[email protected] School of Earth and Space Exploration Phone: 480-965-6590 P.O. Box 871404 FAX: 480-965-8102 Tempe, AZ, USA 85287-1404 Education Pennsylvania State University Geosciences Ph.D. 2002 Advisor Professor Barry Voight Fulbright Fellow Republic of the Philippines 1994 – 1995 Topic: The economic and cultural effects of the 1993 lethal eruption of Mayon Volcano on four agricultural villages. University of Notre Dame Aerospace Engineering/Philosophy B.S./B.A. 1994 Professional Appointments 2009 - present Assoc. Prof., School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University 2009 – present Associated Researcher, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Pisa, Italy (INGV-Pisa) 2003 - 2009 Asst. Prof., School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University 2002 - 2003 Royal Society Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK Research Narrative: My research interests include the physics of volcanic eruptions, especially short- lived, highly-unsteady explosions and dome-building events; developing and using numerical models and laboratory experiments to understand controls on the style and scale of volcanic eruptions; field and satellite observation of plumes and domes to understand physical processes; volcano deformation and its role in eruption prediction; interpretation of pyroclastic deposits on Earth and Mars; highly- explosive basaltic volcanism; cinder cone erosion and volcanic geomorphology; eruption triggering and interaction between geologic processes (e.g., earthquake-triggered volcanic activity; and the interaction between volcanic plumes and Earth’s atmosphere). Field sites of interest include Mayon volcano (Philippines), Mount St. Helens (USA), the Soufrière Hills volcano (Montserrat), Merapi and Semeru volcanoes (Indonesia), and the San Francisco Volcanic Field (USA), among others.