ESIA East Annex 6.5.1 – Flora and Vegetation Baseline Study Page 2 of 82 Area Comp. System Disc. Doc.- Ser. Code Code Code Code Type No. Project Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Document Title: Annex 6.5.1 – East - Flora and Vegetation Baseline Rev.: 00 / at06 Study


1 INTRODUCTION 4 1.1 General Information on the Vegetation and Flora of Central and East and 4 1.2 Relevant Legislation 5 1.3 Scope of Work 6

2 METHODOLOGY 7 2.1 Flora sampling – identification 7 2.2 Habitat type/ Vegetation type identification 36 2.3 Limitation – Uncertainties – Biases 37

3 RESULTS 38 3.1 Population of Flora Taxa of Conservation interest within the Study Area 48 3.1.1 Protected Taxa 52 3.1.2 Endemic Taxa 54 3.1.3 Rare and Other Important species 55 3.1.4 Occurrence of plant species included in the 92/43/EEC Directive in the Project Area 56 3.2 Vegetation - Habitat types 57 3.2.1 Thermophilous Pine (Pinus halepensis subsp. brutia) Forests 66 3.2.2 Deciduous Oak (Quercus spp.) Forests 67 3.2.3 Shrubland communities 70 3.2.4 River and Stream Habitats 73 3.2.5 Grasslands 78

4 Key Findings 80 4.1 Key Taxa within the Study Area 80 4.2 Key habitat types within the Study Area 82

LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1 Land uses/ vegetation types within the Project area (Kipoi to ) 8 Table 2-2 Flora and Vegetation Sampling Locations 10 Table 3-1 Plant taxa identified during the fieldwork. 38 Table 3-2 Flora taxa of conservation interest in the Study Area 50 Table 3-3 Habitat typs of the project area 58

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LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3-1 Distribution of Ruscus aculeatus in Europe and in Mediterranean area 49 Figure 3-2 Ruscus aculeatus 52 Figure 3-3 The protected Autumn Lady's-tresses orchid (Spiranthes spiralis) 53 Figure 3-4 Distribution of Juniperus excelsa 54 Figure 3-5 The Greek endemic Satureja pilosa subsp. origanita 55 Figure 3-6 Occurrence of EU habitats along the route (1 of 6) 60 Figure 3-7 Occurrence of EU habitats along the route (2 of 6) 61 Figure 3-8 Occurrence of EU habitats along the route (3 of 6) 62 Figure 3-9 Occurrence of EU habitats along the route (4 of 6) 63 Figure 3-10 Occurrence of EU habitats along the route (5 of 6) 64 Figure 3-11 Occurrence of EU habitats along the route (6 of 6) 65 Figure 3-12 European habitat 9540 “Mediterranean pine forests with endemic Mesogean pines” 66 Figure 3-13 Occurrence of European habitat 9540 “Mediterranean pine forests with endemic Mesogean pines” 67 Figure 3-14 Greek habitat 924A “Thermophilous oak woods of E Mediterranean and Balkans”69 Figure 3-15 European habitat 9350 “Quercus macrolepis forests” 69 Figure 3-16 Occurrence of European habitat 9350 “Quercus macrolepis forests” 70 Figure 3-17 Greek habitat 5340 “Garrigues of Eastern Mediterranean” 72 Figure 3-18 European habitat 5340 “Pseudomaquis” 72 Figure 3-19 Occurrence of European habitat 3280 “Constantly flowing Mediterranean rivers with Paspalo-Agrostidion species and hanging curtains of Salix and Populus alba”75 Figure 3-20 European habitat 92A0 “Salix alba and Populus alba galleries” 76 Figure 3-21 Occurrence of European habitat 92A0 “Salix alba and Populus alba galleries” 76 Figure 3-22 European habitat 92C0 “Platanus orientalis and Liquidambar orientalis woods (Platanion orientalis)” 77 Figure 3-23 Occurrence of European habitat 92C0 “Platanus orientalis and Liquidambar orientalis woods (Platanion orientalis)” 77 Figure 3-24 Greek habitat 72A0 “Reedbeds” 78

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1.1 General Information on the Vegetation and Flora of Central and East Macedonia and Thrace

The rich vegetation of east Macedonia and Thrace expands from the lowland to the uplands, i.e. from typical Mediterranean up to coniferous forests and subalpine grasslands. Some of the most abundant vegetation types are evergreen broadleaved shrublands (maquis or pseudomaquis), Mediterranean pine forests (Pinus halepensis, P. brutia), lowland grasslands, wetlands, deciduous broadleaved shrublands (silbjak or pseudosilbjak), deciduous broadleaved forests (Quercus and Fagus sylvatica forests), coniferous forests (Pinus nigra, P. sylvestris, P. leucodermis, Picea excelsa), subalpine grasslands and many others. It is estimated that the mountainous areas host more than 1000 plant species; in Mt more than 1500 plant species and subspecies are found (Tsiripidis & Athanasiadis 2003, Eleftheriadou & Raus 1996). Also, some important (rare or endemic) species are found in the area (Phitos et al., 2009).

The larger parts of the study area are arable lands (74%). Natural and semi-natural areas consist 25% of the study area, comprising mostly of scrub and herbaceous vegetation (15%) or pine and oak forests (9%). Although important wetland areas, such as Ramsar sites of ‘Lake Vistonis, Porto Lagos, Lake Ismaris & Adjoining lagoon’ and ‘Nestos Delta’, are found in the vicinity of the project area, riparian areas crossed by the pipeline are restricted to 0.6%. Kompsatos River and Nestos River, included in the National Park of Eastern Macedonia – Thrace, Filiouris River, pine forest of and River Evros are the most considerable areas.

Streams and rivers pass through the valleys of the study area dominated by Salix alba-Populus alba and Platanus orientalis galleries. They are of high ecological importance since they form unique natural corridors connecting maritime with mountainous habitats. Small rivulets and hedges can be found in areas where semi-natural and synanthropic vegetation is dominant; species such as Ulmus minor, Celtis australis, Paliurus spina-christi, Rubus ssp. can be found. Floristic diversity is relatively low because of the nitrophilus species competition while important species are missing. However, hedges are of high ecological importance, since they are functioning either as agricultural waste keepers or serve as habitats (nests, refugees or corridors) for wildlife species ( and flora included).

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Abandoned fields and semi-natural grasslands host high floristic diversity but they are dominated mostly by common synanthropic taxa (species and subspecies), such as Artemisia campestris, Urtica dioica, Sisymbrium officinalis. Many species of these areas are invasive; such as Solanum eleagnifolium and the poisonous Datura stramonium.

In the hills and the foothills of high mountains the vegetation changes and forestry vegetation types are dominant. The most common forest vegetation type is Quercus coccifera shrublands, where apart from the dominant species, Phillyrea latifolia, Fraxinus ornus, Carpinus orientalis can be also found. Small patches of evergreen shrublands can be found at the foothills of Mt. Paggaio, dominated by Erica spp., Arbutus spp. etc. Stands of Quercus sp forests are found in the foothills of high mountains, dominated by Quercus frainetto, while in the same area reforestations with allochthonous species are met. Valonia oak forest remnants and pine forests of great floristic interest are found in the foothills of Evros prefecture. Due to intensive grazing over the centuries, numerous openings and patches of grasslands are formed, inside forest vegetation types.

1.2 Relevant Legislation

The protection status of flora and habitats in Greece is defined by the presidential Decree 67/81 “On the protection of wild flora and fauna” and law 3937/2011 on the “Conservation of ”. Presidential Decree 67/81, amended with HGG 43/A/1981, provides measures on the protection of endemic, rare and endangered plant species. Greek Law 3937/2011 expands the protection measures (prohibition of harvest, collection, cutting, root removal, possession and transfer) to endemic plants but without providing lists of scientific or common names or stating precise endemism levels (local, Greek, Balkan or other). A national catalogue of endemic plant species is being elaborated by the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Change.

Natura 2000 sites are protected under Law 3937/2011, according to which any actions or activities that may cause destruction, damage or alteration in European priority habitats are prohibited. The implementation of the Directive 92/43/EEC in Greece started with the execution of the project Inventory, Identification, Evaluation and Mapping of the Habitat types and Flora and Fauna species in Greece. During this Project, a significant number of other important species which occur in Greece, not included in Annex II, i.e., endangered, rare, endemics and/or

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1.3 Scope of Work

The flora and habitat type assessment focuses in:  Identification and documentation of populations of plant taxa (species and subspecies) of high conservation interest (protected, rare, or endemic species) in selected habitats along the pipeline route, and  mapping of European habitat types (as defined in the Directive 92/43/EEC) along the route, in order to locate habitat types of conservation interest (priority, protected, rare, threatened or hosting rare and protected species).

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In order to gain a good understanding of the habitats and flora existing along the proposed pipeline route, a series of field survey were conducted (September 2012, October 2012 and May 2013). First and last survey was undertaken by Georgios Fotiadis, Dr. Forester – Environmentalist, with support from NCC and ASP staff, while the second survey was conducted by Kelly Papapavlou (Exergia). The surveys were conducted in order to describe the existing habitat types and identify population characteristics of flora species of interest from an International and National Perspective. The main tasks included:  Ground-truthing of the cartographic habitats (from satellite imagery, rectified aerial photos, GIS data and from previous survey data),  Provision of floristic details of protected areas,  Description and distribution of main vegetation types and habitats along pipeline route, and  Identification of the populations of a few plant taxa of interest.

The field survey concentrated in a buffer zone of 500 m around the proposed pipeline route, which is 250 m to each side of the route. Notes on habitats and flora species of interest recorded in previous phases of the project within a buffer zone of 2 km (i.e. 1 km either side of the pipeline route) are also provided where relevant.

2.1 Flora sampling – identification

During the planning of the field sampling program, focus was put on 2 main parameters:  recording sites along the 500 m buffer zone around the pipeline route where important taxa are present; taxa protected by law, listed in Red Data Books, local or Balkan endemics, or of high importance for European Union etc, and  allocating sampling effort to ensure surveys cover those areas with highest interest, all different micro-environments are taken into account and the effort foccusses within the 500 m buffer zone. This approach allowed building a floristic catalogue that fits the purpose of this assessment.

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In order to cover all different micro-environments, the typical method that applied in all relevant floristic studies was followed (Fotiadis & Athanasiadis 2008, Tsiripidis & Athanasiadis 2001, Eleftheriadou 1992, Eleftheriadou & Raus 1996). Specifically, the variety of land uses (agricultural, grasslands, shrublands, and forests) and geomorphology (gullies, ravines, plain areas, slopes, aspect, and inclination) was taken under consideration (Table 2-1). For these purposes, information obtained from vegetation maps, habitat maps, satellite images, and orthophotomaps was elaborated. Also, it was taken under consideration that taxa of high importance are not equally distributed in the habitats along the route; usually natural and semi- natural vegetation types host more habitats and taxa of high importance (Strid 1986, Strid & Tan 1991, 1997, 2002, Dafis et al., 2001), while agricultural or urban areas sustain lower numbers (Phitos et al., 2009, Kowarik 2011). Available bibliographic sources of the floristic information for the area of importance were used to identify protected taxa and their habitats (e.g. Fotiadis & Athanasiadis 2008, Tsiripidis & Athanasiadis 2003, Eleftheriadou 1992, Eleftheriadou & Raus 1996, unpublished data of Tsiripidis & Fotiadis). During field work, sampling was adjusted and corrected according to expert opinion.

Table 2-1 Land uses/ vegetation types within the Project area (Kipoi to Thessaloniki) Land Uses – Vegetation within the 500 m Area (ha) along the Project route Sampling effort1 zone Cultivations 13332 47 Urban settlements 218 - Grasslands 1071 36 Shrublands 1705 36 Quercus pure or mixed forest 595 27 Pinus brutia forest 423 4 Platanus orientalis forest 23 8 Salix alba – Populus alba galleries 575 23 Water bodies and associated environments 79 19

To assess the abundance of protected taxa along the route information was stratified. The basis of stratification was selected according to available maps (forest, habitat type, vegetation maps etc). During stratification, the optimal allocation method was followed, since the existence of the protected taxa and the area of their habitats were not a priory known. For this, it was necessary first of all to identify the habitat types that are most interesting in terms of (i) their diversity, (ii) the importance of the taxa they sustain, based on bibliographic sources (e.g. Dafis et al,. 2001) and (iii) expert opinion. This is why the sampling method followed the method used for the description and identification of the vegetation types (see Section 2.2).

1 During spring time (May, 2013).

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In order to refine/ confirm the field findings (i.e. identification of some flora species) specimens were collected for identification in the lab in every different vegetation and habitat type,. Vascular plants were identified using Flora Hellenica, vol. Ι, ΙΙ, (Strid & Tan 1997, 2002), Med–checklist vol. I, III, IV, (Greuter et al., 1984-1989), Mountain Flora of Greece vol. I, II, (Strid 1986, Strid & Tan 1991) and Flora Europaea (Tutin et al., 1968-1980, 1993). The nomenclature follows Europe+Med Plantbase (, Strid & Tan (1997, 2002), Greuter & al. (1984-1989), Strid (1986), Strid & Tan (1991), Tutin et al., (1968-1993) and selected taxonomic literature (in the last case the sources are cited). After the identification a literature investigation took place in order to find the species of high importance.

The sampling locations are listed in Table 2-2. A total of 281 sites were surveyed covering a total of 21 different vegetation types. Under the ‘other remarks’ column, the indication “Plot” refers to sampling plots, where all the plant taxa were recorded, and the asterisk (*) indicates the presence of taxa of high conservation interest.

