JAN JOURNAL A Gazetteer of the State of Maine. George .J. Varney, author of A Young Peo- HI 1SH1 l> EVERY ill! HSDAY MORNING I$Y THE ple's History' of Maine, lias given us in this vol- Journal Co. ume of over 400 pages a most valuable atul es- Republican Publishing sential work upon the State of Maine. It should — he in Bsc in l’r ion Terms. In advance, $2.00 a year; every school, every library, and upon within the year, $2.50; at the expiration of the every table in the Maine households. As year, $:t.OO. many a book of Advertising Terms. For one square, (oneinch reference we prize it very much. It •'! icngtli in $1.00 for one and 25 column,) week, gives descriptive, historical and statistical ac- cents for each subsequent insertion. A fraction of Journal. count of as a a square charged as a full one. the State whole, and of each town in particular. Each post-office is represented The are authorized for the Jour- VOLUME 55. following agents BELFAST, MAINE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1883. NUMBER 32. in the order of the towns. The illustrations of nal : Republican R. NlI.ES, No. 250 Washington St., Boston. Maine buildings, scenery and historical places T. (., Kvass, Rooms 2, 4 & 8, Tremont Temple, How to Cook Eggs. In Summer Time. which we have been arc line. The of the State -liould Boston. premitted to ex- My First Trout. Washington News and Gossip. Wong Chin Foo to Denis Kearney. people appre- M I’ettengii J. & Co., 10 state St., Boston, and amine. that the towns ciate and feel of the work. It i- Let us now make Flowers and fruits of the Assuming yet to proud publish- Broadway, X V practical application summer, It was will not THE DI LI. SEASON. ABSENCE OE I IIE i’llES- come in will show tli 3 same as many years ago—I say 'File addressed ed at the 1 ior.a< k Bonn, 205 St., Boston. of the Cali you hear us children shout. average IDENT AND challenge by Wong low price of two dollars bv !>. It. Rus- Washington laws of albumen coagulation that how that I was a of CABINET. I1, liowi.i.i. X Co., 10 St.. New York, When, over the fields and lull-sides. those many—only boy Chin editor of the Chinese Ameri- Spruce were already returned, and there are 45 Foo, sell, .>7 Cornhill, Boston. bill, a 41 Park demonstrated in the test-tube ex- The month of to Every pond, li. Bates, Row, New York. We seek and find you out? thirteen, it was in Maine, too, that August is be a dull to Denis of sand-lots no- open dram shops in Maine outside of can, Kearney, stream, rock, iuti r- periment. The non-professional student State in the of Izaak soil, productions, business, Do know and these in paradisiac eyes good season this year in The is as follows: >1 list or you blackberries bow you glisten? Hunger fifteen towns Washington. toriety. < BIBKRS remitting money desiring to may do this at the breakfast lireside. only Walton’s If I mention Lincoln sting history, soldiers, old inhabitants, schools, Die address of papers changed, must state the You raspberries know liow you glow? and 443 secret or in scenery. President and member oi bis New 18, 1883. The is a suspected places every Cabi- Youk, July banks, rate of I' "i office to which the paper has beam sent,as well apparatus required saucepan Or know bow I wonder if there will be newspapers, valuation, taxation, yon gooseberries you prickle? which be as a bever- county, any To Mr. Denis Astor I loose: a- tile office to which it is to for a liquor may obtained net are and the President Kearney, go. large enough boiling pint of water If not.—then you ought to know. reader of Forest and Stream whose mem- absent, is not mills, shops, factories, railroads, Ac., arc inter- age; with more or less Sir—Yon and I are both citizens of the the materials two difficulty—making to return and sixtv admimstra nuts. eggs. Do bide from us, ever, on ories will go back to some one of those expected before October. Few estingly concisely given, engrav- K\na ruits and <;i aroians you purpose, 322 in all, or one ti over KMX) inhabi- Fiiitrd States l»y adoption. You have riua tlicir Probate in Cook the first in the orthodox manner And. in the still? beautiful streams which tumble into river its A- illustrative of its advertising published the deep green, keep tants. members of the Cabinet will much achieved such fame as to ings diversify pages. I annul, will please so state to tin- ( ourt. < »r is it social and spend belongs you by by keeping it in boiling water three and quite pleasant or and from whose amber he contents we that of The result of this bay, pools time there that the race to which I quote portion Inscriptive Subscribers are to a When basket and we fill? inquiry shows that during insisting belong requested take notice, of the half minutes. Then the second pail has lured a beautiful August, Secretary our native town: i ie on place many trout, and, shall be denied the colored .-lip attached to the paper, it 4!K; taxes is at his own home in Xew the advantages which in this same water: instead And the bumble-bees—bow can bear them? notwithstanding persons paid Frelinghuysen the oniv iorm of now used. For boiling but, you perhaps, single out the very “mill brook” o Illinois's is situated near the center of Waldo rec-ipt instance, as dealers in fourteen cities of Maine, where he to remain until this country has always lie rod to your I-’1 Mar -il, means iliat tlw is paid to of the over the Well, sometimes l think it is true yet I have in mind Jersey, expects county. Monroe and Swanville bound it on tin- subscription keeping saucepan tire, between Sheepscot and own. I, on the other in the that -late. When a new payment i-made, the date have tlndr for us the whole number of known or cooler weather or the of business hand, face east, Waldo it on the hearth and leave it They sharp stings people, suspected I rivers. pressure south, Jackson north, and Knox will he t" and place there, Lunariaeotta of the (if changed corri-spond, SUBSCRIB- And only their velvet for you. dram shops in these cities is brings him to enmity your race and its friends, west. The area is about '25 miles. The Kl!' \RI RKgU-l-TKI) I'O sKK THAT T11K1R with the eggs in it. about ten minutes reported Those were and with Washington: Secretary square 432 I5tl of thefe as schoolboy days, Lincoln has represent the just demand of hllliness renders the varied and lJ\TFs AUK t OlilIKt T. Subscribers in arrears or more. A still And how do 1 only being reported gone with the President on my people scenery quite better way of you berries, wonder, two or tlnee I was accus- There are o'e requested to forward [lie sums due. making companions, lor lair as 1 pleasing. several tine bluffs and some Feel, on a beautiful dish. practically open in t tree of bis Yellowstone Secretary Chandler play against yours. belong the is to use for spread cities, (134 tomed to a three mile walk in the trip, very beautiful views. the ele- comparative experiment All with That strikes me trudge to the most ancient on this Among highest covered sugar? them in one ant 2.-;i>, as “secret or is in Xew empire globe. vations the second egg a or hnin city) summer autumn Hampshire, Attorney-General arc Sprout, and Oak bills, estimated to water-bath, As iust what a berry would wish. and months to the You, own to FARM. GARDEN suspected In the remaining Brewster is at Brandi, and as all by your statement, belong tic from .">00 to sOo feet in height. The AND HOUSEHOLD nuirir of tile French scientific a places.” I but not because Long pond- cook; academy say trudge, the most and ill-treated na- are Half It's a sort of reward. I am thinking. 4tqj towns only l!*0 d >alcrs are reported, the courts in which the Government has dependent I’assagas-awakcag. Moon, Corson ami vessel immersed in boiling or nearly boil- it was for we were, Clements. The tirst i- 1 wearisome, lively boys tion of serfs ever of the an t 1 hi- department brief That every good berry should meet; and these, with 2(1 in twelve any business have until Octo- deprived its liberties. largest, having suggestions, facts, water, like a and therefore exceptions adjourned area of about one h ing glue-pot, And I'm not sure m should like it. and could enter without a of be- mile iu length and half a mile i exp. riem-es are solicited from yet. towns are all down as or thought lie is not to The flag of my country floats over the housekeep- not so put only “secret ber, expected spend much in width. It i- the si ... the river of tic- er-. tanners and Address quite hot as its source of heat. In To he so delicious to eat I ing tired into whatever was gardener-. Agri- play going time in third in the world. Yours same llill. in St. Nicholas for suspected.” Washington until then; the re- greatest navy name, which empties into Belfast Bay. cultural frill or. Journal t tfflcc, Belfast this ease a thermometer should be used, [Bessie August. on the hour, or half we is Maine.] during hour, of Ku Klux in the South to he seen derisively displayed on the The rock is generally mica schist. The soil and the water the be arrived ports outrages surrounding egg before school, but simply because I7th of March in the streets is granitic gravel loam, and fertile, Does are not likely to disturb him greatly, be- puphe and quite: Hay Farming Pay? kept at or near ISO deg Falir. Time of i IION. .POSIAU II. I>1U\\ MONO ON I'll!; l’KO- w e walked and had the favor of a and potatoes are the largest hut Prohibition in Maine. rarely cause the answer has been triumphantly hoisted on an occasional crops, apple 111 ISITOH Y A ; IKXDMKXT. already given orchards well. The a ■ immersion about ten minutes or more. forests PI S >KS I\ AS q.l, Is ril IN. ride. It was not a road either— yield comprise AJI dreary non accom- gin-mill. The ambassadors and consuls of A of results will show that EXTRACT FROM J ilt: Ullllil'.SS OF IION. NELSON t lie passumsus. Secretary Folger variety trees -maple, lurch, beach, ash. In m- I 1 comparison Among speakers at Maranocook sulticiently up hill and down of nation at flight to ask of the at mostly the President to from my rank every court in Eu- ioek. spruce, tir, cedar, oak, basswood, pardon at a tem- IIINGLEY, JR., THE TEMPERANCE MASS panies Chicago, poplar. the egg that lias been cooked was the the woods. And what does a iV. v. MEETING AT LAKE M A It A Non >OK. Hon. .Josiaii ii. Drummond of through which rope with those of :meutli Hr iok-. The Portland. In the course of his country boy which he England and . Those of post-offices ■ hooks ol'the Internal Revenue of- address, probably will again visit bis your There arc i« .lie I hitiiel Sta the boiling-point of water is tender and What are more beautiful lo him several mills on Marsh, Sawyer and kney stamp fice tor show sights home in Xew York. Teller race may be found cooling their heels in so no Maine that for the present to the la wiston he Secretary Ellis streams. At Brooks village i- a clothing 'I i-.-r I" he (net that tamers have delicate, evenly throughout, part according Journal, than the shady vistas, and what sounds the lobbies of year SIB have id the I'. S. tax lias gone to Colorado for the month of any common council in manufactory, a grist-mill and a -mill. being hard while another is semi- persons pa saiti: more and homelike 1 part inspiring than the which the •South Brooks has mills stavi rk, lest 1 discourage the dear little as dealers in As the tax is August to rest, and Postmaster Gresham rum-selling interest in politics .amit'ai-turing raw and liquors. only of and barrels. slimy. We to it a constitutional twittering birds, chattering of squirrels, The race which I shingles, long lumber The Belfast '«> that have not found out *25, the penalties for propose p has accompanied the President, to be ab- predominates. repre- yet what I said “ten minutes or more,” because, non-payment very drumming of and of and Burnham branch of the Maine Central rail- anil the S. prohibitory amendmmt into the State. partridges bubbling sent for two weeks. sent is centuries o]d in every art and are made for: when thus a severe, detective service again road passes through tile town, haling a station > but that is the kind cooked, prolonged exposure It contains the brooks? Sometimes his most science. That it is believed that this prohibitory principle. delightful of which you are the at Brooks village, a little north of the center "I "1 that and the same to the hot water does no if the very vigilant, SAM T A It V l'EEC A UTI(>NS. firming "pays," mischief; There is no need to state it. The holiday is when he receives nnir hi/me lit' for its the town. *'1 covers who intends to sell ques- spokesman apologizes present — and will make other busi- of Itin is not every person a Thi* up get" temperature deg. exceeded, tion that we are to discuss then is this for tramp in the and with a Surgeon-General Hamilton, of the Ma- and territory of Brooks wa- embraced in however It covers also woods, ignorance mental obscurity with the II. it remain for half an hour: in liquors secretly. one rine the Waldo patent, it- name was pa\ [i>. 1'hing. may fait, in the constitution. that is kniie in pocket for the spruce gum, Hospital Service, had another con- that and literature plantation 2(H) of the of the a principle No, pica your learning W It w a- I here is no avenue to a the of to nearly druggists State, ference with ashingtou. incorporated in lsltt. and open young perfection cooking, according not the We have and a piece, of twine am a fish in Acting Secretary French was lost in the of whom claim that question. gone past mythical past. It you muned in honor of t; v. Brooks, of Massachu- ’i n oi ami (1 cook own large proportion they on intelligence education that my experience always my that. We have to another for a chub, or he is recently the matter of the and 1 were setts. never started put it in. It possible trout, quarantine each to address the American Joseph Roberts, from Buektield, who vos so sure sell liquor as a beverage. ot success and of a eggs when I have the and oil the at the of the built tIn■ first mills was promise opportunity has come where we must vote it. following rough track of some Capes Chesapeake. Ar- in our native we in town, said to have But all as we upon people tongues, should h J. and useful as can the is attained when counting dealers, and been a resident here in 17'.*t>. in Isiq. h--. with happy life, practical spare time), The is as to votes. That is winter road, or tracing the course of an rangements have been perfected so that lie to have one dealer to about Stitt question the equally unintelligible our audience. bis two brothers. John a. ■'culture in New at Kid about minutes. liquor every it is a and Jonathan, were farming England. kept deg. twenty 1 am here to talk as unexplored brook. expected rigid quarantine can be In the inhabitants, and all secret dealers outside question. to your speaking language of this country, settled in town. No, b-ngaftcr I*- it in aieve in "the sterile condition of The Irk) is above-named because was in one Benjamin Cilley, deg. duties as to votes, not to men It of these mori walks successfully maintained against all in- which is the with lii- sons. iVtcrand Simon, from oi seventeen who are only you ing naturally language of neither Benjamin. : he 'ii” of almost -if Xew the the of the places, doing a very fected vessels. the any part Eng- rising.of temperature egg but to the women wh to school that 1 dallied at the mill brook' The health officers of of we should meet on same town, took up their residence here. small business under difficulties: direct and tell us us, the same ground. 's. 'live it a fair chance and it will itself is due to the iUtterance between its great and that lirst trout. It Baltimore and Tin tirst lawyer was i’hincas Ashimiu, who while !iow to vote. caught happened Xorfolk, Washington say Perhaps you as well a- I : own fifty years ago there was in Maine speak English cam-- as agent for Scars. Thorndike A Tr»cott, spoud generously to the temperature and that of the water, I that that com- that if the can he intelligent, did—yes 1 will say about particular morning my quarantine rigidly do. Some Irishmen do. In such a case of most educated hand of when that one licensed dram shop to even 225 in- something proprietors of the land in thi- and ad- culture. It will and, ditl'erenee is very small, it I were and 1 was alone. maintained and due we forgive habitants. The though thought 1 wouldn't. I did panions detained, there, sanitary pre- should lie on the same plane linguis joining towns. He wa- also iir.-t post-mn-b r blunders ami do the fair 'Ins takes besides average number of deal- cautions shall ban;, tiling to place very slowly, hear doubts at the When the brook was reached I knew tlfiit be taken in the however we Jacob Roberts was tin- first This ers in Northern license States is beginning as to adjacent tically, might differ in natu- physician. lamest effort. A. if 15 in Mass. which the of the water wholly I was there is reason town was awhile the home ot lion. W'oodliuri Plough- temperature is, whether this amendment was best. 1 early and had time to bait the cities, good to hope that ral and one to every 210 or dignity intelligence. 1 ’a\ i-. of the court f 111 till. of course, lowered in that of the inhabitants, nearly chubs a little. Hut how the fever can be olf the land. formerly Judgi Supreme raising that ion could be should it he kept Quar- When ceased cuckoo erv that cold four times as many as in Maine ; and in thought theques safely you your Maine. It is claimed for Brook- that no town ng is a gimd business for a good egg. [From “The Chemistry of left to the done ? 1 had not the antine has never before been established not a people of the grand old State brought, along “the Chinese must go," you fell into dis- of its size has done more for the cause of frei ■ license State in the g: i:s: as trade is a business In \Y. Mattieu in single wholly twine and ti.sli nor at the of the dom and good Cookery," Williams, of Maine. I do not tl ink it best now we hook, had i any bait, Capes Chesapeake. In all In an American temperance. North is the number less than one to 250 repute. convention you tin a merchant. Science for The societies in Brooks arc good Ninety-seven per Popular Monthly July. are destined to without dinner of yellow fever seasons hitherto all all'ect- were religious the inhabitants. In New York and New have t ie battle. I think trespassing upon my publicly denounced as a fraud and a.!. : the merchants are said to fail at ed have been to Coiigregatioiialists, Baptists. Methodists and the time has been elunen none too buttered biscuits, and as to the latter, ships allowed come up a traitor. I infer that How to Foretell Weather. Jersey there is one dram to early, logically you are Friends. The town lias seten public school •as: nee in their c areer. I think this shop every then of lzaak’s the to at ISO none too late. It is a serious question to knowing nothing good Chesapeake Bay quarantine only honest, therefore, when von dr bou •••::. ami it.^etotal school property is valued ■ inhabitants, in Rhode Island one to > si t : We know that no such I and the at high. The Fanners' Club of the American meet. If it is established it is es- devices, doubt whether it would ever Baltimore, up Hampton Roads nounce race. at all $2.tut). The valuation of estates in IS70 was 200, in Delaware one to 250. and in Cali- now, my That, events, is aa; ■; m of things exists on our farms. ! Institute has issued the rules tablished for have occurred to me to commit the to the quarantine at Xorfolk. Xovv the $200,170. Ill l-so it. was S221.4J7. Tin- popu- following one to all timi. if lost then the my estimate of you, for which 1 am in- W fornia })5. The for the lation in Is70 was sits. In l.sSO it was s77." hy .iocs not this prove that is for the weather. If farmers average The of mv dinner station is not less than 'Jo miles from farming foretelling t work of twenty, thirty, years must trespass. tape string debted to our l>\ whole nion is one to every But) inhab- forty fellow-countrymen ■Some towns are msiness than trade ? We all and others whose business is out doors a ime and a bent Xorfolk and. Fortress and it given in fuller detail, with itants. be done over again. It is for me to say ong suggested pm Monroe, is, adoption, the Americans. You arc in 1 of risk is at twelve more and industrial mat- | rentage far and depends upon the weather, w ill to man with ; provided the hook, while for bait I turned least, miles from the smallest New York. So am i. historical, descriptive study 1 hus it will be seen that even count- every ny regard for the You are a dis ess a s_i.i ire than in trade or mau- them over the stones til! 1 Hamilton ex- ter. rate, per cent., taxation, etc. The extract closely, they will be able to guess for mt rals or welfare for found a worm, village. Surgeon-General and are ing all persons who a tax as dealers church, public appointed demagogue, you going 1: is a tuleof business paid the is a that the weather more than tin1 best ot to come which chanced to be one of the pressed greatest confidence that it in a or two to stir given, however, fair -ample and will slum accurately Wig- tin- number of those who as everything forward great day up the prejudice the iisk is stnaii the (and sell a would be revenue is gins or Vennor: and vote. white ones with black heads which farm- practicable to keep this portion of but the scope, ili-sigu and \ nine of tin- work to every much and there are your ignorant well-meaning iiroth- .V income is to bevciagcjs less), only ers so of the Atlantic coast :arge necessary 1. When the falls sud- It is tlie tli.it it is find in their free of the fever. n iiiNiiLii'ii m\ native of Maine and to tin- world at temperature one-fourth as cry against the liberty commonly potato imuuutv ''inaiiH'n large. o'ei i: excess of risk. many liquor dealers per This is a tiling there is a storm south of of citizen. hills. With this 1 Health officer Townsend, of at a J. IV. Eanh. denly forming thousand inhabitants in Maine that there every It is said that men primitive apparatus Washington public meeting. 1 demand of you the tar;:*'!' are to and is the was that is in apt forget, you. have certain inaliena ile speedily enjoying myself, prone on city, says thecapitol much bet- right to meet there or else 1 is on the in license States. When rights against you anywheie ns'! '-In neither fortunes nor average ter rapid When the rises sud- which we cannot the of the to sanitary condition than it was last as the of race. Literature. temperature it is home in mind that dealers in Maine legislate. Ii would he planks bridge, try ing jerk champion my I demand of ■a: ai '1 sudden losses are met with in and that denly there is a storm north of wouldn’t f men out the chubs, which found the year, immediate steps will be the to forming arc strange, it, had an in- tempting you right array against what you TTn: Blockaim: \\i> rm. Cut isf.k>. ig! icuhuic. We have generally obliged to do a secret busi- to By no right to expect you. to morsel too for their mouths. Sud- taken clean the few bad The to ness. alienable right do wrong, perpetrate large spots. may say the assisted immigrants of -I. '• -a. i\ with very small stocks, it is evident Rrof. Russell Sole*, of and the 3. The wind blows a the crowd of chubs darted of the Potomac front farming great profits always from crime, lead their (el owmen into evil denly away in engineers improve- your people, what 1 have to say in hehall ••I ation that the sales of two or three dealers in TTn: A 11.\M ir < o vsl. By Rear-Admiral speeu together. of fair weather toward a and in their was ment say that the soil which are ot region region this State ways, degradation an l min? it would every direction, place they the industi ions and unassisted im- It alter cannot he as large as the Daniel Amimtq l >. my opinion, much thought where a storm is seem one large lisli or ten inches digging up does not seem to be of a kind of Navy. forming. sales o! one very strange, but people have eight long. migrants mine. Numbers of the men and mg of the licensed open dealer in a to TTik. (ii i.r vm> Ini.am* W ah us. Com* study subject, that fami- 4. Cirrus clouds move from a heard so much of the It was so injurious health. The health authori- who listen to By always licensed State. These facts make it evi- .-tatement that they apparition like, suddenly you will be paupers and ng is fin- the best was ties of Baltimore are maiuler A. T. Mahan, l S. Navy. by business done in region where a storm is in to a have been led > he there. Would he take the bait ? aroused by the scare who process dent that the sales of in Maine nearly t believe it. Such deadbeats, have had every ippor- America as are now. Hut it is liquor which received These three volume- a series things region of fair weat her. is not the constitutional law. Man has 1 was in a tremor of hope and expecta- they last week from the to on in this comprise pub- cannot be what are in timity get country. Kvery '■apa: ic .a made much more ">. one-eighth they arrival of tile lished umh r the title of "The in tic Civil sting profit- Cumulus clouds move from it is true, ist which wo tion. No; he was away, after a moment unexpected yellow fever Chinaman who he Navy always license States. The amount in liberty, agai must may there wid have able Kven our best can do .] brought California at v *ns. fanners bet- ot fair weather to a where not m m of in the as as ship their quarantine, and his own War," by Charles Scribner's publishers legion region from Boston for legislate. No lias a higher poising water, suddenly paid passage to America, will lie ter than are In fact it is our by express personal use, the most they doing. a storm is for that libe lie had come, and I was left in thorough purification ol that his own of tin- successful series, "The Cam- forming. is not so as regard ty than I have. disappoint- earning living honestly of strikingly host funnels who are large many imagine, as the (most most conscious of d Where cirrus clouds are does ment to try to toll back chubs. Hut city lias begun. them the of the Civil War," of which 7(h- moving are all and the Liberty not, however, mean license. my by professional practice o! that paigns nearly tin- of their business for im- from packages small, aggregate capacity rapidly the north or northeast there That of the con- no; again. Before the chubs could T1IK CASK All AIXST KUl.I.Odo. art ot cleanliness to which men of O00 have been sold. \\ have amount so introduced is not so much as [Applause.J liberty your Copies already provement. The ’aimeisol New will be rain inside of tw the Kngland enty-four hours, stitution is so to do with our own gather, apparition had returned, class are usually will he the noticed Rrof. book, which deals "not "ant more would be sold a very few licensed prop- K\-Senator Kellogg expresses surprise strangers), Soley's .mowledge, more energy and no matter how cold it is. by open sized the and with a of arm erty as not to injure the or bait, vigor that the motion to the possessor of a savings account, ami will only with the mentioned in the more liquor establishments. rights prop- quash iiulietment specific subj.