German-Danish Cultural Year of Friendship Erasmus+ contact seminar from 29 - 31 October 2020 / Akademie Sankelmark in ,

DRAFT PROGRAMME (as of 24 June 2020)

Thursday, 29 October from 3 p.m. on Registration - Coffee/Tea/Snacks 3:30 p.m. Welcome – Introduction in the seminar (representatives NA DK/DE) 4:00 p.m. Icebreaking activities – Get to know each other 5:00 p.m. Coffee break 5:30 p.m. Introduction to the next Erasmus+ programme, PAD 6:00 p.m. Discussion / Brainstorming / Project ideas 8:00 p.m. Dinner

Friday, 30 October

9:00 a.m. Example of Good Practice (one partnership project with focus on mobility) 9:45 a.m. How to plan an Erasmus+ school project NN, National Agency / Ambassador for Erasmus+ and eTwinning (DE/DK) 10:30 a.m. Coffee break 11:00 a.m. Working Groups, Project Planning I 12:30 p.m. Lunch 2:00 p.m. Working Groups, Project Planning II / Coffee in between 5:00 p.m. Guided Tour 7:30 p.m. Dinner

Saturday, 31 October

9:00 a.m. Next steps (representatives NA DK/DE) 9:30 a.m. Useful tools: eTwinning, Expert for eTwinning 11:00 a.m. Coffee 11:30 a.m. Presentation of project ideas and discussion – Farewell 13:00 p.m. Lunch


Target group: Teachers of schools (general education) from and Schleswig-Holstein/Germany. 18 teachers from Denmark and 18 teachers from Germany will participate.

Seminar topic The seminar will take place within the German-Danish Cultural Year of Friendship. One hundred years after the border between Germany and Denmark was peacefully drawn, the Cultural Year of Friendship provides the opportunity to highlight the many different connections between the two countries and extend and deepen cooperation in the long term.

Seminar language: English

Seminar cost: Participation in the seminar is funded by TCA (Transnational Cooperation Activity) action of the EU Erasmus+ programme. PAD as hosting NA will cover hosting costs (accommodation at the venue, food, conference arrangements).

Travel cost: Travel expenses will be reimbursed by the respective National Agency.

Seminar venue: Akademiezentrum Sankelmark – Europäische Akademie Schleswig- Holstein, Akademieweg 6, 24988 Oeversee The venue is located about 9 km south of Flensburg.

How to find the BY CAR: The easiest way to reach the Academy is via the Hamburg- seminar venue Flensburg-Kolding motorway (A7), exit at junction no. 4 Tarp. From there follow the U 67 (L317) direction Flensburg until after approx. 6 km a sign points the way to the academy. If your navigation system does not know the Akademieweg, please enter "Bundesstraße 76 Haus Nr. 6" and follow the signs.

BY TRAIN: Take a train to Flensburg railway station. From there the Akademie Sankelmark can be reached by taxi (cost approx. 17.00 EUR) or by bus 4810 Schleswig/Kiel and 1550 Tarp/. To get to the bus stop "Tegelbarg", go up the "Serpentine" (or stairs) from the station building on the left. You will reach Schleswiger Straße, turn left and cross the tracks on the bridge. The first street on the right is "Tegelbarg", where you will find the bus stop.

Please note: As there are still Corona-related restrictions in both Denmark and Germany and the further development is not predictable, we would like to point out that the duration, number of participants or format of the seminar might change. In case of further restrictions the seminar could be held as a blended learning event or as a pure online event.