
IMPERATIVE MOOD How to Command in FUN FACT: English has moods you may What is remember, like declarative (statements), MOOD? (), and exclamatory (excited)

Person: 1st, 2nd, 3rd. have 5 major Number: Singular or Gives the perspective components: Plural of the

Tense: Present, Voice: Active, Passive. Mood: Indicative, imperfect, future. Whether subject gives imperative. What type Time the verb exists or receives the action of is verb in

The indicative mood is the mood we have used since the beginning of the year

All sentences that are statements or questions are in the indicative mood

The imperative mood is used to command or request someone/some people to do something

An imperative verb can be singular or plural, depending on whether you are ordering 1 or more people An imperative is positive when ordering someone on TO do something

An imperative is negative when ordering someone NOT TO do something Positive Commands When we first learned to make verbs in Latin, the rule was present stem + ending. EX: pugnamus = we fight. The –mus is what means we, so what's left [pugna, the stem] just means 'fight'. Fight, by itself, is an order.

Audis = you listen. S = you, so audi = listen (which is an order; "listen!")

Reminder: The stem of Therefore, to create a singular positive imperative all you need is the stem of the verb a verb is found by removing When you are ordering more than one person, all you need to do is add the –re from –te to the stem. EX: audi, puella (listen, girl); audite, puellae et pueri the infinitve (listen, girls and boys) (2nd principle Exception: 3rd conjugation verbs form the plural by dropping the –e on part) the stem, then adding –ite. EX: cape (s)/ capite (p). vince (s)/ vincite (p) Negative Commands ◦ When ordering someone not to do something we use NOLI (s)/ NOLITE (p) + the ◦ Notice how when we want a plural, we add –te to NOLI, just like add –te to the stem in positive ◦ EX: Noli spectare – Don't watch, Nolite spectare – Don't watch [note how in English it seems the same even though the Latin is different. That is because in one we are ordering 1 person not to watch, and in the second, we are ordering more than one person not to watch] ◦ More Examples: Noli pugnare – don't fight; nolite capi – don't be captured; nolite audire – don't listen; noli moveri – don't be moved