-cts In as <• When are sufficient for a capita!. proportion they get cirrus elouds of others. greater feat was shot out. in no interfere with *. moving The fact that the T. S. Revenue Re- erty against him should have been over-ruled degree your most titi hut also with tin* general condition of tin* these heroine more I leipiisites they protit- rapidly from the south or southeast there Is it not a license t > do know not how, far upon tin* roadside. brutal and idiotic If shows that 4 cents inhabi- wrong. Our by Judge Wylie, but professes to be harangue. on fail N’a\y at tie-outbreak of tin- War, tin* peculiar o'lc. I'le greatest fault or w ill a port only per was ready misfortune" be cold rain storm on the morrow, courts have said that our It a ease of “reflex action” which to ask me to meet it tant was collected on the manufacture people have to stand the trial, and to that ow- you there, you fail difficulties before it.aiid tic way in which the of out avt rage farmers > that have it regret they it Lie in summer, and if it be in the to their would have delighted l)r. to oiler me a chance to combat the winter, and sale of in Maine in 1 while right protect institutions, Carpenter. ing to the summer vacation of the court puer- difficulties wen met.” He second volutin de got mole laud than tln-y are able to han- there will he a snow storm. liquors That was first trout. 1 had never their health and moials. An my it will not be to ile you intend to on h!e £1.-40 per inhabitant were collected in example possible take ut> the case vituperation heap scribe- tic on tin- Atlantic coast l i'fhe next greatest is that 5. The wind blows in a circle seen one but as 1 operations always the before the people to-d ly in the before, hastily got my before October. The indictment my people, I shall post you as an t'n do not their whole Union, affords a very stoppage against emptv tin l’ort the attack on Charles- y study business as they around a and when it blows from striking of a hands it and saw its sides Royal expedition, storm, contrast. merchant’s rags from a upon golden had been submitted to a bladder, afraid oi being punctured and are importing Kellogg good ton. the of the onfed<-rati- fort at 11:it- ought. They satisfied with the the heaviest rain is east of and vermillion I needed no one to capture being north, you ; It has been cholera-stricken land without their un- spots, many them ltoscoe Conk- relieved of the fetid wind it contains. furmei'. but dissatitied with the if it already observed that pro- lawyers, among terns inlet, the reduction of Newbern. and tin* poor blows from the south, the heaviest Is not the tell me what it was. And the Woni Chin I'oo. hibition abolishes secret as dergoing quarantine. public triumph, ling, and all stated that it could not be natural of men. tain is west of practically assault Fort Fish- r. 'He third consequence being poor you; if it blows from the morals of as much i as the the exultation of that moment I need not successful upon well as dram in the rural sec- nportance sustained. Some of them had writ- ! II. ,M. It. in open shops given ic a Hoskins, Home Farm. east the heaviest rain is south ; if it blows however describe. The has not been sur- Ltnly'.s Appalling Disaster. volil tells bow, after long struggle, the M tions. and confines the traffic to the cities public health, great the latter feeling ten opinions to this effect, but it has from the the heaviest rain is north time these latter when was lie efibrts west, and may he ? When men come to make our passed any years been sustained. 1’he which HI sissippi finally opened by joint A statement concerning the Maine ex- of larger villages where it can hide. exceptions Naples, duly Tile search f the you. children at d a far larger trout had taken my llv and of tin- army and navy. describes t In • pa:t:i>c:it Agriciiiture the seere- falling miles in the const tution protracted play large waters. It was can't trial, lie the eaptur- of Mobile. A I tin* volumes are il- by in the fourteen cities of Maine, with a anything prohibiting noweseapea speaks very tinued during the night. All the bodies you. our that ? Law and triumph enough for once, and forthwith lustrated with excellent and To- t.e and .:easurcr, Mr. Henry Hlackwell. population of 144,£OB, the number of preventing liberty- confidently of the certainty of acquittal. recovered are buried to maps plans. in Whenever white frosts per- side 1 hastened on and of the farmer’s immediately pre- heavy, sons go by side. You may aside begged to Boston Journal. got hi r tin y record a history which should not H. say S tlie business was abandoned here including about I.V) druggists, who lay any [Special sent miasma. An eye-witness describes occurs, a storm is within loon belief that in the wife at the lirst house to it for me forming the tax as dealers in is adopting constitutional keep the scene at the theatre at Casamiceiola be forgotten. Ironclad Mbps unwed by steam solely because found that in New miles north or northw est of paid liquors, 400, till I returned after when I had they you. amendment you do school, wi re i- an or one to about BOO inhabitants; or omit- arything approach- Mgr. Capel. when the earthquake occurred as an then for the first time tested by Ann an the of home Kngland the of beets could not be ing encroachment lib- pleasure bearing my trophy was an am supply Brighton Cattle Market. ting Bangor with IB4 dealers, where the ipon popular awful one. l’ln curtain lnul just risen sailors. The Monitor iuspira: of tin* ;‘God us h.w in and and with it two more of the same sort A prominent Roman Catholic New had. Mr. Hlackwell in conclusion : law is but and in erty. gives liberty when a tremendous shock was felt. A war. Tin- defensive Use of was de- says Tl'ESDAV, -J111V ill. slightly enforced, the and size torpedoes Amount -*f .stock at market: in law.” caught with the same Yorker, speaking of the arrival of Mgr. Cattle, ltbO;’ >hccp other IB cities there is one dealer to liberty tapestring tcarlul roar and tho d flu (’oiifedi rate officers. Tin* blink- ! In ic is no with ma- fat followed, ground velop* by diliicuity, proper lambs, M.V.ia; hogs, slMii. I desire to to a and hook. ami Stream. Capel, who got there the Arizona re- B5B pass from this consider- pin [I-'orest by rocked like the sea in a chinery mid skill, in beet Prices of beef cattle P loo tb live weight, extra every inhabitants. Statistics of the storm. A great ading lici t learned to ride out tin- most danger- making sugar, ation of we should cently, gave me a new view of the quality, 2;»2‘2«»; (ye; second, number of dealers in 00 why adopt the con- j pre- of terror arose from the hut our beets were not, on an license cities (all cry audience, ous storms on tin- Atlaniice.ee!. The »-11 average, $4 4>a.> .Mi; third, ;?l How the Wind Stirs tne Sea. late's visit. to this y 12,a«4b21;.. poorc>t grades stitutional amendment up According gentleman who were so as ot eoai>e that have been show one dealer thrown into a anil a nearly good in , or even in oxen, bulls, etc., £:> 12‘/y l no. reached) comes heap, large mistakes uf the civil war an- also w or h noting. It will not of itself he a I Mgr. Capel here to do a work number of France, were much better than Brighton Hides, P lb; Brighton Tallow, i;;4 to every 155 inhabitants, or twice as prohibitory one of the first to be observed them were buried beneath the yet they P tb; law. It does tilings which, in the of Rome, our Happily, there was linn* to r.-d'-et such rr< r> a~ Country Hides, light ones, i‘.‘2 «7«- P tb as in Maine howevei assure that the ; opinion timbers of the the a rege beets raised in Delaware. 7«7 P lb many cities. The actual in a storm is the way tbe wind acts. It building, which fell upon heavy, V' Country Tallow, 4{jV*ar p tb; trathe can nev;r be American priests have failed to do -to in that ease: blit they would be fatal in a on- a number ol liquor allowed them. Two more licet is an Call .'skiii>, i 1 12 ‘ac. p lb; Lamb Skins, fsijjT.V each dealers who sell liquor as a by- does not blow but in shocks occurred. Ml Making sugar primarily agri- regularly, guests. convert eminent and rich tlict a r. sheep .-kins, j.'xjwOe each. law. It assures us eilhera Americans to who could rushed with naval pow< Real -Admiral Ainncii cultural In our soil liia- beverage, is, however, much less than prohibitorv At one moment it bends over tbe brandi- outside the theatre, question. stony Slice}) and Lambs— Western and Lambs law or no the Romish Church. The are well that the nt eond.thm of oiii Sheep these will law at all. It might be ques- poor ami hundreds of says justly, pres, chinery could not be used in «'«»st, landed at the yards, full as much as those did figures indicate, as will be es of the trees ; in the next, it has loosen- persons clambered into cultivation, looked after our a war. not which came in one week Lamb' tioned that it the law were by hard-working priests, navy invites foreign Tin* nation lias and the contracts did not since, costing from hereafter shown. projibitory ed its and let them hack. We the trees in the vicinity for Most average one hold, fly but the rich safety. 1 ”;4 !*~V‘ Sheep from .V., aij'^e, p It., live weight. But subsequently repealed 1 hat act would he I and.the fashionable, the peo- of the learned the -S'un which fin ivil war laugh! aeic each, in Swine—Western i'at where the law is so well enforced see it out a sails into a people, however, to the Iowa, .Minnesota, Dakota Jlogs cost higher thi- week, swelling ship’s who own the Fifth avenue escaped those constitutional. Either one or two ple palaces •and these volunn enforce. They an- valuah or W isi onsin, I think beets could lie rais- brought in costing from »>«r.l2r P tb, live throughout a whole country that hardly things \ puli'; a minute later the sails shore, where bonfires were lighted as In our we is hang Hap- and the notable of the weight. number include all the Western a dram ensured—prohibition or no law at all. ! give receptions of distress. too as records of instances of individual gaiian- eu .ai a with a shop exists in the rural sections, as if had been struck down. signals Hundreds of hail large scale, machinery, at Kat Hogs brought in over the several railroads,none I don’t to ping they winter, are Protestants. it is propose discuss whether pro- persistently Mgr. naked men and w which should never !c forgotten. Com- handsome at s-f ton. Hut a being offered on the markets for sale—all owned bv inevitable that such persons as have j Wo can account for these women, ild with terror try prolit, per hibition lias been a f; phenomena Capel comes here to see if some move- buteher>. the. for ilure. It is true and ran to and fro mander Mahan tells a which matches tin will if it w orks on a scale appetite liquor fastened upon and explain the intcrinittence of the grief, among the ruins story factory only pay that the trallic has not i ment cannot be established to will seek to been stopped. It looking with torches famous tab* of ami tin- of water. 1 at least inn tons oi beets a : we them, gratify it in the nearest wind-pull's by assuming that the mole- during the night, searching Sidney nip day Lai>\ Bi.at iii iEits. Ladies, you cannot make is true that no aw crime the conversion of a Vanderbilt or an where the equally against for friends. When T< < wa- a worked I do to 150 tons Such a fair skin, rosy cheeks, and sparkling eyes with all city traffic can hide. For j cules of air, each other, excite missing fin monitor imseii sunk by per day. is effectual that displacing Astor. Such work has been tile of France, or bcautiliers of tin-world, the wholly against crime, j conspicuous- The American to e factory cannot be erected for less than .cosmetics example, United States Revenue re- it vibratory movement, which rise only known ha been torpedo in Mobil* bay. < oinmaml* r < ra\ n u bile in poor health ami nothing will give such We have laws I gives ly successful in where one con- you turns show 150 in against burglary and to Kngland, injured was a Miss Van and she is '145.non. and cannot lie run without an rich health, ami a- dealers Portland, all little undulations one after Allen, was with tin pilot, in tin- pilot-house. As tin blood, good strength beauty Hop murder, but occur, it following vert such as the of Bute has been Bitters. A trial is certain they may be re- I Marquis add:!: mol cash of '50.000. It proof. conducting their business more or less another at intervals of a few seconds. only slightly hurt. made her final both start) d instil*, capital marked that it worth, in a sense, a thousand com- ship plunge, But these 150 has not succeeded as well j money sh. ul.l be in the midst of the best Many men look through glasses to preserve their secretly. dealers supply T he resultant of .1 series of these undu- King Humbert, accompanied by his for the na.Tow to tic fields, as we had but it lias succeeded mon souls; but here the rich, almost lively opening hailing rye sight. not in hoped, lations is a staff, has gone to Casamieeiola to must have an unlimited of water, only BB,S!(( population Portland, puli'of wind which comes on without super- turr t. * raven drew hack: After supply better than we had any reason to exception, are .staunch Protest- you, pilot." coal and railroad I)r. (». If. Hill, 1'konj Koval, Vam but also the ;si.B00 in the as expect. and is followed a short lull. intend the work of earing for the surviv- cheap facilities. It re- -ay- county, suddenly ty and the Roman Catholic he said, quietly T lie re wa> time t< t “Brown’s Iron Hitters seems to In many cities and to vns ants, Church hardy one toni f cna! to give general Satis- there are 10 dealers in Cumberland liquor selling A series of constitutes a and ors. quires convert live tons only pull's squall, wc faction. 1 recommend it strongly.” has been blotted out. In most of them it has failed to make headwav with them. one. Tin* pilot was saved, ami < raven of beets into outside of Portland. an of the who were on the sugar. county Further, aggregation squalls forms the at- 1 lus is Among persons The man who make- a motion to is not lias been driven into mles where other obstinacy certainly not founded down with the T< unis, h. There i> no hist* i. 1 p- .i mi- Ul;u adjourn there are 5 dealers in the wave which is island on and who has | lllei t* 18 d uinicultv ad only adjoining mospheric called a gale of in Saturday night, necessarily journalist. crimes needs must lurk. philosophical conviction, for every heen page of which Americans haw a hett- r rigti in our Eastern rti muteas well as county of Oxford with a of wind. We should to missing since the oc- our soil. population naturally expect one knows how our earthquake My Wife Said i nan tno cunosit to look at the large class of igno- he proud than of that which record- thi- gr < *ur summer i> too hot ai.d I incline Bg.ois and it is probable that Portland is observe the same phases in the formation curred, was a Mr. Sommer, an Knglish dry. to me last How much do we docket of rant but men is. the night: you suppose source the Law Court in Portland. wealthy Therefore) or cions act of an Vim-ri in -aiior. to think that and have out for the for tit least half that of in if we American gentleman. He resided at Oregon California are paid doctors and medicine in the last supply sea-waves; and, fact, carefully means to draw some Out of the 144 criminal all hut two proper of these His Ski om> \Mi*\n;\. I’lli- i- the till. ,»f the best localities lor beet year. 1 told her 1 did not know. To doctors 1 have county, as well as of other counties. eases, examine a we shall find that it is the Hotel Man/i. sugar, and parts wave, to Home cannot have been paid nothing, and live dollars worth of Sulphur In other it is grew out of intoxieati >u. In all but a prizes taken, the latent novel of tiie U mini Rnhiu that cane is for the Kilters has words, probable that Port- covered with very tine that cor- popular sorghum profitable kept health in our family. the verdict will bac-k- tipples, and Mgr. Cupel comes here to tind out As to Mr. Blame. ai L. 12 land is the source of for a very few, go to series; and we are again taken to Souther,i KusteAi d middle States. There is an Anpkkws, Kowdoin street, Koston. supply popula- “ respond the atmosphe ric vibrations. our ions render- why priests have failed and what Mr. Blaine is between the Eastern * here’s tion of l~o.uoo one dealer Except overruled, judgment The rise to which eharurteristirallr a frank out- scenes and t<> Southern harm r m analogy and West- plenty of room at the top,” is verv true nearly giving ” ripples give wavelets, men or means are needed to presented ot dudes. ed for the Stale When the cases come ell'ect a spoken man. When in Ispi, and again in lssu, to about 70(1 inhabitants. e ern climates of the two continents. New correspond to the undulations of the air, None of the Round Robin> ha' found a; before of he change. It Mgr. Capel is, therefore, lie desired Hie nomination at tile hands of the Mm li iIMiv,. mill in Lewiston an with a Judge Bouncy Portland, and are seen on the favor than England resembles North China; Oregon li'-knoss attriliuteil I" . Auburn, popula- upper part of the heard of as party lie had served so long and lie tho>e depicting the su nn\ >>!jth and -i.i and ehnmie will with all and dining with Mr. Vanderbilt zealously, diarrluea is occasioned humor in ton of there are say grace suavity (be- never hesitated so. resembles From the I»y 3r*,b:iP, lifty-seven per- waves. The wave proper appears To to say His declaration now its people, and Hi> Second t w ill In Europe. experi- the stoma< h. Hood’s is cause 1 think lie likes to next week, the world will know what it ainpaign >arsaparilla the*remedy. sons who on the do it) “thirty that lie is out of and ments of the I Internal Revenue consist cf a series of wavelets. A permanently politics, > nited States Department, appear number means. Mr. found quite as as it on An nine to these Young William K. Vander- would not take a nomination if it was ottered interesting predecessors earthquake usually causes an active move- books as dealers, such of the days, sixty days, y days," of waves constitute a confirmed by my own in ment in real including billow ; a series of the same We of or experience sorg- estate. various cases. For these bilt, who is the aesthetic member of the him, is to be talo n as Ha* utterance of a man ground. say nothing plot as have various reasons, hum, i am convinced to druggists paid the tax. Vet billows rise to a sea who s means what he (contrary my I think die gives heavy (puqwt family, might not to an- alway says, and lias never incident, not w ishing to the pi umii'c VI11 lions (»iven Away, a struggle should be made. object, giving anticipate former that there is not single drain in dc ; a series of seas been afraid to say what he meant. The \- opinion) sorghum sugar is open shop incr) heavy produces other ball next of tin* reader, w ho will lind this the hook Millions of Mottles of Dr. King’s New Discovery Another reason—I believe th t this will fancy winter, for the pur- of State is just destined to become a national in- these cities, and a careful shows the great swell or tidal wave of the Seeretary only fifty-three years of great for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have heeii inquiry of the world of New to read while in a that have the tendency to t ike this pose showing York age, lint lie lias seen active service enough to lazily swinging hammock dustry unless there is a sudden and en- given away as Trial Mottles of the large >i/.<*. Tln.- the number of persons who sell principle storm. an American bothair. And who that make him a veteran, and to entitle him to all under a verandah, on the or hem enornums outlay would he disastrous to the out of the vortex of p irtisan polities I shore, ath tin tire in our of duties pro- liquor secretly for a and all in From the nautical of the the honors and comforts of the change system sugar were it not for tin* rare merits beverage, point view, knows the blind that New retired list, if at some < prietors, possessed small believe 1 am not wro ig in saying that worship York trees mountain resort. James |*. »>- within two or three by thi- wonderful medicine, (.'all at K. II. quantities under prosecu- are of no for are lie chooses to go on it. But in not less years. Moody's frequent the ripples importance, they has lor the \ anderbilt millions can doubt polities A and a Trial fealty of the a erage American Ilian in it good ks. Hut there are only live dealers in Andro- party, greater diameter ; but from the scientific of his I t > point a great deal to the Catholic Church f emergency, who will di monstralt bv his It is not known that the hen No sea captain ever dreamed of forecastles in religion. hope this out of deeds Tlie 1 lahnetnannian for contains generally scoggin county outside of those in Lewis keep view may lie considered as the that lie lias Monthly July the air. they As to the Cardinal and our Catholic gathered strength and \ igor instead is cock of the and she ton the If one it the a walk, yet appears and Auburn to the party. party adopts of the of the of rust in his retirement. Mr. Blaine report of the Annual Session of tin American supply 45,044 other will origin swing liquid element, Church here, I understand that is voting to he. Statistics for 1882 show that the Ayer’s is for those who array it. I want to see Mgr. in to a Sarsaparilla designed population of that a against for they the wavelets. The enough years enjoy round dozen years Institute of Homo pathy. need a medicine to their blood, htiild them county. Moreover, engender visit is not looked with en- value of the in America purify ol the this question out of all parties. Cupel's upon of leisure and then he available in as poultry produced increase their and their pari adjoining of last are still of no interest to the polities Holden for August con- up, appetite, rejuvenate county Oxford, sailor, thusiasm. Our New the bravest and most, Days (monthly part) exceeds the value of whole No Another trouble—tin luv was an ex- York priests believe sagacious political leader either hay, wheat, sy>tem. oilier preparation so well meets which has only live dealers and some of hut are in their relation to tains tin* of a new serial important that have of a generation still in control of a flairs. Al- opening chapters by cotton or this want. It touches the exact spot. Its record of It was built from as they done all that could be | dairy The Franklin which has periment. principle, works of which are products. figures is one of constant over only eight art, bany .Journal Uep). Oliver entitled, Tarr.'* The forty years triumph disease. dealers, is all common law. disintegrated by done, and want no aid or Optic, “Royal story for that year are : ; find at Lewiston some of Common law was their suggestions Wheat, $488,000,000 the small supply blows, apparently hut from for Frank R. Stockton grows in inter- ha\. The usage of the best society shows that it is not not made in a It is the of insignificant, outside. girls by $4;r>,000,000 ; ; which the of their day. growth The Art Amateur for contains a cotton, $40,000,000 improper to attempt to overhear what the wild drinking part popula infinitely multiplied. The wavelets are August est and the other serials, stories, sketches, etc., the needs of thousands of of lilies and dairy products, $2f>4,0(Mi.(KM); waves are saying either about you or your sister. lion secures. the dealers in daily years from ten to centimetres in diameter striking four-page design butlcr- poultry, Probably thirty make an excellent number. Jam- s Fiverson, almost. The law has under- Maine Association of Union llies for a South screen a up $.’>i>o,ooo,ooo. these for the prohibito -y and not A ex-Prisoners Kensington panel, Notwithstanding “The enterprising Jirm of Hood tV Co., are Androscoggin county supply very long. very heavy wind of daises for a doing numerous It seemed to of War. design dessert plate, three pages publisher, Philadelphia. large figures, is about the a rushing business in Hood’s and most a of over gone changes. breaks them poultry only Sarsaparilla part population 03,000, up and contributes to the of designs and suggestions for monograms and that we do Hood’s Tooth l'owder, both well know n and it an air of The We hav* received No. i, Yol. 1 of Dio Lew- product not send but .appre- one dealer to more than 1000 give instability. princi- formation of a and three of wood abroad, ciated thousands who have tested making in- line dust of salt water or The Maine Association of Union ex- jewelry, pages carving a by their cllieacy. has never is's of which tin find market for it borne. and one of ple been charged. The chang- designs. The most important article is an Monthly, publishers (Clarke entirely-at The Sarsaparilla has effected wonderful cures, not habitants, every these dealers salt spray, which is destructive to vege- Prisoners of War will hold their annual e and ed have been those of needs from account of Brothers, UN and till Bible House, New Fram England send large only in this city, hut in various parts of New Lug- does a small and secret business arising tation on exceedingly interesting ‘•Japanese York) quanti- under exposed coasts. The wave reunion and election and tran- Pictorial Art and land, where its merits are known.” [Ed. Lowell the itself. It is ofollicers, Artists,” profusely illustrated. : **lt is conceded that the ties of eggs to this country, for which difficulties. people the principle that in say cloud overhanging Daily Citizen. great proper may, the English Channel, he sact such other business as may come There is a page of drawings from’ Paris Salon there is a market. we want made ent. I want the this wonderful land is the doubtful health of always ready In 1882 The revenue returns show that in four- permai about ten feet, feet or more before at pictures; the very creditable work of American This is the last, hut not the least of high, thirty them, Lake Maranocook, Au- we received dozen from for- my amendment adopted lot that reason. women in Hie Paris salon is review- its With good and 13.000,(Mid labors,” remarked a as he the teen cities and fifteen and broad, and feet its in connection editorially people. digestion good shoemaker, began large villages W e eighty long; propor- gust Kith, IdHtf, with the ed, and and we construction of a have thrown dow i the in “My Note Book” a record eign countries, still are not satis- Chicago belle's shoe. sea-shore resorts in Maine, with a gauntlet tions do no disturb semi-annual gives spicy nerves we can more than realize the world's popula- large ships, hut it is encampment of the U. A. H. of art events. “In leed I know this Be assured our foreign Among the fied. Eet the hen be hardly just how it came about,” tion of about are fight. enemies will ’subjects The aim of this is respected. -aid 00,000, there 503 deal- destructive, in the run, to All Union of war are in- treated are brightest hopes. magazine Mrs. Stubbs to her neighbor, Mrs. Spaulding. take it We are to long port ex-prisoners practically landscape painting in ers in up. have the light. If “I only know this, that Dr. .Johnston said that I had hquor, including the diuggists who works, and is dangerous to small craft vited to join and renew and oils, lettering on china, wood carving, and to popularize Sanitary Science.