BC Transit Infrastructure Design Guidelines FINAL – November, 2010


BC Transit acknowledges the contribution of the following members in the preparation of the BC Transit Infrastructure Design Guidelines:

BC Transit Staff:

Adrian South Project Manager

Al Herle, P.Eng. Project Engineer

Leslie Sadler Safety and Training Officer

James Wadsworth Senior Transit Planner

Project Consultant Team (SNC-Lavalin):

Vivian Law, P.Eng. Transportation Engineer

Andy Tam, P.Eng Transportation Engineer

Grant Miyasaki, P.Eng. Transportation Planning Engineer

Megan Dufresne Graphic Designer


Contents i

Foreward 1

Chapter 1 - Introduction 3 1.1 Purpose ...... 3 1.2 Structure of Document...... 4 1.3 How to Use the Document ...... 4

Chapter 2 - Overview of Transit Infrastructure 6 2.1 Introduction ...... 6 2.2 Types of Infrastructure Facilities...... 8 2.3 stops...... 8 2.4 Transit Exchange ...... 11

Chapter 3 - Key Planning & Design Considerations 14 3.1 Planning Process ...... 14 3.2 Step 1: How to Determine Number and Spacing of Bus Stops? ...... 14 3.2.1 Stop Spacing Guidelines ...... 14 3.2.2 Land Use...... 15 3.3 Step 2: How to Determine Placement of Individual Bus Stops? ...... 16 3.3.1 Far-Side, Near-Side and Midblock Con guration...... 16 3.3.2 Gradient...... 21 3.3.3 Placement for Transit Signal Priority ...... 21 3.3.4 Route Transfer ...... 21 3.4 Step 3: What are the Considerations in Determining the Bus Stop Type?...... 22 3.5 Step 4: How to Optimize Physical Design for Safe Passenger Access and Amenities? ...... 26 3.5.1 Bus Stop Visibility ...... 26 3.5.2 Passenger Access ...... 27 3.5.3 Passenger Amenities ...... 28 3.5.4 Universal Access ...... 33 3.6 Step 5: What Needs to be Included in the Maintenance Checklist? ...... 34

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | i Chapter 4 - Bus Operation Speci cations 35 4.1 Introduction ...... 35 4.2 BC Transit Vehicle Fleet...... 35 4.3 BC Transit Design Vehicle ...... 37 4.4 Vehicle Performance...... 39 4.5 Bicycle Racks ...... 39 4.6 Visibility Impairment Zones ...... 40 4.7 Pavement Widening Values on Curves for ...... 41 4.8 Lateral Sweep of ...... 41

Chapter 5 - Roadway Geometric Design 42 5.1 Introduction ...... 42 5.2 Public Road Facilities ...... 42 5.2.1 Lane Widths ...... 42 5.2.2 Trac Circle / ...... 45 5.2.3 Intersections ...... 45 5.2.4 Road Alignment ...... 48 5.2.5 Horizontal and Vertical Clearance ...... 48 5.2.6 Maximum Gradient ...... 48 5.2.7 Grade Change Points Without Vertical Curves ...... 48 5.2.8 Sight Distances ...... 50 5.2.9 Pedestrian Sight Lines ...... 58 5.2.10 Trac Calming Measures ...... 58 5.3 Bus Stop Facilities ...... 60 5.3.1 Curbside Clearance Zone...... 60 5.3.2 Concrete Bus Pads ...... 61 5.3.3 Far-side, Near-side and Midblock Con guration...... 62 5.3.4 Other Bus Stop Con gurations ...... 63 5.3.5 Marked Crosswalks ...... 70 5.3.6 Passenger Amenities Requirements ...... 70 5.3.7 Universal Access Requirements ...... 74

Chapter 6 - O-Street Facilities 75 6.1 Introduction ...... 75 6.2 Transit Exchange ...... 75

ii | BC Transit 6.2.1 Location Considerations ...... 75 6.2.2 Design Considerations ...... 75 6.2.3 Bus-Pedestrian Conicts within a Transit Exchange ...... 85 6.2.4 Passenger Access, and Alighting Activities ...... 87 6.2.5 Loading Area Estimation ...... 89 6.3 Park-and-Ride Lot...... 90 6.3.1 Location Considerations ...... 90 6.3.2 Design Considerations ...... 91 6.4 Passenger-Pick-Up and Drop-O Facilities ...... 93 6.4.1 Location Considerations ...... 94 6.4.2 Capacity Provisions ...... 94

Chapter 7 - Signing, Pavement Markings & Lighting 95 7.1 Design Standards ...... 95 7.2 Bus Stop Signs ...... 95 7.3 Other Signs ...... 98 7.4 Transit Shelters ...... 100 7.5 Lighting ...... 100

Chapter 8 - Working Examples 101 8.1 ...... 101 8.2 Transit Exchange ...... 107 8.3 Park-and-Ride Facility ...... 116

Appendix A - Bus Stop Request Form 122

Appendix B - Design Checklist for Bus Stop Facilities 124

Appendix C - BC Turning Templates 126

References 128

Glossary 130

Index 132

List of Figures 134

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | iii


The mandate of the BC Transit Corporation, as set out in the BC Transit Act, is:

“to plan, acquire, construct or cause to be constructed public passenger transportation systems and rail systems that support regional growth strategies, of cial community plans, and the economic development of transit service areas”, [and] “to provide for the maintenance and operation of those systems”.

In the Spring of 2010, BC Transit Corporation launched the Strategic Plan 2030 which highlights the vision, mission and values of the organization, and identi es ve major priorities:

ƒ Develop Financial Sustainability ƒ Deliver Operational Excellence ƒ Support and Shape Livable ƒ Strengthen our People and Communities Partnerships ƒ Change the Perception of Transit

BC Transit upholds the values of safety, customer service, sustainability, integrity, innovation and collaboration across its business. BC Transit strives to achieve the elements of successful transit as gathered from the input of customers, employees, partner local governments, operating company staff, and other stakeholders.

Elements of successful transit

ƒ Fast, reliable and accessible ƒ Responsive ƒ Easy to use ƒ Cost-effective ƒ Integrated ƒ Positive ƒ Inviting

To ensure ef ciency, safety and accessibility of the transit services provided outside Metro Vancouver, and to promote consistency in the planning and design of bus infrastructure by British Columbia local governments, the BC Transit Infrastructure Design Guidelines (Guidelines) was prepared as a comprehensive document that describes good transit planning and design practices.

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 1 The Guidelines were developed through a review of the current available BC Transit documents, the current edition of the TransLink Transit Infrastructure Design Guidelines and other reference documents by the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, various North American transit service providers and the Transportation Association of .

Through the distribution of the Guidelines on the Corporation website, BC Transit encourages adoption of these Guidelines by local governments in order to achieve uniformity in the planning and design of transit infrastructure. BC Transit encourages users to provide comments and to share their experiences with these Guidelines. This living document may be revised in the future as needed to better reect practical applications. Regular updates to the guidelines would enhance the usefulness of the document.

2 | BC Transit Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to set in The Guidelines identify the design and operational place comprehensive guidelines related to the requirements by the existing BC Transit bus eet, planning and design of transit infrastructure. while taking into consideration the interaction and Transit infrastructure is de ned as all the xed needs of transit patrons and other road users. components in the environment in which transit operates, such as components that are occupied The Guidelines provide general information about and or used by transit patrons waiting to get on transit infrastructure planning to the public, as and off of bus vehicles, as well as the roadway well as more detailed technical information to used by bus vehicles. BC Transit is taking a transit planners and engineers. It is an objective proactive approach to publish and make available of BC Transit for the wide distribution of the the guidelines to promote more consistent and Guidelines. BC Transit welcomes comments by uniform practices across British Columbia local users of the Guidelines on ways of improving the governments under BC Transit’s jurisdiction. content to better tailor to practical applications. The Guidelines is a living document that may be The Guidelines incorporate existing practices that updated from time to time. are available in various BC Transit documents, as well as best practices identi ed through the The following subjects of interest, while relevant review of other reference documents, including to transit planning, are excluded from this those by TransLink, BC Ministry of Transportation document: and Infrastructure, various North American ƒ Operational measures (bus routing, transit service providers and the Transportation schedules, , bus eet operation and Association of Canada. maintenance, transit priority measures) ƒ Community planning strategies ƒ Education and marketing strategies ƒ Project funding and investment

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 3 1.2 Structure of Document 1.3 How to Use the Document This document contains two parts. Part 1 (Chapter 2) provides general information about This document serves a wide audience, from the provision of transit infrastructure, intended the general public to technical professionals for the information of the general public. Part with transit planning and design experience. 2 (Chapters 3 to 7, and appendices) contains technical information intended for use by transit Part 1 (Chapter 2) is intended for people planners and engineers. In Part 2, the key with no or limited transit planning and/or principles and considerations are discussed design experience. It focuses on a high level and suggested design dimensions are provided. key planning principles related to transit Working examples of existing and new designs infrastructure. It includes a glossary to de ne are also provided in Part 2 to illustrate practical key terms used in the Chapter. applications of the Guidelines. Part 2 (Chapters 3 to 7 and appendices) is intended for those who are seeking technical guidance on the review and/or design of bus transit facilities. The content includes technical considerations and preferred design dimensions for bus stops, transit exchanges, park-and- ride lots, and passenger pick-up and drop-off locations. Working examples are also provided to demonstrate application of the technical guidelines. Field testing was conducted as part of the Guidelines development to verify key dimensions. Appendix A contains a Bus Stop Request Form which can be used by local governments for requesting modi cations to bus stops.

4 | BC Transit Part 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Overview of Transit Infrastructure

2.1 Introduction

This Chapter describes the planning of transit infrastructure on a very high level. There are four underlying principles that are considered with regards to the provision of transit infrastructure:


ƒ People of all ages and abilities should be accommodated.


ƒ Transit infrastructure is provided to support accessibility to transit services. Transit, rather than the private automobile, should be made available as a mode choice in support of environmental sustainability.


ƒ The location of a transit infrastructure should be safe, convenient and accessible. ƒ Best results may be achieved when transit planning is an underpinning element of overall community planning and land use decisions.


ƒ Design of transit infrastructure should be consistent with best practices and available guidelines, as demonstrated in Part 2 of this document. ƒ Safety and accessibility are prime considerations.

6 | BC Transit Glossary

Key terms are used throughout the guidelines. A basic glossary is provided below for the key terms that are used in the current chapter. A detailed glossary is located at the end of this document for a complete list of key terms used throughout the document.

Table 2.1 Glossary

The vehicles which are operated by BC Transit. These may include conventional Bus Fleet bus, double-deck bus, HandyDart, minibus, low oor bus, community bus, or alternative technology bus. A building or other structure that provides protection from the weather, and may Bus Shelter provide seating and other amenities for the convenience of passengers. An area where passengers wait for, board, alight, and transfer between transit Bus Stop vehicles. It is usually indicated by a bus stop sign and red painting along the road curb, where a road curb is available. In the most basic form, a bus stop sign is a rectangular plate mounted on a pole that contains the bus stop identi cation number, the words “BUS STOP”, and other Bus Stop Sign information such as a wheelchair accessible decal, if applicable to the bus stop. Where multiple bus routes share the same bus stop, the bus stop sign would also include the numbers and names of the bus routes. Also known as a curb ramp or curb cut. A short ramp cutting through a curb or Curb letdown built up to it to provide continuous and accessible access between the road and a sidewalk or raised concrete/asphalt pad. No designated location or physical signage for the buses to stop. Buses will stop Flag Stop and pick up passengers wherever the bus drivers see a pedestrian who ags or signals the buses to stop. An access to transit for passengers who drive private automobiles or ride bicycles Park-and-Ride to a transit station, park their vehicles, and then ride the transit system to reach their nal destinations. Passenger Landing A stable, level, raised and slip-resistant surface to facilitate passenger boarding and Pad alighting. Designated spaces, usually located in the vicinity of a transit station entrance, for Passenger Pick-Up taxis or private automobiles to load or unload passengers who are coming from or and Drop-Off Facilities needing to access the transit station. The spaces are usually enforced with limited parking duration. The provision of accurate information about the arrival of bus services at a bus stop, Real-Time Information through an electronic display located on a pole or under the roof of a shelter. A focal point for passenger transfers between transit modes (for example, between Transit Exchange bus and rail) and/or transit routes. All the xed components in the environment in which transit operates, such as Transit Infrastructure components that are occupied and or used by transit patrons waiting to get on and off of bus vehicles, as well as the roadway used by bus vehicles. Transit Priority Measures that give transit vehicles priority over other road users, such as exclusive Measures bus lanes. A designated area within the passenger waiting area, located near the front door of Wheelchair Landing the bus, which allows the safe and unobstructed operation of a wheelchair ramp and Pad for the manoeuvre of a person in wheelchair.

