PHP Programming Language

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Articles Active Agenda 1 Active Calendar 2 Adminer 8 Aigaion 10 Aiki Framework 12 Asido 13

Associate- O- Matic 16 AutoTheme 18 Avactis 19 BakeSale 22 Beehive Forum 23 bitcart 25 BlueErp 29 BuddyPress 30 ccHost 32 Claroline 34 Comparison of knowledge base management software 36 concrete5 42 Coppermine Photo Gallery 44 Croogo 46 DBG 47 Delphi for PHP 47 Doctrine (PHP) 49 Dokeos 52 dotProject 55

User:Drietsch/ pimcore 57 DynPG 58 eAccelerator 59 Elgg (software) 60 EpesiBIM 62 Flash Gallery 64 Flash MP3 Player 66 FluxBB 68 Frog CMS 71 Gallery Project 73 Gamboo Web Suite 75

Gateway Anti- Virus 77 GoogleTap 78

Group- Office 79 Habari 81 (software) 85

HuMo- gen 86 IPBWI 89 Icy 91 Ingo (software) 94 Injader 95 Intelestream 96 Internet Messaging Program 98 Invision Power Board 99 ionCube 101 103 Joomsef 106 KnowledgeBase Manager Pro 108 List of PHP accelerators 109 List of PHP libraries 112 Magic quotes 113 (software) 115 Merlintalk 120 MetaBB 122 MiaCMS 123 (software) 125 Midgard Lite 129 MindTouch Deki 130 Monkey Boards 134 Moodle 135 Moxietype 140 MyBB 141 NETSOFTWARE 144 146

User:Nichescript/ Affiliate Niche Sript 147 Ning () 148 NolaPro 152 ORMer 154 ocPortal 155 Open Realty 158 OpenBiblio 159 Opus (content management system) 161 osCommerce 163 PEAR 166 PHP accelerator 167 PHP syntax and semantics 168

PHP/ Bridge 172 PHPClasses repository 173 PHPDoc 174 PHPEclipse 180

User:Papagel/ EFront (eLearning software) 182 () 185 pHAML 187 Phoca Gallery 190 Photos Project 192 PHP 193 HipHop for PHP 205

PHP- GTK 207

PHP- Nuke 210 Php4delphi 213 phpDocumentor 215 PhpGedView 216 PhpGraphy 218 phpLDAPadmin 219 phpMyAdmin 220 PhpMyBibli 223 phpPgAdmin 225 PhpSQLiteAdmin 226 PhpXCore 227 phpBB 228 phpGrabComics 238 phplist 239 PHPmotion 242 PhpWiki 244 Pimcore 246 Piwigo 248 Plogger 250 Pluck (software) 251 PmWiki 254 PrestaShop 257 Project Zero 261 Propel (PHP) 263 QPHP Framework 264

Quick. Cart 266 RKWard 268 Ravennuke 269 ReOS 271 Redbean (software) 272 RefDB 273 refbase 274

User talk:Renlok/ WeBid 275

User:Renlok/ WeBid 276 ResourceSpace 277 Robogallery 279 RoundCube 281 SWiZ 283 Scope resolution operator 283 Seagull PHP Framework 285 Serendipity (software) 287 SilverStripe 290 Simple Cloud API 295 Simple Machines Forum 297 SimpleXML 301 Simply AJAX Forum System (SAFS) 302 SocialEngine 304 SquirrelMail 306 Squiz 310 SugarCRM 312 314 Textpattern 319 TikiWiki 322 TinyWebGallery 325 Torpor (PHP) 326 txtSQL 328 TYPO3 329

UBB. threads 332 Ubercart 335 uddeIM 337 vBulletin 341 Vwar 348 WakkaWiki 350 Website Baker 352 WebWM 357 WikkaWiki 358 WordPress 361 Xaraya 367 Xdebug 369 XOOPS 371 Xyster Framework 374 YHM (software) 375 Your Free Community 377 Your Free Screamer 379 Zen Cart 381 Zend Certified Engineer 383 384 Zend Framework 385 Zend Technologies 388 Zenphoto 391 Zikula 393 References Article Sources and Contributors 395 Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors 403 Article Licenses License 406 Active Agenda 1 Active Agenda

