(Published by the Authority of the City Council of the City of )



Regular Meeting-Tuesday, January 14, 1992

at 10:00 A. M.

(Council Chambers-City Hall-Chicago, Illinois)



Attendance At Meeting.

Present — The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, and Aldermen Mazola, Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Coleman, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone.

A bsent - Alderman Laurino.

Call To Order.

On Tuesday, January 14, 1992 at 10:00 A.M., The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, called the City Council to order. The clerk called the roll of members and it was found that there were present at that time: Aldermen Mazola, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Jones, Rugai, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 38.

Quorum present.


Reverend William R. Lott, Pastor of Mount Sinai Baptist Church, opened the meeting with prayer. 11380 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92



The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, presented the following communication:


January 14,1992.

To the Honorable, The City Council of the City of Chicago: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN -1 transmit herewith a resolution honoring the memory ofthe late Mrs. Tommie Parker Walker. Your favorable consideration ofthis resolution will be appreciated.

Very truly yours, (Signed) RICHARD M. DALEY, Mayor.

Alderman Burrell moved to Suspend the Rules Temporarily for the iinmediate consideration of and action upon the said proposed resolution. The motion Prevailed. The following is said proposed resolution;

WHEREAS, Tommie Lee Parker Walker, an employee of the Chicago Board of Education, was found murdered in her west side home on December 28,1991; and 1/14/92 COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. 11381

WHEREAS, Mrs. Walker was the oldest of nine children born to the late Reverend and Mrs. Thomas Wajmiond Parker in Birmingham, Alabama; and WHEREAS, She was a graduate of A.H. Parker High School in Birmingham, Alabama and pursued her college education at Alabama A & M University in Huntsville, Alabama and the University of Akron in Ohio; and WHEREAS, In 1956, she married Leonard Walker and to this union, nine children were born. In succeeding years, eight more children were born to Mrs. Walker and Fred Hasell; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Walker was a thirty-seven year employee ofthe Chicago Board of Education, serving as an Administrative Aide at the Brian Piccolo Middle School at the time of her death; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Walker was very active in community, social, and political organizations such as the National Black Republicans, Naomi Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, the 500 North Springfield Block Club, and the Black Republican Task Force; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Walker was known throughout her community as a person of unstinting generosity and unfailing kindness to those in need of aid; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Walker is survived by ten sons, four daughters, three sisters, five brothers, nineteen grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, three aunts, five uncles and a host of cousins and friends; and WHEREAS, Tommie Walker will be best remembered as a diligent, steadfast, tireless conimunity and social activist who cared about those less fortunate than her; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That the Mayor and members of the City Council assembled this fourteenth day of January, 1992, extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Tommie Lee Walker and remember Mrs. Walker as one ofthis city's great humanitarians; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the family of Mrs. Walker.

On motion of Alderman Burrell, seconded by Aldermen Shaw and Hendon, the foregoing proposed resolution was Adopted by a rising vote. 11382 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

At this point in the proceedings. The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, rose to offer his condolences to the family of Mrs. Tommie Lee Walker. Declaring that Mrs. Walker represented the best qualities of Chicagoans, Mayor Daley stated that she was truly dedicated to the young people of Chicago. After recalling Mrs. Walker's strong and continued support through his campaigns for public office, the Mayor then extended his personal thanks to her family.


The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, presented the following communication:


January 14,1992.

To the Honorable, The City Council of the City of Chicago: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN -1 transmit herewith a resolution honoring the memory ofthe late James F. Bere. Your favorable consideration ofthis resolution will be appreciated.

Very truly yours, (Signed) RICHARD M. DALEY, Mayor.

Alderman Burke moved to Suspend the Rules Temporarily for the immediate consideration of and action upon the said proposed resolution. The motion Prevailed. 1/14/92 COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. 11383

The following is said proposed resolution:

WHEREAS, James F. Bere, chief executive and chairman of Borg-Warner Corporation passed away on Friday, January 3, 1992, in his Hinsdale, Illinois home; and WHEREAS, Mr. Bere, a native of Chicago, was a graduate of Northwestern University; and WHEREAS, In 1961, Mr. Bere joined Borg-Warrier as president and general manager of the Borg & Beck division, was elected president and director in 1968, was chief executive from 1972 to 1986, and was chairman from 1975 until his death; and WHEREAS, Under James Bere's leadership, Borg-Warner diversified from traditional manufacturing to include the production of chemicals, plastics, air conditioning, energy equipment and automotive components; and WHEREAS, Mr. Bere served in various capacities in prominent charitable, educational, social and business organizations in Chicago, including: co-Chairman, the Chicago Financial Research and Advisory Committee; Chairman and Trustee, Chicago Museum of Science and Industry; Trustee, University of Chicago; Trustee, Chicago Symphony Orchestra; Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Chicago Community and Trust; an Advisory Council member. Northwestern University's J. L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management; and a board member of Ameritech Corporation, and Abbott Laboratories; and WHEREAS, Mr. Bere is survived by his wife, Barbara Van Dellen Bere; three sons, Roliert, James F., Jr., and David; two daughters, Lynn Bere Stine and Becky Bere Sigfusson; and sixteen grandchildren; and WHEREAS, James F. Bere will long be remembered as one of this city's greatest businessmen; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That the Mayor and members of the City Council, assembled this fourteenth day of January, 1992, honor the memory of James F. Bere as we extend our deepest sjmipathy to the family on the loss of this great man; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the family of Mr. James F. Bere.

On motion of Alderman Burke, the foregoing proposed resolution was Adopted by a rising vote. 11384 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

At this point in the proceedings. The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, rose to laud Mr. James F. Bere as a man who not only epitomized the socially conscious and responsible business person but who was a role model for all of us. Drawing upon the familiarity derived from a long-standing personal as well as professional relationship, the Mayor stated that Mr. Bere's life focus was church, family, conimunity and business. Remembering a man who believed in the American workforce, who freely gave of himself to others. Mayor Daley lamented the passing of Mr. James F. Bere and extended his personal condolences to Mr. Bere's family.


The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, presented the following communication:


January 14,1992.

To the Honorable, The City Council of the City of Chicago: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN -1 transmit herewith a resolution honoring Chicago Police Officers Thomas Flanagan and Josephine Tovar for their heroic rescue of a child from a burning building. Your favorable consideration ofthis resolution will be appreciated.

Very truly yours, (Signed) RICHARD M. DALEY, Mayor.

Alderman Burke moved to Suspend the Rules Temporarily for the immediate consideration of and action upon the said proposed resolution. The motion Prevailed. 1/14/92 COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. 11385

The following is said proposed resolution:

WHEREAS, Two Chicago police officers. Officer Thomas Flanagan and Officer Josephine Tovar, rushed into a burning house on the south side early Christmas day and rescued a two-year-old girl, Michalae Johnson; and WHEREAS, Officers Flanagan and Tovar had responded to a report of domestic disturbance in the neighborhood and were leaving when they noticed flames shooting from the building; and WHEREAS, They then proceeded to run up the stairs to the home, break down the door and alert seven adult residents ofthe fire; and WHEREAS, As the family members exited, they realized the two-year-old was still in the house; and WHEREAS, The police officers ran back into the house, found her in a bedroom, and fled out the front door with the child; and WHEREAS, The second floor of the two-story frame house, in the 11600 block of Stewart Avenue, was severely damaged by the fire, and the family had to be given shelter by the City's Department of Human Services; and WHEREAS, Officer Thomas Flanagan, thirty-three, and Officer Josephine Tovar, forty-one, performed above and beyond the call of duty, giving of themselves courageously; now, therefore, Be It Resolved, That the Mayor and members of the City Council, assembled this fourteenth day of January, 1992, commend Officer Thomas Flanagan and Officer Josephine Tovar for their courageous efforts to save the lives ofthe Johnson and Vigil families; and Be It Further Resolved, That suitable copies of this resolution be presented to Police Officers Flanagan and Tovar as a token of our esteem for their outstanding public service in the Chicago Police Department on behalf ofthe people ofthe City ofChicago.

On motion of Alderman Burke, seconded by Alderman E. Smith, the foregoing proposed resolution was Adopted by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Coleman, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 49. 11386 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Nays - None. Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. At this point in the proceedings. The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, rose to offer his personal appreciation for the heroic efforts of Officer Thomas Flanagan and Officer Josephine Tovar. Declaring that we too often see only the officer, without the realization that the officer is an integral part of a family, the Mayor noted that in their service to the city, police officers place themselves in harms way, jeopardizing not only their own lives, but also the emotional well-being of their families. On behalf of the entire city. Mayor Daley then offered thanks and congratulations to Officer Thomas Flanagan and Officer Josephine Tovar for their outstanding service.


The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, submitted the following communication which was, at the request of two aldermen present (under the provisions ofCouncil Rule 43) i?e/erred to the Committee on Buildings:


January 14,1992.

To the Honorable, The City Council of the City of Chicago: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - I have appointed the following persons to the Building Board of Appeals for the following terms:

Helene D. Colvin, appointed for a term expiring April 21, 1993, to succeed Michelle Browne. John G. Agrela, reappointed for a term expiring April 21,1992. Richard Gibbons, reappointed for a term expiring April 21,1992. Glenn M. Harston, reappointed for a term expiring April 21,1993. 1/14/92 COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. 11387

Richard Zulkey, reappointed for a term expiring April 21,1993.

Your favorable consideration of these appointments will be appreciated.

Very truly yours, (Signed) RICHARD M. DALEY, Mayor.


The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, submitted the following communication which was, at the request of two aldermen present (under the provisions of Council Rule 43) i2e/erred to the Committee on Economic and Capital Development:


January 14,1992.

To the Honorable, The City Council of the City of Chicago: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - I have appointed Valerie Jarrett as Commissioner of Planning and Development. Your favorable consideration ofthis appointment will be appreciated.

Very truly yours, (Signed) RICHARD M. DALEY, Mayor. 11388 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92


The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, submitted the following communication which was, at the request of two aldermen present (under the provisions of Council Rule 43) Referred to the Committee on Energy, Environmental Protection and Public Utilities:


January 14,1992.

To the Honorable, The City Council of the City of Chicago:

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - I have appointed Henry Henderson as Conimissioner ofthe Environment.

Your favorable consideration ofthis appointment will be appreciated.

Very truly yours,

(Signed) RICHARD M. DALEY, Mayor.


The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, submitted the following communication which was, at the request of two aldermen present (under the provisions ofCouncil Rule 43) i?e/erred to the Committee on Finance: 1/14/92 COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. 11389


January 14,1992.

To the Honorable, The City Council ofthe City of Chicago: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - I have reappointed the following persons to the Public Building Commission for the following terms:

Arthur M. Brazier, reappointed for a term expiring September 30,1994. Samuel Sax, reappointed for a term expiring September 30,1996.

Your favorable consideration of these reappointments will be appreciated.

Very truly yours, (Signed) RICHARD M. DALEY, Mayor.


The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, submitted the following communication which was, at the request of two aldermen present (under the provisions ofCouncil Rule 43) i?e/erred to the Committee on Health:


January 14,1992.

To the Honorable, The City Council of the City of Chicago: 11390 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - I have appointed Dr. Michael McCally as a member of the Board of Health to complete the unexpired term of Toni Miles, who has resigned. Your favorable consideration ofthis appointment will be appreciated.

Very truly yours, (Signed) RICHARD M. DALEY, Mayor.


The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, submitted the following communication which was, at the request of two aldermen present (under the provisions of Council Rule 43) Referred to the Committee on Historical Landmark Preservation:


January 14,1992.

To the Honorable, The City Council of the City of Chicago: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - I have appointed the following persons to the Commission on Chicago Landmarks for the following terms:

Marian Despres, reappointed for a term expiring March 11,1996. Kein L. Burton, appointed for a term expiring March 11,1996 to succeed Charles Smith. Albert M. Friedman, appointed for a term expiring March 11, 1996 to succeed John Baird. 1/14/92 COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. 11391

Your favorable consideration of these appointments will be appreciated.

Very truly yours, (Signed) RICHARD M. DALEY, Mayor.


The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, submitted the following communication which was, at the request of two aldermen present (under the provisions of Council Rule 43) Referred to the Committee on Housing and Real Estate:


January 14,1992.

To the Honorable, The City Council of the City of Chicago:

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - I have appointed Marina Carrott as Conimissioner of Housing.

Your favorable consideration ofthis appointment will be appreciated.

Very truly yours,



The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, submitted the following communication which was, at the request of two aldermen present (under the provisions of Council Rule 43) Referred to the Committee on Housing and Real Estate:


January 14,1992.

To the Honorable, The City Council of the City of Chicago: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - I have appointed Helmet Gottfret as a member of the Northwest Home Equity Commission to complete the unexpired term of Thomas Ryan who has resigned. This term will expire on June 28,1993. Your favorable consideration ofthis appointment will be appreciated.

Very truly yours, (Signed) RICHARD M. DALEY, Mayor.


The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, submitted the following communication which was. Placed on File: 1/14/92 COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. 11393


January 14,1992.

To the Honorable, The City Council of the City of Chicago: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - I have appointed Hem C. Gupta as a member ofthe Conimittee on Standards and Tests to succeed John Dolio, Sr., who is deceased. This communication is submitted for your information.

Very truly yours, (Signed) RICHARD M. DALEY, Mayor.


The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, submitted the following communication which was, together with the proposed ordinance transmitted therewith, i?e/erred to the Committee on Finance:


January 14,1992.

To the Honorable, The City Council of the City of Chicago: 11394 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - At the request ofthe Director of Revenue, I transmit herewith an ordinance amending Chapter 3-32 of the Municipal Code of Chicago to exempt from the Chicago Transaction Tax leases or rentals of personal property in which the entire consideration for the lease or rental is paid by inserting coins or currency into a mechanism attached to the personal property. Your favorable consideration ofthis ordinance will be appreciated.

Very truly yours, (Signed) RICHARD M. DALEY, Mayor.


The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, submitted the following communication which was, together with the proposed ordinance transmitted therewith. Referred to the Committee on Energy, Environmental Protection and Public Utilities:


January 14,1992.

To the Honorable, The City Council of the City of Chicago: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - At the request of the Acting Commissioner of Planning and Development, I transmit herewith an ordinance adopting the City's Solid Waste Management Plan. The Plan establishes directions for changes in the handling of solid waste in a manner that will reduce land, air and water pollution and conserve the natural, economic and energy resources of the City. 1/14/92 COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. 11395

Your favorable consideration of this ordinance will be appreciated.

Very truly yours, (Signed) RICHARD M. DALEY, Mayor.


The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, submitted the following communication which was, together with the proposed ordinance transmitted therewith, i?e/erred to the Committee on Finance:


January 14,1992.

To the Honorable, The City Council of the City of Chicago: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - At the request of the Acting Commissioner of Transportation, I transmit herewith an ordinance authorizing the execution of an agreement with the State of Illinois for construction of a state funded arterial street resurfacing project at various locations. Your favorable consideration ofthis ordinance will be appreciated.

Very truly yours, (Signed) RICHARD M. DALEY, Mayor. 11396 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92


The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, submitted the following communication which was, together with the proposed ordinance transmitted therewith. Re/erred to the Committee on Finance:


January 14,1992.

To the Honorable, The City Council of the City of Chicago: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - At the request of the Acting Commissioner of Transportation, I transmit herewith an ordinance authorizing the execution of an agreement for structural improvements associated with the rehabilitation ofthe Kennedy Expressway. Your favorable consideration ofthis ordinance will be appreciated.

Very truly yours, (Signed) RICHARD M. DALEY, Mayor.


The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, submitted the following communication which was, together with the proposed ordinance transmitted therewith, i?e/erred to the Committee on Finance: 1/14/92 COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. 11397


January 14,1992.

To the Honorable, The City Council ofthe City of Chicago: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - At the request of the Acting Commissioner of Transportation, I transmit herewith an ordinance authorizing the execution of an agreement with the State of Illinois for improvement of Lawndale Avenue from 75th Place to 79th Street. Your favorable consideration ofthis ordinance will be appreciated.

Very truly yours, (Signed) RICHARD M. DALEY, Mayor.


The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, submitted the following communication which was, together with the proposed ordinance transmitted therewith, i2e/erred to the Committee on Finance:


January 14,1992.

To the Honorable, The City Council of the City of Chicago: 11398 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN -- At the request of the Acting Commissioner of Transportation, I transmit herewith an ordinance authorizing the execution of an agreement with the State of Illinois for preliminary engineering for the improvement of the Lake Shore Drive bridge at 59th Street. Your favorable consideration ofthis ordinance will be appreciated.

Very truly yours, (Signed) RICHARD M. DALEY, Mayor.


The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, submitted the following communication which was, together with the proposed ordinance transmitted therewith, i?e/erred to the Committee on Finance:


January 14,1992.

To the Honorable, The City Council of the City of Chicago: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - At the request of the Acting Commissioner of Transportation, I transmit herewith an ordinance authorizing the execution of an agreement with the State oflllinois for the construction of two Southwest Transit Line park-and-ride lots at the 35th Street/Archer Avenue Station. 1/14/92 COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. 11399

Your favorable consideration ofthis ordinance will be appreciated.

Very truly yours, (Signed) RICHARD M. DALEY, Mayor.


The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, submitted the following communication which was, together with the proposed ordinance transmitted therewith,/?e/erred to the Committee on Finance:


January 14,1992.

To the Honorable, The City Council of the City of Chicago: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - At the request of the Acting Commissioner of Transportation, I transmit herewith an ordinance authorizing the execution of an agreement with the State of Illinois for the improvement of Ashland Avenue under the railroad viaduct at Kinzie Street. Your favorable consideration ofthis ordinance will be appreciated.

Very truly yours, (Signed) RICHARD M. DALEY, Mayor. 11400 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92


The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, submitted the following communication which was, together with the proposed ordinance transmitted therewith, iJe/erred to the Committee on Finance:


January 14,1992.

To the Honorable, The City Council of the City of Chicago: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - At the request of the Acting Commissioner of Planning and Development, I transmit herewith an ordinance authorizing the purchase of a participation interest in a loan and security agreement on behalf of Midwest Industrial Metals, Inc. for the purchase and development of real estate located at 1000 North Branch. Your favorable consideration ofthis ordinance will be appreciated.

Very truly yours, (Signed) RICHARD M. DALEY, Mayor.


The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, submitted the following communication which was, together with the proposed ordinance transmitted therewith. Re/erred to the Committee on Finance: 1/14/92 COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. 11401


January 14,1992.

To the Honorable, The City Council of the City of Chicago:

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - At the request of the Commissioner of Planning and Development, I transmit herewith three ordinances approving an eligibility study, redevelopment plan and project, and recommending designation of a tax increment redevelopment project area and adoption of tax increment financing for the Stockyards Southeast Quadrant Industrial Redevelopment Project.

Your favorable consideration of these ordinances will be appreciated.

Very truly yours,

(Signed) RICHARD M. DALEY, Mayor.


The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, submitted the following communication which was, together with the proposed ordinance transmitted therewith. Referred to the Committee on the Budget and Government Operations: 11402 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92


January 14,1992.

To the Honorable, The City Council of the City of Chicago:

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - At the request of the Conimissioner of Health, I transmit herewith an ordinance authorizing the City to enter into an agreement with the Illinois Department of Public Health for the expenditure of $12,000 in State grant funds pursuant to the Community Based Planned Approach to Conimunity Health Project. The Project will assist the Little Village Conimunity in identifying health problems and establishing health education programs in the conimunity.

Your favorable consideration ofthis ordinance will be appreciated.

Very truly yours, (Signed) RICHARD M. DALEY, Mayor.


The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, submitted the following communication which was, together with the proposed ordinance transmitted therewith. Referred to the Committee on the Budget and Government Operations: 1/14/92 COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. 11403


January 14,1992.

To the Honorable, The City Council of the City of Chicago: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - At the request of the Public Building Commission, I transmit herewith an ordinance authorizing the transfer of surplus funds standing to the credit ofthe City ofChicago in Revenue Fund Accounts of the Commission, in order to meet deficiencies in other Revenue Fund Accounts. Also transmitted is a certified copy of a resolution passed by the Public Building Commission, requesting approval of these transfers. Your favorable consideration ofthis ordinance will be appreciated.

Very truly yours, (Signed) RICHARD M. DALEY, Mayor.


The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, submitted the following communication which was, together with the proposed ordinance transmitted therewith. Referred to the Committee on the Budget and Government Operations:


January 14,1992.

To the Honorable, The City Council of the City of Chicago: 11404 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - At the request of the Commissioner of Aging, I transmit herewith an ordinance authorizing acceptance of a grant from Marshall Field's 1991 Community Giving Program and appropriating the proceeds ofthe grant. Your favorable consideration of this ordinance will be appreciated.

Very truly yours, (Signed) RICHARD M. DALEY, Mayor.


The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, submitted the following communication which was, together with the proposed ordinance transmitted therewith, i?e/erred to the Committee on Housing and Real Estate:


January 14,1992.

To the Honorable, The City Council of the City of Chicago: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - At the request of the Acting Conimissioner of Housing, I transmit herewith an ordinance authorizing the conveyance of four properties to Bethel New Life, Inc., pursuant to the City's Tax Reactivation Program. Your favorable consideration ofthis ordinance will be appreciated.

Very truly yours, (Signed) RICHARD M. DALEY, Mayor. 1/14/92 COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. 11405


The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, submitted the following communication which was, together with the proposed ordinance transmitted therewith. Referred to the Committee on Housing and Real Estate:


January 14,1992.

To the Honorable, The City Council of the City of Chicago: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - At the request of the Acting Commissioner of Planning and Development, I transmit herewith an ordinance authorizing the conveyance of two properties in the Chicago- Austin Commercial District to Chicago-Austin Partners, Inc., which proposes to construct a General Services Administration office building and adjacent parking lot on the property. Your favorable consideration ofthis ordinance will be appreciated.

Very truly yours, (Signed) RICHARD M. DALEY, Mayor.


The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, submitted the following communication which was, together with the proposed ordinances transmitted therewith, i?e/erred to the Committee on Housing and Real Estate: 11406 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92


January 14,1992.

To the Honorable, The City Council of the City of Chicago: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - At the request of the Commissioner of General Services, I transmit herewith seven ordinances accepting bid proposals for various City-owned properties. The attached bid proposals were opened by the Department of (general Services at a public meeting held on December 12,1991. Your favorable consideration of these ordinances will be appreciated.

Very truly yours, (Signed) RICHARD M. DALEY, Mayor.


The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, submitted the following communication which was, together with the proposed ordinances transmitted therewith. Re/erred to the Committee on Housing and Real Estate:


January 14,1992.

To the Honorable, The City Council of the City of Chicago: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - At the request of the Conimissioner of General Services, I transmit herewith two ordinances rejecting bid proposals for various City-owned properties. The attached bid proposals were opened 1/14/92 COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. 11407

by the Department of General Services at a public meeting held on December 12,1991. Your favorable consideration of these ordinances will be appreciated.

Very truly yours, (Signed) RICHARD M. DALEY, Mayor.


The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, submitted the following communication which was, together with the proposed ordinance transmitted therewith. Referred to the Committee on Special Events and Cultural Affairs:


January 14,1992.

To the Honorable, The City Council ofthe City of Chicago: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - At the request of the Conimissioner of Special Events, I transmit herewith an ordinance authorizing the Mayor's Office of Special Events to sponsor and produce various special events, including the Taste of Chicago, Blues Festival, Gospel Festival, Country Music Festival, Jazz Festival, Venetian Night, and Viva! Chicago Festival. Your favorable consideration ofthis ordinance will be appreciated.

Very truly yours, (Signed) RICHARD M. DALEY, Mayor. 11408 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

City Council Informed As To Miscellaneous Documents Filed In City Clerk's Office.

The Honorable Walter S. Kozubowski, City Clerk, informed the City Council that documents have been filed in his office relating to the respective subjects designated as follows:


The following communication from Mr. William L. Ramey, Assistant Secretary, Commonwealth Edison Company, addressed to the City Clerk under date of December 31,1991, which reads as follows:

"Pursuant to the provision of the 1948 Franchise Ordinance granted to this company, I am enclosing copies pf reports of the company as listed below:

Statement for bills issued in January, 1992 to Illinois Commerce Commission related to Standard Contract Rider No. 20. Demand Side Management Capability Building, Rider No. 22, for the month of January, 1992. Monthly Electric Utility Sales and Revenue Report to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (F.E.R.C. Form No. EIA-826), for the month of October, 1991."


Also, a communication from Ms. M. Susan Lopez, Assistant Corporation Counsel, concerning the notification of sale of $33,980,000 of City ofChicago General Obligation Bonds, Project Series of 1991, which was Placed on Pile. 1/14/92 COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. 11409


Also, a communication from Ms. M. Susan Lopez, Assistant Corporation Counsel, concerning Amendment Number One to the Bond Order and Notice of Sale relating to the $2,315,000 Ryan Garfield Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Series 1987, which was PZaced on File.


Also, copies of resolutions adopted by the Chicago Plan Commission on December 12,1991, and reports ofthe Department ofPlanning, approving the following proposals, which were Placed on File:

Department Of General Services, Real Estate Section.

Disposition Of Vacant City-Owned Property.

Referral Number Wan Address

91-188-02 9 10548 South Indiana Avenue 91-190-02 9 10800 South Edbrooke Avenue 91-200-02 9 10944 South Indiana Avenue 91-318-02 27 129 North Mozart Street 91-319-02 27 2832 - 2834 West Lake Street 11410 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Referral Number Ward Address

91-320-02 3 353 West 47th Street 91-321-02 3 4951 South Shields Avenue 91-322-02 16 6923 South Ashland Avenue 91-323-02 24 4135 - 4145 West 13th Street 91-324-02 27 2907 West Jackson Boulevard

91-325-02 4 4325 - 4327 South Vincennes Avenue 91-326-02 28 3801 - 3811 West Fulton StreeV 344 - 348 North Hamlin Avenue 91-327-02 16 1053 - 1055 West Garfield Boulevard 91-328-02 12 3222 South Hoyne Avenue 91-332-02 16 6501 South Harvard Avenue

91-333-02 29 300 North Lotus Avenue/ 5438-5454 West Fulton Street 91-316-06 40 and 47 Rehabilitation ofthe Wilson Avenue Bridge.


Also, annual inspection reports of municipal lockups, submitted by Mr. David C. Watkins, Deputy Director, Bureau of Inspections and Audits, which were Placed on Pile. 1/14/92 COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. 11411


Also, a communication from Mr. Glenn E. Carr, Commissioner of the Department of Personnel, transmitting a report on the procedures used to facilitate the rehiring of displaced City employees, pursuant to a resolution adopted by the City Council on November 22,1991, which was Placed on File.


Also, a communication from Mr. Daryl J. Okrzesik, Audit Manager, Department of Revenue, filed in the Office of the City Clerk pursuant to Municipal Code Title 3, Chapter 28, Section 100, transmitting a copy of the jeopardy notice of tax liability and determination of assessment under File Number 91D-02-038 pertaining to Pro Sports, Incorporated, which was Placed on File.


Also, a communication from Mr. Daryl J. Okrzesik, Audit Manager, Department of Revenue, filed in the Office of the City Clerk pursuant to Municipal Code Title 3, Chapter 28, Section 100, transmitting a copy of the jeopardy notice of tax liability and determination of assessment under File Number 91E-02-011 pertaining to Statistical Tabulating Corporation, which was Placed on File. 11412 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92


Also, a report received from Mr. Walter K. Knorr, City Comptroller, listing the personal services paid by voucher for the month of November, 1991, which was Placed on FiZe and ordered published:

[Voucher pajmients printed on page 11413 of this Journal.]

City Council Informed As To Certain Actions Taken.


The City Clerk informed the City Council that all those ordinances, et cetera which were passed by the City Council on December 11,1991, and which were required by statute to be published in book or pamphlet form or in one or more newspapers, were published in pamphlet form on January 13, 1992, by being printed in full text in printed pamphlet copies ofthe Journal ofthe Proceedings of the City Council of the regular meeting held on December 11, 1991, published by authority ofthe City Council, in accordance with the provisions of Title 2, Chapter 12, Section 050 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago, as passed on June 27,1990.


The City Clerk informed the City Council that the ordinance authorizing the execution of a loan agreement with Marshway Development Corporation for the acquisition and rehabilitation of properties at 1722 — 1724 West Juneway Terrace and 7700 - 7706 North Marshfield Avenue, which was considered by the City Council on December 11, 1991 and which was requested to be published in pamphlet form, was published in pamphlet form on December 12, 1991, by being printed in full text in a special pamphlet, published by

(Continued on page 11414) 1/14/92 COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. 11413 S^5 88}2 SSS88888SS88S88 88 8 8SS§SiQ ' n iri 5' o CO CO oj iri r^ iri iri uj •-• in o) iri iri -F- ui T- 0)i0T-r^t^?>.'.-{gi lo T- t r^ "^ — '0" mS.a>Y-inco^coooococQooooa)CQoQmGOT-a)a)ncoc'-JQOOQWOOT-OIOQL-J.oicnncocoocoi}, -_ ^ § 3>K.r^«5a3CMcqoo^cocoo5o r^ooSmcococo'a-rir-cOcr^ooSmcococo'a-rir-c"'a-rfr-cOcoooO o ) T-" -r-" T-" T-" T-" CO CO >• iC ct)" iri" to CM" o" K1-^ T-^ T^ T^ i-T c\i cvT cvT CNT (D CNJ" •»-" o z

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(Continued from page 11412) authority of the City Council in accordance with the provisions of Title 2, Chapter 12, Section 050 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago, as passed on June 27,1990.

Also, the City Clerk informed the City Council that the ordinance authorizing the acceptance of a grant award for the rehabilitation of property in the West Town Neighborhood, which was considered by the City Council on December 11,1991 and which was requested to be published in pamphlet form, was published in pamphlet form on December 16,1991, by being printed in full text in a special pamphlet, published by authority of the City Council in accordance with the provisions of Title 2, Chapter 12, Section 050 of the Municipal Code ofChicago, as passed on June 27,1990.

Miscellaneous Communications, Reports, Et Cetera, Requiring Council Action (Transmitted To City Council By City Clerk).

The City Clerk transmitted communications, reports, et cetera, relating to the respective subjects listed below, which were acted upon by the City Council in each case in the manner noted, as follows:


Applications (in duplicate) together with the proposed ordinances for amendment of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, as amended, for the purpose of reclassifjdng particular areas, which were Referred to the Committee on Zoning, as follows:

Frank Caruso - to classify as an R5 General Residence District instead of an R4 General Residence District the area shown on Map No. 6-F bounded by: 1/14/92 COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. 11415

the right-of-way ofthe Stevenson Expressway; a line 584.1 feet east of and parallel to South Stewart Avenue; West 25th Place; and a line 405.8 feet east of and parallel to South Stewart Avenue.

Bernard I. Citron, attorney for American National Bank & Trust Company of Chicago, under Trust Number 64475 — to classify as an Ml-5 Restricted Manufacturing District instead of a C2-5 General Conimercial District the area shown on Map No. 1-F bounded by:

West Ohio Street; North Orleans Street; West Grand Avenue; a line 214.55 feet west of and parallel to North Orleans Street; the alley next north of and parallel to West Grand Avenue (or a line 118 feet north of and parallel to West Grand Avenue); and a line 243.28 feet west of and parallel to North Orleans Street.

Bernard I. Citron, attorney for Harold Lichterman and Patrick Fitzgerald - to classify as a B4-3 Restricted Service District instead of an Ml-2 Restricted Manufacturing District the area shown on Map No. 11-H bounded by:

a line 58.22 feet south of and parallel to West Lawrence Avenue; a line 74.71 feet east of and parallel to North Ravenswood Avenue; a line 57.21 feet south of and parallel to West Lawrence Avenue; a line 84.32 feet east of and parallel to North Ravenswood Avenue; a line 79.72 feet south of and parallel to West Lawrence Avenue; the alley next east of and parallel to North Ravenswood Avenue; a line 237.85 feet south of and parallel to West Lawrence Avenue; and North Ravenswood Avenue.

Cole Taylor Bank/Main, under Trust Agreement Number 88-174 — to classify as a C3-5 Commercial-Manufacturing District instead of an M2-5 General Manufacturing District the area shown on Map No. 3-G bounded by:

West Weed Street; North Fremont Street; a line 227.50 feet south of West Weed Street; the alley next west of North Fremont Street; a line 225 feet west of North Fremont Street; a line 124 feet south of West Weed Street; a line 220.83 feet west of North Fremont Street; a line 76.40 feet south of West Weed Street; and a line 225 feet west of North Fremont Street.

Ronald B. Grais, agent for NBD Trust Company oflllinois, under Trust Agreement Number 1258-CH - to classify as a B4-4 Restricted Service 11416 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

District instead of an R4 General Residence District the area shown on Map No. 19-H bounded by:

a line 526 feet south of and parallel to West Howard Street (or West Birchwood Avenue extended); a line 202.98 feet east of and parallel to North Hermitage Avenue; North Rogers Avenue; and North Hermitage Avenue.

George Lindsey - to classify as a C2-1 General Commercial District instead of a B4-1 Restricted Service District the area shown on Map No. 5-L bounded by:

a line 52.40 feet south of West Dickens Avenue; North Cicero Avenue; a line 177.4 feet south of West Dickens Avenue; and the alley next west of and parallel to North Cicero Avenue.

Philip Ou - to classify as an R4 General Residence District instead of an R3 General Residence District the area shown on Map No. 8-H bounded by:

a line 115.0 feet north of West 35th Street; South Oakley Avenue; West 35th Street; and the alley next west of and parallel to South Oakley Avenue.

Pioneer Bank, under Trust Number 21290 - to classify as a Cl-3 Restricted Conimercial District instead of a B4-2 Restricted Service District the area shown on Map No. 5-H bounded by:

the alley next north of West North Avenue; the alley next east of North Damen Avenue; West North Avenue; and North Damen Avenue.

The Platinum Partnership, L.P. - to classify as an R4 General Residence District instead of an Ml-2 Restricted Manufacturing District the area shown on Map No. 7-G bounded by:

a line 231.66 feet north of West Altgeld Street; North Greenview Avenue; a line 118.50 feet north of West Altgeld Street; and the alley next west of and parallel to North Greenview Avenue. 1/14/92 COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. 11417


Also, claims against the City of Chicago, which were Referred to the Committee on Finance, filed by the following:

AETNA Ins. Co. and Ernest Slaughter, Allstate Ins. Co. (3) Frank Askew, Larry Johnson and James A. Parks, Alvarez Enrique, American Ambassador Ins. Co. (3) Doreen Alexander, Florencia Mendez and Louise Tolliver, American Family Ins. Co. and Maryann Romero, American Service Ins. Co. (2) Delio Balaskovic and Willie Polk, AMIGA Mutual Ins. Co. (2) Francis C. G. Hoskin and John G. Strokirk, AMOCO Oil Corporation, H. Ray Anderson & Assoc, Inc., Anderson Louise H., Apolinar Edgar L., Arellano Ramon, Artim Rick, Avelar Lucio E.; Bambulas Chris, Bedi Patrice M., Bennigen Charles, Rev. Romualdo Bermudez, Bijak Walter, Breacke Chad E., Breen William T., Butler John P- Chin Walker, Cintron Marivel, Cook Heidi C, Coronet Ins. Co. and Paguita Santana, Costanza Kelly, Country Mutual Ins. Co. and Jennifer Jurgens; Davis Synovia, Dawkins Mildred M., Daybook Ronald M., Demendoza Alvaro, DePinto Jessica T., DiJoseph Joseph F., Dudek Krzysztoff; Edgebrook Motel, Employers Mutual Co. and Robert W. Dallenbach, Escobar Leonides; Fant James L., Feinberg Steven H., Fernandes Thomas, Frazier Barbara A.; Garr Willie M., Ghorbanian Sami, Gilson Harold, Gore Philip D. and Kim M., Gotling Hans, Gutierrez Rajmiond; Haddad Khalil, Hargis Mary L., Harle Paul J., Hill Juanita A., Hill Roger, Holmes Kimberly A., Horowitz Ari B., Horst Oscar H., Howe Joseph E., Hunt Constance F., Huynh Ken; Illinois Bell Telephone Co.(2), Irwins Yacht Works, Inc.; Jalowiec Anne M., Johnson Marian P., Jones Anthony; Kaczmarska Alicja, Kalian Alexander J., Kieta Kazimierz, King Brian, Kjendle Martin D., Klocke Holly L., Knopp August P., Koy Ronald W., Kromer Charlotte G., Kuska Timothy M.; 11418 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Lamb Linda C, Lanfair Lynn A., Lee Chuk Y., London Rebecca, Lorton Renee L., Loza Jose and Leticia, Lukes Celia A., Lutke James A.; MacDonald Matthew F., Manning Irene M., Menon Rajesh R., Mestey Jose, Mills Darrell A., Mintle Thomas E., Mishlove Lawrence A., Mistarz Joseph G., Moffitt Scott A., Moore Charles F., Morel Barbara J., Morozov Eugene M; Nationwide Mutual Ins. Co. and Leroy Cain, Nazimek Larry E., Nelson Michael, Noelck Michele L.; O'Brien J. Thomas, Ogden Todd D., O'Keefe Sheila K., Omega Express; Parks Edward, Pena Trinidad, Peoples Gas, Light and Coke Company (27), Peppers Albert E., Perez Gabino, William J. Perkinson Co. Inc., Perry Katherine C, Pierce Sr. William P., Polemi Cassandora J.B., Pollina Russ J.; Richardson Derek, Robbins Fred A., Roberson Robert K., Robles Cheryl A., Roettger Susan A., Roitman Jose L., Rose Burton S.; Sanders Angelique, Schwartz Alan G., Shapiro Jackie, Shervin Nina, Shipman Samantha G., Simmons Ronald J., Sims Frances M., Sims Kathryn, Snider Richard W., Spector Sarah P., Standard Mutual Ins. Co. and J. Richard and Barbara McDermott, State Farm Ins. Co. (2) Alissa G. Frankel and Frank and Pauline Nixon, Steward Jesse, Suchor Bernard M., Sullivan Mary K., Szczepanik Eugene; Targonski Ernest M., Theisen Robert J., Tosi Nicole, Truong Su V., Tselepatiotis Peter, Tucker Catherine D., Turner Roxsand R.; Victory Express, Inc.; Ware Edward & Lucy L., Weiner Michael E., Wenger Truck Lines, Wolf Sari P., Wright Linda T., Wright Michael A.; Yung Peter F.; Zarco Leobardo.


Also, Mr. Bruce Crosby, Chairman of the Committee To Preserve Voting 1/14/92 COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. 11419

Rights, filed in the Office ofthe City Clerk on December 24, 1991 a proposed substitute redistricting ordinance and census tract data, which were Referred to the Committee on Committees, Rules and Ethics.


Also, a communication from Mr. William M. McLenahan, Director of the Commission on Chicago Landmarks, under date of December 13, 1991, transmitting the recommendation that the Second Leiter Building be designated as a Chicago landmark, which was Referred to the Committee on Historical Landmark Preservation.




The Conimittee on Finance submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, January 14,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: 11420 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Your Committee on Finance, having had under consideration an ordinance amending Chapter 3-70 and Chapter 16-12 ofthe Municipal Code of the City of Chicago concerning the Chicago Telecommunications Tax and Enterprise Zones, having had the same under advisement, begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass the proposed ordinance transmitted herewith. This recommendation was concurred in by a viva voce vote ofthe members ofthe conimittee.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) EDWARD M. BURKE, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Burke, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas - Aldermen Mazola, Tillman, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 46. Nays — None. Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said ordinance as passed:

WHEREAS, It is an aim ofthe Chicago Enterprise Zone Ordinance to spur economic development in the City of Chicago in order to create new jobs and retain existing jobs; now, therefore. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Section 16-12-070 (a) (3) ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago is hereby amended by adding a new subsection (D) to read as follows:

16-12-070. (a) The following incentives, benefits and regulatory relief shall apply, to the extent stated herein, to residents, employees. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11421

employers, businesses and other persons within an enterprise zone or in their dealings with others in an enterprise zone:


3. The following city taxes shall not apply within an enterprise zone, to the extent stated herein:

.:{: 3fe 3fc 4^ :tc

(D) The Chicago Telecommunications Tax, chapter 3-70 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, shall not apply to charges for inward only telecommunications service, commonly known as "800 number" service, hut only if(i) the telecommunications are received by a person at a location in an enterprise zone within the city and (ii) the person receiving the telecommunications will make investments in the enterprise zone directly relating to the "800 number" service that either cause the creation of 200 full-time equivalent jobs or cause the retention of at least 1,000 full-time jobs. Such charges shall be exempt from the Chicago Telecommunications Tax only for a period of 20 calendar years.

The exemption described in this subsection 16-12-070 (a) (3) (D) may be claimed by a person receiving telecommunications only if the Department of Planning and Development determines that the requirements contained in clauses (i) and (ii) are met. The Department may revoke the exemption if any of the jobs required to qualify for the exemption are eliminated.

The Department of Planning and Development shall have the power to promulgate rules and regulations pertaining to this subsection 16-12-070 (a) (3) (D) including, hut not limited to, rules and regulations prescribing the application to be filed with the Department to receive the exemption, defining the amount and type of investments necessary to receive the exemption, and requiring the retroactive payment of tax (together with applicable interest) in the event that a person fails to make the investments required by this subsection to qualify for the exemption.

SECTION 2. Section 3-70-020 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago is hereby amended by adding the language in italics and deleting the language in brackets to read as follows:

3-70-020. When any of the following words or terms are used in this chapter, whether or not capitalized, they shall have the meaning or construction ascribed to them in this section: 11422 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92


(E) "Gross charge" means the amount paid for the act or privilege of originating or receiving telecommunications in the city, and for all services rendered in connection therewith, valued in money, whether paid in money or otherwise, including cash, credits, services and property of every kind or nature, and shall be determined without any deduction on account of the cost of such telecommunications, the cost of materials used, labor or service costs or any other expense whatsoever. In case credit is extended, the amount thereof shall be included only as and when paid. However, "gross charge" shall not include:


(7) bad debts; provided, however, that if any portion of a debt deemed to be bad is subsequently paid, the retailer shall report and pay the tax on that portion of the debt paid during the reporting period; [or] (8) charges paid by inserting coins in coin-operated telecommunication devices; or (9) charges exempt from tax under section 16-12-070 (a) (3) (D) of the Chicago Enterprise Zone Ordinance.

SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage.


The Conimittee on Finance submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, January 14,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11423

Your Committee on Finance, having had under consideration an order authorizing the Corporation Counsel to enter into and execute a settlement agreement in the case of Michael Bobko, et. al. v. City of Chicago, 89 C 3036 for the amount of $484,610.98, having had the same under advisement, begs leave to report and reconimend that Your Honorable Body Pass the proposed order trarismitted herewith.

This recommendation was concurred in by a viva voce vote of the members ofthe committee.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) EDWARD M. BURKE, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Burke, the said proposed order transmitted with the foregoing conimittee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Tillman, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Jones, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 45.

Nays - None. Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.

Alderman Burke was excused from voting under the provisions of Rule 14 of the City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure.

The following is said order as passed:

Ordered, That the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized and directed to enter into and execute a settlement agreement in the following matter: Michael Bobko, et al. v. City of Chicago, 89 C 3036, in the amount of $484,610.98. 11424 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92


The Conimittee on Finance submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, January 14,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Committee on Finance, having had under consideration an ordinance authorizing the execution of an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement between the City of Chicago and the Chicago Transit Authority, having had the same under advisement, begs leave to report and reconimend that Your Honorable Body Pass the proposed ordinance transmitted herewith. This recommendation was concurred in by a viva voce vote ofthe members ofthe conimittee.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) EDWARD M. BURKE, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Burke, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoing conimittee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Tillman, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutaian, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 46. Nays - None. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11425

Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said ordinance as passed:

WHEREAS, The City of Chicago and the Chicago Transit Authority are both municipal corporations and separate and independent units of local government under the Constitution and laws of the State of Illinois and as such have authority by statute to enter into an agreement for intergovernmental cooperation; and WHEREAS, The security of the public transit passengers, employees and property in the City of Chicago is a matter of public concern, and providing for such security is in the public interest; and WHEREAS, The Chicago Transit Authority desires to enter into an agreement with the City of Chicago to continue a long range strategy to provide such security to Chicago Transit Authority passengers, employees and property; now, therefore, Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. On behalf of the City of Chicago, the Mayor is hereby authorized to enter into and execute, the City Clerk to attest and the Corporation Counsel to review as to form and legality, an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement between the Chicago Transit Authority and the City of Chicago, the agreement to be in substantially the same form as the agreement attached hereto as Exhibit 1. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage.

Exhibit 1 attached to this ordinance reads as follows:

Exhibit "V

1992 C. T. A. Security Agreement Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement.

This Agreement, made and entered into as of the day of 1992, by and between the City of Chicago, a home rule municipality and 11426 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

municipal corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the Constitution and laws of the State of Illinois, through its Department of Police (hereinafter referred to as the "C.P.D."), and the Chicago Transit Authority, a municipal corporation and unit of local government organized and existing under and by virtue ofthe Constitution and laws ofthe State of Illinois (hereinafter referred to as the "C.T.A.").


Whereas, The legislature of the State of Illinois approved on April 12, 1945, the Metropolitan Transit Authority Act creating the Chicago Transit Authority as a municipal corporation for the purpose of public ownership and operation of a transportation system in the metropolitan area of Cook County; and Whereas, The security of C.T.A. passengers, employees and property is a matter of public concern, and the provision of such security is in the public interest; and Whereas, Both the C.T.A. and C.P.D. desire to develop a long range strategy for the provision of such security to C.T.A. passengers, employees and property; and Whereas, The C.P.D. Voluntary Special Employment Program allows sworn officers to volunteer to work during off-duty hours for municipal corporations separate and independent from the City ofChicago; and Whereas, In furtherance of the provision of security to C.T.A. passengers, employees and property, the C.T.A. and the City of Chicago shall continue the C.P.D. Voluntary Special Employment Program with the addition of regularly assigned, full-time C.P.D. supervisory personnel; and Whereas, The C.T.A. and City of Chicago are separate and independent municipal corporations authorized to enter into this Agreement under the Constitution and the laws of the State of Illinois in accordance with the provisions of the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, Chapter 127, paragraph 741 et seq. ofthe Illinois Revised Statutes (1989), as amended; Now, Therefore, In consideration ofthe covenants and mutual agreements herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:

1. Existing C.P.D. Services. The existing special details of C.P.D. officers engaged in voluntary special emplojmient for the C.T.A. dedicated to enforcing law and order on C.T.A. vehicles and properties, shall be continued under this Agreement. In addition to C.P.D. officers engaged in voluntary special employment, full-time, regularly assigned C.P.D. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11427

supervisors shall also be deployed for the purpose of and shall be responsible for protecting C.T.A. passengers, employees and property. 2. C.T.A. Special Emplojmient. This Agreement involves the C.P.D.'s Voluntary Special Employment Program (hereinafter referred to as "S.E.P.") which is being used to provide security on C.T.A. surface vehicles and shall not obligate, alter or otherwise afreet the C.P.D.'s ability to exercise its discretion in deploying officers of the Public Transportation Section ofthe C.P.D. or any other section or assignment with the C.P.D.. Pursuant to this Agreement to provide security on C.T.A. surface vehicles the C.P.D. agrees as follows:

(a) The C.P.D. will assign C.P.D. officers on a daily basis, on such C.T.A. rail lines, surface vehicles, routes and locations as requested by C.T.A- and approved by the C.P.D.. (b) The C.P.D. will facilitate the employment of C.P.D. officers on special details, on a daily basis, solely at each individual's option under the S.E.P.. The C.P.D. will be responsible for accepting requests of officers who wish to participate on a special detail, maintaining a roster of officers who wish to perform such work and selecting officers from the list. (c) Subject to the availability of officers and equipment and subject further to availability of funds, the CP.D. will provide twenty-four (24) hour service, including weekends and holidays. (d) The number of C.P.D. officers assigned to C.T.A. may vary from time to time for reasons including, but not limited to, availability of a sufficient number of officers, radios and vehicles but generally will be a total complement of one- hundred (100) police officers working S.E.P. daily. On weekends and holidays there generally will be a total complement of seventy-three (73) police officers working S.E.P.. There generally will be twenty-two (22) Sergeants and one (1) Lieutenant assigned to supervise S.E.P. police officei-s over the course of a week. In the event that the number of S.E.P. participants on duty on any day shall be less than eighty (80) or in the event that the number of S.E.P. )articipants on duty on any weekend day or holiday shall be fess than fifty (50), the C.P.D. shall provide C.T.A. with written notification of such shortage and the reasons therefor by 0900 hours on the day ofsuch shortage or as soon thereafter as reasonable. Attached hereto for illustrative purposes is Exhibit A, which summarizes the parties' understanding of a typical deployment schedule pursuant to this Agreement under subparagraph 2(d). 11428 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

(e) The C.P.D. officers shall have full authorization to enter into or on all C.T.A. vehicles and properties with full rights to enforce law and order and to protect all C.T.A. passengers, employees and property. (f) The number of C.P.D. officers provided for herein shall be in addition to the CP.D. officers in the Public Transportation Section of the C.P.D. currently serving the general public of the City ofChicago, including passengers on the C.T.A. (g) Participants in the C.T.A. special details shall be subject to the C.P.D. Special Order, Voluntary Special Employment Program or any amendment thereto or modification thereof promulgated by the Superintendent of Police, provided that any such special order or amendment thereto or modification thereof will only permit officers to participate in the C.T,A. special details when they are on furlough, regular day off, day off due to holiday, personal day or compensatory time. (h) Notwithstanding the provision of subparagraph 2(d) hereof, the Superintendent of Police and the Executive Director or his designee ofthe C.T.A. may temporarily increase the number of sworn Police personnel in the S.E.P. to meet seasonal or special security needs, and such personnel shall be subject to all the terms of this Agreement. The request for any increase shall be in writing which shall specify the approximate number of personnel, their rank, whether they are in S.E.P. or regularly assigned full-time C.P.D. supervisory personnel, the expected duration of the increase and the seasonal or special security need related to the increase. A copy of the written request shall be delivered by the CP.D. to the Chairman of the Committee on Finance ofthe City Council.

3. Operations. C.T.A. shall establish overall goals and objectives for the security of its employees, passengers and property. The C.T.A. may make recommendations as to the locations and routes to be patrolled by the C.P.D. officers and the C.P.D. shall give those recommendations due consideration. Officers on the C.T.A. special details shall continue to be subject to the rules and regulations, practices and procedures, of any and all General and Special Orders and directives, any amendments thereto or modification of such rules and regulations. General Orders, Special Orders and directives, as promulgated by the Superintendent of Police. The daily performance ofthe C.T.A. special details shall also be monitored by C.T.A. perspnnel designated by its Chairman or Executive Director. The C.P.D. shall provide a suitable location of operation for the C.T.A. special details. In addition, the following shall govern operations of the C.T.A. special details: 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11429

(a) The C.T.A. shall be responsible for establishing a communication system for C.P.D. officers and for the hiring, compensation and continued employment of dispatchers during the term ofthis Agreement, and the C.P.D. shall have no responsibility or liability for said dispatchers or their actions. (b) The C.P.D. shall maintain weekly deployment schedules and daily logs and statistics on C.T.A. crimes, incidents, arrests and any activity performed by CP.D. officers relating to such incidents. The C.T.A. shall have the right, upon reasonable notice to the CP.D., to inspect and copy the above daily logs and statistics. It will be the responsibility of the CP.D. to forward a summary of said data to the C.T.A. on a monthly basis. (c) The Public Transportation Section Commander of the C.P.D. shall have ongoing meetings and dialogue with C.T.A. representatives to discuss areas of concern relating to incidents that affect passengers, employees and properties of C.T.A..

4. Emergencies. Nothing contained herein shall preclude the emergency use of C.P.D. officers or equipment referred to herein in any manner at the direction ofthe C.P.D.. 5. Radios. The C.T.A. shall furnish the C.P.D. with sufficient C.T.A. radios with batteries and chargers. These radios shall be designated for the sole use ofthe C.P.D. officers participating in the C.T.A. special details under this Agreement. C.T.A. shall be solely responsible for the maintenance and repair of these radios, batteries and chargers. C.T.A. will replace all lost or destroyed radios. Upon the expiration or termination of this Agreement, the radios, batteries and chargers will be promptly returned to the C.T.A. All C.T.A. property, except vehicles, may have a C.T.A. decal attached thereto. 6. Vehicles. CT.A. shall be responsible for providing sufficient vehicles which meet C.P.D. specifications. These vehicles will be used solely by the special detail for so long as this Agreement remains in effect. The C.P.D. shall provide adequate parking for vehicles provided by the C.T.A. and will be responsible for providing fuel, maintenance and repair. In addition, the following shall apply:

(a) The City of Chicago holds title and has possession of the vehicles provided by C.T.A. for use by the S.E.P. officers. 11430 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

(b) During the term of this Agreement the C.P.D. shall promptly return to the C.T.A. title and possession ofany and all vehicles which are permanently out of service. The C.T.A. shall promptly replace, without cost to the City of Chicago, said vehicle(s). Title to any replacement vehicles will be transferred to the City ofChicago upon transfer of possession.

7. Compensation of Officers — Funded by the C.T.A. Security Agreement. All officers on the C.T.A. special details shall be paid wages for their work hereunder at a rate equal to the then current straight-time rate which they normally would receive for their regular employment with the C.P.D., except in those instances where a retroactive increase or pajmient of overtime and/or premium pay, if any, is provided for by the C.P.D.'s General and/or Special Orders, or where such payment, if any, is otherwise required by law. The C.P.D. shall establish procedures for the officers to receive their pay for the C.T.A. special detail through the C.P.D.'s payroll system. 8. Reimbursement by C.T.A. Provided that in no event shall C.T.A. reimburse the C.P.D. more than $7,500,000 per annum, C.T.A. shall be responsible for reimbursing C.P.D. for all wages paid hereunder to all C.P.D. officers providing the additional C.T.A. security, including any retroactive increase, premium and/or overtime pay, if any, plus ten percent (10%) being deemed to cover the following, including but not limited to:

(a) Pay for court appearances relating to work on the CT.A. security assignment; (b) Pay for time loss and medical benefits paid due to injury while engaged in work as part of the C.T.A. security assignment; and (c) Other benefits and administrative overhead.

For regularly assigned full-time C.P.D. supervisory personnel a forty percent (40%) charge to cover a, b and c above will apply. C.P.D. shall report and account to the C.T.A. on a quarterly basis within 45 days ofthe end ofeach quarter quantifying to whatever extent possible a, b, and c above. Currently, the C.P.D. is in receipt of a sum equal to two months wages for the services provided hereunder. On a monthly basis, the C.P.D. will submit an invoice to the C.T.A. for reimbursement of said wages earned 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 11431

plus said percentage. C.T.A. will reimburse the C.P.D. within thirty (30) days of receipt of said invoices, provided that the C.T.A. shall replenish the amount originally advanced so as to maintain at all times a balance as security for payment of wages and costs hereunder, equal to the amount originally advanced. Upon expiration of the Agreement, or its earlier termination, for any reason, the C.P.D. shall promptly return to the C.T.A. any excess monies held by the C.P.D. as security for such wages and costs. 9. Labor Guidelines. Under no circumstances shall C.T.A. be considered a party to the collective bargaining agreement between the City of Chicago and the Fraternal Order of Police (F.O.P.). C.T.A. understands that this Agreement is subject to General and/or Special Orders of the C.P.D. governing the Voluntary Special Employment Program, including the provisions relating to officers' compensation. The C.P.D, believes that the officers in the CT,A. special details are not and shall not be legally entitled to any additional overtime or premium compensation for their work hereunder under any collective bargaining agreement or any federal, state or local law or judicial ruling. 10. Indemnification by C.T.A. Upon receipt of reasonable notice of a claim or suit seeking additional compensation alleged or claimed to be due to any officers employed on the special detail for overtime or premium compensation which in any manner results from, arises out of, or is connected with work performed by these officers on the C.T.A. special details, the C.T.A. shall indemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, the CP.D., and each of their officers, agents and employees from, for, and against, and agrees to defend same from and against, any and all suits, claims, grievances, damages, costs, expenses, judgments and/or liabilities, including costs of defense and reasonable attorneys' fees, and further agrees to pay any settlement entered into or on behalf of, or judgment entered against, the foregoing individuals and/or entities, for any additional compensation. Any liability on the part of C.T.A. for overtime shall not include liquidated damages in excess of actual damages for overtime pay under 29 U.S.C. §216 which in any manner results from, arises out of, or are connected with work performed on C.T.A. special details. The obligation of the C.T.A., pursuant to this paragraph, to reimburse, indemnify and hold harmless is not limited to the $7,500,000 per annum referenced in Section 8. 11. Compensation Indemnification Procedures. In such instances where the (Jity of Chicago, the C.P.D. and/or their officers, agents and employees are entitled to be indemnified and held harmless with respect to such overtime or premium compensation claims against them, the parties further agree as follows:

(a) Such party(ies) shall have a right to counsel. 11432 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

(b) In grievance and arbitration proceedings, the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago shall act as counsel and direct the defense, or at his option, appoint outside counsel, and in the latter instance, the City of Chicago will be responsible for the payment of attorneys' fees, but not the other costs of defense. (c) The City of Chicago, with the approval of the C.T.A. which will not be unreasonably withheld, is authorized to settle such grievance and/or arbitration proceedings, and the C.T.A. will be responsible for pajmient or those settlements. The service of notice of the settlement of any of the aforesaid claims shall be personal service upon the C.T.A. or by certified mail, and the failure of the C.T.A. to respond in writing within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt, shall constitute approval of the settlement by the C.T.A. (d) Except as otherwise provided above, in all other matters, counsel shall be selected by the C.T.A. in consultation with the Corporation Counsel ofthe City ofChicago, and the C.T.A. will also direct the defense of the claim in consultation with the Corporation Counsel ofthe City ofChicago. (e) If any claim against the City of Chicago or any of its officers, agents, or employees is made for overtime or premium compensation wherein liquidated damages are sought pursuant to 29 U.S.C. §216, and where the claim results from, arises out of or is connected with work performed by officers pursuant to this Agreement, the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago, at the expense of the City of Chicago, may appoint counsel and direct the defense of said claim for liquidated damages. This will not affect the C.T.A.'s obligation to assume the representation and/or defense of claims for actual damages and to pay for settlements or awards based on said claims.

In any instance where the Office of the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago is designated to defend the claim pursuant to the above provisions, the C.T.A. will assume the costs and expenses of defending the litigation, but will not reimburse the City of Chicago for time spent by the Corporation Counsel's Office in defending the claim.

12. Indemnification by City of Chicago. Upon receipt of reasonable notice of a claim or suit, solely upon the action of C.P.D. officers while performing duties hereunder, the City of Chicago shall indemnify and hold harmless the C.T.A. and any of its officers, agents, or employees from. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11433

for, and against, and agrees to defend same from and against, any and all suits, claims, grievances, damages, costs, expenses, judgments and/or liabilities, including costs of defense and reasonable attorney's fees, and further agrees to pay any settlement entered into or on behalf of, or judgment entered against, the foregoing individuals and/or entities, excluding punitive damages. The City of Chicago shall not assume the representation, pay any settlements or award(s) based on any such claims, nor defend nor indemnify the C.T.A. or any of its officers, agents, or employees from, for, and against, claims based on any theory other than one based solely upon the actions of the C.P.D. officers performing their duties under this agreement nor where the standard alleged is a breach of duty of a common carrier which invokes the highest degree of care for passengers. 13. Respondeat Superior Indemnification Procedures. In such instances where the C.T.A. or any of its officers, agents and employees are entitled to be indemnified, and held harmless with respect to any claim or suit based solely upon the actions of the C.P.D. officers while performing duties hereunder, the parties further agree as follows:

(a) Such party(ies) shall have a right to counsel. (b) Such counsel shall be selected by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago; who will also be responsible for directing the defense ofthe claim.

The CT.A., its officers, agents and employees are obligated to cooperate with the City of Chicago during the course of the investigation, administration and/or litigation of any tort or civil rights claim. Failure to cooperate with the City of Chicago during the course of the investigation, administration or litigation of claims extinguishes any obligation of the City of Chicago hereunder to represent and/or defend against the claim or to pay for any settlement or award based on such claim with regard to the C.T.A. and/or the non-cooperating officer, agent or employee. 14. Claims Against Special Detail. The City of Chicago, upon receipt of reasonable notice of a claim or suit, shall be responsible for, hold officers harmless from and pay for damages or monies which may be adjudged, assessed, or otherwise levied against any officer working on a C.T.A. special detail pursuant to the C.P.D.'s S.E.P., subject to the conditions set forth herein and excluding punitive damages. These officers shall have legal representation by the City of Chicago in any civil cause of action brought against an officer resulting from or arising out ofthe performance of duties of the special detail. The City of Chicago will provide the protections set forth above so long as the officer is acting within the scope 11434 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

of his/her employment on the special detail and the officer cooperates with the City during the course of the investigation, administration and/or litigation of the claim. The City of Chicago shall not assume the representation and/or defense of any of the aforementioned claims if it is determined by the City of Chicago that the officer alleged to have committed the tortious act or violation of civil rights was acting outside that scope of his/her employment of the special detail, was not acting in the performance of duties of the special detail, or is deemed to have acted in a wilful and wanton manner, nor shall the City of Chicago pay any settlements or awards based on such claims. The City ofChicago shall have the sole right to determine whether or not the officer was working within the scope of his/her emplojmient or performance of duty on the special detail or acted in a wilful and wanton manner. 15. Consents. Whenever the consent or approval of one or both parties to this Agreement is required hereunder, such consent or approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 16. Notices. Notice to the C.T.A. of pending claims as provided for in Paragraph 7 shall be addressed to:

General Attorney Chicago Transit Authority Room 429 440 Merchandise Mart Plaza Chicago, Illinois 60654

Notice to the City ofChicago of pending claims as provided for in Paragraph 9 shall be addressed to:

Corporation Counsel ofthe City ofChicago Room 511, City Hall 121 North LaSalle Street Chicago, Illinois 60602

All notices shall be sent, at a minimum, by first class mail, postage prepaid.