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 7 2.2 Types of Infrastructure Facilities

The types of infrastructure facilities for transit patrons that are covered in the guidelines include:

ƒ Bus stops ƒ Transit exchanges

Sections 2.3 and 2.4 below provide a high level description of bus stops and transit exchanges. 2.3 Bus stops

Safety and accessibility are underpinning elements for the implementation of any bus stop. A review of the appropriateness of the location where a bus stop is being planned should be conducted by a quali ed transit planner or engineer to ensure that there are no blatant safety Figure 2.1 Example of a Bus Stop with Pole-Mounted Sign risks for both transit patrons and transit operator, and that appropriate accessibility measures are In the planning process, the next step is to provided to accommodate patrons of all ages determine the placement of the bus stop (where and abilities. it is located along a roadway, for example: before an intersection, after an intersection, While ag stops might be provided in some or mid-block). Placement would be based on places, BC Transit does not support the provision engineering principles as discussed in detail in of ag stops due to potential safety risks. This Part 2 (Chapter 3, Section 3.3). Examples of type of stop is currently only provided in rural things considered by planners and engineers are: areas at the discretion of the road owner and the ƒ How far do transit patrons have to walk to transit operator. get to a bus stop? Currently, different types of bus stops exist across ƒ Can bus operators pull into a bus stop and within individual jurisdictions where the bus safely, without conicts with pedestrians at stops have different appearances and number of a crosswalk? amenities. The most “basic” stop is identi ed by ƒ Will the bus be delayed to arrive at a a pole-mounted bus stop sign, shown in Figure bus stop due to traf c queues that block 2.1. access to the stop? Will the traf c queues also cause delay with the bus pulling back into traf c?

8 | BC Transit As a general rule of thumb, bus stops on steep hills are to be discouraged.

The con guration of the bus stop, whether buses would park on the curb lane, in a bus bay, or park at a bus bulge, would require careful design based on engineering considerations. Examples of things considered by planners and engineers are:

ƒ Is there enough distance for the bus to decelerate and accelerate? ƒ What is the roadway posted speed limit? ƒ What is the number of travel lane available on the roadway?

These engineering considerations are also discussed in detail in Part 2 (Chapter 3, Section 3.4).

A range of amenities may be considered for implementation at bus stops, including:

ƒ Passenger landing pad ƒ Wheelchair landing pad ƒ Curb letdown ƒ Bus stop sign ƒ Bus shelter ƒ Seating ƒ Bicycle storage ƒ Lighting ƒ Real-time schedule information ƒ Camera ƒ Telephone ƒ Newspaper/vending boxes

Chapter 3, Section 3.5.3, contains further considerations for speci c amenities.

The extent of passenger amenities to be provided at individual bus stops varies, often depending on the local condition. At the minimum, a bus stop pole/sign, suf cient lighting, a passenger landing pad, a wheelchair landing pad and a curb letdown in the vicinity of the bus stop should be provided, regardless of the land use.

Nonetheless, it is desirable, from a customer service perspective, to provide a consistent level of amenities for a speci c land use. The BC Transit Design Guidelines for Accessible Bus Stops provides examples of bus stop layouts in urban and rural locations, as shown in Figure 2.2.

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 9 Urban Location

Rural Location Figure 2.2 Example of Bus Stop Amenities in Urban and Rural Locations

10 | BC Transit 2.4 Transit Exchange

A bus transit exchange is an off-street area, away from the general traf c ow, where passengers can transfer between multiple bus routes. While transfers may also happen at a typical on-street bus stop, a transit exchange is a much bigger area and consists of the start or end stops of the bus routes.

There is no speci c sizing for transit exchanges. The size depends on land availability, local conditions, and the number of bus routes served by the facility. The sizing also needs to take into consideration:

ƒ The required lanes or driveways for buses to reach the transit exchange and the individual stops ƒ The number and type of bus vehicles that use the facility ƒ Passenger volumes ƒ Amenities provided for passengers ƒ Washroom and resting facilities for bus drivers ƒ In the case of buses laying over, other buses must be able to circulate around these buses without conict.

Figure 2.3 Example of a Transit Exchange

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 11 When considering changes to transportation infrastructures such as the construction of new roads, sidewalks or the introduction of traf c calming, please contact the BC Transit Regional Transit Manager or the BC Transit Planning department. BC Transit would be happy to support the interpretation and application of these infrastructure guidelines. BC Transit staff support can be reached at by phone at 250-385-2551. BC Transit input at the concept development level will help maximize the effectiveness of transit in your community.

For more speci c details and technical guidance on the review and/or design of bus transit facilities, please refer to Part 2 of this document.

12 | BC Transit Part 2 Chapters 3 - 7 Chapter 3 Key Planning & Design Considerations

3.1 Planning Process 3.2 Step 1: How to Determine Number and Spacing of This chapter focuses on the considerations related to the planning and design of bus stop Bus Stops? facilities. Figure 3.1 provides an overview of the To determine the number and location of bus discussion in this chapter. stops, one has to consider the following:

Key steps in planning bus stop facilities ƒ The relative spacing between subsequent (Section in Guidelines) Considerations stops

Determine number ƒ Locating bus stops that correspond to and spacking of bus Land use may influence Step 1 passenger demand stops along route suggested spacing (refer to section 3.2) ƒ Providing physical facilities that promote safe and ef cient operation for the interaction of transit vehicles, transit - Far-side, near-side or passengers and other road users Determine placement of mid-block Step 2 individual bus stops - Gradient (refer to section 3.3) - Transit signal priority This Section contains discussions related to the - Route transfer relative spacing between subsequent stops and land use areas in relation to ridership. Passenger

Bus stop on the curb access and amenities are discussed in Section travel lane, bus bulges Bus stop type 3.5. Step 3 or bus bays (refer to section 3.4) Sharing of a bus stop by multiple bus routes 3.2.1 Stop Spacing Guidelines

The recommended bus stop spacing range for Optimize physical - Bus stop visibility design for safe - Passenger access different land use areas is included in Table 3.1. passenger access and - Passenger amenities Step 4 In general, bus stops are spaced closer in central amenities, and efficient - Universal access operation - Traffic safety business districts and urban areas where activities (refer to section 3.5) - Bus stop layout are more concentrated. It is noted that there may be special circumstances that require the spacing to deviate from the spacing ranges shown in Table Develop a maintenance Develop a maintenance 3.1. Nevertheless, bus stop spacing should be Step 5 checklist checklist (refer to section 3.6) (refer to section 3.6) optimized as much as possible to correspond to passenger demand.

Figure 3.1 Steps Involved in the Planning of Bus Stop Facilities

14 | BC Transit Table 3.1 Recommended Bus Stop Spacing

Area Typical Spacing (m) Spacing Range (m) Central Business Districts 200 200 – 300 Urban Areas 230 200 – 365 Suburban Areas 300 200 – 760 Rural Areas 380 200 – 800

3.2.2 Land Use

Bus stops are generally warranted in areas with concentrated activities that generate high ridership. Such areas typically consist of commercial, service, residential or of ce land uses. Bus stops may be spaced closer in these areas to correspond to passenger demand.

The spacing between subsequent bus stops in rural areas may vary according to population and development density. In rural areas, towns are typically separated by long stretches of Highway. In such cases, bus stops may be spaced closer within the town area and there may be few or no bus stops along the Highway if very low population density exists.

Alternatively, the may stop for “ag stops” at a safe location anywhere along a route in a rural area with no designated bus stops. A safe location provides adequate visibility related to bus pull-in and pull-out movements and pedestrian access (for example, a walkable shoulder is available). Flag stops are not recommended in general and are operated at the discretion of the road owner and the transit operator.

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 15 3.3 Step 2: How to Determine Placement of Individual Bus Stops?

Having selected the number and location of bus stops along a route, the next step involves deciding far-side, near-side or midblock con guration for individual stops. Subsequently, the physical design of individual stops should be considered in promoting safe and ef cient operation for the interaction of transit vehicles, transit passengers and other road users (described in Sections 3.4 and 3.5).

3.3.1 Far-Side, Near-Side and Midblock Con guration

The advantages and disadvantages of the far-side, near-side and midblock con gurations are described in this Section.

Far-Side Bus Stop

Figure 3.2 Example of a Far-Side Bus Stop

In general, siting a bus stop on the far-side of an intersection is preferred over the near-side or midblock con guration due to these operational characteristics:

ƒ Buses parked in a far-side position, as opposed to a near-side position, minimize the potential for buses to limit the view of intersection traf c controls (for example, a STOP sign or traf c signal heads) and pedestrians for traf c traveling in the same direction. ƒ Queues and delays on an approach to a traf c signal or STOP sign, and/or high right- turn traf c volumes on an approach, may potentially cause delays to buses pulling-in and pulling-out of a near-side bus stop.

16 | BC Transit Advantages of the far-side con guration include:

ƒ Traf c on the curb lane (the right-most travel lane) has minimal interference with buses pulling-in to the bus stop, as opposed to a near-side con guration where bus operation may be affected by delays and queues on the approach to a traf c signal or STOP sign. ƒ Buses potentially experience reduced delays to re-enter traf c. ƒ Bus movements would have minimal interference with right-turn vehicles on the near side. ƒ There is reduced risk of bus passengers stepping in front of the bus to cross the street, as opposed to a near-side con guration. ƒ The bus stop can also be used by approaching buses from the intersecting street after making a turn onto the street where the stop is located. ƒ Stopped buses would not obstruct the view of pedestrians that wish to cross the street for other traf c in the same travel direction (pedestrians would be crossing behind rather than in front of the buses).

Disadvantages of the far-side con guration include:

ƒ Reduced through traf c capacity if the volume of boarding and/or alighting is high resulting in long dwell time at the on-line bus stop. ƒ Increased walking distance to the intersection crosswalk for bus passengers. ƒ Bus operators have restricted view of passengers approaching from the intersection. ƒ For a far-side stop sited beyond a channelization island or in an acceleration lane, special consideration should be given to eliminating the potential weaving conicts between buses approaching the stop area and right-turn traf c from the intersecting street.

This diagram illustrates a potential disadvantage of a far-side bus stop where boarding and alighting activities results in long dwell time at an on-line bus stop. Vehicles traveling on the curb lane (lane closest to the sidewalk) queue behind the bus and need to make a lane change to avoid delays.

Figure 3.3 Example of a Potential Disadvantage of a Far-Side Bus Stop

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 17 Near-Side Bus Stop

Figure 3.4 Example of a Near-Side Bus Stop

Near-side stops may be considered in the context of facilitating passenger transfers between bus stops on two intersecting streets. For example, while a far-side bus stop is provided on a street, a near-side stop may be considered on the intersecting street in the same quadrant as the far-side street bus stop to minimize the need for passengers to cross the intersection (refer to Figure 3.7).

However, there are conditions which make it less ideal for siting a bus-stop on the near-side:

ƒ Traf c queues on the approach are signi cant to the extent that they will often cause delays to buses pulling-in and pulling-out of the bus stop. ƒ The curb lane (the right-most lane) does not continue on the far-side of the intersection, where buses are required to merge into traf c after pulling-out of the bus stop. ƒ The presence of stopped buses limits the view of intersection traf c control for drivers travelling in the same direction. For example, stopped buses may block the view of a STOP sign on an approach and/or pedestrians crossing the road. ƒ Right-turn traf c volumes on the approach to the intersection are signi cant, where stopped buses may conict with right-turn vehicles and weaving manoeuvres occur frequently by the right-turn vehicles.

18 | BC Transit (a) This diagram illustrates a potential disadvantage of a near-side bus stop where queuing on the approach to an intersection may delay buses from reaching the bus stop.

(b) This diagram illustrates a potential disadvantage of a near-side bus stop where there is high volume of right turn vehicles at an intersection and a bus with high boarding and alighting activities results in long dwell time which forces the right turn traf c to make a lane change to bypass the stopped bus.

