County Death Index 1870-1940

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County Death Index 1870-1940 D O ©Copyright 2013 FCHC Death Index All Rights Reserved Do Not Copy or Distribute SURNAME FIRST NAME YEAR Aaberg Henry 1882 Aaberg Maria 1884 Aaberg Peter 1923 Aaberg Sabin E 1906 Aaberg Sander 1893 Aagaard Mathew 1900N Aagedal Torgne 1934 Aalum Lars O 1892 Aamold Gulbrand 1916 Aamold Karen 1915 Aamot Ole 1930 O Aamot 1898 Aamundson Ole 1877 Aanedal Bertha 1900 Aanenson Martha 1908 Aarnes Bertha Marie 1933 Aarnes Jens Christian 1915T Aarsby Frederick 1892 Aarsvold Anna 1938 Aarsvold Henry Oscar 1903 Aarsvold Tom P 1928 Aarvedal Britha J 1900 Aas Ada 1899 Aas Knud A 1887C Aasen Ole G 1886 Aashheim Bertha 1908 Aasmundsen Gene 1879 Aasum Berent 1934 Aasum Edgar M 1939O Abbott Edith Marion 1901 Abrahamson Annie 1887 Abrahamson Clarice A 1911 Abrahamson Conrad 1897 Abrahamson Fredrick 1916 Abrahamson Gurine 1920P Abrahamson Martin 1916 Abrahamson Peter 1938 Abrahamson Sila 1882 Abramson Anna L C 1887 Achatz Henry 1908Y Achatz Herman 1927 D Achatz Josephine 1901 Ack Theodore T 1926O Ackley Herbert E. 1872 Ackley 1875 Adams (infant) 1923 Adams Adelia 1902 Adams Alice Baker 1912 Adams Alonzo A 1898 Adams Betsey 1906 Adams Christinia Kuisle 1931N Adams Emeretta A 1918 Adams Ethan Gibson H 1926 Adams George Dexter 1872 Adams Martha Sophia 1937 Adams Phoebe 1883 Adams S R 1886O Adams Sarah S 1883 Adams Susan 1906 Adams William E 1903 Adland Jacob 1899 Adland Jacob B 1898 T Adolph Magnaz 1888 Adolph Oascar 1880 Affeldt Alma 1890 Affeldt August 1901 Affeldt Carl 1887 Affeldt Emma 1890 Affeldt Ernest 1877C Affeldt Ferdinand 1924 Affeldt Hattie 1926 Affeldt Henretta 1920 Affeldt Henry 1934 Affeldt Herman 1923 Affeldt Julius 1902O Affeldt Margarite 1939 Affeldt Mrs Albertina 1930 Affeldt Wilhemina 1932 Afseth Anders 1909 Afseth Mariah 1895 P Afseth Tonita 1936 Aftson Harriet 1873 Aga Brita I 1891 Agam Matt 1871 Agarn Talbot L 1887 Y Agrimson Alma Olive 1915 D Agrimson Andrew 1933 Agrimson Caroline 1939O Agrimson Edward 1927 Agrimson Gustav 1937 Agrimson Jacob 1912 Agrimson Malina 1929 Agrimson Mrs Inger 1922 Agrimson Peter 1878 Ahern (stillborn-female) 1935 Ahern Henry 1908N Ahern James 1888 Ahern John 1903 Ahern Marie 1910 Ahren Mary 1921 Akenwright Wm Lowman 1924 Akre John J 1896O Albert Margil 1876 Albert William 1901 Alberts Helena Alvira 1934 Albertson Carl 1877 Albertson John C. 1871 T Albolt Emily 1880 Albrant Ralph 1911 Albro Andrew J. 1874 Albro Delina 1930 Albro Emerson 1870 Albro Harrison 1928 Albro Isabel Manerva 1903C Albro Milton O 1932 Albro Mrs 1870 Albro Stephen A 1879 Albro William 1938 Albro 1871 Albro 1880O Alden Hannah 1894 Alden Jennie 1872 Alden Maria E. 1871 Alden Rufus 1899 Aldrich Aarissa 1880 P Aldrich Homer P 1900 Aldrich Ruth Abbey 1879 Aldrich (male) 1901 Aldsen Carrie 1927 Aleckron Louisa 1894 Y Alexander Lowell T 1940 D Alfred Johan 1878 Alfson Adrian H 1917O Alfson Alf 1929 Alfson Anne 1870 Alfson Bergit 1932 Alfson Georgia Bernice 1919 Alfson Johanna J 1939 Alfson Kittel 1903 Alfson Lena 1900 Alfson Martain 1917N Alfson Matilda 1921 Alfson Thomas 1930 Alink Derick 1889 Alink Johanna 1909 Alink Levi 1931 Allard Ezaa W 1905O Allard Louisa M 1918 Allen (infant) 1928 Allen