HIPPARCHOSHIPPARCHOS The Hellenic Astronomical Society Newsletter Volume 2, Issue 5

ISSN: 1790-9252



Contents HIPPARCHOSHIPPARCHOS Volume 2, Issue 5 • February 2009

ISSN: 1790-9252 Message from the President ...... 4 Hipparchos is the official newsletter of the Hellenic Astronomical Society. BRIEF SCIENCE NEWS It publishes review papers, news and comments on topics of interest to as- Greek Astronomer photographs directly and for the first time an extra-solar planet .....7 tronomers, including matters concern- 21775 Tsiganis: An asteroid named after a young Greek Astronomer: ...... 8 ing members of the Hellenic Astro- nomical Society. The Herschel Space Observatory is now ready for launch ...... 8

Editor: Manolis Plionis The “European Astronomy Infrastructure Roadmap” has been released ...... 9 Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics National Observatory of , REVIEWS Pendeli 152 36 Athens, Probing the Obscured Universe Tel: +30-210-8109166 by Dimitra Rigopoulou ...... 10 Fax: +30-210-8040453 E-mail: [email protected] The exploration of Titan and the Saturnian System by Cassini-Huygens Editorial Advisors by Athena Coustenis ...... 15 • V. Charmandaris () • D. Hatzidimitriou (Crete) • K. Kokkotas (Thessaloniki) CONFERENCES • J.H. Seiradakis (Thessaloniki) Astronomical Data Analysis V • N.K. Stergioulas (Thessaloniki) Crete, 7-9 May 2008 ...... 19 • K. Tsinganos (Athens) The 13th Conference “Recent Developments in Gravity” (NEB XIII) Printed by ZITI Publications • www.ziti.gr Thessaloniki, 4-6 June, 2008 ...... 20 THE UNIVERSE The Central Kiloparsec: Active Galactic Nuclei and their Hosts YOURS TO DISCOVER Crete, 4-6 June 2008 ...... 21 The Cosmic Odyssey of the Elements , 23 – 27 June 2008 ...... 22 Protostellar Jets in Context , July 7-12, 2008 ...... 23 Challenges in Infrared Extragalactic Astrophysics Crete, 15-19 September 2008 ...... 25 INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF ASTRONOMY AGN Advanced Astronomy School Pendeli Astronomical Station, National Observatory of Athens, 22-24 September 2008 ...... 25

Cover photo: Editorial Logo of the International Year Dear members and friends of HelAS, Kokkotas. He managed to truly bring our of Astronomy I have been appointed by the recently newsletter to an international standard. Editorial assistance elected governing council of HelAS as the Being an editorial advisor, together with new editor of Hipparchos, substituting V. Charmandaris, D. Hatzidimitriou, J.H. Sei- is needed! Professor K. Kokkotas, who successfully radakis, N. K. Stergioulas, K. Tsinganos, I To improve the contents of completed two terms as a member of the hope that he will continue assisting our Hipparchos please provide us with council of HelAS. It will be a great challenge effort to provide the Hellenic astronomi- information related to your Insti- for me to contribute, at any significant level, cal community with a professional and in- tute or with exciting news from to the already up-grated and wonderfully teresting newsletter. your field of research. edited Hipparchos newsletter by Professor Manolis Plionis

HIPPARCHOS | Volume 2, Issue 5 3 Message from the President

Dear Hel.A.S. members, emphasize that everyone should realise Αρίσταρχος, Πυθαγόρας, Ίππαρχος, the impact of astronomy and other fun- Ερατοσθένης, Πτολεµαίος, etc laid the e have just started the 2009th orbit damental sciences on our daily lives, and basis of all what we understand today. of the Earth around the Sun since understand how scientific knowledge Wthe birth of Christ. This particular revolu- can contribute to a more equitable and tion of the Earth happens to be the 400th peaceful society. With 2009 just over the since Galileo pointed to the Heavens for horizon, a staggering 135 nations are col- the first time the newly discovered tele- laborating to “bring” the Universe closer scope and observational astronomy start- to Earth. The IYA09 activities will take ed to revolutionize our understanding of place internationally, nationally, and lo- the Universe. To commemorate this cor- cally over the coming 365 days and be- nerstone event in the history of science, yond, in a spectacle of cosmic propor- the United Nations Educational, Scientif- tions. Catherine Cesarsky, IAU Presi- ic and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) dent, says: «135 countries have commit- with its resolution of 20/12/2007 adopt- ted themselves to the Year, all pulling to- ed a proposal by the International Astro- gether toward the common aim of mak- nomical Union (IAU) to name the year ing astronomy accessible to the public. 2009 as the International Year of Astrono- IYA2009 will reinforce the links between my (in short IYA09). The IYA09 is a glo- science education and science careers, bal effort aiming to help the citizens of stimulating a long-term increase in stu- the world rediscover their place in the dent enrolment in the fields of science Universe through the observation of the and technology and an appreciation for night and daytime sky, and thereby engage lifelong learning.» With such a range of in a personal sense of wonder and dis- activities planned, now is the ideal time covery. In this way, everyone may realize to learn more about the cosmos and our the universal laws of nature that scientists, place within it. The International Year of over the course of centuries have enabled Astronomy 2009 promises to make the Accordingly, the international astronomi- us to better understand and which are al- Universe ours to discover. cal community, as expressed by the IAU, so a great incentive to contemplate and For what concerns us Greek astrono- has agreed to decorate the skies by the appreciate the Psalmist’s beautiful words, mers, we should always recall the contri- 88 officially named constellations whose «the heavens are telling the glory of God» butions of Hellenic Astronomy through- names are inspired by Hellenic mythology (Ps 19[18]: 1). out the last millennia of world-wide civi- and similarly is the case with the names The message of the IYA09 is “The lization. The great astronomers of antiq- of planets, satellites, galaxies, galaxy clus- Universe, Yours to Discover” in order to uity and founding fathers of Αστρονοµία, ters, nebulae, etc. Today, the Hellenic as- tronomical community continues the old and long tradition, by playing an important role in modern astrophysics and space physics, with several prominent astrono- mers and space physicists contributing to the advancement of the field, organizing international conferences and advanced schools in Greece, etc. Thus, it is natural that this festive and landmark year, the Hellenic Astronomical Society, the pro- fessional society of Greek astronomers, should undertake the initiative to coor- dinate a number of events for the IYA09 in the following broad areas: ¸ New developments in modern As- tronomy ¸ The role of Astronomy in our soci- ety ¸ The role of Astronomy in educa- tion.

HIPPARCHOS | Volume 2, Issue 5 4 physics. In the Athens area, the Hel.A.S. Governing Council (GC) in collabora- tion with the Univ. of Athens and the National Observatory of Athens, is plan- ning the following set of lectures, which will take place at the central University (Propylaia) between the 15th and 17th of May 2009 (Coordinator K. Tsinganos): v Astrophysical jets: cosmic fireworks signal- ling the birth and death of stars and gal- axies, (K. Tsinganos, Hel.A.S. president) v The Sun and planets: their relation and importance to us (I. Daglis, Hel.A.S. GC member) v The search for extraterrestrial planets (P. Niarchos, Director of AAM section at the Univ. of Athens) v Searching for the truth through light in

Credit: NASA, ESA, HEIC and The Hubble Heritage Team The Hubble Heritage HEIC and ESA, NASA, Credit: the Universe (V. Charmandaris, Hel.A.S. Secretary) v Χ- and and γ-ray Astronomy (Α. Μasti- chiadis, Hel.A.S. Treasurer) v Modern developments in Cosmology: dark matter and energy (M. Plionis, Hel.A.S. vice-president) v Cosmic accelerators: acceleration of charged particles in the Universe (L. Vlahos, Hel.A.S. GC member) v Optical observational astronomy (D. Hatzidimitriou, Univ. of Athens) v Black holes and gravitational waves: was Einstein right? (K. Kokkotas, N. Stergiou- las, Univ. of Thessaloniki) v The role of Astronomy in worldwide cul- ture (E. Theodossiou, Univ. of Athens). This event is under the auspices of the President of the Hellenic Republic. In particular, the following 10 action of the key goals of 100 hours of Astronomy items, are recommended by the Hellen- is to have as many people as possible look 4. Special edition of the Hel.A.S. journal ic Astronomical Society and are coordi- through a telescope, just as Galileo did for Hipparchos for the IYA09, including the nated by members of Hel.A.S.: the first time 400 years ago. Such activities above talks. (Coordinator: M. Plionis) will take place at the National Observato- 5. The astronomical question of the week: a 1. A dedicated TV programme launching ry of Athens and the Observatories of the short (5 minutes) weakly radio broadcast the IYA09. Preparation of a leaflet with Universities of Athens, Thessaloniki, Her- with a specific question and its answer the programm of the various activities. aklion, etc, including public outreach talks on modern and/or interesting astronom- (Coordinator: I. Daglis) and observation of the night sky, weath- ical issues, posed by Hel.A.S. members. er permitting. (Coordinators: P. Niarchos, M. 2. Participation to the worldwide Volunteers are requested to send their Plionis, N. Stergioulas, V. Charmandaris) event taking place from 2-5 April questions and answers to the President. 2009, «100 hours of Astronomy» (http:// 3. Organizing several lectures popularizing A special link will be held in the Hel.A.S. www.100hoursofastronomy.org/) with a recent results of modern astronomy to the webpage hosting such questions and an- wide range of public outreach activities general public and covering the main areas swers by our members. (Coordinator: K. including observing events and more. One of contemporary astrophysics and space Tsinganos)

