

Present ; Councillors L Davies ( Chmn), M Curtice , P Griffiths, P Morgan, A Stevens, A Thomas C/Cllrs D Cole and D Lewis do not participate in the meeting and attended in a non voting capacity

118. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. The Clerk recorded Cllr A Stevens was a neighbour of the application site 2014/0761. Cllr M Curtice asked to be recorded he was a lifelong friend of the applicant for application. 2014/0753.

119. APOLOGIES were received from Cllrs S Evans, V Evans, E Davies, K Simpkins, K Jones, J Curtice

120. Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 5th November 2014 were presented and approved by the meeting. (proposed Cllr M Curtice, seconded Cllr A Thomas). a. OBJECTION was raised to the following applications;

2014/0753 Amended layout 12 dwellings , Elan Homes , Land to rear 16 Frampton rd Gorseinon

The Council reiterated its original objection to the application on highway grounds. The access point is considered to be too close to the junction of Queensgate village on the opposite side of the road, and vision on exiting the site will be obstructed by on street parking which occurs in the area.

2014/ 0761 Amended details, solar array farm, Pencerfnarda rd. Penyrheol

Members viewed all the visuals submitted to describe the amended application, but considered that the original objections given to the initial application should remain. The enhanced landscaping of the hedge boundary in no way affected the fundamental objections initially registered, that this highly visible site which was part of an internationally sensitive estuary location was unsuitable for the siting of a solar array farm . The Council wished the original objections submitted in July 2014 to stand.

b. Notification of Approvals by Local Planning Authority

2014/1404 Single storey rear extension, 12 Dyffryn road Gorseinon

2014/1160 Detached dwelling with garage, r/o 10 Pencefnarda rd Penyrheol

c. Notification of Refusals by Local Planning Authority; None received

d APPEALS and Notification of Approvals by Local Planning Authority were Noted.

e. ENFORCEMENT – Cllr David Lewis reported that the car wash applicants at 80 Brighton rd Gorseinon had not yet addressed the condition to provide a dropped curb at the site for cars to enter/exit the facility. This had been reported to the Planning dept for enforcement, and the enforcement team were pursuing the matter. If the condition was not implemented then prosecution would follow. f. Clerk reported that the LDP Inspectors report was now available online.

THE MEETING ENDED AT 7pm Chairman…………………………………………….


Present ; Councillors L Davies ( Chmn), M Curtice , P Griffiths, P Morgan, A Stevens, A Thomas C/Cllrs D Cole and D Lewis, Evening Post reporter Liz Perkins.

121. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. None raised initially.

122 . APOLOGIES were received from Cllrs S Evans, E Davies, V Evans , K Simpkins, K Jones, J Curtice

123. POLICE MEETING . The Police were not represented at the meeting. It was noted that Ins. Declan Cahill has now left the Gorseinon station and his new replacement is Insp Melanie Knight. Members asked that she be invited to a future meeting.

124. MAYORS ANNOUNCEMENTS. Mayor advised of the following events she had been invited to attend during November 2014. Remembrance services, November Leigh Halfpenny school bursary presentation, Nov 20th Towns Xmas Lantern Parade Dec 3 rd Lions Tree of Light Dec 5 th , Penyrheol boxing club Xmas dinner Dec 5th St Johns carol concert Dec 5 th Council Carol Concert St Marys Church Dec 18th Carol concert Dec 22nd

125. PUBLIC FORUM. The following new issues were raised by the public; a. Mr Darren Thomas asked about the CCTV coverage in the town. The Chair advised that the matter had been discussed at a special meeting on November 12 th and the Council had resolved to make a contribution to Swansea Council to retain the facility in the town.

126.APPROVAL OF MINUTES. a. The Clerk presented the November 5th 2014 minutes (which had been distributed previously) for approval, and they were confirmed as a true record by Members ( proposed Cllrs M Curtice, seconded A Thomas). b. The Clerk presented the November 12th 2014 minutes(which had been distributed previously) for approval, and they were confirmed as a true record by Members ( proposed Cllrs M Curtice, seconded A Thomas).

