Spain's Mountains

Naturetrek Tour Report 10 - 17 June 2007

Above Fuente De Ciliate Rock Jasmine

Spotted Fritillary

Report & photos compiled by John and Jenny Willsher

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Tour Report 's Picos de Europa Mountains

Tour leaders: John and Jenny Willsher

Participants: Gerrard and Sue Bakker Peter and Valerie Herring Stan and Wendy Bass Alan Bash Gill Woodley Diane Mathias Mark Bunch

Day 1 Sunday 10th June

Santander to Espinama The flight from Stansted was on time, and the group were soon through to meet John and Jenny who had been in the Picos for a few days already and had the vehicles ready and waiting. We were quickly on our way, leaving Santander behind and doing our best to ignore the industrial sprawl of Torrelavega. We take the E70 motorway to Unquera, which is a good road, but takes us through a managed landscape, mostly large plantations of pine and eucalypt for the paper mills at Torrelavega, a relic of Franco’s reign. Roadside birds include our first Common Buzzard and Black Kite. But once off the E70 and heading south, the countryside softens and we can appreciate some of the traditional architecture of dark stone and timber with terracotta tiles, and some buildings with strong colour-washed walls – some colours more sympathetic than others! We get our first view of one of the many peaks we will see in the next few days as Penamellera looms ahead of us as we head for Panes. Once through Panes, we are soon following the Rio Deva in the dramatic Hermida Gorge. The Rio Deva is still brown from torrential rain on Saturday night.

The little village of La Hermida is so deep in the gorge that it does not receive any sun for 5 months of the year. We stop briefly to stretch our legs and get a flavour of the local flora and avifauna. On the gorge walls grows Narrow-leaved Valerian and the yellow Antirrhinum braun-blanquetii which is endemic to northern Portugal and Northern Spain. We find Woodcock Orchid in the grass and above us Crag Martins are patrolling their stretch of cliff. Leaving the gorge we reach our hotel in Espinama and our first taste of local food.

Day 2 Monday 11th June

Fuente De The weather forecast is good and we take this opportunity to go high. We take the vehicles up to the cable car at Fuente De, share the picnic between everyone’s rucksacks, and join the queue for the cable car. This is the longest cable car span in Europe, making a dramatic 800m ascent. We are a little early for the first car up but watch a Red Squirrel and Goldcrest while we wait. Once at the top we are in a shattered limestone landscape where there is a wealth of alpine flora. We soon find Pyrenean Trumpet Gentians, Ciliate Rock Jasmine (Androsace villosa), Sad Stock, Spurge Laurel (Daphne laureola ssp philippi), Anenome trifolia, Spring Squill, Alpine and Pyrenean Toadflax.

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While the birdwatchers enjoy the antics of both species of Choughs we also find Vernal Sandwort, Pyrenean Mignonette, Euphorbia flavicoma and E. pyrenaica. There are many Griffon Vultures and around us, an Alpine Accentor and several Water Pipits plummeting down in song flight. Before we start our lengthy descent to Espinama, we make our way to the Wallcreeper spot, under the cliffs of Pena Vieja, where we see four chamois, or Isard as the local population is called, one crossing the track in front of us and scrambling up the scree.

Between the rocks along this track is Holly and Brittle Bladder Fern, Maidenhair Spleenwort, the leaves of Alpine Hawkweed and Pyrenean Woodruff. A bird is seen on the rock wall so we set up our picnic, to watch and eat. Two Wallcreepers are seen on the wall but they are some way off. News gets to us that one has been seen feeding close to the track further on. Some of us then reach the spot and are rewarded with a brief but brilliant close view of a Wallcreeper hunting amongst the boulder scree.

We now retrace our steps before making our way down through the montane pastures of Puertas del Aliva, grazed by cows, sheep and horses. Northern Wheatears and Water Pipits are singing around us and in some places the turf is blue with Spring Squill. Spring Gentian and Leafless-stemmed Speedwell, and we find two cushions of Moss Campion. On the track side we find the endemic Pink Sandwort, Spoon-leaved Candytuft, Hoary and Common Rockrose, Fairy Foxglove, Alpine Calamint, Chaenorhinum origanifolium, Carduncellus monspelliensis and low growing rosettes of Pyrenean Thistle. We stop at the Refugio de Aliva for a welcome drink and facilities before heading onwards and downwards first watching three Egyptian Vultures on the ground amongst the grazing cattle. Then on through the woods with singing Bonelli’s Warblers, and meadows of the Nevandi valley which brings us to our hotel of the same name in Espinama.

In one steep meadow we find some good spikes of Pink Butterfly Orchid and Serapias lingua, alongside Winged Greenweed, White Asphodel, Greater Yellow Rattle, Pyrenean Eryngo, Selfheal and Large-flowered Selfheal.