*’ The maga- we hack it will a thereby keep An gardener says lie does not heart disease, and must die from it. 1 had read go be failure. We are mural decoration. There are also articles English pay the F. S. tax, while in the 4/0 other when it breaks. We estimate that alive and the of zine is very neatly printed and presents a var- about the wonderful cures effected not to meet ;i mean may vigorous affection, sympa much agree with those who say that one by Dr. Craves’ towns foe. They will ln in^ interest on early Knglish pottery, orna- good Heart Kegulutor; sent to Klossom’s and plantations in the State, with ten waves make a billow. The first of tides and kindred ied table id* contents, the editor drug store and rum and to experience engendered mental iron work, old Hie re- contributing weeding is worth two He : a dollar bottle of it money defeat us.' The illuminations. hoeings. says bought and it cured me. Take a population of about there are ques- the ten may lie hut the and shared in markable dear 439,000, one relatively small, during imprisonment in print collection of Prof. West of largely. Never weed a in which a can be my advice, my Amelia, and get a bottle for tion is of victory >r defeat. In my crop \ ourself. 1 he is only 330 dealers—or one to over 3,000 others go on to the last. rebel to Brooklyn, and numerous oilier art The The above a fair sample of the man- increasing prison pens; help preserve and topics. numbers of Living Age for July not so much for the sake of judgment if this amendment fails the Price, ;io S-t used, destroy- ner in which people talk about this wonderful med- inhabitants. There are 355 towns and “The Formation of Sea hand down to cents; per annum. Montague ical next will he the [From Waves,” posterity, historical fact, ‘-’1st ami ASth contain Frederick 11. and Maria ing weeds, which must he the case if the discovery. in stop attempted repeal of Emile Marks, publisher, fit! I'liion Square, New York. plantations Maine, comprising the bulk by Sorel, in Popular Science as set forth by individual as The “Please me sir?” an the law itself. testimony, Theresa, Kdtnburgh Review; Responsibil- hoeing he well done, as for increasing the give something says old wo- of the prohibitory When the for man. “I had a blind he was exclusively farming in Monthly to the character of those child ; my only means towns, second of August. piisons, and J'lsu and Fishing. Tile entire lisli busi- ities of Unbelief; A Conversation between porosity of the to allow the air and of subsistence to Monday Septc tnbercomes next soil, and the poor boy has recovered his which, according the F. S. returns, the sufferings therein endured for the ness of Portland will amount to over ■vater to let man eons der what he will #2,txx»,- Three Rationalists, Vernon Lee. Contem- penetrate freely through it. sight!” there is not a or secret year every imh) tlie sales of fresh lisli by single open dram Ramsdell, a of the Phil- Nation’s life and the principles at issue annually; alone being Oftentimes there is more From Paris to Vienna on a do and vote with the right. When that correspondent about #7(111.(11X1 porary Review; Franees benefit derived Bicycle, in the war. yearly. Ninety-two thousand Agnostic Morality, by shop. adelphia coaxed a new Headquarters will be estab- barrels of from hoed “I carried with me, among a time comes there will be ears Press, Represen- mackerel were packed there Iasi l’ower Cobbe, Review: A North- by crops keeping them well my scanty , Circulars have been sent a listening lished at or near year Contemporary small of tin Indian which recently by tative named Wilson to to General the boat at ]“.:{(> .The of bass than there is from supply Coca, tonic, by 1 all over the Tis a old go house, supply black in Hie Androscog- man's Reminis- the manure was able to the Maine to some one or country. proud Story, Longman's Magazine; applied. assuage sudden and painful hunger newspaper more Butler years and an o’clock. Thomas F. Taber is gin lias been ascribed to the of Nor- W eeds or no I which sometimes of our own that “Maine leads the ago hog autograph. president restocking cences of Walter Lamlor, weeds, the accompanies continued exertion. reliable citizen is town in saying and and Saliatis Ponds, a half dozen Savage by Lady keep stirring every Maine, Ramsdell “Wilson was A. P. Chick secretary. way years ago. soil, well When fatigue and sleep began to tell upon me, the Let us in send says; obliging A number of knowing from practice the for as to way.” September out, line black bass have been Lyttou litilwer, Tinsley’s Magazine; Rudder very marvelous Coca again supported me and gave me asking information the extent and went to the latter caught beneficial effects it lias. borne on every scattered broadcast Butler, snubbing in Sabatis Pond.From we learn strength.” M. LACMAILLK, of open and secret dram the num- wind, Kastport Grange, Saturday Review; laird Lawrence, selling, him and him as lie was A old fellow in that all kinds of tisli are scarce Who rode a bicycle from Paris to a dis- the Hashes of the spurning though vigorous Maine, who there and at Vienna, ber of arrests for drunkenness the by lightning telegraph (Quarterly Review; Luther, by James A. tance of 7(>0 miles, in a little more than'1'2 during a common fiend. had buried his fourth (irand Menan. Sardine factories do not have A butter-maker, to the Iowa days. the message, “Old Maine still autograph Subsequent- lately wife, was ac- writing The unequalled tonic and reinvigorating past year, and other facts on the glorious tisli enough to work with more than one-fourth Fronde, Contemporary; Mrs. in Ire- powers bearing ly Hutler learned that Wilson was a mem- costed an unaware Delaney Homestead, says the best butter color is of the Coca are embodied in Co’s celebrated leads the by acquaintance, who, of the time. Some no Liebig question of the practical of way.” had lisli for a week past land, Temple liar; The First Corn- Coca Beef as the standard tonic working pro- ber of and went to him to of his asked: “How is Warning, a of corn meal fed warm Tonic, recognized Congress, bereavement, .Recent reports from the mackerel fleet are pailful mush, of hibition in this State. Answers Terra by the medical profession every civilized coun- have ‘Go to the more hill; C'otta, Novelty Magazine; Norwe- once a the corn to he of apologize. devil,’said Wilson, your wife, Cap’ll Plowjogger ? To which encouraging. Several good hauls have day, the yellow- try. Beware of cheap imitations under imitative been received from all the every city, and, his lie walked the with a been made off Ml. Desert.The (irand Bank gian Ruihling, liuilder; with an instalment of : that it will names. Cures dyspepsia, malaria, biliousness, A dogmatic in religion is not a off turning back, away. Cap’ll replied, perfectly grave variety adding increase the and a of the great way fleet are with piles, debility, buzzing in the ears and all who are large towns, large portion from a and is in of I'll hot a that Steve Wilson is face: to tell eodtishing meeting good success. "The Wizard’s Son,” the conclusion of •‘The milk and as well as a bigot, high danger growing big apple “Waal, ye the trewth, I am give good color. run down. rural towns in of the The Georges licet average excellent fares for Little a every county State, up to be a bloody persecutor. [Dr. I. Watts. not for Ben Butler for next President.” kinder out of wives just naow.” World, story of Japan,’’ and the usual the season. amount of ehoiee poetry. Maine Matters. Tlie in .Somerset will be Hoadly’s $50,COO Investment. Summer Sensations. apple crop county Washington County Notes News of Belfast and Vicinity. A BELFAST IDYL. small thi- season. A little green worm is eat- NIUs \.N1> oetssir FROM ALL OVER THE STATE, ing them ami the small off. ami the leaves Iu a recent interview with Gov. Foster, of -V three column cable to the New of the Journal. (U K liKOHoK. twigs despatch Correspondence The Journal at the Cami* (.round. From or. some trees look as if hail been scorched. A little green dow u from a limb, they Ohio, the statement was made that York Herald the details of a scheme to lu the heated term not much can be apple hung rnr -iiwv i ut.nir, hie i.itkst i>k\ ) t.ut'- BELFAST, THURSDAY, ABLEST 1883. Judge gives expected this (late until the close of the season of the And to Mr. Charles Colby, a son of Gardiner Colby, copit*- swung and fro in the sun, MI. MS. Hoadly had expended a large sum, named as the Southern to a at of or one else but mak- And seeing a small Ian that who endowed aud gave his name to the college compel people pay part, correspondents any bay Republican Journal may be obtained at the store coming way, N lank- in it i> PUBLISHED to Thought, “Now I will have stone fun.” Boston, burned from exccl- at Waterville. lias given and secured a fund of EVERY THURSDAY MORNING BY THE £.">0,000. receive his nomination. There were least, of the face of the Confederate bonds. It ers; they are the ones upon whom the whole of Conant A (Jo. under the Waverlv House. 1 nt -oiiio. hold over 9*100.000 of the Shaw over one million dollars for the of rhe small ’math the tree. purpose but two courses for Judge Hoadly to pursue. that a of and Conti- for the means with which to hoy stopped apple : i, two appears syndicate English country depends The trotting has been in lirst-class con- Looked to see if he was i)•< and only had even that amount. founding :* new university at Wisconsin. Journal park put all alone, Republican Co. He must either remait silent, with all that si- nental bankers have been all the other industries of all the l’hen from the In hi- Hii- sum, to any of the Boston banks, is. a- van A substantial wire fence has been built along Publishing formed for collecting prosecute peo- dition. picked grass something up hv lence hand, readiiy seen, comparatively insignitivant. A some parts of the Maine Central and its would imply, or deny the statement. and depositing these bonds with a safe ple on the earth. Take away the and you CHARLES V. riLSBURY.Editor. deposit hay Capt. Chas. 15. Sanford is a line m u barn And tired at the apple a stone. hi >1 hank had s'o.OoOof tin and a fourth branches, it consists of cedar set about erecting papi posts, The first he could do. under the cir- to the own- bid adieu to material RUSSELL G. DYER.Local Editor. hardly company, giving receipts therefor may prosperity every- at his Fort Point farm, to take the of the one '."on. Beyond this the stuns were all small, a rod apart, with four or live barbed wires, place The stone hit the limh, the apple cauie down, cumstances, and he clrc se the latter course. He ers: and where. It is of no use to elaborate the idea: it ranging from sign" to tf&'i.tmo. hut the aggre- connected with each other in the middle by they threaten that if the South does burned last winter. Which the boy quickly put in hi- p.,. kt t riien a second look took, ami out -t the gatt including paper endorsed by them I. ean- short wires. Dorsey's Denials. wrote and telegraphed his denial to Gov. Fos- not pay up to the credit of the South- cannot be made This is the season of v.ud destroy plainer. The Belfast egg merchants have to He tlew with the of a rocket. is t lie determined even begun -hip speed approximately. Fisherman's Island, a of miles ter. and demanded the name of his *****«,» .aying couple informant, ern States in Europe. This black-mailing syn- the year when everyone takes comfort; even I.ast week I>o\v l’lie action f tin' rediturs in a settle- Be have before it- the Herald inter- eggs. sent away 1,000 dozen They making outside of Squirrel, has been purchased by a par- Chicago In the -mall hours of his mother awoke iu order that he "confront him." Gov. dicate lias a lord and two members of Parlia- the small night lie awaited with considerable interest and as migh boy, with the wind blowing were then worth twenty-three cents dozen. nt.is ty of gentlemen, who propose to develop it view with ex-Senator Dorsey, to which refer- freely per Heard her boy raising Cain in a frolic; see to Mix icty. as upon this alone depends very largely an additional summer resort aud attraction to the Foster did not fit comply with this de- ment as figure-heads, but its threats will prove the ventilators in bis is Went to him ami found the lad all doubled ence was made last week, of the Sun article through slight clothing, Street Commissioner Wilson last w eek spank up :!i condition of the b ather market for some harbor, compht With an all wide ease of colic. lion. Eugene Hale lias been chosen mand and then the Democratic press, as futile as its scheme is foolish. The Confed- because bis skin is not the wool, yard said: I accepting happy, pinched by ed the new granite walk from the Po-t-otliee a« ro-s time to conn If. a- some claim will be done, President of the Board of Directors, and a Dorsey did not write it. i did not the denial of their cand date as conclusive, erate bonds arc on their face due and winds of he a Church street. It is one the imm. n-e stock of leather held the Shaw- will soon he held to decide the it. I did pour- payable biting autumn, but experiences of tin* be-t walks in the by meeting upon prompt not know it was to lie pub rhe night-) have neon unseasonably cool of late Paved on to the market in order that the work first to lie done to make their scheme a ed the vials of their wroth upon Foster's head. only in a stated number of after the de- coolness which contentment city. lished." As to the truth of the statements made years pleasurable brings liters r< alize as as the Mr. K. E. the artist, has been making may speedily possible, success. The island contains 130 acres, and has him with invented the claration of the to his and enables him to to Wright, ill that They charged having peace between Confederacy mind, plan better A speakers’ stand and seats for l.Ooo person* i. itural effect will he to cause very much lower ail excellent harbor. article Dorsey said that while parts of it dutches of in this and scenery vicinity. a eoiisi s:orv, portrayed him generally in the and the Cnited States an event which has not a scheme to kill or to have been built at the at lia-and i|iient serious injury to the I'he reunion of the l'.ltli Maine As- are true there are other un- advantage voting birds, Spiritualist camp ground Kegiment parts notoriously on v. e A Large uumhers are the train t* *r h trade. If on the other hand, tlie eredi- sociation will he held at Bowdoinliam, blackest of colors. T! ere was no doubt about yet happened and will never The four- rot) some neighbor’s bed. or break a Northport. park twenty live by sixteen roil- has arriving daily Me., true. He then proceeded to correct some of the happen. strawberry -. all of whom are men and in a 'Jsth. also been laid out. John of is North port, amt that resort is rapidly tilling up wealthy August it,Gov. Foster was a bold, bad man. This state teenth amendment to the constitution declares few lights of glass in a school house, or Stewart, Belfa-t, to wait for tin settlement of tlieir Sun's misstatement-. As to and per- po-itioti The executive Council have adjourned to lfrady Brady's building a cottage. An .-.i\> that 1 arilon, tiu-baml •>!' the of affairs was not of long duration, however. that “neither the Cnited States State chance. to do the same to a exeliunge dills iiold tile stock \vitlithe purpose in view meet on the At that session the petition connection with the said: nay accidentally, thing campaign Dorsey murdered Watertown woman has not yet rl.mm I vin_ the hot for it. the ef- for the will he the man who Gov. Fos- -ball assume or or in- neighbor's windows while li In hit a robin Arnold Harris soon t«> make extensive possible prices pardon of Lawrence presented. “Gen. Brad} and the Star Route people had Strangely enough gave pay any debt obligation ving proposes .-t will he to-iniuia.te the market and it in The the of the the insurance on hi- w ife’s life *’,,ooo. put Whig says amount of potatoes ter the .1 H. Woodward, a well- curred in aid of insurrection or rebellion in a tree in front of the bouse. Then, improvements on the store it the corner of Main and no more to do with the nor in- information, again, better healthier condition than it lias crop of lss2 from the east to campaign, any Mr. -I ud-,M, p, Bn «.tn shipped Bangor known am of the the Cnited the season is for men and and Washington streets, now occupied by A. K. ant, >t knu\, h.t. been :'..r Ina-nuieh as tin-latter tluenee Democrat, correspondent against States, or any claim for the propitious young month-pa-:. and from there West reach the of with General Gartield in his < large figures shaping Durham. The brick work in front will be removed va-.-ing this iry f. r Error- .1 >u ati\e :u-. u h or maidens to themselves on the fences »'bains, 11».• ill -t subserve the interests of the T.VJ.gB bushels 454.007 bushels of the hi- Cincinnati Knquirer, wrote the Governor a loss emancipation of any slave; but all such hang picket against policy after election than I have to do with a new historv of w- — and wooden front added. the many strange beliefs, tra ill •n-.et-' t h.in-ell ait now seems probable 1 1 crop. It should he considered, however, letter in after ri him for debts, or claims shall be held the sidewalks from to twelve in the the of Siam." which, proving giving obligations illegal along eight at ... And further: "To the best ancient ami m.-d. 1 nation-, li 1- a in n i. i nil! lie The fact that the that tin in issi was much below the aver- King Hon. Fred Atwood sends us the li.-t of adopted. crop a ‘‘Democratic he and void.” the or to take in tin premium mi away secret," proceeded to This, says Herald, ought to be evening; long walks suburbs work 'i i' alu a\s In eii noted for cut ting under of belief Gen. never contributed a age. my Brady the iuth annual fair of the New Fnglaud Agricultur _i iartradi on caused their failuri I he broad is relate the eircumstanc's under which conclusive to every human being except to botanize by the light of the moon, if there i- prices, guage the talk at Phillips. The dollar to the national tinanee committee nor Judge Eng- A larger al >oi iety which will be bebl in connecti-m with the an mint ot iruiikennes- nan n-iril w a 1’ ll w ith a pardolialiii tiegree of sal- narrow guage is sure to go through to Kangelcy. Iloadlcy complained o’ the great cost of tin- lishmen and idiots. one—if not, to do without it. There arc also to other committee. No mail New nl'-i rved in thi-ci* on lav ami there wa about -:.'| doll a those who have been and from to and broad any contractor Hampshire State Agricultural society :u lining compelled Strong Ktngfield the There other stu b as nomination to him. Woodward said, among however, another version of the mat- industries, croquet, spinning y arus as -i, unit to this uncalled for and unjust com- guage will he put through to Phillips. A Lew- ever gave u dollar, ami all the statement- that Manchastcr, V IF, on September llli nth, *'»th, and much on the harbor in -ailing boat a- *n -Imp-. that Mr. I: told : ter. A banker wlto to the on the front and front of the It w petition. iston returned from the other things, oadly him portends know secret gates steps pater- ill be am! to have harbor 1: ■ genteman recently have been intimated by innuendo or otherwise 7th. necessary by p Tib- that don't talk of ‘‘Mv of which I have of the Confederate bond movement in nal mansion, and on the seats in secluded al- to the siateiinlit i- denied, audit is said that minify reports they anything that General Garfield only ground complaint Europe keep peace, else that and Mr. Blaine were try- Mr. Frank Colley, who lias for some time been up way. a right to use is tlmt McLean made my nomina- it i- this: coves and sold business like says where men and maidens industri- im;\ 1 — ight to young \n A -"ii o* t•• e11 • ». Tin Whig says work was begun Wednesday ing protect Star Route contractors i- abso- tion cost me too much but i have the messenger at the Western Fnion telcgraidi otlice in p11 Bickaeli. ■ money, Aiioth. r r. e,include- as follows: The reports of the of the ously spend the time until into thi- fell iron ;i .>. port on tin- half mile track on what is to bq known lutely untrue." A- to the letoher in satisfaction >>f knowing that he wasted bis treasury agents twilight deepens tbt- city, went to Boston on Friday of last week, to city, tree M-miiy ..ii campaign Cnih'd States some a- t lit- Eastern Maine Fair Grounds, in time after ihc close of the darkness; when they return their broke the \ .together. the n dibit's are that a Bangor. own money.” 1 then s; id. lm\>- beard that to respective take of a branch otliee in that left forearm. .Mamie, langhtei h Mr hopeful Indiana. Dorsey again as.-ert- that Brail} had rebellion showed that there were in charge city. Young lit n a Iasi- not far 1*hi cents "ii 1'lie track will he the first of it cost lOU." "Well, that is too much deposited James n il from completed by Sep- you *50,1 homes with a consciousness ot bavinc added i- a ami to the Mefolle\. on tin >i nsv dk .•», ..*nr i tember. if is whatever to do with it. while as to the Hank of England, in banks in !• ranee. Hol- Colley very good operator, owing i ai he reached. But in any the weather favorable. The grand nothing money for any one to for tin- orti' ". to ami fractured the left may tinaliy ipentl land and to their and as has a forearm. * Hclgium. money £11,1X1(1,- something dignity respcetabilitv strike, obtained good situation. .- In r, w ill he delay and lo-s. and ii i- feared stand and judges' stand will also lie erected this the “two dollar Dill-, new and crisp," of which say nothing of the nomination." aggregating onn to the Confederate Government, The -ea-on Inis small failures follow in l a-tern fall, and the other will belonging members of the The Rockland Mr. F. C. hop arrived. >uturda\ i.i_M man; may buildings contemplated so much ini- been heard, lie declared that to be The Woodward lette was shown to Mr. tile of tile community Opinion says that l»a- la- another proeeed- sale of COttoll. Tills 1110110) were i iver twenty of the put up season. There are also some other industries which there hop- at the V u*t l’ int lion-1 at t... copies assignment w as to the on sick. of Bridgeport, ( t., has purchased of Mr. v. Tin iv are now about one hundred men em- “a mere stretch of lie said: "There Hoadly by a New York Herald pledged pay interest the Confed- ;nii M. r drawn up. ]'iie-e were deliv- fancy." correspondent, "ea-ide llou-e, I-h -horo, at the Sea-id- l'avi.: erate loan, l ie interest of IStio was are perhaps peculiar to the Fphraim Day his handsome bay mare, six year- ip I u no ease M as out i in the Shore Line within the i- in the Indiana to and la- remarked: January Washington county -seiig plei grading nothing campaign be simply North shore and 1 nu and was set to cou- t » skating At the I'avili.u ■ the and are for s;.on. Mr. Bassiek had a sister a in ntru-teb to the mail-.. The orders limits "f Ellsworth, and one hundred more are paid, money apart pay people, which iptiie as remunerative as old, already ashamed of. We took the means that "I have to add to thi-week. were nothing my correspondence pons for tbe July interest when the rebellion >«'Uth shore. And those who eaimwi attend the. n all recorded at the same expected The road is graded from witii any before named. One of these will soon be tills marc which i- an exact n atcii for her in size, we Governor Foster. My object is sufficiently I lte an tin Falls to Pond aud a crew is available and carried it." collapsed. Kuropi syndicate of bankers :• taimiu-nt ma : ... The in village Spring, of form, color and so that he now ha- an ix are'ho] pi Monday. assignment accomplished by the disclosure of tin- name is seeking to obtain all the ( onfederate bonds entered upon with the prospect of success, style; 1.. Mas now at work In-! ween the Fall- and the Since thi- interview was recorded in the square with bis — county registry Dorsey pub- informant." for the of the •'cedingiy handsome and valuable -pan. 11 ll i-i taled b\ scientist-that tk regal di-j ; at river. Another crew commenced in purpose only collecting July, which is the blueberry season. As Bairn.ir g.So o'clock Monday ufter- grading lished the Herald has a gathering printed serie- of inter- The editoriall > the ISCo. with the la line hlack horse < t Mr. Albert 1 >w i. kill' r. Bor 1 i that ha- ee? w .me--. on-,., 11 tlie \ of the Ellsworth Poor Satur- Herald, expresses opin- coupons, accumulating interest pur-lia-e \ .,-huo• ill to the amount of about i,-laity Farm, soon as the iirst of August, or at farthest a " view- with the mentioin it in the Sun resulting from The talk about -ign- charge ■ them. There thousands of nak-d to do. it would b well for him to let ad'icc that the set fora is \v ith him and it is their mw eye. ■ It. st.ii. and posed money intention to in 1 -‘Haw A 1 -. -.'in- ha- j otfieer Howard of Watertown. lra- nothing to -ay. and when lie has he will apart specific put question say man take the acres wile re else bv Il' ti. Willi- M. General Durbin Ward orlsonn-other purpose, namely payment of tlie cou- nothing grows, and which and the Mi-.- 1- bid, *11 laic Lie Western t nion n .