f. of Sirku, d. of Egibi, 68:5* Iddin-, (MU-dU+GUR, SUM.NA-dU+GUR*), f. of [...], 30: 14* s. of Samas-eres, 99:12, 17 a. of Itti--baliifu, 105:3' f. of -ibni, 7:7'* a. of Nabu-ab[JJe(?)- . ..], 105:3 Iddin-Papsukkal, (Mu-dpap-), a. of Nabu­ Iddin-Bel, (MU-dEN, SUM.NA-dEN*), leJi, 140:11 s. of Bel-[. ..J, hi[...], 117:Rev. 3 Iddin-Samas, (MU-dUTU), a. of Samas-aba-iddin, s. of Bel-mudammiq, d. of Egibi, 69:13* 103:7 127:15, D.E. 4 Seal caption Idiya, (I-di-a), f. of Murasu, d. of Musezib, 33: 12 Iddin-, (MU-dAMAR., MU-dSU*, , (I-gi-gi), 6:4 SUM-dAMAR.UTU**), lleJi-siizubu-Marduk, (DA-SU-zu-bu-dAMAR.UTU), s. of Bel-suma-iskun, d. of Atu, 55: 10 s. of Musezib-Marduk, d. of Sangu-Ea, 69:14 s. of Iqisaya, d. of Niir-, 58:10; 74:5; lllaya, (ll-la-a), f. of Nuska-iddin, 99:6 75: 1, 3; 76: 1**; 77:3, 8, 15; 78:3; 79:3, 9, llf-tillatf, eUDINGIR-KASKALXKURi, DINGIR­ 20; 80:1; 82:4; 83:15 KASKALXKURi*, DINGIR-KASKALXKURu**, s. of Nabu-sumu-Ifbiir, d. of Gabal, 39:8 DINGIR-KASKALXKURu***), f. of Bel-lUmur, d. of Sigiia, 65:8 a. of Bunene-ibni, 90:21 a. of Nabu-balassu-iqbi, 16: 10 a. of Eriba-Marduk, 50:25** a. of Nabu-ittannu, 114: 15* a. of Marduk-iqfsanni, 47:9***; 48:3*** 136:2' a. of Musezib-Marduk, 86: 15* Iddin-Nabu, (MU-dAG, SUM.NA-dAG*), a. of Samas-apla-iddin, 92:22* s. of Bel-elir, 113:8 a. of [...], s. of Nergal-uter, 16:3*** s. of Bel-usallim, d. of Niir-Sin, 112: 11 lli-u$ursu, (DINGIR-u-~[ur-suD, a. of [...], 31 :4' s. of Ibnaya, d. of Diibibi, 53: 15*; 59:25 llu-fpus, (I-lu-i-pu-[uS]), s. of Rfmiit, 101:7 s. of Iqfsaya, d. of Ea-ibni, 60:8 Imbiya, (lm-bi-fa), s. of Kidin, 126: 14 s. of Marduk-bel-zeri, d. of U~ur-amat-Ea, Imbu-fnaya, (lm-bU-IGI-ia), a. of Nabu-abbe-sul- Iu SID, 17: 16 lim, 5:5 s. of Marduk-na~ir, d. of Sangu-Istar-Belet­ Ina-Esagil-[ ], (lna-E-sag-ila-[. ..D, Babili,91:19 f. of [ ], d. of Sin-[. ..],37:10 s. of Musezib-Bel, 62: 1, 8, 11, 20 Ina-Esagil-libur, (lna-E-sag-il-li-bur), s1. of s. of Nabu-biini-zeri, d. of Nappiibu, 96:2; Marduk-nii$ir, 118:9 97:1, 12, 14, 15,29 flna-Esagil-ramat, (fE-sag(!)-il-ra-mat), 81:7 s. of Niirea, d. of Agru, 90:8, 11, 13, 18 Ina-~illi-Bel, (lna-GIs.MI-dEN), f. of Rfmiit-Nabu, s. of Siiqaya, 68: 14 d. of Nubasu, 98:4 s. of Sapik-zeri, d. of Pabbiiru, 88:7 (Ina)-#lli-, (GIS.MI-dMAS), f. of Niidin, 126:16 s. of Siizubu, d. of Kanik-biibi, 97: 19 Ina-~illi-sarri, (lna-GIs.MI-LUGAL), f. of Bel-efir, f. of Bel-siikin-sumi, d. of Eppes-ili, 65: 11 94:3 f. of Bel-iddin, 94: 16 Ina-tesi-etir, (Ina-SUij-SUR, Ina-SUij-KARir*), f. of Erfbaya, d. of Nappabu, 98:6 s. of Rfmiit, 7:3, 7 f. of Nabu-iddin, d. of Niir-Sin, 112:15 s. of Zeriya, d. of Sangu-Samas, 113:2 f. of Nabu-iddin, d. of Sin-kariibi-isme, s. of [...], d. of Sin-sadunu, 153:Rev. 4'* 113: 11 f. of Baliifu, d. of Esagilaya, 22:3; 24:4 f. of Nabu-ittannu, 94:12 f. of Bel-apla-iddin, d. of Nabu-lfssu, 80: 13 f. of Sellebi, d. of Nappiihu, 98:3 f. of Ea-[ . ..J, 138:4