Day 3 Tuesday 12th June

Espinama to Fuente De via Pido Another fine day is forecast, so we again pack the picnic into our rucksacks and plan a day of walking locally. After watching Common and Black Redstarts opposite the hotel, we take the track to the small village of Pido, crossing the river Deva, and strolling up through meadows and woods to the cable car station at Fuente De. Our first botanical finds include some perfect spikes of Lizard Orchid, a few yards from the hotel.

In the little lane to Pido we find Bath Asparagus (Ornithogalum pyrenaicum), Scrambling Gromwell, Spreading Bellflower, Bloody and Hedgerow Cranesbill, Tragopogon crocifolius, Hemlock, Dog Rose and Field Rose. In Pido the wall above the spring is a mass of Mossy Saxifrage and sedums, and in the walls along the lanes are Rusty- back Fern, Maidenhair Spleenwort, Wall Rue and Black Spleenwort. Birds include a smart male Pied Flycatcher , singing Blackcaps and Garden Warblers. There is a family party of Nuthatches and again several Griffon Vultures are seen high above us.

The walk is steep in parts and at one resting point we find a spike of Bird’s-nest Orchid. We picnic under trees overlooking one of the many flower-rich meadows along our walk, before making our way to the restaurant at Fuente De. Some choose to take a lift back to Espinama, while other walk back and are rewarded with more botanical gems amongst the meadows, including Sawfly and Early Spider Orchids, and Thapsia villosa with its

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dramatic starburst heads of yellow. Butterflies are more visible with Clouded Yellows, Turquoise Blue, Adonis Blue, Sooty and Small Coppers, and a Red-backed Shrike and Yellowhammer finish off the day.

Day 4 Wednesday 13th June

Espinama to Arenas de Cabrales We say our farewells to Santi, our host and head north for Arenas. First we stop briefly in Potes for some provisions and postcards. Then we wend our way through the Hermida gorge, stopping to look at the pre- Romanesque church of Santa Maria de Lebena. On previous trips we have seen nesting Wryneck, and today is no exception. Some of the group wander around the church and the surrounding meadows looking at the flowers and butterflies, while John patiently waits to see the Wryneck. We soon regroup around the ‘scope to get good views of this secretive bird bringing food to a nest. Many Griffon Vultures and a single Egyptian Vulture are also seen. Butterflies here include our first Cleopatra, Short-tailed Blue, Weavers and Spotted Fritillary.

Good butterflies and flowers are also found. The gorges of the Picos have their own micro-climates and we find Mediterranean species such as Strawberry Tree, Kermes Oak, St Lucie’s Cherry, many vetches such as Lucerne, Restharrow and Pitch Trefoil, Sage-leaved Cistus, Swallow-wort, Galactites tomentosum and Smilax aspera. At Panes we head west, along the north bank of the Rio , firstly passing through a wide fertile valley, where there is another Black Kite before the gorge walls close in again, for more spectacular scenery. We picnic near the village of Mier, in a neglected playground which gives us the luxury of picnic tables and a wander by the river, before heading for our next base in Arenas.

Our simple hotel is situated in a meadow, away from the busy little town, and has a view of the highest peak in the Picos, Torre Cerredo. We have a welcome cup of tea or coffee before heading out for an afternoon walk in the Vega de Sotres an upland valley with flower rich meadows. The strong wind means that butterflies are fewer than hoped but Northern Wheatears, Black Redstart, Linnets and Water Pipits are seen. We have a long and good view of a Golden Eagle crossing the valley and then an all too brief view of a Rock Thrush fly from a building in the village further up the valley.

Day 5 Thursday 14th June

Covadonga Lakes The forecast for today was for early showers, but somehow the showers seemed to have got rolled into one huge downpour and we all got wet. But this was later in the day! We head west for Covadonga and the glacial lakes, Lago Enol and Lago de la Ercina, in the Covadonga National Park, one of the first National Parks in Spain. The weather is sunny with a few clouds around. As we turn off the main road to Canga d’Onis, once the capital of old , we drive up through flowery meadows and the rocky peaks of the Cordal de Cuadonga (Covadonga). We stop at the Mirador de la Reina to take in the view, finding the endemic Aquilegia discolor, among the rocks.

The lakes sit under the northern slopes of El Cornion, the Western Massif of the Picos. We park in the car park at Lago de la Ercina and head off for our walk. The grassy slopes are dotted with native casina cows and calves. The lake edge has a raft of Bog Bean with some Early Marsh Orchids.

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On and among the rocks we find the endemics, Linaria faucicola and Blue-leaved Petrocoptis, also Mossy and Paniculate Saxifrage, Globularia repens, Dwarf Sheepsbit (Jasione crispa) and Moonwort. There are many holes of Snow Voles and several singing Water Pipits, Stonechats and Wheatears and a few butterflies, Clouded Yellows and a Chapman’s Ringlet, a local endemic are seen.

