A Page from the Wode Psalter Manuscript Part-Book (1586)
A page from the Wode Psalter manuscript part-book (1586). 180 Index a Alsop, Joseph, 55 A Altobello, Daniel J., 172 A. W. French Collection, 52 Alumni Subject Files, 177 Abel, Rudolf, 57 Ambrose, Thomas E., 22 Abell, George, 60 America (magazine), 21 Abell Napoleonic Collection, 60 American Catholic directory (1817), 72 Abrons, Herbert, 148 American Catholic Sermon Collection, 17 Abrons, L. N. W., 146 American Committee on United Europe, Archives of Abs, Herman, 46 the, 46 Abshire, David M., 40 American History: American Revolution, 71; Colonial Academic Journal of Georgetown College, 173 Americana, 69–70; Early Maryland and Pennsylvania academic records, 172–73 History, 70–71; Local History, 85–90; Nineteenth “Account of State and Condition of Roman Catholics of Century, 71–81; Twentieth Century, 81–85 Maryland” (Hunter), 20 American Humanism and the New Age (L. Mercier), 81 Acheson, Dean, 37, 38 American Journal of Photography, 123 Ackerley, J. R., 98 American Journal of Photography and the Allied Arts & Ackerson, Edmund E., 37 Sciences, 123 Ackerson, Garret G., III, 37 American Literature, 110–16 Ackerson, Garret G., Jr., 37 American Revolution, 71 Acton, Daphne, 98 American Teilhard Association Archives, 26 Adam, Adolphe, 127 American Teilhard Association for the Future of Man, 26 Adams, Ansel, 123 American Teilhard Association Library, 26 Adams, Lester, 53 The America Archives, 21 Adelman, Maurice, Jr., 59, 94, 105, 114, 137 Ames W. Williams Papers, 111 Adenauer, Konrad, 123 Amidakyo, 120 Adgate Duer Papers, 80 Amis, Kingsley, 111 Adile, Princess, 48 Amorosi, Mr. & Mrs. Edward, 57 Adrienne Croissant Papers, 24 Amrine, Michael, 118 Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The (Twain), 7, 92, 104, 105, 111 Amrine, Renée, 84, 118 After Two Years (Gr.
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