This page is intentionally left blank CONTENTS Page Number Chair’s Foreword 1 Summary of Recommendations 2 Introduction/Background Information 6 Chapter 1 Recommendations that could be Implemented in the 11 Short to Medium Term Chapter 2: Recommendations that could be Implemented in the 24 Long Term Conclusion 37 Appendix 1 - Terms of Reference 38 Appendix 2 - Witnesses 42 Appendix 3 - Timeline of Activities 43 Appendix 4 - Public Consultation Methods 45 Appendix 5 - Arts Activities in Redditch 46 Appendix 6 - Background Papers and Website Sources 62 Membership of the Task Group Councillors Hopkins (Chair), Baker, Clayton and Witherspoon. Mr M Hall (co-opted member, Chair of the Arts in Redditch Network) Support Officer Jess Bayley, Democratic Services Officer, Tel: (01527) 64252 Extn: 3268
[email protected] Completed April 2013 Contact Further copies of this report are available on request from: Address: Overview and Scrutiny Team, Democratic Services, Redditch Town Hall, Walter Stranz Square, Redditch, B98 8AH Email:
[email protected] FOREWORD When I started this review I was absolutely convinced that Redditch needed an arts centre. I hoped that this Task and Finish scrutiny would uphold this view and investigate how, where and when we could look to do this very thing. My colleagues, Councillor Brandon Clayton, Councillor Pat Witherspoon and Councillor Joe Baker and our co-opted member, Malcolm Hall, were all of the same mindset. The Task and Finish scrutiny has, however, had a life of its own and we have followed all the twists and turns of the investigation only to come up with a completely different outlook.