I 80

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16 11:00 Pin Pt Prize 100 & Sponsorship to the Pageant

with: Mary Richards Vanessa Alexandre Dominique Mahon

Emceed by: B.J. Daniels & Tiffany Thomas (Contestant Entry Fee $10, must sign-up no later than 9:30 pm, 10/16)

Club 219+ • 219 3. 2nd Street • Milwaukee, WI 271-3732 Volume 8, Issue 20 October 10-23, 1991 We Now Offer Secured Parking Across the Street '1 Off First Drink at 219 or Phoenix with parking stub. •In•[n Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23, 10-23,199l.Pege 1991•Page 2 2 Note CRU1SIN' THE EASY WAY SteveSteve Polifka,Polifka, of of Milwaukee, Milwaukee, has has a a piecepiece ofof hishis art on the cover ofOf Inln Step for ■ Use our fast moving CRUISE LINE thethe first time thisthis issue,issue, entitled entitled "The "The bulletin board Bodybuilder.Bodybuilder."- We think you'll find the to get phone numbers tonaltonal qualityquality and and shading/lighting shading/lighting asas that may have been left moments interestinginteresting as we do. ago - or leave your own! 225225 South 2nd Street .• Mltwaul{ee,Milwaukee, WI WI 53204 53204 The darkdark backgroundbackground also reflectsreflects our Listen to local men's voices who (414)(414) 278-7840 278-7840 • . Fax:Fax: (414)(414)'278-5868 278-5868 collectivecollective mood mood on on thethe dayday we selected covercover art.art. We We chose chose the the piece piece last last Friday,Friday, want to meet you - or leave your own PUBLISHER/EDITORpunllslm/EDrroR the day before the Madlson March - RonFton Geiman deinan day before the Madison March - message! rememberremember howhow graygray andand cool and rainy it COLUMNISTS/CONTRIBUTORScol.UMNISTS/cor`rlrmuroRs it was thatthat Friday?Friday? RexFlea( Wockner Wcekner •. Cliff O'NeillONeiJI ■ You choose the area code for both PaulPaul VamellVameLl . W. W. Wells Ill • W. W. Wells III systems DennisDennie McMillanMCMillan • . TomTom SalsziederSaiszleder YvonneYveme ZipterZ]pter • . Joan LawrenceLaurence NATIONALNrmoNAL AD REPRESENTATIVERERESEI`rmmvI: - Inside MichaelMlchael Gravols,Gravois, Rivendell MaLrketlngMarketing 1-900-737-6366 (908)(908)769-8850 769-8850 ` DEADLINE cARTcoNIsr§ DEADLINE CARTOONISTS ForFor the next issueIssue Camper . Ton ffezza Camper • Tom Rezza which willtrill cover Oct. 24-Nov.24-Nov. 6 RobertFfobert D. D. ArnoldAmold •. L.S. Welch isis 7pm,7pm, Wed.,Wed., Oct. Oct. 16 16 PHOTOGRAPHYrmoTCM- Doug TuszklewiczTuszklewlcz • . KraigKralg MillerMtller • . AngieAngle That issue willwill cover Halloween and TYPESETTINGI-ET"G That issue cover C.S. P. Incorporatedhacorporated The Pageant,Pageant, so please cooperatecooperate and and get get AD DESIGN your ads and articles inln as soon as HavticekHavllcek & & Associates Asoclates possible to Insureinsure inclusionInclusion [it'll (lt'u be aa big DATADAITA ENTRY Enrm issue!].issue!]. Mary Mallborskl In Step Magazine is published bl-weekly, every other Thursday @In Step, 1991. All rights re- served.k#d¥fu¥:%#®o?nbisoipt¥i`,:e!9eE`;¥#FE¥;i Publication of the name or photograph Cover Story of any person, organization or business in this magazine does not reflect upon ones's sexual orientation whatsoever. All copy, text display, News 4 photos and Illustrations in advertisements are GroupGrou|) Notes 20 published with the understanding that the adver- Health 26 tisers are fully authorized, have secured the LettersLetl:erg 30 proper::::i-::-:=::::-:i::-:::::=::i-i:-::::--:=:::::I:ij=:=:=::::::-:::I consent for the use of names, pictures ]n Memoriam and testimonials of any living persons, and In In Memoriam 32 Step Magazine may lawfully publish and cause Arts 36 suchi#`i#E€¥oa;sEoaf###?:u:#¥ni£:#[ publication to be made, and the advertisers Steppin'Steppln. Out 39 agree by submitting said advertisement to in- Calendar 43 demnify and save blameless In Step Magazine ReflectionsReflectlons from the Joan ZoneZone . 48 from any and all liability, loss and expense of any nature;g£¥±£id;Sg3giri:#bdiid:ff:;%i- arising from such publication. InsideInside Out 50 INSITTUTIONALINSTTrmoNAI MEbdBm MEMBER Out of the DarknessDarhaess . 52 Camper 53 Juicy Bits 54 Non NunsenseNuusen§e. 56 Life's A DragDrag. . 57 Books 58 $1.99 per minute ClassiesCla§sle§ 60 =!1.±= ADULTS OVER 18 PLEASE GAY AND LESBIANLESBIAN Graffiti 66 PRESS ASSOCIATIONASSOCIATION The Guide 70 Almer Communications, Ltd. The Gay Side 78 .1n•In Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23,10-23.199l.Page 1991•Page 7878

Men... Join us in Thomas E. Martin PUERTO VILLARTA ATTORNEY AT LAW January 11 - 18 General Practice of Law Air-Hotel-Transfers included Fifteen Years Experience Call for details SAVE TRAVEL LOCAL NATIONWIDE LearnirT that you tested positive for HIV can be A 440 765-9413 A (414) 786-7360 1-800-229-3080 frightening. The load is getting bigger for AIDS Service organizations and health care providers. There¥eg¥:¥::t¥i:;i::r::::Id:#!:IFiFjisiuii:!Ijitrvifd:ei::e is a need for additional ways of getting the Gag slde Side buTomby TomRezza Rena information and support you need to live and cope with HIV.

A computer program is being developed ataiif:E#t::spir;gorfa#ifssc::?in8fevMei°#=odn the University of Wisconsin in Madison with these goals in mind. VolunteersV:::=tye%Ss::effntef±dseptr:?ebc:cpaanfth°efL;;eesoepaLr:h are needed to be part of a research study to see if this project can help people affected by HIV.HIV.

TO QUALIFY, YOU MUST:MUST.. • be HIVHIV positive oror have AIDS; anda±d • eithereither livelive in in Q= or receive health carecare in Dane County.

••Palticipantswhffi]u:::::;*;goco?mpletethestudy Participants who successfully complete the study will receive $300. • Careful protections of privacy andand confidentialityconfidentiality will be maintained.

BeBeparpte°o#eevae#:tten#bt§tfr#}#a°nrdtaAn]tDts°.°tf°r part of developing this important tool for people affected by HIV and AIDS. CallCafJ]or6°m8::e63t:5f7o3%aor#yot##ret(:nvt:]haTn]±£#.) 608-263-5732 anytime (until 11 p.m.) PESPiTE THE 08STAcLES, BENOI 4145 PETiRMINto ON COMING ocrr! for more information or to volunteer.


'__.----i .1n•In Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23,10-23,199l.Page 1991•Page 44 News MadisonMadison March NEWS FLASHFLASH ET'S DO IT! OverO`ver 4,000 4,000 Rally Rally and and MarchMarch Kate ClintonClinton did mini "teasers""teasers" \forfor their concerts later thatthat evening.evening. Openly Gay Milwaukee —- OverOver 4,0004,000 Gays, Gays, Councilperson Ricardo Gonzalez was the Lesbians, Bisexuals, Bisexuals, their theil friends, friends, able emcee for both the Rally andand families, andand supporterssupporters participatedparticipated inin Celebration. the Saturday OctoberOctober 55 Madison Madison GayGay and Speakers included openly LesbianLesbian Dane Lesbian Rights & PridePride March. The County SupervisorSupervisor Tammy Baldwin.Baldwin, and and weekend of eventsevents was organized by the Wisconsin Representative David Gay And Lesbian VisibilityVisibility Alliance Clarenbach. ClarenbachClarenbach is running forfor the (GALVAnize).(GALVAnize). As As part part of of the the festivities, festivities, U.S. House seat presently held by Scott the Names ProjectProject AIDS Memorial Quilt Klug. Baldwin will thenthen run for made its second MadisonMadison appearance appearance — - Clarenbach's seat in the legislature. this one three times largerlarger thanthan thethe one inin '89. Concerts, workshops. a dance, and (Editor'(Edltor' Note:Note: InIn Step MagazineMagazine was '89. Concerts, workshops, a dance, and the only.only March entry fromfrom Milwaukee. videos rounded out action. That's a sad comment considering the It dawned as aa rainy,rainy, cold, cold, dismally dismally support Madison organizationsorganizations and gray day. Scant hourshours before the 1pmlpm businesses havehave given to Milwaukee's March kick-off Rally,F{ally, the the sun Sun came came out, out, Gay/Lesbian parades the last three years.years. and the rain clouds disappeared. Perhaps thethe weatherweather Can can bebe blamed — it The vast crowd overflowed the Capitol had rained nearly continuously for the State StreetStre?t quadrant asas theythey warmed to previous 3636 hours.hours. When Inln -StepStep left the cause listeninglistening to pride inspiring Milwaukee atat 10:30am it was raining and speaches. Parents andand Friends of things didndidn't 't looklook too promising.) Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) (Please(Please seesee the next issue of Inln Step forfor representative JoeJoe ElderElder andand UrvashiUrvashi VaidVaid more thorough coveragecoverage of the rousing of thethe National Gay andand Lesbian Task speeches andand fullfull photophoto coverage.coverage. This Force (NGLTF) spoke forcefully on our article was written at our last-chancelast-chance issues. Charged up, thethe crowdcrowd marched, marched, deadline without enough timetime to do it joined by severalseveral dozendozen decorated decorated cars properly.)properly.)IS IS and trucks, upuj highly visiblevisible StateState Street.Street. Congratulations toto GALVAnizeGALVAnize and to The route wound through the University all those who turnedturned outout —- itit was was a a HellHell Ofof area thenthen down fraternity househouse row.row. The a good time!tine! crowd gathered inin Celebration afterwardsafterwards in James Madison ParkPark onon thethe shoresshores Ofof Lake Mendota. < Gusty winds,winds, and and temperaturestemperatures inln thethe low toto'mid mid 40's made things a bit brisk. Winds from the west made the normally Correction serene lake choppy and white-capped.white-capped. However, most most ofof thethe hardy hardy crowdcrowd stayed stayed Due toto our our mistakemistake wewe typeset typeset \ \ '\\"\"\ for thethe CelebrationCelebration that provided mis-information in Wings 3054 Full page entertainment,entertainmerit, a fewfeiv shortshort speeches speeches and and ad that a`ppearedappeared in our last issue. announcements. The correct information should have Janlan WheatonWheaton andand The Harris Lemberg read "Mr."Mr. & Ms. MadisonMadlson LeatherLeather `'92'92 Trio, On On the the Verge,Verge, and and Linda Linda Finn Finn has been setset for Saturday, August August 22. 22, provided livelylively music. The 1991. - , , nationallynationally-known-known a cappellacappella singing We apologize for any inconvenience our 1|900|VIP|§TUD group, 'The`The Flirtations'Flirtations' andand fumerist fumerlst error maymay havehave caused.caused. _ 1-90041P-STUD\ $1 PERpEFi MIN NIN •S3 . s3 1st lot MIN NIN • YOU.You MUST unsT BEBE 18 ie ORoR OLDERoioER .eiggi.e1991 REAL REAL pEopLE,PEOPLE. LTD.LTD •PRICES. pRicES SUBJECTSuBjECT TO To CHANGE CHANGE WITHOUT wr"ouT NOTICE *In•In Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23.10-23,199l.Page 1991•Page 7676 •In•In Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23,10-23.199l.Page 1991•Page 5 MILWAUKEE 14141 ESTERN WI QuiltQuilt coming to Milwaukee!Milwaukee! HELP LINES Memories MW, 0) 314 S. 4. LaCrosse (son) 782-9061 HELP LINES LaCrosse L/G Support Group (608) 782-1274 Gay Information Svcs. (referrals) 444.7331444-7331 MilwaukeeMllwaukee toto Commemorate i)ec. I World someonesomeone who dieddied ofof AIDS, have have been been LaCrosseEe!m#i:I##gi:#£SnhJ4:,p::=se Parents & Friends of Gays (608) 782-6082 Commemorate Dec. 1 World Gay People's Union Hotline 562.7010562-7010 Leaping Gay LaCrosse News Box 932, C.C. 54602-0932 AIDS DayDay withwith AIDS QuiltQul]t Display sewnsewn togethertogether as a visiblevisible reminder Ofof the Bash Hollineiconfidenilai) 444-7331444.7331 New#|p##n8]ro#|Eo.Fv:.:##£a¥gi5#!,# Beginnings (mo HelplIna [Crisis Counseling' nowsitr.) Box 25, Westby 5466754667 tragedy we continue to face. 271-3123271-3123 U.W. Eau Claire Gay/Lesbian Organization tragedy we continue to face. Wisc. AIDS Line 273.AIDS 273-AIDS UW#Ee5¥#,l]:n#|##Tp:i'.#;OOBT::n2,5ri#6L§t6J EC, Union Box G.L.O., 54701 MilwaukeeMllwaukee. —- Milwaukee received final Gay & Lesbian Alliance Box II 1, Platteville 53818 TRIO (WI 820 Tower, approval October 2 to observe AIDS Day COMPUTERCOMPUTER BULLETIN BDS. Superior (715) 392-5373 October 2 MAKEMAKE A QUILT PANELPANEL BULLETIN BDS. The Main Club (MVV,D) with a display of the Names Project AIDS Lifestyles 8 8 S 1813 N 3rd, Superior with a display of the Names Project AIDS Although the NAMES Project (matchmaking. chat. (715)(715)392-175€ 392-1756 Although the NAMES Project games) 7443556 Eaui!a,:'3§N#{ij!uiiff:§i¥:1;:I:tt:V;"°"'8oi5)so2.so7a Claire G/L Alcoholics Support Group MemorialMemorial Quilt at the UW-UW- MilwaukeeMilwaukee AlternateXmL###§;i.#oa,t'BBasmes) Lilestyles BBS 744es Tap-Line FoundationFoundation isis an an international international (gay listings. messages) 933-7572933-7572 (715) 839-3425 Student Union from NovemberNovember 30, to to Linda (715) 839-3687 organization,organization, the QuiltQuilt is is veryvery much much a a Crossroads!g#£t!#§bFseffpn%),chaLmawhmaklno, BBS (4 lines. chat. matchmaking. The Back Door (M W,DJ,F) DecemberDecember 2.2, 1991. 1991. The The Quilt's Quilt's first first trip trip to to hies. netmall) 672-8885672-8ee5 i,i;o#§Li|iwDa.yo#yEwa'u°8jafl)ro #!)g¥; community-community- basedbased artart project. project. 411 Galloway St., Eau Claire (715) 839-9606 MilwaukeeMilwaukee comes on the heals of the CSP/GLINN Multi-Board Super System (news, personals, comes on the heals of the Milwaukeean'sMilwaukeean's are invited to createcreate guides files, on-line games, graphics, hot stories) 289.0145 secondsecond QuiltQuilt displaydisplay inin MadisonMadison October Starcom BBS (user descrp files, echo mail) 873-6969 panels, just as friends,friends. lovers, lovers, and and I STATEWIDE 4-6. Special§q¥};oiiLi#;i:us:::iE{T#;TT::so;,#b:%¥i#r:grs°na#tr# Times BBS (Gay. Bi Echo, Matchmaking) 271-0576 4-6 familiesfamilies ofOf those who have dieddied Ofof AIDS Hag Rag (bi-monthly(loll;T,°AVs'o°£%a7no/tfomlnlstpeper) lesbian/feminist paper) The QuiltQuilt displaydisplay isis sponsoredsponsored by the havehave donedone acrossacross thethe United United States. RETAILRETAIL P.O.F,IJ,RBloo* Box 1171, Madison 53701 (608)(coo) 255-50902§5-5090 States. AstorAtor Floral & GiftsGlftl in Step (R-weekly G/L lifestyle magazine) (414) 278- 7840 MilwaukeeMilwaukee Host Host Committee,Committee, which is ls RecentlyRecently completed,completed, locally locally made made panels panels 924 E. Juneau.Junoau. SuiteSulto 215 278ee 924 E 278-6009 225 S. 2nd, Milwaukee 53204 FAX- (414) 278-5868 comprisedcomprised of volunteersvolunteers from various Valerie's (art/antlques) 1200 S 1st 645-3177645:3t77 Wisc. AIDS Line (outside Milw.) will bebe displayed with the rest Ofof the Quilt T.T. Tulip (Iloris1)1213 E. Brady 277-8518277usl8 Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.- 9 p.m. 11-BOO-334-Alps-800-334-AIDS businesses,businesse.s, organizations, organizations, and and inin Milwaukee andand then shipped toto San Sevon Seas Aquatics birds, supplies) (fish, Wisconsin Light (bi-weekly G/L newspaper) communitycommunity groups fromfrom Wi§conslnWisconsin andand Francisco to be sewn into the larger Quilt. 215i;i:#s''ji(o!r'%Efj:ai#£uiil)5`h#?§!::upp»ce) W Florida SI 272.7966272-79es 1843§ig;i;ESlji#'ib§:ip#:;#°L):::ac;n:I:Ax((44'i4|)8ELiRE N Palmer, Milwaukee 372-2773 Francisco to be sewn into the larger Quilt. lifeline Magazine (Gay Mormon Publication) the NAMES ProjectProject of SamSan Francisco.Francisco. IfIf interestedinterested inin making aa panel,panel, call Gloria PF.€'.'E.oxMia92a,Zfwea|Gsaa!.MwO[mrfu!ub«catlon) 372-27% NORTH CENTRAL WI 0 Box t52, Wausau, WI 54402 World AIDSAIDS` DayDay isis commemoratedcommemorated on Wright at (414)(414) 562-0229. Panel Panel makingmaking DecemberDecember 1st,lst, and Jthe HostHost CommitteeCommittee Gay/Lesbian the workshopsworl{shops are are scheduledscheduled for Oct. 12 & 23. Support Group S BooBox 247A. 247A,1411 1411rETi|srtAavgufshiand Ellis Ave. Ashland 54806 UT OF STATE scheduledscheduled the display with that as a focus. Call forfof time/time/ location. Northland House (bed & breakfast Inn) Cl&L Alliance Against Defamation IGLAAD)[OLAAD] The sectionSection ofOf the the Quilt Quilt toto bebe displayed Any donations collected at the Quilt 609 Hwy. 77 Pence 54550 (715)PIS)561-3120 561-3120 (Media Any donations collected at the Quilt People's (GM&Jata"dr':nYtoA#nstochmlthbMonitors) (212)(212)sO1700 966-1700 UWSP Gay Union Human Rights inln Milwaukee willwill includeinclude 640,640, 6 6 foot foot by by 6 6 display will bebe given to the Milwaukee Stevens 346-3698 Campaign Fund (HRCF( to Slap Box 30, Pt. 54481 346-3698 (Speak Out Campaign) Central Wis. AIDS Support Group (CWASG( (202) 332.6483 foot panels. Viewing hours willwill bebe AIDS Project Project (MAP), (MAP), United United Migrant Migrant National G/L info & Counseling 1-900 Boyl##H:p:si####pt['::ASG, 2071. Wausau 54402-2071 +#s,a?-2G"-SOS-GAYS Saturday, November 3030 from from 10am loam to to Opportunity Services (UMOS) and AIDS LDS Brotherhood (Gay Mormons) Nat'l G&L Task Force INGOT' (202) 332-6483 Opportunity Services (UMOS) and AIDS AIDS Drug Trials (experimental) P;Pos.3:?#F%:u`iauy#r!mons) 0 Box 152, 842-9881 1-800-TRIALSA#)T#iAiff lOpm;10pm; Sunday,Sunday, December December 1, 1, from from 10am loam to to America. Wausau 54402 (715)015)842-9eei G/L Students/Friends Northern WI. Lambda Society of N.M.U. lOpm;10pm; andand Monday,Monday, DecemberDecember 22 fromfrom #°oTHrE#jid#db.rR##atynder54soi134 Rhinelander 54501 Box 62, Univ. Center, NMU, Marquette, M149855 The MilwaukeeMllwaukee Host CommitteeCommittee is c/o Hillside Rd (715)362-4242015)3624242 Douglas Dunes Resort(Mw,DJ,F,V) 8am to 4pm. TheThe emotionalemotional Opening comprised of AIDS America. America, American Blue Star Highway, Douglas, MI (616)(616)057-1401 857-1401 AIDS American Masquors (MW,DJ,V) Bulldog Road Ceremonies are scheduled for 7:30pm on 320 Washington, Wausau 1715) 842-3225 (Mw,V) Red Cross,Cross, CoalitionCoalition forfor Community Community (715)842-3225 2914 N Broadway. Chicago (312) 525-6550 Saturday. The display will be free & open Wausau Narcotics Anonymous (312)525cO The be free & open HealthHealth Care, Counseling CenterCenter of of meetings) Berlin (MW.V,DJ) (ask for gay (715)536015)536-LIFE-LIFE 454 W to the public. , Willow Haven Resort/Supper Belmont, Chicago (312)(312)3484975 348-4975 Milwaukee, GreatGreat LakesLakes Hemophilia Hemophilia Club Little Jim's (M,V) 4877§as:##[§;§E;§#;§es#H]k:;UR¥CEL, Haven Drive, Hazelhurst, 54531 (7151453.3807U15)453-3cO7 The Names Project AIDSAIDS MemorialMemorial 3501 N. Halsted, Chicago (312) 871-6116 Foundation,Founda\tion , Greenfield Green field Avenue Avenue North End (M) 3733 N Halsted, Chicago (312) 477-7999 Quilt isis takentaken care ofof andand housedhoused by the Presbyterian Church,Church, Lee Public Public AIDS Care Network (ACM, NAMESNAMES Project Project in SanSam Francisco. Francisco. RACINE/KENOSHA Box 6573. Rockford, IL 61(25-1573 (815) 962-5085 (ext. 228) Relations, LutheranLutheran Human Human Relations. Relations, The Office C1ub84(MW.DJ) (MW.DJ) Founded in 1987. the Quilt began as a Association Interfaith lnter faith Conference, Conference, 513E State. St., Rockford, Ave. (Hwy Kenosha 857-9958 IL (815)(ei5)965-ce44 965-0344 9001 120th C & 194) 857-9958 Traylor Lounge responseFe°supn:::e`nto]9:Z'ethseeeQmu{`itgibyeg::dfes: to the seemingly endless Medical Society Ofof Milwaukee,Milwaukee, Milwaukee Milwaukee JoDee's (MW.DJ) (Mw,DJ) Lounge/Motel Jii|j§:Oi§iai;ii#{OC#,iijs(::£:;:/:;;°sgpertce7en 7125 W. Slate St., Rockford. IL tragedy Of the AIDS epidemic. The Quilt 2139 Racine St (Hwy 32) Racine 634.9804634-9804 (815)(815)gr7oo5 964 7005 tragedy of the AIDS epidemic. The Quilt AIDS Project, Project, MilwaukeeMilwaukee County County Medical Medical Gay AA (Group 294 Meeting) 554-6611554rfreii was nominated for a NobelNobel PeacePeace Prize in Complex.Complex, NewNew Concept SelfSelf Development Development Gay/Lesbian Union of Resins 625 College. 54303 1988. Southeastern WI AIDS Pronict (HIV/AIDS Support. 1988. Center, 01C, OIC, Planned Planned Parenthood, Parenthood, Price Price Testing) 6927 39th Ave.. Kenosha 657-6644 InIn 1990. 1990, Common Common Threads, Threads, a a Waterhouse, RenaissanceRenaissance Place,Place, SET SET Outside Kenosha 1-800.924-66011-8Oonra4eni Cave Us the documentary filmfilm aboutabout the Quilt, wonwon anan Ministry.Ministry, STD STD Specialties, Specialties, UMOS, UMOS, Fax 278-5868 OscarOscar. Since the NAMES Project'sProject's first UW-MilwaukeeUW-Milwaukee CenterCenter for Women'sWomen's OUTH EASTERN WI Voice 278-7840 display inin Washington,Washington, D.C. D.C.,, twot`ro million million Studies, UW- MilwaukeeMilwaukee Union Union Services, Services, UW-Whitewaterllw-Wlilt®|at®r G/L Sfud.inStudent Unl®n Union visitors have seen the Quilt,Quilt, and moremore Wisconsin CorrectionalCorrectiohal Services,Services, and and 309 MccMcCuichen utchen H Hall, al I , WhitewaterWliltowater 53190 53190 472-5738472-57sO Saving Grace Tabernacle (Bible study group) than $1,000,000 has has been been raised raised forfor AIDSAIDS interestedinterested volunteers throughoutthroughout the city P.O.??5'.ngo!#C7e. Box 367. Salem. a.#mT.#JR#e WI 53168 stud"roup) (414) (414) 537-4639 537" service organizations throughout North and state. America. For more information,information, oror toto volunteervolunteer I OUTH CENTRAL WI Today the Quilt stands as a powerfulpowerful please call Milwaukee's STDSTD Specialties The New Leaf (MW.D) international symbolsymbol ofof thethe `health health crisiscrisis in Clinic at (414) 264-8800; DennisDennis Thomka Hwy 51 S . Rt. 7. Janesville (608)752.5650(608) 752cO MASH Satellite 011Ice(AIDS Into) ourour` midst. MoreMore thanthan 14,OcO14,000 individual individual (414) L332-8423;332-8423: or or Diane Diane Link (414) 271- 317ih#s:Bit:.e¥#¥ao#§ii|V£:'l'Bslnfo) Dodge St., Janesville (608) 756-2550756.2550 panels, each oneone remembering thethe lifelife Ofof 3111. •In•In Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23, 10-23,199l.Page 1991•Page 6 6 Walk: MadisonMadison AIDS SupportSupport Network;Network; AIDS Walk:Walk: largestlargest CenterCenter Project,Project, GreenGreen Bay:Bay; GreatGreat LakesLakes AIDS fundraiserfundraiser in HemophiliaHemophilia. Foundation; Midwest AIDS Training and Education Center,Center, Madison;Madlson; state historyhistory ` MilwaukeeMilwaukee CenterCenter for Independence; Independence; OpportunityOpportunity Industrialization CenterCenter of MilwaukeeMilwaukee - - An estimated 3,2003,200 RacineRacine County;County; STDSTD Specialties Specialties Clinic, Clinic, peoplepeople tooktook toto the the streetsstreets September 22 Inc..Inc., Milwaukee; Milwaukee; Visiting Nurse ` Association, Milwaukee;Visiting Waukesha Nurse alongalong Milwaukee's lakelakefront front inin a Association. Milwaukee; Waukesha generous show of support forfor AIDS carecare CountyCodnty Council on AODA; and and thethe andand educationeducation atat the_the 2nd 2nd Annual Annual Wisconsin Community-Community- BasedBased ResearchResearch Wisconsin AIDSAIDS Walk.Walk. Participants Participants Consortium.Cdnsortium. raisedraised $286,186$286,186 for for organizations organizations throughout Wisconsin that provide AIDSAIDS services,services, aa 50%50% increaseincrease over thethe first first AIDS drugdrug trialstrials AIDS WalkWalk heldheld in 1990. group receives DougDoug Nelson,Nelson, executiveexecutive directordirector of theth'e ` $50,000 AmFar MilwaukeeMilwaukee AIDSAIDS Project, Project, the the organizationorganization $50,000 AmFar thatthat` producedproduced thethe Walk,Walk, said said "the "the grant Wisconsin AIDS/Walk is the largest grant event in Wisconsin's history dedicated to Milwaukee -- The Wisconsin raising¥t:sS:Clog:i:nydi:Acf[oo:§(nrB:Lk:satr:e:yan!:eedel€i:£i{eots;/ funds for AIDS care and education Community- BasedBased ResearchF{esearch ConsortiumConsortium andand promotingpromoting AIDS awarenessawareness among (WCRC).(WCRC), an an AIDS AIDS drug drug trial trial organization organization citizenscitizens throughoutthroughout the state." TheThe Wall{Walk basedbased in Milwaukee,-Milwaukee, was was notified notified recently recently surpassedsurpassed its goal of $285,000 andand 3,0003,OcO of aa $50,000$50,000 grant grant received received from from the the walkers. ItIt waswas estimatedestimated over 30,OcO30,000 American Foundation for AIDS ResearchResearch people mademade donations. (AmFar).(AmFar). LeonardLeonard Goldstein,Goldstein, chairmanchairman andand CEOCEO ` "This `L`This grant grant is is essential essential toto our ability to ofof Miller Miller Brewing Brewing Company, Company, made made the the provide clinical drugdrug trialstrials for people with following remarks remarks atat thethe Wisconsin AIDS HIVHIV infection infection andand AIDSAIDS throughout throughout Walk LeadershipLeadership Breakfast held the Wisconsin," said PaulPaul Milakovich. Milakovich, morning of the Walk: WCRC's administrator.administrator. "The"The AmFar "This AIDS Walk is not just a "This AIDS Walk is not just a grant will supportsupport the Consortium's statement that something must be done operations through August, 1992.1992. about AIDS.AIDS. It is a declaration Ofof war on AmFar provided a $25,000 so called "Madonna" start-up grant to WCRCso called in AIDS. We're We're going going to to marshal marshal. our - Madonna" start-up grant to WCRC in resourcesresources againstagainst thisthis enemy.enemy. We'reWe're latelate 1990 andand early 1991. going toto fightfight it. it, and and we're we're goinggoing toto AmFar waswas createdcreated lnin 19851985 to meet an conquer itit - asas we'vewe've conqueredconquered other urgent need forfor biomedicalbiomedical I.esearchresearch on diseases in the past. ThisThis AIDSAIDS Walk AIDS and the conditions related to it. To expresses our determination that mankindmankind this end,end, AmFar awardsawards research research grants grants will notnot continue to be thethe victimvictim Ofof AIDS.AIDS, for laboratory anda,nd clinicalclinical investigations investigations but will be the victorvictor overover AIDS.AIDS." ' ' nationwide. Nelson addedadded thatthat "today, throughthrough thisthis According toto the guidelines supplies by Walk, we putput anan end once andand for allall toto thethe AmFar, Community-Community- based Clinical Trials Trials stigma Ofof AIDSAIDS byby affirmingaffirming thatthat in Grants allow the expan§lonexpansion of AIDS Wisconsin, we will no no longer longer accept accept clinical researchresearch efforts. prejudice and discrimination on any front prejudice and discrimination on any front Currently, WCRCWCRC maintains maintains aa database database against people who are touched by of moremore than 450 individuals withwith AIDSAIDS AIDS." and HIV infectioninfection inln- Wisconsin. Wisconsin. TheThe InIn addition to the MilwaukeeMilwaukee AIDSAIDS Operational DatabaseDatabase will be usedirsed to track Project andand its its affiliate, affiliate, Southeast Southeast the progress ofof thethe diseasedisease asas vyellwell asas to Wisconsin AIDS Project, Project, thethe following determine whichwhich individualsindividuals meet meet the organizations will receive aa portionportion of the proceeds raised atat thethe WisconsinWisconsin AIDSAIDS contd. onon pEIge page 8e