17. No Waivers. It is understood and agreed that nothing contained herein is intended or should be construed as in any way affecting the status of the C.T.A. and City of Chicago as separate, independent and distinct municipal corporations under Illinois or any other law. It is further understood and agreed that the entry into this Agreement by the 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11435

City ofChicago or the C.T.A. shall not operate or be construed as a waiver ofany rights, claims or actions they may have against the other, including but not limited to any claims resulting from the providing of officers to the C.T.A. pursuant to this Agreement. 18. Term and Extension. This Agreement shall expire on December 31, 1992. This Agreement may be extended by execution of a written agreement for extension, or execution of a written agreement substantially similar to this Agreement. In no event can this Agreement be extended without written consent of the parties, and no extension may arise out of performance ofthe terms ofthis Agreement after expiration, if any, the parties agreeing that in such event the performance shall be deemed a mere accommodation in the interest of public safety. The terms ofthe Agreement shall remain in force during such accommodation which may be terminated by the C.P.D. without notice. 19. Termination. It is the intent of each party to this Agreement that its commitments made hereunder be conditioned upon satisfactory performance of the commitments made by the other party hereto. Each party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement if the other fails or refuses to honor any of its commitments under this Agreement. Otherwise, this Agreement may be terminated by either party upon the giving of ninety (90) days prior written notice. Upon termination of this Agreement, the C.P.D. shall have no obligation to continue to provide officers for the additional security provided for herein. 20. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Illinois. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held or deemed to be or shall in fact be inoperative or unenforceable as applied in any particular case in any jurisdiction or jurisdictions or in all cases because it conflicts with any other provision or provisions hereof or any constitution, statute, ordinance, rule of law, or public policy, or for any other reason, such circumstances shall not have the effect of rendering the provision in question inoperative or unenforceable in any other case or circumstances, or of rendering any other provision or provisions herein contained invalid, inoperative or unenforceable to any extent whatever. The invalidity of any one or more phrases, sentences, clauses, or sections contained in this Agreement shall not affect the remaining portions ofthis Agreement or any part hereof. 21. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original. 22. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties, and cannot be modified or amended except by mutual written agreement ofthe parties. 23. Separate Entities. It is understood and agreed that nothing herein contained is intended or should be construed as in any way creating or 11436 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

establishing the relationship of co-partners or joint venturers between the parties hei-eto, or as constituting C.T.A. or the City of Chicago as representatives ofeach other for any purpose.

24. Authority. This Agreement is entered into by authority of and in accordance with the provisions ofthe Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, Chapter 127, Paragraph 741, et seq. ofthe Illinois Revised Statutes (1989), as amended.

25. Ordinance. Execution of this Agreement by the City of Chicago is authorized by virtue of an ordinance passed by the City Council ofthe City ofChicago on ____.

In Witness Whereof, The City ofChicago has caused this Agreement to be signed by its Superintendent of Police, approved by the Mayor ofthe City of Chicago and the City Council and its seal to be hereto affixed and duly attested by its Clerk, and the Chicago Transit Authority has caused the same to be executed by the Chairman of the Chicago Transit Board, approved by the Chicago Transit Board and duly attested to by its Secretary as of the day and year first above written.

Approved As To Form City of Chicago, And Legality: a municipal corporation

By: Corporation Counsel Mayor


By: City Clerk Superintendent of Police 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 11437

Approved As To Form Chicago Transit Authority, And Legality: a municipal corporation

By: General Attorney Chairman

Approved by Ordinance Attest: No.


Exhibit "A" attached to this Agreement reads as follows:

Exhibit "A'

1992 CT.A. Security Agreement.

C.T.A. Deployment Schedule.

Weekdays Hours Lieutenant Sergeant P. O.

1st Watch 2200 - 0600 2 16 2nd Watch 0600 - 1400 4 28 3rd Watch 1400 - 2200 4 34 Power Watch 1130-1930 _3 22 13 100 11438 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Weekends Hours Lieutenant Sergeant P.C

1st Watch 2200 - 0600 2 20

2nd Watch 0600 -1400 3 24 3rd Watch 1400 - 2200 3 29

Power Watch 1130-1930 0 0 0 8 73


The Committee on Finance submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, January 14,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council:

Your Committee on Finance, having had under consideration an ordinance authorizing the execution of a project agreement with the State of Illinois for the reconstruction ofthe viaduct located at 3300 South Western Boulevard, in the amount of $2,800,000, having had the same under advisement, begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass the proposed ordinance transmitted herewith.

This recommendation was concurred in by a viva voce vote ofthe members ofthe committee.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) EDWARD M. BURKE, Chairman. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 11439

On motion of Alderman Burke, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoing conimittee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Tillman, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 46.

Nays — None. Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vpte. The motion was lost.

The following is said ordinance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. The Mayor is authorized to execute, the City Clerk to attest to and the Commissioner of Public Works to approve, subject to the review of the Corporation Counsel as to form and legality, a project agreement with the State of Illinois providing for the reconstruction of the Western Boulevard Viaduct at 3300 South described therein, said agreement to be substantially in the following form:

[City/State Project Agreement immediately follows Section 3 of this ordinance.]

SECTION 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit two (2) certified copies ofthis ordinance to the Division of Highways, Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois through the District Engineer of District 1 of said Division of Highways. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage.

City/State Project Agreement attached to this ordinance reads as follows: 11440 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

CitylState Project Agreement.

Reconstruction Of The Western Boulevard Viaduct At 3300 South.

Federal Project No.: City Section No.: State Job No.: D.P.W. Job No.:

This Agreement, entered into this day of , 19_ by and between the State of Illinois, acting through its Department of Transportation, hereinafter called the "State", and the City of Chicago, acting through its Department of Public Works, hereinafter called the "City".


Whereas, The State and the City, in the interest of the safe and efficient movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, find it necessary to reconstruct the Western Boulevard Viaduct at 3300 South, said lot hereinafter referred to as the "Project" and identified in paragraph 11 ofthis Agreement; and Whereas, The Department of Transportation of the State oflllinois, under Chapter 121, Article 4-409 ofthe Illinois Revised Statutes, as currently in effect, may enter into a written contract with any other highway authority for the jurisdiction, maintenance, administration, engineering pr improvement ofany highway or portion thereof; and Whereas, Certain funds have been set aside for the Project under Section 149 Subsection (30) ofthe Federal-Aid-High way Act of 1987; and Whereas, The State and the City wish to avail themselves, where possible, of Federal-Aid Urban System funds authorized by the Surface Transportation and Uniform Relocation Assistance Act of 1987 or subsequent Federal legislation for the contract construction, force account 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11441

construction and the construction engineering/supervision of said Project; and Whereas, On June 30, 1989, the State and the City entered into a Memorandum of Understanding regarding the funding of a Five-Year Road Program in Chicago, concluding with the end of State Fiscal Year 1994, and the Section 1 Line Item of that Memorandum of Understanding which provide $48,000,000 in State Matching funds for Federal-Aid Urban and Interstate Transfer projects in the City is the basis for State Matching funds provided under this Agreement; and Whereas, The City is proceeding with studies and engineering required for the Project; and Whereas, Under the federal regulations, certain written Agreements for the Project may be required.

The State Hereby Agrees:

1. To reimburse the City 100% for the non-federal (State) and federal shares of the costs incurred in connection with the contract construction, force account construction, and construction engineering/supervision for the Project, as hereinafter provided in numbered paragraph 12, upon receipt of progressive billings supported by tiocumentation as required by the State and Federal Highway Administration. 2. To review, approve and submit to the Federal Highway Administration without delay, all submittals which require Federal Highway Administration review, approval or other action.

The City Hereby Agrees:

To prepare, or cause to be prepared, studies, surveys, plans, specifications and estimates of cost for said Project. Upon approval from the State and the Federal Highway Administration, to let and award the contract for the Project, and/or to provide or cause to be provided, all force account construction and construction engineering/supervision, all in accordance with established procedures of the City, the State and the Federal Highway Administration. 11442 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

5. To finance the work pending progressive reimbursement by the State of the federal and non-federal (State) shares of costs, to appropriate such funds as are necessary therefore, and to prepare a complete and accurate breakdown ofthe costs. 6. To comply with all applicable Executive Orders and federal legislation pursuant to the Equal Emplojmient Opportunity and Nondiscrimination Regulations as may be required by the State and under federal law. 7. That failure on the part of the City to fulfill the responsibilities assigned in numbered paragraphs 6 and 10 of this Agreement may render the City ineligible for future federal participation in projects for which the City has similar responsibilities, until such failures are corrected. 8. To retain all Project records and to make them available for audit by State and federal auditors during the Project development and construction stages, and for a period of three (3) years after final acceptance of the Project by the parties thereto.

The Parties Hereto Mutually Agrees:

9. That prior to initiation of work to be performed hereunder, the disposition of encroachments will be cooperatively determined by representatives of the City and the State. 10. That, upon completion of the improvement, the City will maintain or cause to be maintained those portions of the improvement under its established jurisdictional authority, in a manner satisfactory to the State and the Federal Highway Administration. The State will maintain or cause to be maintained those portions of the improvement under its established jurisdictional authority, in a manner satisfactory to the Federal Highway Administration. 11. That said Project generally consists of the partial removal and reconstruction ofthe Western Boulevard Viaduct at 3300 South. Reconstruction will include replacement of the existing girder bridge and all necessary repairs to both bridge abutments. The approach roadways will be reconstructed and sidewalks will be repaired or replaced as necessary. Drainage structures and existing electrical facilities will be adjusted and all other 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11443

appurtenances necessary to complete the Project in accordance with approved plans and specifications will also be provided. 12. That the estimated costs of the Project covered and described by this Agreement are:

Contract Construction $2,512,000 Force Account Construction City 38,000 Construction Engineering/Supervision 250,000 (15% of Contract Construction) TOTAL: $2,800,000

and that based upon the current ratio of federal to non-federal (State) funds for Federal-Aid Urban System and Federal Demonstration projects, the estimated proportional participation for the Project will be:

Federal-Aid Share (F.A.U.) (75% of $1,000,000) $ 750,000 Non-Federal Share (State) (25% of $1,000,000) 250,000 Federal-Aid Share (Demonstration Funds) (80% of $1,800,000) 1,440,000 Non-Federal Share (State) (20% of$1,800,000) 360.000 PROJECT TOTAL: ... $2,800,000

and that based upon said ratio. State financial participation (referred to herein as the non-federal share) shall be limited to a maximum of $610,000 with any non-federal share required in excess of that amount to be provided by the City, or by amendment to this Agreement. 13. That the City shall be responsible for 100% of the costs of any work not eligible for federal participation. 14. That standard federal-aid procedures and requirements shall apply to all phases of this Project. 11444 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

15. That the Commissioner of Public Works is authorized to execute revisions to this Agreement relative to budgetary items, upon approval by the Illinois Department of Transportation, as long as such revisions do not increase the total cost of the Project ($2,800,000) as authorized by the City Council. 16. That this Agreement and the covenants contained herein shall be void ab initio in the event the contract covering the construction work contemplated herein is not awarded and/or the force account construction work is not authorized by January 1,1994. 17. That all prior Agreements, or portions thereof, between the City and the State which refer to the construction of this Project are superseded by this Agreement.

This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties hereto, their successors and assigns.

The Local Agency certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief its officials:*

(1) are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal department or agency; (2) have not within a three-year period preceding this Agreement been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain or performing a public (federal, state or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction: violation of federal or state anti-trust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property;

The Local Agency for purpose of this certification is defined as the Department of Public Works of the City of Chicago. Officials for the purpose of this certification are the Mayor of the City of Chicago, the Commissioner of the Department of Public Works, the Purchasing Agent and the Comptroller ofthe City ofChicago. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11445

(3) are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (federal, state or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in item (2) of this certification; (4) have not within a three-year period preceding this Agreement had one or more public transactions (federal, state or local) terminated for cause or default; (5) have not been barred from signing this Agreement as a result of violation of Sections 33E-3 and 33E-4 of the Criminal Code of 1961 (Chapter 38 ofthe Illinois Revised Statutes); (6) are not in default of an educational loan as provided in Public Act 85-827; and (7) have not been barred from signing this Agreement as a result of a violation of Chapter 127, Section 10.2 of the Illinois Revised Statutes.

In Witness Whereof, The "City" and the "State" have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective officials and attested to on the date hereinafter listed.

Executedby the City ofChicago The City ofChicago, this day of , , a municipal corporation


By: City Clerk Mayor

Reviewed As To Form And Legality: Approved: (subject to proper execution)

By: Assistant Corporation Counsel Acting Conimissioner, Department of Public Works 11446 JOURNAL-CTTY COUN CIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Executed by the State oflllinois this day of ,

By: Director of Highways, Illinois Department of Transportation

Minority Business Enterprises Provisions attached to this Agreement read as follows:

Minority Business Enterprises Provisions.

'Tt is the Policy ofthe U. S. Department of Transportation that minority business enterprises, as defined in 49 CF.R. Part 23, shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts financed in whole or in part with federal funds under this agreement. Consequently, the M.B.E. requirements of 49 CF.R. Part 23 apply to this agreement. The State and City agree to ensure that minority business enterprises, as defined in 49 CF.R. Part 23, have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance ofthis agreement. In this regard the State and City shall take all necessary and reasonable steps, in accordance with 49 CF.R. Part 23, to ensure that minority business enterprises have the maximum opportunity to compete for and perform portions of contracts and subcontracts financed in whole or in part with federal funds provided under this agreement. The State and City shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the selection and retention of contractor or subcontractors, including procurement of materials and lease of equipment. The City shall include the provisions of this 'Policy' in every contract, including procurement of materials and leases of equipment. Failure to carry out the requirements set forth above shall constitute a breach of this agreement and may result in termination of the agreement or such remedy as deemed appropriate."

This Agreement shall be administered under the provisions of the City of Chicago's federally approved Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11447


The Conimittee on Finance submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, January 14,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Committee on Finance, to which had been referred (April 12, May 9, 22, September 11, October 23, November 6, 14, 22, 27 and December 11, 1991) sundry proposed ordinances and orders transmitted therewith to authorize the issuance of free permits, license fee exemptions, refund of fees and waiver of fee for certain charitable, educational and religious institutions, having had the same under advisement, begs leave to report and reconimend that Your Honorable Body Pass the proposed ordinances and orders transmitted herewith. This recommendation was concurred in by a viva voce vote ofthe members ofthe committee.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) EDWARD M. BURKE, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Burke, the said proposed ordinances and orders transmitted with the foregoing conimittee report were Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Tillman, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, iles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 46. Nays — None. 11448 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. Said ordinances and orders, as passed, read as follows (the italic heading in each case not being a part ofthe ordinance or order):


Board Of Education Of Chicago.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. That the Conimissioner of Buildings, the Conimissioner of Public Works, the Commissioner of Streets and Sanitation, the Commissioner of Sewers and the Conimissioner of Water are hereby directed to issue all necessary permits, free of charge, as well as any installation fees, charges and costs of water and sewer installation, notwithstanding other ordinances of the City of Chicago to the contrary, to the Board of Education ofthe City ofChicago for the construction of an addition to the Healy School on the premises known as 3040 South Parnell Avenue. Said building shall be used exclusively for educational and related purposes and shall not be leased or otherwise used with a view to profits, and the work thereon shall be done in accordance with plans submitted. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication.

Catholic ArchdioceselLourdes High School Convent.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. That the Conimissioner of Buildings, the Conimissioner of Public Works, the Commissioner of Streets and Sanitation, the Conimissioner of Sewers, the Conimissioner of Water and the Commissioner of Fire, are hereby directed to issue all necessary permits, free of charge, notwithstanding other ordinances of the City of Chicago to the contrary, to the Catholic Archdiocese/Lourdes High School Convent, for electrical 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11449

installations by the Grajer Electric Construction Company, 8307 West Summerdale Avenue, Chicago, on the premises known as 5531 South Karlov Avenue. Said building shall be used exclusively for convent and related purposes and shall not be leased or otherwise used with a view to profit, and the work thereon shall be done in accordance with plans submitted. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.

Congregation Ezras Israel.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. That the Conimissioner of Buildings, the Commissioner of Public Works, the Commissioner of Streets and Sanitation, the Commissioner of Sewers the Commissioner of Water and the Commissioner of Fire, are hereby directed to issue all necessary permits, free of charge, notwithstanding other ordinances of the City of Chicago to the contrary, to the Congregation Ezras Israel (extended 2nd permit No. 738513) for elevator shaft enclosure on the premises known as 7001 North California Avenue. Said building shall be used exclusively for religious and related purposes and shall not be leased or otherwise used with a view to profit, and the work thereon shall be done in accordance with plans submitted. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.

El Valor Corporation.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. That the Conimissioner of Buildings, the Conimissioner of Public Works, the Commissioner of Streets and Sanitation, the Commissioner of Sewers, the Conimissioner of Water and the Commissioner of Fire are hereby directed to issue all necessary permits, free of charge, notwithstanding other ordinances of the City of Chicago to the contrary, to 11450 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

the El Valor Corporation, 1850 West 21st Street, for the construction of "El Valor Headstart" (day care center) on the premises known as 1924 West 21st Street. Said building shall be used exclusively for day care center and related purposes and shall not be leased or otherwise used with a view to profit, and the work thereon shall be done in accordance with plans submitted. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.

House Of Prayer Church Of God In Christ.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. That the Conimissioner of Buildings, the Conimissioner of Inspectional Services, the Commissioner of Public Works, the Conimissioner of Streets and Sanitation, the Commissioner of Sewers and the Conimissioner of Water are hereby directed to issue all necessary permits, free of charge, notwithstanding other ordinances of the City of Chicago to the contrary, to House of Prayer Church of God in Christ for a shelter for the homeless on the premises known as 3553 — 3559 West Roosevelt Road. Said building shall be used exclusively for an overnight shelter and related purposes and shall not be leased or otherwise used with a view to profit, and the work thereon shall be done in accordance with plans submitted. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.

Inner City Impact.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. That the Conimissioner of Buildings, the Commissioner of Public Works, the Commissioner of Streets and Sanitation, the Commissioner of Sewers, the Commissioner of Water and the Commissioner of Fire are hereby directed to issue all necessary permits, free of charge. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 11451

notwithstanding other ordinances of the City of Chicago to the contrary, to Inner City Impact, 2704 West North Avenue, for rehabilitation of the old Avon Theatre into a youth center, complete with a gymnasium and classroom, on the premises known as 3419 West Fullerton Avenue. Said building shall be used exclusively for a youth center and related purposes and shall not be leased or otherwise used with a view to profit, and the work thereon shall be done in accordance with plans submitted. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.

Public Building Commission Of Chicagol Board Of Education Of Chicago. (Amundsen High School)

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. That the Conimissioner of Buildings, the Conimissioner of Public Works, the Commissioner of Streets and Sanitation, the Commissioner of Sewers, the Conimissioner of Water and the Conimissioner of Fire are hereby directed to issue all necessary permits, free of charge, notwithstanding other ordinances of the City of Chicago to the contrary, to the Public Building Commission of Chicago/^oard of Education ofChicago, for the construction of a new annex for Amundsen High School on the premises known as 5110 North Damen Avenue. Said building shall be used exclusively for educational and related purposes and shall not be leased or otherwise used with a view to profit, and the work thereon shall be done in accordance with plans submitted. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.

Public Building Commission Of Chicagol Board Of Education Of Chicago. (Eliza Chappell Elementary School)

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: 11452 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

SECTION 1. That the Commissioner of Buildings, the Commissioner of Public Works, the Commissioner of Streets and Sanitation, the Commissioner of Sewers, the Commissioner of Water and the Commissioner of Fire are hereby directed to issue all necessary permits, free of charge, notwithstanding other ordinances of the City of Chicago to the contrary, to the Public Building Commission of Chicago/Board of Education of Chicago, for the construction of a new annex for Eliza Chappell Elementary School on the premises known as 5145 North Leavitt Street. Said building shall be used exclusively for educational and related purposes and shall not be leased or otherwise used with a view to profit, and the work thereon shall be done in accordance with plans submittetl. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.


Day Care Centers.

Auburn Park Day Care Center. (Class I)

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 4-64-040 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and in accordance with favorable investigation by the Board of Health, the following day care center, which is not operated for gain but where a charge is made for the care of children, is hereby exempted from pajmient ofthe license fee for the current license period, which expires April 30,1992:

Auburn Park Day Care Center - Class I 743 West 79th Street.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11453

Bethel Day Care Center.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 4-64-040 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and in accordance with favorable investigation by the Board of Health, the following day care center, which is not operated for gain but where a charge is made for the care of children, is hereby exempted from pajmient ofthe license fee for the current license period, which expires April 30,1992:

Bethel Day Care Center 1434 South Laflin Street.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication.

Beverly Montessori School.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 158-4 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago and in accordance with favorable investigation by the Board of Health, the following day care center, which is not operated for gain but where a charge is made for the care of children, is hereby exempted from pajmient of the license fee for the current license period, which expires April 30,1992:

The Beverly Montessori School 9916 South Walden Parkway.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. 11454 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Chicago Child Care Society.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 4-64-040 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and in accordance with favorable investigation by the Board of Health, the following day care center, which is not operated for gain but where a charge is made for the care of children, is hereby exempted from payment ofthe license fee for the current license period, which expires April 30,1992:

Chicago Child Care Society 5467 South University Avenue.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication.

Chinese Christian Union Church Day Care Center.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 4-64-040 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and in accordance with favorable investigation by the Board of Health, the following day care center, which is not operated for gain but where a charge is made for the care of children, is hereby exempted from pajmient ofthe license fee for the current license period, which expires April 30,1992:

Chinese Christian Union Church Day Care Center 2301 South Wentworth Avenue.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11455

Christopher House Day Care Center.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 4-64-040 of the Municipal Code of Chicago (prior code Section 158-4) and in accordance with favorable investigation by the Board of Health, the following day care center, which is not operated for gain but where a charge is made for the care of children, is hereby exempted from pajmient of the license fee for the current license period, which expires April 30,1992:

Christopher House Day Care Center 4303 North Kenmore Avenue.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication.

Edison Park Lutheran Church Day Care Center.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 4-64-040 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and in accordance with favorable investigation by the Board of Health, the following day care center, which is not operated for gain but where a charge is made for the care of children, is hereby exempted from payment ofthe license fee for the current license period, which expires April 30,1992:

Edison Park Lutheran Church Day Care Center 6626 North Oliphant Avenue.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication. 11456 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Englewood Manor Day Care Center.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 4-64-040 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and in accordance with favorable investigation by the Board of Health, the following day care center, which is not operated for gain but where a charge is made for the care of children, is hereby exempted from payment ofthe license fee for the current license period, which expires April 30,1992:

Englewood Manor Day Care Center 7730 - 7732 South Halsted Street.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication.

Erie Neighborhood House Day Care Center. (Class I)

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 4-64-040 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and in accordance with favorable investigation by the Board of Health, the following day care center, which is not operated for gain but where a charge is made for the care of children, is hereby exempted from pajmient of the license fee for the current license period, which expires April 30,1992:

Erie Neighborhood House Day Care Center - Class I 1347 West Erie Street.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11457

Evangelical Lutheran Church Of Saint Philip Day Care Center.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 4-64-040 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and in accordance with favorable investigation by the Board of Health, the following day care center, which is not operated for gain but where a charge is made for the care of children, is hereby exempted from pajmient ofthe license fee for the current license period, which expires April 30,1992:

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Saint Philip Day Care Center 2444 West Bryn Mawr Avenue.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication.

First Presbyterian Church Of Chicago Day Care Center. (Class I)

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 4-64-040 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and in accordance with favorable investigation by the Board of Health, the following day care center, which is not operated for gain but where a charge is made for the care of children, is hereby exempted from pajmient ofthe license fee for the current license period, which expires April 30,1992:

First Presbjrterian Church ofChicago Day Care Center — Class I 6400 South Kimbark Avenue.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication. 11458 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Fourth Presbyterian Church Day Care Center.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 4-64-040 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and in accordance with favorable investigation by the Board of Health, the following day care center, which is not operated for gain but where a charge is made for the care of children, is hereby exempted from payment of the annual license fee for the current license period, which expires April 30,1992:

Fourth Presbyterian Church Day Care Center 126 East Chestnut Street.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication.

Harris Young Women's Christian Association Child Development Center.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 4-64-040 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and in accordance with favorable investigation by the Board of Health, the following day care center, which is not operated for gain but where a charge is made for the care of children, is hereby exempted from pajmient ofthe license fee for the current license period, which expires April 30,1992:

Harris Y.W.C.A. Child Development Center 6200 South Drexel Avenue.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11459

Marillac Day Care Center. (Class I)

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 4-64-040 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and in accordance with favorable investigation by the Board of Health, the following day care center, which is not operated for gain but where a charge is made for the care of children, is hereby exempted from payment ofthe license fee for the current license period, which expires April 30,1992:

Marillac Day Care Center - Class I 2822 West Jackson Boulevard.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication.

Mary Crane League Day Care Center. (Class I)

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 4-64-040 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and in accordance with favorable investigation by the Board of Health, the following day care center, which is not operated for gain but where a charge is made for the care of children, is hereby exempted from pajmient ofthe license fee for the current license period, which expires April 30,1992:

Mary Crane League Day Care Center - Class I 2905 North Leavitt Street.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication. 11460 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Mary Crane Nursery School, Family And Day Care Centers.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 4-64-040 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and in accordance with favorable investigation by the Board of Health, the following day care center, which is not operated for gain but where a charge is made for the care of children, is hereby exempted from pajmient ofthe license fee for the current license period, which expires April 30,1992:

Mary Crane Nursery School, Family and Day Care Centers 2905 North Leavitt Street.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication.

Parkway Community Center.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 4-64-040 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and in accordance with favorable investigation by the Board of Health, the following day care center, which is not operated for gain but where a charge is made for the care of children, is hereby exempted from payment ofthe license fee for the current license period, which expires April 30,1992:

Parkway Community Center 500 East 67th Street.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11461

Park West Cooperative Nursery School.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 4-64-040 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and in accordance with favorable investigation by the Board of Health, the following day care center, which is not operated for gain but where a charge is made for the care of children, is hereby exempted from pajmient of the license fee for the current license period, which expires April 30,1992:

Park West Cooperative Nursery School 2335 North Orchard Street.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication.

The Presbyterian Church Of Norwood Park Day Care Center. (Class I)

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 4-64-040 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and in accordance with favorable investigation by the Board of Health, the following day care center, which is not operated for gain but where a charge is made for the care of children, is hereby exempted from pajmient of the license fee for the current license period, which expires April 30,1992:

The Presbyterian Church of Norwood Park Day Care Center - Class I 5849 North Nina Avenue.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication. 11462 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Pullman Creative Learning Center.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 4-64-040 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and in accordance with favorable investigation by the Board of Health, the following day care center, which is not operated for gain but where a charge is made for the care of children, is hereby exempted from pajmient of the license fee for the current license period, which expires April 30,1992:

Pullman Creative Learning Center 614 East 113th Street.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication.

The Salvation Army Emergency Lodge Head Start.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 4-64-040 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and in accordance with favorable investigation by the Board of Health, the following day care center, which is not operated for gain but where a charge is made for the care of children, is hereby exempted from payment ofthe license fee for the current license period, which expires April 30,1992:

The Salvation Army Emergency Lodge Head Start 4800 North Marine Drive.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11463

The Salvation ArmylMidwest Head Start.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 4-64-040 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and in accordance with favorable investigation by the Board of Health, the following day care center, which is not operated for gain but where a charge is made for the care of children, is hereby exempted from payment ofthe license fee for the current license period, which expires April 30,1992:

The Salvation Army/Midwest Head Start 20 South Campbell Avenue.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication.

South Austin Day Care Center.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 4-64-040 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and in accordance with favorable investigation by the Board of Health, the following day care center, which is not operated for gain but where a charge is made for the care of children, is herebj^ exempted from pajmient ofthe license fee for the current license period, which expires April 30,1992:

South Austin Day Care Center 301 North Mayfield Avenue.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication. 11464 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

South Chicago Young Men's Christian Association Day Care Center.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 4-64-040 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and in accordance with favorable investigation by the Board of Health, the following day care center, which is not operated for gain but where a charge is made for the care of children, is hereby exempted from payment ofthe license fee for the current license period, which expires April 30,1992:

South Chicago Y.M.C.A. Day Care Center 3039 East 91st Street.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication.

South Deering Head Start. (The Salvation Army)

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 4-64-040 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and in accordance with favorable investigation by the Board of Health, the following day care center, which is not operated for gain but where a charge is made for the care of children, is herebjr exempted from payment ofthe license fee for the current license period, which expires April 30,1992:

South Deering Head Start (The Salvation Army) 10536 South Bensley Avenue.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11465

South Shore United Methodist Child Care Center.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 4-64-040 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and in accordance with favorable investigation by the Board of Health, the following day care center, which is not operated for gain but where a charge is made for the care of children, is herebj^ exempted from pajmient ofthe license fee for the current license period, which expires April 30,1992:

South Shore United Methodist Child Care Center 7350 South Jeffery Boulevard.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication.

Topsy Turby Nursery & Kindergarten, Inc..

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 4-64-040 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and in accordance with favorable investigation by the Board of Health, the following day care center, which is not operated for gain but where a charge is made for the care of children, is herebjj exempted from pajmient ofthe license fee for the current license period, which expires April 30,1992:

Topsy Turby Nursery & Kindergarten, Inc. 725 East 75th Street.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication. 11466 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Trinity U.C.C. Child Care Center.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 4-64-040 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and in accordance with favorable investigation by the Board of Health, the following day care center, which is not operated for gain but where a charge is made for the care of children, is hereby exempted from pajmient ofthe license fee for the current license period, which expires April 30,1992:

Trinity U.C.C. Child Care Center 532 West 95th Street.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication.

Woodlawn A.M.E. Church Day Care Center.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 4-64-040 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and in accordance with favorable investigation by the Board of Health, the following day care center, which is not operated for gain but where a charge is made for the care of children, is hereby exempted from pajmient of the license fee for the current license period, which expires April 30,1992:

Woodlawn A.M.E. Church Day Care Center 6456 South Evans Avenue.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11467

The Woodlawn Organization Infant Day Care Center.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 4-64-040 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and in accordance with favorable investigation by the Board of Health, the following day care center, which is not operated for gain but where a charge is made for the care of children, is hereby exempted from pajmient of the license fee for the current license period, which expires April 30,1992:

The Woodlawn Organization Infant Day Care Center 1447 East 65th Street.

• SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication.

General Business License.

Resurrection Medical Center.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 10-10-1010 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and in accordance with favorable inspection by the Department of Buildings, the following institution is hereby exempted from pajmient ofthe annual general business license fee for the year 1991:

Resurrection Medical Center 7435 West Talcott Avenue.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication. 11468 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92


Our Lady Of The Resurrection Medical Center.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 4-140-060 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and in accordance with favorable inspection by the Department of Health, the following hospital that is not operated for gain but where a charge is made for the care of patients, shall be exempted from pajmient of the hospital license fee for the year 1991:

Our Lady ofthe Resurrection Medical Center 5645 West Addison Street.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication.


American Environmental Construction Company.

Ordered, That the City Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to refund the amount of $1,908.80 to the American Environmental Construction Company, 1401 Branding Lane, Downers Grove, Illinois, for various building permit fees issued for work at 5415 — 5421 North Milwaukee Avenue.

Chinese Christian Union Church Day Care Center.

Ordered, That the City Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to refund the amount of $75.00 to the Chinese Christian Union Church Day Care Center, 2301 South Wentworth Avenue, representing payment of license fee for the fiscal year ending April 30,1992. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11469

Erie Neighborhood House Day Care Center

Ordered, That the City Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to refund the amount of $75.00 to the Erie Neighborhood House Day Care Center, 1347 West Erie Street, representing pajmient of license fee for the fiscal period ending April 30,1992.

Mary Crane League Day Care Center.

Ordered, That the City Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to refund the amount of $75.00 to the Mary Crane League Day Care Center, 2905 North Leavitt Street, representing payment of day care center license fee, for the fiscal year ending April 30,1992.


Greater State Street Council.

Ordered, That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to waive the permit fee for the Greater State Street Council, 36 South State Street, for the use of a platform/raiser (approximately 512 square feet) on South State Street (east side) between Washington Street and Madison Street, in conjunction with the Carolling Program as a part of this year's holiday festivities during the month of December 1991.


The Conimittee on Finance submitted the following report: 11470 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

CHICAGO, January 14,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Committee on Finance, to which had been referred sundry proposed orders for cancellation of specified warrants for collection issued against certain charitable, educational and religious institutions, having had the same under advisement, begs leave to report and reconimend that Your Honorable Body Pass the proposed substitute order transmitted herewith. This recommendation was concurred in by a viva voce vote ofthe members of the committee.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) EDWARD M. BURKE, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Burke, the said proposed substitute order transmitted with the foregoing conimittee report was Passed by yeas and nays asfollows: Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Tillman, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 46. Nays - None. Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said order as passed:

Ordered, That the City Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to cancel specified warrants for collection issued against certain charitable, educational and religious institutions, as follows: 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11471

Warrant No. And Type Of Name And Address Inspection Amount

Bethany Methodist Hospital D7-102240 $ 40.00 (various locations) (Sign) D7-102276 80.00 (Sign) D7-102280 40.00 (Sign) D7-103283 40.00 (Sign) D7-103445 40.00 (Sign)

Bethesda Home and D7-105457 40.00 Retirement Center (Sign) 2833 North Nordica Avenue

DePaul University D7-104418 40.00 (various locations) (Sign) D7-104430 120.00 (Sign) D7-104442 60.00 (Sign) F4-110631 75.00 (Mech. Vent.) F4-110691 117.00 (Mech. Vent.) F4-111512 26.00 (Mech. Vent.) Pl-103599 302.00 (Fuel Burn. Equip.) Pl-103708 272.00 (Fuel Burn, Equip.) 11472 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Warrant No. And Type Of Name And Address Inspection Amount

Grant Hospital D7-104268 $ 40.00 (various locations) (Sign) D7-104614 925.00 (Sign)

D7-104863 310.00 (Sign) D7-104871 190.00 (Sign) D7-105102 40.00 (Sign)

Inner City Impact Al-105791 41.00 2704 West North Avenue (Elev.)

International Ministries Dl-130457 94.00 6150 West North Avenue (Sign)

Metropolitan Pier and Al-104270 41.00 Exposition Authority/Office (Elev.) of Development 600 East Grand Avenue B3-103804 46.00 (Pub. Place of Assemb.) B3-103840 46.00 (Pub. Place of Assemb.) B3-103878 46.00 (Pub. Place of Assemb.) B3-103893 46.00 (Pub. Place of Assemb.)

Northwestern Memorial Hospital Dl-127684 22.00 (various locations) (Sign) 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11473

Warrant No. And Type Of Name And Address Inspection Amount

Dl-127685 $ 22.00 (Sign) Dl-127686 22.00 (Sign) D7-100827 50.00 (Sign) D7-103457 1,395.00 (Sign)

D7-103586 120.00 (Sign) D7-103659 40.00 (Sign) D7-103666 105.00 (Sign) D7-103677 725.00 (Sign) D7-104888 65.00 (Sign)

Northwestern Memorial Hospital/ Dl-127660 39.50 Prentice Women's Hospital (Sign) 340 East Huron Street

Resurrection Medical Center Dl-132409 22.00 7435 West Talcott Avenue (Sign) Dl-132514 44.00 (Sign) Dl-132515 44.00 (Sign) 11474 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Warrant No. And Type Of Name And Address Inspection Amount

Scholl College of Podiatry Dl-130924 $ 22.00 1001 North Dearborn Street (Sign)

Schwab Rehabilitation Center Dl-129790 22.00 (various locations) (Sign) Dl-129799 28.00 (Sign) Dl-129800 28.00 (Sign) Dl-131415 22.00 (Sign)

Selfhelp Home for the Aged D7-105504 100.00 908 West Argyle Street (Sign)

Mrs. Victoria Laba D7-104793 40.00 6241 South Merrimac Avenue (Sign)


The Conimittee on Finance submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, January 14,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Conimittee on Finance, having had under consideration an order authorizing the payihent of hospital and medical expenses of police officers 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11475

and firefighters injured in the line of duty, having had the same under advisement, begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass the proposed order transmitted herewith. This recommendation was concurred in by a viva voce vote ofthe members ofthe committee.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) EDWARD M. BURKE, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Burke, the said proposed order transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Tillman, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 46, Nays — None, Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said order as passed:

Ordered, That the City Comptroller is authorized and directed to issue vouchers, in conformity with the schedule herein set forth, to physicians, hospitals, nurses or other individuals, in settlement for hospital, medical and nursing services rendered to the injured members of the Police Department and/or the Fire Department herein named. The payment of any of these bills shall not be construed as an approval of any previous claims pending or future claims for expenses or benefits on account of any alleged injury to the individuals named. The total amount of said claims is set opposite the names of the injured members of the Police Department and/or the Fire Department, and vouchers are to be drawn in favor of the proper claimants and charged to Account No. 100.9112.937: [Regular orders printed on pages 11476 through 11483 of this Journal.]

(Continued on page 11484) 11476 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

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* . .

* • * * * *

£ Z Ui Ui >• D 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11479

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* • * It « * * i UJ Ui 11480 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

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• ** * * * *

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2 X iC iJC uCiC it: ii: tc ic isc o: ii: X ii: XX X X iC X ilC Hi Ui UJ Ui Ul y y y y UJ H Ul UJ H Ul Ui UJ Ul Ul H Ul Ui Ul UJ Ui Ui UJ Ul H H U H U H H H 2U2UUU22 U U U H Z H H z y u y y H U H 2 U H yyyy H H H tH Ul M I X X CM^MMMCC M M oc M I

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jC Na u Ul_l >- M z Ui ii: £ M M IX o cc ji HU. 3 -1 O cc cc > N U U « C « C U U £ £ £ £ £ £ 11482 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

X -I OOOUirOOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O M OOOOOUl>0OOOOOOOOOtlO>0OOCDUlN Ul« OOO UltE-O-OO 04 OOUIOIOOUIUI OOOO UlOO^OOOOONOUlUlOO-OOOOOOthrtUlO-O 04 rt XH.> ••••>• ••»•>*•••• -» uo rtro-*tD04*r^r^or>-or^MOoth*rt.oNCDOJ-oro*Nouioo*th**u50 04Uii>ro*uio4r^*uio4th* 3H •oooocDa)ro*rtrtroui-cui«othCDtD***o-^mr^oi^or>->0'0>rtrofo»oi^*uithrtN04cs-or-4o-r^rto o uiui rt* 04* thrOrttOrt 04 rtrtro 04 04 04 rt**rt ro *rO'Ort rtrt*rOrto-uirt.crtrt * :> 04 rt rt CD 04 04 * 04 0- 04 rt 0- rt

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0C_1 OUlChOOOODOOOUlOOOOOUlOOOOOOOO Ui« 01>0 .04 Ul OOUI OOOOOO UlrOO 04 OOOO Ul OOO II- ...... U O Ul O 04 th O OD * O Ul •« rort » r O Ul OD 04 04 04 04rt O 04 0- Ul 3H roouithuirta)rt*uio4*th'OCD'Ooir^r>-rtorortUirt o 01 to 04 Ul* rtroccrt*rtrt*rortroortNrt04 y 04 * ro n . n c-i

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UI * *. * •C H M HUJ^ Ul X zy -^ X. * Ul Ul CC a _i « to 7 tox _i KLXXXX O CC Z U UI « .i-i«a«Q:3ui«uaHzxuiuiuiuiuj(ouioui -i « UiU133NUl^CC£ZaHU13ZZZXHHU.tOHUi»i « UiUJUiCCCCHHHOUiMONCiOCtSCCMMM-l-Jn-IIi. D»C HHHHH33UlXa0CCCUCC««333333333N 11484 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

(Continued from page 11475)

;and Be It Further Ordered, That the City Comptroller is authorized and directed to issue warrants, in conformity with the schedule herein set forth, to physicians, hospitals, nurses or other individuals, in settlement for hospital, medical and nursing services rendered to the injured members of the Police Department and/or Fire Department herein named, provided such members of the Police Department and/or Fire Department shall enter into an agreement in writing with the City ofChicago to the effect that, should it appear that any of said members of the Police Department and/or Fire Department have received any sum of money from the party whose negligence caused such injury, or have instituted proceedings against such party for the recovery of damages on account of such injury or medical expenses, then in that event the City shall be reimbursed by such member of the Police Department and/or Fire Department out of any sum that such member of the Police Department and/or Fire Department has received or may hereafter receive from such third party on account of such injury or medical expenses, not to exceed the expense in accordance with Opinion No. 1422 of the Corporation Counsel of said City, dated March 19, 1926. The payment of any of these bills shall not be construed as approval of any previous claims pending or future claims for expenses or benefits on account of any alleged injury to the individuals named. The total amount of such claims, as allowed, is set opposite the names of the injured members of the Police Department and/or Fire Department and warrants are to be drawn in favor ofthe proper claimants and charged to Account No. 100.9112.937:

[Third party orders printed on pages 11485 through 11486 of this Journal.]


The Committee on Finance submitted the following report:

(Continued on page 11487) 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11485

0£_I OOOOOU100000U10*0000>OOOOOUlCNOO>0000000>OinOOOOOOOOOOOOO UiC OOU100 04 0U10 04 0 04 00000000UlUlor^CV40 0*OOOOinOUlCDOOOOOOOOOU1000 XH • • • UO uicDrtODihODoi^o4rtouio-thODroa)rtrtuith>ouirtui-oom*roouirotoo4uiort04rta)tDo.oth*inuirt 3H o4CDCDr^ui*cD04 0Drooo4rtrtoiroororo>oroo4uith r^thtOrtr^rtuioDOCDOJ*ooirtoo4r(4ChrttiJth«oo ro y rt ri ri I^ •-! . ^ tS ri r*" rt ^ . rt

Ol th N C CO * y z cc to HUM u iii X U M a ill M cc a iH X a cc H Z o cc H to C o to M Mao . >- a z a a u CS H aM >- z z X X zy y xy 3 M c HOW z y ta o H z uo UI z cc u Ui 0. M Ul 3 3 Ui M UJ a Z CO

* *

* u UJ * - to :ll M ts cc o- OC to Ui £ oc UJ OUJ OB O cc £ C -lo: o X c 2 ts O oc H I Ui UI >• D -1 CL £ UJ * * >• *. C UIUJ £ fiC z :> jz 4 o I * H c UiUJ X J : .* M _J UIUI H >- I .* . Z O H 3 c c : * (0 to COO) H H I 11486 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

ii:_J OOOUlOOOthNOOUlOUlOI^O Ui c Ul o o 04 04 Ul o Ul r^ o o 04 o r^ o ro o IH uo thin>ctDrorothCDCDO-o^-04 0 04rtth 3H o-rt Ul 04 >OrtUl>CCD 04 cDf^-ororocDro o ro*o4uirocooortOrtui *04CD y . rt Ul rtr ^ rt * ro

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* * » H Z UJ £ H Z U M H 01 ta U 0- M CC M th Ul r^ >o fo N (0 u to OC * * cc * CO H M y H * U. * rt 1^ cc to X a y u to >- >- Ul >- >- > > oc c O M z z M z z z z Ul Ul tc a M QC c c -I rt c c c c a u. M oc X y CL u. Ui rt ii. CL iL X X oc D a M y tn £ £ X £ £ £ £ o u. o X ts M O o ill O O O O 2 X H Ul ou y u u u U rt U o >- 3 H i u u z 10 u o H z >- z rt * M C Ui Ul Ul Ul z z X * Ui H 3 Ul Ul ii: -I z z z ^ z 3 M * :> z H OC iC ^z M M c OZ H 3 MOM H Ii. It UJ Ui U. 3 Z M U U M CO ta cs o Ul _i 3 M O iC ts 3 3 O M £ z z C3 3 cs Ul a Ik Ui y U. U CC CC Z a c UI Ul Z CC z £ z z H H Ul Ul H Ui X 3 Ul J X * M H- * U * z * 3 O XXXX OC u Ui Ui Ul ill UJ UUUU U 2 W M M M M ii: IC c: XXXX LL Ul iL U. Ul. Lli Ul Ul y Ui Ui UI Ui U. U. u. Ul Ul u yyy 2 U H H H H OOOO O M xxxx € M I X X I ii: a Ui IS o ts z a o o o o UI Ui UI Ui Ui Ui Ui ill M M M ill 111 M M M M U UUUU U £ H £ U. LL LL LL Z M M M M M C z u. u. u. 3 C Ui Ul UJ UJ M -1 _l -I _l -1 iC M ul Lil Lil OOOO O C CS iiC iiiOC Ul CC uC CC CC OC O CL C_ u. CL X u. 2 M M M M C M M M M Z Ul LL U. U. -1 CL Ul U. U. Ul Ul

Ul to u u o a z to Hia cc to UlHCCOZUIi-i tOOCiL UIX«M >-a}UiauiMcczzuiu!Ui>-LCHXz OtD22£:>3ZX£«tnccUiHUZ 3U4CMCUiCU40C00C_JUiMUi ii:4"3_i")iC-iOTi£i:ioci:a:a z

Ul >- o -1 ii. £ UJ

to M tn z I £ ^ > Z _i UJ iC c it UCO CUUljCC0UiO-l>- o « :> >ui HM.iuHiu>-uia: N OCX M « /i^ I.—I 'I ^, -9 L^ i\^ i^'i_>r . « * • * 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11487

(Continued from page 11484)

CHICAGO, January 14,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Committee on Finance, having had under consideration an order authorizing the pajmient of various small claims against the City ofChicago, having had the same under advisement, begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass the proposed order transmitted herewith. This recommendation was concurred in by a viva voce vote of the members ofthe committee.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) EDWARD M. BURKE, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Burke, the said proposed order transmitted with the foregoing comniittee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas - Aldermen Mazola, Tillman, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 46. Nays — None. Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said order as passed:

Ordered, That the City Comptroller is authorized and directed to pay the following named claimants the respective amounts set opposite their names, said amount be paid in full and final settlement of each claim on the date and location by type of claim; with said amount to be charged to the activity and account specified as follows: 11488 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Damage To Vehicles.

Department Of Police: Account Number 200-99-2005-0934-0934.

Name And Address Date And Location Amount

Naser Najes Abubaker 6/4/90 $ 400.00 3209 West 65th Place Police Auto Pound Chicago, Illinois 60629 Keith Askew 6/18/90 450.00 5332 South Wells Street 5332 South Wells Street Chicago, Illinois 60609

Roger A. Marquis 8/23/91 600.00 5720 North Wayne Avenue 5711 North Wayne Apartment 1 Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60660 Mary Ann J. Fiordaliso 8/3/90 1,500.00 3556 North Avondale 2758 West Belmont Avenue Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60618

Allstate Ins. Co. and Nadine 7/22/90 831.56 Bachman 1116 East 57th Street Cl. 2701061158 P.O. Box 1089 Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 Nawal Fakhouri 10/31/90 400.00 1461 West Olive Avenue 1525 West Olive Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60660 Janice Thompson 4/29/90 1,500.00 c/o Bomar Credit for 123rd and South American Security Ins. Halsted Street Cl. 16070-0 990 Hammond Drive Atlanta, Georgia 30328 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11489

Name And Address Date And Location Amount

Sallie Haskin 12/24/90 $ 600.00 5162 West Concord Place West Adams Street and Chicago, Illinois 60639 and South Oakley Avenue Delores C. Walker 8/30/90 400.00 6814 South Claremont Police Auto Pound Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60637

Alvarez Elzy 9/27/89 1,000.00 8142 South Peoria Street 1027 West 77th Street Chicago, Illinois 60620

Colonial Penn Ins. and 11/14/89 785.62 Lessie Winston 3430 West Jackson Cl. W890208860 Boulevard 1818 Market Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19181-3250

Damage To Vehicles.

Department Of Water: Account Number 200-99-2005-0934-0934.

Name And Address Date And Location Amount

Pearl Bosley 2/1/91 $1,400.00 3733 South Lake Park Avenue 1000 East Ohio Street Chicago, Illinois 60653 11490 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Name And Address Date And Location Amount

Kimberly Evers 12/29/90 $260.00 1331 Branchwood Circle 5867 South Archer Apartment 204 Avenue Naperville, Illinois 60563

Damage To Vehicle.

Department Of General Services: Account Number 100-99-2005-0934-0934.

Name And Address Date And Location Amount

Robert H. Joseph 8/8/91 $1,300.00 254 Leslee Lane 2137 West Concord Highland Park, Illinois 60035 Place

Damage To Vehicle.

Bureau Of Electricity: Account Number 300-99-2005-0934-0934.

Name And Address Date And Location Amount

Angelica Diaz 11/30/90 $400.00 2654 West Cermak Road 2150 South Washtenaw Chicago, Illinois 60616 Avenue 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11491

Damage To Property.

Department Of Public Works: Account Number 100-99-2005-0934-0934.

Name And Address Date And Location Amount

Luis Gomez 11/26/89 $750.00 2813 South Archer Avenue 2813 South Archer Chicago, Illinois 60608 Avenue

Damage To Vehicles.

Department Of Streets And Sanitation: Account Number 200-99-2005-0934-0934.

Name And Address Date And Location Amount

Robert J. Grannum 8/23/91 $ 210.00 1245 Vine Street During towing New Lenox, Illinois 60451 Thomas Pach 8/23/91 105.00 15350 Michael Drive During towing Plainfield, Illinois 60544 Joseph J, Richardson 7/8/90 263.33 108 East St. Charles Road During towing Villa Park, Illinois 60181 Louis Rosen 9/4/90 375.00 6242 North Lenox Avenue 516 West Van Buren Chicago, Illinois 60646 Street Elizabeth Spellberg 7/10/90 160.00 3550 Crayton Road During towing Naples, Florida 33940 11492 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Name And Address Date And Location Amount

JessTalty 6/11/90 $ 175.00 2028 Mission Hills Drive During towing Elgin, Illinois 60123 Laurie J. Elm 4/23/90 250.00 1912 North Dayton Street During towing Apartment 3F Chicago, Illinois 60614 Robert A. Grela 10/11/90 400.00 8045 Creekwood Drive 3143 South Lituanica Burr Ridge, Illinois 60925 Avenue Carol DeGrace 7/3/90 1,500.00 1610 St. Peter Avenue No. 94 near 62nd Street Bathurst, New Brunswick, Canada E2A 3B1 Spiro Peter Tzoumis 9/4/90 700.00 4954 North Lockwood Avenue During towing Chicago, Illinois 60630 Rimon Shawel 10/14/90 800.00 3719 North Magnolia Avenue During towing Chicago, Illinois 60613 Kenneth Fuller 11/2/90 400.00 1150 North Lake Shore Drive During relocation Chicago, Illinois 60611 Mario and Lillian Carrara 11/14/90 100.00 1444-8 Woodview Drive West Cermak Road and Crown Point, Indiana 46307 South Morgan Street Capital Recovery & Sub. and 5/18/90 965.13 Tupperware Home Parties 2425 South Albany (Jl. 4829 Avenue 555 Southwest 12th Avenue Suite 210 Pompano Beach, Florida 33069 Attention: RonHouser William Hester 9/26/90 400.00 4458 North Maplewood During towing Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60625 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11493

Name And Address Date And Location Amount

James Militello 10/13/90 $ 150.00 210 Kenilworth During towing Oak Park, Illinois 60302 Dean Pappas 10/13/90 750.00 662 Driftwood Lane During towing Northbrook, Illinois 60062 Karen Ann Troester 11/5/90 250.00 580 West 15th Place During towing Chicago Heights, Illinois 60411 Mario Martino 12/30/91 2,500.00 1742 North Nashville Avenue North Nashville Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60635 and West Bloomingdale Avenue Carl Hayes 12/14/90 275.00 13819 South Tracy During towing Riverdale, Illinois 60627-1919 Karen Koehler 8/29/90 300.00 4947 West Roscoe Street 4949 West Roscoe Street Chicago, Illinois 60641 Illinois Livingston 12/19/90 275.00 850 Lee Street During towing Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007 Nicholas Giordano 9/27/90 650.00 2909 ScottLynne During towing Park Ridge, Illinois 60068 James Crowley 12/20/90 1,200.00 2 North LaSalle Street During towing Suite 2000 Chicago, Illinois 60602 Stanislaus Frank 1/6/91 550.00 7208 South Merrill Avenue West 87 th Street and Chicago, Illinois 60649 South Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive 11494 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Name And Address Date And Location Amount

Hugh Skarry 2/11/91 $275.00 1347 West Winona Street During towing Chicago, Illinois 60640

Kenneth Thomas 3/13/91 50.00 3322 North Kenneth Avenue 5900 West Addison Chicago, Illinois 60641 Street Jane Kaminski 9/25/90 125.00 2855 West Logan Boulevard North Avondale Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60647 and North Kedzie Avenue Hosea Ivey 10/16/90 240.00 1455 North Sandburg During towing Terrace Chicago, Illinois 60610

; and Be It Further Ordered, That the Commissioner of Water is authorized to refund the amount due by the amount set opposite the name ofthe claimant; on account of underground leaks and to charge same to Account No. 200-87- 2015-0952-0952:

Name And Address Location Amount

Jorge Anaya 3/3/89 to 4/19/90 $126.77 4543 South Paulina Street 4544 South Paulina Street Chicago, Illinois 60609 Herbert C. Harris 2/5/90 to 4/6/90 400.00 110 East 79th Street 439 East 48th Street Chicago, Illinois 60619 Eunok and Esther Joo 2/7/90 to 6/12/90 400.00 6841 North Kenneth 3225 North Wilton Avenue Lincolnwood, Illinois 60646 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11495

Name And Address Location Amount

Eugene Ruffolo 7/27/89 to 9/14/90 $400.00 74 West South Water 74 West South Water Street Street Chicago, Illinois 60608

Ron Cutter 2/24/88 to 4/21/88 400.00 4009 Grand 4631 South Damen Avenue Western Springs, Illinois 60558

Martha R. Barglow 8/28/89 to 6/7/90 400.00 2600 North Southport Avenue 2221 West McLean Avenue Apartment 409 Chicago, Illinois 60614

Peter Landry 4/3/90 to 11/28/90 345.07 4756 South Dr. Martin 4756 South Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive Luther King, Jr. Drive Chicago, Illinois 60615

Michael Foucher 4/24/90 to 8/20/90 400.00 8636 South Maryland 8636 South Maryland Avenue Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60619

Annie Hansburg 5/31/89 to 2/9/90 122.83 10613 South Green Street 9457 South Normal Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60623

Joseph G. Kuizin 6/19/89 to 9/28/90 142.54 4508 South Honore Street 4508 South Honore Street Chicago, Illinois 60609

;and Be It Further Ordered, That the Conimissioner of Water is authorized to decrease the amount due by the amount set opposite the name of the claimant; on account of underground leaks: 11496 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Name And Address Location Amount

Samuel S. Jackson 3/16/90 to 7/12/90 $400.00 920 East 100th Place 545 East 103rd Street Chicago, Illinois 60628 Eleno Cazarez 5/9/89 to 6/15/90 363.13 2630 West 25th Street 2624 West 25th Street Chicago, Illinois 60608 Eddie Jones 3/26/90 to 5/23/90 400.00 5334 West Crystal Street 5254 - 5258 West Division Chicago, Illinois 60651 Street Albert Santos 2/1/90 to 6/5/90 392.49 2100 North Lockwood Avenue 4050 West Cortland Chicago, Illinois 60639 Street Eugene and Dorothy Shuford 12/19/89 to 8/20/90 400.00 14348 Calhoun Avenue 408 West 103rd Street Burnham, Illinois 60633 Henry S. Galicia 5/25/89 to 7/21/89 41.31 2109 West Lawrence Avenue 2109 West Lawrence Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60625 Fannie M. Hunter 1/2/90 to 6/26/90 288.93 4010 South Ellis Avenue 4010 South Ellis Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60653 Robert Lee Jones 4/7/89 to 4/11/89 400.00 29 South Waller Avenue 29 South Waller Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60644 Anna Kozak 3/16/90 to 7/12/90 108.16 1230 South 58th Court 2468 South California Cicero, Illinois 60650 Avenue Earlene Smith 8/5/87 to 10/7/87 319.65 516 West Englewood 516 West Englewood Avenue Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60621 Ann Martin Stanzler 5/25/90 to 7/31/90 130.17 674 North Orleans Street 740 North Willard Court Chicago, Illinois 60610 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11497

Name And Address Location Amount

Louis Avila 4/13/87 to 8/13/88 $ 56.03 8456 South Buffalo Avenue 8456 South Buffalo Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60617 Cele Alpert Shaps 5/22/89 to 2/6/90 400.00 3750 North Lake Shore Drive 7927 - 7929 South Chicago, Illinois 60613 Marquette Avenue Mauro Aguilera 7/27/90 to 9/25/90 400.00 862 North Ashland Avenue 862 North Ashland Chicago, Illinois 60622 Avenue Terrance and Norma Street 9/21/90 to 11/14/90 48.08 5914 North Neva Avenue 4955 West Berenice Chicago, Illinois 60631 Avenue Anne T. Lapinskas 10/19/90 to 2/26/91 345.89 5508 West 55th Street 5702 West 65th Street Number 11 Chicago, Illinois 60638 Clarence Hodges 7/30/90 to 8/31/90 175.75 1533 South Harding Avenue 1122 South California Chicago, Illinois 60623 Avenue Darryl L. Henry 8/1/89 to 11/11/90 400.00 8136 South Muskegon Avenue 8136 South Muskegon Chicago, Illinois 60617 Avenue Paul Ligon 8/10/90 to 12/7/90 344.57 8458 South Halsted Street 8456 - 8458 South Chicago, Illinois 60620 Halsted Street Teofilo Arrieta 3/28/90 to 11/21/90 106.73 1637 West 18th Street 1637 West 18th Street Chicago, Illinois 60608 Fernando Rice 11/24/89 to 1/24/90 211.29 1724 West 18th Street 1724 West 18th Street Chicago, Illinois 60608 Eliborio Bobadilla 10/16/89 to 10/15/89 272.37 3304 South May Street 3304 South May Street Chicago, Illinois 60608 11498 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Name And Address Location Amount

Genaro and Gloria Vargas 2/5/90 to 10/3/90 $222.95 1733 West 21st Place 1733 West 21st Place Chicago, Illinois 60608

Ella Williams 6/18/90 to 12/17/90 340.53 1316 North Oakley 1316 North Oakley Chicago, Illinois 60622 Avenue Richard A. Wiskup 2/3/87 to 4/7/87 400.00 941 North Honore Street 941 North Honore Chicago, Illinois 60622 Street

James Archie 12/19/90 to 1/30/91 400.00 1722 West Adams Street 1722 West Adams Chicago, Illinois 60612 Street

Carmelo A. Velazquez 10/17/89 to 4/19/90 400.00 2426 North Maplewood Avenue 2426 North Maplewood Chicago, Illinois 60647 Avenue

Permit Refund.

Department Of Inspectional Services: Account Number 100-99-2005-0934-0934.

Name And Address Permit Number Amount

Better Built Lumber B733172 $103.00 17350 South Cicero Country Club Hills, Illinois 60478 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11499

Damage To Vehicle.

Department Of Sewers: Account Number 314-99-2005-0934-0934.

Name And Address Date And Location Amount

Andrich Trucking, Inc. 10/15/90 $1,500.00 1851 South Clinton Street 9643 South Winston Chicago, Illinois 60616 Avenue


The Conimittee on Finance submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, January 14,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Committee on Finance, having had under consideration an order authorizing paymentof various Condominium Refuse Rebate claims against the City, having had the same under advisement, begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass the proposed order transmitted herewith. This recommendation was concurred in by a viva voce vote ofthe members ofthe committee.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) EDWARD M. BURKE, Chairman. 11500 JOURNAL-CrrY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

On motion of Alderman Burke, the said proposed order transmitted with the foregoing conimittee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas - Aldermen Mazola, Tillman, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 46. Nays — None. Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said order as passed:

Ordered, That the City Comptroller is authorized and directed to pay the following named claimants the respective amounts set opposite their names, said amount to be paid in full as follows, and charged to Account No. 100-99- 2005-0939-0939:

[List of claimants printed on pages 11501 through 11502 of this Journal.]


