Factory No. 1 Bedminster,

Residential Travel Plan

Report for

February 2018 Hydrock Ref: R/151248/11/P2

City & Country Bedminster Ltd Factory No.1, Bedminster, Bristol Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11 P2)

DOCUMENT CONTROL SHEET Issued by: Hydrock Consultants Limited Over Court Barns Over Lane Almondsbury Bristol BS32 4DF

Tel: 01454 619533 Fax: 01454 614125 www.hydrock.com

Client: City & Country Bedminster Ltd

Project: Factory No. 1, Bedminster, Bristol

Document Title: Residential Travel Plan

Date: February 2018

Issue No.: P2

Document Production Record

Issue Purpose/Status Prepared by Checked Approved Date P1 Draft for Client Review Luke Hutcheson Rory McHugh Rory McHugh 12.01.2018 P2 For Planning Luke Hutcheson Rory McHugh Rory McHugh 06.02.2018

Hydrock has prepared this report in accordance with the instructions of the above named client for their sole and specific use. Any other persons who may use the information contained herein do so at their own risk.

i City & Country Bedminster Ltd Factory No.1, Bedminster, Bristol Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11 P2)


1.0 INTRODUCTION AND SITE LOCATION ...... 1 1.1 Introduction ...... 1 1.2 Site Location ...... 1 1.3 Existing Site Use ...... 2 2.0 THE DEVELOPMENT SCHEME ...... 3 2.1 Proposed Development ...... 3 2.2 Timescales...... 3 3.0 SITE AUDIT ...... 4 3.1 Local Highway Network ...... 4 3.2 Local Services, Facilities and Existing Local Services and Facilities ...... 4 3.3 Pedestrian Accessibility ...... 5 3.4 Cycle Accessibility ...... 6 3.5 Public Transport Accessibility ...... 7 3.6 Accessibility Summary ...... 9 4.0 OBJECTIVES AND POLICY ...... 10 4.1 Objectives ...... 10 4.2 Policy ...... 12 5.0 TARGETS ...... 13 6.0 IMPLEMENTING THE TRAVEL PLAN ...... 16 6.1 Appointment of Travel Plan Coordinator ...... 16 6.2 Communication of the Travel Plan ...... 17 7.0 TRAVEL PLAN MEASURES AND INITIATIVES ...... 18 7.1 Encourage Walking and Cycling ...... 18 7.2 Encourage Use of Public Transport ...... 20 7.3 Encouraging Car Sharing ...... 20 7.4 Other Measures ...... 21 7.5 Summary of Measures ...... 22 8.0 MONITORING, REVIEW AND CONSULTATION ...... 25 8.1 General ...... 25 8.2 Scheme Administration ...... 25 8.3 Consultation ...... 25 8.4 Monitoring ...... 26 8.5 Mitigation ...... 26 8.6 Travel Plan Review ...... 26 8.7 Summary ...... 27 9.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ...... 28 9.1 Summary ...... 28 9.2 Conclusion ...... 28

ii City & Country Bedminster Ltd Factory No.1, Bedminster, Bristol Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11 P2)

APPENDICES Appendix A Proposed Site Layout –Drawing reference: Purcell - 236160/200 Appendix B Local Services and Facilities Map – Drawing reference: 151248/T01 Appendix C Indicative Walking and Cycling Distances - Drawing Reference: 151248/T02 Appendix D Bus Timetables Appendix E Sample Travel Survey Appendix F MetroBus, Bedminster Parade – BCC Drawing reference: DH0249-10-C01 Rev 02 Appendix G Example of Developer Marketing Materials

LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1: Housing Breakdown 3 Table 3.1: Local Services and Facilities in context with the Proposed Development Site 5 Table 3.2: Bus Service Information 8 Table 5.1: Travel to Work Modal Split 13 Table 5.2 Provisional Residents Travel Plan Targets 14 Table 7.1 Cycle Parking Policy 19 Table 7.2 Primary Travel Information Websites 21 Table 7.3: Travel Plan Measures and Initiatives 23 Table 7.4: Travel Plan Initiatives Impacts 24

List of figures Figure 1.1: Site Location 2

iii City & Country Bedminster Ltd Factory No.1, Bedminster, Bristol Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11 P2)


1.1 Introduction

Hydrock Consultants Ltd has prepared this Residential Travel Plan (RTP) on behalf of City & Country Bedminster Ltd in support of a planning application to amend the approved redevelopment plan for the site known as Factory No. 1 in Bedminster, Bristol. In 2016 development was granted for 247 dwellings under planning reference 15/04726/F and 15/04731/F. An RTP (reference R/151248/03) was approved un a planning condition attached to permission 15/04731/F. This RTP is based upon that approved RTP, updated to reflect the new application and changes to the local environment. It is considered that the most meaningful influence on travel behaviour would derive from the residential element of the scheme and therefore this plan is focuses on the Residential element. However, the principles within this document would also apply to the existing on-site retail use, which is not subject to change as a result of this development. This Travel Plan seeks to mitigate any negative impacts associated with trip generation resulting from the proposed development. National Research suggests that people are more willing to change travel habits when changing lifestyle, such as where they live; therefore, this document presents a package of measures and targets that meet Bristol City Council’s sustainable transport objectives, including a reduction in single occupancy car journeys and the increased use of public transport, walking & cycling for residents of the new development. 1.2 Site Location

The site is located on the southern edge of Bristol City Centre, within Bedminster Town Centre. The A38 runs in a south westerly directions from the City Centre, passing the sites south east frontage where it is locally known as East Street. The pedestrianised Lombard Street borders the south west edge of the site, where Regent House fronts the highway. An existing vehicular access is located on St Johns Road to the north of the site. The indicative site location is shown in Figure 1.1.

1 City & Country Bedminster Ltd Factory No.1, Bedminster, Bristol Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11 P2)

Figure 1.1: Site Location

1.3 Existing Site Use The site can be broken down into three elements. Regent House is the largest, with a NIA of 5,178sqm, and is currently vacant office space, formerly occupied by Lloyds TSB Bank Plc. Consort House is also currently vacant office space, totalling 2,396sqm. Imperial Arcade is made up of nine retail units, totalling 983sqm. A car park is formed to the rear of the site with space for 197 cars.

2 City & Country Bedminster Ltd Factory No.1, Bedminster, Bristol Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11 P2)


2.1 Proposed Development

This Transport Assessment has been prepared in support of a revised application for the redevelopment of the application site to provide 271 dwellings. This application follows the 2016 scheme (approval granted under 15/04726/F and 15/04731/F), which together approved the provision of a total of 247 dwellings. A breakdown by bedrooms is provided in Table 2.1 below: Table 2.1: Housing Breakdown No. of Bedrooms per dwelling 271 Dwelling Scheme 1 Bedroom 97 2 Bedrooms 165 3 Bedrooms 9 Total 271 The ground floor of Regent house will retain 525sqm GIA of office space and the ground floor of consort house will provide 27sqm GIA of retail. The development also includes four dwellings that are separated from the main site by Lombard Street. These are included in the dwelling totals above. These dwellings have their own shared pedestrian access point onto Lombard Street which also provides access to cycle parking and share the use of the main car park. On the ground floor, below these dwellings, will be two retail units comprising 320sqm floor space. The proposed site layout plans are included as Appendix A. 2.2 Timescales

Within three months of the development reaching 50% occupation, an initial travel survey will be undertaken and the Travel Plan will be updated with travel survey results, submitted to BCC for approval, and implemented within two months of being approved.

3 City & Country Bedminster Ltd Factory No.1, Bedminster, Bristol Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11 P2)


3.1 Local Highway Network

A38 – East Street/Bedminster Parade - The A38 runs in a south westerly direction from the City Centre, passing the sites south east frontage where it is locally known as East Street. To the south of the site the A38 follows a bend in the road and becomes Dalby Street. At this point East Street continues straight ahead and becomes pedestrianised. To the north west of the site it is known as Bedminster Parade. East Street - From the A38 to the B3120, East Street becomes a Pedestrian Zone between 7am and 7pm, except for buses and loading by lorry. This 350m section makes up a key retail area within Bedminster Town Centre. Lombard Street - This borders the south west edge of the site, where Regent House fronts the highway. The southern section of Lombard Street is pedestrianised with bollards and full height kerbs. There are currently a number of trees, benches and cycle stands. To the north of the pedestrianised section of Lombard Street the road becomes open to traffic and either turns west and is known as Catherine Mead Street or continues straight for a further 40m as Lombard Street before turning north and becoming St Johns Road.

3.2 Local Services, Facilities and Existing Local Services and Facilities Manual for Streets (paragraph 4.4.1) states that ‘walkable neighbourhoods’ are typically characterised by having a range of facilities within 10 minutes (up to 800m) walking distance of residential areas which residents may access comfortably on foot. The now expired PPG13 – Transport (paragraph 74) stated that walking offers the greatest potential to replace short car trips, particularly for journeys under 2km. Whilst PPG13 has been superseded by the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), the NPPF contains no guidance on walking or cycling distances and therefore reference to PPG13 is still considered appropriate in this regard. The distances to a range of services and facilities (taken from the centre of the site and provided as actual walking distances), as outlined below, are within the recommended distance that Manual for Streets states is ‘walkable’, and well within the 2km distance that PPG13 indicated has the potential for walking to replace short car trips:

4 City & Country Bedminster Ltd Factory No.1, Bedminster, Bristol Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11 P2)

Table 3.1: Local Services and Facilities in context with the Proposed Development Site

Distance Approximate journey Approximate journey Facilities from site time on foot(1) time by bicycle(2) Bus Stops (Catherine Mead 50m <1 minute <1 minute Street) Bus Stops (Bedminster Public 50m <1 minute <1 minute Parade) Transport Train Station (Bedminster) 400m 5 minutes 1 minute Train Station (Bristol Temple 1400m 18 minutes 4 minutes Meads) Holy Cross RC Primary School 400m 5 minutes 1 minute St Mary Redcliffe Primary 550m 7 minutes 2 minutes Schools School St Mary Redcliffe & Temple 850m 11 minutes 3 minutes CE VA Secondary School Bedminster Town Centre 100m 1 minute <1 minute Bristol City Centre (the Retail 1600m 20 minutes 5 minutes Fountains) ASDA Superstore 300m 4 minutes 1 minute 1 Based on walking speed of 80m/minute, taken from ‘Providing for Journeys on Foot’, IHT 2 Based on cycling speed of 320m/minute (19.2kph), taken from Cycling England Design Guide A plan of the local services and facilities is included as Appendix B (drawing reference 151248/T01). Indicative walking and cycling distances are included on the plan in Appendix C (drawing reference 151248/T02). 3.3 Pedestrian Accessibility

The site is in a central location, with a high level of pedestrian movements observed to travel past the site currently. As a result, there are currently high quality shared and segregated footway/cycleway routes with clear markings and signing throughout the local area, with tactile paving/dropped kerbing provided to assist visually and mobility impaired users where required. Further improvements are planned as part of the MetroBus scheme to improve the urban realm around the Bedminster Parade bus stops. The 2011 Travel to work modal split census data also provides an indication of the level of provision and accessibility for pedestrians. The Bristol 039E super output area (lower level) makes up the Southville ward, in which the site is located. This area reported that 47.4% of residents’ travel to work on foot, more than four times the national figure of 10.7% and more than double the Bristol City figure of 19.3%. This gives a clear indication that walking is a popular mode that is currently adequately accommodated. In addition to the above destination points, the site layout has been designed with the pedestrian in mind, allowing high permeability throughout the site for access to all areas. There are no public rights of way in the immediate vicinity of the site and it is not expected that those further away will be affected by the development proposals.