Figure 3.5 Examples of Potential Disadvantages of a Near-Side Bus Stop

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 19 Advantages of the near-side con guration include: Midblock bus stops may be considered when physical or environmental conditions prohibit near- ƒ Improved passenger transfers between side or far-side stops to be provided. They may a near-side stop and a far-side stop on the cross street, if these are in the same also be considered on blocks that are relatively quadrant. long, where passenger demand exists in between adjacent intersections. Where multiple routes are ƒ Bus operators have a better view of provided on a far-side stop and a long loading approaching passengers, particularly those from the cross street. area is needed, the far-side stop may be located further away from the intersection and operate Disadvantages of the near-side con guration more effectively as a midblock stop. include: Advantages of the midblock con guration include: ƒ Potential conicts with vehicles making right turns. ƒ In general, more space is available on ƒ Stopped bus may obscure STOP signs, the sidewalk at a midblock location to traf c signals, or pedestrians crossing in accommodate waiting passengers, as front of the bus. opposed to near an intersection where the sidewalk may be shared with passengers ƒ Where the bus stop is sited on the near- accessing the intersection crosswalks. side (after reviewing and rejecting the potential for siting a far-side stop), conicts ƒ The stop location can correspond to associated with buses pulling-out of the stop particular ridership generator(s) in between and the risk of rear-end collisions related to adjacent intersections. approaching traf c slowing or stopping for Disadvantages of the midblock con guration the merging buses may be introduced. include: The near-side con guration is preferred over the ƒ Jaywalking may be introduced if there midblock con guration. is demand to cross the street near the bus stop and a midblock crossing is not Midblock Bus Stop provided. ƒ Limited passenger transfer ef ciency if the connecting bus route is provided at the adjacent intersection rather than at the midblock. Walking distance is increased for passengers making transfers. ƒ If an on-line stop is provided, it will require removal of on-street parking on the curb lane.

Regardless of the bus stop con guration being selected, there are general considerations related to the safe interaction of buses with other traf c, Figure 3.6 Example of a Mid-Block Bus Stop as described in Section 3.4.

20 | BC Transit 3.3.2 Gradient 3.3.4 Route Transfer

Bus stops on steep hills are to be discouraged. Consideration should be given to coordinating However, if unavoidable, bus stops should only bus stop placement with passenger transfer be placed at the section of the slope with a movements. As described earlier in Section gradient less than 8% since it is the maximum 3.3.1, a near-side stop may be considered in grade at a bus stop that wheelchair users can the context of facilitating passenger transfers manoeuvre manually. between bus stops on two intersecting streets. For example, while a far-side bus stop is provided 3.3.3 Bus Stop Placement for on a street, a near-side stop may be considered Transit Signal Priority on the intersecting street in the same quadrant as the far-side bus stop to minimize the need for A critical consideration in the selection of bus passengers to cross the intersection. stop con guration is the application of transit signal priority (TSP) which modi es the normal On two-way routes (bus service provided in signal operation process to better accommodate both travel directions of a roadway), pedestrian transit vehicles. The application of TSP is connectivity may be enhanced by placing stops increasing, especially along busy transit routes, across from each other as much as possible. The to accomplish various objectives which may provision of a signed and marked crosswalk may include improved schedule adherence, improved be considered to enhance guidance and safety transit ef ciency, contribution to enhanced transit for passengers needing to access from one bus information and increased road ef ciency. stop to another.

At its simplest form, TSP includes detection of transit vehicle on an intersection approach which communicates with the intersection signal controller to facilitate priority treatments for transit vehicles that include, for example, “green extension” where the signal green phase is extended to ensure buses can clear the intersection without having to stop, and “early green” where the intersecting road traf c signal goes to red as buses are approaching an intersection and when the buses arrive the signal is at green.

The effectiveness of TSP is maximized with the operation of a far-side bus stop, as opposed to a near-side bus stop.

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 21 The diagram (left) illustrates a preferred scenario where convenience is provided for a passenger transferring from a westbound route to a northbound route without having to cross the intersection at the crosswalk. The diagram (right) illustrates a less ideal situation where the same passenger would have to cross the intersection at the crosswalk in order to make the transfer.

Figure 3.7 Bus Stop Placement for Route Transfer Co-ordination 3.4 Step 3: What are the Considerations in Determining the Bus Stop Type?

Curb-side Considerations

The curb-side area around a bus stop needs to be properly designed in order to ensure that bus movements can be as smooth and ef cient as possible. The speci c considerations are as follows:

ƒ For an on-line bus stop, the curb lane should be regularly maintained to ensure no potholes are present, and gutter and drains should be ush with the road surface. ƒ In an urban location, the curb should have a minimum height of 150mm (see Figure 3.8). ƒ There should be no obstructions within a width of 1m along the landing pad. ƒ The bus stall length should be long enough for the bus to decelerate, stop and accelerate. ƒ Adequate overhead clearance should be provided to accommodate double-deck buses. ƒ Bus stop length, including pull-in and pull-out zones, should be clearly delineated (see Figure 3.8). ƒ BC Transit bus stops are denoted by curb painted in red (see Figure 3.8). ƒ The door openings of the bus should be as far away as possible from drainage grates and utility covers.

22 | BC Transit ƒ For high volume locations, a bus pad (a ƒ There is limited room to provide a bus concrete slab installed in the pavement of bulge or bus bay. the curb travel lane at the bus stop) may Advantages of this type include: be considered to improve resistance to rutting and petroleum deterioration. Long- ƒ Less cost of implementation compared to term maintenance costs may be reduced. the bus bulge and bus bay options. The pad dimension should be consistent Disadvantages of this type may include: with the dimensions of buses operated at the bus stop. ƒ Increased risk of collisions associated with vehicles making lane changes to avoid a stopped bus. ƒ Depending on the con guration (far-side, near-side or midblock), there is potential to reduce visibility of traf c controls and the supply of on-street parking spaces and/or loading areas may be affected.

Figure 3.8 Examples of Design Elements for a Bus Stop

Types of Bus Stop

Bus stop can be either on-line (on the curb travel lane or as a bus bulge) or off-line (off the mainline in a bus bay). The considerations associated with each bus stop type are described below. Figure 3.9 Example of a Bus Stop on the Curb Lane Bus Stop on the Curb Travel Lane Bus Bulges The most typical bus stop layout is to provide the A bus bulge is a widened piece of sidewalk which stop on the curb travel lane of a roadway. This protrudes into the parking lane on a road. This type is considered when: type is considered when: ƒ Roadway is multi-lane, or the travel lane has adequate width for approaching ƒ It is desirable to provide high visibility vehicles to bypass a stopped bus. priority for transit along a corridor.

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 23 ƒ On-street parking is provided along a Bus Bays corridor. Bus Bays are a short pull-over zone, adjacent to ƒ A minimum of two travel lanes in the bus travel direction is provided, such that traf c the main travel lanes, where buses can stop and may use the adjacent lane to bypass a bus pick up passengers without interfering with the that occupies the curb lane. regular ow of traf c. They are considered when:

Advantages of this type include: ƒ The roadway has high traf c volumes

ƒ High visibility of transit and transit ƒ Where the roadway is a high speed facility, passengers. de ned as having posted or prevailing speed of 70 kilometres per hour or higher, ƒ Relatively smooth transition associated with buses pulling-in and pulling-out of the stop, bus bays should be provided. resulting in better rider comfort. ƒ The roadway has a single travel lane ƒ Larger passenger landing area that creates in each direction where passing sight opportunity to install a larger bus shelter and distance is not available for vehicles more amenities when required. approaching a stopped bus.

Disadvantages of this type may include: ƒ The bus is scheduled to at the stop for an extended period of time. ƒ Increased risk of collisions associated with ƒ Bus service frequency is high such that vehicles making lane changes to avoid a stopped bus. buses occupying the curb lane would impede traf c ow or increase the risks ƒ Increased risk of pedestrians crossing of rear-end and sideswipe collisions at midblock locations, if there is limited associated with approaching vehicles trying guidance that lead passengers from the bus to bypass the bus. bulge area to the desired crossing location (for example, a nearby intersection or Advantages of this type include: marked crosswalk). ƒ Clear de nition of the bus stop zone. ƒ Traf c ow on the mainline is better maintained compared to the curb lane bus stop or bus bulge options. This is ideal for roadways with high traf c volumes.

Disadvantages of this type may include:

ƒ Property and other right-of-way acquisition may be needed. ƒ Reduced bus ef ciency as buses are required to pull-off the roadway and re-enter the adjacent travel lane.

Figure 3.10 Example of a Bus Bulge

24 | BC Transit other traf c. For example, the visibility of traf c signals and/or pedestrians at an upcoming crosswalk should be maintained. ƒ If bike lanes exist, suf cient distance should be given for cyclists to slow or stop safely for buses. ƒ Stops should not be placed on horizontal curves, if possible, as available sight distance can be limited along a curve. ƒ Stops should be placed away from access driveways, if possible, as bus pull-in and pull-out movements can potentially conict with traf c movements at the access driveway and stopped buses can reduce Figure 3.11 Example of a Bus Bay the available sight distance of traf c on the road for vehicles exiting the access Sharing of a Bus Stop by Multiple Bus driveway. Routes With regards to the access driveway, the Where multiple buses are anticipated to use a bus placement of a stop on the near or far-side of an stop, numerous loading areas may be required access driveway should be examined on a case- to ensure that there is adequate curb space for by-case basis as it needs to take various factors simultaneous bus arrivals. The rst bus to arrive into consideration, including: occupies the rst loading area; the second bus ƒ Turning movement volumes of the driveway occupies the second loading area, and so on. ƒ The distance between subsequent Other Traf c Safety Considerations driveways ƒ The peak usage of the bus stop compared Regardless of the bus stop con guration selected, to the peak usage of the access driveway there are key considerations for maintaining traf c ƒ The types of buses that use the bus stop safety associated with the interaction of buses and other traf c: ƒ The available space to accommodate passenger amenities ƒ Bus driver’s sight distance on the approach to the bus stop and at the bus stop should not be obscured by trees, shrubs, poles or buildings. ƒ Adequate sight distances are needed for bus pull-in and pull-out movements. ƒ Stopped buses should not signi cantly reduce the visibility of traf c controls for

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 25 Photo shows a vehicle entering an access 3.5 Step 4: How to Optimize driveway (white arrow) adjacent to a bus stop. Physical Design for When a bus is stopped for loading/unloading Safe Passenger Access activities, it could block the view of pedestrians and Amenities? on the sidewalk for a vehicle that needs to turn into the driveway. When a vehicle needs to exit After the selection of the bus stop con guration, the driveway, the stopped bus would block the the physical design should be considered in view of traf c on the road. promoting safe and ef cient operation for the interaction of transit vehicles, transit passengers and other road users. The physical design involves various elements:

ƒ Bus stop visibility ƒ Passenger access ƒ Passenger amenities ƒ Universal access

Section 3.6 contains a maintenance checklist for the elements that are involved, including the suggested frequency of on-site checking.

Design that promotes minimal “perceived Figure 3.12 Access Driveway Issues barriers” by the general public, particularly vulnerable road users (including the young and the elderly) is fundamental to the design of all transit infrastructure. This must be considered in all design elements.

3.5.1 Bus Stop Visibility

The primary tool for communicating to passengers about the bus stop location is by means of placing a bus stop sign. The bus stop sign also alerts the bus driver to where the bus should be stopped. It is BC Transit’s intent to provide a system icon consistently at all bus stop facilities. Examples of existing bus stop signs are presented in Section 7.2.

26 | BC Transit In general, the bus stop sign should be positioned and reviewing the potential to adopt working to avoid conict with the bus mirror. The sign agreements with nearby properties with regards should be clearly visible to passengers and the to snow clearing. driver, and not be obscured by other objects Extreme vertical grades and stairs should be such as streetlights and trees. avoided, which may make access dif cult for all 3.5.2 Passenger Access users (able-bodied and in wheelchairs). Where stairs or extreme grades exist, barrier-free Optimal conditions provided for pedestrian alternative routes should be provided. Both lateral access to the bus stop are key in promoting and overhead clearance should be adequate to ridership. These conditions can be classi ed into avoid obstructed travel. several areas: Routes used by passengers should be clear ƒ Physical characteristics of the routes of slippery materials such as mud and water ƒ Traf c controls along the routes puddles. ƒ Personal security ƒ Route transfer

Physical characteristics of the routes used by passengers

For convenience, the point of origin and destination to and from the bus stop should be as direct as possible. The path may be along public right-of-way (for example, a sidewalk next to a major street) or private right-of-way (for example, a short-cut route through a residential development).

