March 2016

Borough of Local Plan No.4 Schedule of Modifications to Proposed Submission Document

Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 Schedule of Modifications to Proposed Submission Document March 2016 This document supersedes CDR1.2A

The schedule below is intended to record and highlight editorial corrections, amendments, factual updates and clarifications to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 as it appeared when submitted to the Planning Inspectorate.

The page and paragraph references relate to those in the Proposed Submission version of Local Plan No.4, as some alterations to the Submission version of the Plan have caused page numbers to alter.

To accompany this schedule of changes, there is an additional document (Schedule of changes to the adopted Proposals Map, March 2014), which identifies where changes have been made to the Policies Map, Key Diagram and Indicative Vision Maps.

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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map Whole - Inclusion of paragraph numbering and cross Clarification and ease March 2014/ document referencing throughout Local Plan document of reference March 2016 Contents - Page numbering altered to reflect changes Clarification and ease March 2014 page throughout Local Plan document of reference Contents Appendix 1: Glossary and Appendix 17: Glossary and Abbreviations Typo March 2014 page Abbreviations P.2 and P.3, -Submission to Planning Submission to Planning Inspectorate – Time table slipped due March 2016 Preparation Inspectorate – November/December 2013 March 2014 to additional work Process and November/December 2013 being undertaken. Diagram Pre Examination Meeting – February March 2014 Explained fully in next amendments Pre Examination Meeting – document February 2014 Commencement of the Examination Period – change below Timetabl April June 2014 e will be irrelevant on Commencement of the adoption of the Plan Examination Period – April 2014 Receipt of Binding Report – July September 2014

Receipt of Binding Report – July Adoption – September November 2014Deletion of 2014 pages 2 and 3 (text and diagram)

Adoption – September 2014 P.4 Local  Creating safe and attractive  Creating safe and attractive places to live and Changed in response March 2014 Challenges places to live and work: work: to Community Safety  Redditch suffers from a poor  Some areas of Redditch suffers from a poor Rep perception of crime and anti-social perception of crime and anti-social behaviour. The behaviour. The implementation of implementation of improved design or designing out improved design or designing out crime can help reverse this perception. crime can help reverse this perception.

Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map P.5 para 4 In addition, Redditch has worked In addition, Redditch has worked with other Local In the interests of March 2014 with other Local Authorities, which Authorities, which although are not directly adjacent consistency with South although are not directly adjacent to Redditch may have strategic matters that have to Redditch may have strategic implications for the preparation of the Local Plan. In Development Plan - Inspectors main matters that have implications for particular, and Birmingham modification the preparation of the Local Plan. City Council have jointly acknowledged there is suggestions In particular, Redditch Borough strategic planning matter with regard to Birmingham Council and Birmingham City being unable to accommodate all of its own housing To provide clarity with Council have jointly acknowledged needs. As required by the Duty to Co-operate, due regards to the there is strategic planning matter consideration will be given, including through a review terminology, with regard to Birmingham being of the BORLP4 to the housing needs of another Local specifically the wording unable to accommodate all of its Planning Authority in circumstances when it has been which required more own housing needs. This issue clearly established through collaborative working that certainty as to how the Council would resolve will need to be dealt with during those needs must be met through provision in the potential strategic the preparation stage of the next Redditch. This issue will need to be dealt with during matter arising. Redditch Local Plan (i.e. the next the preparation stage of the next Redditch Local Plan plan period), or when a review of (i.e. the next plan period), or when a review of the the development plan may be development plan may be needed to consider these needed to consider these cross cross boundary matters. This will be dependent on boundary matters. This will be the outcome of recently commissioned work to dependent on the outcome of understand the issues, and further work on recently commissioned work to allocations for Birmingham’s growth. With regard to understand the issues, and further Birmingham City Council, Tthe mechanism work on allocation for for resolving this potential strategic matter Birmingham’s growth. The of with Birmingham’s unmet housing needs this mechanism for dealing with this willould be through the Greater Birmingham and would be through the Greater Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and Birmingham and Solihull Local Redditch’s subsequent review of the BORLP4. Enterprise Partnership (LEP).

Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map p. 5 para.5 The policies and strategies of the The policies and strategies of the Local Authority Typing error March 2014 Local Authority members of the members of the two LEP’s have been checked for two LEP’s have been checked for consistency with Redditch Borough Council’s aims consistency with Redditch which ensures that this aspect of the Duty to Cooperate has been fulfilled LEP. Borough Council’s aims which

ensures that this aspect of the Duty to Cooperate has been fulfilled LEP. P.6, Policy 1 Relocated to end of March 2014 chapter (new P.23), adjacent key diagram and rest of policies P.7, All Local Plans must be All Local Plans must be accompanied by a Text not needed as this March 2014 ‘Sustainabilit accompanied by a Sustainability Sustainability Appraisal, which incorporates a is the Submission y Appraisal’ Appraisal, which incorporates a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). Draft track-changed version Strategic Environmental Sustainability Appraisals were produced alongside to be adopted Assessment (SEA). Draft every stage of the Plan and also with this Local Plan. Sustainability Appraisals were produced alongside every stage of the Plan and also with this Local Plan. P.7, Consultation on the Proposed Consultation on the Proposed Submission Borough of Deleted as text related March 2014 ‘Consultation Submission Borough of Redditch Redditch Local Plan No.4 commences on 30th to previous ’ Local Plan No.4 commences on September 2013 until 11th November 2013, lasting a consultation period 30th September 2013 until 11th total of six weeks. November 2013, lasting a total of six weeks. Details of the consultation can be found on Redditch Borough Council's website Details of the consultation can be at Your response found on Redditch Borough forms should be received no later than 5pm on Monday 11th November 2013. Council's website Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map at n. Your response forms should be received no later than 5pm on Monday 11th November 2013. P.10, para.3 Redditch Borough has similar Redditch Borough has similar crime levels in Changed in response March 2014 crime levels in comparison to the comparison to the national average of and to Community Safety national average of England and Wales., but the number of offences per 1000 Rep and to present Wales, but the number of offences population is increasing in Redditch. It has increased more accurate and up to date crime figures per 1000 population is increasing from 20.3 offences per 1000 population in Redditch,

in Redditch. It has increased from compared to the England and Wales average of 24.9 20.3 offences per 1000 population in 2006 to 44 offences per 1000 population in in Redditch, compared to the Redditch, compared to the England and Wales England and Wales average of average of 45 in 2009/10. 95% of people feel safe 24.9 in 2006 to 44 offences per walking around Redditch Town Centre and the street 1000 population in Redditch, where they live during the day; at night, this falls to compared to the England and 61% for the Town Centre and 73% for the home Wales average of 45 in 2009/10. street (CHYM Redditch). Recorded crime rates for 95% of people feel safe walking Redditch have fallen substantially since 2005/06 (92.2 around Redditch Town Centre and offences per 1000 population in 2005/06 to 57.7 the street where they live during offences per 1000 population in 2012/13), although the day; at night, this falls to 61% they remain above the average for Worcestershire. for the Town Centre and 73% for Perceptions of anti-social behaviour in Redditch have the home street (CHYM also remained consistently above the average for Redditch). Worcestershire and the latest data for 2013 shows that nearly twice as many Redditch residents feel unsafe when out after dark in their local area when compared with residents in the rest of the County.

Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map P.10, para.4 The Borough has 24 Special The Borough has 24 Local Special Wildlife Sites and Change of reference to March 2014 Wildlife Sites and there is also there is also more than 87ha of land designated as wildlife sites more than 87ha of land Local Nature Reserves, comprising five separate sites designated as Local Nature of semi-natural ancient woodland. Reserves, comprising five separate sites of semi-natural ancient woodland. P.12, para.1 Redditch Borough has good Redditch Borough has good transport links, with the Changed in response March 2014 transport links, with the M42 M42 (Junctions 2 and 3) located under 5 miles away to Highways Agency (Junction 3) located under 5 miles and the M5 around 6 miles from Redditch Town Rep away and the M5 around 6 miles Centre. from Redditch Town Centre. P.12, para.3 - There are a range of issues that need to be tackled to Changed in response March 2014 achieve modal shift including perceptions of safety to Community Safety and security. Choose How You Move research Rep indicates that a significant number of people feel unsafe walking to bus stops, waiting for buses and travelling on buses. Close to 4% of people cite “feeling unsafe walking” as being a main reason stopping them form walking more often. A similar percentage stated that “feeling unsafe cycling” was a main reason stopping them from doing so more often. P.13, para.1 A number of District Centres A number of District Centres (Church Hill, Changed in response March 2014 (Church Hill, Matchborough, Matchborough, Winyates and Woodrow) suffer from a to Community Safety and March Winyates and Woodrow) suffer poor image as their inappropriate design means that Rep and update on 2016 from a poor image as their they are inward looking and prone to havinge crime development status inappropriate design means that and anti-social behaviour problems. Lessons have they are inward looking and have been learnt from Council and Partnership projects crime and anti-social behaviour that can be implemented when re-development problems. Work has commenced occurs. Work has commenced been completed on the on the re-development of Church re-development of Church Hill District Centre.

Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map Hill District Centre. P.20, Reduce crime and anti-social Reduce crime and anti-social behaviour and the fear Amendment arisen via Change Objective 7 behaviour and the fear of crime of crime through high quality design and the Statement of requested through high quality design, with infrastructure, with regeneration achieved at Common Ground September regeneration achieved at Matchborough, Winyates and Woodrow District between RBC and 2014 Matchborough, Winyates and Centres. West Mercia Police Woodrow District Centres. and Hereford & Worcester Fire and Rescue Service (OED/3) Sustainable Places to Live which Meet our Needs P.22 The policies in this chapter will The policies in this chapter will deliver the Objectives: To clarify that Plan March 2014 deliver the Objective: policies meet the "To have sufficient homes meeting demographic Objectives "To have sufficient homes needs, including affordable housing, providing for a meeting demographic needs, range, mix, and type in the best locations, including including affordable housing, on Strategic Sites" providing for a range, mix, and type in the best locations, “To have demonstrated compliance with the “duty to including on Strategic Sites" cooperate” by providing for Redditch’s growth across Local Authority boundaries” P.23, Policy • is a small, rural • Feckenham is a small, rural settlement Clarification of wording March 2014 2, bullet settlement predominantly set predominantly set within the Green Belt, which following recent point 3 within the Green Belt, which offers limited local facilities but has important planning application offers limited local facilities but conservation and historic merit. In order to comments has important conservation conserve and enhance these characteristics, and historic merit. In order to development within or adjacent to the settlement conserve and enhance these boundary, as defined on the Policies Map, will characteristics, development provide for locally identified affordable housing within or adjacent to the and other locally identified development needs settlement boundary, as only, in accordance with the most up-to-date defined on the Policies Map, guidance in the National Planning Policy will provide for locally Framework and Parish Housing Needs Survey. Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map identified affordable housing and other development needs only, in accordance with the most up-to-date guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework and Parish Housing Needs Survey. P.26, Policy Around 3,000 dwellings can be Around 3,000 dwellings can be accommodated within Wording amended March 2014 4, para 2 accommodated within Redditch Redditch Borough. There is limited capacity within following comments Borough. There is limited capacity Stratford-on-Avon District in the vicinity of the former from SOADC as within Stratford-on-Avon District in A435 ADR to contribute towards Redditch’s housing potential development the vicinity of the former A435 target should comprehensive delivery of this site be within the A345 ADR ADR to contribute towards achievable. A minimum within SOA District Redditch’s housing target should of Approximately 3,400 dwellings are is to be would not contribute comprehensive delivery of this site accommodated in Bromsgrove District (see Appendix towards Redditch’s be achievable. A minimum of 1, Redditch Cross Boundary Development). Details of needs and alignment 3,400 is to be accommodated in the sites expected to contribute to meeting the with Policy RCBD1 in Bromsgrove District (see Borough’s housing needs can be found in Appendix 2 the BDP. Appendix 1, Redditch Cross and are shown on the Policies Map and Key Diagram. Boundary Development). Details of the sites expected to contribute to meeting the Borough’s housing needs can be found in Appendix 2 and are shown on the Policies Map and Key Diagram. P.26, Policy In order to achieve a supply of In order to achieve a supply of flexible and inclusive Changes in response March 2016 4, para 4 flexible and inclusive housing in housing in the Borough that caters for life-long to July Post Hearing the Borough that caters for life- occupancy, all new affordable housing for rent will be Note suggestion by the long occupancy, all new expected to comply with the Lifetime Homes Inspector to check affordable housing for rent will be Standard new technical standards. The private sector compliance with expected to comply with the development industry will be encouraged to Written Ministerial Lifetime Homes Standard. The implement the concept of lifetime homes new Statement (25th March private sector development technical standards within their development 2015) industry will be encouraged to schemes. Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map implement the concept of lifetime homes within their development schemes. P.26-27, Land identified which could Land identified which could contribute towards Amendment made March 2014 Policy 4, RJ contribute towards housing housing provision indicates that around 3,000 following comments para 1 provision indicates that around dwellings could be accommodated within the Borough from SOADC as 3,000 dwellings could be boundary. However, evidence in the Strategic potential development accommodated within the within the A345 ADR Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) indicates that Borough boundary. However, within SOA District evidence in the Strategic Housing this will not meet the Borough’s housing needs up to would not contribute Market Assessment (SHMA) 2030. It has therefore been necessary to collaborate towards Redditch’s indicates that this will not meet with Bromsgrove District Council and Stratford-on- needs the Borough’s housing needs up Avon District Council to identify land to 2030. It has therefore been in these Bromsgrove Districts, in the vicinity of necessary to collaborate with Redditch, which is capable of accommodating Bromsgrove District Council and Redditch’s land supply shortfall. Stratford-on-Avon District Council to identify land in these Districts, in the vicinity of Redditch, which is capable of accommodating Redditch’s land supply shortfall. P.27, Policy i. the reuse and regeneration of i. the reuse and regeneration of Previously Changes made in March 2014 5, criterion i Previously Developed Land Developed Land (PDL) will be actively response to EA Rep (PDL) will be actively encouraged. Where the economic viability of a encouraged. Where the scheme on PDL is questionable, and can be fully economic viability of a demonstrated by the applicant, the Borough scheme on PDL is Council may negotiate a more appropriate level questionable, and can be fully of infrastructure provision, or deferred payment demonstrated by the scheme with the applicant, in order to secure applicant, the Borough beneficial reuse of a site. Development proposals Council may negotiate a more on contaminated land should demonstrate that appropriate level of the site is capable of appropriate remediation infrastructure provision, or without compromising development viability or deferred payment scheme the delivery of sustainable development; Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map with the applicant, in order to secure beneficial reuse of a site. Development proposals on contaminated land should demonstrate that the site is capable of appropriate remediation without compromising development viability or the delivery of sustainable development; P.28, Policy - Development proposals on land likely to be affected Changes made in March 2014 5, para 6 by contamination should demonstrate that the site is response to EA and capable of appropriate remediation without Worcestershire compromising development viability or the delivery of Regulatory Services sustainable development. Reps P.28, Policy Proposals also need to ensure Proposals also need to ensure that new development Changes made in March 2014 5, RJ para 2 that new development does not does not contribute to, or is put at unacceptable risk response to EA Rep contribute to, or is put at from ground contaminants. The SHLAA and unacceptable risk from ground Employment Land Review (ELR) identify PDL contaminants. The SHLAA and potential within the Borough. Employment Land Review (ELR) identify PDL potential within the Borough. P.29, Policy - Proposals also need to ensure that new development Changes made in March 2014 5, RJ new does not contribute to, or is put at unacceptable risk response to EA Rep para after from ground contaminants. Where sites are para 2 suspected of contamination, the Council will require the submission of an appropriate risk assessment and, if necessary, a site investigation and mitigation scheme. P.31, Policy On all sites of 5-9 dwellings (net), • On all sites of 5-9 dwellings Changes made March 2014 6, para 4 a 30% financial contribution (net), a 30% affordable housing provision by way following meeting with bullet point towards affordable housing of a financial contribution towards affordable Three Dragons Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map provision will be sought on housing provision will be sought on completion of (Viability Assessment completion of the development. the development. Consultants) to clarify commuted sums approach within policy P.32, Policy Provision will be made for new Provision will be made for new Gypsy, Traveller and To remove references Change 7 Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Travelling Showpeople pitches, in line with an up-to- to out of date Gypsy requested Showpeople pitches, in line with date assessment of permanent and transit and Traveller September an up-to-date assessment of accommodation needs in line with Government Assessments. 2014 permanent and transit guidance. Requirements for Redditch Borough are accommodation needs in line with currently contained in the Worcestershire Strategic Change to criterion iv. Government guidance. Housing Market Assessment (2012) and the Gypsy, made to make explicit Requirements for Redditch Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation reference to Travelling Borough are currently contained in Assessment (2008). These assessments identify a Showpeople yards and the Worcestershire Strategic minimum of 14 ‘yards’ to be provided to meet the to avoid potential Housing Market Assessment needs of travelling showpeople and 18 pitches for conflict with national (2012) and the Gypsy, Traveller temporary stopping places to meet Redditch’s need. policy. and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation Assessment The Borough Council will allocate site(s) to meet Reference to (2008). These assessments identified need through an Site Allocations DPD Plan. ‘Allocations Plan’ identify a minimum of 14 ‘yards’ to Proposals for new sites will be required to rather than Site be provided to meet the needs of demonstrate that they: Allocations DPD as travelling showpeople and 18 that is title given in the pitches for temporary stopping i. are located within a reasonable distance of published LDS. places to meet Redditch’s need. existing facilities and transport networks with satisfactory access and highway arrangements; The Borough Council will allocate site(s) to meet identified need ii. where appropriate, are located on Previously through a Site Allocations DPD. Developed Land; Proposals for new sites will be required to demonstrate that they: iii. are well screened and landscaped and will not cause unacceptable harm to the character and i. are located within a appearance of the surrounding area; reasonable distance of existing facilities and transport iv. will not result in unacceptable disturbance or loss Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map networks with satisfactory of amenity to any neighbouring development, access and highway specifically in relation to the transport movements arrangements; associated with Travelling Showpeople yards; and

ii. where appropriate, are located v. have, or are capable of having, a satisfactory This is now covered by on Previously Developed water supply, sewerage and refuse disposal the NPPF Planning Land; facilities. Policy for traveller sites (Policy E) iii. are well screened and Traveller sites (temporary or permanent) in the Green landscaped and will not cause Belt are considered inappropriate development. unacceptable harm to the August 2015 character and appearance of the surrounding area;

iv. will not result in unacceptable disturbance or loss of amenity to any neighbouring development; and

v. have, or are capable of having, a satisfactory water supply, sewerage and refuse disposal facilities.

Traveller sites (temporary or permanent) in the Green Belt are considered inappropriate development.

P.32/33, There are currently 31 Travelling There are currently 31 Travelling Showpeople plots in To remove references Change Policy 7, Showpeople plots in the Borough. the Borough. The Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling to out of date Gypsy requested Reasoned The Gypsy, Traveller and Showpeople Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) for and Traveller September Justification Travelling Showpeople The South Housing Market Area of the Assessments and 2014 Accommodation Assessment Area (2008) was commissioned by the South Housing insert references to an Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map (GTAA) for The South Housing Market Area Partnership. The purpose of the up to date assessment Market Area of the West Midlands assessment is to provide information on the to inform site Area (2008) was commissioned accommodation needs of Gypsies and Travellers for allocations. by the South Housing Market Area sub-regional and District/Borough level planning Partnership. The purpose of the policy to set the appropriate number, type and To confirm the assessment is to provide distribution of additional pitches to be provided. The timetable for the information on the GTAA is supplemented by the Strategic Housing preparation and accommodation needs of Gypsies Market Assessment (SHMA) for Worcestershire adoption of the and Travellers for sub-regional (2012). The Assessment recommends that an Allocations Plan. and District/Borough level additional Showpeople site should be provided for planning policy to set the which is a minimum of 14 ‘yards’. ‘Yards’ can be appropriate number, type and anything from 100ft x 100ft up to 150ft by 200ft distribution of additional pitches to (Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment for be provided. The GTAA is The South Housing Market Area, March 2008). The supplemented by the Strategic Assessment also recommends that a temporary Housing Market Assessment stopping place of not less than 18 pitches should be (SHMA) for Worcestershire provided. ‘Planning policy for traveller sites’ (2012). The Assessment (CLG, March 2012August 2015) is the current recommends that an additional national planning guidance regarding the provision of Showpeople site should be sites for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling provided for which is a minimum Showpeople. This guidance requires Local Planning of 14 ‘yards’. ‘Yards’ can be Authorities to make an assessment of need for anything from 100ft x 100ft up to traveller sites for the purposes of planning. 150ft by 200ft (Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation A review of the Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment for The South Assessment for Worcestershire is being completed Housing Market Area, March in 2014 2013 and will inform a future Site Allocations 2008). The Assessment also DPD. This will provide the Borough Council with an recommends that a temporary up to date assessment of the need for sites and stopping place of not less than 18 identify whether sites should be provided in pitches should be provided. cooperation with neighbouring authorities.

A review of the Gypsy and ‘Planning policy for traveller sites’ (CLG, March 2012) Traveller Accommodation is the current national planning guidance regarding Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map Assessment for Worcestershire is the provision of sites for Gypsies, Travellers and being completed in 2013 and will Travelling Showpeople. Sites will be allocated in inform a future Site Allocations accordance with national planning guidance and DPD. This will provide the based on need identified in an up to date Gypsy and Borough Council with an up to Traveller Accommodation Assessment. Allocated date assessment of the need for sites will be identified in an Allocations Plan. The sites and identify whether sites criterion contained within this policy will be applied to should be provided in cooperation site allocations as well as proposals for sites through with neighbouring authorities. planning applications.

‘Planning policy for traveller sites’ (CLG, March 2012) is the current national planning guidance regarding the provision of sites for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople. Sites will be allocated in accordance with national planning guidance. The criterion contained within this policy will be applied to site allocations as well as proposals for sites through planning applications.

