Social Climate/Column for Phil Daily Inquirer
About low survey ratings Page 1 of 3 Column for Philippine Daily Inquirer PDI 09-04, 1-22-08 [for publication on 1-24-2008] About low survey ratings Mahar Mangahas Monday’s SWS release included the first reading of public opinion on Juan Ponce Enrile as Senate President. At the start of last December, there were 38 percent satisfied and 33 dissatisfied with his performance, or a net satisfaction rating of +5. SWS refers to +5 as “neutral” since single-digit net ratings are indistinguishable from zero, and zero means exact balance between satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Based on the SWS archives, which show that Mr. Enrile had net scores of +21 in September 2008 and +30 in December 2007, his new score of +5 is definitely a comedown. Strictly speaking, however, it’s more appropriate to compare it with ratings of earlier senate presidents than with ratings of plain senators, including JPE himself before he headed the senate. The previous senate head, Manny Villar, had scores from +39 to +59, which are “good” to “very good’ in SWS terminology, ending at +43 in September 2008. Except for Franklin Drilon’s +2 (February 2005) and +8 (March 2005), all other senate presidents, since 1990, had scores of +22 and up (“moderate” starts at net +10, “good” at +30, and “very good” at +50). Why did public satisfaction with Mr. Enrile drop so much, compared to when he was a plain senator? I think the only thing that could have made a big impression on the public was the sudden realignment in the senate, which led to his takeover from the very popular Mr.
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