E ARGUS DANCE at NORMAL Illinois Wesleyan University
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r CANNED GOODWILL WEDNESDAY 999 E ARGUS DANCE AT NORMAL Illinois Wesleyan University VOL. 53 BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER, 13, 1946 NO. 11 - - . School Heads, Annual Good Will Dance Students Meet For Discussion At Normal Saturday Release BULLETIN ISNU Lettermen The last opportunity for all To Sell Tickets Official students (except seniors) to At Game Statement have their pictures taken for the next Wesleyana is this Titan team members On Thursday evening, Nov. 7, week! and Titan a group of fifteen students com- Thursday--l0 a.m.-5 p.m.-- rooters will, be guests dt ISNU posed of the presidents of the A-M. this year for the annual "bury fraternities and sororities on Friday-0 a.m.-5 p.m.-N-Z. the hatchet" dance after the campus and representatives of There is no cost for G.I.'s. Saturday game. The dance will the independent organiza'tions For others, there is a cost of begin at 8.:30 at McCormick gym- met with six members of the $ .50 to use a former picture, nasium. administration in the office of $1.50 for a new picture. Traditionally the most bitterly the president to discuss certain Please return proofs imme- contested game of the season, problems which have been on diately! the Normal-Wesleyan game will the minds of both students and be played at Wesleyan and IWU administrators. students will be admitted on The reasons for having this I U Artists' their activities tickets. Members meeting and the results of the of Normal's N club, sponsoring discussion were summed up in Work Now At the dance, will circulate through the following statement released PAUL MARTIN, left, Dr. W. W. ,Decatur Exhibit the spectators at the game to by :t'he administration: Wantland, and Al Kniaz shown sell tickets for the dance, which "As a result of the Homecom- at work on their experiment on trichinosis. Argus Photo The fourth annual exhibition are 60c per person, $1.20 per ing weekend many people have of Central Illinois artists is be- couple. Tickets ing held now, running from rare also available been disturbed. Students, facul- at the door. ty, townspeople, alumni and 'the Dr. Wantland Leads Trichinosis Nov. 3-24 at Decatur, Ill. Wes- Wayne Karr's 11 piece orches- Administration have done a good leyan is well represented with tra ,will play. Laverne Kay is his deal of talking with the result Research Science the work of Kenneth Loomis, in Hall featured vocalist. The b a n d that there was feeling on'the Rupert Kilgore, and Doris Huels- to work with in experiments on books from Champaign, Chicago, part of the Administration that man. Mr. Loomis' oil painting Pioneer In diabetes, in that it already has and Indianapolis. the question of ideals and stand- was awarded honorable mention. sugar in its urine, a feature not No matter how the game turns ards on the campus should have Using Hamster Last year at this exhibition he common in other animals. The out, Wesleyan students and fac- further study and th'at this mat- took top honors with first award. As Subject origin of this sugar is not known, ulty members have been cordially ter should receive suggestions This exhibition will be held in although the same instance may invited to attend the dance. from representatives of the stu- Bloomington from Jan. 5-26 at By Edith Ax occur in humans who do not The N club is composed of dent body. the Withers public library. It .Do you know what a hamster have diabetes. ISNU lettermen. Members can be "As a result the Administra- will Tbe sponsored by the Bloom- is? This reporter was mighty Seek Diabetes Cure identified by their red letter tion requested that a representa- ington, Art association. glad the creatures were enclosed sweaters. tive group of students be se- Al has performed spleenecto- in "home made," yet lected and that ithey, after giv- very ade- mies on several hamsters, and by quate, cages -cages, ing consideration to the prob- that had, t h is process will determine Authorize through the Accept lems involved, 'be called into the ingenuity of Albert whether the liver will increase Fifty, Kniaz, office of the president to meet cost the school approxi- its sugar storage and compensate Freshman mately Contract For with members of the Administra- $8.00 'to construct. If they for the loss of the white blood ,tion for free 'and open discus- had been purchased from a man- cells which the spleen manufac- Enrollments sion. ufacturer, the cost would have tures. Second Dorm been over $100. The cause of diabetes is un- Authorization has ,been re- "Thursday evening ,fifteen stu- Only 50 freshmen will be ac- First known, and insulin is only ceived and contracts made for dents met with