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DECEMBER 2002 Winner for PARENTS, EDUCATORS & STUDENTS SSEEVVEENNTTHH AANNNNIIVVEERRSSAARRYY U.S Award Volume VIII, No. 4 • New York City • DECEMBER 2002 Winner FOR PARENTS, EDUCATORS & STUDENTS SSEEVVEENNTTHH AANNNNIIVVEERRSSAARRYY U.S. POSTAGE PAID U.S. POSTAGE VOORHEES, NJ Permit No.500 PRSRT STD. 2 Award EDUCATION UPDATE ■ FOR PARENTS, EDUCATORS & STUDENTS ■ DECEMBER 2002 Winner COMMENTARY EDUCATION UPDATE GUASPARI’S TRIUMPH WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? Mailing Address: 276 5th Avenue, Suite 1005 WAS, IN REALITY, By STUART DUNN New York, NY 10001 I shall not take up space analyzing the nation- Let me offer a few areas to be looked at for email: A COLLECTIVE ONE al elections. Enough has been written about the financial savings, which also might improve the Democrat suicide and the Republican victory. education system: 1) Continue to reduce the Tel: 212-481-5519 By DEBORAH MEIER But, I think it is important to look at the results administrative bureaucracy; 2) Restructure the Fax: 212-481-3919 I enjoyed the message of Marie Holmes’ arti- in New York State and try to understand the ram- special education and bilingual education pro- cle, “Guaspari Makes Music in Harlem” ifications for public education in New York City. grams; 3) Resist demands for further compensa- PUBLISHER AND EDITOR: (Education Update October, 2002). Roberta George Pataki won a well-deserved victory. tion increases by the UFT which are not tied to Pola Rosen, Ed.D. Guaspari is a musician worth honoring and the He has, in his eight years of service as governor, productivity and merit. Look for significant ASSOCIATE EDITORS: work she is still doing deserves widespread matured as a speaker and a leader. His opponent, give-backs in the areas of teacher assignment Heather Rosen, Adam Sugerman, recognition. Carl McCall, came across as a nice guy who was and fringe benefits when negotiating the new Rob Wertheimer But the work of school change could also use in over his head, with little to offer in the way of contract next year; 4) Speed up the process of the truth! And the truth may have its own programs. Alan Hevesi will be a fine comptroller getting incompetent teachers off the city payroll; ASSISTANT EDITOR: virtues, anyhow. and Elliot Spitzer has achieved national fame as 5) Make better use of technology in classroom Marie Holmes In fact, Roberta Guaspari’s work has taken an attorney general. The assembly and the state education; 6) Find ways to get disruptive stu- PRODUCTION MANAGER: place in the context of three schools—all of senate go along their merry way, gerrymandering dents out of the classroom so that teachers can Rick Sulz them rather remarkable places—and all of the districts to reinforce party control. As usual, teach and children can learn (I expect this will be GUEST COLUMNISTS: them noted for their heavy investment in the issues made very little difference to them in this far more effective, and cost less, than reduced Sandra S. Bennett, Mayor Michael arts, and in music: the Central Park East past election. With the state governance divided class size in improving the education of the chil- Bloomberg, Matilda Raffa Cuomo, Diane schools. They are a story of the collective tri- between Democrats and Republicans, little help dren); 7) Examine school construction, mainte- Englehardt, Ph.D., Robert Feinerman, umph of the love of art and good education, can be expected from Albany. nance and repair costs to eliminate waste and Ph.D., Bernadette M. Flynn, Ed.D., Dr. and one that has spawned dozens and dozens of One thing is clear—we are in for a difficult fraud. Richard Frances, Dr. Carole G. Hankin, Dr. copycats in New York City and across the time, financially. The nation, the state and the Next year will be a very difficult one for pub- Avram Mack, Trish Magee, Lorraine nation. city are all looking at significant budgetary lic education in particular, and city services in In fact, it was a triumph that depended also deficits, and voters are not inclined to watch general. Mayor Bloomberg will need all the help McCune, Ph.D., Peggy McNamara, Ph.D., on the existence of a network of schools and an their taxes increase. Although some revenue he can get in dealing with the budgetary crisis. Deborah Meier, Stanley Ocken, Ph.D., unusually creative district (itself the subject of enhancement will be a necessity, New York Let’s all try to be as constructive as possible.