* k a1 mi* _ra;ity of tin instrument Hayeoek. collector of customs it in the Sun. Jttiy lathes otherwise extend bti-inc-- The «p!' the W. I w-ln hand his in Ohio. serve that all the brokers to the Con- any crop Sanborn, who receive- power from Read's engine, charge oiliee, ■* 11 i*■ r* wht i b'*r -m-h an lit ean aged .‘in. lie leave- a widow and six sons. nounces as a fal-eliood Dorsey's -tateim-nt that party purchase a-signm federate bonds that contain lie. I nlil the business became so will move his cabinet to the rooms vacate 1 l some increase of -akin -a well merited pi nnotion. ■ now specify must canning pro- shop 1 -! i 11 -! al Ta.elilileiits ioeal eivdi- A meeting of seamen to protr-t against the tile The Democratic press \\ ill have no time they by Times heeann- Dorst-v'-enemv hia-ause lie tile Mi-.- -a I of 1 July coupons and must not be mutilated. ductive these lands were Mr. Read. Both eom ern- are a ; i.-i B real, Er.tnkfort, win• ha- been -up u ai ... ii :iii*■ with Ma-sarhu- xtortiou of “blood nls comparatively worth- doing go,.., money" by shipping ag. to abuse Gov. Foster. They will h;t\e to put A « a- refused to divide tin- National com- bond pres, tiled without the Mi— Eb !d'- V \ N \v .I. r>< y and Rhode Eland held in New York Wednesday afternoon. R'-pitbiieaii July coupon less, and no owner of them even of ness and the ehangc, it i- believed, w ill he adv an laying pl.ee here during the latter- forth their best efforts to their candidate would no: In purchased, and that is all there is thought that In 'll all i- legal. l.x-( oiigre—man Mutch. of Maine, formerly a mit tei-'s patronage so the Times could get some get to b(ith. vacation, will have permanent ehur-e ,1 p,t a-signm-lit in Hie Confide rat bond The receiving a cent for them; and it was after tageous 1 and avoidance f>ut of the hole. If the lomination cost story. European only dimr- in Maine, however, have sailor-hoy. advi-edorganization instead of the Tribune all. II- n*• vi r only fast •itlice. getting intends to secure, if it can. these eleven ail 1.0. (). F. Last evening Waldo • < of drink. syndicate lawsuit that U illiam Friday7 Lodge _n.'!• l’ledri. -plain oi til* a--ignim*nt. Mr. sHU.tttlrt.W lie should a card expensive Freeman, a-ked the committee for Wo ; Hoadly publish miliums ni dollars to tie credit of the In addition to tin-■ of tin I»i-1 ri l Fire was disci vered ill the story aud a half anything. money Ksip. of ('lierrytield, established the fai t that occupied for the lirst time in nearly three years, it- meeting V. I., f\H*N aNI Ml >11 i: a I I«»M Kill-■"!. to that etl'eet. Confederate State Gowrnment ill 01' tood »it«- dwelling house of dames Hooker, Warren street, such advertising a» earn- in the regular way. European hall in McCdintock Block. 1 he room ha- been Templar- t in wii i,a ;i i banks, and it in ih, tips in tin the owners of these ian Is were ciititkd to a .ii. and mii-ler of <.. A. K. Hosts at lEieklaml. afternoon. It tin* proposes only >ear-mmit ill.t \ 1 .* Sunday destroyed We sent Gi lt. Arthur a clunk for slooii for renovated and mem The Industrial of the Hint it if it can on thoroughly rep.airco Fighty < clli 1 ai .J Wil. ti Journal -ays milch way possibly call, do it in that royalty them or could control the of H k ill 1 oMToft. iper portion of the house, barn and shed. product Mi eliey m ih«* esemiy We never -aw i'i her-were in attendance and the oeea-iou was one TemptTan-Ma.-> :- campaign expense-. hut way. by | these for A 11 L’Ulii ami both. 1-11 posts The eatise i- unknown. Insurance j-oo on Dnr-ey newspaper talk a- to the lavages of ill—ets on seating coupons payment. them as certainly as they could timber lands. If the does not succeed the of "amt* d.»> 11. l r-» K- d Winthi y •. U .’I a-.-«>eiat ion. which will be li'iu-e. and on barn. once, \ i/.. at Delmonieo'-. at a dinner after the syndicate European rejoicing.Pas.-aga-.-aw akcag Lncampnn. i;t, 6200 our forest trees is sheer nonsense. hoth as to So for a number of the b banks will lie ^1 ljtOOJXKl ahead, as there is no ipiite years ueberry ( T "f Maine. I- W »«o\veii of Freed,an '..i V-rthcrn Jhvi-i n(.. A. li." and The hearing in tlie ease ol the sailor against of this city, will petition the (.rand F.neampment —}: campaign. tile extent of the indicted and its doubt that amount nf cash to the credit of lia v a source <.. W. ( T \s -- « i.: **< damage the grounds been of rev emu to their Depliity ar.d others ill la' nt a lupni' win lr named amp Hiram Francis Tandy, mate of the schooner Mary E. for permission to change it- name, and will take a pr Confederate States is a *• !i an t eat White;.,w lb-id. editor of tlio Tribune. sa\- source. It further: deposited there. It is a addre-s tin- Pr, .hibition in Mr ii." :n -nor*-! 1 «ith Maine Veteran uf amdeii. for assault on the high says proprietors, lease ot a lr:• t of land pari;} in im-re one ...The annual *e.*.*ion people upon tact Unit tile to the pronotmeable \— .ii wh;- h wid a reunion at 1 'over sea-, came "If!it-f11l-i■ 1 S. that so far a- i- no report presented Treasury I be hol-1 Commissioner Band bo concerned then' i- truth Various kinds of in-c t have been Columbia and in .et every friend of l’r »hit*it m pests some time after the w ar as to the partly them field, for five llm Dram! Lodge will begin in Portland, ou l'ue- .. -a,!. ., I 1- nt- w iii be in 4. Hcpartuient August. provided Portland, Aug. Keen testified that Lamly in tin- of Matthew-' for hundred- of rears to our story Stanley nomination driving de-troy ( onfederate assets in a the 1 tth inst. A«. S' is THl'.t.. Mr. W ll.iin s oe- Europe contained the years, commanding thou-aiid dollars. Of day, J.illl/al am- ill attendance, that the struck him with an iron bolt, knocking him forests, orchard- aud shade trees, but have to tlie bench -ecureck contri- they item of si t .ooo.oiiii cash. lias r »\v ii.at i-i"ii tin mure reviv* the -eii-eli — and him. Supreme being by course, the as do in all other 'i uni I In l hi- m-n-e tsv• ■[., ret-.-, d may forcibly army severely injuring Captain not yet succeeded. In some years, usually at profits vary they V»n:-. sloop ; a.lu top;., tap!. -iations tin- comrades. Small and si vend sailors corroborated lvt-eu’s butions of Soil.OiHI eaeii b\ .Mr. Gould ami II iijl- money exists, ot winch there i> some Irom seed -.-nt him fr -m ( alit"rnu. T1.. to ale .lay stated intervals, they are imeii more numerous crops. There are other canning interests, but l> A. Hutch, of Islesboro, was at this port on Sat- « M: \\ < die -'.ay \ening. August *guth. -tory. I.miily admitted that he struck Keen, ( destructive doulii.it l mo-t al tin lant in A I rina and A imtiali.i. The mi ..me Hollt} Mr. 1‘. Huntington. .Mr. Reid in \i r and than in ethers. The present belongs to the nited States. Hut the not to Shu i.- '!1 feet lu fed U with ivn *. <«. li.. of l>o\er and Foxcroft. will hut after ih-ults. Commissioner directly peculiar Washington count}, although urday. long, .on, only repeated while their are of -utiieient i- the tlosver- an i the vers or made -neb a : season, ravages fact i>. the t'onfederate funds outside of the «lelieate, altraelne, 11« t indirectly bargain with Garth-Id the sardine business Ik*. Mast treboard and is a very handsome craft. I I>. A. all baliqin to the lull Maim* N'eteran Hand found probable causi and hound Tandy extent and to variant full inn -li- may port and apt importance e ornamental The of a* :u la ha- M.i-, a < ■. oxer in "1 don't believe it wa- 'Uiitrv were in the hands of and most -priy \ i"ii. aml kiting A. H. comrades, at Sl.noo fur trial at the September term ever made," said Mr. gation. there i- no occasion for alarm. Maine agents Millbridge seem to be centiv* for that business. Hatch w.. the builder... The cutler-rigged yacht Tln-re will be of ->orE of the District Court in siynitfe.inre ,»f nitieh to the rratt. Mr ;p Huruham. plenty Bath. Reid. "1 Ie never me lumbermen of tin1 will not '•f them the to their own Adoni-, of with a on board, wa- importanee asked for M r. 51 at thews' present generation appropriated money A few weeks there was an exhibition in Poothbay, party i-. ago ssill one of the m days fi.r those wlio enjoy them. There Tlii'mom of Mrs. E. Samuel, of Philadelphia, live see a in tin's Haney present tree- Pin. .i\ not to scarcity of spruce timber u>e when the war ended, lit one instance a in our harbor on Saturday, on a eruise.Mr. W !••• w he a a hi appointment. I did think that Garfield was the eastern and middle of the a In* il-am-w ace, the prize to guest Lyman'- Hotel. Bar Harbor, was rn- State. portion county of Lodye of Masons, t.* l.e in ! ie ha nt Mu K. Morrison, of Pelfa-t, He.race Powditch oi An kept go ii •, to Confederate w:i' known to have disburs- nt bii■ \ii-'. !arg<-enough for any man ! ten'll during the absence of the occupants appoint him.” agent some thirty-live industrious whe< Imm. who As to the spruces vve cannot speak, but with put and Herbert Loleord of left thi- Temple. -ma i ••nouiih for any b-*v : cripples* race. Saturday, and a valuable gold watch, diamond ed the funds in his t-.» Confederate gu.-ta, s.-arsport Mr. Thomas C'. l’latt refu-ed to whether pos'i-sion their of se- -ay powers endurance to the t«• st < !. all erippl*--. tin* pri/<- !«• he a lull set of | pin. pearl ring and diamond ring were stolen. regard to the junipers vve have daily evidence quite eity on Tuesday for a eruise in yacht Kdna Par Tin little laity h tel of I; me- II ( ut.n or not statement tiiat I’latt carried the officer* abroad, hut this was an exceptional — lit lira'. It ?- : a buililin r>* Pact U t There i- no clue lo the Dorsey's verely bv over the roads some who was last .-s team w p- oj* burglars. that they are being destroyt d by an insect which spinning thirty Harbor will be visited. injured -priuy rt.nniim !'umnn-r- in good a bummer-* Tin tru-lees of the stat" to Indiana i- Olle. -landing: Agricultural Society Gould-liuntingteii subscription miles at a run on their two-wheeled elevators. tier and eru-'liiiii; l..<:h hover lim!'-, a- -■ u: :. for want of the true name is called the « t eitv ha- 4 \ met at ti. juniper Palestine k. T., this ; r.;d- i:i which ry bummer wil! par- Lewiston. Aug. There have been true or uot. lie lie Lommandcry, says lias personal reasons It is said that no achievement is ever consum- eovered a-f'» 11 t. out on saturdas. i.i-t -i\t, -. n :pa’■ or I-.- .-our! martiale 1. many appli. ants for machinery space already worm. When a tree is stripped of it- foliag" A r nt d'-'patch from Washington." pur- just completed a lmnd.-onu* banner, the painting for to answer insinuations that das fr"in llm dim- the a• "• If »a <\ ••■ 1 tc re u ill b" cone, its 1 »\ei’s < oriicL and the indications are will a declining any mated without -mb We have an id. a that \. ru baml by that the next be it cannot live and that is the eondi'ion of to di.'rlose a new seheme for the ac- ring. and lettering being the work Mr P. •van \ long, porting is i ad nn»\* mein-, a full dr» -> more successful shew than ever in makes him. considered -omethiny remark:: ie. n -! .os limitary parade, held Maine. Dorsey concerning a mile ride can in* l- black -ilk on one -ide a; 1 w itit• -ilk j all the juniper trees in tliis vicinity. quisition of portion of Mexico tin* Cnited thirty not be achieved in Wash- T banner .. by A- i.l oil tin- tloth the whole column Win. Stratton, for thirty-six years Clerk of H. then of tin- Fifth ,-ood sura’1 ,!!• 'll.- is e til m' 1 I. stephen-on, president ington county, over the roads on with- on the other, its dimensions bi-iug live by -i\ icei. march in r-\iew. The committees are tin Kennehee Courts, died at "fates ha> attracted some attention. The bicycles, Augusta Monday and the a re their nat u ra 1 >n National Hank, whom was the The Boston Herald she- an article from (>n one side is the of a fallen Knight -up- part a--:iminy a arrangements, and :if11 lie,in. Dorsey says publ out great of tin* loeomotiv*- picture ■:-> making m-ee-sary aged seventy years. scheme i' tlii-: *\\‘hen meets slithering powers. t Congress next *• dit ions. It lionet a -1»»• ss ill .. i• aide t \\ air tb- w ather i- favorable, l’i-t ataquis will custodian of SbnO.niH) of the Republican cam- the Halifax. Nova Scot,a ( lirnnii le. which after They professed to their hard-earned ported by a companion, and the words Pale-tine winter ill. American' in Mexico, enjoy repu- a- we|l as es er. tie iarg* -t crowd of ev.-r Chihuahua, No. 14, Relfast, Me." »>n tliercvcr-- poopl- gathered paign fund, says the statement that lie nr the proclaiming tha Americans are uncivilized, tation as experts. Lommandcry "■-< said to number are a 11 -• tie in tin- county Generalities. Iu.immi, to ‘pronounce’ -ide i-a red cross, while above and hei-wv are th<- The ll IM «>! "tt liridei -. 1 tost M t. :ii\. Fifth c National Hank had anything to do with concludes as follows : \V an* enjoying above all things our freedom dissolution of the relations of that State with “In Vince-." miml'hr •»! sears been larye < f * Katin word- Hoesigno “Non. Nohi-. pnr"ha-er cm >1* N« >. the i- an to Hilda lias s'C.o'C white- and liTJ.dTb disbursements for campaign pnrpo-e- Let no man that way disj used delay Ids pre- from the yearly vexation and nuisance of an Mi \ieo. establish a local Mate government and Demine! V n Nobis sid Nominitrio da (d«iriam" this efty, shippintc mainly throneh the "Id linn V u an- in the ami to remove from : contact p-itat'i'-s selling Hangup blacks. infamous lie. "I will st5ono for parations ny possible election. It will he a give any proof probably long day before Woodr, Mathews a I taker. \- \iig1.t-!a market-at cents hm-hcl, and with the American. Kvei: the Maine editors apply for admission to the l nited States.” \ of the Po-tou donna! fifty per to is Pangor eone-ponddi; the contrary." lie said, lie a friend of the voters of vote t > v new of i- I'hc Salvation in numbers came here armed. Notoueof them is in a Washington county will per year were shipped to them t m tin- oor; I ay the crop potato* turning Army England pn- The story i' discredited at w rite- as follow s of the summer resorts in Ihi- hut is that should Washington by : a marvel. Already. although tie -i-a-on so.iithi members. Dorsey's, unwilling Dorsey sition to deny this grave uciiisalion. return to annual elections. It i- strange that iirm have m ss made ditVit« nt irrynyemeiit-. as. I ihiis in position to gain early intelligence of v iein.il y i- th«- liili- ar** till* 1 with associate him with matters to have Mr. ilie ia i.ardiy developed. re hdill) lie had nothing Our Halifax has either at- such ft millenium season was not arrived at be- entra^ei| (trailv Fan i.•• .riuerIs in tie Tin are -aid t" be over brass bands in contemporary 'it ii a wen- At La-tim Lam-leu and ■ r-"1 larg*- -izc. Tin bug has not propel, it in contemplation, for Northport, l-le-boro’, potai !taker ,v t<> look ;• : t he l nit' d States. do with, lie never even cashed be was -tiler on Fouob.-cot the ha\-- ploy shales, ih-ii ll. • anybody's to funny or drunk when he fore. However, the world was not made in a places Pay cottagers ojf i. .■ stnietive a-Usual, ami it ki-diewd tempted the reason that the annexation of any Mexican cheek for begun the annual rev elry 'mi 1 clams, li-h chowher interests. II" ssill buy has tm them and -ha- t r i. d that a i> tliinnim m- rank-. Some political purposes. He was ill In- the above. We are inclined to believe neither is in invention ar- a,.- parasite of tie1 I'reueli paper- are elaumring for penned could take con- day. perfection any and tinker mackerel, and all the local pi- a-t.rc rat1 territory place only by Mexico’s I.rute’- wharf. Mr. Paul i- a muy man -o N v rtb<— fanner- lia\»* beer, to <>••• -1 *r obliged a war with England. diana. hut not for political reasons, and was the latter. rived at in the lirst model. The next must are out and about, while now and then an a sent, which it i' not believed would he step e a on the bug n Haris Ereeii given, nl from jRosion «n* New York \t experien, in the has i-u-in. and 1 s.naa h p -harp eye not in but was on a vaca- yacui glide- hy \ 'l ie lev fair at Louisville w as anybody's employ, Ik* to double the time. \ ..i- i:«<11 list d in larg*- quantiti*-> <*n the im-s. formally open- or through war, for which there is not the l"i” Point there is a respectable number of i.-itor-, man fbr the linn. id 1st President tion. to tbe cause A Maine which boasts that it is not them New ^ i. Wu-h i '<:• 111 iliUse e] -Jt of ha\ hal’M -ted throllgll- Aug. by Arthur. lb-gave personally- purely exchange, We are dieting for a President, to he elected among Poston, ork,Philadelpui slightest The relations of this The -choouer t Hi K- li Non:-. It s T N 1 ! I > .* the >!ate ha- liad a marked <:fleet oil the s.'iunn "a modern an I accuses it- con- probability. ingti-n and Chicago people. yuchi personally. He will give fui proof that newspaper" in Ins-I. not It i- estimated that 84d.lHHi.iHHi Itritis.li We have quite decided who it shall Fleetw ot New \ ->rk 1 he -team ach; .i-ph- at tin1 -•I thi- The figures now capital eountrv with Mexico are cordial, and much ing, y preaeijied llapti.-l elmreli >undav album'" commodity. was invi sti-d in Texas and last lie any in Indiana temporaries of publishing trivial items that of Po.-ton, and the sloop yacht l-.-a, <-i Po.-ton, ha\c Wyoming year. siient money wrongfully. he, but shall, no doubt, vote for the and lies ot r.. •. i 1 in si- per torn for old hay ami American i' there in winning warm m-u-th <*r Henr.s Klodyell. Kmk-port. 1 Hangoraiv cause a horse to ntertains it- capital invested, not been cruising in this vicinity A Dorsey's denials, and those of Mes-r-. Jones. "may laugh," we i. m p.r m w In Iioultoii new Ibr man: d«». It is favorable for the i- looked for as the natural-man—>r a In the i• v ehii,_ lies Mr Wi rn ; He.: bay. Majesty’s warship Canada, with Prime < hihuahua alone, but the eountrv. always Aug.ist i- b. n -t a- a- su. readers with such as the : throughout cool in of i-t mat lb- b iling low W- have ol mi Reid and taken with cor- paragraphs following it is ihi- month Aug N ■ George Wales board, lias arrived at Hal- Stephenson, previous Republicans that no candidate- are named or luly.and '•omlii'i’led ,|iiarierls meeting ever at ? i!. i• i; ar,-.‘ im report-of yet. pilgrims worthy responsible we saw around the seat under the some one. That Maine is a Blaim state, paipi cireulajr met goes (.. ot s» 1! I cniald. of tie- Maim Mat- of ste. Anne de when it with much favor. The names of land, as follows Robert Ames, ar-p->rt. tin ehur"!i in t a- "am Agricultural Heaupre. thor. It i- simply a ma-s of falsehoods ptili- shade. baby carriages. Nl.jlh"di-t euy ■ without but that does not ■-•.ill a i- etlire ->ll t Ilf lot. saying, indicate that vs. P. wa- potato just several prominent men in New York and Henry .Iordan, oi Klls worth. This-nit noon I i-l-lies, Hems at \ calls for lislied with a view to a with- KUuljyet' preached Mate i- a irginia upon Secretary Kolgcr $.‘fc!.- making sensation, Maine will -i iii Hi- last report, says it Ye i' a go for .Mr. Pdaine in convention irre- for the of horses owned w hich so'-i. -aid to lie due tin- -tate from 1 neh Sam's Drummer heavy gun, and now he has Boston were mentioned in connection with it. recovery by pltl. North !> hmvh in this its on sun las m-uniny '-.ii wii : that tie potato di-ea-c j- most out regard to whom ii might hurt or the inno- of revenue in |s:’,7. a of his own. It is The Commercial spective circumstances. Maine will go for were drowned in the Fnion river deft. Tin lai-i the -alar, of li, Mi. u tm iaiit iii warm, -eason-. If thi- is surplus magazine by ssjeek William-, damp cent it might wrong. The ti strike is to legraphers' perhaps hardly the candidate who will win the electoral vob verdict was for pill*, in the sum of $S1T»,7J. Met ho li-t elmreli in this fits ss a- ra.-ed :• -I - or to attacks of speeches Drummond and of subject Brotherhood have other ca-e was David P. Kendall vs. Inhabitants m next \ I bu m \< mt The lost some of their members There is much and discussion as to eity Sunday a Ji.iil-u- which draw- pilot boat Xeca, of Savannah, defeat!d ex-Gov. at the recent entertaining stories and sketi lies, with thought para.-ite support Dingley Temperance special School district No. J, Munroe. Pill's, property was s ehiin ii in ltd- svid 1 e ••-«••! ; a the Prances Elizabeth. of charleston, in a race and have initiated others. The Western I’nion who in < f ersalj-t "ity mi tin which it is found. The < shall, the lirst place, he appointed hit plant- upon at Maranoeook. The Portland for tie to use their Lng- sold t for over a course of llo miles. amp-meeting departments bagmen, by collector to recover school tax. '-Hector S.lb r p« : l-light. apple and grape mildew, s'1.nun, >ay> it i' able to handle its business much as Justice, and then who shall be to till baljilr. in lisb and of the appointed ova a. Id _iit ami and Argus commenting on Mr. Dingley's speech name, gossip theatres. sold more than was necessary and pltl'. re- r- d strawberry, ra-pberry ^ 1 c. H. Ward of lioston. boot and shoeinanu- usual: the operators say that this is not so, and the of associate. The Coun- 11 ) M t: Not -. Tie l“. v place ••Washington in lie then sued the -ii-tii-t ru-t are all disease- caused by ilie* has claimed that there i- as much liquor used here judgment trespass, faetur-r. assigned, with liabilities ot 87.'ih.- tin re can be no doubt but that the is I r- at lioekland sulur'.as i. r liar lla: •Me oi Mill'--relit of The Kegister that a lias company ty Bar” is practically unanimous for Justice The law court non-suits The i- the oy specie.- fungus. uiIII. The Shaw failure was the cause. as elsewhere, and a.- much drunkenness as says Boothbay boy pltl'. following paj-enyt bor and other The Penob-rot i- a- mm-h a come in ofl a kit- crippled. It shows no indication, however, of Peters for Chief Justice: it has, however, no “\\ hen the has recovered point-. >11.K WHIMS IN MAIM but. as the Lewiston Journal recently po-session sprightly rescript plaintiff judg- Latest estimate- the number killed on anywhere: points fas "t itle lhi vear a- last, and P r the muni! u .1 up, place ten of which lie is lie to the strikers. There is but one candidate for his Individual members ment In for the unlawful -ale f his ■- very fund. One evening yielding way place. trespass prop ; !"■•:.!»iy not generally known that the the island of 1-ehia by the earthquake at r«000. out. full and accurate statistics of arrests for has doiie a larger bu-ine-- tlian :a-t sear. Tm • »ut of the as foresaw at are solicited to their inlluem e for what it seized to the of a school "ii -f si'.U worm-i-carried on in Maim* Mount Vesuvius i- in a state of said to his elder brother: "Doits the Lord mak difficulty, everybody give erty, defray expenses tax, eruption. drunkenness were given in the speech and they Kostouj boat- now make I.r.••ley- at N.•: ii.pi.it !. ':’< nt. Mis- Mary A. E. Eowjoy. the eats?" "Yes." “Does be the tin* outset, and that is :i fhe N -w is worth for L. A. Mmery, M-q., of Mllsworth, he cannot in assumpsit recover of the -ciiool dis The make dogs?” compromise, •round each ss as. 'Cn, tii'-t ...many i. ■ total collection- from internal revenue show that this claim is unfounded. From these Camp j H. iig /. an of the true go- amount of tax." nergeti<- holy York I’inies. in an editorial on the or W. II. of Belfast. »>f the triet the -aid during tbe month of were "Yes." "Well, when the Lord comes down Till telegraphers’ Fogler. F*q.. qual- the wliiirf ss ;is ss a aade'-.itni ia \ v\ England typ-. i- quit-* largely <-n- .July f7.'J7s.b:!b. statistics it appears, says tbe Journal, that the repaired which i- 8h.uoii.oiHi les- than ifications of either but f**w at this s k,vmkit May ta x WminuwvN. The steam- the collections strike, makes some be- gentlemen, qi e '! in thi- T i-im -s. ami at tl*<- present time going to tell him lie ought not make the dogs significant comparisons the r t ambi i-lye .l -tiamei .is l-sy. average arrests for drunkenness in Maine cities tji sttjaint -ilk worms un b r cultivation. She during July er Queen, which lias been on tile route between because lute the eats." tween the wages paid to them and to laborers Bar are able to judge. If either succeed it will May liiehnioiid made an ex ra a n I’■ a : arc two-thirds what are in license they ..• gg-from the Woman’s Silk < til- only they this city and La-tine and Prook-vllle for -ix year-, II i- estimated that domestic animals of the -i-- in the commoner trades, (.nod masons are now come through tin* better judgment of those bet- liar Harbor on Fritl.as i.iaht as the I -ss i A—-'ialioii <-t Hhilad- are under near- Iphia. They value of 1-.7shi.IHHJ are cities, notwithstanding prohibition was withdrawn last week, she wa- at one time 8 destroved by wolves A new office in the West lias been named 'The M"uut I e is "ss h- at. In thirty -lay from hutching post paid in New York from s.'kbo to si per day; ter acquainted with their judicial endowments. userniovded every year in European Russia human ly all tbe drunkenness for the State i- driven owned ill Pelfa-t, hut now -he 1- largely w■ in b‘ giu- to i:-. nine more .Many It was christened mostly very I: rye.'The P.o-toii \ llanyo: -•.•am-I,:,- -pin. and days Ii\ e- Cyclone. probably during plasterers the same; sg.bO to We think that the Governor will see to it that are also lost. into the and that the carpenters, i&vhbO; ( cities; arrests for drunk- owned and controlled by apt. Robert Taplcy.ot t m m-, m .. i- r- idy t<* -end ba<*k t-» Hlnladelphia, the absence of the Assistant l’o-t- Miipany ssill run two -b amer- Tv« K temporary plumbers, si; house painters, si; ordinary the high of the of Maim* is has not He r* < worms last in standing Judiciary Prooksv ille. The boat, we under-land, ■ silk le«i and spun. Tb** Mt. \ suviu- is in a state of eruption. Lava enness year Maine outside of our four- to NorlJiport ( amp t iround t 1 \i rr\ pa -.a master General or it would hat e received the workmen in these to shoe- \'dii-i\i p. ..ii leaves. It i- i-descending from the crater in the direction of trades, S- S-.o<): not lowered by tin* appointment of any one her of late, and some of her ow tiers w ere mulberry teen cities were only 1st for a of paid way yer- to attend the < antata l 'ie Fern* -f \\ population name of Hatton. Wonder if he was not at the glr -at iii* -ilk-rai-ing business can be the town ol Torro del tJreeo. at the southwest makers, sin to sib per week: cutters of whose material is not stub as to reach full in favor of her oil' some lime ago. ( over The ready hauling apt. leave al 11 s si., and fh" Js.t a f > 500,bOo. testimony of reliable corre- Hanyor *li’ a!