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The Ukrainian Weekly, 2020 INSIDE: l The Kremlin’s deadly toxins – page 2 l Andrij Parekh wins Emmy for directing – page 9 l Plast holds virtual summer camps – page 15 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXXXVIII No. 39 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2020 $2.00 Zelenskyy addresses 75th session Ukraine remembers Heorhiy Gongadze, of United Nations General Assembly opposition journalist killed 20 years ago Ukrinform Mr. Zelenskyy thanked Ukraine’s inter­ national partners for their help and sup­ UNITED NATIONS – The first steps port, and expressed hope for the further towards achieving peace in the Donbas unity of the international community should be the withdrawal of Russian forces regarding this matter. At the same time, he from the occupied territories and the return emphasized that “the U.N. plays an impor­ of permanent control to Ukraine within its tant role in restoring the sovereignty and internationally recognized borders, stated territorial integrity of Ukraine, as well as President Volodymyr Zelens kyy of Ukraine the authority of international law.” in a video address to the participants of the However, for this, he said, it is necessary 75th session of the United Nations General to improve existing mechanisms within the Assembly on September 23. international organization. “It is unaccept­ “A comprehensive ceasefire began on able when the sovereignty of an indepen­ July 27, which, despite attempts to break it, dent state is violated by one of the perma­ still gives hope for achieving a sustainable nent members of the U.N. Security Council,” truce,” the Ukrainian president stressed. Mr. Zelenskyy stated. He said the next steps on this path * * * should be the withdrawal of illegal armed Following is the full text of President of formations and weapons from the occupied Zelenskyy’s address at the general debate of territories, the return of control over the the 75th session of the U.N. General state border and, ultimately, the restoration Assembly, as posted by the Presidential Office National Union of Journalists of Ukraine of the territorial integrity of Ukraine within of Ukraine on September 23. At the unveiling in Kyiv of a memorial plaque to Heorhiy Gongadze. The plaque was installed on the building of the National Union of Journalists. its internationally recognized borders. Distinguished Mr. President! According to Mr. Zelenskyy, over the past Your Excellencies! Ladies and Gentlemen! Serhiy Tomilenko, the head of the year, Ukraine has proven through concrete On behalf of Ukraine, I have the honor to by Roman Tymotsko National Union of Journalists, noted that actions that it really wants peace. “We man­ congratulate you, Mr. [Volkan] Bozkir, on KYIV – Each year, on September 16, the vast majority of journalists currently aged to unblock the dialogue, we resumed your election as president of the 75th ses­ Ukrainians remember Heorhiy Gongadze, working in the media work “under the sign the meetings of the leaders of the Normand y sion of the U.N. General Assembly. Four countries, we made significant progress who was kidnapped and murdered on that of fate” of Heorhiy Gongadze. According to in the mutual release of detainees,” he said. (Continued on page 4) date in 2000. The Georgian­born Ukrainian him, Gongadze’s fate is a sign of how dan­ journalist founded one of the first online gerous a journalist’s profession is. “We note media outlets in the country, Ukrayinska with sadness that the number of physical Pravda. Twenty years after Gongadze’s aggression incidents is measured in dozens murder, Ukrainian journalists and human every year. Since the beginning of the year, Kuleba: Lukashenka’s ‘inauguration’ does not mean rights activists continue to demand securi­ we have identified 49 such cases. ty for journalists and that those who Journalists are harassed, beaten, cameras he is recognized as legitimate president of Belarus ordered the murders of Ukrainian journal­ are damaged,” Mr. Tomilenko said. He noted ists be brought to justice. that this week events are being held in all consider Mr. Lukashenka the legitimate On the occasion of the solemn anniver­ regions of Ukraine to honor murdered jour­ Ukraine joins growing list president of Belarus. sary, a memorial plaque to Gongadze was nalists, in particular, Igor Alexandrov, Borys “The minimum requirements for demo­ erected on the façade of the National Union Derevyanko, Pavlo Sheremet, Vasyl of countries not recognizing cratic elections were by no means met. of Journalists’ building in Kyiv. The unveil­ Serhiyenko and Vadym Komarov. the Lukashenka presidency They were neither fair nor free,” German ing of this commemorative plaque on On September 18, journalists and government spokesman Steffen Seibert September 16 marked the beginning of a human rights activists gathered on said after Mr. Lukashenka was sworn in. week in memory of Ukrainian journalists Independence Square in Kyiv to honor the KYIV – The inauguration of Alyaksandr “Even after today’s ceremony, Mr. Luka­ who have died in the line of duty. The pre­ memory of Gongadze. They also published Lukashenka does not mean he is recog­ shen k a cannot evoke the democratic legiti­ miere of the film “Gongadze’s Murder. 