The Conimittee on Finance submitted the following report:

To the President and Members of the City Council. Your Conimittee on Finance/Small Claims Division to which was referred on June 27,1990 and subsequent sundry claims as follows:

Safeco Ins. Co. and Richard Hassler Cl. 24A89361-3207 (Continued on page 11503) 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 11501




11-22-109-011 01 GREENLEAF APT. BL06. CORP. PROVED * 2,393.20 a •"7 ,105 ,00 11-30-307-207 48 CASA BON.nA CONDOMINIUM ASSN. PROVED * 3,445.00 * 2 ,851 ,0, 0

.1]--'31-11B-011 50 Bfc.LLMORE APARTMENTS SDUIH, INC PROVED •« 1 ,050.00 976 ,00 T l-:iil-?18-038 49 6V70-72 N. ASI-ILANO CONDOMINIUM C AP PROVED 2,038.00 750,, ,00 J l-3:.'-104-035 49 7058-60 Ni GRUENUIEU CONOO. C AP PROVED * 1 ,136.10 430, ,00 11-32-121-OOe 49 GREENVIEW BUILDIN(5 CORPORAIION C AP PROVED 1,703.00 1 ,531, ,00 11-32-126-016 49 FARUELL ESTATES CONDO. ASSC. 8 AP PROVED 1 ,177.80 n-3:?-202-020 49 FARUELL BEACH CONDO ASSOC, B AP PROVED 963,55 849, ,30 11-32-327-031 49 GLENWOOD CONDO AND HEALTH CLUB B AP PROVED 984.80 918, ,00 11-32-400-037 49 1050 Ul. COLUMBIA CONDO ASSOC. C AP PROVED 1,795.00 1 ,930, 00 11-32-423-019 49 1116-18 LOYOLA CONDO ASSC. C AP PROVED 826.00 12-11-116-030 41 MASON MANOR CONDOMINIUM B AP PROVED 1,897.00 1 ,312, 50 12-23-224-043 36 I'^iOOISON MANOR CONDOMINIUM ASSiN C AP PROVED 1,754.00 1 , 575,0 , 0 13-06-221-006 45 ti979 NORTHUEGT HUY. CONDO ASS, C AP PROVED * 489.39 13~lS-404-040 45 4126-28 IJ, CULLOM CONDO,ASSN, C AP PROVED .* 596,00 675, ,00 1.3-16-114-048 45 KINGS CORNER COi'lDO B AP PROVED 364.20 225, 00 13-31-118-036 35 PALMER COURTS ASSOCIATION B AP PROVED « 564.00 450, ,00 1 4-0'.=j-102-04.1 48 SHORE MANOR CONDOMINIUM B AP PROVED 2,761.00 2 ,100, ,00 14-05-210-024 48 GRANVILLE TOWERS CONDO. ASSOC. C AP PROVED 9,377,30 8 , 763,0 , 0 14-05-215-017 48 ' MAI. I BU EAST CONDO. ASSOCIAIION B AP PROVED • 4,047.00 6 ,000, .00 14'-05-313-023 48 1319-21 U. ARDMORE CONDO. ASSO C AF PROVED * 1 ,252.60 450, ,00 14-05-405-034 48 HOLLYWOOD TERRACE CONDO. ASSN. C AP PROVED 2,513.16 2 ,359, ,50 14-06-213-013 50 GRANVILLE COURTS CONDOMINIUMS C AP PROVED : * 600.60 450 ,00 14-07-307-042 47 ARGYLE E5IATES CONDO. ASSN. C AP PROVED •• 1 ,236.00 225 ,00 14-08-202-017 48 RENAISSANCE CONt)0. B AF PROVED ! * 1 ,624.08 1 ,200 ,00 14-08-203-016 48 5455 EDGEWATER PLAZA CONDO C AP PROVED "'* 33,699.00 ^16 ,640 ,90 PROVED 14-08-403-020 48 WINONA EAST CONDOMINIUM C AP '• * 720:00 360 .00 14-08-417-046 48 939-43 AINSLIE CONDOMINIUM C AP PROVED ' • 1,008.00 450, ,00 14-08-419-045 48 ESTATES ON GUNNISON CONOO. C AP PROVED 642,00 450 ,00 14-16-300-032 46 4343 CLARENDON CONDO ASSOC C AP PROVED 15,493.00 *13 ,800, ,00 14-16-302-028 46 714-26 BUENA CONDOMINIUM ASSN, C AP PROVED 3,710.00 ri ,100 ,00 14-17-121-033 46 4422-24.N. DOVER CONDO. ASSN. C AP PROVED 676.00 450 ,00 14-17-203-046 48 LAKESIDE PLACE CONDO ASSOC. C AP PROVED * 2.468,00 V •;914 ,00 ;l 4-17-407-053 46 BOARDWALK CONDOMINIUM ASSN, C e^f PROVED 1,635.00 1 ,605, ,00 .1.4-17-407-055 46 4310-22 CLARENDON CONDO. ASSN. C AP PROVED 1 ,609.00 1 ,700 ,00 14-17-407-057 46 HA7.ELT0N CONDOMINIUM ASSN. C AP PROVED » 1 ,075.80 450 ,00 14-18-410-038 17 YESTERYEAR CONDOMINIUM AS.TiN, C AP PROVED 1 ,975.44 1 ,917 ,00 14-20-206-206 46 ALTA VISTA CONDOMINIUM C AP PROVED *- 4,264.60 * 4 ,425 ,00 14-20-211-036 46 3825-27 N. KENMORE CONDOMINIUM C AP PROVED . * 728.00 * 450 .00 14-20-221-041 46 914 WAVELAND CONDO, AfiSOC , C AP PROVED i 2,199.50 * 1 ,125 .00 •PF.'OVEO 14-20-414-001 44 HAWIHORNE COURT TOUNHuhE CONDO B AP 2,835.00 ••* 2 ,985 .00 14-21-103-034 46 3825 CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIAIION C AP PROVED 5,358,40 » 4 ,980 ,80 14-21-103-036 46 629-31 U, SHERIDAN CONDO,ftSSN, C AP PROVED t 936.00 * 900 ,00 .14-21-106-028 46 616-18 WAVELAND CONDO, ASSN, C AP PROVED 1 ,238,50 * 450 ,00 14-21-108-023 46 PATTERSON-PINE GROVE CONDO, C AP PROVED ; * 980,00 * 1 , 300,5 0 14-21-109-017 46 3600 N. PINE GROVE CONDO ASSOC C AP PROVED 2,574.00 * 2 ,340 ,00 14-21-111-008 46 ADDISON LAKE SHORE WEST C AP PROVED * 1 ,364 .75 * 1 ,399 .00 14-21-111-009 46 ADDISON LAKE SHORE EAST C AP PROVE D 1 ,405 .75 » 1 ,519 ,50 14-21-307-047 44 3440 LAKE SHORh. DRIVE CONDO. C AP PROVED * 8,578 ,00 $ 4 ,185 .96 14-21-314-050 44 ,'^45-553 MELROSE AVENUE C AP PROVED * 1 ,141 ,41 » 900 ,00 14-21-314-149 44 EA::rr LAKEVIEW tOMNHOUSE A^-iiN. C AP PROVED 1 ,416.48 t 600 . 00 11502 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92




1.4-28- 114 -057 43 f.8- 314--034 43 644 ARLINGTON PLACE CONOO c APPROVED * 2 ,799 .00 * 1 ,794 .00 :l4-28- 317--059 43 555 W. ARLINGTON CONDOMINIUM c APPROVED * 1 ,705 .06 » 1 ,681 ,20 14-28- 320- -031 43 PARKSIDE MANOR CONDO ASSOC. c APPROVED « 1 ,701 .00 * 225 ,,0 0 .I4-2S- 322--038 43 2400 LAKEVIEW CONDO. ASSN. c APPROVED 4- 11 ,726 ,75 4 7 ,966, 33 i4-29- 323 -o;!4 43 ;;URREY COURT CONDOHINLUM ASSN. A APPROVED 4 1 ,656 ,00 $ 780 ,,0 0 14-32- 113--042 4 3 MASTERCRAFT CONDOMINIUMS C APPROVED i 2 ,720 ,00 » 1 ,200, 00 .1.4-32- 127--017 43 HEADLEY SCHOOL CONOO. ASSN. c; APPROVED * 1 ,128 ,60 $ 900,,0 0 :l4-3:;'- 207--057 43 2232-34 N. BISSELL HMOUN. A-iS. C APPROVED . t . 1 ,296 ,60 * 14-33- 10 7--04 7 43 2225 N HALSTED CONDO. ASSN. c APPROVED * 1 ,854 ,25 $ 1 ,630,,0 0 14-3^1- 114 -050 43 455 W. GRANT PLACE CONDO. c APPROVED * 604 ,75 4 198,.0 0 14 33- ;;oo--015 43 2336 N COhMONWEALIH CON DO. c APPROVED * 1 ,349 ,00 t 1 ,638 ,50 ;l 4-33- -004 43 BRETON PLACE CONDOMINIUM ASSN, 888 ,00 4. 600 ,,0 0 206 r: APPROVED . * 14-33- -04 7 43 PIERRE CON DOM INIUM ASSOCIA I ION APPROVED 7 ,058 ,24 6 ,435 ,50 206- c * $ 1 ^; -7i:^- -016 43 2335 N COMMONWEALTH CONDO, APPROVED i 2 ,917,,2 4 4 2 .882, 00 222- c 14-33- -106 WISCONCIN PL COMMONS 744 .00 300- 43 c APPROVED * * 14-33" -107 1875 BURLING CONDOMINIUM ASSN, 1 ,010,,9 9 450, 00 301- 43 c APPROVED * » J 4-33- -039 1,'SO N, WELLS CONDOMINIUM ,656 .00 .00 413 43 c APPROVED *. 1 * yao 1 7'-03- -032 MCCONNELL APIS, CONDO. ASSN. 112- 42. c APPROVED • 4 ,246,.6 0 4 1 ,125,,0 0 l/-u3- -069 40 EAST CEOAR CONDO ASSOC, ,715 , 590,0 0 201 42 B APPROVED * 1 .00 * 1 17-04- -047 LASALLE TERRACE CONDO ASSOC, 4 3 .40 204- 42 B APPROVED * 4 ,185 ,09 ,996 I/-04- -027 1540 STATE PARKWAY CONDO, 210 43 C APPROVED t 5 ,562 ,00 * 4 ,308 . 75 :l '-04- -036 1350 N. STATE PARKWAY CONDO. ,00 218 4 3 C APPROVED 4 1 ,752,,6 0 4 300 17-04- "049 STATE lOWER CONDOMINIUM ASSN. ,187 224- 42 c APPROVED * 6 ,00 * 4 ,612 ,40 19-08- -132 GARFIELD RIDGE CONDO, ASSN. 424- 23 c APPROVED * 794,,8 0 » 700 ,,7 5 I9-09- -135 ARCHER RIDGE CONDOMINIUM ASSN, 424- 50 c APPROVED « 935 ,32 * 829 ,,0 0 19-15- -025 KINGS COURT CONDO ASSOCIATION 112- 13 c APPROVED * 1 ,624, 00 4 1 ,680,, 00 1.9-15- -026 KINGS COURT CONOO, PHASE II 112- 13 B APPROVED * 1 ,307, 52 * 1 ,278 , 00 19-19- -03.-3 COURTYARD II CONDOMINIUM ASSN, 114- 23 C APPROVED * 793,,0 0 4 768 .00 19-19- -018 CLEAR RIDGE CONDO, ASSN, I 214 23 c APPROVED « 840 , 00 * 1 ,55 4 ,00 I V-.20- -027 MELVINA TRACE CONDOMINIUM ASSN 114- 23 c APPROVED t 1 ,031 ,6, 4 4 675 ,00 J'''-34- -084 PARK PLACE CONDOMINIUM II 2irv- 18 c A P P ROVE D t 1 ,034 ,00 * 924 .00 19-34- -086 PARK PLACE IV COMDO. ASSOC. 215- IB c APPROVED 4- 1 ,034 , 00 4- 924 ,00 19-34- -087 PARK PLACE III CONOO ASSOC. 215 18 c APPROVED t 1 ,034,,0 0 i 924 .00 20-12- -052 HEDGROU CONDOMINIUMS 113- 05 c APPROVED 4- 2 ,468,,0 0 4 2 ,316 .00 ;;'0-l3- -022 EAS I PARK CONDOMINIUM 101 05 c APPROVED * 1 ,221 .00 * 1 .124 ,00 -103 5557-59 BLACKSIONE CONDOMINIUM ;>u-i4- 204- 05 c APPROVED - » 1 ,076, 00 4 900 ,00 -034 KEEP ON KENWOOD CONOO. 215 05 c APPROVED t 1 ,512 ,00 t 1 .425 ,00 -05--" 7800 S. WINCHESTER CONDOMINIUM ..'0-14- 428- 18 c APPROVED 4 460, :;.•:> 4 600 , 00 031 iS210-t6 S, JEFFERY COHOO ASi-i'J 124- 42 1.; APPRUVED . * 1 ,037 . 00 ji 325 . 00 •013 EDEN GPKEN HOUSING COOPERAIIVt 20-36- 100- 09 c APPROVED 4- 33 ,3>4, G3 4-;':' / , 194,0 0

TOTAL APPROVED 95 GRAND TOIAL 275,925.79 '10,016.39 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11503

(Continued from page 11500)

Tom Nasiopoulos Illinois Bell Telephone Co. File 911938 Gallo Realty Lena Schumann Freddie L. Johnson

Undlia Gaines-Davis Sandra M. Tagge John W. O'Connor Vera Greene Phyllis Morton

Daniela Tyska Rigoberto Guzman Linda Horton Barbara J. Schenk Becir Zudjelovic

Terry Brown Dwight Evans Elizabeth M. Sullivan State Farm Ins. Co. and Jose Laboy Cl. 130627656 Thomas F. Ryan 11504 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Allstate Ins. Co. and Samih Jatar Cl. 1830168736 Farouk M. Khatib Jamal Mousa Annie Riley Dwight Thompson

Alvin Miller Kate Shubert Harold Stotland Luis A. Vilaro Muhammad E. Alshura

American Securities Ins. Co. and Mitchell Machonkowski Cl. AS-8293 John A. Blaha Lawrence Harris Petar Plemic IVIr. and Mrs. Pete Farris

William D, Jones Anthony J. Richard Jannice White Gloria Howard Mark Dettmer

IssaJreisat Petar Plemic 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11505

Nathaniel Edwards Harry D. Collins Shelly Matlock Cynthia Orthal Marcia Trager

State Farm Ins. Co. and Charles Garmon Cl. 13-L135-026 William L. Parish Carlene S. Williams State Farm Ins. Co. and Christine Caffey Cl. 13-A112-211 Craig A. Edgerley

Peoples Gas Light and Coke Co. 91-0-226 Peoples Gas Light and Coke Co. 91-0-233 State Farm Ins. Co. and Kathleen Tessner Cl. 13-D630-972 Wolin-Levin, Inc., as Agents Fannie Williams

Philibert Isaacs Robert W.Walker American Family Ins. Co. and Antoine Taylor Cl. 671-135472-525 Sami Aljabari Deborah McDonald 11506 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Allstate Ins. Co. and John Lynch HI Cl. 18302-96998 Gulf Ins. Co. and Michael Sage Policy 5412077 American Motorists Ins. Co. and Runno Thames Cl. 560-AM-043597 Joseph Crown Herman Green

William Harris Renetta Hubbard Illinois Farmers Ins. and Adrain A. Jones Cl. EH565484 Insurance Co. oflllinois and Joyce Durst CL A6021018 Miguel A. Leiva

Jerry Muir Rhonda Nasser John A. Nosalik USAA and Lori Moumblow Cl. 000000001

having had the same under advisement, begs leave to report and reconimend that Your Honorable Body Do Not Pass said claims for pajmient. This recommendation was concurred in by a viva voce vote ofthe members ofthe comniittee.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) EDWARD M. BURKE, Chairman. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11507

On motion of Alderman Burke, the committee's recommendation was Concurred In by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Tillman, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 46, Nays — None. Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.


The Committee on Finance submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, January 14,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Committee on Finance, having had under consideration three (3) applications for City ofChicago charitable solicitation (tag day) permits:

A. Chicago Youth Centers May 15 and 16,1992 - Loop area; B. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation August 14 and 15,1992 - citywide; and C. Orchard Village June 26 and 27,1992 — Loop and north side area,

having had the same under advisement, begs leave to report and reconimend that Your Honorable Body Place on File the applications transnaitted herewith. 11508 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

This recommendation was concurred in by a viva voce vote ofthe members of the committee.

Respectfully submitted. (Signed) EDWARD M. BURKE, Chaimian.

On motion of Alderman Burke, the committee's recommendation was Concurred In and said applications and repoi*t were Placed on Pile.


The Committee on Finance submitted the following report which was, on motion of Alderman Burke and Alderman Huels, Deferred and ordered published:

CHICAGO, January 14,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council:

Your Committee on Finance, having had under consideration an ordinance directing the Chicago Board of Elections to place an advisory question on the March 17, 1992 ballot, having had the same under advisement, begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body pass the proposed ordinance, as amended, transmitted herewith. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11509

This recommendation was concurred in by a viva voce vote ofthe members ofthe conimittee.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) EDWARD M. BURKE, Chairman.

The following is said proposed ordinance, as amended, transmitted with the foregoing committee report:

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. The Chicago Board of Elections is hereby directed to place upon the ballot ofthe March 17,1992 primary election, for consideration by the voters of the City of Chicago the following advisory question:

"Shall the manufacturer, importer or dealer of an automatic or semiautomatic firearm be held strictly liable in tort for all direct and consequential damages that arise from bodily injury or death, approximately caused by the discharge of an automatic or semiautomatic firearm, except:

(a) when the firearm was originally distributed to a law enforcement agency or officer; (b) when injury or death occurs to a person committing a criminal act; or (c) when injury or death is self-inflicted and results from a reckless, wanton or wilful discharge of the firearm.

Any defense otherwise available in an action based on the discharge of strict liability in tort is a permissible defense."

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect on January 13,1992. 11510 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

At this point in the proceedings. The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, relinquished the Chair to Alderman Luis Gutierrez, President Pro Tempore.



The Committee on Aviation submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, January 14,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Committee on Aviation, having had under consideration a communication from The Honorable Mayor, Richard M. Daley, transmitting a proposed ordinance (referred October 23,1991) to authorize an amendment to the Concession License Agreement with Chicago Sports Section, Inc., concerning its operations at Chicago O'Hare International Airport, begs leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body do Pass said proposed substitute ordinance which is transmitted herewith. This recommendation was concurred in by all the members of the conimittee present with no dissenting votes.

Respectfully, (Signed) , THOMAS W. CULLERTON, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Cullerton, the said proposed substitute ordinance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays asfollows: 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11511

Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Coleman, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, IVI. Smith, Moore, Stone - 49. Nays - None. Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said ordinance as passed:

WHEREAS, The City Council on June 6,1986 authorized the execution of a five-year Concession License Agreement between the City of Chicago ("City") and Chicago Sports Section, Inc. ("Chicago Sports Section") at Terminal 3 of O'Hare International Airport (Council Journal of Proceedings, pages 30743 - 30769) ("Terminal 3 Agreement"); and WHEREAS, The Chicago Sports Section and the Commissioner of the Department of Aviation ("Commissioner") desire to amend and extend the Terminal 3 Agreement for a period of three (3) years; and WHEREAS, The City and the Chicago Sports Section have had a dispute about the pajmients due the City pursuant to the Terminal 3 Agreement; and WHEREAS, In resolving the dispute about the Chicago Sports Section's concession at Terminal 3 the parties have agreed that: (i) (Jhicago Sports Section shall execute a payment agreement in the amount of One Hundred Thirteen Thousand Three Hundred Seventy-four Dollars and Ninety Cents ($113,374,90) in settlement of certain claims ofthe City under the Terminal 3 Agreement; and (ii) the terms of compensation to the City under the Terminal 3 Agreement be amended substantially as set forth in the amendment attached hereto as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, The City Council on July 26, 1988 authorized execution of a Sports Shop Concession License Agreement between the City and Chicago Sports Section at Terminal 1 at O'Hare (Council Journal of Proceedings pages 6150 - 6181) ('Terminal 1 Agreement"); and WHEREAS, Chicago Sports Section has been unable to make all payments due the City pursuant to the Minimum Guarantee of the Terminal 1 Agreement because such payments substantially exceeded payments due pursuant to the Percentage Fee; and 11512 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

WHEREAS, Due to a change in the concession space prior to execution of the Terminal 1 Agreement, the concession is 840 square feet instead of 977 square feet as stated in the Terminal 1 Agreement; and WHEREAS, Chicago Sports Section pays a Fixed Fee based on square footage; and WHEREAS, The parties agree that the terms of compensation to the City under the Terminal 1 Agreement be amended as set forth in the amendment attached hereto as Exhibit B; and WHEREAS, It would be commercially impracticable for Chicago Sports Section to continue operating pursuant to the original terms ofthe Terminal 1 and Terminal 3 Agreements; now, therefore. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. That the Mayor, subject to attestation by the City Clerk, approval by the Commissioner and the City Comptroller and by the Corporation Counsel as to form and legality, is authorized to execute on behalf of the City an amendment to the Terminal 3 Agreement, and an amendment to the Terminal 1 Agreement, such amendments to be substantially in the forms attached hereto as Exhibits A and B, respectively.

SECTION 2, This ordinance shall take effect upon passage and approval.

Exhibits "A" and "B" attached to this ordinance read as follows:

Exhibit "A".

Amendment To Sports Store Concession License Agreement.

This Amendment to the Sports Store Concession License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Amendment"), is made this day of , 19 , between the City of Chicago, a municipal corporation of Illinois (hereinafter referred to as "Licensor") and Chicago Sports Section, Inc., an Illinois corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Licensee"). Licensor and Licensee hereby agree to amend and modify the Sports Store Concession License Agreement, dated June 6, 1986 (hereinafter referred to as "Agreement"), by and between the parties, as set forth hereinafter. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11513


Whereas, Licensor owns and operates the Chicago O'Hare International Airport (hereinafter referred to as "Airport"), situated in the City of Chiciago, State oflllinois, containing certain terminal buildings and certain terminal concourses in which retail sales areas are located; and Whereas, Licensee desires to obtain from Licensor a license to operate a concession with certain privileges and rights in Terminal Building No. 3 of the Airport; and Whereas, Licensor and Licensee have previously entered into an agreement which was authorized by the Chicago City Council on June 6, ,1986 (Council Journal of Proceedings, pages 30743 - 30769) (hereinafter referred to as "Agreement"), granting Licensee the right to occupy certain premises at the Airport and operate a concession; and Whereas, The parties have had a dispute regarding payments due from the Licensee to the Licensor pursuant to the Agreement accruing from the effective date of the Agreement; and Whereas, The parties agree that the Licensee's Percentage License Fee from the effective date ofthe Agreement through 1991 shall be twenty-three percent (23%), and during that time there shall be no Fixed License Fee or Minimum Guarantee License Fee due to the Licensor, and at that rate through 1991 the Licensee is estimated to be in arrears One Hundred Thirteen Thousand Three Hundred Seventy-four Dollars and Ninety Cents ($113,374.90); and Whereas, Prior to and as a condition precedent to execution of this Amendment Licensee will execute a payment agreement in the form attached hereto as Appendix I (hereinafter referred to as "Payment Agreement") in the amount of One Hundred Thirteen Thousand Three Hundred Seventy-four Dollars and Ninety Cents ($113,374.90) for the arrearage; Now, Therefore, The parties agree as follows:

1. The above recitals are incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth below. 2. The Agreement is hereby extended through December 31, 1994 subject to the tenns and conditions of the Agreement as modified below. 3. Beginning January 1,1992, the Percentage License Fee provided for in Article 3, Section A2 shall be twenty percent (20%). 11514 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

4. Beginning January 1, 1992, the Minimum Guarantee License Fee provided for in Article 3, Section A3 shall be eighty percent (80%) of the actual amount paid in the previous year as Percentage License Fee or the direct proportion of that amount that the elapsed time bears to a full year in the event that the final portion ofthis Agreement or any extension of it is less than a full year.

5. The parties hereto agree that a certain claim alleged by Licensor to be due from Licensee for certain arrearages accruing from the beginning ofthe Agreement through 1991 arising under Article 3, Section A ofthe Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Licensor's Claim") shall be and are hereby compromised to the sum of One Hundred Thirteen Thousand Three Hundred Seventy-four Dollars and Ninety Cents ($113,374.90). Licensee agrees to enter into a pajmient agreement in that amount substantially in the form of Appendix I attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Licensee hereby waives and relinquishes any and all rights and claims against Licensor and releases Licensor of any and all liabilities that may have accrued or arisen as a result of Licensor's performance under or pursuant to the Agreement. The failure by the Licensee to: (i) satisfy its obligations under the above-mentioned payment agreement; or (ii) satisfy its obligations regarding a letter of credit contained in Section 20.5 of the Agreement shall constitute a default of this Agreement and shall render the settlement of the Licensor's Claim null and void without affecting the Licensee's release set forth above.

6. Article 3 ofthe Agreement shall be aimended by adding the following as Section G: "In the event that Licensor shall substantially restructure the physical layout of all concession operation spaces in Terminal Building No. 3 so as to significantly modify its formula for the computation and assessment of license fees to be paid by Licensees operating in Terminal Building No. 3, then, at Licensor's request. Licensee shall negotiate in good faith with Licensor relative to the formulation of a mutually acceptable amendment for the provisions of Article 3 relating to the license fee to be charged to Licensee by Licensor".

7. It is understood between the parties that the operation costs referred to in Article 6 of the Agreement includes utilities, and are the responsibility ofthe Licensee.

8. Article 20.5 requiring a letter of credit shall be inserted as follows: 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11515

"Section 20.5.

Letter Of Credit.

A. Terms Of The Letter Of Credit. Prior to or contemporaneously with the expiration of the Concessionaire's Bond in 1992 and in lieu thereof. Licensee shall provide the City with an irrevocable letter of credit in the principal amount of Twenty-six Thousand Two Hundred Ninety-five Dollars ($26,295) in the form set forth in Exhibit B or as otherwise approved by the Corporation Counsel. Said letter of credit (or a replacement letter of credit pursuant to this Section) shall be provided for the length of this Agreement. Said letter of credit shall be used to ensure the faithful performance by Licensee of all provisions of this Agreement (including Appendix I) and compliance with all orders, permits and directions of any agency, commission, board, department, division or office of the City having jurisdiction over Licensee's acts or defaults under this Agreement and for payment by Licensee of any penalties, liens, claims and taxes due the City which arise by reason of Licensee's acts pursuant to this Agreement. The City shall be entitled to draw on said letter of credit if Licensee: (i) has failed to pay the City in whole or in part the Fixed License Fee, Percentage License Fee, Minimum Guarantee License Fee, or any other fee due the City within the time fixed in this Agreement; (ii) has failed to repay the City in whole or in part within ten (10) days any damages, expenses or cost which the City is compelled to pay by reason of Licensee's act or omission to act in connection with this Agreement; or (iii) has failed after three (3) days notice to Licensee of such failure to comply with any provisions of this Agreement which the Commissioner of Aviation has reasonably determined can be remedied by a draw on the letter of credit. The City shall also be entitled to draw on any such letter of credit which expires (either by its terms or because of nonrenewal) on a date prior to the termination date of this Agreement unless proof to renewal of such letter of credit or a replacement letter of credit in form and substance satisfactory to the City's Corporation Counsel has been furnished to the City's Corporation Counsel at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date thereof. Upon sole condition of delivery by City to the issuer of said letter of credit of a demand for payment, purportedly signed by the Commissioner of Aviation, the City can immediately draw up to the amount thereof outstanding, with interest and penalties, if any, from the letter of credit. Upon such draw, the City shall notify Licensee ofthe amount and date thereof and shall include in such notice the basis pursuant to which the City's right to draw has been exercised. If 11516 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

amounts are drawn under the letter of credit. Licensee shall take such actions as may be necessary to maintain such letter of credit at full amount within three (3) days of notification by the City of its withdrawal against such letter of credit. The rights reserved to the City under such letter of credit shall be in addition to any rights it may have pursuant to this Agreement or under law.

B. Qualified Issuers.

The letter of credit called for in this Agreement shall be issued by companies or financial institutions authorized to do business in Illinois, satisfactory to the City Comptroller, and which have an office in the City of Chicago where the City may draw on the letter of credit. The City also reserves the right to stop the Licensee from operating as provided for in this Agreement unless such letter of credit is in place and effective.

C. Right To Require Replacement Of Letter Of Credit.

If the financial condition of any letter of credit issuer issuing the letter of credit materially and adversely changes, the City may, at any time, require that such letter of credit be replaced with a letter of credit consistent with the requirements set forth in this Section.

D. No Excuse From Performance.

None of the provisions contained herein nor the letter of credit required herein shall be construed to excuse the faithful performance by Licensee of the terms and conditions of this Agreement or limit the liability of Licensee under this Agreement for any and all damages in excess ofthe amounts ofsuch letter of credit,"

9. Article 25 of the Agreement shall be amended by replacing the last sentence with the following: 'Tn the event the Licensee is relocated, the Licensee shall be responsible for all costs arising from such relocation, including but not limited to moving and capital improvement costs."

10. In all other respects, the said Agreement shall remain in full force and effect in accordance with the terms thereof. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11517

In Witness Whereof, The parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed on the day and year first written above.

City ofChicago



Conimissioner of Aviation

City Comptroller

Approved As To Form And Legality: Attest:

Assistant Corporation Counsel City Clerk

Licensee: Chicago Sports Section, Inc.



By: Its:

Appendix I and Exhibit "B" to this Amendment to the Sports Store Concession License Agreement read as follows:

Appendix I. (To Amendment To Sports Store Concession License Agreement, Beginning On Page 11512 Of This Journal)

Payment Agreement And Note.

Chicago Sports Section. Inc. $113.374.90 Maker Amount

1992 The City OfChicago Date Of Agreement And Note

This payment agreement is entered into on , 1992 between the City ofChicago (the "City") and Chicago Sports Section, Inc.. Whereas, There is a Concession License Agreement between Chicago Sports Section, Inc., and the City, authorized by the Chicago City Council on June 6, 1986 (Council Journal, pages 30743 - 30770) for the operation of a sports supplies and memorabilia concession at O'Hare International Airport, Chicago, Illinois (the "Original Agreement"); and Whereas, Chicago Sports Section, Inc. has been in arrears pursuant to the compensation provisions of Article 3, Section A of the Original Agreement and the parties have resolved their disputes concerning such arrears, and 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11519

are now preparing to enter into a three-year extension on its Terminal HI location (the "1992 Agreement"), subject to approval by the City Council; Now, Therefore, I, the maker, Chicago Sports Section, Inc., hereby agree, as of the date of this pajmient agreement to pay to the order of the City of Chicago, Law Department, the sum of One Hundred Thirteen Thousand Three Hundred Seventy-four and 90/100 Dollars ($113,374.90) representing all concession fees due to the City through December, 1991. Chicago Sports Section, Inc., as the maker, shall pay the sum of Twenty- eight Thousand Three Hundred Forty-three and 73/100 Dollars ($28,343.73) as its downpajmient, payable upon execution ofthis pajmient agreement and approval by the City Council. I further agree to pay the remaining Eighty- five Thousand Thirty-one and 18/100 Dollars ($85,031.18) due under this payment agreement in 36 Equal Monthly Installments Of $2,743.72 Each Month Commencing On The 1st Day Of The Month Following Approval And Execution And Continuing Thereafter On The 1st Day Of Each Month Until Fully Paid. It is understood and agreed that each monthly installment payment includes interest computed at a rate of 10% per annum to accrue beginning on the 1st day of the month following approval and execution of this payment agreement. Chicago Sports Section, Inc., shall have the option to prepay the balance due under this pajmient agreement at any time without penalty. All pajmients are to be made at the Office ofthe Corporation Counsel, 121 North LaSalle Street, Room 610, City Hall, Chicago, Illinois 60602 to the attention of Scott A, Lindenberg, Chief Assistant Corporation Counsel, Revenue Division, \ I, the maker, understand and agree that, should I default in the payment ofthe downpajmient or any installment as provided above, and that default is not cured within 10 days of receipt by Chicago Sports Section at 12560 Holiday Drive, Unit A, Alsip, Illinois 60658, of written notice of same from the City, the entire principal and accrued interest, if any, remaining to be paid under this payment agreement will then become due and owing and the City will be entitled to have the entire balance remaining paid immediately without further notice or demand. For purposes of this paragraph only, "default" shall be defined as any payment not received within 14 days of its original due date, and any notice, if mailed, shall be presumed to be received on the third business day after the notice is placed in the mail with sufficient postage prepaid. I further agree that my failure to comply with the terms of this payment agreement may result in the termination, at the election of the City, of any and all concession agreements between the City and Chicago Sports Section, Inc. at O'Hare International Airport, including the 1992 Agreement, if 11520 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

approved and executed by the parties, without prejudice to any other rights the City may have at law, in equity or otherwise against me. I further agree that if Chicago Sports Section, Inc., should become insolvent, make a general assignment for the benefit of creditors or file a petition in bankruptcy, the entire balance will immediately be deemed due and payable to the City. I agree that this pajmient agreement and note are executed, and are to be construed, under the laws of the State of Illinois. If any provision of this payment agreement is held to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid in a court of competent jurisdiction, the invalid provision or provisions shall not affect any other provision of this pajmient agreement, as each provision is severable. I further agree that I, (Jhicago Sports Section, Inc., as the maker, submit myself to the jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Illinois for purposes of any action arising under, in connection with or relating to this payment agreement. I, the maker, further understand and agree that a default under the Amendment To Sports Section License Agreement of which this pajmient agreement is a part shall constitute a default hereunder, giving rise to all of the remedies herein set forth.

Chicago Sports Section, Inc.

By: Jan O'Halloran President The City ofChicago, a municipal corporation

Kelly R. Welsh Corporation Counsel

By: Sharon L. Hunt Assistant CJorporation Counsel 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11521

Scott A. Lindenberg Chief Assistant Corporation Counsel — Revenue Division

Department of Aviation

By: James Chronis Deputy Commissioner Department of Aviation

Exhibit "B". (To Amendment To Sports Store Concession License Agreement, Beginning On Page 11512 Of This Journal)

Form Of Letter Of Credit (Date)


City ofChicago c/o Conimissioner of Aviation 20 North Clark Street 30th Floor Chicago, Illinois 60602 Gentlemen: We hereby issue Irrevocable Stand-By Letter of Credit No. in your favor for the account of Chicago Sports Section, Inc., 11700 South Cicero Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60658 up to an aggregate amount of Twenty-six Thousand Two Hundred Ninety-five U. S. Dollars ($26,295). 11522 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Funds under this Credit are available to you unconditionally against your sight drafts for any sum or sums not exceeding ai total of Twenty-six Thousand Two Hundred Ninety-five U, S. Dollars ($26,295) drawn on us mentioning our credit No. purportedly signed by the Commissioner of Aviation or the City Comptroller of the City of Chicago (whether acting or actual). Our obligations hereunder are primary obligations' to the City and shall not be affected by the performance or non-performance by Chicago Sports Section, Inc. under any agreement with the City or by any bankruptcy or other insolvency proceeding initiated by or against Chicago Sports Section, Inc., Chicago Sports Section, Inc, is not the owner of or beneficiary under this Credit and possesses no interest whatsoever in this Credit or proceeds of same. We engage with you that any draws under this Credit shall be duly honored on sight if presented to us on or before •_^ . This Credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits ((1983) Revision), Interna!tional Chamber of Commerce publication No. 400 (I,U,C.P,) and to the Uniform Commercial Code - Letters of Credit, HI. Rev, Stat., Ch. 26, Sec. 5-101 et seq. (1989) as amended, as in effect in the State of Illinois (U.C.C). To the extent the provisions of the I.U.CP. and the U.C.C conflict, the provisions of the U.C.C, shall control.

(Authorized Signature)

Exhibit "B".

Amendment to Sports Shop Concession License Agreement.

This Amendment to the Sports Shop Concession License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Amendment"), is made this day of , 19 , between the City of Chicago, a municipal corporation of Illinois (hereinafter referred to as "Licensor") and Chicago Sports Section, Inc., an Illinois corporation (hereinafter referred to as '^Licensee"). Licensor and Licensee hereby agree to amend and modify the Sports Shop Concession License Agreement, dated July 26, 1988 (Council Journal of Proceedings, pages 16150 - 16181) (hereinafter referred to as "Agreement"), by and between the parties, as set forth hereinafter. i 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11523


Whereas, Licensor owns and operates the Chicago O'Hare International Airport (hereinafter referred to as "Airport"), situated in the City of Chicago, State oflllinois containing certain terminal buildings and certain terminal concourses in which retail sales areas are located; and

Whereas, Licensor and Licensee have previously entered into an agreement which was authorized by the Chicago City Council on July 26, 1988, granting Licensee the right to occupy certain premises at the Airport and operate a concession; and

Whereas, The square footage listed in the Agreement exceeded the amount actually used by the Licensee and effected the compensation to the City under the Agreement; and

Whereas, The parties desire to amend the Agreement;

Now, Therefore, The parties agree as follows:

1. The square footage listed in Section lA ofthe Agreement is hereby changed from 977 feet to 840 feet,

2. Section 3A (2) (a) shall be amended as follows: An annual minimum percentage license fee (the "Minimum Guarantee License Fee") of One Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars ($120,000.00) per annum for the period beginning on the Operation Date and ending December 31, 1988. During the remainder of the term of this Agreement, the minimum annual percentage fee shall be an amount equal to 80% of the actual amount paid in the previous year as Percentage License Fees, but in no case is the Minimum Guarantee License Fee (as hereinafter defined) for a subsequent year to be less than Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000.00) or the direct proportion of that amount that the elapsed time bears to a full year in the case that the final portion of this Agreement or any extension of this Agreement is not a full year.

3. Section 6.5 requiring a letter of credit shall be inserted as follows: 11524 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

"Section 6.5.

• I • Letter of Credit.

A. Terms Of The Letter Of Credit. , Prior to or contemporaneously with the expiration of the Concessionaire's Bond in 1992 and in lieu thereof. Licensee shall provide the City with an irrevocable letter of credit in the principal amount of Twenty-One Thousand Three Hundred Dollars ($21,300) in the form set forth in Exhibit E or as otherwise approved by the Corporation Counsel. Said letter of credit (or a replacement letter of credit pursuant to this Section) shall be provided for the length of this Agreement. Said letter of credit shall be used to ensure the faithful performance by Licensee of all provisions of this Agreement and compliance with all orders, permits and directions of any agency, commission, board, department, division or office of the City having jurisdiction over Licensee's acts or defaults under this Agreement and for pajmient by Licensee ofany penalties, liens, claims and taxes due the City which arise by reason of Licensee's acts pursuant to this Agreement. The City shall be entitled to draw oh said letter of credit if Licensee: (i) has failed to pay the City in whole or in part the Fixed License Fee, Percentage License Fee, Minimum Guarantee License Fee, or any other fee due the City within the time fixed in this Agreement; (ii) has failed to repay the City in whole or in part within ten (10) days any damages, expenses or cost which the City is compelled to pay by reason of Licensee's act or omission to act in connection with this Agreement; or (iii) has failed after three (3) days notice to Licensee of such failure to comply with any provisions of this Agreement which the Commissioner has reasonably determined can be remedied by a draw on the letter of credit. The City shall also be entitled to draw on any such letter of credit which expires (either by its terms or because of nonrenewal) on a date prior to the termination date of this Agreement unless proof to renewal ofsuch letter of credit or a replacement letter of credit in form and substance satisfactory to the City's Corporation Counsel has been furnished to the (Ility's Corporation Counsel at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date thereof. Upon sole condition of delivery by City to the issuer of said letter of credit of a demand for payment, purportedly signed by the Commissioner, the City can immediately draw up to the amount thereof outstanding, with interest and penalties, if any, from the letter of credit. Upon such draw, the City shall notify Licensee ofthe amount and date thereof and shall include in such notice the basis pursuant to which the City's right to draw has been exercised. If amounts are drawn under the letter of credit. Licensee 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11525

shall take such actions as may be necessary to maintain such letter of credit at full amount within three (3) days of notification by the City of its withdrawal against such letter of credit. The rights reserved to the City under such letter of credit shall be in addition to any rights it may have pursuant to this Agreement or under law.

B. Qualified Issuers.

The letter of credit called for in this Agreement shall be issued by companies or financial institutions authorized to do business in Illinois, satisfactory to the City Comptroller, and which have an office in the City of Chicago where the City may draw on the letter of credit. The City also reserves the right to stop the Licensee from operating as provided for in this Agreement unless such letter of credit is in place and effective.

C Right To Require Replacement Of Letter Of Credit.

If the financial condition of any letter of credit issuer issuing the letter of credit materially and adversely changes, the City may, at any time, require that such letter of credit be replaced with a letter of credit consistent with the requirements set forth in this Section.

D. No Excuse From Performance.

None of the provisions contained herein nor the letter of credit required herein shall be construed to excuse the faithful performance by Licensee of the terms and conditions of this Agreement or limit the liability of Licensee under this Agreement; for any and all damages in excess ofthe amounts ofsuch letter of credit."

4 , It is understood between the parties that the operation costs referred to in Section 8 of the Agreement includes utilities, and are the responsibility of the Licensee,

5, In all other respects, the said Agreement shall remain in full force and effect in accordance with the terms thereof.

In Witness Whereof, The parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed on the day and year first written above. 11526 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

City ofChicago



Conimissioner of Aviation

City Comptroller

Approved As To Form And Legality: Attest:

Assistant Corporation Counsel City Clerk

Licensee: Chicago Sports Section, Inc,

By: Its:


By: Its: 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11527

Exhibit "E" attached to this Amendment to the Sports Shop Concession License Agreement reads as follows:

Exhibit "E". (To Amendment To Sports Shop Concession License Agreement, Beginning On Page 11522 Of This Journal)

Form Of Letter Of Credit (Date)


City ofChicago c/o Commissioner of Aviation 20 North Clark Street 30th Floor Chicago, Illinois 60602 Gentlemen: We hereby issue Irrevocable Stand-By Letter of Credit No. in your favor for the account of Chicago Sports Section, Inc., 11700 South Cicero Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60658 up to an aggregate amount of Twenty-one Thousand Three Hundred U. S. Dollars ($21,300). Funds under this Credit are available to you unconditionally against your sight drafts for any sum or sums not exceeding a total of Twenty-one Thousand Three Hundred U. S. Dollars ($21,300) drawn on us mentioning our credit No. purportedly signed by the Commissioner of Aviation or the City Comptroller of the City of Chicago (whether acting or actual). Our obligations hereunder are primary obligations to the City and shall not be affected by the performance or non-performance by Chicago Sports Section, Inc. under any agreement with the City or by any bankruptcy or other insolvency proceeding initiated by or against Chicago Sports Section, Inc. Chicago Sports Section, Inc. is not the owner of or beneficiary under this Credit and possesses no interest whatsoever in this Credit or proceeds of same. We engage with you that any draws under this Credit shall be duly honored on sight if presented to us on or before . 11528 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

This Credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits ((1983) Revision), International Chamber of Commerce publication No. 400 (I.U.CP.) and to the Uniform Conimercial Code - Letters of Credit, III. Rev. Stat., Ch. 26, Sec. 5-101 et seq. (1989) as amended, as in effect in the State of Illinois (U.C.C). To the extent the provisions of the I.U.CP. and the U.C.C. conflict, the provisions of the U.C.C. shall control.

(Authorized Signature)


The Committee on Aviation submitted the following reiport:

CHICAGO, January 14,1992.

To the President and Members ofthe City Council: Your Committee on Aviation, having had under consideration a communication from the Commissioner of the Department of Aviation, Jay R. Franke, transmitting an ordinance to authorize an amendment to the December 27, 1982 Hangar I Facilities Lease between the City of Chicago and Midway Airlines, Inc., at Chicago Midway Airport, begs leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body do Pass said proposed ordinance which is transmitted herewith. This recommendation was concurred in by all the members of the committee present with no dissenting votes.

Respectfully, (Signed) THOMAS W. CULLERTON, Chairman. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11529

On motion of Alderman Cullerton, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Coleman, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 49, Nays — None, Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said ordinance as passed:

WHEREAS, The City of Chicago (the "City") is a duly constituted and existing municipality within the meaning of Section 1, Article VH of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois (the "Constitution") having a population in excess of 25,000, and is a home rule unit under Section 6(a), Article VH ofthe Constitution; and WHEREAS, The City owns and operates an airport commonly known as Chicago Midway Airport (the "Airport"); and WHEREAS, The City Council ofthe City ofChicago on December 27,1982 authorized the execution of a Lease of Hangar Facilities at the Airport (the "Lease") with Midway Airlines, Inc, (the "Airline"); and WHEREAS, The City and the Airline have determined that it is in their best interests to amend the Lease ("Amended Lease") and assign such Amended Lease to Southwest Airlines; now, therefore. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1, The Mayor and the Conimissioner of the Department of Aviation are hereby authorized to execute the Amended Lease in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit A and the City Clerk is authorized to attest and affix the seal of the City of Chicago, after approval by the City Comptroller, and the Corporation Counsel as to form and legality, SECTION 2, The Conimissioner ofthe Departmentof Aviation is further authorized to take such actions and do such things pertaining to the Amended Lease as shall be necessary to perform; carry out, give effect to and consummate the transactions contemplated by this ordinance. 11530 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

SECTION 3, This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage.

Exhibit "A" attached to this ordinance reads as follows:

Exhibit "A".


This Amendment to the Lease of Hangar Facilities, dated December 27, 1982 ("Lease"), is made and entered into as of , , by and between the City of Chicago, a municipal corporation and a home rule unit of local government under Sections 1 and 6(a), respectively, of Article VH of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois ("City"), and Sheldon L. Solow, as Chapter 7 Trustee for Midway Airlines, Inc., a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Delaware ("Airline"),


Whereas, City owns and operates an airport known as Chicago Midway Airport, located in the County of Cook, State of Illinois ("Airport"), and possesses the power and authority to lease premises and facilities and to grant rights and privileges with respect thereto; and . I Whereas, City and Airline entered into the Lease for the use by Airline of certain premises, and the facilities thereon, at the Airport; and Whereas, Article I, Section 1.02(a), of such Lease granted a right to Airline to lease certain expansion property in addition to the premises originally demised under the Lease; and Whereas, By letters dated February 28, 1986, and August 15, 1986, Airline notified City, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Lease, of Airline's exercise of such right to lease all of the expansion property identified in Section 1.02(a); and Whereas, Article H of the Lease granted to Airline an option to renew the term ofthe Lease for an additional ten (10) years, from December 31, 1992, to December 31, 2002; and 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11531

Whereas, By letter dated January 3, 1991, Airline notified City, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Lease, of Airline's exercise of such option; and Whereas, City and Airline now find it in their mutual best interests to amend the Lease, as set forth below; Now, Therefore, In consideration of the promises and covenants set forth below, and in consideration of such other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows:

Section 1, The above recitals are hereby incorporated in and made a part of this Amendment as if fully set forth below. Section 2. The provisions ofthe Lease arehereby amended as follows:

(a) Article I is modified to delete the fuel farm ("Fuel Farm"), which is identified in Section 1,01 and on Exhibit B to the Lease, and which is a portion ofthe premises comprised ofthe westernmost 35 feet of Parcel N-11 and the fuel tanks located thereon; provided, however, the Airline is not released from any responsibility relating to the Fuel Farm, which responsibility arose or was incurred prior to the date of this Amendment and provided further that nothing hereunder creates any personal liability for the Chapter 7 Trustee. (b) Article I is further modified to add a new Section 1.08 as follows: ! 'Tarcels N-9 and N-10, which are identified on Exhibit B to the Lease, and which are a portion of the premises within the Lease totalling approximately 146,000 square feet, and which contain an employees' parking lot, are, and shall remain, a portion of the premises demised pursuant to the Lease; provided, however, that, at such time as the City shall require such parking lot for airfield purposes in accordance with the then current F.A.A.-approved Airport Layout Plan, Commissioner of the City Department of Aviation ('Commissioner') shall have the option to provide to Airline, an alternate parking area, of comparable size and condition, in the general area indicated on the exhibit attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein and therein as 'Exhibit C, which alternate parking area, upon 30 days notice of its designation by the Conimissioner to Airline, and without need of further written amendment, shall be substituted for Parcels N-9 and N-10 as premises demised pursuant to the 11532 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Lease. The City agrees to consult with the Airline on any Airport Layout Plan and give due consideration to Airline's concerns relating to the compatibility ofany new use proposed by the City and the Airline's use ofthe demised premises."

(c) Article I is further modified to add a;new Section 1.09 as follows: '

"Airline grants to City, as ofthe date Ofthis Amendment, an easement for the purpose of performing work, including without limitation construction operations, remediation, and site restoration, relating to or in connection with the testing, repair, or removal of the fuel tanks located on the Fuel Farm, as defined herein; provided, however, that such work does not unreasonably interfere with Airline's use of or operations on the premises demised' under the Lease."

(d) Article m. Sections 3.03, 3.04, and 3.05, shall be modified in accordance with the exhibit, attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein and therein as "Exhibit D", to reflect the change in the dimensions of the premises demised under the Lease, which premises now total approximately 462,850 square feet.

Section 3. No other modifications are intended or implied. This Amendment, and any exhibits attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein, shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties as to the Amendment. Section 4. The approval of this Amendment by the City Council ("City Council") of the City shall constitute the consent of the City Council for purposes of Article XIH, Section 13.05, of the Lease, of an assignment ("Assignment") by Airline to Southwest Airlines ("SWAL") of the Lease and Airline's rights hereunder, in whole, subject to the following conditions: |

(a) Airline obtains the approval of the Assignment from the Bankruptcy Court; and ' (b) All pre-petition and post-petition debt related to the Lease is satisfied; and (c) SWAL, concurrent with such Assignment, provides the City with a letter certifying that SWAL, pur-suant to the Airport 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11533

Use Agreement and Terminal Facilities Lease, dated December 2, 1985, as amended,;by and between SWAL and City, shall approve, as part of any Majority-in-Interest action requested in connection with such process, the cost of removal of the Fuel Farm identified herein, and the cost of any required remediation and site restoration associated therewith; provided, however, that City will consider the availability of other sources of funds for such work.

(d) SWAL, concurrent with such assignment, provides the City with an executed copy of the certifications collectively attached hereto as Schedules 1, 2, and 3 to be incorporated by reference in the Lease, without need for further amendment, upon the acceptance by SWAL of the assignment.

In Witness Whereof, City has caused this Amendment to be executed on its behalf by its Mayor, pursuant to due authorization ofthe City Council of City, and its seal to be hereunto affixed and attested by the City Clerk of City; and Airline has caused this Amendment tp be executed on its behalf by Sheldon L. Solow, as Chapter 7 Trustee for Midway Airlines, Inc., pursuant to due authorization by the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District oflllinois, all as ofthe day and year first written above.

City of Chicago

By: Its: Mayor


By: City Clerk 11534 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92


By: Conimissioner Department of Aviation


By: Comptroller

Approved As To Form And Legality:

By: Corporation Counsel

Sheldon L. Solow, as Chapter 7 Trustee for Midway Airlines, Inc.

[Exhibit "C" attached to this Amendment to the Hangar Facilities Lease printed on page 11559 of this Journal.]

Exhibit "D" and Schedules 1, 2 and 3 attached to this Amendment to the Hangar Facilities Lease read as follows: > 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11535

Exhibit "D'

(To Amendment To Hangar Facilities Lease, Beginning On Page 11530 Of This Journal)

Section 3.03, Balance of Initial Term. The rents for the period January 1, 1989 through December 31,1992 shall be as follows:

Parcels N-11 and N-10 as described in Section 1.01.

274,520 square feet at $0.30 per square foot per year $ 82,356.00 Plus hangar rental of 99.840.00 $182,196.00 Less amortization of improvements credit 120,500.00 $ 61,696.00

Expansion Property. $0,30 per square foot per year from the later of January 1, 1989 or the effective date ofthe notice provided to City pursuant to Section 1.02(a),

Section 3,04, Initial Period of Option Period. The rents for the period from January 1,1993 through December 31,1997 shall be as follows:

Parcels N-11 and N-10 as described in Section 1.01,

274,520 square feet at $0,35 per square foot per year $ 96,082,00 Plus hangar rental of 99,840,00 $195,922.00 Less amortization of improvements credit 120,500.00 $ 75,422.00 11536 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Expansion Property. $0.35 per square foot per year from the later of January 1, 1993 or the effective date ofthe notice provided to City pursuant to Section 1.02(a).

Section 3,05. Balance of Option Period. The rents for the period from January 1,1998 through December 31,2002 shall be as follows:

Parcels N-11 and N-10 as described in Section 1.01.

300,370 square feet at $0.40 per square foot per year $120,148,00 Plus hangar rental of 99.840,00 $219,988,00 Less amortization of improvements credit 120,500.00 $ 99,488.00

Expansion Property. $0.40 per square foot per year from the later of January 1, 1998 or the effective date ofthe notice provided to City pursuant to Section 1.02(a).

Schedule I. (To Amendment To Hangar Facilities Lease, Beginning On Page 11530 Of This Journal)

Southwest Airlines ("SWAL") hereby certifies that, in accepting the assignment of the Lease, it shall, and it shall cause its contractors performing work on any ofthe premises demised under the Lease to:

1. at all times observe and comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and executive orders, now existing or hereinafter in effect, which may in any manner affect the performance of its obligations under the Lease. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11537

2, execute such certificates ,as may be necessary to comply with such laws, codes, regulations, ordinances, executive orders, rules and orders, including without limitation such certifications as are listed below. All such certifications executed by SWAL shall be attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein as Schedule 2.

I a. Disclosure of Ownership Interests, ' b. Office of Inspector General/Anti-Bribery/Anti-Collusion/State Tax Delinquency in compliance with 111, Rev, Stat,, Ch, 38, Par, 33E-3, 4 and 11(B), as amended; III. Rev. Stat., Ch. 24, Par. 11- 42.1-1; Chapter 2-56 of the Municipal Code of the City of Chicago (the "Code"); Section 2-92-320 of Chapter 2 ofthe Code; and III. Rev. Stat., Ch. 24, Par. 11-42.1-1, respectively. c. Anti-Scofflaw, Under the provisions of Section 2-92-380 of the Code, the City shall be entitled to set off from any amounts invoiced by SWAL (or its contractors) an amount equal to the amount of any fines br penalties for each outstanding parking violation complaint and any debt owed to the City, as such terms are defined in the Code, by SWAL (or its contractors), subject to those exceptions stated in the Code, d. Ethics. SWAL shall represent and warrant and shall cause its contractors to represent and warrant that it is not in violation of Section 2-156-010 of the Municipal Code, Any contract negotiated, entered into, or performed in violation of said section shall be voidable at the option ofthe City, e. Anti-Apartheid, SWAL shall cause its contractors to comply with Chapter 3-68 of the Code and the regulations issued pursuant thereto and to execute an affidavit in the form provided by the City, The City shall be granted the express right in the contracts to declare a default and terminate all existing Subcontracts if SWAL enters into any subcontract which violates any provision of Chapter 3-68 of the Municipal Code of Chicago (as applicable), ;

3, in accordance with Schedule 3 attached hereto, use its reasonable efforts to meet the current City goals for niinority- and women-owned businesses. Chapter 2-92, Sections 2-92-420 et seq, of the Code, The current City goals are 25% for minority-ow;ned businesses and 5% for women-owned businesses, SWAL must commit to establish, maintain and implement a written Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Plan for any work, which plan is mutually acceptable to the City and SWAL, ' 11538 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHKDAGO 1/14/92

4, comply with Chapter 48, Section 39-2s et seq,. 111, Rev, Stat,, as it may be amended ("Act"), so long as the Act is in effect, in order to ensure that such persons covered by the Act are paid the prevailing wage rate as ascertained by the Illinois Department of Labor, All contracts shall list the specified rate to be paid to all laborers, workers and mechanics for each craft or type of worker or mechanic employed under the contract. If the Illinois Department of Labor revises such prevailing wage rates, the revised rates shall apply. SWAL shall provide the City with proof of compliance with the provisions of the Act.

5, required each of its contractors to post a performance and payment bond in the full value of any work to be performed on the premises demised under the lease. Such bonds shall comply with the provisions of III. Rev. Stat., Chapter 29, Par, 15, as amended, and of Section 2-92-030, of the Code, The bond must further be acceptable in fonn and content to the City's Corporation Counsel, The surety issuing such bond must be acceptable to the City's Risk Manager, The City shjall be named as owner and primary co-obligee on all such bonds,

6, comply with all applicable veteran and residency preference laws and ordinances.

Southwest Airlines, Inc.

By: _





Schedule 2. (To Amendment To Hangar Facilities Lease, Beginning On Page 11530 Of This Journal)

Disclosure Of Ownership Interests.

Pursuant to Section 26.1-3 ofthe Municipal Code ofthe City ofChicago, all bidders/proposers shall provide the following information with their bid/proposal. Notwithstanding, the Corporation Counsel may require any additional information which is reasonably intended to achieve full disclosure of ownership interests from the lowest responsible bidder or selected proposer. Every question must be answered. If the question is not applicable, answer with "N/A". If the answer is none, please answer "none". Note: The person preparing Sections I, H, HI, TV or V ofthis statement must sign the bottom of Page 3 before a Notary Public.

Bidder/Proposer Name: Bidder/Proposer Address: Bidder/Proposer is a (check one):

[ ] Corporation [ ] Sole Proprietor [ ] Partnership [] Not-for-Profit [] Joint Venture* [] Other Corporation

*Each Joint Venture Partner must submit a completed Disclosure of Ownership Interests.

Section I.

For Profit Corporations,

a. Incorporated in the State of • 11540 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

b. Authorized to do business in the State oflllinois: Yes[ ] No[ ] c. Names of officers and directors of corporation (List Names and Titles): Name (Print or Type) Title (Print or Type)

If the corporation has fewer than 100 shareholders indicate here or attach a list of names and addresses of all shareholders and the percentage interest ofeach.

Ownership Name (Print or Type) Address Interest

e. The corporation is owned partially or completely by one or more other corporations: Yes[ ] No[ ]

If "yes", submit a Disclosure of Ownership Interests form for each of said corporations. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11541

If the corporation has 100, or more shareholders, indicate here or attach a list of names and addresses of all shareholders owning shares equal to or in excess of 10% ofthe proportionate ownership ofthe corporation and indicate the percentage interest ofeach.

I Ownership Name (Print or Type) Address Interest



Note: Generally, with corporations having 100 or more shareholders where no shareholder owns 10% of the shares, the requirements of this Section I would be satisfied by the bidder/proposer enclosing, with his bid/proposal, a copy of the corporation's latest published annual report and/or Form 10-K if the information is contained therein.

Section II.

• I Partnerships.

If the bidder/proposer is a partnership, indicate the name of each partner and the percentage of interest of each therein:

Percentage Names OfPartners (Print or Type) Interest





Percentage Names OfPartners (Print or Type) Interest



Section III.

Sole Proprietorships.

a. The bidder/proposer is a sole proprietor and is not acting in any representative capacity in behalf of any beneficiary:

Yes[ ] No[] IfNo, complete items b. and c. ofthis Section HE.

If the sole proprietorship is held by an agent(s) or a nominee(s), indicate the principal(s) for whom the agent or nominee holds such interest: Name(s) Of Principal(s) (Print or Type)

If the interest of a spouse or. any other party is constructively controlled by another person or legal entity, state the name and address ofsuch person or entity possessing such control and the relationship under which such control is being or may be exercised: 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11543

Section IV.

Land Trusts, Business Trusts, Estates And Other Entities.

If the bidder/proposer is a land trust, business trust, estate or other similar conimercial or legal entity, identify any representative, person or entity holding legal title as well as each beneficiary in whose behalf title is held, including the name, address and percentage of interest of each beneficiary.

Section V.

Not-Por-Profit Corporations.

a. Incorporated in the State of ' b. Authorized to do business in the State of Illinois: Yes[ ] No[ ] c. Names of officers and/or directors of corporation (list names and titles):

Name (Print or Type) Title (Print or Type) 11544 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Note: Pursuant to Section 26.1-3 of the Municipal Code of the City of Chicago, the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago may require any such additional information from any entity to achieve full disclosure relevant to the contract. Pursuant to Section 26.1-2 ofthe Municipal Code of the City of Chicago, any material change in the information required above must be provided by supplementing this statement at any time up to the time the Purchasing Agent takes action on the contract or other action requested of the Purchasing Agent.

State of ) ) SS: County of )

This undersigned having been duly sworn, states that (he) or (she) is authorized to make this affidavit in behalf of the applicant, that the information disclosed in this economic disclosure statement and any accompanying schedules is true and complete to the best of (his) or (her) knowledge, and that the applicant has withheld no disclosure as to economic interest in the undertaking for which this application is made, nor reserved any information, date or plan as to the intended use or purpose for which it seeks action by the City.

(Signed) (Signature of Person Making Statement)

Name of Person Making Statement (Print or Type)

Title 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11545

Subscribed to before me this day of A.D., 19_

(Notary Public Signature)




The undersigned , as (Name) (Title) and on behalf of having been duly sworn ("Contractor") under oath certifies that:

Section I.

Contractor Certification.

A. The Contractor or any subcontractor to be used in the performance of this contract, or any affiliated entityl of the Contractor or any such subcontractor, or any responsible official thereof, or any other official, agent or employee of the Contractor, any such subcontractor or any such affiliated entityl, acting pursuant to the direction or authorization of a responsible official thereof has not, during a period of 3 years prior to the date of execution of this certification, or if a subcontractor or subcontractor's affiliated entityl during a period of three years prior to the date of award of the subcontract:

1) Bribed or attempted to bribe, or been convicted of bribery or attempting to bribe a public officer or employee of the City of 11546 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Chicago, the State of Illinois, any agency of the federal government or any state or local government in the United States (if an officer or employee, in that officer's or employee's official capacity); or 2) Agreed or colluded, or been convicted of agreement or collusion among bidders or prospective bidders in restraint of freedom of competition by agreement to bid a fixed price or otherwise; or 3) Made an admission of guilt of such conduct described in A (1) and (2) above which is a matter of record but has not been prosecuted for such conduct.