•:«■ ill Maine. Mis- liv< foot of the mountain. -• ] Eov-jov bottom of the movement for New b ork made s | s to sgb in time. verv man and has the mti uniting clothing, per week: barkeepers. equality with his associates, Tap ley is a obliging l*. M yoiny the lormer ret ,i on!. "i'i-la>hion< d iiou.-e over 100 years spondents is that in J.'io towns, with a popula- po-e by and in one to lie known t » S-0 There are other matters of interest of of but there is a hi- i. N< ar ii i- a elm nineteen feet in Who says farming doesn't pay: An Illinois Brooklyn municipality Sib per week. Now the highest salary which donee all, prejudice agair-t lalti r. Far" tor the round trip ss i a t•. a I giant tion of 423,450, no liquor is sold, and not a : 1 farmer a cow for has -old lmat that has aiVeeted her bu-ine--. Tie- .May tuern <;n11« m<-i■. w itii 1 ram-lies that spread over bought Jersey 8-00, as Man-llatton! paid skilled telegraph operators in New York is mention might he made, but this communica- M tliterp M t Kami ss .1! a. eon pans ivabi' a 1 ease of drunkenness lias been know n the !1 1 h- i al-o in the of the hou-c two of her calves for 81IHHI each, and now the single is well for the route, but a.-an excursion yard smi month, and the is tion is already too long, and another time must adapted a "W t cow herself lias for in an per average wages paid I III (.«>V UN WIN I Mill IN.. 11 -1 two ami a hall f-• in diameter. 'This gone iJIO.iHhi. past year. And nearly every one of these An exchange prints article with the cap- and tow boat site is not a -ticn -- It is beii"\ ■f many that the route aero-- the bay monthly er ie r. wiio n-«■ d it. when it wa- a more roil, a are not in the of The -le. hut m .M o 11 | a *v* nin_ '. -1. K. \. » i\ ■..'.:*•■ formerly California miner, lie admits the there were from 5 to 15 dram and it! animals do and their telegraph operators category j pay with the right kind ot a steamer. arlf, h'-r.-e-ha- k id from Tlmmaston more than open shops, Why, talk, meaning Last Friday when the President was ill Chi- hut not < killing says he did know who Carey laborers. Ii costs them of one of C Par ur l- at or. it I Hial he had 1« i-11*.! *17. '-Oil cl 11 \ears that drunkenness was so common as to occa- is often more than that of b ordinary necessarily Florence, Pangor, apt nty-tiva- ago. was mtil a short time intelligable many cago. the News of that city published brief previously. more to live a in of the m l tin- taxes Mr I— and that there were hut *.l» of the sion little remark. those who at the tlian il costs mason or a carpen- is now running place May Queen, t.rroim or \ .Maint nrii/i si i: \mi.i:. peds, particularly tarry long opinions of hi> administration from prominent It i- reported that the Hudson river grape ter. must dress better and live in better route probably w ill be kept up. I he 1-1- rene< lv>- tax; uncollected Hie Poli.v Judge tap fled liar. For further information to mu They all over 1 in- steamer Mate of Maim- on a recent will lie apply any Republicans the country, members of trip crop at least one-third larger than last The outcome of State Con- two old, and nearly the -i. : the Mlliovving ea>es before him sine*- the la-l ivu tlie Democratic style and must have better education and a I about years mad !h«* distance from St. John to East in year's, which was an abundant one. The farm- who has a pet horse, cat or dog. and to the last National port Congress, delegates but has more speed. ular meeting I>nmkeiuie-s, h .-as,-- tVhmi u •; to ers a vention in is not as order of Queen, am! minutes, ami from St.John lind it to cultivate. Virginia regarded wholly higher general intelligence. 1 crop ■ profitable < 'onwntion being especially conspicuous. The a--:iult,jd; assault and I. Ian ee- ! H --!• in T» hour- and •"»*• minutes. The St. the at The ab- I'lii' lias been in battery, satisfactory by parly large. burglar abroad numerously Cantata of D x\ i>. This cantata i• i\ u.-. -i Mi-. (tai lit hi has the horse that Gen- are testimonies from Maine. to whom vvn- referred 11>*• -,r d •!.: --in that oi. aecount of a thick given following eommiljee -ays log of Maliono and Bortland of late. When lie lias a The content over the New Scna- at the ■ eral Garlield rode at the battle of surdity denouncing adopting gone through Hampshire ill will be given \orlh|>«>c diugtli-' .-teamer ha«l to he slowed down Chiekauiauga The administration of President Arthur lias to-.lay’s paper, pro\ idiiig a place for a leek up rt, .1 iai lie. to u. c. Moore of who assisted the (ten- so bouse and overlooked some of Valuables the closed Austin 1’. l’ike hat- evening, l'iuiv if Kent, liis in the same is the toiship Thursday. this afternoon and ■ u m-aring Ea.-tport, and after leaving policy platform apparent been judicious and high-minded, and lias main- camp ground deem ill inexpedient to provide a pl.c :. I. end to mount it the lirst time he rode it. .. !, u hi< h made ili«- time About I’ortlaud mention and the next a of votes on the T_’d ballot was tained the of the 1 nited States at home clon uses from Belfast, pm -lower. that even the Bourbons cannot ignore it. The papers kindly if, ing majority dignity will be Bangor, Bueksport, up." ti was ordered that the eiiy in -a-nrer -un-et the fog cleared otV and an and abroad, [Cell. J. L. Chamberlain. Waterviile, I>e\ter, Lincoln and Sears opportunity George William Curtis has been re-elected Boston Post says: “The democrats of Vir- night the burglar returns and linishe- the job. declared elected 1. S. Senator for six years Newport, authorized and directed in his settlenient vviili the a- -'tli-red to tak-- President Arthur was called to the otliee the steamer'.- time from of the National Civil Service Reform *>00 voices in all. the soloists president have trimmed their sails in the best Another evidence of the of the from March Ith. issl. The result of the ballot port, about Among of taxes for the IsSJ, to aliovv -aid -bt i•» light, 'lie exact time was taken from William New ginia may power press. under circumstances the most adverse possible. collectojr year League, Potts.of York, are Mrs. \V. I shaw, Mrs. L. 1. secretary, was with was Bangor, soprano. collector the lax atiaiu-t the Belfa-t Mann fact linim M -uni E- «-rt iioek light t<» Matinieus Koek and John < of New York treasurer. wav to catch the popular breeze in the old greeted tumultuous applause. Mr. .Knelt administrative act to be compared Eno, Mr. L. s :.th- * with that of ail ideal administration. I’lic Wnsgat, Bangor, contralto; Payson, v di-tam l>i*ing 'X\ 1-*J nautical mile-. Dominion, but they have not satisfied the better Mrs. Langtry boasts that she made t'Joj.HiU l’ike, the successful candidate, is sixty-three peo- Co. for .-aid tar amounting to *lh'»o, \l-.» Hu i«> ;is l-g Zadkiel warns President said: "Re even as our Mr. II. K. Mr. ,u d statute miles. 'The steamer ran Arthur that be will ple ye also perfect, Boston, hasso; Hale, Boston, tenor. tax riteiietl .X for the in the l nited .States. Now, if you are wise a in at against Sibley the -ameve.n < be in of the in other parts of Lily, years old, and lawyer active been had he di-tam against a smart head breeze in personal danger about tills time, but judgment party practice, sainted President would have A. L. Abbott, Waterville, baritone; Mr. ». T. will re- aimmntpm t»**lNi. in. Arnold Harris vv a-grain* I w !e»ur- and -• -ventecn minute-. whether from a or a or taken the that their you just salt that down. You cannot Franklin, lie lias been a to lived." And measured this standard, An old Inili-dog pistol, shrimp country, iiigii ground Representative yet, by Mr. .L K. Pair Moody, Bangor, basso; Murray. to a of Main and W a-hii g’ ui i-man who had at sea salad, the learned fails to mention. main "beautiful and if1 on Mr. Arthur lias commended himself and his permi-sbm occupy part spent many yours prophet record us a to either forever,” you rely and is considered one of the ablest IL B. 1 past gave right expect, Congress ticld, tenor. The Band orchestra, lorne da Sun tnat that was the administration to the whole country. What Bangor ton strejei- l- repairing his building. II.mi-on reporter trip dramatic talent for a livelihood The Irish Land are the on the of the State debt, the tariff, or your you may in the State. \\ P. will also take Mi-- Jc—i. Me-; travelling he ever did on a coasting Leaguers discussing questions Republicans more can be said? [Senator Frye. Hall, director, part. llayford gave notice to the city gov eta.mu in of tracts of laud in the West have to purchase large internal The Chron- go bare-footed one of these I believe that President Arthur ha- most 1 .me and it i- g< m ially umler-tood that the by revenue." Augusta ( I in: mi:! .it .-i k nsiiii’. of the of the demo- for We wish them success in gressman tiring my <-ity ryi reading platform Virginia policy victory. of President of the famous The administration Arthur has he enclosed and admission fees taken at the main bills to me to under n;' <•..,urto cratic convention shows that the which this it looks a little esting. and the August number, just received, Henry Clay, grandson Henry which belong pay Lx-Cuv. Davis, Ccn. ('has. Hamlin and Mr. thing undertaking, although mv cordial \V. received approval [W. Thomas, of the I Brett of lias from polities is the old Vir- is well to its standard of excellence. Ladies’ Clav, was defeated for the after a entrance from Mcrithew square. V private en- with the city for the support po.-r. Bangor presented Thursday In disappeared ridiculous to hold up Maliono as a monster of up Legislature Jr. name I :in i. .\ernnr Robie petitions for ginia democracy. Floral Cabinet New York. The official career of President trance on the lower side will he arranged for the claim olj' lit*' city tin- full amount pro asking the"ap- infamy while making but small if any issue Co., hot fight. Arthur lias, ot Hon. .lulm A. -aid contract a- the -ana- id l»« pointment Peters as Chief William Curtis the unexpectedly under the eirennislanees, won my members of the choruses. The participants will he viiled t.ir in my George complimented with him on the of the time." Ju-liee. These titions must lie great questions Boston Herald thus refers *•- ]m very pleasing President very highly m his speech at Newport. Ku Klux outrages are reported in (ieorgia. A correspondent hearty approval. [J. It. Libby. arrayed In elegant costumes and, given in he open come duie Boll of ae.••■ue.ls amounting rill in Judge Peters and they indicate tfie almost The Bourbons have been The administration of President in He spoke the sentiment of the country when Virginia congratula- are the as but the to some of the Long Branch swells: “Over Arthur, air with calcium light elfects, the operatic concert xv a unanimous desire of the bar of the State foi his Negroes victims, heretofore, passed said that the President's was was a my judgment, has met the ill a he policy approved themselves that their convention of a face approval, very fail to he listened to w ith as ( hief Justice. In ting motives of the Kluxers are not apparent. The yonder, in dainty mull, is the wife cannot great pleasure appointment twelvecoun- by the country at large. large degree, of the whole people, and his of- I’m;-on vi Mr md Mi Kill ton, ol New Pm, 11. of tie- State the members of the liar great success. That opinion, it is evident, is not down tile are the two The admission fee is cents. There will he con unani- law-abiding people of (ieorgia will endeavor to powder: going hallway ficial career lias been a success at which we Mass., ar in Bella-1, I lie guest of Mr. Kred 1 an ,i-k for this both land mously appointment and mam of A contract for building two new very in their own a the swell should be well S. Case. veyance from Belfast to the grounds by steamships wide-spread party. down these raids and the raiders to of syrup; and pleased. [John *■«*- Mr. W Kauuee. of ..| tin in three of the put bring daughters soothing I’oled**, Ohio. lawyers remaining counties. for Atlantic service has been entered into by and water. A large attendance is expected. H" i In < who drove past a few minutes ago in a dogcart \ -a Kan in i< at his father’s in this .Julius Androscoggin county the members of the the 'unard company with John Klder & Co. of punishment. Loren-. city Dr. De it. Randolph Keim, whose nomination The fact that. are in- whole is under the management of I’rof. liar recommend the of Wal- In and the new tandem was a son of a Longfellow's copyrights Amirew and family were visiting in Belfa-t I a -1 appointment Judge Glasgow. power, speed style as chief civil service examiner was with- pill. lately Democrats at is We sci-sor a- ton. [Kennebec Journal. vessels are to lie superior to that has The Minnesota have held their ventoried $40,000 may, it feared, encourage PI'FI'S FROM THK SKA Bkkkzk. week \\m. of N. > »>i anything drawn by tlie President, has just arrived at the \ycr, Klmira, formerly been devised. are to tie 8000 tons A few weeks the Berkshire Gazette be- columns of last week’- yet They State convention. Their platform demands a ago the amateur poets. follows from the breezy 1 iberly.'is visiting friends in tin- eily... Mr>. v IX (iKXKII.U.. „ Highlands. [Cottage City Correspondence. iniiden and Ki.bOO horse power. The sum in- of our Such the tariff for revenue only, revised patent laws and gan the publication of a serial entitled, “111 the issue Norlhport contemporary ( I-e.-sejmli n. vv ilh her son Samuel ami daughtei Cuv. Robie harvested loo tons of on volved constitutes the contract ever is fame. But then watering place hay his largest never in better demand than thi- < hands of others." The serial is still Since the of the Cottages were of ( onn** ti* also her son lorhaio farm this season. made in the world. The is is no no N. W. MeNain was!nominated running July, IStil, principal public, Susie, ajl Stamford, nt, shipbuilding price correspondent doubt often perplexed how prohibition. season. l S. The First Maine will a in excess of are to cross the for but the Gazette is “in the hand of others." debt lias been one thousand millions Whartf and ot Joshua A., w ho is captain ot the .'»lh Artillery Heavy Artillery hold 1000,000. They to give to his items, and here he seems Governor. redueetV Lev. I. H W. family, Newport, reunion in in less than variety Bangor, August gist. Atlantic six days'. there been a in the of dollars. are at Highland cottage. now stationed at (iovernor’s Islaml, New Aork, to have a no having change proprietor- Mr. Could and his new struck rich lead. It will doubt be ,L A. Clement’s family, ot Searsport, an in their Jay yacht Atalauta Each of the three of the Boston w ere in Bock land f»*r a few s. I >aii’l There is an islaud on the coast of California proprietors house on Mcrithew recently *l:»y ai'' expected along the Maine coast soon. followed who ran ship. Five suits for and have summer square. up thusly: “.Judge Sample, Herald has had a railroad locomotive named damages penalties > which is covered three acres of A .hdin and ot Monroe, are ocm Lane and -on, *>: I’oston, are »*n a brief v isit t hi- Tin workmen are the of by eggs. been commenced in the Twombly family laying foundation for and is for and are now Philadelphia against f Sear>in*uil, of the llriu «*l Brown Reporter saysMr. a mania with him as to have unsettled his No doubt some wicked wish that Kear- We notice the following society cottages arc eggs, and a ship could lie easily loaded with quite people leather trade are reported in Uoston. ( \\ Weston has cut more than fifty tons of on cupied this week Brewer, In ion, Hampden, Bock A who recently left for auada, ha- r* liny them. Tlie Pennsylvania Democratic State conven- mind. throat was factories in Mover. Rroek- Hickey, twenty acres of ground this season. ney's as long as a giraffe's. dement, owningshoe land, Carmel, No. Searsport and Bueksport. Rockland, Haverhill and turned and was in Belfast on Saturd ty.Mr L. I>r. Wm. IS. Lupham, of the Maine tion has declared for the entire abolition of the The fact is, his mind has always been unset- ton. Randolph. l.ynn. The wharf is repaired and in good condition for Farmer, It has been reported to the Treasury and loon hands are out. J. in Belfast, lias hei n Depart- dow inis failed for $.">(lo.iMin, Boston boats to make their landing. Allother -team Keeney, formerly telegraph operator appointed commissioner to attend the ment that the British is internal revenue taxes on whiskey, malt liquors tled. Ilis only talent has been a musical one. When n-east editors misbehave they are Parliament considering isdilf tothc Shaw failure, ers and vessels have made at all times. It Is Industrial Exposition in The failure llersey, landings has been in town fora few 'lays. said lie is Louisville, Ky. measures looking to the interdiction of the im- and tobacco, it also expressed the Democratic “spanked with a pollock.” At least, that is A Wvman. tanners, of Uoston. have The mail are as follows Mails ar that the Whittier arrangements at Portland.s Spoilsmen report outlook for fall of cattle from countries where Tbc Bridgton News says that “Maine news- rive at 4..’to and !» r. M. Leave at I and »\ w. one of striking telegraphers portation foreign idea of what constitutes civil service reform the inference we draw an item in the also Fhe failure is Li.ttO, thje was never better at this season from failed; liabilities, $100.(100. shooting than the foot and mouth an Close at noon and 4 l*. M. P. O. boxes for rent at K. Jones, a member *»f tin- Connect! disease prevails, and that paper men, as a rule, are well-fed, well-dressed, due to refusal of hanks to extend paper. The K.-«| leading now. The birds are li ving well and strong even when it resolved that the Pennsylvania Dem- Calais Times. cents for the season. attempt will probably he made to have it apply and It firm have tanneries in North Carolina and cut bar and one of the counsel in the M.allcy i-«*, now and in great tolerably good-looking.” wisely stops Mrs. s. L. Millikcn and Mrs. M. II Keating and plenty. to front the united States. It. is said ocracy favor such reform as will out in Belfast for a few < shipments sweep 'The Ameer of receives N. Y. of are at and was recently days aeeoinpa handler's and Clover's bauds give baud con- there. It would not be advisable to say any- Afghanistan £120,000 p amer d the system Members Heavy Artillery will wise and hits the guardian, a and N the saw as a trip from Bangor. Eleven cottages have been exactly spot like H ood’s Sarsaparilla. sympathetic indulgent mother; place to salt out West, 70 7(1 lire in our advtising columns a call for a re Prospect. and ol It works like magic, reaching every part of the hu- may they in their hours temptation and trial built here the past season and there are more to ever union at Bangor on Tuesday Aug. *21. George F. smith is improving Ids house by build- man body through the blood, giving to all renewed be guided by that persuasive voice that never follow. Seme when completed will he very line. A life and a sik for leads astray. four feet on the front. energy. $1 bottle; $5. /UCOOMBS/U During the month of the Maine ing as a our August Central lady artist from Washington is taking sketches of Resolved. That the wife of Brother of Older we remember the conscientious- u ill issue excursion tickets to a party of live or more Mr. .T. A. Clement and wife are stopping this gratefully the picturesque scenery. Mr. Brackett, of Boston, SHIR NEWS. ness, the lidelity, the amiableness and sincerity with -hi Belfast to Lake Maranocook and on month at the Camp Ground. return, | w ho has bought the lower end of the island, is which she sought t<» fulfill her obligations and em- Is the place to save down regular for body and the of our beloved money Past, trains, $1.‘2.*>. F. F. Whitcomb’s family are spending a fortnight cruising in that vicinity with his steam yacht. The PORT OF BELFAST exemplify principles UNDERTAKER and noble fraternity. at their at Swan Lake. ARRIVED. -ANP \ llingham, Mass, paper contains an account of cottage wharf completed this season is a very substantial | Resolved, That we pledge our heartfelt sympathy 1 to the -A N D- a re. * feet of water at Aug. 4th, sch. .las. Holmes, Boston. family of the deceased in this hour of their plion to Miss Mary 1 Patterson, tendered The Searsport House is quite full of boarders, structure, having fifteen low tide Ryder, Aug. 5th, sells. A. Richardson!, Pattershall, Ban- bereavement, trials, and sorrow's; ami while we I" her m.u.' friends. Miss Pa tie r- for vessels to float so that steamers can l'eia-ully by but still there is room for more. in, large gor; Charlotte T.Sibley,Bartlett!Portland; Henry, how in .'submission to this dispensation of the Di- .-> ■ was a native of Belfast and left here for Bing- come w ithout The of Woods, Farrowl Boston; vine will, we offer the that the “(jod of the A schooner of about live hundred tons for up getting aground. growth Bangor; Mary Condon, prayer Capt. Nellie, Drinkwater, New York. ; widow and fatherless” Ilis and ham in !K>:>. this place has been rapid and probably another year may give upport Is the place for a trade on Heaver street. Win. West, will be started this fall. Aug. Oth, sells. A. W. Ellis, Fenguson, Ellsworth; impart Ilis consolation. w ill witness a increase. \ Mention i- r.t.ied to the advertisement of U. H. larger Victory, -, Portland; Faiknie A. (lorhani, Resolved, That these resolutions he made a part I HAVE SOLD Mr. l>avid Mosman is a around making drive-way Welsh) New York. of our records and that a eopv of them also be pre- A ’**• >ii l.eit'as; furniture dealers and under Castinl;. The committee appointed last spring, his shore at the foot of Water street. Aug. 7th, schs. A. Ilayford, Julies, do; Nellie S. sented to the afflicted family.* Mi « iiat-le.-* Coomtts is a practical embalmor called a union temperance meeting in Town Hall Pickering, McKeen, do. Respectfully submitted, -.1, The Methodist school took their annual ■1. R. Tahkk, ) 1, ai! i! i: rn appliancesfor his business, Sunday on Sunday evening la.it. The place was filled to SAILED. .1 as. Limn .Jit., < ommittee. in the advertisement. excursion Tuesday, in schr. .John iV: George. sell. E. L. Mr. ,iiily explained and much Interest was Chas. overflowing manifested. Aug. 1st, Warren, Babbage, Boston. A. R. M ) Coombs, YKICK, this spring and made *iiye men Hi ad \\ hat tli** Mrs. of Aug. 2d, seb. Hannibal, Pendleton, Bancor. seventy happy, V assortment Of all tin* of y say. Lmma Huntley, Boston, gave select read- Addresses were given by Kev. W. II. Savary, Prof. liiitv, Ale., Aug. 1, A. D. ISStl. and shall sell Who has hargc of this department, having recent- good leading style* Aug. 3d, soli. Mary F. Corson, Jackson titty more this sea at the Methodist church Bagiev, so ly graduated from an School, receiving I aihohes from Bangor, aim the ing- Saturday evening. Kiddie, Kcvs. George M. Adams, .7. s. Ives and A. ville. son, 1 have tilled my RPPOSl Kmhalming points along his diploma, that he has himself E. Ives. After each address the 4th, sell. S. L. Davis, TORY up again and‘will give showing qualified it uia le an excursion to Dice’s Head, Castine, on A vocal and instrumental concert amateurs is congregation join- Aug. Burgess, Bangor. as a thorough and enihalmcr, is now by 5th, sell. Boston. FIRST JV1AISME hotter trades than ever be- practical ready ed the choir in from This Aug. Lillian, Darby, to answer all calls, either or at the hou.-e W ln< 'lav 'I'hc company was in the towed talked of, and will take some time singing Gospel Hymns. sehs. fore. shall supply day night, & barge probably place Aug. 0th, Orion, White, do; A. Riehardson, of It. 11. < •' M movement if continued will he of much ».M IIS’ on Nortiiport A venue, or at J Open h nK next week. productive New Haven. Carriages and was Top iialpli IK*ss, accompanied Pattershali, L. sLLKPICK’S at the house of I’. M. Lancaster’s, sehs. \ "ii.M : here.Some artists from Boston sum- Aug. 7th, Henry, Woods, Boston; ictory, foot, of IN'l.l I »I N < port hand. The excursion stopped Anna good TOP CARRIAGES Square. The ice chest is being done away Miss Perry Hazzard, of New London, t t., -—, A. W. New York. here arc a views Bangor; Ellis, Fergifson, with the l oiled >tates all lirst-class I** •»'! "Ui noni, where a mini it. mering making collection of ami thivughoul by her joined will be in town several a Aug. 8th, sell. Deo. I». Boston. to order from the HI-GT M AM I weeks, and will instruct Ferguson,: Ryan, FA(. I Rpps, the l ndcrfakers, and embalming taking its place, as Phaetons and .sketches in and around Castinc. They have at rest of the season. A there Top Buggies. Mi-- Mai " Idle, t.f this city went to Bath last small class in vocal music. are many people that haven perfect horror of their eonvenieneea tine little steam yacht, the Ariel AI.ONI. THE WHARVES. placing their friends in an Ice p,o\ to he frozen, i with nd spi lugs, and Mdehar- with tin- **eh hrated her 'is’.t r’s, Mrs Bailey w here she remained, L I and Fred Adams, of arc a W «• will guarantee to a from one to Bangor, spending which i- very fast for so small a craft....The Soh. Orion has loaded for Boston-Sch. preserve body TlMKFA al.-o an invalid. I n. she paving six no spring, .ay evening arrived few weeks in and are some Lillian R-EITWION; month.-, matter what the nature d the dis- town, playing line solos A* atdian is a of sum- has loaded paving for Fall River-sch. BIG STOCK prospering,ha\ ing complement or hi* i 11\ Mr-. Bai ease, how w vIfM the weather, w ithout the use of np::111. ley, being furnished from cornet i»i*o. B. I erguson ha.-loaded granite, and and elaironct. mi r .The II. H. <>. <>. paving -AND THK- — cost n s guests... Club composed hav for T. -OF- ice, and rrvi:i.\ <;t vkan in. satisfai ion in n/:r rr:n s/ />/ /m i:s. -pe ial iv lhi"iil:h tlie kindness of Mr. Boston and (Juincy.Sph. Charlotte < every ea.se. Arrivals, mostiv of who are a has ice and k -m,ville. .. H'PN WORK on hand. 1 rapt. Geo. small and from young men, visitors, gave Sibley loaded hav for .|a« constantly I have llni-hr-! l". i. lie popular siipci intendent of the Maine family Mould al.-o call attention to our (OOLINK nearly sell. Fannie A. Durham is discharging a cargo of patent Liverpool, L. L. Patterson. St. Mo.; Mr-. iiiiu-trel performance in Town Hall on Monday AM) LMIMJ 01 T which we have -up i < nival railroad. .Joseph, ‘■oal for Swan A; Siblcv Bros, and sch. \ ictory has Celebration of tlieir BOARD, Win. to a full house. ( the short time 21st the sou: right ;«m c in the of Waldo. 