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Table 2-2 Flora and Vegetation Sampling Locations s/n GPS point Section Area Related Vegetation Type KP of Distance Other Remarks the to pipeline route [m]

Field survey October 2012, Exergia; Kipoi to 1 FH-207 Southern S. of Sykorrachi Shrubland 61 207 * Evros 2 FH-208 Southern S. of Sykorrachi Shrubland 60.5 219 Plot* Evros 3 FH-209 Southern N. of Atarni Shrubland 60 113 Plot Evros 4 FH-211 Komotini- N.-E. of Atarni Shrubland 59 93 Plot* Plain 5 FH-212 Lowland of N.-E. of Atarni Shrubland 59 84 * Evros 6 FH-213 Southern S. of Kirki Mixed Pinus/Quercus forest 55 341 Plot (Out of buffer) Evros 7 FH-215 Southern S. of Kirki Pinus forest 53 318 Plot (Out of buffer) Evros 8 FH-216 Southern S.-W. of Amfitriti Riparian 41 8 * Evros 9 FH-218 Southern Aetochorio Quercus forest 32 72 Plot Evros 10 FH-219 Southern E. of Aetochorio Pinus forest 30.5 524 Plot (Out of buffer) Evros 11 FH-222 Southern E. of Aetochorio Pinus forest 30 86 Plot Evros 12 FH-223 Southern Pefka Quercus forest 28 481 Plot (Out of buffer) Evros 13 FH-224 Southern E. of Pefka Riparian 26.5 253 * (Out of buffer) Evros 14 FH-225 Southern E. of Pefka Riparian 26.5 27 * Evros 15 FH-226 Southern E. of Pefka Riparian 26 216 * Evros 16 FH-228 Southern E. of Pefka Shrubland 26 243 Plot Evros

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Page 13 of 82 Area Comp. System Disc. Doc.- Ser. Code Code Code Code Type No. Project Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Integrated ESIA Greece Document Title: Rev.: 00 / at06 Annex 6.5.1 - East - Flora and Vegetation Baseline Study s/n GPS point Section Area Related Protected Area Vegetation Type KP of Distance Other Remarks the to pipeline route [m] 2 BOTANIC Komotini - E. of Mesochori WR of Hatisio Semi-natural hedges, damp and waste 97.5 996.0 Plot (Out of buffer) 1.2 Xanthi Plain places, cultivated and abandoned fields. 3 BOTANIC Komotini - S. of Mesochori WR of Hatisio Semi-natural hedges, damp and waste 98.5 1,500.0 Plot (Out of buffer) 1.3 Xanthi Plain places, abandoned and cultivated fields. 4 BOTANIC Komotini - N. of Mesochori WR of Hatisio Riparian stands (willow galleries), damp 98.5 96.0 Plot 1.4 Xanthi Plain and waste places, abandoned and cultivated fields. 5 BOTANIC Komotini - N. of Mesochori WR of Hatisio Cultivated fields 99.5 378.9 Plot (Out of buffer) 1.5 Xanthi Plain 6 BOTANIC Komotini - N. of Mesochori WR of Hatisio Semi-natural hedges, damp and waste 99.0 485.9 Plot (Out of buffer) 1.6 Xanthi Plain places, cultivated and abandoned fields. 7 BOTANIC Komotini - N. of Mesochori WR of Hatisio Semi-natural hedges, damp and waste 99.0 90.0 Plot 1.7 Xanthi Plain places, cultivated and abandoned fields. 8 BOTANIC Komotini - E. of Galini NP of Eastern Macedonia - Unvegetated sand bed, damp and waste 112.5 1,232.4 Plot (Out of buffer) 2a.1 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SCI places GR1130009 'Lakes and Lagoons of Thrace - Broader area and Coastal Zone', WR Kompsatou) 9 BOTANIC Komotini - E. of Galini NP of Eastern Macedonia - Cultivated fields and semi-natural hedges. 111.0 573.0 Plot (Out of buffer) 2a.10 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SCI GR1130009 'Lakes and Lagoons of Thrace - Broader area and Coastal Zone', WR Kompsatou) 10 BOTANIC Komotini - E. of Galini NP of Eastern Macedonia - Unvegetated sand bed and cultivated 111.5 1,820.3 Plot (Out of buffer) 2a.2 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SCI fields GR1130009 'Lakes and Lagoons of Thrace - Broader area and Coastal Zone', WR Kompsatou)

Page 14 of 82 Area Comp. System Disc. Doc.- Ser. Code Code Code Code Type No. Project Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Integrated ESIA Greece Document Title: Rev.: 00 / at06 Annex 6.5.1 - East - Flora and Vegetation Baseline Study s/n GPS point Section Area Related Protected Area Vegetation Type KP of Distance Other Remarks the to pipeline route [m] 11 BOTANIC Komotini - E. of Galini NP of Eastern Macedonia - Unvegetated sand bed, planted trees, 112.5 365.9 Plot (Out of buffer) 2a.3 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SCI cultivated fields, semi-natural hedges, GR1130009 'Lakes and damp and waste places Lagoons of Thrace - Broader area and Coastal Zone', WR Kompsatou) 12 BOTANIC Komotini - E. of Galini NP of Eastern Macedonia - Non vegetative stream's sand bed, damp 112.5 42.1 Plot 2a.4 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SCI and waste places, abandoned and GR1130009 'Lakes and cultivated fields Lagoons of Thrace - Broader area and Coastal Zone', WR Kompsatou) 13 BOTANIC Komotini - E. of Galini NP of Eastern Macedonia - Semi-natural hedges, damp and waste 114.5 1137.9 Plot (Out of buffer) 2a.5 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SCI places, planted and indigenous shrubs and GR1130009 'Lakes and trees. Lagoons of Thrace - Broader area and Coastal Zone', WR Kompsatou) 14 BOTANIC Komotini - W. of Galini NP of Eastern Macedonia - Cultivated fields, damp and waste places 115.5 843.8 Plot (Out of buffer) 2a.6 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SCI GR1130009 'Lakes and Lagoons of Thrace - Broader area and Coastal Zone', WR Kompsatou) 15 BOTANIC Komotini - W. of Galini NP of Eastern Macedonia - Cultivated fields and semi-natural hedges. 119.0 870.1 Plot (Out of buffer) 2a.7 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SCI GR1130009 'Lakes and Lagoons of Thrace - Broader area and Coastal Zone', WR Kompsatou) 16 BOTANIC Komotini - W. of Galini NP of Eastern Macedonia - Abandoned fields, damp and waste places 117.0 233.3 Plot 2a.8 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SCI GR1130009 'Lakes and Lagoons of Thrace - Broader area and Coastal Zone', WR Kompsatou)

Page 15 of 82 Area Comp. System Disc. Doc.- Ser. Code Code Code Code Type No. Project Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Integrated ESIA Greece Document Title: Rev.: 00 / at06 Annex 6.5.1 - East - Flora and Vegetation Baseline Study s/n GPS point Section Area Related Protected Area Vegetation Type KP of Distance Other Remarks the to pipeline route [m] 17 BOTANIC Komotini - W. of Galini NP of Eastern Macedonia - Abandoned fields, some indigenous tree 117.5 623.0 Plot (Out of buffer) 2a.9 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SCI species, damp and waste places GR1130009 'Lakes and Lagoons of Thrace - Broader area and Coastal Zone', WR Kompsatou) 18 BOTANIC Komotini - S. of Koptero NP of Eastern Macedonia - Cultivated fields, damp and waste places 121.0 169.2 Plot 2b.1 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SCI GR1130009 'Lakes and Lagoons of Thrace - Broader area and Coastal Zone') 19 BOTANIC Komotini - S. of Amaxades NP of Eastern Macedonia - Small stands of Quercus coccifera, damp 126.0 66.8 Plot* 2b.10 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SCI and waste places, abandoned and GR1130009 'Lakes and cultivated fields Lagoons of Thrace - Broader area and Coastal Zone') 20 BOTANIC Komotini - S. of Sounio NP of Eastern Macedonia - Semi-natural hedges, damp and waste 127.0 272.5 Plot (Out of buffer) 2b.11 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SCI places, abandoned and cultivated fields GR1130009 'Lakes and Lagoons of Thrace - Broader area and Coastal Zone') 21 BOTANIC Komotini - S. of Amaxades NP of Eastern Macedonia - Semi-natural hedges, damp and waste 124.0 268.8 Plot (Out of buffer)* 2b.12 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SCI places, abandoned and cultivated fields GR1130009 'Lakes and Lagoons of Thrace - Broader area and Coastal Zone') 22 BOTANIC Komotini - S. of Koptero NP of Eastern Macedonia - Cultivated fields, damp and waste places 121.5 47.3 Plot 2b.2 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SCI GR1130009 'Lakes and Lagoons of Thrace - Broader area and Coastal Zone') 23 BOTANIC Komotini - S. of Koptero NP of Eastern Macedonia - Unvegetated sand bed, cultivated fields, 121.0 813.3 Plot (Out of buffer) 2b.3 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SCI damp and waste places GR1130009 'Lakes and Lagoons of Thrace - Broader area and Coastal Zone')

Page 16 of 82 Area Comp. System Disc. Doc.- Ser. Code Code Code Code Type No. Project Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Integrated ESIA Greece Document Title: Rev.: 00 / at06 Annex 6.5.1 - East - Flora and Vegetation Baseline Study s/n GPS point Section Area Related Protected Area Vegetation Type KP of Distance Other Remarks the to pipeline route [m] 24 BOTANIC Komotini - W. of Koptero NP of Eastern Macedonia - Cultivated fields, semi-natural hedges, 122.0 12.7 Plot 2b.4 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SCI damp and waste places GR1130009 'Lakes and Lagoons of Thrace - Broader area and Coastal Zone') 25 BOTANIC Komotini - W. of Koptero NP of Eastern Macedonia - Cultivated fields and semi-natural hedges 122.0 732.1 Plot (Out of buffer) 2b.5 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SCI GR1130009 'Lakes and Lagoons of Thrace - Broader area and Coastal Zone') 26 BOTANIC Komotini - E. of Amaxades NP of Eastern Macedonia - Abandoned fields, damp and waste 124.5 711.6 Plot (Out of buffer) 2b.6 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SCI places, planted shrubs and trees and GR1130009 'Lakes and semi-natural hedges Lagoons of Thrace - Broader area and Coastal Zone') 27 BOTANIC Komotini - E. of Amaxades NP of Eastern Macedonia - Cultivated fields and semi-natural hedges 123.0 451.7 Plot (Out of buffer)* 2b.7 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SCI GR1130009 'Lakes and Lagoons of Thrace - Broader area and Coastal Zone') 28 BOTANIC Komotini - W. of Koptero NP of Eastern Macedonia - Cultivated fields and semi-natural hedges 122.5 320.5 Plot (Out of buffer) 2b.8 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SCI (complex of typical semi-natural hedges GR1130009 'Lakes and and Platanus orientalis stands) Lagoons of Thrace - Broader area and Coastal Zone') 29 BOTANIC Komotini - S. of Amaxades NP of Eastern Macedonia - Abandoned and cultivated fields, damp 125.0 206.5 Plot 2b.9 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SCI and waste places GR1130009 'Lakes and Lagoons of Thrace - Broader area and Coastal Zone')

Page 17 of 82 Area Comp. System Disc. Doc.- Ser. Code Code Code Code Type No. Project Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Integrated ESIA Greece Document Title: Rev.: 00 / at06 Annex 6.5.1 - East - Flora and Vegetation Baseline Study s/n GPS point Section Area Related Protected Area Vegetation Type KP of Distance Other Remarks the to pipeline route [m] 30 BOTANIC Komotini - W. of Neos Xerias NP of Eastern Macedonia - Cultivated fields, semi-natural hedges, 162.5 164.6 Plot 2c.1 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SPA damp and waste places GR1150001 'Nestos' Delta and Lagoons of Keramoti and Thasopoula Isl' , SCI GR1150010 'Nestos' Delta and Lagoons of Keramoti - Broader Area and Coastal Zone', WR of Kotza Orman) 31 BOTANIC Komotini - E. of Neos Xerias NP of Eastern Macedonia - Riparian forests, sandy shores, damp and 158.0 765.0 Plot (Out of buffer) 2c.10 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SPA waste places, cultivated and abandoned GR1150001 'Nestos' Delta fields and Lagoons of Keramoti and Thasopoula Isl' , SCI GR1150010 'Nestos' Delta and Lagoons of Keramoti - Broader Area and Coastal Zone', WR of Kotza Orman) 32 BOTANIC Komotini - E. of Neos Xerias NP of Eastern Macedonia - Semi-natural hedges, damp and waste 157.5 95.7 Plot 2c.11 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SPA places, remnants of riparian forests, GR1150001 'Nestos' Delta cultivated and abandoned fields and Lagoons of Keramoti and Thasopoula Isl' , SCI GR1150010 'Nestos' Delta and Lagoons of Keramoti - Broader Area and Coastal Zone', WR of Kotza Orman) 33 BOTANIC Komotini - W. of Thalassia NP of Eastern Macedonia - Cultivated fields, semi-natural hedges, 155.0 138.1 Plot 2c.12 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SPA damp and waste places GR1150001 'Nestos' Delta and Lagoons of Keramoti and Thasopoula Isl' , SCI GR1150010 'Nestos' Delta and Lagoons of Keramoti - Broader Area and Coastal Zone', WR of Kotza Orman)

