Glens Falls Academy ADULT KARATE PROGRAM Age Specific Martial Arts Training for the Average Adult

Program Overview

The Adult Karate Curriculum Overview Index

Hojoundo 3

Kihon 4

Kata 5

Kumite 6

Goshin-Jitsu 7

Kenkyu 8


Definition: (physical training) - Use it or lose it. Our bodies need to be strong enough to perform the techniques we’ve ​ ​ learned, our cardiovascular system robust enough to continue beyond what we thought we could do, our resolve hardened to see every effort through, even when the little voice inside says rest. The Hojoundo skill helps us develop our bodies and minds to have the strength needed to face any task.

Training Methods: ● Taiso - conditioning exercises ● Kata - forms ● - sparring ● - basics

Stages of Development:

● Hojoundo is a Physical & Emotional goal ​ ​ ​ ​ ● Typical Expectations

○ Sometimes need extra help and encouragement when facing tough physical challenges.

○ Effort is based on emotional moments of impact they’ve experienced in their lives, even as far back as childhood. Emotions may be of both positive or negative impact.

● Causes

○ After high school, many adults experience a slow down in activity. This is in part caused by the increasing demands of work life, and the lack of structured physical activities such as physical education classes and team sports. Even more challenging, beyond the age of 25 our bodies begin to change; it takes more effort to see the same results.

○ Everyone enters the dojo with a particular set of life experiences. We’ve been hurt, we’ve felt joy, we’ve known fear. These things will either hinder our growth, or will give us an unbridled motivation.

● Goals Through Training

○ Understand their potential if they remain consistent in training and mindful of the way their bodies feel at any given time. Spend a little more time warming up, a lot more time learning how to work not just harder, but smarter, and with an emphasis on increasing health and overall fitness.

○ Apply more powerful mindset tools to help see each aspect of themselves in a different way that helps them to achieve new goals; using past joys and fears in a way that spurs growth rather than hinders it.

White Belt Yellow Belt Orange Belt Blue Belt Purple Belt Green Belt Brown Belt Sr Brown Belt

Identify 1st Increase Increase Increase Increase Bodyweight Bodyweight Bodyweight Bodyweight Bodyweight Increase Increase Increase Progressions Progressions Progressions Progressions Progressions Bodyweight Bodyweight Bodyweight

Progressions Progressions Progressions Chi Ishi Set #1 Chi Ishi Set #2 Chi Ishi Set #3 Gripping Jars () (rolling #1) (rolling #2) Set #1

Physical/Emotional Goal | understanding of functional strength training & development of a Physical/Emotional Goal | development of functional strength training & evolution of training plan training plan


Definition: (basic technique) - Having strong basic technique is key when focusing on martial arts training. It’s the ​ ​ foundation on which everything else is built. By taking the time to learn how each technique is executed without the fear of getting hurt, students are able to perform at higher levels while maintaining greater levels of safety for themselves and others.

Training Categories: ● Dachi - stances ● Uke - receiving ● Zuki - striking ● Uchi - stopping ● Geri -

Stages of Development:

● Kihon is a Physical & Intellectual goal ​ ​ ​ ​ ● Typical Expectations

○ Sometimes need extra help and encouragement when facing tough physical challenges.

○ Adult students tend to require proof, and sometimes need to have things explained before they believe it. We expect to encounter self-defeating thoughts, even in those with the keenest of minds.

● Causes

○ After high school, many adults experience a slow down in activity. This is in part caused by the increasing demands of work life, and the lack of structured physical activities such as physical education classes and team sports. Even more challenging, beyond the age of 25 our bodies begin to change; it takes more effort to see the same results.

○ Their critical thinking skills are top notch, but their decision making skills are sometimes tempered by their mindset; life is no longer a game, and sometimes fear of failure can hold us back.

● Goals Through Training

○ Understand their potential if they remain consistent in training and mindful of the way their bodies feel at any given time. Spend a little more time warming up, a lot more time learning how to work not just harder, but smarter, and with an emphasis on increasing health and overall fitness.

○ Help our students see the bigger picture and apply their intellect in order to find solutions to problems in and out of the dojo.

White Belt Yellow Belt Orange Belt Blue Belt Purple Belt Green Belt Brown Belt Sr Brown Belt

Ippon Kumite Ippon Kumite Dai Ni Hon Tanshiki Set #1 Set #1 Refine All Previous Tenno Kata Kumite Drill (moves 1-5) (moves 6-10)

Physical/Intellectual Goal | development of basic body mechanics/targets and weight distribution to execute effective technique


Definition: (forms/patterns) - These choreographed patterns of movement are nothing more (or less) than the text books ​ ​ of our study. At a white belt level, students will learn the first set of kata designed to teach angle changes and stability in motion.