P.34, Policy There will be a presumption There will be a presumption against inappropriate Wording in paragraph Change 8, Para 2 against inappropriate development in the Green Belt in line with the deleted so that there is requested development in the Green Belt in National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) except no ambiguity about the September line with the National Planning in very special circumstances. Some forms of meaning of Green Belt 2014 Policy Framework (NPPF) except development are not inappropriate development in policy. There is no in very special circumstances. the Green Belt provided they preserve the openness need to repeat or Some forms of development are of the Green Belt and do not conflict with the attempt to rephrase not inappropriate development in purposes of including land in the Green Green Belt policy in the the Green Belt provided they Belt. Applications for development in the Green Belt NPPF. preserve the openness of the will be determined in line with national planning Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map Green Belt and do not conflict with guidance on Green Belts and other relevant policies the purposes of including land in within the development plan. the Green Belt. Applications for development in the Green Belt will be determined in line with national planning guidance on Green Belts and other relevant policies within the development plan. P.39, Policy A Green Infrastructure Strategy A Green Infrastructure Strategy for the Borough is First stage GI baseline March 2014 11, RJ para for the Borough will be completed being will be completed which identifies and assesses audit has been 2 which identifies and assesses the the existing Green Infrastructure network and make completed existing Green Infrastructure recommendations on how the network can be network and make enhanced and maintained and managed in the future. recommendations on how the network can be enhanced and maintained and managed in the future. Creating and Sustaining a Green Environment P40, Policy Local Green Spaces will be Local Green Spaces will be designated by the Council To provide some clarity Change 12, para 3 designated, where appropriate, in through the Allocations Plan, where appropriate, in as to when Local requested accordance with the provisions of accordance with the provisions of the National Green Spaces can be September the National Planning Policy Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Once designated by the 2014 Framework (NPPF). Once designated, Local Green Space will be managed in Council through the designated, Local Green Space line with planning policy for Green Belts. Planning system. will be managed in line with planning policy for Green Belts.

P40 Policy The NPPF makes provision for The NPPF makes provision for local communities to Amended Reasoned Change 12, local communities to designate designate Local Green Space through local and Justification added requested Reasoned Local Green Space through local neighbourhood plans. Local Green Space will only be related to the September Justification, and neighbourhood plans. Local designated where it does not conflict with the suggested policy 2014 para 5 Green Space will only be Objectives of the Local Plan and in accordance with change above. designated where it does not the NPPF. Once designated, Local Green Space will conflict with the Objectives of the be subject to the same planning policy safeguards as Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map Local Plan and in accordance with land designated as Green Belt. The Allocations Plan the NPPF. Once designated, will designate specific sites for Local Green Space Local Green Space will be subject where there is a justification for that allocation. to the same planning policy safeguards as land designated as Green Belt. P45, Policy To be sustainable, new To be sustainable, new developments must have Changes in response March 2016 15, para 1 developments must have regard regard for the need to be climate-resilient. For to July Post Hearing for the need to be climate- residential development this policy applies to planning Note suggestion by the resilient. In order to ensure applications of more than 10 units. In Inspector to check appropriate consideration of order to ensure appropriate consideration of compliance with adaptation and mitigation to adaptation and mitigation to climate change has been Written Ministerial th climate change has been made, made, applications will be judged against the Statement (25 March applications will be judged against following criteria 2015) the following criteria P45, Policy ii the energy efficiency of the ii the energy efficiency of the development must be From the Woodland March 2014 15, criterion development must be maximised maximised through its siting and orientation, and Trust rep – They ii through its siting and orientation, through the adoption of energy conservation considered the policy and through the adoption of measures, including natural ventilation, heating, street should reflect para 96 energy conservation measures, trees and lighting; of the NPPF in terms of including natural ventilation, minimising energy heating, and lighting; consumption, and take account of the role of street trees and woodland in combatting climate change P45, Policy iii. proposals must seek to be zero iii. proposals must seek to be zero carbon in line with Changes in response March 2016 15, criterion carbon in line with Government Government targets; meet the new national technical to July Post Hearing iii targets; standards; Note suggestion by the Inspector to check compliance with Written Ministerial

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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map th Statement (25 March 2015) P45, Policy iv. all new residential development iv. all new residential development must meet the Changes in response March 2016 15, criterion must meet the nationally required nationally required standard of the Code for to July Post Hearing iv standard of the Code for Sustainable Homes (or any other national scheme Note suggestion by the Sustainable Homes (or any other which supersedes it); Inspector to check national scheme which compliance with supersedes it); Written Ministerial th Statement (25 March 2015) P45, Policy This policy relates to all forms of renewable energy Changes in response March 2016 15, new final development other than wind energy developments. to July Post Hearing paragraph in Wind energy development will be considered against Note suggestion by the policy national policy and guidance. Inspector to check compliance with Written Ministerial th Statement (18 June 2015) P46, Policy The Government’s target is that The Government’s target is that buildings should Changes in response March 2016 15, RJ para buildings should meet zero-carbon meet zero-carbon standards by 2016. The Code for to July Post Hearing 3 standards by 2016. The Code for Sustainable Homes is intended to improve the overall Note suggestion by the Sustainable Homes is intended to sustainability of new homes and measures the Inspector to check improve the overall sustainability sustainability of a home against design categories. compliance with of new homes and measures the BREEAM (BRE Environmental Written Ministerial th sustainability of a home against Assessment Method) is a widely used environmental Statement (25 March design categories. BREEAM (BRE assessment method for non-domestic buildings. It 2015) Environmental sets the standard for best practice in sustainable Assessment Method) is a widely design and is used as a measure to describe a used environmental assessment buildings environmental performance method for non-domestic All non- buildings. It sets the standard for domestic developersments will be encouraged to best practice in sustainable design meet the highest level of Code for Sustainable and is used as a measure to Homes/BREEAM rating (or any other national Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map describe a buildings scheme which supersedes them it) as where it is environmental performance economically viable but are not required to meet standards above those set nationally. All developers will be encouraged to meet the highest level of Code for Sustainable Homes/BREEAM rating (or any other national scheme which supersedes them) as is economically viable but are not required to meet standards above those set nationally. P47/48, The location of sites of national The location of sites of national (Sites of Special To provide a distinction Change Policy 16, (Sites of Special Scientific Scientific Interest), regional (Local Wildlife Sites) and between SSSIs and requested Part B, para Interest), regional (Local Wildlife local (Local Nature Reserves) wildlife importance are other designated September 1 Sites) and local (Local Nature shown on the Policies Map. Applications for wildlife sites and to 2014 Reserves) wildlife importance are development should aim to conserve and enhance align these changes shown on the Policies Map. New biodiversity by applying the principles of the NPPF. In with the NPPF. development or land use changes determining applications affecting sites of wildlife likely to have an adverse effect on importance, the Council will apply the hierarchy of such sites, directly or indirectly, designated sites and appropriate weight will be given will not be allowed unless there to their importance and contribution to wider are no reasonable alternative ecological networks. means of meeting that development need and the Due to the National importance of Sites of Special reasons for development clearly Scientific Interest (SSSI) proposals likely to have an outweigh the intrinsic nature adverse impact within or outside of a SSSI will not conservation and/or geological normally be permitted. An exception will only be value of the site or network of made when it can be demonstrated that the benefits sites. of the development clearly outweigh the impact on the site or network of sites.

New development or land use changes likely to have an adverse effect on such sites, directly or indirectly, will not be allowed unless there are no reasonable Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map alternative means of meeting that development need and the reasons for development clearly outweigh the intrinsic nature conservation and/or geological value of the site or network of sites.

P49, Policy Within the Borough there are Within the Borough there are currently six sites of To provide distinction Change 16, currently six sites of national national wildlife importance designated as Sites of between SSSIs and requested Reasoned wildlife importance designated as Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) which cover a range other designated September Justification, Sites of Special Scientific Interest of different habitats. SSSIs are important for their wildlife sites and to 2014 para 6 (SSSI) which cover a range of wildlife, geological or physiological features and are align these changes different habitats. SSSIs are legally protected under the Wildlife and Countryside with the NPPF. important for their wildlife, Act 1981, as amended by the Countryside and Rights geological or physiological of Way (CROW) Act 2000 and the Natural features and are legally protected Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act under the Wildlife and Countryside 2006. Regional sites of wildlife importance in the Act 1981, as amended by the Borough include Local Wildlife Sites (LWS – formerly Countryside and Rights of Way known as Special Wildlife Sites) which have been (CROW) Act 2000 and the Natural identified by the Worcestershire Local Sites Environment and Rural Partnership as being of substantive nature Communities (NERC) Act 2006. conservation value. Local Nature Reserves (LNR) are Regional sites of wildlife declared by Local Authorities under Section 21 of the importance in the Borough include National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act Local Wildlife Sites (LWS – 1949, and amended by Schedule 11 of the Natural formerly known as Special Wildlife Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006. Any Sites) which have been identified additional wildlife sites identified during this Plan by the Worcestershire Local Sites period will also be protected by this policy. The Partnership as being of principles of the NPPF to be applied in determining substantive nature conservation planning applications affecting sites of wildlife value. Local Nature Reserves importance can be found in paragraph 118 of the (LNR) are declared by Local NPPF. Authorities under Section 21 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949, and amended by Schedule 11 of the Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006. Any additional wildlife sites identified during this Plan period will also be protected by this policy.

P.49, Policy Any development sites that are Any development sites that are located in areas that Amendment made in March 2014 17, para 2 located in areas that are subject to are subject to flood risk will need to demonstrate that line with EA rep and and March flood risk will need to demonstrate there are no other reasonable locations for with SoCG agreed 2016 that there are no other reasonable development in accordance with the between BDC, RBC locations for development in ‘Sequential Approach Test’ and ‘Exception Test’ and EA accordance with the ‘Sequential (where appropriate) as set out in the Technical Approach’ and ‘Exception Test’ Guidance to the National Planning Policy (where appropriate) as set out in Framework National Planning Practice Guidance and the Technical Guidance to the have regard to the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment National Planning Policy (SFRA) for Redditch. A sequential approach should Framework and have regard to also be taken in site design. Development will be the Strategic Flood Risk designed to be safe taking into account the lifetime of Assessment (SFRA) for the development, and the need to consider and adapt Redditch. to climate change. P.49, Policy In addition, any development in In addition, any development in areas that are subject Amendment made in March 2016 17, para 3 areas that are subject to flood risk to flood risk will need to demonstrate that adequate line with SoCG agreed will need to demonstrate that flood protection has been incorporated on site and between BDC, RBC adequate flood protection has that the effects elsewhere have been fully assessed and EA been incorporated on site and that and mitigated against. Opportunities should be the effects elsewhere have been sought to demonstrate flood risk improvements, fully assessed and mitigated wherever possible to provide multiple benefits when against. Opportunities should be managing flood risks, for example to provide amenity sought, wherever possible to benefit or ecological improvements. It is expected that provide multiple benefits when any on-site flood defences required will be provided managing flood risks, for example and financed by the developer of the site. to provide amenity benefit or ecological improvements. It is expected that any on-site flood Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map defences required will be provided and financed by the developer of the site. P.49, Policy If, once the Sequential Test has If, once the Sequential Test has been applied, Amendment made in March 2014 17, RJ para been applied, insufficient sites are insufficient sites are identified the ‘Exception Test’ (as line with EA rep 1 identified the ‘Exception Test’ (as defined in the Technical Guidance to the National defined in the Technical Guidance Planning Policy Framework) can be applied where to the National Planning Policy necessary. This may, in certain circumstances, justify Framework) can be applied where development taking place in Flood Zone 2 or Flood necessary. This may, in certain Zone 3. circumstances, justify development taking place in Flood Zone 2 or Flood Zone 3. P.49, Policy • consider the risk of flooding • consider the risk of flooding arising from the Amendment made in March 2014 17, RJ para arising from the development development in addition to the risk of line with EA rep 2, bullet in addition to the risk of flooding from all sources to the development; point 2 flooding to the development; P.49, Policy • consider the vulnerability of • consider the vulnerability of those that could Amendment made in March 2014 17, RJ para those that could occupy and occupy and use the development, taking account line with EA rep 2, bullet use the development, taking of the Sequential and Exception Tests and the point 6 account of the Sequential and vulnerability classification as per the Technical Exception Tests and the Guidance to the NPPF, including arrangements vulnerability classification as for ‘safe development’ having regard to the FRA per the Technical Guidance to the NPPF, including requirements within the Level 2 Strategic Flood arrangements for ‘safe Risk Assessment (SFRA) for Redditch (2012) development’ including setting including setting of appropriate Finished Floor of appropriate Finished Floor Levels, with flood proofing techniques considered Levels, with flood proofing (where appropriate), and safe access; techniques considered (where appropriate), and safe access;