# Marnie Ponce-White, Kevin A. Sabet, a wonderful book entitled The Miracle in East City’s public schools will have to find ways to Randi T. Sachs, Assemblyman Steven Harlem). When the first of the Central Park do more with less. We are fortunate to have a Sanders, Eve Torrence, Ph.D., Pamela East schools offered Roberta Guaspari a home, mayor who understands financial management. Paul Wellstone Wheeler-Civita, Dr. Alice Wilder they knew it would be tough going, and they The question is, will he have the courage to do STAFF WRITERS: were responsible for making it financially fea- what is necessary? Profile in Courage Jacob Appel, Joan Baum, Ph.D., Kim sible. It was a united effort that saved us, time Senator Paul Wellstone was a true patriot. Brown, M.C. Cohen, Hope Glassberg, after time, from seriously undermining our Even if it never had an impact on “academic Unlike many of our elected officials, he never Tom Kertes, Katarzyna Kozanecka, Adam work in the arts—or Roberta’s program. performance,” music, dance and the arts are cen- abandoned his beliefs or pandered for votes. Kushner, Mitchell Levine, Sybil Maimin, At Central Park East I (featured in the film tral disciplines for all of our children and must be He took positions, sometimes standing alone, Merri Rosenberg, Chris Rowan, Andrew Music of the Heart) the school, for 26 of its 27 protected. Roberta is dead right about that. which he believed were best for the nation. Schiff, Neil Schuldiner, Deborah Young years, has had another full-time music teacher, The three schools she worked with were all Even those who disagreed with him respected BOOK REVIEWERS: Barry Soloway, and he was not and is not the inventions of a group of extraordinary teach- him. His untimely death was a loss to all Harris Healy, III, Lillian Shapiro, villain portrayed in the film. His job was not ers—starting in 1974 with the creation of Americans.# Selene Vasquez threatened by the 1991 cuts, but not because he Central Park East I. And all three schools still had more tenure, as the film implies, but thrive today because they are examples of COMICS: because the school’s families, staff and kids whole communities insisting on doing what’s IN THIS ISSUE Francis H. Brummer, Bruce Wotring wanted Soloway first and foremost. He did not right and creating precedents that have outlast- Commentary/Editorial. 2 MEDICAL EDITOR: simply teach only 30 or 40 kids, but every sin- ed their founders. Roberta was and is one great Spotlight on Schools . 3-9, 18-19 Herman Rosen, M.D. gle child in the school, in regular music class- teacher within three very great little communi- Special Education . 10-11 es, plus three choruses; he produced an annual ties, which have a lesson to teach about music MODERN LANGUAGE EDITOR: Music, Art & Dance. 12-13 Adam Sugerman opera and gave recorder classes for all the and the good life. Studies done about Central Children’s Corner . 14 older kids. His chorus sang throughout the city, Park East schools have discovered that with TEACHERS OF THE MONTH .15 MOVIE & THEATER REVIEWS: worked with world-famous choirs and made pretty much the same budget as all other Jan Aaron numerous recordings of their work. Like the schools, the kids have a substantially greater MEDICAL UPDATE. 16-17 other sister schools, Central Park East also shot at graduating high school and going to Colleges & Grad Schools . 20-23, 28 MUSIC EDITOR: needed to protect a full-time art teacher and art college; interviews suggest that many features College Directory . 20 Irving M. Spitz room! Each of the three sister schools managed contribute to this, including music. Tutors . 23 POLITICAL COMMENTARY: to devote nearly two positions to the arts for Why do we have the tendency to simplify Gift Giving Guide . 24-25, 28 Stuart Dunn student populations of under 200. In short, we important stories by turning them into individ- Technology & Education. 26-27 SPORTS EDITOR: had the equivalent of five art teachers between ual triumphs rather than collective ones? The Homeschooling . 28-29, 32 M.C. Cohen us—teaching about 600 kids. One of these was latter is actually even more helpful. It’s the real Books . 29 Roberta. We were all determined to find a way “education update” story that needs repeating.# Sports & Camps . 30, 32 WEB DESIGN: to keep Roberta—who taught over 100 chil- Deborah Meier is former teacher—director Film & Theater Reviews. 31 Neil Schuldiner, Rick Sulz, dren in our three schools to love and fall in of Central Park East School (1975–85), co- Calendar of Events . 32 Tamara Wiesen love with the violin—without losing any other principal of the Central Park East Secondary MetroBEAT. 33 ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT: valuable art program that benefited our chil- School and currently (1997-) co-principal of Museums As Educators. 34 Martin Lieberman, Manager. Rosalyn dren’s lives. Managing to pull this off was a Mission Hill School, a public school in Resource & Reference Guide . 35 Bacani, Steve Bailey (212) 721-9444, Dawn community-wide triumph. Boston’s Roxbury community. Clayton, Mitchell Levine, Chris Rowan, Andrew Schiff TO GRAPHIC DESIGNERS: Education Update Neil Schuldiner, Rick Sulz, Tamara Wiesen Education Update is published monthly by FROM Winner Education Update, Inc.
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