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MINUTES of the MEETING of GORSEINON TOWN COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE, held on WEDNESDAY 7th May 2014 at the INSTITUTE, LIME St. GORSEINON, at 6.30pm Present ; Councillors P Morgan ( Chmn), M Curtice , E Davies, P Griffiths, K Simpkins, K Jones, D Cole, D Lewis C/Cllrs J Curtice D Cole and D Lewis do not participate in the meeting and attend in a non voting capacity 212. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. 213. APOLOGIES were received from Cllrs A Merriman, S Evans, V Evans, L Davies, A Stevens, J Curtice, 214. Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 2nd April 2014 were presented and approved by the meeting. (proposed Cllr E Davies, seconded Cllr K Simpkins). a. OBJECTION was raised to the following application received from the Local Planning Authority; 2014/0469 Change of Use A1 to A2 (Licensed betting office) 59 High St Gorseinon The Town Council objected to the application as it would have an adverse impact upon the viability of the retail shopping centre, as a result of the loss of prime retail frontage in the main street. Members also commented that there were already 2 existing betting offices in close proximity to these premises, and did not see the opening of further non retail premises as beneficial to the mixture of uses in the shopping street. b. Notification of Refusals by Local Planning Authority; None received c APPEALS and Notification of Approvals by Local Planning Authority were Noted. d. ENFORCEMENT – The following enforcement matters were reported. • Complaints had been received that the new car wash facility in Brighton road was pushing washed cars onto the pavement to be dried off after washing. The cars were obstructing the pavement and forcing pedestrians into the road. The entrance to the car wash building is opposite a school entrance and there were no dropped kerbs for pedestrians on the pavement at this point. The Enforcement section was asked to take the matter up with the car wash operators, to stop the activity blocking the pavement. • The Clerk was asked to contact the Planning dept to ask for an update on the outstanding planning enforcement cases in Gorseinon. e. The Clerk read out a letter from Welsh Water plc raising its concerns regarding the proposed Swansea Barrage proposal, and the need to extend the water effluent outlet further into the bay. The comments were noted. THE MEETING ENDED AT 6.50pm Chairman……………………………………………. MINUTES of the MEETING of the GORSEINON TOWN COUNCIL HELD on Wednesday MAY 7 TH 2014 at 7pm in THE INSTITUTE, LIME STREET GORSEINON Present ; Councillors P Morgan ( Chmn), M Curtice , E Davies, P Griffiths, K Simpkins, K Jones, C/Cllrs D Lewis, D Cole Evening Post reporter Laura Davies. 215. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. None raised initially. 216 . APOLOGIES were received from Cllrs A Merriman, S Evans, V Evans, L Davies, A Stevens, J Curtice, 217. POLICE MEETING . The Police were represented at the meeting by PCSO for Penyrheol, Alec Jones who provided the following crime figures. March & April 2014 Violent crime Gorseinon 18 Penyrheol 6 Grovesend 2 ASB 20 10 2 Burgulary 2 4 0 Theft 13 2 1 Damage 10 4 0 There had also been a number of section 59 warnings issued to motocross rider using their scrambling bikes on both private and public land,without permission( allows Police to confiscate the bike if breaches occur again in future). Members discussed the issue of motocross bikes on public land and asked for more signs to be placed to warn of no riding allowed.The County members present would consider funding these signs from their local allowances. Cllr Curtice highlighted scrambling problems in Argyll Gardens also. Cllr D Lewis praised the work of PCSOs Rachel and Alec, and felt it would be beneficial if they were invited to sessions where the issues were discussed with the local youth, and skateboard locations were considered. Cllr Lewis reported the illicit activities at the rear of the Brighton road workingmens club, which the PCSOs were aware of. Following discussion the Chairman thanked Alec for his attendance at the meeting. 218. MAYORS ANNOUNCEMENTS. Mayor advised of the following events she had attended during April 2014. Town Mayors community dinner Thursday April 24 th 2014 7pm New Lodge Social Club Gorseinon Food Festival Sat April 26 2014 Musical Concert - Penyrheol leisure centre sponsored by Mawr walking club Sat May 3 rd 2014 219. PUBLIC FORUM. The following new issues were raised by the public; a. Andrew Thomas reported the Bus station seats had now been power washed and were looking much improved. b. He complained about owners letting dogs run loose in the play area at Parc Y Werin. Cllr Ken Simpkins reported the same problem of dogs running loose and fouling in the Park. Members asked for additional “No dog signs” to be erected in the play area and park, which the 2 County members would investigate further. It was agreed to examine further as part of any future parks committee meetings. 