5 City & Country Bedminster Ltd Factory No.1, Bedminster, Bristol Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11 P2)

3.4 Cycle Accessibility

PPG13 (paragraph 77) states that cycling has the potential for substituting short car trips, particularly those under 5km. Factory No.1 is located centrally so that the whole of the city Centre falls within a 2km distance, as shown in Appendix C. In 2008 Bristol was chosen as England’s first cycling city, with funding being awarded by the DfT to improve and introduce cycling facilities to encourage cycling in the city. Across the city, new on-road cycle lanes, traffic-free routes, parking stands and ‘soft measures’ have been introduced which has seen cycling levels double between the 2001 and 2011 Censuses. A high number of cycle routes and facilities exist in the immediate vicinity of the site. These include: Malago Greenway – a largely off-road route that links central Bristol with Imperial Trade Park in Hengrove, passing close to the site at the end of Catherine Mead Street. National Cycle Route 33 (NCN33) can be accessed via the Malago Greenway on Spike Island. NCN33 is a long-distance route starting in Bristol and crossing and Devon to reach the English Channel in Seaton. In the context of the site, NCN33 provides cyclists with a facility to travel to the south east of Bristol. Sustrans National Cycle Route 3 (NCN3) can be accessed in Queens Square 800m north of the site via the Malago Greenway. NCN3 is a long-distance route connecting Bristol and Cornwall, and much of the route is traffic free. In the context of the site, NCN3 provides cyclists with a facility to travel to the south of Bristol. Sustrans (NCN4) can be accessed in Queens Square 800m north of the site via the Malago Greenway. NCN4 is a long-distance route between London and Fishguard and passes through Bristol and Bath. Much of the route is traffic free, and provides cyclists with a facility to travel to the east of Bristol or Bath, and to the north of Bristol. Sustrans National Cycle Route 41 (NCN41) can be accessed 2km west of the site via NCN33, located adjacent to Cumberland Road. NCN41 is a traffic free long-distance route that connects Bristol, Gloucester, Stratford-upon-Avon and Rugby. In the context of the site, the route provides for journeys to the west of Bristol and connects with Portishead. A number of other traffic free cycle routes are in close proximity to the site, including Wapping Wharf Railway Path Route, Canons Marsh (Floating Harbour), Portway Cycle path, Seaside Promenade, Queens Square, to name a few. Together these provide a high-quality network from the site across the city and beyond, and cycling is therefore considered a very attractive and realistic option for residents of and visitors to the development.

6 City & Country Bedminster Ltd Factory No.1, Bedminster, Bristol Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11 P2)

3.5 Public Transport Accessibility


BCC has been successful in developing a number of major transport schemes in the region. In the immediate vicinity of the site are the two MetroBus services; which run between the North Fringe and Hengrove (M1), Ashton Vale and Temple Meads (M2), and Emersons Green to city centre (M3). These routes are largely constructed and a due to open in 2018. The MetroBus services offer high capacity public transport that uses a combination of segregated busways and bus lanes to give priority to a fleet of modern buses. The service can therefore offer reduced journey times and increased reliability and is expected to transform public transport across the West of England. The delivery of MetroBus will represent a significant improvement to the sustainable travel options for the residents and visitors of the site. M3 runs along East Street, stopping at Bedminster Parade. The route is expected to be operational in 2018, which will allow residents to start using the services as soon as they take occupancy allowing sustainable transport habits to be formed from the start of occupation. The scheme will connect areas close to the development site in the City Centre, including Broadmead, Cabot Circus and Temple Meads, to Hengrove in the south, and to major employment and retail centres including Aztec West, UWE and Cribbs Causeway to the north. A plan showing the proposed works to the bus interchange on Bedminster Parade is attached as Appendix F.


The bus stops nearest to the site are located approximately 50m west of the site on Catherine Mead Street, served by the 24. This provides a local services between Long Ashton and Southmead Hospital. A well served Bus Interchange is located on Bedminster Parade, approximately 200m from the centre of the site. As part of MetroBus these stops are to be upgraded. Currently the stops are served by the 75 and 76 which are high frequency services that run along the showcase bus route between Hengrove Park and Cribbs Causeway. The A1 service also uses the stop, offering connections to and . The bus timetables are provided in Appendix D and the main services are summarised in Table 3.2 below.

7 City & Country Bedminster Ltd Factory No.1, Bedminster, Bristol Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11 P2)

Table 3.2: Bus Service Information Service Destination Times of Operation Peak Frequency Number Mon - Fri 06:34-23:51 10 mins Southmead Hospital - Ashton Vale Saturday 06:40-23:51 12 mins Sunday 08:26-23:51 20 mins 24 Mon - Fri 05:54-23:21 10 mins Ashton Vale - Southmead Hospital Saturday 06:13-23:21 12 mins Sunday 07:59-23:21 20 mins Mon - Fri 05:08-04:08 10 mins Hengrove – Cribbs Causeway Saturday 05:08-04:08 10 mins Sunday 05:08-04:08 30 mins 75 Mon - Fri 05:00 – 04:00 10 mins Cribbs Causeway – Hengrove Saturday 05:00 – 04:00 10 mins Sunday 05:00 – 04:00 30 mins Mon - Fri 04:38 – 03:38 10 mins Hengrove – Cribbs Causeway Saturday 04:38 – 03:38 10 mins Sunday 04:38 – 03:38 30 mins 76 Mon - Fri 05:28 – 04:30 10 mins Cribbs Causeway – Hengrove Saturday 06:22 – 04:30 10 mins Sunday 05:24 – 04:30 30 mins Mon - Fri 05:41 – 23:39 10 mins Hengrove Depot - Broadmead Saturday 06:00 – 23:39 12 mins Sunday 07:13 – 23:09 30 mins 90 Mon - Fri 06:07 – 00:11 10 mins Broadmead - Hengrove Depot Saturday 06:25 – 00:11 12 mins Sunday 07:39 – 23:41 30 mins Mon - Fri 05:01 – 04:31 10 mins A1 Bristol Airport – Bristol City Centre Saturday 05:01 – 04:31 10 mins Sunday 05:01 – 04:31 15 mins Additional services include: • 52 Old Market – Hengrove Park; • 121 Bristol Centre – Bristol Airport – Langford – Weston-super-Mare; • 511 Bedminster – Knowle – Hengrove; • 512 Bedminster – Totterdown – Bedminster – Bristol Centre – Bedminster; and • 672 Chew Valley – Bristol.

8 City & Country Bedminster Ltd Factory No.1, Bedminster, Bristol Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11 P2)


Bedminster Railway Station is located 400m by foot to the south of the site. It provides access to an hourly local rail service between Bristol Parkway and Weston-super-Mare, including Bristol Temple Meads. Bristol Temple Meads is approximately 2km to the north east of the site (accessible by foot, cycle, and bus therefore, in addition to train), and is the major rail hub for the South West. Direct trains include Cross Country’s services to Birmingham and Exeter and First Great Western services to Cardiff and Paddington. 3.6 Accessibility Summary

Due to the site being centrally located, it is considered that residents will be able to benefit from the diverse range of both motorised and non-motorised sustainable travel options that are already available, and are already set to improve as the city continues to develop.

The site has a high level of pedestrian permeability within Bristol, and will offer great potential for commuting trips to be made on foot. Similarly, the generous provision of cycle routes and high-quality cycling infrastructure that has developed as part of Bristol’s recognition as England’s first cycling city, will provide opportunities for trips to be made by cycling, both commuting and leisure based.

There are a number of bus services and facilities located within walking/cycling distance of the development site. High frequency bus services will encourage an uptake of bus use by residents from the outset.

With the arrival of MetroBus future residents will have access to a high quality rapid public transport system, providing direct routes to key destinations quickly, comfortably and sustainably.

Consequently, it is considered that there are ample opportunities for residents of the proposed development to be able to travel by sustainable modes of transport.

9 City & Country Bedminster Ltd Factory No.1, Bedminster, Bristol Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11 P2)


4.1 Objectives

The primary purpose of any Travel Plan is to reduce negative impacts associated with fossil fuelled transportation. These impacts include the production of emissions that contribute to climate change, and that adversely affect human health, unsustainable increases in traffic volume that will cause congestion, which in turn increase emissions and reduces the quality of the built and natural environment and damages the efficient conduct of commerce. The overarching aim of this TP is to reduce vehicular travel by residents (and regular visitors) to and from the consented development. By minimising vehicular trip generation and any consequent emissions known to contribute to climate change, responsible development can contribute to a sustainable economy. The environment in which we spend our daily lives can be improved through healthier lifestyles, more pleasant surroundings, reduced congestion on the surrounding highway network, and so on. This TP has to achieve a number of objectives in order to achieve its primary aim, these objectives include:- • Encourage sustainable methods of travel that minimise the negative impacts of transport associated with the site. • Identify realistic, site specific measures that will enable the adoption of sustainable modes to access the site. • Enable and maintain suitable, safe access to the site for all And more generally:- • Raise awareness of environmental issues, particularly those associated with transport and unconstrained fossil fuel use. This TP is intended to comply with the policy objectives of national and local government with specific regard to increasing the sustainability of new development through the reduction of private car use, particularly as a single occupant. In achieving this single aim, a development contributes to a much greater range of desirable outcomes. In the recent past traffic management has become the favoured way of reducing congestion and Travel Planning is a major part of the Traffic Manager’s toolkit. By reducing congestion, many sectors of our nation’s endeavours become more readily achieved:- • Commerce is facilitated by improved, reliable delivery times; • Air quality is improved; • Noise and light pollution associated with transport reduces; • Road safety is improved; • Public transport is able to operate more reliably; • Promoted effectively, health benefits associated with reduced car use can be gained by the whole population.

10 City & Country Bedminster Ltd Factory No.1, Bedminster, Bristol Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11 P2)

Effective Travel Planning can deliver more than purely emissions based benefits. Reducing the need to travel and constraining vehicular trips can free up space for activities unrelated to travel, such as safe play areas. An effective TP in conjunction with sustainable urban design and support from the community can reinforce the priority of vulnerable users over vehicles. This TP aims to generate a successful partnership with relevant stakeholders to: • Control the number of car journeys associated with the development; • Minimise the number of Single Occupancy Vehicle (SOV) journeys associated with proposed development; • Increase walking and cycling and promote good health; • Increase journeys by public transport; • Ensure regular monitoring and evaluation of all travel issues connected with the development. The proposed residential use development is intended to operate in a sustainable manner that contributes fully to the wellbeing of the community by conforming to the core aims and objectives of local and national sustainable planning policies.

11 City & Country Bedminster Ltd Factory No.1, Bedminster, Bristol Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11 P2)

4.2 Policy

New Developments should accord with national and local transport policies and government advice. Therefore, this section identifies the transport and highway policies and guidance that are relevant in this case, namely:

National Policy

• National Planning Policy Framework (2012)

Local Policy

• The Bristol Local Plan - Core Strategy (2011) • The Bristol Local Plan- Site Allocations and Development Management Policies (2014)

Additional Guidance

• Manual for Streets (2007) • Manual for Streets 2 (2010)

12 City & Country Bedminster Ltd Factory No.1, Bedminster, Bristol Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11 P2)


To be effective a Travel Plan is required to have targets which need to be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and with Time scales fixed, i.e. SMART. To be measurable, initial modal split figures should be identified as a starting point. At the present time there is little data to form this initial position except the use of Census information. Therefore, occupiers of the development site will be subject to a Travel Survey at the earliest opportunity, this will enable the setting of site specific targets. The Travel Plan Coordinator will liaise with appropriate local authority officers to confirm the modal shift targets as presented in this document, or if necessary agree new targets based on the site specific data. Census data has been used in the first instance to determine an approximate forecast modal share without any travel plan measures. Datasets were obtained for the Southville Ward, in which the consented development site is located. Targets shall be set to increase the sustainable transport methods for travel-to-work trips taken by new residents of the proposed housing development. This shall correspond to a target to minimise the number of single occupancy car journeys will be identified.

Review of Travel Base Data

The existing travel to work modal split for Bristol 039E super output area (lower layer) in Bristol (Southville), and the wider city of Bristol have been extracted from the 2011 TTWA census data. It is not known at this stage whether or not when fully occupied the travel behaviour of the employees or visitors will mirror those of the Bristol 039E SOA, but if not, the baseline data will be altered upon completion of the first Travel Survey and the future targets will be adjusted accordingly. The “working from home” mode has been removed from the analysis. A review of Census Travel to Work data for the local area has identified that Single Occupancy Vehicle trips make up just 24% of modal share, significantly lower than the rest of Bristol and the National average. Walking makes up the largest mode share, with 47% of commuters travelling on foot. Public transport is will used at 15%, and cycling is also popular at 7%. Table 5.1 below provides outputs in relation to Travel to Work behaviour in the local area, compared to the Bristol City administrative district and to the national figures.

Table 5.1: Travel to Work Modal Split Bristol 039E Bristol National Modal Choice LSOA City Average (Southville ward) Work mainly at or from home 2.4% 4.5% 5.4% Travel to work using rail (incl. underground, metro, tram) 5.4% 2.1% 9.4% Travel to work using bus/taxi 10.0% 9.9% 8.0% Travel to work by Powered Two Wheeler 0.0% 1.1% 0.8% (motorcycle/scooter) Travel to work as a car driver 24.0% 49.9% 57.0% Travel to work as a car passenger 3.2% 4.9% 5.0% Travel to work using bicycle 7.3% 7.7% 3.0% Travel to work on foot 47.4% 19.3% 10.7% Other method of travel to work 0.4% 0.5% 0.7% Total 100% 100% 100%

13 City & Country Bedminster Ltd Factory No.1, Bedminster, Bristol Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11 P2)

Overall the statistics show that the current level of sustainable travel to the site is extremely high, which demonstrates that there is currently a high level of quality sustainable infrastructure.

