PARLIAMENTARY DIRECTORY, 19L4. 2298 Samuel Jonathan

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PARLIAMENTARY DIRECTORY, 19L4. 2298 Samuel Jonathan HOUSE OF} COMMONS. { PARLIAMENTARY DIRECTORY, 19l4. 2298 Samuel Jonathan .......•.•.•..••......... , . l'itoolcton-on-Teel ••••.•••••.•.•. , ...• National Liberal cluh SW: & J,orne terrace, Stockton-on-Tees Samuel Saninel . • • .. JV'at~dswot'th •••••••..•...•.•..•••••• 2~ & 27 Bi~lwpsgate EO; Berkeley house, H11y hill, Berkeley square W; & Car! ton & Portland clulls SW Samuel Sir Stuart Montagu, bart............ Tower Hamlets ( Whitechapel Divi&ion) 12 Hill street, Berkeley square W; Royal Automobile club SW; & Ohelwood Vetchery, Nutley, Sussex Sanders Robert Arthur ............ , • .. .. .. .. Bomersetshire (Bridgwater Divi.sion) •• 150 St. James' court, BuckiDgham gate SW; Artbur's & Carlton clubs SW; Garrickclub WC; & Bar wick house, 'l eovil SandersonLancelot, K.C., M.A.., LL.B...... •• Westmorland (N. orAppleby Division) 2 Mitre court buildings, Temple EO : 62 Palace gardens terrace W ; Carlton & Oxford & Cambridge University clubs SW: & Ward house, Ellel, near Lancaster Sandys George John •••••••••••••••••••••••• · ,<;omersetshire { Well1 Division) •••••• 87 Eaton square SW; Oarlton, Marlborough & White's clubs SW; & Batherleigh house, Weston-super-Mare · Sassoon Sir Philip Albert Gustave David, bart. Hythe •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 25 Park lane W ; Carlton & Royal Automobile clubs SW; Shorncliffe lodge, Folkestone; Trent park, New Ba.rnet: San11 Souci, Bombay: & Garden Reach, Poona Scanlan Thon1as . • . • . Sligo (North) ...............•.•.••. 8 Brick court, Temple EO; fi Palmer street, Westminster SW: & Devonshire club SW Schwann Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Ernest, bart... Manchester(North Division) ......... 4 Prince's gardens SW ; Reform club SW; & Reform (Manchester) club Scott Alexander MacCallum ••••••••••••• • • • Glctsgow (Bridgeton Division) •••.•••• 5 Pump court, Temple EO; 35 Cyril mansions, Prince of Wales road, Battersea SW; National Liberal club SW; Eighty club EO: & Glasgow Liberal club Scott Leslie Frederic, K.C. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Liverpool (Exchange .Division) .••••••• Goldsmith building, Temple EO: Carlton & Uuited University clubs SW; Cavalry club W; & Hinton-in-the-Hedges, Brackley Scott Sir Samuel Edward, ba.rt............ • • Marylebone {West .Division)., , , ••• , •• 88 South street, Park lane W; Carlton & Marlborough clul:•s SW; Turf club W; Amhuinnsuidh, North Harris, Scotland; & Westbury manor, Brackley, Northants Seely Ool.Rt.Hon.John Edward Bernard,o,s.o. Derbyshire (lllceston Division) •••••••• 29 Chester square SW; Cavalry club W; White's club SW; & Brooke house, Brook, Isle of Secretary of 6tate, War .Department •••• •••• Wight Shee Maj. Martin .Archer-, D.s.o., 1ee Archer­ Shee - Sheehan Daniel Desmond ................ .. Cork County (Mid .Diviaion) •••••••• ,. Rockhurst, Victoria road, Cork Sheehy David .•.•••••..•.•.••••••••••.•.... Meath County (South) ............. Irish club WC; & :.1 Belvidere place, Dublin Sherwell Arthur .•.•.•....•.........••.... H udderstield ...•••••.•••••••.•...•.• Bhortt Ed ward, K.O. • .••..•....•..•.•...•.•• N ewcastle-on-Tyne .......