HIPPARCHOS | Volume 2, Issue 5 5 Message from the President (cont’d)

6. Public outreach talks in selected High Schools and the organisation of an astronomy, astro- physics and space physics competition. (Coor- dinator: D. Hatzidimitriou, M. Metaxa) 7. Astronomy evenings in selected capitals of peripheral counties organized in collabora- Happy International tion with the local government, high school teachers and local astronomical associations. During these 2-3 hours meetings, members Astronomy Year of Hel.A.S. will present a public outreach talk popularizing recent results of modern astronomy to the general public, followed by observation of the night sky with a Ce- lestron telescope whether permitting and 2009 also a presentation of astronomical post- ers. (Coordinators: P. Niarchos, N. Stergioulas, V. Charmandaris) 8. Creation of a detailed programme at the Hel.A.S. home page (http://www.helas.gr/ iya2009.php) with all IYA09 related activities that will be linked to all appropriate webpag- es (at NOA, UoA, AUTH, UoC, etc. In this web page, which will be updated through out the year, we will include information about astronomy activities and events for the general public, which are being organ- ized all over Greece under the auspices of the Hellenic Astronomical Society. (Coordina- tor: V. Charmandaris) 9. Broadcasting of several independent TV pro- grams on recent results of modern astron- omy addressed to the general public and covering the main areas of contemporary astrophysics and space physics. (Coordina- tors: M. Plionis) 10. The IYA09 activities will be culminated with the organisation of the 9th Conference of Hel.A.S. in Athens, from the 21st till the 24th of September 2009, which will include a special session for high school teachers. (Coordination: Local organizing committee of the 9th Conference of Hel.A.S.)

The Hel.A.S. recommends to all its mem- bers to participate in the IYA09 events and to organize such activities in their own ge- ographical area after consulting the Soci- ety for advice and assistance. Let us make the IYA09 one of our projects throughout this year! I wish to all of you health, happiness and success to your projects during the IYA09.

Kanaris Tsinganos

HIPPARCHOS | Volume 2, Issue 5 6 Greek Astronomer photographs directly and for the first time an extra-solar planet

he first directly observed extra-so- sion that the ring is offset from the cen- to photograph a point source lying 1.8 lar planet (Fomalhaut b), orbiting the tre of the star. billion miles inside the ring’s inner edge brightT southern star Fomalhaut which is The success of Kalas however, pub- at a location suggested by the analysis of at a distance of 25 light-years in the con- lished in the November 14, 2008 issue of the dust ring’s shape. This point source, stellation Piscis Australis, was recently Science magazine, was that he managed Fomalhaut b, is 1 billion times fainter than BRIEF SCIENCE NEWS announced by NASA. The discovery was the parent star while the observations led by the Greek astronomer Paul Kalas, show that it is orbiting the star, a fact of the University of California at Berke- which proves that it is gravitationally ley, who together with his team had al- bound to it. The distance between the ready proposed in 2005 that the dust planet and its parent star is 10.7 billion ring, discovered around the parent star miles, corresponding to about 10 times by the old-timer Infrared Astronomy Sat- the distance of the planet Saturn from ellite, was being gravitationally modified our sun. by a planet orbiting between the star and Many interesting scientific issues have the ring’s inner edge. been generated by these observations, as The High Resolution Camera on for example the fact that the planet ap- Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Sur- pears to be brighter than expected for a veys (ACS) produced in 2004 the first planet having three times the mass of Ju- visible-light image of the region, which piter, which points to the possibility that showed a ring of proto-planetary de- it has a Saturn-like ring of ice and dust bris, similar to the Kuiper Belt, approxi- reflecting starlight. mately 21.5 billion miles across and hav- ing a sharp inner edge. Subsequently, The Greek astronomer Paul Kalas. many researches reached the conclu- Manolis Plionis

This Hubble ACS image shows the discovered planet, Fomalhaut b, orbit- ing its parent star. The small white box at lower right indicates the plan- et’s location while the inset is a composite image showing the plan- et’s position dur- ing the ACS ob- servations taken in 2004 and 2006. Astronomers have calculated that Fo- malhaut b com- pletes one orbit every 872 earth years.

HIPPARCHOS | Volume 2, Issue 5 7 21775 Tsiganis: An asteroid named after a young Greek Astronomer

ast summer the Committee for Small tion of the motion of asteroids following as stable chaos. We recall that Kirkwood Body Nomenclature of IAU named an chaotic orbits. He applied the statistical gaps are intervals in semi-major space asteroidL after the young Greek astrono- methods he developed to the interpreta- that are void of asteroids and that sta- mer Kleomenis Tsiganis. The newly named tion of the Kirkwood gaps of the main as- ble chaos is an oxymoron, describing asteroid, 21775 Tsiganis, was discovered teroid belt and the phenomenon known the situation where an asteroid follows on September 5, 1999 by the Lowell Ob- a strongly chaotic trajectory but does servatory Near-Earth Object Search at the not diffuse away from its present posi- Anderson Mesa Station. The year of the tion for time intervals of the order of discovery and the observation site were the age of the Solar System. coded in the preliminary name, by which After obtaining his PhD, Dr. Tsiganis this asteroid was previously known, 1999 was awarded a Marie Curie postdoctoral RC 221. In a short text justifying the se- fellowship and moved to the Nice Ob- lection of the new name, published in servatory in France, where he worked the Minor Planet Center Circular, we read as a post-doc. During his stay in Nice that: he was one of the key authors of a se- ries of papers, published in the journal “Kleomenis Tsiganis (b. 1974), of the Nature, where a concise theory for the University of Thessaloniki, works on creation of the outer solar system was the chaotic diffusion of minor planets presented. This theory is nowadays gen- and the effect of the late heavy bom- erally accepted as describing accurately bardment on the structure of the the early solar system and is known as Trojan clouds and the main belt.” the Nice model. Since his return from Nice, Dr. Tsiganis Menios, as Dr. Tsiganis is known to his is working in the University of Thessalo- friends, obtained his Bachelor degree in niki, where he now holds a Lecturer po- 1996 and his PhD in 2002, both from sition in the Department of Physics. the University of Thessaloniki. In his PhD A recent photograph of Kleomenis Tsiganis. thesis he advanced a statistical descrip- Harry Varvoglis

The Herschel Space Observatory is now ready for launch

Successful end of the satellite that Herschel is going to meet in space ° and observatory level tests - took place and the performance of the we are really heading for launch observatory was verified. now!”. This was the message sent on The Herschel and Planck observato- December 19th 2008 by the PI of HIFI, ries are now ready to be packed and one of the instruments onboard the transferred to Guiana Space Centre, Herschel Space Observatory. Kourou in French Guiana. Three An- Since early November 2008 the tonov-225 will be used for the trans- second system operation verification portation of the two satellites and the tests (SOVT-2) took place inside the auxiliary equipment to Kourou and LSS (the Large Space Simulator – Fig- the launch is expected to take place in ure 1) at ESTEC. During this phase April 2009 by an Ariane-5 launcher. a series of Thermal Vacuum/Thermal The Herschel Space Observatory Balance (TV/TB) tests that mimic the promises to take our knowledge of challenging environmental conditions the far reaches of space to a new lev- el. It will have the largest mirror of any Herschel being lowered into the LSS. Credit: ESA space telescope launched to date and

HIPPARCHOS | Volume 2, Issue 5 8 The “European Astronomy Infrastructure Roadmap” has been released

n the 25th of November 2008 the The original proposal of the nominat- Roadmap was discussed during the ASTRONET, an ERA-net (Europe- ed experts (forming the Science Vision symposium that took place in Liver- Oan Research Area network) consortium Working Group) was discussed by the pool/UK last June and the outcome of of European funding agencies, support- European astronomical communi- the meeting was incorporated in the ed by the European Union to establish ty through a web-based forum and final roadmap. BRIEF SCIENCE NEWS a long-term planning for the European in the open Science Vision Symposium (the presentations can be found in: Astronomy, released the “European As- that took place near Poitiers/France http://www.astro.ljmuac.uk/~airs2008/ tronomy Infrastructure Roadmap” during in January 2007. Programme.html) a press-conference in the Academy of It is unfortunate that the Hellenic as- Science in Paris. The Hellenic astronomy v The identification and prioritization of the astronomical large-scale ground tronomy did not participate signifi- participates in the ASTRONET consor- cantly in this European endeavour. tium through the associate membership or space-based infrastructures (ex- isting or at the phase of planning), to the ASTRONET board of the Greek Details regarding the ASTRONET National Committee for Astronomy. from gamma-rays to gravitational waves, which are necessary to realize program and its activities can be The comprehensive Infrastructure Road- the goals of the Science Vision within found in the following link: map was established through a 3 year the next 20 years. These included hu- http://www.astronet-eu.org/ process that included: man resources as well as education while the actual infrastructure road- v The identification and prioritization of and outreach. Again the ASTRONET map can be downloaded from: the main scientific questions that the seeked the collaboration of the Eu- http://www.astronet-eu.org/IMG/pdf/ European astronomy should address ropean astronomical community in its Astronet-Book.pdf. in the medium term (epitomized in broadest sense (including observers, the Science Vision for European Astrono- theorists, instrumentalists and edu- my - www.eso.org/public/outreach/press- cators) and opened a relevant web- rel/pr-2007/Astronet_ScienceVision.pdf). based discussion forum. The draft Manolis Plionis

will detect the “glow” of cosmic dust at a temperature around –250°C. Cosmic dust plays an important role in helping hot gas to cool and collapse to form galaxies and stars, and is the raw building material for planets like our own. The Earth is actually a giant ball of cos- mic dust! Discovering how dust is cre- ated, how long it survives and how much of it is out there, are important pieces of the puzzle of cosmic structure formation and of how the Universe came to appear the way it does.