Page 18 of 82 Area Comp. System Disc. Doc.- Ser. Code Code Code Code Type No. Project Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Integrated ESIA Greece Document Title: Rev.: 00 / at06 Annex 6.5.1 - East - Flora and Vegetation Baseline Study s/n GPS point Section Area Related Protected Area Vegetation Type KP of Distance Other Remarks the to pipeline route [m] 34 BOTANIC Komotini - W. of Thalassia NP of Eastern Macedonia - Cultivated fields, semi-natural hedges and 154.0 26.4 Plot 2c.13 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SPA damp and waste places GR1150001 'Nestos' Delta and Lagoons of Keramoti and Thasopoula Isl' , SCI GR1150010 'Nestos' Delta and Lagoons of Keramoti - Broader Area and Coastal Zone', WR of Kotza Orman) 35 BOTANIC Komotini - W. of Thalassia NP of Eastern Macedonia - Semi-natural hedges, damp and waste 154.5 974.3 Plot (Out of buffer) 2c.14 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SPA places, cultivated and abandoned fields GR1150001 'Nestos' Delta and Lagoons of Keramoti and Thasopoula Isl' , SCI GR1150010 'Nestos' Delta and Lagoons of Keramoti - Broader Area and Coastal Zone', WR of Kotza Orman) 36 BOTANIC Komotini - W. of Thalassia NP of Eastern Macedonia - Semi-natural hedges, damp and waste 153.0 279.3 Plot (Out of buffer) 2c.15 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SPA places, cultivated and abandoned fields GR1150001 'Nestos' Delta and Lagoons of Keramoti and Thasopoula Isl' , SCI GR1150010 'Nestos' Delta and Lagoons of Keramoti - Broader Area and Coastal Zone', WR of Kotza Orman) 37 BOTANIC Komotini - W. of Neos Xerias NP of Eastern Macedonia - Cultivated fields, semi-natural hedges, 162.5 54.4 Plot 2c.2 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SPA damp and waste places GR1150001 'Nestos' Delta and Lagoons of Keramoti and Thasopoula Isl' , SCI GR1150010 'Nestos' Delta and Lagoons of Keramoti - Broader Area and Coastal Zone', WR of Kotza Orman)

Page 19 of 82 Area Comp. System Disc. Doc.- Ser. Code Code Code Code Type No. Project Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Integrated ESIA Greece Document Title: Rev.: 00 / at06 Annex 6.5.1 - East - Flora and Vegetation Baseline Study s/n GPS point Section Area Related Protected Area Vegetation Type KP of Distance Other Remarks the to pipeline route [m] 38 BOTANIC Komotini - W. of Neos Xerias NP of Eastern Macedonia - Cultivated fields, semi-natural hedges, 162.0 21.6 Plot 2c.3 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SPA damp and waste places GR1150001 'Nestos' Delta and Lagoons of Keramoti and Thasopoula Isl' , SCI GR1150010 'Nestos' Delta and Lagoons of Keramoti - Broader Area and Coastal Zone', WR of Kotza Orman) 39 BOTANIC Komotini - W. of Neos Xerias NP of Eastern Macedonia - Semi-natural hedges, damp and waste 161.0 460.6 Plot (Out of buffer) 2c.4 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SPA places, cultivated and abandoned fields GR1150001 'Nestos' Delta and Lagoons of Keramoti and Thasopoula Isl' , SCI GR1150010 'Nestos' Delta and Lagoons of Keramoti - Broader Area and Coastal Zone', WR of Kotza Orman) 40 BOTANIC Komotini - S. of Neos Xerias NP of Eastern Macedonia - Semi-natural hedges, cultivated fields, 161.0 604.9 Plot (Out of buffer)* 2c.5 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SPA damp and waste places GR1150001 'Nestos' Delta and Lagoons of Keramoti and Thasopoula Isl' , SCI GR1150010 'Nestos' Delta and Lagoons of Keramoti - Broader Area and Coastal Zone', WR of Kotza Orman) 41 BOTANIC Komotini - S. of Neos Xerias NP of Eastern Macedonia - Semi-natural hedges, cultivated fields, oak 159.5 494.3 Plot (Out of buffer)* 2c.6 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SPA stands, reedbeds, damp and waste places GR1150001 'Nestos' Delta and Lagoons of Keramoti and Thasopoula Isl' , SCI GR1150010 'Nestos' Delta and Lagoons of Keramoti - Broader Area and Coastal Zone', WR of Kotza Orman)

Page 20 of 82 Area Comp. System Disc. Doc.- Ser. Code Code Code Code Type No. Project Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Integrated ESIA Greece Document Title: Rev.: 00 / at06 Annex 6.5.1 - East - Flora and Vegetation Baseline Study s/n GPS point Section Area Related Protected Area Vegetation Type KP of Distance Other Remarks the to pipeline route [m] 42 BOTANIC Komotini - E. of Neos Xerias NP of Eastern Macedonia - Semi-natural hedges, cultivated fields, oak 159.0 479.0 Plot (Out of buffer)* 2c.7 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SPA stands, reedbeds, damp and waste places GR1150001 'Nestos' Delta and Lagoons of Keramoti and Thasopoula Isl' , SCI GR1150010 'Nestos' Delta and Lagoons of Keramoti - Broader Area and Coastal Zone', WR of Kotza Orman) 43 BOTANIC Komotini - E. of Neos Xerias NP of Eastern Macedonia - Semi-natural hedges, damp and waste 159.0 506.7 Plot (Out of buffer)* 2c.8 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SPA places, cultivated fields and oak stands GR1150001 'Nestos' Delta and Lagoons of Keramoti and Thasopoula Isl' , SCI GR1150010 'Nestos' Delta and Lagoons of Keramoti - Broader Area and Coastal Zone', WR of Kotza Orman) 44 BOTANIC Komotini - E. of Neos Xerias NP of Eastern Macedonia - Semi-natural hedges, oak stands, damp 158.5 99.0 Plot* 2c.9 Xanthi Plain Thrace Complex (SPA and waste places, cultivated and GR1150001 'Nestos' Delta abandoned fields and Lagoons of Keramoti and Thasopoula Isl' , SCI GR1150010 'Nestos' Delta and Lagoons of Keramoti - Broader Area and Coastal Zone', WR of Kotza Orman) 45 BOTANIC E. of Neos Zygos WR of Agios Timotheos - Evergreen shrublands, cultivated fields 188.0 1,507.8 Plot (Out of buffer)* 3.1 Mountains Kioupia and damp and waste places 46 BOTANIC Kavala E. of Neos Zygos WR of Agios Timotheos - Evergreen shrublands, cultivated fields, 188.5 1,004.3 Plot (Out of buffer) 3.2 Mountains Kioupia damp and waste places 47 BOTANIC Kavala E. of Neos Zygos WR of Agios Timotheos - Degraded evergreen shrublands 188.0 657.3 Plot (Out of buffer) 3.3 Mountains Kioupia 48 BOTANIC Kavala E. of Neos Zygos WR of Agios Timotheos - Grasslands, evergreen shrublands, damp 188.5 436.2 Plot (Out of buffer) 3.4 Mountains Kioupia and waste places

Page 21 of 82 Area Comp. System Disc. Doc.- Ser. Code Code Code Code Type No. Project Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Integrated ESIA Greece Document Title: Rev.: 00 / at06 Annex 6.5.1 - East - Flora and Vegetation Baseline Study s/n GPS point Section Area Related Protected Area Vegetation Type KP of Distance Other Remarks the to pipeline route [m] 49 BOTANIC Kavala E. of Neos Zygos WR of Agios Timotheos - Degraded evergreen shrublands 189.5 902.8 Plot (Out of buffer) 3.5 Mountains Kioupia 50 BOTANIC Kavala E. of Neos Zygos WR of Agios Timotheos - Degraded evergreen shrublands 190.0 900.9 Plot (Out of buffer) 3.6 Mountains Kioupia 51 BOTANIC Kavala E. of Antifilippoi SPA GR115011 (Paggaio Evergreen shrublands, reforestations, 210.0 1,080.0 Plot (Out of buffer)* 4.1 Mountains Mountain) damp and waste places 52 BOTANIC Turf Area E. of Antifilippoi SPA GR115011 (Paggaio Cultivated fields, semi-natural hedges, 209.5 564.8 Plot (Out of buffer) 4.10 Mountain) damp and waste places 53 BOTANIC Kavala E. of Antifilippoi SPA GR115011 (Paggaio Evergreen shrublands, damp and waste 209.0 870.6 Plot (Out of buffer) 4.11 Mountains Mountain) places 54 BOTANIC Kavala W. of Ano SPA GR115011 (Paggaio Evergreen shrublands, reforestations, 208.0 561.8 Plot (Out of buffer)* 4.12 Mountains Chartokopi Mountain) damp and waste places 55 BOTANIC Turf Area E. of Antifilippoi SPA GR115011 (Paggaio Oak forests 210.0 486.6 Plot (Out of buffer)* 4.2 Mountain) 56 BOTANIC Turf Area E. of Antifilippoi SPA GR115011 (Paggaio Cultivated fields, damp and waste places 210.5 261.5 Plot (Out of buffer) 4.3 Mountain) 57 BOTANIC Turf Area N. of Ano SPA GR115011 (Paggaio Cultivated fields, damp and waste places 209.0 158.2 Plot 4.4 Chartokopi Mountain) 58 BOTANIC Kavala N. of Ano SPA GR115011 (Paggaio Cultivated fields, reforestations, damp and 208.0 162.3 Plot 4.5 Mountains Chartokopi Mountain) waste places 59 BOTANIC Turf Area N. of Ano SPA GR115011 (Paggaio Cultivated fields, damp and waste places 208.5 12.3 Plot 4.6 Chartokopi Mountain) 60 BOTANIC Turf Area N. of Ano SPA GR115011 (Paggaio Cultivated fields, semi-natural hedges, 209.0 511.3 Plot (Out of buffer) 4.7 Chartokopi Mountain) damp and waste places 61 BOTANIC Turf Area N. of Ano SPA GR115011 (Paggaio Cultivated fields, semi-natural hedges, 209.5 699.3 Plot (Out of buffer) 4.8 Chartokopi Mountain) damp and waste places 62 BOTANIC Turf Area E. of Antifilippoi SPA GR115011 (Paggaio Cultivated fields, semi-natural hedges, 209.5 159.5 Plot 4.9 Mountain) damp and waste places 63 BOTANIC Turf Area N. of Nea Mpafra WR of 'Luggas - Kava - Tzikia Cultivated fields, semi-natural hedges, 228.0 4,959.2 Area of Symvoli - 5.1 - Dermedersi' damp and waste places Stathmos Lefkotheas rerouting. Outside current base case study area.

Page 22 of 82 Area Comp. System Disc. Doc.- Ser. Code Code Code Code Type No. Project Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Integrated ESIA Greece Document Title: Rev.: 00 / at06 Annex 6.5.1 - East - Flora and Vegetation Baseline Study s/n GPS point Section Area Related Protected Area Vegetation Type KP of Distance Other Remarks the to pipeline route [m] 64 BOTANIC Turf Area N. of Nea Mpafra WR of 'Luggas - Kava - Tzikia Cultivated fields 234.5 4,619.8 Area of Symvoli - 5.2 - Dermedersi' Stathmos Lefkotheas rerouting. Outside current base case study area. 65 BOTANIC Plain N. of Nea Mpafra WR of 'Luggas - Kava - Tzikia Cultivated fields 234.5 4,230.2 Area of Symvoli - 5.3 - Dermedersi' Stathmos Lefkotheas rerouting. Outside current base case study area. 66 BOTANIC Serres Plain N. of Nea Mpafra WR of 'Luggas - Kava - Tzikia Cultivated fields, grasslands, riparian 234.5 3,584.2 Area of Symvoli - 5.4 - Dermedersi' vegetation, damp and waste places Stathmos Lefkotheas rerouting. Outside current base case study area. 67 BOTANIC Serres Plain N. of Nea Mpafra WR of 'Luggas - Kava - Tzikia Cultivated fields, grasslands, shrublands 234.5 4,026.2 Area of Symvoli - 5.5 - Dermedersi' and riparian vegetation Stathmos Lefkotheas rerouting. Outside current base case study area. 68 BOTANIC Serres Plain N. of Nea Mpafra WR of 'Luggas - Kava - Tzikia Damp and waste places, semi-natural 234.5 4,745.9 Area of Symvoli - 5.6 - Dermedersi' hedges, abandoned and cultivated fields Stathmos Lefkotheas rerouting. Outside current base case study area. 69 BOTANIC Serres Plain N. of Nea Mpafra WR of 'Luggas - Kava - Tzikia Damp and waste places, abandoned and 234.5 5,004.7 Area of Symvoli - 5.7 - Dermedersi' cultivated fields Stathmos Lefkotheas rerouting. Outside current base case study area.