Training Categories & Methods: ● Kihon - basics ● Fukyu - promotional ● Shokyu - beginner Level ● Kaishu - opening ● Heishu - closing ● Kenkyu - research ● Kofu - strength & speed ● Gendai - modern practice

Stages of Development:

● Kata is an Intellectual & Emotional goal ​ ​ ​ ​ ● Typical Expectations

○ Adult students tend to require proof, and sometimes need to have things explained before they believe it. We expect to encounter self-defeating thoughts, even in those with the keenest of minds.

○ Effort is based on emotional moments of impact they’ve experienced in their lives, even as far back as childhood. Emotions may be of both positive or negative impact.

● Causes

○ Their critical thinking skills are top notch, but their decision making skills are sometimes tempered by their mindset; life is no longer a game, and sometimes fear of failure can hold us back.

○ Everyone enters the dojo with a particular set of life experiences. We’ve been hurt, we’ve felt joy, we’ve known fear. These things will either hinder our growth, or will give us an unbridled motivation.

● Goals Through Training

○ Help our students see the bigger picture and apply their intellect in order to find solutions to problems in and out of the dojo.

○ Apply more powerful mindset tools to help see each aspect of themselves in a different way that helps them to achieve new goals; using past joys and fears in a way that spurs growth rather than hinders it.

White Belt Yellow Belt Orange Belt Blue Belt Purple Belt Green Belt Brown Belt Sr Brown Belt

Sei Enchin Drills Kata Saifa Kata Kunchaba Kata Kata 1-3 Kata Fuku Kata Refine All Gojushiho Kata Miyagi Seisan Anaku Kata SeiPai Kata Previous Shodan Empi Kata/Drill Gekisai Kata Kata Kata Kata Wansu Kata

Intellectual/Emotional Goal | application of technique and intellect to grasp an understanding of Intellectual/Emotional Goal | application of intellect and emotion to display an understanding of kata techniques & strategies kata techniques & strategies


Definition: (sparring) - It’s one thing to take the word of a trusted/trained instructor that you’re improving, but to be able to ​ ​ measure yourself against the skills of others, the student gains both insight and experience. During the practice of kumite, students will start off working on pads, bags and mitts to learn how to adapt to the ever changing flow of combat, eventually joining in sparring exercises with fellow students.

Training Categories & Methods: ● Yakusoku - pre-arranged ● Kiso - structured/drawn from katas ● Jiyu - spontaneous

Stages of Development:

● Kumite is a Physical & Social goal ​ ​ ​ ● Typical Expectations

○ Adult students sometimes need extra help and encouragement when facing tough physical challenges.

○ Adult students tend to initially hold back if they are uncomfortable as a defense mechanism, or to push too hard trying to prove to themselves (or others) that they are capable.

● Causes

○ After high school, many adults experience a slow down in activity. This is in part caused by the increasing demands of work life, and the lack of structured physical activities such as physical education classes and team sports. Even more challenging, beyond the age of 25 our bodies begin to change; it takes more effort to see the same results.

○ Confidence in the adult world is one of the key drivers of success. Too little confidence and that promotion at work slips through your fingers, too much confidence and you’re off-putting to people which causes your social life to lack depth.

● Goals Through Training

○ Understand their potential if they remain consistent in training and mindful of the way their bodies feel at any given time. Spend a little more time warming up, a lot more time learning how to work not just harder, but smarter, and with an emphasis on increasing health and overall fitness.

○ Develop positive relationships, while also learning to step out of comfort zones with ease.

White Belt Yellow Belt Orange Belt Blue Belt Purple Belt Green Belt Brown Belt Sr Brown Belt

Boxing Boxing Boxing Combinations Combinations Combinations 5 & 6 Boxing Disguise the Disguise the Disguise the Disguise the 3 & 4 1 & 2 Combinations Repetition Drills Repetition Drills Repetition Drills Repetition Drills

Front 7 & 8 1 & 2 3 & 4 5 & 6 7 & 8 Side - backfist - cross Kick/Round Backfist Combo combo Kick Combo 1 Man Kumite 2 Man Kumite 3 Man Kumite 4 Man Kumite 5 Man Kumite Moving fwd, moving fwd, Moving fwd, bkwd & 45° bkwd & 45° bkwd & 45°

Physical/Social Goal | expand personal comfort zones in training to include controlled contact Physical/Social Goal | expand personal comfort zones in sparring to become more with a partner & demonstration of technical speed conversational in nature & physical development to become more about endurance


Definition: (self-defense arts) - Learning to apply without the guidance of katas or instructors leads to competence; and ​ ​ competence breeds confidence. In a self-defence situation, you may be all alone. The Goshin-Jitsu skills lead students from classical choreographed movement to freestyle tactical self defense, allowing the student to gain the skills necessary to protect themselves and others.

