International Journal of Molecular Sciences Article The Novel ALG-2 Target Protein CDIP1 Promotes Cell Death by Interacting with ESCRT-I and VAPA/B Ryuta Inukai 1, Kanako Mori 1, Keiko Kuwata 2, Chihiro Suzuki 1, Masatoshi Maki 1, Terunao Takahara 1 and Hideki Shibata 1,* 1 Department of Applied Biosciences, Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan;
[email protected] (R.I.);
[email protected] (K.M.);
[email protected] (C.S.);
[email protected] (M.M.);
[email protected] (T.T.) 2 Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (WPI-ITbM), Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan;
[email protected] * Correspondence:
[email protected] Abstract: Apoptosis-linked gene 2 (ALG-2, also known as PDCD6) is a member of the penta-EF-hand (PEF) family of Ca2+-binding proteins. The murine gene encoding ALG-2 was originally reported to be an essential gene for apoptosis. However, the role of ALG-2 in cell death pathways has remained elusive. In the present study, we found that cell death-inducing p53 target protein 1 (CDIP1), a pro-apoptotic protein, interacts with ALG-2 in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Co-immunoprecipitation analysis of GFP-fused CDIP1 (GFP-CDIP1) revealed that GFP-CDIP1 associates with tumor suscep- tibility gene 101 (TSG101), a known target of ALG-2 and a subunit of endosomal sorting complex required for transport-I (ESCRT-I). ESCRT-I is a heterotetrameric complex composed of TSG101, VPS28, VPS37 and MVB12/UBAP1.