Si PER MIN • 53 1ST MIN • YOU MUST BE 19 OR OLDER .01991 R cIZIMIZIRAT=. -__Lf, *In•In Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23,10-23,199l.Page 1991•Page 7474 •In Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23,10-23,.199l.Page 1991•Page 77 MILWAUKEE [414] SERVICES BARSBARS Build EZE (Complete Handyman Service) 246-3260 9 Angelo's Mint Bar II 019 S. 2nd 645-8330 C.S.P., incorporated (typesetting, photostats, photo 1 Ballgame (Mw.V.D.F) 196 5. 2nd 273-7474 processing, computer services/consulting) 289-7777 3:§#t8:a;##;Barll8*9S£2a|ad:#a, Boot Camp (KUL) 209E National 643-6900 Diva's (Hair Salon) 31G N. Milw., Suite 575 2272-HAIR44572 -HA 555I R2 445-5552 4:gp.T!,Cdmvi.(M C'est La Vie (Mw,D) 231 S.S. 2nd2nd 291-9600 Financial Planning Services (Psychotherapist) 5!!;::t2tgY#,bMJ Club 219 (M.DJ,V) 2199 S. 2nd2nd 271-3732 Theodore I. Friedman, PH.D. 7 Dance. Dance, Dance (Mw,DJ) 801 S. 2nd 383-8330 2266 N. Prospect. Suite 206 272-2427 2 Fannie's (Wm,D.F) 200 E. Washington 643-9633 Gay/Lesblan international News Network -,EH _ _ :oT;n:e;,:i?#,,Fox Trap Cocktail Lounge#.M[:'%;)s#kiaind (G/S) P.O. Box 93626.53203-0626 289-7777 3426"26 W. W. LisbonLisbon 344-3909 24 Hr. FaxFax NumberNumber 289-07892890789 Keels Ave. Station (MW,DJ) GLINN Voice Mall (Resources, News, In Step 333EfroeofEe.%eo.f:dtlon(Mw,Dj) Keefe 961.9998 calendar, personals, etc. 24 hrs. Free Call) 289-8780289-87cO 77J£::gned!YGW§i#wY!FY'S.2nd 1.11cage (Mw,DJ,V) 801 S. 2nd 383-8330 Hendee Andee (Caretaker/maintenance) 372-0805372" Loose Ends (GS,MW,F) Hardware Design (Custom-made 4322 INW. Fond duuLac Lac 442- 8469 screens 8 jewelry 276-41162764116 10 M&M Club (MW.F)MW,F) 124 N. N. Water Water 347.1962 Havlicek & Assoc. (advertising, P.R.) 8 CaleC,fe Melange Mel,i'g (MW,G/S,F) 8238{§3#§2;jg[§:;\j;,::I:#{::tj;;:I:g,#a,,ffop N. 2nd St. 271-5819271"19 720 N. Old WorldWo !#,sG/S,F) 3rd St. 291-9889 Horizon Travel (Member IGTA) 14 Nitengalet (Wm,DJ,V,F)2022 W. National 645-1830 N81W15028 Appleton. Men. Falls 255-07042550704 15 Partners (Mw.0) 813 S. 1st 647.0130 Formost#iw#T2ra#R(pY£:#?.i+e:::u£±'i'S Travel, Rochelle Clucci 16 Phoenix (Mw.DJ,V) 235 S. 2nd (Travelravel Consultant)Coii§ultant) 241-9300241sO 6 Rainbow Revue (Mw,DJ,F) Carol•rol LawI.. a & W.mii Warren Kliiii Klaus (attorneys) (attorneys) i:H#::g#M#FTj5#jFS:2:dwNatioma,100 S. 1st Si 647-9950 5665 S. S.loath, 1081h. HalesHalos CornersCorners 529-2800529.2cOO TheTh. St.tlenStation 2-2- EasternEaft.in Connutl®ii Connection Lohmanbhmin Fun.I.I Funeral S.rvtee Service e04 804 W. W. Greenfleld Greenfield 645-1575 1534 W. Grant (Wm,D) 383.5755sea-5755 Thomas E. Marlin (trial 8. general law) 765-9413 Tina's IMW,DJI 634 W. North Ave. 562.2511562-2511 1617Bi°Wa.'£i##(S#t'e&3,g8egnoraHaw) W. Wisconsin, Suite 3189 765-9413 13 This is It (M) 418 E. Wells 278.919227e-gig2 Mllw. AIDS Prolect (MAN 12 313's Bar (Mw,D) 1753 S. K K 672-5580 P.O. Box 92505. 53202 273-1991 18 Triangle (M.V) 135 E. National 643.9758fty97se Midwest#|#ea!#Su¥t5;'#|#|2#.Amp:unm Muslc/Meridien Distributors Wizard's Pub (Mw,D) 2821 N. N. 4th 4tll St.Stu. 53212 372-5500 4538 W Lisbon 445-5500 Micheal G. Pazdan (Psychotherapist) 543.1135543-1135 ::##:ELl#i¥N!;:i#hoK:av,e (Advertising & Promotional Items 11 Wreck RoomRcom (M,L/L)(M,L/L) 266 E. Erie Erle 273-6900273cO Baric Enterprises P.O.F:#foixtG:.#P#Thl#%crth,#:r&apts#mot,ona"tons Box 1146, 53201 873.0471873"71 Save Travel Group RESTAURANTS 19035iELe5WB'|:e#opdnd,wauke§ha W. Bluemound. Waukesha 766-7360786-7360 10 Gins Menagerie (lunch, dinner, cocktails) Soap Suds Kid(cleaning) 265-1105 12411:!4°irwTt:proede(Iuneh,dlnner,cocktaii§) Water 347-1962 Scrub & Dust (home/office cleaning) 427Oni427-0831 8 Cale Melange (lunch, dinner, live entertain.) Jeanie.¥rv#&s:D:u:st#n#::(#on#(pr%c:nc!:.fi:|n)o) Simpkins (MS) (counseling) 282-6160282€1cO 720;2Coa##'.W!:[£'#3hs.t9lnner,Weentertaln.) N. Old World 3rd St. 291-988929'" Walker', Point Cale (After Bar Hours) 1106#'ti#:',.§!%',?tclto(Att®rBarHour§) S. 1st St. 384.7999384-7999 contd. 2 FanniesFailille. 2cO200 E.E. WashingtonWashlnoton 643.9633643sO

HIS 'N S NiL N 00 '31H0 011,

H191 .N H191 S C O ON O ID 38 The 2nd2nd AnnualArmunl WisconsinWiscorisin AIDS AIDS Walk Walk raised rdsed over over t286,186 for AIDS groaps theonghout , 1-1.1.10 Nia S $286,186 for AIDS groups throughout the state. Over 3,1003,100 people beagle registeredregistered for for thethe Walk. •In•In Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23,10-23.199l.Page 1991•Page 8 GaysGays riot riot afteralter CaliforniaCalifornia GovernorGovernor veto By RexRex WocknerWochner presently protected fromfrom discriminationdiscrimination at CaliforniaCalifornia Gov. Pete Wilson Sept. 29 Gov. Pete Wilson Sept. 29 thethe handshands of of government government.by by equal-equal- vetoed the Gay- rights bill passedpassed by the the protectionprot.ection provisionsprovisions ofof thethe statestate legislature,legislature, saying it would be bad for saying it would be had for constitutionconstitution andand thatthat the state LaborLabor Code businessbusiness and arguing that Gays and and arguing that Gays and bansbans job discrimination inin thethe privateprivate Lesbians are already protected from Lesbians are already protected from sectorsector . discrimination by existing laws. ButBut MattMatt Coles,Coles, aa spokesmanspokesman for for the the InIn response,response, 3,0003,OcO angry protesters angry protesters American CivilCivil Liberties Liberties Union, Union, called called riotedrioted at the state officeoffice building in Sam state building in San these claimsclaims "complete "complete nonsense," nonsense," Francisco andand severalseveral hundredhundred took to the pointing outout that the staff Personnel streets of LosLos'` AngelesAngeles andand West West BoardBoard recentlyrecently said it was powerless to Hollywood.Hollywood. Protests Protests continuedcontinued across the preventprevent discriminationdiscrimination against against statestate for the next severalseveral days.days. The homosexualshomosexuals and that aa 1986 opinion by protests received extensive mainstream protests received extensive mainstream former Attorney General John Van de mediamedia coverage. KampKamp \thatthat thethe labor Code bansbans Assembly Bill 101 wouldwould havehave bannedbanned discrimination against against GaysGaps in in thethe private employment discrimination based on sector hashas not been adopted by any court. sexual orientation statewide. It It passedpassed the the Wilson's office receivedreceived moremore thanthan Assembly 42-30 and the Senate 25-25- 10. "My decision.. will cause profound 115,000115,000 callscalls andand letters letters concerning concerning "My decision. . will cause profound AB101.ABlo1. Most Most urged urged himhim toto vetoveto thethe bill,bill, a a disappointment to men and women of this spokesman said. The opposition was state whose good willwill II valuevalue andand I organized by fundamentalistfundamentalist ChristianChristian genuinely regret regret that,".that," Wilson,Wilson, a a andand right-right- wing Republican groups.groups. Republican.Republican, said in his four- page veto said in his four- page veto Wilson actedacted onon the measure 16 days message. before he had to. Administration Sources "I regret even more any false comfort before he had to. Administration sources "I regret even more any false comfort saidsaid hehe wanted wanted toto beatbeat the Oct.Oct. 1 releaserelease that may be derived from itit byby the tiny of `aa California California PollPoll onon AB101AB101 soso thatthat minority ofof mean- mean- spirited, spirited, Gay-Gay- bashing bashing Californians would not think he had been bigots.bigots..... The excessesexcesses ofof suchsuch bigots swayed by it. strongly tempt me to sign the bill, but tempt me to sign the bill, but PollPoll directordirector Mervyn FieldField said, said, after after their abhorrent conduct cannot be the abhorrent conduct cannot be the thethe veto, thatthat the poll hadhad foundfoun`d voters voters inin basis for my decision.decision." ' I for support ofof AB101 by a margin Ofof 62 Wilson saidsaid hehe feared that enactment of percent to 29 percentpercent (4(4 percent percent errorerror AB101 could could leadlead to a flfloodood of lawsuitslawsuits margin). that could hurthurt smallsmall businesses. businesses. AB101 author authoi AssemblymanAssemblyman Terry Wilson said GaysGaps andand LesbiansLesbians are Friedman called the veto "a victoryvictory for bigotry and a cave-lncave-in toto right-right- wing contd. from pagepage 6 extremists and fundamentalist religious fringe groups."groups." He saidsaid the Chamber of criteria forfor.particulardrugtrialprqgrams. particular drug trial programs. "WCRC is the only organization in the Commerce and thethe California California "WCRC is the only organization in the Manufacturers Association were neutralneutral country that will provide aa state-wide on the bill and that "if"if thethe businessasbusinesses in network forfor drug drug trials,"trials," saidsaid Milakovich,Milakovich, those two (major) organizations believed who isis alsoalso deputydeputy director for the AIDS AB101 would would burden burden them,them, theythey wouldwould Resource CenterCenter ofOf Wisconsin, Wisconsin, Inc. Inc. "The "The have opposedopposed it."it. " agency's network includes physicians, network includes physicians, About 200 Gays and Lesbians ralliedrallied lnin hospitals and medical clinics from all and medical clinics from all SanSam Francisco's Francisco's Gay CastroCastro neighborhoodneighborhood corners of the state. ' ' state." shortly afterafter Wilson's veto. Activist Ken By yearyear end, end, thethe agencyagency anticipates anticipates McPhersonMcpherson told the crowd:crowd: "(On Gay coordinating one toto three state-wide drug trials. contd. on pagepage 10 PER NI • CONNECTION CHARG qo YO REA • EO L L • PRICES SUBJEC TO •In•In Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23,10-23,199l.Page 1991•Page 7272 MILWAUKEE [414] ANONYMOUS HIVHIV TESTINGTESTING ` ORGANIZATIONS ORGANIZATloNS Galano Club (chemical free recovery club) TRAVELINGTFIAVELING CLINIC 2408Z#:nNe.CF'auRj(oC,t8mlcalfreerecovery¢iub) N. Farwell 276-6936276.6936 CLINIC Feat City Singers (gay choral group) P.O.;:#3#i:E!:TE!92i¥Choralgroup) Box 11428, 53211 263263-SING-SING GAMMA (sports/social) P.O. Box 1900, 53201 963.98339RE-9833 Gay/Lesbian Community at UWM Box 251, 2200 E. Kenwood 53201 229-6555229-6555 Gay People's Union P 0 Box 208. 53201 Thursday, oct ]o, ]opm_lam10Pm—l am 562-7010562-7010 Oct 10, Gay Youth Milw. (regular peer group meetings) P.O.i::!#,:;:!bi#i[:s;isii:#orijo|!!Ei#T::e:,:0|„ Box 09441. 53209 265-8500265-8500 Gay Men's Discussion Group Tim,Tlm, 271-2565 G/L8,[F..#:,tso8.oc.u,:,,,,oonna€RT,. Parents Coalition of Milw. P. 0. Box 93503, 53203 LAIA CAIGE P O. Box 93503. 53203 CAGE 962-0861962-0861 Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Veterans of America Milwaukee Chapter 342.6543342i;543 Girth9,#a:e#i:cnhh/a#t:?e[X.u::ove:°=:2:'seA2::=2 & Mirth/Milw. P.O. Box 862. 53201-0862 GreaterGrcot.I Milw.Mllw. Maritime M.rlum. Assoc.AI.ae. 258.2802258-2802 Holiday Invitational Tournament (G/L bowling event) P.O.9.061.d#|SV#%Z;iTaumlm®nuG/Lbownngovent) Box 899, 53201 672-8960672-8960 Friday, OctOct ]1,11, 4-8pm 4-8pm H.O.P.E. (Support for PW AIDS/ HIV[ 383-15125be_i5ii Lambda Rights Network (political action. legal defense) BoxF#'gE5!!§5##+°orr%£ltE##o"ngaldefonso!7,.rag 93252, 53203 871.4839 LesbianL..l}lln AllianceAIIl®Iic. Metro M.lm Milwaukee Mll|.iik.. (LAMM) (LAMM) P 0 Box 93323. 53203 264-2600 WRECKWRECKROOM ROOM MLGPC [Pride Week Committee) P.O Box 93852. 53203 32-PRIDE MGALA (MU Graduates). P.O. Box 92722. 53202 Metro Mllw. Friendship Group [MMEGI P.O.§§t:ro:ii(#i°ii§{|i§h{;i:k:a;a;°##t]ee Box 93203. Milwaukee 53203 rm2 423.0379 3:¥R:i Milwaukee Gay/Lesbian Cable Network P.O. Box 204, 53201 265-0880265un Thursday, OctOct |7, 17, 8pm_|2am 8Pm-I2am Milwaukee##!:o%2:ou:i:#|2ris',I:awnf::b,'n.gNce,Tb°(:,Lsw,mciub) Flippers/Swimming Club (G/L Swim Club) 963-1990963-1 9sO or or 265-5340265-5340 Narcotics Anonymous (request gay mtgs.) 449.9800449-9800 People Living With AIDS Coalition 315#g"P#.'8:{n:i;n#lz]°2%'i4r8tuo°.itrfaanymtgs.) W. Court, 53212 273-1991 M&MM8M C]ubClub Oberon; (L/L social grp.) Box 07423. 53207 Queer Nation (Cutler Action) P.O.§8o:.eTBn#'xa(#£(ii:£ai#c.t)[oBn°)XOH23f32o7 Box 93951, 53203 384-3911-39" Cruisin' For Fun? Saturday Softball Boor League ISSBLI P.O. Box 92605,Z02 PARTY LIVE! WITH UP TO 8 HOT MEN Sexuali;.FuraiiJosm°pt,:||*eirnLo#inu:u(!isBclA)P.O.Box92co5.;?*it Compulsives Anonymous (SCA) 276.6936 Sliver Space (Group for Older Lesbians) P3'.J8:r8%E'3¥|(.GET,°mu%'r°orvg£O,r2!es`bian§') O. Box 371. Elm Grove 53122 Sunday,Sunday, OctOct 20. 20, 5pm-9pm 5Pm-9Pm 271-2565 RELIGIOUSRELIGlous The Dignity (G/L Catholic Church) P.O. Box 597. 53201 444.7177444'7177 LutheransEi!H#|:`cLo:¢a#n°:]#.hou.r&ho)xP,.,0#ke529,71.532ol Concerned P.O. Box 11864, 53211 481.9663481-9663 Partners New Hope MCC (G/L interdenominational Church) Phone P.O.9.®orB#®edM9,C3?faGfoL2Intordonomlnatlonaichuroh) Box 93913. 53202 442-7300442-7ae Village Church (Reconciled In Christ) Line 130¥j#.I.®j:::¥uhA3:.concilodlnchrist) E. Juneau Ave 273.7617 Cross Lutheran Church (Reconciled in Christ) 1821f8¥:!Ntuitgt'hnsT.Church(noconcilodlnchrist) N. 16th St. 344.1746344-1746 That UCCUGC (United Church ol Christ) AT BESTDBESTD CLINIC P9.Co?¥o%jy6n!:85d38oh7urchotchri§t) O. Box 07168, 53207 645-2678645-267e Gives MAP Spiritual Care P.O.#8rBSoPx'rdiu£[5Ffer2o2 Box 92505, 53202 273-1991 EveryEvery Monday -&& Wednesday Wednesday Affirming Light Agape Church (Spiritual Counseling) You P.O.%:E;nxo2Fi°JE:£02a2B®Chu"h(SplrltualcounsoMno) Box 23135, 53223 354.3979 6:00-9:00P6:00-9=00Pm1f1 by by Appointment Appointment Plymouth Church- U.C.C. (Open & Affirming) 2717!PT7aul"hul¢".E..C.(°P°n&A`''r#in#)pshiroig6H5i3 E Hampshire1964.1513 St. James Episcopal Church 8333;.3JRT#iEcpj:#npaAvce[ureh W Wisconsin Ave. 271.1271-1340 34o MEDICAL Brady East STD Clinic (BEST!), (VD. HIV testing, hepatitis screening) 1240 E. Brady 272-2144 Milwaukee AIDS Project [MAP) 315#i!!jEE§ao:::riles:t!:gfo!,::2#:E:E#¥"'V W. Court St.. 53212 ofofflce/staff273-1991 tost'no' 273-1991 272.2i„ . 3 I .`- .+ ' I ` I : AIDSA I DS Information I n{ormatlon 273-2437273-2437 STO Specialties Clinic (VD. HIV Testing) 3251§r50,s|].#,lttlo:.ciinictvD.HivT®stino) N. Holton 264.8800264-8an 124-01240 EastEast BradyPrady Street .• Milwaukee.Milwaukee, WIWI 5320253202 DIAL.A.HUNK PRIVATE VOICE MAIL Women'sWomeii 's AlternativeAlternat[ve HealtliHealth CIIIilc Clinic 1240 E. Brady 272.2144272-2144 . -HUNK Wisconsin Community-Based Research Consortium (414) 272-2144 I-900-230 (Experimental HIV/AIDS Drug Program) (414) 272-2 144 3153##p£Er|Si§;C#tH|::'£T:DBsasD°rdu:ep.r¥gFahm?°mrdum W. Court St., 53212 273.1991273-1991 *In•In Step•OctoberStep.Octcher 10-23,10-23, 1991•Page 199l.P.9e 1010 state flag. The demonstration waswas led by contd. fromfrom peigopage 8 led by 60 members Ofof QueerQueer NationNation whowho had ' Pride)Pride) day, day, we we collected collected 40,000 40,000 signatures signatures been staging anan outdooroutdcor hunger strike for DI] to send to the governor urging him to sign several daysdays atat CrescentCrescent HeightsHeights and ` AB101. Evidently, Evidently, wewe have have a a governor governor Santa MonicaMonlca Blvd., Blvd., awaiting awaiting Wilson's Wllson's who can'tcan't read."read. " action. The next evening,evening, 3,000 3,000 protesters protesters (As(As thisthis paperpaper went toto press, numerousnumerous @Mg ARC riotedrioted atat the state office buildingbuilding protests & actions continuedcontinued acrossacross thethe a downtown. They They- smashed smashed windows,windows, state, daysdays afterafter thethe veto was announced.) burned thethe statestate flag, andand attemptedattempted toto torch thethe building. A CNN reportreport noted Inln media media frenzy,frenzy, VI that police standing inside the building "remained remarkably restrained. " "remained remarkably restrained." BergalisBergalis testiftestifies i®s Protest organizers saidsaid theythey maymay work beforebefore Congress to putput aa referendumreferendum before voters inin the next election that would nullify Wilson's ByByCllffO'Neou Cliff O'Neill veto. WashingtonWashingivon — - KimberlyKimberly Bergalis, Bergalis, the the InIn LosLos Angeles,Angeles, 5050 demonstrators demonstrators young FloridaFlorida woman who became became marched on the F{onaldRonald ReaganReagan StateState infectedinfected with HIV byby herher dentist,dentist, testifiedtestified Building thethe nightnight ofOf the the veto, veto, splashing splashing before aa House panelpanel herehere Sept. 26,26, redred dye onqn itit andand breaking the glass in the calling forfor mandatory HIVHIV testingtesting Ofof front door. RiotF{iot police police arrested arrested twot`ro healthhealth care workers and hospital patients. protesters.protesters, one for disturbingdisturbing thethe peacepeace Though largelylargely lost in the media frenzy and the other for vandalism, saidsaid Capt.Capt. surrounding aroundaround Bergalis'sBergalis's testimony,testimony, Howard Hughie.Hughie. two panelspanels Ofof HIVHIV infected infected individualsindividunl§ laterlater opposed thosethose moves. Later, in West Hollywood, 400 400 people people moves. marched acrossacross thethe citycity andand`burned burned the Pushed through aa throngthrong Ofof television FREE ANONYMOUS HIV Testing & Counseling MADISON BAR SCHEDULE Counseling & Testing Hours: 9:00pm-1:00am Results will be ready ONE WEEK later. Friday, October 11 - THE SHAMROCK Saturday, October 12 - NEW BAR/ROD'S CI PC4 CI L For More Information, Contact: BILLEDTOZOUR TELEPHONE Tim Tillotson (Blue Bus Clinic 262-7440) or Beth Menke or Mary Jo Hussey (Madison Department of 0@gOVI I@@1:16(Y3(3 Public Health 266-4821) 4111L4L6 . BILLED TO YOUR VISA OR MASTERCARD

$2 PER MIN • YOU MUST BE 18 OR OLDER • 01991 REAL PEOPLE, CM • PRICES SUBJECT •In Step.October 10-23, 199l.Page 70 •In Step•October 10-23, 1991•Page 70 *In•In Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23,10-23,199l.Page 1991•Page 11 and still camerascameras inin a a wheelchair, wheelchair, the the gaunt Bergalis made her briefbrief statemeTitstatement The Guide to the HouseHouse health subcommittee though MEWAII7 guarded breaths. BARS MW tf2 14e0, BARS "I'd"ltd likelike to say that AIDS-isAIDS is aa terribleterrible Pnotrott* 2 Club 3054 (WM,DJ,V) 3054E. Washington 241-49772414977 disease."disease," saidsaid Bergalis fromfrom her her mom *pit, Voloolooftierose 1 Rod's (Mw.L/L,D) vrett *eon Omy 636W. Washington (rear) 255-0609255ee wheelchair. "I did nothingnothing wrong,wrong, and and -_`1.``'`<, mew/ wool, MilittiVoloopi 1 The New Bar (MW,DJ,V) I'mI'm being mademade toto suffer suffer like like this. this. MyMy lifelife 636 258-0765 0004 woo** W. Washington (upstairs) 256-8765 has beenbeen tal{entaken from me.me. PleasePlease enactenact L4'4440110 3 Shamrock Bar (GS.MW.F.0) 117 W. Main Si 255-5029255-cO29 legislation so no other patient or health T'l..t``,i:,:jEf,i.!j,`:, legislation so no other 2 Wings 3054 (MW.L/L) aw#.Iw¥h(nM#vLi3054 E Washington 244.8870244.ee70 care provider will havehave to gogo thoughthough the hell that I have,have. Thank you.you." " ORGANIZATIONSORGANIZATloNS George Bergalis,Bergalis, Kimberly's Kimberly's father, father, ACT-UP/MadisonACT-uP/Midl.®n P.O: P 0 86xBox 2023. 2023, 53701 53701 256-2763 expounded on his his daughter'sdaughter's commentscomments FOX VALLEY [414] Gay/Lesbian Phone Line 255-42972554297 Gay/Lesbian information RecordingRonrdlng with aa blistering blistering condemnation of (Ask for tape x3333) 263-3100263-3'00 Congress, federalfederal healthhealth agentsagents and AIDS BARS Gay/Lesbian Resource Center 6 Pivot Club (MVV,DJ,V) 4815 W. Prospect (Hwy BB) P O. Box 1722. 53701 activists for treating AIDS asas "a civil Appleton 730-0440730un Nothing to Hide (gay cable) 241-250024'1-2500 rightsrights issue"issue'' andand aa "protection"protection Ofof Sherlock's Home (Mw.G/S,F) Gay Alcoholics Anonymous 257-7575 REe#:;;:uy;v:a;;t,;hjw:::#;,;;wpresgivtHvyeB,733 Pennsylvania, Sheboygan Bedgeriand Narcotics Anonymous 2571747257-1747 privacy issue" issue" notnot a disease forfor ten Frontiers Goy Man's Outreach (Men's Umbrellaumbr®Hao'gan2.L8675 Organ.) years. P 0 Box 8234. 53708 244-8675 years. ORGANIZATIONSORGANIZATloNS G/L EducitIonel Employees Although not scheduled for formal Parents & Friends of G/L (PFLAG-Lakeshore( c/o9//oLTEhd8Uu#t°d#lEmplopr The United 255-8582265un2 Box 1396. Sheboygan 53082-1396 Gay Fathers Go United 255-8582 committee action, much ofOf the the debate debate PFLAG#Tk¥seF?£Fh:e##n°ffipi#G-bk-fro) Fox Cities Appleton 749-1629 Galvanize (G/L pride organizers) centered on aa bill named for Ms.Ms. Bergalis, Box 75. Little Chute, 54140 Green Bay 499-7080 Pi:or/:a:o¥e,Tfu%:O#Y}n8'!¥roan|aers) 0 Box 1403. 53701 255-8061 Fox Valley AIDS Project Gay Outdoor (recreation group) sponsored byby F{ep.Rep. WilliamWilliam DannemeyerDannemeyer 120!#''k[!ttnA;#g#tft_i#p,cton N Morrison, 0201, Appleton 54911 ae,. GA£PJ#; Z#7as P.O. Box 8234, 53708 244-8675 (R(R-Calif.),-Calif.), whichwhich wouldwould mandate mandate HIVHIV Center Project, Inc. Fox Valley Ext. 733-2067 Kissing Girls Productions (Lesbian Cultural Events) UW-Oshkosh 10% Society 207 Reeve Union, UVV-0. 5490154cO1 P.O. Box 6091. 53716 testing of all healthhealth care workers who Gay/Lesbian Support Group Parents & Friends of Gays & Lesbians conduct invasiveinvasive proceduresprocedures on their UW-0 Counseling Center 424-206142+2061 Pi:i,:jd#:;ife!j:#;:o:n:::uesE:nhcmu,tura,Events, 0 Box 1722, 53701 271-02702710270 Synergy§§i;##i¥?§!i!;:#3i#°::¥Ve:nfoMw.o, (AIDS Support Network) Queer LiberationLlbentloii Front Fnnt patients. P.O.ii8?Toyxt£,'3D7: Box 2137. Fond sgfdpodE du Lac NLapr#ife 54935 - 235-5100 235.5ioo 511 WW. MainMain1301, 1301, 5370353703 256-2763 Noting thethe substantial anger in Mr. Fox Valley G/L Parents Madison Wrestling Club P.O. Box 8234, 53708 244-8675244ee75 PO Box 791, Appleton, 54912-0791 727-1975 New Harvest Foundation (G/L Foundation) Bergalis' testimony, Rep. GerryGerry Studds Studds Lawrence Unto. G/L Awareness Group PF#:n#7d#®#hn:S;|iu®bn{£.LBF°oXu%io#)7ee 0 Box 1786, 53701 (D-Mass.) cautioned against letting 738:#88¥°]5:#n#i|:nF##i2£"O'mup E. John, Appleton 54911 (4i4)e32.7ies(414) 832-7103 10% Society (student organization) (D-Mass.) cautioned against letting Box 614. Mem. Union, 800 Langdon, 53706 262-7365262-7as emotions blind people from approaching All Procee413 to United (education. counseling, advocacy) the controversial issue with reason.reason. 310Ei;::)i!;dL:`F:Ti:i:;efn:n#,l#t,tgi%;nhasoey7,ce Wilson. 53703 255-8582 GREEN BAY [414] "To paraphrase Mark Twain-," said WomonsongWomonsoiig 246-2681246-2cei "To paraphrase Mark Twain," said 5poybor AIDS BARS Studds, "For every problem there is a Memorial Cbilt 3 Brandy', II (Mw.L/L) 1126 Main St 4323917432-cot7 RELIGIOUSRELIGlous solutionS:rudtfos; that „tE:: ise[:er%{#,,emobL+oeru: simple, obvious and i:n3 1 Nepalese Integrity/Dignity Lounge (MW.DJ) Box 730, 53701 836-8886e36un wrong.,, 515 S Broadway 432un432.9646 Affirmation (L/G United Methodists) wrong." 2!i!5aE#(§##:M!#,|*Wj':in)::::' Za's (MW. DJ.V)1106 Main Street 433.98214se-982i 9127|#7#rty#;o%'s!#gA;0%t?dsowh¥th7#,sts) University Ave. 256-2353 Despite many federal studies intointo HIV infectedinfected healthhea`lth care care workers,workers, the the Bergalis Bergalis ORGANIZATIONSORGANIZATloNS MILWAUKEE [414] and thethe fourfour otherother patientspatients Ofof the Florida Angel of Hope (MCC Church) dentist are thethe onlyonly confirmedconfirmed cases of £.nth:fxE;##C€hurch)P 0 Box 672, 54305 496-8688496-86ee ORGANIZATIONSORGANIZATloNS Argonauts of Wisconsin (L/L Social Club) ACT-up/Mli..ukco,ACT-UP/Milwaukee. p.o. P.O. Box Box i7o7, 1707, 53aei 53201 769-8708769-87o8 dentist- patient transmlsslontransmission of HIVHIV to P 0 Box 1285, 54305 Alcoholics Anonymous (req. gay mtgs) 272-3081 date. No cases Ofof transmission transmission from NOVEMBER 3in Goy AA (Meeting Weekly) 494-990449+9904 Beer Town Badgers (Lit social club) P.O. Box 166, 53201 Bay City Chorus 1106 Main St., 54301 337.9160a37L9ico 81-Sexual Support Group physician oror surgeon surgeon to patient have ever Center Project, Inc. (CPI)-(HIV Test/Counsel) P.O. Box 14081, West Allis. 53214 271.3067271-3067 been confirmed. P#EAFife##:ffik:ce#y#,,:,i;c:u:)nse„ 0. Box 1062. 54305 437.7400437-7400 Black & White Men Together Northern bPm Womyn, Inc. (Lesbian Support/Social Group) ioarn - P 0. Box 12292, 53212 265.8500265.8sO Box 10102, Green Bay 54307-0102 Black Gay Conselouness Raising Parents;a#:,Em¥YflT#:#s!#ppervsochlGmup) & Friends of G/L 499-7080499-7Oeo !ij:ih;ii#ELTpr;.¥':87sJofrox,coso2g,2ac,P 0. Box 93694, 53203 933-2136033-2136 MOST TESTIFY AGAINST TESTING UW-GBUW-G I G/La/I Sol)pert Support Group Group Oweekly (Weekly MeetingsLMeetln 465-2343 465-2343 Castaways M.C. (L/L) P.O. Box 1697, 53202.1697 Although committeecommittee staffersstaffers attemptedattempted Counseling Center (Gay & Lesbian Support & Discussion MADISON [608] Groups) 2038 N Bartlett, 53202 271-2565 to keep reporters whowho had comecome forfor 272-HAIR Cream City Chorus P.O. Box 1488, 53201 I 344-9222 344-9222 Bergalis' testimonytestimony in the hearing room Cream City Foundation ICCF] 2821!8##N':8lif![#;'#:ffi:x:ixex¥?::Ta'#kes,2gl-2se N. 4th Si., 42178. or. Box 204. 53201 • 265-0880 for the second panel ofof HIV infected 316 N. Milwaukee, MEDICAL D.A.M.E.S. [Dykes Against Minority Erotic Suppreulon) witnesses, allall Ofof which which opposed opposed the the MadisonM,dlcoll AIDS Support Network (support & counseling) P.O.F..3..¥6:.is2.7!?Ydecoo,Ai!}TMlnertyErrfusu„mfoffceco Box 1272. 53201-1272 P.O.1'.0. Box 731. 53701 (303 Lathrop St.) 238-MASN mandatory testingtesting proposal,proposal, most most quite 570 BlueBlu, Bus ,ng !ip5S£,ng,FTREln#,##1s#£yTme„mMAS"STD Clinic (Monday, Thursday) reportersreporters and cameras cleared out of the 1552 UUniversity ri lversfty Avenue 262-7330 262.7330 contd. ..` •In Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23,10-23,199l.Page 1991•Page 1212 nation have chosen to focus their attention room at thethe conclusionconclusion of Mr. Bergalis'Bergalis' on this negligiblenegligible risk and once againagain statements. ignoreignore thethe realreal risksrisks that the United States SpeakingSpeal{ing afterafter the first panel was a and the world face in this pandemic." group of fivefive HIVHIV infected infected people, people, allall ofof THELEAHER which opposedopposed thethe mandatorymandatory testingtesting KOOPK00P COMMENT COMMENT Former Surgeon General C. Ev_erett proposal. Former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop andand aa panel of public health experts Of those was Barbara Fassbeinder, aa of public health experts also denounced federal efforts to impose nurse who contractedcontracted. HIV throughthrough her impose mandatory HIV testing on health care treatment ofof an HIV infected man in an HIV testing on health care workers andand patientspatients during a tense and IowaIowa emergencyemergency roomroom inin 1986.1986, before before spirited congressional hearing here Sept. universal infectioninfection control control proceduresprocedures Sept. 19. were implemented. A.skedAsked repeatedlyrepeatedly what she would have done differently if The former surgeonsurgeon general outlined she could turn backback thethe clockclock toto whenwhen she his proposals on the issue ofof HIV was infected,infected, ratherrather than requestrequest an HIV transmission in the healthhealth carecare settingsetting test of thethe infectedinfected patient,patient, she she insisted insisted and lambastedlambasted citizens and politicians she wouldwould have done no more than who he charged are trying to makemake practice standard infection control political hay out of the controversy. practice standard infection control "The emotional outcry (on the issue of procedures and wear gloves. "The emotional outcry (on the issue of Henry Nicols, an 18 18-year-year old old HIV transmission transmission in the healthhealth care Cooperstown, EagleEagle ScoutScout whowho setting) is fed by thethe ignoranceignorance ofof some. some, isis aa hemophiliac hemophiliac also also calledcalled forfor voluntary. voluntary, andand, thethe personalpersonal interest interest of of others," others," said said ratherrather thanthan mandatory mandatory testingtesting toto curbcurb the Koop. "It "It isis timetime to to separate separate epidemic. statesmanlike behaviorbehavior fromfrom politicalpolitical "The Bible tells us thatthat youyou will reap behavior. ToTo separateseparate those who serveserve the patient from what you sow,sow,"'' said Nicols. "Love "Love and and patient from those who useuse the patientpatient. Those who throw water on the fire from compassion makes us allall stronger. stronger. fire from those who throwthrow gasoline.gasoline." ' ' Suspicion and accusations will only breedbreed more of the same.same." ' ' The SenateSenate during the summer gave preliminary approval to two much more The mostmost vocalvocal member member ofof the the panel, panel, preliminary approval to two much more far- reaching proposals sponsoredsponsored by Sen. however.however, was was David David Barr, Barr, an an HIV HIV infected infected Jesse Helms (R- N.C.).N,C.). One One amendment amendment Gay activist whowho worksworks withwith NewNew YorkYork would impose criminal penalties onon HIV City's Gay Men'sMen's Health Crisis. infectedinfected health care workersworkers who do not Directing °mostmost ofof hishis comments at informinform theirtheir patientspatients of their status beforebefore Bergalis, who had had already already left left the the room, rcom, they perform invasiveinvasive procedures.procedures. The Barr angrilyangrily explainedexplained that that his his anger, anger, second would allowallow doctorsdoctors andand dentistsdentists unlike hers,hers, was was aimed aimed at at thethe government to teststests their patients forfor HIVHIV with or for notnot doing enough toto fund AIDS without their consent. research, education and carecare andand notnot forfor During his testimony, KoopKoop cautioned their failure to mandatemandate testing of health cautioned against using the FloridaFlorida dentist'sdentist's case to care providers. formulate public policy,policy, saying saying that that it it isis "Over the the past past year,"year," Barr Barr testified, testified, "too bizarre to be helpful" in creating "no other AIDS- related issue has - too bizarre to be helpful" in creating "no other AIDS- related issue has sound policy. receivedreceived moremore attentionattention than the one we Koop stated that any moves to impose are discussing today. No other case of moves to impose mandatory testing on patients or health AIDS has has received received more more attention attention' than on patients or health care workers would only give individuals a that of KimberlyKimberly 'Bergalis.Bergalis. You have hate workers would only give individuals a false sensesense of security, saying saying that that aa YOUR PHONE N,IN BILLED TO ,T already heard overwhelming evidence that negative HIV testtest is is 'worthless.' `worthless,' as as an an EA shows that the riskrisk ofof transmissiontransmission ofof HIVHIV HIV infected person is most infectious in from anan infectedinfected health care worker to a infected person is most infectious in the six months between their initial patient is negligible with the use of proper months between their initial patient is negligible with the use of proper exposure and the timetime theythey would show up infectioninfection controlcontrol procedures. procedures. Yet, Yet, despite.despite would show up as positive on an HIV antibodyantibody test. this evidence,evidence, thethe Congress, Congress, the the Centers Centers BILLED TO YOUR VISA OR MASTERCARDTH E for Disease Control, thethe media media andand the the contd. on page 14 MIN • YOU MUST BE 18 OR OLDER PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT ©1991 ALTERNATE LINE, INC. •In Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23.10-23, 1991•Page199l.Page 68 I 3