We pursue our walk making our way through a rocky landscape, but decide to turn back when engulfed by torrential rain, and take refuge in the lakeside café, abandoning our planned picnic for soup, salad and coffee. The rain clears again for a while but we retrace our steps, stopping to look at a roadside meadow where we find many spikes of the handsome Serapias cordigera, with Dactyloriza elata var. iberica and Alpine Betony. Rain moves us on again and our next stop is the basilica at Covadonga, before returning to the hotel.

Day 6 Friday 15th June

Sotres and Tresviso Today we head high again, taking the road to Poncebos, where we stop to look for Dipper under the bridge, crossing over the Rio Cares and taking the scenic road up through the little hamlet of Tielves, through the mountain village of Sotres, parking just above the village to take a partly wooded walk, with views down onto the village. Our first botanical find is a bank of Adenostyles aliariae with Broad-leaved Sermountain and Carline-leaved Thistle. The first meadow has Horned Pansy, Austrian and Single-flowered Leapordsbane and at the edge of the wood we find Large Meadow Rue, the handsome bi-coloured Yellow Pea (Lathyrus laevigatus ssp occidentalis), Bitter Vetch, Horned Rampion, Leafy Lousewort and Wood Cranesbill. We have stunning views of the surrounding mountains and valleys and there are some good butterflies, Mountain Ringlet, Swallowtail, Queen of Spain Fritillary and Purple-edged Copper.

After this leisurely walk, we drive a little higher to find a picnic spot, where a Skylark is heard singing then drive to Tresviso. This remote village sits at the top of a vertiginous walk down the Urdon Gorge, and is famous for its picon cheese, one of the cheeses made from a mix of cows, sheep and goats milk. We have coffee in the bar in the village where there are amazing aerial photos of the gorge. Apparently the postman walks up from the gorge daily to deliver the mail and any medicines for the villagers. We then walk through another flowery meadow to a viewpoint and beyond, finding a patch of Serapias lingua, S. cordigera and an intriguing hybrid between the two – and we also saw a lovely clump of the bright pink Sticky Flax. We have wonderful views down the Urdon Gorge enhanced by a Short-toed Eagle gliding over our heads. Finally after dinner a distant Nightjar is heard churring from up the hillside outside our hotel.

Day 7 Saturday 16th June

La Molina Our last full day in the Picos, and the weather hold for us, though occasionally looking like rain. After watching the local Red-backed Shrike and an Egyptian Vulture outside the hotel we head west, turning off the main road, taking the narrow road to La Molina. We park before the descent into the village so that we can explore the lane- side meadows and gullies on our way down to the village. Blackcaps and Spanish Chiffchaff are in full song and the first meadow has a mass of Serapias cordigera. In a tree-shaded gully are many ferns including Hard, Harts- tongue, Lady, Scaly Male, Maidenhair and Broad Buckler.

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Just above the village we find Digitalis parviflora and Devil’s Bit Scabious. On the wall of the turning circle just outside the village are long post boxes where the baker leaves fresh baguettes for the locals. We pass through this partly inhabited village with its diminutive church, where the concrete road is soon replaced by an ancient cobbled track, leading down to the Rio Casano.

We follow the river up stream through old chestnut wood, where there are the remains of old chestnut stores, overhead there are Common Buzzards and Griffon Vultures. We cross the river near the old hydroelectric power station, to take a look at the old barns before retracing our steps to our usual picnic spot at a small gravel beach on the edge of the river where we eat our lunch and watch for the elusive Dipper which most of us miss as it speeds past us downstream.

We then make our way back to Arenas with time to explore this busy little town. A noisy cavalcade of lorries passes through announcing the arrival of a French Fair. There are many shops selling the local cheeses, honey and favada sets – to make the local dish of beans and pork.

Day 8 Sunday 17th June

Return to Santander, via Liencres We say farewell to Pilar and Jim, take final photos of Torre Cerrado, and head North and East for our journey to Santander. We stop to check a bank of Lesser Butterfly Orchids, finding two very handsome spikes of Serapias cordigera and also Grass Poly under our feet. Two Black Kites, one on a post nearby are ‘scoped’ and provide good views.

As we have plenty of time we take a diversion to look at the coast, stopping briefly at Pechon, then head for the the Parque Natural Dunas du Liencres, just west of Santander. This dune reserve is situated on the mouth of the river Pas, and was formed by the repopulation of the area by Maritime Pines (Pinus pinaster) and gives us a chance to look at a very different habitat. We picnic under the pines, before taking a walk to look at the plants which include many spikes of Lesser Butterfly Orchid, masses of Broad-leaved Helleborine and a few spikes of Epipactis phyllanthes, a very local plant.