The optimal conditions involve the path being Figure 3.13 Example of Unsafe Route Conditions clear of physical obstacles (for example, fences and barriers) and the ground clear of slippery Traf c controls along the routes used by or unstable materials such as mud and water passengers puddles. Where obstacles do exist, they should Where passengers are likely required to cross be marked by warning strips. a street to go to and from the bus stop, the In areas with high snowfall, proactive maintenance provision of a signed and marked crosswalk may to prevent snow and ice accumulation on be considered, particularly at midblock locations the ground may be required to avoid slippery or where crosswalks are currently not marked at conditions unsafe for pedestrian access. Other the nearby intersection. The marked crosswalk snow removal considerations include: ensuring should be connected to a sidewalk to provide a the bus stop area is free of collected snow continuous walking path.

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 27 Adequate distance should be maintained To provide a safe waiting environment during between the bus stop and the marked crosswalk, night time at rural or remote bus stops, the such that adequate sight distance is available provision of solar panels with bus shelters is an between approaching drivers and pedestrians important consideration to ensure that light can on the crosswalk. be provided without access to the electricity supply grid. Personal Security With regards to landscaping, low shrubbery or Aspects of the built environment can be canopied trees should be considered as opposed improved to enhance personal security. Crime to bushes or evergreen trees that promote hidden Prevention through Environmental Design areas. (CPTED) is an approach to planning and design that reduces opportunities for crime. A public phone may be considered to improve The physical environment can be designed to sense of safety for transit passengers. reduce the risk of crime and nuisance behaviour Speci c considerations include providing a associated with public spaces. sign to describe the phone location, limiting communication to outgoing calls only, and Well-cared-for transit facilities improve their posting BC Transit Customer Information Line for desirability. Locations that offer natural real-time information. A public phone may also surveillance by adjacent land use are desired, allow immediate access to emergency services such as where neighboring houses look on to should the need arise. the facility or commercial businesses open late. Regular maintenance of the facility area can With regards to lighting, adequate lighting that prevent a “run-down” appearance and the illuminates directly on waiting and surrounding landscaping from overgrowing and allow areas is desired. Where lighting can be observation of the environment conditions for coordinated with existing street lights and/or signs of unwanted activities. lighting for adjacent land uses, coordination should be considered to maximize visibility of 3.5.3 Passenger Amenities the transit facility. Where existing lighting is not The amenities to be provided for passengers available, installation of new lighting or the use include an adequate waiting and queuing area, of solar power panels with a bus shelter can be as well as shelter and benches where warranted. considered to ensure visibility at night-time.

It is important that passengers have suf cient Lighting requirements at bus stops should be room to queue for the bus without blocking other no less than the lighting design requirements pedestrians or interfering with other sidewalk for the adjacent roadway. Lighting is particularly activities. The passenger zone typically consists critical in northern areas with relatively few hours of the following: of daylight in winter. ƒ A bus stop pole and sign ƒ Lighting

28 | BC Transit ƒ A passenger landing pad ƒ A wheelchair pad and curb letdown

The extent of passenger amenities to be provided at each bus stop also depends on the local context. Typical layouts of the passenger amenities provided in an urban area versus a rural area are illustrated in Figure 3.14.

Urban Rural (Source: BC Transit Design Guidelines for Accessible Bus Stops) Figure 3.14 Examples of Bus Stop Amenities (Urban and Rural Locations)

Table 3.2 summarizes the type of amenities that are considered mandatory and those that are considered desirable or to be provided where warranted.

Table 3.2 Bus Stop Amenities

Criteria for Provision Amenities Regular Stop Stop Bus Exchange Park-and-Ride

Bus stop pole and strip sign Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory System Icon Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Route/Schedule information Desirable Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory holder Lighting Desirable Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Passenger landing pad Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Wheelchair pad Desirable Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory

Curb letdown Desirable Mandatory Mandatory

Garbage Receptacles Desirable Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Seating Desirable Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Bus shelter Desirable Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Telephone If Warranted If Warranted Desirable Desirable Real-time information If Warranted Desirable If Warranted If Warranted Bicycle storage If Warranted Desirable If Warranted Desirable

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 29 It is desirable for the passenger zone to be made of a slip resistant, impervious and well drained surface.

The passenger zone should be large enough to accommodate users that are either boarding, alighting, or waiting for a different bus (if multiple routes share a common stop). Depending on the width of sidewalk, the passenger zone may be bounded by the adjacent property line or the boulevard before the property line, the curb face, and lateral limits upstream and downstream of the stop marker.

The required space at a passenger zone depends largely on the expected maximum number of waiting passengers at the bus stop. This may be estimated by the on- and off-loading, the volume of transfer passengers and the scheduled bus frequencies at the stop.

Passenger Landing Pad

The passenger landing pad is a surface provided at a bus stop for passenger waiting and loading/ unloading activity. Passenger landing pads should be connected to sidewalks that lead to the adjacent intersections, wherever feasible. In areas where a sidewalk does not exist, the passenger landing pad should be raised with connecting ramps on each end to the road shoulder.

Wheelchair Pad

A wheelchair pad is added to the passenger landing pad at a bus stop for wheelchair accessibility via mechanical ramp or lift that drops from the bus front door. As such, a wheelchair pad should be provided at all bus stops with an international wheelchair symbol.

A clearance zone that extends in both directions of the ramp/lift area is required to ensure safe and ef cient manoeuvres by wheelchair users. The clearance zone may be located within or outside of the bus shelter area.

There must be suf cient room to let the ramp down from the bus front door, which accommodates wheelchair access.

Figure 3.15 Bus Ramp

30 | BC Transit Bus Shelter

Bus shelters are partially enclosed waiting areas that protect waiting passengers from exposure to the weather elements and contain information for passenger convenience, such as route maps, and schedule information. BC Transit is embarking on a program to replace and rebrand its existing and future bus stops. Shelters that can be immediately recognized as “BC Transit” are desirable.

The conditions to be considered for the installation of bus shelters are described below.

Condition Bus shelter is more warranted when Frequent services are provided and/or there are a number of transfers at a stop, Bus service hence more passenger activities. Shelter can be made compatible with the adjacent land use (for example, a bus stop in a busy commercial area or modal interface with rail, boat or air transit) and space Adjacent land use is available for construction such that the shelter can be sited on level ground and without obstructions by trees, utility poles, etc. There are relatively high percentages of seniors and/or people with physical Passenger demographics disabilities using the bus stop. Passenger request The request is supported by the conditions above.

Provision of bus shelter is more warranted when more than one of the above conditions is met.

Shelters should be located and oriented in the following manner:

ƒ Parallel and facing curb ƒ Bus driver can easily see passengers that are waiting ƒ Clear from the passenger landing area or pedestrian path ƒ Clear of steps between the sidewalk/bus pad and the shelter ƒ Placed to not obstruct sightlines at intersections or driveways

Some municipalities and transit systems have entered into agreements with advertising companies to obtain shelters at no cost in return for the right to display advertising on the shelters. When used, the same placement criteria as described above must be adhered to. Other Amenities

Potential options for installation with a shelter include:

ƒ Seating ƒ Bicycle storage facilities ƒ Lighting ƒ Real-time information display ƒ Camera ƒ Garbage receptacle ƒ Telephone ƒ Newspaper vending boxes Figure 3.16 Example of a Bus Shelter

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 31 In all circumstances, amenities should not obstruct pedestrian ow. In addition, they should be designed to avoid pooling of liquids and be vandalism-proof as much as possible, securely installed ( xed to the ground), and regularly maintained.


Typically, seating space inside a shelter is smaller than standing space to accommodate for more standees. Seating may still be desired where the provision of a bus shelter is not practical. For example, the passenger demographics may warrant seating, or where there is evidence of transit passengers sitting or standing on nearby land structures.

The location of benches may be coordinated with nearby trees for shade and protection from wind or rain. The bench material should have resistance to weathering and vandalism.

Benches should be located way from access driveways. They should have suf cient clearance from the passenger landing pad (especially from the bus rear door).

Seating at the Langford transit exchange in the A bus stop with seating in the City of Abbotsford City of Victoria

Figure 3.17 Examples of Seating

Bike Storage Facilities

The provision of proper bicycle storage facilities at bus stops can result in several bene ts. While bike racks and bike storage lockers provide organized storage of bikes, innovations such as bike arcs can be visually appealing. Besides the visual bene ts, these provisions can prevent unwanted locking of bicycles to other bus facilities and nearby property.

Safe storage of bikes can deter damage and theft of bikes, which is a major concern as bike prices are high. Not only is this convenient for bicyclists using transit, but it may also encourage more transit users to bike.

32 | BC Transit Bicycle storage facilities should be visible while not obstructing pedestrian movements and not posing as a safety hazard. Similar to bus shelters, bicycle storage must be designed so that it is durable and not easily subject to vandalism and theft. In addition, providing proper lighting and implementing these facilities close to bus stops is important for the convenience and safety of users. Implementation of a bicycle storage facility should depend on passenger demands, which will typically be higher in suburban areas.

Bike rack facilities and bike lockers at A bike rack facility at the Bourquin transit the South Surrey Park-and-Ride Facility exchange in the City of Abbotsford (operated by TransLink)

Figure 3.18 Examples of Bike Storage Facilities

3.5.4 Universal Access

While accessibility standards have been integrated into the Guidelines, several design criteria must be implemented to allow bus stop facilities to remain accessible to all users, including people with disabilities.

Where a bus stop is wheelchair accessible, the international wheelchair symbol should be provided. The corresponding bus stop in the other direction should also be accessible. Nearby crosswalks with ramps are recommended for all stops to facilitate access by people with wheel devices, including wheelchairs, baby strollers, etc.

The general provisions of an accessible bus stop are as follows:

ƒ Non-slip nishes are provided. ƒ Street furniture and signage are kept out of the way of pedestrian access and circulation. ƒ Hazards are eliminated and dangerous areas are marked clearly where they cannot be eliminated.

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 33 ƒ Visual and tactile cues are made through colour and texture contrast. ƒ The area is well lit for orientation and security. ƒ Waiting passengers are visible to the bus driver

3.6 Step 5: What Needs to be Included in the Maintenance Checklist?

A maintenance checklist was developed for the elements described in the previous sections, as shown in Table 3.3. The intent is to provide personnel with a list of items that require observation and checking on-site to ensure that maintenance is provided as required. It is noted that certain improvements require co-operation by municipal or other agencies as they may be not be owned or operated by BC Transit.

Table 3.3 Maintenance Checklist

Frequency of on-site check Element Preferred Condition required (Typical) No physical obstacles, clear of Once a year, or as requested by Access routes used by passengers materials that create slippery passengers surfaces

Conspicuous sign and pavement Signed and marked crosswalk Part of regular roadway maintenance markings

Lighting In operation, adequate lighting level Part of regular roadway maintenance

Low-level shrubbery or canopied Landscaping 6 months trees

Good visibility, not obscured by Bus stop sign 6 months streetlights and trees

Bus stop pavement marking (red) Good visibility Part of regular roadway maintenance

Free of vandalism and weathering Bus shelter and bench 6 months effects

Free of vandalism, free of pooling of Garbage receptacles Monthly, or as requested liquids

Bus schedules and route maps Free of vandalism 6 months

Newspaper vending boxes, advertising displays and public Free of vandalism 6 months phones

Curb-side Free of potholes, no drainage issue 6 months

Bus pad Free of cracks in concrete 6 months

34 | BC Transit Chapter 4 Bus Operation Speci cations

4.1 Introduction

This chapter provides an overview of the current BC Transit bus eet, including the types of operating buses and their physical characteristics.

4.2 BC Transit Vehicle Fleet

BC Transit currently operates several types of buses ranging from “conventional” 40-foot buses, to mini-buses, to double-decker buses. All of these vehicles vary in dimensions and performance. In order to allow for interoperability between different buses on any given route, infrastructure must be designed to accommodate all bus models that may use it. There is no one single model in the bus eet that is the most limiting in all cases. BC Transit has provided the dimensions for all vehicle types. They have been summarized on the following page in Table 4.1.