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MOVIES Friday and Saturday! •In•In Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23,10-23.199l.Page 1991•Page 1414 To resolve resolve thethe dilemma. dilemma, Koop Koop contd. from page 12 suggested aa multi- facetedfaceted plan which IN STEP'S 900 Voice Mail Personals/Area Saying that those that propose such includedincluded betterbetter andand more widelywidely enforced measures want to bring backback the 'dark`dark infectioninfection controlcontrol forfor health health carecare workers,workers, Dialogue Order Form ages' of the epidemic,epidemic, he he said, said, "The "The day day improvedimproved medicalmedical andand dentaldental equipment will comecome whenwhen those that propose this design, and public education `about about thethe ($1.99 Per Minute) restriction, this.this kind ofof a a witch witch hunt, hunt, will will lowlow risk of infectioninfection fromfrom one's one's healthhealth be ashamed thatthat theythey did.did." ' ' care provider. He also called for additional IINSTEPwluprintaFREE20wordpersonaladforyoulnseverallssues.INSTEPreadersIN STEP will print a FREE 20 word personal ad for you in several issues. IN STEP readers The risk of beingbeing exposedexposed to the virus studies intointo HIVHIV infectioninfection in the healthhealth by one'sone's health carecare provider.provider, he he argued. argued, care setting andand in-depth studies into any |willseeyourintroprintad,canl-900-737rf366(SIL99permlnute),hearyourvolce,andleavewill see your intro print ad, call 1-900-737-6366 ($1.99 per minute), hear your voice, and leave confirmed cases Ofof transmission. their own recorded responses for you to retrieve later! isis 'so`so remoteremote asas itit may nevernever be I their own recorded responses for you to retrieve later! measured.measured . ' To place a free intro voice mail personal, till our the form below. We wr11mail you caxnplete step-by-step directions in a plain envelope. |!°oudacerifirfueerfu,V#=+=#:£futred#.#C#¥:Oug¥oor#ha¥]¥v¥aef=::;in±tlinis#ouYour name, address, phone number will not be published. You will then call our 900 number to leave a one minute voice intro in your ownownvofcemailbox.thoelnStepisdistrihoed,youedlan900drmbcr.and`rdgyour8cmoode,ndevcyauzquises,coct voice mail box. Once In Step is distributed, you call our 900 number, and using your secret code, retrieve your responses, cost isis$1.99pcrrine. $1.99 per minute. 125125 ACTACT'upers UPers arrestedarrested inin D.C. protestsprotests lil;-miE-;-;-LidlnfroadforINSTEPshoi.ld[.e.dainit20words):My FREE 20 word Intro ad for IN STEP should read (limit 20 words): By RexRex Wockner Wocher At the CapitolCapitol demonstration,demonstration, activistsactivists I About 8585 ACTACT UPUP me.mber§members were blockedblceked entrances,entrances; staged aa `dle-ln''die-in' on arrested after theythey chainedchained themselvesthemselves to Independence Avenue, andand disrupteddisrupted thethe I the White HouseHouse gates Sept. 3030 toto U.S. Senate. I demand leadership from President Bush "No business business asas usual," usual," theythey against thethe AIDSAIDS crisis. chanted. I Forty moremore demonstrators deinonstrators were The protestersprotesters charged that South I arrested Oct.Oct. 1 atat thethe U.S.U.S.I Capitol,Capitol, wherewhere Checktheckapprtyatccapgpry:DWommceckingwamcn;DMcnscckingmen:EBi-SexualorCouple8;DTve/rs'8. appropriate category: D Women seeking women; 0 Men seeking men; ❑Si-Sexual or Couples; CITV's/FS'a. Africa isls the only otherother industrialized I they demanded that Congress natlonalieenationalize nation that leavesleaves Its cltizens'citizens' health care GUIDELINESGUDEINES the health-health-care care system. inin thethe handshands ofof private. private, for-for- profit profit I YourFREEinfropesonaladinlhStepchouldinclndeede8edptionOfyorndf,yourintermsmdthc.gcnngeyou8ecL.hYour FREE intro personal ad in In Step should include a description of yourself, your interests and the age range you seek. In Hundreds ofof act!v!stsactivists took part lnin both businesses. Step's voice mail personal ads are available to anyone seeking a relationship with another single person. No sexually explicit demonstrations,demonstrations. ItIt isis impossible,impossible, theythey pointed pointed out, out, to to pay pay ads will be accepted. You must be 18 years or older to use this system. In Step Magazine and Area Dialogue reserve the right •The White House protesters said Bush per- The White House protesters said Bush U.S. doctordoctor andand hospitalho§pltal bills without :;E:¥:¥ce#Fiu-;¥.*isis-n¥:-ge;to-;¥urE£;¥ts¥x-riiifhiEte¥da=fr£€5LE:EriLF¥Ei-thil¥to reject any ad for any reason. Do not leave your last name, phone number or address in either your In Step free intro sonalsoaelad,oroziyourvoiceintroduction.Ha`rcthepeaplezt3pon-dingtoyourvoiccmilbexhavethdrnamcandphonenunha ad, or on your voice introduction. Have the people responding to your voice mail box leave their name and phone number should immediately appoint a "national"national private health insurance which about 40 instead.inrmd. AIDS czar"czar" to coordinate the fight against million:rj!,i,Pot:hAe:I::{ct:;:I::ifrxt]:heavbe°nutthf: Americans lack. And even the DISCLAIMER the disease. insured sometimes find themselvesthemselves bankrupted byby required co-co- paymentspayments Neither In Step Magazine, its employees or Area Dialogue assume liability for the content or reply to any intro personal ads. Bush waswas inin Florida atat aa DisneyDisney World The Advertiser assumes complete liability for the content of and all replies to any printed ad or recorded message and for any anniversary celebration. (often(often 2020 percent percent ofof thethe totaltotal bill),bill), claims made against In Step Magazine as a result thereof. In Step Magazine and Area Dialogue arc not responsible for any 'deductibles'`deductibles' that apply before insurance "We ask ,(Bush)(Bush) toto recognizerecognize thisthis g;i:h#¥paT¥or*tsf8:#T:z;¥if#th¥jbgi;=i¥oprFffiT!:e:=yid;:rm=±aff[xp#:to:im#±=ri=ff::d:=:Icosts, expenses, damages or liability resulting from or caused by the publication or recording of voice mail personal ads or kicks In, in, and and charges charges that that are are exempt exempt — - responses to them. disease,"disease, " saidsaid Jeanne Jeanne White. White, the the mother mother req- to them. for aa variety Ofof reasonsreasons —- from artan of the late Ryan White, the IndianaIndiana |ThefouowinBinformationisconfidential.WefagEg!accep[yourvoicemilpersonaladwithcutiLThe following information is confidential. We cannot accept your voice mail personal ad without it. insuranceinsurance policypolicy's ' s parameters. parameters. teen-ager who focusedfocused thethe nation'snation's Name attention on the disease last year. Activists also detonated a 'stink`stlnk bomb'bomb' "People are so busy pointing fingers inin A CapitolCapitol hallwayhallway andand dyeddyed thethe "People are so busy pointing fingers Address (no P.O. boxes)bexes) (that)(that) we are are not not fighting fighting the the disease, disease, fountains at the Supreme Court red. we're fightingfighting thethe people.people. AndAnd that's got Many of ACT UP'sUP's complaints were City State Zip to stop. recently legitimizedlegitimized by Bush'sBush's National "I'm here," Mrs.Mrs. White said, said, "to "to Commission onon AIDS,AIDS, which, which, in in its its fourth fourth Phonemono (area(am code)code) represent mom,smoms all acrossacross America whowho report.report, issued Sept. 25,25, harshly harshly criticized criticized Signatue are losing their sons and their daughters the government's handling of the Signature are losing their sons and their daughters (Signature attests yea are at kart 18 years old) to AIDS. IfIf .youyou want toto callcall thesethese epidemic and joinedjoined the call for (Signatuneallesls\rquane\atleasl18icarsold) (protesters)(protesters) radical, thenthen you cancan callcall me me nationalized health care. MailMailorDropOffat: or Drop Off at: radicalradical too.too.' ' ' The report said the nation's response to 111.5.tw,]Eftfp, 225 225 South South 2nd 2nd Street, Street, Milwaukee, Milwaukee, 53204.53204. Call us atat (414)(414) 278-7840278-7840 if if you you have have any any questions. questions. The demonstrators marched outside the the HIV epidemicepidemic is 'crippled'`crippled' byby lacklack of resources, 'government`government inertia, inertia,.' and and White House forfor aboutabout 3030 minutesminutes before `societal attitad6s.' Among the THIS FORM IS ONLY FOR In Step 900 Voice Mail Personal Ad/Area Dialogue. U.S. Park Park PolicePolice ordered ordered thethe area cleared. 'societal attitudes.' Among the ALL OTHER People & other Classified Ads should use the "Classies Ad Order Form" At that point, protesters began locking commission's 2525 recommendations: A elsewhere in this issue! themselves toto the fence. contd. on page 1616 /f •In•In Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23.10-23, 1991•Page199l.Page 66 Young at Heart — Diverse, loving 36 year 7de7¢ediziA,¢ eA4izimi24 . . . In Step's Area Dialogue old¥i°dund9arakt¥ee£#r=d,DjY;,r,:e'L!°5Vjrbgs.36c¥:;: dark featured, 5'9", 155 lbs. Close beard? Looking for relationship. Mature, Men/Men stable,:teaabr[::ru°n°.k!8g,[f°i#:t`;3n7S.h#ENN?t::i: fun. Call 1-900- 737-MENN, ext. 4179. Sincere GWM, 29-40 wanted for quiet GWM 28, Br/B1, 190, seeks friendships. evenings, sharing secrets, smiles, Have many interests. festivals, going out occasionally Honest & sincere by GWM need reply. 25-30yr. Phone 1-900- 32,;ei::c,#is:i:,#'aori!f.isfi:a:#:if,si%.'!e#: 6', 155 lbs. Call 1-900- USA-MENN. 737-MENN,§g¥##::i#::3g;rfieoeBke:s:f:gn8]is.n:c'g;: Ext. 4180. ext. 4167. GWM,CWM. 33,33. Brown/Blue, Brown/Blue, 5'8", 165 lbs. GWM 5'8", 165 lbs. 32. 5'11, 180 lbs, Blk/Brn, average Attractive. Seeks possible friendship/ build, hairy, affectionate top. Seeking relationship. You: 18-45. Latins a plus; romantic younger brother 18.27, slim to attractive.;:tfar::c:tt:i:efipp:9n:i:1.]#4:g.;b3'£#%j£#:lps: Phone 1-900- average 737-MENN, Ext. build. Call 1- 900- USA-MENN, 4181. ext.§§[r::hEt;§::::;:;:a:#:e:§t:;:n;a£:1,§:§S;;.8#:,:=k;§j 4173. Muscular, athletic man wanted by GWM GWM,CWM, 30,30, Brown/Green, Brown/Green. 5'8", 5'8", 155 155 lbs. lbs. who#osci:anr,,ta:t{£grc.in,::Wan,ted6,Py,,Gy6Yog: isn't either. I'm 36, 6'1", 160, Honest, romantic. Seeks friendship with professional. You're playful, serious, HIV 25-30 yrs. Call 1-900- 737-MENN, ext. -Pr°af:3Sj°andav'an¥::::es.P'ac¥,i'']S.erfu°.uS'uB|¥ and adventurous. Call 1-900- USA- 4174.g:o,34gst,I:omcaa|i,C|-%e-ks755,-eMESNhhp,:;tth MENN.MENN, ext.ext. 4165.4165. GWM,CWM. 39,39, Professional, Professional, 5'11", 5'11", 185 185 lbs. lbs. Seeks 'Men`Men ofof Distinction' Distinction' for In Step's Area Dialogue companionship, etc. Call 1-900- 737-MENN,587TfraEnri°N:Sehx!F.4]7g.tc. ext. 4175. Call 1-9oo. TV's / TS's

GWM.CWM, 25, 25, attractive, attractive. sincere, sincere, br/br, br/br, Wt. TV 40's,40's. 170 lbs.lbs, 6'6' in heels. LikesLikes professional, good sense Ofof humor.humor. Seeks Seeks silky sexy slips, pool, spankings and attractive CWMGWM 21-30 for casualcasual pedicures,S£:kdyjcusre:g, fromSlip:'m P:i.b:Psasnjkv`:gssubmissive male maa|8 relationship or possible more. Call 1-900- servants. CallCall 1-900-1-900- 737-6366 ext. 4177. SUNDAV,NOVEMBER3,1991 737-MENN.;3J7a.tjA°ESNhi! ext. ::t?8is7L?.Ie 4176. more. Call 1-9oo. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1991 Appleton TV,TV, Tall Tall and and slender. slender, 42. 42. Do you need some 'TLC? Looking for hot, I.00king for men over 35 to fulfill AT THE together mate to share the good life. fantasies.Faonotkaisnigs. I'm for,mmeHIVoV:r HIV -. Call 8:,,1- tol-900- fu# GWM,:£wey#ernjfd:t::?p:#K::':oLst?:kin::¥r#:I; mid- 30's. Kenosha area. Call 737-6366, ext.ext. 4178. 4178. 1-900-1-900- 737-6366.737.6366. ext. 4182. MARC PLAZA HOTEL Priscilla. Black, 6ft. 32 yr. old transsexual It's easy to find sex... hard to find lovers.. endowed with an 11 in. tool. Into many CRYSTAL BALLROOMBALLROOM You:#;Su:acsuyt:?gEgc:g#;.teh¥d;:df:nrd2'g.Veris;; cute, affectionate — under 25. Me: fetishes.f:e#:h¥;ah;¥?e:it:£;:£s];:i7n;££;fee:p:,I::;;;:u:a; Don't miss my new epic 'Tracy lots of love to give. Call 1-900- Dick.' Phone 1-900- 737-6366, ext. 9107. MILWAUKEE,MILtwAUKEE,VI WI 737-MENN.%t7S.MEfNri:::t. ext. 4183. i383:ive. Can 1-9oo. V Pageant TicketTicket $20 Pageant && DirmerDinner $35 How to a N ER a Graffi-tti •.4 Voice Mail Personal Cocktails 5:00pm Bilo:Bllo: Welcome back. Shot inin N.Y.N.Y. !? DinnerDirmer 6:30pm CALL I-900-737-MENN I-goo-737-MENN Hee- Hee Hoe WoofWoof Pageant 8:00pm (24(24-hours-a-daul-hours-a-day) Curtcurt [partners]:[Partners]: I winI will m£:%ofarv.efuyaT,roc£ miss you very much -— keepkeep inin touch.touch. Love, Mr. Manilow CostsC8sts§ue9perrm.nde. X1,99 per minute. FOR ADDITIONALADDmoNAL INFORMATION: To repond to a specific MikeMthe [Bar[Bar Back/La Back/ha Cage]:Cage): I'veI've tried and INFORMATION: ad, you need Tickets: 414/645-7710 or 384799`9 the 4 digit ext. number end failed.I::I;t.es°n°W!tsts!]E:etd°,i:VoeuluforiywJ%k So now its time to give up — well, Tickets: 414/645-7710 or 3847999 at the of may be. Signed, I could only wish the ad, then follow the prompts on the Advertising: 414/271-5819 EthoeeE.#thRE Contestants: 414/645-7710 recording. Or, you may Dan: Happy 40th. 40th. Love,Love. Wa Contestants: 414/645-7710 fbruse' 1tiu ther eds. 'browse' thru other ads. Roger: The ragtop is down. but now the Special HotelHotd Rates Available.Amaunle. YouMbundndbe£'#u'cT##ersp#n¥e"u must be at least 18-years of age. You heaters#:gteerr:sTohnefr:iitobia;:.d8#'mb:tbne?:rethi: on full blast. Call me before it Contact the MarcMare Plaza HotelHoid at (414) 271-7250. must use a touch tone phone. starts snowing. snowing. StevieStevie B •ln•]n Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23, 1991•Page 199l.Page 1616 oln•]n Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23. 1991•Page199l.Page 65 Take your next step: Coming Out Day ideasideas The National Corr\ingComing OutOut Day campaign ••'Call Call a radioradio talktalk show and introduce Classies Ad Order Form suggests aa fewfew ways you can come out a Gay/Lesbian topic.topic. - this October 11, the the Fourth Fourth AnnualAnnual ••Offer Offer toto answerariswer questions for International ComingComing Out Day. No mattermatter PleasePleasephcemyadinthefouowin9INSIEP"Classics"Section: place my ad in the following IN STEP "Classies" Section: Human Sexuality class. I where you live oror what part of the process • SendSend flowersflowers toto someone special ❑ I Health services I OTganizationsOrganizations LaD RealReal EstateEstate you are in, you can always find a way to Accounting CI Health Services la I you are in, you can always find a way to using your real name. ❑ tell the truthtruth aboutabout youryour life.life. • Start or attend a coming out .support ID Bulletin Board [a Housing ED People' I RwhiesRoomies • Start or attend a coming out support I •• MakeMake a commitment to telltell thethe truth i E¥.¥LEL E=r_qu¥._ i::r:plc. group.grollp. CII Bay/Seu Buy/Sell a[a lmstruct=on Instruction Ea q petsPets Ca D Servicesserfees about who you are. ) • InviteInvite GayGay and `non-Gaynon-Gay friendsfriends to CI Shopping • ResolveResolve your barriersbarriers toto tellingtelling the ra Counseling CI Legal CI Psychic the same parties. I truth. i Eiri'£jmegnt[a Employment 01 Ek:a_i;-toraie Moving/Storage JI i-E:ctias Publications E!hrao:rgCI Travel •• IncludeInclude youryour loverlover or.or spouse inin your •• Come out toto youryour familyfamily or friends. I holiday tradition. • PutPut youryour lover'slover's photophoto on your desk •• Open aa jointjoint bankbank account.account. I at work.work. BOLDBorD LJIAD LEAD IN IN Q4dtlrmim (Maximum 25 25 Letter® letters) ••Confront Confront anyoneanyone whowho makes a ••Read Read a.a Gay/LesbianGay/Lesbian-paper paper inin a 1 bigoted joke.joke. public place. • Support your local media in covering I • Support your local IfltConcernsYou,ItConcerusU±±§;IIf It Concerns You, It Gay/lesbian issues. Concerns Us! I • ShopShop with your lover forfor matching I rings. . 529-6440` 529-6440 • WearWear thethe Nation.INational ComingComing 0`ltOut DayDay 529-2800 I shirt or button. ATTORNEYS I I contd. from page 1414 Carol L.L. Law & I national AIDS plan, governmentgovernment purchasepurchase iiiJ related drugs, I and distribution of HIV related drugs, Warren J.I. Klaus number must be supplied Of published In your *Your signature, area code and DAYTIME verifying phone •1 lifting of CongressionalCongressional restrictions on ad). 'Your signature for a People (personal) ad attests that you are of legal age and your request Is to safesafe-sex-sex education,education, and more money forfor LAW & KLAUS meet other people at no expense on their part. All ads must be accompanied by payment and mailed AIDS research,research, treatmenttreatment andand care.care. Personal injury, workers HT#¥EL##¥¥TonREJ#-ffior delivered to In Sten Magazine. No classified ads accepted by telephone or fax. I "In the months to come we must either compensation, wills, probate "In the months to come we must either I PlacedFhed by:by: Phone:_( engage seriously thethe issuesissues andand needs avoidance, partner's separation agreements, OAWI, real 1- posed by this deadly disease or face ::fiegl:ifi#j¥;;T¥%!tt::estate, visitation & family law. relentless, expanding tragedytragedy inin thethe visitation & family law. -signature: [ decades ahead,"ahead," commissioncommission ChairmanChairman FREE FIRST MEETING I June Osborn `A/rotewrote to to Bush Bush inin thethe letterletter wiEREOE`eFrFggrLgranEyFeTalHa€er.with attorney regarding any legal matter. PRICING YOUR AD . . eir transmitting thethe 166 page report. CALL FORFOR ANAN APPOINTMENTAPPOINTME i PRICING YOUR AD . . . I ACT UP UP protesters protesters traveled to EveningEvenfnE#AwfeL5|FcnedsdH°urs & Weekend Hours I Charge Charge for foroneisoue(30wordsorless)is$6.00 one issue (30 words or less) is $6.00 I Washington from Baltimore,Baltimore, Boston,Boston. CPA Services Chicago, Columbus Columbus (Ohio), (Ohio), D.C., D.C., Kansas Kansas I City, Los Angeles, Angeles, Miami, Miami, Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Multiply 20' times the number of words OVER 30 City, Los i Mutply 20' froes the number of words OVER 30 I Minneapolis, NewNew/ Orleans, Orleans, New New York, York, I Orange County (California),(California) , Philadelphia, Philadelphia, ---...... _ I Total for Firstfirst tsgresIssues Portlands (Oregon and I Pittsburgh, both Portlands (Oregon and I Maine), St.St. Louis,Louis, San Sam Francisco, Francisco, Santa Santa Times number Of issuesissues adad shouldshould runnm Times number of I Barbara (California),(California), Seattle, Seattle, Shreveport Shreveport foir I (Louisiana), Tampa (Florida), Canada and I (Louisiana), Tampa (Florida), Canada and I Enclosed isis cash,cash, checkcheck oror moneymoney orderorder for:for: $S Australia. 111110' x V I I From Sept. 27-29, the the activistsactivlstsf held held the the MAIL OR0R DELIVERDELIVER ToeTO: I second AIDS treatment treatment ActivistsActivists I Conference to brainstorm on improving IN STEP MAGAZINE MAGAZINE I 5665 SouthSouth 108th Street I communication and developing more Hales Corners,Comers, WIWI 53130 225 South 2nd2nd Streetstreet. • Mnwaukee,Milwaukee, WI W[ 53204 53204 I effective national actions. L •In Step.October 10-23,199l.Page 64 •In Step•October 10-23, 1991•Page 64 ••Inln Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23.10-23.199l.Page 1991•Page 17 •• Volunteer toto be a Big Brother or Big Appleton Area Bi-male. New to Brother or Big IllinoisIllinois governor governor PEOPLE Gay Sister.Sister. scene. Try anything to learn. 47, 5'8", • Write a letter to an elected official in 135 lbs. Soft bottom, willing to please. • Write a letter to an elected official in signsSigns GayGay Call!3:ii'e;;;:,rg83i!o::n!#,a::ewt:7t,:,5=is? (414) 832-9011 after 6. supportsupport of a Gay and Lesbian issue. CareCare to to meet meet attractive attractlve mature. mature, •• Encourage Encourage your non-non- Gay friendsfriends to supportivesulpportive bibillslls intelligent, responsible guy? 5'9" tall, GWMCWM oror Bi Bi Wanted Wanted to share occasional joinjoin the the boycottboycott of of anan anti-anti- Gay business.business. By RexRex Wockner 165 lbs. Get in touch if you're By Wockner 25-40. weekends in NorthernNorthern Wisconsin with •• Contribute toto National ComingComlng Out Possible relationship. No fats. Phone or Out IllinoisIllinois Gov. Gov. Jim Jim Edgar Edgar has has signedsigned two straight acting, medium built GWM. DayDay oror any other Gay/Lesbian or AIDS photo optional. P.O. 83173, Milwaukee Gay/Lesbian or AIDS domestic-domestic- partnershippartnership bills and a propro-- Camping, boating, nature hiker, etc. No organizations.organizations. 53223.!n!tf|g,;:;i:e::t:,;::p:;:ubc':!3,:;:yt*;i;i::jT! femmes,f%:ai£:pg:i;-.:a3tt:lan:!n'a.rTn:a:t;Le:s?r4?ju2`;''t58€9C:#° fats or druggies. (414) 529.9560 personspersons with AIDSAIDS bill, bill, and and vetoed vetoed an an earlyearly eveseves. The NationalNation`al ComingComing OutOut DayDay anti-anti- GayGay bill bill that that targeted targeted campuscampus Wanted: Photographer to assist in CampaignCampaign is aa non-non- profitprofit educationaleducational activists.activists. productioni:---::I:fff:=__--i::: of personal portfolio (35MM & All that I have is yours! Good-looking corporationcorpora_tion devoted devoted toto supporting supporting thethe video). Write with experience. Also GayGay andand AIDSAIDS activists activists expressedexpressed professional GWM tired of Vanilla sex LesbianLesbian and Gay community in living `surprise,' `shock' and `delight' that seeking safe playmates to keep warm this seeks 'surprise,' shock' and 'delight' that older Arrogant, leather/ bear/ moremore powerfu'ly.powerfully, equally, equally, and and visibly. visibly. To To winter. Me youthful 40ish, 5'7", 125, biker/ daddy Edgar,Edgar, a a Republican,Republican, sided sided with with them them 100 100 to teach me the art of orderorder the official Coming Out shirts, to excellent body & equipment. You — any submission and servitude. Please Out shirts, to percent. but one key activist termed ¥b£}:{il{¥;8:a?GV!::ri¥eat§§:i:v:ie§:igr!:lit::;jot becomebecome anan OfficialOfficial Sponsor, or for more percent but one key activist termed age but attractive to handsome. good body respond with photo to P.O. Box 1753, Sponsor, or for more Edgar'sEdgar's -actionsactions 'political.political pragmatism. pragmatism.'' (no fats) and thoroughly informationinformation pleaseplease call or write: National enjoy sex for Racine,keascE#wW.`t5hife£:to WI 53401. to P.O. Box 1753, call or write: National TheThe governor has has yetyet toto actact on a fifth sex's sake (no Greek). Write with recent ComingComing outout Day,Day, P.O. Box 8349 Santa Fe, P.O. Box 8349 Santa Fe, measuremeasure tracked by activists. photo; no meeting without photo; yours Foot Video. Into feet? You'll enjoy these 5 NMNM 87504:87504; (505)(505) 988-2558/ 98&2558/ (800)(800) 445- gets8:t°st°ij::.E::t;B¥3oT!t#:]uj.pinhft8;.yours mine. Box 93130, Milw. 53203. hot Chicago guys showing you their NCOD.NCOD. One ofof thethe partnershippartnership billsbills grantsgrants ▪ shoes,;£cO#{:d=:°kas;nbtfru:;f:et:ts¥§g'['ig::#nutahi#- socks, bare feet and more in a 2 hr. GWM, 28, 5'4.5". 150, hairy body, Br, actionaction filled VHS video.video. $20 to:to: E.E. BI.§prge.ar2d8;d:'4wl:':::gi'dh±-`'¥O:e#yhaB;: Bearded. Med. build — toned body, Kramer,Kramer, P.O. Box 14784,14784, Chicago,Chicago, IL 11. butch, like working out, movies, quiet 60614.60614. Air TravelTlzIvel to to California California evenings at home, and love having sex. I'm looking for Blondes or Red Heads, and Limo Service providedprovided tall,;:##|§t#ae:s¥:°rfke#nnd:e:s:ao:£:EV::gg.h3E5eqa¥:i: thin, smooth. bottom, 25-35 for Slave For A Day. GWM, 33, 5'11", 160 friendship or relationship. No fats or real lbs., humbly seeks to serve. Write and tell femme. Please send photo or indicate meg:r,:ho;ir6#?Os¥:i;#:t¥er:':;.ae*::t;e::i;a:e# how. No commitment; discreet. Box Residential andand OutpatientOutpatient Care phonei:f:in::::p:,:I::r:,I.a:t::n:d::eg:figtT8o.::sxin:gfr,?; number to: Bruce, P.O. Box 08373, 102.102, 54.645464 North North Port Port Washington Washington Road, Road, for Gays andand Lesbians Milw.Milw.,, WIWI 53208.53208. MilwaukeeMilwaukee 53217. contd.oontd. on pagepage 66 Ski? Looking for friend to go downhill SpecializingSpecializing in: skiing. Weekends and/or ski vacations this winter. Alcohol •. DingDrug Abuse No sex, just sports. Sharing ANNOYANCE PHONEPHONE expenses![|:':::|!¥#:d;::::i:.!fd;rrta¥:os::s|ffwfi# can make it affordable & fun for Anxiety •. Depression twot`^io or or more. more. I I have have vehicle, vehlcle, will will travel travel to to CALLSCAus IndianIndian Head area often thisthis winter.winter. Please HIV Related CounselingCounseling •. Work Stress call (Milwaukee), (Milwaukee), 344-7984,344-7984, leave leave ClassifiedClassified.nduertisersinl;Steo advertisers in In Step message, will returnreturn allall interestedinterested calls.calls. mayxpa¥ receivereceive annoyance annoyance calls.calls. In StayStep regretsregrets this intrusioriintrusion Wanted: G-Bl. WM 18-28. Friend - G-Bi, WM 18-28, Friend — intointo people'speopl`e's lives liups and and encourages encourages Private —- Confidential Confidential -— Insurance Insurance Accepted Accepted Companion — Lover, attractive to very you to take action if you receiJereceive attractive, long hair if possible. For good annoyanceannoyai.ce calls. If you receive times,t:a:a;,ta,¥h:,nog=g,ni§:I:.{f,np:¥s[s:£::e&F::ofi\¥ dining in-out. Into rock & roll — receive anar. unwantedunwonted call: videos, many other interests. Also •Do not glue any inf ormation until (TOLL(TOLL FREE 24 HOURS) possible live-in relationship. Serious •Do not give any information until inquires call George or leave message/ aa _c_allercaller has has been been identified.identif led. 1-800-232-5484I-800-232-5484 •_Hang up at the first o-bscene or phone number: (S.E. WI) 1-800-339-2978, •Hang up at the first obscene or outsideini:;:;,i:;;ci,!ie;g:,,8:I:g:;;ai:.;-;3::i%s-is;9:-i!g;:8; S.E. WI (414) 567- 3270. harassing u]ord.word. Spencer •lf•.If callscqlls persist, persist, contactcont;act your your Spencer locallocal phonephone company se;Viceservice GWM,CWM. 28,28. 6', 6'. 175 175 lbs., lbs.. br/br, br/br, attractive, attractive, representative. Their phone honest, Recovery sincere, good sense of humor and number i.sis in .yo_uryour white u]irite pages, pages, or Recovery downI:*enst,tosjnecaerrt:,.gEconfo;:nsqeu,Pefth:E£{santg to earth. Enjoys or quiet nights to on your local phone bill. nights out. Many interests — open to new experiences. Seeking partner for Centers,Centers. Inc.® Inc. ® friendship/ relationship. Photo if It is a crime for anyone to possible. make obscene or harassing P.O. Box 93893, Milwaukee, make obscene or harassing CENTERS ARE LOCATED IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA WI#:it;i:h:itcp:,¥oa::i';nil;o:isg-:a°#:n;:::::e:i 53203. telephone calls. LOCATED IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA A.