Page 23 of 82 Area Comp. System Disc. Doc.- Ser. Code Code Code Code Type No. Project Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Integrated ESIA Greece Document Title: Rev.: 00 / at06 Annex 6.5.1 - East - Flora and Vegetation Baseline Study s/n GPS point Section Area Related Protected Area Vegetation Type KP of Distance Other Remarks the to pipeline route [m] 70 BOTANIC Turf Area N. of Nea Mpafra WR of 'Luggas - Kava - Tzikia Damp and waste places, semi-natural 228.0 4,344.6 Area of Symvoli - 5.8 - Dermedersi' hedges, abandoned and cultivated fields Stathmos Lefkotheas rerouting. Outside current base case study area. 71 BOTANIC Turf Area N. of Nea Mpafra WR of 'Luggas - Kava - Tzikia Damp and waste places, abandoned and 228.0 4,090.0 Area of Symvoli - 5.9 - Dermedersi' cultivated fields Stathmos Lefkotheas rerouting. Outside current base case study area. 72 BOTANIC Kroussia S. of Zevgolatio WR of 'Zevgolatio' Cultivated fields, evergreen shrublands, 308.0 5,640.6 Area of Mitrousi - 6.1 Mountains damp and waste places Lachanas rerouting. Outside current base case study area 73 BOTANIC Kroussia S. of Zevgolatio WR of 'Zevgolatio' Evergreen shrublands, damp and waste 305.0 8,118.0 Area of Mitrousi - 6.10 Mountains places Lachanas rerouting. Outside current base case study area * 74 BOTANIC Kroussia S. of Zevgolatio WR of 'Zevgolatio' Evergreen shrublands 305.0 6,982.7 Area of Mitrousi - 6.11 Mountains Lachanas rerouting. Outside current base case study area 75 BOTANIC Kroussia S. of Zevgolatio WR of 'Zevgolatio' Mixed broadleaved forests 308.0 7,286.7 Area of Mitrousi - 6.12 Mountains Lachanas rerouting. Outside current base case study area

Page 24 of 82 Area Comp. System Disc. Doc.- Ser. Code Code Code Code Type No. Project Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Integrated ESIA Greece Document Title: Rev.: 00 / at06 Annex 6.5.1 - East - Flora and Vegetation Baseline Study s/n GPS point Section Area Related Protected Area Vegetation Type KP of Distance Other Remarks the to pipeline route [m] 76 BOTANIC Kroussia S. of Zevgolatio WR of 'Zevgolatio' Oak forests, damp and waste places 307.5 7,231.4 Area of Mitrousi - 6.13 Mountains Lachanas rerouting. Outside current base case study area * 77 BOTANIC Kroussia S. of Zevgolatio WR of 'Zevgolatio' Oak forests, mixed evergreen shrublands 308.0 6,595.0 Area of Mitrousi - 6.2 Mountains and openings Lachanas rerouting. Outside current base case study area 78 BOTANIC Kroussia S. of Zevgolatio WR of 'Zevgolatio' Oak forests 308.0 6,929.3 Area of Mitrousi - 6.3 Mountains Lachanas rerouting. Outside current base case study area. * 79 BOTANIC Kroussia S. of Zevgolatio WR of 'Zevgolatio' Mixed broadleaved forests, damp and 307.5 7,393.2 Area of Mitrousi - 6.4 Mountains waste places Lachanas rerouting. Outside current base case study area * 80 BOTANIC Kroussia S. of Zevgolatio WR of 'Zevgolatio' Damp and waste places, shrublands 307.5 6,850.3 Area of Mitrousi - 6.5 Mountains Lachanas rerouting. Outside current base case study area 81 BOTANIC Kroussia S. of Zevgolatio WR of 'Zevgolatio' Oak forests, mixed evergreen shrublands, 307.0 6,961.8 Area of Mitrousi - 6.6 Mountains damp and waste places Lachanas rerouting. Outside current base case study area * 82 BOTANIC Kroussia S. of Zevgolatio WR of 'Zevgolatio' Damp and waste places, abandoned fields 305.5 7,194.1 Area of Mitrousi - 6.7 Mountains and shrublands Lachanas rerouting. Outside current base case study area *

Page 25 of 82 Area Comp. System Disc. Doc.- Ser. Code Code Code Code Type No. Project Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Integrated ESIA Greece Document Title: Rev.: 00 / at06 Annex 6.5.1 - East - Flora and Vegetation Baseline Study s/n GPS point Section Area Related Protected Area Vegetation Type KP of Distance Other Remarks the to pipeline route [m] 83 BOTANIC Kroussia S. of Zevgolatio WR of 'Zevgolatio' Cultivated fields, semi-natural hedges, 300.0 7762.8 Area of Mitrousi - 6.8 Mountains damp and waste places Lachanas rerouting. Outside current base case study area 84 BOTANIC Kroussia S. of Zevgolatio WR of 'Zevgolatio' Cultivated fields, semi-natural hedges, 300.0 8096.7 Area of Mitrousi - 6.9 Mountains damp and waste places Lachanas rerouting. Outside current base case study area 85 BOTANIC Gallikos Plain N. of Melissochori NP of Lakes Koronia - Volvi Cultivated fields, semi-natural hedges, 349.5 852.6 Plot (Out of buffer) 7.1 Complex damp and waste places 86 BOTANIC Gallikos Plain E. of Karteres NP of Lakes Koronia - Volvi Cultivated and abandoned fields, semi- 328.0 581.1 Plot (Out of buffer) 7.10 Complex natural hedges, damp and waste places 87 BOTANIC Gallikos Plain W. of Lachanas NP of Lakes Koronia - Volvi Cultivated and abandoned fields, semi- 321.5 879.7 Plot (Out of buffer) 7.11 Complex natural hedges, damp and waste places 88 BOTANIC Gallikos Plain W. of Lachanas NP of Lakes Koronia - Volvi Cultivated and abandoned fields, semi- 321.5 93.2 Plot 7.12 Complex natural hedges, damp and waste places 89 BOTANIC Gallikos Plain W. of Lachanas NP of Lakes Koronia - Volvi Cultivated fields, semi-natural hedges, 323.0 37.8 Plot 7.13 Complex damp and waste places 90 BOTANIC Gallikos Plain W. of Lachanas NP of Lakes Koronia - Volvi Cultivated and abandoned fields, semi- 324.5 374.0 Plot (Out of buffer) 7.14 Complex natural hedges, damp and waste places 91 BOTANIC Gallikos Plain W. of Lachanas NP of Lakes Koronia - Volvi Degraded broadleaved forests, reedbeds, 320.0 568.8 Plot (Out of buffer) 7.15 Complex grasslands, degraded riparian forests, damp and waste places 92 BOTANIC Gallikos Plain W. of Lachanas NP of Lakes Koronia - Volvi Cultivated fields, semi-natural hedges, 317.0 1367.5 Plot (Out of buffer) 7.16 Complex damp and waste places 93 BOTANIC Gallikos Plain W. of Drymos NP of Lakes Koronia - Volvi Cultivated fields, semi-natural hedges, 348.0 77.1 Plot* 7.17 Complex damp and waste places 94 BOTANIC Gallikos Plain W. of NP of Lakes Koronia - Volvi Abandoned and cultivated fields, semi- 341.0 552.8 Plot (Out of buffer) 7.18 Complex natural hedges, damp and waste places 95 BOTANIC Gallikos Plain W. of Drymos NP of Lakes Koronia - Volvi Cultivated fields, semi-natural hedges, 349.5 296.3 Plot (Out of buffer) 7.2 Complex damp and waste places 96 BOTANIC Gallikos Plain N. of Drymos NP of Lakes Koronia - Volvi Cultivated fields, semi-natural hedges, 345.0 249.7 Plot 7.3 Complex damp and waste places

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2.2 Habitat type/ Vegetation type identification

For the identification of vegetation types and finally of habitat types the method of Braun- Blanquet (1964) was applied, and sampling plots (relevés) were taken to all identified micro- environments (Westhoff & Van der Maarel 1978). The size and the collected data of the sampling plots were taken after Westhoff & Van der Maarel (1978), Bergmeier & Dimopoulos (2001), Fotiadis (2004), Vrahnakis et al. (2011). Specifically, to each sampling site, which had a radius of about 150 m, a protocol of data collection was filled. The protocol contained the floristic catalogue of each specific micro-environment and offered the opportunity to the data collector to ascribe one of the abundance values according to the coverage scale of Braun-Blanquet.

For natural and semi-natural , the sampling was applied in an area (unless the area was not adequately wide) of:

 150-200 m2, for deciduous broadleaved forests and shrublands

 100 m2, for evergreen broadleaved shrublands

 20-50 m2, for dry grasslands

 20 m2, for mesophilous grasslands

 5-10 m2, for wet grasslands and reedbeds

For agricultural lands, settlements, and bare lands (e.g. unvegetated sand beds) only the most important taxa were recorded.

The identified vegetation types were correlated with the habitat types according to the instruction of the Directive 92/43/EEC (based on Dafis et al., 2000, European Commission 2007), where the correspondence of vegetation units to habitat types is described. In unvegetated conditions, or in cases where vegetation was highly anthropogenic, the definition of habitat types was based on information related to the geologic substrata (e.g. unvegetated sand beds) or on land uses (e.g. settlement, arable land). Habitat type map was created based on airplane photos and the field data.

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2.3 Limitation – Uncertainties – Biases

For the purposes of preparing this baseline specific attention was paid on areas of special concern such as protected areas and sites with potential for high diversity or presence of protected/endangered species. In addition, along TAP East route, a precautionary approach was followed and a “study zone” of 500 meters width (250 m on either side of the proposed route of the pipeline axis) was studied. Within the “study zone” the areas of environmental concern were identified and further assessed in regards to the possible impacts from the construction and operation of the project.

The methodology applied provides data on the abundance of certain protected flora species within the study area; nevertheless, it does not provide information on species richness nor information on taxa that have not been recorded during the particular field work but may be known to be present in the region.

Extremely rare species such as stenoendemics need special statistical schemes to assess their range and abundance; therefore they are outside of the scope of the particular study.

The combination of the desktop investigation plus the various field surveys is considered to be sufficient for the purpose of identifying the main habitat types and most relevant species presence along the route; thus serving the purpose of identifying key species and habitats of interest for the ESIA Report. Nevertheless, because of the intrinsic limitations in the scope of works, as well as the objectives of the report, this baseline does not constitute or is intended as a complete floristic catalogue of the study area and its vicinity.

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In total, more than 400 plant taxa were identified during the various field surveys. Table 3-1 shows the complete list indicating the families and the havitar/environments where these where identified.

Table 3-1 Plant taxa identified during the fieldwork. Family/Species name Habitat/environment type Pteridophyta Equisetacea Equisetum arvense Wet places Polypodiaceae Asplenium ceterach Shrublands, Rocky places Asplenium onopteris Shrublands, Rocky places Asplenium trichomanes ssp. trichomanes Rocky places Pteridium aquilinum Edges Spermatophyta Gymnospermae Cupressaceae Cupressus arizonica Reforestations Juniperus excelsa Shrublands Juniperus oxycedrus ssp. oxycedrus Shrublands, Forests Ephedraceae Ephedra foeminea Hedges Pinaceae Pinus halepensis ssp. brutia Reforestation Angiospermae - Dicotylidonae Aceraceae Acer campestre Forests Acer monspessulanum Hedges Acer negundo Individuals Amaranthaceae Amaranthus blitoides Damp places Apocynaceae Cynanchum acutum Riparian forests Araliaceae Hedera helix Riparian forests Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia clematitis Wet places Aristolochia rotunda Forests Anacardiaceae Pistacia lentiscus Hedges Pistacia terebinthus Hedges, Shrublands, Forests Rhus coriaria Edges Araliaceae Hedera helix Forests, Shrublands, Hedges

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Family/Species name Habitat/environment type Asclepiadaceae Cynanchum acutum Edges Betulaceae Alnus glutinosa Wet places Boraginaceae Anchusa arvensis Edges, Forests Anchusa officinalis Edges Borago officinalis Edges Cerinthe minor Echium italicum Grasslands Heliotropium suaveolens Edges, Grasslands, Openings Lithospermum purpurocaeruleum Shrublands Neatostemma apulum Edges Bignoniaceae Catalpa bignonioides Planted Campanulaceae Campanula persicifolia Shrublands, Hedges Cannabaceae Humulus lupulus Riparian forests Caprifoliaceae Lonicera caprifolium Oak forests Lonicera etrusca Evergreen shrublands Sambucus ebulus Edges, Damp places Sambucus nigra Hedges Caryophyllaceae Arenaria leptoclados Forests Arenaria serpyllifolia Edges Dianthus cruentus Openings, Hedges Dianthus monadelphus Grasslands Dianthus stenopetalus Grasslands Minuartia Edges Moenchia mantica Grasslands Petrorhagia dubia Grasslands, Openings Petrorhagia prolifera Grasslands Petrorhagia saxifraga Grasslands, Openings Saponaria officinalis Wet places, Forests Silene alba Edges Silene conica Edges, Forests, Hedges Silene coronaria Oak woods Silene italica ssp. italica Hedges, Oak woods Silene latifolia Edges Silene otites Hedges Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium botrys Edges, Damp places Chenopodium murale Damp places, Waste places, Edges Cistaceae Cistus creticus Edges, Oak stands, Shrublands, Forests Cistus ladanifer Mostly in pine forests

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Family/Species name Habitat/environment type Helianthemum aegyptiacum Openings, Edges Helianthemum nummularium Shrublands Compositae Achillea grandifolia Hedges Achillea millefolium Damp places Anthemis arvensis ssp. arvensis Shrublands, Forests Anthemis tinctoria ssp. australis Forests Artemisia campetsris Edges, Waste places Artemisia vulgaris Hedges, Damp places Bellis perennis Grasslands Bidens tripartita Wet places Carlina vulgaris Edges, Openings Carthamus lanatus Openings, Edges Centaurea affinis Forests Centaurea solstitialis Openings, Edges Cichorium intybus Edges Cnicus benedictus Edges Conyza bonariensis Waste places, Edges Crepis sancta Grasslands Crepis setosa Edges Crupina crupinaster Edges Crupina vulgaris Hedges Dittrichia viscosa Edges Doronicum orientale Shrublands Echinops spinosissimus Edges Eupatorium cannabinum Wet places, Damp places Filago vulgaris Grasslands Herniaria glabra Edges, Grasslands Hieracium bauhini Forests Lactuca serriola Waste places Lactuca viminea ssp. viminea Forests Leontodon cichoriaceus Oak forests Leontodon crispus Grasslands Matricaria chamomilla Grasslands Moricandia arvensis Forests Onopordum illyricum Edges Pulcaria dysenterica Damp places Senecio vernalis Grasslands Silybum marianum Damp places Xanthium spinosum Waste places Xanthium strumarium Waste places Xeranthemum inapertum Openings Convolvulaceae Calystegia sepium Edges Convolvulus althaeoides Edges Convulvulus cantabrica Edges Convolvulus arvensis Edges Cornaceae