Manolis Xilouris The Herschel spacecraft in a clean room at ESTEC prior to being lifted into the LSS. Credit: ESA

HIPPARCHOS | Volume 2, Issue 5 9 Probing the Obscured Universe by Dimitra Rigopoulou Oxford University & Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK

Figure 1. An image of infrared point sources in the entire sky as seen by the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS). The plane of our Galaxy runs hori- zontally across the image. Sources are colour coded by their infrared colours. Blue sources are cool stars within our Galaxy, which show an obvious con- centration to the galactic plane and center. Yellow-green sources are galax- ies that are basically uniformly distrib- uted across the sky, but show an en- hancement along a great circle above the galactic plane. This enhancement is caused by galaxies in the Local Su- percluster. Reddish sources, the infra- red cirrus, are extremely cold material close to us in our own Galaxy. Black ar- eas were not surveyed by IRAS.

Abstract The past: A historic review of stars. The IRAS “All-Sky Survey’’ (Fig- ure 1) has been the reference point for The Cosmic Background Explor- Infrared Astronomy is perhaps the many exciting discoveries for the dec- er revealed for the first time that, youngest branch of modern Astrophys- ades that followed. the extragalactic light at infrared ics owing partly to its inherent difficul- One of IRAS’ biggest successes was wavelengths is comparable to that ty of the radiation being undetected by the discovery of a new class of luminous at optical wavelengths indicating human eye but also to late technologi- in the infrared (but otherwise boring- that a large fraction of the activity cal advances in this domain. The InfraRed ly faint in the optical) galaxies, dubbed in the Universe takes place in dust Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) launched the Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies (UL- obscured areas. In this article I at- in 1983 set the first inroads into the ex- IRGs, e.g. Sanders et al. 1988, Figure 2). tempt a review of the cornerstone ploration of the then unknown territory, With IR luminosities in excess of 12 infrared missions that have revo- the infrared Universe. The IRAS mission 10 L§ ULIRGs are by far the most lu- lutionised our view of the dusty lasted less than a year but was enough to minous objects in the local Universe cosmos. The focus is on advances provide a first glimpse through the dusty with a space density likely comparable in extragalactic astronomy and in regions of the Universe, the birthplace to that of quasars (e.g Sanders & Mi- particular the discoveries of gal- axies whose bolometric luminos- ity is dominated by emission in the mid- and far-infrared wavelength regime. Alongside discoveries in the infrared domain I discuss ad- Figure 2. Variations of the vances in the sub-millimetre regime mean SEDs (from submilli- and stress the synergy between the metre to UV wavelengths) two. The imminent launch of ESA’s with increasing infrared lu- next infrared mission, the Herschel minosity LIR for a 60 micron Space Observatory, offers many sample of infrared galaxies. (Insert) Examples of the sub- opportunities and I highlight some set of ~15% of ULIRGs with of the unique strengths of this mis- “warm’’ infrared colours (ie sion. Finally, the availability of the f25/f60 > 0.3). Data are from ATACAMA Large Millimetre Array Sanders et al (1988). Figure will push the frontiers of explor- taken from Sanders & Mira- ing the dusty Universe even further. bel (1996). These are certainly exciting times for infrared astronomy.

HIPPARCHOS | Volume 2, Issue 5 10 rabel 1996). The most enigmatic issue in research in ULIRGs has been the source of their extreme luminosity be it star- formation processes or emission origi- nating from a central active galactic nu- cleus (AGN). We now know that in most ULIRGs the answer lies in a combination of both these processes. Alongside IRAS, the James Clerk Maxwell telescope from the ground, first with the old UKT14 bo- lometer and later with the revolution- ary SCUBA (Submillimeter Common User Bolometer array) worked its way REVIEWS through the obscuring dust in the nuclei of these most luminous galaxies (e.g. Rig- opoulou et al. 1996). IRAS' successor, the Infrared Space Figure 3. Cosmic Star Formation Rate (per unit comoving volume, h=0.6,q0=0.5) as a function Observatory (ISO, 1995-1998) pushed of redshift. Black symbols denote the star formation history deduced frqom (non-extinction the limits even further and gave us a corrected) UV data. Upwards pointing green arrows same as beforebut with extinction appli- glimpse of the obscured Universe out to qed. Green four arrow symbol denotes H-alpha NICMOS observations. Red symbol, SCUBA redshift 2. The ISOCAM deep surveys es- observations (Hughes et al. 1998). Black continuous line marks the total star formation rate tablished that a large fraction of the star deduced by COBE. Light blue and dotted red curves are models from Guiderdoni et al. Filled formation in the high-redshift Universe light blue and yelloe boxes denote star formation rates from ISOCAM (Figure from Cesarsky takes place in obscured sites (e.g Rowan- & Genzel 2000). Robinson et al., 1997, Franceschini, Ber- ta, Rigopoulou et al. 2003). Additionally, these deep surveys showed that in fact about 70% of the co-moving star forma- tion rate density (SFRD) at 0.5

HIPPARCHOS | Volume 2, Issue 5 11 ity over space and ground, SST lived up to its promises allowing us to get an unprecedented glimpse into the na- ture of star forming galaxies. Building on ISO’s Legacy, Spitzer pushed the limits in research into the energetics of UL- IRGs. Spitzer’s Infrared Spectrograph (IRS, Houck et al. 1996) demonstrat- ed the unique power of mid-IR spec- troscopy to measure relative contribu- tions from AGN based on fluxes from high excitation lines. Wide variations in the strength of aromatic features and silicates suggest that there is no such thing as a “standard’’ ULIRG spectrum (Armus et al. 2006, Figure 4). A plethora of new features such as ices, crystalline silicates and molecules typically found Figure 5. The infrared luminosity density (IR LD) as a function of redshift up to z=3.5. The orange in the galactic dense Interstellar Medi- points represent pre-Spitzer data. Spitzer-based data include results from Reddy et al, Caputi et um (ISM) have now been routinely ob- al. Perez-Gonzalez et al and LeFloc’h et al. The grey bands indicate the total, LIRG, and ULIRG contribution to the total IR LD at z<1. Above z~1 the IRLD flattens till about z~3.5 in accor- served in ULIRGs. dance with earlier findings by ISO (from Soifer, Helou & Werner 2008). But Spitzer’s main breakthrough comes from studies of the high redshift Universe. Spitzer observations at 24 mi- into the exploration of the “thermal Designed primarily as a survey tele- crons proved to be by far the most sen- peak’’ of high redshift galaxies. Several scope, the HSO will, for the first time, sitive channel for detecting distant gal- studies (e.g Symeonidis, Rigopoulou et al push the frontiers into the relatively un- axies, many of those being ULIRGs at 2007) indicate that the 70 microns popu- explored far–infrared/submm regime, a redshifts up to z~3. Spectroscopic fol- lation is dominated by starbursts with a crucial domain to observe the “peak of lowup revealed a large fraction of those small fraction 15-20% of obscured AGN the infrared’’ activity for many high red- showing emission features although with a mean redshift of ~0.7. With infra- shift objects. A major strength of HSO 11 sample selection plays an important role red luminosities in excess of 10 L§ the is its photometric mapping capability (e.g. Yan et al. 2005, 2007, Huang et al. majority of the 70 micron sources are for performing unbiased surveys related 2008 etc). Interestingly, a large fraction Luminous Infrared galaxies (LIRGs). to galaxy and star formation. Two large of z~2 sources discovered through deep And although the Spitzer 'cryogen- surveys HERMES and PEPS will be con- 24 micron surveys are found to contain ic' mission is due to end in April 2009, ducted as part of the Guaranteed Time AGN. At higher redshifts, Spitzer studies Spitzer will continue to have its full sen- Observations. Additionally, several other of Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs) reveal sitivity in the two IRAC channels 3.6 and large programs will be carried out under their diversity with a sizeable number of 4.5 microns. A two year approved “warm HSO’s Open Time Key Programs (OTKP LBGs appear to be “redder’’ and more Spitzer mission” will utilize these wave- for more details on HSO programs see massive (Rigopoulou et al. 2006, Magdis lengths for deep extragalactic surveys http://herschel.esac.esa.int/ et al. 2008). Another class of objects providing a “short wavelength” counter- Key_Programmes.shtml). with similarly large masses the Distant part for the next infrared mission that is Red Galaxies (DRGs) are found to con- just around the corner. tribute 10-30% of the total Star Forma- tion Rate (SFR) in the 1.5