•ln•In Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23,10-23.199l.Page 1991•Page 1818 eln•]n Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23.10-23, 1991•Page199l.Pege 63 Pink Angels to act in consort with the NY disabled personspersons- and senior citizens who Young Men Men oror Ladies Ladles — - WhoWho sometime NY Nationwide/Nationwide/ Soulmate: Confident Chicago Police Department to protect the sometime suburban livelive inin government-government.- subsidized subsidized housinghousing act like 'naughty little boys or girls' may Long Island home- owner. good liveslives andand property of every citizen of thethe looking the right toto register aa roomthateroommate Ofof their contact:::t):t:a`n::tguhrtey,}i#+e,::¥Su:rd8r!:::'nd|:! a mature, firm, and understanding redhead, masculine. 33, muscular community, especially especially thethe GayGay and and and stocky, 6'2". 205 lbs , seeks a very choosing withwith thethe countycounty clerk.clerk. It will Counselor for guidance, and proper Lesbian citizenscitizens who becomebecome thethe target of good looking, masculine straight acting/ allow GayGay PWAs PWAs` acrdand Gay/Gay/ Lesbian corrective therapy. Write to: R.K., P.O. /I- hate crimes. Box:o:I::2:5e,lv:erMt#f;rraaEkyge:iSE[ce:;t?6:EdK?r8p6r 237, Milwaukee, WI 53201. appearing athletic, muscular, fit WM, any seniorsSeniors. to live with their Loverslovers with the height. truck driver to exec. Serious about The Pink AngelsAngels willwill undergo self- government's blessing andand assistance. assistance, health, training at the gym. relationship which was the intentionIntention Ofof the law's defense trainingtraining by Chicago's Guardian ORGANIZATIONS and a lifetime of security. Enjoy dining, authors. Angels and New York'§York's Pink Pink Panthers. Panthers, travel, entertainment and much more. Are for thethe purposepurpose of self-self- defense in the you ready to change each The other partnership measuremeasure allows other's life? Go event they become the target of a hatehate-- for¥o°ru{trF#6;°6;S.anrfuFach it! (516) 679- 8640. other.s life? Go hospitalized personspersons toto namename the crime.crime, "No team member will ever ever be be individualsindividuals theythey consider toto bebe theirtheir HATE CRIMES allowed toto patrol patrol a a beat beat withoutwithout the Sexually Compulsive? The only family.family , Again, Again, the the bill's authors authors were were companionship of another teamteam requirement for membership in Sexual thinking of Gays andand LesbiansLesbians —- in HOTL INE member.- Alyn said, "our mission is Compulsives Anonymous (SCA) is a particular. those who find themselves in particular, those who find themselves in one:neem.Eepr;;'ce?:ynnd.s:id:c,i`;::Ia.:ibs:;::.i: of peace. and our actions are based on desire to stop having compulsive sex.. For intensive-intensive- carecare wards,wards, where, where, ordinarily. ordinarily, SCA meeting info. love forfor ourour community. §e;§i}g:!t:B:;:i:g::g;v{i!Si!*;i:::Xe!e:;¥call 276-6936. only close,close, legallegal family family members members are are 444'7331 Seeking CALL GBM: allowed to visit. to report incidents of Gay Bashing For permanent Anyone desiringdesiring more informationintormation relationship.Seei::i!onn8hip.G%%:M, GWM, 47. I;,I 6', 6,,Pe{5m5an,eb:: 155 measure targeted Gays lbs, The campus measure targeted Gays about membershipmembership etc.,etc., shouldshould direct direct sincere, professional. Looking for one and Lesbians who areare trying to remove the their calls toto AlynAlyn R. TolerToler (312)(312) 549-7215 special person, similar age and interests. Reserve Officers Training Corp from or (312) 472-1228.472-1228. TheThe PinkPinl{ rAngelsAngels havehave (Anonymous/Confid (25-;2;:e:CeL:i)'PRe:rc:h%:n:.::S'ignja!l)r2£3?ok2';g8i£::re:tnse 40) Richard, (608) 242-0279. IllinoisIllinois universities toto punish the also voiced aa needneed for funding.funding. If you Department ofof Defense for its ban on would bebe interestedinterested in making a private Scratch My Itch! Talented tongue and Interested In The Realm — of TS/ TV/ homosexualshomosexuals. SimilarSimilar campaignscampaigns' are Interested ln The Realm - of TS/ TV/ fancy fingers needed to keep this bottom contribution for start-up start-up costs, costs, please please Cross Dressing? Contact thethe TS/TS/ TVTV underway at more than 100 collegescolleges contact Alyn atat the listed number. They happy.ga:p:p;;?ln#::I::e:,'de!,a£[;,:#::g5tt°h|,::?eott:o:i Me, 24, 6'2", 195 lbs. and Connection. a new path to understanding generous nipples. You, fit, healthy and nationwide. need money.money, cellularcellular telephones, telephones, walkie walkie and acceptance. Call any time, 483-2227 authorizing talkies, and more. V fun, able to spank. Couples possible. Lastly.Lastly, EdgarEdgar\ signedsigned a billbill authorizing or;Fogwn.a::c:;opi;7acfe!:¥:h:,i::;=2g|e,I,¥Pfk3f write: TS/TV Connection. 2197 S. KK Send:#:#r:p3£:[t:5::#£:¥'Cp;:;bl*::#;si73orj: photo & phone, P.O. Box 92701, the state toto pay thethe privateprivate healthhealth-- V Ave.Ave.,, Suite 707, Milw.Milw.,, WIWI 53207. 53207. Social Sceial Milw.. WI 53202. insuranceinsurance premiums ofof HIV- positivespositives gathering,' Meeting/ Support last 2139 PacineBacilie St.St. •. Racine,Rac]ne, WIWl • . 634-9804634-9804 Saturday8:ttuhredrajyn%/ of every ev¥;e:`onn¥(. month. Support last who quitquit working, in hopeshopes ofof keeping keeping Hwy 32. South them off Medicaid. Are You Alone? A final measuremeasure tracked by activists, activists, "No matter who you PEOPLE "No mutter who you 999, awaits Edgar's action. Senate Bill 999, awaits Edgar's action. JO'DEE'Sjo'B2EthE'shtlBalryJane&Company are. there is someonesomeone Tied to thethe national hysteria overover HIV-HIV- for whom you are thethe infectedinfected health-health- carecare workers.workers, itit wouldwould Baby Jane & Company Athletic GWM:CWM: Good-looking.Gcod-lcoking, 5'9", 5'9", 140 140 perfect match." Find require the statestate health department to lbs. Near 40, seeks monogamous male it It that person throughthrough under age 39 and under 160 lbs. Letter ft. the science of . . .. launchlaunch an investigationinvestigation any timetime itit learnslearns Saturday,Sandav. October October 12 and picture, P.O. Box 532, Green Bay, WI /EilliandEuilluuE]E]t±mt that .aa health- .carecare providerprovider andand aa patientpatient ShowtimeShowhe 10:30 10:30 pinpm . -Cover Cover 54305.g:SfeBrrc:i:ee,org'`8Sned:::xng?i:1:£:?:°suBsab?tt#i ComputerComputer. were involved in a medicalmedical "invasive "invasive • qu Guest Stan . (800)(800) 633-6969 - Special Guest Stars • (24 hour answering) MatchingMatching` procedure" that "may have presented a •• Mandi McCallMctm . Sandy Beach GWM Early 30's. dark blond, bottom, possible risk of HIV transmission," if • Sandy Beach Serving Wisconmn Gay men since 1582 possible risk of HIV transmission," if • Miss Key West . Male Dancers seeking straight, bi, or beginners for Call for a free brochure unit application. such an investigationinvestigation would be 'medically`medically • Miss Key West • Male Dancers quick safe sex, often. HIV neg. only. not appropriate." It also mandates HIV Victoria'sVlctorha's VndetyVariety RemucRevue into S&M, bondage, or kink. Must be testing:eps:::;rig;e.;:rs:tnsa:ioa,g=dan::,thess.xHu'aY of persons charged with sexual discreet, I am. Nude photo appreciated. Master Seeking Slave: For safe and mild assault Saturday,Satndav. OctoberOctoha 19 Serious§nii;:¥£::;:i,:;iebi§::0;iat!i::§#;i:;8:;i¥t°:;oi only. P.O. Box 07773, Milw., WI discipline for weekends only. Candidate ShowtimeShowhe 10:30pm10:fry . -Cover Cover 53207. should be 21-35 y.o. Send resume & photo to hit • With qu Guests . to: Occupant. P.O. Box 23958, Suite 114. PinkPink AngelsAngels to hit • With Special Guests - Professional GWM Looking for Milw.;#;CS;i;!!;3:a!;1::i;iy§e:k:got:nsFd2°§;£u::;:a:d::iji:, WI 53223. April May, Tabitha & relationship. 40's, 5'11", blond/green, Chicago streetsstreets quMay,Thitha&beDance 145%,;:,?s::s'i!a:,i4:,:.nTT:::,|L:?,:o'n:dzsg.r:,:.f lb.. am slim and toned not muscular. Chicago —- TheThe PinkPink AngelsAngels are an anti- Becoming non-smoker. Owns own French ActiveActive GWM: CWM: 40's, 40's, 5'7", 5'7", 140, 140, violence projectproject formed to combat hatehate =¥E+_i business.g::j°n=;:? p::fne-rsmd:tE:.Prefer dark- haired ha%%S butch b:t¥: brown/blue, mustache. hung, uncut. guy who enjoys slightly older crimes, and areare thethe first first major major 35ish+ Seeking cut French passive males. P.O. guy; I enjoy almost anything socially & City '91-92 Box:;;kw€#c::ier'::¥rutsftafs:siy!u#gi'esTnfs: 632, Gurnee, IL 60031. undertaking byby Mr.Mr. windywindy City '91-92 sexually/ No S&M. Call Ron. Days (414) Alyn R.R. Toler.Toler. Alyn hashas said in a missionmission 792-1690;%s±:a¢9y:,,ng,§§e§Wk#§sste;:1;i;t±;:i::;3;;,Sa,{# Evenings: (414) 783-4131. statement thatthat itit isis thethe intentionintention of The •In•In Step•OctoberStep.Octcher 10-23,10-23.199l.Page 62 1991•Page 62 *In•In Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23,1991•Page10-23.199l.Page 19 Bartender Wanted: Select position still INSURANCE available.:vaai,eanb?:.rc¥trn#jt:e::]e£5.5Prfe°rfetj::ffi]! Call Mike at 445-5500 or 444- 8707.8707. My Business Partner Died of AIDS on PAYING TOO MUCH FOR SERVICES INSURANCE? October 31, 1990 . . . MGR RISE AUTO • AUTO • HOME • RENTERS • BOAT Lonely? Try Randy's Send name and CALL FOR A FREE QUOTE! On November 30, 1991 he will address to Randy's, 6666 Odana Rd., SuiteKit::¥95t:onyMRaa:n:gngd*:;Sw#n3d29§::Seer# 195. Madison, WI 53219. Serving 7/6trauot Isedevuucee you withwith pride!!pride! ! 1-800.236.8041 MADISON AREA: 608.8734040 become part of the AIDS Memorial Quilt

Silver Touch Cleaning Service.Service. Reliable, Reliable, affordable,arf£:Ed2a4B:e|295e.rsonalized personalized service. service. Call call WE`^/I I`IEEDNEECO YOURYOLJR HELPHELP Mark 242. 1205. COUNSELING Mailing/ Ce Volunteers In Call 271-5819 0 PanehnakingPandmafty 0 The QuiltQuin willwlu Shipping Service — Starting Psychotherapy — Counseling for ILI October#c#Lne9r/ 28,2§t!P.Pi:8 'The Mailbox'#affbc:x. -wiiita:tfrne¥will offer individuals and couples (Teen-agers ialE :un#are needed to to= tTndpr::8a]9Z„ to receive a ... workshopsworhohopr z behe on displaydlsplny mailing and address/ box rental; mail Adults). Insurance is accepted. Clinics in hel P with all X0 flyer about IL are sehed- ed- Nov.Now. 30, sO, DecDue 1 1 forwarding; UPS Shipping; and FAX Z Milwaukeei§+§t:g;u:a!i:a:n:dagnocc:°k=;::;:!°:ii#:§i:a%:fn;i and Oak Creek. Call Michael J. aspects fix Service. Call 483-2500, or stop in 2197 Roller,F{oller, M.Ed. M.Ed. at at 272- 272-6868. 6868. D of the 1,17( variouswlous ,,.. uled.ukrd. Call ou and DceDec 22 atat South KK ::#f# Avenue i during our 9-5 .-11 Quilt. Call Z fundraising "• GloriaGIorfu Wright wrtyt the UW-Stu-uw-stu- Mon.-Sat. hours. Box rental applications O available now. Why rent a P.O. Box or use COUNSELING FOR: i ELgT332-Dennis at 332- 0 5 ideas:dTea¥ and LT: atall 562-0229 56@cO dent Union. Urn. your;§r;ii:i:d:!ij:ii:u{j;S:hog:i:i;i;Tie;g:i:o'iirti!§ real address — Use ours! •> 8423,8423,Dinue Dianne O a events.events. Z for moreDue W-h- For moremore in-h- rL= •• Relationships 0o atat 2;I-Sill 271-3111 dror ig formation.fornuth. formation,fornmth, Henry's ApartmentApartment ServiceService — - We'll •• SexualSeunal Identity IssuesIssues I— manage = n. your apartments for you — no •• Individualhdividual TherapyTherapy 2644800.264-8800. callun 264-8800. 264-8800. property too large or too F:igii:t:y,ye:a?.n!a:ri!::a:,::st!orTshy:oau`,::,Ff:,ismall. Full service, reasonable rates — The best for JEANIE E.E. SIMPKINS, M.S. M.S. In Memory of David P. Iraci 1957-1990 -2e|S9S;a:|1th48?-KsoZ3:.?r#oonp.-ins:tT:;-£i.ceatless! Call 483-3020, or stop in our office at 282-6160 -2197 South KK Ave., Mon.- Sat., 9-5. `Stark Naked Cleanlng...facts': Be Clinical Hypnosis — 'Stark Hypnosis for stress Naked Cleaning...facts': Be management, improved studies, affordable. Reliable. Personalize Service. anxiety, Personalize Service. depression, weight loss, phobias Have experience and and BUILDING references in smoking. Health insurance is accepted. A COMMUNITY IN Residence/office cleaning. Be honest. Clinicsi|;inriiin;%.:H:g!f!isg:!i:!|ai!:;:g::i:;ic;cifp:;iii in Milwaukee and Bonded/insured. Oak Creek. Call But always be good! Michael J. Roller,Fioller, M.Ed. M.Ed. atat 272- 6868.6868. Calli:a;:d€eedn;{n7::T¥::€:hcee3,ue::n::Ea3:a:y:s:I::s::F#t: Paul...the 'Soap-Suds Kid' DOWNTOWN MILWAUKEE 265-1105. THEADORErmADonE I. I. FTtmDmAN. FR.IEDMAN, Ph.D.ph.D. PsychotherapistPrych®thempiit":nt.dllco.tieftl1] St. James Episcopal Private. discreet services in a non medical Win(. by • Church LOHMAN highlyun]apulcaedpr:I:.d=Ou£=rhoulT#T=e?.Imd.rim...a.pe]tplla.u experienced profesaional. Homebo®d sersicec student rates; payment plans as necessary.®C®,ny.M[#ieds°6i.2fues5BNi#i4¥:;£#B;27 833 West Wisconsin Avenue FUNERAL SERVICE Suite 206. 2266 N. Prospect Avenue JOE KOCH - Owner I/ Director MILWAUKEE, WI 53202; (414) 272-2427 Suite 2506. S5 E. Washington -Inquiries lr[vited - CHICAGO,cH[%ufgofffro55OE2E;¥r2pF2gg24L - Inquiries Invited - IL 60602; (312) 726-5241 SUNDAY LITURGIES WEEKDAY LITURGIES 804 W. Greeenfield Aye.Ave. Holy Eucharist Masses (Main Chapel) MICHAEL G. PAZDAN„NCSW,E CADC, Milwaukeermlwaukee •. 645-1575 Psychotherapist (Nativity Chapel ) 8am Mon, Tues - 12:10 pm ::dual, couples therapy, Song Eucharist Wed - 5:15 pm coining out issues, se_xtial 10:30 am Thur, Fri - 12:10 pm TRAVEL ;;i.identity as't issues,ti`` }UV+, & < drug/alcohol adult child therapyi5 Frenchtown Inn Offers relaxing fall 4 14-54a'3-1135 3-1135 colorama in beautiful north country for two PARISH OFFICE: nights for two plus breakfast for $50. Only four plus hours drive. (715) 453-3499. 271-1340 Bring;;ii::a:piai;i:i:::uiFs:,sf:bi:;f:i:fi(;ti#ti;#£# cameras. •1n•]n Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23.10-23, 1991•Page199l.Paye 20 •1n•]n Step•OctoberStay.October 10-23, 1991•Page 199l.Page 6161 Nice 2 flat, Br/ 2 bath Apt. Nov. 1, near PersonPerson to shareshare loftloft-like-like 33 bedroombedroom flat, Southridge available now with 2 others. Rent $190 per Mall. New building. or Washer/dryer, central H/A, all Group Notes month plus 1/3 utils. Call 9am-2pm appliances. , ask for Thor. Phone Underground parking with anytime Fri.- Sun. closed circuit security 372-5556.ii+fabiiiEr:i:Its::u;ii:t:ecr%!R#ir921pr#:;: Job transfer out-of• I,-.,:+ Gala state. Looking for resp. person/ couple to Gala dinnerdinner dance in UnitedUnited hashas sub-lease. Flexible Gay Roommate! To share i#i::iiig:f;;:ar::ii:iJt;ti#::i::,;i:iterms. Call for details. We need a 281-8521 (anytime).(anytlme). MadisonMadison Nov.Nov.15 15 newnew leaderleader beautiful 3 bedroom Eastside apartment with other men. $160.00/mo., plus MadisonMadl8on — - TheThe United'sUnlted's new two 1 Bedroom — (Deposit needed). Available Apartments Upper & lower — All members of Administrative Coordinator, Jane 1/3 utilities in 8 unit building, quiet & MadisonMadlson - All members of Administrative Coordinator, Jane Nov.#i}u:ni#i[o::s:iiog:yFi::fLS£¥\!i#:'n:AS#ri!jj 1 For more information and viewing secure. Miller Wisconsin'sWlsconsln's LesbianI.esblan and Gay community Vanderbosch, isis aa womanwoman wellwell prepared prepared toto Valleytn.¥n#eT#gful:ctd-&|:sp£E:=fqu#:|H¥ area. Backyard is Marquettes call 276- 8766. .'ractlce field. Heat & hot water lnc.luded. areate invited to attendattend the 5th annual dinner leadlead an "agency``agency for social social change." change." JaneJane practice field. Heat & hot water included. $325325 per month.month. Ng__pet_§_._No Call Henry'§ and dance of The NewNew HarvestHarvest comescomes toto TheThe United with a Ph.D.Ph.D. inIn Responsible M/F wanted to rent 2 room pets. Call Henry's Apartment Service,Service, 483--3020.483-3020. Foundation,Foundation, scheduledscheduled for for Friday, Friday, Women's studies,studies, and experienceexperience as as upper & share bath/ kitchen. Near 27th & November 15 1nin the Gershwin BallroomBallroom ®fof state staffstaffperson person for the Wisconsin Mitchell.#p:E::e¥::ke#%,hzaE%:h£.rN#f:2%7REt Nice/ Clean house. I'm GWM, the Masonic TempleTemple inin Madivson.Madison. The chapter Ofof thethe National Organization for 3333. $285/mo.$285/mo. incl. utilltie§.utilities. 672-5600. PetPet REAL ESTATE Masonic Temple isls located at 301 Women and the Wisconsin Women'sWomen's OK. After 5:30pm. Property Managers Too the Wisconsin Avenue. Network. Sq. Ft.; near busy, leaving Large East Side Condo. 2700 area for an extended period? The theme ofof the event isls "Come Out Jane hopes to "build on the stabllltystability UWM Spacious private bedroom and We wil manage your property.. . duplexes, with the Stars for a Night on Broadway," that Doug Bauder created andand soso lovinglylovingly bath. Updated kitchen, laundry; sitting apartments, commercial, single, family and will featurefeature aa champagne andand horshors d' maintained" at The United.United. "I'm"I'm also fully-furnished living, dining and homes. CMJ Gay male. Property Managers. P O. oeuvresoeuures reception at 7pm, follow/edfollowed at at 8pm 8pm interestedinterested in expanding thethe rangerange Ofof rooms. Financially responsible Box 71182, WI includes heat. Call Bob at i¥e¥:c:F:8i:Ej:;FEii:i#¥i;Milwaukee, 53211, 476- byby a catered dlrmerdinner with a choicechoice Ofof three support groups,"groups. " she says, says, $350/mo. 6241. 963-9833. entrees and aa dessert buffet. After dinner,dinner, "strengthening"strengthenlng thethe !nformatloninformation and the Ame[lcanAmerican JazzJazz ExpressExpress SextetSextet will referralreferral aspects ofOf the the agency, agency, and and National Register District: Historic 5 restored. entertain with a varietyvariety of dance mu§lcmusic wideningwldenlng ourour educationaleducatlonal outreachoutreach HOUSING bedroom Victorian completely Beautiful woodwork, plaster moldings. until midnight. efforts." stained glass, pocket doors and fireplace. The annual dinner and dance of The Vanderbosch furtherfurther hopes to provide GHM seeks a room in your home. Will Highest efficiency furnace, security New Harvest Foundation is open to workshops on race awareness and help8eTp¥w#h*h::Fk¥e:r_fgr°urredhu°£g.r¥n]:: with the upkeep for reduced rent. system. two car garage, English garden, everyone,gveewryo#ea,or%:ss::u:i:t*:a stresses co-chair of ;;the t£:e:ve:: event internalizedinternalized homophobia,homopbobla, firstfirst toto United United $100- $150 per mo.mfrmY° No sex, tff4', drugs, dr7#rfe or updated wiring, plumbing. Call Tim 933- Lisa Fusaro.Fusaro. "It's "It's not aa fund-fund- falser.raiser. It i§is volunteers and thenthen toto thethe communitycommunity at smoking After 9pm, (414) 771-9368 9119.[i:i;¥:t!¥:!tili±¥a::ti!:ih::iii;ii; 'Felix.iF:e#i?SJ.sofieerr' an opportunity for ourour peoplepeople to getget large.large. Mobile Home — 2 Bdrm, completely together. wine and dine, sing and dance, together, wine and dine, sing and dance, One of herher firstfirst initiativesinitlatives is to Apt. 2 bedroom, living room, furnished, enclosed screened porch community." "actively tsolicit ideas and opinions from East Side andandbuildasenseOfcomtTlunity.'' build a sense of "actively solicit ideas and opinions from dining room, natural woodwork, built-in w/storms, metal storage shed, many ReservationsReservations for '``Come'Come OutOut with the members Ofof the various communities that buffet, window seat. $425 plus gas & elec. extras. Lake rights, Jon Boat incl. Quiet Stars for aa Night Night on on Broadway," Broadway," are are The UnitedUnited servesserves — - GayGay men, men, Lesbians, Lesbians, Hot water included, 273- 6394. Delavan§x!ita;s:;is#is::=:€ngihE;3:;ELff:3¥r}al§,i§;;Piii area, near 1-43. (608) 883-2097 ##tfj:a'ti#,#uhsai:trit|g#:k:g&:#£# evenings,evenings, mustmust sell.sell. available now at $35$35 perper person. This Bisexuals, People People of Of Color, Color, the the Old, Old, Poor, Poor, price includesincludes thethe reception,reception, dinnerdinner and and Disabled,Dlsabled, WomenWomen — - onon howhow wewe can can meet mect wine, dessert dessert buffet buffet and and entertainment.entertainment. the changes and challengeschallenges Ofof the Gay Booth & Reservoir. Large, sunny 3 Brm. EMPLOYMENT Off-street parking, skyline view. Reservations will bebe acceptedaccepted through 90's.90's.„- flat. Great neighborhood. Appliances; no pets. •IE= Monday,Monday, NovemberNovember 4.4. A A reservation reservation formform "Send.` ``me your comments, critiques, Secure Position. Young, good-looking "Send me your comments, critiques, Available mid-October. $465. Call executive by calling (608) ¥aa:a%!;#¥E°£;crt¥bp:pi:a§#frgx5::E£] seeks straight or straight maymay bebe obtained obtained by calling (608) solutionssolutlons andand agendas,"agendas," she concludes. 562-0768 weekendsweekends oror weekday evenings.evenings, appearing 18-30 to work ` `We need your participatlon. ' ' in renovations of 255-6553. "We need your participation." or 786- 1263. Real Estate projects. Salary, full benefits The NewNeJ FlaivestHarvest Foundatio'n,Foundation, a a tax-ten- and possibly housing. Send photo and exempt organization foundedfounded inin 1984,1984, 3 Bedroom,Bedroom. Lower. Imrer. Southside, spacious, spacious, resumeF#¥:::b?;£i;a:ii:ffji;j%:ri:g¥¥ii! to Machelle- Euro, P.O. Box NewNew Harvest Harvest natural contributes toto groupsgroups and projects that living room, dining room, natural 55357, Madison, Madlson, WIWI 53705-9157.53705-9157. woodwork,#V#gjorrk:°T:undJS`niaciii%g,' laundry facilities, parking. benefit the Lesbian and GayGay communitiescommunities accepting grantgrant parking. With heat,heat, $450.er50. Available Nov. Nov. 1st, 1st, call call Male DancersD.ncers Wanted:Wanted: ContactContact JoeJoe (414)(414) of Madison and Dane County. Since its of Madlson and Dane County. Since Its applications 384- 8334. 278-8925, Mon.Mom. - -Wed. Wed. inception,inception, thethe FoundationFoundation has has raised raised and and The NewNew Harvest Harvest FoundationFoundation is dispersed over $100,000 and and waswas McKinley Blvd. 3030 W. Nice one is looking for an ambitious accepting applications until October 31 for Scrub & Dust instrumentalinstrumental inin bringing American artistartlst accepting applications until October 31 for bedroom upper. Heat, appliances, person to join our home/ office cleaning George Segal'sSegal's sculpture. sculpture, "Gay "Gay newnew grants forfor projectsprojects oror servicesservices to be laundry, storage, & cable included. team. Days. Leave a message for Joe at Liberation," to MadisonMadlson where itlt wasivas funded lnin thethe firstfirst partpart Of of 1992. Building is a Historic landmark and is 427-0831.Fffi:i::;¥,t[!:I:¥=9e!oi:ga::::F#:a: secure. Pets OK, installedinstalled in Orton Park for four years. quiet and $250.00 month. John 771-7743 or days 577-2379. contd,contd. on pagepage 22

