Rifles_Nine Mohammad Zakir Hossain (Zakir Sir) English Teacher: Govt. Laboratory High School. Ex. English Teacher: Rifles Public School and College English 1st Paper

A Good Citizen

A person who has full rights as a member of a country, either by birth or by being given such rights-is called citizen. Almost every modern state, especially a democracy, allows its citizens several rights; but in return, it expects its citizens to perform certain duties. Among the rights enjoyed by the citizen in a democracy are, the right to pursue his own affairs as he prefers; the right to express his views, however silly they may appear to others, and the right to move about as he pleases. The citizen is considered so important that his rights are protected by the law of the state, and whenever they are infringed (j•Nb Kiv), he can secure redress (cybivq wVK Kiv). Citizen is an important thing of a democratic state. The development of a state depends on the character development of the citizen. There are two kinds of citizens; they are good citizen and bad citizen. The characteristic of a good citizen is to be educated, conscious, cautious, industrious, obedient etc. A good citizen must know the law and orders of his country. He is always ready for the welfare of the country. A good citizen is an important asset of a country. According to a political scientist Aristotle, a good citizen is a valuable element of a state. He cannot kill as he pleases. If he conducts infringes (j•Nb) the rights of others, then those who have been affected by his misconduct, could take legal action against him and he will be punished according to the law of the states. A good citizen does not do anything as he wishes. He thinks the rules and regulations of the state. On the other hand the bad citizen does opposite. Finally, it can be said that we should be a good citizen and should make others also.

A Cellular Phone Or, A Mobile Phone

There is no gainsaying that a cellular phone can tie the whole world with a single rope of relationship. It is a bridge between east and west, north and south. In earlier days telephone could only be used keeping in the house. Such a telephone cannot be used on the way while we have gone out. So men felt the necessity of a kind of telephone set which can be brought everywhere. Next, science and technology invented the cellular or mobile phone which is regarded one of the best inventions in this modern world. However, the role played by the cellular phone in the entire system of telecommunication can hardly be over-emphasized in the truest sense of the term. In Bangladesh, a country of poverty and hunger, cellular phone has also been introduced. We have become beneficiaries of cellular phone. Some companies, including the Grameen phone, Banglalink, Robi, Citycell, Teletalk and Airtel Telecom have gifted us with this great invention of science. For the cause of financial insolvency and lack of knowledge our people, obviously, cannot be able to utilize every portion of the cellular phone. In fact, it will take a long span of time to have a good utilization of the cellular phone in our country. For this, education can play a vital role for its utilization. We must launch a massive campaign to popularize cellular phone in our country.


The activities we do regularly for pleasure rather than work are called pastimes. Pastimes provide us with the opportunities of rest and recreation. In Indian sub-continent, people of both villages and cities have their own pastimes. Usually village people spend their pastimes by chatting and by doing various sociology- cultural activities. Some village children and boys play different kinds of rural games like ‘Ha-du-du’, boat racing, kiting, fishing, searching for birds and nests on trees. Some of them play football, cricket, badminton, volley-ball and so on. The village women and girls usually stay at home and spend their pastimes by gossiping, sewing and embroidering. The people in towns are generally educated and they spend their pastime reading newspapers, magazines, novels and other literary works. They also participate in the discussions on political issues at tea stalls. The younger generation in cities is very much fond of playing cricket, operating computer, driving motor-bike, cycling and reading books. The women in towns are fond of watching drama and films on television and listening music. In fact, common pastime for all walks of people in villages and towns is watching television. However, leisure should be significant for everyone. Rifles_Nine Mohammad Zakir Hossain (Zakir Sir) English Teacher: Govt. Laboratory High School. Ex. English Teacher: Rifles Public School and College

Pahela Baishakh

There are lots of cultural functions in our country, which are celebrated every year. Pahela Baishakh is one of them. It is related to our Bengali culture. It is the first day of Bangla New Year. People of different communities celebrate the day with traditional festivities all over the country. The day is a public holiday. To the Bangali the day is important because they get opportunity to hold out their cultures and old age tradition through different activities. Traders and shopkeepers open fresh account books. They entertain their clients with sweets. The day is more significant because it is not only a festival for a particular community but also festivals for all the Bengalis. Different socio-cultural organizations draw up elaborate programmes to celebrate the day. The day’s first program begins at dawn at Ramna Batamul organized by Chhayanat the leading cultural organization of the country. Fairs (Mela) are held at different places of the country. The biggest Baishakhi Mela is held on the Ramna Park and Bangla Academy. People participate the program wearing traditional dress. They change New Year’s greetings and wish ‘Happy New Year’ through New Year’s cards. Bangladesh Betar and BTV air special programmes highlighting the day’s activities. Almost all sections of people remain in festive mood all day long.

Climate Change

The change of climate is now a major global problem. Climate change has become an alarming term in modern days. Due to environment pollution climate of the whole world is going through an alarming change. Poor and developing countries are now blaming industrially developed countries for destroying the harmony of climate. Increase of burning of fossil fuel has been responsible for the rise of temperature. As the temperature of the world is rising and the Ozone layer is decaying, our world is becoming a gas chamber. Ice capes of polar regions are melting. Sea level, consequently is rising. Hence, coastal areas are going under water. The alarming news for Bangladesh is that the southern part of the country will one day go under the sea. It has already been seen that our southern part is losing its fertility. Cultivable land is becoming salty and earth is becoming barren. Many species have already been extinct and some are on the verge of extinction. Ecological balance is now facing catastrophe. Natural calamities are visiting us frequently. To tackle this adverse situation we have to plant more trees and find out alternative source of fuel. In this regard, rich countries must come forward and developing countries should be conscious.