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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map P.49, Policy • consider the effects of a range • consider the effects of a range of flooding events Amendment made in March 2014 17, RJ para of flooding events including including extreme events on people, property, the line with EA rep 2, bullet extreme events on people, natural and historic environment and river and point 8 property, the natural and coastal processes; historic environment and river and coastal processes; P.50, Policy - • applicants should refer to Table 1 and 2 of the Amendment made in March 2016 17, RJ para Government’s Climate Change Allowances line with SoCG agreed 2, additional guidance and seek contact with the Environment between BDC, RBC bullet point Agency for any detailed river catchment climate and EA to be change data (The Governments Climate Change inserted Allowances guidance is available at: assessments-climate-change-allowances) P.52, Policy - Any major (DMPO definition) ‘residential’ Amendment made in March 2016 18 new para development schemes within the Bow Brook and line with SoCG agreed Batchley Brook catchments to meet a water efficiency between BDC, RBC target of 110 litres per person per day. and EA

P.52, Policy Only once it has been Only once it has been demonstrated that it is not Circular has been October 2014 18, final demonstrated that it is not feasible feasible to connect to the mains sewer should the withdrawn paragraph to connect to the mains sewer developer consider non-mains foul drainage should the developer consider options. (see Planning circular 3/99 for more non-mains foul drainage options information). (see Planning circular 3/99 for more information).

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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map P.53, Policy Through the use of SuDS Through the use of SuDS techniques and the Changes in response March 2016 18, RJ para techniques and the requirement requirement for new developments to be assessed to July Post Hearing 4 for new developments to be against either the Code for Sustainable Homes the Note suggestion by the assessed against either the Code new national technical standards or BREEAM, water Inspector to check for Sustainable Homes or demand will be significantly lowered. The Level 2 compliance with BREEAM, water demand will be SFRA contains more guidance on the appropriate Written Ministerial th significantly lowered. The Level 2 application of Statement (25 March SFRA contains more guidance on SuDS. 2015) the appropriate application of SuDS. P.55, Policy The transport network must be The transport network must be maintained and Suggested by the Change 19, maintained and managed in a way managed in a way that preserves strategic routes, Highways Agency to requested Reasoned that preserves strategic routes, and supports business efficiency which is critical to give clarity and September Justification, and supports business efficiency Redditch’s competitiveness. The Strategic Road consistency with 2014 para 8 which is critical to Redditch’s Network (SRN) and Primary Route Network (PRN) regard to the objectives competitiveness. The Primary are central to this by providing routes between major for the main road Route Network (PRN) is central to settlements and important destinations. Motorways network – and to clarify this and designates routes and trunk roads make up the SRN including the M42 the use of planning between major settlements and and M5 which lie outside the Borough; and other conditions and important destinations. Routes primary routes represent the PRN. The Primary Route planning obligations in consist of motorways, trunk roads Network (PRN) is central to this and designates securing any and other primary routes, however routes between major settlements and important necessary mitigation. in Redditch the PRN is formed destinations. Routes consist of motorways, trunk To also clarify that only of ‘A’ roads and is taken from roads and other primary routes, however in In environmental impact the Worcestershire Local Redditch the PRN is formed only of ‘A’ roads and is assessment is not a Transport Plan No.3 Network taken from the Worcestershire Local Transport Plan pre-requisite where Management Plan – Figure 2.1) No.3 Network Management Plan – Figure 2.1) and there are transport and consists of the A441, A4023 consists of the A441, A4023 and the A448, and can impacts on the and the A448, and can also be also be identified on the Transport Map. New PRN/SRN – this will be identified on the Transport Map. accesses onto the PRN and SRN will not be determined on a case New accesses onto the PRN will encouraged and should not inhibit the strategic by case basis. not be encouraged and should not function of these routes. Where development inhibit the strategic function of proposals impact upon the PRN and SRN, a transport these routes. Where development assessment and environmental impact Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map proposals impact upon the PRN, a assessment must be undertaken and, where transport assessment must be to necessary, planning conditions and planning ensure that the function of the obligations, including financial contributions to network is maintained and securing highways improvements may be sought, to appropriate financial contributions ensure that the function of the network is maintained to improvements are made. and appropriate financial contributions to improvements are made. P.58, Policy A Transport Assessment will be A Transport Assessment will be required where it is Suggested by the Change 20, criteria i. required where it is considered considered that development will have significant Highways Agency to requested that development will have transport implications. The assessment of traffic reflect the requirement September significant transport implications impact should be undertaken in line with the policies for TAs to also follow 2014 in the Plan and other relevant transport policy and the approach guidance. advocated in NPPF and related guidance including Circular 02/13 and the DfT Guidance on Transport Assessment

P.58, Policy A Travel Plan will be required A Travel Plan will be required alongside all certain Suggested by the Change 20, criteria ii. alongside certain developments developments which generate significant amounts of Highways Agency to requested movement ensure consistency September with NPPF (para 36) 2014 P.58, Policy v. all proposals will be expected to v. all proposals will be expected to be Changes to WCC March 2016 20, criteria v. be located within 250m of local located accessible to within 250m of local services (in Highways Standards services (in accordance with the accordance with the retail hierarchy this should either retail hierarchy this should either be a parade of local shops or a District Centre) and a be a parade of local shops or a public transport link (i.e. bus stop or train station); District Centre) and a public transport link (i.e. bus stop or train station);

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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map P.58, Policy The cumulative effects of The cumulative effects of development on transport Suggested by the Change 20, criteria development on transport infrastructure must be assessed and solutions sought Highways Agency to requested vii. infrastructure must be assessed in line with the policies in this Plan and other relevant ensure the approach to September and solutions sought in line with transport policy and guidance, with particular regard the assessment of 2014 the policies in this Plan, with to the cumulative effects of the delivery of the cumulative impacts particular regard to the cumulative Strategic Sites also reflects relevant effects of the delivery of the guidance including Strategic Sites Circular 02/13 and the DfT Guidance on Transport Assessment P.58, Policy - The Council will use mechanisms such as planning New text suggested by Change 20 conditions and planning obligations, including the Highways Agency requested financial contributions where necessary to secure the to provide policy September timely delivery of any necessary transport mitigation support for the use of 2014 measures. developer contributions to enable the delivery of requisite infrastructure, in line with the provisions of the IDP P.58, Policy - Development of transport infrastructure provision will New text suggested by Change 20 be co-ordinated in line with the up to date the Highways Agency requested Infrastructure Delivery Plan, which will be subject to to demonstrate the link September regular review. between the transport 2014 requirements in the Local Plan to the related IDP. P.59 Policy A Travel Plan will be expected A Travel Plan will be expected where Suggested by the Change 20, where proposals for development proposals generate significant amounts of movement, Highways Agency to requested Reasoned exceed the following thresholds including development which exceeds for ensure consistency September Justification, development exceed the following thresholds with NPPF (para 36) 2014 para 3 P.59, Policy Transport evidence prepared in Transport evidence prepared in support of a planning Requested by the HA March 2014 20, RJ para support of a planning application application must be prepared to the satisfaction of the as a statutory Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map 6 must be prepared to the Borough Council and Worcestershire County Council consultee and key satisfaction of the Borough (WCC) Highways Department and where appropriate stakeholder in relation Council and Worcestershire the Highways Agency. Worcestershire County to highway impacts to County Council (WCC) Highways Council owns and maintains a range of transport assess whether Department. Worcestershire models and information, which it makes available for development impacts County Council owns and use by developers to test the impacts of proposed are acceptable. maintains a range of transport developments on Worcestershire's transport models and information, which it networks. makes available for use by developers to test the impacts of proposed developments on Worcestershire's transport networks. Creating a Borough where Businesses can Thrive P.63 The policies in this chapter will The policies in this chapter will deliver the Objectives: To clarify that Plan March 2014 deliver the Objective: policies meet the ”To have a strong, attractive, diverse and enterprising Objectives ”To have a strong, attractive, economic base with sufficient employment land, diverse and enterprising including Strategic Sites and employees with higher economic base with sufficient skills levels” employment land, including Strategic Sites and employees “To have demonstrated compliance with the “duty to with higher skills levels” cooperate” by providing for Redditch’s growth across Local Authority boundaries”

P.64, Policy Provision is made for the Provision is made for the identification of around 55 Description of location Change 23, Para 1 identification of around 55 hectares of land which are available for employment of development requested hectares of land which are uses for the period up to 2030. Around 27.5 hectares opportunities in the September available for employment uses for will be accommodated within Redditch Borough and vicinity of Ravensbank 2014 the period up to 2030. Around around 5.5 hectares will be accommodated within Business Park 27.5 hectares will be Bromsgrove District at the north western section of expanded for clarity. accommodated within Redditch the existing Ravensbank business park. Within this Borough and around 5.5 hectares provision, an allowance has been made to Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map will be accommodated within accommodate waste management facilities, within Bromsgrove District at Redditch Borough, as identified in the Waste Core Ravensbank. Within this provision, Strategy for Worcestershire (November 2012), see an allowance has been made to Policy 24 Development within Primarily Employment accommodate waste management Areas. facilities, within Redditch Borough, as identified in the Waste Core Strategy for Worcestershire (November 2012), see Policy 24 Development within Primarily Employment Areas. P.64, Policy The Redditch Eastern Gateway The Redditch Eastern Gateway has been identified Following progress on Change 23, Para 2 has been identified as a key as a key initiative for employment provision to meet the Eastern gateway requested initiative for employment provision Redditch related employment needs. Around 10 Initiative, there was a September to meet Redditch related hectares will be accommodated in Bromsgrove need to be more 2014 employment needs. Around 10 District at the former Ravensbank ADR, adjacent to specific with regard to hectares will be accommodated in the south eastern boundary of the existing provision levels within Bromsgrove District at the former Ravensbank business park and a minimum of 12 the specific areas Ravensbank ADR and a minimum hectares further employment provision will be which make up this of 12 hectares will be accommodated within Stratford-upon-Avon District at site. ‘Gross’ has been accommodated within Stratford- Gorcott (around 7 hectares) and Winyates Green removed from one site upon-Avon District at Gorcott and Triangle (around 12 hectares). area for consistency. Winyates Green Triangle. Description of location of development opportunities in the vicinity of Ravensbank Business Park expanded for clarity. P.64, Policy The Redditch Eastern Gateway The Redditch Eastern Gateway aims to provide a Minor modification – March 2014 23, Para 3 aims to provide a significant significant enhancement to the employment land changed accepted to enhancement to the employment supply through the creation of a high-profile and clarify that this is not land supply through the creation accessible employment scheme to take advantage of the intention of the of a high-profile and accessible the demand of the M40/M42 corridor The site should policy Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map employment scheme to take develop as a high quality business park to support advantage of the demand of the both existing businesses and to provide the M40/M42 corridor. The site should opportunity to diversify the employment base of develop as a high quality business Redditch and the surrounding areas through park to support both existing attracting businesses that are not currently provided businesses and to provide the for within the existing supply of sites. Comprehensive opportunity to diversify the development of the three areas that comprise this employment base of Redditch and initiative should: the surrounding areas through attracting businesses that are not currently provided for within the existing supply of sites. Comprehensive development of the three areas that comprise this initiative should: P.74, Policy In order to support the expansion In order to support the expansion of electronic Requested by WCC to March 2014 29, para 1 of electronic communications communications networks, (including cover the provision of networks, (including telecommunications and high speed broadband) all broadband telecommunications and high developments should make provision for the service infrastructure in more speed broadband) all infrastructure required at the design stage of any detail. developments should make proposal suitable for occupiers of all development. provision for the service For the provision of broadband, developers should infrastructure required at the work with a recognised network carrier to design a design stage of any proposal. bespoke duct network, wherever practicable, for the Infrastructure should be designed development. Developers should also consider the to ensure minimal disruption, inclusion of other forms of infrastructure, such as should the need for maintenance, facilities necessary to support mobile broadband adaption or upgrades arise. where possible and where it is viable to do so.