At the open edges of the pines we find Sea Bindweed with its fleshy leaves, Jersey Pink, Sea Spurge, Sea Holly and Crucianella maritima. The beach and its attendant cafes and bars are very busy being Sunday so we head for the airport, with plenty of time to catch our return flight to the UK. So ending a great week with old friends and new, having seen some wonderful scenery, flowers, birds and butterflies.

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Species Lists

Plants Scientific Name Common Name Location

Ferns Osmunda regalis Royal Fern La Molina Botrychium lunaria Moonwort Covadonga Equisetum telmeteia Great Horsetail La Molina E. fluviatile Water Horsetail Espinama Adiantum capillis-veneris Maidenhair Fern La Molina Blechnum spicant Hard Fern “ Phyllitis scolopendrium Hart’s-tongue Fern “ Asplenium adiantum-nigrum Black Spleenwort Pido A. ruta-muraria Wall Rue “ Ceterach officinarum Rusty-backed Fern “ Athyrium filix-femina Lady Fern La Molina Cystopteris fragilis Brittle Bladder Fern Fuente De Dryopteris affinis Scaly Male Fern “ Dryopteris dilitata Broad Buckler Fern La Molina Oreopteris limbosperma Lemon-scented/Mountain Fern “ Polystichum aculeatum Hard Shield Fern “ P.lonchitis Holly Fern Fuente De P. setiferum Soft Shield Fern La Molina Gymnocarpum robertianum Limestone Oak Fern Covadonga Polypodium vulgare Common Polypody Pteridium aquilinum Bracken Widespread

Conifers Pinus pinaster Maritime Pine Liencres Pinus sylvestris Scots Pine Pinus pinea Umbrella Pine Liencres Juniperus communis Juniper Taxus baccata Yew


Apiaceae (Umbellifers) Carrot Family Angelica syvestris Angelica Astrantia major Masterwort Pido Conium maculatum Henlock “ Conopodium majus Pignut Daucus carota Wild Carrot Dethawia tenuifolia Eryngium bourgatii Pyrenean Eryngo Widespread Eryngium maritimum Sea Holly Liencres Foeniculum vulgare Fennel Heracleum sphondylium Hogweed Laserpitium latifolium Broad-leaved Sermountain Above Espinama Levisticum officionale Lovage Espinama Oenanthe crocata Hemlock Water Dropwort La Molina Peucedanum ostruthium Masterwort Sanicula europaea Wood Sanicle Smyrmium olusatrum Alexanders Hermida Gorge Thapsia villosa Espinama

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Torilis japonica Upright Hedge Parsley La Molina

Aquifoliaceae Holly Family Ilex aquifolium Holly

Asclepiadaceae Milkweed Family Vincetoxicum hirundinaria Swallow-wort La Molina

Asteraceae (Compositae) Daisy family Achillea millefolium Yarrow Adenostyles aliariae Adenostyles Sotres Andryala integrifolia Andryala Hermida Gorge Anthemis triumfetti Southern Dog Daisy Bellis perennis Daisy Carduncellus monspelliensis Fuenta De Carduus carlinifolius Carline-leaved Thistle Sotres C. carlinoides Pyrenean Thistle Fuente De C. nutans Musk Thistle (pale) Pido Centauria alpestris Knapweed C. montana Mountain Cornflower Fuente De C. nigra Black Knapweed Cicorum intybus Chicory Cirsium palustris Marsh Thistle Doronicum austriacum Austrian Leopardsbane Sotres Doronicum grandiflorum Large-flowered Leopardsbane “ Filago vulgaris Common Cudweed Galactites tomentosum Galactites Hieracium alpinum Alpine Hawkweed Tresviso Hieracium lanatum Woolly Hawkweed Leaves only H. pilosella Mouse-ear Hawkweed Lapsana communis Nipplewort Leucanthemum vulgare Oxe-eye Daisy Matricaria discoidea Pineapple Mayweed Silybum marianum Milk Thistle Taraxacum alpinum Alpine Dandelion Fuente De Tragopogon crocifolius Pido Tragopogon pratensis Goatsbeard

Betulaceae Birch Family Betula pendula Silver Birch B. pubescens Birch Alnus glutinosa Alder A. viridus Green Alder

Boraginaceae Forget-me-not Family Lithodora diffusa Scrambling Gromwell Echium vulgare Viper’s Bugloss Myosotis alpestris Alpine Forget-me-not M. scorpioides Water Forget-me-not Symphytum tuberosum Tuberous comfrey

Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Cabbage/Cress Family Arabis hirsuta Hairy Rockcress Biscutella laevigata Buckler Mustard Cardamine impatiens Narrow-leaved Bittercress Pido Cardamine pratense Lady’s Smock C. raphanifolia Radish-leaved Bittercress La Molina