Environmental Pollution

The word “Environment” means our surroundings and “Pollution” means dirty, unhealthy or harmful condition of something. Hence the term ‘Environment Pollution’ means dirty unhealthy or harmful condition of our surroundings. There are many objects around us. Objects, forces and condition, both natural and man made make the environment. Life and environment are closely related. Environment sustains life but this environment is becoming polluted every moment due to the advancement of science. Environment is being polluted every day in different ways. Water is a very important element of human environment. The other name of water is life. This most essential thing is being contaminated and polluted everyday by different ways and by different unwise activities of man. Air is another important element of our environment. Smokes of different factories, mills and transports are polluting it. Every day people are inhaling the poisonous smokes and creating health hazard day by day. Sound of different vehicles, factories mills etc. is also polluting our environment. Dust, the rubbish, earthquakes, cyclones, hurricanes, floods; dead bodies of animals and human wastes are causing dangerous environmental pollution. Everyday hundreds of trees and plants are being cut in Bangladesh and thereby making an unbalanced situation in nature. Environment has gained utmost importance in the present day world. Environmental pollution is considered a threat to the global development and security. It is very important to keep the environment clean and free from pollution. As man is the supreme element of the environment, men of every section should take pragmatic measures to save the environment from the much discussed green house effect. By preventing and controlling environmental pollution we can live a healthier and happier life. Rifles_Nine Mohammad Zakir Hossain (Zakir Sir) English Teacher: Govt. Laboratory High School. Ex. English Teacher: Rifles Public School and College

Write a letter to your father /mother to send you some money for buying some books and school dress.

Rahim Mirpur School June 1, 2021

My dear Father Your letter of the 12th instant is to hand. I am very glad to learn that you are well by the grace of almighty Allah. You will be happy to know that I have stood first in the Test Examination in order of merit secured star marks with letters in 7 subjects.

All the teachers praised me highly. But they advised me to make up my deficiency in English. The English teacher suggested me to purchase some important books which will help me greatly to enrich my knowledge of English and secure more than 80% marks in English. These books will cost about Eight hundred taka besides the books I need to buy school dress because the old one is not useable. I need Tk. 2000, for buying these things. I assure you that I will not waste any portion of the amount you will send me. Please send me the money as soon as possible. With best regard to you and mother and love to younger brothers and sisters.

Yours affectionately. Rahim

Write a letter to your friend describing the annual prize giving ceremony of your school.

Masum 100, Azimpur Road Dhaka-1205 June 1, 2021

My dear Zafar I am glad to receive your letter of the 2nd instant. I am happy to learn that you are all fine. Today I am writing to you about the prize giving ceremony of our school.

The annual prize giving ceremony of our school was held on the 24th of the last month. An extensive programme was taken in order to observe the day. A large pandal was made in front of the school building. The school campus was also decorated with colorful papers. Local D.C was the chief guest in the ceremony.

The ceremony began with the recitation from the Holy Quran. Then some students sang the opening song. Our Headmaster read out the annual report on the school. Then the chief guest distributed the prizes among the students. You know I came out first in the last annual examination. I got a prize for better result. It was Bangla Academy English –Bengali dictionary. After that a cultural function was held and the ceremony came to an end with the concluding song. No more today. Tender my best compliments to your parents and accept my love yourself.

Yours Sincerely Masum

Rifles_Nine Mohammad Zakir Hossain (Zakir Sir) English Teacher: Govt. Laboratory High School. Ex. English Teacher: Rifles Public School and College

Write a letter to your friend describing a street accident.

100, Azimpur Road Azimpur, Dhaka-1205 June 1, 2021

My Dear Razzak, Your letter of the 10th instant is to hand. I am highly glad to know that you are quite well by the grace of almighty Allah. I am so much sad that I am not in a sound mental condition to write a letter to you. But still I cannot help writing you. I want to mitigate my sadness by telling you the event that made me so much sad. This morning I witnessed a serious accident at Mirpur while I was going to the local branch of Islami Bank to cash a cheque. A speedy truck was coming from Gabtali, just at that moment an old man who came from a village was crossing the road from the western footpath to the custom one. In the twinkling of an eye the old man was knocked down and run over by the truck. To my great shock and horror, I found the injured man lying in a pool of blood. The man breathed his last on the spot. It was the most shocking and horrible accident that I have ever seen in my life. The state of my mind at that time could better be imagined than described. Immediately the passers by raised a hue and cry and tried to stop the truck but it ran away quickly. The tragic sight moved every heart. The people standing all around could not help shedding tears. I was so much shocked that I could not keep standing. I just returned home with a heavy heart and remained confined to be whole day. The sad sight often flashed upon my inward eyes and disturbed my mental peace. No more Today. Try to keep yourself safe while you are traveling. Please write to me the earliest convenience. With heart-felt and best wishes.

Yours loving friend Habib

Write a letter to your friend inviting him to take part in the picnic.

Rahman 100, Azimpur Road Azimpur, Dhaka-1205 June 1, 2021

Dear Ratan. I have not heard from you for a long time. I hope you are fine by the grace of Allah. You will be happy to know that we have decided to have a picnic no the 20th instant. Our Headmaster had advised us to hold the occasion at Mahasthangarh, Bogra. You know that Mahasthangar is a place of historical interest. It is also a nice place for a picnic. Shamim, Rupon and Apu will attend the picnic.

So we expect to have a very pleasant time there. I invite you to join the occasion. I hope you will come at our residence on the 19th instant positively.

Please do come. Convey my regards to your parents. Yours ever Rahman

Rifles_Nine Mohammad Zakir Hossain (Zakir Sir) English Teacher: Govt. Laboratory High School. Ex. English Teacher: Rifles Public School and College

Write a letter to your younger brother forbidding smoking/smoke.

Sajid 100, Azimpur Road Azimpur, Dhaka-1205 June 1, 2021

Dear Mamun, I have not heard from you for a long time. I hope you are well. The other day, I learnt from one of your friends that you have become a chain smoker. You know smoking is harmful for health. It affects our health. It might cause some incurable diseases like cancer, heart attack, chronic bronchitis, etc. One puff of cigarette smoke contains millions of particle fatal to human health. It is, thus, equal to slow poisoning. Besides, our parents do not like it. They might get furious when they will come to learn about it. I hope you will give up smoking for your safety as well as our anxiety. No more today.

With best wishes Your elder brother Sajid

Write a letter to your friend describing a place of historical importance.