Provisional Targets

Following the completion of the Travel Surveys (an example resident survey questionnaire is included as Appendix E), the information (specifically the modal journey to work data) will be compared with the baseline data for the area as set out in Table 5.1. Table 5.2 sets out the provisional target modal split to encourage a modal shift to sustainable forms of travel during the first five years of the development. Where the survey data from the initial travel survey does not match the Census baseline data, adjustments to the figures in the table and the corresponding percentage targets will be made so that firm future targets can be set. These targets will be agreed with BCC. Table 5.2 Provisional Residents Travel Plan Targets % change Modal Choice Target over 5 years Work mainly at or from home 2.4% - Travel to work using rail (incl. underground, metro, tram) 5.4% - Travel to work using bus/taxi 14.0% +4% Travel to work by Powered Two Wheeler (motorcycle/scooter) 0.0% - Travel to work as a car driver 14.0% -10% Travel to work as a car passenger 3.2% +1% Travel to work using bicycle 9.3% +2% Travel to work on foot 50.4% +3% Other method of travel to work 0.4% - Total 100% 10% The primary objective will be to reduce single occupancy vehicle (SOV) trips by at least 10% within the five year period which would equate to 14% of residents accessing the site by SOV at the end of the identified period, with corresponding increases in the use of other sustainable modes. In the event that the development generates a larger or smaller proportion of SOV trips upon receipt of the Travel Surveys, it will be necessary for the Travel Plan Coordinator to revise the targets accordingly. A reduction in the level of SOV journeys is anticipated to come from the promotion of a number of alternative modes of travel, including car sharing, walking, cycling and public transport. Measures and Initiatives to affect this change are contained within Section 7.0 of this report.

Public Transport

The use of public transport by road (bus) by the local population of Southville (9%) is marginally above the National average (8%). Public transport accessibility by bus is considered to be very good in the vicinity of the consented site. The target increase of 4% over the duration of the TP is therefore considered realistic in this instance, especially with the introduction of MetroBus in the near future. The use of trains as a method of travelling to work by residents within the Southville Ward is relatively low (5.4%). Due to the proximity of Bristol City Centre and the ample employment

14 City & Country Bedminster Ltd Factory No.1, Bedminster, Bristol Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11 P2)

opportunities located near to the development site it is not considered realistic that modal share of trains will increase.

Car Sharing

In the 2011 Census data for Southville, car passengers represented 3% of employment trips. As an initial target, the Travel Plan will aim for a 1% increase in car sharing over the course of the TP, this is considered a realistic target as the use of cars within the Ward is already low. The Travel Plan Coordinator will create a database of occupants seeking to car share and, where necessary, suggest potential routes that could allow car sharers with differing destinations to combine their trips.


The Census data indicates that 47% of people accessed their place of employment on foot. This figure is significantly above the national average (11%), therefore, it can be seen that travel to work on foot is already a popular method of travel to work and a 3% increase over the 5 year period is considered realistic.


At present, in the Southville Ward, 9% of travel-to-work trips are made by bicycle. This is 4% higher than the national average. Given that much of Bristol is within a reasonable cycling distance of the development site, a target increase of 2% over the TP duration is considered achievable.

Single Occupant Car Journeys

It is anticipated that due to the realistic rise in the modal split of sustainable travel modes by occupiers of the development outlined above, the level of single occupant vehicle journeys will be reduced by 10%.

15 City & Country Bedminster Ltd Factory No.1, Bedminster, Bristol Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11 P2)


6.1 Appointment of Travel Plan Coordinator

It will be necessary to appoint a Travel Plan Coordinator (TPC). The Travel Plan Coordinator will be involved from the point of sales and will be responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the measures and initiatives defined in the plan, thereby ensuring the objectives and targets proposed are met. The TPC will be suitably trained/qualified, have full management support, and will be provided with an appropriate budget to undertake the necessary tasks over the five-year period. Details of the Travel Plan Coordinator will be made available upon appointment and BCC ([email protected] and [email protected]) will be informed. Whilst a Travel Plan Coordinator has yet to be appointed, correspondence associated with the TP should, in the first instance, be sent to: City & Country Bedminster Ltd Bentfield Place Bentfield Road Stansted Essex CM23 8HL The role of the TPC will include: • overall responsibility for the effectiveness of the Travel Plan; • Personalised travel planning; • identifying, developing, assessing and reviewing measures and targets of the Travel Plan; • ensuring user understanding and cooperation regarding the Travel Plan; • maintaining relationships with the Local Highway Authority and to liaise with local public transport providers; and • means of communication appropriate for disseminating information regarding sustainable travel in terms of environmental and health benefits to residents. The minimum ongoing budget for the implementation of the Travel Plan will be £25,000 - £30,000 over the five year period of the Travel Plan. This is to be reviewed annually however is considered to be sufficient to ensure that the Travel Plan can be fully implemented. The TPC will investigate joining both the Bristol Workplace Travel Network and the Cycle Champion scheme. The Travel Plan is a living document committed to promoting sustainable travel throughout the life of the development. The TP will be implemented over an initial five year period, thereafter, it is recognised that the TP should continue to be implemented, monitored and updated. If at the end of the five years the targets have been met, then monitoring can be less frequent and the role and duties of the TPC can be reassessed. BCC Travel Plan guidance states that “in cases where there is a property management company they will retain responsibility for the implementation and ongoing work ensuring the TP continues to be implemented, for example upkeep of information and maintenance of facilities”.

16 City & Country Bedminster Ltd Factory No.1, Bedminster, Bristol Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11 P2)

This is likely to be the case for the redevelopment of Factory No. 1, however, details will be confirmed with BCC towards the end of the initial five year TP. 6.2 Communication of the Travel Plan

All residents will be made aware of the Travel Plan and the responsibilities of the Travel Plan Coordinator from the point of sales via the TIP and Noticeboards as described in Section 7.0 below. In addition sales staff will be informed of the TP and the TPC role. Sales staff will be provided with the relevant information and contact details, they will be able to inform potential buyers of the sustainable travel options and where to find out further information.

17 City & Country Bedminster Ltd Factory No.1, Bedminster, Bristol Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11 P2)


7.1 Encourage Walking and Cycling

An important part of the measures to support pedestrian/cycle travel will be the Travel Information Pack and its data in relation to safe and secure pedestrian/cycle routes. The TPC will need to ensure that information regarding pedestrian routes throughout Bristol city Centre is made available; this will include distances to major destinations, travel times and route topography/suitability for less able users. The TPC will liaise closely with officers at BCC to ensure a free flow of information regarding new facilities and the maintenance of existing facilities. The use of a bicycle to access employment or other facilities/services has many of the same advantages as walking. However, there is a cost element that is generally absent to walkers, i.e. the purchase of a bicycle and associated equipment. These may be seen as disincentives; conversely, utilising a bicycle extends the range of attractors/destinations available in comparison with walking. Whilst it is generally considered that realistic walking distances range between 800m and 2km, cycling is considered appropriate for distances up to 5km, depending on topography. Measure 1 – Notice Boards

Notice boards will be provided and will be placed on permanent display within public areas of the development, with information such as walking and cycling routes, bus timetables, public transport maps, and the contact details of the TPC being displayed. It will be the responsibility of the TPC to maintain the notice boards and keep all information up to date. Measure 2 – Travel Information Packs

High quality and attractive site-specific Travel Information Packs (TIPs) will be provided to all residents. The TIPs will include literature relating to the money saving and health benefits of regular walking and cycling, as well as the benefits associated with the environment and reducing congestions. The content of the TIP will be agreed with BCC prior to publication and distribution to the residents, it is likely that the TIPs will contain the following information: • Walking and cycling maps showing safe routes to local facilities, services and amenities; • Details of the BCC’s cycle routes ‘A Map for Cyclists’ www.betterbybike.info/maps/cycle- maps; • Promote and provide information on journey planning with links to websites such as www.travelwest.info/jp/ and www.walkit.com ; • Details of WalkBUDI/BikeBUDI matching services; • Public transport information showing bus routes, bus stop locations and timetables, and similarly for rail and ferry services; • Car sharing information, including Bristol Car Share leaflets and information about http://www.travelwest.info/carshare; • Electric vehicle charging point locations; • Residents’ parking schemes and zones;

18 City & Country Bedminster Ltd Factory No.1, Bedminster, Bristol Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11 P2)

• Information on sustainable travel initiatives available at the time; • Information on where facilities are located, such as where information notice boards and cycle parking facilities can be found; • Contact details of the TPC; and,

• Details of the site specific Travel Plan Website.

Also within the TIP and specific to walking could be advice on such topics as facing oncoming traffic if forced to walk on the carriageway, the importance of high visibility clothing and to identify appropriate as per the highway code, well lit routes that benefit from good surveillance from overlooking properties, etc., if the walker is coming from an area not covered in a specific walking route. In addition to the Travel Information Packs, the developer will promote sustainable travel options through the development marketing materials. An example of how this was provided for a similar City & Country scheme in Bristol is provided in Appendix G. Measure 3 – Cycle to Work

The TPC will provide information regarding the Government’s Cycle to Work initiative and salary sacrifice scheme. This measure is applicable to employees whose place of work is located within cycling distance to the application site. Many of the residents of the development who are in employment will be eligible for this scheme through their employer. Measure 4 – Cycle/Motorcycle Parking

Safe & secure cycle parking facilities will be considered as an integral part of the Travel Plan, located as close as possible to dwellings, and positioned so that they do not obstruct walls and access ways. The residential cycle parking at the application site will therefore be provided in accordance with the standards contained within the relevant BCC policy and can be seen below in Table 7.1. Table 7.1 Cycle Parking Policy Standards: Bristol City Council’s Site Allocation and Development Management Policies Proposals should demonstrate how sufficient and appropriate storage space will be provided to meet the following standard: Studio or 1 bedroom dwellings: 1 space per dwelling 2 or 3 bedroom dwellings: 2 spaces per dwelling 4 or more bedroom dwellings: 3 spaces per dwelling Visitors: From a threshold of 10 dwellings – one space per 10 units (minimum of two spaces) Based on these standards the scheme requires a minimum of 445 cycle parking spaces for residents and 27 for visitors – a total minimum of 472 spaces. A total of 481 cycle parking spaces will be provided, of which 27 will be for visitors. All stands will be located in secure and covered areas distributed at various points across the site, as shown on in Appendix A. The use of cycle facilities will be monitored to ensure that there is sufficient and suitable provision, this will involve manual cycle parking counts and obtaining feedback from residents. If

19 City & Country Bedminster Ltd Factory No.1, Bedminster, Bristol Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11 P2)

cycle parking demands significantly increase as a result of the TP then the TPC will investigate providing more facilities. Similarly, motorcycle parking conforming to the standard space dimensions will be accommodated within the car park layout, the use of which will be monitored by the TPC.

Measure 5 – Adult Cycle Training

Within the TIP, details will be made available on the provision of adult cycle training which is provided by Bristol City Council’s initiative ‘Better By Bike’. Cycle sessions are available for free to all adults living, working or studying within the Bristol City Council Area. 7.2 Encourage Use of Public Transport

In order to maximise the use of public transport services as a regular modal choice by users of the proposed development, the TPC will ensure that people are aware of local bus service timetables and bus stop locations as well as rail services. This will be achieved by displaying both bus and rail timetables in prominent locations within the site. Measure 1 – Notice Boards

As set out under the ‘Encouraging Walking and Cycling’ section, notice boards will be provided for residents which will contain public transport information for the area, which will be updated by the TPC as required. Measure 2 – Travel Information Packs

As set out under the ‘Encouraging Walking and Cycling’ section, TIPs will provide details of bus and rail services serving the development, including bus routes, the location of bus stops and details of the timetables. The content of the TIP is set out in the ‘Encouraging Walking and Cycling’ section above.

Measure 6 – Bus Tickets

In order to ensure that the future residents make full use of the excellent public transport options available to them, a weekly bus pass will be made available to each dwelling on request. The bus pass will cover bus travel in central Bristol. This will allow residents to try out the services when they first move into their dwelling. 7.3 Encouraging Car Sharing

Measure 7 – Car Sharing

Residents will be provided with information on car sharing, which will include information on where to find the car sharing schemes in operation in the vicinity such as http://www.travelwest.info/carshare. The TPC will be responsible for the promotion of the Car Sharing Scheme to all residents. The scheme will seek to match users who travel to similar destinations regularly.

20 City & Country Bedminster Ltd Factory No.1, Bedminster, Bristol Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11 P2)

7.4 Other Measures

Measure 8 – Newsletter

A yearly newsletter will be sent to all residents setting out the progress of the Travel Plan, the results of travel surveys and any feedback and information on travel initiatives in the Bristol area.