Albert 1879 Allen August 1879 Allen Charlaes 1876 T Allen Eliza H 1892 Allen Elizabeth L 1901 Allen Henry 1879 Allen Horace H 1887 Allen Ingebor 1884 Allen Iva 1921 Allen Jerusha 1880C Allen John 1928 Allen Joseph 1875 Allen Laura M 1898 Allen Lepha A 1887 Allen Lila Irene 1918 Allen Lucy 1884O Allen Mathilda A 1928 Allen Nelson 1876 Allen Oliot 1878 Allen Rebecca Belle 1940 Allen Rhoda H 1896 P Allen Robert 1895 Allen Roy D 1879 Allen Willard 1880 Allen Wm B 1915 Allen 1874 Y Allink John 1876 D Allro Kate 1921 Allshouse Joseph Saren 1920O Alm (baby) 1911 Alm Anton O 1902 Alm Birdie 1913 Alm Eleanor 1921 Alm Irwin Oscar 1904 Alm Karl 1909 Almond 1888 Alphee Charles 1919N Alsrud Christian 1880 Alt Eunice 1880 Amble Johannes L 1892 Amble Synneve J 1927 Ambli Bertha Louisa 1906 Ambrosia Henry 1902O Ambroson Bengt 1881 Ambroson Margit 1885 Amdahl (baby) 1911 Amdahl (infant) 1928 Amdahl Bernt 1893 T Amdahl Elizabeth 1893 Amdahl Grenla Cecilia 1893 Amdahl Inga 1893 Amdahl Jacob 1918 Amdahl Jerry 1924 Amdahl Kjeran B 1939 Amdahl Lena 1904C Amdahl Melvin 1906 Amdahl Olaf 1893 Amdahl Ole A 1907 Amdahl Sophia Louis 1893 Amdahl Verna Almina 1914 Amilis Regana 1871O Amondson Arne 1875 Amoth Gilbert 1908 Amsdahl Mamie 1888 Amtrias Eloa ? 1878 Amundson Bertha 1922 P Amundson Carl 1886 Amundson Carl 1892 Amundson Carrie 1886 Amundson Ellef 1873 Amundson Harris 1908 Y Amundson Knudt 1877 D Amundson Peter E 1871 Amundson Robert 1922O Amundson Signe 1907 Amundson Tera 1879 Ananse Charles 1874 Andahl Cecil 1920 Andeas Marlin 1874 Anders Frederik 1891 Andersen Anton 1880 Andersen Emelia 1880N Andersen Janice Elaine 1934 Andersen Syneva 1879 Anderson (baby) 1902 Anderson (baby) 1913 Anderson (baby-female) 1914 Anderson (female) 1875O Anderson (infant) 1925 Anderson (infant) 1925 Anderson (infant) 1927 Anderson (male) 1878 Anderson (male) 1894 T Anderson (male) 1894 Anderson A N 1937 Anderson A. F. 1910 Anderson Acra 1881 Anderson Adolph Harry 1924 Anderson Albert 1877 Anderson Albert M 1878C Anderson Albert Spencer 1885 Anderson Alfred Howard 1893 Anderson Alma 1907 Anderson Alma Christina 1908 Anderson Alvin 1933 Anderson Amelia 1875O Anderson Amelia 1876 Anderson Aminal 1889 Anderson Andrea 1879 Anderson Andrew 1871 Anderson Andrew 1871 P Anderson Andrew 1872 Anderson Andrew 1877 Anderson Andrew 1889 Anderson Andrew G 1891 Anderson Andrew L 1871 Y Anderson Andrew P 1879 D Anderson Ann 1872 Anderson Ann Eliza 1891O Anderson Anna 1870 Anderson Anna 1895 Anderson Anna 1936 Anderson Anna S 1911 Anderson Anna (Mrs Wm) 1938 Anderson Anne 1873 Anderson Anne 1874 Anderson Anne 1887N Anderson Anne 1930 Anderson Annie 1898 Anderson Anthony 1871 Anderson Anton 1921 Anderson Anton John 1872 Anderson Arnold John 1916O Anderson Aslog 1888 Anderson Barbary 1872 Anderson Barnt 1940 Anderson Bell 1877 Anderson Berit 1874 T Anderson Berta Maria 1872 Anderson Bertha 1870 Anderson Bertha 1874 Anderson Bertha 1881 Anderson Bertha 1881 Anderson Bertha 1938 Anderson Bertha A 1888C Anderson Bertha Andrine 1883 Anderson Bertha M 1879 Anderson Bertha O 1889 Anderson Beth 1904 Anderson Brigit 1893 Anderson C G 1881O Anderson Carie 1929 Anderson Carl August 1927 Anderson Carl David 1882 Anderson Carl H 1937 Anderson Carl S. 1910 P Anderson