Zahir 100, Azimpur Road Dhaka-1205 June 1, 2021

My dear Amin, Your letter of the 2nd instant is to hand. I am highly glad to know that you are quite well by the grace of almighty Allah. Now I will describe a place of historical importance that I visited last week. Last week I had an opportunity to enjoy an interesting journey from Dhaka to Khulna. My parents decided to visit the Dargah of Khan Jahan Ali at Bagerhat. I accompanied them. We made the journey from Dhaka to Khulna by bus. My uncle receives us at Sonadana bus terminal. We stayed in his house for one day. Then we started for Bagerhat the next day by a motor car. First we visited the Shat Gombuj Mosque of the mosque with sixty domes. I found actually 77 domes including the seven in the central row. It has sixty pillars. Its walls are more than two meters thick. We passed one hour around Shat Gombuj Mosque and then went to the Dargah. We offered prayer there. Next we came to Ghoradighi. It is a big pond and its water is clean. I felt like drinking that water or swimming in that pond. There are a lot of fish in that pond. I was surprised to see a few crocodiles in that pond. Some people were offering them chicken or fish so that their wish might be fulfilled. Some people regarded water of that pond holy and took that water in some bottles. We also took some water. We passed an hour beside that pond. The cool air was pleasing to us. We remembered the great saint who built all these things.

We stayed in Khulna for a week and came back to Dhaka by bus. If you get a chance go and visit that place. No more today.

Yours ever, Zahir Rifles_Nine Mohammad Zakir Hossain (Zakir Sir) English Teacher: Govt. Laboratory High School. Ex. English Teacher: Rifles Public School and College

Write a letter to your friend thanking him for a birthday present.

Rita Eskaton, Dhaka March 11, 2016

My dear Kakon, Your letter of the 10th instant is to hand. I also received the nice birthday present you sent for me. I am very happy to know that you along with the members of your family are quite well by the grace of almighty Allah. You will be happy to know that I observed my birthday in a happy and smooth manner yesterday. But your absence minimized the enjoyment. We all missed you so much. We felt your absence every moment. Though I was extremely happy to receive your present. I would be happier if we had you in the midst of us. However, it is really very kind of you to remember me and for this I feel very grateful indeed. Your present bears the testimony of your boundless love for me. Trust me my friend, I got many presents but to speak frankly, yours is the loveliest of all. I heartily thank you for the lovely present and I shall always preserve it a token of your deep and true love for me.

With best regards to your parents, heartiest love to you and affection to your younger bothers and sisters.

Loving yours Rita

Rifles_Nine Mohammad Zakir Hossain (Zakir Sir) English Teacher: Govt. Laboratory High School. Ex. English Teacher: Rifles Public School and College English 2nd Paper

A Book Fair

A good book is the constant friend of any reader. When new books are published they need to be advertised in the reading realm. To draw the attention of the readers and to popularize the reading notion book fair is organized on different important occasion. Last year I visited a book fair in Bangla Academy campus. There were a good number of stalls for books. Lots of books of different categories were displayed for advertisement and sale. It was a great opportunity of having a varied choice of books in the book fair. The main thing about a book fair is not sale but display of books on different subjects. Book-lovers crowded at different stalls to make their choice and buy books. There was a great pressure of the buyers at the book stall arranged by the Bangla Academy. I bought three books on different interesting present issues. I being captivated by the excellent environment of the book fair wrote a poem which follows: “The book’s fair is so fair I draw near find exuberation.”

A Street Hawker

A street hawker is a familiar figure found in the streets of towns. He is the vendor of a variety of things. He moves from street to street. He carries his things sometimes on the head, sometimes in his hands and sometimes in small hand – cart. He sells toys, bangles, ribbons, clothing, sweets, fruits, utensils, newspaper, fancy goods and things of domestic use by bringing them up to people’s doors. He is a clever fellow who knows his business. He means one kind of goods for children, another kind for womenfolk and yet another kind for men. He chooses things for children that will attract children and for women that will attract women. So he has to be careful about what things to sell. As he passes along the street he makes a peculiar cry to attract the attention of his customers. The children here and there gather around him and stop him. The hawker generally chooses an hour when the master of the family is away and the women are free from their household duties. He hopes thereby to make a good bargain. In towns everywhere we see hawkers and many of them are making good business.

Early Rising

Early rising means getting up early in the morning from bed after the night’s sleep. Early rising is a good habit. It enables a man to have a good start of the day’s work. He will have finished a lot of work before the others get up. Thus he will get the better than a late-rise. Work done early in the morning is well done because the mind and the body are then fresh and there is almost no distraction. An early-riser can take some physical exercise in the morning breeze. Physical exercise gives him energy that stands him in good strength during the day’s toil and moil. Thus all his work will be accomplished well in time and he will be accomplished well in time and he will have intervals of rest between periods of labour. Having completed the day’s work in time, he will not be late for going to bed and will enjoy a sound sleep. After a restful sleep throughout the night, he will rise early the next morning to begin the toil of another day in jolly and jovial spirits. Thus the utilities of rising early are many and varied. This good habit has to be developed since early childhood. Early rising is a noble habit. Without this none can prosper in life generally. In case of early rising there is a familiar proverb: “Early to bed, early to rise Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” Rifles_Nine Mohammad Zakir Hossain (Zakir Sir) English Teacher: Govt. Laboratory High School. Ex. English Teacher: Rifles Public School and College

A Farmer, Or. Life of a Farmer

The word “Farmer” is related to our country deeply, because, about-75% people of our country are farmers. A farmer is one who works in a farmland. He lives on agriculture. The picture of a farmer in Bangladesh is a sad one. He works in the field to grow crops. He ploughs and prepares the land by his simple tools. He hardly has his own land or any cattle’s. Again, he is typically an illiterate man who is not familiar with the modern scientific methods of cultivation. He finds it is very difficult to meet his basic necessities. He is to depend completely on the charity of nature for a good harvest. The daily routine of a farmer is a simple one. He wakes up with the rising of the sun and goes to his fields. He works in the fields under the burning sun and ploughs his fields to grow crops. He has to remain unfed or half-fed due to want or scarcity. Very often he cannot make a good harvest due to want of money and natural disaster. A farmer contributes to the national economy of the country. Thus, we should help our farmers to survive and contribute to our agriculture. Really, for developing their miserable life, all of us have to be conscious and cautious, because, they are the back-bone of our nation.

A Winter Morning

A winter morning is a morning in the season of winter. It is misty, cold and foggy. It is really dismal and everything seems hazy. Things at distance can hardly be seen. The grasses and plants are wet with dew and the grasses sparkle like pearls in the sun beams. Sometimes the fog is so deep that it is almost impossible for anyone to identify anything at a distance. People wear warm clothes and sometimes the clothes make them strange. The old people shiver in clod. Poor people gather straw and make fires at different places to bus in the heat. Gradually, the sun peeps over the eastern horizon and start rising. Then nature takes a charming outlook. The touch of the sunlight makes the birds and beasts quite happy. Farmers go to the field and begin their work. The other people also go to their respective working places. With the advancing sun people shake off their feeling of cold and set about their usual course of work. Then the scene of mist and fog disappears and the sunny morning paves the way for man’s daily duties. Some people come out to sell date juice in a winter morning. People make various kinds of cakes and pies and enjoy themselves. All sorts of vegetables are available and fresh in winter morning. The sceneries and characteristics of a winter morning are really charming, and it is enjoyable in many respects.