B. The Contractor or any agent, partner, employee or officer of the Contractor is not barred from contracting with any unit of state or local government as a result of engaging in or being convicted of bid-rigging 3 in violation of Section 3 of Article 33E ofthe Illinois Criminal Code of 1961, as amended (III. Rev. Stat., 1989, Chapter 38, Section 33E-3) or any similar offense of any state or the United States which contains the same elements as the offense of bid-rigging 3 during a period offive years prior to the date of submittal ofthis bid, proposal or response. C The Contractor or any agent, partner, employee, or officer of the Contractor is not barred from contracting with any unit of state or local government as a result of engaging in or being convicted of bid-rotating 4 in violation of Section 4 of Article 33E ofthe Illinois Criminal Code of 1961, as amended (III. Rev, Stat,, 1989, Chapter 38, Section 33E-4) or any similar offense of any state or the United States which contains the same elements as the offense of bid-rotating 4. D, The Contractor understands and will abide by all provisions of Chapter 19 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago entitled "Office of Inspector General".

Section II.

Subcontractor Certification.

1. The Contractor has obtained from all subcontractors to be used in the performance of this contract, known by the Contractor at this time, certifications in form and substance equal to Section,I ofthis certification. Based on such certification(s) and any other information known or obtained by the Contractor, the Contractor is not aware of any such subcontractor, subcontractor's affiliated entityl, or any agent, partner, employee or officer ofsuch subcontractor or subcontractor's affiliated entityl having engaged in or been convicted of: (a) any ofthe conduct described in Section IA (1) or (2) 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11547

of this certification, (b) bid-rigging3, bid-rotating4, or any similar offense of any state or the United States which contains the same elements as bid- rigging and bid-rotating, or having made an admission of guilt of the conduct described in Section IA, (1) or (2) which is a matter of record but has/have not been prosecuted for such conduct. 2, The Contractor will, prior to using them as subcontractors, obtain from all subcontractors to be used in the performance of this contract, but not yet known by the Contractor at this time, certifica.tions in form and substance equal to this certification. The Contractor shall not, without the prior written permission of the City, use any of such subcontractors in the performance ofthis contract if the Contractor, based on such certifications or any other infomiation known or obtained by Contractor, becomes aware of such subcontractor, subcontractor's affiliated entityl or any agent, employee or officer of such subcontractor or subcontractor's affiliated entityl having engaged in or been convicted of: (a) any of the conduct described in Section IA, (1) or (2) ofthis certification; or (b) of bid-rigging3, bid-rotating4 or any similar offense of any state or the United States which contains the same elements as bid-rigging or bid-rotating or having made an admission of guilt ofthe conduct described in Section IA, (1) or (2) which is a matter ofrecord but has/have not been prosecuted for such conduct.

3. The Contractor will maintain on file for the duration ofthe contract all certifications required by Section E, (A) and (B) above, for all subcontractors to be used in the performance of this contract and will make such certifications promptly available to the City ofChicago upon request.

4, The Contractor will not, without the priori written consent ofthe City, use as subcontractors any individual, firm, partnership, corporation, joint venture or other entity from whom the Contractor is unable to obtain a certification in form and substance equal to this certification,

5. Contractor hereby agrees, if the City soj demands, to terminate its subcontract with any subcontractor, if such Contractor or subcontractor was ineligible at the time that the subcontract was entered into for award of such subcontract under Ch. 26, Section 26-26 ofthe Chicago Municipal Code, or if applicable, under Section 33-E of Article 33 ofthe State oflllinois Criminal Code of 1961, as amended. Contractor shall insert adequate provisions in all subcontracts to allow it to terminate such subcpntracts as required by this certification. i 11548 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHKiAGO 1/14/92

Section III.

State Tax Delinquencies.

* (In completing this Section HI, mark the box and place your initials in the appropriate subsection)

( ) A. Contractor is not delinquent in the payment of any tax administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue or, if delinquent. Contractor is contesting, in; accordance with the procedures established by the appropriate Revenue Act, its liability for the tax or amount ofthe tax.


( ) B. Contractor has entered into an agreement with the Illinois Department of Revenue for the payment of all such taxes that are due and is in compliance with such agreement.


( )C, Contractorisdelinquentin the pajmient ofany tax administered by the Department of Revenue and is not covered under any of the situations described in Subsections A and B of this Section HI, above 5,


Before signing, mark and initial the appropriate box in Section IE, 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11549

Section IV.


A Contractor who makes a false statement, material to Section IB of this certification commits a Class 3 felony. III, Rev, Stat., 1989, Ch. 38, 33E-11 (B). Making a false statement concerning Section HI ofthis certification is a Class A misdemeanor, voids the contract and allows the municipality to recover all amounts paid to the Contractor under the contract in a civil action. III, Rev. Stat., Ch. 24,11-42.1-1.

Section V.

Incorporation Into Contract.

This certification shall become part of any contract awarded to the Contractor pursuant to the specification set forth on page 1 of this certification.

Name of Contractor

Signature of Authorized Officer

Title (Print or Type)

State of County of. 11550 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Signed and sworn to before me this day of , 19 by ^ (Name) as (Title) of . (Contractor).

(Seal) Notary Public Signature

Commission expires

Notes 1 —5.

1. In accordance with Chapter 26, Section 26-26 pf the City of Chicago Municipal Code, the Contractor or a subcontractor shiall be chargeable with the conduct of an affiliated entity. Business entities are affiliated if, directly or indirectly, one controls or has the power to control the other, or if a third person controls or has the power to control both entities. Indicia of control include without limitation interlocking management or ownership; identity of interests among family members; shared facilities and equipment; common use of employees; or organization of a business entity following the ineligibility of a business entity under Chapter 26, Section 26 of the City of Chicago Municipal Code using substantially the same management, ownership or principals as the ineligible entity. 2. No corporation shall be barred from contracting with any unit of State or local government as a result of a conviction, under either Section 33E-3 or Section 33E-4 of Article 33 ofthe State oflllinois Criminal Code of 1961, as amended, of any employee or agent of such corporation if the employee so convicted is no longer employed by the corporation and: (1) it has been finally adjudicated not guilty or (2) if it demonstrates to the governmental entity with which it seeks to contract and that entity finds that the commission of the offense was neither authorized, requested, commanded, nor performed by a director, officer or a high managerial agent in behalf of the corporation as provided in paragraph (2) of Subsection (a) of Section 5-4 of the State of Illinois Criminal Code. 3. For purposes of Section I of this certification, a person commits the offense of and engages in bid-rigging when he knowingly agrees with any person who is, or but for such agreement would be, a competitor of such person concerning any bid submitted or not submitted by such person or another to a unit of State or local government when with the intent that the bid submitted or not submitted will result in the award of a contract to such person or another and he either (1) provides such person or receives from 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11551

another information concerning the price or other material term or terms of the bid which would otherwise not be disclosed to a competitor in an independent noncollusive submission of bids or (2) submits a bid that is of such a price or other material term or terms that he does not intend the bid to be accepted. Ill, Rev, Stat., 1989, Ch. 38, §33E-3. 4. For purposes of Section I of this certification, a person commits the offense of and engages in bid-rotating when, pursuant to any collusive scheme or agreement with another, he engages in a pattern over time (which, for the purposes hereof, shall include at least 3 contract bids within a period often years, the most recent of which occurs after January 1,1989) of submitting sealed bids to units of State or local government with the intent that the award of such bids rotates, or is distributed among, persons or business entities which submit bids on a substantial number of the same contracts. 111. Rev. Stat., 1989, Ch. 38, §33E-4. 5. Chapter 24, §11-42.1-1 ofthe Illinois Revised Statutes provides that a municipality may not enter into a contract or agreement with an individual or other entity that is delinquent in the payment of any tax administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue unless the contracting party is contesting, in accordance with the procedures established by the appropriate Revenue Act, its liability for the tax or the amount ofthe tax or unless the contracting party has entered into an agreement to pay the tax and is in compliance with the Agreement. Notwithstanding the above, the municipality may enter into the contract if the contracting authority for the municipality determines that:

(1) the contract is for goods or services vital to the public health, safety, or welfare; and (2) the municipality is unable to acquire the goods or services at a comparable price and of comparable quality from other sources.

Anti-Apartheid Affidavit.

(Non-Bid, Non-Professional Service Contract)

Specification No. Contract No. 11552 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Purpose Of Affidavit.

Each Contractor with whom the City enters into a contract, without competitive bidding and for a purpose other than professional services, must complete this affidavit of compliance with the Chicago Anti-Apartheid Ordinance, Chapter 3-68 of the Municipal Code. Certain terms used in this affidavit are defined in the Anti-Apartheid Ordinance and the regulations issued thereunder, and have the same meanings in this affidavit as in the ordinance and regulations. In order to assure the accuracy of this affidavit, refer to the ordinance and regulations when completing this affidavit. Copies ofthe ordinance and regulations may be obtained in the offices ofthe City's Purchasing Agent or Comptroller.


Indicate whether the statements below are true by having the authorized representative ofthe contractor sign his/her initials in the bracket below. If the Contractor is not able to certify that statements below are true, the Contractor will not be eligible to be awarded the contract unless a waiver is granted pursuant to §3-68-086 ofthe Anti-Apartheid Ordinance.


Initials: ( ) 1. The Contractor (a) has no contracts with South Africa, any South African business, or any business or corporation for the express purpose of assisting operations in or trading with any private or public entity in South Africa (referred to collectively throughout this affidavit as 'Trohibited Contracts"); (b) maintains, has implemented, and will maintain a policy during the term of the subject City contract and as a material condition thereof, not to enter into Prohibited Contracts; and (c) its subcontractors under the subject contract will not provide to the City under the subject contract any goods that were principally manufactured, produced, assembled, grown or mined in South Africa. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11553


Under penalty of perjury, I certify that I am the of Title (Type or Print) , that I am authorized by the Contractor to (Type or Print Name of Contractor) execute this affidavit in its behalf, that I have personal knowledge of the certifications made in this affidavit and that the same are true.

Signature of Owner or Authorized Officer

Name (Type or Print)

State of County of_

Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 19

Notary Public Signature

My Commission Expires: 11554 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Schedule 3.

(To Amendment To Hangar I Facilities Lease Beginning On Page 11530 Of This Journal)

I. Equal Emplojmient And Affirmative Action.

Paragraph 1. Minority And Women Business Enterprise.

Airline (the "Company") shall provide for the participation of Minority and Women Business Enterprises in the design and construction of the Improvements and Common Improvements. To this end, the Company shall establish policy for the utilization of Minority and Women Business Enterprises, a liaison with the Department of Aviation and Department of Purchasing for Minority and Women Business Enterprises, a goal for the award of design and construction contracts, and a reporting procedure agreeable to the Company and the City.

Paragraph 2. Policy.

The following statement represents Company's policy regarding Equal Opportunity and a Minority and Women Business Enterprises program:

Company is committed to providing fair and representative opportunities for minorities and Minority and Women Business Enterprises in its corporate construction project. Neither Company nor its contractors shall discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin in the award and performance of contracts to be utilized for any of Company's corporate construction projects. Furthermore, affirmative action will be taken, consistent with sound procurement policies and applicable law, to ensure that Minority and Women Business Enterprises are afforded a fair and representative opportunity to participate in Company's construction project contracts.

This policy shall be stated in all contracts executed for construction of the Improvements and Common Improvements, circulated to all employees of Company in affected departments, and made known to minority and women entrepreneurs. ' 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11555

Paragraph 3. Liaison. To ensure compliance and the successful management of Airline's Minority and Women Business Enterprise program, the Company shall establish a Minority and Women Business Enterprise liaison with City's Department of Aviation and with the City's Department of Purchases, Contracts and Supplies for the Improvements and Common Improvements. Further, all personnel of Company and all others with responsibilities in the supervision of contracts for the Improvements and Common Improvements are to see that actions are performed consistent with the affirmative action goals ofthis Exhibit D.

Paragraph 4. Goals. The goals to be met by the Company in the design and construction of the Improvements and Common Improvements shall be with utilization of Minority Business Enterprises (JVI.B.E.) and Women Business Enterprises (W.B.E.) certified by the (Jity ofChicago subject to the availability of M.B.E. and W.B.E, capable of performing the design and construction of the Improvements and Common Improvements. These goals shall be administered in a manner to assure the City and Company that: (1) the Improvements and Common Improvements shall be completed at a reasonable and acceptable cost to Company, (2) the Improvements and Common Improvements shall be completed on a reasonable and acceptable timetable to Company and City and, (3) the construction quality for the Improvements and Common Improvements shall be reasonable and acceptable to Company and City. The goals of the Company for participation by Minority and Women Business Enterprises (M.B.E. and W,B,E,) in the design and construction of the Improvements and Common Improvements shall be to achieve a minimum of M,B,E, participation of 25% and W,B,E. participation of 5%, based on the total contracted expenditures for the Improvements and Common Improvements. Should Company determine that no M.B.E. and W.B.E. is capable or available to perform work on the Improvements or Common Improvements, it shall notify the Conimissioner of Aviation specifying the type of work required and the reasons an M.B.E. and/or W.B.E. is not available to perform such work. The Commissioner shall forward the Company's statement to the Department of Purchasing, who shall determine if any M.B.E. and W.B.E. are available to perform the work needed. If the Department of Purchasing detemiines that certified M.B.E. and W.B.E. are available to perform such work, it shall notify the Company of such availability and Company will be required to utilize such M.B.E. and W.B.E. to the extent the goals set forth above can be met. 11556 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Paragraph 5. Eligibility. Only those persons, firms, partnerships, corporations or other legal entities certified by the City of Chicago as a certified M.B.E. and/or W.B.E. shall be eligible for purposes of meeting the goals established by Paragraph 4 hereof.

Paragraph 6. Reporting. The Minority and Women Business Enterprise progress report required by Section IV of this Exhibit D shall be made on forms or on a format established by the City and agreeable to Company that includes the following items:

(i) the total amount of prime and subcontract awards during the quarter and, for any contract awards to Minority and Women Business Enterprises resulting therefrom, the name of the Minority and Women Business Enterprise and the amount ofthe contract with the Minority and Women Business Enterprise; I (ii) the cumulative value of all prime and subcontract awards to date, and the total accumulation ofall awards to Minority and Women Business Enterprises; (iii) a projection of the total amount of prime and subcontracts to be awarded and of Minority and Women Business Enterprise contracts to be awarded during the next quarter; (iv) all Minority and Women Business Enterprise subcontracts that have been completed and for which final pajmient has been made during the quarter; and (v) an evaluation of the overall progress to date towards the Minority and Women Business Enterprise goals for the Improvements and Common Improvements.

n. Equal Employment Opportunity And Affirmative Action Plan.

The Company must commit to establish, maintain and implement a written Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Plan (the "E.E.O./A.A. Plan") for the Improvements and Common Improvements, which plan is acceptable to the City and the Company. The E.E.O./A.A. Plan will be considered in relation to the following goals for employment of women and minorities: 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11557

Minority Emplojmient:

25% of skilled hours 40% of laborer hours

Women's Employment:

7% of skilled hours 10% of laborer hours i

in. Chicago First Hiring Program.

In the event there are contracts subject to this Exhibit D, the City, through the Mayor's Office of Emplojmient and Training ("M.E.T."), will provide a Chicago First Hiring Program ("Chicago First Program") to the Company. An objective of the Chicago First Program is to ensure that City residents who have received training and skill development through M.E.T. are afforded consideration for jobs created through development projects. The Company agrees to negotiate a Chicago First Agreement (the "First Source Agreement") with l^.E.T. for the recruitment and referral of personnel for positions available in the construction and/or operation of the Improvements and Common Improvements. The Company agrees to ensure that in the aggregated hours of work to be performed by all contractors and site work subcontractors in the construction of the Improvements and the Common Improvements, at least 50% ofthe on-site worker hours in the category of construction laborers and at least 50% of the on-site worker hours in the category of skilled construction trade workers shall be residents of the City.

TV. Reporting And Compliance.

In the event that there are contracts subject to this Exhibit D, at quarterly intervals, beginning ninety (90) days following the execution of this Lease, the Company shall submit to the City progress reports on forms or on a format established by the City's Department of Purchases, Contracts and Supplies and agreeable to the Company, that provide required information 11558 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

concerning Company's compliance with the Company's M.B.E./W.B.E. requirements, E.E.O. and Affirmative Action Plan, and Chicago First Hiring Program.

V. Non-Responsible Bidder.

Prior to awarding any contracts for the Improvements or Common Improvements, Company shall provide City with the names of vendors who may be awarded such contracts. City shall promptly notify Company if a potential vendor appears on the City's list of non-responsible bidders. Company agrees that no contracts for the Improvements and Common Improvements shall be awarded to persons or corporations identified on the City's list of non-responsible bidders, so long as such list does not discriminate against any bidders because of race, religion, age, handicap, color, sex, national origin, citizenship or political affiliation.

VI. Contracting Authority Of Company.

Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to supersede the authority and responsibility of the Company with respect to the contracting process for construction ofthe Improvements and Common Improvements.



I The Conimittee on the Budget and Government Operations submitted the following report:

(Continued on page 11560) 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11559

Exhibit "C". (To Amendment To Hangar I Facilities Lease, Beginning On Page 11530 Of This Journal)

Hangar Number 1 Alternate Parking.

Alternate Parking Site


(Continued from page 11558)

CHICAGO, January 14,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council:

Your Conimittee on the Budget and Government Operations, having had under consideration an ordinance authorizing a transfer of funds for the year 1991 within the Board of Election Conimissioners, having had the same under advisement, begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass the proposed ordinance transmitted herewith. This recommendation was concurred in by a viva voce vote ofthe members of the commi ttee.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) LEMUEL AUSTIN, JR., Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Austin, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Tillman, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 46. Nays - None. Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said ordinance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. The City Comptroller and the City Treasurer are authorized and directed to make the following transfer of funds for the year 1991. This transfer will leave sufficient unencumbered appropriations to 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11561

meet all liabilities that have been or may be incurred during the year 1991 payable from such appropriations:


Code Purpose Fund Department Account Amount

Materials and Supplies 100 39-2005 0341 $60,000.00


Code Purpose Fund Department Account Amount

Legal Expenses 100 39-2005 0145 $60,000,00

SECTION 2, The sole purpose of this transfer of funds is to provide funds to meet necessary obligations within the Board of Election Conimissioners during the year 1991, SECTION 3, This ordinance shall be in full fprce and effect from and after its passage.


The Conimittee on the Budget and Government Operations submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, January 14,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: 11562 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Your Committee on the Budget and Government Operations, having had under consideration an ordinance authorizing a transfer of funds for the year 1991 within the Board of Election Commissioners, having had the same under advisement, begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass the proposed ordinance transmitted herewith.

This recommendation was concurred in by a viva voce vote ofthe members ofthe conimittee.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) LEMUEL AUSTIN, JR., Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Austin, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoing conimittee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Tillman, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 46.

Nays — None. Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.

The following is said ordinance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. The City Comptroller and the City Treasurer are authorized and directed to make the following transfer of funds for the year 1991. This transfer will leave sufficient unencumbered appropriations to meet all liabilities that have been or may be incurred during the year 1991 payable from such appropriations: 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11563


Code Purpose Fund Department Account Amount

Overtime 100 39-2005 0020 $50,000.00 Extra Hire 100 39-2005 0055 $75,000.00


Code I Purpose Fund Department Account Amount

Lease Purchase 100 39-2005 0159 $125,000.00 Agreements for Equipment and Machinery

SECTION 2. The sole purpose ofthis transfer of funds is to provide funds to meet necessary obligations within the Board of Election Commissioners during the year 1991. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage.


The Conimittee on the Budget and Government Operations submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, January 14,1992,

To the President and Members of the City Council: 11564 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Your Conimittee on the Budget and Government Operations, having had under consideration an ordinance authorizing a transfer of funds for the year 1991 within the Department of Police, having had the same under advisement, begs leave to report and reconimend that Your Honorable Body Pass the proposed ordinance transmitted herewith.

This recommendation was concurred in by a viva voce vote of the members of the conimittee.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) LEMUEL AUSTIN, JR., Chairman.

On motion of Aldennan Austin, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoing conimittee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Tillman, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 46.

Nays — None. Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said ordinance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. The City Comptroller and the City Treasurer are authorized and directed to make the following transfer of funds for the year 1991. This transfer will leave sufficient unencumbered appropriations to meet all liabilities that have been or may be incurred during the year 1991 payable from such appropriations: 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11565


Code Purpose Fund Department Account Amount

Lease Purchase 100 57-1005 0159 $60,000.00 Agreements for Equipment and Machinery


Code Purpose Fund Department Account Amount

Professional and 100 57-1005 0140 $40,000.00 Technical Services Construction of 100 57-1005 0540 $20,000.00 Buildings and Other Structures

SECTION 2. The sole purpose ofthis transfer of funds is to provide funds to meet necessary obligations within the Department of Police during the year 1991. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage.


The Committee on the Budget and Government Operations submitted the following report: 11566 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

CHICAGO, January 14,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Committee on the Budget and Government Operations, having had under consideration an ordinance authorizing a transfer of funds for the year 1991 within the City Council Committee on Historical Landmark Preservation, having had the same under advisement, begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass the proposed ordinance transmitted herewith. This recommendation was concurred in by a viva voce vote ofthe members ofthe committee.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) LEMUEL AUSTIN, JR., Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Austin, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas - Aldermen Mazola, Tillman, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 46. Nays — None. Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said ordinance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Council ofthe City ofChicago: SECTION 1. The City Comptroller and the: City Treasurer are authorized and directed to make the following transfer of funds for the year 1991. This transfer will leave sufficient unencumbered appropriations to meet all liabilities that have been or may be incurred during the year 1991 payable from such appropriations: 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11567


Code Purpose Fund Department Account Amount

For Personal 100 15-2217 OOOO $5,500.00 Services


Code Purpose Fund Department Account Amount

For Commodities 100 15-2217 0300 $5,500.00 and Materials

SECTION 2. The sole purpose ofthis transfer of funds is to provide funds to meet necessary obligations within the City Council Committee on Historical Landmark Preservation during the year 1991. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage.


The Committee on the Budget and Government Operations submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, January 14,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: 11568 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Your Committee on the Budget and Government Operations, having had under consideration eleven (11) ordinances (under separate committee reports) authorizing the allocation of Motor Fuel Tax funds necessary for various projects in improved streets, county or state highways during 1992, and having had the same under advisement, begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass the proposed ordinances transmitted herewith. This recommendation was concurred in by a viva voce vote ofthe members of the committee.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) LEMUEL AUSTIN, JR„ Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Austin, the said proposed ordinances transmitted with the foregoing conimittee report were Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Tillman, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E, Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M, Smith, Moore, Stone - 46, Nays — None. Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. Said ordinances, as passed, read as follows (the italic heading in each case not being a part ofthe ordinance):

Bridge Maintenance.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. The City Comptroller and the City Treasurer with the approval of the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois are authorized and directed to allocate $3,500,000 from that part of the Motor Fuel Tax Fund which has been or may be allotted to the City of Chicago for the maintenance, repair and painting of existing bridges, viaducts and 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11569

appurtenances related thereto, including exterior lighting, electronic visual aids and incidental work related thereto, located in the City of Chicago for the period beginning January 1, 1992 and ending December 31, 1992, and the said sum to be kept in an account separate from other Motor Fuel Tax Fund accounts, and to be divided into four categories as follows:

A. For repairs of an emergency nature and miscellaneous repairs. B. For minor repairs and preventive maintenance of movable bridges. C For minor repairs and preventive maintenance of fixed bridges, D, For major repairs - Contractual Services.

SECTION 2. The Commissioner of Transportation is authorized to expend from said funds the amounts necessary for the maintenance of each structure or group of structures as set forth in Section 1 above. The Commissioner of Transportation shall not expend or authorize the expenditure for any class of work for any sum in excess of the amount allocated herein without the prior approval ofthe City Council. The operating department shall maintain a separate ledger account for each project utilizing standard account classifications acceptable under generally accepted accounting principles with all charges for direct and indirect expenses categorized, and detailed for each such project. The Conimissioner of Transportation is authorized to expend from said fund any sum necessary for said purposes and for all necessary engineering to be performed by the Department of Transportation and incidental costs, including the emplojmient of testing engineers, and consulting engineers, for pajmient of other expenses in connection with said purposes and to cause said work to be done by the Repairs and Maintenance Section. If it should become necessary for the prosecution of the foregoing work to remove, relocate, replace or adjust any part ofthe water-distributing system, street-lighting system, signal and fire-alarm and traffic-control systems of the City, the appropriate City Department shall charge the cost thereof to the portion of the Motor Fuel Tax Fund allocated for the project described in this ordinance. In connection with the performance of the work herein authorized together with the supervision, inspection and engineering therefor, authority is granted for the storage inside street limits within 500 feet ofthe structure being repaired or maintained, of materials, machinery, equipment, vehicles and other facilities used in connection therewith. If it should become necessary to remove, relocate, replace and adjust any part of the equipment of any other governmental agency, such governmental agency may be requested by the Department of Transportation to perform 11570 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

such work, the cost thereof to be charged to that portion of the Motor Fuel Tax Fund allocated for the project described in this ordinance. SECTION 3. Motor Fuel Tax funds allocated for this project shall not be transferred to any other Motor Fuel Tax project or Motor Fuel Tax funds allocated for any other project shall not be transferred to this project, in either instance, without the prior approval ofthe City Council. SECTION 4. The City Comptroller shall set up a separate account for this project and the City Comptroller shall not authorize the payment of any voucher in excess of the amount shown without having had the prior approval ofthe City Council. SECTION 5. The City Comptroller and the City Treasurer are authorized and directed to make disbursements from said fund when properly approved by the Conimissioner of Transportation. SECTION 6. The City Clerk is directed to transmit two certified copies of this ordinance to the Division of Highways, Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois, through the District Engineer of District 1 of said Division of Highways. SECTION 7, This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage.

Street Sign Maintenance.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1, Authority is hereby given to the Commissioner of Transportation to expend the sum of $600,000 from that portion ofthe Motor Fuel Tax Fund which has been or may be allotted to the City of Chicago for street sign maintenance of improved streets, county highways and state highways by day labor or contract during the period commencing January 1, 1992 and ending December 31,1992, SECTION 2. Motor Fuel Tax funds allocated for this project shall not be transferred to any other Motor Fuel Tax project or Motor Fuel Tax funds allocated for any other project shall not be transferred to this project, in either instance, without prior approval ofthe City Council. SECTION 3. The City Comptroller shall set up a separate account for this project. The Commissioner of Transportation shall not expend or authorize the expenditure in excess of the amount shown and the City 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11571

Comptroller shall not authorize the payment of any voucher in excess of the amount shown without the prior approval ofthe City Council. SECTION 4, The operating department shall maintain a separate ledger account for each project utilizing standard account classifications acceptable under generally accepted accounting principles with all charges for direct and indirect expenses delineated, categorized and detailed for each such subject project. I SECTION 5, The City Comptroller ahd the City Treasurer are authorized and directed to make disbursements from said fund when properly approved by the Conimissioner of Transportation, SECTION 6, The City Clerk is directed to transmit two certified copies of this ordinance to the Division of Highways, Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois, through the District Engineer of District 1 of said Department, SECTION 7, This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage. '

Traffic Lane Line Maintenance.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Authority is hereby given to the Commissioner of Transportation to expend the sum of $500,000 from that portion ofthe Motor Fuel Tax Fund which has been or may be allottied to the City of Chicago for traffic lane line maintenance of improved streets, county highways and state highways by day labor or contract during the period commencing January 1, 1992 and ending December 31,1992. \ i SECTION 2. Motor Fuel Tax funds allocated for this project shall not be transferred to any other Motor Fuel Tax project or Motor Fuel Tax funds allocated for any other project shall not be transferred to this project, in either instance, without prior approval of the City Council. SECTION 3. The City Comptroller shall set up a separate account for this project. The Commissioner of Transportation shall not expend or authorize the expenditure in excess of the ariiount shown and the City Comptroller shall not authorize the payment of any voucher in excess of the amount shown without the prior approval ofthe City Council. 11572 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

SECTION 4, The operating department shall maintain a separate ledger account for each project utilizing standard account classifications acceptable under generally accepted accounting principles with all charges for direct and indirect expenses delineated, categorized and detailed for each such subject project, SECTION 5. The City Comptroller and the City Treasurer are authorized and directed to make disbursements from said fund when properly approved by the Conimissioner of Transportation. SECTION 6. The City Clerk is directed to transmit two certified copies of this ordinance to the Division of Highways, Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois, through the District Engineer of District 1 of said Department. SECTION 7. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage.

New Alley Construction 1992-1. Motor Fuel Tax Project No. U-2010-00-PV.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. The City Comptroller and the City Treasurer with the approval of the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois are authorized and directed to allocate the sum of Two Hundred Six Thousand Dollars ($206,000.00) from the part of the Motor Fuel Tax Fund which has been or may be allocated to the City of Chicago for New Alley Construction 1992, M.F.T. Project No. U-2010-00-PV for construction of the following alleys:

Alley No. 1— West Lyndale Avenue, North Milwaukee Avenue, North Maplewood Avenue and North Rockwell Street; Alley No. 2 - West Carmen Avenue, West Argyle Street, North California Avenue and North Mozart Street; Alley No. 3 - West Chase Avenue, West Touhy Avenue, Chicago and Northwestern Railroad R.O.W. and North Wolcott Avenue; 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11573

Alley No. 4- West Cornelia Avenue, West Forest Preserve Avenue, North Plainfield Avenue and North Pontiac Avenue; ' . . <' Alley No. 5 - West Montrose Avenue, West Berteau Avenue, North Mulligan Avenue and North Narragansett Avenue; Alley No. 6 — East Thorndale Avenue, West Ardmore Avenue, North Christiana Avenue and North Kimball Avenue; Alley No. 7 - Warren Park, West Artlhur Avenue, North Oakley Avenue and North Claremont Avenue.

SECTION 2. The Conimissioner of the Department of Transportation is authorized to expend any sum necessary for all work in connection with the engineering and construction of said improvement, all subject to the approval ofthe Department of Transportation ofthe State oflllinois. SECTION 3. The Board of Local Improvements of the City of Chicago is hereby authorized to advertise and receive bids for the said improvement when approved by the Department of Transportation ofthe State oflllinois and to enter into all necessary contracts therefor. SECTION 4, If it should become necessary tb remove, relocate, replace or adjust any part of the water distributing system, street lighting system, signal and fire alarm equipment or traffic control system of the City, the appropriate City department shall perform such necessary engineering and construction work with its own forces and charge the cost thereof to that part of the Motor Fuel Tax Fund allocated for the improvement in Section 1 of this ordinance, SECTION 5, Motor Fuel Tax funds allocated for this project shall not be transferred to any other Motor Fuel Tax project or Motor Fuel Tax funds allocated for any other project shall not be transferred to this project, in either instance, without the prior approval ofthe City Council. Upon certification of the completion of this project by the State of Illinois, Department of Transportation, this project shall be terminated by ordinance and any remaining Motor Fuel Tax funds allocated shall be returned to the Motor Fuel Tax Fund. SECTION 6. The City Comptroller shall siet up a separate account for this project. The Conimissioner of the Departnient of Transportation shall not expend or authorize the expenditure in excess of the amount shown and the City Comptroller shall not authorize pajmient ofany voucher in excess of the amount shown without prior approval ofthe; City Council. 11574 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

SECTION 7. The operating department shall maintain a separate ledger account for this project utilizing standard account cla;ssifications acceptable under generally accepted accounting principles witli all charges for direct and indirect expenses delineated, categorized and detailed for this project. SECTION 8. The City Comptroller and the City Treasurer are authorized and directed to make disbursements froni said allocation when properly approved by the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation, SECTION 9, The City Clerk is directed to transmit two certified copies of this ordinance to the Division of Highways of; the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois through the District Engineer of District 1 of said Division of Highways, SECTION 10, This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage, i

New Alley Construction 1992-2. \ Motor Fuel Tax Project No. U-2011-00-PV.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1, The City Comptroller and the City Treasurer with the approval of the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois are authorized and directed to allocate the sum of Two; Hundred Forty-four Thousand Dollars ($244,000.00) from the part of the Motor Fuel Tax Fund which has been or may be allocated to the City of Chicago for New Alley Construction 1992, M.F.T. Project No. U-2011-00-PV for construction ofthe following alleys: i

1 • •' Alley No. 1 - West Berteau Avenue, West Belle Plaine Avenue, North Plainfield Avenue and Nprth Pontiac Avenue; Alley No. 2 - West Balmoral Avenue, West Berwyn Avenue, North Osceola Avenue and North Olcott Avenue; 1 Alley No. 3- West Catalpa Avenue, West Balmoral Avenue, Oriole Park and North Oriole Avenue; Alley No. 4 - West Higgins Avenue, West Balmoral Avenue, North Mont Clare Aveniie and North Neva Avenue; 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11575

Alley No, 5 - West Berwyn Avenue, West Foster Avenue, North Olcott Avenue and North Oleander Avenue; Alley No, 6 - West Gregory Avenue, West Higgins Avenue, North Nottingham Avenue and North Mont Clare Avenue; Alley No, 7 - West Summerdale Avenue, West Berwyn Avenue, North Overhill Avenue and North Ozanam Avenue; Alley No, 8 - West Foster Avenue, West Carmen Avenue, North Nashville Avenue and North Natoma Avenue,

SECTION 2, The Commissioner of the Department of Transportation is authorized to expend any sum necessary for all work in connection with the engineering and construction of said improvement, all subject to the approval ofthe Department of Transportation of the State oflllinois. SECTION 3. The Board of Local Improvements of the City of Chicago is hereby authorized to advertise and receive bids for the said improvement when approved by the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois and to enter into all necessary contracts therefor. SECTION 4. If it should become necessary to remove, relocate, replace or adjust any part of the water distributing system, street lighting system, signal and fire alarm equipment or traffic control system of the City, the appropriate City department shall perform such necessary engineering and construction work with its own forces and charge the cost thereof to that part of the Motor Fuel Tax Fund allocated for the improvement in Section 1 of this ordinance. SECTION 5. Motor Fuel Tax funds allocated for this project shall not be transferred to any other Motor Fuel Tax project or Motor Fuel Tax funds allocated for any other project shall not be triansferred to this project, in either instance, without the prior approval ofthe City Council. I • Upon certification ofthe completion ofthis project by the State of Illinois, Department of Transportation, this project shall be terminated by ordinance and any remaining Motor Fuel Tax funds allocated shall be returned to the Motor Fuel Tax Fund. SECTION 6. The City Comptroller shall set up a separate account for this project. The Conimissioner of the Department of Transportation shall not expend or authorize the expenditure in excess of the amount shown and the City Comptroller shall not authorize pajmient ofany voucher in excess of the amount shown without prior approval ofthe City Council. SECTION 7. The operating department shall maintain a separate ledger account for this project utilizing standard account classifications acceptable 11576 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

under generally accepted accounting principles with all charges for direct and indirect expenses delineated, categorized and detailed for this project. SECTION 8. The City Comptroller and the City Treasurer are authorized and directed to make disbursements from said allocation when properly approved by the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation. SECTION 9. The City Clerk is directed to transmit two certified copies of this ordinance to the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois through the District Engineer of District 1 of said Division of Highways. SECTION 10. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage.

New Alley Construction 1992-3. Motor Fuel Tax Project No. U-2012-00-PV.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. The City Comptroller and the City Treasurer with the approval of the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois are authorized iand directed to allocate the sum of Two Hundred Fourteen Thousand Dollars ( $214,000.00) from the part ofthe Motor Fuel Tax Fund which has been or may be allocated to the City of Chicago for New Alley Construction 1992, M.F.T. Project No. U-2012-00-PV for construction ofthe following alleys:

Alley No. 1 - West Cermak Road, West 22nd Place, South Wentworth Avenue and South Princeton Avenue; Alley No. 2 - West 35th Street, West 36th Street, South Marshfield Avenue and South Paulina Street; Alley No. 3 - West 38th Street, West Pershing Road, South Union Avenue and South Emerald Avenue; Alley No. 4- West 43rd Street, West 43rd Place, South Canal Street and South Parnell Avenue; Alley No. 5 - West 43rd Street, West 43rd Place, South Union Avenue and South Emerald Avenue; 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMIVHTTEES 11577

Alley No. 6 - East 35th Street, East 37th Street, South Dr, Martin Luther King, Jr, Drive and South CJalumet Avenue.

SECTION 2. The Commissioner of the Department of Transportation is authorized to expend any sum necessary for all work in connection with the engineering and construction of said improvement, all subject to the approval ofthe Department of Transportation ofthe State oflllinois. SECTION 3. The Board of Local Improvements of the City of Chicago is hereby authorized to advertise and receive bids for the said improvement when approved by the Department of Transportation ofthe State oflllinois and to enter into all necessary contracts therefor. SECTION 4. Ifitshouldbecomenecessary to remove, relocate, replace or adjust any part of the water distributing system, street lighting system, signal and fire alarm equipment or traffic control system of the City, the appropriate City department shall perform such necessary engineering and construction work with its own forces and charge the cost thereof to that part of the Motor Fuel Tax Fund allocated for the improvement in Section 1 of this ordinance. SECTION 5. Motor Fuel Tax funds allocated for this project shall not be transferred to any other Motor Fuel Tax project or Motor Fuel Tax funds allocated for any other project shall not be transferred to this project, in either instance, without the prior approval ofthe City Council. Upon certification ofthe completion ofthis project by the State oflllinois. Department of Transportation, this project shall be terminated by ordinance and any remaining Motor Fuel Tax funds allocated shall be returned to the Motor Fuel Tax Fund, SECTION 6, The City Comptroller shall set up a separate account for this project. The Commissioner of the Department of Transportation shall not expend or authorize the expenditure in excess of the amount shown and the City Comptroller shall not authorize pajmient ofany voucher in excess of the amount shown without prior approval ofthe City Council. SECTION 7. The operating department shall maintain a separate ledger account for this project utilizing standard account classifications acceptable under generally accepted accounting principles with all charges for direct and indirect expenses delineated, categorized and detailed for this project, SECTION 8. The City Comptroller and the City Treasurer are authorized and directed to make disbursements from said allocation when properly approved by the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation. 11578 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

SECTION 9, The City Clerk is directed to transmit two certified copies of this ordinance to the Division of Highways of; the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois through the; District Engineer of District 1 of said Division of Highways. SECTION 10. This ordinance shall be in force anil effect from and after its passage.

New Alley Construction 1992-4. Motor Fuel Tax Project No. U-2013-Ob-PV.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. The City Comptroller and the City Treasurer with the approval of the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois are authorized and directed to allocate the sum of Three Hundred Six Thousand Dollars ($306,000.00) from the part of the Motor Fuel Tax Fund which has been or may be allocated to the City of Chicago for New Alley Construction 1992, M.F.T, Project No. U-2013-00-PV for construction of the following alleys:

Alley No, 1 - East 84th Street, East 85th Street, South Crandon Avenue and South Luella Avenue; Alley No, 2 - East 85th Street, East 86th Street, South Blackstone Avenue and South Dante Avenue; Alley No, 3 - East 86th Street, East 87th Street, South Euclid Avenue and South Bennett Avenue; Alley No. 4 - East 79th Street, East SOth Street, South Saginaw Avenue and South Colfax Avenue; Alley No. 5 - East 81st Street, East 82nd Street, South Chappel Avenue and South Jeffery Boulevard; Alley No. 6- East 83rd Street, South South Chicago Avenue, South Merrill Avenue and South Clyde Avenue; Alley No, 7 - East 84th Street, East 85th Street, South Bennett Avenue and South Constance Ayenue, 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11579

SECTION 2, The Commissioner of the Department of Transportation is authorized to expend any sum necessary for all work in connection with the engineering and construction of said improvement, all subject to the approval ofthe Department of Transportation ofthe State oflllinois, SECTION 3, The Board of Local Improvements of the City of Chicago is hereby authorized to advertise and receive bids for the said improvement when approved by the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois and to enter into all necessary contracts therefor, SECTION 4, If it should become necessary to remove, relocate, replace or ai^'ust any part of the water distributing system, street lighting system, signal and fire alarm equipment or traffic control system of the City, the appropriate City department shall perform such necessary engineering and construction work with its own forces and charge the cost thereof to that part of the Motor Fuel Tax Fund allocated for the improvement in Section 1 of this ordinance, SECTION 5. Motor Fuel Tax funds allocated for this project shall not be transferred to any other Motor Fuel Tax project or Motor Fuel Tax funds allocated for any other project shall not be transferred to this project, in either instance, without the prior approval ofthe City Council, Upon certification of the completion of this project by the State of Illinois, Department of Transportation, this project shall be terminated by ordinance and any remaining ISIotor Fuel Tax funds allocated shall be returned to the Motor Fuel Tax Fund, SECTION 6. The City Comptroller shall set up a separate account for this project. The Commissioner of the Department of Transportation shall not expend or authorize the expenditure in excess of the amount shown and the City Comptroller shall not authorize pajmient of any voucher in excess of the amount shown without prior approval of the City Council, SECTION 7, The operating department shall maintain a separate ledger account for this project utilizing standard account classifications acceptable under generally accepted accounting principles with all charges for direct and indirect expenses delineated, categorized and detailed for this project, SECTION 8, The City Comptroller and the City Treasurer are authorized and directed to make disbursements from said allocation when properly approved by the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation, SECTION 9, The City Clerk is directed to transmit two certified copies of this ordinance to the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois through the District Engineer of District 1 of said Division of Highways, 11580 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

SECTION 10, This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage.

New Alley Construction 1992-5. Motor Fuel Tax Project No. U-2014-00-PV.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1, The City Comptroller and the City Treasurer with the approval of the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois are authorized and directed to allocate the sum of Three Hundred Eight Thousand Dollars ($308,000,00) from the part of the Motor Fuel Tax Fund which has been or may be allocated to the City of Chicago for New Alley Construction 1992, M,F,T. Project No, U-2014-00-PV for construction of the following alleys:

Alley No. 1 - East 87th Street, East 88th Street, South Crandon Avenue and South Luella Avenue; Alley No. 2 - East 93rd Street, East 94th Street, South Merrill Avenue and South Clyde Avenue; Alley No. 3- East 95th Street, East 95th Place, South Clyde Avenue and South Chappel Avenue; Alley No. 4- East 78th Street, East 78th Place, South Coles Avenue and South Exchange Avenue; Alley No. 5- East 87th Street, East 88th Street, South Harper Avenue and South Blackstone Avenue; Alley No. 6 - East 88th Street, East 89th Street, South Crandon Avenue and South Luella Avenue; Alley No. 7 - East 88th Street, East 89th Street, South East End Avenue and South Cornell Avenue; Alley No. 8 - East 102nd Street, East 103rd Street, South Calhoun Avenue and South Bensley Avenue. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11581

SECTION 2. The Commissioner of the Department of Transportation is authorized to expend any sum necessary for all work in connection with the engineering and construction of said improvement, all subject to the approval ofthe Department of Transportation ofthe State oflllinois. SECTION 3. The Board of Local Improvements of the City of Chicago is hereby authorized to advertise and receive bids for the said improvement when approved by the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois and to enter into all necessary contracts therefor. SECTION 4. If it should become necessary to remove, relocate, replace or adjust any part of the water distributing system, street lighting system, signal and fire alarm equipment or traffic control system of the City, the appropriate City department shall perform such necessary engineering and construction work with its own forces and charge the cost thereof to that part of the Motor Fuel Tax Fund allocated for the improvement in Section 1 of this ordinance. SECTION 5. Motor Fuel Tax funds allocated for this project shall not be transferred to any other Motor Fuel Tax project or Motor Fuel Tax funds allocated for any other project shall not be transferred to this project, in either instance, without the prior approval ofthe City Council. Upon certification ofthe completion ofthis project by the State oflllinois. Department of Transportation, this project shall be terminated by ordinance and any remaining ISlotor Fuel Tax funds allocated shall be returned to the Motor Fuel Tax Fund. SECTION 6. The City Comptroller shall set up a separate account for this project. The Commissioner of the Department of Transportation shall not expend or authorize the expenditure in excess of the amount shown and the City Comptroller shall not authorize payment ofany voucher in excess of the amount shown without prior approval ofthe City Council. SECTION 7. The operating department shall maintain a separate ledger account for this project utilizing standard account classifications acceptable under generally accepted accounting principles with all charges for direct and indirect expenses delineated, categorized and detailed for this project, SECTION 8. The City Comptroller and the City Treasurer are authorized and directed to make disbursements from said allocation when properly approved by the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation. SECTION 9. The City Clerk is directed to transmit two certified copies of this ordinance to the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois through the District Engineer of District 1 of said Division of Highways. 11582 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

SECTION 10. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage.

New Alley Constriiction 1992-6. Motor Fuel Tax Project No. U-2015-00-PV.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. The City Comptroller and the City Treasurer with the approval of the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois are authorized and directed to allocate the sum of Two Hundred Thirty-nine Thousand Dollars ($239,000.00) from the part of the Motor Fuel Tax Fund which has been or may be allocated to the City of Chicago for New Alley Construction 1992, M.F.T. Project No. U-2015-00-PV for construction ofthe following alleys:

Alley No. 1 - East 90th Street, East 91st Street, South Greenwood Avenue and South Dobson Avenue; Alley No. 2 - East 97th Street, East 98th Street, South Dobson Avenue and South Ellis Avenue; Alley No. 3 - West 83rd Street, West 84th Street, South Kenneth Avenue and South Kilbourn Avenue; Alley No. 4 — Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad, West 91st Street, South Wallace Street and South Lowe Avenue; Alley No. 5 - C.U.T. R.R. R.O.W., West 54th Street, South Kostner Avenue and South Kenneth Avenue; Alley No. 6 - West 92nd Street, West 93rd Street, South Halsted Street and South Grreen Street; Alley No. 7 - West 92nd Place, West 93rd Street, South Marshfield Avenue and South Beverly Avenue.

SECTION 2. The Commissioner of the Departmerit of Transportation is authorized to expend any sum necessary for all work in connection with the engineering and construction of said improvement, all subject to the approval of the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11583

SECTION 3. The Board of Local Improvements of the City of Chicago is hereby authorized to advertise and receive bids for the said improvement when approved by the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois and to enter into all necessary contracts therefor. SECTION 4, If it should become necessary to remove, relocate, replace or adjust any part of the water distributing system, street lighting system, signal and fire alarm equipment or traffic control system of the City, the appropriate City department shall perform such necessary engineering and construction work with its own forces and charge the cost thereof to that part of the Motor Fuel Tax Fund allocated for the improvement in Section 1 of this ordinance. SECTION 5. Motor Fuel Tax funds allocated for this project shall not be transferred to any other Motor Fuel Tax project or Motor Fuel Tax funds allocated for any other project shall not be transferred to this project, in either instance, without the prior approval ofthe City Council. Upon certification ofthe completion ofthis project by the State oflllinois. Department of Transportation, this project shall be terminated by ordinance and any remaining Motor Fuel Tax funds allocated shall be returned to the Motor Fuel Tax Fund, SECTION 6, The City Comptroller shall set up a separate account for this project. The Commissioner of the Department of Transportation shall not expend or authorize the expenditure in excess of the amount shown and the City Comptroller shall not authorize pajmient ofany voucher in excess of the amount shown without prior approval of the City Council, SECTION 7, The operating department shall maintain a separate ledger account for this project utilizing standard account classifications acceptable under generally accepted accounting principles with all charges for direct and indirect expenses delineated, categorized ahd detailed for this project, SECTION 8. The City Comptroller and the City Treasurer are authorized and directed to make disbursements from said allocation when properly approved by the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation. SECTION 9. The City Clerk is directed to transmit two certified copies of this ordinance to the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois through the District Engineer of District 1 of said Division of Highways. SECTION 10. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage. 11584 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

New Alley Construction 1992-7. Motor Fuel Tax Project No. U-2016-00-PV.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. The City Comptroller and the City Treasurer with the approval of the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois are authorized and directed to allocate the sum of Two Hundred Fifty-seven Thousand Dollars ($257,000.00) from the part of the Motor Fuel Tax Fund which has been or may be allocated to the City of Chicago for New Alley Construction 1992, M.F.T. Project No. U-2016-00-PV for construction ofthe following alleys:

Alley No. 1- West Monterey Avenue, West Montvale Avenue, South Church Street and South Hermosa Avenue; Alley No. 2- West 102nd Street, West 103rd Street, South Fairfield Avenue and South California Avenue; Alley No. 3 - West 111th Place, West 112th Street, South Throop Street and South Loomis Street; Alley No. 4- West 112th Street, West 113th Street, South Eggleston Avenue and South Normal Avenue; Alley No. 5 - West 105th Street, West 107th Street, South Central Park Avenue and South Millard Avenue; Alley No. 6- West 113th Street, West 114th Street, South Yale Avenue and South Princeton Avenue; Alley No. 7 - West 117th Street, West 118th Street, South Peoria Street and South Sangamon Street.

SECTION 2. The Conimissioner ofthe Department of Transportation is authorized to expend any sum necessary for all work in connection with the engineering and construction of said improvement, all subject to the approval ofthe Department of Transportation ofthe State oflllinois. SECTION 3. The Board of Local Improvements of the City of Chicago is hereby authorized to advertise and receive bids for the said improvement when approved by the Department of Transportation ofthe State oflllinois and to enter into all necessary contracts therefor. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11585

SECTION 4. If it should become necessary to remove, relocate, replace or adjust any part of the water distributing system, street lighting system, signal and fire alarm equipment or traffic control system of the City, the appropriate City department shall perform such necessary engineering and construction work with its own forces and charge the cost thereof to that part of the Motor Fuel Tax Fund allocated for the improvement in Section 1 of this ordinance.

SECTION 5, Motor Fuel Tax funds allocated for this project shall not be transferred to any other Motor Fuel Tax project or Motor Fuel Tax funds allocated for any other project shall not be transferred to this project, in either instance, without the prior approval ofthe City Council,

Upon certification ofthe completion ofthis project by the State oflllinois. Department of Transportation, this project shall be terminated by ordinance and any remaining Motor Fuel Tax funds allocated shall be returned to the Motor Fuel Tax Fund;

SECTION 6, The City Comptroller shall set up a separate account for this project. The Conimissioner of the Department of Transportation shall not expend or authorize the expenditure in excess of the amount shown and the City Comptroller shall not authorize payment ofany voucher in excess of the amount shown without prior approval ofthe City Council,

SECTION 7. The operating department shall maintain a separate ledger account for this project utilizing standard account classifications acceptable under generally accepted accounting principles with all charges for direct and indirect expenses delineated, categorized and detailed for this project,

SECTION 8, The City Comptroller and the City Treasurer are authorized and directed to make disbursements from said allocation when properly approved by the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation,

SECTION 9. TheCity Clerk is directed to transmit two certified copies of this ordinance to the Division pf Highways of the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois through the District Engineer of District 1 of said Division of Highways,

SECTION 10, This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage. 11586 JOURNAL-CITTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

New Alley Construction 1992-8. Motor Fuel Tax Project No. U-2017-00-PV.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. The City Comptroller and the City Treasurer with the approval of the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois are authorized and directed to allocate the sum of Two Hundred Twenty-six Thousand Dollars ($226,000.00) from the part of the Motor Fuel Tax Fund which has been or may be allocated to the City of Chicago for New Alley Construction 1992, M.F.T. Project No, U-2017-00-PV for construction ofthe following alleys:

Alley No, 1 - West 123rd Street, West 124th Street, South Union Avenue and South Emerald Avenue; Alley No. 2 - West 119th Street, West 120th Street, South Harvard Avenue and South Stewart Avenue; Alley No, 3- West 120th Street, Illinois Central Railroad, South Princeton Avenue and South Harvard Avenue; Alley No, 4 - West 125th Street, West 126th Street, South Yale Avenue and South Princeton Avenue; Alley No, 5 - West 126th Place, West 127th Street, South Parnell Avenue and South Wallace Avenue; Alley No, 6- West 118th Street, West 119th Street, South Perry Avenue and South LaSalle Street; Alley No, 7 - West 118th Street, West 119th Street, South Stewart Avenue and South Eggleston Avenue,

SECTION 2, The Conimissioner of the Department of Transportation is authorized to expend any sum necessary for all work in connection with the engineering and construction of said improvement, all subject to the approval ofthe Department of Transportation ofthe State oflllinois, SECTION 3. The Board of Local Improvements of the City of Chicago is hereby authorized to advertise and receiye bids for the said improvement when approved by the Department of Transportation ofthe State oflllinois and to enter into all necessary contracts therefor. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11587

SECTION 4. If it should become necessary to remove, relocate, replace or adjust any part of the water distributing system, street lighting system, signal and fire alarm equipment or traffic control system of the City, the appropriate City department shall perform such necessary engineering and construction work with its own forces and charge the cost thereof to that part of the Motor Fuel Tax Fund allocated for the improvement in Section 1 of this ordinance,

SECTION 5, Motor Fuel Tax funds allocated for this project shall not be transferred to any other Motor Fuel Tax project or Motor Fuel Tax funds allocated for any other project shall not be transferred to this project, in either instance, without the prior approval of the City Council.

Upon certification ofthe completion ofthis project by the State oflllinois. Department of Transportation, this project shall be terminated by ordinance and any remaining Motor Fuel Tax funds allocated shall be returned to the Motor Fuel Tax Fund.

SECTION 6. The City Comptroller shall set up a separate account for this project. The Commissioner of the Department of Transportation shall not expend or authorize the expenditure in excess of the amount shown and the City Comptroller shall not authorize pajmient ofany voucher in excess of the amount shown without prior approval ofthe City Council,

SECTION 7. The operating department shall maintain a separate ledger account for this project utilizing standard account classifications acceptable under generally accepted accounting principles with all charges for direct and indirect expenses delineated, categorized and detailed for this project.

SECTION 8, The City Comptroller and the City Treasurer are authorized and directed to make disbursements from said allocation when properly approved by the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation,

SECTION 9. The City Clerk is directed to transmit two certified copies of this ordinance to the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois through the District Engineer of District 1 of said Division of Highways.

SECTION 10. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage. 11588 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92


The Committee on the Budget and Government Operations submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, January 14,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Conimittee on the Budget and Government Operations, having had under consideration an order authorizing the installation of water mains in South Archer Avenue from South Leavitt Street to South Hoyne Avenue, and having had the same under advisement, begs leave to report and reconimend that Your Honorable Body Pass the proposed order transmitted herewith. This recommendation was concurred in by a viva voce vote ofthe members ofthe conimittee.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) LEMUEL AUSTIN, JR., Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Austin, the said proposed order transmitted with the foregoing conimittee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas - Aldermen Mazola, Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Coleman, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 49. Nays — None. Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said order as passed: 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11589

Ordered, That the Commissioner of Water is hereby authorized to install 884 feet of 8-inch ductile iron water main in South Archer Avenue, from South Leavitt Street to South Hoyne Avenue; at a total estimated cost of $187,742.27 chargeable to Appropriation Account Number 200-87-3120- 0550 (W-706) Construction. The above work is to be done under order number A-01159.

At this point in the proceedings. Alderman Burke moved to designate Vice Mayor Theris Gabinski as Temporary Presiding Officer. The motion Prevailed and President Pro Tempore Gutierrez then turned the gavel over to Vice Mayor Gabinski,



The Conimittee on Housing and Real Estate submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, January 9,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Committee on Housing and Real Estate, to which was referred ordinances by the Department of General Services to reject bids at the following locations:

5741 - 5759 West Behnont Avenue/Parking Site No. 75; 2617 - 2621 South Christiana Avenue and 2618 - 2620 South Homan Avenue/Parking Site No. 79; 11590 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

4725 - 4727 South Drexel Boulevard; 4735 - 4737 South Drexel Boulevard; 2604 - 2638 North Emmett Street/Parking Site No. 65; 4041 North Laporte Avenue/Parking Site No. 49; 1615 West Roscoe Street/Parking Site No. 30;

3 - 27 East 112th Place/Parking Site No. 34; and 29 East 112th Street/Parking Site No. 35,

having had the same under advisement, begs leave to report and reconimend that Your Honorable Body Pass the proposed ordinances transmitted herewith. This recommendation was concurred in by unanimous vote of the members ofthe conimittee with no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) LUIS V. GUTIERREZ, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Gutierrez, the said proposed ordinances transmitted with the foregoing conimittee report were Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Tillman, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 46. Nays —None. Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following are said ordinances as passed (the italic heading in each case not being a part ofthe ordinance): 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11591

5741 -5759 West Belmont Avenuel Parking Site No. 75.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. The City of Chicago hereby rejects the bid of Jacob Friedman, 5780 North Lincoln Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60659, to purchase for the sum of $235,000.00, the city-owned vacant property. SECTION 2. The City Clerk is authorized to refund the deposit check of the above named bidder. SECTION 3, The City Real Estate Section, Department of General Services is authorized to re-advertise for sale the following parcel of vacant city-owned property which is no longer necessary, appropriate, required for the use of, profitable to or for the best interest of the City of Chicago, Said parcel is described as follows:

Lots 1 through 7 in Chas, E. Olson's Subdivision in the west one-third of Lot 2 in King & Patterson's Subdivision of the northeast quarter of Section 29, Township 40 North, Range 13, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois (commonly known as 5741 — 5759 West Belmont Avenue, Parking Site No. 75, Permanent Tax Nos. 13-29- 204-039 through 045)

subject to covenants, zoning and building restrictions, easements and conditions, if any, of record. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after date of its passage.

2617-2621 South Christiana Avenue And 2618-2620 South Homan Avenuel Parking Site No. 79.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. The City of Chicago hereby rejects the bid of The Habitat Co., as receiver for Chicago Housing Authority, 405 North Wabash Avenue, 11592 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

P-3, Chicago, Illinois 60611, to purchase for the sum of $144,000.00, the city- owned vacant property. SECTION 2. The City Clerk is authorized to refund the deposit check of the above named bidder. SECTION 3. The City Real Estate Section, Department of General Services is authorized to re-advertise for sale the following parcel of vacant city-owned property which is no longer necessary, appropriate, required for the use of, profitable to or for the best interest of the City of Chicago. Said parcel is described as follows:

Lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 43, 44, 45, 46, 17 and the north 9 feet of Lot 16 in Block 1 in Feinbergs 26th Street Subdivision in the southeast quarter of Section 26, Township 39 North, Range 13, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook (Jounty, Illinois (commonly known as 2617 — 2621 South Christiana Avenue and 2618 - 2620 South Homan Avenue, Parking Site No. 79, PermanentTax Nos. 16-26-405-045 through 054)

subject to covenants, zoning and building restrictions, easements and conditions, if any, ofrecord. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after date of its passage.

4725 - 4727 South Drexel Boulevard.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. The Citj^ of Chicago hereby rejects the bid of Rezmar Corporation, 727 North Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60622, to purchase for the sum of $11,800.00, the city-owned vacant property. SECTION 2. The City Clerk is authorized to refund the deposit check of the above named bidder. SECTION 3. The City Real Estate Section, Department of General Services is authorized to re-advertise for sale the following parcel of vacant city-owned property which is no longer necessary, appropriate, required for 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 11593

the use of, profitable to or for the best interest of the City of Chicago, Said parcel is described as follows:

Lot 3 in the resubdivision of Lots 11 to 26, in Block 1 in Sherman Cooper's Drexel Boulevard Addition to Chicago in the northwest quarter of Section 11, Township 38 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois (commonly known as 4725 - 4727 South Drexel Boulevard, Permanent Tax No, 20-11-101-004)

subject to covenants, zoning and building restrictions, easements and conditions, if any, of record, SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after date of its passage.

4735-4737 South Drexel Boulevard.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1, The Citj^ of Chicago hereby rejects the bid of Rezmar Corporation, 727 North Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60622, to purchase for the sum of $18,900,00, the city-owned vacant property, SECTION 2, The City Clerk is authorized to refund the deposit check of the above named bidder, any and all other bids pertaining to this parcel. SECTION 3. The City Real Estate Section, Department of General Services is authorized to re-advertise for sale the following parcel of vacant city-owned property which is no longer necessary, appropriate, required for the use of, profitable to or for the best interest of the City of Chicago. Said parcel is described as follows:

Lot 4 resubdivision of Lots 11 to 26 in Block 1 in Sherman T. Cooper's Drexel Boulevard Addition to Chicago in the northwest quarter of Section 11, Township 38 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois (commonly known as 4735 — 4737 South Drexel Boulevard, PermanentTax No. 20-11-101-005)

subject to covenants, zoning and building restrictions, easements and conditions, if any, ofrecord. 11594 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after date of its passage.

2604 -2638 North Emmett Street. (Parking Site Number 65)

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. The City of Chicago hereby rejects the bid of The Habitat Co., as receiver for Chicago Housing Authority, 405 North Wabash, P-13, Chicago, Illinois 60611, to purchase for the sum of $310,000.00, the city- owned vacant property. SECTION 2. The City Clerk is authorized to refund the deposit check of the above named bidder. SECTION 3. The City Real Estate Section, Department of General Services is authorized to re-advertise for sale the following parcel of vacant city-owned property which is no longer necessary, appropriate, required for the use of, profitable to or for the best interest of the City of Chicago. Said parcel is described as follows:

Lots 4 through 18 in Block 2 in Hitt and Others Subdivision of 39 acres on the east side of the east half of the southeast quarter of Section 26, Township 40 North, Range 13, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois (commonly known as 2604 - 2638 North Emmett Street, Parking Site No. 65, Permanent Tax Nos. 13-26-408-032 through 043)

subject to covenants, zoning and building restrictions, easements and conditions, if any, of record. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after date of its passage.

