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Thai Hun Taiteit Ut La in Tutta Latoare THAI HUN TAITEIT US009970056B2UT LA IN TUTTA LATOARE (12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No. : US 9 ,970 , 056 B2 Potashkin et al. ( 45 ) Date of Patent: May 15 , 2018 ( 54 ) METHODS AND KITS FOR DIAGNOSING , Aviles- Olmos , et al. “ Parkinson ' s Disease , Insulin Resistance and PROGNOSING AND MONITORING Novel Agents of Neuroprotection ” , Brain , 2013 , vol. 136 ( Pt 2 ) , pp . PARKINSON ' S DISEASE 37414 -- 384 .. Bassil, et al, “ Insulin , IGF - 1 and GLP - 1 Signaling in Neurodegenerative Disorders : Targets for Disease Modification ? ” , ( 71 ) Applicant: Rosalind Franklin University of Prog Neurobiol , Jul. 2014 , vol. 118 , pp . 1 - 18 . ( Abstract only ) . Medicine and Science , North Chicago , Bonnefond , et al. , “ The Emerging Genetics of Type 2 Diabetes ” , IL (US ) Trends Mol Med , Sep . 2010 , vol. 16 ( 9 ) , pp . 407 -416 . ( Abstract only ) . 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