Caroline J 1897 Anderson Carva Sophia 1915 Anderson Catherine J 1880 Anderson Charles 1902 Anderson Charles H. 1873 Y Anderson Charles R. 1878 D Anderson Charley 1875 Anderson Chestina 1928O Anderson Christe 1886 Anderson Christian G 1882 Anderson Christian T 1891 Anderson Cora Anetta 1908 Anderson Cornelia 1884 Anderson Cornelia G 1892 Anderson Delphin V 1917 Anderson Dortha 1907N Anderson Dorthia 1912 Anderson Ed 1912 Anderson Edw 1922 Anderson Edwin 1876 Anderson Edwin 1910 Anderson Edwin Raymond 1910O Anderson Elizabeth 1913 Anderson Elizabeth J 1937 Anderson Ella 1887 Anderson Ella 1925 Anderson Ella Christine 1904 T Anderson Elmer Joseph 1908 Anderson Enok 1922 Anderson Erick 1899 Anderson Ester V 1899 Anderson Evelyn D 1917 Anderson Even 1873 Anderson George M 1878C Anderson Gilbert 1884 Anderson Gilbert 1921 Anderson Gunbjor 1893 Anderson Gunder 1904 Anderson Gunild 1870 Anderson Guri 1878O Anderson Gurina 1873 Anderson H 1886 Anderson H A 1892 Anderson Haakan 1914 Anderson Hans 1895 P Anderson Hans 1910 Anderson Hans 1916 Anderson Hans Oscar 1903 Anderson Hause 1918 Anderson Henry Oliver 1877 Y Anderson Hovel O 1936 D Anderson Ida G 1916 Anderson Inga Helene 1912O Anderson Ingsborg 1903 Anderson Isabell 1881 Anderson Isabella 1879 Anderson Isabelle 1894 Anderson James 1896 Anderson Jennie Viola 1932 Anderson Johannes 1892 Anderson John 1877N Anderson John 1893 Anderson John 1902 Anderson John 1909 Anderson John 1912 Anderson John Edward 1877 Anderson John L 1919O Anderson Jorgen 1874 Anderson Josephine 1897 Anderson Josephine O 1901 Anderson Julia 1873 Anderson Julia 1938 T Anderson Julia G 1889 Anderson Kari 1906 Anderson Kirstin 1903 Anderson Knude 1882 Anderson Knut 1909 Anderson Lars 1907 Anderson Laura M 1870C Anderson Lenoir 1881 Anderson Leona B 1895 Anderson Leonard Magnus 1913 Anderson Levi 1931 Anderson Lewis 1910 Anderson Lida 1924O Anderson Lilian 1898 Anderson Lilla Eliza 1895 Anderson Lina 1902 Anderson Liv 1899 Anderson Lottie 1879 P Anderson Mabel J 1902 Anderson Malena 1884 Anderson Maline Marie 1884 Anderson Malvin 1900 Anderson Maria 1878 Y Anderson Maria 1888 D Anderson Maria K 1899 Anderson Marie 1926O Anderson Marie 1912 Anderson Marlene Gloria 1936 Anderson Martha 1896 Anderson Martha 1911 Anderson Martha K 1891 Anderson Martha W 1901 Anderson Martin S 1922 Anderson Mary 1875N Anderson Mary (not fnd) 1892 Anderson Mary B 1932 Anderson Mary Florence 1914 Anderson Mathilde 1899 Anderson Mathilde Christine 1878 Anderson Matilda 1899O Anderson Matilda 1911 Anderson Melvin A. 1872 Anderson Michael 1893 Anderson Michael 1909 Anderson Mons 1929 T Anderson Mrs C J 1911 Anderson Mrs Gunder 1920 Anderson Mrs Martha 1930 Anderson Mrs Peter 1912 Anderson Murial 1920 Anderson Muriel Phyllis 1922 Anderson Nels 1870C Anderson O 1876 Anderson Olaf 1890 Anderson Ole 1872 Anderson Ole 1919 Anderson Ole 1922 Anderson Ole A 1878O Anderson Olena M 1885 Anderson Oscar 1879 Anderson Oscar Albert 1938 Anderson Oscar Magnus 1897 Anderson Otto 1916 P Anderson Paul 1913 Anderson Peter 1877 Anderson Peter 1891 Anderson Peter 1894 Anderson Peter 1882 Y Anderson Rachel 1940 D Anderson Regina 1908 Anderson Samuel 1926O Anderson Sarah 1883 Anderson
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