4041 North Laporte Avenue. (Parking Site Number 49)

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11595

SECTION 1. The City of Chicago hereby rejects the bid of The Habitat Co., as receiver for Chicago Housing Authority, 405 North Wabash, P-3, Chicago, Illinois 60611, to purchase for the sum of $226,000.00, the city- owned vacant property. SECTION 2. The City Clerk is authorized to refund the deposit check of the above named bidder. SECTION 3. The City Real Estate Section, Department of General Services is authorized to re-advertise for sale the following parcel of vacant city-owned property which is no longer necessary, appropriate, required for the use of, profitable to or for the best interest of the City of Chicago. Said parcel is described as follows:

Lots 5 through 13 in the Dickinson-Lowell Homestead Subdivision of the School Trustees Subdivision, in Section 16, Township 40 North, Range 13, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois (commonly known as 4041 North Laporte Avenue, Parking Site No. 49, Permanent Tax Nos. 13-16-428-028 through 036)

subject to covenants, zoning and building restrictions, easements and conditions, if any, ofrecord. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after date of its passage.

1615 West Roscoe Street. (Parking Site Number 30)

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. The City of Chicago hereby rejects the bid of The Habitat Co., as receiver for Chicago Housing Authority, 405 North Wabash Avenue, P-3, Chicago, Illinois 60611, to purchase for the sum of $330,000.00, the city- owned vacant property. SECTION 2. The City Clerk is authorized to refund the deposit check of the above named bidder. SECTION 3. The City Real Estate Section, Department of General Services is authorized to re-advertise for sale the following parcel of vacant city-owned property which is no longer necessary, appropriate, required for 11596 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

the use of, profitable to or for the best interest of the City of Chicago. Said parcel is described as follows:

Lots 44 through 48 in Block 426 in G. H. A. Thomas' Subdivision of Blocks 8 and 9 of L. Turner's Subdivision ofthe northeast quarter ofthe east half of the southeast quarter of Section 19, Township 40 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois (commonly known as 1615 West Roscoe Street, Parking Site No. 30, PermanentTax Nos. 14-19-426-004,005 and 14-19-426-032)

subject to covenants, zoning and building restrictions, easements and conditions, if any, ofrecord. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after date of its passage.

3-27 East 112th Place. (Parking Site Number 34)

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1, The City ofChicago hereby rejects the bid of Kyunnee Park, 811 Heritage Place, Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056, to purchase for the sum of $39,200,00, the city-owned vacant property, SECTION 2, The City Clerk is authorized to refund the deposit check of the above named bidder, SECTION 3, The City Real Estate Section, Department of General Services is authorized to re-advertise for sale the following parcel of vacant city-owned property which is no longer necessary, appropriate, required for the use of, profitable to or for the best interest of the City of Chicago, Said parcel is described as follows:

Lots 16, 17, 18, 19, 29, 21, 11, 23 and 24 in Block 3 in Dyks Addition to Pullman, a subdivision of Lot 2 of Assessor's Division ofthe west half of the northwest quarter of Section 22, Township 39 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois (commonly 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11597

known as 3 - 27 East 112th Place, Parking Site No. 34, Permanent Tax Nos, 25-22-106-036 through 040)

subject to covenants, zoning and building restrictions, easements and conditions, if any, ofrecord, SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after date of its passage.

29 East 112th Street. (Parking Site Number 35)

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. The City of Chicago hereby rejects the bid of Nabih Tadros, (no address submitted), to purchase for the sum of $5,000,00, the city-owned vacant property, SECTION 2. The City Clerk is authorized to refund the deposit check of the above named bidder, SECTION 3, The City Real Estate Section, Department of General Services is authorized to re-advertise for sale the following parcel of vacant city-owned property which is no longer necessary, appropriate, required for the use of, profitable to or for the best interest of the City of Chicago, Said parcel is described as follows:

Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 in Block 3 of subdivision of that part of Lot 1 of Assessor's Division of the west half of the northwest quarter of Section 22, Township 37 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, lying west of Thornton Road, in Cook County, Illinois (commonly known as 29 East 112th Street, Parking Site No. 35, Permanent Tax Nos. 25-22-105-040 through 044)

subject to covenants, zoning and building restrictions, easements and conditions, if any, ofrecord. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after date of its passage. 11598 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92


The Conimittee on Housing and Real Estate submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, January 9,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Committee on Housing and Real Estate, to which was referred an ordinance by the Department of Housing authorizing the conveyance of properties located at 119 West 112th Place and 4818 West Erie Street under the Urban Homesteading Program, having had the same under advisement, begs leave to report and reconimend that Your Honorable Body Pass the proposed ordinance transmitted herewith. This recommendation was concurred in by unanimous vote of the members ofthe conimittee with no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) LUIS V, GUTIERREZ, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Gutierrez, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoing conimittee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas - Aldermen Mazola, Tillman, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 46. Nays - None. Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said ordinance as passed: 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 11599

WHEREAS, The City of Chicago (the "City"), a home rule unit of government under Section 6(a), Article VH of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, has heretofore found that there exists within the City vacated, abandoned properties owned by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ("H.U.D."); and WHEREAS, The City has determined that the continued existence of these properties in their current state is harmful to the health, prosperity, economic stability and general welfare ofthe City; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Section 810 of the Federal Housing and Conimunity Development Act of 1974, as amended (the "Act"), the Secretary of H.U.D, is authorized to transfer properties without monetary consideration, for use in Urban Homestead Programs, to local municipalities; and WHEREAS, The City and the United States of America entered into an agreement on July 27, 1979 entitled 'The Urban Homesteading Program Participation Agreement", and such agreement, having been periodically renewed with the most recent renewal having been executed on July 2,1990, provides for a Local Urban Homesteading Program (the "Urban Homesteading Prog[ram") in which H.U.D. conveys property located in the City to the City, which in turn conveys said property to "Homesteaders" with certain conditions and obligations to renovate said property; and WHEREAS, The City has previously accepted, pursuant to the Urban Homesteading Program, the conveyance from H.U.D. of (a) a property located in the City (the "First Property"), which is more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof, and (b) a property located in the City (the "Second Property"), which is more particularly described on Exhibit C attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, The City has previously approved the conveyance ofthe First Property to the individuals (the "Prior Homesteaders") whose name or names are set forth opposite the First Property on Exhibit A hereto and the First Property has been conveyed to the Prior Homesteaders and later reconveyed to the City; and WHEREAS, The City, through its Department of Housing ("D.O.H.") has now reviewed and approved the conveyance of (a) the First Property to the individual whose name is set forth opposite the First Property on Exhibit B attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof, and (b) the conveyance of the Second Property to the individual (which individual, together with the individual named on Exhibit B hereto, shall be referred to as the "Homesteaders") whose name is set forth opposite the Second Property on Exhibit C hereto; now, therefore. 11600 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. The City hereby ratifies (a) the prior acceptance by the City of the First Property and the Second Property from H.U.D., and (b) the reconveyance to the City of the First Property for use in the Urban Homesteading Program. The Commissioner of D,0,H. (the "Conimissioner") is hereby authorized to execute documents necessary to evidence such acceptance subject to the approval ofthe Corporation Counsel. SECTION 2. The authorization of the conveyance of the First Property listed by address on Exhibit A hereto to the Prior Homesteaders listed opposite such address is hereby rescinded and annulled. SECTION 3. The conveyances of (a) the First Property to the Homesteader listed on Exhibit B hereto, and (b) the Second Property to the Homesteader listed on Exhibit C hereto, are hereby approved, provided that each of said Homesteaders will reside in and rehabilitate the respective Property in accordance with the building codes ofthe City within designated periods of time, in accordance with conditions as provided in detail in the Urban Homesteading Program Participation Agreement and in accordance with conditions and requirements specified in Section 810 ofthe Act. SECTION 4. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute and the City Clerk shall attest to deeds conveying the Properties and other documents which may be necessary to effectuate such conveyances subject to the approval of the Corporation Counsel. SECTION 5. The Conimissioner is hereby authorized to enter into and execute such agreements or documents as are required or necessary to implement the terms and program objectives of the Urban Homesteading Program with respect to the Properties subject to the approval of the Corporation Counsel. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect by and from the da tie of its passage.

Exhibits "A", "B" and "C" attached to this ordinance read as follows:

Exhibit "A".

First Property Address: Prior Homesteaders: 119 West 112th Place Brown, Morris and Donna 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11601

Exhibit "B'

First Property Address: Homesteader: 119 West 112th Place Johnson, Thea M.B.

Exhibit "C".

Second Property Address: Homesteader: 4818 West Erie Street Buckley, Gola


The Committee on Housing and Real Estate submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, January 9,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Conimittee on Housing and Real Estate, to which was referred an ordinance by the Department of Finance to approve additional sites and authorize the conveyance thereof to the Public Building Commission for the Board of Education 1990 Capital Improvement Program, having had the same under advisement, begs leave to report and reconimend that Your Honorable Body Pass the proposed ordinance transmitted herewith. This recommendation was concurred in by unanimous vote of the members ofthe committee with no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) LUIS V. GUTIERREZ, Chairman. 11602 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

On motion of Alderman Gutierrez, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoing comniittee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas - Aldermen Mazola, Tillman, Blooni, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 46. Nays — None. Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said ordinance as passed:

WHEREAS, The Legislature of the State of Illinois (the "Legislature") found and declared it to be necessary and desirable to make possible the construction, acquisition or enlargement of public improvements, buildings and facilities at convenient locations within the county seats and municipalities for use by governmental agencies in the furnishing of essential governmental, health, safety and welfare services; and WHEREAS, The Legislature has passed "an Act to authorize the creation of Public Building Commissions and to define their rights, powers and duties, approved July 5,1955", as amended (the "Act"), which Act provides a means for facilitating the funding and constructing of public buildings, improvements and facilities; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to the Act, the City Council (the "City Council") of the City of Chicago (the "Citjf"), on March 28, 1956, by ordinance, created the Public Building Commission of Chicago (the "Commission") to assist in the funding and constructing of public buildings, improvements and facilities; and WHEREAS, The Commission and the Board of Education ofthe City (the "Board") have determined that it is in the best interests of the public schools of the City that a program involving the construction, alteration, repair, renovation and rehabilitation of public schools and other educational facilities (the 'Troject") be undertaken by the Commission in cooperation with the Board; and WHEREAS, The Commission, pursuant to the provisions of the Act, by resolution, heretofore selected, located and designated certain sites for the Project; and 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11603

WHEREAS, On March 15,1991, at pages 31237 through 31250, inclusive, of the Journal of Proceedings, the City Council passed an ordinance (the "Site Designation Ordinance") approving the amended site designations for the Project pursuant to the request ofthe Commission; and WHEREAS, Subsequent to the designation of such sites by the Commission and approval of the Site Designation Ordinance by the City Council, the Board requested that the Commission approve the additional site designations for the Project described in Supplemental Schedule I hereof; and WHEREAS, The Commission, by resolution adopted on December 11, 1991, approved the additional site designations as set forth on Supplemental Schedule I hereof for the Project; and WHEREAS, The sites described on Supplemental Schedule I hereof are conveniently located and of sufficient size to accomplish and effectuate the aforesaid purposes and provide appropriate architectural settings and adequate landscaping for the Project; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to the requirements of Section 14 of the Act, the Commission has requested that the City Council approve the sites described in Supplemental Schedule I hereof, so selected, located and designated by the Commission, as additional sites for the Project; now, therefore. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. The City Council does hereby approve the sites described in Supplemental Schedule I attached hereto and made a part thereof, heretofore selected, located and designated by the Commission, as sites to be acquired for the Project. SECTION 2. The Mayor of the City and other appropriate City officers are hereby authorized and directed to do all such acts and things, including the execution of documents providing for the conveyance ofsuch sites to the Commission, in order to effectuate the Project and the purposes of this ordinance. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage as required by law.

Schedule I attached to this ordinance reads as follows: 11604 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Supplemental Schedule I.


Attucks Dever 3813 South Dearborn Street 3436 North Osceola Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60609 Chicago, Illinois 60634 Barnard Dewey 10354 South Charles Street 5415 South Union Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60643 Chicago, Illinois 60609 Bell Donoghue 3730 North Oakley Avenue 707 East 37th Street Chicago, Illinois 60618 Chicago, Illinois 60653 Bright Drummond 10740 South Calhoun Avenue 1845 West Cortland Street Chicago, Illinois 60617 Chicago, Illinois 60627 Burnside Fuller 650 East 91st Place 4214 South St. Lawrence Chicago, Illinois 60619 Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60653 Carnegie 1414 East 61st Place Fulton Chicago, Illinois 60637 5300 South Hermitage Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60609 Carter 5740 South Michigan Avenue Funston Chicago, Illinois 60637 2010 North Central Park Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60647 Coles 8441 South Yates Boulevard Guggenheim Chicago, Illinois 60617 7141 South Morgan Street Chicago, Illinois 60621 Deneen Hanson Park 7240 South Wabash Avenue 5411 West Fullerton Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60619 Chicago, Illinois 60639 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMIVHTTEES 11605

Hay Locke 1018 North Laramie Avenue 2845 North Newcastle Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60651 Chicago, Illinois 60634 Hefferan Mason 4409 West Wilcox Street 4217 West 18th Street Chicago, Illinois 60624 Chicago, Illinois 60623 Hinton McCuteheon 644 West 71st Street 4865 North Sheridan Road Chicago, Illinois 60621 Chicago, Illinois 60640 Howe McDade 720 North Lorel Avenue 8801 South Indiana Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60644 Chicago, Illinois 60619 Hoyne McKay 8905 South Crandon Avenue 6901 South Fairfield Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60617 Chicago, Illinois 60629 Hughes, L. Murphy 226 West 104th Street 3539 West Grace Street Chicago, Illinois 60628 Chicago, Illinois 60618 Jefferson Nightingale 1522 West Fillmore Street 5250 South Rockwell Street Chicago, Illinois 60607 Chicago, Illinois 60632 Lee Owens, J. 6448 South Tripp Avenue 12450 South State Street Chicago, Illinois 60629 Chicago, Illinois 60628 Lewis Parkman 1431 North Leamington Avienue 245 West 51st Street Chicago, Illinois 60651 Chicago, Illinois 60609 Libby Perry 5300 South Loomis Boulevard 9130 South University Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60609 Chicago, Illinois 60619 Linne Pickard 3221 North Sacramento Avenue 2301 West 21st Place Chicago, Illinois 60618 Chicago, Illinois 60608 Lloyd Prescott 2103 North Lamon Avenue 1632 West Wrightwood Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60639 Chicago, Illinois 60614 11606 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Randolph Smyth 7316 South Hoyne Avenue 1059 West 13th Street Chicago, Illinois 60636 Chicago, Illinois 60608 Ray Swift 5631 South Kimbark Avenue 5900 North Winthrop Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60637 Chicago, Illinois 60660 Schmid Wacker 9755 South Greenwood Avenue 9746 South Morgan Street Chicago, Illinois 60628 Chicago, Illinois 60643 Schneider Ward, J. 2957 North Hoyne Avenue 2701 South Shields Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60618 Chicago, Illinois 60616 5 Seward Washington Elementary 4600 South Heritage Avenue 3611 East 114th Street Chicago, Illinois 60609 Chicago, Illinois 60617 Sheridan, P. Yale 9000 South Exchange Avenue 7025 South Princeton Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60617 Chicago, Illinois 60625 Shoop 1460 West 112th Street Chicago, Illinois 60643

Crispus Attucks School

Parcel 1: Lots 1 to 48 in Block 6 in Scammons Subdivision of Block 32 of that part lying east of Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad of Block 31 in Canal Trustee's Subdivision of Section 33, Township 39 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois and vacated alley and part of vacated West 38th Street;

Parcel 2: Vacated north and south 16-foot alley lying west and adjoining west line of Lots 1 to 24 and lying east and adjoining east line of Lots 25 to 48 in Block 6 aforesaid; 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11607

Parcel 3: The south 33 feet of vacated 38th Street north and adjoining Parcels 1 and 2, in Cook County, Illinois (17-33-421-047) and (17-33-421-048).

Barnard Elementary

Lots 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 in Block 7 in Washington Heights in west half of the northwest quarter of Section 17, Township 37 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois (25-17-101-009) and (25- 17-101-010).

Bell Elementary

Lots 1 to 40, both inclusive, in Caroline Ogden Jones' Subdivision of Block 22 in subdivision of Section 19, Township 40 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian (except the southwest quarter oi the northeast quarter thereof and the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter thereof and the east half of the southeast quarter thereof) in Cook County, Illinois;


The north and south 16-foot vacated alley Ijang west of and adjoining Lots 1 to 20, both inclusive, and lying east of and adjoining Lots 21 to 40, both inclusive, in aforesaid subdivision in Section 19, Township 40 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois (14-19- 117-001).

Bright Elementary

Lots 1 to 48, both inclusive, together with all ofthe vacated north and south 14-foot alley in Block 14 in Irondale Subdivision of the east half of the northeast quarter of Section 13, Township 37 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois (25-13-204-001) and (25- 13-204-002). 11608 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Burnside Scholastic Academy

Lots 1 to 5, both inclusive, in Block 7 in Burnside, a subdivision of the southeast quarter ofthe southeast quarter of Section 3 and the south quarter ofthe west half of Section 2, Township 37 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois;


The north half of the 16-foot vacated alley lying south and adjoining above described lots, in Cook County, Illinois (25-03-402-001).

Carnegie Elementary

Parcel 1: Lots 20 to 26, both inclusive (except the north 16 feet of Lot 26) in Keith's South Park Addition in the southeast quarter of Section 14, Township 38 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois;

Parcel 2: The vacated alley lying east of and adjoining Lots 20, 21 and 22 and lying west of and adjoining Lots 23, 24 and 25 in Keith's South Park Addition aforesaid in Cook County, Illinois;

Parcel 3: Lots 1 to 7, both inclusive, in Block 2 in 0,A. Bogue's Subdivision of that part ofthe southeast quarter ofthe southeast quarter of Section 14, Township 38 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian, lying west of the Illinois Central Railroad, in Cook County, Illinois;

Parcel 4: That part of 61st Place lying north of the north line of Lots 2 to 7, both inclusive, and lying east ofthe west line of Lot 7 extended north in Block 2 of O.A. Bogue's Subdivision aforesaid and lying west ofthe east line of Lot 23 and said line extended west and lying west of the east line of said Lot 23 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11609

extended south in Keith's South Park Addition aforesaid in Cook County, Illinois (20-14-403-019), (20-14-403-037) and (20-14-410-007).

Carter Elementary

Parcel 1: Lots 14 to 24, both inclusive, in Russell D. Hill's Subdivision of that part lying west of Michigan Avenue of the west third of Lots 11 and 14 in Newhall, Larned and Woodbridge's Subdivision in the northwest quarter of Section 15, Township 38 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois (20-15-114-012);


Parcel 2: Lot 53 (except the north 16 feet thereof, also except that part taken for widening of Wabash Avenue) also all of Lots 54 to 63, both inclusive (excepting therefrom that part taken for widening of Wabash Avenue) in Woodworth's Subdivision of Lots 12 and 13 in Newhall, Larned and Woodbridge's Subdivision of the northwest quarter of Section 15, Township 38 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois (20-15-114-013);


Parcel 3: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and the north 4 feet of Lot 5 in Mulliken's Subdivision of the north 2 acres of 4 acres in the northwest quarter of Section 15, Township 38 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat of said subdivision recorded January 10,1870 in Book 171 of Maps, Page 10 and recorded October 7, 1874 in Book 9 of Plats, Page 13 as Document Number 194399 in Cook County, Illinois (20-15-114-020);


Parcel 4: All of the north and south vacated alley lying west of and adjoining Lots 14 to 24, both inclusive, in Russell D. Hills Subdivision aforesaid in Cook County, Illinois (20-15-114-021).

Coles Elementary

Lots 1 to 48 in Block 41 in Hills Addition to South Chicago, being a subdivision ofthe southwest quarter and 14-foot wide north/south vacated alley lying west of and adjoining the west line of Lots 1 to 24, and lying east of and adjoining the east line of Lots 25 to 48 of Section 31, Township 38 North, Range 15, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois (21-31-308-001).

Deneen Elementary

Lots 13 to 35 and the south 9 feet of Lot 36 and Lots 37 to 43 together with all ofthe north and south vacated public alley lying west of and adjoining Lots 14 to 24 and the south 9 feet of Lot 13 and Ijang east of and adjoining Lots 25 to 35 and the south 9 feet of Lot 36 in Block 4 in D. B, Schulley's Subdivision ofthe northwest quarter ofthe northwest quarter of Section 27, Township 38 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois (20-27-106-041) and (20-27-106-042),

Dever Elementary

Parcel 1: Lots 6, 7 and 8 in H, O. Stone and Company's Third Addition to Belmont Avenue Terrace, being a subdivision of Lot 5 (except the south 1,240,10 feet) also except the northerly 10 acres thereof) in the Assessor's Division of the east half of Section 24, Township 40 North, Range 12, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois (12-24-410-001);

Parcel 2: Lots 1 to 28 in Block 2 in Feuerborn and Klode's 74th Avenue Subdivision of the north 10 acres of Lot 5 in the Assessor's Division of the east half of Section 24, Township 40 North, Range 12, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois (12-24-410-002); 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11611

Parcel 3: Block 15 in Sawiak and Company's First Addition to Addison Heights, a subdivision of part of Lot 2 in the Assessor's Division of the east half of fractional Section 24, Township 40 North, Range 12, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois (12-24-410-003);

Parcel 4: That part of the southerly 100 feet of the easterly 465,6 feet of Lot 2 lying west of the west line of Osceola Avenue and lying south of the south line of Cornelia Avenue as shown on plat of survey for opening street recorded October 15, 1933 as Document Number 11593582 in Assessor's Division of the east half of Section 24, Township 40 North, Range 12, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois (12-24-410-004),

Dewey School

Parcel 1: Lots 1 to 4 and Lot A and all of the north/south 16-foot wide vacated alley Ijdng east of and adjoining said Lots 1 to 4 and lying west of and adjoining Lot A, all in Block 5 in the H. B. Bryant's Addition to Chicago, a subdivision in the west half of the southwest quarter of Section 9, Township 38 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois;

Parcel 2: That part ofthe south 8 acres ofthe east half of the southwest quarter ofthe southwest quarter of Section 9, Township 38 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian, lying north of the south 498 feet thereof (excepting therefrom the west 33 feet and the east 33 feet thereof) all in Cook County, Illinois;

Parcel 3: Lots 14 to 23 and all ofthe north/south 16-foot wide vacated alley Ijring east of and adjoining Lots 19 to 23 and lying west of and adjoining Lot 18 and the west line of Lot 18 extended north 8 feet and all ofthe east/west 8-foot wide vacated alley lying north of and adjoining Lot 14 (except the east 16 feet) and all of Lots 15 to 18, all in Lorimers Subdivision of the south 498 feet of the east half of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 9, Township 38 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook 11612 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

County, Illinois (20-09-325-001), (20-09-325-002), (20-09-325-003), (20-09- 325-004), (20-09-325-005) and (20-09-325-019).

George T. Donoghue

Lots 1 to 8, both inclusive, in Thacher's Subdivision of Lot 62 (except the westerly 82 and a half feet of Lot 62 lying east of the east line of Cottage Grove Avenue as widened) in Ellis East Addition to Chicago in southeast quarter of Section 34, Township 39 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian;


Lots 1 to 7, both inclusive, in A. T. Ewing's Subdivision ofthe westerly part of Lot 62 in Ellis East Addition to Chicago aforesaid;


Lots 1 to 6 and 13 to 19, all inclusive, in Assessor's Division of Lots 63, 64 and 65 in Ellis East Addition to Chicago, aforesaid, all in Cook County, Illinois (17-34-421-001), (17-34-421-081), (17-34-421-082), (17-34-421-083) and (17-34-421-093),


Lots 12 to 24, the north 8 feet of Lot 25, the north 8 feet of Lot 57 and all of Lots 58 and 59 in Block 33 in Sheffield Addition to Chicago ofthe southwest quarter of Section 29, the southeast quarter and south half of northeast quarter of Section 32 and west half of southwest quarter of Section 33, Township 40 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois (14-31-410-001), (14-31-410-002), (14-31-410-003), (14-31- 410-030) and (14-31-410-031).

Melville W. Fuller

Parcel 1: Lots 1 to 19, inclusive, and Lots 30 to 37, inclusive, in Wing and Farlin's Subdivision of that part of the north half of the south half of the southwest 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11613

quarter ofthe northeast quarter of Section 3, Township 38 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois (20-03-221- 029);

Parcel 2: All ofthe north and south 16-foot vacated alley lying west of and adjoining the west line of Lots 1 to 10, inclusive, and lying east of and adjoining the east line of Lots 11 and 37 and east of a line drawn from the southeast corner of Lot 37 to the northeast corner of Lot 11, in Wing and Farlin's Subdivision as set forth in Parcel 1 (20-03-221-030);

Parcel 3: All ofthe east and west 16-foot vacated alley Ijang north of and adjoining the north line of Lots 11 to 19, inclusive, and lying south of and adjoining the south line of Lots 30 to 37, inclusive, and lying east of a line from the southwest corner of Lot 30 to the northwest corner of Lot 19, in Wing and Farlin's Subdivision as set forth in Parcel 1 (20-03-221-031).

Robert Fulton School

Parcel 1:

Lots 1 to 12, inclusive, the north 1-foot of Lot 13, the north 16 feet of Lot 36 and all of Lots 37 to 48, inclusive, in Block 2 in Hedenberg's Subdivision of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 7, Township 38 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois;

Parcel 2: All of the north and south 14-foot vacated alley lying west of and adjoining the west line of Lots 1 to 12, inclusive, and lying east of and adjoining the east line of Lots 37 to 48, inclusive, in Block 2 in Hedenberg's Subdivision as set forth in the above described Parcel 1 (20-07-420-001), (20-07-420-013) and (20-07-420-029). 11614 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Frederick Funston School

Parcel 1: Lots 49 through 58 (except the west 16 feet of Lot 54) and Lots 87 to 96, inclusive, in Block 8 in Jackson's Subdivision of Blocks 7 and 8 of Hambleton's Subdivision ofthe east half of the northwest quarter of Section 35, Township 40 North, Range 13, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois;

Parcel 2: All ofthe east and west 16-foot vacated alley lying south of and adjoining the south line of Lots 49 through 58 (except the west 16 feet of Lot 58) and lying north of and adjoining the north line of Lots 87 through 96 (except the west 16 feet of Lot 87); also all of the north and south vacated alley Ijring in the west 16 feet of Lot 54, all in Block 8 in Jackson's Subdivision as set forth in above described Parcel 1 (13-35-128-015), (13-35-128-025) and (13-35-128- 031).

Simon Guggenheim School

Parcel 1: Lots 592, 593 and 594 in Downing and Phillip's Normal Park Addition, a subdivision of the east half of the northeast quarter (except the south 149 feet thereof) in Section 29, Township 38 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois;

Parcel 2: Lots 595 to 603, inclusive, and Lots 632 to 640, inclusive, in Downing and Phillip's Normal Park Addition as set forth in above described Parcel 1;

Parcel 3: All ofthe north and south 16-foot vacated alley lying west of and adjoining the west line of Lots 595 to 603, inclusive (except the north 16 feet of Lot 603) and lying east of and adjoining the east line of Lots 632 to 640, inclusive (except the north 16 feet of Lot 632) in Downing and Phillip's Normal Park Addition as set forth in above described Parcel 1 (20-29-204-038), (20-29- 204-039), (20-29-204-046), (20-29-204-047), (20-29-204-048), (20-29-204- 049), (20-29-204-051), (20-29-212-025), (20-29-212-026) and (20-29-212-027). 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11615

Hanson Park Elementary The west half of the northwest quarter of Section 33, Township 40 North, Range 13, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois (except R.R. and except parts taken for streets) (13-33-100-002).

John Hay Conimunity Academy School

Parcel 1: Lots 21 to 57, inclusive, in Hogenson's Fourth Addition being a subdivision ofthe east three-eighths ofthe northeast quarter ofthe southwest quarter of Section 4, Township 39 North, Range 13, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois;

Parcel 2: All of the north and south 16-foot vacated alley west of and adjoining the west line of Lots 21 to 40, inclusive, and east of and adjoining the east line of Lots 41 to 57, inclusive, in Hogenson's Fourth Addition as set forth in the above described Parcel 1 (16-04-315-001),

Helen M, Hefferan School

Parcel 1: Lots 1 to 15, inclusive, and Lots 36 to 48, inclusive, in Block 5 in D, S. Place's Addition to Chicago, a subdivision of the east three-fourths of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 15, Township 39 North, Range 13, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois;

Parcel 2: All that part of the east and west 16-foot vacated alley lying south of and adjoining the south line of Lots 1 to 13, inclusive, and lying north of and aidjoining the north line of Lots 36 to 48, inclusive, in Block 5 in D, S, Place's Addition to Chicago as set forth in above described Parcel 1 (16-15-111-010), (16-15-111-011), (16-15-111-046) and (16-15-111-047). 11616 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

William Augustus Hinton Elementary School

Parcel 1: Lots 12 to 35, inclusive, in Block 7 in L. W. Beck's Subdivision of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 21, Township 38 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois;

Parcel 2: All the north and south 14-foot vacated alley lying west of and adjoining the west line of Lots 12 to 23 (except the north 16 feet of Lot 12) and lying east of and adjoining the east line of Lots 24 to 35 (except the north 16 feet of Lot 35) in Block 7 in L. W. Beck's Subdivision as set forth in above described Parcel 1 (20-21-323-010), (20-21-323-011), (20-21-323-012), (20-21-323-013), (20-21-323-014), (20-21-323-015), (20-21-323-016), (20-21-323-017), (20-21- 323-018), (20-21-323-019), (20-21-323-020), (20-21-323-021), (20-21-323- 033), (20-21-323-034), (20-21-323-035), (20-21-323-036), (20-21-323-037), (20-21-323-038), (20-21-323-039), (20-21-323-040), (20-21-323-041), (20-21- 323-042) and (20-21-323-043).

Julia Ward Howe School

Parcel 1: Lots 10 through 42 (except the north 16 feet of Lot 39) in Block 2 in William Walker's Subdivision of the west half of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 9, Township 39 North, Range 13, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois;

Parcel 2: All ofthe north and south 16-foot vacated alley lying west of and adjoining the west line of Lots 10 to 25, inclusive, and lying east of and adjoining the east line of Lots 26 to 41, inclusive; also, all of the east and west vacated alley lying in the north 16 feet of Lot 39, all in Block 2 in William Walker's Subdivision as set forth in above described Parcel 1 (16-09-103-006), (16-09- 103-007), (16-09-103-008), (16-09-103-014), (16-09-103-015), (16-09-103-016) and (16-09-103-017). 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11617

Thomas Hoyne School

Lots 1 to 7, both inclusive, and Lots 34 to 40, both inclusive, and the vacated alley that lies west of and adjacent to Lots 1 to 6 and east of and adjacent to Lots 35 to 40 in Block 2 in Edward Koeber and Company's Resubdivision of Lots 1, 2 and 4 to 17, 19, 20, 21 and 23 to 48 in Block 1 and Lots 1 to 48 in Block 2 in Wheeler's Subdivision ofthe northeast quarter ofthe south half of the east half of the northeast quarter of Section 1, Township 37 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois (25- 01-222-027), (25-01-222-041) and (25-01-222-042).

Langston L. Hughes School

The east 8 feet of Lot 26 and Lots 27 to 46, inclusive, in Block 5 in Fern wood Addition to Pullman in School Trustees' Subdivision of Section 16, Township 37 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois (25-16-203-027), (25-16-203-034), (25-16-203-035), (25-16-203-042) and (25-16-203-043),

Thomas Jefferson School

Lots 77 through 92, inclusive, in Macalester's Resubdivision of Block 49 in the Canal Trustees' Subdivision of the west half of the west half of the northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 39 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois (17-17-324-026).

Richard Henry Lee (Pasteur Branch 1)

Lots 1 to 40, both inclusive, in Block 3 in Mcintosh's 63rd Street Subdivision in the northwest quarter ofthe northeast quarter of Section 22, Township 38 North, Range 13, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois and vacated alley (19-22-210-001),

Leslie Lewis School

Lots 1 to 48 in Block 1 of John Nelson's Subdivision ofthe southwest quarter ofthe northwest quarter ofthe northeast quarter of Section 4, Township 39 North, Range 13, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian and vacated alley (16- 04-207-001). 11618 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Arthur A. Libby School

Lots 1 to 24, inclusive, in Block 1 in the subdivision of the east half of the east half of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 8, Township 38 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian (20-08- 315-025).

Carl Von Linne Elementary School

South 8 feet of Lots 10, and 11 to 17; also Lots 29 to 45 in Block 10 of Southeast Gross Unter Den Linden Addition to Chicago. That part lying southwest of the center line of Elston Avenue of the south 18.787 chains of Section 24, Township 40 North, Range 13, East of the Third Principal Meridian (except railroad right-of-way and one acre of land in the southeast corner) and vacated alley (13-24-321-001), (13-24-321-011) and (13-24-321- 012).

Henry D. Lloyd School

Lots 12 to 46, inclusive, and vacated alley in Block 16 in Chicago Land Investment Company's Subdivision in the northeast quarter of Section 33, Township 40 North, Range 13, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian (13-33- 222-001).

Josephine C Locke School

Lots 16 to 25 in Mont Clare Garden's Subdivision of the east half of the northwest quarter of Section 30, Township 40 North, Range 13, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian and vacated north/south and east/west alleys (13- 30-136-001).

Rosswell B. Mason Elementary School

That part lying west of the west line of South Keeler Avenue of Sublot 5 of Executors Subdivision of Lot 3 in Assessor's Division of the southeast quarter of Section 22, Township 39 North, Range 13, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois; 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11619


Lots 1 and 16 in W. A. James' Subdivision of Sublot 4 (except the west 243.54 feet) in Executors Subdivision of Lot 3 in Assessor's Division ofthe southeast quarter, aforesaid;


Lot "B" in Block 1 in Philip's Equitable Land Association Second Addition in Section 22, Township 39 North, Range 13, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois (16-22-410-005), (16-22-410-009), (16-22- 410-010) and (16-22-415-023).

John T. McCuteheon

Lots 1 to 3, both inclusive, and Lots 40 to 42, both inclusive, in Castlewood, a subdivision ofall that part of Lot 4 in Fussey and Fennimores Subdivision of the southeast fractional quarter of Section 8, Township 40 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, lying east of Sheridan Road and north ofthe north line ofthe south 5.20 chains of said Section 8, in Cook County, Illinois, and south half of vacated West Ainslie Street;


Lot 5 in Block 2 of George K, Spoor's Subdivision of Block 4 of Conarroe's Resubdivision of that part of Argyle lying south ofthe center line of Argyle Street in the southeast fractional quarter of Section 8, Township 40 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois (14- 08-413-035), (14-08-417-001), (14-08-417-002), (14-08-417-003), (14-08-417- 022), (14-08-417-023), (14-08-417-024) and (14-08-417-025),

James E, McDade Classical School

Lot 11 (except the west 50 feet thereof conveyed to the City ofChicago, by deed recorded as Document Number 12014080) in County Clerk's Division of the east half of the northwest quarter of Section 3, Township 37 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois (25- 03-109-001), 11620 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Francis M. McKay School

Lots 1 to 8 in Block 1, William H. Britigan's Resubdivision of Lots 1 to 11 in Block 1, and Lots 1 to 11 in Block 2 in C S, Thornton's Subdivision of the west half of the southwest quarter. Southeast quarter of Section 24, Township 38 North, Range 13, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian and Lots 12 to 47 in Block 1 in C S. Thornton's Subdivision, aforesaid and vacated alleys (19-24-414-001) and (19-24-414-002).

Dr. John B. Murphy

Lots 1 to 9 and north 14 feet of Lot 10, also Lots 11 to 20 and vacated alley in B. F, Bickerdikes' Subdivision of the north half of Block 6 in Bickerdikes' Second Addition to Irving Park, a subdivision of the west half of the south half of the northeast quarter of Section 23, Township 40 North, Range 13, East of the Third Principal Meridian in Cook County, Illinois (13-23-217- 001) and (13-23-217-022),

Florence Nightingale School

Parcel 1: Lots 41 through 80, inclusive, in Frances 0, Jones Resubdivision of Lots 1 to 96 in subdivision of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter in Section 12, Township 38 North, Range 13, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois;

Parcel 2: All ofthe north and south 16-foot vacated alley lying east of and adjoining the east line of Lots 41 through 60 and lying west of and adjoining the west line of Lots 61 through 80 described in Parcel 1 (19-12-411-011),

Jesse Owens Community Academy (Gompers School Area)

Lots 8 and 9 in Park Addition to Wildwood, a subdivision of part of Lot 9 of Andrews Subdivision of the east half of the southwest quarter and the southeast fractional quarter of Section 28, Township 37 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois; 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11621


Lot 45 in Lingles Subdivision of part of Block 1 in Warren's Addition to Wildwood, a subdivision of part of fractional southeast quarter. Section 28, Township 37 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, south of Indian Boundary Line, in Cook County, Illinois (25-28-411-033), (25-28-411- 034) and (25-28-411-035),

Francis Parkman School

Lots 1 to 20 and 29 to 37, all inclusive, in Block 2 in Channing Sweet's Subdivision of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 9, Township 38 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian (except the north 208,7 feet ofthe west 208,7 feet of said northeast quarter, aforesaid) and vacated alleys, also the north 208,7 feet ofthe west 208,7 feet (except streets and alleys) ofthe northeast quarter ofthe northwest quarter ofthe southeast quarter of Section 9, Township 38 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian (except parts taken for State oflllinois superhighway) and, except those parts along West 51st and South Wells Streets taken by Condemnation Suit Case Number 60-S- 7286 (Parcel S-21-416) entitled The Department of Public Works and Buildings ofthe State oflllinois vs. Lillian E. Quinlan et al.; Judgment Order entered September 7, 1960 (20-09-402-001), (20-09-402-002), (20-09-402- 015), (20-09-402-020), (20-09-402-021), (20-09-402-022), (20-09-402-023), (20-09-402-024), (20-09-402-025), (20-09-402-026), (20-09-402-027), (20-09- 402-030), (20-09-402-031) and (20-09-402-032).

Oliver H. Perry School

Lots 1 to 48, both inclusive, in Block 8 in Baird and Rowlands Subdivision of Blocks 1 to 8 of Calumet and Chicago Canal and Dock Companies Subdivision of the west three-quarters of the south half of the southeast quarter ofthe northwest quarter and that part lying east of railroad of south half of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter and that part east of the railroad of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of the west three-quarters of the west half and the west half of the south half of the northeast quarter ofthe southwest quarter of Section 2, Township 37 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian and vacated alley (25-02- 305-001). 11622 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Josiah L, Pickard School

Lots 1 to 11, inclusive, and the east 16 feet of Lot 37 and Lots 38 to 48, inclusive, and vacated alley adjoining Lots 1 to 11, and 38 to 48, inclusive, in S, A. Goodwins Subdivision of the south half of Block 57 in division of Section 19, Township 39 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois (17-19-322-016) and (17-19-322-017),

William H. Prescott School

The east 299 feet of south 208 feet of northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 30, Township 40 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois (except the east 50 feet and the south 33 feet taken for streets) (14-30-405-069),

A, Phillip Randolph Magnet School

That part ofthe north half of the southeast quarter ofthe northwest quarter of Section 30, Township 38 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian, described by beginning at a point in the south line thereof which is 50 feet east ofthe original east line of the right-of-way of the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway; thence north parallel with said right-of-way line to an intersection with the north line of the southeast quarter ofthe northwest quarter of Section 30 aforesaid; thence east on said line 434.20 feet; thence south parallel with the east line of the northwest quarter of said Section 30 to an intersection with the south line ofthe north half of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 30; thence west along the last described line to the place of beginning;


Lots 1 to 8, inclusive, and Lots 12 to 16, inclusive, in Block 11 in Herron's Subdivision of 50 acres in the east half of the northwest quarter in Section 30, Township 38 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11623

William H. Ray School

Lots 1 and 2 (except the west 101.90 feet of said Lots 1 and 2) and Lots 3 to 10, inclusive (except the east 14 feet of Lot 8 and except the east 14 feet ofthe south 30 feet of Lot 7) and the west 55 feet of Lots 11 and 12, and all of Lots 13 to 22, inclusive, all in Block 63 in Hopkin's Addition to Hyde Park, being a subdivision of the west half of the northeast quarter of Section 14, Township 38 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian;


Lots 1 to 6, inclusive, in the resubdivision of Lots 11 and 12 (except the west 55 feet thereof) in Block 63 in Hopkin's Addition to Hyde Park, aforesaid;

The west half of vacated South Kenwood Avenue lying north of the north line of east 57th Street, extended east and south of the south line of Lot 8, extended east, in Block 63 in Hopkin's Addition to Hyde Park, aforesaid;


Sublots 1 to 5, inclusive, in Bennet's Resubdivision of Lots 23 and 24 in Block 63 in Hopkins Addition to Hyde Park, aforesaid and vacated alley lying west of and adjoining Lots 3 to 12, inclusive, in Hopkin's Addition to Hyde Park, aforesaid, all in Cook County, Illinois (20-14-208-001), (20-14- 208-002), (20-14-208-007), (20-14-208-008), (20-14-208-009), (20-14-208- 010), (20-14-208-011), (20-14-208-012), (20-14-208-013), (20-14-208-015), (20-14-208-016), (20-14-208-017), (20-14-208-018), (20-14-208-019), (20-14- 208-024), (20-14-208-026) and (20-14-208-027).

Theophilus Schmid School

Lots 1 to 42 in Block 14 in Cottage Grove Heights, being a subdivision of part ofthe north half of Sections 10 and 11, Township 37 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian and vacated alley (25-11-115-001). 11624 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

George Schneider School

Sublots 32 to 48, inclusive, in Block 2 of William Hahne Subdivision ofthe north half of Lot 13 in the Snow Estate. Subdivision by Superior Court Partition of east half of the northwest quarter of Section 30, Township 40 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian (14-30-120-001).

William H. Seward

The north 8 feet of Lots 13 and 37; also Lots 1 to 12, inclusive, and Lots 38 to 49, inclusive, and vacated alley of Block 2 of Schlesinger's Subdivision of southwest quarter ofthe southeast quarter of southeast quarter of Section 6, Township 38 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian in Cook County, Illinois (20-06-422-001), (20-06-422-002), (20-06-422-025) and (20- 06-422-026),

Philip H, Sheridan School

Lots 1 to 17, both incluisive, and Lots 29 to 45, both inclusive, in Block 52 and Lots 1 to 4, both inclusive, and Lots 41 to 45, inclusive, in Block 53 in the subdivision made by the Calumet and Chicago Canal and Dock Company of parts of fractional Sections 5 and 6, Township 37 North, Range 15, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois, and vacated public alleys (26-06-222-001), (26-06-222-023), (26-06-223-002), (26-06-223-003), (26-06-223-004) and (26-06-223-016),

John D, Shoop

Lots 1 and 2 in Block 59 in Washington Heights, a subdivision in Sections 18, 19 and 20, Township 37 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois;


Lots 1 to 8, inclusive. Lots 16 to 28, inclusive. Lots 40 to 54, inclusive; also Lots 9 to 12, inclusive, and 29 to 39, inclusive (except that part of said lots taken by County of Cook for superhighway) in Block 43 of Roger's Resubdivision of Blocks 42,43, Lots 1 to 16 of Block 44, Lots 21 to 26 of Block 58, Blocks 60, 61, Block 62 (except Lots 8 to 14 and Lot 46), Block 63 (except 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11625

Lots 1 to 14) and Blocks 80, 81, 82, 83, 84 and 85, all in Washington Heights Subdivision in the northwest quarter of Section 20, Township 37 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois, and vacated east and west and north and south alleys (25-20-101-001) and (25-20-108-025).

John M. Smyth Elementary School

Lots 1 to 63, both inclusive, in Block 3 in Henry Waller's Subdivision of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 20, Township 39 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois;


Lots 1 to 5, both inclusive, in the subdivision of Lots 64 and 65 in Block 3 in Henry Waller's Subdivision of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 20, Township 39 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois, and vacated alleys and streets (17-20-210-001), (17-20-210-003), (17-20-210-004), (17-20-210-005), (17-20- 210-006), (17-20-210-007), (17-20-210-008), (17-20-210-009), (17-20-210- 010), (17-20-210-017), (17-20-210-018), (17-20-210-036), (17-20-210-039), (17-20-210-040) and (17-20-210-041).

George B. Swift Elementary School

Lots 1 to 8, inclusive, in Block 20 in Cochran's Second Addition to Edgewater; also Lots 1 to 5, inclusive, in Block 3 in Cochran's Addition to Edgewater. Subdivision of south 1,946 feet ofthe west 1,320 feet, all in east fractional half of Section 5, Township 40 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois (14-05-400-015) and (14-05-400- 016).

Charles H. Wacker School (Branch of Fern wood)

Lots 6 to 17, both inclusive, in Block 38 in Halsted Street Addition to Washington Heights, said addition being a subdivision of Lots 1, 2 and 3 of the subdivision of that part of the southeast quarter of Section 5, lying east ofthe Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad, together with Lots 2, 3 and 4 of the subdivision of that part of the northeast quarter of Section 8, lying east of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad, all in Township 40 11626 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois, and vacated alley (25-08-220-023) and (25-08-220-024).

James Ward

Sublots 16 to 18 in G. L. Grain's Subdivision of Lots 10 and 15 of Block 3 and Lots 13 and 14 of Block 4 in United States Bank Addition to Chicago in west half of west half of southeast quarter of Section 28, Township 39 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois, south 23 feet of Lot 11 and north 75 feet of Lot 11 in Block 4 of United States Bank Addition to Chicago. Sublots 11 to 15 in H. H. Moore's Subdivision of Lot 12 and part of Lot 11 of Block 4 of United States Bank Addition to Chicago (17-28-412-001), (71-28-412-002) and (17-28-412-003).

Washington Elementary (located on same site as high school)

Lots 1 to 48, both inclusive, in Block 5 in Whitfords South Chicago Subdivision ofthe west half of the northwest fractional quarter of Section 20, Township 37 North, Range 15, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois;


The north 458 feet (except the north 33 feet, except the east 33 feet and except the west 33 feet thereof) of the west three-quarters of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 20, Township 37 North, Range 15, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois;

The west three-quarters (except the north 458 feet, except the east 33 feet, except the west 33 feet and except the south 33 feet thereof) of the northwest quarter ofthe northwest quarter of Section 20, Township 37 North, Range 15, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian in Cook County, Illinois; 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11627


Dedication for Public Street. Rec. September 27, 1930 by Document No. 10757766;


Quitclaim deed to City ofChicago for street purposes. Rec. August 1, 1939 (26-20-100-002), (26-20-101-049) and (26-20-101-050)

(17-18-307-001), (17-18-307-002), (17-18-307-003), (17-18-307-004), (17-18- 307-005), (17-18-307-008), (17-18-307-009), (17-18-307-010), (17-18-307- 011), (17-18-307-012), (17-18-307-013), (17-18-307-014), (17-18-307-031), (17-18-307-032), (17-18-307-033), (17-18-307-038), (17-18-307-040), (17-18- 307-041), (17-18-307-042), (17-18-307-043), (17-18-307-044), (17-18-307- 045), (17-18-307-046), (17-18-307-047), (17-18-307-048), (17-18-307-049), (17-18-307-049), (17-18-307-050), (17-18-307-053), (17-18-307-054), (17-18- 307-054), (17-18-307-055), (17-18-307-056), (17-18-307-070), (17-18-307- 071), (17-18-307-071), (17-18-307-072), (17-18-307-073), (17-18-307-074), (17-18-308-032), (17-18-308-033), (17-18-308-034), (17-18-308-035), (17-18- 308-036) and (17-18-308-037).

Elihu Yale School

Lot 1, the north 49.2 feet of Lot 2 and all of Lots 10,11 and 12 in Block 13 in Normal School Subdivision of west half of the southeast quarter of Section 21, Township 38 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois;


Lots 1 to 6, both inclusive, in Block 11, in Normal School Subdivision of west half of the southeast quarter of Section 21, Township 38 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois, and vacated South Princeton Avenue;


Lot 1 in Maloney's Subdivision of Lots 1 and 2 (except the south 33 feet thereof) in Block 12 in Normal School Subdivision of the west half of the southeast quarter of Section 21, Township 38 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Hlinois (20-21-421-001) and (20- 21-421-009).


The Committee on Housing and Real Estate submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, January 9,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Conimittee on Housing and Real Estate, to which was referred an ordinance by the Department of Planning and Development authorizing acquisition of 1401 - 1409 East 53rd Street (Parcel 1-3) in the Hyde Park- Kenwood Conservation Area, having had the same under advisement, begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass the proposed ordinance transmitted herewith. This recommendation was concurred in by unanimous vote of the members ofthe committee with no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) LUIS V. GUTIERREZ, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Gutierrez, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11629

Yeas - Aldermen Mazola, Tillman, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 46. Nays — None. Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said ordinance as passed:

WHEREAS, The City Council heretofore approved the Hyde Park- Kenwood Area Conservation Plan for the Hyde Park-Kenwood Conservation Area on November 7,1958, which included Parcel L3 located at 1401 - 1409 East 53rd Street and 5301 South Dorchester Avenue, Chicago, Illinois; and WHEREAS, The City Council heretofore approved Amendment No. 3 to Hyde Park-Kenwood Area Conservation Plan which restricts the land use for Parcel 1-3 to 'Institutional Parking", on June 10,1964; now, therefore. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1, It is hereby determined and declared that it is useful, desirable, and necessary to the City of Chicago in furtherance of the Hyde Park-Kenwood Area Conservation Plan, as amended, to acquire the property legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto and referred to as Parcel 1-3, SECTION 2, The Corporation Counsel is authorized to negotiate with the owner of the property for the purchase of the property legally described on Exhibit A, If the Corporation Counsel and the owner are able to agree on the purchase price, the Corporation Counsel is authorized to purchase the property in the name of and on behalf of the City of Chicago for the agreed price. If the Corporation Counsel is unable to agree with the owner of the property on the purchase price or, if the owner is incapable of consenting to the sale, or the owner cannot be located, then the Corporation Counsel is authorized to institute and prosecute condemnation proceedings in the name of and in behalf of the City ofChicago for the purpose of acquiring title to the property under the City's right of eminent domain. 11630 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be effective from and after its passage and approval.

Exhibit "A" attached to this ordinance reads as follows:

Exhibit "A".

Lots 16, 17 and 18 (except the east 50 feet of said lots) in Block 29 in Hyde Park, being a subdivision of the east half of the southeast quarter and the east half of the northeast quarter of Section 11, Township 38 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois.


The Conimittee on Housing and Real Estate submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, January 9,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Committee on Housing and Real Estate, to which was referred an ordinance by the Department of General Services authorizing a lease at 4909 West Division Street for the Department of Health (Lease No. 10040), having had the same under advisement, begs leave to report and reconimend that Your Honorable Body Pass the proposed ordinance transmitted herewith. This recommendation was concurred in by unanimous vote of the members of the committee with no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) LUIS V. GUTIERREZ, Chairman. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11631

On motion of Alderman Gutierrez, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas - Aldermen Mazola, Tillman, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Sniith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 46. Nays - None. Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said ordinance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Thatthe Commissioner of General Services is authorized to execute on behalf of the City of Chicago, a lease from Westside Holistic Family Center, Inc., an Illinois not-for-profit corporation, as Lessor, for approximately 1,786 square feet of office space located on the third (3rd) floor in Room 307 at 4909 West Division Street for use by the Department of Health, as Lessee, such lease to be approved by the Commissioner of the Department of Health and to be approved as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel in substantially the following form:

[Lease Agreement attached to this ordinance printed on page 11638.]

SECTION 2, This ordinance sha:ll be effective from and after the date of its passage.

Rider attached to the aforementioned Lease Agreement reads as follows:


Notification Provision.

In every instance where it shall be necessary or desirable for the Lessor to 11632 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

serve any notice or demand upon the Lessee, it shall be necessary to send a written or printed copy thereof by United States registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the Lessee at the premises and, in addition, to the Asset Manager, Bureau of Asset Management, Department of General Services, 174 West Randolph Street, 2nd Floor, Chicago, Illinois, 60601, or at such other place as the Lessee from time to time may appoint in writing in which event the notice or demand shall be deemed to have been served at the time copies are received at said locations. Any notice from Lessee to Lessor under or in regard to this lease may be served by mailing a copy to the Lessor as follows: Ms. Millicent Lindo, Westside Holistic Family Center, 4909 West Division Street, Chicago, Illinois 60651.

Rental Pajmient Provisions.

Lessee shall pay rent for said premises during the continuance of this lease at the rate of:

One Thousand Six Hundred Thirty-seven and 17/100 Dollars ($1,637.17) per month for the period beginning on the 1st day of November, 1991 or date of occupation (with said monthly rental being prorated on a per diem basis if the initial term does not commence on the 1st day of a month) and ending on the 31st day of October, 1992; One Thousand Seven Hundred Two and 65/100 Dollars ($1,702.65) per month for the period beginning on the 1st day of November, 1992 and ending on the 31st day of October, 1993; One Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy-one and 12/100 Dollars ($1,771,12) per month for the period beginning on the 1st day of November, 1993 and ending on the 31st day of October, 1994; One Thousand Eight Hundred Forty-two and 56/100 Dollars ($1,842,56) per month for the period beginning on the 1st day of November, 1994 and ending on the 30th day of November, 1995,

Rent is payable in advance on the 1st day of each calendar month by the Office of the City Comptroller to Westside Holistic Family Center, 4909 West Division Street, Chicago, Illinois 60651, 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMIVITITEES 11633

Lessor And Lessee Responsibilities,

Lessor under this lease shall:

Undertake the following repairs after execution and before lease commencement:

Paint entire premises. Lessee will pick color and type from building standard.

Provide and pay for heat daily whenever heat shall be necessary for comfortable occupancy. Provide central air conditioning daily whenever air conditioning shall be required for comfortable occupancy of the demised premises, office area only. Provide and pay for hot and domestic water and maintain plumbing in good operable condition. Provide and pay for maintenance of air conditioning and heating units. Provide and pay for window washing of the outside only of all windows in the demised premises on a reasonable basis. Shall have washroom handicapped accessible. Provide and maintain at all times public liability insurance of $1,000,000 combined single limit and extended coverage casualty insurance for the building, with the City of Chicago to be named as additional insured. Said annual insurance coverage shall be renewed for each year during the term of this lease with Lessee to receive a certificate of insurance for said annual renewal at least thirty (30) days prior to annual renewal date. Should any ofthe above described policies be cancelled before the expiration date, the Lessor shall mail to the Lessee at the address cited herein a copy of the cancellation notice within fifteen (15) days upon receipt thereof. Provide and pay for janitorial service for the maintenance ofthe exterior and interior of building, including mechanical components. Janitorial service shall not be construed to mean cleaning, washing, or sweeping of any kind; or moving of furniture, replacing of light bulbs, et cetera, but shall refer strictly to service for the maintenance ofthe physical plant. 11634 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Comply at all times with applicable municipal, county, state and federal ordinances, laws, rules and regulations pertaining to the repair, maintenance and operation ofthe demised premises. Pay all real estate taxes and other levies assessed against said improved real property within deadlines established by governmental taxing bodies. Provide a security alarm system. Provide and pay for exterminator service whenever necessary. Provide and pay for prompt removal of snow and ice from sidewalks which immediately abut said demised premises. Provide and maintain sprinkler system. Provide and maintain smoke detectors. Provide off-street parking in building parking lot on a first come first serve basis.

Lessee under this lease shall:

Pay for electricity as metered for outlets only. Have access to adjacent parking lot for parking of vehicles. Provide and pay for nightly custodial services which shall be construed as cleaning, washing, emptying wastepaper baskets, replacement of light bulbs or sweeping of any kind. Pay for and maintain security alarm system. Have the right to peacefully and quietly enjoy the possession of the demised premises without any encumbrance or hindrance by, from or through Lessor, its successors or assigns so long as Lessee shall observe and perform the covenants and agreements binding on it hereunder.

Additional clauses to be included in lease:

R-1 In the event Lessee elects to place another City agency in the leased premises. Lessee shall pay rent for the entire leased premises until such time as the replacement City agency takes occupancy of the leased premises, at which time the rent obligation shall become that 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11635

of the replacement City agency. Further, any replacement City agency shall be similar to Lessee in number of employees, R-2 The rights ofthe Lessee under this lease shall be and are subject and subordinate at all times to the lien of any mortgage or mortgages now or hereafter in force against the building or the underlying leasehold estate, if any, and to all advances made or hereafter to be made upon the security thereof, and Lessee shall execute such further instruments subordinating this lease to the lien or liens or such mortgage or mortgages as shall be requested by Lessor. R-3 In the event the Lessor should fail to furnish any substantial repairs or services as required by this lease or fails to remove and correct any fire or health hazards not caused by the acts or negligence of the Lessee and the failure continues ten (10) days after Lessee has notified the Lessor by written notice of such failure, unless in the case of such failure which cannot be remedied within ten (10) days where Lessor shall have commenced and shall be diligently pursuing all necessary action to remedy such failure, the Lessee may at its own option make the necessary repairs or supply the maintenance or service itself or have the hazard corrected and Lessor shall pay for the cost and expense of same upon the presentation of invoices and for said repairs upon demand and Lessor's failure to do so shall constitute a default herein. R-4 Use of Premises. Lessee or replacement City agency shall use and occupy the premises for office use and for no other use or purpose. R-5 Untenantability. If the premisesor any part of the building shall be damaged by fire or other casualty and if such damage does not render all or a substantial portion (herein defined as more than fifty percent (50%)) of the premises or the building untenantable, then Lessor shall proceed to repair and restore the same to its prior existing condition with reasonable promptness, subject to reasonable delays for insurance adjustments and delays caused by matters beyond Lessor's control. In this event rent shall be prorated on the basis of the square footage available for Lessee's use. R-6 Assignment of Sale by Lessor. In the event Lessor shall assign this lease and/or sell or convey the building, or its interest in the building the same shall operate to release Lessor from any future liability upon any ofthe covenants or conditions, expressed or implied, herein contained in favor of Lessee, and in such event Lessee agrees to look solely to the successor in interest of Lessor in and to this lease. This lease shall not be affected by such assignment or sale, and Lessee agrees to attorn to the Purchaser or Assignee. 11636 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

R-7 Miscellaneous,

A, Each provision of this lease shall extend to and shall bind and inure to the benefit not only of Lessor and Lessee, but also their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns, but this provision shall not operate to permit any transfer, assignment, mortgage, encumbrance, lien, charge, or subletting contrary to the provisions ofthis lease. B, All of the agreements between Lessor and Lessee with respect to the premises are contained in this lease; and no modification, waiver or amendment ofthis lease or any of its conditions or provisions shall be binding upon Lessor unless in writing signed by Lessor and Lessee, C Time is of the essence of this lease and of each and all provisions hereof, D. If any provision of this lease is deemed illegal or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is agreed by Lessor and Lessee that the remainder of this lease shall not be affected thereby, E. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms of this rider and the lease form to which it is attached, it is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto, that the terms of this rider shall prevail. F. No member of the Department of Health, or other City board, commission or agency, official, or employee of the City shall have any personal interest, direct or indirect, in Lessor, the lease or the demised premises; nor shall any such member, official or employee participant in any decision relating to the lease which affects his or her personal interest or the interests of any corporation, partnership or association in which he or she is directly or indirectly interested. No member, official or employee of the City shall be personally liable to Lessor, or any successor in interest, to perform any commitment or obligation of the City under the lease nor shall any such person be personally liable in the event ofany default or breach by the City. Lessor shall comply with Chapter 26.2 of the Municipal Code ofChicago, "Governmental Ethics", including but not limited to. Section 26.2-12 of this chapter pursuant to which no payment, gratuity or offer of employment shall be made in connection with any City contract, as an inducement for the award of a contract or order. Any contract negotiated. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMIVOTTEES 11637

entered into, or performed in violation of any of the provisions ofthis chapter shall be voidable as to the City.



The Conimittee on License and Consumer Protection submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, January 14,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Conimittee on License and Consumer Protection, having under consideration an ordinance introduced by Alderman Robert Shaw (which was referred on November 14,1991), amending Chapter 4-172, Subsection 4- 172-020(d), restricting the issuance of licenses for the sale of alcoholic liquor for consumption on premises and restricting the issuance of licenses for the sale of alcoholic package goods in the specified areas of the 9th Ward, begs leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass the proposed substitute ordinance which is transmitted herewith.

(Continued on page 11639) 11638 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92 4909 West Division Street.