1; Sparkman, Bucksville, s. <;. veiling, onsidering discharged a cargo of corn for snipe linn .’.sdi. Anniversary Two-Seated County Sixty Open Wagons does aw with the old fashioned of a Carriages, VI and M rs. J. W Fred- Lizzie Poor is a ay way laying \ in which it was prepared, it was a good entertain tilting away for miackereling trip. WILL BL HMLD AT party of Odd Fellows went to Belfast Friday IHKFKItKN T >'n hodv on a hoard and a sheet over ii. !t i- Including Portland Wagons, with double and ,\. pu.mhy, Miss Addie Chase, A. (J. | .Si 'n. Minolta, of Boston, ha* been repaired at r.i:~, placing ment — >eh. l-<»!n arrived from Bangor made id' cane like a cane seat '-hair, and ha- a seal, of* evening, and were present at the reopening of the Saturday, Dyer’s.Wm. Pitcher A Son discharged a single Grocery Wagons dlllerent ai Mi" Kenney, will leave Belfast this huye Vot'tluml II white canopy over all; il .-lands on an incline, al- lumber laden bound to New York.There have cargo of < oal from sch. Nellie and now !»•,s’, ■ ci i.11'*i*.;* lor Bar Harbor. the given at t'nion Hall a line musical concert by the a cloth around Hi head t > keep tie mouth closed, ifiitf/t/ii s «( I 'j fi'Hsion Possibly AMERICAN J’ojt I’ORTsi in fact we have that a tirst elas- Pud. r •; will extend tin it trip further cast. following artists: Mrs. Flla Cleveland Fenderson, Tjioumuki:. Haying is about finished lor this 'l'm-;«i rxpn '«• i• 1 workmen, Mi.-s Sadie ol Camden; ripening quite fast and has a line The 31 st. to m v TUP have the and he-1 t ek o| v on. •*. : 11 li Londou, Conn., Simonlon, growth. B«»stou, Jilly Arrived sch. Florence Leland. largest .Johns.m’- store Aug made. \>imiiod.domi.-i ii 11\:i the 1111• a11> *»i’ ail and I list- the be-a of material. ;u:-i warr.iiil in- Mr. Fred U. Swectser and Ma.-ler rains of laic have can ed it Jo Ydanu, Port Johnson. Aug. 1th.I Arrived sch. tie « ;• George Harring- lodge quite will arranged. \ nnoiim'einenr of .: -mis ami "thers will no- badly. programme « >eav'p..rt Daylight, Hodgdon, Baltimore. AugLuth. Arrived lir.-t la-* -tyh* and durahility, an ! I am -Hb ton, of Rockland. Ii i- that our will Crop-, never looked better as a hereafter. Lid every -nirvivin ; member be present PATEMT RElft h- ani 1 *r. P. 1* hoped people general tiling. si’li. ilirald, ( 3<»th. sailed GUIDE, Nichols, Cray, ietjifuego.s. July if possible. thorn ;i low ;i* they possibly ran he for the >,iial.: appreciate a good thing and give the soloists a Potatoes bid fair to be a line crop.G. II. Kieh brig II. t Sibley, Port the n< atesi thing mil for time. I also want D'-uii't s.,.:l, s|H»rt The fall term of Fowlelr, Spain. II. 11. SHAW, President, lly «»f Portsmouth, 30tlu Arrived sHi. Mark Pen to a carriage. large house. and family have gone to the Island for a few w eel;-, July 2\\ >2 I si buy good o on u n :i, under the in- lleavj ArtHlerj Association. .p« sept. dleton, Amboy. 2d. \rrivcd sell. ••set carried in thi and wi I furnish at A oar in ot B. Aug. Tantamount, city, price- ny want a good, lirst-el i-- \ »*!ii-!e will -Tims. Hussey is ottering his place for sale Ambo\. that «-ANN«»T he with. We \ 1L. -el bead L I '. Hanson's ■Jackson ]. F. Grant has the “boss” on. His Peud'cton, HAY CAR SE2E. competed are also -ole PRESS, s;t\e to rail and examine ,-toek of r;n and talks of going to Montana, where his two soil' Ne'.. York, July 31st. Arrived sib. Win. Flint, auonL.- for the K.WhLMOK PUKSMtYATIVK, the onlv , money my i-ouneiu a dvcrl i-cmeut. gut is s ft. 7k. 1 GrFi.i\.isnz> inches, length ft. in. and lie ih i. di.-en l\*c tan t and ho i /•,c ever maim lac »i.« -e* before elsrw here. are-Mr. Isaac oilers his farm for sale. Dodg Chelsea. Passed the Cate A ug. 3 I, sehrs. (.001) 11AKM0SSKS p ,ooo lbs.J. II. ('ate- own over An hea 1 ol JABflES BARKER. his health, which is quite nt Charleston, Aug. Arrived Widaka, -imply sprinkling around the room, Hereby arrest- ■ horned cattle and -• pour.fames Yieory l-.jt. jseh. MUSICAL *me of them are FESTIVAL i\ an- id: 'day evening. Pierce’s nice ones. Mr. Cottrell. Bangor. ing contagion. Whenever the K\< d-ior Preserver Fnity two line of oxen in thi- town H. P. Searsmont Blaine. ( ates has a bought yoke sch. Hanson, is used in a -ick room, or a house where tillage, Mi D ’u. mu of the shafts hit Mrs. furnished large amount of bed to Philadelphia, July 5|st. Cleared! Dione, -AT throng!taut Friday. Stock is in good demand on account of Ratters.mi. Lynn. ( l«-an|d Aug. 1st, Hark s;lrah E. I hep.■ is a ease of scarlet fever or any other con Belfast market- in years and -till continue to hay BEAVER STREET. Belfast, Me a* ami little in the ; past there w ill he no girl carriage ’• Maples, Elwell, Leghorn. Aug. 3d. 1 Arrived sell. tagious disea-e further -oread of do ing plenty-Wool is quite low. Many of the lo th 'li.itt' of the Pierce team so....Owing to the poor hay weather of last Dorah M- French, French, Bangor. I North port Gamp Ground, the di-c.i-o in 11 family. Any hodv wishing to in SPRING STOCK farmers are their wool of the low- ii I week some have not y« t tiui-lic i their holding because Jacksonville, July 3oth. ( leared St. Johns, w ill furnish a -mall quantity as a sample fr c of •e m I no one was haying_ s«|li. "Vtunately seriously i s price.Mien I .amson lost his hook lilmore. New York. Thursday, 9, 1883, ‘■harge, for a t ier ir i- om e inf rod uc» Land it merits Rc\ D. Brackett and ar a vacation pocket Auy. -O F family taking Mtvannah, 3d. .Vrrived sch. A. become known, m> si. k room will be without it, a- ~o mew here between and Freedom Aug. Mary Hall, which at North Fnity village \\ time will he pi.-dueed the New Firm! il in two mini port, .Mcli.mald. New York. will destroy i-.sall odor- which are 1 ''.i of on I ii’ds, It.igor, Tuesday Inst riday. It contained a small sum of monc\ 3! P> Mid, v. i,: our streets to p prior Friday, in G. E. Files grove. The following are llelvocl, 24th. A rived Nan \ Pcndlc d and it was some time July ship CHORUS OF 5G0 We leu iv.viu1 1 ;i u-r. Oork uf ■ picki uj» apparently liteless, VOICES jiut I:iree L \IMKS, MlSsfs AM) CIIILDKIfVS ■!’.'• : ti ;i" it. I n.' Bangor base hall the principal otticers installed (’. Files. ton, Pendleton, Urouwerlciven. be I ore he recovered consciousness. One rib wa- by Stephen a .m'' o ii.\ ill.- excursion and while g. M. Cole, C. T., Lizzie I. Hanson, \ T., W. P. MA1MTIMK ISCKI.LA N Y j from all parts t.f the Stale, as.-istr-l h\ tin* lolh.w- KI3> a. <;ovrr HOOTS bioken and other sustained. The two y ■ injuries boy- ing soloists: v |oaa u.nne w ith the Belfast nine. Higgins, F. s., Vesta Davis, T. G„ <. Small, rliap., Si oKKN. Aug. 2d, lat! I'b i«m To barjk < arrie I.. werc not seriously injured. The team wa- not for Sipmcr wear, *>!' all -vale- ai d im i*-.'-, Long, Park, from Montevi leo foi I*,• >-1*i> 11. Mils. W. 1 'HAW, I tango u.> Miss Minnie ,1. Kellar of Enrnc.st Putnam, M. r.Soprano. ruing 1.\t■ n»■ 11ki> from the yard of .1. Y. Cottrell in MU''. U. I WAS-., \ damaged. IT, Hangor.Contralto. | H ■.« '\ < this on UMTI liH OF AI I. KINDS. am/ Shots. .. «.f Pu-Ma.'t, w as niarri*'I to Frank INTKltPi»in »ur Mr. city saturdav 10-t tin* three masted sell. mu. i; -. ha) s« Sfijtjtrt's Ua/Limj lb ksi'oim. (iiflor enter].rising town-man, )>;, i:.,st„i,...! l Parker found the body of Jessie Lena. Her dimensions are a-- follows :v MU II. L (/Al l., Ho'toii.Tem»r. — <(»— L *1 B"'t"ii I’lie wa dding took place at Albert A. Lesan, we are informed, has bought a I'arlor Srin. \larhh Tati Tahirs \i a man among tbe eel grass at Length on deck 1 in feet 0 inches, hram 12 feet and MU. A I AH.IK » IT, W aU ■ liucksporl. Friday rville.Haritone. Mi B \. (ireeley in the presence granite island in tin* vicinity of Deer Isle and will one inch, depth 11 feet two inches, lonnage J.'d MU. (,. T. l.oimifis. I'.asif Chairs, llat Trrrs Mens’ < amt Thick morning, which apparently bad been in the water MCODV. Hangor.Has.-o. all’, kip Hoots, Bojs and 11• d I. v 1! \. Philbtook e.ipciiter- measiireuieiit. 11'" schooner is owned MU. -I. I Ml UU1 A South’s and erect a boarding bouse, blacksmith and wharf Fairlieid.'I', nor. Hu re a anil I'nihn/'n Slanils. I'lih/ini/ Hoots Shoes, consistin'; of Calf some tinn*. The hod\ was that ot' a man live shop in will lie commanded just o/u-ned store near leet principally Boston, aijd by Chairs Button and Calf Kail., also School Hoots. \ticv Mi wedding breakfast Mr. and this that some malicimi- ( of'nil /. intis, Chi itfi ll oinl >iv inches high, with dark hair. The deceased season.Report says apt. I>. II li'sc, of Isle.jboro. Tin* vessel is built SOLID Leather, Carpenters and Laborers’ Mv I !w --k •• < \r it i:\ni.ixo nor si-:. <1 I ai Sint tl train for Md Orchard going rascal, one la-t week, damaged .-mne hewn ot the best material, and iike all which leave Chairs, llorhrrs. >l r. Solid Leather, Custom Made Shoes, was a middle man. An was held night BANGOR BARB AND ORCHESTRA. llcavj aged inquest by ( ottrelLs yard, lirst every Her our M nt!-* a a short bridal tour, at granite at I’ciroc, Rout A ( in Frank- classj.in particular. Iii own make that will stand hard wear. ( orouer .1. W o.'.-quarry cabin is neat and R. B. ir/iere intend to s 1. hat will e\ shoes, B n Mrs. is a Tin* sale of the sell. F. F. as mention pl-a-e crybody. Ldwards call last week from Mr. James of this McDonald, « ■ Neallcy, Ml; I. A I HiUFNs.C(»NI>r< I HI. all at lIn* lowest possible es Po a.-lp I'le.i-e composition to allow of an examination. It was cd last week is the lirst |d' Belfast's large fleet of prh 'Mu. lady ami has many friends town. lie i- in his ninety-tirs! year. Hi-mind is all and examine ifootls and prie• before buried at ( three masted schooners to he sold out of the Fulda- Ueta-arsal at J r. immediately Bueksport enlre. The place. m. I.\ ening Perform- Fi & elsewhere. IK an otiriera.4/ette. a> Hear a- a '■ell, and he ean eat and a- ■ L Y. of Belfast! Goods, purchasin''- says sleep Cottrell will immediat *ly lay the ance at 7.Mo. inges Drapery man was probably a sailor drowned at Bangor. « keel for a three masted 'schooner of Vo puis for a as-ortm. it that he VB ( ii"P)in work :n all 1-r im lu !\ at well as lu mild when lie was eighteen years old; large nt, price- can't heat. pr*■»i.p: I* a Fruit, of Monday, contain.- a !*• (.'tinningham, Ksq. and family leave this week (’apt. < 'olcord of boeklaipl. a!-<- a line line of samples t" order from. t- < 'obbl n_r done wi ll neatm-- amt dis- ami if it was not for a weakness in his lower limbs Confectionery, tj'nded Capt. David Hodgdon, of sell. light whi»*h patch, •ini of a duel with small swords be- for Hancock Neck where they intend to remain two Hay tie could do a good day’s work now lie thinks, it arrived at Boston on Saturday from Baltimore, ! -:• u 11. St Curtains VT TilK OLD STAND, NO. id MAIN STBKKT, men—George Gntiin, N,*\v weeks.Scl»r. liuth 1 >arling* aim H the rail made The round trip from Boston and hack in Lambrequins i- refreshing t<> see and converse with sueh a grand !'■ !•!'• ‘pf alive of New York sixteen da\ >. commission way yc-tcrday*wherc Mu* received a new gang of made p* order and pul up. iiKi.r wp maim.. “Id gentleman, "all of \e olden times”.Mr. At Ham near a new M t Ii!\ ,s. 11a .me Island, Boothbay, light .!.Y/)/?/:il /Voy>*r. i>roi-v Wheeler, head sales- rigging, and w as remetalled_s,hr. Fv erglade Charles L. Liltlelield, mate of the house is being built by !the government for the i;S:smn:s. den s recently ship department of a Washington arrived last Sunday w ith a cargo of coal for >. p. benelil of vessels the harbor. rl'he light Alert, i> a of bis on shore seeking Made I, iss:{,_|stt' spending portion time at will have an elevation of and will From May IThe two men had been warm Hall.Frank l»orr was before the local court ijil.out forty feel, Ready Clothing AND TO BUY 75c-. upwards, B:ir Harbor.Mr. 11. R. Folsom, wife and child mark out the course . of are H vitlJOlts. Lieutenant olone! n. \. Call wa-hing, alone, 28, wi. Rundlctt, Bo-ton, vi-iting Gouts1 &c. and met for the The ...>chi\ Hides, s<> affray. .Jennie Ueazlev that was Funnsliing Skins, and look- nice. reeentlv in d Goods, Hats, Cans, fallow, being (.ilmorc, in charge and habor handy her.-. Mr-. R. is a of tae late rijver improve- a- acre -laughter Henry -ina!! swords, with which arm.- they collision oil Cape Cod with an unknow n ments in South and Florida, re- NOBBY & STYLISH \e-scl, i- Carolina,j(ieorgia Perforated Chair Seats, Brass Head Tacks, at familiar. \ Morgan-Mrs. Emma Manning Huntley, of Bo— ports good progress in work at AND OTHER I'ter giving each other at Uea/leydock, tjhc Cljuuieston. Curtain Verona, undergoing thorough a Huts it ml Sit i/s l Mm. Picture lord. Lambrequin Hooks, Ion, gave a public in the Methodist church Willi view to establish apd uuiintain a li»w water for oinif/ a--mid- and iiianv hair hreadth n It was reading and Tassels, Folding Boards, Mir- escapes, pairs. fortunate that no sea prevailed at channel of not mss than twenty-one feet bv Loops Lap la-t Motidav ... Hart/maii. *: lie depth s 1 evening Profrs-or FI 1.1 I INI. Dl si ASJIOUI | || as ror- and Mass Plates, silk t ords and Tassels •••'•« a .-topped, the young men shook hands tin* time "I the means of two jetties, hoi urges tin* of i.OilDS, collision, for had it been ron-sh necessity for Sola Pillows and Panels. w orld’s greatest magician,” gave an entertainment iil'eral the work i- now in a Woolen Shirks of all FARM PRODUCE c appropriations, ivling Hammocks, Kelts, st>les, Wheeler i- -aid to he Hath weather she would certainl\ have sunk. After as serious 1 •• in ( urtis Hail la-t Salurdav the critical stage, to the silk ami Ties. Collars and Culls. I’li a- a see < evening. Among shipping Fane) .-all ud what we 1 1 a i, W' li< left here -oluc veal -he will |danger give bargains ago repair- goto Wilmington, N. C. p. load for interests of the port won hi! result from suspension .-an "elegant aw we hear of -everal \ FIT.I. STOCK (>l give you. I'pliolstering and repairing done •1 lio-t.in. presents” given ay of I'm* amouinl to date II e should he to se< our Kingston, .Jamaica. operations. appropriated /t/eusctl and .-ali- ad ion a ran teed. «oods ••ailed t or and Trunks, Shawl Car- gu that received boot butiomrs.Mr. Arthur ( is $l,i4‘1,000; expended, 12 ; available, $PD, Ir.s, Valises, , Straps, and I t'ritmis. li t- to dent dilivivd l.’BB within a di-ianee >d -i\ mile.-. v I.i liKi: lA and be asks in for riage Lap Holies. /trojutse Gu : l*r- ; » I.. Whitney, pa.-t The peopl generally are done haying, Holme-, of I,.. Angelos, California, i> visiting his .*"0,000 addition iiinnediatc use, Ail \v< a-k is to.all and g.-l "111 pile. in-fore mak and 1‘stimatcs that $7V»,00hj\vill be required to com- Good warranted ii« represent; I or un-in-y re irith nil. our hiriI ; Mif !11;i)i >tate «.range, has been en- having barve.-ted a very large crop..The apple o-trr, Mr-. (.corge Dudlev This is Mr. Holme-’ honesthj ing > pureha.-i.es. plete the improvements. j funded. It 'on are in want of ain of I above -»'■ r: "i h- turc- la crop will be in tlii- Maine ,om- light locality. The wire worm- tirst \i-it jo Maine for in ygar-."si. Cabriel's Work is progressing satisfactorily at savannah. -o<»d' pl» ,!'«• ;!!! and examine good> ai d priee- W-- avo at work on the Last was $200,000, of which and lie coin inee«l that thN is the to notice ant one Waldo trees. Their presence is indi < hlire!i< atholie, went mi aii excursion la-t \\« I- year’s appropriation! plaeo buy. O-ive ns a Call. 70 I^ain Belfast. $• iI ,ubi D and $"Ho,ouu in addition is St,, dm> cut ml 'dial i-at Burnham '"ded (lead leaves unexpended Sept. by at the extreme end- >*l the ne mi bar'a-e s. ■ day ClllVord .Mr. R. Rundlclt is required, all t which e.uj proiitaldv be used next New Boston Clothing Store, ! VN -- ■ 'inib.- in R. H. COOMBS. i'« give- a public adore-- the t.-ps of the trees. They are working in a line tenor inger. and the Methodist choir and r. EDWilM FROST. ■ I wo jetties are to be meted at the \ tic! a tow ards eon.it mouth ot Mum a />/»*/: its, pri' alt It --.ina to Patrons, the . Look on the green leaves near iet;. are v.-n grateful t.» him for the valuable >1. Joint's Biver, Florida The e-iimated cost is CHAS. R. the dead COOMBS. W ill *1" well I" all and \ami ;• lurk **»• t• I sou ever let, for t lie -ev era! ones and you will see them. Their name as-isianee he has rendered them during his visit $1 .'loo,In'.i, and it is thought .*D;{|,4o‘D will hi* sulli II l’lm-nK Kow, Hi llit'l. Miv. GEO. A. BECKETT, j.n; u is cien.t to the* Tin; act of 1SH2 eba-'in-. a- w .• have w !d 'ft he nice!-, t make the neces- legion.Dr. .1. W. Clough has show'll u* the here.I: i- expected that a large number of our complete work, appro- of which sum remained Ill'll;,-I, .lull IKK!. tfJ7 t in*•« of me priated $1.'10,000, $71,402 ;• and if needed, help him reach products kernel of rye. It is p vl. < t people will lie at to 1 i-ten to the Cantata SPECIAL forty Norlhport available July I, iss.L The engineer recommends a MEETING \! ai am iHi i;l will .-pears, with the -aim* number of I -p ..‘'ebaslicool;«.range hold perfect beads. of >avid. special appropriation of $700,000, to be math* avail- -OF Till, — Watches, Jewelry, MARKED DOWN A .a i! P»a- let Pi- nic mi the for Counting the kernels in one head we found aide during the coming winter, lie thinks $.">00,ooo day appoiuteil them to \ in w vi.it i;x. Mr. M. Campbell, foreman of the can be proiitaldv expended on the work during the W u- lie; are (t Burnham xpt. 17lh, be lifly-seven in number. At that rate upwards of Penobscot Steamboat Co.. & Harbor quarry, was killed la-t Saturday by a lei next Year. Bay Spectacles Silver Ware i *u n Hall. Private two thousand kernels were from one meeting produced kcr- low NOTICE! workman named Patrick ( aim Cain left the Will lie ht‘M :i! 111. m .■ ill I!. II. -Ii )|! \si l\ n m*l »*f \ a.i i 1 lb.-. Whitnex can stop. s. A seed-Mrs. .Joseph Pinkham is sick. A T- very quarry in the afternoon and with a blast drill in hi- "II Krliltt) (‘Vfiiiii!!. AliS. 17ill. ill 7 1 -2 o'clock. Entire Slack of .James F. BEIjFAST PRICE CURRENT. "Lai of Grange has Brown, general superintendent of the Full uttrliilaluv lv.(t: ■■! .i. The oiler for sale their MiUinery! Progress bamt started suhseif|ers toward the blacksmith shop. ( oming Corrected the Journal. •• Weekly for WM. Ii. SWAN, l'nvi.lcm. r-inp t about lid, and is located at Fast lower tannery, has been in the employ of Mr. Hunt To ui\- mtr eusti-uu i- ll,*- d< m-iii t• t a yvod up behind Mr. Cain -trm k him over the c. C. Ii. .H HINSi iN, Tri :istuvr. :i-j for Campbell By IL SAKCl.NT, So. s, Main street. 1; An- a with a thirty-eight years, tin* time that lie ! a>s.»r( meiil P in t'r. u >r,• I be •» a ha.1 store in the base deducting bead with the hint drill, knocking down. Cain I'KODK E MAHKI.l. i;S I’AII> l’lto 1 U < I tts. w as in the the war of the I’ltjK ENTIRE STOCK son '‘loses. biding—the only store in town— army during rebellion_ the struck fallen man twice, crushing in his skull. ¥ ton. s.oo« lo.no Freeman Liuscot was Apples bush, ou.jU Hay ¥ :*'!■; iiig a large stock of goods and doing very sick last week from tin* IlKLI AS T. M A I \ 1 Workmen who witnessed the a lira y started toward tlried ¥ lb, SgJo Ijlides ¥ lb, a'.ijTd Dr. P. P. X?ichols9 MRS. B. F. WELLS. ill., business. efleets of wrestling with tin* green apple.Tin* Lamb L lb, 5%lo -o F them when Cain ran, and meeting Mr. John Bowen Beans,pea, 4?bu,2.40.g2.(»o Ii is now so well under-tood that this old estab workmen have resumed work on medium, 2.do«2..*>0 Lamb Skins, aiiaTo .1 till,- I: the Fred Know ! 1 1 i’s f of l|:.-i la-l. J", 1" •* 11-• 11»n• head-piarl. f.,r In -ale W'ATt III A n ii,- Before Justice Know iton last threw a rock at him, striking and cutting his neck yellow eyes,;>.2.‘»ad.aO Mutton F tb, 7 Pm store.\ goodly numberof our will iuh:o\ and .IKWFI.Ih in thi- section of the State, that people go Cain van to the steamboat wharf and Butler ¥ tb, PLiJo ¥ bush, ».iA:; Si Iii:\tist. "late n complaint of Ahiierlan vs. badly. jump* (j)ats | ii may he liar li nnr-ary to-ay to our customers Dickey to Northport to hear the Cantata on tin* nth inst_ Beef ¥ lb, 7uD Potatoes, aUjiflo MIIiiLIHERT ed into the water. He was out, but t hat w .- 1 r.- <-o|)-tant Is to*our large -|.>ek all ! nii At. Dickey, for the of a horse. Par- pulled breaking ■P’ bush, C»0«i70 Bound V tl>, OnO adding TAX NOTICE. larceny The season ha- been so for nearlv Barley Ilog NI-:\V ami DKSIItAtJI.K I’ATTKIiNs ot ...d- ii. 1 remarkably good Office at residence of W. G. f > <1 1 o' away from bis rescuers again jumped overboard. Cheese F it», lOnll Straw ¥ ton, Capt. Nichols, I i I. 111 r i I *er I v 11 "I i lies all lax i»a y *1 •>! arcJ>i*ofli>'rs. Meritt had two horses which his all kinds O.OOijS.Thi our line, floods always sold at tin- very lowest |i of crops it is astonishing how main oouoo A N D- I i -11 a -1 tiiai tour cent, al- per The man vva to the was Chicken ¥ lb. 00«0o urkt*y ¥ Bj, 1 per discount •: 'ther w■ —■ for one of them. The one again pulled shore and late-. 1f and ! > a\< Mil- pasturing sons are awarding themselves tin- l.-t f Calf Skins if lb 12, oo a on Wool, washed 1^ lb. ;{:> sboiuld be paid op or beb>ri Mo.a dab-. I oia_, 1> the various kinds of viz. W. .J. Know lion pairing done in the lo st manner. crops, w as to ¥ 20 2‘. foil'll' 1 dailv I" A ii■. i.M ii. at Mio a ■! Hi• .*o •K the hence me suit. Meritt was subsequently taken Rockland iail. \ Rock- Fggs do/.., Wool,tinwmslicdfedbJ.lrt away other, has the wheat in best Waldo county; David Crecley Fowl ^ lb, 11 a Id Wood, hard, 4.00 .00 Creeds. ED. W. KNOWLTON. C. HERVEY. I!iJb street. K. A. \ bid ( o||. ep.r ■ land says Unit Cain was examined Fancy id iilt and lined £1 and co-ts, taxed at $11. de-patch Monday lleese OOaOO Freedom \ u_r ps.: jw;:. has tin* best oats; .J. W. tin* best .t. o. ¥ !t», Wood, soft, ..Of)(i.J.nO Belfast, :‘.l, Clough rye; before Judge Hix and committed for trial before Academy Before Justice Greer—State on complaint of UKTAII, MAKKKT. -WILL OHKN- Johnson the best and Mr. >kid • potatoes cabbage; the (.rand at the next term of A I,I 111- l; VI. MS, til S I A I.I.OWKlI. cma: Dyer vs. George Gleason, of swanville, Jury September P1 Salt! I ime ¥ bbl, l.li more the bestconl; J. F. Brow n the best tomatoes; Beef, corned, ll», si:p ri:3i ih:k :l i**y*:t« A Boston of Great lrtinkeiin(*ss. Court. County Attorney Robinson tor Butter ¥ 20 ( at Meal ¥ lb, Y/ilo Lady Experience, Mr. Im K. WRKiii r Fined $.'» without costs, which lie appeared salt, box, is while it is conceded all that I'NN'.ii m: ivsi uir rn u by Ben. Harris, of tin* State and 1 >. N. Corn 4? 7"» < nions p- It», 4 n't Ml indebted to the linn are re- invent.>1 of a lM ItKIAT SY-TKM ib on Mortland for the prisoner. bush, persons rpm: of J-1. \s. .\s aL eii Mo new -1 w r I lie Bill \ I couiplaiut Spaulding has the Cracked Corn 7'» ( a Is i I >K 1 ( t itim; 01V1 r- her -rrviees a t. aeh- i•!i•» Montville, best crop of weeds, vith a few i- P1 bush, il,Kerosene,P’galjl J. A. RUSSELL. Cain considered but was not t«. to make immediate .s \ \ I \ i.B\\K I *' r lit" -uimiier, ml 1- I v ci n Bo iii**11, of Brooks, for drunkenness. insane, thought Corn Meal ¥ bush, 7.'» Ho I lock F B., l1.. no quested payment. er ol her system, to the ladies of Belfast and i.-in n beans mixed in with them, that can be in found • *• < l" -ee In- or <>()•« r- iolere-ied in draw 1 be Mr. lived u « Hoard and moms for self e. n lie i>t.ai!i its. All branch.-- of .Milling 1 !•!» I 1 S all'! A ppealcd. TlloS. dangerous. Campbell but three hours Chet se¥ It*, 12 Id H«>rk ¥ lb, 11 12 boarding taugiit. iti- i*i*adly pupil- Byail the ed at reasonatile late'. l-Tr further information faction on reasonable terms Fit lining- in-' county. alter the assault. He leaves a wife and three chil- Cotton Seed ¥ ewt, l.V> Plaster F bbl, Liu guaranteed. j»r paiiilin-. dri.11kci,11e-s was before Board man— G3L&30RE & BABCOCK. .iudge Codfish, tlry, F !t>, r»*j71 Iflve Meal V Hi, d1* address free. 1 all at f»s High street, for a few week- "idv. Hours—ti to i•_> and | to Msitor*- satimUj skausmont, Gen. B. is about to dren. Cain also has a here_A eon "ii •• i i<• day in iii.Kugene Thomas Dyer put up a family county Cranberries, F qt, "y 12 shorts Fewt, L2.'» 3w:vj O. 11. K FF\. >oe’y., Freedom, Me. Ill'll:,.-!, .Inly 17, Inks. Jntt Belfast, Aug. •». Iss;;. afternoons. Jw d house at the which will 1m* vention of Cood was held hereon Wed- Clover Seed F s ¥ s ulo i_____ '••lore fustic, Know m,n on on slaughter village, more Templars tb, If.0 sJ Potatoes F tl., Hull Janies Fuller is about to start the \ F. Churchill. Parties live in Belmont. up the sash and blind delegates aeeompanied by inaihaven band_ Lard ¥ It., !2gld Meal ¥ B>, 4 a I factory formerly run A lirown.Mrs. steamer Pioneer madi an excursion to Castine on I cm i- barged with cruelly beating his horse by Dickey Wjlieat James Barker amt are a few weeks .. .James one t<» walk Boston Market. *1 \■ 11. F nmd g ii!ty and lined £ 1 and cost family spending Tuesday Vinalchallenged any at the S All |{|> AY, I ■ ■ ■ Northport Flora Whit- nine miles while lie walked ten, for a «»r i Aug. SAifuRD'd and s_* and co.-t in the other. Appealed. camp-ground-Miss purse who i.-> BllTl.U—(’boiee grades : re firm and instead} tier, in poor health, is some rooms On of last David lilting up Friday evening week, Thayer demand, but all other kirn s dull. The sales of fix wins IN Bkvi. Ksiatk. The in w idow following Robinson’s bouse, where she intends to walked with aim at Cranite Hall and won, Mr. Western and Northern creameries have been at 21 « the Iran t in re tl estate in Waldo county for stay through the fall....Mr. ( has Ripley i- spend \ inal giving « ut on the seventh mile... .The follow- 2de for choice, an I is«i20<* t .r fair and good: New A h York and Vermont dairies at ls instituted here last week and Western ladle packed at ldal.V ¥ tb. to K hii F with a de- Dyer, Burnham. John K. where lie is in a shoe — ( < iii;i:sk—Cheese is steady, moderate Bean, employed knife fartorv .... A. \. Beaton, C. P.; II. Day, II. P.; Eben Sales of choice at v 1. u 1 fair and rood \\ >. mand. ne; M mt ville, to in Held l>;t\.-, same town. John Mr. («co. Russell and wife have been in town for a ''iiiith, >. W.; Everett Mi Is, Scribe; Joseph Black, at SrtDe, and eonunon at Gg7e ¥ B». 1. to irali A. same Treas.; John Lowe, J. \V. Charles E. J. I rest lots Dyer. Burnham, Houston, few days visiting bis family. Mr. Russell is ein. (lay, (i.; K«a;s— Fggs have been in demand, and (>. s.; \. E. Cain. I. W. and a ■•an!'"' B. to Dennis Tohnan, s., S.’carver are scarce. Sales of Fasten al 22epli smith, <• wards o| Tent. Regular meetings and Vermont at 21 g22e. i'OVii. ( Fowler, to Frank K. ...N. A. True and \. iir-t and third Unity, A. Cushman have gone a Friday evenings of each month. !'