HIPPARCHOS | Volume 2, Issue 5 12 But besides deep far-infrared surveys galaxies the [CII] line accounts for as ing time has already been allocated to HSO is bound to make significant con- much as 1% of the far-IR luminosity (Sta- six large programs the so-called “Lega- tributions in the field of high redshift UL- cey et al. 1991, Nikola et al. 1998; Mochi- cy Surveys’’ (http://www.jach.hawaii.edu/ IRGs. Although numerous detailed stud- zuki 2000). Unexpectedly however (and JCMT/surveys.html). Amongst them, the ies of low-z ULIRGs exist (see previous quite surprisingly), results from ISO on largest SCUBA-2 Legacy program, the paragraphs), little is known about the a handful of local ULIRGs have indicat- so-called tri-national Cosmology survey, properties of high-z ULIRGs, their for- ed much lower fractions (Malhotra et has already been approved with 950 hrs mation and evolution. As is evident from al. 2001, Luhman et al. 2003), the well spread over two years, to survey at 850 Figure 1, the Spectral Energy Distribu- known [CII] deficiency problem in UL- and 450 microns a suite of fields carefully tions (SEDs) of ULIRGs peak in the 50- IRGs. The spectroscopic capabilities of selected based on the availability of high 100 µm range (in rest-frame).For red- HSO will allow us to investigate the [CII] quality auxiliary multiwavelength data. shifted ULIRGs the peak of their SED deficiency problem in ULIRGs as a func- The goals of such surveys are multi- will fall in the HSO prime bands (70 to tion of redshift providing, at the same ple. Amongst them a crucial question is REVIEWS 500 microns). Thus, HSO observations time, important clues on the condition that of the evolution of the submm lumi- will allow us to measure the peak ener- of the ISM in high redshift luminous sys- nosity function. SCUBA-2 deep surveys gy released from these objects and make tems. Combining the [CII] line with oth- will provide enough dynamic range in accurate measurements of their bolom- er fine structure lines such as [OI] 63, luminosity, sufficient number of sources, etric luminosities. 88 microns, [NII]. we can derive various adequate redshift information and the Another exciting possibility in prob- physical properties of the ISM, such as necessary SED information in order to ing the ISM in high-z galaxies is provid- ionization parameter, temperatures and calculate the bolometric luminosities to ed by the spectroscopic capabilities of electron density of the gas. allow the cosmological evolution of the Herschel. To-date very little is known But the launch of HSO will likely co- submm luminosity function to be de- about the conditions that prevail in the incide with another exciting facility be- lineated. We will then be able to refine ISM of high redshift systems. Low-ioni- coming available in early 2009, the sec- the “Madau/Lilly” plot and establish the zation-state far-infrared (FIR) emission ond generation Submillimeter Common link between obscured and visible star lines play an important role in cooling User Bolometer Array, SCUBA-2, a large formation over the cosmic history. Al- star-forming regions, and they allow us format bolometer array, will begin com- though recent submm surveys (such as to infer the flux of rest-frame ultraviolet missioning and operation on the JCMT. SHADES, e.g Coppin et al. 2008) have (UV) photons. Studies have shown that SCUBA-2 will offer simultaneous imag- made significant advances in estimating [C II], the ground-state fine-structure ing of a 50 sq. arcmin field of view at the submm luminosity function, the large line of singly ionized carbon (2P3/22P1/2, 450 and 850 microns with improved sen- area surveys afforded by SCUBA-2 will = 157.7409 microns), is the dominant sitivities. It will perform deep surveys provide more sources so that the cumu- cooling line in gas-rich star-forming re- of selected areas of sky to an unprec- lative source counts over a wider range gions (e.g. Stacey et al. 1991). It is thus edented depth following from the suc- of luminosities can be constrained at expected to be a probe of star forma- cesses of its predecessor, SCUBA. About both low and (especially) high flux den- tion in young galaxies. In some nearby 50% of the SCUBA-2 available observ- sity ends. This is particularly important

Figure 7. An artist’s impression of the full ALMA array. To the right is the Atacama Compact Array (courtesy of A. Beasley, ESO).

HIPPARCHOS | Volume 2, Issue 5 13 since such bright submm sources are Constraining the properties of the um searches can overcome this problem. either local galaxies or rare high redshift molecular gas in objects at the end of An unbiased high sensitivity survey with such as galaxies undergoing intense star cosmic re-ionization is clearly of key im- ALMA in either 1mm or 3mm is likely to forming activity with SFRs in excess of portance as such observations will pro- yield high redshift sources undetected 1000 M§/yr. vide (i) the available “fuel’’ for star forma- at other wavelengths. Whereas current SCUBA-2 will likely work alongside tion, (ii) will help constrain the dynamical generation large field of view bolometer the HSO to provide submm counter- mass of the systems and will thus allow arrays (like SCUBA-2) are capable of sur- parts for the majority of the HSO far-in- to put these objects in the evolutionary veying large fields they suffer in sensitivity. frared detected sources thus significant- context for galaxy formation at early ep- ALMA will explore a range of star forma- ly extending their SEDs. Given that the ochs. Typically, at low and high redshifts tion rates much lower than those of cur- Infrared Background Light (IBL) peaks CO emission is used as a tracer for mo- rently detected sub-mm sources. With a at 200 microns (COBE results, e.g. Fix- lecular gas. With ALMA we will be able proposed sensitivity level of 0.1 mJy, such sen et al. 1998) SCUBA-2 surveys and to measure the high-J transitions out to a survey should be able to find few hun- in particular the improved sensitivity very large redshifts. An alternative trac- dreds continuum sources, depending on of the 450 microns channel will detect er of the interstellar medium and one the applicable cosmological model. Such sources closer to the peak wavelength. of the most significant cooling lines of a deep survey will be possibly comple- I expect that these sources will be at the ISM is the fine structure line [CII]. mented by line surveys (e.g. at 650 GHz) lower redshifts (1


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HIPPARCHOS | Volume 2, Issue 5 14 The exploration of Titan and the Saturnian System by Cassini-Huygens by Athena Coustenis LESIA, Paris-Meudon Observatory, France