127. MATTERS ARISING . a . Deselection of former Councillor Alec Merriman was Noted. Vacancy Notices to be displayed from Jan 1 2015. b. Gorseinon – Loughor Town Councils Xmas Lantern Parade held on December 3rd was discussed, and the Chair congratulated all those involved in putting on such a successful event, which had been very well received in the local community. The accident to the firework staff member was reported, and it was noted he has now been released from hospital. Cllr Morgan commended the input from local schools in preparing lanterns for their pupils.

Cllr D Lewis noted that The old fun run may potentially be reintroduced in the town, and expert advice was currently being sought from The City Council.


a. Update on the recent installation of a new Ty Eithyn clock / Family Housing was given, confirming the new clock had been installed on the façade of the newly refurbished building. Any additional cost over the £5000 allocated by the contractor was to be paid by the Town Council to ensure the clock and chimes were replaced. The Clerk had written to Swansea Council asking about future maintenance of the clock , and referring to local byelaws. The response had advised that maintenance of all public clocks were being reassessed by the City Council, but in the light of the current cutbacks it was unlikely that they would take on future responsibility of this new clock. b. The Leigh Halfpenny bursary ceremony at Penyrheol Comp. awards night on Nov 20 2014 was described. The presentation had been well received and would now become a regular commitment by the Town Council. c. Clerk outlined the sites for 2015 Hanging basket sites following Members wards reviews. The sites would remain as last year, but the Clerk was asked to investigate the offer to use the pyramid bases from the City Centre, as a focus to the entrance to Argyll gardens. Clerk was asked to submit the formal order to the Parks dept.for 2015. The item was to be placed on the 2015/16 budget review schedule. d. Clerk provided an update on Wild flower planting sites for 2015 following a meeting on Nov18 with the Parks dept. Members requested the same sites as last year, but new locations were to be suggested in Argyll Gardens behind the central bench area, and infront of Penyrheol Comprehensive school. In addition a site adjoining the cyclepath was to be added opposite the Cockle Shell car park. Clerk was to submit the order for 2015. Members asked for the item to be added to the Parks committee meeting in the New Year. e. Grounds maintenance Parc y Werin . Clerk advised he and Cllr Andrew Thomas had met a contactor at Parc y Werin to quote for new surface protection around the recently installed sports equipment. The area was now very muddy due to signifigant use. f. Gorseinon/Penyrheol “Best lit house” and “Best xmas shopfront 2014 ” competition. Following discussion members agreed to hold both competitions again for 2014. Nominations for both categories were to be forwarded to the Clerk or Mayor. The Mayor would review nominations and choose a winner in early January with a £100 prize being awarded in each category.. g. Members discussed the offer from Swansea Council of an additional Grit bin in Penyrheol, and queried if it is needed? Cllr Cole had surveyed Penyrheol and and confirmed that 9 grit bins were in position in both communities. Following discussion over siting it was agreed that Parc yWerin and Lime street car parks were the ideal locations for central facilities for the bins. Cllr Andrew Thomas put his name forward as the coordinator for Parc y Werin with the 3 County members as secondary points of contact. h. Clerk advised that a request had now been received from Swansea Council to set the Town Council precept for 2015/16. The decision was needed by end of Jan 2015. Members agreed to hold a Finance meeting in early Jan, but to invite Cllr Rob Stewart , Leader Swansea Council to discuss finances prior to making any final decision.


a. Clerk reported a Funding request from Caws Mawr Explorer Scouts and The Monday Club,which were deferred to the February 2015 Finance meeting.

b. Cllr M Curtice raised a request to support the local Food bank in Gorseinon for the Christmas period. Members discussed whether this should wait until the Feb. grants meeting. Following a proposal from Cllr M Curtice to offer £500, Cllr A Thomas suggested £100, and Cllr Pam Morgan proposed £150. Following a vote it was agreed that £150 be donated immediately for the Xmas period, and the request also be considered further at the next Full Council meeting on Jan 21 st when the budget for 2015/16 is set.