!., __r ` - 2) •In•In Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23, 1991•Page 199l.Page 6060 would havehave tied the disparate pieces materials and resource groups, while together better asas aa bock.book. However, this this Is ls many of thethe contributorscontributors toto thethe collection only volumevolume 11 ofOf the the series series Women/ Women/ give not only their own reading reading Cancer/ Fear/ Power, and no doubtdoubt anyany suggestions but a varietyvariety of philosophical, gaps in the material owillwill eventually eventually by spiritual, andand medical paths toto explore as as filled in.in' well —- whatwhat isis helpfulhelpful forfor one womanwoman may InIn any case,case, these flaws areare minorminor in in the the not be helpful for another.another. face ofof the the message message — - oror rather, rather, Cancer asae a Women'sWomen'8 IssueIssue is not messages -— thatthat thisthis bookbook brings. withoJtwithout its faults,faults, however. It It could could have, have, Among thesethese messagesmessages areare thatthat wewe — - for instance,instance, used moremore careful careful women —- needneed toto learn.learn fromfrom thethe AIDSAIDS proofreading —- even some lastlast minriteminute model ways of dealingdealing with the scanning mightmisht have eliminated at least government andand with the health care one reallyreally unfortunateunfortunate line brealt.break. The system; thatthat we need toto politlclzepoliticize cancer.cancer, WHO book would probablyprobably havehave benefitedbeneflted as because it is18 a a political political issue issue — - inin the IS AT RISK? EVERYONE. well from beingbeing moremore tightlytightly edited.edited. When ways it lt, isis andand` is notnot fundedfunded and and receivingreceiving submissionssubmlsslons fromfrom womenwomen researched,researched, inln what areare thethe purportedpurported andand It does not matter WHO YOU ARE across the countrycountr!/ on an thethe samesatne topic,topic, a a actual causes,causes, andand in in the the wayway itlt isls takentaken certain amount Ofof repetitionrepet!t!on isls to be for granted; and and thatthat we don'tdon't have to be but it does matter that WHAT YOU DO expected. ButBut II thinkthink the reader wouldwould passive in thethe faceface Ofof illness. But'But iflf there have been better servedserved lfif somesome Ofof that isis one underlyingunderlying themetheme toto thisthis collectioncollection puts youyou atat riskrisk forfor HIVHIV infection and AIDS.AIDS. had been eliminatedellmlnated byby thethe editor.editor. Also,Also, aa itit is this, asas Carol GloorGlcor putsputs itlt so wellwell inin historical/historical/ statistlcalstatistical introduction to the her poem "Fear Ofof Cancer":Cancer'': "my"my cells overall topictopic might might have have beenbeen useful uschl and whisper, Listen, Listen, /live ^lve now." now." V FOR MORE INFORMATION, Classics CONTACT THE MILWAUKEE AIDS PROJECT

GWM needed to share apartment. Prefer ROOMIES non-smoker Completely furnished except for your room. Rent is $260 plus deposit •Wi• \/\/isconsin c•n in AIAID Dsline lin . and:o:T;io;i¥#:e::Ee;:T#2ir#Tju:ii.?e:xm¥Ti 1/2 utilities. Call 475-6893 for more Roommates Unlimited! The best people info.info. In[n Milwaukee,Milwaukee, 273273-AIDS-AIDS andgnimpTaact:t¥nnsE::*'jnThMeii£::tkeEe°apn': places to share in Milwaukee and most major cities. The only computerized Looking for GWM 35 to 45 to share one InIn Wisconsin,wisconsin,1-COO-334-AIDS 1-800-334-AIDS lifestyle network makes your connections bedroom apt and to have relationship. fast.!Tf§tstfy2T:a#:Ori!OTr:k;:mdT£:io];to:uio:#:.:#fag 25% off w/ad! Call Today! 1- 800- Must have job. $250 month includes 594-5161. utilities, cable, washer/dryer and food. Send photo, will get mine. Please write: EnglishEnglish HoursHours GWM to share house & upkeep. Own H.E.#.i::S^§£##h!anfk#oi`n:h!S=:§se#t Miller, 701 Jackson St. Fort Monday through Friday9a.m.Friday 9 a.in. to 9 p.in.p m. room, parking, $300 includes utilities, Atkinson, WI 53538. Spanish/English Hours deposit same. 342-7064 (weekdays after Tuesday and Thursday 3 to 6 p.in. 5pm). Must have references & be Share my 2 bedroom apartment, near Tuesday 4,4 Thu to 6 p employed.[ffTp#i;:piaru¥s?:r:igrfin;ci:lEctesgs:,¥ Timmermani#:ermmyan2Fit#¥oTurasphg::ts2&e: Field. Your share is $200 a month, plusplus 1/2 utilities.utilities. Call 438-0340,438-0340, I I GWM and well behaved older dog have a speech impediment so please be desperately need roommate (GWF or understanding.::I:r:tasnpdejencgh. impediment so please be straight acting male) to help find and • or call or write • share flat or Apt. in or near Bayview. GWMCWM 40 toto 50 to share large apartment, Milwaukee AIDS Project Leave message if no answer. Serious only. 65th & Layton. $300/mo. plus 1/2 utilities. Marc:i:;i:£#Tii:iipina::i:?;i:jdie]:i:i![d±:¥ 769-1616. I own a small business Must be employed.3tg#:,i3E£.-;!:u;,ffi:ei:;i Call 282-3437 after P.O_Box 92505 and I'm responsible.responsible. 3pm.3Mpums:AbveaiieaBFe) Available immediately. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202 Non-Smoking GWM 45, to share large GWF Couple, looking for roommate. (4 1 4)-27'3-1 95 1 South Side home. Own room, parking, Responsible person to share a three $250. per month, deposit $200.00. bedroom apt. on South side of Milwaukee. 384-2169.fg]ifl:;?:;:hE::g¥,¥*o!lf::Sr3e:5:o:3j!: Available now. If no answer Owni:f:F=niir:ep;e#r!f::ihn;:|&;:i#eiFaFjait[:: bedroom — $200.00 a month leaveleave message. includesincludes utilities. CallCall 645-0915.645-0915. • •In Step.October 10-23, 199l.Page 22 •In Step•October 10-23, 1991•Page 22 •In•In Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23, 10-23, 1991•Page 199l.Page 59 59, screeningscreening committee thoroughly evaluates contd.contd. fromfrom paig®page 2020 evaluates leadingleading cause ofof deathdeath inin womenwomen ages 35 eacheach application application andand makes makes Applications are welcome from any tax- toto 54 and withwith oneone outout ofof nine women inin Applications are welcome from any tax- recommendationsrecommendations toto thethe full boardboard of exempt group, even one not ordinarily thisthis countrycountry projected projected toto get get breast breast exempt group, even one not ordinarily directorsdirectors for final disposition. To obtainobtain associatedassociated with the Gay and Lesbian an application for a New Harvest grant, cancer,cancer, virtually all ofOf us us have have known known or o[ CLIC/WCHICA€0 and Lesbian an application for a New Harvest grant, will know know a a woman worian inin ourour lives with community.community. An individualindividual oror organizationorganization youyou maymay writewrite thethe ScreeningScreening CommitteeCommittee at at cancer.cancer. IfIf wewe areare lucky,lucky, it it won't won't be be us. us. lackinglacking tax-tax- exempt exempt statusstatus may apply for a PostPost OfficeOffice Box Box 1786, 1786, Madison, Madlson, WI WI grantgrant through a tax- exempt organizationorganization 53701.53701. You might might thinkthink thatthat a book aboutabout thatthat agreesagr`ees toto act act as as contract contract cancercancer would bebe depressing. And on some administrator.administrator. ChildrenChildren with levellevel itit is.is. but but it it is is also also infuriating, infuriating, MANYMANY GROUPSGROUPS APPLY radicalizing.radicalizing, energizing, energizing, hopeful, hopeful, and and SinceSince 1985,1985, the the Foundation Foundation has has AIDS benefitbenefit triumphant.triumphant. In short,short, this bookbock willwill awardedawarded over $102,OcO$102,000 to to Dane Dane County County changechange the vi;ayway youyou think think about about cancer.cancer. organizationsorganizations and individuals. Some were Some Of the stories in this anthology MilwaukeeMllunukee —- TheThe OberonsOberons willwill host Some of the stories in this anthology generalgeneral community serviceservice agencies, agencies, detail the personal odyssey of a woman theirtheir secondsecond BeerBeer BustBust forfor thethe ChristmasChristmas detail the personal odyssey of a woman othersothers Gay or lesbian groups.groups. TheThe grants with cancer; others are more politcally grants ClubClub forfor ChildrenChildren WithWith AIDSAIDS on on Saturday, Saturday, with cancer; others are more politcally havehave fundedfunded projectsprojects benefitingbenefitlng the Gay October 1919 at at thethe Wreck Room.Room. TheThe $5se oriented.oriented. But nearly all show us women 2914 N. Broadway, Chicago andand Lesbian Lesbian community community through through who have refused to be passive, who have beer bust begins atat 9pm.9pm. The Oberons who have refused to be passive, who have (312) 525-6550 educationaleducational andand culturalcultural eventsevents andand health provideprovide allall thethe beerbeer soso thatthat all the learnedlearned to taketake responsibilityresponslblllty forfor theirtheir and social services.services. health and their lives without accepting proceedsproceeds can go towards the Christmas health and their lives without accepting j i ta A m : In making awards, New Harvest gives blame for their illness. WeWe see women In making awards, New Harvest gives Club.Club. The August bust raised $169.00. blame for their illness. see 8 preference to new andand innovativeinnovative projects who have discovered theirtheir o`A/nown innerinner PriorPrior toto thethe Beer Beer Bust, Bust, the the Oberon Oberon or servicesservices thatthat respondrespond to unmetunmet needs.needs. strength, women whowho question question authority, authority, "CHICAGO'S LATE Associates andand FriendsFriends will gathergather for the ;,I..:.I NIGHT SPOT ,`...` TILL 4 AM" I However, it will fund fund Improvement Improvement or or women who knowknow whatwhat they want and willwill EE= annual Associates AppreciationAppreclatlon Dinner. expansionexpansion of an onon-going-going service or agree to nothing less. These women are 3501 North NorthHabtedChfroo.iL(312)071-6116 Haistead AssociatesAssaciates from several states winwill be Chicago, IL continuationcontinuation of a program of proven value powerful.powerfiil. This is not .thethe way we have of proven value attending.attending. The evening promises to be a (312) 871-6116 to the community. `leatherful' event. promises to be a been taught to see women —- any women, to the community. 'leatherfur ..a event. but especially women who have a life- To ensureensure that contrlbutors'contributors' dollarsdollars are but especially women who have a life- threatening illness. Particularly moving put toto. goodgood use,use, the the Foundation's Foundatlon's threatening illness. Particularly moving are the personalpersonal .storiesstories of JaneJane Murtaugh.Murtaugh, MeridaMerida Wexler,Wexler, Nancy Nancy Lanoue, andand RitaRita Arditti. Stirring Stirring too, too, but but Open Thu:: 701 Hwy 10 West, inin another way, were were the the essays essays byby JackieJackie Fri, Sat, Stevens Point, Winnow andand SandraSandra Steingarber.Steingarber. Both The neighborhood bar 9pm-Close of the future 715341-8862 Winnow andand SteingarberSteingarber call into question 954 W Blemont generally acceptedaccepted viewsviews Of of the causes Ofof Chicago, IL 60657 312-348-4975 cancar,cer,-.er inin womenwomen andand howhow the the risingrising epidemic Ofof women with cancercancer has been handled by everyone from the medical establishmentestablishrrrent to the Gay and Lesbian The North End community. of Chicago's THE "Halstead Strip" October 11 & 12 October 26 InIn additionaddition toto thethe inspirationinspiration garneredgarnered from thesethese examplesexamples ofof courage,courage, CancerCancer ONRTH UW-SP Homecoming Glenn & as a Women's ]§sueIssue is valuablevaluable for the E Todd's resourcesresources it brings to the reader'sreader's (312)--.- 477-7999 _-_ F± 3733 North Saturday Doors open at 6pm Birthday Party attention. A listlist provided provided by by thethe editor Halstead, Chicago Open 2"- Friends & Family Invited gives the titlestitles ofof various readingreading WIZARD' CHICAGOBARS.CHICAGO BARS . .. . October 31 RP`S PU13PIut> WurifWant toto bebe Included?Jric/«ded? HALLOWEEN PARTY 414/278-7840 (Watch for Private Party Sign!) Nc= SOON5C7C7N 4in434 to to 4] 4 I .'.\15rth .ee5eeu5dedejtzrm Lb at the utopialti ) This sindr ed ad for for l212 IsueS Issues (l„ (1/2 year) year) 1157Jxl1157-e0 •]n Step.October 10-23. 199l.Page 58 •In Step•October 10-23, 1991•Page 58 •In•In Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23,10-23.199l.Page 1991•Page 23 traditionallytraditionally a woman's cecupatlon.occupation. InIn `The Pageant' 1892,1892, when when federal federal troops troops triedtried to to `The Pageant' interveneintervene in aa tribal 'witch`witch trial' it was Za's will be:t!'.,,,::....,-.,`'.,..I.-I:.-' Books We'Wah who bodilybodily threw the soldierssoldiers lowerslowers ageage limitlimit closed on Mon, Tue, Wed outout ofof the doordcor and and slammed slammed it it shut, shut, MilwaukeeMilwaukee — - pageantpageant Productions has thru October 30 TheThezuni Zuni -_ winning the gratitude Ofof his community announced that theythey willwill officiallyofficially lower while we build the new 90's. ManMan-Woman-Woman forfor hishis courage.courage. thethe eligibilityeligibility ageage` forfor contestants contestants toto 18 Please bear with us . . . We'Wah died a few years later when he years Ofof age. age. ResearchFlesearch donedone on thisthis reviewedrevleured byby EldonEldon E.E. MurrayMurray was only 49`49 years years old old and and hishis ZuniZuni friends subjectsubject revealedrevealed that lowering thethe ageage The ZuniZunl ManMan-Woman-Woman accusedaccused an oldold womanwoman of witchcraftwitchcraft in hishis requirementrequirement from 21 toto 1818 isis legallegal and byby Will RoscoeRo;coe death, causing the federal troops toto once once acceptableacceptable. The PageantPageant competitioncompetltlon is UniversityUniversity of New Mexico PressPress again intervene, this time arrepting and still open,open, and and therethere isis roomroom forfor a a fewfew 302 pp.pp.,. hardcover, hardcover, illustrated, illustrated, $24.95 $24.95 holding:::jrn:nthe::teange:tstjvsert;r:mapr:%:Lntgzaunnq hostage several important Zuni more contestants.contestants. bowbow priests. priests. EvenEven afterafter thethe tribe agreedagreed to The PageantPageant will be be held held Sunday, Sunday, drop the charge,s against the old woman, EveryEvery NorthNorth AmericanAmerican IndianIndian tribe drop the charges against the old woman, NovemberNovember 3.3, 1991 1991 at at the the Marc Marc Plaza Plaza thethe troopstroops continuedcontinued toto hold the hostages 1106 Main Street knew,knew, accepted,accepted, andand (in(in most most cases) cases) hold the hostages Hotel.Hotel. Tickets are stillstill available available atat and only released them after the tribe )4. 5.,:ii.7.t.ve2.4.1.1w-t-67(. 13%rar., reveredrevered the berdache oror `thethe person who and only released them after the tribe Walker's Point Cabaret & Cafe,Cafe, or or by by reluctantly agreed to send their children to assumedassumed the traditional occupations and reluctantly agreed to send their children to calling 645- 77107710 or 384-7999 (after (after off- reservation schools. We'Wah was clothing of thethe oppositeopposite sex. New off- reservation schools. We'Wah was 10pm)10pm) . Thursday DJ Brent 10 pm buriedburied in thethe men'smen's section of the Mexico'sMexico's Zuni tribetribe believedbelieved that men section of the On thethe menumenu this year will bebe FiletFilet cemetery wearing cotton trousers and a No Cover skilled inin women'swomen's crafts (and women cotton trousers and a Mignon withwith twice tivice baked baked potato, potato, soup, soup, dress. TheThe Indians Indians explained that, after skilled inin male male activities) activities) combinedcombined thethe explained that, after salad,salad, green green beans beans almondine,almondine, with with cream cream all, "She"She is aa man:"man;" which indicates the Friday Wisconsin's twotwo sexessexes andand were veryvery specialspecial people. people, indicates the puffs filled with ice cream and topped with IndianIndian perceptionperception of thethe berdache.berdache. puffs filled with ice cream and topped with These people were valued membersmembers of chocolatechocolate syrup for dessert.dessert. Tickets areare longest The remainingremaining half of the book their communities, makingmaking thethe AmericanAmerican half of the book $35 forfor dinnerdinner && show,show, oror $20$20 for for show show ....-.__-11 IndianIndian views of homosexuality and gendergender investigates,investigates, inin great great depth, depth, Zuni Zuni only. running Lip Sync conceptsconcepts ofof sexualitysexuality andand gendergender andand the identityidentity among the mostmost enlightened in IfIf you'dyou'd likelike toto competecompete in in TheThe Pageant. Pageant, Contest - 10pm religiousreligious nature ofof each gender, including =:=€: the world.world, gender, including write to Pageant Productions, P.O.P.O. BoxBox a fullfull chapterchapter onon thethe berdacheberdache tradition. Will Roscoe'sF{oscoe's hook, bock, The The Zuni Zunl Man Man-- 75075,75075, Milwaukee,Milwaukee, WI 53215. 53215. An An ($1 cover with The extensive bibliography of over twenty Woman, explores berdacheberdache customscustoms in in twenty application also appearedappeared in In Step pages offers invaluable source material club card)- thethe Zuni tribe. InIn particular particular hehe tellstells the pages offers invaluable source material Magazine.Magazine, VolumeVolume 8, 8, Issue Issue 19. 19. fascinating story of thethe famousfamous Zuni for thosethose who wishwish toto pursuepursue various aspects of the Indian views of Saturday Laser I(araoke berdache We'Wah, who on aa visitvisit toto aspects of the Indian views of Washington, D.C. in in 1886.1886, captured captured the the homosexualityhomosexuality or the the berdache, berdache, Volleyball startsstarts returns! 10pm. hearts ofOf the the sophisticated sophisticated residentsresidents of historically, medically, medically, or or anthropologically. Mr. Roscoe's written the nation's .Capitol,Capitol, includingincluding thatthat ofof anthropologically. Mr. Roscoe's written Oct.Oct. 26 No cover. style leansleafis towardtoward academese, but he is PresidentPresident Grover Cleveland. Although academese, but he is Milwaukee —- Saturday Volleyball still readable readable for the average per_son. Sunday We'Wah had ratherrather large features and person. teams are now being formed for thisthis Jeff Jennings was very tall and strong,strong, no no one one in in season's competitivecompetitive league.league. AnAn open Live 7:30- Washington doubted that he waswas a CancerCancer As AA practicepractice session is scheduled for 2:30pm rwoman.woman. His His skillsskills asas a weaver,weaver, potterpotter and and Women's IssueIssue on OctoberOctober 2626 atat UWM'sUWM's Engelmann 9:30pm. Scott housekeeperhousekeeper as well as hishis femininefeminine dress Gym. Team playplay will beginbegin onon NovemberNovember Reviewed by Yvonne Zipter DJ's 10pm-close. and mannersmanners charmed and fooled Reviewed by Yvonne Zipter 2. everyone. Entry fees will bebe $200.00 perper team plus We'Wah also enjoyed the trusttrust Ofof his Cancer As A Women'sWomen'§ Issue:Issue: Scratching $10.00 perper player.player. ThisThis feefee covers court nativenative communitycommunity who knewknew thatthat he was a The Surface rentals,rentals, equipment,-equipment, referees, referees, and and other other COME SEE OUR FOOT berdacheberdache. This trust andand respect together edited by MidgeMidge stocker Stocker \= relatedrelated expenses. The season runsruns viDE0 Chicago: Third Third SizeSize PressPress FABULOUS with hishis vastvast knowledgeknowledge of tribaltribal through midmid-March,-March, 1992. ContactContact youryour SCREEN!! ceremony mademade him, him, dress dress and and all, all, a a paper, $10.95$10.95 favorite bar or organization to inquireinquire community leader.leader. He was also the first about team formation. Nate Dawson.Dawson, 291-291- Zuni to makemake potterypottery and baskets for IfIf youyou areare aa woman, oror ifif anyone anyone youyou 0766.0766, Isis presidentpresident of the CowlesCowles Volleyball tourist sale. WhenWhen otherother tribetribe members lovelove isis a a woman, you should buy this woman. you should buy this League. Please do not park in back of our building. wanted to participate in this lucrative hook:book: CancerCancer asas aa Women'sWomen'8 Issue:Issue: The LeagueLeague takes itsits name from the late Vim must have your Wisconsin II) to enter. occupation hehe trained trained them,them, includingincluding Scratching thethe Surface,Surface, editededited byby MidgeMidge John M. Cowles, founder of GayGay and and several men, althoughalthough potterypottery makingmaking waswas Stocker. Why? BecauseBecause with cancercancer the Lesbian Volleyball in Milwaukee. *In•In Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23.10-23, 1991*Page199l.Page 2424 oln•In Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23, 1991•Page 199l.Page 5757 homosexuality, then NCOD would no at thethe Oct.Oct. 1717 meetingmecting of thethe Lesbian rightsrights on a national scale. homosexuality. then NCOD would no HomophobiaHomophobia in Alliance ofof MetroMetro Milwaukee (LAMM).(IAMM). An longerlonger be a political necessity inin our According to notednoted attorney Richard adventurous LAMM member spent part of ongoing strugglestruggle for Lesbian/GayLesbian/Gay rights; religionreligion seminarsseminars member spent part of Green.Green, "In American ConstitutionalConstitutional law, law, her summersummer vacationvacation atat anan archaeological insteadinstead NCODNCOD would be aa yearlyyearly groups that aureare prejudiced prejudiced againstagainst or dig, andand hashas returned bearing fossilsfossils remembrance we observe to nevernever forget The Center for Homophobia Education,Education, stigmatized areare givengiven specialspecial protection "the bad old days" when queers were rangingranging inin age fromfrom 1010 million to 200 "the bad old days" when queers were a pr.ojectproject ofof Windmills, Inc. Inc. of of Hyattsville, Hyatt§ville, to 200 by courts if the feature for whichwhich they are million years. AnAn enticingenticing slideshow discriminated againstagainst and deprived ofof the Maryland.Maryland, will present present day longlong seminars seminars discriminated isis immutable, immutable, innateinnate andand featuring activities at the dig will also be rightsrights that heteros freely enjoyed.enjeyed. But in five Wisconsin locations from featuring activities at the dig will also be unchangeable''unchangeable" (i.e.,(i.e., Gay men's in five Wisconsin locations from Gay men's until that great day comes, wewe must inust November 12-19 on "Homophobia in presented. propensity toward November 12-19 on "Homophobia in propensity toward weenie-weenie- washingwashing and continue to "take "take our next step outout Ofof the Religion and Society. ' ' The programprogram beginsbegins atat 7pm,7pm, after after thethe Lesbians' fondness for muff- dusting). Religion and Society." fondness for muff- dusting). closet, -" asas the NCOD sloganslogan encourages, encourages. usual 6pm potluck, at at thethe MilwaukeeMilwaukee Green points out that currently almost Homophobia, an unwarrantedunwarranted fear ofOf Green points out that currently almost and be Gay Gay Gay!I!Gay!!! Excuse me while I Enterprise Center,Center. 28212821 N. N. 4th 4th St. St.,. one one every state in the U.S. permits sexual homosexuality inin oneself oneself or or others others —- is every state in the U.S. permits sexual get fitted for my fabulous new rainbow block southsouth ofOf Locust Locust. Secure, Secure, lit lit parking parking usually basedbased onon ignorance,ignorance, stereotypingstereotyping orientation discriminationdi;crimination in employment habit & veil forfor thethe occasion!occasion! isis available. or otherother psychologicalpsychological factors.factors. and housing, andand nearlynearly halfhalf thethe statesstates V Unfortunately, some religiousreligious teachings teachings LAMM meetings meetings are held regularly on criminalize homo-homo-sex. sex_ are often used toto justifyjustify homophobic the third Thursday of each month, and and areare IfIf we could prove there are biologicalbiological as reactions.reactions. In Its its mildest mildest form, form, open to allall Lesbians. Lesbians. For moremore opposed to merely environmental and homophobiaho`mophobia cancan bebe a a general general information, call 264-2600. sociological determinantsdeterminants of uncomfortability about thethe topic;topic; its most virulent forms can result in physical violence againstagainst persons and property. This seminarseminar is designed to promote sound education and discussiondiscussion Ofof these issuesissues based on currentcurrent scientificscientiflc Chicago's informationinformation andand contemporary contemporary church Gay Metal teachings. ItIt willwill be especially helpful to Society clergy,Clergy, pastoral pastoral workers, workers, educators, educators, ROCKTOBERFEST • Sat., October 12 counselors, parents, parents, youth youth ministers. ministers, Baement Party • "Cool Dude" peace and justicejuSice activlstsactivists and people of all religious religious denominationsdenominations who areare concerned about homophobia. The two seminar facilitators,facilltators, Robert Robert Nugent.Nugent, SDS and and Jeannine Jeannine. Gramick, Gramick, Ls.60 Rockford's SSND have have beenbeen speakingspeaking and writingwriting on sn•,- ststt Hot Party Place the topic of homosexuality sincesince 1971. SA v.ocVS° Seminars willwill bebe held inin Superior (Nov. 12), La La Crosse Crosse (Nov. (Nov.14), 14), MiddletonMlddleton (Nov. (Nov. Saturday, October 19 16), De De Pere Pere (Nov. 18), 18), and and Milwaukee Milwaukee Tuesday, October 15 (Nov.(Nov. 19) .. Cut Flowers • Arrangemnts Registration is $30 in advance or $35 at the door, and includesincludes tuitiontuition and and Green & Flowering Plants materials. Coffee andand tea will bebe provided, Balloons • More you areare asked to bring youryour own brown bag lunch.lunch. Scholarships Scholarships are are available, available, please inquire. For more information, oror T.T. T LIP to register, write: CenterCe,nter for for Homophobia Homophobia FLORAL Education, PO Box 1985,1985, New New York, York, New New HURRICANE York.York, 10159, 10159, and and refer refer to to the the upcoming upcoming "He must've SUMMERS Wisconsin seminars.seminars. gone to the 'Your CommunityI,-.i florist' THE **ftV ii 1213 East Brady Street8 Blood Bank and LAMM meetingmeeting Milwaukee forgot to say *N.:7 1:U; nitki"ir Ar'ndeS' Milwaukee —- Dinosaur bones,bones, teethteeth 277-8518 "When!" Pl.f7JAVITIZ and tendonstendons willwill bebe availableavailable forfor fondlingfondling •In Step.October 10-23.199l.Page 56 *In Step•October 10-23, 1991•Page 56 25,.