( it yt« >i:S—There is a fair) demand for pot a oes, H; n \. Albion, ".nab .1. with sale" of common and Southern al $ Leonard, (Hidden. mackereling-Haying is about closed up and the gdod 1|.2Ya ■ and Lhode Island at I’ to Fdwiu li. Bachcldcr .V same farmers 1.7~»; and Jersey $1.75^2 -peel, als., generally are much pleased, a- the is Pjbbl. crop There were loo deaths from cholera in Frank Heal, to Oscar F. Lin* Egypt Belfast, Heal, unusually good.(Juite a number of our citizens Saturday. 'illf. Finulu- \. s to .ne ,ick Hill, sheriff deed, Mar they are taken with what would seem MARRIED. B. in Wisconsin ------Hunt, Belmont. Isaac II Herrick A als., nothing more than a Diphtheria prevails anil Ar- cold which is followed by se- kansas. In Waldo, July lath, by S.Kingsbury, Es*p, Mr I -boro, to lianhd Warren, same. town. Thomas vere roughing—sonic symptoms of fever, ami it ( harles V. Wentworth, of Hermon, ami Lydia M. to G. II. K. la>ts from one to Been, Unity, Rich, Thorndike. two months.The musical en- At the present rate the Government will in a Wentworth, of Waldo. I' SANFORD'S I’ l'iklin Mo-■ little more than three have all the In New York, 27th, < 'baric.-. L. W lit ly, Lincolnville, to His Eiiglev, tertainment given here Iasi week the Hanovarian years paid July ('apt. by of and Mis.-. Ilulda M. Fredrik.-en, n' town, lb a bonds it can now control. ney, Winterport, Marden, .John Marden, of Pa- family was fin* hot ever in this town_Mr. Frank j of Sandefjord, Norway. nic, and William Minot A of to II. als., Boston, Gougings met with an accident a few days since The Ohio delegation to the republican I’resi- In Washington, Aug. -1th, Ijy B. Wright, F:-i B 1 Marden, 2d, of Palermo. I Fred I). Stetson and Miss Anna F. Walter. William McAllister, while some hay in the d ntial convention next year will be for Senator unloading barn of Orrin in Mr. Wilder and Miss a China, July 21st, Young GINGER Burnham, to Hiram I.. M« AI same town. Sherman if he is candidate. lister, He backwards ofl' tin* Hattie* C. both of Freedom. Berry. stepped load ;,nd Carr, \RE1) I a (.. M« with the utmost skill from IMPOR- NRIl'K FRUIT, Cli- Keen, Belfast, to Abby A. MeKeen, fell to the has In Stockton, July 10th, Capt. R. I>. Cummings, Impure Water, Unhealthy Iloor, and been laid up since w ith a Jesse it is intends to issue TED i Harper, reported, and Mrs Ahhie W. Hutchins, both of FlKl* (rIN( HR, ('IK >ICK AROMATICS ami XT mate, Unwholesome inn town. Town of to F. («. of the call the next | Prospect. Food, Malaria, Epidemic Prospect Perry, lame side.William Meservey lost a horse a few for greenback-labor national i»t In Fairlield, July 21st, Mr. James W. Luce, the purest and heM of MEI >I< I X A L ERENril ami tli II.mover, Mas-. < and sine the of his convention within the next two Contagious hismsrs, Cholera Morbus, Cramps, Emily Nathaniel s. days by breaking leg.William months. Fairticld, and Miss Emma Calle r of Troy. Brow ol BRANDY, from the world-renowned ( 1 ’••ndlei■ "herifl"- deed, to William n, tlie linn of Dickey A Brow n, whoa-horl In Rockland, Aug. 1st, Frank W. Kdwards, of \it,tmts, l’ains, Indigestion, Oiarrhu a, Colds, hills, Simple Marshall, time left V from Town O'Honnell ago rather suddenly, has returned home. despatch Cape says and Minnie J. of lb ckland. SANFORD'S Messrs. OTARD, 1 »l I’l Y X CO., < ’< >G X AC, reii F< u'iv, «>r loss of B- o Ivellar, l-.xhaustioii, i-t. Mary (Jue:rg, Palermo, to Harrison who Boston, Nervousness, Sleep Berry, killed Carev. the informer, was, Jo-e* *■ 1 Friday, In Rockland, July :11st, Andrew Allen ami deving it t<> all other all tl at heset the traveller or household at this an Reiud vastly superior lingers," season, and Daniel Williams, Augusta, ( a.miujn, Capt. Fred A. Hosiner, of one f the committed for trial on charge of wilful murder. phine Allen, both of Roekiand. j of which are made with common alcliol, an- t<» those a use of Beni. In Sewell A. of Rock largely nothing protected h} timely Marden, 2d, Palermo. Fli F.Worthing, Boston excursion steamers, w as in town last week. Rockland, July 2Mb, Rich, The Poston Water Hoard cautions the Ellie s. of West w ith poisonous ftt>il oil and SANFUlll>\S the heiieioiis Summer B to public land, nnel Simmons, Camelen. impregnated drength- CINCUR, rino, Bcnj. Nelson, Waterville. Daniel ...Mr. and Mrs. Boyd, of are visit- the waste Philadelphia, against of water, as economy in this In Rockland. July 10th, John (loss, of (irec V* enod w ith cayenne pepper. M cdiein Warren, Jsleshoro, to Daniel A Warren, same her Mrs. W. H. is Ucnie of Deer _ ing mother, Codinan.Rev. Mr. direction necessary bv the state of the reser- Landing, and spoil..rd, Isle. GINGER t n. In Ellsworth, Jlst, Com H. e»f lla h, (.eorge U. White, Belfast, to dames s. Cross, pastor of the Congregationalist Church, voirs. July Hughs, Huvford. and Miss Ahhie E. Blonditt, iff Ellsworth. Brooks. preached a able discourse last morn very Sunday’ The torpedo experiments at the Newport,It. I. to a I|IKI K<’1 ing, large audience, from the text, “Thou shall station have closed. Very successful 1 he Home Farm of last week gave experi- DIED. ■ false were made with the ;i not bear witness against ments Selfridge gun cotton in-talment of Of it thy neighbor.”_ SANFORD’S crop hay The reports. DeliciousSummer Medicine Mrs. Geo. W. Burkett, of Belfast, is torpedo. s. l.'imiated by the census of the visiting friends In Stockton, July list, Mrs. Dr. A. Bird, ag*el yield 1MS0, A KKVKRAdK, with hot or eoM water, A H A PURE FRUIT STIMULANT, for the 1 in Camden.Johnson received a about Jo s- | > i-h l,r».\u,noo tons—the Knight cargo of Haitian easily won at the Minnetonka Lake years. yield being fully In Monroe, Aug. Ith, 1). (Irant, ageel >o ASsweetened, or hot or cold milk, or added t>> aged, mentally and physically exhausted, care- coal last week sch. M. C. — llosmer in Florja i! I more than the of and by Hart The many regatta Friday coming second ami crop average years years, I month and l‘> days. iee effervescent draughts of min worn, or o\-erw. for delirat Teenier third. Haitian is anxious now for a water, lemonade, >rked, female.-, especially aid greater than the friends of Andrew Fuller were pained to ln*ar of a In Scarsport, July 22d, Li/vjie M. staples, wife if crop of last year. At oral waters, it forms a refreshing and invigoratin''- ! for those from debilitating dis- which befel him match with Courtney. s. <;. and of GINGER mothers, recovering serious accident at N. V Capt. staples, daughter Washington dollars per ton this is worth to Albany, 1 crop the State ami Jane Peaslee, 27 beverage, unequalled in simplicity ami purity by eases, and as a means of reforming those addicted last of a in the aged years. !: sum of The week, by’the bursting cylinder felt The l’rince of Wales has accepted, with At Boston son large $lo,odb,00n. injury from un- Highlands, Aug. 1st, John Watson, any tonic medicine, while free from alrholic reac- to an excessive use of aleoholic stimulants, it is mill of w hich lie a of the house at of the »0 l a able weather has been is superintendent. His leg was thanks, painting Longfellow late Oeorge Watson, of Roxbury, aged very small in the aggre- tion. Avoid mercenary dealers, who lor a few cents’ unequalled in the whole range of medicines. lie- broken in two Mr. Ernest Longfellow, years. li.-, not over live places—II. M. Bean launched from Cambridge, painted by per cent., taking the State at and to His Koval Ellis In New York, July l‘»th, Mrs. Helen M. Adam-, extra protit try to force upon yotl their own or ; ware of imitations. SAXF<>RI>’S is the finest his yard last Wednesday a three-masted schooner piesented Highness by SANFORD’S t! of the late for- Reports as to growing crops are uniform Lever. daughter William and Sarah Ogier, others when you call f<>i SANFORD’S CilNtJKU. ! ginger in the world, and, notwithstanding the Mgh of about 500 tons burden, named the William H. merly of Camden. u nable as to fruit, but the of .Sold wholesale and retail druggists, grocers, cost of its is the medi- except yield In Rockland, 2d, son of Frank ai d by ingredients, cheapest family Allison. She will be commanded K. c. ’The inquest concerning the death of Seuor Aug Freddie, ! .< iberries to be by Capt. late Fold promises good. Pastures have Francisco Marco, the minister to the the Jennie Fclch, aged a months and 10 days. ete„ everywhere. cine. everywhere. Kenniston, of Rockland. ... the Spanish ’••m in condition the Among arrivals In Rockland, July 20th, Emma C., daughter of F. lJoston. Potter and Chemical Poston. good entire season and dairy I niled Slate s, who committed suicide, rendered Potter Drug and Chemical Co., ! Drug Co., this week was a member of the celebrated Adams (\ and Louis*- Sartelle, aged o vears, lo months, *. 4 GINGER n<\vs arc well. The has also a verdict of death doing grazing l>een so by suicide while temporarily days. family of Mass., a sou of diaries F rancis, Jr. insane. a.i that sheep and young stork at pasture laid on In Manchester, N. H., July 20th, Ira B. Emery, < f The Pioneer made an excursion from hen* and Rockland, aged lo years. growth and condition right along. The following General ltoseeraiis that Dennis Rock port, Wednesday, to Yinal Haven.The says Kearney in Waldoboro, July 2Sth, John E. Miller, aged (s are the reports from Waldo county is a fraud, and "an arrant humbug;" that he is in years. steamer Pioneer brought about 250 excursionists Ink II a v Chop. Belfast A small increase over the pay of the Central Paeilie Railway Compa- In Thomaston, July 27th, Rev. John Waketleh', sf> 10 months. SANFORD'S SANFORD'S » from SANFORD’S and the rop of Jss2. Morrill Ten per cent, more than Vdual Iluven, Wednesday. They had a dance ny. which employs him to make the anti-mono- aged years last to In July 2‘Jth, Ella C., daughter of Carrie year. Searsport: A small increase, say live in the afternoon at Mcgunticxmk Hall, returning poly movement odious to decent people. Augusta, ight per rent, more than in 1KS2. Unity : The yield I), and the late Capt. Albert Pendleton, of Roel about 5 o’clock.The Ocean House is very large. Taking one farm with another I now com- President Arthur has the knack id' turning land, aged is years, 2 months and 2."» days. Wd..k tilled with In 2-*>th, Mrs A. 1 there is hut little difference between the pletely guests.The following is a neat sentences, and a felicitous manner of say- Rockport, July Mary Davis, age amount of cut this season and that of last list of tJJ years and 11 months. GINGER year. GINGER hay individuals and llrins above the needed word in the best and then GINGER I the paying #ioo ing way, aggregate I think them about equal as we in Waldoboro, July 24Lh, Benjamin Shermai ti.r; tax in this town and the amount, of same stopping. His little at the opening of SJ and 0 months. heavy yield last year. Winterport Not much speech aged years al"-ve last the Louisville was the Mrs year’s crop. Adams, J. A B. C., #151 Jesse, Jonathan, #2:54 exposition “just thing." In Waldoboro, July 2Jd, Rebecca a majority of go.J.'io for the William and Mary J. Freem; n, aged about 12 yrs. ,,",nt\ lor ward us plaints republicans. without exception, very favor Carleton, Wm., heirs, IP* Norwood,.!. H 111 The democrats canvass claims ltl.220 We, the members of Invi< tus Lodge, I. O. (). F :l,dc reports, (.ram i.- majority very heavy. The acreage of Carleton, Win. A Co., 101 Packard, C. S., Mu for the democrats. assembled, make the following dedication of re M,t 1,1" • <»'er that of last year and Carleton, Samuel D., 129 Perry, James, 102 solves to mir Rev. J. A. Morelei GINGER worthy GINGER w:i; I rom re sent indications brother, j* the yield will Norwood A F red Ms our exceed that Carleton, Richards, K., At the inquest on the body of ('apt. Webb at and family. Wishing to express heartfelt sym JjINGEIL of many previous years. .UI.W Co., shepherd,JonesACo. loo Hulfalo, N. V.. the jury rendered the following pathies and tender feelings to this our affliete< Carleton, G. E.t IJs Sherman, Darius, 1:55 brother and submit the verdict : We tilid that ( apt. Webb came to his family, following: Mos \ iLi.t-.. ( M. Plummer was II. 119 Sherman, J. M2 That whereas Di\ine unexpectedly Cleveland, II., W., death while to Resolved, by direction tha 240 T. attempting swim the whirlpool called t< Portland last week to attend Coombs, Isaac, Simonlon, R., 1B5 tender thread of lift* hath fieen served and tha the funeral of river. The immediate cause Eaton, H. B., 151 Smart, Mrs. R. K.t 142 rapids Niagara messenger death hath summoned Helen M. More of his He returned to SANFORD’S SANFORD'S grand daughter. his of of his death the was unable to determine. SANFORD'S place E. Ill David, ls:5 J. A. from SANFORD’S Fletcher, C., Talbot, jury len, wife of Brother Sjoreleu, this yah business Friday night — Rev. C. Purringtoopreach, llarkness, G. T., 105 Talbot,RustAGould, 214 of sickness, suffering and sorrow, to that haven oi II. (>., 121 Thomas,MrsMaVyII. lio Mrs. I. M, LAIilUNKlt, : “I that beautiful home the river, w here ed a very interesting discourse at North Montville, Hemmenway, Springer, Ml:., says rest, beyond Hosiner, J. F\, 107 Tibbetts, Mrs Maria successfully used Urown’s Iron Hitters ior the sorrow* and affliction shall bej known no more. last Sunday from 2d (’or., r»th chapter, 20th verse. Hunt, T. H., 109 W., i:tt worst backache I ever knew.’’ Resolved, That in the de;ijth of Helen M. More GINGER GINGER GINGER GINGER “The Country Doctor.” Oscar Wilde on America. Ronton Bloods. “THE Mr. C. S. Hollis, Surgeon, BEST \V. <;. lirownson, A. M., M. D., of New PERSONAL IMPRESSIONS UAINF.l) ON Ills RE- Veterinary Boston, DIPHTHERIA! Mass., certifies!that he has made the great pain- Canaan, for the past year President of the Con- CENT VISIT HERE. cure, St. Jacobs Oil, the sole remedy in his AYER’S ri ml] pkostkaxion which follows W necticut Medical was to de- At the Princes practice for horse ailments, and considers it su- A 1 1'iplitlioria, persistency with perior to any cure he has known in liver the address before the late annual meeting says the London News of the 'orty years. which it clings to the patient, are well evening, 11c tried the sume great pain-banisler on him- Are those made by in Hartford. He took for his “The 11th Air. Oscar Known to all who have had any experience theme, ult., Wilde lectured on self for rheumatism and by which he was com- Sarsaparilla his “Personal cured, with this terrible disease. Country Doctor,” and delivered an excellent Impressions of America.” pletely j The Ellis Spavin Cure Co., Boston.’’ Is a highly concentrated extract of The fallowing letter shows how the re- address in It facts with senti- Stating that he had very little useful in- The farmer and Sarsaparilla and other rhyme. mingled poultry the carriage maker know tftf'Every owner of one or more horses ran save blood-purifying si- and of formation to he described how to make a a amount of on ring invigorating properties ment, and was in parts especially pointed and give, his first tfoop pay. (theXgb»t) large time and money by hav ing roots, combined with Iodide of Potas- f hand a of Ellis’ Horse and ct overcome and of good supply Remedies I’ it, in others humorous and satirical. Here is an experience the interviewer, “the 50 Fits In 24 flours! sium and Iron, and is tie- sdrst. most reli- to supply a general demand we would announce! S how by vitaliz- of the who “I of the best that we will the t:00u extract touching consultation which the non- literary pirate states,” sprung employed [some physicians here,” send following bv express (on re- able, and most economical blood-purifier that and enrich- on board in the a wrote Wm. E. Tanner, of Dayton, Ohio. Thee all ceipt of the money) or <;. o. n. and return ing midst of storm off New charges. can be used. It all blood professional reader will appreciate: said my child cduld not live for :> week;. It had 50 n invariably expels mooa « and asked his of York, opiuion America. Jits in 24 hours.! We it Samaritan for $5.00. the and rent The lessons of experience, as taught gave Xerrine and $6.50 poisons from system, enriches \vs Sarsapariila-t,h;2 neutralizes and Not seen he found it to the meideine effected a permanent cure.” Druggists. 1 Box In country practice, oft are dearly bought. having it, easy 1*2 lbs. Medicated Food.sl.oo I the blood, and restores its vitalizing power. s matter from an (CONQUEROR.) *2 Bottles Cure. o.tx> CT:idi*Mt« the poisoned it, The modest worker in a sterile field. give unbiased opinion, which was Total abstinence must be at the sea- Spavin prevailing 2 Boxes 1 Condition It is the best known remedy for Scrofula 1 .t the convalescent the life the harvest it side resorts. No of the sea-sex has arge Powders. l.on color, Needing scanty may yield. very favorable, as far as it went. Now report pent ap- 2 Worm in the as Powder. l.on and all Scrofulous < omplaints, and »i.:--r of robust health. Sometimes from sometime- from anxious peared papers yet. A Erysip- doubt, it was more difficult. The first thing SPECIFIC FOR I Box Heave Powder. .;,u ; fear, 1 Colic ! elas, Eczema, Ringworm, Blotches, that struck him on was the Many persons who seeminglv have consumption 3^on r>Ai]xr. Powder.;.n Wishes an abler counsellor were near. landing pros- 1^ ^ 1 Hoof T.<>wi:ii. Mass. have perfectly $ound lungs, and their distress orig- C U R F S EPILEPSY, SPASMS, Ointment.:,o Sores, Boils, Tumors, and Eruptions Vi An of the and the of -Mis. C. 1. 1I< ioi» & c o.: tb ntlemen— only child, within whose tender life perity people absence inates altogether from disordered kidm ys and liver. of the Skin* as also fm all disorders caused My, n lo gir l li.nl the diphtheria last April. Centers the fondest of wife He saw millions of Now there are thousands of remedies that will re- Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, CONVULSIONS, FALLING SICKNESS, hopes husband, rags. chimney-pot Backache. 1 he iseasi left her very weak, blood poor, And seems on the of lieve kidney liver diseases, but there is only Lumbago. Headache. Toothache. a thin and or many friends, verge hats in all their dreadful hut aijid Sore* Throat, $14.00 for $10.00. l»y impoverished, corrupted, : b no appetite, and she could not seem to proportions, one that can b(fc depended upon for ell'“( ting a per- Soollin^. Nprains, Itrnisea, ST. VITUS DANCE, ALCHOHOLISM, death.— IStiniM. KcaldN. I'roftt Hitra, condition < f the such as Kheumatism, .h ..i b.s p!Uv; «. Ii« >«*i>\s SAltsai*AK1l- no The was manent cure, and that is Brown’s Iron Its For liveries and large stables the assort- blood, y: rags. second thing that Bitters. ANO Ai l, following s Convulsed with with fitful, UTIlUt MODIFY I*A INS AND ACHES. \ w. iv,- mmended a After pain: rapid breath, lias been n thousands OPIUM ment Is and will In* sent as above stated. General by neighbor. one a efficacy satisfactorily proven Sold tv Druggists m)>1 D.’tilfi s .tvw here. Ceuta a bottle. EATING, SYPHILLIS, preferable Neuralgia, Itlieumatic Gout, ■ Clenched stretch- every seemed to be in and Fifty bad b, .-li taking it a'l\ w days we noticed hands, eyes sunken, nostrils, hurry, of instances all other remedies f; iled. Direction iu il atyer Languages. 1 Box 25 lbs. Medicated Food. £2.00 and Catarrh. : f« i-the bettor —she this made him think it could not a <11 j liebility, Scrofulous began to eat ing wide; he THF XKIJ'fl A. YOtiFLFR CO. SCROFULA, KINGS EVIL, 4 Bottles Spavin Cum. l.on a h-h. It sooin< d to take out the lie scarce can count the His Honor: “Are you guilty or ot guilty?” (Successor* to A. V Oti KFF it 4 CO.) Baltimore, fld., U.S. A. pulse's hasty stride,— of great for romance •'< Boxes Large Condition Powders. on -> a o ti.-oase country romance, Prisoner: “Spects I’s but I’d line to I 1: had left in her blond, the He looks at liis thermometer amazed. guilty, sah; UGLY BLOOD DISEASES, DYSPEPSIA, •i Worm Powders.. 1.50 : bt ing noticeable in her face, was difficult where it was a vital neces- be tried all the same.” lyreowoo Rheumatism Cured. very Its column to a frightful figure raised;— 2 Heave Powders. Loo Inflammatory s t--k it two months and | fully regained to catch a train. The beautiful he NERVOUSNESS, SICK 2 ( olio Powders. l.oo “Ayer's Sak;.mai::i ea t- me of Ah. you and I have felt his anxious fear, sity One Experience from Ma ly. HEADACHE, j eutvd r b< a :'.i. touch to< nr delight. We now •1 And wished some abler counsellor were near found where the Americans had least Hoof Ointment. i.5o the Inflammatory ltheiimat ism, with I ud I b oiis s a its A 1’a u i.i. \ with a I have been sick and miserable so long and had The Connecticut Mutual Life In- RHEUMATISM. NERVOUS WEAKNESS. To aid in such or which 1 d br ntanv di.il of j'b-aon began to All the above Extreme Tired And. Jehu-like, with foaming steed he drives. ear, was the perfection of 1840. supplied by druggists and l’arne-> “Tint Feeling.” improve and gained so fast tli.it my t usbaml ami Organized in *■ And at the BILIOUSNESS, men, or ■ moment arrives. COSTIVENESS, (quantities single'packages. b ts done mv daughter a specified luxury, hut had no more privacy than if family thought it strange and unnatural, hut when Dr. j. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. o- s In manner in air and Assets, January 1, ELLH *I»AVI* ClHi: ;.i t ... her food thu imt dis- brusk, pompous style, one sat in an at I told them wh; t had helped me, they s; id. “Hurrah iss:>.$51,0i>2,422.78 TROUBLES AND C’O., arm-chair the Hamilton l»v KIDNEY IRREGULARITIES. Sold a:l :!.six bottles fur v •, ! v, .n from lb' his with the blandest smile. Surplus Connecticut standard. .5,724,844.21 by Bruggisis; t b ;• lie suifer that greets brother for Hop Bitters! long may they prosper, for 50 "t., Boston, and 27n Fourth N. 'J street corner of ran they Now York Standard Sudbury Ave., in a which sin* did before With new found friends shakes hands with Piccadilly. Hoys up have made mother well and us hai p\." Tlu* Surplti- by (esti- '• mated. bottle at iyriT ». tiiig ilt •1/.4 SAi;- Ai AK1LLA. relish keen; and down selling literature, good and Mother. 6,850,000.00 i3W$1.50 per druggists. Ratio of expense of to in Happy to see them, happier to be seen. and one could eat or not management receipts had, everything "Did the c! ild die under suspicious circum- 18*2, 8.75 per cent. The Dr. S. A. Richmond Med., Co., S' Trice -1 a bottle or His conversation he directs to these. Prop’rs. 1880. bl by ail druggists. but stances?” aske< the coroner of a witm ss. No, sir, 1880. eat, what harrowed his feelings most The new limited life of the I’on- St- Jooepli, ZL£o. (1) ; r 1 1. With studied effort to attract and it did not. It tiled premium policies s'\ !•••:' sJT« par. d y HOOD please; under the porch.” neetieut MANHOOD: was to see a Mutual Life Insurance afford Toils of an anxious case he had last night, acutely pirated copy of his Company Correspondence freely answered by physicians TO.. Apothecaries. I.owell. Mass. For i'^ soot I perfect protection at t he lowest m*t cost. are Boston and Which by his skiil is coining out all right; own poems selling for 10 cents. He ex- ing and grateful intli cnee on the They For testimonials and circulars send stamp. Bangor ami for he removal ami id' dan- written for tin* ickole term of life, llius continuing J 7 Details his treatment in a learned scalp, prevention ■> ■■ ( way. to the that he no the insurance wit or so li' 7 -]y<>iL\ l >[ /*, O tip sp < ?, the title of “captain" and “colonel,” the eat them yourself.” company of this eountrv, thus giving additional To interview the doctor and the friends; sn Ki i \ vnl* \ vi l.. latter in Texas, but he had been They participate in the di- And. ere lie sees the case stales his belief very Found Dead. vision of I In surplus earned during their entire A Book for Man ! That he soon much continnam'e. They can suggest a prompt relief, distressed by being called “pro- Last evening person giving the name of (L It. ark NON-FOKI’i.nIN<;, becom- Every lie quickly scans the case, and feigns to see fessor.” like the Atlantic Thompson registered at Hunt's Hotel ami desired ing, in case n the of the Middle-Aged Tells of a cases extremely disappointing, principally, Chicago. Being unable to awaken hi n. the room part insured, dozen he has had) I'M he because it was ordinarily was entered means of the ventik tor over the for an amount also indorsed on each polka, IK untold miseries that result from imlN*(. m June Within a year with as bad. believed, by Commencing Monday. 4, 1883, symptoms quite door, when the was foum to be dead. ami made a part of it. and in 1 in early life may he alleviated and cured And thus the farce of consultation seen under conditions unfair. gentleman participating surplus. ends; extremely He was adver for For cash and value- ol' Th< se who douht this u-.-ertion should purchase Steamer I’TAOBSIOT .dipt ». li. KOI\. i-ing agent Sulphur Bitters, paid poiiev impure •• the new medical work What further he discloses to the friends In order to its and which has an eMmisive sale. The coro icr returned published by the PE A Ht H> Y WIliUMM.K OTIs IVt.lt \II Ml. appreciate splendor 1N ST " KATA II '• K. ( We ne'er shall but somehow it trans- a verdict of death from heart disease, llis MEDICAL IT IT E, Koslon. entitled, THE DIM HOMKK. know; strength, it was necessary to go under body F. A. GREER, Belfast, pires. will be sent east immediately. [Cin. Commercial. SCIENCE OF LIFE; OR, SELK-I*RESER\ ATION. Ex Will ni;,ke -l\ ruil'ts I’KIt \\ KKK. Irm !he It, I the tali in a suit of huusted Nervous and He gets the case,—his brother soon retires. itself yellow sealskin, Agent for Waldo bounty. Vitality, Physical Debility, la-t for Ifosion everv ilav except Milel.i\at d. bo A little ar that are not Premature Decfine ii. or Vitality Impaired !‘. so that he should never con- singu passengers permit- Man, b\ M. Another a ugly have extract us of the ted to convei se with the nun at wl notwith- tin* Errors of Youth, or too close id ? gives picture the eel, H. N. application Leaving i.ineoiji'- Wl.arf, Ito-ton, very a\ sented to wear it but that he was inform- he is s of the FAIRBANKS, hu ma\ he re-dored and manhood itoetor ot which some standing tokesiuan -hip. dness, regained. •■ept Sumkr. at 7> 11’clock r. M. country lormer uays, -•Nth ed that a similar dress had been worn edition, rc\ Ned and enlarged, just publi-!i 1’oR P« >i; I. \ N Pa-sengers ami freight will !