aturn’s largest moon, Titan, has been Far from the Sun, methane plays the early 1980s, it verified the presence of Sa fascinating world at every stage of active role on Titan that water plays on methane in a thick background atmo- its exploration. For three decades after Earth, acting as a condensable greenhouse sphere of nitrogen. Even more interest- REVIEWS the hazy atmosphere was discovered gas, forming clouds and rain, and pooling ing was the detection of a host of more from ground-based observations in the on the surface as lakes. Titan’s icy surface complex hydrocarbons and nitriles that 1940s, debate followed over whether it is shaped not only by impact craters and resulted from the photolysis and ener- was a thin layer of methane or a dense tectonics, but also by volcanism in which getic particle bombardment of the atmo- shield of methane and nitrogen. Voyager the lava is liquid water (“cryovolcanism”), sphere and the thick organic haze that 1 settled the matter in favor of the lat- by rivers of liquid methane, and by tid- both scattered and absorbed visible and ter in 1980, but the details it discovered ally driven winds that sculpt drifts of ar- infrared photons, thereby playing an im- about the atmosphere raised even more omatic organics into long linear dunes. portant role in determining the satel- intriguing questions about the nature of Channels likely carved by liquid methane lite’s thermal structure. Titan is an or- its hidden surface and the sources of and/or ethane, lakes and seas of these ganic paradise that is certain to tell us methane to re-supply the atmosphere. materials, vast equatorial dune fields of much about the chemical evolution that The simplest possibility, that an ocean of complex organics made high in the at- may lead to life. Water ice and carbon methane and its photochemical prod- mosphere and shaped by wind, intriguing dioxide ice has been reported to exist uct ethane might cover the globe, was hints of volcanic flows of aqueous mate- currently on the surface. Transient epi- cast in doubt by Earth-based radar stud- rials across an icy crust, and a dearth of sodes of melting of the water ice by ei- ies, then eliminated by HST observations impact craters suggest a world with a ther geologic activity or impacts would and adaptive optics imaging in the near balance of geologic and atmospheric pro- expose organics to aqueous alteration, infrared from large Earth-based tele- cesses that is the solar system’s best ana- as well as contact with carbon dioxide, scopes in the 1990s. These data, how- leading potentially to reaction pathways ever, did not reveal the complexity of that mimic those that occurred on the the surface that Cassini-Huygens would pre-biotic Earth. No other place in the uncover. The Cassini-Huygens mission solar system has this type of ongoing is a fruitful collaboration between ESA chemistry. The Cassini-Huygens era of and NASA which investigates the kroni- investigation has furthered our under- an system since 2004, bringing immense standing of Titan as the largest abiotic new insights on the primary planet, its organic factory in the solar system. The rings and its satellites. It has thus been abundance of methane and its organic instrumental in enhancing our under- products in the atmosphere, seas and standing of the environment around dunes exceeds by more than an order Saturn for the past 4 years, and the mis- of magnitude the carbon inventory in the sion was extended for at least another Earthís ocean, biosphere and fossil fuel 2 years, until 2010. One particular tar- reservoirs (Lorenz et al. 2008a). get of Cassini-Huygens was Titan, that The structure of the upper atmo- was also visited by the Huygens probe sphere of Titan was defined by the in January 2005. Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrom- It is at first surprising that the most eter (UVIS), which observed the extinc- Earthlike body in the solar system is Figure 1. Organic processes in Titan’s up- tion of photons from two stars by the Titan. Indeed, if Titan orbited the Sun per atmosphere resulting in the formation atmosphere of Titan during the second rather than Saturn, we would have no of complex positive and negative ions. Titan flyby. A mesopause was inferred at hesitation in calling it a planet in its own 615 km with a temperature minimum of right. This strange world is larger than log to Earth. In addition, deep underneath 114 kelvin. Six species were identified the planet Mercury and has a nitrogen Titan’s dense atmosphere and active, di- and measured: methane, acetylene, eth- atmosphere like that of Earth, yet dens- verse surface Cassini instruments data ylene, ethane, diacetylene, and hydrogen er and laden with an organic smog that strongly suggest the presence of an in- cyanide at altitude ranges from 450 to hid its surface from view until Cassini- terior ocean thought to be largely com- 1600 kilometers. The higher order hy- Huygens approached it in early 2004, posed of liquid water. drocarbons and hydrogen cyanide peak and later in 2005 when Huygens re- A key characteristic of Titan is its sharply in abundance and are undetect- vealed to us an extraordinary Earth- massive inventory of organic chemicals. able below altitudes ranging from 750 like landscape. When Voyager 1 flew past Titan in the to 600 km, leaving methane as the only

HIPPARCHOS | Volume 2, Issue 5 15 Figure 2. The diversity of Titan’s surface: geological features discovered by Cassini-Huygens, many of which remain to be explained. (Credit: Univ. Nantes & CIGAL/LESIA)

identifiable carbonaceous molecule in Venus and Mars both approach end sphere. Titan was observed by Voyager this experiment below 600 km. states of volatile loss processes – in Ve- to have a UV-dark ‘polar hood,’ a dark The direct analysis of the iono- nus’ case the water was lost because haze cap over the winter pole. This cap sphere by the Ion Neutral Mass Spec- greenhouse temperatures near the sun was seen in high-phase-angle images to trometer (INMS) during the closest failed to keep it below an adequate cold stand above the main haze deck, and Cassini flybys of Titan shows the pres- trap, while on Mars the weak gravity and connect with the detached haze layer. ence of many complex organic species, magnetic field may have allowed substan- Circulation models are able to repro- in spite of the very high altitudes (1100- tial losses to occur. The few known iso- duce this behavior. While connected to 1300 km) (Waite et al., 2007). Extrapo- topic ratios in Titan’s atmosphere attest the detached haze at high altitude, the lation of the INMS measurements (lim- to re-supply and loss processes, with dif- region is dynamically isolated by the cir- ited to mass up to 100 Daltons) and of ferent results for the nitrogen and car- cumpolar vortex. On Earth, the corre- CAPS data, strongly suggests that high- bon reservoirs. The latter, in the form of sponding circumpolar winds isolate the molecular-weight species (up to sev- methane greenhouse gas and surface liq- winter stratosphere from the rest of the eral 1000 Daltons) may be present in uid deposits, makes an appropriate ana- atmosphere: the catalytic surfaces of po- the ionosphere (Fig. 1). This new data log for the Earth’s water. lar stratospheric clouds that form in the –if confirmed– revolutionize the under- However, the best atmospheric winter night cause the destruction of standing of the organic processes occur- analogies are between Titan and Earth ozone whose concentration becomes ring in Titanís atmosphere, with a strong (Coustenis and Taylor, 2008). Most ob- locally depleted —the ozone hole. implication that ionospheric chemistry vious, is the existence of a hydrologi- Measurements throughout the atmo- plays a role in the formation of complex cal cycle involving methane clouds, rain sphere, both remotely and in situ, have organic compounds in Titanís environ- and at least transient rivers. The pos- indicated the presence of numerous hy- ment, which was not envisaged before sibility of such a cycle had been noted drocarbon and nitrile gases, as well as (Waite et al., 2007). Thus, it appears that as soon as the proximity of Titanís sur- a complex layering of organic aerosols Titan is a chemical factory in which the face conditions to the methane triple that persists all the way down to the formation of complex positive and nega- point had been noted in Voyager data, surface of the moon (Coustenis et al. tive ions is initiated in the high thermo- and the first evidence of clouds emerged 2007; Tomasko et al. 2005; Israel et al., sphere as a consequence of magneto- in spectroscopic data and in Hubble 2005), although their molecular compo- spheric-ionospheric-atmospheric inter- Space Telescope (HST) images, report- sition remains to be determined. Radar action involving solar EUV, UV radiation, ed since 1995. Another analogy with observations suggest that the ultimate energetic ions and electrons. the Earth relates to the polar strato- fate of this aerosol precipitation is the

HIPPARCHOS | Volume 2, Issue 5 16 generation of expansive organic dunes that lie in an equatorial belt. These sand dunes are remarkable in being exactly the same size and shape as linear (lon- gitudinal) dunes on Earth such as those found in the Namibian and Saharan des- erts. This type of dune forms in a fluctu- ating wind regime, which on Titan may be provided by the tides in the atmosphere due to Saturnís gravitation acting over Titanís eccentric orbit. Radar-bright channels (probably cob- bled streambeds like that at the Huy- gens landing site) have been observed at low and mid-latitudes (Lorenz et al. 2008a), while channels incised to depths of several hundred meters are seen else- where, and at high latitudes radar-dark, meandering channels are seen that sug- gest a lower-energy environment where deposition of fine-grained sediment oc- curs. Fluvial modification of the surface was very evident at the Huygens land- ing site (Fig. 2). Not only were steeply incised channels a few kilometers long and ~30 m across observed in the bright highland, but the knee-height vista from the probe after landing showed round- ed cobbles characteristic of tumbling in a low-viscosity fluid. Radar and near-in- frared imagery has revealed channels on Figure 3. Mass spectra taken by the GCMS on Huygens indicating the presence of different or- much larger scales than those seen by ganics and the detection of some noble gases and not others in Titan’s atmosphere and surface Huygens. Furthermore, beginning in July (from Niemann et al., 2005) 2006, there were a series of flybys of the high northern latitudes of Titan during which the RADAR imaged a variety of but are not understood. Radar imagery Although evidence for active volcanism very dark features that have been inter- of some of these features has not helped has not yet been widely convincing, there preted to be liquid-filled basinsóìlakesî. in their interpretation and is not yet suf- are apparent surface changes in Cassini The features range in size from less than ficiently widespread to evaluate tectonic data that require explanation. 10 km2 to at least 100,000 km2. They patterns, although some linear mountain An important Cassini finding needs are confined to the region poleward of ranges have been detected, several form- to be underscored—at all spatial scales, 55oN. To date some 655 such features ing a chevron pattern near the equator. there are structures seen in radar images have been identified and mapped (Fig. Near-IR imagery by Cassini VIMS has also that correlate with those in the near-IR, 2) and it has been hypothesized that the shown long ridges (Fig. 2). An outstanding however, there are also structures that dark lakes are filled with liquid, most mystery is the nature of the large bright do not correlate at all. Radar and opti- probably ethane. terrain Xanadu and its adjoining coun- cal data thus tell us very complementa- All of the above provide circumstan- terpart Tsegihi region. These areas are ry things about Titan’s surface, and con- tial support for the hypothesis that the distinct optically, and they have unusual sequently a follow-on mission requires dark lakes are filled with liquid, but a de- radar properties. SAR imagery shows high-resolution global coverage by both finitive demonstration must await iden- Xanadu to be extremely rugged, much techniques. In the near-IR, high-resolu- tification of liquid methane or ethane, or like the Himalayas on Earth, although the tion coverage is particularly lacking from both, in the lakes, from the Cassini VIMS mountain-forming process(es) on Titan Cassini because of the short, rapid flybys. instrument. Liquid methane is difficult to has (have) not been robustly identified While the surface is spectrally diverse detect given the large abundance of gas- and may differ from place to place. the identification of surface materials in eous methane that dominates much of Cryovolcanism is a process of par- the spectral windows Cassini is able to the near-infrared ticular interest at Titan because of the observe has proven challenging, making Titanís tectonism is not well under- known astrobiological potential of liq- the extension to slightly longer wave- stood. A number of very-large-scale lin- uid water erupting onto photochemically lengths (in the region from 5 to 6 mi- ear features are seen optically (Porco et produced organics. Several likely cryo- crons) highly desirable. al. 2005), notably the dark dune-filled ba- volcanic structures have been identified Titan’s overall density (1.88 g/cm3) sins. Smaller-scale ìvirgaeî are also seen in Cassini near-infrared and radar images. requires it to have roughly equal pro-