No Nunsense by Sister Dana Van Iquity (Dennis McMillan) TUESDAY, NCOD:NCOD: TakeTake youryour only oneone incrediblyincredibly dweeby man is left in THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22nd the joint.joint. Seriously, the doctordoctor has has this this queer brainsbrains out positive observationobservation for those of us OCT. 10th of the closet professing Gay pride.pride, that the practice ofOf of the closet attempting to change someone'ssomeone's sexual HARDBODIES As we all know, October 11 is the As we all know. October 11 is the preference throughthrough psychiatric means is MALE annually observed, official day of DANCE REVUE annually observed, official day of not only futile but but harmful.harmful. "We're "We're here.here, Gay/Lesbian visibility throughout this we're queer, get over it!" This would MILWAUKEE 2 Shows: nation `(Gaymerica(Gaymerica thethe Beautiful) Beautiful) includeinclude anyany so-called so-called miraculous miraculous established inin 1988 and called National interventionintervention by the likes of JerryJerry Falwell lOr'm & Midnite Coming Out Day. "NCOD was designed Coming Out Day. "NCOD was designed et al.al. ItIt isn't isn't surprisingsurprising that the Xtian WILD BOYZ to be aa positive, affirmative,affirmative, pro pro-active-active fundamentalists (as opposedopposed to legitimate statement byby LesbiansLesbians andand Gay men followers of of Jesus' Jesus' teachings teachings —- you Showtime: 10:30vm everywhere," saysay NCOD spokespeoplespokespeople inin know, the preacher of Love who had ~ Santa Fe, New Mexico, "and 21 years know, the preacher of Love who had 53 Cover Santa Fe, New Mexico, "and 21 years nothing to say about homosexuality and after Stonewall, oneone factfact remains:remains: wewe camped with 12 hunky disciple dudesdudes in cannot achieve equalftyequality from thethe closet."closet." robes)robes) refuserefuse to believe these new studiesstudies 53 Cover Apparently, science agrees agrees with NCOD, NCOD, could possiblypossibly justifyjustify homosexualhomosexual (Includes a and isis now now pullingpulling queer craniums out of behavior in men andand women.women. Of course lablab closets. bored- againagain PTL PTL TVangelist Tvangelist PatPat FREE $2 Dr.Dr. SimonSimon LeVay Levay ofof the the Salk Salk Institute. Institute, RobertsonRobertson hashas hishis typicallytypically bigotedbigoted Rail Drink) examiningexaminil)g brainbrain structures ofof Gay people opinions: "1 "I havehave no intention of giving vs. straights, hashas concluded that that therethere isis aa over the strengthsstrengths Ofof Americ`aAmerica to the marked differen`cedifference in cellcell groupsgroups betweenbetween militantmilitant homosexuals."homosexuals. " That's That's okay, ckay, Pat, Pat, heteros and homos. The good newsnews is that we'll take over withoutwithout youryour permission,permission, this could underscore underscore thethe theorytheory that hon. Praise The Lord andand passpass the sexuality isis determineddetermined biologically and condoms. not byby personalpersonal choice; the hadbad news (at The National Gay & Lesbian TaskTask Force leastleast for sizesize queens)queens) isis thatthat the cells in cautions toto bebe careful aboutabout ethicsethics the hypothalamushypothalamus are BIGGERBIGGER in heterosheteros involvedinvolved here. here, that that such such theoriestheories shouldshould than in homoshomos andand moremore scatteredscattered in not tempttempt Straight AmericaAmerica toto push some queers (I always always did did feel feel scattered, scattered, and and kindkind ofof chemicalchemical fixfix on on us us to to "straighten "straighten notnot II havehave learnedlearned scientists backing up us out."out." But conversely, wewe fagsfags and and my dizzinessdizziness with theirtheir research.)research.) dykes could alwaysalways injectinject somethingsomething into Studies of the sexuality of laboratorylaboratory the hetshets toto "Gay"Gay them up" asas itit were.were. ratsrats (yes, eveneven thethe rodentsrodents areare coming outout Still.Still, asas NGLTFNGLTF emphasizes, emphasizes, there there is is no no of thethe closet thesethese days)days) byby Dr.Dr. F{ogerRoger need for aa cure. cure. Besides, Besides, wewe need need toto Gorski of UCLA medmed schoolschool has has shown support Gay fetuses'fetuses' rights inin thethe womb. that thethe brainbrain isis inherentlyinherently femalefemale unless Perhaps the propro-lifers-lifers are right after all; itit is exposed toto thethe malemale scksex hormone;hormone; so we could be unwittingly aborting a future Fall Into Fun at . . . that explains whywhy somesome of us nelly fellas famous queerqueer activistactivist or potentiallypotentially are running around in dresses and pearls fabulous hairdresser oror GayGay mediamedia while exposing ourselves ourselves toto as many sexy maven. Horrors! men as possible —- we-'rewe're just trying to This biological determinantdeterminant theory is masculinizemascullnize our femmy brains! nothing new;new; forfor thirty thirty years. years, Santa Santa Pe ERS Dr. RichardRichard lsay'say (I(I `say!)say!) Ofof CornellCornell Monica psychologistpsychologist' Evelyn Hooker (love 813 South First • Milwaukee University medical college believesbelieves that the lastlast name!) has attributed Gayness to • 647-0130 there is no choice involved in sexuality:sexuality; I scientific reasons.reasons. And we queersqueers have disagree -— II almostalmost alwaysalways choose choose whowho I every reasonreason toto hope hope this this-homo- homo- Two of Lady Gail's Three Friends Can't Make it on have sexsex withwith unless unless a gungun isis held to my hypothalamushypothalamus theory is proven true,true, sincesince head or it'sit's closing time in the bar and itit could dramaticallydramatically effecteffect Gay/Lesbian Tuesdays . . . so she's Moving to Wednesdays. •In Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23.10-23, 1991•Page199l.Page 2626 •ln•In Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23.199l.Page10-23. 1991•Page 5555

Health when he is forced toto havehave mini- billboards printed on reservoir tipstips ofof condoms.condoms Meanwhile, a scenescene featuringfeaturing two GayGay FACTS aboutabout AIDSAIDS and educationeducation characters havinghaving lunchlunch atat MCDonald'sMcDonald's FACTS was cut fromfrom the movie after pressure TRIANGLE from antianti- Gay groups who found the [GMHC] — Ten years into the AIDS can take over ten years to develop into [GMHC] - Ten years into the AIDS scene offensive. epidemic, HIV infectioninfection ratesrates continuecontinue toto AIDS, the the vast vast majoritymajority ofof peoplepeople withwith Speed Racer -— [Cartoon](Cartoon) Speed Racer has rise while thethe Centers forfor Disease ControlControl AIDS inin their 20's werewere infectedinfected withwith HIV Pops install a specialspecial breakbreak light reliesrelies onon an ineffective national education in their teens. • A 1991 study by the San Francisco emblazoned with the words, "Lick "Lick Me" Me" campaign of sexualsexual abstinence. abstinence. Yet,Yet, inin a a • A 1991 study by the San Francisco OPEN 5 PM ono.n thethe MachMac`h 5, 5, so so he he can can more more easily easily MON-FF]l recentreceht nationwide Roper Poll Dept. of Health showsshows 14.3%14.3% ofof Gay and MON-FRI signal his interest toto other GayGay men OPEN 3 PM commissioned by GayGay Men'sMen's Health Bisexual men ages 17-19 are infected withwith cruising in their cars. SAT/SUN - Crisis, 81%81% of of Americans Americans polled polled said said HIV. Nearly Nearly every every oneone became infectedinfected Bonanza —- [Westem][Western) LittleLittle JoeJoe wants toto rteen-agersteen-agers may needneed. explicitexplicit sex after it was known how education can help become a Drag Queen and do a show at educatiOneducation toto prevent AIDS,AIDS, anda.nd 64%64% prevent HIV transmission. • Infection rates in young people are the Longbranch Saloon, butbut quicklyquickly supported condomcondom availabilftyavailability inin high • Infection rates in young people are even higher in communities with less changes hishis mindmind afterafter hehe learnsleans thatthat NailNair schools.schcols. even higher in communities with less (- MONDAY- ) available AIDS education.education. AfricanAfrican-- won't be invented for another 75 years rMONDAyi \ With over 187,000 187,000 Americans Americans American men ages 17-25 are twice as and he'll have to shave his legs with a ABSOLUT HeavenHeaven $1.25 diagnosed with AIDS andand 1010 timestimes that likelylikely to bebe HIV infectedinfected (22.9%)(22.9%) than hatchet. number .estimatedestimated toto be infected with yolingyoung white men (10.9%)(10.9%). YodngYoung Latino Growing PainsPalms — - [Comedy][Comedy) The last showshow HIV, thethe AmericanAmerican government government has has sent sent Gay men in the SamSan FranciscoFrancisco studystudy had a inin thethe series lives up to it'sit's name when one national mailing on AIDS. (rTUESDAyi- TUESDAY- ) out only one national mailing on AIDS. 14.3% infectioninfection rate.rate. cute stud-stud- ette,ette, Mike isis accidentally accidentally That singlesingle mailing lacl{edlacked explicitexpliclt injected with anan experimentalexperimental growth - Rail Rail Nite Nile $1.00$1.00 informationinformation onon stopping HIV EDUCATION NEEDS NEEbs hormone. A gigantic growth spiirtspurt kicks in transmission. Community- basedbased The 1987 HelmsHelms AmendmentAmendment prohibits just after he puts on a sexual aid and he is organizations that developed their own organizations rec6i'vingreceiving FederalFederal funds rushed toto a hospitalhospital whenwhen thethe cockringcockring (rwEDNESDAvi- WEDNESDAY-) safer sex education programs, designeddesigned from explicitly discussing homosexualhomosexual becomes painfully stuck and is finally for sexually active adults, havehave been been sex. Yet 66% of peoplepeople withwith AIDSAIDS in the removedremoved with a chainsaw. Super Bust $3.00se.0o denied federal fundsfunds byby aa 1987 U.S. areare Gay or Bisexual men.men. GMHC,GMHC, Club MTV —- [Dance](Dance) In a format shift (Beer, Wine, Soda, Juice) congressional act designed to punishpunish one ofOf the the largest largest distributors ofof AIDS designed toto attractattract moremore GayGay viewers, allall (Beer, VVIne, Soda, Juice) those who "promote "promote homosexuality."homosexuality." education inin the world, receives receives no no federalfederal the lickable young men will dancedance nude. Meanwhile, a study by the SanSan Francisco Franclsco funds for these efforts. Unfortunately, the old format willwill return return (- - ) Department of HealthHealth revealsreveals startling •• TheThe Federal Omnibus Drug Act of after several boys sprainsprain their weenies rFF]IDAylFRIDAY high HIVHIV rates rates inin youthyouth as as youngyoung as as 17,17, 19881988 forbidsforbids federalfederal spendingspending for needle after doing the wild thing toto rap music.music. All ColdCold SchnappsSchnapps $1.00$1.00 indicating thatthat a devastatingdevastating secondsecond wavewave exchange or education toto help activeactive IVIV Star Trek -— [Sclence [Science Flcflon] Fiction] TheThe crewcrew Ofof of the'AIDSthe`AIDS epidemic, epidemic, fueledfueled byby ignoranceignorance drug users avoidavoid HIV infection. Yet 29% the U.S.S. EnterpriseEnterprise mistakes Captain and lack of explicitexplicit education,education, is is yet yet toto of new AIDS cases inin thethe U.S.U.S. areare among Kirk's buttbutt for for aa totaltotal lunarlunar ec`lipseeclipse when (rsATURDAvi- SATURDAY- ) conic.Come. IVIV drug drug users,users, asas areare 46% of newnew AIDSAIDS now HeftyHefty KirkKirk (William(William Shatner) Shatner) ripsrips INFECTION RATES cases in NewNew YorkYork City. open the seat of his pantspants whenwhen he bends Corona/Cuervo $1.00$1,00 TEEN INFECTION RATES • The national Roper Poll on public Ten years intointo the HIVHIV epidemic. epidemic, the the • The national Roper Poll on public over toto pickpick upup hishis SocialSocial Security check. attitudes and education needs showed effects of aa lacklack of explicit education for attitudes and education needs showed Later, thethe starshipstarship EnterpriseEnterprise explodesexplodes 64% ofof AmericansAmericans polled support making when his toupee falls into the adolescents areare evidentevident asas AIDSAIDS when his toupee frsuNDAvi- 5UNDAY- 1 condoms available in senior high Schools. Matter/Antimatter Reactor. increasinglyincreasingly becomesbecomes aa youngyoung person's person's available in senior high schools. Matter/Antimatter Reactor. Despite thethe popularpopular support,support, lessless thanthan a a Batman -— [Adventure](Adventure] After being BloodyBloody Mary's,Mary's, MorningMorning illness:illness: dozen school districtsdistricts across the United `Outed' by members Ofof QueerQueer -Nation,Nation, •• AsAs of July, 1991, 715715 casescases ofOf AIDS AIDS dozen school across the United 'Outed' by members Glories, LunchLunch BuffetBuffet States make condomscondoms availableavailable in their Batman and FlobinRobin convert the Bat Cave were reportedreported in adolescents ages 13-19.13-19. Batman AIDS educationeducation programs. into a dance bar. $1.25 Adolescent AIDS casescases havehave more than AIDS programs. into a dance $1 .25 doubled over the past twotwo years.years. 70%70% Ofof GOVERNMENTGOvERNMENT FOOT Poor DRAGGING DRAGGING copyright1991 l99l by by Wells wells Ink in V these cases were thethe resultresult Ofof unprotected Copyright •The current CDC education sex or needle Sharing.sharing. • The current CDC education 135135 East National V MilwaukeeMilwaukee a poster for adult ••As As of July.July,1991, 1991, 36,999 cases cases of Of campaign featuresfeatures a poster for adult 643-9758 AIDS, overover 20%20% ofOf the the national national total, total, were were women thatthat advises "Don't"Don't have sex."sex." reportedreported in adults ages 20-29.20-29. Since HIV •In Step.October 10-23.199l.Page 54 *In Step•October 10-23, 1991•Page 54 •]n StepStep.October-October 10-23, 10-23,199l.Page 1991•Page 2727 Juicyju,cg B,ts Bits bywwwe,ls„, W.W. Wells III SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19TH inin "The"The GoodGcod OldOld Days, Days,"- flyfly around around the the FallFall TVTV preview preview bar like beerbeer nuts in a tornado. Editor'sEdit'or's Note: WhileWhile attemptingattempting to create MacGyverMacGyver —- (Drama][Drama] . Ever resourcefulresourceful hishis world famous guacamole dip (during a MacGyver escapesescapes from another tight OBERON'S CHILDREN'S break in aa 15 15 hour hour pornoporno videovideo marathon)marathon| jam, when hehe createscreates aa mirroredmirrored sexualsexual an incoherentincoherent W.W. WellsWells accidentally romperromper room forfor aa sexsex-crazed-crazed SouthSouth CHRISTMAS CLUB NIGHT dropped a copycopy Ofof hishl§ latest columncolumn alorigalong American dictator using only aa wad of with the TV GuideGulde and thethe BijouBiJou VldcoVideo bubble gum, a spool ofOf dental dental floss floss and and Catalog into his Culslnar[.Cuisinart. TheThe followingfollowing some Reynolds Wrap. In The Historic Third Ward "Fall TV Preview" Is the Queer result of The Wonder Years - [Comedy- Drama] "Fall TV Preview" is the Queer result of The Wonder Years — [Comedy- Drama] STARTS AT 9" This follows KevinKevin asas a young adult in his that bizarrebkarre accident.accident. "Wonder ` Years," thatyoung hormone-filled adult in his Who'sWho.a TheThe Boss Boss —- (Comedy)[Comedy] TwoTwo "Wonder Years," that hormone- filled RECK aggressive S&MS&M toptop menmen argLie argue overover whowho time inln aa Gay man'sman's datingdatlng career,career, whenwhen gets to be on top andand later,later, after stopping he discovers otherother men and his sex life 0 Help give toys to for aa postpost orgasmicorgasmic meal,meal, fightfight overover whowho most closely resemblesresembles the actionaction in a gets the seatseat atat the tabletable withwith the better porno movie. 0 children with AIDS. view. Northern ExposureExpceure -— [Doctimentary][Documentary] DinosaursDlnoseurs —- [Deeumentar)/I[Documentary] Virtuallyvirtually Alaskan nudists give newnew meaning toto the M invisibleinvi§lt)le and and thoughtthought toto bebe extinct by Gay phrase "Freezing YourYour Butt Off." men under 25, mature mature GayGay menmen withwith goldgold ThirtysomethingThlrtysomethlng —- (Movle)[Movie] This two hour 4 Support this worth- chains, Grecian FormulatedFormulated hairhair andand scaryscary TV moviemovie wraps wraps upup loose endsends created by wAut‘ the cancellation of the popular series. while clothes sitslt in aa cockt?llcocktail lounge, drooldrool overover the popular series. 266 East Erie Street • 273-6900 cause. any man underunder fiftyfifty while exaggeratedexaggerated Disturbed by blatantblatant commercialism, reminiscencesreminl§cences about their sexual prowess Michael quitsquits the advertisingadvertising agency

BLZ17 ERE.--...'+.2 presents onby WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23 Boys in the Sand Cory Jacobsen and Kevin Gladstone also oppoor Casey Donovan stars.Directed by Wakefield Poole Item V0449 Live Comedy with National Comedianne and starring Peter Fisk. Mem V0103 The Diary The::g##gDI##;3¥sO;= Bigger :Ij:aendgLg:siro¥;¥£r:=ar'79twAH|#fu#.oAuo*xh="ulnv°coaesfudehn®dle.Bl-(IF®rblddehI-hfusle.Stom.ngloltoood,lovlftyLo":®,Rob'^hontoca, the Better Directed by Toby Ross. Joke Stryker imagines sex Stars Rick Humungous' Donovan, Matt Ramsey, with Richard Senix plus other segments Item V0179 Brian Hawks, ond Buster. hem V0350 Boys of the Slums Two HOLLY FARRIS Handfuls Lithe studs, boyish vagrants, and young squatters A John Summers him. A cowboy, three men in a Filmed up-close by Toby Ross. Item V0120 theater, a peep show orcodo, ond more. Item V0820 Student Bodies Black Forbidden Fantasies Starring tattooed, loveboy lance, Rob Montessa, StarsStar. porn veteranvfron Arl Art will.lam..SexWilliams. Sex inin thehe sauna;couna; Aaron Aoron Goge, Gage, Eric Erie Stryker, stryha, and and others. oho. Mein I.em V0327 v0327 10:30pm Showtime

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T¥ucW„oVI:E£,esrreu#°in|¥infofuou,rf#or=j;i,noal.;Sfaon#S##se=+:;tihapeh.fronononBUOu,ycx.willoufroficallybeplocedonhemoilinglist,fiieeo/charge,fdrouycorlMoilinglislcusk~Swillcehcinfomolioncerytwo`^ecks.So/epri.cesgedwhroughttoy.75,799J.THE BIJOU VIDEO MAIUNG UST: Join our expanded mailing list for only $20 and receive information on BUOU's latest sales, releases, and more, for one full year! Or, when you purchase any videotape from The Town of Menosho Police Deportment & BUOU, you will automatically be placed on the moiling list, free of charge, for one year! Mailing list 4815 West Prospect Ave The Pivot Club Requires (Hwy • Appleton customers will receive information every two weeks. Sole prices good through Nov. 15, 1991. BB) EVERYONE to Present a Valid Photo ID Upon Entering The Club •In•ln Step.OctoberStep•October 10-23, 1991•Page199l.Page 28 •In Step.Octobertep•October 10-23.199l.Page10-23, 199I•Page 5353 in the Roper Poll believe thisthis isls suresure toto contd.oontd. from page 26 happen, and 91% ofof Americans saysay sexual partners are notnot alwaysalways truthfultruthful Roper Poll revealed that, while Yet the Roper Poll revealed that, while about their sexualsexual histories.histories. agree that abstinence would be 76% agree that abstinence would be ••In In July,1988,July, 1988, thethe CentersCenters For For effective, only 14% of adults think it is effective, only 14% Of adults think it ls Disease Control sent Americans the likely to happen as a way to prevent AIDS. likely to happen as a way to prevent AIDS. brochure "Understanding"Understanding AIDS."AIDS," thethe ••The The CDCCDC campaigncampaign offersoffers nono only national maltingmailing on AIDS. By the time educational materials that discuss it was sent,sent,` 70,00070,000 Americans Americans had had already already . homosexuality. Yet Americans lnin the been diagnosed withwith AIDS.AIDS. SinceSince then,then, FloperRoper PollPoll say say education education about 117,000117,OcO more more AIDS AIDS cases cases have have been been homosexuality shouldshould begin at age 11. I reported (187,000 total),total), yetyet thethe CDC CDC has has ••The The CDCCDC campaigncampaign stresses stresses never followed up this single malting.mailing. monogamy as a way to prevent HIVHIV transmission, yetyet onlyonly 2% Ofof AmericansAmericans 9 AIDS supportsupport groupsgroups offered they areare infectedinfected with the AIDSAIDS virus. Milwaukee — - EveryEvery week, more thanthan Facilitated by Bruce BrewerBrewer andand JaneJane 100loo individualsindividuals attendattend atat least least oneone of the Casseus, the group meetsmeets everyevery nine free support groups offered by the Wednesday from 7pm7pm -- 9pm9pm atat the Milwaukee AIDS Project forfor peoplepeople living Milwaukee AIDS Project, 315315 W. Court Court with AIDS andand HIVHIV infection, infection, their their St. ,, Milwaukee.M!lwaukee. friends, families andand partners.partners. AIM featuresfeatures guest speakers at every Many ofOf the the groups groups offeredoffered by the H > CI other meeting. Presentations scheduled . 13.i, Milwaukee AIDS ProjectProject areare openopen to the ,,. for October and NovemberNovember include "Legal"Legal general public, including "AIDS ,8e,pi general public, including "AIDS Aspects ofof HIVHIV Disease," Dlsease," on on Oct. Oct. 16, 16, Information Milwaukee," thethe "Gay "Gay .,,,,, y cb •rg .4, with Steve Byers,Byers, attorneyattorney andand manager Ofof Men's HIV Positive Positive Support Support Group," Group," the AIDS Resource Center ofof Wl§consinWisconsin w ow gIla and "HIV"HIV Positive Sobriety Sobriety Group," Group," and and J Legal AssistanceAssistance Service. OnOn Oct. Oct. 30,30, —52=-1 a groupgroup for "Family, "Family, Friends Friends and and '14 Z1.-S‹ FI— Brenda McClellan-Tilson,Mcclellan-Tllson, R.N.C., R.N.C., Significant Others."Others." Other groups are 1 .) 1 1 tj -<:-71 M.S.N.M.S.N.,, will present.present "What "What MakesMakes provided for clients and volunteers of the n,i .. = 8 < provided for clients and volunteers of the WomenWomen` Different," Different," andand informativeinformative . w .0 ,...... Milwaukee AIDS Project. .--;-‘?4,1,--....4 program dealing withwith the the medical,medical, AIDS InformationInformation MilwaukeeMilwaukee (AIM),(AIM), is is ,=i-i ..0 - psychological and socialsceial issues forfor women z ,.i oc.:c wiz,: an informationalinformational group for men andand with HIV infection. EileenEileen Henning,Henning, R.N.R.N... t- . „, .:, eqz , wE L women who 'eithereither believe or know that contdcontd. on page 30 (r) I— 1 Sp —.6..,c," 0 Z et la43 1,-‘1).- 0ti l .„..›. ., 1.-u.hr..x Ce Z Z 0- •••• sa u., 17:i g cr OZ px,...2,0 ballg ame > 0 Licri 0 1:x. z ..-•••,_&A.• •••••••••••.b..al.1g.a.in.e .••••••••••• w 0 cc) Z 7.5 , Ul • WATCH THETEE PACRERSPACKERS SUNDAYSUNDAY AFTERNOON zsy ---- Also Monday NiteNIte Football Football - - '6-3.,,P BOWLERS calt -•ce MIXEDMRED SUN. && MONMON NITE NITE IRREGULAR mREGulAR BOwLERs u-i o --JBuytheFirst,GettheSecondDrinkFree+FreePizza Buy the First, Get the Second Drink Free + Free Pizza ceo 9 u- \--t.) MONDAYMONmTscdr`,tkdrdB-n25;TusmvrmThiE€wEDO8-bepri.ot,ftydrofb-AVDSijomDridrTHursD^vmmc Schompp01,Durrstx B60125-, T UESDAY Tab the WED '3 Bar DuON" or, 604 f elbow AND $1.50 Ral Dnris; THUI6DAY TaiA; Ld t- FRIDAYrmAIseALmryogrlndrdH*sAVurous.SUNI)^rsnoed*Saon,Dopqcod6pmbe..I-LSl-n.W--Pnin 5.8^kPlAy our Laao-Cmh as SATURDAYS &SUNDAYS N.* Sam., Dos; d0 61 6 oomd. Slammr01. pan in/ cm. Z z 0 PryprtyRoqllAwiilbto.msyounBmHDAy-2DiDHobusl Roo, Aw.31Able- 'TN YOUR DIRTI I DAY' 2.Ad Dm& On US H co •In•In Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23, 199 199l.Page 'Wage 5252 29