• : by Fever. General Agent for Maine, 21 Main St., Bangor, Me, ed. It is a will recognize a little of memory Ilaj Mandard mcdicai work, the be-t in the f'»r\\ anlfl i<‘ connecting at Rockland w Itl by brushing that artist, Mme. Sarah Bernhardt, Portland, great I have been al lieled for tweutv the .'5w.'5l English language, written a •; -rent \, How may we see ourselves, who backward turn year', during by physician I'tcamer l.c\vi.-ton Monday and Thursday Of America the most month-of and Hay experience, to w lumi u as aw ar«led a gold and jew The pages of our life-book and discern jLaughter.] itself, August September,’wit Fever, I are to Boston and return. s'-.oo and have tried \ ariou- remedies without relief. I died medal by the National Medical A—ei-.;i -e | The doctor of our beautiful was the West, and Cali- Single ticket, do. :>.<)<» MAKE NEW RiCH BLOOD, country boyhood days. part was induced to Cream Bain; have used BOSTON, It contains beautiful and very expensive engra\ try Fly’s ; Fare to ...... With foes to HOTIGEL ;;uu more Lowell II.'O and friends censure or to praise. fornia most of all: and the most it with favorabk result-, and can eon la lent reeom ings, pages, than 1*2a valuable prescrip- And v* ill completely change the hlood in depress- ly The Largest and Most Successful Commer- In saddle or in sulky brown and grim, the alkali mend it to all similarly nllliete l. Rohf.rt \V. tions for all forms of diseases, acute and chronic, ! I). LANF. Agent. the ritire ing plains through which the .1A AIKS system in three months. Any Tin- storm and darkness were alike to him Towm.ki, (ex- Hayor; Fiizabeth, N. d. cial School m America. the result of many years of extensive ami success LITTLK FIFL1L Supt. trains travelled for oc- To the Farmers ! fu! either one of which is ten jm ison who will lake l Pill eaeh ni^lit miles his keen days, stepping I have been a lay Fever iuffercrfoi three years; (iives Training by Practice, in a select and practice, worth time- Belfast. May tin, is-:: Through weary anxiety trie of the book. Hound in from I to 12 at a small have often heai l Cream Balm of in Practical course of intruded to price beautiful Erci.eh | weeks, may be restored to And faithful horse, his only company : casionally station, where wlmt, Fly’s spokeii w !•: han k <;ooi> thoroughly study, the Inglu st did not take much .• lock in it he meet the wants of those who know cloth, embossed, full gilt. Price only b\ >oi:nd if s»n h a he His saddle some terms; by oxprricnoe health, tiling pos- and dusty garb might tell, by curious of mail, on <*i process reasoning, cause of the many quack medicine- \ friend per Mich. Flour for S6.50 bbl. that our 1‘ublir Schools are not pivparing t)ie voting postpaid, receipt price. Illustrated sible. lor i-Ymale latch sire and school knew him per six cents. curing Complaints aged hoy well, was called a meal was served. Here ho- suaded me to tn the Balm, and 1 did so with won- in a direct manner for the active duties of life, and sample send now. Wit. Desert and As AND WANT DODD Portland, Banger, the-e Pills ha\e no e<. M.Kk, Hatter, Hinas, «CV. tical and useful course a training void practice. every- coining appointed llijijs. Potatoes, cciirmy is beyond all comparison tin most extraordinary Machias Steamboat Go. WIn n coveted success had eased his brain, esque and charming as long as they wore Syracuse, N. V. Price at) cents. 2w.T2 of all the objectionable features the culture- where, or sent by mail for 25 efs. in Id those In the we have ihe work "ii Physiology ever There N noth- lb- oft could feel their own city, cramming published. >end for tlie force of the refrain: clothes, and very ugh when system. whatever that the married or can slumps. pamphlet ,1’lCKE. “I am burning to stand at the head »f my class,” As and ing .-ingle citl.. “Three faces wears the doctor: when first Flour iti I'ovvill thorough complete training is given in N. JOHNSON < on dress. Their lan- as the rem irked when lie Hire v his school- require or wish to know but what N _1. A; O., Poston, Mass. they put European buy this school to those wln> desiie to preparo lor Mer- fully explain- mate’s exercises -Alsu—- ed. [London Lai ect. sought struck him as German into the lire. cantile Pursuits as is given in tremdeal >> lends to An and a guage resembling angel’s: God’s the cure half wrought. those who choose a THE SCIENCE OF LIFE ; OR, From Mcssr-. F. rice, or t he im>ne\ interpreted generally found it Spavin." cies. Most faithful he had scarce For circular of terms, or admission, address will he refunded in everv instance. \uthor. service, begun a .><) We have all needed as as the for cents or some supplies, jjood best, the — ere tic shafts of malice convey request “The differene said Twi-tem. :u he thumped Principal, Bt28 N. H. Y< H'Nti and MIDDI L At.KD MEN .-an liejoieing. dread, a- low as ihe lowest. In quantities to suit, CROUP ASTHMA tobacco. One of the features of liis glass on the i ar, “between this glass and locust, H. L. B()s sa\e mue!] time, sutlering ami i,\ BRONCHITIS, lake hailstones fell on his defenceless head. great and lor your Oil Motes, IIOHNKIt'N HIBUAIID, Washington St. expehst• reading is simply that on a beer mug and other’s a mere tile Science of Life, or conferring- with tin* author, NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM. Kach day he passed some who from America was the advertiser, who defaced Oil., Iiiali lest, no smoke, and 'Ulllvan and FIBworth < trip. \1- with I*. A jealousy, bug.” win* may lie consulted on all diseases Malice or would do him the only 01! that does nti! requiring !'»• '-learners at Rockland, K us!. for r .IOHNxO VS ANOI> YN «•: l.l M M I NT spite injury ; the most beautiful parts of the Rocky skill and experience. Address going Bang' •• erusi ami //• rii't- ■<:"( ]■: rft rii'tl ?/.-•< ) v. ill instantane. Laeli he stood beside some Mr. (ini. \V. Knapp, of Waltham, !\ ass., says : l the wick. PATENTS. River I .an* i i t gs each trip. uisly day prostrate form. mountains with his advertisements PEABODY MEDICAL IN ST IT IT K, r. ;?.*v tiles.- terrible and will have removed an on horse’- knee «'K A I,SO M AM lL.it KMN<;—Will leave rt evi rv Mo diseases, p< Whose outstretched baud and trusting look gave enlargement my FACTTUK or W. II. PARKER, M. IL. Maehiaspt cure true cases out «d ti n. of some which a V. s. pn uounced incurable, tne u.-e of day ami at I. :»<- v. m., t.-welling at inter lively Information warm generally horrible medicine. I'lie by I’l lit (ONKKCTIOM.ltV for Wholesale and Retail lyr 1 Bultineh street. Boston. Mass. Thur-day. tint will save Hv-s sent free niaii. Fllis’ Spavin Curie. I think this is a erv Haltering R. H. EDDY, medial** landing-, and connecting : Portland u ill many by And welcome, while he to show names of American where trade. MTS, Kills, PATHS, and KRlITS of all debt a moment. Prevention is better kindly sought towns, they testimonial.” It only one of many hundred, how ’ulltnan am! < arly morn.vg trai-i tm j kinds In ihelr season, (live its a call. dStf No. 70 State St.,opposite kllby. Boston. VITAL QUESTION'S !! t The brighter side and hide the threatened woe. were French or ever. same. ( mined, with Ro-ton ami Bang"!- -tratmt- t i.il! eiire. I. S. doHNsoN A; ( •. Spanish, were often Thanks, ail the 1 wa- .'seeores Patents in the I'nitcd Mate.- also in Great Ask the most eminent his to know the rapture of success; Mill 11ELI .( THOMAS, physiciaft Po' klati-I. coming Wc-t. and icmve p.i beautiful, but the names were Mrs. Britain, Pram e and other conn trie-. 1'was his to feel tin- pangs of bitterness. English Homespun, who lias a terril le time ( very foreign Copies (M' an\ school, what is the host thing in tin ml freight !'*• an Ba c t :-.!«•! Pi v Lam.ing- t often lie was to out of their beds, MASONIC III,Oi k. IIIt.II ST. ■ Belfast, Me. of the claims of an\ Patent turnished When, baffled, lie must stand with hated breath. very ugly, asked to lecture morning get lijer young brood by remitting world for quieting and allaying all irritation of Portland. says she can not understand children are railed one dollar. Assignments recorded at Washington. The new -tea tm-r < IT A < >F Rli'IlM* < I>iimb and on art at hut lie un- why tin* nerves and ail forms of nervous j >M>, apt. confounded, face to face with death. Griggsville, refused A'o in the I’nitiaf states sses curing MAKE tile rising generation. agency posst superior fa- N V M P I'I.nm-on, ivo '.-'.aie whar: « Mon- HENS LAI natural, childlike r« !f< -him., less consented to cilities Patents or complaints, giving L a well-known fact that most of the }b r-e Wt- take their and with they change the name for obtaining ascertaining the pa. day, Wednesday and Saturday places; survey pride * i1 : tentabilif o in ren t ion sleep « atth* Powder s<-Id in this country is worth- The of the town, which declined to do. y f always? i't lt*« k, >»r tt arris ii "t vcam boat Kvpiv-- Trains well earned laurels have laid aside. they . II. And will leil •''i 'hat Sheridan’s Condition Powder is ;il- they Dr. MACAIASTER S It. LI>DY, Solicitor of Patents. they you unhesitatingly lii'"tn P.o-ion, for Mi. xtuthw t-i arid Bar If their facilities were less than ours. How dreadful it would have at ue is the Children’.- friend and Mothers’comfort. Be ly pure and very valuable. Nothing on been if he “Some forms of i fops!“ I; I arbor- touching at Rockland milv. i.darriving We not It deadens Hie e relief. art h will make liens like Sheridan gain advantage, added powers a m|*i and gives permanent I KS I I mom v i.s. at Bar Harbor a! »nt b* v. w no\t dav lay by had founded school of art! (TIAPTF.lt I. < f or better Griggsville For sale «U in ineuicine. ondition Powder. I^ise. no to service, hut by nobler deeds,— by lyrTa* “1 I'lHiiin lions made al Rockian wit 1 n. -r teaspoonfui American children did not seem to he airy- regard Mr. Lddy as one ot the most capable -■"it food. Sold or sent Most self devotion to our A.-k or all of the most eminent llUuohilt, and Fllsworth. M -and \\ pint everywhere, by fellows' needs, “\es,”he said, sadly,“I went for the daughter’s mat eW 'cssful practitioner- with whom 1 have had any physi- Surry i. ail for 25 ets. in stamps. \Vc furnish ii in 2V W ho does his ln-st and were not so or as cians : within his humble field numerous, healthy liaed, and got the old man foot.” official intercourse." pesday's trip-. it>. ans, price Si.00 by SI.20. \t Bar'llarnor with -learner fm* (,• n!d in mail, Has gathered honors, which he need not yield joyous as in hut CIIAS. M As<)N, (.oniini-.doiier of Patents. “W hat is the best and only remedy that can 1. S. John.sox A; Mass, England, very precocious. t loine, llam oek and sullivan. each trip. Co., Boston, To mail or faithful in few A C AKI). & Grade Yorkshire be rciicd on to cure all diseases of tin- angel; tilings, some of into kidney* IliariiMM. 7 no \. They grow up, them, girls Thoroughbred “Inventors cannot, a more tru.-t -Will leave Bar Haro. at vt.. lb wears the crown employ person and Midi as lyric. which faithful service To ’ill who from the errors and in- urinary organs: Bright*- disease, ..lav, \\ edne-dav and Frida' at ail, who were the in the are!suffering worthy or more capable -d ,-eeuring l'or them an Pmciiiiu brings. prettiest despots discretions of nervous weak de- Weanlings- now for at diabetes, retention or to retain urine, Harbor youth, less, early ready delivery earlv and favorable eunsideralion at the Patent Of inability \ji'e-i and Rockland, arriving in Portland (Continuedfrom last week.') None wears world. Each American seemed to be los?j of I will sen 1 a and all tin* diseases and 7i.no f. another's armor, each his own; girl cay, manhyod, &c., recipe that lice.’” LI >Ml' M» IUKKL, ailments peculiar to about m., connecting with train for B< n-n. blurs will he measured when our an oasis of will cure you, FIjiFF of CHARM. Thi- gnat Women**— ajrriving at bum p. m. How Watch Cases are Made. work is done. picturesque unreasonableness 15.W vu:\v FAISAL. Late Commissioner of Patents. remedy was discovered by a mUsiomry in South “And will 17. < LSI I IN(., (it in ml M ,ti .a_f- in a desert of common sense, able to talk they tell you explicitly and em- America. Send a self-addressed ei to the *• velopc Boston, October in, l-7r. phatically Buchu." IbKoltbK I.. 1>A Y, TTeas. an duL Ticket Agt. on whether knew Ri:v. .Ioski*!! T. Inman, Station I), yew York 1‘ortlami. -I me, Bbb 11 is a lad n«>t kn< >wn that the Gems every subject, she any- City. WM. C. U. II. LDDY Lsq.—Dear sir: Y mi procured for Ask the same generally of Thought. IvrTs FULLER, Foreman. physicians of it or with me in lstu, my tirst Since then you liave Jam's 1 loss (. .id Wain con- thing not, lovely hands and patent. “What is t ne most reliable and surest cure for really A acted for and advised me in hundreds of ea.-es, and woman who wants a charitable heart wants and the boots in A n enthu.-iastie pountry exchange emarks “The Belfast, May I, 1 I St f all liver diseases or : const i ion, in- tain more than *‘solidv feet, prettiest the world. rci-.-ucs and extensions. 1 dyspepsia pat purr amlelioii! very he — give you my bu-iness, knew was—that lie knew lvj-pcakhig, ^the varietj-. 111-: II \ MI-TON Ti: V ( re nothing. [Con- interest in une career thev OMI-ANY have just line, and advise others to when up 1 r ol solid politics, j your employ you. Hence, these remedies combined TftViE-TABLE. ]■ grade gold watch cases— greve. JL i-ived got in pounds of choice Tea- of all grades Yours went into was for truly, GLoKGK’ DKAPLIt. with others equally valuable extensively journalism, — On 1”"' in and deh-ient in and kind-. Al.-oju.-l received 1.1 sets of Decorated Boston, dan. 1, is-:*.. lyrl and after Monday, June I v lss:;, quality, quantity* (io down the when thou marriest a And into Bitter-, -m b a the first tiling a boy did in America w hen Knglish China, both Tea, and Dining,-a sets of compounded Hop ting at Rum ham w ith fit" ugh trait f«*f B.icgm-, 1 hese ca>es a. «• nai irot.i tv* mjt 1 -i; 10 go when thou choosest a friend.— Hold Band and other China sets of the latest [Concluded next week.l It-'io \N atcrvi'le, Portland and Boston, v '.a n- I'd karats, wife; up he was aide to read and write was to fancy and > Lt re Belfast at ik-la a. in.. t : and a •> or 0 karat case i-> oltcii sold for 12 [ltabbi Ben Azai. style- !inc-t qualities just imported, 10() Tea DR. B. a J. ■ ■ start newspaper, it seemed strange to and Dining s,q-of the White Knglish Stone China HUGHES, 7 Brook- 7 k; \ 7 7. 1 hoi .... 7 b. or 11 karat.-. It is >s t to hnv a Wj economy ideas are the great warriors of the world, their intrusion into of the first quality ; and one of the largest stocks of t oily -.'7. Leonard’- ( r- --ing 17. arriving at English people private 1; bo wat< h cu.-e .- -<»r and a war that has no SKIN HUMORS lass ware ever •*!Vev ! in this some en- Burnham at a. m in that it will ideas behind it is city, styles \ quality simple life. He was asked an interviewer at Private Medical Rooms. A. by tirely new. Agents wanted in every town in the Leave Belfa-t al In p. in., ( b p.bmt id- soon k-.-e its c l or oiK. susoft that it will brutality. [James Garfield. r, Chicago for some details of his private Wonderful Cure of a Lad l‘i years •Mate to canvass for the Hampton Tea Company to WMSmMEm bo, Brook- kno\ 4.1 :i, Thorndike t 7-. n: y lose its and kdi to shut -t 11 Teas. Mir canvassing hooks are now to 4.1k Leonard's ( ro-.-ing p arriving at P siiape tight, tints I h< man who enslaves himself to his motiov hut he told him he had not om- old. who for S years, from the ready CONFIDENTIAL. life, got be distributed. Send for one at once; that is, to ZHTONE IN THREE HAVE THEAT^C atm. 10 p. m. lotting in du>t and da: the w< or is his head his ankles, Ladies or Gentlemen ice or aging rks, proclaimed in our very to he a it was at the custom house in toy of to those w to become The books requiring medical ad\ Returning— Leav e Burnham at >.7>n a. m.. I "ii language stopped ishing Agents. give And thin* the or Liverarc nt miser, or a miserable man. treatment, arising from any private cause, would Kidneys Fault. ani'- one s » thin that a sli.ht blow will break [R. C'. Trench. New York. Their teas One Mass of Scabs. list of Tea-. prices, *£<*. All correspondence direct- Cims-ing :ut-2, Pnity ''.do. TIm-tmlike Kn-a humor he do well to banish all diffidence and make an ( was, thought, ed to h\ Kittredire, Havford Block, Belfast, Me. early f'k Brook HUiS Wald" b>._»o, i:y point in. .. nr the and tin* movement. Real artist-are a to Pit. lit Gil L> HYPERTROPHY, or enlargement ofthe crystal, ]»crh:q»s absolutely submissive to law sort of and one he M\ lail \v;i> IK and application ri' ing at Belfa-t at In. |7> a. m. philosophy, thing M*N,a tlvelve yi-avs of ape, atllktuil klTTBKDbK, Agent Manager. Ventricles. (irate** Ibart r. and at ease The Doctor’s successful in this Leave at m ( it Is c a /!><* Cold absolutely in fancy: while we are at admired about the American with the worst fu>rm of Kezema or a period ot long, practice city, Burnham 7>..'io, p. Pci ai d’ n---ing oiiomyto buy journalist with the marvelous cures, are or inflammation ofthe •">. b onee wilful and dull: resolved to have ourowu eight So viiulent was it that from the of together unquestion- PERICARDITIS, I’liify 7i.7iO, Ttpofmlike 'bon, Iv \ -7. Pi -k-, years. top 7>r. u,.,-: u, Watch Case, in which n> m; of these was that he could write about the able guarantees of hi- -kill and heart case. Waldo point •' 7-b arriv mg at things way, hut when we have it we cannot walk price his head to within few inches of h s ankles he was ability. b.47.. Pity Bella-: got UNITY VILLAGE HIGH SCHOOL! Persons who can not consult tin1 Doc- " ever occur, i his » a-e i> tin of one mass of scabs, which refused to vield to personally WATER in the heart case. mpani.3 T.» p a IVAVnON TITkKK, ben'l Manager, watch hot t/j>en- two without bv a wool without referring to Jason and any yards holding tor can do so in a manner a — railing. [Bus- la-o-cs. by writing plain de- Dropsy). Vie Hr. (.'ram* II. r: I.■ ■',!.I' ,/ telfast, dune is, 1 -s:',. I\ r 1 m it- it lias been made kin. treatment that was attempted. Kvtrv remedy that 'tni't.’y. nearly thirty years. the Golden Fleece. The lecturer also re- scription of their disease, and reme- was suggested hv j friends or physicians was trie*i T1IK KAll 11 KM WIKI. BK(H\ appropriate SOFTENING of the Heart. (very unmoa) Ha/ i.i.TuN, I’a Oct. dies will be forwarded All corre- 24,1882. "1 II ferred to the actors of in vain. Allopathy, herbs, roots, immediately. /> / I : two James I' it known that ambition can as distinguished hoimeopafhy, confidential, and will be PALPITATION. B-ss’ Gold \V:,uh Cawn thirty creep salt-water baths, fax seed oint- MONDAY, SKPT. :*r- h'raiies’ Heart 7.v,;„ ’■ "t « JLI7C-E, Heart. k condition yet. On* f them is carried a ishing condition is more to he dreaded marks on American art. t > eradicate the by justly disorder seemed only to aggravab l*iin with assistant.-. Tuition as usual. INo. CSOO i 11 so I m i-I; im 1 s*t.. cur i •enter, Mr. L. W. Drake. of Iluzlet and 'ban that of him who is etnnpetent fiTA Startling Fact! Heart t: nggro- m, only mean and cringing un- it, and the child's 1 fe heeanie a burden to him, and (>ootl hoard and conveniences for at show- the w■* >elf-boarding are interior t>* consum ar in one or two j lao s; the other by der a doubtful and the expense pato **nly I'm.city tmprosperous fortune.— Confederate Bondholders. of the various experiments was a con- l’ea-onablc rates. For further information or for PORTLAND, MAINE. Mr. Bowman, •: Cunningham. Pa.; and I can l>r. Grave** Heart Regulator I*ri til of tlnSsC cao-s at time. Principal, ary M.V wife, reading the advertisement of the (TTI- JAS. IK TAB KB, Agent. $1. per bottle, six bottles fur by expre .SYLVESXi.il Knock. ./* < ,Vr. Albeit Mr. Ivan C. Michels, a Russian failure in any cause produces a corre- gentle- n ua Remedies ii one of the drily paper.-, re- Unity,.Iuly 2d, lss:k—o\v.‘{u St stamp for eminent physicians’ treat «>111 heso«l;.-vases. S-n :> o-nt !.» Catharine's S ■■■ stain)' hrj tniic Wj m (;i-< I uro-rii**., I'liila- spondent misery in the soul, yet it is in a sense man well informed on the transaction solved to make on.* more attempt t a cure. (The Hall, In Xervi’H* I'r.,sini'i and »r fur alter what is ropean powers, proposal, sought of Maine. by Leading Druggists. ly true, and every fresh experi- famous the Bishop Herald with a list of names of some lady phy.-i< ian of New Yoi k, who made a lyrtiti ence points out some form of error which we of Electric and Herbal M ADA ML M< >N PAN, Principal. most thorough examination of the ase, ard prom- Magnetic, THE GREAT shall the of the Assisted seven competent tea her.-. afterward carefully eschew. [Keats. holders Confederate cotton loan ised a cure without the least hesitation tin* use l’lIYSK by by IAN. MRS. A. s. Fkothixgiiam, Matron. bonds. Mr. Michels said that these were of your Ci in ru \ Remedies. in» m week there Beware of Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Paralysis, ami all This school aflords thorough instruction in all de- making your moral staple consist was a marked change; the raw and angry sores Palsy, at the the actual losses, moneys each Nervous Trouble* sueee*sfully treated. I make a partments, with full college course in Latin and negative virtues. It is good to abstain paid by began to grow pale and along the oi ter edges scaled German specialty of Chronic Diseases of the Fiver ami Kid- < ireek. Modern Languages and Gonversatiou < lass- 1ft and teach others to abstain from all that is sin- but the amount of Confeder- oil', and as time w >re on lagan to lyreow individual, they disappear and also diseases b> Females. es under the of native teachers, ad- Remedy. neys, peculiar Pro- charge special ini or hurtful. But a entirely, until at tl** present writing the only ves- making business of it ate bonds they received in return must prietor of Dr. Gordon’s Positive Catarrh Cure. vantages torthe study of Music and Art. lead- to maciatiou of is one small spot upon the forearm, scarcely character, unless one TLKMS: $250 a year, sixteenth school year elys SICK, b eds have amounted to several million dollars, v isible and last dis ippcaring. ami residence Inion M., Belfast, Me. TRUTHS FOR THE largely also on the more nutritious diet ‘•pens September 20. •_ur2:» Catarrh lie the Thus after eight years of expci se and anxiety, Post oltiee address Box 471. *J 11f of active, obtained information his Address the Matron as above until sept. 1st, after For those death' T. ulic-s i:i delicate sympathetic benevolence. [Holmes. through we have the intense satisfaction of seeing t he child's London which date be made of the Bilious d- who are all correspondent: -kin as fair and smooth as it was before this dread- inquiries may Principal. CREAIVI Spells, health, A man that hath no virtue in himself ever pend on : rni;; rundior:;. should use Sir l)e ful cutaneous attacked dim. simvrelv lias gained an enviable envieth \irtiie in others: for men’s Henry Houghton, £1^0,000; disorder BtTIEltS, it '. ill cure Sl'LlIIIit J1ITTL113. minds will yours. Cl IAS. KAY tK IMNKI.l CITY HACK! re p u 1 ati-m wliercv cr either feed their Isaac &, Tbos. you. upon own good or upon oth- Campbell Co., £150,000; 24'.* FVIKMO! \ AVE., MARBLE WORKS! known, displacing al’ ers’ rDHF subscriber lias purchased a lirst-class circu- i $1, 0 v.;:i be vi 1; and who wanteth the one will prev of Jkusky City 11 Eh, iis, V .J. other preparation-. An paid Sterling Begby, £140,000; Marquis 1 lar glass front hack, which la* will drive about The Giant D; .-pop- for a case where 5UL- upon the other; and whoso is out of to at- article of undoubted hope Rath, £50,000; James Spence, Childhood and youth are the p«•■•iod- when such the streets for use at funeral.-, private driving par- W. T. HOWARD Isiaiscureil hvudug Fiiuit 2: rims will tain another’s virtue will to $50,(Kill; merit seek come at even diseases most to tlm.-i unfailing skin ties, or for for which first-class ha« ks invites all those in want o 1 inruns. Hot assist or It Beresford £50,000: Geo. Edward yield readily any purpose Ke.-peetfully (THIS iSur.rmu cure. band another’s fortune. Hope, ami Blood itutka 1 ksoi.vi nt, the are it is case !nfants and Children by depressing [Lord specifics, used, riding, well ventilated, and Monuments, Tablets, Gravestones, never fails. Bacon. Charles Joice A new Blood Purilier, and Ci.’TRTKa ami Ci TK’i UA furnished \vi!h all modern It is the ! Seymour, £40,000; Co., improvements. Marble Shelves, Vases, Bouquet ROSE Operativeswboare soar tin* ski Cures. Priet of ( i' riap, an Skin Beai \\ LAND IIOFSF for the skating Pavilion at GO., Si i.Pin u P>nTints quickly 'onstipatinn, Can £20,000; M. B. Sampson, editor of exipii.-ite lays inlhmunation, protects the mcmhranal linings you suppose there is any harm in look- Times, Tll Nu sanative. at 7 P. M. Also will leave PRODUCE cure Liver (.lorn- Sour Stomach, ( ‘olds. ; lEK, and Toilet Bath, and sery Northpor’ every evening General Debility will Indigestion a- John of the head from additional colds, complete!) heals | ing cheerful and as cheerful as £15,000; Thadeus Delane, editor with deliei >us tlower odors and Cutirura for Ground at 2 P. M. 2(Jtf needs tonic. Don't hedis- Bui ( astoria. being your Fragrant Camp every Sunday CoininisNioii Morc-liiHils. the sores and restores the sense of taste and smell. agenlle plaint. poor circumstances w ill Do I see of balsams. In- (Do SCLruLt: l'.ir- will cure permit? any- Times, £10,000; Lady Georgiana Absolutely pure; highly'medicinal. Beneticial results are realized a few cotiraged;it Fare Bound 40 els. AN1> 1IKAI,I:I1S IS by applica- Farewell then to in the I’m made which calls me dorsed by the elite. Sales Trip. tr.us, and y will yon. Morphine SyrujiR, thing way upon Trine, sister of Lord by physicians; preferred tion-. A thorough treatment will cure. >> nd for t 'astor < >il and and to a Westmoreland, in 1 ss 1 and 1SS2, 1,000 000 cakes. A so specially pre- not be troubled. Paregoric, lay snivelling, solemn, whispering chap, 15KLFAST Hay, Potatoes, Onions, Apples, Itenns, liutler. circular. By mail, prepaid, :>fte.~-stamps received. Hall fastoria. £10,000; J. S. Gillett, Director of the pared for Sharing. LIVE1IY CO. Srr.riit u Bnrriis sneaking about as if I couldn't it, and ex- Cheese, Kggs, Poultry, Live Poultry, (none. ■s«>ld h\ al! druggists. help 1 --n’t he without a pressing myself in a most Bank of England, £10,000; D. Forbes Salmon, Fresh Water Fish of all Lind'. Ar., 1 yrl > KLV BKoTHKKS, Owcgo, N. V. unpleasant snuffle?