Stable release 0.8.2-beta / February 29, 2007

Written in XML, PHP

Operating Any system

Platform Web

Type Enterprise resource planning, High reliability organization, Risk management

License Reciprocal Public License (RPL)

Website [1]

Active Agenda is an open source risk management tool. Active Agenda is designed to support operational risk management (ORM) in organizations and is optimized for high reliability organizations. It is a browser-based multi-user enabled software. Active Agenda includes approximately one hundred modules [2] covering areas of the operational risk management process. Active Agenda utilizes a custom code generator called "spec2app". The "spec2app" processor converts specifications written in XML into integrated Active Agenda modules utilizing PHP and MySQL. The code generator enables rapid development of extensions to the core application and simplifies customization, support, and maintenance. Active Agenda was released on Sourceforge in October 2006. The source code release coincided with Penton Media's publication of the project launch article titled "A Solution (R)evolution."[3] In 2007, Active Agenda was named a "FAST 50" by the readers of Fast Company magazine.[4]

See also • High reliability organization • Occupational safety and health • Operational risk management • Rapid application development • Regulatory compliance • Risk management Active Agenda 2

External links • Active Agenda official website [1] • Active Agenda discussion forum [5] • Active Agenda Documentation [6] • Active Agenda Sourceforge page [7]


[1] http:/ / www. activeagenda. net/

[2] http:/ / www. activeagenda. net/ documentation/ index. ?title=Category:Modules

[3] "A Solution (R)evolution" (http:/ / ehstoday. com/ safety/ ehs_imp_39437/ index. html)

[4] Fast Company FAST 50 (2007) (http:/ / www. fastcompany. com/ fast50_07/ readers. html)

[5] http:/ / www. activeagenda. net/ discussions/

[6] http:/ / www. activeagenda. net/ documentation/ index. php?title=Main_Page

[7] http:/ / . net/ projects/ activeagenda/

Active Calendar

Active Calendar is a PHP class that generates calendars as HTML tables (XHTML-Valid). It can produce static calendars without any links or calendars with navigation controls, a date picker control, event days and content with event URLs, and linkable days (optionally URL or JavaScript). The layout can be configured using CSS, and JavaScript is not required. The supported dates (on systems using a 32-bit signed integer Unix time_t) are: 1902-2037 (Unix) and 1971-2037 (Windows), when using the default PHP native date functions, and 100-3000 and later, when using the ADOdb Date Library. screenshot2 640x480 Active Calendar is an open source project, licensed under the LGPL.

Features The calendars created by this class: • can be static (without any links) • can optionally have navigation controls • can optionally have a date picker control • can optionally have linkable days (URL or ) • can optionally have 'event days' with 'event links' and own layout • can optionally have 'event content' with 'links' and own layout • support different GMT zones for the current date calculation • support month and day names, depending on your language • can be configured using CSS • do not require Javascript to be displayed or navigated (server side generation) • can be generated with just 2-3 lines of code Active Calendar is based on the PHP native date functions (default) and supports optionally the ADOdb Date Library [1]. Supported dates (on systems using a 32-bit signed integer Unix time_t): Active Calendar 3

• Using PHP native date functions: 1902 - 2037 (UNIX) and 1971 - 2037 (Windows) • Using ADOdb Date Library: 100 - 3000 and later [limited by the computation time of adodb_mktime()] on both UNIX and Windows. To use the ADOdb Date Library just include it in your scripts. The Active Calendar class will use the library functions automatically.


Basic methods overview

$cal = new activeCalendar([$year,$month,$day,$gmt_zone]);

Create first a new object of the class. The parameters $year, $month and $day are optional. If these parameters are not set, the current year, month and day will be passed to the program. The parameter $year should have the form "yyyy" e.g. "2005" or "1996", the parameter $month should have the form "m" e.g. "1" for January or "10" for October and the parameter $day should have the form "" e.g. "4" for the 4th month day or "24" for the 24th month day. So for the date e.g. 7 January 2005 please set $cal = new activeCalendar("2005","1","7"). The parameter $gmt_zone is optional as well. Use this parameter to set the GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) zone for the current date calculation (e.g. 9 for Osaka Japan, 2 for Athens Greece, - 5 for New York USA). If $gmt_zone is not set, the server local time will be used.