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 35 Table 4.1 Dimensions of Bus vehicles operated by BC Transit

Wheelbase Left Mirror Length Overhang Width Mirror Projection Track Projection

Bus Type (front (front Bus Rear – Rear axle to axle Body Left - Right - Overall Front Rear Right - Front Drive -Tag drive to tag (excl. Sideways Forward Axle Axle axle) axle) mirrors)

New Flyer 12,573 7,544 - 2,108 2,921 2,515 267 203 102 1,905 1,245 -

Hybrid 12,701 7,544 - 2,185 2,972 2,591 203 203 330 1,956 1,397 -

Alexander Dennis E-500 (Double- 11,999 5,700 7,200 2,414 2,385 2,550 254 280 330 1,905 1,600.2 1,778 decker)

Nova Bus 12,397 6,198 - 2,979 3,220 2,646 292 254 229 2,055 1,405 -

Dart SPD 10,490 5,182 - 2,184 3,124 2388 229 254 229 1,829 1,422 -

Polar 7,493 4,572 - 762 2,159 2,489 254 330 - 1,578 1,626 -

Hybrid E-500 13,198 6,500 8,000 2,414 2,421 2,510 254 280 330 (Double-decker)

All dimensions in millimeters

36 | BC Transit 4.3 BC Transit Design Vehicle

Based on the bus dimensions shown in Table 4.1, Nova Bus: This bus has the longest front and two bus models were considered the “design rear overhangs. As such, it requires the largest vehicles”. Each vehicle, and the instances in clear zones when pulling in/out of a bus stop, in which they should be used as the Design Vehicle, order to make sure it does not come into contact are described below. Table 4.2 summarizes the with any objects on the sidewalk (such as bus parameters that were inputted into AutoTurn for stop posts or streetlights). It will therefore be each model in order to generate turning templates used in determining the clearance requirements and to con rm design vehicle requirements. at curbside bus stops. When speci c geometric design guidelines are presented in the subsequent chapters, they will Vertical Clearance: The tallest bus in the BC explicitly reference which design vehicle is being Transit eet is the Alexander Dennis E-500 (both used. Two other design requirements, which do the hybrid and conventional models). These buses not require the development of a Design Vehicle, require a vertical clearance greater than 4.30m. are also listed below. Naturally, this design requirement only applies to areas where Double-decker buses operate. In all New Flyer Hybrid: This bus is the most limiting other cases, the clearance requirement is 3.31m, in terms of general manoeuvreability. It is the which is based on the New Flyer Hybrid bus. longest bus, and also sweeps out the largest path while turning. This was con rmed through eld Horizontal Clearance: The Nova bus, at 2,646 testing of several different buses in the eet. It will mm excluding mirrors, and 3,192 mm including be used in determining the sizing requirements mirrors, is the widest in the eet. As such, this for transit exchanges and other infrastructure model de nes the minimum horizontal clearance that involves major turning manoeuvres (such and some shy distance should be allowed. as ). Due to the dynamic nature of these requirements, depending on the layout of the proposed infrastructure, it is advisable that all new facilities of this type that deviate signi cantly from the samples provided are checked during the design stage.

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 37 Table 4.2 Input Parameters for AutoTurn

Speci cation New Flyer Hybrid Nova Bus Comments Overall Length 12,701 mm 12,397 mm Front bumper to rear bumper Front Overhang 2,185 mm 2,979 mm Front wheel axle to front bumper Distance between front and rear Wheelbase 7,544 mm 6,198 mm wheel axles Bus body width only (i.e. does not Width 2,591 mm 2,646 mm account for mirrors) AutoTurn measures to the outside of Front Track 2,464 mm 2,563 mm the tires, rather then the inside. A tire width of 10” was added to each side. AutoTurn measures to the outside of the tires, rather then the inside. A Rear Track 2,504 mm 2,512 mm double-tire width of 21.8” was added to each side. Lock-to-lock time 6 seconds 6 seconds Standard Assumed Value Given by BC Transit. Curb-to-curb Curb-to curb Turning 13,400 mm 13,400 mm represents the turning radius of the Radius “outer tire”. Calculated Value Based on other Steering Lock Angle 37.5° 30.3° input parameters

Turning templates of the two BC Transit Bus Models can be found in Appendix C. The Alexander Dennis E-500 is not as critical as the New Flyer and Nova buses in terms of horizontal swept paths. As such, only the New yer and Nova buses were selected as the “Design Vehicles” and included in Appendix C.

An articulated bus is not currently operated by BC Transit. While it is longer than the Hybrid bus, it is in fact more manoeuvrable due to the “accordion” in the middle. For design dimensions related to the articulated bus, users of this document are advised to refer to the TransLink Infrastructure Design Guidelines.

The speci c design requirements of HandyDART/Minibus type vehicles are not presented in the Guidelines as most facilities that accommodate the design vehicle would be suf cient for the operation of these vehicles. However, for stops where Handy Dart is regularly used, there needs to be a curb letdown nearby since wheel chairs are discharged at the rear rather than the side.

38 | BC Transit 4.4 Vehicle Performance

Buses generally have lower acceleration and deceleration rates compared to passenger vehicles. The acceleration and deceleration rates of transit vehicles should be taken into consideration in the design of public road and transit facilities for passenger comfort and safety. This is further discussed in Sections 5.2 and 5.3.

The Canadian Transit Handbook (Canadian Urban Transit Association and Transportation Association of Canada) suggests the desirable rates as shown in Table 4.3. The maximum deceleration rate for emergency situations should only be considered for extreme conditions, such as to avoid a collision.

Table 4.3 Desirable Acceleration and Deceleration Rates for Bus

Maximum Rate Standard Bus (m/s2) Articulated Bus (m/s2) Acceleration 0.9 0.7 - 0.9 Deceleration (normal service) 1.1 1.1 Deceleration (emergency condition) 2.7 2.7

4.5 Bicycle Racks

It should be noted that the bus turning templates as shown in Appendix C did not take into account the extra length for the bicycle rack as the width of a typical bicycle rack is less than the full width of the bus. As such, adding the extra length onto the template would be overly conservative. However, for on route buses where bicycle racks are used, there needs to be enough room at stops to accommodate the required clearance between buses and to provide access to the rack for loading and unloading. The required clearance between buses equipped with bicycle racks should be 2.5m from the front of the bus to the rear of the next bus to accommodate loading and unloading.

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 39 4.6 Visibility Impairment Zones

This section will discuss the impact of operator’s visibility impairment zones on the design of transit facilities. It is important to realize that the operators have limited visibility to the side and to the rear of the vehicle and as such some bus movements should be avoided.

Diagrams from the TransLink guidelines are shown below.

Figure 4.1 Visibility Impairment Zones

40 | BC Transit 4.7 Pavement Widening Values on Curves for Buses

Pavement widening beyond standard widths should be considered when buses are the largest design vehicle for an undivided roadway. A safety hazard may result if the buses fail to slow down signi cantly to avoid encroaching onto the adjacent travel lanes, etc. The general design principles proposed in the TAC Guidelines, Section should be followed. 4.8 Lateral Sweep of Articulated Bus

BC Transit does not operate articulated buses at the time when this document was prepared. It is noted that the design dimensions of the articulated bus can be found in the TransLink Transit Infrastructure Design Guidelines.

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 41 Chapter 5 Roadway Geometric Design

5.1 Introduction 5.2 Public Road Facilities While road design should be prepared in 5.2.1 Lane Widths accordance with relevant national, provincial The widest bus in the BC Transit eet, the Nova and local standards, considerations for transit Bus, has a total width of 3,192mm, including operations should be taken into account mirror protrusions. As such, lane widths must be particularly when a roadway is frequently used by at least this wide without the bus encroaching transit vehicles. BC Ministry of Transportation and into adjacent travel lanes. Infrastructure suggests that speci c geometric factors should be considered in the design of a The Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads facility where buses represent greater than 7% of (Transportation Association of Canada) provides the traf c stream. suggested lane widths for different land uses and road classi cations in Section While the The incorporation of transit operations criteria will suggested lane widths are generally adequate for ensure that public safety and transit ef ciency bus vehicles traveling on a multi-lane roadway, can be maintained. the desired minimum lane width is 3.3m. This chapter provides an overview of the speci c Particularly in urban areas, the curb lane may geometric requirements for transit operations, be a shared travel/parking lane. Bus operators based on the current BC Transit bus eet. The must decelerate from the posted or prevailing design vehicle is the hybrid bus vehicle. Design speed and pass parked vehicles at a comfortable that meets the requirements by the hybrid bus distance while pulling into a bus stop. According vehicle will accommodate all other BC transit to TransLink guidelines, the desirable lane width bus types. The only exception is in the design for a shared travel/parking lane ranges from 5.8 of vertical clearance where the double-deck bus to 6.2m. would govern on roadways or in facilities where this bus type is expected to operate. A eld test was conducted to con rm the width requirement for a bus passing a parked vehicle. Section 5.2 provides a series of diagrams, with The BC Transit Safety Training Of cer indicated associated explanations, on preferred geometric that bus operators will always slow down to design related to bus operations on public road approximately 30 kilometres per hour when facilities. passing a parked wide vehicle. This is to reduce Section 5.3 provides a series of diagrams likelihood and severity of any bus-pedestrian illustrating design dimensions of bus stop collisions that may result from a pedestrian facilities. entering the street from in front of the parked

42 | BC Transit vehicle. Furthermore, buses will typically pull up to the curb in a slightly angled manner, with the front bumper being a lateral distance of 180mm from the curb, and the rear bumper being a lateral distance of 360mm from the curb.

Based on the eld test, the BC Transit suggestion is to provide a 6.5m width where an on-street bus layover is provided to maintain a comfortable distance between the layover bus and a bus (the design vehicle) passing by. The width of 6.5m should also be provided where a single lane is provided and a bus is expected to pass parked vehicles, in order to maintain safe distance from the opposing traf c.

Where a single lane is provided and approaching vehicles are required to wait behind a stopped bus without changing lanes, the lane width should be restricted to no more than 4.8m to avoid drivers from perceiving that a lane change can be made.

Figure 5.1 on the following page shows all these different scenarios.

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 43 Figure 5.1 Lane Widths

44 | BC Transit Other TAC guidelines that are relevant for transit of 7.7m for an inner circle diameter of 12m, which include the following: is the minimum inner turning diameter. The eld test conducted further con rmed the required ƒ Section suggests that for transit travel width and circle diameter for the design lanes, the lane width should be the same vehicle to negotiate right turn, through and left as the adjacent travel lane, or 0.2m less, but the width should be no less than 3.5m. turn movements. As a general rule of thumb, the design parameters of circulatory roadways along ƒ Lane widening on roads with a horizontal a bus route are as follows: curve is outlined in Section which may need to be considered where buses ƒ Inner circle must accommodate the bus operate to minimize the potential for buses sweep path by the inner wheels, with to encroach into the opposing travel lane. diameter no less than 12m

The width of shared lanes with bikes is provided ƒ For a bus to go through or make a right in the TAC Guidelines Table according to turn, the outer circle diameter must be expected average annual daily traf c in the shared no less than 26m and the available travel lane, with recommended widths ranging from width of no less than 6.9m 4.0m to 4.8m. The BC Transit suggested shared ƒ For a bus to make a left or 360° turn, the lane width (bike with bus or other high occupancy outer circle diameter must be no less than vehicle in the same lane) is a minimum of 4.5m. 28m and the available travel width of no less than 7.7m 5.2.2 Trac Circle / Roundabout 5.2.3 Intersections For circulatory roadways (around a traf c circle or The speci c design considerations related to a roundabout), the left turn movement is usually turning movements by buses are summarized in the critical path for determining the roadway width. Table 5.1. The New Flyer Hybrid vehicle requires a lane width

Table 5.1 Design Considerations for Bus Turning Movements

Entry Lane Receiving Lane

-The starting position of the turn - The stop position of the cross street traf c on the - The sight triangles for crossing traf c from the left left Left and right (see Section 5.2.8) - The width of the receiving lane(s) and physical Turn - The potential conict with the turning path of treatments on the corner (for example, a curb opposing traf c extension) - The sight line for opposing traf c - The lateral clearance between any parked vehicles and the turning path of the bus

-The starting point of the turn - The corner radius, which may be subject to - The sight triangle of traf c from the left (see Section physical treatments such as a curb extension 5.2.8) - The width of the receiving lane(s) Right - Buses typically require leaving the curb to make - The lateral clearance between any parked Turn a right turn. Operators will attempt to minimize vehicles and the turning path of the bus the gap between the bus and the curb (to avoid bicycles, motorcycles and scooters from passing on the right)

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 45 Figures 5.2 and 5.3 illustrate the vehicle paths of the TransLink hybrid bus vehicle making typical left- and right-turning movements at an intersection. The dimensions shown will keep the bus within its own right-of-way while completing the turns, without encroaching into other travel lanes.