Traffic Jam

Traffic jam is one of the greatest problems not only for the people of big cities but also for the people of small towns. The causes of traffic jam are many. Firstly, roads and streets are not being constructed with the growing population and the increasing number of vehicles. Secondly, vehicles are parked alongside the pavement in two and three columns. This leaves a narrow space for passing traffic. Thirdly, buses do not care about bus stops to board and inboard passengers. Fourthly, traffic jams are being caused by a lack of knowledge of traffic rules and poor driving. Traffic police are also corrupted enough to misuse the traffic laws for their personal interest. When the passengers are found to stay on their way in vehicles cause by traffic jam and they become impatient. During the office time this creates unavoidable circumstance. School and college-going students also fall a victim to such a condition. The bad effect of traffic jam does not cause sufferings to the people but also slowdown our economic development process. As working people are compelled to spend their time in idleness. It certainly causes to slow down the economic development. In order to stop traffic jam, unlicensed vehicles should be removed from the roads. Traffic police should be strict enough so that drivers are bound to obey the traffic laws. It is important to check overtaking tendency. License should be given only to the trained drivers to stop traffic jam. Rifles_Nine Mohammad Zakir Hossain (Zakir Sir) English Teacher: Govt. Laboratory High School. Ex. English Teacher: Rifles Public School and College

Suppose, the marriage ceremony of your elder sister is going to be held next week. Invite your friend by using email to attend the ceremony.

From : [email protected] To : [email protected]

Subject : Invitation to my elder sister's marriage ceremony.

Dear Robiul, You would be glad to know that my elder sister's marriage ceremony will be held in the next week, 8th March 2014 on Thursday. I am inviting you heartily to join this occasion. Thanks Saiful

Send an email to your younger brother advising him to be regular in his studies. From : [email protected] To : [email protected]

Subject : To be regular in studies.

Dear Sumon, I've come to know that you've cut a sorry figure in your final exam. I never expect from you so poor a result. Nowadays you often go outside and return home late. If you don't change this situation and don't study regularly, your future will be dark. So start studying regularly just from now. Your elder brother, Tarek

Write an email to your younger brother telling him about the importance of reading newspaper.

From : [email protected] To : [email protected]

Subject : Importance of reading newspaper.

Dear Shihab, I am very glad to know that you are in the habit of studying regularly. However, do you read newspaper regularly? Please read a newspaper regularly because, it is the storehouse of knowledge. And it is called the mirror of the world. It will expand your knowledge. Your loving sister Shohag

Imagine, you are Raka Chowdhury. Oishi is your best friend. You are going for a picnic. Now, write a message to your friend inviting her to go for the picnic with you using her email address. From : [email protected] To : [email protected]

Subject : Invitation to go for a picnic.

Dear Oishi, We are going for a picnic on Friday, 20 March. Our picnic spot is the Sonargaon. Most of our friends will be with us. Some of our teachers will guide us. I'm inviting you to participate in the picnic with us. Your loving friend, Raka Chowdhury Rifles_Nine Mohammad Zakir Hossain (Zakir Sir) English Teacher: Govt. Laboratory High School. Ex. English Teacher: Rifles Public School and College

Send a message to your father informing of your progress of studies by using the email address of your father.

From : [email protected] To : [email protected]

Subject : About the progress of studies.

Dear Father, You will be glad to know I have occupied the first position and got GPA 5 in the Test Exam. Some lessons in physics are still not clear to me. I will manage it within a few days, I hope. Don't worry for me. Pray to Allah for me. Your loving son, Mizanur Rahman

Write an email to your father requesting him to send you some money to buy book. To : [email protected] Subject : money for buying books

My dear father Please accept my salam first. I hope that you are well by the grace of Almighty Allah. You know that I have been promoted to the next higher class. Our new class has already been started. That’s why I have to buy some new books for the new class. I need some 1500/- taka to buy the books. If you send the money by post as early as possible it will be much helpful for me. Please pray for me so that I can build up a successful career. With best regards to mother and love to younger brother and sister. Yours affectionately Sayeed

Rifles_Nine Mohammad Zakir Hossain (Zakir Sir) English Teacher: Govt. Laboratory High School. Ex. English Teacher: Rifles Public School and College

Prayer for the post of an Assistant Teacher

June 1, 2021

The Director General Rifles Public School and College Pilkhana, Dhaka.

Subject: Prayer for the post of an “Assistant Teacher”.

Dear Sir, I have come to learn from the advertisement in “” on 10th March, 2021 that an assistant teacher will be appointed in your institution. I would like to offer myself as an aspirant candidate for the same. So, for your kind consideration, all my necessary particulars are given below:

1. Name : Shariful Islam 2. Father’s Name : Amirul Karim 3. Mother’s Name : Fatema Begum 4. Nationality : Bangladeshi 5. Date of birth : 03-01-1983 6. Present Address : 100, Azimpur Road, Azimpur, Dhaka.

7. Permanent Address : Village: Ashrafpur, Post: Ashrafpur P.S: Kachua, Dist: Chandpur. 8. Religion : Islam

9. Educational Qualification : Name of Exam Group Passing Year Board/University Division/Class/GPA S.S.C Science 1998 Dhaka Board 1st Division H.S.C Science 2000 Dhaka Board 1st Division B.A. Hon’s 2004 Dhaka University 2nd Class M.A. English 2005 Dhaka University 2nd Class

10. Experience: I have been working as an Assistant Teacher (English) in a High School, Mymensingh for one year.

May, I therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to select me for the post prayed for and oblige thereby.

Yours faithfully

(Shariful Islam) Assistant (English) Teacher Mymensingh High School Rifles_Nine Mohammad Zakir Hossain (Zakir Sir) English Teacher: Govt. Laboratory High School. Ex. English Teacher: Rifles Public School and College

Suppose, you are Arifur Rahman and you have seen a vacancy ad for the position of a computer operator. Now, write a cover letter with a CV for the post. 20 November, 2014 The Manager IT Computers 34/B, Station Road, Dhaka

Subject: Application for the post of a Computer Operator.

