LYSISTRATA TRANSLATOR’S NOTE The translation, which has been prepared by Ian Johnston of Malaspina University-College, Nanaimo British Columbia, Canada (now Vancouver Island University), may be distributed to students without permission and without charge, provided the source is acknowledged. There are, however, copyright restrictions on commercial publication of this text (for details consult Ian Johnston at
[email protected]). Note that in the text below the numbers in square brackets refer to the lines in the Greek text; the numbers without brackets refer to the lines in the translated text. In numbering the lines of the English text, the Aristophanes translator has normally counted a short indented line with the short line Lysistrata above it, so that two short lines count as one line. The translator would like to acknowledge the valuable help provided by Alan H. Sommerstein’s edition of Lysistrata (Aris & Phillips: 1990), parti- cularly the commentary. It is clear that in this play the male characters all wear the comic phallus, which is an integral part of the action throughout. Note, too, that in several places in Lysistrata there is some confusion and debate over which speeches are assigned to which people. These moments occur, for the most part, in short conversational exchanges. Hence, there may be some Translated by Ian Johnston differences between the speakers in this text and those in other trans- Vancouver Island University lations. Nanaimo, BC Canada Aristophanes (c. 446 BC to c. 386 BC) was the foremost writer of Old Comedy in classical Athens. His play Lysistrata was first performed in Athens in 411 BC, two years after the disastrous Sicilian Expedition, where Athens suffered an enormous defeat in the continuing war with Sparta and its allies (a conflict with lasted from 431 BC to 404 BC).