Measure 9 – Internet

The dwellings will have access to broadband internet, which can be expected to be fast due to the city centre location of the development; this will give residents the opportunity to work from home and negate the need to commute.

Measure 10 – Travel Awareness

The TPC will make residents aware of websites which provide information on access to the site by non-car modes of travel. These will be included within the initial Travel Information Pack distributed to new residents. The primary websites are listed in Table 7.2. Table 7.2 Primary Travel Information Websites Internet Address Content of Website Providing a wide range of information on local services and facilities through www.travelwest.info/movinghome online mapping, and journey planning facilities to facilitate a switch to sustainable modes of transport. This site aims to maximise people’s travel options whilst also reducing the www.2carshare.com number of cars on the roads, cutting pollution, saving money and protecting the environment Offering national real-time traffic information and updates on highway work www.highways.gov.uk on the trunk road network www.liftshare.com National site for car sharing commuting and leisure trips An initiative that seeks to reduce congestion and pollution in Bristol by helping www.travelbristol.org people to explore sustainable transport options. www.bristol.gov.uk This site for Bristol City Council provides advice for Travel Planning. Holds current timetables for Bus and Rail services that serve the surrounding www.traveline.info area. www.betterbybike.info Provides information on cycling routes and news for cyclists in Bristol. Provides information on cycling routes and news for cyclists on a national www.sustrans.org.uk level.

Measure 11 – Electric Vehicle Charging Points

Electric vehicle charging points will be provided as per the Bristol City Council parking standards and Site Allocation and Development Management Policy DM23. This will encourage those who cannot switch from single vehicle occupancy to choose a greener a cleaner alternative.

Measure 12 – Car Club

As well as saving the car club member money, the benefits of using a car club include the energy efficient cars and discouraging unnecessary car trips. One parking bay will be provided for car

21 City & Country Bedminster Ltd Factory No.1, Bedminster, Bristol Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11 P2)

club use, and the car club will be promoted within the Travel Information Packs, Noticeboard and Newsletter.

Measure 13 – Personalised Travel Planning

Personalised travel planning will be provided by the TPC at the request of residents. Personalised travel planning is a proven approach that encourages and motivates people to change the way they travel, covering the full range of travel options. This service will be advertised in the marketing material such as notice board and travel information packs.

Measure 14 – Travel Plan Steering Group Meetings

Travel Plan Steering Group Meetings will be held, with the first one taking place three months prior to occupation, and then quarterly for the first year. The meetings will help to ensure that the TP is effective and successful. The meetings are to include: • TPC • Developer (if not the TPC) • Management Company (if not the TPC) • Social Housing representative (if one) • Community Group representative (once established) • BCC Travel Plan Officer 7.5 Summary of Measures

Table 7.3 sets out a summary of the above measures and initiatives, together with the timescale for implementation:

22 City & Country Bedminster Ltd Factory No.1, Bedminster, Bristol Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11 P2)

Table 7.3: Travel Plan Measures and Initiatives Measure Item Responsibility Timescale Encouraging Walking & Cycling 1 Notice Boards Developer to install, During construction To be placed at prominent locations within the development, TPC responsible for and on-going. and to display walking/cycling information, local public transport information. information and other relevant sustainable travel data. 2 Travel Information Packs Developer/TPC Upon completion of To include such information as walking/cycling maps and routes, purchase. information on the health benefits of walking/cycling, information on relevant websites and literature promoting travel awareness. The contents of the Information Packs will be agreed with BCC. 3 Cycle to Work Scheme TPC Upon completion of The TPC will provide information regarding the Government’s purchase. Cycle to Work initiative and salary sacrifice scheme. 4 Cycle/Motorcycle Parking Developer During construction. Cycle/motorcycle parking to be provided on site in accordance with BCC policies. 5 Adult Cycle Training TPC On request. Details will be made available on the provision of adult cycle training. Encouraging Public Transport 1 Notice Boards As per Encouraging Walking and Cycling. See Encouraging Walking and Cycling. 2 Travel Information Packs As per Encouraging Walking and Cycling. See Encouraging Walking and Cycling. 6 Bus Passes TPC Upon occupation A week long bus pass for travel in central Bristol will be provided for each dwelling upon request. Encouraging Car Sharing 7 Car Sharing TPC At the beginning of The TPC will compile a resident car sharing database. the travel plan period and ongoing. Other Measures 8 News letters TPC Annually An annual newsletter will be generated by the TPC aimed at updating sustainable travel information and encouraging modal shift through education and occasional competitions. 9 Internet Developer Construction The development will have access to high speed internet 10 Travel Awareness TPC Ongoing TPC to promote travel awareness. 11 Electric Vehicle Charging Points Developer Construction Electric Vehicle Charing Points will be installed within the car park, with the number of points to be at least 5% of the total number of parking spaces. 12 Car Club Developer From the point of The provision of a car club bay will be provided in order to sale reduce the dependency on car ownership. 13 Personalised Travel Planning TPC From the point of Personalised travel planning is a proven approach that sale encourages and motivates people to change the way they travel. 14 Travel Plan Steering Group Meeting TPC First meeting three Meetings to be held to ensure the success of the TP. months prior to occupation See Appoint a Travel Plan Coordinator Developer From the point of Section 6 A TPC will be involved from the point of sale of the residential sale dwellings.

23 City & Country Bedminster Ltd Factory No.1, Bedminster, Bristol Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11 P2)

See Travel Surveys TPC Every 12 months for Section 6 Initial travel survey of residential travel behaviour to be three years from undertaken within three months of the development reaching 50% occupation 50% occupancy. Surveys will then be carried out every 12 months for a three year period. See Travel Survey Report TPC Every 12 months for Section 6 The results of Travel Surveys will be made available to the local three years authorities. Table 7.4 sets out the predicted impact each of the measures and initiatives within the Travel Plan will have, and demonstrates how the target modal shares shown in Table 5.2 are expected to be achieved.

Table 7.4: Travel Plan Initiatives Impacts Public Car Single Car Measure Transport Walk Cycle Occupancy Share (Bus & Taxi) Baseline Modal Split 24% 3% 10% 47% 7% Notice Boards +0.5% +0.5% Travel Information Pack +1.0% +1.5% +0.5% Cycle to Work initiative +0.5% Cycle Parking +0.5% Adult Cycle Training +0.5% Bus Passes 2.5% Car Sharing Database +1% Newsletter

Travel Awareness +0.5% Car Club +0.5% Personalised Travel Planning Target Modal Split 14% 4% 14% 50% 9%

Minor contribution to modal shift Significant contribution to modal shift

24 City & Country Bedminster Ltd Factory No.1, Bedminster, Bristol Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11 P2)


8.1 General

A programme of monitoring and review will be implemented to generate information by which the success of the detailed TP can be evaluated. Monitoring and review will be the responsibility of the Travel Plan Coordinator. The major objective of the TP will be to effect a reduction in the use of private cars, particularly for residents who travel less than 2km from the site. A suitable indicator of the success of the Travel Plan is therefore the modal-split of residents’ travel, in particular, the proportion of trips by single occupancy vehicles. A less direct objective of the Travel Plan will be to increase awareness about the environmental implications of travel mode choice. Awareness is less easy to monitor, although one indicator will be the general response to the introduction of the Travel Plan, measured by the volume and type of feedback, both at the outset and as the strategy evolves. The TP will be monitored annually for an initial three year period from residents occupying the development. Monitoring will be carried out using the TP survey. Results will be analysed and aggregated. Modal share results will then be written up into a report and submitted to BCC no more than three months after the survey closing date. Travel Plan guidance from BCC states that the TP should continue to be implemented, monitored and updated after the initial monitoring period but, provided targets have been met, monitoring can be less frequent. Monitoring timescales after the initial three year period will be discussed and confirmed with BCC at a later date. 8.2 Scheme Administration

The Travel Plan Coordinator will be required to keep up to date records associated with the day to day operation of the Travel Plan. These will include:- a) Details of Residents Travel Patterns: This information will be derived from the Travel Surveys and will be retained for input into the review procedure; b) Monitoring Records: Feedback from the monitoring procedure will be maintained for input into an annual Travel Plan Review process. c) Review Reports: Copies of historic review reports will be retained for reference purposes and for analysis of the longer term effectiveness of the plan. d) Correspondence File: A file will be maintained to include all correspondence relating to the ongoing management of the Travel Plan. e) Incidents File: An incidents file will be maintained to record travel related incidents, feedback from residents and general observations of the Travel Plan Coordinator. This information will be retained for input into the annual Travel Plan review.

8.3 Consultation

The success of the Travel Plan will rely on the support of the residents, and the Travel Plan Coordinator will retain close contact with representatives to ensure that the principles and initiatives within the Travel Plan are understood and implemented.

25 City & Country Bedminster Ltd Factory No.1, Bedminster, Bristol Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11 P2)

The Travel Plan Coordinator will also retain responsibility for liaison with outside bodies, including the Local Planning and Highway Authorities. Liaison with officers of the Council, e.g. those responsible for cycling and public transport will be undertaken as required. 8.4 Monitoring

The TPC shall be responsible for the ongoing monitoring of the TP to determine the effectiveness of the measures and initiatives implemented. The following aspects of the TP will be monitored: • Use of cycle parking facilities – monitoring will be undertaken annually by the TPC, this will involve visual surveys of the number of cycle parking spaces in use and through questions in the annual travel survey. • Travel Surveys – Travel surveys will be undertaken annually. The initial travel survey will be undertaken within three months of the development reaching substantial occupation (50%), and then annually once the full travel plan has been approved by BCC and implemented. Once the TP has been implemented the travel surveys should include questions on the usefulness of the TIPs, notice boards and website and also should have feedback questions to allow for improvement suggestions. • Uptake of incentives – monitor requests for information on/uptake of incentives such as cycle training. • The number of personalised travel planning sessions that are requested and attended should be monitored. • Monitor use of car sharing database – monitor the number of people registered on the car sharing database and through the travel survey. • Travel Website – should have a ‘hit’ counter to measure the number of people using the website and also should have a feedback facility. 8.5 Mitigation

If the modal split targets are not met, it may be necessary to implement further mitigation measures, the TPC will liaise with the BCC Travel Plan Officer to establish appropriate measures, targeted to the area of shortfall. 8.6 Travel Plan Review

The first travel survey will be undertaken within three months of development reaching substantial occupation (50%). The results of the survey will be included in the Full Travel Plan that will be submitted to BCC for approval. Every 12 months, following the implementation of the TP, the Travel Plan Coordinator will undertake a review of the Travel Plans. The objective will be to measure its success and to identify the potential for improvements to the travel initiatives. An element of the review will involve re-issuing the Travel Surveys every twelve months. Surveys will be undertaken over a week and at a time when maximum attendance is expected. The surveys may take the form of paper, electronic or personal one-to-one conversations as considered appropriate by the TPC to achieve the highest return rate. All questionnaire surveys

26 City & Country Bedminster Ltd Factory No.1, Bedminster, Bristol Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11 P2)

will achieve a minimum 50% response rate, otherwise the survey will be repeated or further responses sought as far as is practicable. The Travel Plan Coordinator will compile a review report every 12-months outlining the results of the annual survey. The report will also incorporate the results of ongoing monitoring throughout the preceding period. The annual review and monitoring will be undertaken for three years following the approval of the Full Travel Plan. At the end of the initial three year period and if Travel Plan targets have been met, the frequency of the monitoring period can be review with BCC, with the potential to reduce the frequency of surveys. The Travel Plan is an ongoing initiative and it is still important that surveys are carried out to monitor the success of the initiatives and measures implemented. After each Travel Plan Survey, the Travel Plan will be reviewed and updated to include: • Travel Survey results; • Travel Survey Response Rates; • Overview of the use of facilities; • Overview of effectiveness of measures; • New measures; and, • Revised targets (to be agreed in writing with BCC). 8.6.6 Survey results and monitoring findings will be used to identify which modes of transport could be promoted and any new measures that need to be put in place to encourage the use of more sustainable transport and reduce the number of single occupancy trips. At the end of the initial monitoring period the TP will be updated and re-submitted to the Local Planning and Highway Authorities for approval. 8.7 Summary

The objectives, measures, initiatives and targets set out in this draft TP indicate the developer’s commitment to operating the TP, and to working with the Council’s Travel Plan officers to providing the relevant data on modal share targets and to making the detailed Travel Plans work successfully.