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Family/Species name Habitat/environment type Cornus mas Shrublands, Forests, Hedges Cornus sanguinea Riparian forests, Damp places Corylaceae Carpinus betulus Forests Carpinus orientalis Oak stands, Shrublands, Forests Crassulaceae Sedum cepaea Openings Cruciferae Aethonema saxatilis Grasslands Alliaria petiolata Edges Arabis turitta Edges Bunias erucago Edges Calepina irregularis Damp places Capsella bursa-pastoris Forests Cardamine acris Wet places Cardamine graeca Shrublands, Forests Cardamine hirsuta Forests Draba muralis Grasslands, Edges Erysimum crassistylum Grasslands, Edges, Shrublands Erysimum cuspidatum Edges Rorripa thracica Edges Sisymbrium officinalis Edges Sisymbrium orientale Forests Thlaspi perfoliatum Forests Datiscaceae Datura stramonium Waste places Dipsacaceae Knautia arvensis Edges, Forests Ericaceae Arbutus xandrachnoides Shrublands Arbutus unedo Shrublands Erica arborea Shrublands Erica manipuliflora Shrublands Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia amygdaloides ssp. amygdaloides Forests Euphorbia barrelieri Edges Euphorbia characias Hedges, Shrublands Euphorbia helioscopia Forests Euphorbia myrsinites Grasslands, Shrublands Euphorbia taurinensis Forests Fagaceae Castanea sativa Shrublands Quercus coccifera Hedges, Oak stands, Shrublands, Forests Quercus frainetto Oak woods, Forests Quercus petraea ssp. medwediewii Forests Quercus pubescens Hedges, Oak stands, Shrublands, Forests Gentianaceae Centaurium erythraea Edges

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Family/Species name Habitat/environment type Geraniaceae Erodium ciconium Forests Geranium columbinum Edges Geranium lucidum Forests Geranium robertianum ssp. robertianum Forests Geranium rotundifolium Forests Geranium sanguineum Shrublands Guttiferae Hypericum montbretii Shrublands, Forests Hypericum perforatum Hedges, Openings, Forests, Edges Juglandaceae Juglans regia Individuals Labiatae Ballota nigra Hedges, Shrublands Coridothymus capitatus Edges, Shrublands Lamium maculatum Forests Lycopus europaeus Wet places Marrubium peregrinum Damp places Marrubium vulgare Hedges Mentha longifolia Grasslands Nepeta nuda Edges Origanum vulgare Openings Phlomis samia Forests Prunella laciniata Damp places Prunella vulgaris Damp places Salvia amplexicaulis Grasslands Satureja juliana Openings Satureja majoranifolia Openings Satureja vulgaris Hedges, Oak woods, Forests Scutellaria columnae ssp. columnae Forests montana Openings Stachys betonica Openings Teucrium capitatum Grasslands, Forests Teucrium chamaedrys Shrublands, Forests Thymus sibthorpii Shrublands, Openings, Forests Lauraceae Laurus nobilis Hedges Leguminosae Astragalus angustifolius Edges Astragalus pelecinus Forests Bituminaria bituminosa Edges Cercis siliquastrum Edges Colutea arborescens Edges, Oak woods, Forests Dorycnium herbaceum Shrublands, Forests Dorycnium hirsutum Edges Genista tinctoria Shrublands Glycyrhiza officinalis Wet places Hippocrepis emerus ssp. emeroides Hedges, Shrublands

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Family/Species name Habitat/environment type Lathyrus laxiflorus Forests Lathyrus niger ssp. niger Forests Lotus corniculatus Hedges, Shrublands, Edges Medicago arabica Damp places Medicago minima Edges, Forests Medicago monspeliaca Grasslands, Forests Medicago sativa Edges Medicago rigidula Edges, Forests Melilotus albus Edges Melilotus indicus Edges Melilotus officinalis Edges Onobrychis aequidentata Grasslands, Openings Ononis spinosa Damp and waste places, Edges Ornithopus compressus Openings Robinia pseudacacia Damp places, planted, Edges, Reforestations Spartium junceum Edges Trifolium alpestre Forests Trifolium angustifolium Edges, Openings Trifolium arvense Grasslands, Forests, Hedges Trifolium campestre Edges, Openings Trifolium echinatum Grasslands Trifolium fragiferum Edges, Grasslands, Openings Trifolium glomeratum Grasslands Trifolium isthmocarpum Openings, Edges Trifolium medium Oak forests Trifolium pratense Forests Trifolium purpureum Grasslands Trifolium repens Edges Trifolium scabrum Edges, Grasslands Trifolium stellatum Grasslands Trifolium subterraneum Edges Vicia cracca Hedges, Shrublands Vicia grandiflora Hedges, Forests Vicia hirsuta Hedges, Forests Vicia lathyroides Hedges Vicia sativa Edges Vicia tenuifolia ssp. dalmatica Forests Vicia tetrasperma Hedges Vicia villosa ssp. varia Grasslands Vicia villosa ssp. villosa Forests Lythraceae Lythrum salicaria Wet places, Damp places Malvaceae Malva sylvestris Hedges Moraceae Broussonetia papyrifera Hedges Ficus carica Hedges Morus alba Planted

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Family/Species name Habitat/environment type Oleaceae Fraxinus angustifolius Riparian forests Fraxinus ornus Forests, Shrublands Jasminum fruticans Hedges, Shrublands Ligustrum vulgare Shrublands Olea europaea Naturalize Phillyrea latifolia Shrublands Onagraceae Epilobium angustifolium Edges Epilobium hirsutum Edges Oxalidaceae Oxalis acetosella Damp places Papaveraceae Papaver rhoeas Edges Phytolaccaceae Phytolacca americana Damp places, Riparian forests Plantaginaceae Plantago lanceolata Almost everywhere Plantago major Damp places Platanaceae Platanus orientalis Water places Plumbaginaceae Armeria canescens Grasslands Goniolimon tataricum Openings Polygonaceae Polygonum aviculare Fields Persicaria hydropiper Wet places Rumex acetosella Grasslands Rumex cristatus Damp places Rumex pulcher Damp and waste places Portulacaceae Portulaca oleracea Fields Primulaceae Lysimachia punctata Forests Cyclamen hederifolium Forests, Shrublands Primula acaulis Forests Ranunculaceae Anemone pavonina Grasslands Clematis flammula Waste places, Forests, Hedges Clematis vitalba Hedges, Oak woods, Forests Delphinium peregrinum Grasslands, Openings, Edges Fumaria parviflora Edges Helleborus odorus ssp. cyclophyllus Forests Nigella arvensis Openings Ranunculus neapolitanus Forests Ranunculus peltatus River Rhamnaceae Paliurus spina-christi Hedges, Shrublands, Forests

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Family/Species name Habitat/environment type Rosaceae Aremonia agrimonioides ssp. agrimonioides Forests Crataegus monogyna ssp. monogyna Forests, Hedges, Shrublands Fragaria vesca Forests Geum urbanum Forests Malus domestica Forests, Hedges Malus triloba Pine forests Potentilla argentea Grasslands Potentilla micrantha Forests Potentilla recta Forests Potentilla reptans Wet places Prunus avium Forests Prunus spinosa Hedges, Shrublands Pyrus amygdaliformis Hedges, Shrublands, Grasslands Pyrus pyraster Forests Rosa arvensis Forests Rosa canina Hedges Rosa gallica Forests Rubus canescens Forests Rubus hirtus Forests Rubus sanctus Hedges, Forests Sanguisorba minor Hedges, Openings, Edges Sorbus domestica Forests Sorbus torminalis Forests Rubiaceae Cruciata laevipes Forests Cruciata pedemontana Forests Galium aparine Damp places, Forests Galium divaricatum Edges Galium exaltatum Forests Galium mollugo aggr. Forests Galium verum ssp. verum Waste places, Damp places, Forests Rubia peregrina Hedges, Oak woods Sherardia arvensis Edges Salicaceae Populus alba Individuals Populus xcanadensis Planted Populus nigra Wet places Salix alba Wet places Salix amplexicaulis Wet places Salix cinerea Wet places Saxifragaceae Saxifraga carpetana Grasslands Scrophulariaceae Digitalis lanata Forests Digitalis viridiflora Shrublands Kickxia spuria Fields Linaria genistifolia Grasslands

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Family/Species name Habitat/environment type Linaria pelisseriana Forests Linaria simplex Edges Verbascum phoeniceum ssp. flavidum Forests Veronica arvensis Forests Veronica beccabunga Wet places Veronica chamaedrys ssp. chamaedrys Veronica persica Grasslands Simaroubaceae Ailanthus altissima Settlements Solanaceae Datura stramonium Damp places Nicotiana tobacco naturalize Solanum dulcamara Wet places Solanum eleagnifolium Almost everywhere Tiliaceae Tilia tomentosa Forests Umbelliferae Anthriscus caucalis Damp places Chaerophyllum temulum Forests Daucus guttatus Edges Eryngium campestre Grasslands, Edges, Shrublands, Forests, Hedges Oenanthe pimpinefolia Edges Orlaya daucoides Edges, Forests, Hedges Physospermum cornubiense Forests Pimpinella anisum Edges Scandix australis Damp places Scandix pectin-veneris Edges Tordylium apulum Waste places Torilis arvensis Waste places, Edges Torilis nodosa Waste places Ulmaceae Celtis australis Hedges Ulmus minor Hedges Ulmus laevis Individuals Urticaceae Urtica dioica Damp places, Forests Valerianaceae Valerianella locusta Forests Verbenaceae Verbena officinalis Edges Vitex agnus-castus Edges Violaceae Viola alba ssp. dehnhardtii Forests Viola tricolor Grasslands Vitaceae Vitis vinifera Hedges, Naturalize Zygophyllaceae Tribulus terrestris Edges

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Family/Species name Habitat/environment type Angiospermae - Monocotylidonae Araceae Arum maculatum Forests Cyperaceae Carex flacca ssp. serrulata Forests Carex pendula Wet places Carex polyphylla Forests Cyperus rotundus Damp places Scirpus holoschoenus Wet places Dioscoraceae Tamus communis Hedges Gramineae Aegilops triuncialis Edges Anthoxanthum odoratum Forests Arrhenatherum elatius Forests Arundo donax Wet places Avena sterilis Almost everywhere, Egdes Brachypodium sylvaticum ssp. sylvaticum Oak stands, Shrublands, Forests, Hedges Briza maxima Openings Bromus cappadocicus Grasslands Bromus hordeaceus Edges, Openings Bromus madritensis Edges Bromus squarrosus Edges, Openings Bromus sterilis Edges, Abandoned fields Chrysopogon gryllus Edges Cynodon dactylon Almost everywhere, Edges Cynosurus echinatus Edges, Shrublands, Openings Cynosurus elegans Openings Dactylis glomerata Almost everywhere, Forests, Edges Dasypyrum villosum Edges Desmazeria rigida Edges Dichanthium ischaemum Edges Elymus repens Edges Festuca valesiaca Grasslands Holcus lanatus Edges Hordeum bulbosum Edges Hordeum murinum Edges Lolium perenne Edges, Grasslands, Openinigs Melica ciliata Edges Phleum pratense Edges, Grasslands, Openings Phragmites australis Wet places, Edges Phragmites pubescens Edges Poa bulbosa Edges, Forests Poa pratensis Forests Setaria viridis Fields Sorgum halepense Fields Stipa bromoides Edges Taeniatherum caput-medusae Edges

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Family/Species name Habitat/environment type Tragus racemosus Edges, Grasslands Vulpia muralis Openings Juncaceae Juncus effusus Wet places Luzula forsteri Forests Luzula multiflora Grasslands Lemnaceae Lemna minor Wet places Liliaceae Alliium subhirsutum Hedges Asparagus acutifolius Hedges, Forests Asphodelus fistulosus Grasslands Colchicum autumnale Openings Colchicum bivonnae Openings Muscari neglectum Forests Colchicum turcicum Grasslands Colchicum pulchellus Grasslands Muscari commutatum Grasslands Muscari neglectum Forests Ruscus aculeatus Oak stands, Hedges, Shrublands, Forests Orchidaceae Anacamptis morio ssp. caucasica Grasslands Cephalanthera epipactoides Forests Ophrys mammosa Grasslands Ophrys oestifera Grasslands Orchis purpurea Grasslands Smilacaceae Smilax aspera Hedges Typhaceae Typha angustifolia Wet places Source: Compilded by ASPROFOS (2013), (G. Fotiadis, NCC field survey September 2012 and May 2013)

3.1 Population of Flora Taxa of Conservation interest within the Study Area

As shown in Table 3-2 a total of 29 important plant taxa were recorded in the project area (two of them, Digitalis viridiflora and Centaurea affinis, just outside the buffer zone of 500 m) during this study.

Based on the bibliography most of the plant taxa of conservation interest idenfified during the surveys occur in the wider area of NE Greece (Tsiripidis & Athanasiadis 2003, Fotiadis 2004). As an example Ruscus aculeatus (see Figure 3-1) and Verbascum phoeniceum ssp. flavidum which

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In addition, some others, such as Erysimum crassistylum, are considered as pioneer species meaning that small disturbances on the habitats allow them to grow and expand their ranges, while very stable conditions tends to reduce their presence.