LEASE-Short r«ii» Lease No. 10040 i>ni c. o N.. IB ^ cHr w ckkaf*

This Agreement, Msile this -... dar of.. A. D. 19 . bciwccii..i..!fi".H^.ll..S?.iif^^?.?.i^....?^!!!.y.y....9.?.?.F.!!L Corporation "•• ai LciKor and the CITY OK CIIICAUU, a Municipal Corporaiion, at Leiite: WiUiMiaibi Tliat the Lciior does hereby Icaie lo Ihe Lessee the (ollowing described premises silualed in the City ol Chicago, County ol Cook and Stale ol Illinois, lo-wil :....aP.P.r.R».iaa.t;.«ly...l.j..7M...8.a«.a.r.e.....f.ee.t....of ...Q.f.fl.p.g. lP.l':i,.i°!:.".?.l...?.l!....y^?....?.!?.il.4....!!-3.^.41.-flM.'r...A^ the Department of Health. _ _ _

To ha*'f and tp hold said nremises unto Ihe Lessee (or a term beginning on Hie .^.^.^..i. day o{....t^.&y.ejnb.eX ar 7ate or occupation. A. D. 19 91, and ending on the...3Qth day of : S.oy.e.fflb.er _ A. U. I995 . Lessee has the right lo terniinale Ihis lease ^P°^....P.i?.?.SX....f.?.0.).....d.a.y..s....p.r.l.o.r...writ.t..?.n...np..t.lc^

,.?.?.?."..•. - - JB»*a»«*lmiiKiiMei«xthtetexiKkic»{iDndiet3«iooBilxi(

Any nolicc from Lessee to Lessor under or in regard lo this lease may be served by mailing a copy thercol to the Lessor at Westside Holistic Family Center.Attn: Millicent Lindo. i?°,? "-u 5?r''f^f,°" St.. Chicago, IL .60651 _ .•:. .'. -.-.....r.T..^.M.V....i'.*.;.'.!f.H.«..or at such other p ace as the Lessor from time io tinie in writing may appoint.For Lessor to Lessee Notification Provisions See Rider Attached Hereto j«»Bck««««^.«:toiiJ^fSSnScx^4SSl«"^^ Provisions See _Rt.d.ex...A£tachad...S.e.?.e.ti3...aBd..Jla.de...a...Eart...Her*of.» xBsdtKKxpafxxKouti, ^l^HffilqiiKxgbiBBIKX^ Assessments for water lax levied against said premises lor all or part ol the term ol this lease shall be paid by the.. Lessor

Lessor during the entire term ol Ihis lease shall keep in a condition of thorough repair and Rood ordrr alLe.SSpi-.'.g own expcnie. said demised premises and appurlenai.ccs. including caicli basiiis. vaults and sidewalks. :tk:«llXxhniimcxxx](Mk KjUfK^tspoticmriXKidiribKfct

For ^^sponslblllti^ Rider Attached Hereto andJta

Ltuee shall not assign this lease or sublet said premise! or any part thereol without Hie wrillen consent ol Ihe Les- ,nr and upon the tcrminaiion ol this lease sliall surrender taid premises lo the Lessor in as good condiiion as at the Le~inniiig of the term ot this lease, loss by fire or other casually, ordinary wear and repairs chargeable lo ihe Lessor , exccpicdi Lessor shall have tlie right ot .iccess at reas^oable times (or examining or exhibiiing snid premises and for inakinn and shall be allowed lo place thereon nolices of 'To Rem" for sixly days prior to the trrniinaiion of this leaie, and ol'i'or Sale" at all limes, but all audi notices shall be placid in positions acceptable to the Lessee. Lessee/thall have the rignt^lo niake sfcfi^JRftralions, additions and improvements on said premises as it shall deem nec- orovided lhat such additions and improvements whether made during the term of this lease or prior thereto, shall be eisary, p ^^ ,„novable fixtures, all or any part of which the Lessee at its election may leave on taid premises, or remove prior tojthe termination of this lease, provided such removal of additions and improvements does not cause In case said premises shall be rendered unleiSnraDlli^f^lire or olher casualty during said term. Lessor may rebuild •J ._,;... «.iihin ihirlv days, but failing so 10 do, or if taid premites thall be destroyed by fire or olher casua'ly, this lease Slid pr«»ni«" he terminated • in the event ol tuch a termination ot this lease. Lessee shall be chargeable with rent only to the thereby 'JJ.*!!'j/J* ^^^ jj,,,,^ ca'suahy. and if Lessor thall rebuild within thirty days. Lessee shall he excused Irom payment of rent ?or the period of such rebuilding. I W*inet Wbeveof, this lease is signed by or on behalf of the parties hereto Ihe day and year first above written, Approved"as to form and IcRlimy, except nyy.Tov properly dcscriplio;.^i;_n„ an.,,,,d1 pvrrulionexecution. By: _ AiJitiiBt' CurponiioB CoutiMk Wcstslde Holistic Family Center Approved: Real Estate X)fa<- '%5set Manager,

By.. Comissloner of General Services

Approvgjjj - "' Commissioner, Department of Health 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11639

(Continued from page 11637)

This recommendation was concurred in by a viva voce vote ofthe members ofthe committee.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) EUGENE C. SCHULTER, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Schulter, the said proposed substitute ordinance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Coleman, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 49. Nays — None. Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said ordinance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Section 4-172-020 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by inserting the language in italics as a new paragraph within subsection (d), in proper numerical sequence, as follows:



(d) No license shall be issued for the sale of alcoholic liquor, for consumption on the premises within the following areas: 11640 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

^c 4: * * :|e

The area bounded by the west side of South State Street, the north side ofEast 124th Street, the east side of South Michigan Avenue, and the south side ofEast 127th Street.

SECTION 2. Section 4-172-020 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by inserting the language in italics as a new paragraph in subsection (e), in proper numerical sequence, as follows:


(e) No package goods license shall be issued for any premises within the following areas:


The area bounded by the west side of South State Street, the north side of East 124th Street, the east side of South Michigan Avenue, and the south side ofEast 127th Street.

SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage.


The Committee on License and Cohsuiher Protection submitted the following report: 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11641

CHICAGO, January 14,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Committee on License and Consumer Protection, having under consideration an ordinance introduced by Alderman Virgil Jones (which was referred on November 14,1991), amending Chapter 4-172, Subsection 4-172- 020 (d), restricting the issuance of licenses for the sale of alcoholic liquor for consumption on premises and restricting the issuance of licenses for the sale of alcoholic package goods in the specified areas ofthe 15th Ward, begs leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass the proposed substitute ordinance which is transmitted herewith. This recommendation was concurred in by a viva voce vote of the members ofthe committee.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) EUGENE C. SCHULTER, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Schulter, the said proposed substitute ordinance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follpws: Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Coleman, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 49. Nays - None. Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said ordinance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Section 4-172-020 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by inserting the language in italics as a new paragraph within subsection (d), in proper numerical sequence, as follows: 11642 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92



(d) No license shall be issued for the sale of alcoholic liquor, for consumption on the premises within the following areas:

^F ^r *^ ^F ^F

On the east side of South Western Avenue, from 55th Street to 75th Street and on the west side of South Western Avenue from Marquette Road to 75th Street.

SECTION 2. Section 4-172-020 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by inserting the language in italics as a new paragraph in subsection (e), in proper numerical sequence, as follows:



(e) No package goods license shall be issued for any premises within the following areas:


On the east side of South Western Avenue, from 55th Street to 75th Street and on the west side of South Western Avenue from Marquette Road to 75th Street.

SECTION 3. Nothing in this ordinance shall affect or limit the right to renew existing package goods licenses within the areas described in Section 1, or prevent the issuance of a new package goods license to an otherwise qualified applicant for premises within the areas described in Section 1, if the application was filed prior to introduction ofthis ordinance. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11643

SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage.

At this point in the proceedings, Alderman Theris Gabinski, Vice Mayor, relinquished the Chair to The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor.


The Committee on License and Consumer Protection submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, January 14,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Committee on License and Consumer Protection, having had under consideration an ordinance introduced by Aldermen Madrzyk, Banks, Levar and Stone (which was referred on July 24,1991), amending Chapter 9-64 of the Municipal Code, to allow for ticketing of motor vehicles which do not display wheel tax licenses (city stickers), begs leave to reconimend that Your Honorable Body Pass the proposed substitute ordinance which is transmitted herewith. This recommendation was concurred in by a viva voce vote ofthe members ofthe committee.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) EUGENE C. SCHULTER, Chairman. 11644 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Aldermen Schulter, Eisendrath and M. Smith moved to amend the said proposed substitute ordinance by including the following language:

"amendment effective February 1,1992".

The motion to amend Prevailed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Bloom, Steele, Dixon, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Medrano, Gutierrez, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Cullerton, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 35. Nays - Aldermen Rush, Tillman, Shaw, Miller, Hendon, E. Smith - 6. Alderman Hendon moved to further amend the said proposed substitute ordinance by decreasing the amount of the fine from One Hundred Dollars to Fifty Dollars. Alderman Madrzyk moved to lay on the table Alderman Hendon's motion to amend. The motion to Lay on the Table Prevailed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Dixon, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Rugai, Garcia, Laski, Medrano, Gutierrez, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Schulter, M. Smith, Stone - 29. Nays — Aldermen Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Shaw, Jones, Streeter, Murphy, Troutman, Evans, Miller, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Giles, Moore - 18. Thereupon, on motion of Alderman Schulter, the said proposed substitute ordinance, as amended, was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas - Aldermen Mazola, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Coleman, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 40. Nays - Aldermen Tillman, Shaw, Streeter, Evans, Shiller - 5. Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said ordinance as passed: 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11645

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Chapter 9-64 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by inserting a new Section 9-64-125, as follows:

9-64-125. No person shall park or stand on any portion of the public way any vehicle requiring a license pursuant to Chapter 3-56 ofthis code, unless the license is displayed as required by Section 9-76-170 ofthis code.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect February 1,1992.



The Committee on Transportation and Public Way submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, January 7,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Committee on Transportation and Public Way begs leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body Approve a communication from the Honorable Mayor Richard M. Daley appointing Guadalupe A. Reyes as a member of the Chicago Transit Authority Board to complete the unexpired term of Natalia Delgado who has resigned. This term expires on September 1,1993. This communication was referred to the committee on December 11, 1991. 11646 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

This recommendation was concurred in unanimously by a viva voce vote of the members ofthe committee with no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) PATRICK M. HUELS, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Huels, the committee's recommendation was Concurred In and the said proposed appointment of Ms. Guadalupe A. Reyes as a member of the Chicago Transit Authority Board was Approved by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas - Aldermen Mazola, Tillman, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 46. Nays - None. Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.


The Committee on Transportation and Public Way submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, January 7,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Committee on Transportation and Public Way begs leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass the proposed ordinance 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11647

transmitted herewith (referred on December 11, 1991) for a grant of privilege in the public way to JMB/Urban 900 Development Partners Limited to construct, install, maintain and operate three (3) grease separators in the public way adjacent to its premises located at 900 North Michigan Avenue. Said grease separators shall be used for the treatment of kitchen waste prior to connection to public sewage system in accordance with the Municipal Code and Water Reclamation District guidelines. This recommendation was concurred in unanimously by a viva voce vote of the members ofthe committee with no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) PATRICK M. HUELS, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Huels, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Coleman, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Sinith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 49. Nays-None. Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said ordinance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to JMB/Urban 900 Development Partners Limited, upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordinance, to construct, install, maintain and operate three (3) grease separators in the public way adjacent to its premises located at 900 North Michigan Avenue. Said grease separators shall be located underneath a ventilation areaway that occupies an area fourteen (14) feet in length and eight (8) feet in width in the public way. Said grease separators shall each measure ten (10) feet in length and five (5) feet in width at a depth of nine (9) feet below grade, for a total of one hundred fifty (150) square feet. Said grease separators shall be used for the treatment of 11648 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

kitchen waste prior to connection to public sewage system in accordance with the Municipal Code and Water Reclamation District guidelines. Authority is herein given and granted for a period offive (5) years from and after date of passage ofthis ordinance. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is made a part of this ordinance. Said privilege shall be maintained and used in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the directions of the Commissioner of Streets and Sanitation, the Conunissioner of Inspectional Services, the Commissioner of Public Works and the Commissioner of General Services. The grantee shall keep that portion of the public way over or under said privilege in good condition and repair, safe for public travel, free from snow, ice and debris to the satisfaction ofthe Commissioner of Streets and Sanitation. SECTION 2. The grantee agrees to pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege herein granted the sum of One Thousand Two Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($1,200.00) per annum, in advance, the first payment to be made as of date stated in Section 1, and each succeeding pa3mient on the same day and month annually thereafter. In case of the termination of the privilege herein granted or the grantee transfers title or vacates the premises, the grantee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation which shall have become due and payable under the provisions hereof, until the structures and appliances herein authorized are removed and the public way is restored as herein required. Further, renewal authority for the continued maintenance and use of the public ways as herein described shall be obtained prior to date of expiration ofthis ordinance. SECTION 3. This ordinance is subject to amendment, modification or repeal, and permission and authority herein granted may be revoked by the Mayor and the Commissioner of General Services at their discretion, at any time without the consent of said grantee. Upon termination ofthe privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the grantee, without cost or expense to the City of Chicago, shall remove the structures and appliances herein authorized and restore the public way where disturbed by said structures or appliances or by the removal thereof, to a proper condition under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Streets and Sanitation and in accordance to the City Municipal Code. In the event of the failure, neglect or refusal of said grantee so to do, the City ofChicago will have the choice of either performing said work and charging the cost thereof to said grantee or determining what the cost of said work shall be and billing the grantee for said cost. SECTION 4. The insurance company and the grantee, as provided in Section 5, will hold and save the City of Chicago harmless from any and all liability and expense, including judgments, costs and damages, for removal, relocation, alteration, repair, maintenance and restoration of the structures or appliances herein authorized and from any and all damages thereto on 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11649

account of the location, construction, alteration, repair or maintenance of any public ways, bridges, subways, tunnels, vaults, sewers, water mains, conduits, pipes, poles and other utilities. For the City of Chicago to recover from the insurance company and grantee under this Section, it is not necessary that the City of Chicago first make said removal, relocation, alteration, repair, maintenance or restoration. The Commissioner of Streets and Sanitation is hereby authorized to determine what cost would be involved to perform said removal, relocation, alteration, repair, maintenance or restoration. The grantee and the insurance company, upon receiving written notification from the Commissioner of Streets and Sanitation of the cost shall pay said amount. The decision of the Commissioner of Streets and Sanitation shall be final and binding. It shall be the responsibility of the grantee to furnish the City of Chicago prior to issuance of permit, for this privilege, a copy of proof of insurance (Certificate of Insurance) in an amount not less than $1,000,000.00 Combined Single Limit with said insurance covering all liability, both Public Liability and Property Damage, that may result from the granting of said privilege. The grantee must furnish the City of Chicago a Certificate of Insurance which names the City of Chicago as additional insured and also clearly indicates that the privilege being granted by this ordinance is covered by the insurance policy. Certificates renewing insurance must be furnished to the Department of General Services, Real Estate Division, no later than 30 days prior to expiration of policy. The aforementioned insurance coverage shall be maintained at all times by the grantee until the structures or appliances described in this ordinance are removed and the public way is restored as herein required. SECTION 5. The Permittee(s) shall also indemnify and hold harmless the City of Chicago for any personal injuries or deaths occurring out of the reconstruction, maintenance and operation ofthe (vaults, canopies, etc.) and arising out of and including the passive negligence ofthe City ofChicago. SECTION 6. The permission and authority herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit authorizing same shall have been issued by the Commissioner of General Services and upon the faithful observance and performance of all and singular the conditions and provisions of this ordinance, and conditioned further to indemnify, keep and save harmless the City of Chicago against all liabilities, judgments, costs, damages and other expenses which may in any way come against said City in consequence ofthe permission given by this ordinance, or which may accrue against, be charged to or recovered from said City from or by reason or on account of any act or thing done or omitted or neglected to be done by the grantee in and about the construction, reconstruction, maintenance, use and removal of said structures or appliances and the restoration of the public way as herein required. Said insurance coverage shall be continuing in effect until the structures or appliances herein authorized are removed and the public way is restored as herein required. 11650 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

SECTION 7. The grantee will further be liable to the City ofChicago for the annual compensation for the use ofthe public way. SECTION 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage; provided said grantee file a written acceptance of this ordinance with the City Clerk; provided further, that proof of indemnification on behalf of the City of Chicago, as herein requested, and payment of the first year's compensation to be paid to the Department of General Services.

[Drawing attached to this ordinance printed on page 11651 of this Journal.]


The Conimittee on Transportation and Public Way submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, January 7,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Committee on Transportation and Public Way, begs leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass the proposed ordinance transmitted herewith (referred on December 11, 1991) for a grant of privilege in the public way to Leana Cecchini to construct, install, maintain and use one (1) catch basin in the public way adjacent to the premises located at 932 West Wrightwood Avenue. Said privilege shall be a total of twenty- four (24) square feet.

(Continued on page 11652) 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11651 Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 11646 through 11650 of this Journal.

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(Continued from page 11650) This recommendation was concurred in unanimously by a viva voce vote of the members ofthe conimittee with no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) PATRICK M. HUELS, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Huels, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas - Aldermen Mazola, Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Coleman, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 49. Nays - None. Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said ordinance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Leana Cecchini, upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordinance, to construct, install, maintain and use one (1) catch basin in the public way adjacent to the premises located at 932 West Wrightwood Avenue. Said privilege shall be three (3) feet in length and eight (8) feet in width for a total of twenty-four (24) square feet. Authority herein given for a period offive (5) years from and after date of passage ofthis ordinance. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is made a part of this ordinance. Said privilege shall be maintained and used in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the directions of the Commissioner of Streets and Sanitation, the Commissioner of Inspectional Services, the Commissioner of Public Works and the Commissioner of General Services. The grantee shall keep that portion of the public way over or under said privilege in good condition and repair, safe for public travel, free from snow, ice and debris to the 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11653

satisfaction ofthe Commissioner of Streets and Sanitation. SECTION 2. The grantee agrees to pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege herein granted the sum of Three Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advance, the first pa3ntnent to be made as of date stated in Section 1, and each succeeding payment on the same day and month annually thereafter. In case of the termination of the privilege herein granted or the grantee transfers title or vacates the premises, the grantee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation which shall have become due and payable under the provisions hereof, until the structures and appliances herein authorized are removed and the public way is restored as herein required. Further, renewal authority for the continued maintenance and use of the public ways as herein described shall be obtained prior to date of expiration of this ordinance. SECTION 3. This ordinance is subject to amendment, modification or repeal, and permission and authority herein granted may be revoked by the Mayor and the Commissioner of General Services at their discretion, at any time without the consent of said grantee. Upon termination ofthe privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the grantee, without cost or expense to the City of Chicago, shall remove the structures and appliances herein authorized and restore the public way where disturbed by said structures or appliances or by the removal thereof, to a proper condition under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Streets and Sanitation and in accordance to the City Municipal Code. In the event of the failure, neglect or refusal of said grantee so to do, the City ofChicago will have the choice of either performing said work and charging the cost thereof to said grantee or determining what the cost of said work shall be and billing the grantee for said cost. SECTION 4. The insurance company and the grantee, as provided in Section 5, will hold and save the City of Chicago harmless from any and all liability and expense, including judgments, costs and damages, for removal, relocation, alteration, repair, maintenance and restoration ofthe structures or appliances herein authorized and from any and all damages thereto on account of the location, construction, alteration, repair or maintenance of any public ways, bridges, subways, tunnels, vaults, sewers, water mains, conduits, pipes, poles and other utilities. For the City of Chicago to recover from the insurance company and grantee under this Section, it is not necessary that the City of Chicago first make said removal, relocation, alteration, repair, maintenance or restoration. The Commissioner of Streets and Sanitation is hereby authorized to determine what cost would be involved to perform said removal, relocation, alteration, repair, maintenance or restoration. The grantee and the insurance company, upon receiving written notification from the Commissioner of Streets and Sanitation of the cost shall pay said amount. The decision of the Commissioner of Streets and Sanitation shall be final and binding. It shall be the responsibility of the grantee to furnish the City of Chicago prior to 11654 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

issuance of permit, for this privilege, a copy of proof of insurance (Certificate of Insurance) in an amount not less than $1,000,000.00 Combined Single Limit with said insurance covering all liability, both Public Liability and Property Damage, that may result from the granting of said privilege. The grantee must furnish the City of Chicago a Certificate of Insurance which names the City of Chicago as additional insured and also clearly indicates that the privilege being granted by this ordinance is covered by the insurance policy. Certificates renewing insurance must be furnished to the Department of General Services, Real Estate Division, no later than 30 days prior to expiration of policy. The aforementioned insurance coverage shall be maintained at all times by the grantee until the structures or appliances described in this ordinance are removed and the public way is restored as herein required. SECTION 5. The Permittee(s) shall also indemnify and hold harmless the City of Chicago for any personal injuries or deaths occurring out of the reconstruction, maintenance and operation ofthe (vaults, canopies, etc.) and arising out of and including the passive negligence ofthe City ofChicago. SECTION 6. The permission and authority herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit authorizing same shall have been issued by the Commissioner of General Services and upon the faithful observance and performance of all and singular the conditions and provisions of this ordinance, and conditioned further to indemnify, keep and save harmless the City of Chicago against all liabilities, judgments, costs, damages and other expenses which may in any way come against said City in consequence ofthe permission given by this ordinance, or which may accrue against, be charged to or recovered from said City from or by reason or on account of any act or thing done or omitted or neglected to be done by the grantee in and about the construction, reconstruction, maintenance, use and removal of said structures or appliances and the restoration of the public way as herein required. Said insurance coverage shall be continuing in effect until the structures or appliances herein authorized are removed and the public way is restored as herein required. SECTION 7. The grantee will further be liable to the City ofChicago for the annual compensation for the use ofthe public way. SECTION 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage; provided said grantee file a written acceptance of this ordinance with the City Clerk; provided further, that proof of indemnification on behalf of the City of Chicago, as herein requested, and payment of the first year's compensation to be paid to the Department of General Services.

[Drawing attached to this ordinance printed on page 11655 ofthis Journal.] 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11655

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 11650 through 11654 of this Joumal. - - J •

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The Committee on Transportation and Public Way submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, January 7,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Committee on Transportation and Public Way begs leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass the proposed orders transmitted herewith (referred on November 27 and December 11,1991) to maintain and use sundry canopies at various locations. This recommendation was concurred in unanimously by a viva voce vote of the committee with no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) PATRICK M. HUELS, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Huels, the said proposed orders transmitted with the foregoing committee report were Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas - Aldermen Mazola, Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Coleman, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 49. Nays — None. Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. Said orders, as passed, read as follows (the italic heading in each case not being a part of the order): 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11657

Joseph W. Branch, Jr. (Doing Business As Hair Beautiful): Canopy.

Ordered, That the Conimissioner of General Services is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Joseph W. Branch, Jr. doing business as Hair Beautiful CTermittee") to maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public right-of- way in South Michigan Avenue attached to the building or structure located at 4651 South Michigan Avenue for a period of three (3) years from and after October 6,1989 in accordance with the ordinances ofthe City ofChicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Public Works and approved by the Commissioner of Inspectional Services and the Division Marshal in charge ofthe Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed 16 feet in length, nor 2 feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege the sum of Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($50.00) per annum, in advance. In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted prior to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense claim, controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liability, judgment, or litigation arising out of the construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy, and arising out of and including the passive negligence ofthe City ofChicago. The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor and the Commissioner of General Services in their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City ofChicago. The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Commissioner of General Services,

Dong-Yup Chang: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Commissioner of General Services is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Dong-Yup Chang ('Termittee") to maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public right-of-way in South Cottage Grove Avenue attached to the building or structure located at 8633 South Cottage Grove 11658 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Avenue for a period of three (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Public Works and approved by the Commissioner of Inspectional Services and the Division Marshal in charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed 19 feet in length, nor 3 feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege the sum of Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($50.00) per annum, in advance. In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted prior to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense claim, controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liability, judgment, or litigation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy, and arising out of and including the passive negligence ofthe City ofChicago. The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor and the Commissioner of General Services in their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City ofChicago. The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Commissioner of General Services.

Chicago & Northwestern Transportation Company: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Commissioner of General Services is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Chicago & Northwestern Transportation Company CTermittee") to maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public right-of- way in North Canal Street attached to the building or structure located at 112 — 124 North Canal Street for a period of three (3) years from and after September 14,1986 in accordance with the ordinances ofthe City ofChicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Public Works and approved by the Commissioner of Inspectional Services and the Division Marshal in charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed 128 feet in length, nor 17 feet in width. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11659

The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege the sum of One Hundred Fifty-three and no/100 Dollars ($153.00) per annum, in advance. In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, reniain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted prior to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense claim, controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liability, judgment, or litigation arisingoutof the construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy, and arising out of and including the passive negligence of the City of Chicago. The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor and the Commissioner of General Services in their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City of Chicago. The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Commissioner of General Services.

Chicago Stadium Corporation: Canopies.

Ordered, That the Commissioner of General Services is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Chicago Stadium Corporation ("Permittee") to maintain and use three (3) canopies over the public right-of-way in West Madison Street attached to the building or structure located at 1800 — 1858 West Madison Street for a period of three (3) years from and after March 12, 1988 in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Conimissioner of Public Works and approved by the Commissioner of Inspectional Services and the Division Marshal in charge ofthe Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopies shall not exceed 2 at 29 feet, and 1 at 76 feet, respectively, in length, nor 2 at 9 feet and 1 at 17 feet, respectively, in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege the sum of Two Hundred Nine and no/100 Dollars ($209.00) per annum, in advance. In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopies are removed. The 11660 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted prior to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and emplpyees, against and from any expense claim, controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liability, judgment, or litigation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation of the canopies, and arising out of and including the passive negligence ofthe City ofChicago. The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor and the Commissioner of (Jeneral Services in their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopies without cost to the City of Chicago. The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Commissioner of General Services.

City Suites Hotel: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Commissioner of General Services is hereby authorized to issue a permit to City Suites Hotel CTermittee") to construct, maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public right-of-way in West Belmont Avenue attached to the building or structure located at 933 West Belmont Avenue for a period of three (3) years? from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Public Works and approved by the Commissioner of Inspectional Services and the Division Marshal in charge ofthe Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed 9 feet in length, nor 9 feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege the sum of Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($50.00) per annum, in advance. In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted prior to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense claim, controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liability, judgment, or litigation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11661

maintenance or operation ofthe canopy, and arising out of and including the passive negligence of the City ofChicago. The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor and the Commissioner of General Services in their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City ofChicago. The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Commissioner of General Services.

Mr. Leon Engel: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Commissioner of General Services is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Leon Engel CTermittee") to construct, maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public right-of-way in North Lincoln Avenue attached to the building or structure located at 3075 North Lincoln Avenue for a period of three (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Public Works and approved by the Commissioner of Inspectional Services and the Division Marshal in charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed 161 feet in length, nor 2 feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege the sum of One Hundred Eighty-six and no/100 Dollars ($186.00) per annum, in advance. In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted prior to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Chicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense claim, controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liability, judgment, or litigation arising out of the construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy, and arising out of and including the passive negligence ofthe City ofChicago. The permit shall be subject to ainendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor and the Commissioner of General Services in their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privilege 11662 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City of Chicago. The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Commissioner of General Services.

Ms. Rebecca Garcia: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Commissioner of General Services is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Rebecca Garcia CTermittee") to maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public right-of-way in West Armitage Avenue attached to the building or structure located at 1007 West Armitage Avenue for a period of three (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Public Works and approved by the Commissioner of Inspectional Services and the Division Marshal in charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed 17 feet in length, nor 5 feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege the sum of Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($50.00) per annum, in advance. In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted prior to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense claim, controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liability, judgment, or litigation arising out of the construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy, and arising out of and including the passive negligence ofthe City ofChicago. The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor and the Commissioner of General Services in their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City ofChicago. The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Commissioner of General Services. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11663

Gulliver's, Inc.: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Commissioner of General Services is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Gulliver's, Inc. CTermittee") to maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public right-pf-way in West Howard Street attached to the building or structure located at 2727 West Howard Street for a period of three (3) years from and after September 15, 1991 in accordance with the ordinances ofthe City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Public Works and approved by the Commissioner of Inspectional Services and the Division Marshal in charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed 75 feet in length, nor 7 feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege the sum of One Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($100.00) per annum, in advance. In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted prior to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Chicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense claim, controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liability, judgment, or litigation arising out of the construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy, and arising out of and including the passive negligence of the City of Chicago. The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor and the Commissioner of General Services in their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City of Chicago. The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Commissioner of General Services.

Herman's World Of Sporting Goods: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Commissioner of General Services is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Herman's World of Sporting Goods ("Permittee") to 11664 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public right-of-way in East Chicago Avenue attached to the building or structure located at 101 East Chicago Avenue for a period of three (3) years from and after August 1,1991 in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Public Works and approved by the Commissioner of Inspectional Services and the Division Marshal in charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed 23 feet in length, nor 10 feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege the sum of Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($50.00) per annum, in advance. In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted prior to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense claim, controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liability, judgment, or litigation arising out of the construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy, and arising out of and including the passive negligence ofthe City ofChicago. The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor and the Commissioner of General Services in their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City ofChicago. The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Commissioner of General Services.

Mr. Andrew S. Kim: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Commissioner of General Services is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Andrew S. Kim CTermittee") to maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public right-of-way in West Diversey Avenue attached to the building or structure located at 6956 West Diversey Avenue for a period of three (3) years from and after July 13, 1991 in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Public Works and approved by the Commissioner of Inspectional Services and the Division Marshal in charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed 25 feet in length, nor 4 feet in width. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11665

The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege the sum of Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($50.00) per annum, in advance. In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted prior to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense claim, controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liability, judgment, or litigation arising out of the construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy, and arising out of and including the passive negligence ofthe City ofChicago. The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor and the Commissioner of General Services in their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City of Chicago. The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Commissioner of General Services.

La Terazza, Inc.: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Commissioner of General Services is hereby authorized to issue a permit to La Terazza, Inc. CTermittee") to construct, maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public right-of-way in North Halsted Street attached to the building or structure located at 2603 North Halsted Street for a period of three (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Public Works and approved by the Commissioner of Inspectional Services and the Division Marshal in charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed 72 feet in length, nor 3 feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege the sum of Ninety-seven and no/100 Dollars ($97.00) per annum, in advance. In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted prior to the date of expiration. 11666 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense claim, controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liability, judgment, or litigation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy, and arising out of and including the passive negligence ofthe City ofChicago. The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor and the Commissioner of General Services in their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City ofChicago. The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Commissioner of General Services.

Lorch Bros. Flowers: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Commissioner of General Services is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Lorch Bros. Flowers CTermittee") to maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public right-of-way in West Irving Park Road attached to the building or structure located at 4936 West Irving Park Road for a period of three (3) years from and after May 5,1991 in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Public Works and approved by the Commissioner of Inspectional Services and the Division Marshal in charge ofthe Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed 41 feet in length, nor 5 feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege the sum of Sixty-six and no/100 Dollars ($66.00) per annum, in advance. In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted prior to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense claim, controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liability, judgment, or litigation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy, and arising out of and including the passive negligence ofthe City ofChicago. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11667

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor and the Commissioner of General Services in their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City ofChicago. The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Conimissioner of General Services.

Michalik Funeral Home: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Commissioner of General Services is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Michalik Funeral Home ("Permittee") to construct, maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public right-of-way in West Chicago Avenue attached to the building or structure located at 1056 West Chicago Avenue for a period of three (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Public Works and approved by the Commissioner of Inspectional Services and the Division Marshal in charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed 33 feet in length, nor 3 feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege the sum of Fifty-eight and no/100 Dollars ($58.00) per annum, in advance. In the event the Permittee transfers title or vaca:tes the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted prior to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense claim, controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liability, judgment, or litigation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy, and arising out of and including the passive negligence of the City of Chicago. The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor and the Commissioner of General Services in their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City ofChicago. The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Commissioner of General Services. 11668 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

No-Hana Japanese Restaurant: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Commissioner of General Services is hereby authorized to issue a permit to No-Hana Japanese Restaurant ("Permittee") to construct, maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public right-of-way in North Broadway attached to the building or structure located at 3136 North Broadway for a period of three (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Conimissioner of Public Works and approved by the Commissioner of Inspectional Services and the Division Marshal in charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed 25 feet in length, nor 3 feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege the sum of Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($50.00) per annum, in advance. In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted prior to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense claim, controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liability, judgment, or litigation arisingoutof the construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy, and arising out of and including the passive negligence of the City of Chicago. The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor and the Commissioner of General Services in their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City of Chicago. The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Commissioner of General Services.

Riggio's,Inc. (Doing Business As Riggio's Caffe Pranzo: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Commissioner of General Services is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Riggio's, Inc., doing business as Riggio's Caffe Pranzo ("Permittee") to maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public right-of- way in North Western Avenue attached to the building or structure located 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11669

at 4100 North Western Avenue for a period of three (3) years from and after December 23,1991 in accordance with the ordinances ofthe City ofChicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Public Works and approved by the Conimissioner of Inspectional Services and the Division Marshal in charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed 54 feet in length, nor 5 feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege the sum of Seventy-nine and no/100 Dollars ($79.00) per annum, in advance. In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted prior to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense claim, controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liability, judgment, or litigation arising out of the construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy, and arising out of and including the passive negligence of the City of Chicago. The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor and the Commissioner of General Services in their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City of Chicago. The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Commissioner of General Services.

Sheridan Plaza Associates: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Commissioner of General Services is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Sheridan Plaza Associates ("Permittee") to maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public right-of-way in North Sheridan Road attached to the building or structure located at 4607 North Sheridan Road for a period of three (3) years from and after December 22, 1991 in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Conimissioner of Public Works and approved by the Commissioner of Inspectional Services and the Division Marshal in charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed 19 feet in length, nor 7 feet in width. 11670 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege the sum of Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($50.00) per annum, in advance. In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted prior to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense claim, controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liability, judgment, or litigation arising out of the construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy, and arising out of and including the passive negligence ofthe City ofChicago. The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor and the Commissioner of General Services in their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City ofChicago. The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Commissioner of General Services.

Tod Brown-Gnarly Productions And Investments, Inc.: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Commissioner of General Services is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Tod Brown-Gnarly Productions and Investments, Inc. CTermittee") to maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public right-of- way in West Belmont Avenue attached to the building or structure located at 959 West Belmont Avenue for a period of three (3) years from and after July 13, 1991 in accordance with the ordinances ofthe City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Public Works and approved by the Commissioner of Inspectional Services and the Division Marshal in charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed 5 feet in length, nor 4 feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege the sum of Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($50.00) per annum, in advance. In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted prior to the date of expiration. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11671

The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense claim, controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liability, judgment, or litigation arising out of the construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy, and arising out of and including the passive negligence ofthe City ofChicago. The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor and the Commissioner of General Services in their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City of Chicago. The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Conimissioner of General Services.

Jerrie's Wilborn (Doing Business As Jerrie's Beauty Salon, Inc.): Canopy.

Ordered, That the Conimissioner of General Services is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Jerrie's Wilborn, doing business as Jerrie's Beauty Salon, Inc. CTermittee") to construct, maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public right-of-way in South Cottage Grove Avenue attached to the building or structure located at 6620 South Cottage Grove Avenue for a period of three (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Conimissioner of Public Works and approved by the Commissioner of Inspectional Services and the Division Marshal in charge ofthe Bureau of Fire Prevention, Said canopy shall not exceed 20 feet in length, nor 2 feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege the sum of Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($50.00) per annum, in advance. In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted prior to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense claim, controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liability, judgment, or litigation arising out of the construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy, and arising out of and including the passive negligence of the City of Chicago. 11672 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor and the Commissioner of General Services in their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City ofChicago. The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Commissioner of General Services.

JOi Grand Limited Partnership (Doing Business As Maggiano's Little Italy And Corner Bakery): Canopies.

Ordered, That the Commissioner of General Services is hereby authorized to issue a permit to 101 Grand Limited Partnership, doing business as Maggiano's Little Italy and Corner Bakery ("Permittee") to construct, maintain and use eight (8) canopies over the public right-of-way in North Clark Street attached to the building or structure located at 516 North Clark Street for a period of three (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Public Works and approved by the Commissioner of Inspectional Services and the Division Marshal in charge ofthe Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopies shall not exceed 3 at 15 feet, 1 at 14 feet, 2 at 13 feet, 1 at 17 feet and 1 at 20 feet, respectively, in length, nor 7 at 5 feet and 1 at 8 feet, respectively, in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege the sum of Four Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($400.00) per annum, in advance. In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopies are removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted prior to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense claim, controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liability, judgment, or litigation arisingoutof the construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation of the canopies, and arising out of and including the passive negligence ofthe City ofChicago. The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor and the Commissioner of General Services in their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privilege 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11673

herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopies without cost to the City ofChicago. The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Conimissioner of General Services.

330 West Hubbard Restaurant Corporation: Canopies.

Ordered, That the Commissioner of General Services is hereby authorized to issue a permit to 330 West Hubbard Restaurant Corporation CTermittee") to construct, maintain and use ten (10) canopies over the public right-of-way in West Hubbard Street attached to the building or structure located at 300 West Hubbard Street for a period of three (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinances ofthe City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Public Works and approved by the Commissioner of Inspectional Services and the Division Marshal in charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopies shall not exceed 4 at 13 feet, and 6 at 12 feet, respectively, in length, nor 10 at 4 feet, respectively, in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege the sum of Five Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($500.00) per annum, in advance. In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopies are removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted prior to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense claim, controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liability, judgment, or litigation arising out of the construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation of the canopies, and arising out of and including the passive negligence ofthe City ofChicago. The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor and the Conimissioner of General Services in their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopies without cost to the City ofChicago. The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Commissioner of General Services. 11674 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

601 West Harrison Associates Limited Partnership: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Commissioner of General Services is hereby authorized to issue a permit to 601 West Harrison Associates Limited Partnership ("Permittee") to maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public right-of- way in West Harrison Street attached to the building or structure located at 601 West Harrison Street for a period of three (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Public Works and approved by the Commissioner of Inspectional Services and the Division Marshal in charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed 18 feet in length, nor 7 feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege the sum of Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($50.00) per annum, in advance. In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted prior to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense claim, controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liability, judgment, or litigation arising out of the construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy, and arising out of and including the passive negligence ofthe City ofChicago. The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor and the Commissioner of General Services in their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City of Chicago. The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Commissioner of General Services.


The Committee on Transportation and Public Way submitted the following report: 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11675

CHICAGO, January 7,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Committee on Transportation and Public Way begs leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass an ordinance authorizing and directing the approval of a plat of McHugh Resubdivision located on the east side of South State Street between East Jackson Boulevard and East Van Buren Street. This ordinance was referred to the committee on January 7, 1992. This recommendation was concurred in unanimously by a viva voce vote of the members ofthe committee with no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) PATRICK M. HUELS, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Huels, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Coleman, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 49. Nays-None. Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said ordinance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. That the Superintendent of Maps, Ex Officio Examiner of Subdivisions, is hereby authorized and directed to approve a plat of McHugh Resubdivision being a vertical subdivision located on the east side of South State Street between East Jackson Boulevard and East Van Buren Street, as 11676 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

shown on the attached plat, when the necessary certificates are shown on said plat for DePaul University (File No. 15-1-91-1649). SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from after its passage,

[Plat referred to in this ordinance omitted for printing purposes but on file and available for public inspection in the Office of the City Clerk,]


The Committee on Transportation and Public Way submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, January 7,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Committee on Transportation and Public Way begs leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass an ordinance authorizing and directing the approval of a plat of Rzeznik Subdivision located on the west side ofNorth Neenah Avenue 119.95 feet north of the north line of West George Street, having a frontage of 59.97 feet along the west side of North Neenah Avenue and a depth of 125.00 feet. This ordinance was referred to the committee on December 11,1991. This recommendation was concurred in unanimously by a viva vOce vote of the members ofthe committee with no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) PATRICK M. HUELS, Chairman. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11677

On motion of Alderman Huels, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas - Aldermen Mazola, Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Coleman, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 49. Nays — None. Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said ordinance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. That the Superintendent of Maps, Ex Officio Examiner of Subdivisions, is hereby authorized and directed to approve a proposed plat of Rzeznik Subdivision located on the west side of North Neenah Avenue 119.95 feet north ofthe north line of West George Street, having a frontage of 59.97 feet along the west side of North Neenah Avenue and a depth of 125.00 feet, as shown on the attached plat, when the necessary certificates are shown on said plat for Joseph and Dana Rzeznik (File No. 30-36-91- 1646). SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

[Plat attached to this ordinance printed on page 11678 of this Journal.]


The Committee on Transportation and Public Way submitted the following report: (Continued on page 11679) 11678 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Ordinance associated with this plat printed on pages 11676 through 11677 ofthis Journal. RZEZNIK SUBDIVISION U'ns a lc«ubdiirt4an «l«ief«att) Mfof Lert^S.Vifaeend Additwn toUan(clan«ocdtni) UiiQ«Sabifiuiuanef Kicfatt MTdlM Uer«iw»1 ^pattar (CM«p4 «t« pari talttn to«aikeadloltectW)tO,%tfrMKip4Dk!eft^ Third rrincipal Ucrtdion/ftCoolcCounty.IUinoiik,

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(Continued from page 11677)

CHICAGO, January 7,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council:

Your Committee on Transportation and Public Way begs leave to recommend that Your Honorable Bpdy Pass an ordinance authorizing and directing the approval of a plat of Villareal Realty Resubdivision located at the northwest corner of South Harding Avenue and West 26th Street, having a frontage of 157.18 feet along the west side of South Harding Avenue and a frontage of 208.16 feet along the north side of West 26th Street. This ordinance was referred to the committee on December 11,1991. This recommendation was concurred in unanimously by a viva voce vote of the members ofthe committee with no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) PATRICK M. HUELS, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Huels, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Coleman, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 49. Nays — None. Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said ordinance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: 11680 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

SECTION 1. That the Superintendent of Maps, Ex Officio Examiner of Subdivisions, is hereby authorized and directed to approve a proposed plat of Villareal Realty Resubdivision located at the northwest corner of South Harding Avenue and West 26th Street, having a frontage of 157.18 feet along the west side of South Harding Avenue and a frontage of 208.16 feet along the north side of West 26th Street, as shown on the attached plat, when the necessary certificates are shown on said plat for the First Bank of Oak Park, as Trustee, Trust No. 9923 (File No. 26-22-91-1645). SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

[Plat attached to this ordinance printed on page 11681 of this Journal.]


The Committee on Transportation and Public Way submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, January 7,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Committee on Transportation and Public Way begs leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass a second substitute ordinance authorizing and directing the approval of a plat of dedication for Chicago Dock and Canal Trust for a public street being all that part of North New Street lying below the elevation 8.00 Chicago City Datum and lying between the south line ofEast Illinois Street and the north line ofEast North Water Street. This ordinance was referred to the committee on December 5,1991.

(Continued on page 11682) 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11681

Ordinance associated with this plat printed on pages 11677 through 11680 of this Journal.

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(Continued from page 11680)

This recommendation was concurred in unanimously by a viva voce vote of the members ofthe committee with no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) PATRICK M. HUELS, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Huels, the said proposed substitute ordinance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Coleman, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 49. Nays - None. Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said ordinance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. That the Superintendent of Maps, Ex Officio Examiner of Subdivisions, is hereby authorized and directed to approve a proposed plat of dedication for public street being all that part of North New Street lying below elevation 8.00 Chicago City Datum and lying between the south line of East Illinois Street and the north line of East North Water Street, as shown on the attached plat, when the necessary certificates are shown on said plat for the Chicago Dock and Canal Trust (File No. 10-42-91-1648). SECTION 2. The deed of dedication, which has been recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County on December 28, 1990 as Document No, 90628951, is accepted by the City. SECTION 3, This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 11683

[Plat attached to this ordinance printed on pages 11684 through 11685 of this Journal.]


The Committee on Transportation and Public Way submitted the following report: CHICAGO, January 7,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Committee on Transportation and Public Way begs leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass the proposed ordinance transmitted herewith (referred on December 11, 1991) amending the ordinance passed July 24,1991 which established Taxicab Stand No. 614 on North Milwaukee Avenue to read: "along the west curb, from a point 20 feet north of the building line of West Division Street, to a point 20 feet north thereof, for one vehicle".

This recommendation was concurred in unanimously by a viva voce vote of the members of the committee with no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) PATRICK M. HUELS, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Huels, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows:

(Continued on page 11686) 11684 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92








Ordinance associated with this plat printed on pages 11680 through 11683 ofthis Joumal. (Page 2 Of 2)

L_ E. ILLINOIS ST. v" iisuw \ "7 &&.0' InSiOO' *: ^^ (A M V. --»-'"' S *it LOT I L 0 T 1 ^2 1 .8? M o« * Sl5 • B LOCK 6 — BLOCK 7> 232 rts 'S. •' **? h iB^— , J u acuii i-too' % a Sr o a <* OS i LOT 2 J 3^°'' ^ ^ O M u i >-"'' z: •" zl •6. "^ Si5.&ul__^ >bj)5i.'- Ina.oo'


-r •^ N. NE,W ST. Hcrttofort. AteLLCatecL ^or street Purpoui above,+0-00 C.C.O. bu PLat oJ CityFront Center kesuboUviicon rtcoraeo. Februaru 24, I9B7 at Oocwmtnt No. 67106520 •6

Heriiontol Plane r 8.00 tZ.D. and Upper LCmCti e|^Lot^_ir) aiock 7 ib.iaa

^'OiOO Cnieogo City Datum I ^'\


This Imtrumart wet prepend by: CHICAGO GUARANTEE SURVEY COMPANV 123 W. Medison St, CXicago, lUlnoiB 60*02 Telepnone: 312-726.0860 Fax: 312-236in32 Older No. 8106002 11686 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

(Continued from page 11683)

Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Coleman, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 49. Nays - None. Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said ordinance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. That an ordinance passed on July 24, 1991, pages 4220 through 4222 of the Journal of Proceedings, to establish Taxicab Stand No. 614 is hereby amended to read:

Stand No. 614 On North Milwaukee Avenue along the west curb, from a point 20 feet north ofthe building line of West Division Street, to a point 20 feet north thereof, 1 vehicle.

SECTION 2. It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle other than a taxicab to stand or park such vehicle in the space occupied by said taxicab stand, except that the operator of any passenger vehicle may stop temporarily in such space for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading of passengers, as provided by Section 27-326 of the Municipal Code ofChicago. SECTION 3. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be subject to the penalty provided for in Section 27-363 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, which provides that "every person convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter for which no penalty is specifically provided shall be punished by a fine of not more than Two Hundred Dollars for each offense". SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11687


The Committee on Transportation and Public Way submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, January 7,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Committee on Transportation and Public Way begs leave to reconimend that Your Honorable Body Pass an ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works to exempt El Valor Corporation from the provisions requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress and/or egress to the parking facility at 1924 West 21st Street. This ordinance was referred to the committee on December 11,1991. This recommendation was concurred in unanimously by a viva voce vote of the members ofthe committee with no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) PATMCK M. HUELS, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Huels, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Coleman, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 49. Nays — None. Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. 11688 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

The following is said ordinance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 10-20-210 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to exempt the El Valor Corporation, 1850 West 21st Street, from the provisions requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress and/or egress to the parking facility at the El Valor Headstart Day Care Center, 1924 West 21st Street. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication.


The Committee on Transportation and Public Way submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, January 7,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Committee on Transportation and Public Way begs leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass an ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works to exempt Viva Family Center from the provisions requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress and/or egress to the parking facilities tor 2514 West Division Street. This ordinance was referred to the committee on December 11,1991. This recommendation was concurred in unanimously by a viva voce vote of the members ofthe committee with no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) PATRICK M. HUELS, Chairman. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 11689

On motion of Alderman Huels, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Coleman, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 49. Nays — None. Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said ordinance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 33-19.1 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to exempt Viva Family Center of 2516 West Division Street, Chicago, Illinois, from the provisions requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress and/or egress to parking facilities for 2514 West Division Street. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.


The Committee on Transportation and Public Way submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, January 7,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: 11690 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Your Committee on Transportation and Public Way begs leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass an ordinance authorizing the Commissioner of Public Works to take the necessary action for installation of "King Sargon Boulevard" honorary street signs on North Western Avenue, from West Peterson Avenue to West Devon Avenue. This ordinance was referred to the committee on December 11,1991. This recommendation was concurred in unanimously by a viva voce vote of the members of the committee with no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) PATRICK M. HUELS, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Huels, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoing conimittee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Coleman, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 49. Nays - None. Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said ordinance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to an ordinance passed by the City Council on December 3, 1984, printed on pages 11459 - 11460 of the Journal of the Proceedings of said date, which authorizes erection of honorary street-name signs, the Commissioner of Public Works shall take the necessary action for standardization of North Western Avenue, from West Peterson Avenue to West Devon Avenue as "King Sargon Boulevard". SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take efTect and be in force upon its passage and publication. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11691


The Conimittee on Transportation and Public Way submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, January 7,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Committee on Transportation and Public Way begs leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass an order authorizing the Commissioner of Public Works to take the necessary action to install "Mother York Drive" honorary street signs on East 62nd Street, from South Woodlawn Avenue to South Dorchester Avenue. This order was referred to the committee on December 11,1991. This recommendation was concurred in unanimously by a viva voce vote of the members ofthe committee with no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) PATRICK M. HUELS, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Huels, the said proposed order transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Coleman, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 49. Nays - None. Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said order as passed: 11692 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Ordered, That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to give consideration to honorarily designate East 62nd Street, from South Woodlawn Avenue to South Dorchester Avenue, memorializing the street to "Mother York Drive".



The Committee on Zoning submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, January 14,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Reporting for your Committee on Zoning, for which a meeting was held on December 12, 1991, I beg leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body pass various ordinances transmitted herewith to amend the Chicago Zoning Ordinance for the purpose of reclassifying particular areas.

I beg leave to recommend the passage of one ordinance which was corrected and amended in its corrected form: Application Number 10843.

At this time, I, along with Alderman Ed Smith, move that this report be deferred and published, with the exception of Application Number 10835 for which I request immediate passage because time is of the essence on this particular matter.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) WILLLAiM J. P. BANKS, Chairman. 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11693

On motion of Alderman Banks, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E, Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 46.

Nays — None. Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.

The following is said ordinance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. That the Chicago Zoning Ordinance be amended by changing all the B4-2 Restricted Service District symbols and indications as shown on Map No. 5-1 in area bounded by:

a line 76.10 feet north of and parallel to West Armitage Avenue; North Western Avenue; West Armitage Avenue; and the alley next west of and parallel to North Western Avenue,

to those of a Cl-3 Restricted Commercial District and a corresponding use district is hereby established in the area above described.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.


The Committee on Zoning submitted the following report: 11694 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

CHICAGO, January 14,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Reporting for your Committee on Zoning, for which a meeting was held on December 12, 1991, I beg leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body pass various ordinances transmitted herewith to amend the Chicago Zoning Ordinance for the purpose of reclassifying particular areas. I beg leave to recommend the passage of one ordinance which was corrected and amended in its corrected form: Application Number 10843. At this time, I, along with Alderman Ed Smith, move that this report be deferred and published, with the exception of Application Number 10835 for which I request immediate passage because time is of the essence on this particular matter.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) WILLIAM J. P. BANKS, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Jones, the proposed ordinance to reclassify the area shown on Map Number 18-H (Application Number 10734) transmitted with the foregoing committee report was i?e-J?e/"erred to the Committee on Zoning.


The Committee on Zoning submitted the following report which was, on motion of Alderman Banks and Alderman E. Smith, Deferred and ordered published:

CHICAGO, January 14,1992.

To the President and Members of the City Council: 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11695

Reporting for your Committee on Zoning, for which a meeting was held on December 12, 1991, I beg leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body pass various ordinances transmitted herewith to amend the Chicago Zoning Ordinance for the purpose of reclassifying particular areas. I beg leave to recommend the passage of one ordinance which was corrected and amended in its corrected form: Application Number 10843. At this time, I, along with Alderman Ed Smith, move that this report be Deferred and published, with the exception of Application Number 10835 for which I request immediate passage because time is of the essence on this particular matter.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) WILLLAiM J. P. BANKS, Chairman.

The following are said proposed ordinances transmitted with the foregoing conimittee report (the italic heading in each case not being a part of the ordinance):

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 3-G. (As Amended)

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. That the Chicago Zoning Ordinance be amended by changing all the M2-5 General Manufacturing District symbols and indications as shown on Map No. 3-G in area bounded by:

starting at a point of beginning on the east line of North Kingsbury Street, 155.1 feet south of the south line of West Weed Street, a line running perpendicular to North Kingsbury Street, running to the north/south alley east of North Kingsbury Street; then a line, running 210 feet southeast along the alley east of and parallel to North Kingsbury Street; then a line running southwest, perpendicular to the west line of the alley parallel to and east of North Kingsbury Street, running to the east line of North Kingsbury Street; then a line running 210 feet northwest, running along the east line of North Kingsbury Street to the point of beginning, 11696 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

to those of a C3-2 Commercial-Manufacturing District and a corresponding use district is hereby established in the area above described. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 3-J.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. That the Chicago Zoning Ordinance be amended by changing all the R3 General Residence District symbols and indications as shown on Map No. 3-J in area bounded by:

a line 45 feet 0 inches north of and parallel to West Augusta Boulevard; and the alley next west of and parallel to North Ridgeway Avenue,

to those of a B2-2 Restricted Retail District and a corresponding use district is hereby established in the area above described. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 3-K.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. That the Chicago Zoning Ordinance be amended by changing all the R3 General Residence District symbols and indications as shown on Map No. 3-K in area bounded by:

the alley next north of West Augusta Boulevard; North Kostner Avenue; West Augusta Boulevard; and a line 54 feet 8-3/8 inches west of and parallel to North Kostner Avenue, 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11697

to those of a Cl-2 Restricted Commercial District and a corresponding use district is hereby established in the area above described. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 6-P.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. That the Chicago Zoning Ordinance be amended by changing all the Cl-2 Restricted Commercial District symbols and indications as shown on Map No. 6-F in area bounded by:

the alley next north of and parallel to West 26th Street; a line 224.28 feet east of South Normal Avenue; West 26th Street; and a line 174 feet east bf South Normal Avenue,

to those of an R4 General Residence District and a corresponding use district is hereby established in the area above described. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 7-G.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. That the Chicago Zoning Ordinance be amended by changing all the R3 General Residence District sjmibols and indications as shown on Map No. 7-G in area bounded by:

the alley next north of and parallel to West Barry Avenue; the alley next west of and parallel to North Racine Avenue; West Barry Avenue; and a line 25.05 feet west ofthe alley next west of and parallel to North Racine AVenue, 11698 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

to those of an R4 General Residence District and a corresponding use district is hereby established in the area above described. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 7-L.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. That the Chicago Zoning Ordinance be amended by changing all the B4-1 Restricted Service District symbols and indications as shown on Map No. 7-L in area bounded by:

the alley next north of and parallel to West Diversey Avenue; North Lamon Avenue; West Diversey Avenue; and a line 28.24 feet west of North Lamon Avenue,

to those of a C2-1 General Commercial District and a corresponding use district is hereby established in the area above described. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect.from and after its passage and due publication.

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 9-M.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. That the Chicago Zoning Ordinance be amended by changing all the B5-1 General Service District symbols and indications as shown on Map No. 9-M in area bounded by:

West Roscoe Street; North Central Avenue; West Henderson Street; and the alley next west of North Central Avenue, 1/14/92 REPORTS OF COMMTTTEES 11699

to those of an R5 General Residence District and a corresponding use district is hereby established in the area above described. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 16-1.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. That the Chicago Zoning Ordinance be amended by changing all the B2-2 Restricted Retail District symbols and indications as shown on Map No. 16-1 in area bounded by:

West 65th Street; South Western Avenue; a line 123.63 feet south of West 65th Street; and the alley next west of and parallel to South Western Avenue,

to those of a B4-2 Restricted Service District and a corresponding use district is hereby established in the area above described. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.


Alderman Burke moved to Suspend f/ie Rules TemporariZy for the purpose of including in the Agreed Calendar resolutions presented by Aldermen Mazola, Coleman, Rugai, Bialczak and Moore. The motion Prevailed. Thereupon, on motion of Alderman Burke, the proposed resolutions presented through the Agreed Calendar were Adopted by yeas and nays as follows: 11700 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Coleman, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 49. Nays — None. Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. Sponsored by the aldermen named below, respectively, said Agreed Calendar resolutions, as adopted, read as follows (the italic heading in each case not being a part ofthe resolution):

Presented By ALDERMAN MAZOLA (1st Ward):


WHEREAS, God in his infinite wisdom has called to her eternal reward Mrs. Margaret Pinotti, a lifelong resident of Bridgeport, December 25,1991; and WHEREAS, Margaret Pinotti and the late Al Pinotti were married some fifty-one years and had two daughters, Rosalie and Natia, and four grandchildren, all of whom still reside in the great Bridgeport neighborhood of our City; and WHEREAS, Margaret Pinotti died a victim of Alzheimer's Disease, and in her late years her devoted family has urged more widespread awareness of the disease and its degenerative effects upon the brain as well as the negative effects on the loved ones of Alzheimer's Disease victims; now, therefore, Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this fourteenth day of January, 1992, A. D., do hereby express our sorrow on the death of Mrs. Margaret Pinotti, and call to public awareness that facts concerning Alzheimer's Disease are available from the Chicago Headquarters at 70 East Lake Street; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to the family of Mrs. Margaret Pinotti. 1/14/92 AGREED CALENDAR 11701

Presented By ALDERMAN HUELS (11th Ward):


WHEREAS, Sheri Berto had passed away on Saturday, November 16, 1991, at the age of forty; and WHEREAS, Sheri Berto, beloved daughter of David and Tina Bumgardner; and WHEREAS, Sheri Berto, dear granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Tortorici and the late Mr. and Mrs. Bumgardner; and WHEREAS, Sheri Berto, beloved wife of Graziano Berto; and WHEREAS, Sheri Berto, beloved mother of Tina; and WHEREAS, Sheri Berto, the dear sister of Michael (Jan), Douglas (Susan), and James (Pam); and WHEREAS, Sheri Berto, the fond aunt of many; and WHEREAS, Sheri Berto, an employee, personal assistant and cherished friend of Jerry Reinsdorf; and WHEREAS, To commemorate the passing of Sheri Berto, the Chicago Bulls will wear special uniform patches for the remainder ofthe season; and WHEREAS, Sheri Berto will be remembered as a loving, caring, compassionate person, ever ready to provide sound advice and a sympathetic ear; and WHEREAS, Sheri Berto, will be greatly missed by the many family members and friends whose lives she had touched; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members of the City Council ofthe City of Chicago, gathered on this fourteenth day of January in 1992, do hereby mourn the death of Sheri Berto, and may we also extend our deepest sympathy to her many aggrieved friends and family members; and Be It Further Resolved, That suitable copies of this resolution be made available for the family of Sheri Berto and Mr. Jerry Reinsdorf. 11702 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92


WHEREAS, Lucille C. (nee Trimarco) Clark had passed away on Friday, December 27,1991, at the age of seventy-one; and WHEREAS, Lucille C. Clark, lifelong resident of the 11th Ward, Bridgeport community; and WHEREAS, Lucille C. Clark, beloved wife of Wallace; and WHEREAS, Lucille C. Clark, the loving mother of Jean (Anthony) Vicarlo, Lillian (Seim) Spataro, Tom (Paula) Clark, stepmother of Wayne, Jimmy and Jean Clark; and WHEREAS, Lucille C. Clark, fond grandmother of four, great- grandmother of three; and WHEREAS, Lucille C. Clark, the dear sister of Joe (Lou), Mary (Benny) Benard, William Trimarco, the late Chris (Jesse) Trimarco and Antoinatte (Mike) Centanno; and WHEREAS, Lucille C. Clark will be greatly missed by the many family members and friends whose lives she had touched; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members of the City Council ofthe City of Chicago, gathered on this fourteenth day of January in 1992, do hereby mourn the death of Lucille C. Clark, and may we also extend our deepest sympathy to her many aggrieved friends and family members; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be made available for the family of Lucille C. Clark.


WHEREAS, Michael Falco had passed away on Wednesday, December 18, 1991, at the age of fifty-nine; and WHEREAS, Michael Falco, lifelong resident ofthe 11th Ward, Bridgeport community; and WHEREAS, Michael Falco, the beloved son ofthe late Frank and Virginia Falco; and 1/14/92 AGREED CALENDAR 11703

WHEREAS, Michael Falco, beloved husband of Anna (nee Baldi); and WHEREAS, Michael Falco, dearest father of Frank (Vita) and Salvatore; and WHEREAS, Michael Falco, the dear son-in-law of Salvatore and Maria Baldi; and WHEREAS, Michael Falco worked eleven years as a mailer for the Chicago Sun-Times; and WHEREAS, Michael Falco will be greatly missed by the many family members and friends whose lives he had touched; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Cbuncil of the City ofChicago, gathered here this fourteenth day of January in 1992, do hereby mourn the death of Michael Falco, and may we also extend our deepest sympathy to his many aggrieved friends and family members; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be made available for the family of Michael Falco.


WHEREAS, Leo E. Narducy had passed away on Tuesday, January 7, 1992, at the age of sixty-three; and WHEREAS, Leo E. Narducy, lifelong resident of the 11th Ward, Bridgeport community; and WHEREAS, Leo E. Narducy, beloved husband of Joyce Kearney Narducy; and WHEREAS, Leo E. Narducy, dearest father of Eugene, Daniel and Celine; and WHEREAS, Leo E. Narducy, the dear brother ofthe late Miles (Stella), Richard (Betty) and Jack; and WHEREAS, Leo E. Narducy, the fond uncle offive; and WHEREAS, Leo E. Narducy, retired twenty-eight year employee of People's Gas, Light and Coke Company; and 11704 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

WHEREAS, Leo E. Narducy was a writer best known for his book of poems entitled, "Bridgeport Dreamer"; and WHEREAS, Leo E. Narducy will be greatly missed by the many family members and friends whose lives he had touched; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City ofChicago, gathered on this fourteenth day of January in 1992, do hereby mourn the death of Leo E. Narducy, and may we also extend our deepest sympathy to his many aggrieved friends and family members; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be made available for the family of Leo E. Narducy.