All service Iinfrastructure should be designed to ensure minimal disruption, should the need for maintenance, adaption or upgrades arise. Improving the vitality and viability of Redditch Town Centre and District Centres P.76 The policies in this chapter will The policies in this chapter will deliver the Objectives: Typo, missing text March 2014 Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map deliver the Objectives: needs to align with “To enhance the visitor economy and Redditch’s Objective text “To enhance the visitor economy cultural and leisure opportunities including Abbey and Redditch’s cultural and Stadium” leisure opportunities including Abbey Stadium” “Reduce crime and anti-social behaviour and the fear of crime through high quality design, with “Reduce crime and anti-social regeneration achieved at Matchborough, Winyates behaviour and the fear of crime and Woodrow District Centres” through high quality design, with regeneration achieved at “To improve the vitality and viability of Town and Matchborough, Winyates and District Centres in the Borough by day and night by Woodrow District Centres” promoting a vibrant mix of uses including residential”

“To improve the vitality and viability of Town and District Centres in the Borough by day and night”

P.78, Policy The Council has identified specific The Council has identified specific roles for each of Additional wording to March 2014 30, RJ para roles for each of the centres and the centres and will use planning policies to maintain clarify definition of 3 will use planning policies to and, where necessary and appropriate having regard District Centres. maintain and, where necessary to national guidance, improve the shopping function and appropriate having regard to and environment of these centres. Whilst in many national guidance, improve the instances this will serve to maintain their position shopping function and within the retail hierarchy, it is recognised that the environment of these role, function and relative importance of centres may centres. Whilst in many instances change over time in pursuit of this Objective., District this will serve to maintain their Centres are the equivalent to the definition of ‘Local position within the retail hierarchy, Centres’ in the NPPF by virtue of the types of facilities it is recognised that the role, they provide. function and relative importance of centres may change over time in pursuit of this Objective. Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map P.85, Policy The District Centres in Redditch The District Centres in Redditch Borough were Church Hill District March 2016 34, Borough were identified as a identified as a significant issue for the Plan to Centre redevelopment Introductory significant issue for the Plan to consider, particularly in relation to the District Centres has now been para consider, particularly in relation to at Church Hill, Matchborough, Winyates and completed the District Centres at Church Hill, Woodrow, because of their poor image, issues of anti- Matchborough, Winyates and social behaviour and inappropriate design which is Woodrow, because of their poor making them suffer. image, issues of anti-social behaviour and inappropriate design which is making them suffer. P.86, Policy The Council will look favourably The Council will look favourably on development District Centres provide March 2014 34, RJ para on development proposals that proposals that will help revitalise and improve the a wider range of 1 will help revitalise and improve the shopping and community facilities of District Centres facilities than just retail. shopping and community facilities providing they are in keeping with their primarily of District Centres providing they retailing role and actively support the redevelopment are in keeping with their primarily of, Matchborough, Winyates and Woodrow District retailing role and actively support Centres and their status as Strategic Sites. In relation the redevelopment of, to the types of shoppingfacilities they provide, District Matchborough, Winyates and Centres are the equivalent to the definition of ‘Local Woodrow District Centres and Centres’ in the NPPF. their status as Strategic Sites. In relation to the types of shopping facilities they provide, District Centres are the equivalent to the definition of ‘Local Centres’ in the NPPF. Protecting and Enhancing Redditch’s Historic Environment P.90, Policy Designated heritage assets Designated heritage assets including listed buildings, Requested by English March 2014 36, para 1 including listed buildings, structures and their settings; conservation areas; and Heritage to ensure that structures and their settings; scheduled ancient monuments, will be given the the policy covers all conservation areas; and highest level of protection and should be conserved non-designated assets, scheduled ancient monuments, and enhanced. Non-designated heritage assets, as per the intention will be given the highest level of nationally important archaeological remains and suggested in the Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map protection and should be locally listed heritage assets, and their settings will reasoned justification. conserved and enhanced. Non- also need to be conserved and enhanced in a designated nationally important manner appropriate to their significance and archaeological remains and locally contribution to the historic environment. listed heritage assets, and their setting will also need to be conserved and enhanced in a manner appropriate to their significance and contribution to the historic environment. Creating Safe and Attractive Places to Live and Work P.101, Policy iv. include where appropriate, iv. include where appropriate, public art that is well Changed in response March 2014 40, criterion public art that is well designed, designed, takes into account the risk of crime, is to Community Safety iv integrated within the overall integrated within the overall design and layout of the Rep design and layout of the development, located where it can be easily development, located where it can observed, improves public outdoor space and be easily observed, improves legibility and creates landmarks; public outdoor space and legibility and creates landmarks; P.101, Policy v. aid movement by ensuring all v. aid movement by ensuring all Changed in response March 2014 40, criterion development areas benefit from developments areas benefit from accessibility, to Community Safety v accessibility, connectivity, connectivity, permeability and legibility, particularly Rep permeability and legibility, aiding sustainable modes of movement such as particularly aiding sustainable walking, cycling and access to public transport; modes of movement such as walking, cycling and access to public transport; P.101, Policy vi. encourage community safety vi. encourage community safety and ‘design out’ Amendment arisen via September 40, criterion and ‘design out’ vulnerability to vulnerability to crime by incorporating the principles, the Statement of 2014 vi crime by incorporating the concepts and physical security standards of the Common Ground principles, concepts and physical ‘Secured by Design’ award scheme; providing between RBC and security standards of the ‘Secured infrastructure for policing and emergency services; West Mercia Police by Design’ award scheme; and considering the incorporation of fire safety and Hereford & measures; Worcester Fire and Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map Rescue Service (OED/3) P.102, Policy When correctly designed and When correctly designed and sited, public art can Changed in response March 2014 40, RJ para sited, public art can also make a also make a significant contribution to reducing crime to Community Safety 4 significant contribution to reducing and promoting community safety. Risks of crime to Rep crime and promoting community public art can include theft, deliberate damage and safety; arson. Designs will need to take these risks into account and mitigate against them.

P.102, Policy The ‘Secured by Design’ award The ‘Secured by Design’ award scheme focuses on Amendment arisen via September 40, scheme focuses on crime crime prevention at the design, layout and the Statement of 2014 Reasoned prevention at the design, layout construction stages of homes and commercial Common Ground Justification, and construction stages of homes premises and promotes the use of security standards between RBC and para 5 and commercial premises and ( Redditch Borough West Mercia Police promotes the use of security Council and North Worcestershire Community Safety and Hereford & standards Partnership will publicise and promote developments Worcester Fire and ( that achieve Secured by Design Standards. This Rescue Service Redditch Borough Council and scheme or any relevant scheme at the time should be (OED/3) North Worcestershire Community adhered to in order to encourage community safety Safety Partnership will publicise and ‘design out’ vulnerability to crime. New and promote developments that development can put additional pressure on the achieve Secured by Design infrastructure of West Mercia Police and Hereford & Standards. This scheme or any Worcester Fire and Rescue Service. Proposals relevant scheme at the time should make provision for this infrastructure as should be adhered to in order to identified in the IDP to ensure that Redditch Borough encourage community safety and is a safe and attractive place to live and work. ‘design out’ vulnerability to crime. P.104, Policy iv. they would not be an iv. they would not impede natural surveillance, be an Changed in response March 2014 42, criterion obstruction to surveillance obstruction security to surveillance cameras; and to Community Safety iv cameras; and Rep Strategic Sites P.113, Policy This strategic site is currently This strategic site is currently greenfield and as has Typo correction March 2014 46, greenfield as has been previously been previously designated as Green Belt in parts;

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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map Introductory designated as Green Belt in parts; however exceptional circumstances exist to allocate para however exceptional this site to meet development needs. circumstances exist to allocate this site to meet development needs. P.113, Policy A Strategic Site at Brockhill East A Strategic Site at Brockhill East is appropriate for a Typo correction March 2014 46, Para 1 is appropriate for a high quality high quality mixed use development comprising mixed use development around 1,0001,025 dwellings, employment (8.45ha) comprising around 1,000 and relevant community facilities and services dwellings, employment (8.45ha) including, a District Centre (including convenience and relevant community facilities retail store), a first school and a sustainable public and services including, a District transport network. Centre (including convenience retail store), a first school and a sustainable public transport network. P.114, Policy - xv. proposals should demonstrate that there is no Amendment made in March 2014 46, new adverse risk of pollution to controlled waters through line with EA rep criterion xv Inclusion of new criterion has the submission of an appropriate risk assessment and resulted in renumbering of existing if necessary, a site investigation and mitigation criteria xv to xvii scheme; P.115, Policy - xxiii drainage proposals for the site should include Amendment made in March 2014 46, new appropriate pollution prevention measures to avoid line with EA rep criterion xxiii risks to controlled waters. P.115, Policy All aspects of the Brockhill East All aspects of the Brockhill East Strategic Site delivery For consistency with March 2014 46, final Strategic Site delivery must be in must be in accordance with other policies and other Strategic Site sentence accordance with other policies proposals contained within this Local Plan. policies and proposals contained within this Local Plan. P.115, Policy An appropriate location should be An appropriate location should be determined in Wording amended to Change 46, determined in Brockhill East for a Brockhill East for a District Centre which is needed in clarify that an impact requested Reasoned District Centre which is needed in north Redditch, in the Brockhill area. This District assessment will only September Justification, north Redditch, in the Brockhill Centre should satisfy any convenience needs of the be needed if any retail 2014 para 2 area. This District Centre should local community. Where If proposals for convenience proposal exceeds the Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map satisfy any convenience needs of retail is to be provided in the Brockhill area exceed District Centre the community. Where the level of retail provision normally associated with a definition in Policy 30 - convenience retail is to be District Centre location (see Policy 30), this will be Town Centre and provided in the Brockhill area this subject to an impact assessment on surrounding Retail Hierarchy will be subject to an impact District Centres to ensure there are no negative assessment on surrounding impacts. District Centres to ensure there are no negative impacts. P.116, Policy - The site is underlain by the Mercia Mudstone Group, Amendment made in March 2014 46, RJ new which is classified as a secondary aquifer. line with EA rep para 9 Development proposals must demonstrate that there is no adverse pollution risk to the aquifer through the submission of an appropriate risk assessment and if necessary, a site investigation and mitigation scheme. P.120, Policy - ix proposals should demonstrate that there is no Amendment made in March 2014 47, new adverse risk of pollution to controlled waters through line with EA rep criterion ix Inclusion of new criterion has the submission of an appropriate risk assessment and resulted in renumbering of existing if necessary, a site investigation and mitigation criteria ix to xiii scheme; P.120, Policy and and Amendment made in March 2014 47, new xiii incorporate any necessary xiv incorporate any necessary infrastructure identified line with EA rep criterion xv infrastructure identified for the for the effective delivery of the site; and effective delivery of the site. xv drainage proposals for the site should include appropriate pollution prevention measures to avoid risks to controlled waters. P.120, Policy Land immediately south of the Land immediately south of the Alexandra Hospital Amendment made March 2014 47, first para Alexandra Hospital is not included is not included within the Strategic Site boundary and following completion of after final within the Strategic Site boundary will be safeguarded for health related purposes, this NHS Trust Joint criteria and will be safeguarded for health should be considered when formulating proposals for Service Review, which related purposes, this should be the Strategic Site. determined that this considered when formulating land was no longer proposals for the Strategic Site. needed for health related purposes

Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map P.120, Policy This Strategic Site is expected to This Strategic Site is expected to be delivered 6- Amendment made March 2014 47, second be delivered 6-10 years following 10within 5 years following Local Plan adoption. The following completion of para after Local Plan adoption. The Borough Borough Council will issue further strategic planning NHS Trust Joint final criteria Council will issue further strategic guidance in order to guide and accelerate the Service Review, which planning guidance in order to sustainable delivery of this Strategic Site. determined that this guide and accelerate the land was no longer sustainable delivery of this needed for health Strategic Site. related purposes. Therefore availability for development is more likely earlier in the Plan period P.120, Policy The NHS Trust has indicated that The NHS Trust has indicated that the land Amendment made March 2014 47, RJ para the land immediately south of the immediately south of the hospital (which is not within following completion of 1 hospital (which is not within the the Strategic Site boundary) must be safeguarded for NHS Trust Joint Strategic Site boundary) must be future health related development associated with the Service Review, which safeguarded for future health determined that this hospital. This also aligns with Policy 44 Health related development associated land was no longer with the hospital. This also aligns Facilities which seeks to ensure this land is protected needed for health with Policy 44 Health Facilities for health purposes. related purposes which seeks to ensure this land is protected for health purposes. P.122, Policy The site is underlain by the Mercia Mudstone Group, Amendment made in March 2014 47, RJ para which is classified as a secondary aquifer. line with EA rep 11 Development proposals must demonstrate that there is no adverse pollution risk to the aquifer through the submission of an appropriate risk assessment and if necessary, a site investigation and mitigation scheme. P.125, Policy xi development proposals should address Amendment made in March 2014 48, new Inclusion of new criterion has contamination associated with any previous uses on line with EA rep criterion xi resulted in renumbering of existing the site, including the disused sewage works, through criteria x to xviii the submission of an appropriate risk assessment and if necessary, a site investigation and mitigation scheme; Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map P.128, Policy - Development of this site provides an opportunity to Amendment made in March 2014 48, RJ para address the remediation of any potential line with EA rep 8 contamination as a result of the former sewage works located within the site boundary. P.130, Policy Development Type - This Development Type - This Strategic Site is capable of Typo correction March 2014 49, RJ para Strategic Site is capable of accommodating around 220 180 dwellings at a 1 accommodating around 220 minimum density of between 30-50 dwellings per dwellings at a minimum density of hectare. between 30-50 dwellings per hectare. Appendix 1: Policy RCBD1 Redditch Cross Boundary Development RCBD1.2 Two sustainable mixed use urban Two sustainable mixed use urban extensions Typo correction March 2014 extensions (Foxlyidate and (Foxlyidate Foxlydiate and Brockhill) are proposed Brockhill) are proposed adjacent adjacent to the west and north of Redditch Town to the west and north of Redditch which will deliver two new sustainable communities. Town which will deliver two new The two development sites, as shown on Page 44, sustainable communities. The two will provide a minimum of 3400 dwellings and development sites, as shown on comprehensive provision of associated new Page 44, will provide a minimum infrastructure to meet some of Redditch’s housing of 3400 dwellings and requirements up to 2030. These sites are currently comprehensive provision of designated as Green Belt; however exceptional associated new infrastructure to circumstances exist to allocate these sites to meet meet some of Redditch’s housing development needs. These developments will create requirements up to 2030. These balanced communities that fully integrate into the sites are currently designated as existing residential areas of Redditch, addressing the Green Belt; however exceptional social, economic and environmental elements of circumstances exist to allocate sustainable development, whilst being sympathetic to these sites to meet development the surrounding rural areas of Bromsgrove. needs. These developments will create balanced communities that fully integrate into the existing residential areas of Redditch, addressing the social, economic

Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map and environmental elements of sustainable development, whilst being sympathetic to the surrounding rural areas of Bromsgrove. RCBD1.3 Site 1 Foxlydiate is located to the Site 1 Foxlydiate is located to the north western side Greater detail in March 2014 north western side of Redditch of Redditch within the Parish of Bentley Pauncefoot relation to ground within the Parish of Bentley and will provide opportunities to improve facilities and water Pauncefoot and will provide services in the wider Webheath area. It also offers the opportunities to improve facilities opportunity to extend existing bus services and and services in the wider through the provision of facilities within development Webheath area. It also offers the has the potential to reduce the need to travel. The site opportunity to extend existing bus has a sensitive hydrogeological setting and the services and through the provision aquifer below the site is overabstracted. There are of facilities within development Source Protection Zones¹ 1, 2 and 3 located on the has the potential to reduce the site and the historic landfill1 presents a potential need to travel. source of contamination. Development and surface water drainage will need to be carefully located and designed to avoid pollution risks to controlled waters and maximise recharge to the underlying aquifer. For example, to achieve the water quality objective of the WFD, SuDS on the site may need to provide multiple levels of treatment to avoid pollution risks. To address the quantitative issues with the groundwater body SuDS should be designed so to maximise recharge to the aquifer.

1 Map of the extent of the Source Protection Zones and location of the historic landfill is available at: ²Map of the site geology is available

Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map at: ml

RCBD1.5.1- Consultation Feedback Consultation Feedback Text not required in March 2014 RCBD1.5.2 RCBD1.5.1 A wide range of RCBD1.5.1 A wide range of consultation responses final version of the Plan consultation responses were were received in relation to the policy and in particular received in relation to the policy the choice of site allocations. Across all of the sites a and in particular the choice of site range of issues were raised including traffic allocations. Across all of the sites congestion, lack of infrastructure, loss of a range of issues were raised greenfield/Green Belt land, impact on biodiversity and including traffic congestion, lack of pollution. However, it is considered that many of the infrastructure, loss of matters can be addressed through the greenfield/Green Belt land, impact implementation of this policy, for example the policy on biodiversity and pollution. seeks to retain important biodiversity features and However, it is considered that implement a strategy to manage traffic. Some many of the matters can be infrastructure requirements will be provided as part of addressed through the any new development and where appropriate implementation of this policy, for planning contributions will be sought to deliver new example the policy seeks to retain and improved infrastructure. It is acknowledged that important biodiversity features and development will result in the loss of greenfield and implement a strategy to manage Green Belt land, however there is a lack of suitable traffic. Some infrastructure brownfield alternatives and there is a high level of requirements will be provided as unmet housing need in the Borough. part of any new development and where appropriate planning Sustainability Appraisal contributions will be sought to deliver new and improved RCBD1.5.2 The policy performs well against a infrastructure. It is acknowledged number of SA objectives for several reasons including that development will result in the the delivery of affordable housing, job creation and loss of greenfield and Green Belt access to facilities and services. The policy performs land, however there is a lack of less favourably against some of the environmental suitable brownfield alternatives objectives due to the loss of greenfield and Green and there is a high level of unmet Belt land. However, given the lack of brownfield housing need in the Borough. alternatives available this is inevitable. The Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map recommendation for mitigation is the creation of a Sustainability Appraisal detailed Masterplan that addresses a full range of issues including biodiversity and green infrastructure. RCBD1.5.2 The policy performs well against a number of SA objectives for several reasons including the delivery of affordable housing, job creation and access to facilities and services. The policy performs less favourably against some of the environmental objectives due to the loss of greenfield and Green Belt land. However, given the lack of brownfield alternatives available this is inevitable. The recommendation for mitigation is the creation of a detailed Masterplan that addresses a full range of issues including biodiversity and green infrastructure. RCBD1.1 RCBD1.1Policy Redditch Cross RCBD1.1Policy Redditch Cross Boundary Correction March 2014 Boundary Development Development RCBD1.6 Two mixed use urban extensions Two mixed use urban extensions are proposed (as To address March 2014 are proposed (as shown on Map shown on Map 10 RCBD1 page 44) across two sites inconsistency with 10 RCBD1 page 44) across two adjacent to Redditch and are appropriate to deliver a Redditch Local Plan sites minimum of approximately 3400 dwellings and No.4 adjacent to Redditch and are comprehensive provision of associated new appropriate to deliver a minimum infrastructure to meet some of Redditch’s housing of 3400 dwellings and requirements up to 2030. comprehensive provision of associated new infrastructure to meet some of Redditch’s housing Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map requirements up to 2030. RCBD1.7 Site 1 Foxlydiate will include a Site 1 Foxlydiate will include a minimum To address March 2014 minimum of 2800 dwellings, a first of approximately 2800 dwellings, a first school and a inconsistency with school and a Local Centre, Local Centre, including associated community Redditch Local Plan including infrastructure. No.4 associated community infrastructure. RCBD1.8 Site 2 Brockhill will contain a Site 2 Brockhill will contain a minimum To address March 2014 minimum of 600 dwellings which of approximately 600 dwellings which will integrate inconsistency with will integrate with the Strategic with the Strategic Site at Brockhill East, as shown in Redditch Local Plan Site at the Redditch Local Plan No.4 and should integrate No.4 Brockhill East, as shown in the well into the existing urban fabric of Redditch. Redditch Local Plan No.4 and should integrate well into the existing urban fabric of Redditch. RCBD1.9 II. An overall Transport II. An overall Transport Assessment will be produced Changes made in June 2015 Assessment will be produced taking into account of the prevailing traffic conditions accordance with February/Marc taking into account the cumulative and the individual and the cumulative and wide SOCG Agreed with h 2014 ranging effects of development on transport HA, WCC and RBC and wide ranging effects of infrastructure. This will define the mitigation November 2014. development on transport necessary to protect the safety and operation of the Provide further detail in infrastructure including new and road network, including sustainable travel measures relation to ground improved access arrangements, and any including new and improved access water quality and which are in keeping with the arrangements. which are in keeping with the SuDS. structured road hierarchy. structured road hierarchy Changes made in III. Significant improvements in III. Significant improvements in passenger transport accordance with new passenger transport will be will be required resulting in integrated and regular bus SOCG with EA, RBC March 2016 and BDC required resulting in integrated services connecting both sites to key local facilities. In

particular, services should be routed through both and regular bus services Changes made to connecting both sites to key local Site 1Foxlydiate and Site 2 Brockhill, with all provide increased facilities. In particular, services dwellings to be located within 250m of accessible to flexibility within the Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map should be routed through both the a bus network stop. Plan. March 2016 Site 1Foxlydiate and Site 2 Changes made in Brockhill, with all dwellings to be VI. Flood risk from the Spring Brook on Site 1 accordance with setting of Heritage located within 250m of a bus stop. Foxlydiate and the Red Ditch on Site 2 Brockhill East should be managed through measures that work with Assets Assessments VI. Flood risk from the Spring natural processes to improve the local water Brook on Site 1 Foxlydiate and the environment. A detailed, site specific, Flood Risk Red Ditch on Site 2 Brockhill East Assessment will be required. This must provide a should be managed through model of the nearby ordinary watercourses to measures that work with natural ascertain the design flood extents, including the 1% processes to improve the local plus climate change allowances, and determine the water environment. Surface water developable area of the site. This will inform the runoff must be managed to sequential approach and the need to include any prevent flooding on, around and necessary avoidance or mitigation measures such as downstream of the both sites the incorporation of open space and green through the use of Sustainable infrastructure within the floodplain regime. Surface Drainage Systems (SuDS). A water runoff must be managed to prevent flooding on, supporting risk assessment will be around and downstream of both sites through the use provided as SuDS techniques of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS). Surface may be limited due to Source water runoff must be managed to prevent flooding on, Protection Zones within Site 1 around and downstream of the both sites through the Foxlydiate. use of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS). A supporting risk assessment will be provided as SuDS VII. Proposals for development techniques may be limited due to Source Protection will need to ensure that sufficient Zones within Site 1 Foxlydiate. capacity of the sewerage systems for both wastewater collection and VII. Water efficiency measures will meet the tighter treatment is provided through Building Regulations optional requirement of 110 engagement with Severn Trent litres per person per day Water Ltd and the Environment

Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map Agency and delivered at the VIII SuDS proposals on Site 1 must provide an appropriate stage. appropriate level of treatment to avoid pollution risks to controlled waters, and be designed to achieve the VIII. All development must be of a greenfield rate of run-off, maximise recharge to the high quality design and locally underlying aquifer and support water levels in the distinctive to its surrounding rural Bow Brook. In accordance with the objectives of the and urban character; contribute to Water Framework Directive, development should the areas’ identity and create a ideally contribute towards the improvement of, but as coherent sense of place; and a minimum not have a deteriorative effect on, the respect and enhance the water bodies associated with the site.

setting of any heritage asset. IX. An appropriate assessment of the pollution risks to There should be a continuous controlled waters on Site 1 Foxlydiate will be network of streets and spaces, produced taking account of any previous including the contaminative uses on the site including the historic provision of public open spaces, landfill, and the risks associated with the proposed creating a permeable layout with uses well-defined streets. VII.X. Proposals for development will need to ensure IX. In preparing development that sufficient capacity of the sewerage systems for proposals, provision should be both wastewater collection and treatment is provided made for any necessary through engagement with Severn Trent Water Ltd and infrastructure for the effective the Environment Agency and delivered at the delivery of the site. appropriate stage.

X. Any proposals for development XI. Supporting developments that follow the water on either site must not individually conservation hierarchy. All market housing or cumulatively jeopardise the developments should achieve at least the water future use of any other part of the category of the Code for Sustainable Homes Level 4 site (s) or impede the delivery of by 2013 and Level 6 after 2016. Affordable housing the two sustainable communities. Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map should at least achieve the water category of Code Level 6 from 2013 onwards. Where standards currently exist for a particular non-domestic building type in BREEAM, maximum points should be scored on water and a minimum of 25% water savings for any other development.

VIII. XII. All development must be of a high quality design and locally distinctive to its surrounding rural and urban character; contribute to the areas’ identity and create a coherent sense of place; and respect and enhance the setting of any heritage asset. There should be a continuous network of streets and spaces, including the provision of public open spaces, creating a permeable layout with well-defined streets.

IX. XIII. In preparing Development proposals should incorporate, provision should be made for any necessary infrastructure to be delivered in parallel with the implementation of new development for the effective delivery of the site.

X. XIV. Any proposals for development on either site must not individually or cumulatively jeopardise the future use of any other part of the site (s) or impede the delivery of the two sustainable communities.

XV.To ensure the protection of Heritage Assets, future proposals including development boundaries should be in conformity with Policy BDP20 and informed by an understanding of the Setting of

Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map Heritage Assets set out in the most recent Setting Assessment(s) produced, or formally endorsed, by the Council in accordance with current Historic England guidance on setting matters. Appendix 2: Schedule of Housing Site Appendix 2 Delete Appendix 2 Replace with updated Appendix 2 as per figures in Figures have been October 2014/ See p.39 of this document for CDR 18.22 (Housing Commitments 2014) altered for a variety of March 2016 details See p.42 of this document for details Appendix 2 will reasons: be updated on adoption to reflect the most up to date housing commitments available through the annual Annual monitoring monitoring process. The Policies Map will be update amended to reflect this information also. Site area amended to reflect SHLAA

Site area aligned to GIS area calculations

Site area amended to reflect area covered by planning application boundary

Site area altered to reflect removal of part of the site from development

Site area amended to take further account of landscape considerations and impact on the settlement of Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map Mappleborough Green

Calculation error

Typo error

Site allocations Appendix 3: Schedule of Employment Sites Appendix 3 Appendix 3 will be updated on adoption to reflect the March 2016 most up to date employment commitments available through the annual monitoring process. The Policies Map will be amended to reflect this information also. Table i, IN20 1.32 1.32 1.21 Site area aligned to March 2014 GIS area calculations Table i, IN58 1.10 1.10 1.04 Site area aligned to March 2014 GIS area calculations Table i, IN82 7.78 7.78 4.21 Site area amended to March 2014 take further account of landscape considerations and impact on the settlement of Mappleborough Green Table i, IN84 0.19 0.19 0.22 Site area aligned to March 2014 GIS area calculations Table i, Sub 26.70 Ha 26.70 22.99 Ha Recalculation based on March 2014 Total changes above Table ii Winyates Green Triangle (SoADC) Winyates Green Triangle (SoADC) (gross) 12.00 4.50 Amendment made in March 2014 4.50 line with Policy 23 changes Table ii, Sub Sub Total 27.29 Ha Sub Total (gross) 27.29 34.79 Ha Amendment made in March 2014 Total line with Policy 23 changes Table iii, 55.711 Ha 55.71159.501 Ha Recalculation of March 2014 Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map Total altered sub totals above Appendix 4: Infrastructure Implications of Local Plan No.4 Policies Policy 12, 288 formally designated open 288 300 formally designated open spaces within the Altered in line with March 2014 Existing spaces within the Borough. Borough. amendments to losses provision and gains of open space Policy 40 Redditch Borough Council Redditch Borough Council Common Ground September (Delivery between RBC and 2014 Partners) All developers All developers West Mercia Police and Hereford & West Midlands Police West Midlands Mercia Police Worcester Fire and Rescue Service (OED/3) Policy 41 Redditch Borough Council Redditch Borough Council Common Ground September (Delivery between RBC and 2014 Partners) All developers All developers West Mercia Police and Hereford & West Midlands Police West Midlands Mercia Police Worcester Fire and Rescue Service (OED/3) Appendix 5: Local Plan No.3 Saved Policies that will be replaced by Local Plan No.4 B(BE).13 Policy 40 High Quality and Safer Policy 40 High Quality Design and Safer Communities Typo March 2014 Communities B(BE).14 Policy 40 High Quality and Safer Policy 40 High Quality Design and Safer Communities Typo March 2014 Communities B(BE).20 Policy 40 High Quality and Safer Policy 40 High Quality Design and Safer Communities Typo March 2014 Communities Appendix 6: Saved Supplementary Planning Documents The following list details which of The following list details which of the Borough Change made in March 2016 the Borough Councils Councils Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) response to Inspector’s Supplementary Planning are to be retained: question at Matter R4.2 Documents (SPDs) are to be retained: Land to the Rear of the Alexandra Hospital SPD Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


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Policy/ Existing wording Proposed wording/ correction Reason for change Date of Change paragraph/ table/ map Church Hill District Centre SPD Land to the Rear of the Alexandra Edward Street SPD Hospital SPD Church Road SPD Church Hill District Centre SPD Education SPD Edward Street SPD Open Space Provision SPD Church Road SPD Auxerre Avenue SPD Education SPD Designing for Community Safety SPD Open Space Provision SPD Prospect Hill SPD Auxerre Avenue SPD Local List SPD Designing for Community Safety Encouraging Good Design SPD SPD Employment Monitoring SPG Prospect Hill SPD Local List SPD Encouraging Good Design SPD Employment Monitoring SPG

Appendix 7: Glossary and Abbreviations Code for (CSH / CFSH) The Government’s Code for Sustainable Changes in response March 2016 Sustainable standard designed to improve the Homes (CSH / CFSH) The Government’s standard to July Post Hearing Homes overall designed to improve the overall sustainability of new Note suggestion by the sustainability of new homes by homes by setting a single framework. Inspector to check setting a single framework. compliance with Written Ministerial th Statement (25 March 2015) Gypsies and Persons of nomadic habit of life Persons of nomadic habit of life whatever their race or Change made in August 2015 Travellers whatever their race or origin. origin, including such persons who on grounds only of response to the their own or their family’s or dependants’ educational definition in the NPPF or health needs or old age have ceased to travel Planning Policy for temporarily, but excluding members of an organised traveller sites group of travelling showpeople or circus people travelling together as such.

Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


Appendix 2 - Proposed Submission version (to be deleted)

Policy 4 Housing Provision explains how Redditch Borough Council will meet its housing needs of around 6400 dwellings between 1 April 2011 and 31 March 2030.

This appendix provides more detailed information on the component parts of the housing target. Additional monitoring information is available from the Development Plans Team. Monitoring information and the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) are updated annually on 1 April. i. Sites allocated for housing development in the Borough of Redditch in order to meet the Strategic Housing Target for the period 2011-2030

Capacity for Brownfield/ Completions completions Area No. Site Name 1.4.2011 - Greenfield on or after 31.3.2013 (Ha) 1.4.2011

124 Brush Factory, Evesham Road 6 0 B 0.09 135 RO 144 – 162 Easemore Road 19 0 B 0.42

143 Adj. Castleditch Lane/ Pheasant 16 0 G 0.52 Lane

147 Windsor Road Gas Works 37 37 B 5.68 153 Prospect Hill 71 0 B 1.43

155 Former Claybrook First School 35 0 B 0.74

156 Land at Millfields and the Fire 35 0 B+G 1.36 Station

157 Former Ipsley School playing 41 0 G 0.93 field

158 South of scout hut, Oakenshaw 41 0 G 1.02 Road

200 Land at Wirehill Drive 12 0 G 0.47

201 The Hills, Tanhouse Lane 14 14 B 0.57

202 Dorothy Terry House 42 0 B 0.41 203 Former Dingleside Middle 180 0 B/G 3.95 School

204 Former Marlfield Farm First 79 41 B/G 1.41 School

205 Mayfields Works, The Mayfields 23 0 B 0.19

206 Church Hill District Centre 51 0 B 2.25 207 Matchborough District Centre 17 0 B 0.92

208 Widney House, Bromsgrove 40 0 B+G 2.24 Road

Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


209 Loxley Close 10 0 B 0.31

210 RO Alexandra Hospital 145 0 G 7.74

211 A435 (former ADR) 255 0 G 10.25

212 Brockhill East 1025 38 G 23.40

213 Webheath 600 0 G 47.71

215 Birchfield Road 28 0 G 0.86 216 Former Hewell Road swimming 14 0 B 0.56 baths

217 Sandycroft, West Avenue 9 0 B 0.35

218 RO Windsor Road Gas Works 42 0 B 0.19

219 Studley Road/ Green Lane 12 0 G 0.39 220 Park House, Town Centre 14 0 B 0.10

2913 130 Total dwellings dwellings

Small Site Completions 1.4.2011 – 31.3.2013 Completions between 1.4.2011 and 31.3.2013 on sites where capacity at 1.4.2011 was less than 10 dwellings.