Figure 3-1 Distribution of Ruscus aculeatus in Europe and in Mediterranean area


The taxa of conservation interest found in the study area during the field survey as well as their recorded populations in the sampling locations are given in Table 3-2. For each recorded population, the GPS points are provided and in parenthesis the following data given: (i) the KP and (ii) shortest distance to the pipeline. In addition the anticipated abundance within the project area and the reason for its conservation interest is provided.

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Table 3-2 Flora taxa of conservation interest in the Study Area Nr. Latin name Common name Recorded populations within the Anticipated Reason of (Family name) Project area range within conservation the Project interest area 1 Colchicum turcicum KP 75/ out of buffer, KP 77/ 225 m, Sporadic Balkan (Colchicaceae) KP 64/ 10 m, KP 65/ out of buffer, subendemic KP 12/ out of buffer 2 Crocus pulchellus KP 60.5/ 219 m, KP 59/ 93 m, KP Sporadic Balkan (Iridaceae) 57/ out of buffer, KP 55.5/ 22 m, KP subendemic 56/ 90 m, KP 56.5/ 169 m, KP 57, 35 m, KP 57/ 37 m, KP 58/ 85 m, KP 58/ out of buffer 3 Platanus orientalis Oriental Plane KP 25/ 190 m, KP 26/ 216 m, KP Sporadic Protected (Platanaceae) 26.5/ 27 m, KP 29.9/ 50 m, KP (PD67/81) 41.8/ 0 m, KP 50/ 1.1 km, KP 104/ 0 m, KP 113/ 30 m, KP 126/ 100 m, KP 179/ 40 m, KP 194/ 0 m, KP 237/ 0 m, KP 238/ 0 m, KP 321/ 110 m 4 Fraxinus Narrow-leaved KP 24/ 9 m, KP 77.5/ 26 m, Sporadic Other angustifolia ash KP 81/ 27 m, KP 13/ 5 m Important (Oleaceae) Plant Species list 5 Satureja pilosa KP 61/ 207 m, KP 77.5/ 7 m Rare Greek subsp. origanita endemic, (Lamiaceae) Other Important Plant Species list 6 Spiranthes spiralis Autumn Lady's- KP 59/ 84 m Rare Protected (Orchidaceae) tresses (PD67/81) 7 Malus trilobata Crab apple KP 29.5/ 0 m Rare Rare in (Rosaceae) Greece (only in Thrace), - Rare Data Book of Greece 8 Cistus ladanifer Gum cistus KP 30.9/ 210 m, KP 49.8/ 0 m Rare Rare in (Cistaceae) Greece (only in Thrace) 9 Juniperus excelsa Greek juniper KP 31.6/ 0 m, KP 46.1/ 20 m Rare Protected (Cupressaceae) (PD67/81) 10 Orchis purpurea Lady orchid KP 42.1/ 50 m, KP 48.5/ 30 m, KP Sporadic Protected (Orchidaceae) 56.5/ 210 m, KP 60.2/ 100 m (PD67/81) 11 Ophrys mammosa Early spider KP 154/ 20 m, KP 328.9/ 130 m, Rare Protected (Orchidaceae) orchid KP 329.9/ 0 m (PD67/81) 12 Anacamptis morio KP 296.1/ 50 m, KP 304.8/ 70 m, Rare Protected ssp. caucasica KP 325.3/ out of buffer (PD67/81) (Orchidaceae) 13 Ophrys oestifera KP 48.5/ 30 m Rare Protected (Orchidaceae) (PD67/81) 14 Cephalanthera KP 48.5/ 30 m Rare Protected epipactoides (PD67/81) (Orchidaceae) 15 Fritillaria pontica KP 304.8/ 70 m, KP 306.1/ 50 m Rare Other (Liliaceae) Important Plant Species list

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Nr. Latin name Common name Recorded populations within the Anticipated Reason of (Family name) Project area range within conservation the Project interest area 16 Ruscus aculeatus Butcher’s KP 304.5/ 200 m, KP 300/ 0 m, KP Very common Annex IV, (Liliaceae) Broom 296.1/ 50 m, KP 188.9/ 10 m, KP Directive 190.5/ 180 m, KP 183.3/ 50 m, KP 92/43/EEC 159.7/ 100 m, KP 159.1/ 20 m, KP 123.2/ 60 m, KP 62.3/ 70 m, KP 60.2/ 100 m, KP 31.6/ 0 m, KP 29.5/ 0 m, KP 18.8/ 40 m, KP 123/ 451.7 m, KP 159,5/ 494.3 m, KP 159/ 479 m, KP 159/ 506.7 m, KP 158.5/ 99 m, KP 210/ 1080 m, KP 210/ 486.6 m, KP 208/ 561.8 m, KP 305.5/ 7194.1 m, KP 307/ 6961.8 m 17 Erysimum KP 319.6/ 50 m, KP 317.7/ 0 m, Very common Balkan crassistylum KP 261.7/ 110 m, KP 238/ 20 m, endemic (Cruciferae) KP 233.1/ 190 m, KP 228/ 40 m, KP 227.1/ 130 m, KP 347.1/ 40 m, KP 190.5/ 180 m, KP 183.3/ 50 m, KP 125.9/ 60 m, KP 40.3/ 40 m, KP 18.8/ 40 m, KP 126/ 66.8 m, KP 161/ 604.9 m, KP 188/ 1507.8 m, KP 348/ 77.1 m 18 Dianthus Wild carnation KP 126/ 66.8 m Rare Balkan monadelphus endemic (Caryophyllaceae) 19 Minuartia attica KP 307.1/ 20 m, KP 60.2/ 100 m, Sporadic Balkan (Caryophyllaceae) KP 155/ 138.1 m endemic 20 Digitalis viridiflora KP 188/ 1507.8 m, out of buffer Rare Protected (Scrophulariaceae) zone (PD67/81) 21 Dianthus cruentus Wild carnation KP 208/ 561.8 m, KP 305.5/ Rare Other (Caryophyllaceae) 7194.1 m, KP 305/ 8118 m, Important KP 307.5/ 7231.4 m, Plant Species KP 348/ 77.1 m list, Balkan endemic 22 Centaurea affinis KP 307/ 6961.8 m, out of buffer Rare Other (Compositae) zone Important Plant Species list, Balkan endemic 23 Verbascum KP 319.6/ 50 m, KP 304.5/ 304.8/ Sporadic Balkan phoeniceum ssp. 70 m, KP 304.5/ 200 m, KP 300/ endemic flavidum 0 m, KP 160.7/ 120 m, KP 305.5/ (Scrophulariaceae) 7194.1 m 24 Geocaryum KP 304.5/ 200 m Sporadic Balkan capillifolium endemic (Umbelliferae) 25 Helleborus odorus Greek hellebore KP 317.7/ 0 m, KP 306.1/ 50 m, Common Other ssp. cyclophyllus KP 305.7/ 110 m, KP 308/ Important (Ranunculaceae) 6929.3 m, KP 307.5/ 7393.2 m, Plant Species KP 307/ 6961.8 m list, Balkan endemic 26 Hypericum KP 233.1/ 190 m Rare Other rumeliacum Important (Guttiferae) Plant Species list, Balkan endemic

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Nr. Latin name Common name Recorded populations within the Anticipated Reason of (Family name) Project area range within conservation the Project interest area 27 Bromus KP 190.5/ 180 m Rare Other cappadocicus Important (Gramineae) Plant Species list, Balkan endemic 28 Dianthus Wild carnation KP 329.9/ 0 m Rare Other stenopetalus Important (Caryophyllaceae) Plant Species list, Balkan endemic 29 Onosma halacsyi KP 53.1/ 30 m, KP 30.9/ 210 m Rare Greek (Boraginaceae) endemic Source: NCC field survey (September 2012, May 2013) and EXERGIA field survey (October 2012)

3.1.1 Protected Taxa

Out of the 29 taxa, one (Ruscus aculeatus, Figure 3.2) is found in Annex IV of the Directive 92/43/EEC. Eight taxa recorded along the route are protected by the Greek legislation (Presidential Decree 67/81). These are Platanus orientalis (oriental plane), Juniperus excelsa, Digitalis viridiflora, the autumn flowering orchid Spiranthes spiralis (Figure 3-3) and other four orchids (Ophrys oestifera, Orchis purpurea, Cephalanthera epipactoides, Ophrys mamosa, Anacamptis morio ssp. caucasica). The collection, transplantation, root removal, cutting and transfer of these species are prohibited according to the P.D. 67/81 as mentioned in the Official Gazette Issue 43/Α/1981. All species of the Orhidaceae family are also protected by the CITES Convention (Annex III).

Figure 3-2 Ruscus aculeatus

Source: NCC field survey (September 2012)

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Figure 3-3 The protected Autumn Lady's-tresses orchid (Spiranthes spiralis)

Source: EXERGIA field survey (October 2012)

 Platanus orientalis was recorded in several riparian sites and streams of the project area; at Loutros stream, it forms a rather extensive forest. This species has a limited general distribution (Balkan Peninsula and Anatolia) (Boratynski et al., 1992) and is included in the IUCN Red Data List (LC) and in the “Trees of global conservation concern of UNEP- WCMC”.  Spiranthes spiralis was recorded in one locality, NE of the Atarni village, in loose stands with Quercus ithaburensis subsp. macrolepis and Q. pubescens.  Juniperus excelsa was recorded in two localities only (Figure 3-4), E and W of Pefka village, in evergreen shrublands.

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Figure 3-4 Distribution of Juniperus excelsa

Source: NCC field survey (May 2013)

 Digitalis viridiflora was found in one location, on the mountains of Palaia Kavala, in evergreen shrublands.  Orchids were recorded in several locations (Table 3-2), mostly in evergreen shrublands and openings in oak forests. All Orchids are protected by the Greek legislation (Presidential Decree 67/81). As previously mentioned, the collection, transplantation, root removal, cutting and transfer of these species are prohibited according to the CITES convention and the PD 67/81 (Official Gazette Issue 43/A/1981).

3.1.2 Endemic Taxa

Fourteen (14) species are endemic or subendemic of Greece or of the Balkan Peninsula. Two of them are of high importance, due to their limited general distribution in the project area:

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 Satureja pilosa subsp. origanita (Figure 3-5) is an endemic subspecies of the Evros and Rodopi Prefectures, where it is locally common (Dardioti, 2005). It has been observed at roadsides in Quercus coccifera shrubland and at the Filiouris river crossing. This taxon is included in the Balkan endemic Satureja pilosa, which belongs to the “Other Important Plant Species” of the Natura 2000 network in Greece.  Onosma halacsyi is a Greek endemic species. It was recorded in openings in pine forests.

Figure 3-5 The Greek endemic Satureja pilosa subsp. origanita

Source: EXERGIA field survey (October 2012)

3.1.3 Rare and Other Important species

From the 29 species none is recorded in the IUCN or Red Data Books of Greece, but some of them are of importance due to their declining populations (Malus trilobatus, Cistus lavadifer) or are in list of “Other Important Taxa” (i.e. Fraxinus angustifolius and Fritillaria pontica).

The low number of important species is most probably due to anthropogenic influences (intensively cultivated land, degraded soils, etc.).

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3.1.4 Occurrence of plant species included in the 92/43/EEC Directive in the Project Area

According to Directive 92/43/EEC, plant species listed in Annex II are of community interest whose conservation requires the designation of special areas of conservation, while plant species listed in Annex IV are of community interest in need of strict protection.

No plant species recorded in Annex II of the 92/43/EEC Directive have been observed during the present field survey or recorded in literature for the project area. One species listed in Annex II of the same Directive, Carex acuta, has been reported from the nearby Natura 2000 site GR1110005 “Vouna Evrou” (Babalonas et al., 2009d updated). This species occurs throughout Europe reaching W Asia to the east and N Africa to the south (Iatrou et al., 1996) of the project area. In Greece, it is a component of reedbed vegetation of the montane and subalpine zone (Strid & Tan, 1991) and is thus rather unlikely to occur in the project area.

None of the important plant species of the Directive 92/43/EEC for Natura site GR1110005, GR1130009, GR1150010 and GR1150001 (Trapa natans, Pancratium maritimum, Salvinia natans, Carex acuta and Groenlandia densa) or suitable habitats were recorded (e.g. Trapa natans, Salvinia natans are species found in lakes and Pancratium maritimum found in maritime sand dunes, thus is unlikely to occur in the project area).

Furthermore, two species included in the annexes of the Directive 92/43/EEC, i.e. Himantoglossum caprinum (Annex II) and Fritillaria gussichiae (Annex IV), have been recorded in the wider area of the Rodopi mountain range (Tsiftsis, 2009; Strid & Tan, 1991; Bazos et al., 2011) and may also occur in the project area, but during the field survey they were not recorded. Another three species listed in the same Directive have been recorded in the wider area of Rodopi, namely Buxbaumia viridis (Annex II), Fritillaria drenovskii (Annex IV) and Viola delphinantha (Annexes II, IV), but are not expected to grow in the project area due to habitat constraints (Phitos et al., 2009; Strid, 1986; Strid & Tan, 1991).

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3.2 Vegetation - Habitat types

Several vegetation types were recorded alongside the pipeline route:

 Grasslands: they appear mostly (a) in abandoned fields (b) in lands free from cultivation because of being used as dumping or waste places, or (c) as spots in openings of broadleaved shrublands or forests.

 Shrublands: in small hilly areas along the pipeline further distinguished into garrigues, dominated by Cistus creticus, and pseudomaquis, dominated by thick stands of Quercus coccifera, Phillyrea latifolia, Jasminum fruticans and other evergreen or broadleaved species.

