Infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis Dane Debower Iowa State University

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Infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis Dane Debower Iowa State University Volume 59 | Issue 1 Article 11 1997 Infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis Dane DeBower Iowa State University James R. Thompson Iowa State University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Animal Diseases Commons, Eye Diseases Commons, Large or Food Animal and Equine Medicine Commons, and the Veterinary Infectious Diseases Commons Recommended Citation DeBower, Dane and Thompson, James R. (1997) "Infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis," Iowa State University Veterinarian: Vol. 59 : Iss. 1 , Article 11. Available at: This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals at Iowa State University Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Iowa State University Veterinarian by an authorized editor of Iowa State University Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis Dane DeBowel; DVMt James R. Thompson, DVM, Mstt Infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis (IDK) is an internationally recognized ocular dis~ ease of cattle. Also known as pinkeye, IRK a significant economic impact on the cattle industry. The costs corne as a result of decreased weight gain, milk discard, de~ creased show value and costs of therapy. The etiologic agent of IBK is a bacterial organism, Moraxella bovis.1 MOl'axella bovis is a Gram. negative rod that is spread rap~ idly by direct contact and by insect vectors such as Musca domestica, Musca autumnalis, and Stomoxys calcitrans. Typi~ Scanning EM of'Moraxella bovis in. a "pit" on the cal lesions include corneal ulceration with surface of corneal epithelium. (Magnification possible perforation, corneal opacity, con~ 20,OOOX) junctival hyperemia and edema.2 Clinical signs can disappear at any 'stage but may conjunctival tissues permitting secondary M. persist in untreated individuals for 30 days bovis infection. Clinical diagnoses afe often or more. These factors and many more have misinterpreted 'in that conjunctivitis, 'made epidemiological, clinical, and patho~ blepharospasm, and corneal ulceration are logical research of utmost veterinary impor­ common to both IBR and IBK tance. This article will highlight what is Primary irritation of conjunctival or cor­ cUn'ently known about the etiology, treat­ neal tissues is required for initiation and ment, and prevention of IBK. progression of disease. Irritation can result from windblown dust, desiccation, ammonia­ Etiology laden air, plant material, feedstuffs, ultra~ violet (UV) light, and insects.l,G Most sig­ Moraxella bouis is primarily implicated in nificant are plant materials, UV radiation, the progression of IBK to clinical manifes­ and insects. tations.s In 60% of caBes M. bovis isolates Plant materials pose a greater risk to are found, whereas in 30% of cases range cattle where tall grasses such as wild Brannamella ovis is isolated. rye and shrubs provide air~borne and me­ Important to the pathogenesis ofIBK are chanical irritation. Feedstuffs, especially several predisposing factors. Evidence sug­ h~y, pose a similar problem to cattle on feed. gests that concurrent Mycoplasma bovoculi Bale feeders an~ problematic by virtl1e of and/or Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis design.6 Cattle given round bales feed pri­ (IBR) virus infections predispose an animal marily from the center, creating a plateau to IBK. 4 IBR virus may damage corneal and from which hay, dust, and other irritants rllin down into the eyes. Additionally, direct con­ tact between animals is high given current tDr. DeB ower is a 1996 graduate of the Iowa State Uni­ feeder design, thereby maximizing the versity College of Veterinary Medicine. spread of infectious agents. UV radiation is an environmental prob­ ttDr. Thompson is an associate professor in Veterinary lem for range cattle, especially white-faced Clinical Sciences at the Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine. cattle.1,6 Non-pigmented conjunctival epi- 20 Iowa State University Veterinarian thelium associated with white-faced ,cattle been associated with the ability to maintain allows high amounts of UV radiation to fall persistent infection by invading deeper tis­ upon ceils of the cornea and~onjunctiva, sen­ sues. Type Q pili have been shown to en­ sitizing them to inflammation and infection. hance the ability of M. bovis to adhere to Finally, insects can be especially irritat­ corneal epithelium. Interestingly, M. bouis ing as they feed on lacrimal s'ecretions. The has the ability to switch phase from type I face fly Musca autumnalis, the housefly. to type Q thereby enhancing infectivity. Musca domestica, and the biting fly Concurrently, heterogeneity and