220 .APPROVAL OF MINUTES. a. The Clerk presented the April 2nd 2014 minutes (which had been distributed previously) for approval, and they were confirmed as a true record by Members with minor amendments to wording of minute 201( proposed Cllrs E Davies, seconded K Simpkins). b . The Clerk presented the April 9nd 2014 minutes Parc Melin Mynach sub committee (which had been distributed previously) for approval, and they were confirmed as a true record by Members with minor amendments ( proposed Cllrs M Curtice,seconded K Jones). The recommendations in the report were adopted by Council for actioning. 221. MATTERS ARISING . a . The Clerk outlined the “ Friends of Parks draft leaflet” from Swansea Council, and the draft layouts as proposed by Cllr D Cole. Members discussed the literature and resolved to call a public meeting in due course to seek community involvement in the protection and upgrade of the 3 parks in the community. b. Clerk reported the response from Swansea Council Leisure Director Mr Iwan Davies,regarding the proposed cutbacks in maintenance of bowling greens in the County. He had highlighted the consultation taking place and the fact that in Swansea the changes had been deferred for 2 years whereas in the 2 adjoining Authorities they had taken place immediately. Cllr Ken Simpkins advised members of the recent meeting with the Bowling Federation members and Swansea Council where some progress was made. Members agreed to meet Swansea officers as was offered, but to await the outcome of imminent meeting between the bowls clubs first.(Represntation Cllr K Simpkins, 3 County Members Gorseinon/Penyrheol,plus the Town Mayor). 222. CLERKS MATTERS. a. Casual vacancy in Gorseinon central ward – Clerk provided an update as given by Swansea Council confirming that as no requests had been received to call an election, an election would not be held . The Clerk had received authorisation from Swansea Council to now proceed with advertising a casual vacancy in the Town ward area. The Notices would be placed in Notice Boards on May 8 th , with a deadline of 29 th May, and details would be reported to the next Council meeting on June 4 th 2014. b. Legislative reform order 2014 – Clerk outlined the new legislation which removes need for cheques to be signed by 2 signatories. Members however agreed to retain the same arrangements as previously with 2 signatures required on all Council cheques. c. Local Government Wales measure 2011 . Clerk outlined the new legislation, and the implications for greater community involvement in local matters in future. d. Hanging baskets order for shopping areas. Clerk advised that he had ordered an initial 16 hanging baskets from Commercial Christmas in order to meet requests received from businesses locally. e. Renewal data protection registration 2014/15 . Members approved the renewal of the annual registration at a cost of £35.00. f. Royal British Legion service St Catherines Sunday 22 June 2014 @ 6pm – An update on arrangements was given by the Clerk and Cllr M Curtice. g. Skateboard facility Parc y Werin – Cllr D Lewis advised that he had been informed that financial support from Asda, may be forthcoming for the facility. Asda had also offered use of their car park, for fund raising . h. Sports Equipment for Parc y Werin , and grant application bid. The Clerk had contacted a number of suppliers following the meeting in December with Swansea Fitness officers. Members reaffirmed the starter pack at a cost of around £6000 was the best initial equipment and following advice about the siting, and approval from Swansea Council to use the park facility, the equipment would now be ordered during Summer 2014. 223. VARIOUS CORRESPONDENCE a. Letters re mergers of Fire Service Fire control rooms from concerned individuals was read out . Cllrs D Cole and J Curtice sat on the relevant Committee at Swansea Council and D Cole appraised members of the background. It was agreed that he would research the background further and report to the next meeting after which observations could be forwarded to the relevant people. Until then the letter was noted. 224.REPORTS FROM COUNTY COUNCIL MEMBER. Cllr for Penyrheol – C/Cllr David Cole reported; a. Parc Y Werin - Complaint received about height of surface lip around the play area. This had been investigated and checked and been found to be acceptable. The new basket swing and roundabout would be installed in May/June, and Mr Steve Wade had confirmed that the concerns about the raised lip in the playground would be addressed by painting the prominent edge on the ground. b. Gorseinon Hospital . Measures to address the parking problem were being addressed, and a planning application was to be submitted shortly to demolish the bungalows and extend the parking areas in order to generate 60 additional spaces.