Crabapple Martial Arts Academy Shodan Exam Study Guide

Shuri Ryu Do

Shodan Exam

What is the name of the art that I currently am training in?

What is the meaning/interpretation of the above-named art form?

The name of my Karate Teacher (First & Last) is:

What is my teacher’s current rank and title:

What does the above title mean?

Draw out your martial arts lineage as far back as you can.

1 Crabapple Martial Arts Academy Shodan Exam Study Guide

What is the first skill you must develop in the pursuit of the martial arts?

What is the first “power” you must develop in the martial arts?

What is the first thing you train in the martial arts?

What is a principle?

Complete the Following Principles: Hands and Hands:

Hands and Feet:

Natural Body:

Harmony of:

Inhale on:

Exhale on:

Relaxed until:

The fist must seek:

Three times the:


2 Crabapple Martial Arts Academy Shodan Exam Study Guide

Define these terms: Zenshin:






Define Kogeki-hoyo and explain its importance:

3 Crabapple Martial Arts Academy Shodan Exam Study Guide

What is the explanation/symbolism of the Shuri Ryu Seal?

What is the Explanation/Symbolism of the American Budokai International Seal?

4 Crabapple Martial Arts Academy Shodan Exam Study Guide

What are the 23 Characteristics of Shuri Ryu Karatedo? Explain the importance of 2 of them:

5 Crabapple Martial Arts Academy Shodan Exam Study Guide

Write out / Explain the 8 Performance Categories of Shuri Ryu Karatedo:

6 Crabapple Martial Arts Academy Shodan Exam Study Guide

Front : What is the Japanese Name and What part of the foot do we hit with?

Back Kick: What is the Japanese Name and What part of the foot do we hit with?

Side Kick: What is the Japanese Name and What part of the foot do we hit with?

Round Kick: What is the Japanese Name and What part of the foot do we hit with?

Hook Kick: What is the Japanese Name and What part of the foot do we hit with? (2 acceptable names, what are they?)?

Ax Kick: What is the Japanese Name and What part of the foot do we hit with?

Stomp Kick: What is the Japanese Name and What part of the foot do we hit with?

7 Crabapple Martial Arts Academy Shodan Exam Study Guide

What are the 10 Points of Kata:

What are the 5 Performance Categories of Kata?

8 Crabapple Martial Arts Academy Shodan Exam Study Guide

Write out the Interpretations for each of the following Kata(s) also include the number of moves and attackers: Wunsu:


Nai Han Chi Sho:

Tsue Sho:

Empi Sho:

Basai Dai:

Go Pei Sho:

Dan Enn Sho:

Rohai Dai:

9 Crabapple Martial Arts Academy Shodan Exam Study Guide


____ Yoi (A) High ____ Kiba (Dachi) (B) Praying Position ____ Jodan (C) Edge of Hand ____ Gedan (D) Middle ____ Mokuso (E) Side (Kick) ____ Shuto (F) Round (Kick) ____ Chudan (G) Ready ____ Yoko (Geri) (H) Meditate ____ Tetsui (I) Low ____ Gasho (J) Horse (Stance) ____ Mawashi (K) Hammer-Fist

____ Kyu (Mudansha) (A) Black Belt Degree ____ Hidari (B) Right ____ Hajime (C) Below Black Belt Level ____ Mae (Geri) (D) Back (Kick) ____ Ushiro (Kick) (E) Front (Kick) ____ Yame (F) Thank You ____ Migi (G) Stop ____ Dan (Level) (H) Wait ____ Domo Arigato (I) Corkscrew () ____ Mate (J) Start ____ Seiken (Zuki/Tsuki) (K) Left

____ (A) Training Hall ____ Kamiza (B) Block ____ Rei (C) Stance ____ Zuki (Tsuki) (D) Honorary Place ____ Dachi (Tachi) (E) Punch ____ Dojo (F) Bow ____ Kata (G) Come To Attention ____ Sensei (H) Formal Exercise ____ Geri (Keri) (I) Teacher ____ Uke (J) Belt ____ Kiostsuke (K) Kick