130. REPORTS FROM COUNTY COUNCIL MEMBER. Cllrs for Penyrheol – C/Cllrs Jan Curtice, David Cole

Cllr D Cole summarised the following; a. He was liasing with the chair of the new Residents Association. Currently 4 street lights were now out and 7 working on the Brownhills development, and suggestion was made that recent thefts had been linked with the lack of street lighting.The graffiti had now been removed,and also verbal confirmation received of the adoption of the sewers. Written approval was awaited shortly. b. Gorseinon Hospital . He had spoken to the Asst Director at the hospital,, and whilst the Health Board recognised the need to upgrade the new parking arrangements, the refurbishment was not now a priority.The Board had recently had additional funding released so the matter was still in the melting pot. He did confirm however that the railings removal and wall rebuilding were maintenance issues, and will still go ahead. c. Kingsbridge cemetery . The new section at the bottom of the cemetery was now complete,and snagging works were underway.New roadway and parking area were now in operation. d. Parking problems outside NISA stores in Frampton rd, and would only be resolved when the new traffic solutions were implemented on the adjoining junction. The damaged bollards had now been replaced, but the roundabout works were dependant upon further phases of the Elan Homes development being completed to secure the S106 funding. e. Full Council had received the latest LDP update . It was important over the next 6 months that all local proposals were reviewed and commented upon. Planning Jigsaw – Cllr Cole had produced a summary of current strategic issues affecting the Gorseinon area, in the form of an interlocked jigsaw. He outlined how a Community Plan would bring all the issues together to provide a strategic overview which would enable the Town Council to be proactive in leading debate, rather than reacting to proposals put forward by others. Members discussed the issues and accepted that it should be on the agenda for future detailed discussion. f. He confirmed that Members had been advised there would be no changes to the Polling station locations in Penyrheol and Gorseinon.

Cllr D Lewis; a. Cuts are ongoing at Swansea Council to achieve £81.7m savings over next 3 years. Education and Social Services were considered the priority areas to be protected. b. Trinity Street drainage improvements were being discussed with the City Council and developers Persimmon. c. Asda petrol station was now open.. Landscaping and lighting issues were to be finalised. Asda confirmed lorry access was via the store route into the site, and Asda were to pay for the road upgrade on the Cecil rd junction. d. Brighton rd car wash. Enforcement dept was examining the drop curb condition which had not yet been implemented. e. Gwalia terrace improvements were still awaited. f. Request was made to Cllr Lewis to ask for clearance of leaves on the cyclepath to Grovesend.

131. REPORTS FROM OUTSIDE BODIES . No meetings were reported.


Committee received the Income / Receipts summary statement from the Clerk and considered and approved the payment of the following outstanding cheques for the ACCOUNTS dated 10 th December 2014. (proposed M Curtice seconded A Thomas). After the meeting the cheques were signed by 2 authorised signatures having examined all relevant receipts.

1. Inland Revenue NI contributions / Tax (2014/15 NI employer 125.02 /employee 108.11/tax 310.66) £ 543.79 Addn Inland rev payment due £ 302.61 2. Clerks salary £ 1134.53 Employers pension contribution £ 77.67 3. Stationery/stamps / Office 365 annual subscription 2015 £ 79.99 4. Clerk monthly mileage Nov 2014 210 m x 65p mile £ 136.50 5. Best lit house and Xmas shopfront competition £ 100.00 x 2 6. New Lodge refreshments Remembrance service £ 160.20 7. Mr Butt signwriter memorial board installation £ 35.00 8. Mr Mitchell clock TyEithyn £ 3750.00 (+vat 750.00) 9. SLCC Membership 2015 £ 167.00 10. Gorseinon Foodbank Xmas donation £ 150.00 11. Lantern Parade chocolates/Elf outfits/ misc £ 138.38 (+Vat 25.28) Loughor/GorseinonWorkshop supplies £ 98.47 School workshop supplies £ 65.87 Remuneration for sponsors / suppliers £ 82.00 12. Xmas sleigh Swansea Council £ 180.00 13. Samba Tawe band fee £ 400.00 14. Acknowledgements to Bethel church, St Johns Ambulance, Rugby club. £ 150.00 total 15. Police services fee for lantern Parade evening 16. Pendragon Fireworks Xmas display bill currently being revised b. Balances Nov 30 current account £7757 savings account £88841 (+£27500 precept) c. Clerk advised of the Notification of the 2014/15/16 Nationally agreed wage award for Local Government at 2.2% over 2 years, the award to be paid from Jan 1 2015. Members noted the recommendations and asked it be built into the 2015/16 budget.

THE MEETING ENDED AT 9pm Chairman......