Two Youths Badly Burned
• «ff( •-• i •••• i i>n ' 1 • I m 1 • E3 • - rit ^ s^tr-i. f , '/, * f ' Ivtv' 1/Awl 9H ttIBfal B • * HH [HThousandsI watch as a unit opens fire on the enemy forces in yesterday's Battle ofMonmouth re-creation. Photo by Carl Forino. More details on page 13. The Daily Register VOL. 100 NO. 307 SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1978 15 CENTS 'Copter both to special center '/ Two youths badly burned Propane gas explosion sets pair's car afire •' LITTLE SILVER — Two Red Bank teenagers were burned over ttto-n percent ol their bodies, after the car In which they wtn riding struck a propane gas valve behind Red Bank Itaghliil High School last night, officials report. Oat of the youths Ignited a cigarette lighter, which aet off the prtpane, while Investigating a "hissing noise" under the car, polk* laid Anthony S. George, 17, of 78 McLaren St., and Douglas L. HavUand, II, of 75 McLaren St., were rushed by Coast Guard helicopters to St. Barnabas Medical Center Burn Unit, Liv- IngUton, after being treated at Rivervlew Hospital shortly before midnight. The two were in "stable, but critical" condition this morn- tag. * hospital spokeswoman said. Mr. HavUand was burned over 75 percent of nil body, and Mr. George over 63 percent of ftis body, she said The pair was riding in a IMS Mercury Cougar behind the high school, when It struck a 12-inch valve protruding from the lawn behind the school cafeteria, police said. The valve Is attached to a 500 gallon underground propane Story by David Turner and Mark Graven, All photos by George Andrews.
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