six members of used in 1919 in China by a cepted for enrollment when the Dr. E. V. "crutch"-there is no cure, al- the construction of Illinois Wes- the Administration. The discus- Crowdry, now of Wash- second semester gets under way, ington though much research has been leyan's second new dormitory. sion was opened by a presenta- University Medical School, Feb. 3, and a few uppercilass made, resulting in many theories. This building, a dormitory for tion by Dr. Shaw of the ideals of St: Louis, these animals are being transfer students will be accept- Researches men, is :to be erected on Bhe Illinois Wesleyan university, of used by Dr. ,W. W. Wantland and being made in the ed i:f they have over 60 semester Science Hall today may result in hockey the responsibilities of the Ad- Paul Martin, who are continuing hours of credit, it has been an- field on Beecher street ministration to the Board of experiments in trichinosis. They the cure for it tomorrow. between Franklin and Norith nounced by Raymond Dooley, di- East streets. Trustees, the mem'bers of the are also 'being used in diabetes rector of student personnel serv- public who support Illinois Wes- experiments by Dr. Wantland 'The Necklace,' ices. 'Prior to breaking ground for leyan, the founders of the in- and Albert Kniaz., Bloomington-Normal veterans the edifice it will be necessary to move the house which is lo- sti'tution, and to the parents of Deluge of Requests Play On Nov. 19 will 'be given first consideration cated at the the students. provided "their applications for southwest corner Dr. Wantland first started ex- of this ,to "This was followed by a gen- Radio Program admission are filed ,before Dec. field a more advan- perimenting with trichinosis (to tageous eral discussion in which 'the stu- i, and out-of-town veterans are position at the north- the non-scientists that is the The Wesleyan Radio Workshop east corner dent representatives pointed out given second priority. of the field. This little pork round worm) at Players will present "The Neck- various matters which, in their The summer school quota has h'ouse is now occupied by Charles Northwestern. In 1935 a group lace," by Guy de Maupassant, on Mlajor and family. judgment, should receive the at- been set at 50 freshmen, and 300 of five research workers under Tuesday evening, Nov. 19, at 7:00 The dormitory is expected tention of the Administration. freshmen will be permitted to to his direction developed a marked over station WJBC. This play, house approximately one hun- They were assured that many of enroll next fall. Only those up- acceleration of calcium deposits adapted for radio by James M. dred men and is the third these matters were already un- perclass students who are for- of the in the trichina cysts by the ad- Morris, will be the third in the four buildings to be der consideration and that all of mer Wesleyan students returning completed ministration of irradiated ergos- current series of radio dramas. by 'Wesleyan's them would be given careful from service, and a limited num- centennial year, trol. The result was a deluge of Members of the cast are as 1950. Framework of the Memor- study. ber of transfer students with requests for information con- follows: Brenton Loisel, Irvin ial 'Center is shooting "On the whole the discussion over 60 semester hours will be skyward cerning this experiment from all Welliky; Matilda Loisel, Jean and the foundations indicated that on many matters accepted. of the new students a n d Administrat ion parts of the world. In fact, the Campbell, Madame Forestier, Pat women's dormitory is already in experiment has been important Washburn; Henrietta, Dorothy the process of construction. were attempting to arrive at 'the LOST AND FOUND enough to warrant requests to Parmenter; Monsieur Rampo- DEPT. Both dormitories will house same end." FOR OLD NORTH HALL this day. neau, Gerry Ippel. Others are veterans for the first year or so Experimenting with hamsters Bob Holmes, Bob Evans and Articles found in Old North after their BULLETIN completion. in trichinosis has never been at- Chuck Smith. Lewis Caster is in hall should be taken to the 'Carroll Binder, a member tempted before, making Dr. charge of the music, and Elaine new division offices (Humani- BULLETIN of the Minneapolis Star- Wantlandand Paul pioneers in Johnston of the sound effects. ,ties and Social Sciences) on The November meeting of Journal, will be next Forum this venture. Their problem is to Newscasting is to be done by the second floor, room 21. the Religious Activities Com- speaker Sunday at 4 p.m. in determine the lethal dosage of Darryl Piersol. Chuck Smith will They should not be taken to mittee will be held in Dura- the Bloomington High' school trichina in the hamster.