WHEREAS, Shirley A. O'Donnell (nee Reis) passed away on Monday, December 3(3,1991, at the age of seventy-one; and WHEREAS, Shirley A. O'Donnell, a lifelong resident of the 11th Ward, Bridgeport community; and WHEREAS, Shirley A. O'Donnell, beloved wife of Francis; and WHEREAS, Shirley A. O'Donnell, dearest mother of Francis "Skip", Anne, Charles and David; and WHEREAS, Shirley A. O'Donnell, the fond sister of Pat (Jim) Wagner, and Charles (Doris) Reis; and WHEREAS, Shirley A. O'Donnell has served her community for over fifty years as a registered nurse; and WHEREAS, Shirley A. O'Donnell dutifully served our country in the United States Navy, as well as having been a veteran of World War II; and WHEREAS, Shirley A. O'Donnell will be greatly missed by the many family members and friends whose lives she touched; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members of the City Council ofthe City ofChicago, gathered on this fourteenth day of January in 1992, do hereby mourn the death of Shirley A. O'Donnell, and may we also extend our deepest sympathy to her many aggrieved friends and family members; and ' 1/14/92 AGREED CALENDAR 11705

Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be made available for the family of Shirley A. O'Donnell.


WHEREAS, Sammy Spataro, Jr. passed away on Wednesday, December 11,1991, at the age of fifteen; and WHEREAS, Sammy Spataro, Jr., a lifelong resident of the 11th Ward, Bridgeport community; and WHEREAS, Sammy Spataro, Jr.,'a student at De LaSalle High School; and WHEREAS, Sammy Spataro, Jr., beloved son of Sam and Lillian (nee Worth); and WHEREAS, Sammy Spataro, Jr., dear grandson of Wallace and the late Lucille Clark and the late Louis and Anna Spataro; and WHEREAS, Sammy Spataro, Jr., cherished nephew of Tony and Jean Vicarlo, Tom and Paula Clark, Joseph and Antoinette Spataro; and WHEREAS, Sammy Spataro, Jr. will be greatly missed by the many family members and friends whosie lives he touched; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered on this fourteenth day of January in 1992, do hereby mourn the death of Sammy Spataro, Jr., and may we also extend our deepest sjmipathy to his many aggrieved friends and family members; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be made available for the family of Sammy Spataro, Jr.


WHEREAS, John R. "Duke" Sullivan had passed away on Sunday, December 29,1991, at the age of seventy-three; and 11706 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

WHEREAS, John Sullivan, lifelong resident of the 11th Ward, Canaryville conimunity; and WHEREAS, John Sullivan, the cherished son of the late John and Sade Sullivan; and WHEREAS, John Sullivan, beloved husband of the late Elizabeth (nee Miller); and WHEREAS, John Sullivan, dearest father of Linda Moran, Marty (Patty), Teresa (Bernie) Denney and the late Mary Elizabeth Sullivan; and WHEREAS, John Sullivan, the dear brbther of Dorothy King; and WHEREAS, John Sullivan, the beloved grandfather of Marty, Susan, Carrie Ann Moran, Hugh and John Sullivan; and WHEREAS, John Sullivan, the fond uncle of Lois Naccaralo; and WHEREAS, John Sullivan, retired Property Inspector for the Chicago Board of Education for thirty years; and WHEREAS, John Sullivan, member of Knights of Columbus Madonna Council 1135; and WHEREAS, John Sullivan will be greatly missed by the many family members and friends whose lives he had touched; now, therefore, Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City ofChicago, gathered on this fourteenth day of January in 1992, do hereby mourn the death of John Sullivan, and may we also extend our deepest sympathy to his many aggrieved friends and family members; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be made available for the family of John R. Sullivan.


WHEREAS, Anna Vodicka passed away on Wednesday, December 11, 1991, at the age of eighty-seven; and WHEREAS, Anna Vodicka, a resident of the 11th Ward, Bridgeport community; and 1/14/92 AGREED CALENDAR 11707

WHEREAS, Anna Vodicka, beloved wife ofthe late James; and WHEREAS, Anna Vodicka, loving mother of Josephine (Noel) Butts, Pauline (Alphonse) Malusas and the late William A. (Irene) Rogers; and WHEREAS, Anna Vodicka, dearest grandmother of nine, great- grandniother of twenty-three, and great-great-grandmother of two; and WHEREAS, Anna Vodicka, a member of Mark White V.F.W. Auxiliary and many senior citizen clubs; and WHEREAS, Anna Vodicka will be greatly missed by the many family members and friends whose lives she had touched; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City ofChicago, gathered on this fourteenth day of January in 1992, do hereby mourn the death of Anna Vodicka, and may we also extend our deepest sympathy to her many aggrieved friends and family members; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be made available for the family of Anna Vodicka.


WHEREAS, Michael G. Marano, a retired Chicago Police Officer, has served the 11th Ward Democratic Party since 1967; and WHEREAS, After twenty-four years of service, Michael G. Marano will retire from the 11th Ward Democratic Party as a community leader; and WHEREAS, Throughout the years Michael G. Marano has had continuous support from his friends and family; and WHEREAS, Michael G. Marano is married to Carol; and WHEREAS, Michael G. Marano, the proud father of David (Gina), Karen (Charles Curuso), and Mike (Julie); and WHEREAS, Michael G. Marano, the joyous grandfather often; and 11708 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

WHEREAS, Michael G. Marano dutifully served the citizens ofChicago as a Police Officer for twenty-three years; and WHEREAS, Michael G. Marano served as an assistant to the Director of Investigations to the City's Corporation Counsel for ten years; and WHEREAS, Michael G. Marano has been a State's Attorney's investigator since 1983; and WHEREAS, Michael G. Marano has contributed greatly to the peace and well-being of the citizens of the 11th Ward and the entire City of Chicago, going above and beyond the call of duty as the occasions had warranted; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe City Council ofthe City ofChicago, gathered on this fourteenth day of January in 1992, do hereby extend our sincerest gratitude to Michael G. Marano for his many years of service and dedication to the citizens of Chicago, and that we also extend our warmest wishes to him in all of his future endeavors; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be made available for Michael G. Marano.


WHEREAS, Eileen and Peter Shunt celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on October 11,1991; and WHEREAS, Eileen and Peter Shunt exchanged their marriage vows on October 11,1941; and WHEREAS, Eileen and Peter Shunt have been lifelong residents of the 11th Ward and the Bridgeport community; and WHEREAS, Eileen and Peter Shunt were surrounded during this celebration by their loving children, Alice, Regina (Frank) Moore, Kathleen (Bob) Degnan and their dearest grandchildren, Mary Jane, Tammy, Eileen, Robert, Garret, and Laura; and WHEREAS, Eileen and Peter Shunt have spent the past fifty years in loving and caring devotion to one another and their family, truly exemplifying the spirit of their marriage vows, and as such are richly 1/14/92 AGREED CALENDAR 11709

deserving of this celebration marking this milestone in their lives; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered on this fourteenth day of January in 1992, do hereby extend our heartiest congratulations to Eileen and Peter Shunt on the very happy occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniversary and join with their many family members and friends in wishing them many more years of conjugal bliss; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be made available for Eileen and Peter Shunt.


WHEREAS, Dorothy and Chester Witkowski will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary on February 7,1992; and WHEREAS, Dorothy and Chester Witkowski exchanged their marriage vows on February 7,1942 at Immaculate Conception Church; and WHEREAS, Dorothy and Chester Witkowski have been lifelong residents ofthe 11th Ward and the Bridgeport community; and WHEREAS, Dorothy and Chester Witkowski have spent their lives sharing and nurturing not only each other but the lives of each and every person they've touched; and WHEREAS, Dorothy and Chester Witkowski will be surrounded during this celebration by their loving children, Robert (Dennise) Witkowski, Christine (Angelo) Imparato, Jacqueline lacullo, and their dearest grandchildren, Danielle, Lisa, Christopher, Michael, Michael Angelo and Rocco; and WHEREAS, In honor of Dorothy and Chester Witkowski's fiftieth wedding anniversary their children have planned a celebration marking this grand occasion, to be held on Saturday, February 1,1992; and WHEREAS, Dorothy and Chester Witkowski have spent the past fifty years in loving and caring devotion to one another and their family, truly exemplifying the spirit of their marriage vows, and as such are richly 11710 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

deserving of this celebration marking this milestone in their lives; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members of the City Council ofthe City ofChicago, gathered on this fourteenth day of January in 1992, do hereby extend our heartiest congratulations to Dorothy and Chester Witkowski on the very happy occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniversary and join with their many family members and friends in wishing them many more years of conjugal bliss; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be made available for Dorothy and Chester Witkowski.


WHEREAS, Michael V. LaVelle began his career with the Chicago Transit Authority in 1947 when he was hired as an extra guard; and WHEREAS, Michael V. LaVelle mastered every aspect of rail operations, ascending through the ranks of conductor, motorman, switchman, yard foreman, supervisor, instructor and into the management rank of superintendent; and WHEREAS, Michael V. LaVelle held various positions including Area Superintendent of Far North Personnel, Director of Service, Manager of Service and eventually Senior Manager of Transportation Service; and WHEREAS, Michael V. LaVelle has headed a number of high-profile areas, including the Communication and Power Control Center; and WHEREAS, In 1989, Michael V. LaVelle was awarded the position of Senior Manager, Transportation Service within the Operations Division; and WHEREAS, Michael V. LaVelle was integral in consistently demanding that service comes first throughout the many system-wide reconstruction projects, which has ultimately resulted in better service to C.T.A.'s ridership; and WHEREAS, Michael V. LaVelle was known for his restoration of service expertise; and 1/14/92 AGREED CALENDAR 11711

WHEREAS, Michael V. LaVelle has long been a fixture at incident sites, coordinating the swift return to normal operating patterns following mishaps; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe City Council ofthe City ofChicago, gathered on this fourteenth day of January in 1992, do hereby extend our sincerest gratitude to Michael V. LaVelle for his forty- three years of service and dedication to the citizens of Chicago, and that we also extend our warmest wishes to him in all of his future endeavors; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be made available for Michael V. LaVelle.

Presented By



WHEREAS, Almighty God in his infinite wisdom has called John A. Breen, Jr. to his eternal reward at the age of seventy-eight; and WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and WHEREAS, Mr. Breen was a man of intelligence and character who led a long and fruitful life; and WHEREAS, During World War E, Mr. Breen served as a Special Agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, where he worked on top secret projects for the government; and WHEREAS, Mr. Breen for over twenty years served with the Citizen's Loan Company, which was founded by his father, John A. Breen, Sr.; and WHEREAS, A graduate of Northwestern University Law School, Mr. Breen went on to enjoy a long and distinguished career as an attorney in private practice; now, therefore. 11712 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, in meeting assembled this fourteenth day of January, 1992, do hereby commemorate John A. Breen, Jr. for his service to his country and for his contributions to the business community and the legal profession in Chicago, and do hereby extend our sincerest condolences to his wife, Jane, daughter, Sharon Belmont, and sons, John A. IQ, William and Thomas; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the family of John A. Breen, Jr.


WHEREAS, Almighty God in his infinite wisdom has called The Honorable Otis Grant Collins, former Illinois State Representative, to his eternal reward at the age of seventy-nine; and WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and WHEREAS, Representative Collins was a man of character and intelligence who had a long and distinguished career in public service; and WHEREAS, Representative Collins, a member of the 24th Ward Democratic Organization, served four terms in the Illinois House of Representatives, where he was respected and admired; and WHEREAS, Representative Collins displayed his leadership on a wide range of issues, including affirmative action and fair insurance practices; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, in meeting assembled this fourteenth day of January, 1992, do hereby commemorate Representative Otis Grant Collins for his service to the people oflllinois, and do hereby extend our sincerest condolences to his son, Dwarre; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the family of Representative Otis Grant Collins. 1/14/92 AGREED CALENDAR 11713


WHEREAS, Almighty God in his infinite wisdom has called Frances Fratto to her eternal reward at the age of sixty-five; and WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of her passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Fratto, a lifelong Chicago resident, was a woman of intelligence and character who loved life and lived it to the fullest; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Fratto was a devoted wife to her husband, Tony, and a loving mother to her children, Anthony, Joseph, Gerard and Rafaela Vegitabile, to whom she passed on many of the same fine qualities she herself possessed in abundance; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Fratto was a warm and outgoing person who touched the lives of her many friends in ways they will never forget; now, therefore, Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, in meeting assembled this fourteenth day of January, 1992, do hereby commemorate Frances Fratto for her fruitful life, and do hereby extend our sincerest condolences to her family; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the family of Frances Fratto.


WHEREAS, Almighty God in his infinite wisdom has called Joseph Germano to his eternal reward at the age of eighty-seven; and WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and WHEREAS, Mr. Germano was a man of intelligence, character and courage who dedicated himself to the cause of organized labor; and WHEREAS, Mr. Germano, a millwright, played a key role in organized labor in its infancy when in 1933 he unionized the Youngstown Sheet & Tube Company under the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel & Tin Workers ofNorth America; and 11714 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

WHEREAS, Mr. Germano went on to have a long and distinguished career in organized labor, serving as District Director of the United Steel Workers of America from 1940 to 1973 and overseeing District 31's growth from 18,000 to 140,000 members; and WHEREAS, Countless workers have benefitted immeasurably over the years from Mr. Germano's dedicated service and leadership; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, in meeting assembled this fourteenth day of January, 1992, do hereby commemorate Joseph Germano for his invaluable contributions to the working men and women of America, and do hereby extend our sincerest condolences to his daughters, Marcia Germaine and JoAnna Elbert; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the family of Joseph Germano.


WHEREAS, Almighty God in his infinite wisdom has called Robert L. Hankin to his eternal reward at the age of sixty; and WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and WHEREAS, Mr. Hankin was a man of intelligence and character who faithfully served the City of Chicago for thirty years as an Assistant Corporation Counsel; and WHEREAS, No matter what his duties were, Mr. Hankin carried them out in an exemplary manner during his long and distinguished career, which won him the respect and admiration ofall who worked with him; and WHEREAS, The City benefitted in countless ways from Mr. Hankin's keen mind and considerable legal skills; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, in meeting assembled this fourteenth day of January, 19912, do hereby commemorate Robert L. Hankin for his distinguished service to Chicago and its citizens, and do hereby extend our sincerest condolences to his wife, Elinor, son, James, and daughter, Susan Einersen; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the family of Robert L. Hankin. 1/14/92 AGREED CALENDAR 11715


WHEREAS, Almighty God in his infinite wisdom has called The Honorable Perry Hutchinson, former Alderman of the 9th Ward, to his eternal reward at the age of forty-eight; and WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and WHEREAS, Alderman Hutchinson dedicated himself to public service and worked tirelessly for the people of the 9th Ward; and WHEREAS, Alderman Hutchinson contributed to the City of Chicago in many ways during his tenure in the City Council; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council, in meeting assembled this fourteenth day of January, 1992, do hereby commemorate Alderman Perry Hutchinson for his service to the City of Chicago, and do hereby extend our sincerest condolences to his family; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the family of Alderman Perry Hutchinson.


WHEREAS, Almighty God in his infinite wisdom has called The Honorable Bruce Lind, Hoffman Estates Village Trustee, to his eternal reward at the age of fifty-seven; and WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and WHEREAS, Mr. Lind was a man of character and intelligence who devoted his life to public service in his community; and WHEREAS, Mr. Lind, Branch Manager ofthe Savings of America Bank in Schaumburg, served nearly twenty-three years as a Trustee. He had employed his considerable talents as head of the Public Works Committee and the Finance Committee; and WHEREAS, Mr. Lind, who demonstrated his leadership on a wide variety of issues, also spearheaded the drive to create the Village's memorial to veterans of the armed services; now, therefore. 11716 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, in meeting assembled this fourteenth day of January, 1992, do hereby commemorate Bruce Lind for his invaluable service to his community, and do hereby extend our sincerest condolences to his wife, Marilyn, daughters, Klristin Huston and Marjorie Wright, and his son, Steven; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the family of Bruce Lind.


WHEREAS, Almighty God in his infinite wisdom has called Clarence H. Lindahl to his eternal reward at the age of eighty-two; and WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and WHEREAS, Mr. Lindahl was a man of character and intelligence who lived the American Dream of using his talents to build a business from the bottom up; and WHEREAS, Mr. Lindahl, who began his career delivering coal with his brothers from a small truck, co-founded Lindahl Brothers, Inc. in 1927 and through skill and hard work built the firm into one of the most respected excavating businesses in the Chicago area; and WHEREAS, Through his entrepreneurial work, Mr. Lindahl contributed to the welfare ofthe Chicago area and many of its citizens; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, in meeting assembled this fourteenth day of January, 1992, do hereby commemorate Clarence H. Lindahl for his contributions to the Chicago area's economy, and do hereby extend our sincerest condolences to his wife, Betty, son, Clarence, Jr., and daughter, Diane Baletto; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the family of Clarence H. Lindahl. 1/14/92 AGREED CALENDAR 11717


WHEREAS, Almighty God in his infinite wisdom has called Mary Jane May to her eternal reward at the age of sixty-one; and WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of her passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and WHEREAS, Mrs. May, a lifelong Chicago resident, was a woman of intelligence and character who loved life and lived it to the fullest; and WHEREAS, Mrs. May touched the lives of all who knew her in ways they will never forget; and WHEREAS, Mrs. May was a devoted wife to her husband and a loving mother to her children, to whom she passed on many of the same fine qualities she herself possessed in abundance; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, in meeting assembled this fourteenth day of January, 1992, do hereby commemorate Mary Jane May for her fruitful life, and do hereby extend our sincerest condolences to her sons. Bud, Jerry, Dan and Ed, and her daughter, Kathy Fosco; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the family of Mary Jane May.


WHEREAS, Almighty God in his infinite wisdom has called The Honorable Tom Merritt, former Republican State Senator from Hoopeston, to his eternal reward at the age of eighty; and WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been infomied of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and WHEREAS, Senator Merritt was a man of intelligence and character who dedicated his life to public service; and WHEREAS, Senator Merritt served as Chairman of the Port of Chicago Commission and the state's Economic Development Commission and as Republican Chairman of Vermilion County before he was elected to the Illinois General Assembly in 1964. He retired in 1976; and 11718 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

WHEREAS, No matter what office he held. Senator Merritt carried out his duties in an exemplary manner and upheld the finest traditions of public service; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, in meeting assembled this fourteenth day of January, 1992, do hereby commemorate Senator Tom Merritt for his dedicated service to the people oflllinois, and do hereby extend our sincerest condolences to his wife, Martha, and his son, Tom; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the family of Senator Tom Merritt.


WHEREAS, Almighty God in his infinite wisdom has called The Honorable James E. Murphy, Judge ofthe Circuit Court of Cook County, to his eternal reward at the age of sixty-six; and WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and WHEREAS, Judge Murphy, a man of intelligence and character, was a decorated veteran of World War II who went on to enjoy a long and distinguished legal career; and WHEREAS, A former Chicago Police Officer, Judge Murphy ably served as attorney for the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners before being elected a judge in 1963; and WHEREAS, Judge Murphy employed his considerable legal skills on the Cook County (Circuit Court bench for almost thirty years, during which time he heard cases in a variety of courts; and WHEREAS, Throughout his tenure on the bench. Judge Murphy displayed a keen legal mind and a finely-tuned sense of justice that won him the respect ofthe legal community; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, in meeting assembled this fourteenth day of January, 1992, do hereby commemorate Judge James E. Murphy for his distinguished contributions to the legal profession in Chicago and Cook County, and do hereby extend our sincerest condolences to his wife, Eileen, and his children; and 1/14/92 AGREED CALENDAR 11719

Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the family of Judge James E. Murphy.


WHEREAS, After selflessly giving of herself to others for seventy years, Rosemary Polacek has been called by God on December 24, 1991 to forever experience the joy and love unattainable on this earth; and WHEREAS, United in the sacrament of marriage on April 14, 1945, Rosemary and Frank became true life-partners, sharing not only happiness, but together persevering through and overcoming the inevitable tribulations which arose in their 46 years of togetherness; and WHEREAS, Rosemary was rightfully proud of her three sons, Paul, Frank, Jr. and Peter as well as her grandchildren Jesse, Jamie and Leilani Rose, all of whom give Rosemary perpetual life through their continual demonstration ofthe values and principles she instilled in them; and WHEREAS, A lifelong resident of Chicago's southwest side who was born and came to adulthood in the Bridgeport community, Rosemary later became a long-term resident ofthe Gage Park neighborhood; and WHEREAS, Rosemary was that rare individual whose selflessness extended to her community, who always asked what she could do for others without thought of reward or recognition; and WHEREAS, In addition to supporting her church through service on the St. Clare de Montefalco School Board, despite the fact her sons had long since completed their educations, Rosemary served her community through her involvement in the Fourteenth Ward Regular Democratic Organization and by serving as a Judge of Elections; and WHEREAS, Rosemary's commitment to the greater good was reflected in her husband Frank, who served the people of Chicago through his labors for the Chicago Department of Public Works and is continued by her son Peter, through his position with the Office ofthe City Clerk; now, therefore, Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this fourteenth day of January, 1992, A.D., do hereby express our sorrow on the passing of Mrs. Rosemary Polacek and extend to her family and her many friends our deepest sjmipathy; and 11720 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to the family of Mrs. Rosemary Polacek.


WHEREAS, Almighty God in his infinite wisdom has called Stanley Salzman to his eternal reward at the age of sixty-eight; and WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and WHEREAS, Mr. Salzman was a man of character and talent who left a lasting mark on Chicago during his long and distinguished career in architecture; and WHEREAS, After graduating from the University of Illinois School of Architecture, Mr. Salzman joined his family's architectural firm and went on to design many buildings in Chicago and elsewhere; and WHEREAS, As a testament to his talent and contributions, in 1981 Mr. Salzman was elected a Fellow of the Society of Registered Architects; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, in meeting assembled this fourteenth day of January, 1992, do hereby commemorate Stanley Salzman for his contributions to architecture in Chicago and elsewhere, and do hereby extend our sincerest condolences to his wife, Janis, and his daughters, Kim Newman and Teri Bold; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the family of Stanley Salzman.


WHEREAS, Almighty God in his infinite wisdom has called John R. "Duke" Sullivan to his eternal reward; and WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and 1/14/92 AGREED CALENDAR 11721

WHEREAS, Mr. Sullivan was a man of intelligence and character who loved life and lived it to the fullest; and WHEREAS, Mr. Sullivan was a loving husband to his wife, the late Elizabeth, and a devoted father to his children, Marty, Linda Moran, Teresa Denney and the late Mary Elizabeth, to whom he passed on many of the same fine qualities he himself possessed in abundance; and WHEREAS, Mr. Sullivan was a Property Inspector for the Chicago Board of Education for thirty years, where he was valued and respected for his talents and dedication; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, in meeting assembled this fourteenth day of January, 1992, do hereby commemorate John R. Sullivan, and do hereby extend our sincerest condolences to his family; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of John R. Sullivan.


WHEREAS, Almighty God in his infinite wisdom has called Frank J. Vercillo to his eternal reward at the age of fifty-three; and WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and WHEREAS, Mr. Vercillo, a man of intelligence and character, was a loving husband and devoted father; and WHEREAS, Mr. Vercillo was a Secretary of Local 726 ofthe International Brotherhood of Teamsters, where he had been a member since 1965; and WHEREAS, Through his work, Mr. Vercillo dedicated himself to promoting and protecting the rights of working men and women; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, in meeting assembled this fourteenth day of January, 1992, do hereby commemorate Frank J. Vercillo for his fruitful life and his contributions to organized labor, and do hereby extend our sincerest condolences to his wife. Donna, son, Joseph, and stepdaughter, Dorie; and 11722 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the family of Frank J. Vercillo.


WHEREAS, Almighty God in his infinite wisdom has called Mary A. Young to her eternal reward at the age of seventy-four; and WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of her passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Young was a woman of intelligence and character who lived a long and fruitful life; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Young was a loving wife to her late husband. The Honorable James F. Young, who for many years was the esteemed Alderman of Chicago's 46th Ward; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Young was also a devoted mother to her son, James F. Young, Jr., to whom she passed on many of the same fine qualities she herself possessed in abundance; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, in meeting assembled this fourteenth day of January, 1992, do hereby commemorate Mary A. Young for her fruitful life, and do hereby extend our sincerest condolences to her son, James, and her brothers, Robert Meter and Monsignor Charles N. Meter; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the family of Mary A. Young.


WHEREAS, The Honorable Charles R. Bernardini, Cook County Board Commissioner, is resigning his seat to become Managing Director and Board Member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Italy; and 1/14/92 AGREED CALENDAR 11723

WHEREAS, Commissioner Bernardini, a man of intelligence and character, has served since 1986 on the Cook County Board, where he distinguished himself by his dedication and his leadership skills; and WHEREAS, Commissioner Bernardini, an attorney who is fluent in Italian, has taught International Law at the Rome Campus of Loyola University of Chicago; and WHEREAS, Commissioner Bernardini will head one of the largest American Chambers of Commerce abroad, with over 2,000 members; and WHEREAS, Commissioner Bernardini is ideally suited to represent the interests of United States companies in trade matters with Italy; now, therefore. Be It Resolved^ That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, in meeting assembled this fourteenth day of January, 1992, do hereby honor Conimissioner Charles R. Bernardini bn the occasion of his being named Managing Director of the American Chamber of Commerce in Italy, and do hereby wish him success in his endeavors; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Commissioner Charlies R. Bernardini.


WHEREAS, Father John E. Pollard on January 1, 1992 assumed the post of Representative for Catechesis and Leadership Development in the Department of Education at the United States Catholic Conference; and WHEREAS, Father Pollard, a native of Chicago's south side, was Director of the Office for Religious Education in the Archdiocese of Chicago since 1988, during which he proved himself to be a man of great intelligence, skill and dedication; and WHEREAS, In his new post. Father Pollard will employ his considerable talents on the national level in the areas of adult religious education, leadership development and general catechetical issues; and 11724 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

WHEREAS, Father Pollard is eminently qualified to carry out his new duties and will be a valuable asset to the United States Catholic Conference; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, in meeting assembled this fourteenth day of January, 1992, do hereby honor Father John E. Pollard on the occasion of his being named Representative for Catechesis and Leadership Development in the Department of Education at the United States Catholic Conference, and do hereby wish him success in his new endeavor; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Father John E. Pollard.


WHEREAS, Louis Sudler, one the Chicago's most prominent musicians and business leaders, will be eighty-nine years old on February 25, 1992; and WHEREAS, Mr. Sudler is a world famous musician who has brought joy to and inspired millions of people over the years through his talent. Among his many other musical affiliations, he is Chairman Emeritus of the Chicago Sjonphony Orchestra; and WHEREAS, Mr. Sudler is also one of Chicago's most prominent business leaders and is Chairman Emeritus of the Sudler & Company real estate firm; and WHEREAS, Mr. Sudler, through the Louis Sudler Foundation for the Musical Arts, provides funding to talented young musicians at colleges and universities across the country. Countless individuals have been encouraged to develop their musical talents through these programs; and WHEREAS, Through his energy and dedication, Mr. Sudler has brought the cultural community and the business community together, even though they speak different languages, to the benefit of Chicagoans and music lovers worldwide; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, in meeting assembled this fourteenth day of January, 1992, do hereby proclaim Tuesday, February 25, 1992 as Louis Sudler Day in Chicago; and 1/14/92 AGREED CALENDAR 11725

Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Louis Sudler.


WHEREAS, On February 20, 1992 the City of Chicago will honor the memory of Lieutenant Commander Edward Henry "Butch" O'Hare with a ceremony at O'Hare International Airport; and

WHEREAS, Lieutenant Commander O'Hare won the Congressional Medal of Honor for single-handedly shooting down five Japanese bombers and saving the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Lexington in what President Franklin D. Roosevelt called "one of the most daring, if not the most daring single action in the history of combat aviation"; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council subsequently named O'Hare International Airport in honor of Lieutenant Commander O'Hare, who was shot down in 1943; and

WHEREAS, As the world's busiest airport, O'Hare International is an American institution and a suitable tribute to one of America's greatest heroes; and

WHEREAS, The ceremony commemorating Lieutenant Commander O'Hare should be appropriate to both the magnitude of his heroic actions and to the importance ofthe airport that bears his name; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, in meeting assembled this fourteenth day of January, 1992, do hereby invite President George Bush to attend the February 20th ceremony honoring Lieutenant Commander Edward Henry O'Hare; and

Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the President. 11726 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92


WHEREAS, C.L.A.S.A., the Chicago Latin American Soccer Association, will celebrate its twenty-fifth anniversary in 1992; and WHEREAS, Through the work of C.L.A.S.A., countless Chicagoans have been given the opportunity to play organized soccer; and WHEREAS, About 4,000 players and 200 teams are now members of C.L.A.S.A. and the organization has helped bring soccer to numerous high schools and colleges in the area; and WHEREAS, C.L.A.S.A. has also been instrumental in Chicago's bid to be a host city for the 1994 World Cup, an event that could bring substantial revenue into the city's economy; and WHEREAS, Chicago has been enriched by its association with C.L.A.S.A. and the most popular sport in Latin America and the rest of the world; now, therefore, , Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, in meeting assembled this fourteenth day of January, 1992, do hereby honor C.L.A.S.A., the Chicago Latin American Soccer Association, on the occasion of its twenty-fifth anniversary for its invaluable role in promoting soccer in the Chicago area; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to C.L.A.S.A..

Presented By ALDERMAN BURKE (Uth Ward) And ALDERMAN BIALCZAK (30th Ward):


WHEREAS, Almighty God in his infinite wisdom has called Roman W. Stefanski to his eternal reward at the age of seventy-one; and 1/14/92 AGREED CALENDAR 11727

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and WHEREAS, Mr. Stefanski was a devoted husband to his wife, Helen, and a loving father to his children, to whom he passed on many of the same fine qualities he himself possessed in abundance; and WHEREAS, Mr. Stefanski was a loyal and dedicated employee of the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago for many years; and WHEREAS, Mr. Stefanski was active in Democratic Party politics for fifty years and devoted much time and energy to the 30th Ward Regular Democratic Organization, of which he was Vice President; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, in meeting assembled this fourteenth day of January, 1992, do hereby commemorate Roman W. Stefanski for his long and fruitful life, and do hereby extend our sincerest condolences to his family; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the family of Roman W. Stefanski.

Presented By ALDERMAN COLEMAN (16th Ward):


WHEREAS, God in his infinite wisdom and goodness has removed from our community our friend Jimmie Shepherd, Thursday, January 9, 1992 at the age of seventy-five; and WHEREAS, We have lost from our community one of its valued members whose influence was a great factor in the uplift of our community; and WHEREAS, Mr. Jimmie Shepherd was a dedicated worker in our community and gave generously of his time and expertise; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of Chicago, gathered here in assembly this fourteenth day of January, 1992, do hereby extend our deep and sincere sympathy to his wife, Mary R. Shepherd, and children, Sherida, Yvette, Yolanda LaShawn and James in their loss. May they rely on Him who will heal all sorrow. 11728 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

The best of friends must sometimes part and yet we do not see the hand of God writing still from eternity

For us it is trying to understand that our friends must go but in the final resurrection all of us will know

In our parting there is a blessing that we do not see the ones that leave us here are better off than we

; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to the family of Mr. Jimmie Shepherd.


WHEREAS, God in his infinite wisdom has called to his eternal reward Elder Johnie B. Wheeler, founder and longtime pastor of the New Birth Church of God in Christ in Chicago; and WHEREAS, Elder Johnie B. Wheeler was an inspiration to many hundreds of loyal followers. A native of Natchez, Mississippi, who with his wife, Ethel, moved to Chicago in 1945, Pastor Wheeler founded the New Birth Church of God in Christ in 1964, and under his leadership that institution has become a tower of spiritual guidance in its grateful southwest side conimunity; and WHEREAS, Besides his devoted congregation. Elder Johnie B. Wheeler leaves to mourn his wife of fifty-four years, Ethel V. Wheeler, one son, Elder Willard Payton, daughter-in-law, Gloria Payton, eight grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, and a host of other relatives and friends; now, therefore. 1/14/92 AGREED CALENDAR 11729

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this fourteenth day of January, 1992, A.D., do hereby express our sorrow on the passing of Elder Johnie B. Wheeler, Pastor ofthe New Birth Church of God in Christ, and extend to his widow and family, and to all the faithful members of his congregation, our deepest sympathy; and

Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Mrs. Johnie B. Wheeler.


WHEREAS, The New Birth Church of God In Christ stands as one ofthe towering spiritual influences of Chicago's great southwest side; and

WHEREAS, Established in 1978 by its founding Pastor, Elder Johnie B. Wheeler, and now under the capable leadership of Elder Willard Payton, the New Birth Church of God in Christ has built and nurtured a congregation fully dedicated to the highest religious principles; and

WHEREAS, On December 22, 1991, the church celebrated in the memory of its founding Pastor, Elder Johnie B. Wheeler, the completion of its new Pastor's Study and Office Complex Addition in a ceremony officiated by the International Presiding Bishop Louis Henry Ford; and

WHEREAS, The leaders of our great City of Chicago are aware of the importance of our religious institutions and are grateful for the outstanding growth and work ofthe New Birth Church of God in Christ; now, therefore, Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of Chicago, gathered here in assembly, do hereby extend our gratitude and congratulations to the New Birth Church of God in Christ on their growth and expansion, and especially on the opening of their new Pastor's Study and Office Complex Addition, and extend to Pastor Willard Payton and his congregation our very best wishes for continued success; and 11730 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to the New Birth Church of God in Christ.

Presented By



WHEREAS, That on Monday, January 6, 1992 at 3:45 A.M., God in his infinite wisdom called to her eternal reward. Mother Katie Mae Brady, the beloved wife of Pastor H. B. Brady and affectionately called "Little Mother" by her six children; and

WHEREAS, Mother Brady was born July 26, 1903 in Vicksburgh, Mississippi and grew up during the time when Black Americans were struggling just to receive basic "human rights"; and WHEREAS, Katie Brady exemplified in every respect her new birth which was in Christ Jesus. She was involved in many Christian organizations. Through these activities she touched many lives and made an unerasable impression on all who came in contact with her. Mother Brady was friendly, soft-spoken and a living example for young women as well as young men; and

WHEREAS, Mother Brady will be greatly missed by all who knew her; she will always be a part of our lives; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this fourteenth day of January, 1992, A.D., do hereby express our sorrow on the passing of Katie Mae Brady, and extend to her family and many friends our deepest sjmipathy; and

Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to the family of Katie Mae Brady. 1/14/92 AGREED CALENDAR 11731

Presented By ALDERMAN RUGAI (19th Ward):


WHEREAS, Michael and Nancy Sheahan will celebrate their twenty-fifth anniversary on January 28,1992; and WHEREAS, Michael and Nancy Sheahan have been lifelong residents of the 19th Ward and the Beverly community; and WHEREAS, Michael and Nancy Sheahan have spent their lives sharing and nurturing not only each other but the lives of each and every person they've touched; and WHEREAS, Michael and Nancy Sheahan will be surrounded during this celebration by their loving children, Katie, Michael, T. J., Tim, Ryan and Patrick. Also joining is Nancy's mother, Jean Riordan; and WHEREAS, Michael and Nancy Sheahan will be joined in spirit by the late James Riordan, and the late Joseph and Eileen Sheahan; and WHEREAS, A celebration party in honor of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary will take place at this Sheahan home on January 11th, at 8:00 P.M.; and WHEREAS, Michael and Nancy Sheahan will together celebrate their twenty-fifth anniversary in the country of Ireland, the land of their heritage, the place oftheir ancestry; and ' WHEREAS, Michael and Nancy Sheahan have spent the past twenty-five years in loving and caring devotion to one another and their family, truly exemplifying the spirit of their marriage vows, and as such are richly deserving of this celebration marking this milestone in their lives; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members of the City Council ofthe City ofChicago, gathered on this fourteenth day of January, 1992, do hereby extend our heartiest congratulations to Michael and Nancy Sheahan on the very happy occasion of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary and join with their many family members and friends in wishing them many more years of conjugal bliss;and 11732 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be made available for Michael and Nancy Sheahan.

Presented By ALDERMAN GARCIA (22nd Ward) And OTHERS:


A resolution, presented by Aldermen Garcia, Miller, Medrano and Heridon, reading as follows:

WHEREAS, Farragut Career Academy, located in the heart of Little Village, has for the past thirty years had a very productive and fruitful sports program; and WHEREAS, Farragut's soccer team has consistently exhibited a level of excellence by winning seven divisions and two citywide championships; and WHEREAS, Farragut's soccer team overcame a formidable opponent. Foreman High School, to achieve their goal of citywide champions; and WHEREAS, This is the second such championship won in five years under the leadership of Mr. Steve Newton, Principal, and the coaching of Mr. Clemente Lima and his dedicated staff; and WHEREAS, The Little Village community joins with the City of Chicago in applauding the achievement ofthe Farragut Admirals Soccer Team; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That on this fourteenth day of January, 1992, the Mayor, the Chicago City Council and the City of Chicago join together in honoring the soccer team of Farragut Career Academy for their outstanding accomplishment; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Farragut Career Academy. 1/14/92 AGREED CALENDAR 11733

Presented By



WHEREAS, Mary Rouleau, a lifelong resident of the Chicagoland area, has spent the past decade in a tireless voluntary dedication to help the poor and disadvantaged of our City; and

WHEREAS, Mary Rouleau devotes much of her time and considerable talent to Travelers & Immigrants Aid, an outstanding eleemosynary organization which offers comfort and safety, dignity and self-determination to men, women, children and families in crisis; the hungry, the homeless and the terminally ill have all benefitted greatly from Mary Rouleau's dedication; and

WHEREAS, A professional photographer with a business of her own, Mary Rouleau has created and presented a photographic exhibit to help increase people's consciousness of the needs of Chicago's homeless population. She is now a member of T.I.A.'s Board of Directors and heads the Women's Board. She has been especially effective in fund-raising; this year her leadership has resulted in the Board's largest donation to Travelers & Immigrants Aid; and

WHEREAS, Mary Rouleau, in addition to helping untold thousands of needy, was actively involved in raising monies for T.I.A.'s first low-income housing initiative, the newly renovated Sutherland Hotel. In addition to her work with T.I.A., she is a member of the Junior League of Chicago, the Friends of Hubbard Street and the American Photographer's Association. In private life she is Mrs. Sigmund Eisenschenk; in public life she is a model citizen, leader and friend; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this fourteenth day of January, 1992, A.D., do hereby express our gratitude and our congratulations to Mary Rouleau for her citizenship, her leadership and her selfless care for those in need. We also extend to her our very best wishes for continuing success and fulfillment; and 11734 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Mary Rouleau.

Presented By



WHEREAS, Two truck drivers, Rafael Izguerra and Carlos Espinoza, rescued Viviana Flores and her four-year old son, Jose Valentine, from a burning building on the city's southwest side, on January 2,1992; and

WHEREAS, The two truck drivers were making furniture deliveries at the time of the fire when they noticed flames and smoke coming from the apartment building at 2700 West 23rd Place; and WHEREAS, Izguerra and Espinoza, with the help of the building janitor, Gus Gomez, climbed to the top oftheir truck's cargo compartment, yelled for the mother to throw her son to them, and then told her to jump from the third-floor window ledge; and

WHEREAS, The two truck drivers and the janitor were able to catch the son, cushion the fall for the mother, and lead them both to safety; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That the Mayor and members bf the City Cbuncil, assembled this fourteenth day of January, 1992, commend Rafael Izguerra, Carlos Espinoza and Gus Gomez for their courageous efforts to save the lives of Viviana Flores and her four-year old son Jose Valentine; and

Be It Further Resolved, That these men be presented with a citation for their bravery, and that suitable copies of this resolution be presented to them as a token of our esteem. 1/14/92 AGREED CALENDAR 11735

Presented By ALDERMAN BURRELL (29th Ward):


WHEREAS, The Reverend Dr. Shelvin Jerome Hall, a man of intelligence, character and faith was born in Yoakum, Texas, served as Pastor to several churches in Texas and later moved to Chicago, Illinois; and WHEREAS, Reverend Dr. Hall received his Minister's License in 1942, was ordained into the Baptist Ministry in 1947 and became Pastor of the Friendship Baptist Church ofChicago in 1955; and WHEREAS, After being located in the Lawndale area for many years, under the leadership of Reverend Dr. Hall, Friendship Baptist Church built a new edifice at 5200 West Jackson Boulevard; and WHEREAS, This edifice, known as the "African Temple" was built in the shape of a pyramid at a cost of approximately 1.2 Million Dollars, and was paid for in full by the members of Friendship in three and one-half years; and WHEREAS, Reverend Dr. Hall is an Honor Graduate (Magna Cum Laude) of Bishop College, he received his graduate study at Prairie View College and Howard University, Honorary Degree of Doctor of Divinity from the Arkansas Baptist College and an Honorary Doctor of Humanities Degree from the McKinley Theological Seminary; and WHEREAS, Reverend Dr. Hall is married to the former Lucy Mae Lewis, a Reading Specialist and Teacher Facilitator at Lathrop Elementary School in Chicago's Lawndale Area; and WHEREAS, They are the proud parents of three children, Priscilla, a New York State Supreme Court Judge, Shelvin Louise, a Cook County Circuit Court Judge and Lewis, a Program Administrator for the New York State Department of Education; and WHEREAS, Reverend Dr. Hall's religious affiliations include being President ofthe Baptist General State Convention oflllinois and Dean ofthe Baptist General State College of Christian Education for the past twenty- five years; and 11736 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

WHEREAS, One of his many civic affiliations is that of being Chairman of the Board, Community Bank of Lawndale; and WHEREAS, Reverend Dr. Hall has formerly served as President and Instructor ofthe Westside Baptist Ministers Conference and as National and Illinois President ofthe One Church/One Child Program; and WHEREAS, He has received numerous special awards and recognitions; and WHEREAS, Reverend Dr. Hall is one of our City's most learned, caring and influential religious leaders; and WHEREAS, The leaders of this great City are cognizant of the debt owed our great spiritual guides and examples; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this fourteenth day of January, 1992, A.D., do hereby commend The Reverend Dr. Shelvin Jerome Hall in recognition of his outstanding contributions to Church and community; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to The Reverend Dr. Shelvin Jerome Hall.


WHEREAS, On Sunday, December 8, 1991, a birthday musical was held in honor of Reverend Lamont Rutledge; and WHEREAS, Reverend Rutledge was honored because of his spiritual leadership and outstanding musical talent; and WHEREAS, Reverend Rutledge is a man of intelligence and faith who has devoted his life to serving others through his ministry; and WHEREAS, Reverend Rutledge's musical skills have been utilized throughout the religious community in the City ofChicago; and WHEREAS, Reverend Rutledge is the loving and proud father of Charlotte and Denise, better known as the "Rutledge Sisters" who are very talented gospel singers in their own right; and 1/14/92 AGREED CALENDAR 11737

WHEREAS, Through his work he has touched many people in ways that they will never forget; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, gathered here this fourteenth day of January, 1992, A.D., do hereby express our heartiest congratulations to Reverend Lamont Rutledge on his birthday, and wish him many more years of happiness and fulfillment; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Reverend Lamont Rutledge.

Presented By ALDERMAN BIALCZAK (30th Ward):


WHEREAS, God in his infinite wisdom has called to his eternal reward Roman W. Stefanski, noted political activist, public servant and friend; and WHEREAS, Highly active and visible in Democratic Party politics for the past fifty years, Roman W. Stefanski was a stalwart member of the Executive Board of the 30th Ward Regular Democratic Organization and served as its Vice-President; and WHEREAS, In addition to his activities on virtually every election campaign in which the 30th Ward Regular Democratic Organization has been involved in the past five decades, Roman W. Stefanski had a long and distinguished career as an operating engineer for the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago, now known as the Water Reclamation District. In addition, he gave much time, energy and genuine concern to many organizations, among them the Polish National Alliance, Knights of Columbus LaFayette Council 361, Holy Trinity Holy Name Society, Saint Jude Police Association, Polish-American Police Association, Illinois Police Reserves, CS. Local 399 International Union of Operating Engineers and other unions. Old Timers Baseball Association, American Legion Post 4, V.F.W. Post 2004, and other organizations; and WHEREAS, Roman W. Stefanski was a loving family man. His holy union with his wife, the former Helen Krupa, yielded three children and two grandchildren. He also leaves to mourn many other relatives and friends; now, therefore. 11738 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this fourteenth day of January, 1992, A.D., do hereby express our sorrow on the death of Roman W. Stefanski, a model public servant and friend, and extend to his widow, Helen, their family and numerous friends our deepest sympathy; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Mrs. Roman W. Stefanski.


WHEREAS, Stanley J. Wegrzyn, outstanding Chicago businessman for many years and a wonderful family member and friend, celebrates his seventy-fifth birthday January 21,1992; and WHEREAS, A native of Chicago and the son of Polish immigrants who settled here, Stanley J. Wegrzyn was born January 21,1917, was baptized at Saint John Canisius and graduated from its grammar school in 1931. He attended Schurz High School and graduated from Tuley High School. His parents owned and operated a grocery and meat market on Chicago's great northwest side, a tradition which Stanley continued. For twenty-one years he owned and operated a grocery and meat market at 4300 West Wrightwood Avenue, and he also worked for Bordens/Mystick Tape Company from which he is now retired; and WHEREAS, Stanley J. Wegrzyn was married to the late Evelyn F. (Kempski) Wegrzyn at Saint Hedwig Church April 27,1941, and to this holy union three children were born: Stanley S., Carole Bialczak, Alderman of Chicago's 30th Ward, and the late Geri E. Sala; and WHEREAS, A giving and productive citizen these past seven decades, Stanley J. Wegrzyn has been a member of many professional, civic and charitable organizations. He is a lifetime member of the Saint Vincent Ferrer Court 147 Catholic Order of Foresters and for fourteen years served as the Illinois State High Court Trustee. He is also a 4th Degree member of the LaFayette Council 361 LaSalle Assembly Knights of Columbus. Professionally he was very active in the Butchers Association, and, though now retired, his advice and inspiration are widely sought by his family and many friends; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this fourteenth day of January, 1992, A.D., do hereby declare that January 21, 1992, be known as "Stanley J. 1/14/92 AGREED CALENDAR 11739

Wegrzyn Day in Chicago" in celebration ofthe seventy-fifth birthday ofthis outstanding businessman, patriarch and friend. We wish Stanley J. Wegrzyn many more years of happiness and fulfillment; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Stanley J. Wegrzyn.

Presented By ALDERMAN AUSTIN (34th Ward):


WHEREAS, Addie Benson, onie of our great City's most beloved citizens, celebrates her one hundredth birthday January 25,1992; and WHEREAS, Addie Benson is a longtime member of Bethel Baptist Church, where her many years of service have earned her several generations of close personal relationships, and where her unswerving faith and sense of duty are an inspiration to all; and WHEREAS, Addie Benson lives with her daughter, Lucille Butler, and spends many days at the Chicago Commons Adult Day Health Center in Chicago, spreading cheer, and exhibiting a highly positive attitude that has earned her many friends among her peers; and WHEREAS, It is a pleasure to celebrate such an auspicious occasion with Addie Benson; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council gathered here this fourteenth day of January, 1992, A.D., do hereby pay tribute to Addie Benson, one hundred years young, and declare that January 25,1992 be known as "Addie Benson Day In Chicago"; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Addie Benson. 11740 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92


WHEREAS, Mrs. Esther Bethel Mack, one of Chicago's most venerable and beloved citizens, is celebrating her one hundredth birthday this month; and WHEREAS, A native of Sardis, Mississippi, Esther Bethel came to Chicago at an early age and met and married the late Iverson J. Mack in 1923. To this union were born two children, and upon the untimely death of her sister, Bessie, and Bessie's husband Frank in 1935, Esther took in to her heart and home Bessie's nine children and raised them as her own; and WHEREAS, Esther Bethel Mack has been a source of inspiration to many. An outstanding citizen whose history is roughly equivalent to this great City, she witnessed the World's Columbian Exposition in 1893, the Chicago World's Fair in 1933 and survived the Great Depression 1929 - 1933 and the great worldwide conflicts including and following World I. She has taught and passed on her experience and knowledge to her two children, seven grandchildren and five great-grandchildren as well as to her many nieces, nephews, other relatives and numerous friends; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this fourteenth day of January, 1992, A.D., do hereby declare this month of January, 1992, to be known as "Mrs. Esther Bethel Mack Month In Chicago" and extend to this great citizen our fondest regards and wishes; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Mrs. Esther Bethel Mack.

Presented By



WHEREAS, Almighty God in his infinite mercy and wisdom called Mr. Robert Lucius Thompson to his eternal reward on the third day of October, nineteen hundred and ninety-one; and 1/14/92 AGREED CALENDAR 11741

WHEREAS, Mr. Robert Thompson was a resident ofthe near north side of Chicago for twenty-five years; and WHEREAS, Mr. Robert Thompson served our country in the United States Army in World War I and World War II; and WHEREAS, Mr. Robert Thompson also worked for the Chicago Fire Department for many years as an inspector in the Fire Prevention Bureau; and WHEREAS, Mr. Robert Thompson was also a Deputy Fire Marshall for the State of Illinois; and WHEREAS, Mr. Robert Thompson was affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America for over forty years; and WHEREAS, Mr. Robert Thompson was also an active member ofthe Near North Neighborhood Improvement Association, the north side unit of the N.A.A.CP., the Near North Area Council and the Joint Youth Development Committee; and WHEREAS, Mr. Robert Thompson was Chairman of the Board of several organizations including the Committee on Community Organizations, the Community Police Council of the 18th District, the Cabrini-Green Senior Citizens, the Lower North Community Health Center and the Isham Y.M.C.A.; and WHEREAS, Mr. Robert Thompson graciously gave his time and service to Holy Family Lutheran Church as President of the Congregation, Church School Teacher, President of the Church Council, and as a member of the Church Panel and the Church Council; and WHEREAS, Mr. Robert Thompson was a State Representative from 1969 — 1974, serving the constituents ofthe 13th District in Illinois; and WHEREAS, Mr. Robert Thompson was also a past-President of the 42nd Ward Regular Democratic Organization; and WHEREAS, Mr. Robert Thompson has received numerous honors and awards including three Certificates of Appreciation from the Boy Scouts of America, a Certificate of Commendation, and a Good Scout Merit Badge, and awards from the A.C.L.U. and from the A.A.R.P.; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, assembled in meeting this fourteenth day of January, nineteen hundred and ninety-two, do hereby express our deepest sjmipathy at the passing of Mr. Robert Lucius Thompson, and do also extend to his beloved wife, Elizabeth, and his many nieces and nephews, our deepest and most heartfelt condolences on the occasion of their profound loss. 11742 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Mr. Robert Lucius Thompson was truly a profound, compassionate and sensitive human being who graciously gave his time and energy to his country and community and will be sorely missed by all; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to the family of Mr. Robert Lucius Thompson.

Presented By ALDERMAN SCHULTER (47th Ward):


WHEREAS, Annetta Gray, one of our great City's leading businesspersons, is retiring to Florida after a distinguished career as a real estate broker for Rubloff, Inc.; and WHEREAS, Over the past fifteen years, Annetta Gray has participated in the renaissance of Chicago's Gold Coast, Near North, Lincoln Park and other neighborhoods, and has assembled and nurtured an excellent staff consisting of some ofthe highest producing real estate associates in the City; and WHEREAS, Annetta Gray has served the Chicago real estate industry as an officer, director and highly active member of the North Side Real Estate Board. She has also served the Chicago Board of Realtors and has been a key negotiator in efforts to unite the two boards into the Chicago Association of Realtors; and WHEREAS, Annetta Gray is an outstanding example of competence and professionalism, and merits the respect and gratitude of all those who care about the development of our City; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council, gathered here in assembly this fourteenth day of January, 1992, do hereby express our gratitude and congratulations to Annetta Gray for her participation in the steady development of our great City of Chicago, and extend to this outstanding citizen our very best wishes for a long, well- deserved, fulfilling retirement; and 1/14/92 AGREED CALENDAR 11743

Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Annetta Gray.

Presented By ALDERMAN M. SMITH (48th Ward) And ALDERMAN O'CONNOR (40th Ward):


WHEREAS, Captain Edward Duffy of Chicago's great Fire Department is retiring after over three decades of outstanding public service; and WHEREAS, A native of Barna Galway, Ireland, Edward Duffy moved to the United States in 1949 and joined the Chicago Fire Department in April, 1959; and WHEREAS, Edward Duffy married the former Nora Granahan, October 15, 1955, and this fine couple have raised nine children: Mary, Eileen, Kathleen, Noreen, Peggy, Ann, Rose, Erin and Billy; and WHEREAS, In his thirty-two years as a member of Chicago's Fire Department, Edward Duffy has performed dutifully and diligently, working his way to the exalted rank of Captain. He has earned the respect of all the citizens of our great City; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City ofChicago, gathered here this fourteenth day of January, 1992, A.D., do hereby express our gratitude and our congratulations to Edward Duffy as he retires from Chicago's great Fire Department, and extend to this fine citizen and his family our heartiest wishes for continued success and happiness; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Captain Edward Duffy. 11744 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Presented By



WHEREAS, Karen Hoover moved to the Rogers Park community four years ago; and

WHEREAS, Karen Hoover first became involved in her community by attending a block club and soon after volunteering to organize a Neighborhood Watch; and

WHEREAS, Karen Hoover worked with both residents in her conimunity and the 24th District Beat Representative Program to make the Jargowood community safer and at the same time getting residents involved; and

WHEREAS, Karen Hoover continues her effort and commitment to her community; and WHEREAS, Karen Hoover exercises her skills and devotion to the community as a Co-Convenor ofthe Coalition for a Crime-Free Rogers Park and also with her involvement with a citywide consortium organized by the Chicago Alliance for Neighborhood Safety; and

WHEREAS, Karen Hoover's participation in and dedication to her community have earned her the Rogers Park Community Council's 1991 Citizen ofthe Year Award; now, therefore,

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, assembled in meeting this fourteenth day of January, 1992, do hereby honor and congratulate Karen Hoover, and do also extend our deepest gratitude for all that she has done to better the lives of our fine citizens; and

Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Karen Hoover. 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11745

MATTERS PRESENTED BY THE ALDERMEN. (Presented By Wards, In Order, Beginning With The Fiftieth Ward)

Arranged under the following subheadings:

1. Traffic Regulations, Traffic Signs and Traffic-Control Devices. 2. Zoning Ordinance Amendments. 3. Claims. 4. Unclassified Matters (arranged in order according to ward numbers). 5. Free Permits, License Fee Exemptions, Cancellation of Warrants for Collection and Water Rate Exemptions, Et Cetera.



The aldermen named below presented proposed ordinances to establish loading zones at the locations designated and for the distances and times specified, which were Referred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety, as follows:

Alderman Location, Distance And Time

MAZOLA (1st Ward) East 8th Street (north side) from a point 20 feet west of South Michigan Avenue, to a point 65 feet west thereof — at all times — no exceptions;

LASKI (23rd Ward) West Archer Avenue, at 7016 - at all times — handicapped use only; 11746 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Alderman Location, Distance And Time

South Kolin Avenue, at 5054 — 10:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. - Monday through Friday;

WOJC//r (35th Ward) North Milwaukee Avenue, at 3032 - 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. - no exceptions;

DOHERTY (41st Ward) North Octavia Avenue, at 7201 - 6:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. - Monday through Saturday;

NATARUS (42ndWard) North Clark Street, at 1111 - at all times - daily; North State Street, at 1204 - 4:30 P.M. to 1:00 A.M. - daily (tow zone);

EISENDRATH (43rd Ward) West Armitage Avenue, at 850 — 10:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. - daily;

M. SMITH (48th Ward) North Glenwood Avenue, at 5801 — at all times — daily.


Alderman Garcia (22nd Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to restrict the movement of traffic to a northerly direction in the alley bounded by South Pulaski Road, South Komensky Avenue, West 28th Street and West 30th Street, which was i2e/"erred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11747


Alderman Cullerton'(38th Ward) presented a proposed ordinarice to amend a previously passed ordinance which restricted the flow of traffic to a single direction on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "North Mobile Avenue, in the 4200 and 4300 blocks - northerly", which was Referred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Laski (23rd Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which restricted the flow of traffic to a single direction on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "South Rutherford Avenue, between West 51st Street and the first alley north of South Archer Avenue - southerly" and inserting in lieu thereof: "South Rutherford Avenue, between West 52nd Street and the first alley north of South Archer Avenue — southerly", which was Referred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


The aldermen named below presented proposed ordinances to limit the parking of vehicles at the locations designated and for the distances and times specified, which were Referred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety, as follows: 11748 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Alderman Location, Distance And Time

STEELE (6th Ward) East 86th Street, from South State Street to alley next east of and parallel to South State Street — 7:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. - Monday through Saturday; South State Street, from 86th Street north of the entrance driveway - 7:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. — Monday through Saturday;

LASKI (23rd Ward) South McVicker Avenue (east side) from West 63rd Street to the first alley north thereof— one hour limit - 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. - no exceptions (public benefit); South Moody Avenue (east side) from West 63rd Street to the first alley north thereof — one hour limit - 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. - no exceptions (public benefit); South Pulaski Road (east side) at 4731 - 4759 - one hour limit - 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. - Monday through Friday (public benefit).


The aldermen named below presented proposed ordinances to prohibit at all times the parking of vehicles at the locations designated and for the distances specified, which were Referred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety, as follows: 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11749

Alderman Location And Distance

PRECKWINKLE (4th Ward) South Kimbark Avenue, at 5219 (except for handicapped); East 46th Street, at 1230 (except for handicapped);

BLOOM (5th Ward) South Clyde Avenue, at 7757 (except for handicapped);

STEELE (6th Ward) South Dobson Avenue, at 7104 (except for handicapped); South Dorchester Avenue, at 7522 (except for handicapped); South Langley Avenue, at 7330 (except for handicapped); South St. Lawrence Avenue, at 7535 (except for handicapped); East 87th Street, at 525 (except for handicapped);

DIXON (8th Ward) South Avalon Avenue, at 8133 (except for handicapped); South Ingleside Avenue, at 8052 (except for handicapped);

SHAW (9th Ward) South Eberhart Avenue, at 10425 (except for handicapped); South Michigan Avenue, at 12468 (except for handicapped); South State Street, at 12026 (except for handicapped);

BUCHANAN (10th Ward) South Avenue M, at 9548 (except for handicapped); 11750 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Alderman Location And Distance

HUELS (11th Ward) South Lituanica Avenue, at 3427 (except for handicapped); South Parnell Avenue, at 2920 (except for handicapped); South Parnell Avenue, at 3556 (except for handicapped); South Parnell Avenue, at 3844 (except for handicapped); South Wentworth Avenue, at 3840 (except for handicapped); West 26th Street, at 706 (except for handicapped); West 28th Street, at 527 (except for handicapped); West 32nd Street, at 1236 (except for handicapped); West 50th Street, at 825 (except for handicapped);

FARY (12thWard) South Bell Avenue, at 3435 (except for handicapped); South Campbell Avenue, at 4332 (except for handicapped); South Marshfield Avenue, at 4336 (except for handicapped); South Springfield Avenue, at 4541 (except for handicapped); West 37th Place, at 3414 (except for handicapped); West 38th Street, at 2521 (except for handicapped); 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11751

Alderman Location And Distance

MADRZYK (13th Ward) South Kenneth Avenue, at 6726 (except for handicapped); South Kilbourn Avenue, at 6115 (except for handicapped);

BURKE (14thWard) South Califomia Avenue, at 6211 (except for handicapped);

JONES (15th Ward) South Hermitage Avenue, at 5933 (except for handicapped);

COLEMAN (16th Ward) South Emerald Avenue, at 5841 (except for handicapped); South Green Street, at 6609 (except for handicapped); South May Street, at 5315 (except for handicapped); South Morgan Street, at 6342 (except for handicapped);

STREETER (17th Ward) South Peoria Street, at 7213 (except for handicapped); South Perry Avenue, at 7517 (except for handicapped); South Princeton Avenue, at 8033 (except for handicapped); South Princeton Avenue, at 8055 (except for handicapped); South Union Avenue, at 7215 (except for handicapped); South Yale Avenue, at 7529 (except for handicapped); 11752 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Alderman Location And Distance

West 72nd Place, at 1463 (except for handicapped);

GARCIA (22nd Ward) South Springfield Avenue, at 3206 (except for handicapped); LASA:/(23rd Ward) South Avers Avenue, at 5405 (except for handicapped);

MEDRANO (25th Ward) West 21st Place, at 1618 (except for handicapped);

E. SM/TH (28th Ward) West Ferdinand Street (north side) from a point 541 feet east of North Kilbourn Avenue, to a point 250 feet east thereof (tow zone);

BURRELL (29th Ward) West Gladys Avenue, at 5313 (except for handicapped);

BIALCZAK (30th Ward) North Leclaire Avenue, at 2025 (except for handicapped); North Mango Avenue, at 2212 (except for handicapped); West Schubert Avenue, at 5108 (except for handicapped);

SUAREZ (31st Ward) North Spaulding Avenue, at 1801 -1803;

GABINSKI (32nd Ward) North Ashland Avenue, at 1424 (except for handicapped);

AUSTIN (34th Ward) South Bishop Street, at 11135 (except for handicapped); 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11753

Alderman Location And Distance

South Morgan Street, at 11520 (except for handicapped); West 103rd Place, at 318 (except for handicapped);

BANKS (36th Ward) North McVicker Avenue, at 2450 (except for handicapped); North Mont Clare Avenue, at 2816 (except for handicapped);

GILES (37th Ward) West Augusta Boulevard, at 4948 (except for handicapped); West Kamerling Avenue, at 4927 (on either side of driveway);

CULLERTON (38th Ward) North Austin Avenue, at 4614 (except for handicapped); North Marmora Avenue (west side) from West Addison Street to the first alley north thereof (between driveways); North Monitor Avenue, at 4341 (except for handicapped); North Osceola Avenue, at 3841 (except for handicapped);

NATARUS (42nd Ward) North Dearborn Street, at 1366 (tow zone); North Wells Street, across driveway at 600 - 606 (tow zone);

HANSEN (44th Ward) West Surf Street, at 501 (except for handicapped); 11754 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Alderman Location And Distance

STONE (50th Ward) West Jarlath Street, at 3037 (except for handicapped); North Oakley Avenue, at 6250 (except for handicapped); North Oakley Avenue, at 6308 (except for handicapped); North Washtenaw Avenue, at 6659 (except for handicapped).