The suggested dimensions are to be considered against site-speci c conditions. Often there will be tradeoffs between right-of-ways and other limits in the physical environment, provisions for various traf c modes, etc, but nonetheless safety should be the foremost consideration. Where frequency of bus turning movements is relatively high, it is desirable for the design to meet or exceed the suggested dimensions. One Receiving Lane

Two Receiving Lane

(Source: TransLink Transit Infrastructure Design Guidelines) Figure 5.2 Bus Turning Left at Intersection

46 | BC Transit One Entry Lane

Two Entry Lane

(Source: TransLink Transit Infrastructure Design Guidelines) Figure 5.3 Bus Turning Right at Intersection

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 47 5.2.4 Road Alignment Where bus traf c constitutes greater than 7% of the traf c stream, BC Ministry of Transportation In general, road alignment elements should be and Infrastructure suggests that the maximum designed in accordance with the TAC Guidelines grades should not exceed 10%, with a preferred and other relevant jurisdiction standards. Given maximum grade of 6%. the lower acceleration and deceleration capacities of bus vehicles, the use of minimum geometric Based on the above, the suggested maximum design standards should be avoided, wherever gradient for roadways designed for buses is possible. This would ensure that a satisfactory 12%, but the BC Ministry of Transportation and level of bus performance and passenger comfort Infrastructure guidance should be followed where is achieved. bus traf c constitutes greater than 7% of the traf c stream. 5.2.5 Horizontal and Vertical Clearance TransLink guidelines suggest that for sustained gradients longer than 800 m, the maximum grade Where buses represent greater than 7% of the is preferably no more than 8%. The BC Transit traf c stream, BC Ministry of Transportation and guidelines concur with this requirement. Infrastructure suggests that at least 0.6m lateral clearance should be provided to adjacent traf c 5.2.7 Grade Change Points barriers along exclusive bus lanes or lanes heavily Without Vertical Curves used by buses. The desired lateral clearance is 1.2m. The minimum lateral clearance should be On roadway alignment with changes in road provided except for temporary conditions such grades where no vertical curve is provided, the as during construction or rehabilitation work on transition at the grade change point should be no the roadway facility. more than the permissible breakover, approach and departure angles of the Transit Design The vertical clearance provided is governed by Vehicle. The provision of appropriate grade the tallest vehicle anticipated to operate on a change points will prevent the underside or the facility. Therefore, the vertical clearance needs to front/rear bumpers of the bus from contacting accommodate the double-deck bus where they the pavement. Maximum changes in road grades are expected to operate. at break-over, approach and departure points 5.2.6 Maximum Gradient for low-oor Standard and Articulated Buses are shown in Table 5.2. These are absolute maximum According to the TAC guidelines, the gradient values, which should not be exceeded in any for roadways with design speed of 50 kilometres road design. per hour or lower ranges from 7 to 12%. The maximum gradient for roadways with design speed of 100 kilometres per hour is 5%. Accordingly, the maximum gradient of roadways with design speeds in-between these ranges will be 5% to 12%.

48 | BC Transit Table 5.2 Maximum Changes in Road Grades for Low-Floor Buses

Breakover Approach Departure Between 1st and Between 2nd and Between Front Bumper Between Rear Axle and Type 2nd Axle 3rd Axle and 1st Axle Rear Bumper

Low-Floor 14.6% - 15.8% 15.8% Standard Bus

Low-Floor 18.5% 14.0% 15.8% 15.8% Articulated Bus

Figure 5.4 Grade Change Points for Design Vehicle

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 49 5.2.8 Sight Distances

The TAC Guidelines provide sight distance requirements generally for automobiles and trucks. As the acceleration and deceleration capability of transit buses is different from other vehicles, and there is a need to maintain a high level of passenger comfort and safety wherever possible, sight distance requirements speci cally for transit buses are provided in this Section to assist in the design of roadways for bus operation.

Stopping Sight Distance

The minimum sight distance criterion for transit buses (and other vehicles) approaching an intersection or travelling along a roadway is the ‘Stopping Sight Distance’. The minimum Stopping Sight Distance for transit buses is the sum of (i) the perception and reaction distance and (ii) the braking distance:

ƒ ‘Perception and Reaction Distance’ is the distance travelled at the operating speed (or posted speed limit) during the operator’s perception of an incident and the subsequent brake reaction time. This corresponds to the time elapsed from the instant an object for which the bus operator decides to stop comes into view, to the instant the operator contacts the brake pedal. Perception and reaction time is typically taken to be 2.5 seconds for design purposes. ƒ ‘Braking Distance’ is the distance travelled from the time that braking begins to the time the transit bus comes to a stop. The minimum braking distance for transit buses may be calculated from the bus deceleration rates indicated in Section 4.4. The maximum deceleration rate for Standard and Articulated Buses in Service Conditions is 1.1 m/s2; this rate is for normal operations where reasonable passenger comfort and safety is maintained. In Emergency Conditions, such as collision avoidance, the maximum deceleration rate for transit buses is 2.7 m/s2.

The following Table 5.3 gives the minimum Stopping Sight Distance for transit buses in Service and Emergency Stopping Conditions.

Table 5.3 Transit Bus Stopping Sight Distance

Service conditions Emergency Conditions

Minimum Initial Perception Perception Brake Minimum Perception Stopping Operating and Reaction and Reaction Distance Stopping Sight and Reaction Brake Sight Speed (km/h) Time (sec) Distance (m) (m) Distance (m) Distance (m) Distance (m) Distance (m) 40 2.5 28 56 84 28 23 51 50 2.5 35 88 123 35 36 71 60 2.5 42 126 168 42 51 93 70 2.5 49 172 221 49 70 119 80 2.5 56 225 281 56 91 137 90 2.5 63 284 347 63 116 179

50 | BC Transit To maintain reasonable passenger comfort and Table of the TAC Guidelines provides safety during deceleration, the minimum Stopping the recommended Decision Sight Distance for a Sight Distance for Service Conditions should be range of design speeds, depending on the type of provided whenever possible. Higher deceleration manoeuvre. Further research may be required to rates (such as the emergency deceleration rate) determine the Decision Sight Distance applicable should only be used if and when the operator is to transit buses, particularly due to the fact that in an extreme situation, and should not be used the height of the bus operator’s eye (1.80 m) for design purposes. is substantially higher than that of a passenger car driver (1.05 m) and the deceleration and Decision Sight Distance acceleration rates of buses are signi cantly lower than those of a passenger car. The provision of In the relatively complex situations that bus Decision Sight Distance is desirable wherever operators and other vehicle drivers often feasible. If it is not possible to provide the encounter, evasive manoeuvres may be required. Decision Sight Distance because of horizontal Situations can arise that require longer perception and/or vertical curvature, special attention should and reaction times and more complex operator’s be given to the use of traf c control devices for action than a straightforward decision to stop. providing advance warning of the conditions In these circumstances, it is desirable to provide to be encountered. Figure 5.5 illustrates the ‘Decision Sight Distance’, a longer measure than requirements of Stopping and Decision Sight the Stopping Sight Distance. As recommended Distances as per the TAC Guidelines together with in the TAC Guidelines, Section 2.3.4, ‘Decision the speci c Stopping Sight Distance for transit Sight Distance’ allows for a greater margin of buses in Service and Emergency Conditions. error in reacting to unexpected circumstances and enhances safety in such complex situations.

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 51 (Source: Adapted from TAC Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads) Figure 5.5 Stopping and Decision Sight Distances

52 | BC Transit Crossing Sight Distance

The required sight distance for transit buses to make a crossing manoeuvre from a stop control is a function of the time it takes for a stopped bus to clear the intersection and the distance that another vehicle would travel along the major roadway at the design speed during the same period of time. The required crossing time depends upon the perception and reaction time of the bus operator, the bus acceleration time, the width of the major roadway, the length of the bus, and the speed of the approaching vehicle on the major roadway.

Figure 5.6 illustrates the distance travelled by a transit bus during the acceleration time. The minimum Crossing Sight Distance along the major roadway from an intersection can be calculated, as shown in Figure 5.7, based on (i) the design speed of the major roadway, V, (ii) the perception and reaction time of the crossing driver on the major roadway, j, and (iii) the acceleration time for the bus to cross the major roadway, t.

Sight triangles are used, for example, to determine building setbacks at intersections or to determine whether existing obstructions such as parking zones, advertising signs, trees, etc., are to be removed or relocated. The required ‘sight triangle’ at the intersection for the crossing manoeuvre depends on the minimum Crossing Sight Distance for the bus on the stop approach and the approaching vehicle on the major roadway.

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 53 (Source: Adapted from TAC Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads) Figure 5.6 Acceleration Time for Stopped Bus

54 | BC Transit (Source: Adapted from TAC Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads) Figure 5.7 Minimum Crossing Distance along Major Roadway

Turning Sight Distance

A vehicle approaching from the right of a left-turning bus, at the instant the turning manoeuvre begins, should be suf ciently far away so that the turning bus can accelerate to a speed which does not signi cantly interfere with the approaching vehicle. To determine the required ‘Turning Sight Distance’, it is assumed (as per the TAC Guidelines) that (i) the approaching vehicle will slow to a speed of 85% of the design speed at the intersection, and (ii) there should be always a gap of at least 2 seconds between the turning bus and the approaching vehicle. Due to the acceleration characteristics of transit buses, the requirement for transit buses making right or left turns is generally greater than other vehicles.

Figure 5.8 shows the Turning Sight Distance requirements for transit buses from a stop control on a minor road. An average acceleration rate of 0.9 m/s2 for transit buses (instead of 1.9 m/s2 used for passenger cars) is assumed for both left and right turning movements.

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 55 (Source: Adapted from TAC Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads) Figure 5.8 Turning Sight Distance for Stopped Buses

56 | BC Transit Merging Sight Distance

A bus merging back onto the adjacent travel lane from a bus stop should have the required ‘Merging Sight Distance’ for the vehicle approaching from behind. It is assumed that the approaching vehicle driver would not perceive the movement of the bus until the latter is set into motion. Once perceived, the driver of the approaching vehicle would apply the brake to a complete stop, if necessary, to avoid contacting the bus.

The minimum Merging Sight Distance for a transit bus to merge onto the adjacent travel lane is the sum of (i) the minimum Stopping Sight Distance of the approaching vehicle in the travel lane, (ii) the distance travelled by the same approaching vehicle at the design speed during the 2.5 seconds of perception and reaction time required by the bus operator, and (iii) the length of the bus. The minimum Merging Sight Distance for transit buses may be used to determine the location of bus stops and other transit facilities, especially on roadways with horizontal curvature and other obstructions such as buildings and trees.

Figure 5.9 illustrates the minimum Merging Sight Distance for transit buses when leaving a bus stop for a range of vehicle speeds on a through traf c roadway.

Merging Sight Distance

Figure 5.9 Merging Sight Distance for Stopped Buses

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 57 5.2.9 Pedestrian Sight Lines

As noted in Section 4.6, there are visibility impairment zones, or blind spots, on both sides of the bus where the operator cannot see pedestrians. Pedestrians boarding or alighting from transit buses, as well as other pedestrians walking near bus facilities, may be unaware of the restricted visibility of the bus operators.

Adequate pedestrian sight lines should be provided for bus operators wherever there is any potential conict between buses and pedestrians. This is particularly critical for the right-turning bus movement at an intersection, within a transit exchange, or where a merging movement to the right has to be made within a short distance.

5.2.10 Trac Calming Measures

Traf c calming measures are often installed in residential neighborhoods to reduce vehicle speeds and volume, among other reasons which may include:

ƒ Reducing truck traf c ƒ Discouraging through traf c ƒ Improving safety for non-motorized users (pedestrians and cyclists) ƒ Reducing collisions ƒ Reducing noise and air pollution

Most traf c calming measures are in the form of physical measures such as traf c circles, speed humps, curb extensions, raised crosswalks, and diverter. In general, physical traf c calming measures should be avoided on bus routes; however, if these measures are to be installed along bus routes, special design considerations must be given to accommodate the physical dimensions required by bus operation and bus vehicle operational capabilities.