••....•.... 8 Hare court, Temple EC; 70 Onslow gardens SW: & Reform clnb SW Simon Rt. Hon. Sir John Allsebrook, K.C. v.o., E~&ex (S. W. or Walthamstow .Division) 4 Brick court, Temple EO: 57 Kensington court W: Garricll: club WO; Reform, Nations.! Liberal K.C. Attorney-General & Royal Automobile clubs SW: Eighty club EC; & Fritwell manor, Fritwell, nr. Banbury Smiley Lt. Peter Kerr Kerr-, 1e1 Kerr-Smiley Smith Albert .............................. North-East Lancashire (Clitheroe .Div.) Spring cottage, Manchester road, Nelson, Lancashire Smith Rt. Hon. Frederick Edwin, K.C. • ••• , , Liverpool (Walton lJivision) .......... 4 Elm court, Temple EC; 82 Grosvenor gardens SW: Carlton, Marlborough, Union,'s & Royal Automobile clubs SW; Constitutional club WO; City Carlton club EO; & The Cottage, Charlton, Banbury Smith Harold ..... ..............•..•........ Warrington ...... -.... , .. , .......... , 4 Elm coul't, Temple EC; Carlton club SW; United Empire club W; Constitutional club WO; & Farthinghoe, Northants . Smith H astinli!S Bertrand Lees •••••••••••••• Northampton .........•.•...•...... Reform club SW Smyth Thomas Francis . .........•.•..••..... Leitrim County (South)., ••••• ,., ••• , Irish club WC: & Mob ill, eo. Leitrim Snow den Philip .................••..•.•.... Bl(l..CJcbu-rn •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Elberton. Woodstock road, Golder's green NW Soames Artbur Wellesley .. ........••...•.... Norfolk (Southe-rn Division) .......... 18 Park crescent, Portland place W; & United University & Reform clubs SW Spear Sir John Ward ............•......... .Devon (West or Tavistock .Division) , , Natioual club SW; & Venn, Tavistock Spender-Clny, see Clay Spicer Rt. Hon. Sir Albert, bart., •• , ••• , • , •• H(u:kney (Central Division) .•• , . , .• , • 10 Lancaster gateW; Reform, National Liberal &British Empire clubs SW;&CityLiberal club EO Stan ier Beville •.................•••....•.. Shropshire (N. or Newport Division) .. 21 Buckingham gate SW: Oarlton & Windham clubs SW: & Peplow hall, Market Drayton Stanley Al t>ert ..•..........•..•.....•....• Stajford.1hire (N. W, lJivi.lion), . .•••• , National Liberal club SW; & Woods-Eaves, Heduesford Stanley Hon. Arthur, :r.r.v.o ............... South-West La.ncashire( Ormskirk lJiv.) nO Upper Brook st.Grosvenor square W: Carlton &: Royal Automobile clubs SW; & Turf clubW Stanley Major Hon. George Frederick •• , , •• Preaton ...................• , •....•. Oarlton club SW; & Sibbertoft manor, Market Harborough Starkey John Ralph ...............•....... , Nottinghamshire (N!!Wark .Division) •• Carlton & New Oxford & Cambridge clubs SW; &: Norwood park, Southwell, Nottinghamshire Staveley-Hill Henry Staveley ............ .. Staffordshire (Kingswin,tord Division) 1 Tantield court, Temple EU; Car! ton & Junior Car! ton cluhs SW; & Oxley manor, near Wolverhampton Steel-MaitlandArthr.Hrbt,DrummondRamsay Birmitlgham City (East .Di'IJisio") , , , , 72 Cadogan square SW ; Union, Car !ton & Travellers' clubs SW; & Sauchieburn, Stirling Stewa.rt Gershom ••............••........•• Cheshire (Wirral .Di1'ision) • , • , ••• , •• Carlton & Conservat.ive clubs SW : Oity Carlton club EO; & Whiteholme, Roylake, Cheshir.e Strauss Artbur ....•.••.•.•••.•.•..•.....