Sir, In response to your advertisement published in The Daily Star' on 20 October 2014 for a Computer Operator. I would like to offer myself as a candidate for the same. My CV has been attached herewith for your kind consideration. I pray and hope that you would be kind enough to appoint me to the post and oblige me thereby. Yours obediently, Arifur Rahman CURRICULUM VITAE

Name : ARIFUR RAHMAN Father's name : Asifur Rahman Mother's name : Hosne Ara Begum Present Address : 18/6, Tajmahal Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka Permanent address : Vill. Gangni, Post + Thana : Gangni, Dist: Meherpur. Nationality : Bangladeshi (by birth) Date of birth : 10-05-1986 Religion : Muslim (Sunni) Marital status : Married Educational qualification: Examination Year Division/Class Board/ University SSC 2001 1st Division Jessore Board HSC 2003 1st Division Jessore Board BA 2007 2nd Class National University Diploma in Computer 2009 2nd Class Dhaka University

Experience : Working about 4 years as a Computer Trainer and having good command in English.

References : 1. Dr. Mahiuddin Patwary Dept of Mass Com. and Journalism Rajshahi University

2. Prof. Saiful Islam Dept of English, Rajshahi University Rifles_Nine Mohammad Zakir Hossain (Zakir Sir) English Teacher: Govt. Laboratory High School. Ex. English Teacher: Rifles Public School and College

Suppose, you are Rakibul Hasan and you have seen a vacancy ad for the position of probationary officer in AB Bank BD Ltd. Now, write a cover letter with a CV in response to it.

Date: 12 March, 2014 The Executive Vice President AB Bank BD Ltd. Head office : 4/A Kawran Bazar, Dhaka.

Subject: Application for the post of a probationary officer.

Dear Sir, In response to your advertisement, I offer myself as a candidate for the post of Probationary Officer your bank. I have all the requisite qualifications mentioned in the advertisement. I have attached herewith my CV, photograph and certificates for your kind consideration. Therefore, I request you to consider my approach and oblige me thereby through giving me an opportunity to serve your organization. Yours sincerely. Rakibul Hasan House-36, Road-25, Sector 4, Banani, Dhaka

Enclosures: 1. Curriculum Vitae 2. Two copies of passport size photos 3. Certificates CURRICULUM VITAE Name : RAKIBUL HASAN Father's Name : Rafiqul Hasan Mother's Name : Joba Hasan Date of birth : 05 September, 1984 Nationality : Bangladeshi (by birth) Religion : Islam Marital Status : Married Educational Qualification Exam Year Division/Class Group/Major Institution Board/University MBA 2008 CGPA 3.8 Finance University of Dhaka University of Dhaka BBA 2007 CGPA3.8 Finance University of Dhaka University of Dhaka HSC 2003 1st Division Science Sylhet Commerce College Sylhet SSC 2001 1st Division Science Motijheel Model High School Dhaka Computer Literacy : Diploma in Computer Science. Language Skills : Excellent spoken and written skills in English language. Interests : Music, reading of books. Mailing Address : 27, Station Road, Narshingdi, Phone no : 0721-5227 References : (i) Dr Nasiruddin Registrar, Prime University, Dhaka (ii) Umme Salma, Officer, Standard Chartered Bank, Motijheel, Dhaka Signature (Rakibul Hasan) Rifles_Nine Mohammad Zakir Hossain (Zakir Sir) English Teacher: Govt. Laboratory High School. Ex. English Teacher: Rifles Public School and College

Suppose, you are Rehana Parvin Chowdhury and you have seen a vacancy ad for the position of an Office Executive in Transcom Limited. Now, write a cover letter with a CV for the post. Date: 18 March, 2014 The General Manager Transcom Limited 150/A, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka

Subject : Application for the post of an Office Executive.

Sir, In response to your advertisement for 'Recruitment of Office Executive1 published in 'The Daily ', I am willing to offer myself as a candidate for the post. My CV detailing my education and other particulars is presented herewith for your kind perusal. I would truly be obliged if you kindly consider me for the post. Sincerely yours, Rehana Parvin Chowdhury

Curriculum Vitae of REHANA PARVIN CHOWDHURY 41 College Road, Savar.

Objective : To work whole-heartedly for a successful administrative career. Full name : Rehana Parvin Chowdhury Father's name : Kamal Uddin Chowdhury Mother's name : Kushum Chowdhury Permanent address : Village + Post-Ratanpur; P.S. Ramgonj; District: Luxmipur Nationality : Bangladeshi (by birth) Date of birth : 18-12-1986 Gender : Female Marital status : Unmarried Education : Exam Year Grade Board/University MSS (Political Science) 2008 1st Class Rajshahi University BSS Hons. (Political Science) 2007 2nd Class Dhaka University HSC 2003 1st Division Comilla Board SSC 2001 1st Division Comilla Board Skills : 1. Good at spoken and written English. 2. Skilled in MS-Office Application.

Experience : Working in an Insurance Co. from 12/04/08 till to date.

References : 1. Prof Anwara Habiba Rajshahi University. 2. Mrs Shamima Rantisu Deputy Secretary, Eden Buildings, Dhaka.

Rifles_Nine Mohammad Zakir Hossain (Zakir Sir) English Teacher: Govt. Laboratory High School. Ex. English Teacher: Rifles Public School and College

Write an application to your Headmaster for a seat in the hostel.

June 1, 2021 Headmaster, Rifles Public High School, Pilkhana, Dhaka.

Sub: Prayer for a seat in the school hostel.

Sir, With high esteem I beg to state that I am a student of class IX of your school. I have been in your school for the last five years. Previously I lived with my parents at Dhanmondi and attended classes regularly. But my happy days ended when my father was transferred from here to khulna last year. Since his transference I have been living in a mess house at Mirpur with an uncle of mine. As a result, I have to face a lot of problems. I have to attend school from a distance of about 12 kilometers. Sometimes I am late for school because of inadequate transport facilities. Apart from this, the environment of the mess house is not suitable for a student. I cannot study there with attention. I am afraid that I shall cut a sorry figure in the ensuing test examination if you are not sympathetic enough to allot me a seat in the hostel of the school.

