakmore made many Lake-vie- announced last week as a victim of Kv. Amlck, allvi r Hpoima. to a few friends in interfere with his making the schedule .ft amount dollars. smallpox time. Mr.ainl Mra. A. AinUik, not allvur kill vol and upon his Hist visit who will always at Lis borne at Paisley, died T!.e law provides that every lurka ami luliltt linen. be glad to see him come again. He from tbe disease last Sunday at 11 a. ni. carrier of tbe mail shall receive any Will Be flarried Soon. sold mail presented if proper- A Im'k 11 1 If ol collection of flowcrt matter to him w.i for enough cigara here to keep Lakeview The unfortunate man was atllicted w ith ly war.lcj liy Ainlck, prraiinuid by Ir. N. Pean Asdell, the dentist, re- prepaid by stamps, and deliver the li ilrr the smokers pulling away iie smallpox in its worst form the German same for mailing Mayor of ami tlm profciaor. of the turned from Silver Lake last Monday, until returns. at the next pnstottice Oakland lliiallica. Cilli'ite, till) black smallpox. He was a member of at which he arrives, but that no feea. lljti'lliliil for and on Wednesday morning started for shall lirlilc, hut tliu ciilli'Clliin una loat off the Charlie the election board at Paisley, and had a be allowed him therefor. alai' San Francisco to prepare for tils coming Cummins Murdered. lu tranalt. high fever at the time ho w as perform- marriage. On JuneSdth pr. Asdell will Ed Williams, a woodchopper, blood- Relics of a Mighty Battle. ing his duty. It is feared now that A TKSIIMOMAL lead to the altar Miss F.dilli to thirsty and cowardly, shot and killed Wade Snyder brought Jennet many people have been again exposed in a pair of fill- I.AKKVirw, Juno 18, luOi. Harry, who resides at .1:12(1 Sacramento Deputy Constable Charlie Cummins at ers found near the P to the disease, and that another epi- ranch, that ka To wlitiin It may ('onacrn; Bl.reet, city, where the wedding will be Ihe mining town of Pe La Mar, near been looked upon with wonder I, C'i lifftiiH, B. & demic w ill prevail as a William tjt C u.ud the Adrlanoe held. The w ill Heckling, without provocation, on June result. II, lluckcyn Pr. return with his bride number of people during the past Muw.r, alao thu Deerlng Ol.nt Oth. Williams got away A. Bagley was a highly respected citizen w'ist. I to Lakeview en July 15th, to take up a but was after The antlers are locked iiircIiIiic. bought a MoCormluk of Lake county, a man of high honor together jtavi r. and trlml It to my aatUfactlon, I th.ll recom- permanent residence. wards captured, and only escaped lynch- they were w hen the mighty and good heart, lie was at one time monar5e e mend It tu all who may he In need of a ing by an angry crowd of citizens be the forest died in mortal cooJat. It will cut dry graatca which U ao often Race Track Privileges. cause the otllcors secretly considered wealthy. He leaves a wife carried liiiu While hunting one day aaeap-rang- founil In the mcnilnwa. I alao my blurry family on the uiod Sealed bid for the following privileges away to Bedding under cover of dark and and numerous fiitiids to team to run on tho MoCoriiilck by tin ildu of will be received by Wade looked down a small ully ' the Secretary of the ness. The dead man njourn his death. the DccrliiK with work team. Lake County Agricultural Association: w.s known in and saw tbe antlers. He took tbttu tc Kuapcctfully, I'ool 1'rivilege: Bar Frivileue: Ice Cream Lakeview, having resided here for some camp, and when he came to Lakeview ('. C, Uirmn, Crana Lake big " El Comandante I" Who is it w hat ti Confectionery privilege. Bid must time just after the fire of May, 1900. last week presented them to .V. Tux Mi'CoimicK run lAi.a ar II. Hchminuk & is it? Lovers of a good smoke will never Whorion be in the hands of the Secretary by Cummins was a paper-hange- r, and did ask that question, for they Smith as a curio. They handsome-specimens- , 8iN, I.axivikw. n il 3:50 p. in., Wednesday. June 25th. 11KK2. know. "Kl are the work at George Jammerthal's "Re- Co ni aml alite." is the pure weed The Association reserves the riitlit to te- - that has and can be seen at the Pat-ac- e. w hen w made Post & King's cigar department Everybody bag jectany and all bids. treat," that building as complet- From the appearance of the horns-th- e read 'Tom Payne," famous. Coinan-dante- V. Id. ed. He also did paper work in Ask once for an "El " deadly battle between the two buck but unlusa you amoke the "Tom Payne" i l riNKLUNa, Skc other you will cigar buildings and call for it always. dates back to only a brief time, as th at the Brewery aaloon you cannot here after tbe fire. lie was On sale only Post Lake-vie- got at ct King's, hair on the skull is in almost perfect, the right Inspiration. 24 3tu Alarm Clocks at Ahlstrom Bros. killed in cold blood. 24 8m condition.

.nnrmM .8MAUJIUD .11 .H