 Forests: in small, semi-mountainous areas. In most cases, they are occupied by oak (Quercus) species or pine trees, while scattered spots of Carpinus orientalis, Tilia tomentosa and Pinus spp reforestations are also recorded.

 Azonal vegetation and wetlands: along streamlines dominated by Salix alba and to a lesser extent by Platanus orientalis. Small spots of reeds Phragmites australis and other hydrophilous species are met.

In the project area, a total of 23 different habitat types were recorded (Table 3-3). Only nine of them are listed in Annex I of the Directive 92/43/EEC and one of them is defined as a priority habitat. In addition to these, 10 Greek habitat types, as defined in Dafis et al. (2001), were also recorded. The latter are habitats that are not included in the Habitats Directive (thus no overlap occurs between EU and Greek habitats). They were described in the Corine Biotope manual and were supplementarily identified, described and mapped during the European Habitats mapping of the Natura 2000 network in Greece (Dimopoulos et al., 2005).

The 23 habitats and their occurrence along the pipeline route are given in Table 3-3 and the occurrence of European habitat types along the route is shown from Figure 3-6 to Figure 3-11. The KPs in Table 3-3 are approximate and have been calculated based on a 500 m buffer zone of the Corine and forestry map layers after ground-truthing in the field in a zone of 2 km aside the pipeline route (1 km on each side). The occurrence of each habitat type within the 500 m zone, as well as information on its floristic composition, range within the country, and bio-geographical characteristics are provided under the description of the main vegetation formations listed in the following paragraphs.

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Table 3-3 Habitat typs of the project area Code Habitat Relativity to Project General Is the habitat in need of area (pipeline KP) comments consideration and special mitigation measures during the pre- construction / post- construction Project period? 1020 Arable land Several areas No

1031 Reforestations with European Several areas No species 1050 Settlements Several areas No

1061 Unvegetated sand bed Along rivers No

3170 Mediterranean temporary KP 153.4-154, KP European habitat Yes ponds 112.9 (priority habitat)

3190 Open water – pelagic zone of Several places, mostly Greek habitat No lakes anthopogenic 3280 Constantly flowing KP 77, KP 153.5-155 European habitat No Mediterranean rivers with Paspalo-Agrostidion species and hanging curtains of Salix and Populus alba 32B0 Annual river communities KP 135.9, KP 112.5- Greek habitat No 113 5160 South-eastern sub- Several areas through Greek habitat No mediterranean deciduous arable land thickets 5340 Garrigues of Eastern ca.KP 182.3-KP 184.5, Greek habitat No Mediterranean KP 148.7-KP 149.8, KP 5- 6.5, KP 43-47, KP 62-64.5 5350 Pseudomaquis KP 47- 50, 58.5- 60KP Greek habitat No 60- 62, KP 187 – 191, KP 295 - 311 6290 Mediterranean Several areas Greek habitat No subnitrophilous grasslands 62A0 Eastern sub-mediterranean Several areas Greek habitat No dry grasslands (Scorzoneratalia villosae) 6420 Mediterranean tall humid herb KP 354.5, KP 355.5, European habitat No grasslands KP 171-172 6450 Greek hyper-Mediterranean Several areas No humid grasslands 72A0 Reedbeds Several areas Greek habitat No

8210 Calcareous rocky slopes KP 353.3 European habitat No 924A Eastern white oak woods and Several areas Greek habitat No balkanic thermophilous oak woods 925A Hop-hornbeam, oriental Several areas Greek habitat No hornbeam and mixed thermophilous forests

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Code Habitat Relativity to Project General Is the habitat in need of area (pipeline KP) comments consideration and special mitigation measures during the pre- construction / post- construction Project period? Degraded in several European habitat areas KP 0-0.5, KP 77.4, KP European habitat Yes Salix alba and Populus alba 92A0 97.4, KP 98.6, KP galleries 136, KP 153.5-154.1, KP 157.1, KP 220, KP 223.7, KP 290.1-290.5 92C0 Platanus orientalis and ca. KP 240-241, KP European habitat Yes Liquidambar orientalis woods 238, KP192-193, KP (Plantanion orientalis) 178.9, KP 237, KP 112.5-113, KP 26-27 9350 Quercus macrolepis forests ca. KP 57- 59 European habitat Yes 9540 Mediterranean pine forests ca. KP 27.5- 33, KP European habitat No with endemic Mesogean 49.5- 52.5, KP 53- 56 pines Source: Exergia field survey (October 2012), NCC field survey (August 2012, May 2013)

Figure 3-6 to Figure 3-11 presented below indicate the specific sites along the route where the EU habitats were found.

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Figure 3-6 Occurrence of EU habitats along the route (1 of 6)

Source: NCC field survey (May 2013)

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Figure 3-7 Occurrence of EU habitats along the route (2 of 6)

Source: NCC field survey (May 2013)

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Figure 3-8 Occurrence of EU habitats along the route (3 of 6)

Source: NCC field survey (May 2013)

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Figure 3-9 Occurrence of EU habitats along the route (4 of 6)

Source: NCC field survey (May 2013)

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Figure 3-10 Occurrence of EU habitats along the route (5 of 6)

Source: NCC field survey (May 2013)

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Figure 3-11 Occurrence of EU habitats along the route (6 of 6)

Source: NCC field survey (May 2013)

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3.2.1 Thermophilous Pine (Pinus halepensis subsp. brutia) Forests

Thermophilous pine forests dominated by Pinus halepensis constitute about 9% of the total forest cover in the country (Voulgaris et al., 2010). They are rather widespread in continental and insular Greece, growing on a variety of substrates, from lowland and coastal areas up to 1000 m altitude (Dimopoulos et al., 2012). The main threats they face are forest fires and land conversion for constructions (Dafis et al., 2001, Dimopoulos et al., 2012). Occasionally, their stands are expanding locally to neighbouring abandoned fields and pastures (Dimopoulos et al., 2012).

Pinus halepensis forests belong to the European habitat type 9540 “Mediterranean pine forests with endemic Mesogean pines” (Figure 3-12 and Figure 3-13) and occur along the pipeline route at the lowland foothills of the Rodopi mountain range and at the hilly areas between Alexnadroupolis and Ferai. They are dominated by P. halepensis subsp. brutia, pure or in mixed stands with deciduous oaks. The understorey consists of several shrubby species, such as Erica manipuliflora, E. arborea, Phillyrea latifolia, Juniperus oxycedrus, Arbutus unedo, A. andrachne and Cistus spp. Pine reforestations also exist.

Figure 3-12 European habitat 9540 “Mediterranean pine forests with endemic Mesogean pines”

Source: EXERGIA field survey (October 2012)

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Figure 3-13 Occurrence of European habitat 9540 “Mediterranean pine forests with endemic Mesogean pines”

Source: NCC field survey (May 2013)

3.2.2 Deciduous Oak (Quercus spp.) Forests

The mixed deciduous forests, chiefly dominated by oaks (Quercus spp.), constitute one of the most common forest types in Greece holding around 23% of the total forest cover in the country (Voulgaris et al., 2010). They grow at elevations of ca. 600-1200 m, on various substrates (flysch, schist, limestone) (Dafis et al., 2001). Especially abundant are the Quercus frainetto forests which constitute 1/3 of the Greek forest and 80% of the oak forests (Dafis et al., 2001).

Mixed deciduous forests are the most frequent forest type in the study area with the most extensive stands occurring south of Sykorrachi and Kirki villages at the foothills of Rodopi. Locally they grow in mixed stands with pine forests. The following habitat types among the deciduous oak forests are found in the project area:

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924A “Thermophilous oak woods of E Mediterranean and Balkans” Thermophilous oak forests are widespread in Greece (Dimopoulos et al., 2006). Most of them do not face severe threats, however tree felling, conversion to agricultural land and pine afforestations lead locally to reduction of oak stands (Dimopoulos et al., 2012).

Well developed, rather extensive oak forest stands in the project area have been observed SW of Kirki village (Figure 3-14) and in Krousia mountains, while smaller oak forest stands are found among agricultural areas through the route of the pipeline, found as remnants of former extensive oak forests. They are mostly dominated by Quercus frainetto and Quercus pubescens with other deciduous taxa in the tree layer, some locally dominant, such as Q. ithaburensis subps. macrolepis, Q. cerris, Carpinus orientalis, Acer monspessulanum, Crataegus sp., Ulmus sp. etc. Species growing in the understory are among others Juniperus oxycedrus, Paliurus spina-christi and Cornus mas. Most of the stands of the Balkan subendemic Crocus pulchellus were recorded within the Q. frainetto forests SW of Kirki.

925A “Hornbeam and mixed thermophilous forest” Hornbeam and mixed thermophilous forest are widespread in Greece; they are not threatened but probably extend to abandoned agricultural areas. It has been recorded along the route in Krousia mountains and in mountains of Palaia Kavala, forming dense stands dominated by several tree and shrub species, such as Carpinus orientalis, Fraxinus ornus, Acer monspessulanum.

9350 “Quercus macrolepis forests” This habitat type refers to loose galleries and stands of Quercus ithaburensis subsp. macrolepis growing at calcareous substrates from the sea level up to 600-700 m in the lowland and semi- mountainous zone of continental and insular Greece (Dafis et al., 2001, Dimopoulos et al., 2012). It has been recorded along the pipeline route SW of Kirki village forming loose stands dominated by Quercus ithaburensis subsp. macrolepis and Q. pubescens (Figure 3-15 and Figure 3-16). Other co-occurring species are Q. coccifera, Pyrus amygdaliformis and Juniperus oxycedrus. The protected autumn-flowering orchid Spiranthes spiralis and the Balkan subendemic Crocus pulchellus were observed in the Q. ithaburensis stands.

It should be noted that the total range of this habitat type is rather restricted, occurring in Greece, Albania, S. Italy and W. Turkey (Dimopoulos et al., 2012). In Greece the Quercus ithaburensis

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Figure 3-14 Greek habitat 924A “Thermophilous oak woods of E Mediterranean and Balkans”

Source: EXERGIA field survey (October 2012)

Figure 3-15 European habitat 9350 “Quercus macrolepis forests”

Source: EXERGIA field survey (October 2012)

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Figure 3-16 Occurrence of European habitat 9350 “Quercus macrolepis forests”

Source: NCC field survey (May 2013)

3.2.3 Shrubland communities

Shrubland communities are widespread in the project area covering large areas along the route of the pipeline. Three shrubland habitat types have been observed: 5160 “South-eastern sub- mediterranean deciduous thickets”, 5340 “Garrigues of Eastern Mediterranean” (Figure 3-17) and 5350 “Pseudomaquis” (Figure 3-18), which are analyzed below. Species of conservation interest observed in the shrubland formations along the route are Satureja pilosa subsp. origanita and Colchicum turcicum.

5160 “South-eastern sub-mediterranean deciduous thickets” This habitat type refers to natural (small areas of high inclination) or semi-natural (in canals between cultivations) hedges found mostly in agricultural areas dominated by Ulmus campestris, Rubus spp. Sometimes individuals of Salix alba, Quercus spp. and alien invasive species (Robinia pseudacacia, Ailanthus altissima) are found.

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5340 “Garrigues of Eastern Mediterranean” This habitat type refers to shrubby, often low and poor in species formations growing usually in dry, poor soils in continental and insular Greece mostly at low elevations, occasionally up to 1200 m (Dafis et al., 2001). In the project area they form rather dense to very loose stands and are almost exclusively dominated by Quercus coccifera, Paliurus spina-christi and other meditteranean species. Other sclerophyllous species may co-occur, such as Juniperus oxycedrus and Phillyrea latifolia.

5350 “Pseudomaquis” This habitat type refers to mixed deciduous and evergreen shrubland formations occurring as a result of degradation of the Ostryo-Carpinion alliance in Greece. It consists of rather tall shrubs, usually dense, with a poor understory of herbs. In cases of degradation caused by overgrazing or fire, the shrubs are loose and low and may have a richer understory. In the project area these formations are dominated by several evergreen sclerophyllous and deciduous species such as Quercus coccifera, Quercus spp., Phillyrea latifolia, Juniperus oxycedrus, Pistacia terebinthus, Carpinus orientalis, Fraxinus ornus, Paliurus spina-christi, Pyrus amygdaliformis and Acer monspessulanus.

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Figure 3-17 Greek habitat 5340 “Garrigues of Eastern Mediterranean”

Source: EXERGIA field survey (October 2012) Figure 3-18 European habitat 5340 “Pseudomaquis”

Source: EXERGIA field survey (October 2012)

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3.2.4 River and Stream Habitats

Riparian forests belong to the most threatened habitats worldwide due to human activities and land use in adjacent areas (Fernandes et al., 2011). Activities, such as river impoundment, channelization, drainage, etc. have caused a rapid loss of floodplain forests in Europe, with the willow (Salix) and poplar (Populus) communities to be the most affected (Wenger et al., 1990). In Greece, riparian forests are among the most threatened habitat types (Dafis et al., 2001; Dimopoulos et al., 2006).

In the project area riparian vegetation develops along rivers and streams mostly in loose, restricted and poor stands, while in many cases it is reduced to reed thickets and single scattered individuals of riparian species, such as Salix alba, Platanus orientalis or Fraxinus angustifolia. Well-developed riparian forest occurs along the Strimonas, Aggitis, Nestos, Loutros and Filiouris Rivers and other smaller rivulets. In the Evros River crossing, on the Greek border side, poplar plantations were recorded, whereas well-developed riparian forest seem to occur on the Turkish border side. All river and stream crossings along the pipeline route were thoroughly investigated in order to locate the rare willow species Salix xanthicola. This species is a local endemic of W Thrace and adjacent areas in Bulgaria; however its occurrence seems to be mainly centred further west and north of the project area (Christensen et al., 2006), as it was not recorded in any of the visited crossings.