58 | BC Transit Table 5.4 below describes the impacts that the traf c calming measures may have on passenger safety and bus operational ef ciency.

Table 5.4 Impact of Traffic Calming Measures

Traf c calming measure Impact on passenger safety Impact on bus operational ef ciency

The circulatory roadway width that provides No adverse impact, but avoid a series traf c calming for passenger vehicles may Traf c circle of traf c circles to minimize side-to-side result in buses having dif culty going through movement the traf c circle Buses need to reduce speeds signi cantly to Shorter ramps result in greater travel over a speed hump passenger discomfort May cause damage to the suspension of the Speed hump A speed hump should not be installed bus vehicle immediately before or after a bus stop for A series of speed humps should be avoided passenger safety along a bus route

The corner radii may impact bus right-turning Curb extensions No adverse impact movement

A raised intersections should not be A series of raised intersections should be Raised intersection installed immediately before or after a avoided along a bus route bus stop for passenger safety

Room must accommodate bus manoeuvre, Diverter No adverse impact and without obstruction by parked vehicles

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 59 5.3 Bus Stop Facilities

This Section provides a series of diagrams illustrating design dimensions of bus stop facilities; the requirements for which are based on the Nova Bus.

5.3.1 Curbside Clearance Zone

The placement of the bus stop sign is very important to the overall operation as it signals to the driver where to safely stop the bus and provides a consistent message to transit passengers with regards to where to wait for a bus. The bus stop sign is typically installed adjacent to the right front bumper where the bus would come to a full stop. However, there should be a minimum of 0.30m from the face of the curb, in order to avoid conict between the sign post and the bus. Note that this Clearance Zone requirement applies not only to bus stops, but to all curbside facilities (such as newspaper boxes). The rationale behind this 0.30m requirement is based on the following two considerations:

Curbside Sweep

The Nova Bus has the longest front and rear overhangs of any bus in the BC Transit eet. As such, it will have the greatest sweep as it pulls out of a bus stop. At the extreme, the Nova Bus sweeps an additional 0.40m from its at-rest position. However, if a 0.18m clearance between the curb and the bus wheel is assumed, this results in a 0.22m curbside sweep. This is shown in Figure 5.10. Allowing for the 0.18m clearance is considered to err on the side of caution, as generally, according to the Safety Training Of cer, the rear of the buses will more typically be 0.36m away from the curb face.

A clear zone prevents pedestrians from becoming “pinched” between the rear of the bus and structures such as a tree or power pole. Since the curb side sweep is 0.22m, an additional clearance of at least 0.5m is recommended. A clear zone of 0.75m is therefore suggested and is shown in Figure 5.10.

Figure 5.10 Curbside Clearance Zone

60 | BC Transit Mirror Protrusion 5.3.2 Concrete Bus Pads

The right mirror protrudes 254mm from the edge Buses, being heavy vehicles, are prone to cause of the Nova Bus. It is acceptable for this mirror deformation in asphalt pavement, especially to protrude over the sidewalk as it pulls into a in locations where they start, stop or turn. Bus stop, provided there is no object that it could stops, in particular, are susceptible these types collide with. Clearance should be allowed for of pavement damage. In order to minimize the worst case where the front of the bus pulls pavement wear, a concrete bus pad should be up immediately adjacent to the curb, rather than considered for all high bus volume locations. allowing for the more typical gap of 180mm. Although concrete bus pads are more expensive to construct than normal asphalt paving, they will Based on the above considerations, the mirror reduce long term maintenance costs and aid in protrusion is the governing factor for the front half the retention of roadway surface shape, drainage of the bus, while curb sweep/pinch points are and skid resistance. predominant factors for the rear half. Concrete bus pads should be a minimum of 3m wide, stretching across the entire lane or bay over which a bus would stop. They should be long enough to cover the entire wheelbase of a bus. For a single bus, this would be approximately 15m. In the case of a multi-stop bay, the concrete area should span from the front wheel of the rst bus to the rear wheel of the last bus, including pull-in/pull-out zones.

In terms of pavement structure, the concrete bus pad thicknesses should be designed as follows:

ƒ Portland Cement Concrete: 225mm ƒ Base Course: 150mm ƒ Sub base Course: 300mm

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 61 5.3.3 Far-side, Near-side and Midblock Con guration

Far-side bus stop

The suggested dimensions are based on a cross section of 15m on the roadway which the bus is approaching from on the left and right turns, and the receiving lane width of 3.7m.

Approach Movement X (minimum) Note Left 15.9m Field tested by BC Transit Through 6m Suggested by TransLink Right 12.3m Field tested by BC Transit

Figure 5.11 Far-Side Bus Stop Configuration

As mentioned in Section 3.3.1, if a far-side stop has to be sited beyond a channelization island or in an acceleration lane, special consideration should be given to eliminate potential weaving conicts between buses approaching the stop area and right-turn traf c from the cross street. Site-speci c review will be required to determine the appropriate bus stop location that will minimize traf c conicts and maintain reasonable walking distance for passengers going to and from the bus stop.

62 | BC Transit Near-side bus stop

Figure 5.12 Near-Side Bus Stop Configuration

Midblock bus stop

Figure 5.13 Mid-Block Bus Stop Configuration

5.3.4 Other Bus Stop Con gurations

Bus bay

It is noted that on a typical urban arterial road, operators slow down from the posted speed to about 30 km/h when entering and exiting a bus bay. On exit, bus operators typically accelerate after they have merged back into an adjacent travel lane, rather than accelerating along the taper of the bus bay.

It is suggested that TransLink guidelines be followed in the design of a typical bus bay sited on the far-side, near-side and midblock in an urban environment. The dimensions for the TransLink “Standard Bus” were found to be adequate for the BC Transit design vehicle.

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 63 Bus Bay Type I (Corner) - Far-side

(i) Standard (Open-end) Speed Limit ≤ 50 km/h

(ii) Full Bay - With Heavy Right Turn Volume (Also applies at Mid-Block Locations) Speed Limit ≤ 50 km/h

Bus Bay Type I (Corner) - Near-side

* Dimensions are measured from property line

Bus Bay Type II (Mid-block)

64 | BC Transit Bus Bay Type III (Island)

Bus Bay Type IV (Sawtooth)

(Source of design dimensions: TransLink Transit Infrastructure Design Guidelines) Figure 5.14 Bus Bay Configurations (TransLink)

In a highway environment, BC Transit adopts the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure guidelines on pullouts for bus bay design.

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 65 Distance Between Bus ID and Width of Curb W End of Parked Car L Depth of Bus Bulge D (m) (m) (m)

3.0 1.9 5.5 7.0 2.3

5.0 2.3 5.6 7.0 1.9

5.0 1.0 5.7 7.0 1.9

Note: Minimum Pullout width is 4.0 m. This is a shoulder widening. Parking should be prohibited in the pullout area. The minimum width is to avoid pavement degradation by of-tracking or wide vehicles. Pavement design should be as per travel lanes.

Reference Speed Minimum PL Desirable PL Maximum PL T2 m and Ratio T1 m and (Ratio) km/h (m) (m) (m) (m)

50 30 (7.5:1) 30 70 200 30 (7.5:1) 60 40 (10:1) 45 120 300 40 (10:1) 70 50 (12.5:1) 65 190 500 50 (12.5:1) 80 60 (15:1) 85 270 600 60 (15:1)

Note: Use the ratio if Pullout width is other than 4.0 m. Maximum width is 4.0 m. This is a shoulder widening. The minimum width is to avoid pavement degradation by off-tracking or wide vehicles. Pavement design should be as per travel lanes.

(Source: BC MoTI Supplement to TAC Geometric Design Guide) Figure 5.15 Typical Pullout Lengths (Provincial)

For bus bay design, maintenance would be made easier if the transition was a curve rather than a point between the taper and the bay area (note: the TransLink Design Guidelines diagrams above show a point). BC Transit bus bays should provide a curve in the transition area (please refer to Figure 6.4).

66 | BC Transit Bus bulge

It is suggested that the TransLink guidelines be followed in the design of typical bus bulge.

Field Observations

Distance Between Bus ID and End Width of Curb Lane Depth of Bus Bulge D (m) of Parked Car L (m)

3.0 1.9 5.5 7.0 2.3 5.0 2.3 5.6 7.0 1.9 5.0 1.0 5.7 7.0 1.9

(Source: TransLink Transit Infrastructure Design Guidelines 2003 Figure 3.4.3) Figure 5.16 Bus Bulge Configuration

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 67 Bus stop between access driveways

Figure 5.17 Configuration of Bus Stop Between Access Driveways

Bus stop in bike lanes

The minimum design requirements for a bus stop located adjacent to a bike lane are presented below. The dimensions are taken from the TransLink Transit Infrastructure Design Guidelines.

The key design considerations for the design of bus stops where a bike lane is present are as follows:

ƒ On roadways with posted speed of 60 km/h or higher, a bus bay needs to be located 4m further downstream than for a normal bus bay ƒ On roadways with posted speed less than 60 km/h, a longer bus pull-in distance should be provided for a midblock bus stop. The bus zone (marked by the Bus Zone sign) needs to be extended to at least 34m upstream. The location of far-side and near-side stops remains the same as in the situation of no bike lane (as shown in Section 5.3.2). ƒ In any situation where a bus at the stop may encroach into the bike lane, the location of the bus stop should be examined in more detail to ensure that the cyclist from behind is either able to pass the stopped bus safely, or to make other decisions in a safe and timely manner such as stopping behind the bus or making a lane change into the adjacent travel lane.

68 | BC Transit Bus Stop in Bike Lane (With Bus Bay) Posted Speed Limit ≥ 60 km/h

Bus Stop in Parking Lane (Far side) Posted Speed Limit < 60 km/h

Bus Stop in Parking Lane (Mid-block) Posted Speed Limit < 60 km/h

(Source: TransLink Transit Infrastructure Design Guidelines 2003 Figure 3.4.5) Figure 5.18 Bus Stop in Bike Lanes

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 69 5.3.5 Marked Crosswalks the bus doors. Furthermore, for accessibility, a clear minimum width of 2.1m is necessary to It is preferable to site a bus stop on the far-side accommodate wheelchair ramp deployment of a crosswalk to maximize the available sight from the bus and allow for wheelchair movement distance between approaching vehicles and after clearing the ramp. pedestrians at the crosswalk. The distance between the rear of the bus and the crosswalk In urban areas, the sidewalk may extend all should be at least 2m. the way to the curb. In this case, the sidewalk already acts as a passenger landing pad, and If a near-side stop is provided, the minimum no major modi cations are necessary. The distance between the intersection crosswalk and passenger landing pad should be at least 3m the bus stop should be 4.5m. For a midblock wide, if possible, unless a property line or a crosswalk provided in front of a bus stop, the building prevents it from being extended this far. minimum distance between the front of the bus If any further amenities, such as bus shelters are and the crosswalk should be increased to 10m. to be added, a minimum sidewalk width of 1.5m should still be maintained. 5.3.6 Passenger Amenities Requirements In more suburban areas, there will likely be a sidewalk, but it will be separated from the curb Passenger landing pad or edge of road by a grass boulevard. In this All bus stops should have a rm, even, and slip case, the grass boulevard should be replaced resistant surface for passengers to step on/from with a landing pad that extends from the curb the bus. For the BC Transit design vehicle, a or edge of road to the sidewalk. An example of passenger landing pad length of 9m and cross this con guration is shown below. If the grass slope of 2% is recommended. Passenger landing boulevard is wider than 3m (the required width of pads may contain amenities such as shelters the landing pad), then a 1.5m wide pathway may or newspaper boxes, but these must not act be installed to provide a connecting path between as obstacles preventing riders from accessing the passenger landing pad and the sidewalk.