I, therefore, fervently pray and ardently hope that your honour would be gracious enough to allot me a seat in the hostel of the school and thus enable me to continue my studies. For this act of kindness, I shall remain ever grateful to you.

Your most obedient pupil Md. K. Islam Class IX

Write an application to the Headmaster of your school for setting up a canteen in the school campus.

June 1, 2021

To The Headmaster Govt. Laboratory High School Dhaka.

Subject: Prayer for starting up a canteen.

Sir With due respect and humble submission we would like to inform you that we are the students of your sweet school. We regret to state that there is no canteen in our school campus. We have to suffer a lot for not having it. Many students come to school from a long way. Our classes begin at 10 am and end at 5 pm. The science students have their practical classes. They have to stay much longer. It is not possible to pass this long period without taking any tiffin or snacks. Moreover, sometimes most students come without any breakfast. Most often, we are to take tiffin or snacks from the dirty and unhygienic restaurants outside the school.

We therefore, pray and hope that you might consider the application and would take necessary steps to set up a canteen in our school campus.

Sincerely Yours The students of Govt. Laboratory High School Rifles_Nine Mohammad Zakir Hossain (Zakir Sir) English Teacher: Govt. Laboratory High School. Ex. English Teacher: Rifles Public School and College

Write an application to your headmaster asking for establishing a computer club at your school.

June 1, 2021

The Headmaster Govt. Laboratory High School Dhaka-1205

Subject: Prayer for setting up a computer club at our school.

Dear Sir, On behalf of the students of the school, I would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that there is no computer club in our school. As a result, we do not get benefits of learning computer. You know computer literacy is a must in today’s world. Besides, we have a subject on computer in our school. But as there is no computer club, we are deprived of using computer during the class hour. We learn things on computer theoretically, but forget them soon due to lack of practice. A computer club will not only help us to learn how to use a computer but also work as one of our favourite pastimes at school.

Thus, I would like to request you earnestly to establish a computer club in our school and oblige thereby.

Your most obedient pupil

Md. Shahadat Hossain Secretary of Student Affairs Govt. Laboratory High School

Write an application to your Headmaster for a full free studentship

June 1, 2021 Headmaster, Govt. Laboratory High School, Dhanmondi, Dhaka.

Sub: Prayer for a full free studentship.

Sir, I beg most respectfully to state that I am a student of class X of your school. I have all along been paying my tuition fees regularly since the first day of my admission into your school. But it is an irony of fate that I am now unable to pay my tuition fees. Now the income of my father has been reduced to a considerable extent because of his retirement from the service. Besides, my two other sisters and brother are students of university. My old father is so hard up that he cannot afford to even maintain our family in a decent way, let alone bear our educational expenses regularly. If I am not favored with a full-free studentship, I am afraid; I shall have to discontinue my studies.

In this connection I would like to mention that I stood first in order of merit in the last annul examination. I bid fair to obtain GPA 5 in the S.S.C.

I, therefore, fervently pray and ardently hope that your honour would be kind enough to consider my case and grant me a full-free studentship and thus let me continue my studies in your esteemed school.

Your most obedient pupil Md. Arif Ahamed Class-X, Roll-1. Rifles_Nine Mohammad Zakir Hossain (Zakir Sir) English Teacher: Govt. Laboratory High School. Ex. English Teacher: Rifles Public School and College

Write an application to the deputy Commissioner for flood relief. June 1, 2021 The Deputy Commissioner, Chandpur District.

Sub: A prayer for relief for flood affected people.

Sir, We, the inhabitants of Amuzan, beg most respectfully to draw your kind and sympathetic attention to the distress prevailing in our locality caused by the recent flood. The virulent recent flood causes sever damage to both life and property. Most of the houses were either leveled to the ground or washed away. Standing crops were damaged and trees were uprooted. Apart from these, hundreds of human beings, cattle and other domestic animals were washed away. The rest of them who are alive are passing their days in untold sufferings without food and half-merged in water. Those who are poor and landless are the worst sufferers. Many people are living under the open sky. There is acute shortage of clean food and pure drinking water. Fatal bowel diseases like cholera, dysentery etc. have already broken out in an epidemic form. They have already taken heavy toll of lives. The sufferings of the people know no bounds. In this dire distress people need water purification tablets, food, clothes, free medicine and medical assistance. Otherwise the situation will further worsen and out of control. Later those who are farmers will need bullocks, seeds, fertilizer etc.

We, therefore, fervently pray and ardently hope that your honour will take an immediate measure to supply relief goods and thus mitigate the inhuman sufferings of the victims.

You’re faithfully Saiful Islam

Write an application to the Headmistress of your school for increasing the facilities of the school common room. June 1, 2021

The Headmistress Viqarunnisa Noon School and College Azimpur, Dhaka.

Sub: Prayer for increasing common room facilities.

Madam, We, the students of your school, beg to draw your kind attention to the following fact that our common room is not well furnished. It does not provide much scope of enjoyment and entertainment. We cannot enjoy our off period for want of indoor sports materials such as chess, carom, table tennis etc. There is no television set. It is the most common source of entertainment. It has got educative value, too. The students can see the whole world on the screen on TV and can learn many things of the world. Many students who long for recreation may find the television a profitable source of enjoyment and information and their attention may thus diverted thereto. There is no arrangement of keeping more dailies, magazines and periodicals etc. which are part and parcel for us. All these things mirror the whole world. But we are deprived of all these things. Under the above circumstances, we pray and hope that you would be kind enough to realize the problem we face and consider the matter sympathetically.

I remain Sir, Your most obediently Urmee On behalf of the students of your school Rifles_Nine Mohammad Zakir Hossain (Zakir Sir) English Teacher: Govt. Laboratory High School. Ex. English Teacher: Rifles Public School and College

My Favourite Hobby

Introduction: Hobby means an additional activity of a man done for pleasure in his spare time. It gives him joy and pleasure. For the health of his mind and body, a man must have a hobby. Without hobby our leisure cannot be utilized properly. It is essential to make our life enjoyable. Hobbies differ from man to man. Some like gardening, some like reading, some like kite flying, some like fishing and whatnot.

My hobby: I am a student. So study is my main occupation. I remain absorbed in studies in my classroom for long hours. I have a hobby. It is gardening. It is my favourite hobby. The one or two hours I spend in my garden are not lost. It strengthens my body and refreshes my mind.