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Eryimum decumbens Decumbent Treacle Mustard Fuents De Iberis aurosica Dauphine Candytuft Fuenta De Iberis spathulata Spoon-leaved Candytuft “ Metthiola fruticosa Sad Stock “ Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum Watercress Sisymbrium austriacum Austrian Rocket Widespread

Campanulaceae Bellflower Family Campanula erinus Annual Bellflower Tresviso C. glomerulata Clustered Bellflower Vega de Sotres C patula Spreading Bellflower Pido C. persicifolia Peach-leaved Bellflower “ C. rapunculoides Creeping Bellflower Espinama C. rotundifolia Harebell Hermida Gorge Jasione montana Mountain Sheep’s-bit Covodonga Jasione crispa Dwarf Sheep’s-bit “ Phyteuma charmelii Horned Rampion Above Espinama P. orbiculare Round-headed Rampion p. spicata ssp pyrenaica Above Pido

Caprifoliaceae Honeysuckle Family Lonicera periclymenum Honeysuckle Sambucus nigra Elderflower S. ebulus Danewort

Caryophyllacea Pink Family Arenaria grandiflora Large-flowered Sandwort Above Espinama A. purpurascens Pink Sandwort Fuente De Dianthus monspessulanus Fringed Pink La Molina D. gallicus Jersey Pink Liencres D. deltoides Maiden Pink D. armeria Deptford Pink Lychnis flos-cuculi Ragged Robin Minuartia verna Vernal Sandwort Petrocoptis pardoi Blue-leaved Petrocoptis La Molina, Covadonga P. pyrenaica Cosgya Petrorhagia prolifera Proliferous Pink P. saxifraga Tunic Flower Silene acaulis ssp longiscapa Moss Campion Fuente De S. alba White Campion S. dioica Red Campion S. nutans Nottingham Catchfly S. otites Spanish Catchfly S. vulgaris Bladder Campion Stellaria holostea Greater Stitchwort S. nemorum Wood Stitchwort s. graminea Lesser Stitchwort

Celastraceae Spindle-tree Family Euonyymus europaeus Spindle Tree

Cistaceae Rock-rose family Cistus salvilifolius Sage-leaved Cistus Hermida Gorge Heliathemum nummularian Common Rockrose H. canum Hoary Rockrose

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Clusiaceae (Hypericaceae) St John’-wort Family Hypericum androsaemum Tutsan La Molina H perforatum Perforate St. John’s Wort

Convolvulaceae Bindweed Family Calystegia soldanella Sea Bindweed Liencres Convolvulus arvensis Field Bindweed Cuscata epithymum Dodder

Corylaceae Hazel Family Corylus avellana Hazel

Crassulaceae Stonecrop Family Sedum album White Stonecrop S. acre Biting Stonecrop S. dasyphyllum Thick-leaved Stonecrop S. rupestre Rock Stonecrop S. villosum Hairy Stonecrop Vega de Sotres

Disacaceae Teasel Family Dipsacus fullonum Teasel Knautia arvensis Field Scabious Succisa pratensis Devil’sbit Scabious La Molina

Ericaceae Heath Family Arbutus unedo Strawberry Tree Hermida Gorge Calluna vulgaris Heather/Ling Erica cinerea Bell Heather “ E. arborea Tree Heather “ E. tetralix Cross-leaved Heath E. vagans Cornish Heath Daboecia cantabrica St. Dabeoc’s Heath La Molina Vaccinium myrtillus Bilberry

Euphorbiaceae Spurge Family Euphorbia amygdaloides Wood Spurge Sotres E. flavicoma Fuente De E hyberna Irish Spurge E. paralias Sea Spurge Liencres E. pyrenaica Pyrenean Spurge Fuente De Mercurialis perennis Dog’s Mercury

Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Pea Family Anthyllis vulneraria ssp pyrenaica Kidney Vetch Widespread Astrolagus depressus Sprawling Milk Vetch Chamaespartium sagittale Winged Greenweed Espinama Cytisus scoparius Broom Echinospartum horridum Echinospartum Genista hispanica Spanish Gorse Genista legionensis Above Espinama G. sericea Silvery Broom Hippocrepis comosa Horseshoe Vetch Lathyrus laevigatus ssp occidentalis Yellow Pea Sotres L. latifolius Everlasting Pea L. linifolius Bitter Vetch Sotres L. pratensis Meadow vetchling “ Lotus alpinas Alpine Birdsfoot Trefoil