Alderman Burke (14th Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "South Artesian Avenue, at 5722", which was Referred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman O'Connor (40th Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "West Gunnison Street, at 2515 (Handicapped Permit Parking)", which was Referred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11755


Alderman Huels (11th Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "South Union Avenue, at 3215 (Handicapped Permit Number 4515)", which was Referred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Burke (14th Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "South Washtenaw Avenue, at 5131 (Handicapped Permit Number 3779)", which was Referred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Fary (12th Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "West 47th Place, at 2451 (Handicapped Permit Number 1942)", which was Referred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 11756 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92


Alderman Fary (12th Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "West 47th Street, at 2451 (Handicapped Permit Number 1799)", which was Referred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


The aldermen named below presented proposed ordinances to prohibit the parking of vehicles at the locations designated and for the distances and times specified, which were Referred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety, as follows:

Alderman Location, Distance And Time

HUELS (11th Ward) West 31st Street (south side) at 643 - 7:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon - Sundays only;

LASif/(23rd Ward) West 60th Street (both sides) from South Merrimac Avenue to South Mobile Avenue - 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. - Monday through Friday;

LEVAR (45th Ward) North Mont Clare Avenue (both sides) in the 5200 block - 8:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. - Monday through Saturday. 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11757


Alderman Doherty (41st Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles on designated streets during specified hours by striking the words: "West Bryn Mawr Avenue (south side) from North Harlem Avenue to North Oketo Avenue - 7:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M." and inserting in lieu thereof: "West Bryn Mawr Avenue (south side) from North Harlem Avenue to North Oketo Avenue - at all times", which was Referred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Fary (12th Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles on designated streets during specified hours by striking the words: 'West 43rd Street (south side) from South California Avenue to South Mozart Street — 7:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. - on all school days" and "South Mozart Street (east side) from 4301 to 4307 - 7:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. ~ on all school days", which vras Referred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


The aldermen named below presented proposed orders to establish residential permit parking zones at the locations designated and for the distances and times specified, which were Referred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety, as follows: 11758 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Alderman Location, Distance And Time

MAZOLA (1st Ward) North Armour Street (east side) between West Chicago Avenue and West Superior Street; South Peoria Street (east side) in the 400 block - 6:00 P.M. to 12:00 Midnight - daily; West Van Buren Street (north side) in the 900 block - 6:00 P.M. to 12:00 Midnight - daily;

LEVAR (45th Ward) North Markham Avenue (both sides) in the 5700 block - at all times.


Alderman Doherty (41st Ward) presented a proposed ordinance which would amend an ordinance previously passed by the City Council which established residential permit parking zones on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "West Balmoral Avenue (both sides) from North Pittsburgh Avenue through 8316 - Zone 67", which was Referred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Levar for Alderman Laurino (39th Ward) presented a proposed ordinance which would amend an ordinance passed by the City Council on September 11, 1991 (Council Journal of Proceedings, page 5041) which established residential permit parking zones on portions of specified public 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11759 ways by striking the words: "North Tahoma Avenue, at 6577, 6581, 6585, 6589 and 6597 - at all times" and inserting in lieu thereof: "North Tahoma Avenue, at 6577, 6581, 6585, 6589 and 6597 - 8:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. - Monday through Friday", which was Referred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Laski (23rd Ward) presented a proposed ordinance which would amend an ordinance passed by the City Council on June 12, 1991 (Council Journal of Proceedings, pages 1765 — 1769) which established residential permit parking zones on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "West 60th Street (both sides) between South Merrimac Avenue and South Mobile Avenue - 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. - Zone 9", which was Referred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


The aldermen named below presented proposed ordinances to designate service drives and permit diagonal parking at the locations and for the distances specified, which were Referred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety, as follows:

Alderman Location And Distance

BURKE {UthWard) South Artesian Avenue, at 6244 6258;

GARCIA (22nd Ward) South Harding Avenue (west side) between West 31st Street and the first alley thereof. 11760 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92


The aldermen named below presented proposed orders directing the Commissioner of Public Works to give consideration to the installation of automatic traffic control signals at the locations specified, which were Referred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety, as Allows:

Alderman Location

COLEMAN (16th Ward) South Racine Avenue and West 61st Street;

BURRELL (29th Ward) West Adams Street and South Central Avenue;

West Fulton Street and North Central Avenue.


Alderman Levar for Alderman Laurino (39th Ward) presented a proposed order directing the Conimissioner of Public Works to give consideration to the installation of a "Left Turn Arrow" at the intersection of West Lawrence Avenue and North Pulaski Road for traffic turning left from West Lawrence Avenue going north or south onto North Pulaski Road, which was Referred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11761


The aldermen named below presented proposed orders for the installation of traffic signs of the nature indicated and at the locations specified, which were Referred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety, as follows:

Alderman Location And Tjrpe Of Sign

DIXON (8th Ward) East 85th Street and South Maryland Avenue - "Three-Way Stop";

SHAW (9th Ward) West 112th Street, at South Ellis Avenue - "Stop";

HUELS (11th Ward) West 32nd Street and South Normal Avenue -- "Four-Way Stop";

RUGAI (19th Ward) South Christiana Avenue, at intersections of West 108th and West 109th Streets - "All-Way Stop";

GABINSKI (32nd Ward) West Chicago Avenue and North Wolcott Avenue - "Stop"; North Damen Avenue and West Cortland Street - "Stop";

AUSTIN (34th Ward) West 113th Street and South Perry Avenue - "Four-Way Stop";

STONE (50th Ward) North Maplewood Avenue, at West Arthur Avenue - "Stop". 11762 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92


Alderman Levar (45th Ward) presented a proposed order directing the Commissioner of Public Works to give consideration to the installation of "No Right Turn - 4:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M." signs on West Lawrence Avenue, at the intersectionofNorthLipps Avenue, which was/2e/erred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.



The aldermen named below presented sixteen proposed ordinances amending the Chicago Zoning Ordinance for the purpose of reclassifying particular areas, which were Referred to the Committee on Zoning, as follows:


To classify as an R3 General Residence District instead of a B5-2 General Service District the area shown on Map No. 20-E bounded by:

a line 495 feet east of and perpendicular to South St. Lawrence Avenue along East 85th Street; a line 140 feet south of and perpendicular to East 85th Street; a line 1,173 feet north ofEast 87th Street; a line 824 feet east of South St. Lawrence Avenue; a line 495 feet west of and lerpendicular to South Cottage Grove Avenue along East 85th Street; a ine 180 feet south of and perpendicular to East 85th Street; a line 400 'eet west of and perpendicular of South Cottage Grove Avenue; a line 300 feet north of and perpendicular to East 87th Street; and a line 345 feet east of and perpendicular to the alley next east of and parallel to South Champlain Avenue or the line thereof. 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11763


To classify as an R4 General Residence District instead of a Cl-2 Restricted Commercial District the area shown on Map No. 20-B bounded by:

East 79th Street; South Conimercial Avenue; and the easterly right-of- way line of the Illiriois Central Railroad.


To classify as an R4 General Residence District instead of an R3 General Residence District the area shown on Map No. 6-G bounded by:

a line 270 feet southeasterly of and parallel to South Archer Avenue; the alley next northeasterly of and parallel to South Elias Court; a line 324.75 feet southeasterly of and parallel to South Archer Avenue; and South Elias Court.

To classify as an R4 General Residence District instead of an Ml-2 Restricted Manufacturing District the area shown on Map No. 8-F bounded by:

a line 56 feet north of West 32nd Street; South Shields Avenue; West 32nd Street; and the alley next west of and parallel to South Shields Avenue.


To classify as an R4 General Residence District instead of an R3 General Residence District the area shown on Map No. lO-I bounded by:

a line 604.6 feet north of West 42nd Street; the alley next east of and parallel to South Rockwell Street; a line 555.6 feet north of West 42nd Street; and South Rockwell Street.

To classify as a C2-1 General Commercial District instead of a B4-2 Restricted Service District the area shown on Map No. lO-I bounded by: 11764 JOURNAL-CnY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

a line 103.5 feet north of West 43rd Street; the alley next east of and parallel to South Kedzie Avenue; West 43rd Street; and South Kedzie Avenue.

To classify as an R4 General Residence District instead of a Cl-1 Restricted Commercial District the area shown on Map No. 12-J bounded by:

West 51st Street; a line 34.1 feet east of South St. Louis Avenue; the alley next south of and parallel to West 51st Street; and South St. Louis Avenue.

To classify as an R3 General Residence District instead of an Ml-2 Restricted Manufacturing District the area shown on Map No. 12-J bounded by:

a line 275 feet north ofthe alley next north of and parallel to West 51st Street; the alley next east of and parallel to South (Christiana Avenue; a line 100 feet north ofthe alley next north of and parallel to West 51st Street; and South Christiana Avenue.

To classify as an R3 General Residence District instead of an Ml-2 Restricted Manufacturing District the area shown on Map No. 12-J bounded by:

a line 75 feet north of the alley next north of and parallel to West 51st Street; the alley next east of and parallel to South Christiana Avenue; the alley next north of and parallel tb West 51st Street; and South Christiana Avenue.


To classify as a B2-1 Restricted Retail District instead of a C2-1 General Commercial District the area shown on Map No. 16-K bounded by:

West 64th Street; the alley next east of and parallel to South Cicero Avenue; a line 336 feet south of West 64th Street; and South Cicero Avenue. 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11765

To classify as a B2-1 Restricted Retail District instead of a C2-1 General Commercial District the area shown on Map No. 16-K bounded by:

West 65th Street; the alley next east of and parallel to South Cicero Avenue; a line 511 feet south of West 65th Street; and South Cicero Avenue.


To classify as an R4 General Residence District instead of an R2 Single- Family Residence District the area shown on Map No. 28-J bounded by:

a line 123 feet north of West 114th Street; a line 60 feet west of South Spaulding Avenue; West 114th Street; and a line 120 feet west of South Spaulding Avenue.


To classify as a B2-1 Restricted Retail District instead of an R4 General Residence District the area shown on Map No. 12-J bounded by:

West 47th Street; a line 75 feet west of South Avers Avenue; the alley next south of and parallel to West 47th Street; and a line 100 feet west of South Avers Avenue.

To classify as an R4 General Residence District instead of an R2 Single- Family Residence District the area shown on Map No. 12-K bounded by:

a line 159,29 feet south of West 54th Street; South Kostner Avenue; a line 189.29 feet south of West 54th Street; and the alley next west of and parallel to South Kostner Avenue.


To classify as a Bl-1 Local Retail District instead of an R4 General Residence District the area shown on Map No. 4-G bounded by: 11766 JOURNAL-CnY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

West 19th Street; South May Street; a line 25 feet south of and parallel to West 19th Street; and the alley next west of and parallel to South May Street.


To classify as an R4 General Residence District instead of an R3 General Residence District the area shown on Map No. 5-H bounded by:

West Wabansia Avenue; North Honore Street; the alley next south of West Wabansia Avenue; and a line 24.2 feet west of North Honore Street.



The aldermen named below presented eighty-two (82) proposed claims against the City of Chicago for the claimants named as noted, respectively, which were Referred to the Committee on Finance, as follows:

Alderman Claimant

PRECKWINKLE (4th Ward) 5100 Hyde Park Condominium Association;

BLOOM (5th Ward) 5537 - 5539 Hyde Park Boulevard Condominium Association;

BEAVERS (7th Ward) Mr. George H. McClaurin;

MADRZYK (13th Ward) Appleway Condominium Association; 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11767

Alderman Claimant

Video Classic;

BURKE (14th Ward) Mr. Arthur John Kleusner;

MURPHY (18th Ward) Mr. Timothy M. Locascio;

LASA:/(23rd Ward) Aherlow Condominium; Mr. Christopher Krawczykowski; Mr. James Manning/Archer Electric Supply; Mr. Tom F. Tapling; 6632 West 64th Place Corporation; 6740 West 64th Place Corporation;

BIALCZAK (30th Ward) Ms. Pearl LaPradd;

GABINSKI (32nd Ward) Hoyne Condominium Association;

WOJCIK (35th Ward) Mr. Robert Epplen; Janis Courts Association;

BANKS (36th Ward) Nottingham Manor Condominium Association; 3150 North Odell Condominium Association; 8216 West Belmont Building;

CULLERTON (38th Ward) Leland House Condominium; 11768 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Alderman Claimant

Portage Manor Condominium;

O'CONNOR (40th Ward) 5220 North Rockwell Condominium Association;

DOHERTY (41st Ward) Birch Tree Manor No. 6 Condominium Association; Cassiel Condominium Association; Park West Condominium — Building 8514;

NATARUS (42ndWard) Faulkner House Condominium Association; Lowell House Condominium Association; Marina Tower Condominium Association; McConnell Apartments Condominium Association (2); Michigan Place Condominium Association; Newberry Plaza Condominium Association (2); 73 East Elm Condominium Association; 119 West Chestnut Condominium Association; 201 East Chestnut Condominium Association; 990 Homeowners' Association (2); 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11769

Alderman Claimant

1212 Lake Shore Drive Condominium Association;

EISENDRATH (43rd Ward) Eugenie Lane Condominium Association; Howe Court Condominium Association; Piano Factory Townhouse Condominium Association; Sheffield Lofts Condominium Association; South Web Condominium Association; Wells Street Studios Condominium Association (formerly Montgomery Court Condominium Association); Wrightwood Cityhomes Condominium Association; Wrightwood Court Townhomes Association; 1320 North Astor Condominium Association (2); 1411 State Parkway Condominium Association; 1419 North State Parkway Condominium Association; 2333 North Geneva Terrace Condominium Association;

HANSEN (44th Ward) The Darien Apartment Condominium Homes Association; 11770 JOURNAL-CnY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Alderman Claimant

823 - 825 West Oakdale Condominium Association; 1133 Cornelia Lofts Condominum Association;

LEVAR (45th Ward) Higgins Court Condominium Association; Higgins Manor Condominium Association; Mr. Glenn W. Johnson; Park Lawrence Condominium Association; Mr. Vernon Wennerstrom, Sr.; Dr. T.S. Wright; 4850 - 4852 - 4854 North Linder Building Condominium;

SHILLER (46th Ward) Buena Vista Condominum Association; 3750 Lake Shore Drive, Inc.; 4615 - 4617 North Magnolia Condominium Association;

M. SMITH (48th Ward) Thorndale Beach North Condominium Association; Thorndale Beach South Condominium; 955 West Carmen Condominium Association; 1454 - 1456 Hollywood Condominium Association; 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11771

Alderman Claimant

4826 North Kenmore Condominium Association (2);

STONE (50th Ward) Claremont Court Condominium Association; Indian Boundary Court Condominium Association; Park Garden Co-op Apartment Corporation; Stanford Courts Condominium Homes; Winston Towers No. 1 Condominium Association; Winston Towers No. 3 Condominium Association; Winston Towers No. 4 Condominium Association; 6120 - 6122 North Hamilton Avenue Building Cooperative Corporation; 7516 Ridge Building Corporation; 7524 Ridge Building Corporation.

4. UNCLASSIFIED MATTERS. (Arranged In Order According To Ward Numbers)

Proposed ordinances, orders and resolutions were presented by the aldermen named below, respectively, and were acted upon by the City Council in each case in the manner noted, as follows: 11772 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Presented By



A proposed ordinance to amend Title 13, Chapter 44, Section 190 of the Municipal Code of Chicago which would add thereto certain language prohibiting the erection of billboards or signboards within the area bounded by the Chicago River, the John F. Kennedy Expressway, the Dan Ryan Expressway, Roosevelt Road and the line extending therefrom to Lake Michigan, and Lake Michigan; and, further, amending Title 17 (Chapter 194A — the Chicago Zoning Ordinance), Section 8.9 by adding thereto a new subsection, to be known as subsection (8), which would institute the provisions of the above-mentioned prohibition effective January 1, 1996, which was Referred to the Committee on Buildings:


Also, a proposed ordinance to amend Title 13, Chapter 84, Section 110 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago which would allow noncorrosive wire reinforced material to be used in proscenium fire curtains for Type 1 stages, which was Referred to the Committee on Buildings. 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11773


Also, a proppsed ordinance requiring Mercy Hospital and Medical Center to pay a Ten Dollar license fee for each of the special police employed at the facility located at the Adlai E. Stevenson Expressway and South Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive pursuant to the provisions of Title 4, Chapter 280, Section 050 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, which was Referred to the Committee on Finance.


Also, a proposed order directing the Commissioner of Transportation to grant permission to the Chicago Area Council No. 118 Boy Scouts of America, do Mr. T. Edmund Drandon, to close to traffic that part of North LaSalle Street, from West Jackson Boulevard to West Adams Street, and those portions of West Quincy Street, from North Clark Street to North LaSalle Street and from North LaSalle Street to North Wells Street; and to erect a tent over the event site, for the period extending July 15 through July 17,1992, for the conduct ofthe 22nd Annual LaSalle Street Dinner Dance for the benefit of the Chicago Area Council No. 118 Boy Scouts of America, which was Referred to the Committee on Special Events and Cultural Affairs.


Also, a proposed order authorizing the Director of Revenue to issue a permit to Amoco Properties, Incorporated to maintain and use one canopy attached to the building or structure at 200 East Randolph Street, which was Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way. 11774 JOURNAL-CnY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92


Also, five proposed orders authorizing the Commissioner of General Services to issue permits to the applicants listed for the maintenance and use of existing canopies attached to specified buildings or structures, which were Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way, as follows:

Archibald Candy Corporation — for one canopy at 919 North Michigan Avenue;

Binyon's Restaurant — for one canopy at 327 South Plymouth Court; Metra/Metropolitan Rail - for two canopies at 115 North Clinton Street and 116 North Canal Street;

White Hen Pantry, Inc. - for seven canopies at 600 South Dearborn Street; and

312 Randolph Partnership - for one cianopy at 312 West Randolph Street.

Presented By



A proposed ordinance providing inclusive exemption for all 1992 City fees to the University of Chicago Hospitals under its not-for-profit status, which was Referred to the Committee on Finance. 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11775

Presented By ALDERMAN STEELE (6th Ward):


A proposed resolution reading as follows:

WHEREAS, Chicago State University is one of our great City's towering educational institutions; and WHEREAS, On January 15, 1992, Chicago State University kicks off its Annual Fund Drive and its celebration of 125 years of quality education; and WHEREAS, Chicago State University was founded in 1867 as the Cook County Normal School and was renamed Chicago Normal School in 1897, Chicago Teachers College in 1938, Illinois Teachers College in 1965, Chicago State College in 1967, and Chicago State University in 1971; and WHEREAS, Chicago State University is a member of the Board of Governors Universities system, and is located at 95th Street and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive in Chicago. It is a comprehensive and multipurpose urban institution currently serving pver 7,000 students with a mission that incorporates instruction, research and public service; and WHEREAS, For 125 years, Chicago State University has turned out young women and men who have become leaders in many professions, citizens who attest to the quality of its service and the influence of this institution in the life of this City, the State of Illinois, and these United States; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this fourteenth day of January, 1992, A.D., do hereby declare that January 15, 1992 be known as "Chicago State University Day In Chicago" in honor of this great institution which commences the celebration of its 125th year of quality education. We extend to its president. Dr. Delores E. Cross, its administration, faculty and especially its students our best wishes for continuing success and accomplishment; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Chicago State University. 11776 JOURNAL-CnY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Alderman Shaw moved to Suspend the Rules Temporarily to permit immediate consideration of and action upon the foregoing proposed resolution. The motion Prevailed. On motion of Alderman Shaw, the foregoing proposed resolution was Adopted by yeas and nays as follows:

Yeas - Aldermen Mazola, Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Coleman, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 49.

Nays - None. Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.

Presented By



A proposed ordinance to require the City of Chicago to offer on a seniority basis any vacant positions to those city employees whose positions have been or are scheduled to be eliminated by the Annual Appropriation Ordinance of 1992, provided said employees are qualified for such vacant positions and the position is not encumbered by contractual obligations, which was Referred to the Committee on the Budget and Government Operations. 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11777

Presented By



A proposed resolution urging The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, to issue an executive order encouraging all city departments to make a "good faith" effort to award city contracts to veteran-owned businesses, which was Referred to the Committee on Human Relations.

Presented By



A proposed order authorizing the Commissioner of General Services to issue a permit to K.T.W., Inc., doing business Fredericks Shoes, to maintain and use one canopy attached to the building or structure at 11255 South Michigan Avenue, which was i2e/crred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way. 11778 JOURNAL-CnY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Presented By



Two proposed orders authorizing the Conimissioner of General Services to issue permits to the applicants listed for the maintenance and use of existing canopies attached to specified buildings or structures, which were Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way, as follows:

Robert's Funeral Home — for one canopy at 2819 South Archer Avenue; and

Stephanie's Unisex - for one canopy at 3118 South Morgan Street.

Presented By ALDERMAN FARY (12th Ward):


A proposed ordinance directing the Superintendent of Maps Ex Officio Examiner of Subdivisions, to approve a plat of Ou-Sung Resubdivision on the northwest corner of West 35th Street and South Oakley Avenue, which was Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way. 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11779

Presented By ALDERMAN MADRZYK (13th Ward):


A proposed ordinance to amend the 1992 Annual Appropriation Ordinance by transferring certain funds allocated for contractual services to the Contingency Account within the City Council Committee on Special Events and Cultural Affairs, which was Referred to the Committee on the Budget and Government Operations.


Also, a proposed ordinance to amend Title 11, Chapter 12, Section 420 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago which would re-establish the periods covered for semi-annual water service pajrments as January 1 through June 30 and July 1 throughDecember31, which was Re/erred to the Committee on Finance.

Presented By ALDERMAN BURKE (14th Ward):


A proposed order reading as follows: 11780 JOURNAL-CnY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Ordered, That the Conimissioner of Planning and Development is hereby directed to prepare an ordinance for the vacation of the north 35 feet of the remaining north/south 16-foot public alley in the area bounded by South Artesian Avenue, South Western Avenue, the south right-of-way line of the Chicago and Grand Trunk Railroad and West 50th Street for Modern Graphic Systems, Inc. (File No. 12-14-92-1653); said ordinance to be transmitted to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way for consideration and recommendation to the City Council.

Alderman Burke moved to Suspend the Rules Temporarily to permit immediate consideration of and action upon the foregoing proposed order. The motion Prevailed. On motion of Alderman Burke, the foregoing proposed order was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas - Aldermen Mazola, Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Coleman, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 49. Nays — None. Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.


Also, a proposed ordinance to amend Title 4, Chapter 172, Section 020(e) of the Municipal Code of Chicago which would disallow the issuance of new package goods licenses within the area bounded by West 51st Street, the east and west sides of South Western Avenue and West 47th Street, as contained within the boundaries ofthe 14th Ward, which was Re/erred to the Committee on License and Consumer Protection. 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11781

Presented By ALDERMAN JONES (15th Ward):


A proposed ordinance to grant permission and authority to Car Credit Center for the construction, maintenance and use of a portion ofthe public way adjacent to 7600 South Western Avenue for the purpose of parking vehicles, which was Re/erred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way.

Presented By



A proposed ordinance, presented by Aldermen Jones, Mazola, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Shaw, Coleman, Streeter, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, Burrell, Suarez, Mell, Giles, Eisendrath, Hansen, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith and Moore, to amend the 1992 Annual Appropriation Ordinance by strikirig therefrom the position of Chairperson of the Commission on Human Relations, which was Referred to the Committee on the Budget and Government Operations. 11782 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Presented By ALDERMAN COLEMAN (16th Ward):


A proposed ordinance directing the Commissioner of Transportation to designate the 6600 block of South Stewart Avenue as "Reverend George B. Hunter, Sr. Drive", which was Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way.


Also, a proposed order directing the Commissioner of Transportation to consider conferring the honorary designation of''Elder Johnie Bennie Wheeler Street" to that part of West 69th Street, from South Laflin Avenue to South Justine Street, which was Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way.

Presented By ALDERMAN STREETER (17th Ward):


A proposed resolution urging Mayor Richard M. Daley and the members of the (Chicago City Council to consider conferring the honorary designation of "A. Wall Muhammad Street" to that part of West 79th Street, from South Lowe 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11783

Avenue to South Halsted Street, which was Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way.

Presented By ALDERMAN MURPHY (18th Ward):


A proposed ordinance directing the Superintendent of Maps, Ex Officio Examiner of Subdivisions, to approve a plat of Westport Commons Subdivision on the north side of West 87th Street and on the west side of South Kedzie Avenue, which was Re/erred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way.

Presented By ALDERMAN EVANS (21st Ward):


A proposed ordinance to amend Title 4, Chapter 172, Section 020 of the Municipal Code of Chicago which would disallow the issuance of new liquor and package goods licenses along specified portions of South State Street, South Ashland Avenue, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, South Beverly Avenue and West 87th Street, all as contained within the boundaries of the 21st Ward, which was Re/erred to the Committee on License and Consumer Protection. 11784 JOURNAL-CnY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Presented By ALDERMAN EVANS (21st Ward), ALDERMAN STEELE (6th Ward), ALDERMAN SHAW (9th Ward), And ALDERMAN STREETER (17th Ward):


A proposed ordinance authorizing the Director of Personnel to begin processing of those employees affected by the recent City budget cuts to fill vacant or newly-created positions, which was Referred to the Committee on the Budget and Government Operations.

Presented By ALDERMAN GARCIA (22nd Ward):


A proposed resolution reading as follows:

WHEREAS, The United States of America was founded and continues to be built by immigrants from many nationalities, ethnic origins and diverse cultures; and WHEREAS, These principles of equality among the inhabitants of the United States and their rights are guaranteed by its founders; and WHEREAS, A new wave of immigrants continues to flow into the United States who also contribute to the wealth and progress ofthis country; and WHEREAS, The immigration policy should be more sensitive to immigrants and refugees from the third world; and 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11785

WHEREAS, The employer sanction provisions ofthe Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (I.R.C.A.) continue to discriminate against Latinos, Asians, Africans, and middle eastern immigrants; and WHEREAS, Pending legislation in the United States Congress has been introduced to repeal the employer sanctions provisions; and WHEREAS, Thousands of Haitian nationals are forcibly deported to Haiti, disregarding their human rights while hundreds are being detained at I.N.S. facilities in Florida and another three thousand are being held aboard United States ships at sea or on the military base in Guantanamo, Cuba; and WHEREAS, The documented numbers of violations in Chicago against immigrant groups have increased significantly and have been denounced by local newspaper articles that have underscored the abuse and deplorable living conditions of detainees in the custody of I.N.S.; and WHEREAS, The City ofChicago has enacted an executive order to provide city services to all residents regardless oftheir immigrant status; and WHEREAS, The United Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights of Chicago is promoting immigrant rights awareness in order to maintain and expand immigrant rights; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That the Mayor and the Chicago City Council proclaim February 7th as the "Day Of Solidarity For All Immigrants".

Alderman Garcia moved to Suspend the Rules Temporarily to permit immediate consideration of and action upon the foregoing proposed resolution. The motion Prevailed. On motion of Alderman Garcia, the foregoing proposed resolution was Adopted by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas - Aldermen Mazola, Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Coleman, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 49. Nays — None. Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. 11786 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92


Also, a proposed order directing the Commissioner of Transportation to give consideration to closing to vehicular traffic West 30th Street, at South Troy Street, which was Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way.

Presented By ALDERMAN LASKI (23rd Ward):


A proposed ordinance to amend Title 13, Chapter 64 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago which would add thereto new sections, to be known as Sections 190 through 250, requiring the use of carbon monoxide detectors in residential or mixed occupancy buildings, which was Referred to the Committee on Police and Fire.


Also, a proposed ordinance directing the Superintendent of Maps, Ex Officio Examiner of Subdivisions, to approve a plat of Casimir Pulaski II Resubdivision on the southwest corner of West 59th Street and South Natchez Avenue, which was Re/erred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way. 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11787

Presented By ALDERMAN MILLER (24th Ward):


A proposed ordinance to grant permission and authority to Sears, Roebuck and Company (File No. 8) for the maintenance and use of a pipe tunnel under and across that part of West Arthington Street, west of South Homan Avenue, which was Re/erred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way.

Presented By ALDERMAN MEDRANO (25th Ward):


A proposed ordinance to grant permission and authority to The BOC Group, Inc. for the maintenance and use of two water pipes under and across that part of South Lumber Street, west of South Stewart Avenue, which was Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way.

Presented By ALDERMAN HENDON (27th Ward):


A proposed resolution reading as follows: 11788 JOURNAL-CnY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

WHEREAS, Governor Jim Edgar has recently shocked his constituents by proposing drastic and insensitive cuts in many programs for the poor and needy in response to the budgetary problems of his administration; and WHEREAS, Governor Edgar's proposed cuts in public aid, education, mental health, aging, public health and such will have a crippling impact upon many citizens of Illinois and upon a large percentage of Chicagoans; and WHEREAS, All Chicagoans and visitors to our City as well will be detrimentally affected by such unconscionable cuts as those proposed by the Governor; and WHEREAS, The state administration has indicated that federal cuts have led to the Governor's proposal; now, therefore, Be It Resolved, That the members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, on behalf of all our constituents and on behalf of all citizens who spend any time in our great City, do hereby express our opposition to the budgetary cuts proposed by Governor Jim Edgar at the onset of 1992, and that we memorialize the Governor and the members of the Illinois General Assembly to go to Washington, D.C, and to request help from the President and the United States Congress in providing services to all our citizens, especially the poor and needy; and Be It Further Resolved, That one copy of this resolution be presented to Governor Jim Edgar, one to the members of the Illinois General Assembly, one to President George Bush and one to the United States Congress.

Alderman Hendon moved to Suspend the Rules Temporarily to permit immediate consideration of and action upon the foregoing proposed resolution. The motion Prevailed. On motion of Alderman Hendon, the foregoing proposed resolution was Adopted by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas - Aldermen Mazola, Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Coleman, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 48. Nays — Alderman Doherty — 1. Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11789


Also, a proposed ordinance tp grant permission and authority to Commonwealth Edison Company for the maintenance and use of retaining walls on specified portions of West Congress Parkway and West Harrison Street, between South Maplewood Avenue and the right-of-way of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Co., which was Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way.


Also, a proposed resolution to convene a Summit Conference on Gang Problems and Solutions which would invite various governmental, religious and business entities as well as gang members to discuss the problem of and possible solutions to gang violence, which was Referred to the Committee on Police and Fire.

Presented By ALDERMAN HENDON (27th Ward) And ALDERMAN TILLMAN (3rd Ward):


A proposed resolution reading as follows:

WHEREAS, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., led the Civil Rights Movement, the Peace Movement and the Voting Rights Movement in the United States of America; and 11790 JOURNAL-CnY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

WHEREAS, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s, efforts led America to become a stronger, fairer and more stable country; and WHEREAS, Dr. King was viciously assassinated for his work in civil rights, giving his life to make America better; and WHEREAS, Dr. King won the Nobel Peace Prize and his birth is celebrated nationwide on January 20th ofthis year, with his actual birthday being January 15th; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That the City ofChicago honors the birthday ofthis great African-American.

Alderman Hendon moved to Suspend the Rules Temporarily to permit immediate consideration of and action upon the foregoing proposed resolution. The motion Preuai/ed. On motion of Alderman Hendon, the foregoing proposed resolution was Adopted by yeas and nays as follpws: Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Coleman, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 49. Nays — None. Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.

Presented By ALDERMAN BURRELL (29th Ward):


A proposed ordinance to amend Title 4, Chapter 172, Section 020(e) of the 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11791

Municipal Code of Chicago which would disallow the issuance of new package goods licenses along specified portions of South Laramie Avenue, West Harrison Street, West Madison Street, West Chicago Avenue and West Division Street, all as contained within the boundaries of the 29th Ward, which was Re/erred to the Committee on License and Consumer Protection.


Also, a proposed order directing the Commissioner of Transportation to consider conferring the honorary designation of "Reverend Dr. Shelvin Jerome Hall Drive" to that part of West Jackson Boulevard, from South Austiri Boulevard to South Cicero Avenue, which was Re/erred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way.

Presented By ALDERMAN BIALCZAK (30th Ward):


A proposed order authorizing the Commissioner of General Services to issue a permit to Chas. W. Anderson Funeral Home to maintain and use one canopy attached to the building or structure at 4325 West Armitage Avenue, which wasReferred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way. 11792 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Presented By ALDERMAN GABINSKI (32nd Ward):


A proposed ordinance to grant perniission and authority to EXOHO Associates Limited Partnership for the maintenance and use of a sample basin adjacent to 1824 North Besly Court, which was Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way.


Also, a proposed ordinance directing the Superintendent of Maps, Ex Officio Examiner of Subdivisions, to approve a plat of Woods Resubdivision on the west side of North Greenview Avenue, north of West Altgeld Street, which was Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way.

Presented By ALDERMAN WOJCIK (35th Ward):


Two proposed ordinances to exempt the applicants listed from the physical barrier requirement pertaining to alley accessibility for the parking facilities adjacent to the premises noted, pursuant tb the provisions of Title 10, Chapter 20, Section 210 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago, which were Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way, as follows: 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11793

Elm Electric Company, Inc. - 3364 North Pulaski Road; and Mr. Tom Lichter - 3929 North Central Park Avenue.


Also, a proposed order authorizing the Conimissioner of General Services to issue a permit to KFC National Management Company to maintain and use one canopy attached to the building or structure at 4200 West Fullerton Avenue, which was Re/erred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way.

Presented By ALDERMAN BANKS (36th Ward):


A proposed ordinance to amend Title 4, Chapter 172, Sections 020(d) and 020(e) of the Municipal Code of Chicago by adding thereto two new subparagraphs, to be known as subparagraphs 020(d)19 and 020(e)10, which would disallow the issuance of new liquor licenses and new package goods licenses, respectively, within the boundaries of the 36th Ward, which was Referred to the Committee on License and Consumer Protection. 11794 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Presented By



A proposed order authorizing the Commissioner of Transportation to grant permission to Mr. Carlton J. Palmer to park his pickup truck and/or van at 820 North Lavergne Avenue, in accordance with the provisions of Title 9, Chapter 48, Section 020 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago, which was Referred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.

Presented For



A proposed order, presented by Alderman Levar, authorizing the Commissioner of Transportation to allow the installation of a curb attached sidewalk on the west side ofNorth Drake Avenue, from a point 5 feet south of West Peterson Avenue, to a point 125 feet south thereof, which was Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way. 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11795

Presented By ALDERMAN O'CONNOR (40th Ward):


A proposed resolution urging the Illinois State Legislature to amend the Illinois School Code and disallow the Chicago Board of Education from utilizing the "Exceptions Provisions" of the Open Meetings Act, thereby requiring the Chicago Board of Education to conduct all deliberations and actions openly, which was Referred to the Committee on Education.

Presented By ALDERMAN DOHERTY (41st Ward):


A proposed order authorizing the Conimissioner of General Services to issue a permit to Ms. Doris T. Bernardo to maintain and use one canopy attached to the building or structure at 6942 — 6946 West Higgins Road, which was Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way.


Also, a proposed order authorizing the Director of Revenue to issue a permit to Mr. Joseph Neisler to maintain and use one canopy attached to the building or structure at 6938 — 6940 West Higgins Road, which was Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way. 11796 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Presented By



A proposed ordinance to amend an ordinance passed by the City Council on September 12, 1990 (Council Journal of Proceedings, page 20818), which authorized a grant of privilege to Rush-Rose, Inc., by striking from Section 1 the dimensions "sixty-five (65) feet in length by nine (9) feet in width" and inserting in lieu thereof "fifty (50) feet in length by nine (9) feet in width"; and in Section 2 by striking the compensation sum of "Seven Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty-six and no/100 Dollars ($7,956.00)" and inserting in lieu thereof the sum "Six Thousand One Hundred Twenty and no/100 Dollars ($6,120.00)", which was Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way.


Also, two proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed for the purposes specified, which were Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way, as follows:

Carson's The Place for Ribs, Incorporated - to construct, maintain and use a grease basin adjacent to 612 North Wells Street; and Continental Bank N.A. - to maintain and use subsurface space for installation of steel sheetpiling adjacent to building located at the southeast corner ofNorth Clark and West Division Streets. 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11797


Also, a proposed order authorizing the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation to issue the necessary permits to Hotel Intercontinental Chicago to erect an ice sculpture adjacent to 505 North Michigan Avenue, without compensation and pursuant to certain conditions rendering the adjacent property owner fully responsible for the maintenance thereof, which wasReferred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way.


Also, three proposed orders authorizing the Commissioner of General Services to issue permits to the applicants listed for the maintenance and use of existing canopies attached to specified buildings or structures, which were Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way, as follows:

EMB-State Limited Partnership, doing business as Papagus — for six canopies at 620 North State Street; New Metal Crafts, Inc. - for one canopy at 810 North Wells Street; and Streeterville Center Condominium Association — for one canopy at 233 East Erie Street.


Also, two proposed orders authorizing the Director of Revenue to issue permits to the applicants listed for the maintenance and use of existing canopies attached to specified buildings or structures, which were Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way, as follows: 11798 JOURNAL-CnY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Caspian Oriental Rugs - for one canopy at 700 North LaSalle Street; and John Leo, Inc., doing business as Armando's Restaurant - for one canopy at 735 North Rush Street.

Presented By ALDERMAN NATARUS (42nd Ward), ALDERMAN EISENDRATH (43rd Ward) And ALDERMAN HANSEN (44th Ward):


A proposed resolution reading as follows:

WHEREAS, The City of Chicago and other major cities of the United States continue to face dire fiscal problems; and WHEREAS, These centers of dense population consist ofthe majority of federal income tax payers responsible for the flow of tax dollars to our nation's capital; and WHEREAS, The federal government, during the 1970s and 1980s, engaged in a program entitled, "Federal Revenue Sharing" to assist the states, cities and local governments in solving their fiscal problems by sharing federal income tax dollars with them, thereby reducing and maintaining local taxes, in particular the real estate property tax, at more reasonable levels; and WHEREAS, The federal government abolished the Federal Revenue Sharing Program in the middle 1980s, causing the City ofChicago and other cities to rely even more heavily on local sources of revenue and taxation, in particular the real estate property tax, as a major source of revenue to balance their budgets; and WHEREAS, The City of Chicago and other major cities are finding it impossible to rely any longer on the real estate property tax and other sources of revenue; and 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11799

WHEREAS, In the absence of federal funding, the City of Chicago and other major cities are finding it impossible to maintain as high a level of service, proceed with its capital projects, and engage in its governmental programs; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, assembled in meeting this fourteenth day of January, 1992, A.D., do hereby memorialize the Congress of the United States to reenact the Federal Revenue Sharing Program to assist states and cities of the United States of America in resolving their fiscal problems; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to the entire Illinois delegation.

Alderman Natarus moved to Suspend the Rules Temporarily to permit immediate consideration of and action upon the foregoing proposed resolution. The motion Prevailed. On motion of Alderman Natarus, the foregoing proposed resolution was Adopted by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas - Aldermen Mazola, Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Coleman, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 49. Nays — None. Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.

Presented By ALDERMAN EISENDRATH (43rd Ward):


A proposed order reading as follows: 11800 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Ordered, That the Commissioner of Planning and Development is hereby directed to prepare an ordinance for the vacation of all that part of North Seminary Avenue lying between West Fullerton Avenue and West Belden Avenue for DePaul University (File No. 32-43-91-1637); said ordinance to be transmitted to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way for consideration and recommendation to the City Council.

Alderman Eisendrath moved to Suspend the Rules Temporarily to permit immediate consideration of and action upon the foregoing proposed order. The motion Prevailed. On motion of Alderman Eisendrath, the foregoing proposed order was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Coleman, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 49. Nays - None. Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.


Also, a proposed order authorizing the Commissioner of Transportation to grant permission to Ms. Doris Adelstein for the construction of a recessed bay for vehicles adjacent to 305 West Fullerton Parkway, which was Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way. 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11801


Also, three proposed orders authorizing the Commissioner of General Services to issue permits to the applicants listed for the maintenance and use of existing canopies attached to specified buildings or structures, which were Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way, as follows:

Hemingway House Condominium Association — for one canopy at 1825 North Lincoln Plaza; LaSalle National Bank, under Trust Number 33198 - for one canopy at 420 West Fullerton Parkway; and One East Schiller Condominium Association - for one canopy at 1 East Schiller Street.

Presented By ALDERMAN EISENDRATH (43rd Ward) And ALDERMAN BUCHANAN (10th Ward):


A proposed ordinance reading as follows:

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Section ll-4-1520(F) ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago is hereby amended by deleting the language in brackets and adding the language in italics, as follows: 11802 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

ll-4-1520(F). If the Conimissioner determines that the application meets the applicable requirements of the Municipal Code, and if the applicant has filed the bond required by Section 11-4-370, and has paid the appropriate fees, the Commissioner shall issue the appropriate permit; provided, however, that prior to February 1 [1992] 1994, notwithstanding any provision of this Chapter: (1) no permit shall be issued nor modification of any permit allowed for the expansion of any existing sanitary landfill or liquid waste handling facility which utilizes deep well injection or landfill as a means of waste disposal, and (2) no permit shall be issued for the creation or operation of a new sanitary landfill site or liquid waste handling facility which utilizes deep well injection or landfill as a means of waste disposal.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication.

Alderman Eisendrath moved to Suspend the Rules Temporarily to permit immediate consideration of and action upon the foregoing proposed ordinance. The motion Prevailed.

On motion of Alderman Eisendrath, seconded by Alderman Buchanan, the foregoing proposed ordinance was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Tillman, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 46.

Nays — None.

Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11803

Presented By ALDERMAN EISENDRATH (43rd Ward), ALDERMAN MADRZYK (13th Ward), ALDERMAN HANSEN (44th Ward) And ALDERMAN LEVAR (45th Ward):


A proposed ordinance to amend Title 10, Chapter 4, Section 050 of the Municipal Code of Chicago which would require the Commissioner of Transportation to assign a legal number to the entrance of any residence, apartment or place of business that has frontage on a dedicated public street regardless of whether said property is a lot of record, which was Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way.

Presented By ALDERMAN HANSEN (44th Ward):


A proposed ordinance to amend Title 5, Chapter 12, Section 080 of the Municipal Code of Chicago which would require landlord-held security deposits to earn interest at the current passbook savings rate of the bank in which the security deposit is held, which was Referred to the Committee on Buildings. 11804 JOURNAL-CnY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92


Also, a proposed ordinance to amend Title 4, Chapter 228, Section 140 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago which would regulate the sale or redemption of personal property by a pawnbroker, which was Referred to the Committee on License and Consumer Protection.


Also, a proposed ordinance requiring Illinois Masonic Medical Center to pay a Ten Dollar license fee for each of the special police employed at 836 West Wellington Avenue, pursuant to the provisions of Title 4, Chapter 280, Section 050 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, which was Re/erred to the Committee on Finance.


Also, two proposed orders authorizing the Conimissioner of General Services to issue permits to the applicants listed for the maintenance and use of existing canopies attached to specified buildings or structures, which were Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way, as follows:

Jaxly, Inc., doing business as Mars Restaurant — for one canopy at 3124 North Broadway; and Peerless Imported Rugs, Inc. - for one canopy at 3029 - 3033 North Lincoln Avenue. 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11805

Presented By ALDERMAN LEVAR (45th Ward):


Two proposed orders authorizing the Commissioner of General Services to issue permits to the applicants listed for the maintenance and use of existing canopies attached to specified buildings or structures, which were Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way, as follows:

Alkis and George Pashos, doing business as Dutch Cleaners — for one canopy at 5058 West Irving Park Road; and Gladstone Park Bakery, Inc. - for one canopy at 5744 North Milwaukee Avenue.

Presented By ALDERMAN SHILLER (46th Ward):


Two proposed orders authorizing the Commissioner of General Services to issue permits to the applicants listed for the maintenance and use of existing canopies attached to specified buildings or structures, which were Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way, as follows:

Devon Bank, under Trust Number 5153 - for one canopy at 815 West Montrose Avenue; and Mr. Jack H. Gore - for one canopy at 3838 North Broadway. 11806 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Presented By ALDERMAN SHILLER (46th Ward) And OTHERS:


A proposed resolution presented by Aldermen Shiller, Mazola, Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Streeter, Rugai, Evans, Garcia, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Giles, Eisendrath, Hansen, Schulter, M. Smith and Moore, directing the City Council to reallocate $2.5 Million in supplemental funds in budget year 1992 to implement an A.I.D.S. Strategic Plan of the City of Chicago, and meet the demands of an increased caseload, which was Referred to the Committee on Health.

Presented By ALDERMAN M. SMITH (48th Ward):


Three proposed orders authorizing the Commissioner of General Services to issue permits to the applicants listed for the maintenance and use of existing canopies attached to specified buildings or structures, which were Referred to the Committee on Transportation arid Public Way, as follows:

Hollywood House — for one canopy at 5700 North Sheridan Road; O. M. Nordling Jewelers - for one canopy at 5249 North Clark Street; and Park Edgewater Condominium — for one canopy at 6101 North Sheridan Road. 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11807

Presented By ALDERMAN MOORE (49th Ward):


A proposed ordinance to amend Title 10, Chapter 28, Section 675 of the Municipal Code ofChicago by adding thereto a new paragraph, to be known as paragraph (2), which would designate that portion of the city lying within the boundaries of the Forty-ninth Ward as an advertising bench "restricted zone", which was Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way.


Also, a proposed ordinance to exempt the Technical Assistance Corporation from the physical barrier requirement pertaining to alley accessibility for the parking facility for 7600 North Bosworth Avenue, pursuant to Title 10, Chapter 20, Section 210 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago, which was Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way.


Also, a proposed order authorizing the Commissioner of General Services to issue a permit to Forman Realty Corporation to maintain and use one canopy attached to the building or structure at 1209 West Sherwin Avenue, which was Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Public Way. 11808 JOURNAL-CnY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92


Proposed ordinances, orders, et cetera described below, were presented by the aldermen named and were Referred to the Committee on Finance, as follows.


BY ALDERMAN DIXON (8th Ward): South Shore Hospital — for installation of a fuel storer on the premises known as 8012 South Crandon Avenue.

BY ALDERMAN RUGAI (19th Ward): Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School — for an addition to the premises known as 3737 West 99th Street.

BY ALDERMAN EVANS for ALDERMAN TROUTMAN (20th Ward): Trinity Acres Housing Corporation — for construction of Trinity Oaks Project for the elderly and handicapped on the premises known as 6217 — 6229 South Drexel Avenue.

BY ALDERMAN MILLER (24th Ward): Holy Starlight Methodist Baptist Church - for construction of a one and one-half story building with a basement on the premises known as 3506 — 3508 West Cermak Road.

BY ALDERMAN MEDRANO (25th Ward): John A. Walsh Elementary School — for construction of a new annex on the premises known as 2031 South Peoria Street. 18th Street Development Corporation — for rehabilitation of an existing structure for low-income housing on the premises known as 2014 South Throop Street. 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11809

BY ALDERMAN AUSTIN (34th Ward): Pentecostal Temple Church of God in Christ — for construction of an addition to the church structure and for a driveway on the premises known as 415 West 111th Street.

BY ALDERMAN NATARUS (42nd Ward): Moody Bible Institute - for alterations to the existing structure on the premises known as 917 North Franklin Street. Northwestern Memorial Hospital — for remodeling of two patient's rooms, deletion of a utility room and an addition of one anteroom on the 14th Floor of the East Wesley Pavilion on the premises known as 260 East Superior Street.


BY ALDERMAN BEAVERS (7th Ward): South Chicago Community Hospital (formerly Evangelical Hospital Corporation), 2320 East 93rd Street (2).

BY ALDERMAN DIXON (8th Ward): Jackson Park Hospital, 7531 South Stony Island Avenue. South Shore Hospital, 8012 South Crandon Avenue.

BY ALDERMAN RUGAI (19th Ward): The Washington and Jane Smith Home, 2340 West 113th Place.

BY ALDERMAN GARCIA (22nd Ward): Rainbow House, 2313 South Millard Avenue.

BY ALDERMAN MEDRANO (25th Ward): El Valor Corporation (Sheltered Care Home), 1850 West 21st Street. 11810 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Schwab Rehabilitation Center, 1401 South California Avenue.

By ALDERMAN MELL (33rd Ward): Christopher House Day Care Center, 2610 North Francisco Avenue.

BY ALDERMAN BANKS (36th Ward): Shriners Hospitals for Crippled Children (Chicago Unit), 2211 North Oak Park Avenue.

BY ALDERMAN CULLERTON (38th Ward): Our Lady ofthe Resurrection Medical Center, 5645 West Addison Street.

BY ALDERMAN NATARUS (42nd Ward): Rehabilitation Hospital, 345 East Superior Street.

BY ALDERMAN EISENDRATH (43rdWard): Auxiliary of Grant Hospital ofChicago, 550 West Webster Avenue. Grant Hospital of Chicago, 550 West Webster Avenue. Intervention North Side Clinic, 2723 North Clark Street.


The Methodist Home, 1415 West Foster Avenue.


BY ALDERMAN MAZOLA (1stWard): Saint Cabrini Hospital, 811 South Lytle Street - annual public place of assembly inspection fee and fuel burning equipment inspection fee (2). 1/14/92 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 11811

BY ALDERMAN PRECKWINKLE (4th Ward): Chicago Child Care Society, 5467 South University Avenue - semi-annual elevator inspection fee.

Sy ALDERMAN MELL (33rd Ward): Saint Paul's House and Grace Convalescent Home, 3810 North California Avenue — annual driveway maintenance and inspection fee.

BY ALDERMAN BANKS (36th Ward): Christ Lutheran Church, 3101 North Parkside Avenue — annual fuel burning equipment inspection fee.

BY ALDERMAN NATARUS (42nd Ward): Northwestern Memorial Hospital, various locations — annual building inspection fee and fuel burning equipment inspection fee (2).

BY ALDERMAN EISENDRATH (43rd Ward): Contemporary Art Workshop, 542 West Grant Place — sign inspection fee.

BY ALDERMAN SHILLER (46th Ward): Louis Weiss Memorial Hospital, 4646 North Marine Drive — elevator inspection fee.

BY ALDERMAN M. SMITH (48th Ward): Edgewater Presbyterian Church, 1020 — 1040 West Bryn Mawr Avenue — sign inspection fee. Selfhelp Home for the Aged, 908 West Argyle Street - annual fuel burning equipment inspection fees. Selfhelp Home for the Aged, 916 West Argyle Street - annual driveway maintenance and inspection fees. 11812 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCn^-CHICAGO 1/14/92



Gehrett Plumbing Company, 4739 South Pulaski Road (for construction at Mercy Hospital Satellite Facility) - refund in the amount of $4,388.05.

Sy ALDERMAN M/LLER (24th Ward): Holy Starlight Methodist Baptist Church, 3500 West Cermak Road - refund in the amount of $2,610.00.


Leonard V. Stutz and Son, Inc., 54 West Madison Street, Oak Park, Illinois - refund in the amount of $7,765,00.

BY ALDERMAN NATARUS (42ndWard): Moody Bible Institute, 820 North LaSalle Street (for alterations to existing structure at 917 North Franklin Street) - refund in the amount of $3,017.75.

BY ALDERMAN M. SMITH (48thWard): John and Deirdre Squires, 5453 North Magnolia Avenue - refund in the amount of $444.00.


BY ALDERMAN G/LES (37th Ward):

Saint Andrews' Baptist Church, 540 - 542 North Cicero Avenue. 1/14/92 APPROVAL OF JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS 11813


JOURNAL (December 11, 1991).

The City Clerk submitted the printed Official Journal of the Proceedings of the regular meeting held on December 11,1991, at 10:00 A.M., signed by him as such City Clerk. Alderman Burke moved to Correct said printed Official Journal, as follows:

Page 11164 - by deleting in their entirety the third through eighth lines from the bottom of the page.

The motion to correct Prevailed. Thereupon, Alderman Burke moved to Approve said printed Official Journal, as corrected, and to dispense with the reading thereof. The question being put, the motion Prevailed.



On motion of Alderman Burke, the City Council took up for consideration the report ofthe Committee on Finance, deferred and published in the Journal of the Proceedings of December 11, 1991, pages 10737 through 10743, recommending that the City Council pass a proposed ordinance authorizing the levy of taxes for the year 1992. On motion of Alderman Burke, the said proposed ordinance was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: 11814 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Beavers, Dixon, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Coleman, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Laski, Medrano, Gutierrez, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Austin, Wojcik, Cullerton, O'Connor, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, M. Smith - 28. Nays - Aldermen Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Shaw, Jones, Streeter, Evans, Garcia, Miller, Hendon, E. Smith, Mell, Banks, Giles, Doherty, Schulter, Moore, Stone - 20. Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said ordinance as passed:

WHEREAS, The City of Chicago, Illinois (the "City"), is a municipal corporation and a home rule unit of government as defined in Article VH, Section 6(a) ofthe Illinois Constitution; and WHEREAS, The City has adopted its annual appropriation ordinance for the year 1992, pursuant to its powers granted by the constitution and laws of the State oflllinois; and WHEREAS, It is now appropriate and in the best interests of the City to enact its tax levy ordinance for the year 1992 to become effective as provided herein; and WHEREAS, It is appropriate that the tax levy ordinance for the year 1992 receive expeditious consideration by the City Council; now, therefore. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. The sum of Six Hundred Twenty Million, Nine Hundred Sixty-one Thousand Dollars ($620,961,000) ascertained by the City Council as the total amount of appropriations heretofore legally made for all corporate purposes to be provided for by the tax levy of the year 1992, is hereby levied for the year 1992 upon all property within the City ofChicago subject to taxation. The purposes for which appropriations have been made and the amount appropriated for each purpose, respectively, are hereinafter specified in detail in the manner authorized for the annual appropriation ordinance for the year 1992, annexed to and made a part of this ordinance. The amounts appropriated and levied for each of said purposes, respectively, are set forth below in separate columns. 1/14/92 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 11815

Appropriations For Expenditures And Amounts Levied For The Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 1992 And Ending December 31, 1992.

Amounts Amounts Code Description Appropriated Levied

Bond Redemption and Interest Fund - 508

Amounts to be levied in 1992 for the payment of bonds and interest on bonds:

2005.0902 For interest on bonds $ 75,000 $ 75,000 2005.0912 For payment of bonds 148,000 148,000 Total for principal and interest 223,000 223,000 2020.0960 For loss in collection of taxes 2,000 2,000 Total from Bond Redemption 225,000 225,000 and Interest Fund - 508

Note Redemption and Interest Fund - 509 Project Notes

Amounts to be levied in 1992 for the pajmient of notes and interest on notes: 2005.0961 For payment of term notes 32,000,000 32,000,000 2005.0962 For payment of interest on 6,575,000 6,575,000 term notes

2005.0900 Total for principal and 38,575,000 38,575,000 interest 2020.0960 For loss in collection of taxes 2,030,000 2,030,000 11816 JOURNAL-CnY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Amounts Amounts Code Description Appropriated Levied

Total from Note Redemption $40,605,000 $40,605,000 and Interest Fund - 509

Bond Redemption and Interest Fund - 510 Amounts to be levied in 1992 for the pajrment of bonds and interest on bonds: 2005.0902 For interest on term bonds 42,771,000 36,186,000 Community Improvement and Development — 1975 General Obligation, Series of April, 1981 General Obligation Project Bond-1985 Refunding Series - 1987-B Refunding Series -1985 Refunding Series -1991 Project Refunding Series - 1987 Navy Pier Refunding 2005.0912 Total for payment of bonds 18,425,000 15,589,000 2020.0960 For loss in collection of taxes 2,725,000 2,725,000 Total from Bond Redemption 63,921,000 54,500,000 and Interest Fund - 510 1/14/92 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 11817

Amounts Amounts Code Description Appropriated Levied

Tender Note Series Note Redemption and Interest Fund - 512 Amounts to be levied in 1992 for the pajrment of notes and interest on notes: 2005.0961 For pajrment of term notes $273,064,000 $273,064,000 2005.0998 For operating transfers out 5,000,000 2020.0960 For loss in collection of taxes 14,372,000 14,372,000

Total from Note Redemption 292,436,000 287,436,000 and Interest Fund - 512

Municipal Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund-681 2025.0976 For the City's contribution 123,173,000 106,052,000 to employees' annuity and benefit fund

Laborers'and Retirement Board of Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund-682 2025.0976 For the City's contribution 16,835,000 13,300,000 to employees' annuity and benefit fund

Policemen's Annuity and Benefit Fund - 683 2025.0976 For the City's contribution 85,375,000 72,568,000 to employees' annuity and benefit fund 11818 JOURNAL-CnY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Amounts Amounts Code Description Appropriated Levied

Firemen's Annuity and Benefit Fund - 684 2025.0976 For the City's contribution $39,380,000 $33,473,000 to employees' annuity and benefit fund

Public Building Commission Fund - 641 2005.0915 Department of Law/31 457,000 328,000 For pajrment of leases 1005.0915 Department of Health/41 28,000 20,000 For pajrment of leases 2005.0915 Department of Fire/59 664,000 476,000 For pajrment of leases Department of Streets and Sanitation 2005.0915 Bureau of Sanitation/81-1015 7,000 5,000 For pajrment of leases 2005.0902 For interest on bonds 1,022,000 733,000 2005.0912 For payment of bonds 4,902,000 3,518,000 2020.0960 For loss in collection of taxes 268,000 268,000

Total for Public Building 7,348,000 5,348,000 Commission Fund — 641

Library Bond Redemption and Interest Fund — 568 Amounts to be levied in 1992 for the pajrment of bonds and interest on bonds: 2005.0902 For interest on bonds 19,500,000 7,081,000 1/14/92 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 11819

Amounts Amounts Code Description Appropriated Levied

2020.0960 For loss in collection of taxes $ 373,000 $ 373,000

Total from Library Bond 19,873,000 7,454,000 Redemption and Interest Fund-568

Total Tax Levy: $620,961,000

SECTION 2. In no event shall the amount levied for any purpose, as set forth in Section 1 hereof, exceed the amount appropriated for such purpose as set forth in the annual appropriation ordinance adopted for the City for the year 1992. SECTION 3. The City Clerk is directed to file certified copies of this ordinance, together with copies of the annual appropriation ordinance for the year 1992, with the County Clerk of Cook County and the County Clerk of DuPage County. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval.


On motion of Alderman Evans, the City Council took up for consideration the report ofthe Committee on Finance, deferred and published in the Journal ofthe Proceedings of November 27, 1991, page 10015, recommending that the City Council adopt the proposed resolution authorizing the nullification and cancellation ofall city contracts with Callaghan Paving Company. On motion of Alderman Evans, the said proposed resolution was Adopted by yeas and nays as follows: 11820 JOURNAL-CTTY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Tillman, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 46. Nays — None. Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said resolution as adopted:

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council amended the Municipal Code in an effort to prohibit illegal dumping within the city limits; and WHEREAS, Dan Callaghan, Jr., of Callaghan Paving Company, located at 7000 Frontage Road, Hinsdale, Illinois, was found guilty and was convicted in June of 1991 by the Circuit Court of Cook County for illegal dumping within the City ofChicago; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That the City of Chicago nullify and cancel any contract that Callaghan Paving Company has with the city, pursuant to Section 7-28- 440 ofthe Municipal Code.



The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, called the Council's attention to the presence ofthe following visitors:

Mr. Robert E. Mann, former Illinois State Representative of the 24th District; 1/14/92 MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS 11821

Farragut High School "Admirals" Soccer Team, 1991 - 1992 Chicago Public School Soccer Champions, accompanied by Coach Clemente Lima and Mrs. Socorro Ramas, Local School Council Member; Mount Carmel High School Football Team, 1991 - 1992 Class 5A State Champions; Students from Newberry Academy, accompanied by Mr. Renaud Beaudoin, teacher; and Students from Saint Clement Grammar School, accompanied by Mr. Michael Shaw, teacher.

Time Fixed For Next Succeeding Regular Meeting.

By unanimous consent. Alderman Burke presented a proposed ordinance which reads as follows: Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. That the next succeeding regular meeting of the City Council ofthe City ofChicago to be held after the meeting held on Tuesday, the fourteenth (14th) day of January, 1992, at 10:00 A.M., be and the same is hereby fixed to be held on Tuesday, the fourth (4th) day of February, 1992, at 10:00 A.M., in the Council Chambers in City Hall. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

On motion of Alderman Burke, the foregoing proposed ordinance was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas — Aldermen Mazola, Rush, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Bloom, Steele, Beavers, Dixon, Shaw, Buchanan, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Jones, Coleman, Streeter, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, Evans, Garcia, Laski, Miller, Medrano, Gutierrez, Hendon, E. Smith, Burrell, Bialczak, Suarez, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Wojcik, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 49. Nays - None. 11822 JOURNAL-CnY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/14/92

Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.


Thereupon, Alderman Natarus moved that the City Council do Adjourn. The motion Prevailed and the City Couricil Stood Adjourned to meet in regular meeting on Tuesday, February 4, 1992, at 10:00 A.M., in the Council Chambers in City Hall.

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