2,979,539 United States Patent Office Patented Apr. 11, 1961 2 fluoride, vinylidene chloride, vinyl chloride, 1,1-difluoro dichloroethylene, propene, ethylene, 3,3,4,4,4-pentafluoro 2,979,539 buetene-1, perfluoropropene, and hexafluorobutene-1. DFLUOROCAR BENE FREE RADCALS IN THE Generally the ethylenes are preferred, particularly the SYNTHESS OF FLUORNATED OLEFNC COM fluorinated ethylenes. The use of tetrafluoroethylene in POUNDS this process, producing perfluoropropene, constitutes a Louis A. Errede, St. Paul, and Wesley R. Peterson, North particularly preferred embodiment. It may also be desir Oaks, Minn, assignors to Minnesota Mining and Man able to use other perhalogenated ethylenes, such as tri ufacturing Company, St. Paul, Minn., a corporation of fluorochloroethylene, as a reactant. Delaware - 0 Any method can be employed to produce the difluoro carbene radical, providing the free radical is available Filed Jan. 6, 1959, Ser, No. 785,246 for the addition reaction. Such methods include the 7 Claims. (CI. 260-653.3) production of difluorocarbene during the pyrolysis of CHCIF, as described in U.S. 2,551,573. It is also pos - This invention relates to a process for the manufacture 15 sible to obtain the difluorocarbene free radical during of unsaturated fluorine-containing compounds. In one the pyrolysis of tetrafluoroethylene at temperatures above aspect, this invention relates to the addition of a difluoro 750° C. However, for the purposes of this invention, carbene radical to an ethylenically unsaturated compound the method of producing difluorocarbene is not critical. to produce higher molecular weight fluorine-containing Because of the relatively short life of the difluoro compounds.
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