Description: I am not a trained gardener. I have gathered much knowledge from an experienced gardener. My garden is in front of my house. Whenever I get time I work in the garden. I work with the spade to make the soil loose and weed out the grass. I water the plants regularly. I watch them every morning and evening. I also put a fence around my garden. So cattle, fowl and naughty children cannot enter my garden to harm the plants or flowers. I spend much time with flowers. Each flower has a colour and scent of its own. I have all types of flowers in my garden. In my garden some flowers are seasonal and some are permanent. I feel an ecstasy of pleasure during my visit to my flowers garden in the morning.

Satisfaction in offering flowers and vegetables: Sometimes my friends come to visit my garden. I feel very happy when I offer them bouquets. Sometimes I give flowers to my neighbours when they ask. They decorate their houses or gates. I also keep a small plot for vegetables in my garden. My mother becomes very glad when I offer her fresh vegetables.

Its benefits: Gardening gives me pride and pleasure. The labour I put to the garden improves my health. I can enjoy fresh air in my garden. The fresh air of the garden is very helpful for the sound health of body and mind.

Conclusion: My hobby is a source of great joy and pleasure to me. It relieves me of the monotony of my studies. It helps me forget the anxieties and worries of life. I am really proud of my hobby. Everybody should have a hobby for delightful pursuits to make life happy, pleasure and meaningful.

N.B: Don’t use hints in writing a composition. Rifles_Nine Mohammad Zakir Hossain (Zakir Sir) English Teacher: Govt. Laboratory High School. Ex. English Teacher: Rifles Public School and College


Introduction: The wonders of modern science are many. Science has brought such comforts for mankind as man could not even dream of in a wonderland. After radio, refrigerator, television etc. man has invented a substitute for the human brain. The machine which can work in place of the human brain is called Computer. History of invention: The formula of a computer was first conceived by Charles Babez, a professor of Mathematics in the U.K. But it was an American Scientists called Howard Akin who invented the computer in 1937. Only in seven years after 1937, an electric computer was used in Harvard. At this stage, the computer could do sums of addition and subtraction. It could solve difficult multiplications and divisions within a fraction of a second. The computer needed to be further modernized. Solution of difficult problems of Mathematics was possible within a short time by Analogue Computer. Functions of a computer: Essentially a computer performs three functions: (i) It receives data (input) (ii) It processes data by various computations. (iii) It emits data. These functions are accomplished by giving the computer a programme consisting a sequence of statements. Major components of a computer: A computer consists of five major components-the input unit, the output unit, the memory unit, the control unit, and the arithmetic unit. The input and output a unit consists of devices that permit a computer to receive or exhibit information. They may be card readers, magnetic tapes, paper tape readers, line printers, CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) terminals or typewriter consoles. Some of these can be used for both input and output. Machine Language: Every computer has its own machine language. Instruction to the computer must be given in this language since this is the only language that a computer actually understands. However, this type of language varies from machine to machine and is a function of the hardware of the computer. Programmes written in machine languages are machine dependent, and they are only good for that particular machine. Digital Computer: Digital Computer is a step forward from Analogue computer. A digital computer not only can keep various accounts but also can detect defects of other machines. Moreover, it can tell about the solutions of those defects. This kind of computer has its special signal- language. The process of signaling is called programming. The solutions of or answers to all problems or questions are preserved in a programme in the preservation machine. The solutions in signals, numbers and words in this machine are called computer memory. There is a central machine which carries out the orders of the preservation machine and finds the solutions. The results come out of the exit machine. Contributions of Computer: Computer is being used in innumerable ways. It has been helping man by doing simple sums, by finding out solutions to difficult problems, and even by translating poems, articles, news items and what not. Computer is being used also in agricultural farms in America. Sitting at home, a farmer can use machines to plough and manure his land, to sow seeds and reap corn with the help of a small computer. The space-crafts which are conquering the vast space are also remote-controlled by computer. The day is not far when the computer will relieve man of many of his manual and mental activities. Conclusion: Computer is the most wonderful wonder of science today. It has been doing a lot of complicated jobs for its inventor, man. Let us hope that man does not use it as he is using atomic energy for the destruction of human civilization.

N.B: Don’t use hints in writing a composition. Rifles_Nine Mohammad Zakir Hossain (Zakir Sir) English Teacher: Govt. Laboratory High School. Ex. English Teacher: Rifles Public School and College


Introduction: A newspaper is a paper that carries news and views of home and abroad to us. It is the storehouse of knowledge. We cannot do without newspapers even for a day. The reading of newspapers has become a part of our habits.

It is history: Newspaper was first published in China. It was published in England during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. The India Gazette was the first printed newspaper of India. The first Bengali newspaper was “The Samachar Darpan”. The Missionaries of Sreerampur published it in 1818. Now newspapers have made much progress. We have a good number of newspapers in our country.

Kinds of newspaper: Newspapers are of various kinds. They are daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly etc. The Daily newspapers contain fresh news and views about the daily affairs. Others are known as periodicals and magazines. They contain stories, poems, essays, novels, dramas, etc. So, most of the people read dailies.

Its functions: Newspaper gives us current news and information from home and abroad. It also contains features, stories, poems, comments etc. It tells us of the latest discoveries, inventions and it gives us complete history of the day.

Newspapers in Bangladesh: There are a good number of Bengali and English newspapers in Bangladesh. They are the Ittefaq, The Inquilab, The , The Daily star, The Bangladesh Times etc.

Kinds of news flashed: Newspapers give us both information and pleasure. All that happens at home and abroad reach us through newspapers. We can know the economic situation of the country and the condition of various peoples of the world through them. We also find trade news, sports news and market news in newspaper.

Usefulness/ Merits/Importance: Newspaper plays an important role to all classes of people. Global distance has been removed and the world has become smaller. It keeps us in close contact with the current affairs of world. It is a source of news, pleasure and education. So, it is called the store house of knowledge.

Demerits/Misuses: Newspaper is not an unmixed blessing. Sometimes it leads the people to wrong way. Newspapers sometimes publish exaggerated and sensational information. They create misunderstanding and embitter relations between individuals, parties and nations. The publicity organs of rival parties vie with each other in spreading hatred and jealousy. Sometimes they preach violence and incite war. This is surely a wrong use of newspaper.

Conclusion: We can not spend a single moment without newspaper. There are high standard newspapers in the western world. Newspapers should be impartial and fair. The freedom of the press is the first requisite for the freedom of the people.