HIPPARCHOS | Volume 2, Issue 5 17 portions of rock and ice. After its ac- been outgassed from the interior (Fig. ment cells, which were not present on cretion, Titan was probably warm 3, from Niemann et al. 2005). Whereas the Huygens GCMS. enough to allow differentiation into the relatively low abundance of the pri- The second time scale of relevance a rocky core with a water/ice enve- mordial 36Ar isotope suggests that nitro- at Titan is that related to the irreversible lope, but whether an iron or iron–sul- gen was not delivered during Titan’s ini- conversion of the methane in the atmo- fur core formed during the subsequent tial formation as molecular nitrogen, but sphere into higher-order organic/nitrile evolution remains uncertain. Thermal more likely as ammonia that underwent compounds that eventually end up de- evolution models suggest that Titan subsequent chemical conversion into posited on the surface of Titan. The mea- may have an icy crust between 50 and N2—the predominant constituent of Ti- sured value is near that of our terrestri- 150 km thick, lying atop a liquid wa- tan’s present day atmosphere. Further- al reference indicating that methane is 15 ter ocean a couple of hundred kilome- more, the enrichment of N in N2 to resupplied and converted at a rate that ters deep, with some amount (a few that of 14N relative to a terrestrial ref- prevents the buildup of the heavier iso- to 30%, most likely ~10%) of ammonia erence suggest that as at Mars Titan has tope over time as is the case of nitrogen. dissolved in it, acting as an antifreeze. lost most of its nitrogen over the course The source of the resupply is a mystery Beneath lies a layer of high-pressure of its evolution (Waite et al. 2007). This that a future mission must address. ice. Cassini’s measurement of a small is substantiated by the measurement of A final, and perhaps unexpected, anal- but significant non-synchronous con- isotopic separation in the upper atmo- ogy could be made between Titan and tribution to Titan’s rotation is most sphere measured by the Cassini INMS many extrasolar planets, if moons like straightforwardly interpreted as a re- and the escape of methane and hydro- Titan orbit the “hot Jupiters” that have sult of decoupling of the crust from gen inferred from the altitude structure been discovered. These moons would the deeper interior by a liquid layer of these species in Titan’s upper atmo- be close enough to the star to have the (Lorenz et al. 2008b). sphere. Moreover, the non-detection of warmth necessary to develop a “habit- Information on the past evolution of neon, krypton and xenon by Huygens ability zone” or at least enough to be Titan’s interior and atmosphere is also raises fundamental questions about Ti- able to host advanced organic chemistry. available (though scarce) through the tan’s origin and evolution: have these Indeed, many of the known planets are accurate measurements of the different compounds never been incorporated close enough to their primary star to be volatile compounds present in today’s in Titan’s building blocks, or have they tidally locked and thus rotate synchro- atmosphere and onto the surface. The been lost or recycled and hidden at the nously. However, nonzero eccentricity evolution of Titan’s atmosphere oper- surface and in the interior since Titan’s (as for Titan) may mean that there none- ates on two quite different time scales. formation? The accurate measurements theless are significant tidal effects. The longest timescale represented is of the abundances of these noble gases To answer these remaining vital ques- the billion-year time scale commensu- and of their isotopic ratios will provide tions, a new mission (Titan Saturn Sys- rate with the origin and subsequent evo- important clues about the origin and tem Mission, TSSM) was proposed and lution of the overall system. This time evolution of Titan, and about the over- studied for the past year by both ESA scale is best studied by measuring the all role of escape, chemical conversion, and NASA. This new mission would bring noble gas concentrations and their iso- outgassing and recycling in the evolu- the required long-term exploring capa- topic abundances, as well as the nitro- tion of Titan’s atmosphere. In particular, bilities combing an orbiter and two in gen and carbon stable isotope ratios. the detection of radiogenically-derived situ elements (a montgolfière and a land- Cassini-Huygens has provided some im- isotopes of neon, xenon and krypton er) with state-of-art technology and in- portant information in this regard. The will constrain the evolution of the rocky struments (see www.lesia.cosmicvision/ abundance of the radioactively derived core and the outgassing history of Titan. tssm/tssm-public). 40Ar has indicated that only a few per- All these, must await new surface analy- cent of the total volatile inventory has sis techniques such as noble gas enrich-


1. Coustenis, A., Taylor, F., 2008. « Titan : Ex- 4. Lorenz, R. D., et al., 2008a. Fluvial chan- gens probe. Nature 438, 779-784. ploring an Earth-like World ». World Sci- nels on Titan: Initial Cassini RADAR ob- 7. Porco, C., et al., 2005. Imaging of Titan entific Publishing, Singapore, Eds. servations. Planetary and Space Science from the Cassini spacecraft. Nature 434, 2. Coustenis, A., et al., 2007. The composi- 56, 1132-1144. 159-168. tion of Titanís stratosphere from Cassi- 5. Lorenz, R.D., et al., 2008b. Titan’s Ro- 8. Tomasko, M. G., et al., 2005. Results from ni/CIRS mid-infrared spectra. Icarus 189, tation Reveals an Internal Ocean and the Descent Imager/Spectral Radiom- 35-62. Changing Zonal Winds, Science, 319, eter (DISR) Instrument on the Huygens 3. Israël, G., et al., 2005. Evidence for the 1649-1651. Probe of Titan. Nature 438, 765-778. presence of complex organic matter in 6. Niemann, H., et al., 2005. The abundanc- 9. Waite, H., et al., 2007. The Process of Titanís aerosols by in situ analysis. Na- es of constituents of Titan’s atmosphere Tholin Formation in Titanís Upper At- ture 438, 796-799. from the GCMS instrument on the Huy- mosphere. Science 316, 870-875.

HIPPARCHOS | Volume 2, Issue 5 18 Astronomical Data Analysis V Crete, 7-9 May 2008 Vassilis Charmandaris, Univ. of Crete (on behalf of the Scientific and Local Organizing Committees)

eld regularly since 2001, the Astro- world, covered a range of innovative harmonic analysis, especially the “com- nomical Data Analysis (ADA) con- themes, including curvelet transforms, pressed sensing” theory, may have major CONFERENCES ferenceH series is focused on algorithms, and clustering in cosmology, while at the impact on the way we collect, transfer signal and data processing. The fifth ADA same time remained closely linked to and analyze the data, the conference had conference took place near the city of front-line open problems and issues in among its invited speakers Emmanuel in the island Crete (Greece) astrophysics and cosmology. Since the Candes (Caltech, USA), a world expert on 7-9 May 2008. It was co-organized by Herschel and Planck Space Telescopes in this field in order to diffuse these new the French Atomic Energy Commission are expected to be launched by the Eu- ideas in the astronomical community. (CEA/Saclay), the Institute of Computer ropean Space Agency in early 2009, the For more information regarding the Science of FORTH, the Departments of fifth ADA conference focused in partic- conference as well electronic versions Physics and Computer Science of the ular on: inverse problems such as map- of the presentations visit: University of Crete. making and component separation, and http://www.ics.forth.gr/ada5 The conference, which was attend- on multi-wavelength data analysis. Fur- ed by 77 researchers from all over the thermore, as recent developments in

HIPPARCHOS | Volume 2, Issue 5 19 The 13th Conference “Recent Developments in Gravity” (NEB XIII) Thessaloniki, 4-6 June, 2008 Nikolaos Stergioulas, Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki

he 13th conference in the series The plenary speakers were: The proceedings of the conference will T“Recent Developments in Gravi- A. Ashtekar (Penn-State), G. Ellis (Cape be published in the online IOP Journal ty” (NEB XIII) took place in Thessalo- Town), V. Frolov (Alberta), J. Hough of Physics: Conference Series and will niki last June and was organized by the (Glasgow), P. Laguna (Penn-State), R. also be accessible from the web site relativity group of the Department of Loll (Utrecht) and D. Psaltis (Arizona). http://www.astro.auth.gr/~neb-13. Physics, at the Aristotle University of In addition, a number of keynote speakers At the end of the conference, 80 par- Thessaloniki. gave invited review talks: N. Batakis (Ioan- ticipants agreed to form the “Hellenic The conference was attended by nina), T. Christodoulakis (Athens), S. Cotsa- Society for Relativity, Gravitation and more than 115 participants, about half kis (Aegean), P. Kanti (), L. Perivola- Cosmology” which will be comple- of which came from outside Greece, ropoulos (Ioannina), M. Plionis (NOA-Ath- mentary in its objectives and scope to bringing together nearly all Greek re- ens), J. Pullin (Louisiana), G. Siopsis (Ten- HEL.A.S. searchers in the areas of relativity, grav- nesee) and M. Tsamparlis (Athens). ity and cosmology. It also attracted a The conference was sponsored by the large number of participants from all following institutions: Aristotle Universi- continents, underlining the internation- ty of Thessaloniki, Department of Phys- al character of the conference, which is ics, Section of Astrophysics, Astronomy organized every two years by the rela- and Mechanics, Research Committee tivity community in Greece. The plenary of A.U.Th., Ministry of Macedonia and talks and parallel sessions covered the Thrace, Ministry of Education and Reli- following topics: gious Affairs, John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation, ILIAS Network, Municipality v Gravitational Waves of Thessaloniki, Prefecture of Thessalo- v Relativistic Astrophysics niki and British Council Greece.

