Low to tl1e G1·ound It your are interested ln submitting to Promethla. pleue contact: Mitzi Shead ext. 2188 ~I Kyle Erlc!n ext. 3093 Emall:
[email protected] Promethia 2002: Low to the Ground Promethia 2002: Low to the Ground Copyright 2002, Oral Roberts University English Department Tulsa, Oklahoma The copyright of the individual contributions remains with the respective authors c 2002. All rights reserved. This journal may not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission. Promethia 2002 is published by Department of English Oral Robens University 7777 South Lewis A venue Tulsa, Oklahoma 74171 Contributions accepted from the students, faculty, staff, and alumni of Oral Roberts University. Cover photo by Joel Blain Editorial Staff Faculty Advisor Dr. Kt!J M,ym Editor-in-Chief Ana Mari.a Cqma Assistant Editors ChriJtab<llt Haff Tmna Balds c,,,.ndQ!,n G/Q.., Photo Editor Bonni, Ri.lxmi Editor's Note Sittmg here tn my humble 2bode facing another ,speer of 6.nabty, I tlunk of what tlus has meant. I find myself contemplating lncamauonal bving and Anruc Dillard's line, "Holiness lies spread and bome over the surface of wnc and stuff like color." It is such a surreal, humble dung to finally have tlus JOutnal to offer ...yet one more attempt at piecing together these fragments that we have shored ag;unst our ruins (th•nlung T. S. Eliot). We know that m truth, it all boils down to life scnbbled on napkins at Denny's and old and new coffee shops before sunnse, and we sec bow 11's all laid open before us like a free museum or an e.,poscd manuscnpt.