27 City & Country Bedminster Ltd Factory No.1, Bedminster, Bristol Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11 P2)


9.1 Summary

This Residential Travel Plan (RTP) has been produced by Hydrock Consultants Ltd on behalf of City & Country Bedminster Ltd. It is submitted in support of the revised development proposals known as Factory No. 1. The Measures, Targets and Actions presented in this Travel Plan are considered to be appropriate in the short term, with sufficient evidence being presented to suggest that the TP will be effective and provide a sound basis for developing and maintaining a sustainable attitude towards travel by residents and regular visitors to and from the site. The RTP approved under condition 25 of the extant approval 15/04731/F forms the basis of this RTP, with the targets, measures, monitoring and review remain unchanged. Given that there are no fundamental changes in transport terms to either the surrounding area or the development scheme, it is considered that this approach continues to be appropriate. 9.2 Conclusion

This Travel Plan’s purpose is to raise the profile of sustainable travel options and support these sustainable options through marketing, delivering suitable infrastructure and establishing an ethos of sustainability at the site that goes beyond transport, influencing the attitudes and behaviour of residents and visitors with regards to a more sustainable lifestyle.

Hydrock Consultants Ltd

28 City & Country Factory #1, Bedminster, Bristol Interim Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11)


Proposed Site Layout



Drawings are based on survey data and may not accurately represent what is physically present.

Do not scale from this drawing. All dimensions are to be verified on site before proceeding with the work.

All dimensions are in millimeters unless noted otherwise.

Purcell shall be notified in writing of any discrepancies.

Key Plan not to scale

33 MtBk FH


32 Key


MtBk Bicycle storage unit, MtBk FH contains 12 cycle spaces


30 MtBk

R MtBk Motorbike space


Car park space (not Q 28 wheelchair accessible)

26 P Cark park space (wheelchair accesible) MtBk

25 MtBk

MtBk Totals 24 Bicycle Spaces 481 Motorbike spaces 7 23 Car park spaces: -not wheelchair accessible 124

22 -wheelchair accessible 6




19 Purcell - Red line boundary revised 21/12/16 Red line boundary updated to ASDA kerb location as DN shown on Anthony Brookes Surveys LTD survey 18 March 2015.



17 D 03/01.2017 JM GL Red line boundary revised


CLIENT City & Country Group P

PROJECT Regent House, Bedminster

DRAWING TITLE Proposed level 00, Masterplan

UP SIZE & SCALE 1:500 @ A3L FH




0 5 10 15 20 25m REVISION F

1 Quayside, Bridge Street, Cambridge, CB5 8AB , T:+44[0]1223 357057, E:[email protected] © PURCELL 2012. PURCELL ® IS THE TRADING NAME OF PURCELL MILLER TRITTON LLP

Ordnance Survey (c) Crown Copyright 2014. All rights reserved. Licence number 100022432 City & Country Factory #1, Bedminster, Bristol Interim Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11)


Local Services and Facilities Map

DRAWINF REF: 151248/T01







Rev Date Description By Ckd

Over Court Barns, Over Lane, Almondsbury, Bristol, BS32 4DF. TEL: 01454 619 533 FAX: 01454 614 125 or visit www.hydrock.com This drawing is the copyright of Hydrock Ltd. No liability will be accepted for any amendments to this drawing either printed or digital by parties other than Hydrock. BEDMINSTER Client: RAILWAY STATION


Drawn: Checked: Scale @ A3: Drawn Date: First Issue: AJT LH NTS 13/05/2015 07/07/2015

PARSON STREET Drawing Status. INFORMATION RAILWAY STATION Drawing No. 151248/T01 Revision A City & Country Factory #1, Bedminster, Bristol Interim Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11)


Indicative Walking and Cycling Distances

DRAWING REF: 151248/T02




Rev Date Description By Ckd

Over Court Barns, Over Lane, Almondsbury, Bristol, BS32 4DF. TEL: 01454 619 533 FAX: 01454 614 125 or visit www.hydrock.com This drawing is the copyright of Hydrock Ltd. No liability will be accepted for any amendments to this drawing either printed or digital by parties other than Hydrock. Client:


Drawn: Checked: Scale @ A3: Drawn Date: First Issue: AJT LH NTS 13/05/2015 07/07/2015 Drawing Status. INFORMATION Drawing No. 151248/T02 Revision A City & Country Factory #1, Bedminster, Bristol Interim Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11)


Bus Timetables

APPENDIX D Bus departures from this stop Bedminster Bedminster Parade (NE-bound)

3A Bristol Centre - Aztec West Wessex Star

Bristol City Centre, Horfield Common, Aztec West, The Centre Muller Road Top Park Avenue here 9 19 34 51 63 Montpelier, Filton, Colstons School Gipsy Patch Lane

52 Hengrove Park - Broadmead Abus

Bristol City Centre, Queen Square here 5 9 Cabot Circus, The Horsefair

75 Hengrove - Hartcliffe - Bedminster - City Centre - Filton - Cribbs Causeway First in Bristol Bath & the West

Bristol City Centre, Horfield Common, Cribbs Causeway, Queen Square Muller Road Top Bus Station here 7 17 25 34 45 Montpelier, Filton, Colstons School Gipsy Patch Lane

The numbers circled indicate approximate timings in minutes from Bedminster, Bedminster Parade

Mondays to Fridays Bus times as at 10th January 2018 Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote 0508 75 0757 52 0943 75 1150 75 1402 75 1614 75 1823 75 2224 75 0559 75 0800 75 0951 75 1202 75 1414 75 1620 52 1834 75 2254 75 0619 75 0810 75 1002 75 1214 75 1420 52 1621 75 1849 75 2324 75 0634 75 0820 75 1014 75 1220 52 1426 75 1634 75 1904 75 0008 75 0644 75 0835 75 1026 75 1226 75 1438 75 1644 75 1919 75 0108 75 0654 75 0850 75 1038 75 1238 75 1450 75 1654 75 1939 75 0208 75 0703 75 0900 75 1050 75 1250 75 1502 75 1705 75 1950 75 0308 75 0718 75 0910 75 1102 75 1302 75 1514 75 1716 75 2004 75 0408 75 0720 3A 0920 52 1114 75 1314 75 1526 75 1730 75 2029 75 0728 75 0920 75 1120 52 1326 75 1538 75 1747 75 2054 75 0740 75 0928 75 1126 75 1338 75 1550 75 1801 75 2124 75 0750 75 0935 75 1138 75 1350 75 1602 75 1812 75 2154 75

Saturdays Bus times as at 13th January 2018 Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote 0508 75 0923 75 1123 75 1323 75 1523 75 1723 75 1953 75 0108 75 0609 75 0935 75 1135 75 1335 75 1535 75 1735 75 2014 75 0208 75 0649 75 0947 75 1147 75 1347 75 1547 75 1747 75 2034 75 0308 75 0714 75 0959 75 1159 75 1359 75 1559 75 1759 75 2054 75 0408 75 0739 75 1011 75 1211 75 1411 75 1611 75 1811 75 2124 75 0804 75 1023 75 1223 75 1423 75 1623 75 1823 75 2154 75 0824 75 1035 75 1235 75 1435 75 1635 75 1835 75 2224 75 0844 75 1047 75 1247 75 1447 75 1647 75 1853 75 2254 75 0859 75 1059 75 1259 75 1459 75 1659 75 1913 75 2324 75 0911 75 1111 75 1311 75 1511 75 1711 75 1933 75 0008 75

Sundays Bus times as at 14th January 2018 Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote 0508 75 0934 75 1204 75 1424 75 1648 75 1909 75 2154 75 0308 75 0614 75 0959 75 1224 75 1444 75 1708 75 1924 75 2224 75 0408 75 0704 75 1019 75 1244 75 1504 75 1728 75 1944 75 2254 75 0744 75 1039 75 1304 75 1524 75 1744 75 2004 75 2324 75 0814 75 1059 75 1324 75 1544 75 1804 75 2024 75 0010 75 0844 75 1119 75 1344 75 1604 75 1824 75 2054 75 0108 75 0909 75 1140 75 1404 75 1628 75 1844 75 2124 75 0208 75

Times shown in italics are approximate times


server ds10046; date 10.01.2018 16:45:53; stop Bedminster, Bedminster Parade (NE-bound); layout small; NAPTANID: 0100BRA10068 Bus departures from this stop Bedminster Bedminster Parade (NE-bound)

76 Hengrove - Hartcliffe - Bedminster - City Centre - Southmead - Cribbs Causeway First in Bristol Bath & the West

Bristol City Centre, Horfield Common, Henbury, Queen Square Muller Road Top Crow Lane Lay-by here 6 16 24 34 42 Montpelier, Southmead, 52 Colstons School Arnside Road Cribbs Causeway, Bus Station

90 Hengrove - Inn’s Court - Filwood Park - Bedminster - Bristol Centre First in Bristol Bath & the West

Cabot Circus, The Horsefair here 11

The numbers circled indicate approximate timings in minutes from Bedminster, Bedminster Parade

Mondays to Fridays Bus times as at 10th January 2018 Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote 0438 76 1 0755 76 0941 90 1144 76 1349 90 1556 76 1805 76 2109 76 0541 90 0756 90 0949 76 1149 90 1356 76 1604 90 1806 90 2109 90 0544 76 0804 76 0951 90 1156 76 1404 90 1608 76 1816 76 2139 76 0604 76 0809 90 0956 76 1204 90 1408 76 1617 90 1826 90 2139 90 0611 90 0815 76 1004 90 1208 76 1419 90 1627 76 1828 76 2209 76 0614 76 0823 90 1008 76 1219 90 1420 76 1629 90 1838 76 2209 90 0629 76 0830 76 1019 90 1220 76 1432 76 1640 76 1846 90 2239 76 0639 76 0837 90 1020 76 1232 76 1434 90 1644 90 1859 76 2239 90 0641 90 0845 76 1032 76 1234 90 1444 76 1649 76 1906 90 2309 76 0649 76 0851 90 1034 90 1244 76 1449 90 1659 90 1914 76 2309 90 0656 90 0855 76 1044 76 1249 90 1456 76 1700 76 1922 90 2339 76 1 0659 76 0903 90 1049 90 1256 76 1504 90 1710 76 1930 76 2339 90 0708 76 0905 76 1056 76 1304 90 1507 76 1712 90 1942 90 0038 76 1 0713 90 0915 76 1104 90 1308 76 1519 90 1722 76 1943 76 0138 76 1 0723 76 0916 90 1108 76 1319 90 1520 76 1726 90 1956 76 0238 76 1 0729 90 0923 76 1119 90 1320 76 1532 76 1737 76 2011 90 0338 76 1 0735 76 0928 90 1120 76 1332 76 1534 90 1741 90 2014 76 0741 90 0931 76 1132 76 1334 90 1544 76 1751 90 2039 76 0745 76 0941 76 1134 90 1344 76 1549 90 1754 76 2039 90

Saturdays Bus times as at 13th January 2018 Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote 0438 76 1 0854 76 1041 76 1241 76 1429 76 1623 90 1817 76 2109 90 0539 76 0903 90 1053 76 1243 90 1441 76 1629 76 1818 90 2139 76 0600 90 0905 76 1053 90 1253 76 1441 90 1638 90 1829 76 2139 90 0630 90 0917 76 1105 76 1258 90 1453 76 1641 76 1833 90 2209 76 0639 76 0918 90 1108 90 1305 76 1455 90 1652 90 1843 76 2209 90 0655 90 0929 76 1117 76 1313 90 1505 76 1653 76 1853 90 2239 76 0704 76 0933 90 1125 90 1317 76 1508 90 1705 76 1903 76 2239 90 0725 90 0941 76 1129 76 1328 90 1517 76 1705 90 1913 90 2309 76 0728 76 0943 90 1141 76 1329 76 1523 90 1717 76 1918 76 2309 90 0745 90 0953 76 1143 90 1341 76 1529 76 1720 90 1943 76 2339 76 1 0749 76 0953 90 1153 76 1343 90 1538 90 1729 76 1943 90 2339 90 0800 90 1005 76 1158 90 1353 76 1541 76 1735 90 2004 76 0038 76 1 0814 76 1008 90 1205 76 1358 90 1553 76 1741 76 2011 90 0138 76 1 0815 90 1017 76 1213 90 1405 76 1553 90 1750 90 2024 76 0238 76 1 0830 90 1023 90 1217 76 1413 90 1605 76 1753 76 2039 90 0338 76 1 0834 76 1029 76 1228 90 1417 76 1608 90 1805 76 2044 76 0847 90 1038 90 1229 76 1428 90 1617 76 1805 90 2109 76