20 an appeal that was signed by several orga­ nized as the legitimate president of Belarus, macy that would have been the condition Years in Search of Truth” also took place on nizations: the Heorhiy Gongadze Prize, the said Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Minister for him to be recognized as a legitimate September 16 on the Ukrainian public Ukrainian branch of the International PEN Dmytro Kuleba. president.” channel. Club, ZMINA Human Rights Center, “Ukraine has never in any way interfered The Polish Foreign Affairs Ministry said “Heorhiy called the last project in his life Institute of Mass Media, Center for Civil in the internal affairs of Belarus and will in a statement that “a president elected in ‘Ukrainian Truth.’ He created an Internet Liberties, the NGOs Detector Media and always support the Belarusian people. an undemocratic election cannot be consid­ resource and believed in its success even Lviv Media Forum, and Internews­Ukraine. Considering the course of the election cam­ ered to be legally exercising power, wheth­ when only 1 percent of Ukrainians had “The brutal crime, as well as the so­ paign in Belarus and subsequent events, er the oath was secret or official.” access to the Internet,” said the representa­ called ‘Melnychenko recordings’ that gave today’s ‘inauguration’ of Alexander Luka­ Slovakia’s Foreign Affairs Minister Ivan tive of the Gongadze family, Valentyna rise to suspicions about the involvement of shenko does not mean his recognition as Korcok said Mr. Lukashenka “has no legiti­ Telychenko, at the unveiling of the memori­ then­President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma the legitimate head of the Belarusian state,” macy to lead his country.” al plaque on Kyiv’s main street, the in the assassination, upset the professional Mr. Kuleba wrote on Twitter on September Former Estonian President Toomas Khreshchatyk. “Heorhiy foresaw the future. community and society, and provoked mass 23. Ilves, a frequent critic of Mr. Lukashenka, Through his own efforts and life, he opened protests that later escalated into [the move­ A growing list of European countries responded to the swearing­in ceremony by new horizons for us. Heorhiy inspired, ment] ‘Ukraine without Kuchma.’ However, said they would not recognize Mr. tweeting that “inaugurating oneself as encouraged and motivated others to action. despite pressure from civil society and Lukashenka’s presidency. Denmark, Latvia, president is ‘literally’ autocracy.” And if not with his life, then with his death, international organizations, there is no end Lithuania, Germany, Slovakia, the Czech he changed Ukraine,” said Ms. Telychenko, a Republic and Estonia all said they did not (Continued on page 18) human rights activist. (Continued on page 19) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2020 No. 39 ANALYSIS Zelenskyy on Russian blackmail in TCG cism of the process to select a new anti­cor­ Exotic toxins fell Kremlin foes ruption prosecutor, prompting a member Ukraine is not yielding to Russia’s black­ of the European Parliament’s Foreign Mr. Skripal was convicted in 2006 by a mail in the Trilateral Contact Group (TCG) by Ron Sinovitz Affairs Committee to say Ukraine’s visa­ Russian court for “high treason in the form to resolve the conflict in the Donbas, but is RFE/RL free access to EU countries was under of espionage” on charges that he had given looking for a balance for TCG meetings in threat. Mr. Borrell said the EU had conclud­ The German government has announced the names of Russian agents in Europe to Minsk, Ukrainian President Volodymyr ed at its latest review in July that Ukraine that tests on blood samples taken from Britain’s MI6 intelligence agents during the Zelenskyy said on September 24 during an continued to meet the conditions for that Russian opposition leader Aleksei Navalny 1990s. official visit to Slovakia. “Ukraine does not program to remain in place. But he added showed the presence of a chemical nerve The attack on the Skripals in 2018 yield to blackmail. And everyone sees this that the problems associated with picking a agent from the Novichok group. expanded the list of cases in which Kremlin today: both Europe and, by the way, Russia. new anti­corruption prosecutor highlight­ The announcement conjured up memo­ opponents or critics have fallen ill from poi­ But we are really finding a balance today for ed the need for ensuring “the indepen­ ries of other Kremlin foes who have fallen soning over the years, sometimes fatally, in the meeting of the Trilateral Contact Group dence, effectiveness and sustainability of victim to toxic attacks in the Vladimir Putin in Minsk. Balance in a prudent policy and in circumstances that have raised suspicions the anti­corruption institutional frame­ era and previously.
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