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L. corniculatus Birdsfoot Trefoil Medicago sativa Lucerne Arenas M. lupulina Black Medick Melilotus altissima Tall Melilot M. suffruticosa Sprawling Medick Ononis repens Restharrow Arenas Psoralea bituminosa Pitch Trefoil Hermida Gorge Trifolium campestre Hop Trefoil T. ochroleucum Sulphur Clover T pratense Red Clover T. repens White Clover Vicia cracca Tufted Vetch V. hirsuta Hairy Tare V. orobus Sotres V. pyrenaica Pyrenean Vetch Vega de Sotres V. sepium Bush Vetch V. villosa Fodder Vetch

Fagaceae Oak and Beech Family Castenea sativa Sweet Chestnut Fagus sylvatica Beech Sotres Quercus ilex Holm Oak Q. pubescens Downy/White Oak Q. pyrenaica Pyrenean Oak La Molina

Gentianaceae Gentian Family Gentiana occidentalis Pyrenean Trumpet Gentian Fuente De G. verna Spring Gentian “ Centaurium erythraea Common Centaury Blackstonia perfoliata Yellow-wort Arenas

Geraniaceae Geranium Family Geranium columbinum Dove’s-foot Cranesbill G saguineum Bloody Cranesbill Arenas G. robertianum Herb Robert G. pyrenaicum Pyrenean Geranium G. lucidum Shining Cranesbill Erodium cicutarium Common Storksbill

Globulariaceae Globularia Family Globularia nudicaulis Leafless-stemmed Globularia G. repens Matted Globularia Fuente De

Grossulariaceae Gooseberry Family Ribes uva-crispa Wild Gooseberry

Labiatae Dead-nettle Family Acinos alpinus Alpine Calamint Fuente De Ajuga reptans Common Bugle Ballota nigra Black Horehound Widespread Clinopodium vulgare Wild Basil Sotres Galeopsis pyrenaica Pyrenean Hempnettle Sotres Mellittis melissophyllum Bastard Balm Origanum vulgare Marjoram Leaves only Prunella grandiflora Large-flowered Self-heal Above Espinama P. vulgaris Selfheal Salvia pratensis Meadow Clary

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Sideritis hyssopifolia Sideritis Covadonga Stachys monieri Alpine Betony “ S. palustris Marsh Woundwort Fuente De S. sylvatica Hedge Woundwort Teucrium pyrenaicum Pyrenean Germander T. scorodonia Wood Sage Thymus praecox Hairy Thyme T. pulegioides Large Thyme

Lentibulariaceae Butterwort Family Pinguicula grandiflora Large-flowered Burtterwort

Linaceae Flax Family Linum bienne Pale Flax L. catharticum Purging/Fairy Flax L. viscosum Sticky Flax L. suffruticosum ssp salsalsoides Pyrenean Flax Fuente De

Malvaceae Mallow Family Malva moschata Musk Mallow M. neglecta Dwarf Mallow M. sylvestris Common Mallow

Menyanthaceae Bogbean family Menyanthes trifoliata Bogbean Covadonga

Onograceae Willowherb Family Epilobium alsinifolium Chickweed Willowherb Above Espinama E. tetragonum Square-stemmed Willowherb Oenothera glazoviana Large-flowered Evening Primrose Roadsides

Papaverceae Poppy Family Chelidonium majus Greater Celandine Fumaria capreolata Ramping Fumitory Papaver rhoeas Field Poppy P. argemone Prickly Poppy

Plantaginaceae Plantain Family Plantago lanceolata Ribwort Plantain P. major Greater Plantain P. media Hoary Plantain

Platanaceae Plane Tree Family Plantanus hispanica London plane Hermida Gorge

Plumbaginaceae Thrift Family Armeria maritima ssp alpina Mountain Thrift

Polygonaceae Knotweed Family Polygonum hydropiper Wall Pepper P. bistorta Bistort P. viviparum Alpine Bistort Sotres Rumex scuatatus French Sorrel/Rubble Dock R. acetosella Sheep’s Sorrel R. alpinus Monk’s Rhubarb

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Primulaceae Primrose Family Primula veris Cowslip Past its best! Anagallis arvensis Scarlet Pimpernel Androsace villosa Ciliate Rock-jasmine Fuente De Lysimachia nemorum Yellow Pimpernel L. nummularia Creeping Jenny

Ranunculaceae Buttercup Family Anenome trifolia Fuente De Aquilegia vulgaris Columbine A. pyrenaica ssp bicolor Covadonga A. viscosa Sotres Caltha palustris Marsh Marigold Helleborus foetidus Stinking Hellebore Helleborus viridis Green Hellebore Hepatica nobilis Hepatica Leaves only Ranunculus amplexicaulis Amplexicaule Buttercup Fuente De R. flammula Lesser Spearwort Covadonga R. gramineus Grass-leaved Buttercup Vega de Sotres Trollius europaeus Globeflower Sotres

Resedaceae Mignonette Family Reseda lutea Wild Mignonette R. luteola Weld R. suffructicosa Above Espinama