Sundays Bus times as at 14th January 2018 Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote 0438 76 1 0911 90 1129 76 1341 90 1554 76 1807 90 2014 76 2309 76 0544 76 1 0924 76 1141 90 1354 76 1607 90 1814 76 2039 76 2309 90 0644 76 0941 90 1154 76 1411 90 1613 76 1834 76 2039 90 2339 76 1 0713 90 0949 76 1211 90 1414 76 1633 76 1837 90 2109 76 0038 76 1 0724 76 1009 76 1214 76 1434 76 1637 90 1854 76 2109 90 0138 76 1 0743 90 1011 90 1234 76 1441 90 1653 76 1907 90 2139 76 0238 76 1 0759 76 1029 76 1242 90 1454 76 1707 90 1914 76 2139 90 0338 76 1 0813 90 1041 90 1254 76 1507 90 1713 76 1934 76 2209 76 0829 76 1049 76 1311 90 1514 76 1734 76 1939 90 2209 90 0838 90 1109 76 1314 76 1534 76 1737 90 1954 76 2239 76 0854 76 1111 90 1334 76 1537 90 1753 76 2009 90 2239 90

Notes: 1-terminates at Cribbs Causeway, Bus Station


server ds10046; date 10.01.2018 16:45:53; stop Bedminster, Bedminster Parade (NE-bound); layout small; NAPTANID: 0100BRA10068 Bus departures from this stop Bedminster Bedminster Parade (NE-bound)

511 Bedminster - Knowle - Hengrove CT Plus

Bedminster, Bedminster, Knowle, Stockwood, The Malago Torpoint Road Broad Walk Shops David’s Road here 4 5 8 11 18 21 27 Bedminster, Knowle, Knowle, Martock Road Raymend Road Airport Road

512 Bedminster - Totterdown - Bedminster - Bristol Centre - Bedminster CT Plus

Redcliffe, Redcliffe, Redcliffe, Corinthian Court Victoria Street (R9) Somerset Square here 2 3 5 5 13 15 Bedminster, Bedminster Parade (SW-bound) Redcliffe, Temple Meads, Victoria Street (R8) Temple Meads

The numbers circled indicate approximate timings in minutes from Bedminster, Bedminster Parade

Mondays to Fridays Bus times as at 10th January 2018 Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote 0920 512 1 1025 512 1125 512 1 1235 512 1353 511 1455 512 0953 511 1053 511 1153 511 1253 511 1453 511 1555 512

Saturdays Bus times as at 13th January 2018 Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote 0920 512 1 1025 512 1125 512 1 1235 512 1353 511 1455 512 0953 511 1053 511 1153 511 1253 511 1453 511 1555 512

Sundays No Service

Notes: 1-serves also from Redcliffe, Victoria Street (R8) to Temple Meads, Temple Meads


server ds10046; date 10.01.2018 16:45:53; stop Bedminster, Bedminster Parade (NE-bound); layout small; NAPTANID: 0100BRA10068 Bus departures from this stop Bedminster Bedminster Parade (NE-bound)

672 Blagdon - Chew Magna - Bristol Abus

Temple Meads, Temple Meads here 7 19 Broadmead, Union Street

A1 Bristol International Airport - Bristol First in Bristol Bath & the West

Temple Meads, Temple Meads here 4 10 Bristol, Bus Station

The numbers circled indicate approximate timings in minutes from Bedminster, Bedminster Parade

Mondays to Fridays Bus times as at 10th January 2018 Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote 0506 A1 0824 A1 1031 A1 1251 A1 1501 A1 1713 A1 1927 A1 2347 A1 0547 A1 0834 A1 1041 A1 1301 A1 1511 A1 1723 A1 1937 A1 0006 A1 0557 A1 0844 A1 1051 A1 1311 A1 1521 A1 1733 A1 1947 A1 0025 A1 0617 A1 0854 A1 1101 A1 1320 672 1531 A1 1743 A1 2007 A1 0045 A1 0637 A1 0904 A1 1111 A1 1321 A1 1542 A1 1753 A1 2027 A1 0105 A1 0657 A1 0914 A1 1121 A1 1331 A1 1553 A1 1803 A1 2047 A1 0135 A1 0707 A1 0924 A1 1131 A1 1341 A1 1603 A1 1812 A1 2107 A1 0205 A1 0717 A1 0934 A1 1141 A1 1351 A1 1612 672 1821 A1 2127 A1 0305 A1 0727 A1 0943 A1 1151 A1 1401 A1 1613 A1 1831 A1 2147 A1 0405 A1 0740 A1 0951 A1 1201 A1 1411 A1 1623 A1 1841 A1 2207 A1 0754 A1 1001 A1 1211 A1 1421 A1 1633 A1 1851 A1 2227 A1 0802 672 1011 A1 1221 A1 1431 A1 1643 A1 1901 A1 2247 A1 0804 A1 1021 A1 1231 A1 1441 A1 1653 A1 1909 A1 2307 A1 0814 A1 1030 672 1241 A1 1451 A1 1703 A1 1917 A1 2327 A1

Saturdays Bus times as at 13th January 2018 Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote 0506 A1 0802 672 1000 A1 1150 A1 1340 A1 1612 672 1905 A1 2247 A1 0547 A1 0808 A1 1010 A1 1200 A1 1350 A1 1620 A1 1917 A1 2307 A1 0557 A1 0818 A1 1020 A1 1210 A1 1400 A1 1635 A1 1932 A1 2327 A1 0617 A1 0828 A1 1030 A1 1220 A1 1410 A1 1650 A1 1947 A1 2347 A1 0637 A1 0838 A1 1030 672 1230 A1 1420 A1 1705 A1 2007 A1 0006 A1 0657 A1 0848 A1 1040 A1 1240 A1 1435 A1 1720 A1 2027 A1 0025 A1 0707 A1 0858 A1 1050 A1 1250 A1 1450 A1 1735 A1 2047 A1 0045 A1 0717 A1 0908 A1 1100 A1 1300 A1 1505 A1 1750 A1 2107 A1 0105 A1 0727 A1 0918 A1 1110 A1 1310 A1 1520 A1 1805 A1 2127 A1 0135 A1 0738 A1 0928 A1 1120 A1 1320 A1 1535 A1 1820 A1 2147 A1 0205 A1 0748 A1 0939 A1 1130 A1 1320 672 1550 A1 1835 A1 2207 A1 0305 A1 0758 A1 0950 A1 1140 A1 1330 A1 1605 A1 1850 A1 2227 A1 0405 A1

Sundays Bus times as at 14th January 2018 Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote 0506 A1 0803 A1 1035 A1 1305 A1 1535 A1 1805 A1 2047 A1 0006 A1 0547 A1 0818 A1 1050 A1 1320 A1 1550 A1 1820 A1 2107 A1 0025 A1 0602 A1 0833 A1 1105 A1 1335 A1 1605 A1 1835 A1 2127 A1 0045 A1 0617 A1 0848 A1 1120 A1 1350 A1 1620 A1 1850 A1 2147 A1 0105 A1 0632 A1 0903 A1 1135 A1 1405 A1 1635 A1 1905 A1 2207 A1 0135 A1 0647 A1 0918 A1 1150 A1 1420 A1 1650 A1 1917 A1 2227 A1 0205 A1 0702 A1 0933 A1 1205 A1 1435 A1 1705 A1 1932 A1 2247 A1 0305 A1 0717 A1 0950 A1 1220 A1 1450 A1 1720 A1 1947 A1 2307 A1 0405 A1 0732 A1 1005 A1 1235 A1 1505 A1 1735 A1 2007 A1 2327 A1 0748 A1 1020 A1 1250 A1 1520 A1 1750 A1 2027 A1 2347 A1

Times shown in italics are approximate times


server ds10046; date 10.01.2018 16:45:53; stop Bedminster, Bedminster Parade (NE-bound); layout small; NAPTANID: 0100BRA10068 Bus departures from this stop Bedminster Bedminster Parade (SW-bound)

3A Aztec West - Bristol Centre Wessex Star

Ashton Vale, Smyth Road here 10

52 Old Market - Hengrove Park Abus

Bedminster Down, Hartcliffe, Hengrove Park, Marguerite Road Symes Avenue Hengrove Park here 10 14 21 26 28 Highridge, Hartcliffe, Lakemead Grove Imperial Park

75 Cribbs Causeway - Filton - City Centre - Bedminster - Hartcliffe - Hengrove First in Bristol Bath & the West

Bishopsworth, Hengrove Park, Vicarage Road Hengrove Park here 11 21 26 32 Hartcliffe, Hengrove, Bishport Avenue Lay-by Hengrove Depot

The numbers circled indicate approximate timings in minutes from Bedminster, Bedminster Parade

Mondays to Fridays Bus times as at 10th January 2018 Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote 0500 75 0849 75 1 1049 75 1301 75 1514 75 1728 75 1 1913 75 2230 75 0554 75 0901 75 1 1101 75 1313 75 1524 52 1736 75 1924 75 2300 75 0624 75 0912 75 1 1113 75 1324 52 1529 75 1 1748 75 1934 75 2330 75 0654 75 1 0924 75 1 1124 52 1325 75 1542 75 1 1759 75 1943 75 0000 75 0716 75 0935 75 1125 75 1337 75 1558 75 1 1804 3A 1950 75 0030 75 0734 75 1 0943 75 1 1137 75 1349 75 1612 75 1 1808 75 1959 75 0100 75 0755 75 1 0953 75 1149 75 1401 75 1626 75 1 1816 75 2006 75 0200 75 0810 75 1 1002 75 1201 75 1413 75 1638 75 1 1827 75 1 2019 75 0300 75 0818 75 1 1012 75 1213 75 1425 75 1652 75 1 1838 75 1 2035 75 0400 75 0824 52 1024 52 1225 75 1437 75 1706 75 1 1848 75 2100 75 0830 75 1 1026 75 1237 75 1449 75 1718 75 1 1855 75 2130 75 0839 75 1 1037 75 1249 75 1501 75 1724 52 1903 75 2200 75

Saturdays Bus times as at 13th January 2018 Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote 0500 75 0936 75 1144 75 1332 75 1520 75 1707 75 1905 75 2230 75 0549 75 0958 75 1156 75 1344 75 1532 75 1719 75 1925 75 2300 75 0619 75 1013 75 1208 75 1356 75 1544 75 1731 75 1945 75 2330 75 0658 75 1028 75 1220 75 1408 75 1556 75 1743 75 2005 75 0000 75 0735 75 1044 75 1232 75 1420 75 1608 75 1755 75 2025 75 0030 75 0802 75 1056 75 1244 75 1432 75 1620 75 1807 75 2045 75 0100 75 0829 75 1108 75 1256 75 1444 75 1631 75 1819 75 2105 75 0200 75 0854 75 1120 75 1308 75 1456 75 1643 75 1831 75 2130 75 0300 75 0917 75 1132 75 1320 75 1508 75 1655 75 1848 75 2200 75 0400 75

Sundays Bus times as at 14th January 2018 Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote 0500 75 1005 75 1224 75 1444 75 1704 75 1929 75 2230 75 0300 75 0554 75 1025 75 1244 75 1504 75 1724 75 1949 75 2300 75 0400 75 0639 75 1045 75 1304 75 1524 75 1746 75 2013 75 2330 75 0719 75 1105 75 1324 75 1544 75 1809 75 2033 75 0000 75 0759 75 1125 75 1344 75 1604 75 1829 75 2100 75 0030 75 0839 75 1145 75 1404 75 1624 75 1849 75 2130 75 0100 75 0925 75 1202 75 1424 75 1644 75 1909 75 2200 75 0200 75

Notes: 1-terminates at Hengrove Park, Hengrove Park Times shown in italics are approximate times


server ds10046; date 10.01.2018 16:47:05; stop Bedminster, Bedminster Parade (SW-bound); layout small; NAPTANID: 0100BRA10065 Bus departures from this stop Bedminster Bedminster Parade (SW-bound)

76 Cribbs Causeway - Southmead - City Centre - Bedminster - Hartcliffe - Hengrove First in Bristol Bath & the West

Bishopsworth, Hengrove Park, Vicarage Road Hengrove Park here 12 17 21 28 Hartcliffe, Hengrove, Symes Avenue Hengrove Depot

90 Bristol Centre - Bedminster - Filwood Park - Inn’s Court - Hengrove First in Bristol Bath & the West

Filwood Park, Hengrove, Melvin Square Hengrove Depot here 9 16 21 Inn’s Court, Inns Court

The numbers circled indicate approximate timings in minutes from Bedminster, Bedminster Parade