•• Paddington I North .Division) , ••••••• 16 Rood lane EC; l Kensington palace garrlens W: & Carlton club SW Stra.uss Edward Antbony .................. .. Southwark (West .Division) •• •••••••• , • i9 Grosvenor square W; Reform, Devonshire & National Liberal clubs SW; Bath club W; City Liberal club EO; & Kingston house, Abingdon Stuart Lord Ninian Edward Crichton-, see Crichton-Stuart Btuart-Wortley,1et Wortley Sutherland tT ohn Ebenezer ••.•....•••.•.•.•• Elgin District of Burgh• •••••••••••• National Liberal club SW; & Durn house, Portsoy, Banffshire Button John Edwa.rd ••.. .. • •.•.•.•••..••.•.. Manch~ster (East .Division) •••••••••• 109 North road, Clayton, Manchester Swift Rig by, K.C. • •••••••........•.•...•••. St. Helem .........................• 1 Garden court, Temple EO ; & 17 Kidderpore avenue, Hampstead NW Sykes Alan John, M. A.••••••.•.•.• ....•..••• Cheshire (Knutsjord .Division) •• ••• , • , 2 Down street W; Usrlton, Junior Carlton & Royal Automobile clubs SW; & South view, Cheadle, Cheshire Sykes Lieut.-Col. Sir Mark, bart ........... Kingst n-upon-Hnll (Central .Division) Oarlton & Marlborougb clubs SW ; & Eddlethorpe, Malton, Yorks Talbot Lord Edmund Bernard, :r.r.v.o., D.s.o. Sussexo (S. W. or Chichester lJivisionJ l Buckingham palace gardens SW; Carlton, White's & United Service clubs SW; & Naval & Military club W Taylor Gerald Kyffin-, see Ky.ffin-Taylor Taylor John W ilkinson .•.•..••..••••.•.... .Durham Co. (Chest er-le-Street .Division) The Avenue, Durham Taylor Theodore Cooke .•...•••..••......•• B. E. Lancashire (Radcliffe-cum-Ji'artl• National Liberal club SW; & Sunny Bank, Batley worth Division) Taylor Thomas ............................ Bolton .......•..••.•.............. Tudor house, Chorley New road, Bolton, Lanes Tennant Harolli John, Parliamentary Under­ ber11Jtckshire .••••• ••..••.•.•••••••.• SS Bruton street W ; Brooks's &: National Liberal clubs SW : Eighty club EC; Great Secretary of Btate for War Maytham, Rolvenden, Kent: & Edingla~Ssie, Strathdon, Aberdeenshire Terrell George John Edmund de Beauvoir •••• Wiltshire (N. W. or Chippenham 88 Al bion street, Hyde park W; Carlton club SW ; Boyal Thame11 Yacht club W: & A. von .Divi.lion) house, Chippenham Terrell Henry, K.C .. .•.•.••••••....••.•••.•• Gloucester ••••.•.•........•.••.•...• 11 New square, Lincoln's inn WC; Carlton club SW; & Royal Thames Yacht club W · Thomas J ames Henry ..- ...........•.•...... Derby ••••••••••••••.•••••••••• ·••••• Swindon Thompson Ernest Claude Meysey-, ltM Meysey-Thompson Tbompson lto bert .••......•••....... , ..•••• Belfast (North Division) , , , , , • , , • , •• Carlton club SW; Constitutional club WC; Ulster (Belfast) club; Drum house, Dunmurry, eo. Antrim; & Bertha house, Malo ne road, Belfast Thomson · William Mitchell-, see :Mitchell· Thomson Thorne George Rennie •• .•.•••••••••.•.•••.. Wolverhampton (East .Division) •· ••••• 170 Strand WC; National Liberal club SW; & The Hollies, Ooalway road, Wolverhampton Thorne William J ames .. .................... West Ham {South lJivision) , • , , •••••• 1 Lawrence road, Upton manor, West Ham E · Thynne Lord Alexander George Boteville , ••• Bath ••.•.......•.................. 15 Manchester square W; White's & Carlton clubs SW: Turf club W; & Norton hall,
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