91. Cr. 111 vs we. en a n ww-r •-• • .'•-• • • rehabed!rehabed! Maybe next year, insteadinstead Of Thls M -• .1110 , seeingseeing thethe mole inin question,question, "Oh "Oh my my of This s • OldOld Girlfriend, Girlfr]end, I'll1'11 shoot shoot for something 5 God!God!" At which point, point, I'm I'm thinking, thinking, for something "Cancer for sure," until she adds, lessless PBS PBS and and more more sitcom,sitcom, like The "Cancer for sure," until she adds, like The "Boy, that's an ugly one." Then she LesbianLesbian Love BoatBoat oror LeaveLeave ]t To "Boy. that's an ugly one." Then she It To Lesbians.Lesbians, andand justjust hope hope the the old old structure structure SAT.SAT. OCTOCT 19 .llPm explained the procedure: she would tie a 19 • ilelPin explained the procedure: she would tie a holdsholds out that long.long. .. . string tightlytightly aroundaround the mole, causingcausing it it c1991cl99l by Yvonne Zipter,Zlpter, One-timeOne-tlme North toto fallfall offoff onon itsits ownown inin aa week oror two.two. Then North American rights rightsgrantedonly. granted only. V sheshe added,added, "I've "I've had this procedure donedone V myselfmyself andand itit hurts hurts likelike hell." hell." I inquiredinquired f`QUEEN" of the aboutabout one of the miracles of modern medicinemedicine — - an an anestheticanesthetic — - toto whichwhich she replied,replied, "Wouldn't "Wouldn't do a damn bit ofOf "QUEEN" °the good." ThenThen II laylay faceface dowrndown onon thethe examining table, clutchingclutching the the sides sides as as TIRED"REDOFwRmNcREsponsEs OF WRMNG RESPONSES thethe doctordoctor hadhad advised,advised, whilewhile she she and and a a to 'People' ads? Try In Step's new nursenurse stoodstcod on either side.side. This left no Voice Mail place forfor my my girlfriend girlfriend —- whowho had come v:##j`:?;a#t;i##[!:?A:ePersonals/Area Dialogue with me me for for moral moral support support — - butbut on the order form that appears before the chair at my feet, watching my legslegs movemove 'Classies' in this issue. 9494 FOLLIESFOLLIES upup andand down like a painpalm-o--o- meter. meter. WhenWhen thethe molemole much much to to everyone's everyone'§ surprise, surprise, camecame offoff in in the the nurse's nurse's hand, hand, thethe doctordcetor inquired,inquired, "Want "W;nt toto seesee it?" it?" WhenWhen I I TheThe 94 FolliesFollies GErls Girls demurred, sheshe said, said, "I "I wasn't wasn't talking talking to to WIZARE2'3 you.you, II waswas talkingtalking toto youryour friendfriend there."there. ' ' competecompete forfor ``The"The Crown"Crown" What a summer!su'mmer! II could've could've beenbeen PUBFapB sunning my bunsbuns at P-townP-town or soaking up . ..COMING .anlNG 5c7c7N SOON someSome gynergy gynergy at at the the women's women's fests, rests, likelike 0m4to4Nmh5aeusabthe5taplcht] 614 t.0 4 Ni9rth, 1.8 at the SpecialSpecial Guest Emcee everyone else,else, but but no, no, I Ihadda hadda go go and and get get itopkiht) Guest Emcee CLUBCLUB 9494 oarmogi D A R K 121 E 8 3 iggr • WEL- C CornerCorner I-941-94 & HwyHvy C ff111ii11971 (East Frontage Road) n111071110R111111T7wEi,o,„„N.Ionia (East Frontage Road) TAF.R.T.FAL. so _moA.A. KenoshaKenosha .s.,....mimKmizvAR. 7.0mN.R.B.F 414/857-9958414/857-9958 DOsaonEMEIO HrfaviGivgIRM5a cOmONO-mvill 11 Rr.AAMI OP) MilHkrq WA[ MOMNEM Halloween Party UPVOW EP raFITOJT CialONNYE4.3 Saturday,Saturday, NovNo 2nd NCY2ERIWEd UTIOGWN 5 6L G1 Pia WAONWUT MOMEMEW GetGet YourYour SMFIgWIMAII0 EPVIII&NWL! CostumesCostumes Re\Ready! '1111111111llthT1 II Tilli111171 1. • a. RJR, •-•0 OA, 4-•-/ 5 w •-•• •••./ ssl 0.1l.1. CALA l•-• •-• •_• kn. •.•. •ln Step•October 10.23, 1991•Page 30 •In Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23, 1991•Page 199l.P.9e 51 and mentor ing grassroots activists through their Creating Change tTherewassti|lthebiannualmammogram.there was still the biannual mammogram. 1753 South KK Ave • 672-5580 conference.::n:d?e:r%m:ec::°trh{enj: gaarsesart::tgs a€thi:isgt: For those Ofof youyou whowho had had never never hadhad one.one, 1 753 South KK Awe . 672-5580 i_erter As a long-time supporter and a recently let me brieflybriefly describedescribe what it'slt's like.like. electedeie£:ea)b°onagr-j{::::gpo:t:Eea¥£sarFeocrec:t,]¥ board member of the Task Force, 1 Imagine wearing nothingnothing butbut a little paper strongly believe in the need to help the + jacket jacket on on thethe top halfhalf ofof youryour torso.torso. Then BreitlowBreitlow resignsresigns to the group that represents our interests some woman, who is not your nation. There are over 20 million Gay imagine some woman, who is not your B as 'burn B to The expression is referred lover, asking asking youyou toto taketake thethe jacketjacket off ofof having served as an officer and Americans, and only one in one thousand out,' and one side - why do they do that? What's board member of the Cream City is currently a member of the Task Force. I one side - why do they do that? What's Foundation for nine years, the malady has urge you to back NGLTF with as generous the pointpoint Ofof coveringcovering upup oneone breast when caught up with me. Therefore it is my a contribution as you can possibly give the other is completelycompletely exposed? Is having intention§jt!i;!i:i:%;i::¥:ifi:::::i:;a:jfr:i:::;:§br:;i:::r;:|i:: to retire from the board of the (send to NGLTF, 1734 14th Street NW, one breast hanginghanging outout therethere somehowsomehow Cream City Foundation in October. Washington, DCDC 20ap9-4309)20009-4309) . less humiliating thanthan having both Ofof them II amam so confidentconfident that the Task Force 3B'S Having been at the very first meeting of naked?naked.? In In any any case,case, once once you'veyou've revealedrevealed A Friendly t.hce:.a!v::I:d,b|:,i8n2C:rti:taifavfL5.:`i;t:.Tdhft;`3nn:a3jthe board of Cream City Foundation in deserves our support that I pledge to the breast, be prepared;prepared: sheshe will grabgrab October of 1982, it is an honor to have had match any contribution you make to the your breast - no hand shake, no kiss, no Place forfor Everyone, EverydayEveryday National Gay and Lesbian Task Force your breast - no hand shake, no kiss, no the privilege to participate and work with a foreplay ofOf any any kind kind - - and place it dedicated, loyal, diligent, and dollarii:;ii!::f::::y;i,ianr::u:g::s:,,i:st#l!:i,i:i#tieo.:ji for dollar. Just write or call me and group of carefully, like some sort ofOf nouvelle nouvelle OCT. 1 1 . 9Fm-Close untiring volunteers for these many years, tell me how much you have donated, and I OCT. 11 • 9Pm-Close :h:¥Er:::i:o¥:i&£:ei:sit:C:!oat;h::::£i¥;ry:t;:::nsi on a cold glass plate, rearranging and observeobserve the remarkableremarkable steadyste Lej]iLi¥:nhd°:cmh::#%:ruth:V=dm°:aatido'u:[dt;will send a check for the same amount to cuisine, on a cold glass plate, rearranging the Task Force offices. I can be reached at it and your armarm inin aa way thatthat I'ml'm guessing growth of CCF. How How interesting interesting tgto look the Task Force offices. I can be reached at WACKY FRIDAYFRIDAY back at the humble beginning of The t€hfa#:4geot::ig:t:;2£82:.efe:2`.eFgr:'icl#?the following address: Drew Siegel, 1420 Isls not for artistic considerations.considerations. Then she Foundation with $500.00 in seed money, Clayton Street, Apt. 203, San Francisco, lowerslowers somesome otherother cold, hard thing do`rmdown to:.::k:fs::ti|o:nheeTln##;Se:a#:en:ne!so-:::Tf this time, nine years later, as Cream CA 94114, phone (415) 552- 8382. onto thethe top ofOf your your breast, breast, squishing squishing itlt PARTYPARTY City Foundation now annually gives over - Warmly, flatter than youyou ever thoughtthought somethingsomething $12,000.00gig,oFooou.nodoatjo[nnno;,aanntnsua,,tyog{vseusp3::: in grants to support Drewri##g:i Siegel that small -- oror thatthat large - couldcould bebe Prizes GivenGiven Away to organizations, programs and projects squished. Then sheshe says,says., "Don't "Don't better our Gay/Lesbian Community. V Every 11/2 /2 hr.hr. StartingStarting atat 3regttaenrl::trioGnas;/i:rg;:nm6o=n:u:|rt?I.ectsto breathe" -- likelike youyou could, clenching I contd.eontd. from page 28 Who knowsknows - - sometimesometime inln the future I your teeth against the pain! Imagine 10:30"'10:30Pm may wish to become involved with CCF Newman, R.N , Charlene Schultz, your teeth against the pain! Imagine Connie Newman, R.N., Charlene Schultz, having this done twice to each breast. again (if they will have me back). In the R.N. andand JulieJulie Reeder. Reeder, medicalmedical assistant assistant if you will, that this meantime, I'll enjoy many fond memories from thethe Milwaukee County Medical And then imagine, if you will, that this OCT.12OCT. 12 .10pm• 10Pm of great satisfaction roaming all over andi::#:i:;:,:t;¥:ii§]j:o!:£i;%V¥°a!!o:n::cki]:hinocrt::: a feeling Complex willwill discuss discuss the the institution's institution's woman whose handshands are roaming all over -Sincerely. is not a complete stranger - HIV/AIDS Research Protocol on Nov. 18. your breastsbreasts is not a complete stranger - GIRTH & MIRTH Warrenwaren_E:Er¥tle#]# E. Breitlow someone you will never havehave toto see again GIRTH & MIRTH provide a vehicle for Gay InIn an effort toto provide a vehicle for Gay - not,not, asas I said, your loverlover (who (who common issues men toto discuss discuss common issues presumably frequently sees and touches SOCIAL && MEETINGMEETING disease, the Milwaukee presumably frequently sees and touches Will matchmatch surrounding HIV disease, the Milwaukee your breasts), but someone you know AIDS Project has has begun begun aa "Gay"Gay Men's your breasts), but someone you know AIDS Project slightly, someone youyou see see around around In ln thethe donations HIV Positive Positive SupportSupport Group." The HIV community, atat concertsconcerts andand things.things. ThatThat faocroBEk26ri? America's Lesbian and Gay community group, facilitated by David Huibregtse. a 'OCTOBER 26' several defeats at group, facilitated by David Hulbregtse, a is exactly what happenedhappened to me thisthis year!year' has recently been dealt trained group facilitator,facilitator, meets meets hands of the Federal government. Like What waswas merely aa routine,routine, somewhatsomewhat the Thursday's fromfrom 7pm- 9pm9pm atat the HALLOWEEN PARTY a you, I have watched in dismay and disgust uncomfortable medical procedureprocedure HALLOWEEN PARTY & Milwaukee AIDS Project. as Congressman William Dannemeyer Milwaukee instantly becomes an awkward social helped ban HIV positive travelers and Often, those whowho`care care for peoplepeople withwith situation. Just what dodo you talktalk about SCAIANGER-HUNTSCAVANGER HUNT immigrants, as Jesse Helms championed AIDS andand HIV infectioninfection requirerequire an your nurses, when an acquaintance is squishing your -SIGNUPNOW-AMAPFundra.Ber mandatory testing of doctors and established support system.system The - SIGN UP NOW - A MAP Fundraiser Department continued breasts? and as the Defense Milwaukee AIDS ProjectProject provides a harass Gay men and Lesbians in the Well, youyou wouldwould thinkthink that was enoughenough to support group entitled "Family,"Family. Friends military. We have taken a beating at the for oneone summer,summer, butbut no:no: II alsoalso hadhad anan uglyugly rf SrmNGroDA/STARTING TODAY to meet this hands of homophobes in Congress and the and Significant Others"Others" to meet this mole on mymy backback thatthat II neededneeded to have facilitated by Kate White House. and its time to fight back need. TheThe group,group, facilitated by Kate removed. I didn't expect thisthis toto be a Food DriveDrive for MAP,MAP. BringBring in in a a Bag Bog in private Who defends us against this political Zbella.Zbella,. a psychotherapist in private pleasant experience. but the doctor's meets on pleasant experience, but the doctor's of Goodies & & Get Get a aFREE FREE RoilRoil or Gay bashing in the Capital? Who speaks practice, and Nels DeloriaDeloria meets on bedside mannermanner - sheshe seemedseemed toto havehave of National Gay at St. Paul's for you in Washington? The alternating Tuesdays at St. Paul's studied under Torquemada, thethe medievalmedieval Donedic Beer Force. NGLTF has Domestic Beer and;on?#ies;!£::?nna:i:iifFg:3,I::i!&!iL::ali`ifi Lesbian Task Episcopal Church. dude who headedheaded upup the Inquisitionlnqulsltlor[ - - well by lobbying congress dude served you For more information on any Ofof these hair- NOVEMBER 9-"301" 9."301. Singles singles Dart to sponsor the Federal Gay and make the wholewhole thingthing eveneven moremore hair- members contact Joan Lawrence at the Lesbian Civil Rights Bill, collecting and programs, contact Joan Lan/rence at the raising. She began by exclalmlng,exclaiming, onon toumamenlTournament - - A A MAP Fundraiserfundiaisei publicizing§e::%ii[::ri€:]%:sijiiEisy::B:io±|:{#¥i;##:iy:::::i statistics on anti-Gay violence, Milwaukee AIDSAIDS ProjectProject (414) (414) 273-1991.273-1991. I in =-i

•ln Step•October 10-23. 1991•Page 50

I \ nside Out by Yvonne Zipter

® A VIDEO This old girlfriend too many like that anymore. Why, did you Normally.my various annual and semi- know that this old girlfriend once had annual check-ups are routine and boring. cleats, knee pads, and flat abs? BAR And, I've gotta say, that's pretty much I started off the summer with a trip to the way I like it — an exciting Pap smear the dentist, a lovely, wacky woman who ABSOLUTELY THE BEST is something I can do without. In fact, I must, like all dentists, have a very secure think if I ever do find a Pap smear sense of self — how would you feel if no exciting, it would be a good idea to take one ever wanted to come see you? But see DRINK SPECIALS IN TOWN some time and examine the quality of my her I did: I had to get a new crown. My life... girlfriend suggested it might be easier to MONDAYS But unlike the usual course of events just eat some Imperial margarine, but I • Favorite Brand Nite with these things, this summer I ended up tend to go with more traditional methods. Call Same Price as having a confluence of appointments that Anyway. the worst of it was getting the Rail! each yielded the need for "a little old crown off, which she did using TUESDAYS • Mini Bust something extra" — a phrase you might something called, whether unofficially or want to hear in conjunction with desserts officially I'm not sure, "the clunker" — 25' Taps • $1 Rail or bonuses, but not from people in the a big metal thing which looked more like a medical profession. Anyway, as the weeks tool for prying fenders off than something WEDNESDAYS • Super Bust Plus! went on and I dutifully made my way from you would put in your mouth. (Although in one procedure to the next, I began to feel a way, I guess the prying-a- fender- off FREE Tap Beer, Wine, Soda Ilke somebody's rehab project. analogy is an apt one!) Even thought the whole thing was less than torturous, I felt "We could do a TV show, I PLUS like I should have had a bunch of those commented to my younger and less orange signs tacked to me, announcing rickety girlfriend, "called This Old 50' Rails, 75' Bottle Beer, $1 Call that I was under construction. Girlfriend." Then came the annual gynie check-up, This week on This Old Girlfriend, We'll the humiliating experience we women all AND -- Male Dancers -- Up Close & Personal be looking at this fine old example of a love to hate. Actually, I don't mind it that medium frame girlfriend. You don't see much. My doctor is quite gentle and TIITJRSE)AZYS • sensitive, and as long as we use the child- Super Bust and again. Laughing at it's language — size speculum, I'm alright. This year FREE Tap Beer, Wine, enjoying the subtlety. Learning things however, she threw me a curve; "How Soda, Tacos about someone just by how they write, or about a cholesterol test? And while we're $1.25 Cuervo & Corona sharing things you might never be able to at it, why don't we see if you're anemic — say. your skin color is a little sallow." For the Is this a tradition we really want to lose? average grown-up. drawing a little blood Have we lost it already? Can we get it is no big deal. Unfortunately. I am only OPEN back? masquerading as a grown- up. The truth 8' NIGHTLY is, I'm terribly phobic about needles. But, So, the next time you want to call or like the dental work, that went rather 2-for-1 Drinks - 8-10Pm send a card, sit down and write a letter. ® better than I had expected. However, bet both you and the recipient will enjoy it No Cover Fri & Sat 8-11Pm more. 115 EL Who knows, we might even bring back .:: the perfumed love letter. Stationery without silly sayings or pictures. The ability to express ourselves in a clear, diva :oncise, cogent manner. Hallmark will survive. More importantly, the love of our language and -FaE] the ability to use it well 801-805 South 2nd Street • Milwaukee • might also! ntallain 383-8330 I •In•In Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23,10.23.199l.Page 1991•Page 3232 sin•In Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23.10-23, 1991•Page199l.Page 49 seem toto require require cards.cards. Halloween, Halloween, Thanksgiving and New Years Day seem to In Memoriam be almost asas important asas ChristmasChristmas —- at leastleast`in in the world Ofof greeting greeting cards.cards. GordonCordon L DrootmanDrootman Am II crazy,crazy, oror isis allall of of this this just just a a bit bit tiO overwhelming to others as well? 1963-19911963-1991 InIn the last quarter ofof 1991, we still havehave January 12, 1963 - -SeptemberSeptember 29,29, 1991 1991 Halloween, Bosses Bosses Day, Day, Sweetest Sweetest Day, Day, Those of us who loved you and tocktook youyou Thanksgiving, Christmas. Can youyou to youryour restrest thethe otherother dayday willwill be foreverforever imagineimagine how manymany cards one might have 11061106 MainMain StreetStreet to purchase inin the the course course Of of aa year? And Pfte"4yBde;dpeizpcotida§ee®zqF1 grateful for the brief time we had youyou with year? And 15001,46~4001tgail us. You were somethingsomething of a wonder. that's notnot countingcounting all thethe additionaladditional timestimes Despite the deck that lifelife had had dealtdealt you,you, cards now seemseem to be necessary. Za's wouldwould likelike toto thankthank you refusedrefused to bebe aa 'whiner.'`whiner.' You had a Divorce. Yes, divorce nownow seems seems toto childlike, exuberantexuberant delightdelight inin life, life, a a require aa joyfuljoyful oror comfortingcomforting card. Then the followingfollowing who gleeful laugh and aa wickedwicked sensesense Ofof there's `Congratulations'Congratulations onon quitting humor. smoking.' `On'On gettinggetting your driver'sdriver's gave their summersuhmer to You were a fighter andand youryour deepdeep faith license.license. '' 'On`On youryour retirement/ retirement/ promotion' inin ChristChrist gavegave youyou strength strength inin thethe battlebattle (I(I looked locked for one `on'on having your firstfirst help us. DennisDennis M,M, sexual experience,'experience,' but none seemedseemed toto you fought. You showedshowed your Christian Rithald a David, Erie commitment in so many ways; singing in be available —- yet)yet). . Richard & David, Eric the choir and teachingteaching Sunday School at There are funnyfunny cards,cards, sexually explicit S., Jay Sherman Park LutheranLutheran Church,Church, staffingstaffing cards.cards, cards with just just pictures, pictures, the the good good S., Jay Bero,Bero, Steve Steve K, K, Vacation Bible Camps Camps andand givingglvlng LiteracyLiterary old-fashioned sentimentalsentinental card, cardscards RickRick H. tutoring at the S.O.S. Center. When youyou which playplay music, music, cardscards with picturespictures ofof leftleft us Sunday morning you knew you famous people. The choices areare endless. were off to aa betterbetter place. Which toto send/send/ What lsis thethe etiquette?etiquette? If I and (hethe rest whowho gave us I know aa piece of my soul went with youyou Gordon Droolsan only send mymy sweetheartsweetheart aa ValentineValentine and many hourshours of help and II hopehope a piecepiece of yours remains with a Sweetest Day card, will sheShe feelfeel rejectedrejected because II didn't Sendsend `1'I Love You, ' ' those you left behind. DomDon Orejudos `Mis§ing You' and `Just Thinking of 'Missing You' and 'Just Thinking of too!(oo! MichaelMichael PP (The|The Rest well,well. Googie, Googie, you you were were a a good good and and You?,You?' decent servant of the Lord, aa gentlegentle lover. lover, Artist, EtienneEtienne Artist), Donald (The|The loyalloyal friend and aa lovingloving son son and and brother.brother. Erotic artist,artist, choreographer choreographer and and dancer. dahcer, Seriously, other other thanthan making companies We will missmiss you sweetie,sweetie, and and wewe carrycarry onon Dom Orejudos,Orejudos, yieldingyielding toto a a long long battle battle likelike Hallmark wealthy, isis thisthis proliferation Arcriitect|,Architect), Buck Buck & i inin thethe kno`^/ledgeknowledge thatthat we will see you with AIDS,AIDS, passed passed from thisthis worldworld on on ofOf greeting greeting cards really good for our again someday. September 24th, atat hishis homehome in in Boulder, Boulder, culture? Or is it another exampleexample ofof our Scott, DaveDave & & Patti, Patti, increasingincreasing illiteracy? Of America'sAmerica's -— Gordon'sGordon's Funeral was Wednesday, Colorado. He was 58 years old. convenience store mentality? OrOr it'sit's Oct. 2nd2nd atat ShermanSherman ParkPark LutheranLutheran As thethe artistartist Etienne,Etienne, .Dom'sDom's sexualsexual Kate &a Sliahhoh,Shannon, shallow sincerity? Have we become a Church in Milwaukee.Milwaukee. HeHe waswas buriedburied the fantasy art isis knownknown throughout the worldworld nation of people who can't simplysimply state next dayday in Appleton. AnyoneAnyone wishing to and hashas beenbeen featuredfe-atured`in in posters and BeckyBe€ky & i Lecia,Letia, Don Doh & i what they feel? make memorialmemorial contributions in his name magazines over fourfour decades. WithWith his I Steve, Big John, Dave should sendsend them to the S.O.S. Center. Center, lifelonglifelong associate associate and and partner, partner, ChuckChuck Maybe I'mI'm overover reacting,reacting, butbut thinkthink Steve, Big John, Dave 3614 W. NorthNorth Ave., Ave., Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI WI Renslow, Dom Don created created Chicago's Chicago's about it.it. When was thethe last last time you 53210. infamousinfamous Gold CoastCoast LeatherLeather Bar and wrote or received a letter? Or did you send S., TerryTerry W., W., Tim Tim W., W., InternationalInternational Mr. Leather, promoting bothboth a cardcard instead.instead, or putput itit onon youryour Sprint, Sprint, contd. from page 32 MCI oror ATT ATT card card — - another new Lola,Lola, Reba, Reba, Denny, Denny, American convenience which means we WLZAFZP.a 815/965-0344 can now call our mothermother on Mother'sMother's Day Jason, Rich R,R, KevinKevin H. H. from any paypay phonephone anyany wherewhere inin the Rockford's Hot world! Brad (Swish),(Swisri), Wayne, Wayne, Put>PLID Try and recall the pleasurepleasure ofof receivingreceiving Party Place a letter fromfrom a dear friendfriend oror loved one DanDan and Lenny. . . GOMIN6.C"lNcf sOC7N SOON 1.90 to Bus. 20 513 E. Stale Street who sharedshared his/her lifelife on every page. 0-44OJq4to4Ndeh±aeu3atChe3toplchtl to 4 North 115 at the cioektawer Exit Rockford, IL t..c.piVt) Being able toto pickpick it it upup and read it againagain in

sin•]n Step•OctoberStep.October 10.23.10-23, 1991•Page199l.Page 48 1 3054 East Washington • Madison, WI • (608) 241-4977 Reflections from the Joan Zone by Joan Lawrence GreetingGreeting cardscards Sweetest Day. II meanmean Bosses Day? I like my boss; I II recentlyrecently went intointo aa local drugdrug store to I like my boss; I wouldn't mind sending her a card. But a buybuy aa friend a birthday card. AA §lmplesimple a card. But a holidayholiday honoring honoring bosses? bosses? And, lt's not card wishing her wellwell onon her special day. And, it's not likelike thethe bosses bosses are are off off the hook, because A dayday which onlyonly comescomes onceonce a year. the hook, because we now havehave Secretary's DayDay asas well.well. Can Sending people cards on birthdays and cards on birthdays and Coordinator, or or Receptionist's Receptlonlst's or or Happy Hour Open every day certaincertain other special oocaslons ls an old other special occasions is an old Part-timer'sPart-timer's day be far behind? American traditiontraditlon for which I'veI've never Tues-Sat Noon-Close Sweetest Day reallyreally confusedconfused me. I learnedlearned thethe derivation.derivation.` Yet it'slt's a nice me. I thoughtthought that's whatwhat Valentine's Day was, Noon-8 Vri! tradition.tradition. We all like toto receivereceive cards on Day was. IsIs therethere a difference between your daysdayswhichare which are specialspecial tous.to us. . difference between your sweetest and youryour valentine?valentine? IfIf soso whowho is ButBut havehave you been in your local card BITCHIN' been in your local card what to whom?whom? DoDo parents parents qualify qualify — - MONDAYS: Happy Hour store.store, drug storestore oror supermarketsupermarket cardcard friends? section lately?lately? with John LastLast monthmonth we had Grandparent's Day. 4-8 We used used to know what the basic what the basic Weren't they considered asas parentsparents in the Club Card Night 9-Close; 6 Drinks for $5.00 American holidaysholidays requiringrequiring recognltlon recognition past and placed underunder Mother's Mother's and were: Christmas, Christmas, Birthdays, Mother's Birthdays, Mother's Father'sFather's Day? Does this mean we sendsehd andand Father'sFather's Day, and perhaps Easter. and perhaps Easter. them a card twicetwice a year?year? ThisThis lsis allall very TACO TUESDAYS We also sent Sympathy, and Get Well and Get Well confusing.confusing. What are thethe new rules which Plus 2-for-1 Drinks Open to Close cards as wellwell as AnniversariesAnniversaries andand Thank accompany allall thesethese holidays?holidays? . You's. Not any more! As if]f all all the the new new holidays holidays aren't aren't $4.00 Just forfor the monthmonth of October, we have WEDNESDAYS: Beer & Soda Bust of October, we have confusing enough, nownow other other holidaysholidays two newnew holidays: BossesBosses Day and whichwililii useduot:u toto beoe celeora(eacelebrated Ill in o[nerother Waysways 5 Kinds of Beer to Choose From THURSDAYS: "Whiner's Nite" $5 all the Wine you Can Drink, 9-Close, with 754 Taps FRIDAYS: Noon to 9 Happy Hour with FREE Buffet 9-Close $5 Beer & Soda Bust - DJ Cheryl G :;Iiii!!'' "`<`seit ..:`8!§::.•:!: :£::: : :;::i;!£'.:.. . ' :`.``Ffflsf.,.ff..§..,...fA SATURDAYS: 4-8 $3 Beer Bust „ DJ Cheryl at 9 with Beer & Shot Specials * SUNDAYS: Double Beer Bust Noon - 8 & 9-Close - Packer Games on TV I- CLUB 3054's Traditional Halloween III E I I ONl Blow out, Thursday, Oct. 31 (1.94(I.94 toto 41 Neith.North, See See Us Us deAt tllethe §topfight!)Stoplight!) Pumpkin Carving • Costume Contest • Prizes, etc. •In Step.October 10-23,199l.Page 34 •ln Step•October 10-23, 1991•Page 34 •In•]n Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23,10.23, 1991•Page 199l.Page 4747 Mountains,Mountains, DomDon created a number of contd.eontd. onon pEIg® page 3434 created a number of eroticerotic fantasy art bocksbooks includingincluding three toto world wide recognitionrecogriition viavia hishis artisticartlstlc volumes of 'Meatman.'`Meatman. ' talents. AnAn early pioneer in Gay male A worldworld traveler. traveler, Mr.Mr. OrejudosOrejudos was was erotica, Mr.Mr. Orejudos Orejudos (aka (aha Etienne Etienne and and stricken with pneumonia while traveling Stephen) waswas recognizedrecognized as one ofof the with a 1987 delegationdelegation to ChinaChina andand Tibet. great masters Ofof fantasyfantasy art.art. Mr. Orejudos isis survivedsurvived byby hishis lover,lover, An accomplished accomplished dancerdancer andand RobertRob?rt YhunkeYhunke of of Boulder; Boulder; two two brothers, brothers, choreographer,choreographer, Mr.Mr. Orejudos Orejudos was was also also FrankFrank Lemi andand GilGil Orejudos, Orejudos, bothboth ofOf well recognizedrecognized nationally as a master Ofof Chicago; thethe RenslowRenslow Family; Fariily; and and many, many, ballet. The recipientrecipient ofof threethree separateseparate manyinany friends.friends. A memorial service for Mr. grantsgrants fromfrom thethe NationalNational EndowmentEndowment Ofof Orejudos will bebe held on October 12 at thethe Arts, over a dozen ofof his works have have 2pm,2pm`, at at the the Church Church of Of the the Atonement, Atonement, beenbeen presented onon PBS television earning 5749 N. Kenmore, Kenmore, Chicago. Chlcago. three Emmy awards.awards, ForFor muchmuch ofof thethe GayGay community, community, and and the leather communitycommunity in particular,particular, Dom Don will bebe rememberedremembered for his erotlca.erotica. HisHls MartyMarty BI®cmanBlecman exaggerated muscular imageryImagery waswas easily recognizablerecognizable andand hashas been featuredfeatured lnin 1956-19911956-1991 dozens ofOf publications, publications, clubclub logos logos and and Marty Blecman, ownerormer. ofOf Megatone Megatone print advertising over a thirty year period. Records in SanSam Francisco, Francisco, died died September September Dom's murals covered the walls of 20 of complications duedue to AIDS.AIDS. He was Chicago's GoldGold Coast Leather Bar,Bar, whichwhich 35 yearsyears old. earned anan internationalinternational repu\tatlonreputation by Blecman was oneone ofOf thethe pioneersploneer§ ofof the distributing his work throughoutthroughout the high energyenergy dance musicmuslc movementmoveinent that Kingring pTodrctin'sProduction's various WisconsinWisconsin-USA-USA titleholders litleholdeTs performed aerfomed at at fo'Dee's ]o'Dee's lr.tl.Intl. iniq. aa world's leather community tnin poster form. `Stars Of Wisconsin' sho¢Ii. camecame on the heels Ofof "the "the death Ofof 'Stars of Wisconsin' show. Dom's long association with leather disco,disco,"- Inin 1979. HeHe -discovereddiscovered and and dates to the earlyearly 1960's when he and nurturednurtured the careers Ofof late dance club partner.partner, Chuck Renslow,Renslow, established established Kris Krls legendslegends Patrick Cowley and and Sylvester,Sylvester, Studios, one one ofof the the earliest earliest 'physique .physique and always jokinglyjokingly,tcok took credit credit forfor addingadding style' photographic studios. Publishers of the 'M'`M' in the title of Cowley andand Mars, TriumphTriumph andand Rawhide Rawhide Magazines. Magazines, Sylvester's dancedance classic classic "Menergy," "Menergy," Mr. Orejudos began his career in erotic according to BillboardBillboard magazine.magazine. art on those pages. Together with Blecman paved thethe wayway forfor openlyopenly Gay Renslow, Mr.Mr. Orejudos Orejudos established established a a and Lesbian peoplepeople inin thethe music industry leatherleather night at thethe Hi Ho Club inln Chicago,Chicago, by being being oneone of the firstfirst toto publicly publicly come and used it as a springboard to the to the out of thethe closet. establishment of the Gold Coast, oneone ofof the first andand longestlongest lastinglasting leatherleather bars Megatone (surely everyevery self respectingrespecting inin thethe nation. nation. TheyThey subsequentlysubsequently wentwent on Gay manman hashas atat leastleast one of this labels to establishestablish aa stringstring ofof clubs inin Chicago.Chicago, recordsrecords in theirtheir collection)collection) will continue includingincluding Man'sMan's CountryCountry Baths, Baths, Zolar, Zolar, under the management of new owner John Pyramid andand CenterCenter Stage,Stage, asas wellwell as as Hedges.Hedges, who was previouslypreviously president president ofof clubs in otherother cities such as Club Baths the label.label, andand DavidDavid Diebold. Diebold, general general Kansas City and ClubClub BathsBaths Phoenix.Phoenix. One manager. ofOf the the founding founding members members of the `Renslow'Renslow V Family.'Family,' Dom inaugurated inaugurated Chicago's Chlcago's `August White Party' now in its '5E>cOC'Nu5abthejtou 'August White Party' now in its eighteenth year. \VIZARP' InIn 1981,1981, Mr. Mr. Orejudos Orejudos moved moved to to Boulder, Colorado toto devote devote his his energies energies PLIDPIttryjee to ballet,ballet, art,art, andand hishis loverlover of of 22 22 years, years, . . COMING SOON Robert Yuhnke,Yuhnke, who survivessurvives him. him. FromFrom TheTl®e cast casl from from the the Rainbow Rchboui Revue's Reoue's benefit show for for the familiesfandi6s Ofof the victinsvictims Ofof the OJq4 t0 4 at the t.opirjhtl their home inin thethe foothillsfoothills Ofof the Rocky (1-c14 to 4 North fee Lb DahmerDchmeT tragedy. i?5. •In Step•OctoberSte|}.October 10-23,10-23.199l.Page 1991•Page 4646

RAINBOW REVUE OPEN M0N-FRI-.MON-FRI • 2pn // SATSAT .• llam 11'm /I SUNSUN .• 10:30an 10:30'm ' 2 for 1 HAPPY HOUR 4 til 8 Mom-Fri 2 for 1 HAPPY HOUR 4 til 8 Mon-Fri

Thurs,Th-urs, OctOct 10, 10, LIBRA LIBRA BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY PARTY, PARTY, 8 til8 tilMidnight. Midnight. Free BeerBeer && Buffet. Fri, Oct 11,11, 11pm-EMERALDllpm-EMERALD CITYCITY BOYS.BOYS. Fish Fry 44 til 9pm Sat, OctOct 12,12, 9:30pm-Mark 9:30pm-Mat.k Waldenbergers Waldenbergers Annual Annual Birthday Birthday Benefit for Cream City Chorus - Food/Show/Fun.Food/Showffun. KitchenKitchen openopen.llam llam tiltil 9pm.9pm. Sun,suri, Oct 13,13, 10:30pm-VICTORIA'S io:3Opm-vlcTORIA's RAINBOW RAINBOw REVUE REvuE with with Eartha Quakes, RudiRudi DiAngelo,DiAngelo, Jack Jack and and More. \ BrunchBrunch 10:30 til 3. Tues,TLies, Oct Oct 15, 15, 9:30pm-Milwaukee 9:30pm-Milwaukee AIDS AIDS Project Project Fundraiser Fundraiser with RONNIE MARKSMARKS and and Raven Raven Cole, Cole, Tina Tina Roberts, RudiRudi DiAngelo,DiAngelo, Ivana Ivana Black Black and and More. Fri, Oct 18,18, llpm-MR.llpm-MR. SYD'SSYD'S SHOW SHOW featuring featuring Sydney Sydney Johnson, Mr.Mr. RainbowRainbow 1991/921991ro2 and and many, many, many guests. Sun, Oct 20, 10:30pm-Show:10:30pm-Show: BRITTANY BRITTANY MORGAN, MORGAN, Miss Mis; Rainbow 1991®2,1991/92, Miss Miss M M and and Friends. Friends. Mon,Mom, Oct Oct 21, 21, 10:30pm-HARD 10:30pm-IIARD BODIES, BODIES, Male Male Dance Dance Revue, Revue, $4ee CoverCover. .