v Alternative Theories of Gravity The next, 14th conference in this series v Mathematical Relativity will be organized in the summer of 2010 by the relativity group of the University v Cosmology of Ioannina. v Quantum Gravity

HIPPARCHOS | Volume 2, Issue 5 20 The Central Kiloparsec: Active Galactic Nuclei and their Hosts Crete, 4-6 June 2008 Emmanuel Angelakis, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Radioastronomie, Bonn

he 5th of a series of workshops voluntary help of the local community. olution of AGN and their hosts. More sponsored by the EU Consortium Although the meeting was initially specifically the talks have been focusing CONFERENCES RadioNetT , an Integrated Infrastructure Ini- meant to host a very limited number on topics such as, the synthetic picture of tiative funded under the Sixth Framework of participants (strictly less than 50), AGN, the extreme vicinity of SMBH, ac- Program, took place in Ierapetra, Crete the response of the community was cretion disks and coronae in AGN, disk-

between 4th and 6th of June 2008. The beyond any expectation with 110 con- outflow and molecular tori connection, meeting was entitled “The central kil- tributions. Hence the organizing com- stars, gas and relativistic jets in the nucle- oparsec: Active galactic nuclei and their mittee did everything possible to even- ar regions, SMBH and their galactic hosts, hosts”. tually accommodate, 80 astronomers AGN feedback and many more. The pro- The organization was supported by from 53 different institutes in 19 coun- ceedings will be published in the Mem- the VLBI group of the Max-Planck-Institut tries across four continents attended orie della Societa Astronomica Italiana. All fuer Radioastronomie in Bonn. The chairman the meeting. They contributed 10 invit- the contributions can be accessed online of the organizing committee was E. Ange- ed review talks, 34 talks and 32 post- at http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/div/ lakis while the scientific committee was ers. The workshop focused on mainly vlbi/ckp08/ . chaired by A. Lobanov and included pres- four major topics; supermassive black The meeting was concluded with a tigious colleagues from around the globe. holes and the nuclear environment in talk to the public of Ierapetra by Profes- In particular, M. Georganopoulos, A. King, A. galaxies; star and gas in the central re- sor M. Georganopoulos which was re- Merloni, D. Merritt, H. Netzer, S. Rawlings gions of galaxies; the nuclear outflows ceived with unprecedented enthusiasm and M. Volonteri. Remarkable has been the and their effect on the galactic envi- and substantial interest. support of the local municipality and the ronment and the cosmological co-ev-

HIPPARCHOS | Volume 2, Issue 5 21 The Cosmic Odyssey of the Elements Aegina, 23 – 27 June 2008 Pepe Vilchez, Instituto de Astrofίsica de Andalucia, Granada

he history of the element produc- v Do they travel from one galaxy to Such are questions, among many others, tion in the universe resembles much another? that one asks oneself and to which sci- aT cosmic Odyssey. The fresh, newly syn- ence has no definite answer so far. v Is the dispersal of elements a purely thesized elements follow a many step, galactic process or does it work also The purpose of this meeting was to long journey until they can reach the gather researchers from all fields of as- at intergalactic scales? places where we see them now in the tronomy, observational and theoretical, cosmos. This cosmic odyssey still is far v How does the matter lost in stel- who are interested in these questions from being well understood. lar winds finally becomes part of the and can help providing new clues. This After the original primordial abun- interstellar medium? conference was designed as a small well dance production of the light elements v Are metal-rich pockets produced in focussed meeting to facilitate the scien- during the Big Bang, heavier elements the interstellar medium? How large tific interchange among researchers. and long lived would these metal-rich (familiarly called “metals”) were formed In addition to the rich scientific sessions by nucleosynthesis in stellar interiors or pockets be and what would be their covering the topics of the conference, the during stellar explosions. Nowdays it is physical status and composition? organization included several cultural ses- well established that galaxies have been v By what what mechanisms would sions in the evenings, scheduled to provide gradually enriched in those elements they be destroyed, until complete the real flavour of the Hellenic culture and along their particular evolutionary his- small-scale mixing of fresh elements civilization to the nearly one hundred par- tories. This fact is unambiguously indi- into the pre-existing interstellar me- ticipants coming from all over the world. cated by the chemical abundances ob- dium? The SOC & LOC were pleased to an- served both in stars and in the interstel- nounce that this experience was a great v Do the nuclei pass a long time impris- lar medium. success. We look forward to repeat it oned in dust grains or molecules, be- To address these main problems, from again soon, possibly visiting other places fore finding themselves again “naked” 23 to 27 of June 2008 an internation- of HELLAS. al conference was organized in Aegina in the stellar interiors, and prone to For more information on the conference jointly by the Observatoire de Meudon be transformed into another species visit: http://www.luth.obspm.fr/aegina08/ (France), Dept. of Astronomy University in the stellar factories? index.html of Athens and National Observatory of v Do most of them –or a fraction– Athens (Greece), and the Instituto de end up in the form of so-called dark Astrofisica de Andalucia (CSIC, Spain). matter, yet invisible but known to be The main conference topics included: there? v Element production in stars v Segregation, dispersal & mixing in galax- ies v Interplay of solid, molecular, atomic & ionized phase v Primordial stars v Chemodynamical evolution of galaxies v The chemical enrichment of the Uni- verse A sample of the questions that were dis- cussed follows below: v How long do the nuclei ejected by supernovae stay in a very hot and tenuous phase, visible only with X- ray telescopes? v Do they rather stay within their par- ent galaxies, or do they escape into in the intergalactic medium, progres- sively enriching it?

HIPPARCHOS | Volume 2, Issue 5 22 Protostellar Jets in Context Rhodes, July 7-12, 2008 Kanaris Tsinganos, University of Athens

rotostellar Jets in Context was the X-ray to the sub-mm regime. The or- The conference opened with two in- Ptheme of an international astrophys- igin of knots in jets. vited reviews, one by M. Livio (Space ics conference organized last July at the Telescope Science Institute, USA) who v Laboratory experiments that repro- CONFERENCES island of Rhodes, Greece at the initia- duce, in a scaled manner, key aspects presented a general/unified theoretical tive of the University of Athens, Group of the dynamics of astrophysical jets picture for jets in Astrophysics, and the of Theoretical Astrophysics and the JET- relevant to their formation, collima- other by J. Bally (Univ. of Colorado, USA) SET European Research and Training tion and interaction with the inter- who reviewed the wealth of the spec- Network (RTN) (www.jetsets.org). The stellar medium. Experimental bench- tacular recent observations of proto- main goal was to review the recent ad- marks for HD and MHD codes and stellar jets. vances in theoretical and computational radiative transfer in jets. modelling, high-resolution observations, The 1st Session dealt with the star-jet- and laboratory experiments for our un- v Similarities and differences between disk system and it included invited re- derstanding of jets and outflows from protostellar jets and their astrophysical views on: The star-jet-disk system and young stars. The connection with accre- siblings, for example outflows in plan- angular momentum transfer (L. Hart- tion disks and the similarities with out- etary nebulae, pulsar jets, jets from mann, Un. of Michigan, USA), Hot in- flow phenomena in other astrophysical symbiotic stars and compact bina- ner winds from T Tauri stars (C. Johns- contexts were also explored. ries, as well as the collimated large- Krull, Rice Un, USA), Accretion disks and scale relativistic outflows associated their instabilities (J. Stone, Princeton Un., Topics that were discussed include: with AGNs and GRBs. USA), Theory of Wind-Driving Protostel- v The jet/wind-launching region: Theo- lar Disks (A. Konigl, Un. of Chicago, USA) ries, observations, and numerical The conference brought together about and the Advection of Magnetic Fields in simulations that addressed the ori- 150 scientists from Europe, USA, Russia, Accretion Disks (R. Lovelace, Cornell gin of atomic and molecular jets and Asia, Mexico, Latin American countries Un, USA). winds in young stars, the physics of and Australia. It contained both invited the star/disk interaction zone, the and contributed talks, as well as poster The 2nd Session was devoted on jet connection with accretion disks and sessions. The 12-member scientific organ- launching and it included invited reviews the role of jets in removing angu- izing committee (SOC) was co-chaired by on: Disk-wind models (J. Ferreira, Obs. lar momentum from the protostellar K. Tsinganos (Greece) and T. Ray (Ireland) de Grenoble, France), Can stellar jets object. and consisted of J. Bally (USA), S. Cabrit efficiently brake T Tauri stars? (C. Sau- v The propagation, cooling, stability, and (France), S. Edwards (USA), S. Lebedev ty, Obs. de Paris, France), X-wind mod- environmental impact of jets on scales (UK), Mario Livio (USA), Mark McCaugh- els (M. Cai, Academia Sinica, China), Star- from the stellar envelope to the rean (UK), Silvano Massaglia (IT), Alex disk interaction (M. Romanova, Cornell parent cloud: Large-scale numerical Raga (Mexico), K. Shibata (Japan), F. Shu Un., USA), Similarities of the launching simulations of collimated outflows (USA), X. Tielens (NL). The local organ- mechanism in protostellar/AGN jets (R. including AMR codes and cluster/ izing committee (LOC) consisted of K. Matsumoto, Kyoto, Japan), Laboratory grid technologies. Observations and Tsinganos (Chair), T. Matsakos, P. Rammos, jets (S. Lebedev, Imperial College, UK), models of bipolar outflows, from the M. Stute and N. Vlahakis. Jets in the MHD context (N. Vlahakis,