Rosaceae Rose Family Alchemilla alpina Alpine Lady’s-mantle A. vulgaris Lady’s-mantle Agrimonia eupatoria Agrimony Amelanchier ovalis Amelanchier Fuenta De Filipendula ovalis Dropwort Arenas Fragaria vesca Wild Strawberry Potentilla erecta Tormentil P. montana (white) P. reptans Creeping Cinquefoil P. rupestris Rock Cinquefoil Prunus mahaleb St Lucie’s Cherry Hermida Gorge Rosa canina Dog Rose R. arvensis Field Rose Sanguisorba minor Salad Burnet Sorbus sp. A Whitebeam

Rubiaceae Bedstraw Family Asperula pyrenaica Pyrenean Woodruff Cruciata laevipes Crosswort Gallium aparine Cleavers Gallium odoratum Sweet Woodruff G. mollugo Hedge Bedstraw Rubia peregrina Wild Madder

Santalaceae Sandalwood Family Thesium pyrenaicum Pyrenean Bastard Toadflax

Saxifragaceae Saxifrage Family Saxifraga granulata Meadow Saxifrage Covadonga S. aspera Rough Saxifrage

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Spain's Picos de Europa Mountains Tour Report

S. bryoides Mossy Saxifrage S. cuneifolia Spoon-leaved Saxifrage Covadonga S. paniculata Paniculate Saxifrage Vegas de Sotre

Scrophulariaceae Figwort Family Anarrhinum bellidifolium Daisy-leaved Toadflax Espinama Antirrhinum braun-blanquetii Roadsides Chaenorhinum origanifolium Malling Toadflax Cymbalaria muralis Ivy-leaved Toadflax Digitalis parviflora (Small Brown Foxglove) La Molina D. purpurea Foxglove Erinus alpina Fairy Foxglove Euphrasia rostkoviana Common Eyebright Linaria alpina Alpine Toadflax Fuente De L. faucicola Covadonga L. supina Pyrenean Toadflax L. triornithophora Melanpyrum pratense Cow-wheat Above Espinama Pedicularis verticillata Whorled Lousewort Fuente De P. foliosa Leafy Lousewort Sotres P. sylvatica Common Lousewort Rhinanthus minor Yellow Rattle Above Espinama R. serotinus ssp asturicus Greater Yellow Rattle Covodonga Scrophularia auriculata Water Figwort Fuente De S. nodosa Common Figwort Verbascum pulverulentum Hoary Mullein Roadsides Veronica beccabunga Brooklime V. serpyllifolia Thyme-leaved Speedwell V. officionalis Heath Speedwell V. aphylla Leafless-stemmed Speedwell V. arvensis Wall Speedwell V. nummularia Pyrenean Speedwell

Thymelaeaceae Daphne Family Daphne layreleola ssp philippi Spurge Laurel Fuente De

Tiliaceae Lime Family Tilia cordata Small-leaved Lime La Molina T. platyphyllos Lime Cares Gorge ?T. tomentosa Silver Lime

Ulmacea Elm Family Ulmus glabra Wych Elm

Valerianaceae Valerian Family Centranthus angustifolius Narrow-leaved Red Valerian Roadsides Valeriana pyrenaica Pyrenean Valerian V. montana Fuente De

Violaceae Violet Family V.riviniana Common Dog Violet V. pyrenaica Pyrenean Violet Fuente De V.cornuta Horned Pansy Sotres

Viscaceae Mistletoe Family Viscum album Mistletoe

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Spain's Picos de Europa Mountains Tour Report


Liliaceae Allium sphaerocephalon Round-headed Leek Espinama Asphodelus albus White Asphodel Lillium martagon Martagon Lily Nif Muscari comosum Tassel Hyacinth Espinama Ornithogalum umbellatum Star of Bethlehem O. pyrenaicum Bath Asparagus Espinama Polygonatum multiflorum Common Solomon’s Seal P. verticillatum Whorled Solomon’s Seal Sotres Ruscus aculeatus Butchers Broom Scilla verna Spring Squill Fuente De Sisyrinchium bermudiana Blue-eyed Grass Tresviso Smilax aspera Sasparilla