Riparian vegetation along the route can be associated to seven different habitat types:

3170 Mediterranean temporary ponds (Priority Habitat) The priority habitat type “*Mediterranean temporary ponds (code 3170)” is found in small patches and stagnant waters of low depth. Based on the official data for the Natura 2000 site of Nestos River (GR1150010 and GR1150001) this habitat is present along or in the vicinity of the river, nevertheless this same official data assignes a surface cover of 0% to this habitat. The reason for this is the ephemeral nature and small size of the Mediterranean ponds which creates difficulties in terms of their exact delineation. Their flora and fauna, nevertheless is well adapted to such alternations and indicate their existence. In addition to the above, this habitat type was found in the area of Kompsatos River in very small stands (of 1-2 m2).

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32B0 Annual river communities This Greek habitat type refers to communities dominated by annual species in river beds and is found mainly in Komspatos River.

6450 Greek hyper-Mediterranean humid grasslands This Greek habitat type refers to communities of nitrophilous and synanthropic species of high humidity. It is usually found in old abandoned fields.

3280 “Constantly flowing Mediterranean rivers with Paspalo-Agrostidion species and hanging curtains of Salix and Populus alba” This habitat type refers to grass and sedge communities growing along Mediterranean rivers (EC 2007, Dafis et al., 2001). These formations develop at the banks of rivers with temporary or permanent flow, at river islets with sandy or sandy loam soils near banks and, occasionally, they cover large areas at river flood-plains (Dafis et al., 2001). They occur scattered in Greece (Dimopoulos et al., 2006) and are dominated by Paspalum paspaloides, Rorripa sylvestris, Cyperus fuscus, Persicaria hydropiper, Agrostis stolonifera and other species (Dafis et al., 2001). In the project area they have been recorded in the Natura 2000 sites Nestos River (GR1150010 and GR1150001) and GR1130006 “Potamos Filiouris” (Filiouris River) (Figure 3-19).

92A0 “Salix alba and Populus alba galleries” This habitat type refers to the most common riparian forests of the Mediterranean and Central Eurasian region (Zaimes et al., 2010), which have a scattered occurrence in Greece (Dimopoulos et al., 2006). They are dominated by Salix alba and Populus alba, develop close to the riverbed and are seasonally covered by water (Dafis et al., 2001, EC 2007). Most of the stands (Figure 3- 21) are degraded and well-developed Salix alba and Populus alba galleries occur in KP 0-0.5, 77.4, 97.4, 98.6, 136, 153.5-154.1, 157.1, 220, 223.7, 290.1-290.5. Riparian species occurring in these galleries are Salix alba, Populus nigra, P. alba, Fraxinus angustifolia, Alnus glutinosa, Salix amplexicaulis, Platanus orientalis, Cornus sanguinea, Vitex agnus-castus, etc.

92C0 “Platanus orientalis and Liquidambar orientalis woods (Platanion orientalis)” This habitat type refers to forests and woods dominated, in continental Greece, by Platanus orientalis (oriental plane). They colonise poorly stabilised alluvial deposits of large rivers, gravel or boulder deposits of permanent or temporary torrents, spring basins, and particularly, the bottom of steep, shady gorges, where they constitute species-rich communities (Dafis et al.,

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2001, EC 2007). In the project area, extensive P. orientalis forests were observed along many rivers and rivulets (Figure 3-22). P. orientalis is included in the IUCN Red Data List (LC) and in the “Trees of global conservation concern of UNEP-WCMC”. In Greece it is protected by the Presidential Decree 67/81.

72A0 “Reedbeds” This habitat type is widespread in Greece (Dafis et al., 2001) and the most common riparian habitat type along the pipeline route developing in temporary streams, standing or slow flowing waters dominated by Phragmites australis and Typha sp. (Figure 3-24)

Figure 3-19 Occurrence of European habitat 3280 “Constantly flowing Mediterranean rivers with Paspalo-Agrostidion species and hanging curtains of Salix and Populus alba”

Source: NCC field survey (May 2013)

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Figure 3-20 European habitat 92A0 “Salix alba and Populus alba galleries”

Source: EXERGIA field survey (October 2012) Figure 3-21 Occurrence of European habitat 92A0 “Salix alba and Populus alba galleries”

Source: NCC field survey (May 2013)

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Figure 3-22 European habitat 92C0 “Platanus orientalis and Liquidambar orientalis woods (Platanion orientalis)”

Source: EXERGIA field survey (October 2012) Figure 3-23 Occurrence of European habitat 92C0 “Platanus orientalis and Liquidambar orientalis woods (Platanion orientalis)”

Source: NCC field survey (May 2013)

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Figure 3-24 Greek habitat 72A0 “Reedbeds”

Source: EXERGIA field survey (October 2012)

3.2.5 Grasslands

Many areas inside Natura 2000 sites and have been recorded as grasslands of “Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates (Festuco-Brometalia) (*important orchid sites) (code 6210)”2. This habitat type was never actually occurring in any of the Greek SACs and is replaced by the non-priority habitat type Eastern sub- mediterranean dry grasslands (Scorzonetalia villosae) (code 62A0). This can be further verified given that 6210* is not included in:  the validated (2011) Standard Data Form that contains information about the habitats (e.g. surface area, representativity and conservation status) present in the SAC,  the national database of the Natura 2000 Network. The replaced 62A0 habitat type is not a priority listed habitat type. Field work showed that large grassland areas, of the recorded as 6210 habitat type, are synanthropic vegetation types, which

2 Data used comes from the mapping reports of the project “Identification and description of the habitat types in areas of interest for nature conservation” carried out in 2001 from the Ministry of Environment, Land Planning and Public Works (now named Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change). These aged data have never been verified up to now and therefore suffer from partial lack of validation. As a result, some of the identified limits of the habitat types are not accurate when validated in the field and/or some of the habitat types may not exist at all in the designated sites.

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6290 Mediterranean subnitrophilous grasslands This Greek habitat type refers to communities of nitrophilous and synanthropic species. It is usually found in abandoned fields.

62A0 Eastern sub-mediterranean dry grasslands This Greek habitat type refers to thermophilous plant communities found in foothills and mountainous areas.

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4 Key Findings

4.1 Key Taxa within the Study Area

Below, a summary of the key taxa identified in the study or its vicinity is presented:  Ruscus aculeatus which is included in Annex IV of Directive 92/43/EEC. This is a species abundant in the wider NE Greece and therefore has been found in numberous locations which are listed below: o KP 304.5/ 200 m, KP 300/ 0 m, KP 296.1/ 50 m, 188.9/ 10 m, KP 190.5/ 180 m, KP 183.3/ 50 m, KP 159.7/ 100 m, 159.1/ 20 m, KP 123.2/ 60 m, KP 62.3/ 70 m, KP 60.2/ 100 m, KP 31.6/ 0 m, KP 29.5/ 0 m, KP 18.8/ 40 m, KP 123/ 451.7 m, KP 159.5/ 494.3 m, KP 159/ 479 m, KP 159/ 506.7 m, KP 158.5/ 99 m, KP 210/ 1080 m, KP 210/ 486.6 m, KP 208/ 561.8 m, KP 305.5/ 7194.1 m, KP 307/ 6961.8 m.  A total of 16 flora species with interest due to (1) its inclusion in the list of “Other Important Plant Species” (Kokkini et al., 1996) or (2) because are considered Balkan or sub-Balkan endemic species have been identified. All of these are either pioneer species or have a wide distribution in the region. The list of species and locations at which each of these were found are presented below: o Fraxinus angustifolia recorded at KP 13, KP 24, KP 77.5/ 26 m, KP 81/ 27 m o Erysimum crassistylum recorded at KP 319.6/ 50 m, KP 317.7/ 0 m, KP 261.7/ 110 m, KP 238/ 20 m, KP 233.1/ 190 m, KP 228/ 40 m, KP 227.1/ 130 m, KP 347.1/ 40 m, KP 190.5/ 180 m, KP 183.3/ 50 m, KP 125.9/ 60 m, KP 40.3/ 40 m, KP 18.8/ 40 m, KP 126/ 66.8 m, KP 161/ 604.9 m, KP 188/ 1507.8 m, KP 348/ 77.1 m o Dianthus monadelphus recorded at KP 126/ 67 m o Minuartia attica recorded at KP 307.1/ 20 m, KP 60.2/ 100 m KP 155/ 138.1 m o Digitalis viridiflora recorded at KP 188m/ 1507.8, out of buffer zone o Dianthus cruentus recorded at KP 208/ 561.8 m KP 305.5/ 7194.1 m KP 305/ 8118 m KP 307.5/ 7231.4 m KP 348/ 77.1 m o Helleborus odorus ssp. cyclophyllus recorded KP 317.7/ 0 m, KP 306.1/ 50 m, KP 305.7/ 110 m, KP 308/ 6929.3 m KP 307.5/ 7393.2 m, KP 307/ 6961.8 m o Centaurea affinis recorded KP 307/ 6961.8 m, out of buffer zone

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o Verbascum phoeniceum ssp. flavidum recorded at KP 319.6/ 50 m, KP 304.5/ 304.8/ 70 m, KP 304.5/ 200 m, KP 300/ 0 m, KP 160.7/ 120 m, KP 305.5/ 7194.1 m o Crocus pulchellus, recorded at ca. KP 55-61 /22-90 m o Colchicum turcicum, recorded at KP 64, KP 75 (216 m) and KP77 (225 m), o Fritillaria pontica recorded at KP 304.8/ 70 m, KP 306.1/ 50 m o Geocaryum capillifolium recorded at KP 304.5/ 200 m o Hypericum rumeliacum recorded at KP 233.1/ 190 m o Bromus cappadocicus recorded at KP 190.5/ 180 m o Dianthus stenopetalus recorded at KP 329.9/ 0 m).  2 Greek endemic species The Greek endemic Satureja pilosa subsp. origanita (included in the list of “Other Important Plant Species” -Kokkini et al., 1996-) and recorded at ca. KP 77.5 and KP 61/ 207 m, and Onosma halacsyi recorded at KP 53.1/ 30 m, KP 30.9/ 210 m,  8 species protected, under the Greek Law or International Conventions, were found, four of which were orchid species: o Platanus orientalis, protected by the Greek legislation. Was recorded at KP 25/ 190m, KP 26/ 216 m, KP 26.5/ 27 m, KP 29.9/ 50 m, KP 41.8/ 0 m, KP 50/ 1.1 km, KP 104/ 0 m, KP 113/ 30 m, KP 126/ 100 m, KP 179/ 40 m, KP 194/ 0 m, KP 237/ 0 m, KP 238/ 0 m, KP 321/ 110 m o Spiranthes spiralis, protected by the Greek legislation. Recorded at one location (KP 59/ 84 m) o Juniperus excelsa, protected by the Greek legislation. Recorded at 2 locations only (KP 31.6/ 0 m and KP 46.1/ 20 m) o 4 Orchid species, protected under the Greek Law and international convention: . Orchis purpurea recorded at KP 42.1/ 50 m, KP 48.5/ 30 m, KP 56.5/ 210 m, KP 60.2/ 100 m . Ophrys mammosa recorded at KP 154/ 20 m, KP 328.9/ 130 m, KP 329.9/ 0 m . Anacamptis morio ssp. caucasica recorded at KP 296.1/ 50 m, KP 304.8/ 70 m, KP 325.3/ out of buffer . Ophrys oestifera recorded at KP 48.5/ 30 m and Cephalanthera epipactoides recorded at KP 48.5/ 30 m.

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4.2 Key habitat types within the Study Area

As expected, the key areas of interest along the route coincide in most cases with those sections with less human intervention and where most of the protected areas have been designated (i.e. in areas of natural or seminatural environments).

One relevant exception to the above finding is the presence of various types of riparian habitats, which by nature have a small cover area and suffer from high human pressure (e.g. clearing for agricultural purposes, alteration of the river water regime or even engineering of the channel).

Below, a summary of the key sections and habitat types along the route is presented: 1. the riparian habitats types:  Salix alba and Populus alba galleries” (92A0) recorded in considerable stands at KP 0-0.5, 77.4, 97.4, 98.6, 136, 153.5-154.1, 157.1, 220, 223.7, 290.1-290.5  Platanus orientalis and Liquidambar orientalis woods (Platanion orientalis) (92C0) recorded in ca. KP 240-241, KP 238, KP192-193, KP 178.9, KP 237, KP 112.5-113, KP 26-27 and,  The priority Mediterranean temporary ponds (code 3170) recorded in KP 153.4-154, KP 112.9. 2. the rare habitat type “Quercus macrolepis forests” (9350) recorded at ca. KP 57-59; 3. Wildlife Refuge of Kotza Orma Nestou and Kompsatos River. It includes several important habitat types associated with the water body of Nestos River (including but not limited to the priority habitat type Mediterranean temporary ponds -code 3170). 4. Area of Potamos Filiouris (GR1130006) where Fraxinus angustifolia (important and protected species) and well-structured Salix alba-Populus alba galleries are found 5. Rivers and rivulets crossing the pipeline route because of their role in sustaining well- developed Salix alba - Populus alba galleries (code 92A0), which are vulnerable to water cycle changes and construction debris (KP 0-0.5, 77.4, 97.4, 98.6, 136, 153.5-154.1, 157.1, 220, 223.7, 290.1-290.5).

Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG – Greece (Branch Office) 21st Floor, Tower, 2-4 Messogion Ave., 11527 Athens, Greece Phone.: + 30 210 7454613 Fax: + 30 210 7454300 [email protected]

Date 06/2013

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