HIPPARCHOS | Volume 2, Issue 5 23 Un. of Athens, Greece), Jets from stel- Prospects for Outflow and Jet Science The pdf files of the presentations can be lar mass black holes (N. Kylafis, Un. of with ALMA (J. Richer, Cambridge, UK). downloaded from the conference web- Crete, Greece). site at the URL: http://conferences.phys. uoa.gr/jets2008/. The proceedings of the rd The 3 Session dealt with observational conference will be edited by Kanaris Ts- constraints on jet launching and includ- inganos and Tom Ray and will be pub- ed invited reviews on: Class 0 and Class lished by Springer-Verlag in 2009. I jets (B. Nisini, Rome Italy), Resolved in- ner jets from T Tauri stars (F. Bacciotti, The participants enjoyed the conference Florence, Italy), Observational challeng- and their stay in Rhodes, as it was indi- es to ejection models in YSOs (S. Cabrit, cated by their warm messages, among Obs. De Paris, France), Similarities/dif- which the following: “This is just to con- ferences of AGN/YSO jets (S. Massaglia, gratulate you for the excellent conference Torino, Italy). in Rhodes. The science programme was ex- tremely good, and the logistic organization The 4th Session addressed jet propaga- was exemplary. Congratulations are due also tion, stability, interaction with the envi- to the Jetset project, as it is being very suc- ronment and X-ray emission with invited cessful in its original goals to produce a lot reviews on: The KH-Instability and the of new science and a full new generation propagation of stellar jets (E. Trussoni, of European jet researchers!” (R. Bachiller, Torino, Italy), Shock formation in jets (A. Madrid), or, “Just a note to you all as lead- Raga, Un. of Mexico), Magnetic fields in ers of the meeting. It was one of the best jets (P. Hartigan, Rice Un. USA), Jet kin- organized and most fun (scientifically and ematics (J. Eisloffel, Tautenburg, Germa- Finally, on more general subjects there otherwise) conferences I have attended” (A. ny), Jets from white dwarfs (J. Sokoloski, were presentations in the last Session Frank, New York)”. Columbia, USA). on: The Antikythera Mechanism: Astron- omy and technology in ancient Greece (J. The 5th Session was on molecular out- Seiradakis, Un. of Thessaloniki, Greece), I should also thank the LOC (in particu- flows and injection of turbulence by jets The International Year of Astronomy lar Titos Matsakos and Matthias Stute) as with invited reviews on: Observations of 2009: An opportunity for European As- well as several students of the University molecular outflows (R. Bachiller, Madrid trophysicists (T. Lery, European Science of Athens who participated and helped Spain), Modelling of molecular outflows (T. Foundation), “People” Programme: The organize this memorable conference. Downes, Dublin Un., Ireland), Jets and tur- Marie Curie Actions in FP7 (R. Bilyalov, bulence (A. Frank, Rochester Un., USA), EU/DG for Research).

HIPPARCHOS | Volume 2, Issue 5 24 Challenges in Infrared Extragalactic Astrophysics Crete, 15-19 September 2008 Vassilis Charmandaris, Univ. of Crete (on behalf of the Scientific and Local Organizing Committees)

he scope of this four day workshop For more information on the conference as well was to bring together a number of CONFERENCES nearlyT 35 experts on infrared extraga- electronic versions of the presentations visit: lactic astrophysics to discuss the out- http://www.physics.uoc.gr/~vassilis/irmtg08 standing questions in the field, as well as how planned experiments using future facilities, such as the Herschel Space Tel- escope and SPICA may address them. Emphasis was given on how one can ap- ply the knowledge derived from stud- ies of the local universe to understand the properties of galaxies at higher red- shifts. The workshop took place near the city of Heraklion in the island Crete (Greece) on 15-19 September 2008, and was funded by the CEA/Saclay (France) and the European Union 7th Framework Program “ASTROSPACE”.

AGN Advanced Astronomy School Pendeli Astronomical Station, National Observatory of Athens, 22-24 September 2008 Antonis Georgakakis, IAA, National Observatory of Athens

n recent years an increasing body cional Observatory of Athens (NOA). The lectures took place in September of observational and theoretical The goal was to provide to MSc and PhD 2008 at the premises of NOA at Pendeli. workI has placed Active Galactic Nuclei students, with an interest in astronomy, The topics covered included the Accre- (AGN) at the forefront of astrophysi- a comprehensive review of the key re- tion History of the Universe, AGN ra- cal research. These systems, which are cent developments in the study of AGN diation processes, jet dynamics, the role powered by accretion of material on and to highlight open problems and chal- of AGN in the evolution of galaxies, the supermassive black holes at the centres lenges for the future. interplay between massive black holes of galaxies, represent natural laborato- ries to explore physics under extreme conditions, form cosmic beacons which can be used to probe the early Uni- verse, play a key role in the formation and evolution of galaxies, while their Second Astronomy School large scale distribution provides impor- tant constraints on fundamental cosmo- "The many faces of AGN" logical parameters. These developments have motivated the organisation of an Advanced Astron- omy School on the “Many Faces of Ac- National Observatory of Athens- Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics tive Galactic Nuclei’’ by the Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics of the Na-

HIPPARCHOS | Volume 2, Issue 5 25 and their environment on kpc and Mpc ropean Universities and Research In- The organisers acknowledge financial scales and cosmology with AGN. The stitutes, including Prof. Michael Rowan- support by the British Council, the Min- School attracted a total of 20 students Robinson (Imperial College), Prof. Kirpal istry of Education, the National Observ- from Physics and Mathematics depart- Sandra (Imperial College) and Dr. Andrea atory of Athens and the General Secre- ments of the major Greek Universities. Cattaneo (Potsdam). The presentations tary of Research and Technology. The lectures were presented by as- are available at http://www.astro.noa.gr/ trophysicists from both Greek and Eu- xrayschool.

Advanced Astronomy School “The many faces of Active Galactic Nuclei”

National Observatory of Athens

aaaa September 22-24, 2008 Seminar room "Aimilios Xarlaftis”, Pendeli, Athens

aaaa Lecturers: Topics: K. Nandra (Imperial College) Accretion history of the Universe M. Rowan-Robinson (Imperial College) Organisers: A. Cattaneo (Potsdam) Massive black holes across cosmic time Antonis Georgakakis Ioannis Georgantopoulos A. Mastichiadis (University of Athens) Black holes and their environment N. Vlahakis (University of Athens) Manolis Plionis S. Basilakos (Academy of Athens) Cosmology with AGN Athanassios Akylas Eleni Hatzichristou A. Akylas (NOA) Multi-wavelength properties of AGN A. Georgakakis (NOA) I. Georgantopoulos (NOA) AGN Radiation Processes Contact Information: E. Hatzichristou (NOA) Jet Dynamics email: [email protected] E. Xylouris (NOA) http://www.astro.noa.gr tel: 210 810 9169 aaaaRegistration is necessary for participation. Details at www.astro.noa.gr aaaa

Visit our website http://www.helas.gr The above web server contains information, both in greek and english, about the Hellenic Astronomical Society (Hel.A.S.), the major organization of professional astrono- mers in Greece. The Society was established in 1993, it has more than 220 members, and it follows the usual structure of most modern scientific societies. The web pages provide information and pointers to astronomy related material which would be useful to both professional and amateur as- tronomer in Greece. It contains a directory of all members of the Society, as well as an archive of all material published by the Society such as the electronic newsletters, past is- sues of “Hipparchos”, and proceedings of Conferences of Hel.A.S. The server is currently hosted by the University of Thessaloniki.

HIPPARCHOS | Volume 2, Issue 5 26

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