Mondays to Fridays Bus times as at 10th January 2018 Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote 0528 76 0856 76 1 1043 76 1255 76 1457 90 1714 90 1902 90 2145 76 0607 90 0901 90 1055 76 1257 90 1508 76 1723 76 1 1908 76 2211 90 0614 76 0907 76 1 1056 90 1307 76 1512 90 1726 90 1918 76 2215 76 0637 90 0916 90 1107 76 1312 90 1523 76 1735 76 1 1922 90 2241 90 0639 76 0918 76 1 1111 90 1319 76 1529 90 1738 90 1928 76 2245 76 0703 76 0930 90 1119 76 1327 90 1536 76 1743 76 1937 76 2311 90 0707 90 0931 76 1 1126 90 1331 76 1544 90 1750 90 1941 90 2315 76 0726 76 1 0940 76 1 1131 76 1342 90 1548 76 1754 76 1946 76 2341 90 0730 90 0942 90 1141 90 1343 76 1559 90 1802 76 1954 90 2345 76 0746 76 1 0946 76 1143 76 1355 76 1604 76 1 1804 90 1955 76 0011 90 0748 90 0955 76 1155 76 1357 90 1614 90 1811 76 2003 76 0015 76 0804 90 0955 90 1157 90 1407 76 1618 76 1 1816 90 2011 76 0045 76 0805 76 1 1007 76 1207 76 1412 90 1629 90 1818 76 2011 90 0130 76 0819 90 1007 90 1212 90 1419 76 1630 76 1 1824 90 2025 76 0230 76 0826 76 1 1018 90 1219 76 1427 90 1642 76 1 1837 76 1 2041 90 0330 76 0834 90 1019 76 1227 90 1431 76 1644 90 1844 76 1 2045 76 0430 76 0836 76 1 1028 90 1231 76 1442 90 1659 76 1 1847 90 2111 90 0846 76 1 1031 76 1242 90 1443 76 1659 90 1849 76 2115 76 0847 90 1041 90 1243 76 1455 76 1711 76 1 1858 76 2141 90

Saturdays Bus times as at 13th January 2018 Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote 0522 76 0923 76 1133 90 1326 76 1521 90 1713 76 1915 76 2241 90 0604 76 0930 90 1138 76 1335 90 1526 76 1719 90 1919 90 2245 76 0625 90 0945 90 1148 90 1338 76 1536 90 1725 76 1934 90 2311 90 0634 76 0949 76 1150 76 1350 76 1538 76 1734 90 1935 76 2315 76 0655 90 1000 90 1202 76 1351 90 1550 76 1737 76 1954 90 2341 90 0720 76 1004 76 1203 90 1402 76 1551 90 1749 76 1955 76 2345 76 0720 90 1018 90 1214 76 1406 90 1602 76 1749 90 2011 90 0011 90 0750 90 1019 76 1218 90 1414 76 1606 90 1801 76 2015 76 0015 76 0751 76 1033 90 1226 76 1421 90 1614 76 1804 90 2035 76 0045 76 0812 76 1035 76 1235 90 1426 76 1621 90 1813 76 2041 90 0130 76 0815 90 1048 90 1238 76 1436 90 1626 76 1819 90 2055 76 0230 76 0830 90 1050 76 1250 76 1438 76 1636 90 1825 76 2111 90 0330 76 0839 76 1102 76 1250 90 1450 76 1637 76 1834 90 2115 76 0430 76 0845 90 1103 90 1302 76 1451 90 1649 76 1837 76 2141 90 0859 76 1114 76 1305 90 1502 76 1651 90 1848 90 2145 76 0900 90 1118 90 1314 76 1506 90 1701 76 1855 76 2211 90 0915 90 1126 76 1320 90 1514 76 1706 90 1904 90 2215 76

Sundays Bus times as at 14th January 2018 Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote 0524 76 0945 76 1211 90 1414 76 1634 76 1839 90 2111 90 2345 76 0624 76 1011 90 1214 76 1434 76 1639 90 1859 76 2115 76 0015 76 0659 76 1015 76 1234 76 1441 90 1654 76 1909 90 2141 90 0045 76 0739 76 1035 76 1241 90 1454 76 1709 90 1919 76 2145 76 0130 76 0739 90 1041 90 1254 76 1511 90 1714 76 1939 76 2211 90 0230 76 0809 90 1055 76 1311 90 1514 76 1734 76 1939 90 2215 76 0330 76 0819 76 1111 90 1314 76 1534 76 1739 90 1959 76 2241 90 0430 76 0839 90 1115 76 1334 76 1541 90 1759 76 2011 90 2245 76 0859 76 1135 76 1341 90 1554 76 1809 90 2023 76 2311 90 0909 90 1141 90 1354 76 1611 90 1819 76 2041 90 2315 76 0941 90 1154 76 1411 90 1614 76 1839 76 2045 76 2341 90

Notes: 1-terminates at Hengrove Park, Hengrove Park


server ds10046; date 10.01.2018 16:47:05; stop Bedminster, Bedminster Parade (SW-bound); layout small; NAPTANID: 0100BRA10065 Bus departures from this stop Bedminster Bedminster Parade (SW-bound)

512 Bedminster - Totterdown - Bedminster - Bristol Centre - Bedminster CT Plus

Windmill Hill, Totterdown, Lower Knowle, Bedminster, Redcliffe, Quantock Road (NE-bound) Oxford Street Knowle Health Centre East Street Corinthian Court here 8 15 22 30 31 37 43 45 47 50 Windmill Hill, Windmill Hill, Windmill Hill, Bedminster, Bedminster, Holmesdale Road (NE-bound) Holmesdale Road (SW-bound) Quantock Road (SW-bound) Bedminster Parade (NE-bound) Bedminster Parade (SW-bound)

672 Bristol - Chew Magna - Blagdon Buglers Coaches

Highridge, Chew Stoke, Stanton Drew, East Harptree, Compton Martin, Blagdon, Kings Head Lane Chew Medical Practice Druids Arms The Clock Compton Martin Po Seymour Arms here 10 17 26 30 35 43 51 54 56 59 64 Dundry, Chew Magna, Bishop Sutton, , Ubley, Church Chew Magna Post Office Post Office The Crown Ubley Sawmills

The numbers circled indicate approximate timings in minutes from Bedminster, Bedminster Parade

Mondays to Fridays Bus times as at 10th January 2018 Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote 0940 512 1040 512 1150 512 1410 512 1510 512 1610 512 1 1826 672

Saturdays Bus times as at 13th January 2018 Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote 0940 512 1040 512 1150 512 1410 512 1510 512 1826 672

Sundays No Service

Notes: 1-terminates at Totterdown, Oxford Street


server ds10046; date 10.01.2018 16:47:05; stop Bedminster, Bedminster Parade (SW-bound); layout small; NAPTANID: 0100BRA10065 Bus departures from this stop Bedminster Bedminster Parade (SW-bound)

672 Bristol - Chew Magna - Blagdon Abus

Highridge, Chew Stoke, Stanton Drew, East Harptree, Blagdon, Kings Head Lane Chew Medical Practice Druids Arms The Clock Seymour Arms (NW-bound) here 7 29 16 25 29 35 40 50 53 62 Blagdon, Seymour Arms (E-bound) Dundry, Chew Magna, Bishop Sutton, West Harptree, Church Chew Magna Post Office Post Office The Crown

A1 Bristol - Bristol International Airport First in Bristol Bath & the West

Bedminster, Parson Street Station here 4 15 Bristol International Airport, Airport Terminal

The numbers circled indicate approximate timings in minutes from Bedminster, Bedminster Parade

Mondays to Fridays Bus times as at 10th January 2018 Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote 0501 A1 0810 A1 1018 A1 1228 A1 1438 A1 1656 672 1 1913 A1 2353 A1 0534 A1 0820 A1 1028 A1 1238 A1 1448 A1 1701 A1 1933 A1 0011 A1 0554 A1 0830 A1 1038 A1 1248 A1 1458 A1 1711 A1 1953 A1 0031 A1 0614 A1 0840 A1 1048 A1 1258 A1 1508 A1 1721 A1 2013 A1 0101 A1 0624 A1 0850 A1 1058 A1 1308 A1 1518 A1 1731 A1 2033 A1 0131 A1 0634 A1 0851 672 1108 A1 1318 A1 1528 A1 1741 A1 2053 A1 0231 A1 0644 A1 0900 A1 1118 A1 1328 A1 1539 A1 1751 A1 2113 A1 0331 A1 0654 A1 0910 A1 1128 A1 1338 A1 1551 A1 1801 A1 2133 A1 0431 A1 0704 A1 0920 A1 1138 A1 1348 A1 1601 A1 1810 A1 2153 A1 0714 A1 0930 A1 1146 672 1358 A1 1611 A1 1818 A1 2213 A1 0724 A1 0939 A1 1148 A1 1408 A1 1621 A1 1828 A1 2233 A1 0736 A1 0948 A1 1158 A1 1418 A1 1631 A1 1838 A1 2253 A1 0750 A1 0958 A1 1208 A1 1428 A1 1641 A1 1848 A1 2313 A1 0800 A1 1008 A1 1218 A1 1436 672 1 1651 A1 1858 A1 2333 A1

Saturdays Bus times as at 13th January 2018 Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote 0501 A1 0754 A1 0958 A1 1158 A1 1408 A1 1648 A1 1953 A1 0011 A1 0534 A1 0804 A1 1008 A1 1208 A1 1418 A1 1656 672 1 2013 A1 0031 A1 0554 A1 0814 A1 1018 A1 1218 A1 1428 A1 1703 A1 2033 A1 0101 A1 0614 A1 0824 A1 1028 A1 1228 A1 1436 672 1 1718 A1 2053 A1 0131 A1 0624 A1 0834 A1 1038 A1 1238 A1 1438 A1 1733 A1 2113 A1 0231 A1 0634 A1 0844 A1 1048 A1 1248 A1 1448 A1 1748 A1 2133 A1 0331 A1 0644 A1 0851 672 1058 A1 1258 A1 1503 A1 1803 A1 2153 A1 0431 A1 0654 A1 0854 A1 1108 A1 1308 A1 1518 A1 1818 A1 2213 A1 0704 A1 0904 A1 1118 A1 1318 A1 1533 A1 1833 A1 2233 A1 0714 A1 0914 A1 1128 A1 1328 A1 1548 A1 1848 A1 2253 A1 0724 A1 0924 A1 1138 A1 1338 A1 1603 A1 1902 A1 2313 A1 0734 A1 0935 A1 1146 672 1348 A1 1618 A1 1913 A1 2333 A1 0744 A1 0948 A1 1148 A1 1358 A1 1633 A1 1933 A1 2353 A1

Sundays Bus times as at 14th January 2018 Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote 0501 A1 0744 A1 1017 A1 1247 A1 1517 A1 1747 A1 2033 A1 2353 A1 0529 A1 0759 A1 1032 A1 1302 A1 1532 A1 1802 A1 2053 A1 0011 A1 0544 A1 0814 A1 1047 A1 1317 A1 1547 A1 1817 A1 2113 A1 0031 A1 0559 A1 0829 A1 1102 A1 1332 A1 1602 A1 1832 A1 2133 A1 0101 A1 0614 A1 0844 A1 1117 A1 1347 A1 1617 A1 1847 A1 2153 A1 0131 A1 0629 A1 0859 A1 1132 A1 1402 A1 1632 A1 1902 A1 2213 A1 0231 A1 0644 A1 0914 A1 1147 A1 1417 A1 1647 A1 1913 A1 2233 A1 0331 A1 0659 A1 0929 A1 1202 A1 1432 A1 1702 A1 1933 A1 2253 A1 0431 A1 0714 A1 0947 A1 1217 A1 1447 A1 1717 A1 1953 A1 2313 A1 0729 A1 1002 A1 1232 A1 1502 A1 1732 A1 2013 A1 2333 A1

Notes: 1-terminates at Blagdon, Seymour Arms (NW-bound) Times shown in italics are approximate times


server ds10046; date 10.01.2018 16:47:05; stop Bedminster, Bedminster Parade (SW-bound); layout small; NAPTANID: 0100BRA10065 Bus departures from this stop Bedminster Catherine Mead Street (E-bound)

24 Ashton Vale - Bedminster - Centre - Easton - Eastville - Lockleaze - Southmead Hospital First in Bristol Bath & the West

Broadmead, Lockleaze, Nelson Street Gainsborough Square here 9 21 31 40 Eastville, Southmead, Robertson Road Southmead Hospital

The numbers circled indicate approximate timings in minutes from Bedminster, Catherine Mead Street

Mondays to Fridays Bus times as at 10th January 2018 Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote 0554 24 0744 24 0947 24 1147 24 1347 24 1547 24 1747 24 2004 24 0606 24 0759 24 0959 24 1159 24 1359 24 1559 24 1759 24 2021 24 0618 24 0811 24 1011 24 1211 24 1411 24 1611 24 1811 24 2051 24 0630 24 0823 24 1023 24 1223 24 1423 24 1623 24 1824 24 2121 24 0640 24 0835 24 1035 24 1235 24 1435 24 1635 24 1838 24 2151 24 0650 24 0847 24 1047 24 1247 24 1447 24 1647 24 1854 24 2221 24 0700 24 0901 24 1059 24 1259 24 1459 24 1659 24 1905 24 2251 24 0711 24 0913 24 1111 24 1311 24 1511 24 1711 24 1919 24 2321 24 0722 24 0923 24 1123 24 1323 24 1523 24 1723 24 1934 24 0732 24 0935 24 1135 24 1335 24 1535 24 1735 24 1949 24