N.B: Don’t use hints in writing a composition. Rifles_Nine Mohammad Zakir Hossain (Zakir Sir) English Teacher: Govt. Laboratory High School. Ex. English Teacher: Rifles Public School and College

A River Journey / An Exciting Journey / Journey by Boat

Introduction: Fortunately or unfortunately, I was born in a town. And coincidentally, there was no river near the town we lived in. My father was a home-bound person. He was satisfied being with us at town always. He never cared for a trip away. As a result, I did not have any chance in my life to cover cross a river before this. My S.S.C. Examination was over. I got the permission of my father to visit Dhaka via one of friend’s place at Chilmari. I was mentally prepared to undertake the journey long before our examinations.

Commencement of the journey: My friend, Tapan Rudra, took me to their village home after the examinations were over. Two days later, we hired a boat to go to Bahadurabad Ghat by river. We, three friends, as planned, got upon the boat just at dawn. The boatmen, in their peculiar way, sailed out to the river with their traditional chanting of “Badar! Badar!” Soon the boat took speed in favourable wind. I saw quite a few people away with children and women who waved to bid us farewell. I was excited to be on a boat and commence a journey by river for the first time in my life.

Description of the journey: The boat was in favour of the current. So, sights on the bank of the river Jumana were changing frequently. At places, women, after finishing their bath, were seen going back home with pitchers full of water. At other places, children were seen enjoying a long river-bath, swimming, sinking, shouting and playing. Fishermen with boats and nets were a common sight all through the river. Green fields, cows grazing, peasants working in groups in their fields were also very attractive all through the journey. All those scenes were quite fresh and exciting for a new visitor like me. Tapan was always asking me about how I felt.

Experience of the journey: My feeling was really sweet and encouraging. I understood that life was quite different on and by the side of a river. People were hard-working, strong and happy inspire of a lot of hazards like flood, erosion of land, quarrel regarding occupation of river-beds etc. Meanwhile, we reached a place where we needed to cross the Jumana. The boatman invited us to share their lunch. My other two friends were reluctant. But I wanted to have the experience. They had potato-smash and hilsha-curry and rice. Cooked in a different way the fish seemed to be the most delicious curry I ever tasted. We were hungry enough and had a fantastic lunch. While crossing the Jumana we faced a little bit of ghasty wind. There were big waves. The boat was rising and falling with the rise and fall of the waves. The boatman seemed to be alert and anxious in controlling the boat. At times Tapan and Mojnu, my two companions, seemed to be murmuring themselves closing their eyes. I was sure they were frightened and were praying to God. My panic knew no bounds. I was just apprehending anything any moment. In about an hour the wind dropped and we got rid of the danger. The boatmen started singing “Bhawaia” at the top of their voice. I was delighted to see and to listen to the fresh songs. My joy increased when I saw numberless birds were flying in flock back to their nests. The golden beams of the sun made the water a colourful world with coloured ripples. The clear sky seemed to be an abode of peace. In the middle the world of the river was lively and full of motion. At last we reached Bahadurabad ghat at around 5 p.m. where the train bound for Dhaka was ready to leave. We paid the boatmen and rushed into the train.

Effects of the journey: The experience of the journey was new to me and hence important for my life. I got a chance to see a different life on the river. My knowledge about life in our society grew more. I will never forget these experiences of this journey by boat in my life.

Conclusion: Travelling is a part of education. Bangladesh has a different beauty of life in its rivers. A journey by river can teach one a lot of things and give immense pleasure. I will remember my last journey by boat for ever. This journey is very exciting to me.

N.B: Don’t use hints in writing a composition. Rifles_Nine Mohammad Zakir Hossain (Zakir Sir) English Teacher: Govt. Laboratory High School. Ex. English Teacher: Rifles Public School and College

The Season I like Most Or, My Favourite Season Or, Spring In Bangladesh

Introduction: Bangladesh is gifted with natural variety. The charms of nature are playing a resplendent role in our country. It is the play ground of nature. Here all the six seasons that make the year come one after another. Each season has its own beauty, music and feature. I like the spring most as it is the loveliest of all the seasons and so it is called the king of seasons. It comes with the message of hope and joy. “If winter comes Can spring be far behind?” A season of hope and merriment: It is called the season of hope and exuberating as it contributes us the newness of nature. People wait for the arrival of this season. After the end of winter, spring comes with the message of hope and joy.

A season of fair temperature: After disappearing of winter, spring comes like the monarch of the nature. The months of Falgoon and Chaitra form the season of spring. After the cold spell of winter passes away, spring appears and everybody welcomes it. It comes at such a time when we have a moderate temperature which is neither too cold nor too hot. In fact, there is neither the scorching heat of summer nor the biting cold of winter. The atmosphere is excellent and the climate is pleasant.

Adornment of nature by spring: The trees and plants become adorned with new leaves, new buds and flowers. The country-side becomes beautiful. In fact nature wears a charming look. It touches every blade of grass with a lovelier green, every forest nook with beautiful flowers and every old wall with bright lichen.

Season of Romanticism: It is called the season of romanticism as there is music song all around us during this season. The cuckoo sings its melodious strain. It hides, itself in the leaves of the trees and coos. Its melodious note sends a thrill of joy in every human heart and makes the atmosphere romantic.

Spring, a symbol of youth: Spring is known as the symbol of youth. All the singing birds pour out their sweet, thrilling, welcoming notes in the fullness of their heart. Even the little bees make the humming sound in order to make the season dreamy and enchanting. That’s why, it is called the season of youth.

A season of flowers: Aboundant flowers grow in this season. Every wood land and garden becomes full of flowers of varied colour and fragrance. The kamini, the hasnahena and the bakul make the atmosphere fragrant with their sweet scent.

A season of good health: It is the season when people enjoy good health. This good health makes them happy and cheerful. There is joy and cheerfulness every where. Reasons for my liking: The reasons for which I like it are mentioned here:- (i) It views my heart with her manifold charms. (ii) No one can overlook her wealthier of natural beauties and her pleasant temperate climate. (iii) It is the season of vegetation and blossom.

Conclusion: It is the king of all seasons. It is the season of jubilation and colour. It is the season of newness. Its charms really captivate me. That’s why, spring is my favourite season.

N.B: Don’t use hints in writing a composition.