11001100 South South 1st lst Street .• 647-9950 647-9950 Fannie'sFanvie's 8`!h8th anniversaryanviversany weekendweekend broughtbrought outout thethe smilingsmsting faces. faces, *In•In Step.October 10-23.199l.Page ac Step•October 10-23, 1991•Parte 36 *In•In Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23. 1991•Page199l.Page 4545 October 16 to 19, 1991. 1991. The The event event is is hostedhosted byby thethe DepartmentDepartment of ArtArt and co- The Arts sponsored by twentytwenty UW andand MadisonMadison area artsarts departments,departments, programsprograms and and institutions.institutions. TheThe purpose of thethe MilwaukeeMilwaukee Gay/Gay/ conference is is to to discussdiscuss issuesissues thatthat are at LesbianLesbian theatretheatre the forefront of criticalcritical debatedebate inin artart and art education. InIn additionaddition to panels and Company Plans December Premier Company Plans December Premier speakers, manymany workshops,workshops, tours tours and The Board of DirectorsDirectors & founding exhibitions are planned. members Ofof Milwaukee'sMilwaukee's firstfirst Gay & Lesbian TheatreTheatre Company areare pleased to GAY ISSUESISSUES announce the formation of The Different The Gay/Lesbian Panel is open to`to the Drummer Theatre Alliance. The Alliance public andand scheduled for 3:30pm on isis dedicated toto thethe presentationpresentation of of GayGay & Thursday, October 17 in Room 150150 Lesbian plays by Gay & Lesbian writers to Elvehjem MuseumMuseum of Art,Art, Madison.Madison. be5:s:iear:.pf::i performed by Gay & Lesbian actors. IsIs therethere a Gay/Lesbian sensibility in the The playsplays toto be be presentedpresented will represent represent - arts? FlowHow does the invisibilityinvisibility Ofof Gay andand our community,community, ourour liveslives and and ourour issues. issues. Lesbian studentsstudents and faculty limitlimit The Different Different Drummer Drummer Theatre Theatre everyone's experience? AreAre crucial Alliance hashas secured the rights toto Victor dialogues being excluded from thethe Bumbalo's Adam And The Experts for a discussion of contemporarycontemporary andand historical December 1991 Milwaukee Milwaukee premier. premier. artists andand theirtheir art? How do Gay and Adam and the ExpertsExperts isis consideredconsidered "the"the Lesbian studentsstudents and faculty survive the most important play to deal withwith thethe AIDSAIDS academy? PanelistsPanelists will discuss discuss crisis since As IsIs and The Normal strategies forfor movingmoving beyond homophobia Heart."Heart. " and heterosexism heterosexism inin thethe teachingteaching of artart Anyone interestedinterested in auditioningauditioning or and art history. working behindbehind the scenes should write: Moderated by AnnAnn Schaffer, Schaffer, thethe panel panel The DifferentDifferent Drummer Drummer Theatre Theatre Alliance.Alliance, includesincludes artistartist Robert Tollefson,Tollefson, MaryJoe MaryJce PP.O. 0. BoxBox 92756,92756, Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI WI 53202, 53202, or or Schnell of of thethe Randolph Randolph StreetStreet Gallery.Gallery, call 347-0673 afterafter 6pm. Chicago andand MichaelMichael StarkmanStarkman of Southeastern Louisiana University. FallFall ArtArt ConfabConfab A receptionreception will follow in in the the FiresideFireside Lounge of the UniversityUniversity Club from addressesaddresses Gay issues 5:30pm to 7pm. Conference organizers note note thatthat several How and for what do artists become How and for what do artists become other sessions are open to the public known? Are they heroes? known? Are they heroes? includingincluding a panel session on Frank Lloyd What about thisthis growinggrowing tendencytendency in Wright,Wright., PublicPublic ArtArt and and Wisconsin Wisconsin Indian Indian student preferencepreference forfor violenceviolence in film,film, Mounds. video, music and visual embellishment? video, music and visual embellishment? Questions may be phoned to the UW- Designers have played a role in Madison DepartmentDepartment of ArtArt atat (608)(608) environmental concerns, butbut are usuallyusually 262-1660. limitedlimited toto aa reactivereactive rolerole inin thethe businessbusiness world rather rather than than 'pro- `pro-active.' active.' Are there alternatives? What will artart instruction be like after the fall of thethe Bauhaus? WIZARD'S IsIs therethere a Gay/Lesbian sensibility in the arts? PUBPub These are but a fewfew questionsquestions thatthat willwill .. .. .DOMING.croMiNc; soc7N TheT.he Napalese Napales? Lounge Loun€f celebrated celebrqted their their 9th 9th Anniversary Arwiversay for for three three nights,vighis, one ofOf which which be addressed at thethe 55th55th Mid- America SOON featured a show with C.C. Rae and friends. 0-qq4to4Nach±geusatthgjtqF*¢q]634 to 4 North I.eatured_a sPo_ul uiith C.F. _Rae and fiends. In In the the bottom bottom photo, Oho.o, Nap's-Nap's owner, owrier, Mel Met College ArtArt Association Conference on U6 at the .zplijiti [centerteenter front]fror.t] isis surroundedswnounded byby staff staff and and friends. freiids. EEiEiiiiiE

•In Step.OctoberStep•October 10-23.10-23, 1991•Page199l.Page 4444 Rainbow Revue: Mr. Syd's Show, 11pm SUNDAY.SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13 ##b#T.R:#be;wM;i.§Zds;d:I;Wj'o#go:with Mr. Rainbow '91-92 Sydney Johnson All Saints Cathedral: Monthly Diocesan & guests. Evensong & Healing Services, All Saints Cathedral, 818 E. Juneau, service begins SATURDAY.SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19 4pm Call Cathedral office. 271-7719, to Ballgame: Sheepshead Tournament, 4pm. ii;iE:esaiiii;e&!i!;fiai,i;.#g;:,:vi:?e;,;#£j;make prayers on behalf of someone. BtheBike Ride: CruiseCruise Grant Park with Station ]]:II: `Q9lfGolf at at Riversbend, Riversbend, 10am loam GAMMA, meet at Lake ParkPark PavilionPavilion at at TT-Time.-Time. noon,ncon, call 963-963-9833. 9833. Touch Football: Pickup game at 2pm on Club 94 [Kenosha]: Queen of the 94 I?nuccoiriFD?jtv6ea`;i:e|Ej.c::pos%afT:matG3:mc|:3Lincoln Drive field, across from Gun Club Follies contestcontest with specialspecial guestguest emcee,emcee, open to all, sponsored by GAMMA Call 11pmllpm showtime. showtime. 963-9833.%;.ng8t83?!]. SP°ns0red by GAMMA. call Jo.dee'§Jo'dee's Intl.Intl. [Raclne]:[Racine]: Victoria's Variety Square Dancing: Classes begin today at Revue, 10:30pm,10:30pm, cover. cover. 6pm. at 3B's Bar, cost about $4, Wreck Room:Room: Oberons 2nd2nd Beer Bust forfor g;:;::I:?da:jE:i:M%a£:::,1:£93`.:9b8%°u3¢ay#sponsored by GAMMA, call 963-9833. thethe Christmas ClubClub forfor ChildrenChildren with M&M Club:Club: FaronFaron Evans.Evan§, live.live. AIDS. $5 bust begins 9pm. all proceeds to fh[eD3hr::tiuasstcb,Fbi.ns9Pm.auprcoeedstothe Christmas Club. OPEN MONDAY, OCTOBER 1414 T.T. Tulip: Don't forgetforget SweetestSweetest Day!Day! Rod's [Madison]: Beginning of Thur thru E:i::wea:¥t:rdt]:::I:,underwear alert week, throBueggh]8:{Tg]. through Oct. 21. of SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2020 Partner's: BESTD Clinic offersoffers free,free, Sun at 9pm TUESDAY,TUESDAY. OCTOBER 15 anonymous HIV testing & counseling fromfrom The Office [Rockford]: Bonnie Bitch & 5-5-9pm. 9pm. spECIArsSPECIALS Hurricane Summers NationalNational TourTour with Rainbow Revue: The Brittany Morgan Deedles Diamonds;Diamonds; comedy,comedy, puppets, puppets, Show,g:;nwb,0:tthReMTses:R:rnebo3r!i#9y2B¥;ig:; with Miss Rainbow '9192 Brittany EVERY NIGHT character illusions, magic.magic. & friends.friends, 10:30pm. (Doors Close Friday, Rainbow Revue: MAP fundraising show OurscloseFriday, GREAT SPECIALS #tt#bri°o:nFee%:ks¥£dpmfour:?;?#:fa.Showwith Ronnie Marks and more, 9:30pm. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2222 SaturdaySaturday&Sunday & Sunday Partners: Hard Bodies Male Dance at9pmat 9pm WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1616 Revue, cover.cover. Club 219:219: Miss Miss 219 219 Contest, Contest, winners winners — - Soto Members,Members, UsejUse $100 plus sponsored for the upcoming ALWAYS! WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 23 yourKeysDYour Keys!) pageant Entertainment by The 219 Girls. Rod's [Madison]:[Madlson]: FullFull Moon Moon party. party, 11pm. Contestants must register by 88-close,-close, specialsspecials allall night. night. 9:30pm.i:3¥ia::UCSE:S:::t:::£tr€8n#gtihh::g::P?Ce:G|i:s; Nothing To Hide [Madison': Cable WINGS HALLOWEENIIAILOWEEN Nothing To Hide [Madison]: Cable Channel 4, 9pm, tape of GALVAnize's '91 Channel 4, 9pm. A Conversation With %:.::n:!4wlT:o?,#:;eL¥8|'f6A]n:,ze¢sa?5:March in Madison. PARTYPART Sam;f;:;n:;£TFo,?,:i:::A`¥o:t:§ro=nt'i;nc#i: Day & Friends. Pivot Club [Appleton]: Live comedy with Roller-skating: GAMMA open skating national comedian Holly Farris, 10:30 begins 7:30pm, at Rollaero, 2500 S. ;;£%T{€j:bcwo[[£epgp:]a:;::#ck;;ee.Fcaor#:,dy]#38showtime with guest Zoomie. Pennsylvania Avenue, open to all, call BLACK 963-9833.;ill.`:;::y:I;i:3Paa:rnA.v:;:¥;B::°r%::2a#at::s:, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2424 I IE FIRS). OF Rod's [Madison]:Annuel [Ma'dlson]:Annual. PumpkinPumpkin THURSDAY. OCTOBER 17 Carving Contest,Contest, fun && prizes.prizes. EVERY NioNni » ONE. BALL M&M Club:Club: BESTDBESTD Clinic Clinic offers offers free, free, anonymous HIV testing from SATURDAY,SATURDAY. OCTOBER 26 HO '1( OF FREE. 8pm8:i:#Td:Tgsht. -midnight. HIV testing from 3B's Bar: Halloween Party Scavenger Friday, NovemberNovember 11 LAMM Meeting: Member returns from HuntfiBu':t(¥erj:fir::I:Wrfeinp),Psafrg¥uscanvoewn.ge£ (benefit for MAP), sign up now. A I iR INKS l'OR THOSE IN "Dinosaur Dig,' with fossils & slide MAP fundraiser.fundraiser. WIN(iS S.HIRTS. Prizes fiorfor thethe best Black show. Potluck at 6, program at 7, Milw v. lieatherLeather& & other costumes. Enterprise Center, 2821 N. 4th St., for Rod's [Madison]: Rod's official info#%};;§¥::.!!e#;I?¥2i:r#;isri:tt:r7¥tiii£: call 264- 2600. Halloween Party Blow Out — bewitching jogig;.],:.;:.;nummommagro. hourF!uf,,::w.:#e:c?y:,a:n!;`¥?aErt:,d:sbewol::`hciina: costume contest & party. FRIDAY, OCTOBEROCTOBER 1818 Platwood Club [Stevens Point): Glen & Beer Town Badgers MAP Fund Raiser: At Todd's='oad?.#irfh'::y[S::be,n:p:n°`Z;]i,Gf`ri:nd&s birthday party. open 2pm, friends MR. & MS. MADISON LEATHER '92 Boot Camp Saloon. Drawings for prizes & invited.invited. drink tickets from l0pm-1:30am. All HAS BEEN SET FOR SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1992 proceedsi::::c:t::ticg£:;:o::;n;:#?M:fEiEu::#ai:ie::::!% & donations for MAP direct V patientPatient carp •In Step.October 10-23.199l.Page 38 •In Step•October 10-23, 1991•Page 38 •In Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23,10-23,199l.Page 1991•Page 4343 isis a documentary that chronicles the documentary that chronicles the M&M/Glass .MenagerieMenagerie (dinner wine brought along two newnew bodies for us to massive 1989 ACT UPUP and WHAM action WHAM action donated by Chicago's Rodeo Riders). The ogle at. Where does he find these men? At at New Y6rk's St. Patrick's Cathedral in at New York's St. Patrick's Cathedral in traditional campy show wrapped up the a perfectperfect male specimen factory? Curious Flicks protest over protest over CardinalCardinal O'Connor's O'Connor's evening. TheThe show. show, entitled entitled "This "This is ls aa minds want toto know! opposition to Gay' rights and AIDS opposition to Gay rights and AIDS test.test...".." waswas actedacted byby members ofof the David && DanDan ofof Masquer's Masquer'§ have gone MilwaukeeMilwaukee groupgroup toto education. Badgers. out of business. ButBut nevernever fear —- Ann This film was canceled on a national screen PBS This film was canceled on a national Sunday.Sunday, September 29 was live musicmusic Brunow has taken over thethe spacespace in screen levellevel byby PBSPBS afterafter itit alsoalso was scheduledscheduled nightnight`with with Jeff Jennings at Za's, FaronFaron Wausau (320 Washington) andand named Itit as part of the POV series. Again, PBS censored Ifilms ilms as part of the POV series. Again, PBS Evans atat M&MM&M Club, Club, and and KristiKristi K K and and JeffJeff The Mad Hatter.Hatter. was accused ofOf censorship, censorship, andand ofof giving giving Stoll performing atat StationStation 11. 11. IfIf you havehave a curiouscurious mind and want to inin. toto pressurespressures fromfrom religiousreligious groups and WHOSE P.O.V. IS IT? Meanwhile Partners was off to the know whatwhat specialspecial events will be conservative viewers. happening the next two weeks..weeks.... turn to Milwaukee —- GreatGreat Lal{esLakes Film and • Son of Sam and Delilah by Charles horse races atat ArlingtonArlington Park. The day • Son of Sam and Delilah by Charles the Calendar, appearingappearing rightright afterafter thisthis Video will bebe showingshowing three three videotapesvideotapes longlong eventevent includedincluded pre- bus coffee and Atlas is an AIDS allegory allegory that PBS column. Until Until nextnext issue,issue, letlet meme leave youyou originally scheduledscheduled as part of Public doughnuts, juicejuice drinks and a box lunchlunch officials canceledcanceled fromfrom theirtheir experimentalexperimental with this newly coinedcoined 'disease' `disease' — - Broadcasting System'sSystem's series.series, but but on the bus, racerace track entry entry fee,fee, open open bar bar 10 partpart independent video series "New Obnoxious PersonalityPersonality Disorder. Julia because of their subject matter,matter, werewere on the bus back,back. followed byby dinner dinner at at Obnoxious Television." TheThe film is artistartist Atlas' Duffy as her newnew character (Allison)(Allison) on censored by PBS or its affiliates. Balistreri's Ristorante.Ristorante personal response toto the sorrow andand "Designing Women" usedused thethe phrase, phrase, II started started this column talkingtalking aboutabout male The program willwill be run at 77 andand 9pm bewilderment of the loss of friends and saying It it isis very widespread. She certainly dancers, and and that's that's thethe way it it willwill end, end, on October 25 & 26 inin the University of lovedloved onesones toto AIDS,AIDS, using using a a serial serial killer killer as as hit the nail on thethe head.head. I know of scores of too. ClubClub 219219 brought brought back Gay Wisconsin MitchellMitchell Hall, Hall, B-91. a-91. Mitchell Mitchell a metaphor for the.epidemic.the epidemic people with OPD. The cure? I can't think Milwaukee's favoritesfavorites —- Hunter and the people with OPD. The cure? I can't think Hall is located at the corner of Downer and The Advocate quoted PBS nationalnational of anything more appropriate than a Headliners onon October 2nd.2nd. HunterHunter Kenwood Avenues. Tickets are $4 at the press officer LauraLaura OldsOlds asas saying,saying, "we "we snappy reality check!check! V himself is a consistent favorite, and he door, andand seatingseating isis limited.limited. believe Son ofOf Sam Sam andand .DelllahDelilah is himself is a consistent favorite, and he The threethree filmsfilms'scheduled scheduled toto be shown inappropriateinappropriate for primeprime time because it are: lackslacks clarity in content content and style and ••Tonghes Tongues UntiedUntied byby MarlonMarlon RiggsRiggs, contains scenes ofof excessiveexcessive violence. violence." ' ' Calendar This award winning piecepiece rises above the The AdvocateAdvocate also quoted PBS affiliate deeply personal toto exploreexplore whatwhat it-it means and the filmsfilms co-producer,co-producer. WNETWNET press given away every half hour, starting press WEDNESDAY.WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9 10:30pm.iJY§8p:ray every half hour, starting to be Black and Gay. officer SusanSusan DowlingDowling saying saying sheshe thoughtthought Nothing To Hide (Madison]: Cable Platwood Club [Steven§ Point): UW-SP's This summer over 100 PBS affiliatesaffiliates PBS rejectedrejected the tape because "it"it Channel¥:::ine¥4,T:pmH,jdReeai[¥;:s'Sfi:!iizec#t'ai 4, 9pm, Real Eyes Realize Real [Stevens Point(: UW-SP's homecoming, doors openopen 9pm.9pm. (including(including Milwaukee'sMilwaukee's ChannelChannel 10) doesn't allowallow the usual comfortablecomfortable Lies. Rainbow Revue: Emerald City Boys, refused toto air Tongues andand others showedshowed distance between the television set and Rainbow Revue: Emerald City Boys, distance between the television set and 11pmllpm. itit latelate at night to minimize exposureexposure. the viewer. But But that'sthat's part ofof what makes THURSDAY,THURSDAY. OCTOBER 10 La Cage: BESTD Clinic offers free, Backing away from controversialcontroversial voices Cage: BESTD Clinic offers free. Charlie's piece so powerful.powerful. It'sIt's very raw anonymous HIV testingtesting from lOpm-lam.10pm-lam. SATURDAY, OCTOBEROCTOBER 1212 goes against PBS's stated purpose~purpose with and hard-hittinghard-hittirig and also very loving andand Station II:11: OctQberfest, free beer, hors d' 3B's Bar: MAP Pantry food drive starts Octoberfest, free beer, hors d' their Point of View (POV) series:series: to moving. I think itit offersoffers a sortsort of healing oeuvres 8-12. healing today — bring in a bag of goodies & get a oeuvres 8-12. represent viewpointsviewpoints inin American vision asas well asas aa desperatedesperate one." free;%'e::aBf:!rdM.a:3,:ca!:e:ey,,;*ddi:isve&sgt::t: rail or domestic beer. Girth && Mirth Mirth Club Club Meeting: Meetlng: 3 3 B's B's Bar,Bar, communities often absent from . • . Rainbow Revue: Libra birthday party for socializing,socializing, 10pm.10pm. commercial televisiontelevision. Now youyou cancan seesee all three of these filmsfilms 8g-ai#rght?#eeieet{&r3uffb:::hday-midnight, free beer & buffet. Party Hiking: GAMMA sponsors its 'Fall Color (Apparently(Apparently PBS fearsfears offendingoffending and make up your own mind,mind, thanks thanks toto Hike' in Northern Kettle Morraine. open homophobes more than it values serving Great Lakes FilmFilm andand Video.Video. Then, Then, toto FRIDAY, OCTOBEROCTOBER 1 I F.:!aT.`re%#hh:er?n;¥ts,:;;REi:s%l;n;!:o3;e:;to all, leave here 9am. Call 963-9833 for information.information. the Lesbian and Gay viewing public. The protest the silencing of thesethese voices,voices, callcall National Coming Out Day: Take Your Next cancellations rightly receivedreceived major media PBS at (703) 739-5000739-5000. YouYou can can also also write Stepgtae£°8anL€::!j:%%uuttDAatyivTo¥k?X:urioN::: On Coming Out At Work. At Home. New Bar/RodsBar/Rods [Madison]:[Madlson]: Blue Bus At Play coverage. AA numbernumber of PBS supporterssupporters to thethe headhead ofof programming, programming, Jennifer Jennifer Clinic offers free, anonymous HIV testing &&':noj:n%g,€;Sg,frgeperi.afao:rousHIvtesting counseling. 9pm- lam. dropped their financial contributions to Lawson.Lawson, PBS, PBS, 1320 1320 Braddock Braddock Place, Place, Dos Lesbos: A Lesbian musical comedy play, 8pm, locallocal affiliatesaffiliates inin response response .toto the Alexandria,Alexandria. VAVA 22314 withwith your your Centennial Hall, 733 N. 8th Jo'dee'sJo'dee.s lntl.Intl. [Racine]:[Racine]: BabyBaby Jane & St. , Milwaukee. Sponsored by Hurricane Company,Company,10:30pm, 10:30pm, cover. cover. censorship.) comments on their censorship decision. Productions.;:Eo:yd'u¥t§;in;';:kc¥i:tkii;:n:!L:or¥!'r'!#nu:r¥;8§§ Tickets $10 in advance. $12 You can can also also writewrite thethe man who oversees Platwood Club [Stevens Point]:Polnt]: UW-SP's Craig Seligman, inin the San FranciscoFrancisco door.dcor. homecoming, doors openopen 6pm.6pm. much of thethe PBSPBS funding: funding: DonaldDonald Examiner, called called Tongues Tongues "Angry, "Angry, Wreck Room: BESTDBESTD Clinic offers free The Marbury, DirectorDirector TVTV Program Program Fund, Fund, Office [Rockford]: Chicago's Gay funny, erotic andand poetic poetic by by turnsturns (and (and anonymous HIV testingtesting from 4-4-8pm. 8pm. Metal#eetalosg:i:ty'E#e!:onr[!]:.Rfhkitcoabgeoises[Fa: Society presents 'Rocktoberfest,' a sometimes all atat once),once), itit jumpsjumps fromfrom Corporation for PublicPublic Broadcasting,Broadcasting, 901 The Shamrock [Madison]:[Madison]: BlueBlue Bus Clinic basement party. E Street, NW.NW, WashingtonWashington DCDC 20004.20004. interviewinterview toto confession, music video toto offers free, anonymous HIV testing & Rainbow Revue: Mark Waldenbergers documentary to poem." •V counseling,:#ue:§eii:eg:'9pa#?3::?uS 9pm- lam. HIV testing & annual Birthday Benefit for Cream City •• by Robert Hilferty 3B's3B.a Bar:Bar: Wacky Wacky Friday Friday Party, Party, prizesprizes Chorus,:fi;n:#£Tdh:d¥hyeo:wBe¥:;itfovyatdreenabmergciS food, show. •In Step•OctoberStep.October 10-23.10-23, 1991•Page199l.Page 4242 sin•]n Step•OctoberStep.October, 1991•Page199l.Page 39 contd. from pagepage 39 The new buildingbuilding is all their own andand offers plenty ofof futurefuture potential.potential I'm sure half ofOf the the, parking parking lot lot across across the the street street Mark andand Ken had a great timetime designing from the bar effective October lst.1st. His Steppin' Out by Ron Geiman the place just the way theythey wantedwanted it, it, fromfrom original plansplans to installinstall plantersplanters there scratch. The second floor,flcor, completecomplete withwith • - It's definitely Autumn -we went right also, have have now now been been putput onon hold.hold. It's definitely Autumn — we went right Club 219 ownerowner Bobby Lyons, whowho balcony overlcokingoverlooking thethe lowerlower dance floor •®®® • • from shortsshorts and no shirts to long pants recently purchased thethe vacantvacant lot between and a separate bar,bar, won't be open forfor with sweaters or jackets. I still have to 225 and 231 South South 2nd 2nd Street, Street, has has One way to bringbring back the heat of or jackets. I still have to several more weeks.weeks. Once Once that'sthat's ready to switch over my closet from summer td attempted toto `spiffy''spiffy' upup hishis black.block. Summer is by enjoying the provocative closet from summer to go, Za's Za's will have have theirtheir GrandGrand OpeningOpening fall/winter wear. I keep opening my closet However, hishis attempts attempts havehave been been moves ofOf 'The `The Dream Dream Team' Team' malemale dance opening my closet `uprooted' so to speak. After purchasing party. ,WatchWatch lnIn Step forfor detail§!details! ByBy the the door every morning and realizing I have to 'uprooted' so to speak. After purchasing troupe. They made appearances at Club morning and realizing I have to way, the the barbar is is closed closed on on mondays, mondays, hit the spareSpare room's closet to find the vacant lot, BobbyBobby had had aa lotlot-wide-wide 33 footfoot 219 andand TheThe PivotPlvot Club September 19-19- 20. room's closet to find Tuesdays & Wednesdays through the end something appropriate toto wear.wear. OneOne of high by 88 foot deep planter installed along September 20-2220-22 wasivas anan anniversaryanniversary of the month to make ongoing construction these weekendsweekends 1'11 I'll force myself toto mal{emake the sidewalk, and filled it wi.thwith shrubbery.shrubbery. weel{end for two GayGay WisconsinWisconsin favorites weekend more feasible. the warm/ccolwarm/cool clothing switch but but that The greenerygreenery improved andand softened the - Fannies celebrated theirtheir 8th,8th, andand TheThe — Fannies celebrated Happy 40th birthday wishes to Patrick move makes it allall seemseem so so final. final.. . . looklool{ of of the the entire entire block. block. WithinWithin thethe firstfirst NepaleseNapalese celebrated their 9th. Fannies (Triangle)(Triangle) and and DanDan (CSP (CSP Inc.) Inc.) — - 4040 isls not The Allen Bradley/ Rcekwell complex, week, 33 ofof thethe shrubsshrubs were rippedripped outout andand provided lots of drink specials, and door Bradley/ Rockwell complex, provided lots Of drink specials, and door so lonelylonely.now now that II havehave company. company. .. . bordered byby 1st lst and 3rd Streets, and stolen. Two weeks weeks later, later, a a largelarge evergreenevergreen prizes all weekend, wrapping things up and 3rd Streets, and - the fecal point Of the planter - was prizes all weekend, wrapping things up Milwaukee's PestFest CityCity Slnger8Singers tocktook Washington andand Greenfield, is in the — the focal point of the planter — was Sunday with a showshow with with 'nearly' `nearly' Greenfield, is in the their PridePride Week Week "History. "History, Herstory. Her§tory, middle of massive exterior renovations. In vandalized with yellow oiloil-based-based paint.paint. allall-women.-women. Congratulations Congratulations toto Sharon and exterior renovations. In Ourstory" song and dance show on the caseca-se you you haven't haven't noticed, they are That same bush was then completely her staff on 8 big years. noticed, they are road for appearances at Laha Cage on rere-painting-painting and installinginstalling nearnew windowswindows on uprooted afterwords. A sticky, syrupy syrupy presented live music The 'Naps'`Naps' presented live music September 27,27, Za'sZa's onon the the 28th, 28th, and and the the the formerlyformerly drab andand dirtydirty complex.complex. The liquidliquid was also drizzled across thethe frontfront Ofof Saturday night by Jeff Jennings and Saturday night by .Jeff Jennings and Pivot October 4. complex isis thethe biggestbiggest structure in the the planter toto preventprevent peoplepeople fromfrom sitting Zoomie.Zoomie, and and aa bigbig show show Sunday Sunday featuringfeaturing there. Childish youyou say? I agree!agree! Club 3054 waswas busybusy onon thethe 28th, withwith aa area andand theirtheir renovationsrenovations have hadhad a C.C. RaeRae andand entourage,entourage, with free food However, childrenchildren (rarely(rarely seen seen in in this this three person birthday blowout inin the tremendous positive visualvisual impact on the and drink specials. Congratulations to industrialindustrial area) probably didn't do it. afternoon, followed byby aa` benefit benefit dance dance forfor entire neighborhood. Mel,Met, hishis managermanager Cricket andand theirtheir veryvery GALVAnize, organizers organizers ofOf the the Madison Madison Now allall we need to do is corral the By thethe way, 219219 alsoalso leased leased thethe westernwestern able staff who areare now inin theirtheir 10thloth year of to do is corral the March Weekend for Gay and Lesbian vandalism to further im contd.conld. on page 42 business. further improve 'our' area. Rights, which was slatedslated for OctoberOctober 5-85-8 Jo'Dee's International presented Jo'Dee's International presented (after(after my deadline)deadline). . regional entertainersentertainers whenwhen they hosted a The CreamCream CityCity Foundation Foundation 'Stars`Stars of Wisconsin' show featuringfeaturlng coco-sponsored-sponsored Channel 10's10's (Milwaukee's several King ProductionsProductions WI-USAWI-USA Public BroadcastingBroadcasting Service station) titleholders. telecast of "Longtime Companion" on The 2nd Annual Wisconsin AIDS WalkWall September 29th. I saw the film when it surpassed theirtheir goalsgoals withwith overover 3,2003,200 was released in the theaters (remember over walkers, 30,000 30,000 contributors, contributors, and and over the Milwaukee premiere sponsored by $286,000 pledged. pledged. That's That's aa 50% 50% increase increase Wisconsin Light and Inln Step as a benefitbenefit '90. AIDS over funds raised inin '90. AIDS for the Pride Committee?), butbut thoroughly state will organizations fromfrom across the state will enjoyed seeing it again.again. Laughter and funds, with the split 25% ofof thosethose funds, with the tears are veryvery cathartic.cathartic. .. .. remainingremaining 75% goinggoing to the Milwaukee The Beer Town BadgersBadgers held their 7th AIDS Project.Project. CongratulationsCongratulations and a big annual anniversary celebration, Bier SteinStein public 'Thank You' to the organizers. public `Thank You' to the organizers, VII. TheTh`e day day started started off with a cocktail volunteers, corporate corporate sponsors. sponsors, • party hosted by Leather United/Chicago, marchers, and toto each of you whowho party hosted by Leather Uriited/Chicago, followed byby aa dinner dinner cateredcatered by donated! A goodgood turnturn outout attendedattended the benefit show at RainbowRalnbow Revue for the familiesfamilies of the MilwaukeeMilwaukee /Dahmer/Dahmer tragedy.tragedy. EP'S IluTtJu Members of the Hughes, Miller.Miller, Lacy Lacy and and Sears families attendedattended the show that PUPSPug 22! urer featured a big line up of entertainers.entertainers...... DOMING .~lNC= sOC7N SOON 1111111 •—.9; Za's opened the doorsdoors at their new 0-44m4 coto 4 North 5aeLb us at at thethe •5topkit) 56daht] location,location, 11061106 Main Main Street, Street, in in Green Green Bay. Bay. 1` `


revez•of-Az., ,,COMISSSWYNEW, 4cs,r) r "E . "There are more than 30 million Gay & Lesbian Americans yet most people don't think they know Wisconsin's anybody Gay. That is mathematically impossible." oldest - Lynn Shepodd Exec. Dir. National gay/lesbian Coming out Day Campaign magazine, urges you to "Telling the truth about yourself is join the thousands of gays a fundamental step in creating better relationships with your & lesbians across the family & friends. If you are Gay or world who will be taking Lesbian, come out to someone you care about on Coming Out Day, &Mat% OV? their next step October 11." • • - Rob Elcherberg "out of the closet" on author, "Coming Out: NATIONAL COMING OUT DAY An Act of Love" OCTOBER 11 .„ AINOWAR AD SPONSORED BY: IN STEP MAGAZINE, SERVING THE WISCONSIN GAY/LESBIAN COMMUNITY SINCE 1984. 225 SOUTH 2ND STREEI • MILWAUKEE, WI 53204 • PHONE 278-7840 • FAX 278-5868