resistance Stomoxys calcitrans are all important irri­ to host defenses associated with type I pili tating agents as well as vectors for M. are conferred. bovis,l,3 These vectors, most prevalent in Lipopolysaccharide also appears to play late summer, feed on lacrimal and mucosal a role in virulence associated with 0 anti­ secretions on the face of all cattle. Moraxella gens.S:ll A full compleijlent of 0 antigen in bovis can survive on the body surface and in LPS confers smooth colonies of M. bouis the salivary organs ofthese vectors for up to whereas areas absen't "in antigen denote 72 hours. The relatively limited circulating rough colonies. The effects of the M. bouis radius of these flies, however, does help limit LPS are dramatic. LPS introduced into rab­ spread from herd to herd.7 bits elicits pyrogenicity, dermal Shwartzman reaction, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and .Virulence Factors' Interleukin-l (lL-l). Significantly, TNF has been implicated as the primary mediator of Once host defense mechanisms are compro­ LPS biological activity, namely the release mised, M. bouis has many virulence factors ofIL-l. The release ofIL-l has a great im­ that enable it to establish infection. Even pact on the response to M. bovis in bovine though there is no bacterial collagenase pro­ ocular tissues, especially regarding chemot­ duction, collagen is broken down in the dis­ axis of phagocytes to the area. ease process through host neutrophil action. Host neutrophils release hydrolytic enzymes Host Response on the surface of the cornea and cause break­ down of the corneal collagen matrix. The Once M. bovis has adhered to epithelial cells importance of recognizing this is that cor­ of the cornea, the sequence of events associ­ neal damage can be decreased by lowering ated with an immune response are initiated.7 the immune response with corticosteroid Neutrophils attracted to the area can be therapy. found in the intercellular spaces of edema­ The lack of collagenase is by no means tous tissue occasionally containing phagocy­ indicative of a total lack ofM. bovis enzym~s. tized bacteria. In unresolved inflammation, A large number of enzymes are present, in­ the cells of the stratum spinosum necrotize cluding fibrinolysin, phosphatase, hyalu­ and detach from the underlying stratum ronidase, and aminopeptidase. These en­ basale, leaving erosions. On the site of the zymes are all important in breaking down erosion, continued invasion of bacteria pro­ corneal epithelial cell matrices and allowing gressing through the basement membrane colonization. Equally important are hemol­ into'the propria leads to corneal ulceration. ysins, leukotoxins, proteases, pili, and a dis­ This process will allow 3 mm diameter le­ tinctive lipopolysaccharide (LPS),8 sions to form within 72 hours. Lesion reso­ The presenc~ and type of pili seem to lution includes fibroblast proliferation, fi­ play a highly important role in virulence. brinous exudate, and serofibrinous Colonies ofM. bovis that appear rough have infiltration of surrounding tissues. been characterized as virulent, piliate organ­ Histopathological examination of diseased isms, whereas smooth colonies are consid­ periorbital tissues shows accumulation of ered to be avirulent, non-piliate organisms.9 lymphoid tissue with marked hyperplasia in The pili of M. bovis are filamentous ho­ . the sub-epithelial conjunctival tissue.1,7,12 mopolymers of protein subunits. Two types In chronic ulcerated regions of the cornea, of pili have been identified from M. bovis, intensive neovascularization and namely type I and type Q,lo Type I pili have iridocyclitis develop. These areas of Spring, 1997 21 j ~ ~ Scanning electron micrograph of Moraxella bovis colonizing a corneal ulcer. (Magnification 3,240X) neovascularizatioll with young capillaries Subconjunctival administration provides proceed from the limbus toward the ulcer. pharmacological advantages over deep Clinically the affected animal exhibits muscle administration. Most importantly, excessive lacrimation, redness of periorbital lower dosages may be used which yield tissues and corneal opacity.13 Additionally higher ocular concentrations. Difficulty of the animal will be photophobic, subconjunctival administration is a draw­ blepharospastic, and anorexic. These signs back which must be considered. Penicillin are often good initial clues in diagnosing and aminoglycosides are the most commonly IBK. used subconjunctival preparations.14 Al­ though these drugs result in high ocular con­ Treatment centration, healing rates are not markedly different from deep muscle parenteral Antimicrobial susceptibility studies have oxytetracycline.2 Despite desirable healing shown M. bovis to be susceptible to penicil­ rates, subconjunctival penicillin results in lin, streptomycin, gentamicin,
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