Medical Terminology Made Incredibly Easy Third Edition
845500FM.qxd 8/19/08 7:17 PM Page i Medical Terminology made IncrediblyIncredibly® EaEasy!sy! 845500FM.qxd 8/19/08 7:17 PM Page ii Staff The clinical treatments described and recommended in this pub- lication are based on research and consultation with nursing, Executive Publisher medical, and legal authorities. To the best of our knowledge, these procedures reflect currently accepted practice. Neverthe- Judith A. Schilling McCann, RN, MSN less, they can’t be considered absolute and universal recom- Editorial Director mendations. For individual applications, all recommendations David Moreau must be considered in light of the patient’s clinical condition and, before administration of new or infrequently used drugs, in light Clinical Director of the latest package-insert information. The authors and pub- Joan M. Robinson, RN, MSN lisher disclaim any responsibility for any adverse effects result- Art Director ing from the suggested procedures, from any undetected errors, or from the reader’s misunderstanding of the text. Mary Ludwicki Electronic Project Manager © 2009 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. All rights reserved. This John Macalino book is protected by copyright. No part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any Senior Managing Editor means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or other- Jaime Stockslager Buss, MSPH, ELS wise—without prior written permission of the publisher, except Clinical Project Manager for brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews and testing and evaluation materials provided by the publisher to in- Lorraine M. Hallowell, RN, BSN, RVS structors whose schools have adopted its accompanying text- Editors book.
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