Iridaceae Iris Family Iris latifolia English Iris Nif Iris foetida Stinking Iris

Cyperaceae Eriophorum sp. Cotton Grass Fuente De

Orchidaceae Anacamptis pyramidalis Pyramidal Orchid La Molina Aceras anthropophorum Man Orchid Fuente De Cephalanthera longifolia Sword-leaved Helleborine Sotres Dactylorhiza caramulensis Sotres D. elata Robust Marsh Orchid Fuenta De D. elata var iberica Covadonga D. fuchsia Common Spotted Orchid D. incarnate Early Marsh Orchid Covadonga D. maculate Heath Spotted Orchid Epipactis helleborine Broad-leaved Helleborine Liencres E. phyllanthes Liencres Gymnadenia conopsea Fragrant Orchid Himantoglossum hircinum Lizard Orchid Espinama Neottia nidus-avis Bird’snest Orchid Above Pido Ophrys apifera Bee Orchid La Molina O. scolopax Woodcock Orchid Hermida Gorge O. sphegodes Early Spider Orchid Above Pido O. tenthredinifera Sawfly Orchid Above Pido Orchis papillionacea Pink Butterfly Orchid Espinama O. ustulata Burnt-tip Orchid Platanthera chlorantha Lesser Butterfly Orchid Covadonga Serapias cordigera La Molina, Covadonga S. lingua Tongue Orchid “ S. lingua x S. cordigera Hybrid Tresviso

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Spain's Picos de Europa Mountains Tour Report

Birds Little Egret One seen on Deva estuary near Unquera Grey Heron Mallard seen at Covadonga lakes“ Griffon Vulture seen most days in good numbers Golden Eagle one at Vega de Sotres Short-toed Eagle one seen near Tresviso“ Black Kite seen on 5 days in lowland areas Common Buzzard seen regularly Common Kestrel one seen Coot Covadonga lakes Yellow-legged Gull small number seen“ Wood Pigeon common Collared Dove common near habitation Cuckooheard on 3 days Tawny Owl heard from both hotels Nightjar one heard churring from hotel at Arenas European Swif seen daily Alpine Swift seen high up at Poncebos and near La Molina Green Woodpecker 2 heard Great Spotted Woodpecker seen on 4 days Wryneck 1 seen near nest in olive tree at Lebena Skylark heard above Sotres Crag Martin seen regularly Barn Swallow seen regularly House Martin seen regularly Water Pipit common in the high mountain areas Meadow Pipit seen on the walk down from El Cable in the lower upland meadow area Tree Pipit seen above Sotres and heard at La Molina White Wagtail seen regularly Grey Wagtail seen most days Wren seen or heard on most days Dipper 2 seen Dunnock seen on 3 days Alpine Accentor seen in high mountain area above Fuente De Robin common Common Redstart one male singing at near hotel Black Redstart seen most days Northern (common) Wheatear seen on 3 days in high areas Stonechat seen on 4 days Rockthrush seen at Vega de Sotres and above Covadonga lakes Blackbird common Garden Warbler one at our picnic spot near Fuente De and several above Sotres Blackcap seen or heard singing most days Bonelli’s Warbler seen or heard on 3 days Spanish Chiffchaff seen or heard on 3 days Chiffchaff heard on 1 day Goldcrest seen at Fuente De Great Tit seen on 5 days Blue Tit seen on 4 days Coal Tit seen on 3 days Long-tailed Tit parties seen on 2 occasions Nuthatch heard or seen on 3 days Wallcreeper 2, possibly 3 seen in the high mountains above Fuente De Red-backed Shrike seen on 3 days Magpie fairly common

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Spain's Picos de Europa Mountains Tour Report

Jay common Red-billed Chough seen on 5 days Alpine Chough seen on 3 days in high mountain areas Carrion Crow a few seen Raven seen most days Spotless Starling one on the rooftops in Arenas House Sparrow very common Chaffinch common Linnet seen on 4 days Goldfinch seen on 6 days Greenfinch seen on one day Serin heard and seen regularly Yellowhammer seen on 2 days Cirl Bunting mostly heard, but seen on 1 day Corn Bunting one singing near hotel at Arenas

Butterflies & Moths Swallowtail Scarce Swallowtail Large White Black-veined White Small White Green-veined White Orange Tip Clouded Yellow Wood White Brimstone Blue-spot Hairstreak being eaten by Crab spider Small Copper Sooty Copper Purple-edged Copper Holly Blue Short-tailed Blue Little Blue Turquoise Blue Adonis Blue Brown Argus Common Blue Red-Admiral Painted Lady Small Tortoishell Comma Silver-washed Fritillary Dark Green Fritillary Weaver’s Fritillary Queen of Spain Fritillary Knapweed Fritillary Spotted Fritillary Heath Fritillary Marsh Fritillary Marbled White Mountain Ringlet Chapman’s Ringlet Meadow Brown Small Heath Wall Brown Large Wall Brown Large Grizzled Skipper Large Skipper Dingy Skipper Lulworth Skipper Small Skipper

Insects Butterfly Lion Libelluloides coccajus (Ascalaphus libelluloides) Golden-ringed Dragonfly

Repriles & Fish Southern Smooth Snake Western Whipsnake Wall Lizard Brown Trout

Mammals Chamois/Rebeco Red Squirrel Snow Vole Roe Deer Polecat, dead on road Mouse sp.

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