Saturdays Bus times as at 13th January 2018 Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote 0613 24 0855 24 1049 24 1237 24 1424 24 1612 24 1802 24 2021 24 0643 24 0907 24 1101 24 1248 24 1436 24 1624 24 1817 24 2051 24 0713 24 0919 24 1113 24 1300 24 1448 24 1636 24 1832 24 2121 24 0728 24 0931 24 1125 24 1312 24 1500 24 1648 24 1847 24 2151 24 0743 24 0944 24 1137 24 1324 24 1512 24 1700 24 1902 24 2221 24 0758 24 0957 24 1149 24 1336 24 1524 24 1712 24 1914 24 2251 24 0815 24 1009 24 1201 24 1348 24 1536 24 1723 24 1929 24 2321 24 0830 24 1023 24 1213 24 1400 24 1548 24 1735 24 1944 24 0843 24 1035 24 1225 24 1412 24 1600 24 1747 24 2004 24

Sundays Bus times as at 14th January 2018 Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote 0759 24 1024 24 1206 24 1345 24 1525 24 1702 24 1851 24 2121 24 0829 24 1045 24 1226 24 1405 24 1544 24 1722 24 1921 24 2151 24 0859 24 1106 24 1246 24 1425 24 1602 24 1742 24 1951 24 2221 24 0929 24 1126 24 1305 24 1445 24 1622 24 1802 24 2021 24 2251 24 1001 24 1146 24 1325 24 1505 24 1642 24 1822 24 2051 24 2321 24

Times shown in italics are approximate times


server ds10046; date 10.01.2018 16:48:30; stop Bedminster, Catherine Mead Street (E-bound); layout small; NAPTANID: 0100BRA10035 Bus departures from this stop Bedminster Catherine Mead Street (W-bound)

24 Southmead Hospital - Lockleaze - Eastville - Easton - Centre - Bedminster - Ashton Vale First in Bristol Bath & the West

Bedminster, Sion Road here 1 11 Ashton Vale, Langley Crescent

The numbers circled indicate approximate timings in minutes from Bedminster, Catherine Mead Street

Mondays to Fridays Bus times as at 10th January 2018 Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote 0634 24 0848 24 1040 24 1240 24 1440 24 1647 24 1845 24 2101 24 0652 24 0900 24 1052 24 1252 24 1452 24 1701 24 1859 24 2121 24 0704 24 0912 24 1104 24 1304 24 1504 24 1715 24 1910 24 2151 24 0716 24 0925 24 1116 24 1316 24 1518 24 1727 24 1925 24 2221 24 0729 24 0934 24 1128 24 1328 24 1530 24 1739 24 1937 24 2251 24 0745 24 0944 24 1140 24 1340 24 1543 24 1751 24 1950 24 2321 24 0757 24 0954 24 1152 24 1352 24 1558 24 1803 24 2005 24 2351 24 0813 24 1004 24 1204 24 1404 24 1611 24 1815 24 2020 24 0826 24 1016 24 1216 24 1416 24 1623 24 1825 24 2032 24 0838 24 1028 24 1228 24 1428 24 1635 24 1835 24 2046 24

Saturdays Bus times as at 13th January 2018 Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote 0640 24 0925 24 1125 24 1318 24 1506 24 1654 24 1836 24 2033 24 0710 24 0937 24 1137 24 1330 24 1518 24 1706 24 1848 24 2046 24 0740 24 0949 24 1149 24 1342 24 1530 24 1717 24 1900 24 2101 24 0755 24 1004 24 1201 24 1354 24 1542 24 1729 24 1911 24 2121 24 0811 24 1018 24 1213 24 1406 24 1554 24 1739 24 1926 24 2151 24 0827 24 1030 24 1225 24 1418 24 1606 24 1749 24 1939 24 2221 24 0843 24 1044 24 1237 24 1430 24 1618 24 1800 24 1954 24 2251 24 0858 24 1059 24 1250 24 1442 24 1630 24 1812 24 2009 24 2321 24 0913 24 1112 24 1305 24 1454 24 1642 24 1824 24 2023 24 2351 24

Sundays Bus times as at 14th January 2018 Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote Time ServiceNote 0826 24 1100 24 1242 24 1424 24 1600 24 1737 24 1921 24 2151 24 0856 24 1121 24 1304 24 1444 24 1617 24 1757 24 1951 24 2221 24 0926 24 1141 24 1324 24 1504 24 1637 24 1817 24 2021 24 2251 24 1005 24 1201 24 1344 24 1524 24 1657 24 1836 24 2051 24 2321 24 1038 24 1221 24 1404 24 1542 24 1717 24 1855 24 2121 24 2351 24

Times shown in italics are approximate times


server ds10046; date 10.01.2018 16:48:07; stop Bedminster, Catherine Mead Street (W-bound); layout small; NAPTANID: 0100BRA10036 City & Country Factory #1, Bedminster, Bristol Interim Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11)


Sample Travel Survey

APPENDIX E City & Country Factory #1, Bedminster, Bristol Interim Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/03/Iss1)

Residential Travel Survey – Investigating Journeys to Work

About You

1. Your place of work

2. Your home postcode

3. Your house name / number

4. Gender Male Female

5. Age Group

Under 18 18 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 60 60 +

6. Do you have a disability that affects your travel arrangements?

Yes No

About your job

7. Do you work? 1 – 3 days 4 days Full time Shifts

Other, please specify

8. What hours do you normally work? Regular Office Flexi

Other (please specify)

9. Are there any aspects of your job that require you to have the use of a car?

None Attend meetings Visit site / clients Other

Travel to work

10. How do you normally travel to work?

Walk/jog Bicycle Bus Train Taxi Motorbike

Car on own Car Share

Other (please specify)

11. What alternatives do you occasionally use?

Walk/jog Bicycle Bus Train Taxi Motorbike

Car on own Car Share

Other (please specify)

1 City & Country Factory #1, Bedminster, Bristol Interim Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/03/Iss1)

12. How far do you travel to work? (one way)

Up to 1 mile 1 – 3 miles 3 – 10 miles 10 – 20 miles

Over 20 miles

13. How long does it normally take you to get to work? (one way)

0 – 15 mins 16 – 30 mins 31 – 60 mins 60 mins+

14. If walking or cycling are a practical alternative for you, what would encourage you to do so? (select up to 2 answers)

Free transport home in an emergency Covered and secure cycle parking

Changing / locker facilities Pool car available for business use

Other (please specify)

For drivers only

15. Is a car share a possibility if a suitable sharer/s was found?

Yes No I already car share

16. Which of the following would most encourage you to car share? (select up to 3 answers)

Help in finding a car share partner Financial incentives for car shares

Free transport home in an emergency Pool car available for business use

Priority parking for car sharers

Other, please specify

17. Is bus or train travel a possibility?

Yes No Both

Which is most convenient?

Bus Train

18. What would encourage you to use the bus or train more frequently to commute? (select up to 3 answers)

More direct train/bus route Pool car available for business use

More frequent services More reliable services

2 City & Country Factory #1, Bedminster, Bristol Interim Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/03/Iss1)

Better information on times and fares

Regular link between station/bus stop and place of work

Other, please specify

19. If you never require a car for business travel select the box below and go straight to question 24

I never travel for work purposes

Travel for work purposes

20. Approximately how many business miles do you drive a month (number please)

21. Do you ever car share for business trips?

Yes No

22. Do you ever use a pool car for business trips?

Yes No

23. Do you ever use public transport for business trips?

Out of County

Yes No

Within County

Yes No

Travel for other purposes

24. For what other purposes do you regularly travel from home, please indicate number of trips per week in box.

Education for self Education for dependants

Access to Health services Access to retail services


Other, please specify

Your personal opinion of travel planning

3 City & Country Factory #1, Bedminster, Bristol Interim Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/03/Iss1)

25. How do you feel about your employer seeking to address the issues of parking, congestion and pollution by promoting walking, cycling, public transport and car sharing initiatives?

4 City & Country Factory #1, Bedminster, Bristol Interim Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/03/Iss1)

This information is collected in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. The data has been collected for the purposes of:-

. establishing travel patterns to the site;

. to assist with setting objectives for the Travel Plan which may be implemented in the future;

. to monitor travel patterns at the site over set periods of time to quantify modal shift.

5 City & Country Factory #1, Bedminster, Bristol Interim Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11)


MetroBus, Bedminster Parade


APPENDIX F © Crown copyright and database rights Ordnance Survey 100023406. N This map has been provided for this drawing and must not be used for any other purpose. Only one paper copy may be made for your own use.

Notes: High quality paving material including use of natural 1. All dimensions are in metres unless noted otherwise. stone 600/450 size 2. This drawing should not be scaled and only written dimensions should be used. Any discrepancies 6 NO. Sheffield style cycle stands should be brought to the attention of this department 6 hoops set 1.9 back from kerb immediately. edge 9 NO. Sheffield style cycle stands 2 litter bins ASDA remove 1 NO. centreline 2 NO. Tree pit and tree to Approximate line of surface change GENERAL ARRANGEMENT KEY Legible city seat black 1.8m Safe Haven to be Install power point SD 04-019 C 1.2m from sign relocate laid in accordance with ASDA kerb edge Relay previously set aside Standard Detail Improved crossing point with 2 NO. Broxap standard black PCC block pavers as pedestrian refuge Standard Detail SD01-004-B 12-Bay Metro Bus shelter planters with gold detailing; CUT-LINE Bin remove as agreed with public 2 NO: David Ogilvie bench 600x600x63 Bar faced PCC 2 post box transport team standard black 1.8m; IB Bus Stop Slab relocate 4 no. Sheffield style cycle stands Bin remove 60 'Marshals' pennant grey Tegular paviors in random IB F-P pattern

200x100x65 Clay Block

LANE Paver (Blue) BUS

12 Bay Shelter 180 Guided 'Charcon' Bus Kerb Scoutmoor York Stone

LANE BUS Buff-coloured 200x133x65 PCC Tactile block paving as Standard Detail SD03-005 Buff-coloured 200x133x65 PCC Tactile block paving as Standard Detail SD03-005 Bedminster Parade Concrete RC40 with A252 diag. no (width) White Road Markings

CUT-LINE diag. no (width) Primrose Road Markings Relocate CCTV Buff-Coloured anti-skid Existing crossing 1 NO. Tree pit and tree to Grey coloured anti-skid to remain SD 04-019 C Grey-Coloured anti-skid Buff coloured anti-skid treatment on carriageway (to replace CCTV) Buff coloured anti-skid Philip Street treatment on carriageway treatment on carriageway Red-Coloured anti-skid

Bus Stop cage resurfaced with concrete slabs

0 5 10




Existing on street parking retained

Rev By Chkd Apprvd Date Description Retain stone flags Client

CUT-LINE LANE BUS BRISTOL ENGINEERING PRACTICE Brunel House, St Georges Road, Bristol BS1 5UY Tel: 0117 9222000 Fax: 0117 9223765

E-mail: [email protected] 8 Bay Shelter Bay 8 Project BUS NORTH FRINGE TO LANE HENGROVE METRO BUS

F-P Bus Stop cage resurfaced with concrete slabs 3 NO. Tree pit and tree to Drawing Diag. 1048 SD 04-019 C on central island 8-Bay Metro Bus shelter as agreed Bedminster Parade with public transport team CUT-LINE Car parking provision retained General Arrangement

Safe Haven to be laid in accordance with standard detail Drawn by:AG Date:23/05/2016 3 NO. Sheffield style cycle stands Checked by:JG Date:27/05/2016 S:\TRAFFIC\EngCon\PROJECTS\DT_DETL\DH0249-2009 BRT Line 3 Centre\Construction\10 Bedminster Parade\XREFS\Planning application drawings\ DH0249-10-C01 General Arrangement PLANNING APPLICATION.dwg S:\TRAFFIC\EngCon\PROJECTS\DT_DETL\DH0249-2009 BRT Line 3 Centre\Construction\10 Bedminster Parade\XREFS\Planning application drawings\ brho3ag : 13 Jun 2016 - 2:29 pm Approved by:JG Date:27/05/2016 : : : Drawing No. Revision DH0249-10-C01 02 0 5 10

Meters Drawing Scale: 1:250 at A1 Xreference file path Drawing file path & name User and Plot Date City & Country Factory #1, Bedminster, Bristol Interim Residential Travel Plan (reference: R/151248/11)


Example of Developer Marketing Materials