Training Categories & Methods: ● Ukemi - falling safely ● Chugari - rolling ● Nage Waza - throwing techniques ● Katame Waza - grappling techniques ● Seiza Waza - kneeling techniques ● Bugu Waza - weapon techniques

Stages of Development:

● Goshin-Jitsu is a Social & Emotional goal ​ ​ ​ ​ ● Typical Expectations

○ Adult students tend to initially hold back if they are uncomfortable as a defense mechanism, or to push too hard trying to prove to themselves (or others) that they are capable.

○ Effort is based on emotional moments of impact they’ve experienced in their lives, even as far back as childhood. Emotions may be of both positive or negative impact.

● Causes

○ Confidence in the adult world is one of the key drivers of success. Too little confidence and that promotion at work slips through your fingers, too much confidence and you’re off-putting to people which causes your social life to lack depth.

○ Everyone enters the dojo with a particular set of life experiences. We’ve been hurt, we’ve felt joy, we’ve known fear. These things will either hinder our growth, or will give us an unbridled motivation.

● Goals Through Training

○ Develop positive relationships, while also learning to step out of comfort zones with ease.

○ Apply more powerful mindset tools to help see each aspect of themselves in a different way that helps them to achieve new goals; using past joys and fears in a way that spurs growth rather than hinders it.

White Belt Yellow Belt Orange Belt Blue Belt Purple Belt Green Belt Brown Belt Sr Brown Belt

Club Defense Takedown Trips & sweeps Basic Range Joint Control & Defense Control Knife Defense Refine All Previous Manipulation & Ground Break Falls (striking range to clinching/controlling) Control Gun Defense

Social/Emotional Goal | ability to react to visual cues using the appropriate responses to a Social/Emotional Goal | ability to react to visual cues using the appropriate responses to a specific threat specific threat


Definition: (research) - Once a student knows some moves, it becomes important to learn how and when to apply them, ​ ​ link them together, as well as how to control space, distance, and timing. The Kenkyu skill of researching and studying technique helps teach these concepts through the use of kata (both solo and with partners) to draw useable strategies from the kata for application in self-defense and in light partner sparring. This is where the real fun happens. During Kenkyu classes, students will be guided by their instructors with personal attention to help draw connections between the other 5 skills and form an understanding of the application of techniques and strategies.

Training Categories & Methods: ● Waza - technique ● Kata - forms ● Bunkai - application of forms ● Kumite - sparring

Stages of Development:

● Kenkyu is an Intellectual & Social goal ​ ​ ​ ​ ● Typical Expectations ○ Adult students tend to require proof, and sometimes need to have things explained before they believe it. We expect to encounter self-defeating thoughts, even in those with the keenest of minds.

○ Adult students tend to initially hold back if they are uncomfortable as a defense mechanism, or to push too hard trying to prove to themselves (or others) that they are capable.

● Causes

○ Adults can grasp every concept taught in a martial arts class, and have the benefit of their own experiences to measure by. Their critical thinking skills are top notch, but their decision making skills are sometimes tempered by their mindset; life is no longer a game, and sometimes fear of failure can hold us back.

○ Confidence in the adult world is one of the key drivers of success. Too little confidence and that promotion at work slips through your fingers, too much confidence and you’re off-putting to people which causes your social life to lack depth.

● Goals Through Training

○ Help our students see the bigger picture and apply their intellect in order to find solutions to problems in and out of the dojo.

○ Develop positive relationships, while also learning to step out of comfort zones with ease.

White Belt Yellow Belt Orange Belt Blue Belt Purple Belt Green Belt Brown Belt Sr Brown Belt

Sei Enchin Taikyoku Saifa Kata Kunchaba Kata Seisan Kata Kata Bunkai Refine All Bunkai Circle Block Fuku/Gekisai Bunkai Bunkai Bunkai Sei Pai Kata Previous Knife Hand Bunkai Kata Bunkai Miyagi Seisan Anaku Kata Gojushiho Kata Bunkai Define Black Bunkai Bunkai Bunkai Bunkai Wansu Kata Belt Project Bunkai

Intellectual/Social Goal | development of technique & concepts pulled from kata into sequenced Intellectual/Social Goal | recognition of techniques pulled from kata into sequenced drills & drills & tactical exercises tactical exercises