Small Site Completions 1.4.2011 - 31.3.2013 = 63 dwellings

Small Site Commitments at 1.4.2013 These are small sites (less than 10 dwellings) with planning permission outstanding at 1.4.2013 and SHLAA sites (less than 10 dwellings)

Small Site Commitments at 1.4.2013 = 69 dwellings

Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


Borough of Redditch Commitments to Meet the Strategic Housing Requirement At 1.4.2013

Large Site Completions = 130

Large Site Commitments = 2783

Small Site Completions = 63

Small Site Commitments = 69

TOTAL = 3045 dwellings

Outstanding Strategic Housing Target at 1.4.2013

6400 minus 3045 = 3355 dwelling target commitments below strategic target

(i) Additional land beyond the Borough of Redditch in order to meet the Strategic Housing Target for the period 2011-2030. (Land within Bromsgrove District)

Capacity on Site Completions up to Site Name/ Address B/G* or after No. 31.3.2013 (Ha) 1.4.2011

1 Land at Foxlydiate G 2800 0

2 Land at Brockhill East G 600 0

Sub Total 3400 0

* Brownfield/Greenfield

Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


Appendix 2 - will be updated on adoption to reflect the most up to date housing commitments available through the annual monitoring process.

Schedule of modifications - corrections and changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 – March 2016


The Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 Policies Map is a detailed map showing all proposed land use based policy designations.

This section of the Addendum document describes the proposed changes to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 Proposed Submission Policies Map (CDR 2.1). An extract from the Proposed Submission Policies Map has been presented alongside the proposed changes, which formed the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 Submission version of the Policies Map (CDR 1.4).

It is important that the changes are read alongside the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 Submission document and Policies Map.

Policies Map change no. 1

A435 (Site No. 211) 1 of 3

Description of Change: Site formerly identified as A435 Area of Development Restrain (ADR) in Local Plan No.3. Identified as a Strategic Site capable of delivery of housing.

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Proposed Submission Version) (CDR 2.1)

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Submission Version) (CDR 1.4)

Policies Map change no. 2

A435 (Site No. 211) 2 of 3

Description of Change: Site formerly identified as A435 Area of Development Restrain (ADR) in Local Plan No.3. Identified as a Strategic Site capable of delivery of housing.

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Proposed Submission Version) (CDR 2.1)

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Submission Version) (CDR 1.4)

Policies Map change no. 3

A435 (Site No. 211 & IN82) 3 of 3

Description of Change: Site formerly identified as A435 Area of Development Restrain (ADR) in Local Plan No.3. Identified as a Strategic Site capable of delivery of housing and employment.

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Proposed Submission Version) (CDR 2.1)

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Submission Version) (CDR 1.4)

Policies Map change no. 4

Brockhill East (Site No. 212 and IN67)

Description of Change: Site formerly had multiple designations in Local Plan No.3. Northern areas were designated Green Belt. The large striped designation was designated as Area of Development Restraint. The southern areas were a designated employment site IN67. Two parcels of land to the west were allocated as Primarily Open Space and land at Weights Lane contained a road reserve to accommodate the future extension of the Bordesley Bypass. First phase of 14 dwellings and access to site granted planning permission 2010/067/FUL. Parts of site granted planning permission 2011/177/OUT for 177 dwellings, open space and 4738sqm of B1. SHLAA and ELR identified sites as appropriate for housing and employment. Site therefore identified in Appendix 2 Schedule of Housing Sites and Appendix 3 Schedule of Employment Sites in Submission Version Local Plan No.4. Designated as a Strategic Site in BORLP4.

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Proposed Submission Version) (CDR 2.1)

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Submission Version) (CDR 1.4)

Policies Map change no. 5 Green Belt at Curr Lane, Webheath Land at Church Road, Webheath (Site No. 99A)

Description of Change: Site located as Green Belt in Local Plan No.3. Site Assessed in Redditch Housing Growth Development Study (2013) and identified as forming part of the cross boundary growth site in Bromsgrove District to meet the housing needs of Redditch. The full extent of the cross boundary site is referenced in the Submission version of Local Plan No.4 at Policy 4 and Appendix 1, and within the Submission version of the Bromsgrove District Plan. Site 99A allocated in Local Plan No.3 for residential development and completed during that Plan period.

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Proposed Submission Version) (CDR 2.1)

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Submission Version) (CDR 1.4)

Policies Map change no. 6

Open Space Boundary

Description of Change: Change made as a result of the Addendum to the Open Space Needs Assessment, which reviewed losses and gains to the Borough’s Open Space.

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Proposed Submission Version) (CDR 2.1)

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Submission Version) (CDR 1.4)

Policies Map change no. 7

Open Space Boundary

Description of Change: Change made as a result of the Addendum to the Open Space Needs Assessment, which reviewed losses and gains to the Borough’s Open Space.

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Proposed Submission Version) (CDR 2.1)

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Submission Version) (CDR 1.4)

Policies Map change no. 8

Open Space Boundary

Description of Change: Change made as a result of the Addendum to the Open Space Needs Assessment, which reviewed losses and gains to the Borough’s Open Space.

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Proposed Submission Version) (CDR 2.1)

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Submission Version) (CDR 1.4)

Policies Map change no. 9

Open Space Boundary

Description of Change: Change made as a result of the Addendum to the Open Space Needs Assessment, which reviewed losses and gains to the Borough’s Open Space.

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Proposed Submission Version) (CDR 2.1)

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Submission Version) (CDR 1.4)

Policies Map change no. 10

Open Space Boundary

Description of Change: Change made as a result of the Addendum to the Open Space Needs Assessment, which reviewed losses and gains to the Borough’s Open Space.

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Proposed Submission Version) (CDR 2.1)

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Submission Version) (CDR 1.4)

Policies Map change no. 11

Open Space Boundary

Description of Change: Change made as a result of the Addendum to the Open Space Needs Assessment, which reviewed losses and gains to the Borough’s Open Space.

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Proposed Submission Version) (CDR 2.1)

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Submission Version) (CDR 1.4)

Policies Map change no. 12

Open Space Boundary

Description of Change: Change made as a result of the Addendum to the Open Space Needs Assessment, which reviewed losses and gains to the Borough’s Open Space.

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Proposed Submission Version) (CDR 2.1)

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Submission Version) (CDR 1.4)

Policies Map change no. 13

Open Space Boundary

Description of Change: Change made as a result of the Addendum to the Open Space Needs Assessment, which reviewed losses and gains to the Borough’s Open Space.

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Proposed Submission Version) (CDR 2.1)

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Submission Version) (CDR 1.4)

Policies Map change no. 14

Open Space Boundary

Description of Change: Change made as a result of the Addendum to the Open Space Needs Assessment, which reviewed losses and gains to the Borough’s Open Space.

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Proposed Submission Version) (CDR 2.1)

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Submission Version) (CDR 1.4)

Policies Map change no. 15

Open Space Boundary

Description of Change: Change made as a result of the Addendum to the Open Space Needs Assessment, which reviewed losses and gains to the Borough’s Open Space.

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Proposed Submission Version) (CDR 2.1)

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Submission Version) (CDR 1.4)

Policies Map change no. 16

Open Space Boundary

Description of Change: Change made as a result of the Addendum to the Open Space Needs Assessment, which reviewed losses and gains to the Borough’s Open Space.

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Proposed Submission Version) (CDR 2.1)

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Submission Version) (CDR 1.4)

Policies Map change no. 17

Open Space Boundary

Description of Change: Change made as a result of the Addendum to the Open Space Needs Assessment, which reviewed losses and gains to the Borough’s Open Space.

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Proposed Submission Version) (CDR 2.1)

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Submission Version) (CDR 1.4)

Policies Map change no. 18

Open Space Boundary

Description of Change: Change made as a result of the Addendum to the Open Space Needs Assessment, which reviewed losses and gains to the Borough’s Open Space.

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Proposed Submission Version) (CDR 2.1)

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Submission Version) (CDR 1.4)

Policies Map change no. 19

Open Space Boundary

Description of Change: Change made as a result of the Addendum to the Open Space Needs Assessment, which reviewed losses and gains to the Borough’s Open Space.

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Proposed Submission Version) (CDR 2.1)

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Submission Version) (CDR 1.4)

Policies Map change no. 20

Open Space Boundary

Description of Change: Change made as a result of the Addendum to the Open Space Needs Assessment, which reviewed losses and gains to the Borough’s Open Space.

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Proposed Submission Version) (CDR 2.1)

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Submission Version) (CDR 1.4)

Policies Map change no. 21

Open Space Boundary

Description of Change: Change made as a result of the Addendum to the Open Space Needs Assessment, which reviewed losses and gains to the Borough’s Open Space.

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Proposed Submission Version) (CDR 2.1)

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Submission Version) (CDR 1.4)

Policies Map change no. 22

Open Space Boundary

Description of Change: Change made as a result of the Addendum to the Open Space Needs Assessment, which reviewed losses and gains to the Borough’s Open Space.

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Proposed Submission Version) (CDR 2.1)

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Submission Version) (CDR 1.4)

Policies Map change no. 23

Open Space Boundary

Description of Change: Change made as a result of the Addendum to the Open Space Needs Assessment, which reviewed losses and gains to the Borough’s Open Space.

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Proposed Submission Version) (CDR 2.1)

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Submission Version) (CDR 1.4)

Policies Map change no. 24

Open Space Boundary

Description of Change: Change made as a result of the Addendum to the Open Space Needs Assessment, which reviewed losses and gains to the Borough’s Open Space.

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Proposed Submission Version) (CDR 2.1)

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Submission Version) (CDR 1.4)

Policies Map change no. 25

Open Space Boundary

Description of Change: Change made as a result of the Addendum to the Open Space Needs Assessment, which reviewed losses and gains to the Borough’s Open Space.

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Proposed Submission Version) (CDR 2.1)

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Submission Version) (CDR 1.4)

Policies Map change no. 26

Open Space Boundary

Description of Change: Change made as a result of the Addendum to the Open Space Needs Assessment, which reviewed losses and gains to the Borough’s Open Space.

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Proposed Submission Version) (CDR 2.1)

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Submission Version) (CDR 1.4)

Policies Map change no. 27

Lodge Park District Centre

Description of Change: Boundary altered following planning consent to create retail units on a former petrol filling station site.

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Proposed Submission Version) (CDR 2.1)

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Submission Version) (CDR 1.4)

Policies Map change no. 28

Housing Site 135 - RO 144-162 Easemore Road

Description of Change: Site deleted due to collapse of housing consortium and net developable area now for less than 10 dwellings

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Proposed Submission Version) (CDR 2.1)

Proposed modification to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map

Policies Map change no. 29

Housing Site 202 – Dorothy Terry House

Description of Change: Site deleted as development comprises self-contained units with associated higher level of care, which no longer count towards the housing requirement

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Proposed Submission Version) (CDR 2.1)

Proposed modification to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map

Policies Map change no. 30 Housing Site 210 – Land to the rear of the Alexandra Hospital and Land Safeguarded for Health

Description of Change: Amendment made following completion of NHS Trust Joint Service Review, which determined that the land to the rear of the hospital was available for inclusion in the Strategic Site (Policy 47)

Extract from Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map (Proposed Submission Version) (CDR 2.1)

Proposed modification to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 Policies Map