Call this method, if you want the generated calendar to have month navigation controls (e.g. "previous month" and "next month"). The parameter $link is optional. You can use this parameter to set the URL for the calendar links (e.g. "mycalendar.php" or "mycalendar.php?mode=4&item=test", if you need more complex urls). You should modify the private method mkUrl(), if you want to change the general structure of the generated links. The parameters $arrowBack and $arrowForw are optional as well: they set other month navigation controls, than the ones set in the configuration (an image link can be set too).


Call this method, if you want the generated calendar to have year navigation controls (e.g. "previous year" and "next year"). The parameter $link is optional. You can use this parameter to set the URL for the calendar links (e.g. "mycalendar.php" or "mycalendar.php?mode=4&item=test", if you need more complex urls). You should modify the private method mkUrl(), if you want to change the general structure of the generated links. The parameters $arrowBack and $arrowForw are optional as well: they set other year navigation controls, than the ones set in the configuration (an image link can be set too).


Call this method, if you want the generated month calendar to have a date picker control. The parameters $startYear and $endYear define the range of the years, that can be selected (e.g. $startYear=2000, $endYear=2010). This range is limited by the private class variables $startYear and $endYear. Please modify them according to your configuration. The parameter $link is optional. You can use this parameter to set the URL for the calendar links (e.g. "mycalendar.php" or "mycalendar.php?mode=4&item=test", if you need more complex urls). You should modify the private method mkUrl(), if you want to change the general structure of the generated links. The parameter $button is optional as well: it sets some other value for the date picker submit button, than the one set in the configuration.

$cal->enableDayLinks([$link,$javaScript]); Active Calendar 4

Call this method, if you want the generated calendar to have linkable dates. The parameter $link is optional. You can use this parameter to set the URL for the calendar links (e.g. "mycalendar.php" or "mycalendar.php?mode=4&item=test", if you need more complex urls). You should modify the private method mkUrl(), if you want to change the general structure of the generated links. The parameter $javaScript is optional as well. You can use this parameter to set a JavaScript function instead of a URL for the calendar links. So if you set $cal->enableDayLinks(false,"selectDate"), this link will be created on e.g. 27 May 2007: ..href="javascript:selectDate(2007,5,27)".. The content of the Javascript function 'selectDate' will not be created by the class. You should develop it according to your needs.


Call this method, if you want the class generate different names for the calendar months, than the ones set in the configuration. The parameter $monthNamesArray must be an array of 12 month names starting with January.


Call this method, if you want the class generate different names for the calendar weekdays, than the ones set in the configuration. The parameter $dayNamesArray must be an array of 7 day names starting with Sunday.


Call this method, if you want the class to create an HTML td class=$id on the date specified by the parameters $year, $month, $day. You can configure every 'event date' in your CSS, so that it would have e.g. a different background color. The parameter $id is optional. If you do not set an $id, a default HTML class='event' will be generated. The parameter $eventUrl is optional as well: If you set an $eventUrl, an event specific link (..href='$eventUrl'..) will be generated on the 'event date', even if the method $cal->enableDayLinks($link) was not called.


Call this method, if you want the class to create a new HTML table within the date specified by the parameters $year, $month, $day. The parameter $content can be a string or an array. If $content is a string, then the new generated table will contain one row with the value of $content. If it is an array, the generated table will contain as many rows as the array length and each row will contain the value of each array item. The parameter $contentUrl is optional: If you set a $contentUrl, an event content specific link (..href='$contentUrl'..) will be generated in the 'event content' table row(s), even if the method $cal->enableDayLinks($link) was not called. The parameter $id is optional as well: if you set an $id, an HTML class='$id' will be generated for each event content (default: 'eventcontent').


This method will generate the HTML string of the month calendar. You can display the calendar by "print $cal->showMonth()". This method calls several private class functions, that create each tr tag of the generated table. So if you would like to change the table structure, you could simply modifiy the order, that these private functions are called (mkMonthHead() must remain first and mkMonthFoot() must remain last though). The parameter $showNoMonthDays is optional: if it is set true, days that do not belong to the current month will be displayed in the calendar (default: false). Please note that these days will not contain any events or event contents!.


This method will generate the HTML string of the year calendar. You can display the calendar by "print $cal->showYear()". This method calls several private class functions, that create each tr tag of the generated table.