(E: Tilrtin, and J. Fivzsi.;.V.) , 17
, DOCUMENT 11ESp5E r . ED 172 500 s- EC 1114906 AUTHOR .- Jordan., Jule E.,El. -,, Tina Exceptional Child Education at the Eic;:ntennial; A . '3:14ra-de of 'Progress! Pavised ,Editicn. 1 INSTITUTION coiocil for ,Efceptional 'Child rin, ioston-, Va. ... .IVormation S...rvic,)s and Publications. SPONS AGENCY -National Inst. -lot .Educ,ition (DHFW) , Washington, .t1. '.. ., D.C.. .., . PUB DAT '77 ,./; i. NOTE . 121 p. ;A.: Product ot the E7?,TC Clearinghouse or. Handkcarpped.- a.nd Gifted Zhitdren; Some small print . and. photographs may not re produce clearly "AVAILABLE*FlOM The Council..for.Exceptio::ial Childrctn, Publication Sales Unit, 1920 As.nociation Drive, r.e.st'on,Virginia 220,91(PublicatiOn No. 1.45,/$5.5.0) .' EDRS PRICE MF01/PC05 'Plus Post-age. DESCRIPTORS *Edtloation-a. Trends; i-A.mi.ntary S'econdary, Education; -'*Equal Education; *Federal. I.,-gislati.on; *Handicapped Childr-en; Interviews; Pa: ant RolP; rT=.?acher. Fducation; *Trend Analysis ABSTRACT Thitteer. ontr: but?.J, irape.rs,int.ervis.--ws, and diesous.sions focus on historical. truss in the ?ducatior..f handicappedhildren And youth.l'h-firs:. .section provid thr warspectivesa th., status :-.)f,---xcpticinal child ..:-Aucationhrot gh' int-..rvt.:wsith math- rs of C''..sr..-4r..--7-(.3..-i.3.11dOlph,i:. ,Willi in C. Pertins,.AndA. .Q11i--±),tl,=:?,u:: --.0od-,..dtA.-7.' 1 t.:. oli for *.E.,:,H r icapped (E: tilrtin, and J.fivzsi.;.v.), _17.:,.1, Th.=i2,..;un.:1.1 for 1:xc.,!.,ptionel Children (W. Ge9r and. F..Jor,,,:3).1.11. .-..3'CO:',.1.3--.Cti...)::ptC7-..7-if:Lt:_;t 1-.,,,, following -eight papers: "EsPf cially -for- sp,,cial -,..iu.::itors; `,--nse..--o-f.
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