Figure 5.19 Passenger Landing Pad

70 | BC Transit In more rural areas, bus stops may be placed on Wheelchair pad a road that features a gravel shoulder, rather than A wheelchair pad is a designated area within the a sidewalk. In this case, a passenger landing pad passenger waiting area, located near to where should be provided at the site of the bus stop, the front door of the bus will be located once the instead of having passengers queue on the road bus stops. The wheelchair pad is an obstruction- shoulder. It is preferred that the bus stop (curb) free area that allows space for the bus to deploy be built at an elevation of 150mm above the road its ramp or lift, and to allow the wheelchair to surface, to minimize the “step-up” distances manoeuvre as needed in order to move between required for passengers to board or alight from the sidewalk and the bus (or vice versa). the bus. A ramp (maximum slope of 8%) should be provided at each end of the pad for access to Depending on site-speci c conditions, the a safe location away from the travel lane(s). wheelchair pad may be located outside of the bus shelter, within the shelter with the sidewalk In rural areas, site-speci c reviews may behind the shelter, or within the shelter with the be warranted to identify amenities such as sidewalk in front of the shelter. The minimum crosswalks, pedestrian pathways, lighting and clearance area for the wheelchair pad is 1,980mm roadside treatments for enhancing the safety and by 2,134mm, as shown in the gure below for a convenience of pedestrian access to/from a bus wheelchair pad that is located within the shelter. stop. Should the wheelchair pad be located outside of the bus shelter, the physical ground conditions on the edge of the sidewalk area may require attention in maintaining safety for wheelchair manoeuvre. For example, if a downward slope exists beyond the sidewalk area, a projecting curb or handrail should be installed on the edge of the sidewalk area to mitigate the potential hazard of wheelchair users encroaching into the slope. Where a xed object such as a wall or fence exists on the edge of the sidewalk area, the wheelchair pad clearance width may be increased up to 3m to mitigate potential hazard of wheelchair users rolling into the hard surfaces.

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 71 Page 18

Figure 5.20 Wheelchair Pad (BC Transit)

72 | BC Transit The suggested dimensions for accommodating wheelchair pads, as shown in the TransLink Transit Infrastructure Design Guidelines, are also included below for reference. When the wheelchair pad is located outside of the shelter (Option 2), BC Transit suggests a minimum distance of 1.2m between the (long) edge of the ramp area and the (short) edge of the shelter to provide room for the manoeuvre of a wheelchair.

(Source: TransLink Transit Infrastructure Design Guidelines 2003 Figure Figure 5.21 Wheelchair Pad (TransLink)

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 73 Bus shelter and 5.21) and provision of suf cient space for pedestrians and wheelchairs passing in front While shelters are available in various of or behind the shelter. See section 6.2.4 for con gurations, the BC Transit preferred design effective walkway widths required for pedestrians is as follows: and wheelchairs. ƒ Dimensions are 1.2m W X 2.4m H to 4.0m L for enclosed shelters, or 2.0m W x 2.4m 5.3.7 Universal Access H x 4.0m L for open shelters or canopies Requirements

ƒ Four sided shelters require an opening that Existing accessibility guidelines are available from has a minimum width of 800mm the BC Transit Design Guidelines for Accessible ƒ Glass panels are not preferred by BC Bus Stops. The document provides design Transit due to high maintenance costs, criteria and evaluation considerations for the but if used, they should be marked with a provision of: contrasting horizontal stripe of minimum width of 75mm located approximately ƒ Shelter 140-160cm above ground level ƒ Access and circulation ƒ Sides are transparent ƒ Seating ƒ Seating is oriented to view oncoming ƒ Rural transit stops transit, pedestrians and adjacent buildings ƒ Curb cuts (or curb ramps) ƒ Lit shelters are preferred, as down lighting ƒ Walkways improves shelter safety and visibility ƒ Ramps and stairs Offset of the shelter from the curb will be ƒ Tactile surface (pavement) inuenced by a number of factors. Factors to be considered include avoidance of conict According to the accessibility guidelines, the with mirror projections, provision of pedestrian necessary minimum infrastructure requirements and wheelchair landing pads (see Figures 5.20 for an accessible stop are summarized below.

Table 5.5 Requirements for Accessible Stops

Amenity to be provided Dimensions Concrete barrier curb 150mm high, without indentation for a catch basin Wheelchair pad Minimum 2.1m x 1.98m One or two paved connections from transit 1.5m wide stop waiting pad to the sidewalk Accessible ramps on either side Maximum slope 12:1 (8%), minimum 1.2m wide Minimum clear width of 1.5m and clear headroom of 2.0m, kept clear Street furniture or other such objects of transit loading and unloading areas Only to be provided where sidewalk width is greater than 2m, and Bench where a re hydrant is located more than 6m away

In areas where no sidewalk is present, it is suggested that an elevated concrete or asphalt pad be installed on the shoulder of the road, with a connecting ramp at each end.

74 | BC Transit Chapter 6 O-Street Facilities

6.1 Introduction

Off-street transit facilities are located on sites Bus transit exchanges, or bus loops, facilitate that are fully separated from the general traf c passenger transfers between multiple bus routes ow, and allow for a greater degree of passenger by the converging of various bus routes at a transfer movement (both bus-to-bus and single location. The discussion below focuses on intermodal) to take place than what would be bus transit exchanges. possible at a typical curb-side facility. Three types of off-street facilities exist: 6.2.1 Location Considerations

ƒ Transit Exchange A bus transit exchange should be sited at a ƒ Park-and-Ride Lot location that maximizes transfer opportunity, while minimizing any “detouring” that buses need ƒ Passenger Pick-Up and Drop-Off Facility (also known as a Kiss-and-Ride Facility) to take from their assigned route in order to serve the transit exchange. A bus transit exchange is 6.2 Transit Exchange therefore often placed at the end of a route.

A transit exchange can be designed to facilitate Major trip generators, such as shopping centres passenger transfers between various modes or institutional facilities, are also considered of transportation, such as bus, train or marine appropriate locations for a bus transit exchange. transit. The presence of a transit exchange will allow riders to access the trip generator from different service areas, and will therefore serve not only as an exchange but also as a “hub” of concentrated activities.

Another candidate location for a bus transit exchange is where multiple bus routes pass by in the vicinity and there is a high demand for transfer movements between the routes.

6.2.2 Design Considerations

Once the general area within which a bus transit exchange may be sited has been identi ed, evaluation and conceptual design of the potential sites must take into account a number of Figure 6.1 Example of a Transit Exchange considerations, as follows:

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 75 ƒ Bus access (to and from the adjacent A combination of these con gurations is often roadways) used in actual design. Depending on available ƒ Bus circulation within the transit exchange space, bus transit exchanges may feature either a single large platform where individual bus bays ƒ Anticipated vehicle use, with respect to the type and number of buses are sited around the platform edge, or multiple platforms that service one (or more) bus routes ƒ Bus layover space (for a driver’s break time each. at the end of a route, or as a mid-route timing point) Parallel Loading Platform ƒ Pedestrian access routes to and from the transit exchange A parallel loading platform typically consists of multiple bus stops aligned with one after another ƒ Passenger amenities (shelters, payphones, newspaper stands, etc.) along the curb, with some spacing in between to accommodate bus pull-in and pull-out ƒ Bike racks and/or lockers movements. ƒ Wheelchair accessibility within the transit exchange, and in the surrounding area Parallel loading platforms generally require a ƒ Measures to reduce bus-auto-pedestrian longer platform length compared to a sawtooth conict layout for the same number of bus bays being ƒ Bus operator restrooms accommodated. A parallel loading platform requires a minimum of 6.5m right-of-way ƒ Integration with nearby parking or drop-off between the platform and the edge of the bus zones transit exchange in order to allow a bus to pass ƒ Signage within the layout to direct users to another bus that is stopped along the curb. the appropriate bay Individual bus stops should be spaced with a Also, note that as with curbside stops, all facilities distance of 30.5m, comprised of a 18m pull-in should be a minimum of 0.3m away from the zone and a length of 12.5m for the bus. In order curb face, in order to provide suf cient clearance to minimize space requirements, the pull-out zone for bus mirrors, with additional clearance where is assumed to share road space with the pull-in pinch points may occur. zone of the subsequent stop. These dimensions The exact layout of a bus transit exchange are similar to those discussed for Midblock Stops depends on candidate site dimensions and the in Section 5.3.3. The New Flyer Hybrid bus is ability for bus vehicles to access to and from the used to calculate spacing requirements (and local road network. therefore area requirements) for each sample con guration. This layout is meant to be an Passenger platforms vary in size and con guration example only; in reality, transit exchange layouts depending on the number and types of buses, will be determined by considerations discussed as well as expected passenger volumes and at the beginning of this section. pro le. The two most common transit exchange con gurations are the parallel loading platform and the sawtooth loading platform.

76 | BC Transit Figure 6.2 Parallel Loading Platform

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 77 Sawtooth Loading Platform

Sawtooth loading platforms are characterized by the jagged edges of the pedestrian platform area, which allow buses to pull-in at an angle. Sawtooth loading platforms generally require a shorter platform length compared to a parallel loading layout for the same number of bus bays being accommodated.

Figure 6.3 Example of Sawtooth Loading Platform

The “teeth” of the platform should protrude 1.3m from the rest of the platform, and must be tapered over a 14m pull-in/stopping zone and a 6m pull out zone. It is preferred that all “jagged” edges be rounded with a radius of 8m (6m is considered a minimum), as shown in Figure 6.4. This provides easier access for both bus drivers and street-cleaning vehicles. Figure 6.4 provides an example of how this curve requirement can be incorporated into the design.

78 | BC Transit Figure 6.4 Sawtooth Loading Platform Reference Points

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 79 Sawtooth platforms can be used as both curb-side stops, and as part of an island platform at a bus transit exchange. Depending on which set-up is being considered, there are several key layout dimensions to consider.

i. Curbside sawtooth stop

A minimum platform “clear-width” of 2.75m (excluding the “teeth”) should be provided for the length of the platform. Additionally, the roadway space for buses to park should be at least 4.75m from the tip of the teeth (i.e. 6.05m including teeth width) to the nearest travel lane. This allows buses to safely pull in and out of their stops without interfering with traf c. At either end of the bus layover space, there should be a taper to and from the adjacent travel lane. A 1:6 taper ratio is recommended.

Based on all these criteria, a rough approximation of the area required for this type of bus stop is as follows:

ƒ Width of land: 8.8m measured from the left edge of nearest travel lane ƒ Length: 77m (including tapers) for a single bus stop, plus an additional 20m for each additional bus stop

Note that calculating an area using these values would include two triangular wedges of land at either end (where the tapers are located) that is not actually required for use. Depending on the nature of existing site conditions, it may be possible to reduce the total land area required by excluding these sites.

A sample drawing of a 4-bay curbside sawtooth stop is shown in Figure 6.5, and uses the New Flyer Hybrid Bus as a design vehicle,

80 | BC Transit Figure 6.5 Multi-bay Curbside Sawtooth Stop

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 81 ii. Island platform at transit exchange In terms of road space, a minimum of 9.75m (from the tip of the “teeth”) is required to allow An island platform may feature sawtooth bus effective bus circulation, as well as provide stops on both sides of the island. This setup layover space for buses. Buses will be required is typically used at a major transit exchange, to make a 180-degree turn around the end of which is assumed to be off-road with prohibited the island platform. In order to accommodate access by general traf c. The two major design the bus sweep path, there needs to be both considerations for an island platform are the suf cient width of the transit exchange, as well accommodation of pedestrians (ensuring the as a minimum distance from the stops closest platform is large enough to handle expected to the end of the 180-degree turn area. There pedestrian volumes), and making sure buses is some degree of trade-off between these two have suf cient circulation space to move around parameters; a narrower platform will require the exchange. more space past the end of the platform for the bus to make a turn, while a wider platform will Island platforms should be at least 5.5m wide require less space for the bus to make a turn. (excluding the “teeth”) to allow for pedestrian There is no speci c formula for this tradeoff circulation. A greater width would be required for design purposes, or “rule-of-thumb” about to accommodate the placement of amenities on land requirements. The area required for any the platform such as benches and landscaping. given number of bus bays will depend on the Transit exchanges where higher passenger shape of the site available, and thus, general volumes are anticipated should also be designed site constraints should be considered prior to with wider platforms to ensure that suf cient determining an overall exchange layout. queuing and circulation space is provided.

Two sample bus loop designs are shown below for illustrative purpose only. One features a 4-bay wide sawtooth platform setup, the other features a 4-bay parallel platform setup. These examples will be used to illustrate some of the key elements related to sawtooth platform design. In both of these examples, it is assumed that all buses enter and exit the loop in a clockwise manner. The vehicle sweep paths are based on the New Flyer Hybrid bus.

82 | BC Transit Sawtooth Platform

62m x 34m 2,108m2

Parallel Platform

81m x 30m 2,430m2

Figure 6.6 Platform Size Requirements (For Illustrative Purpose Only)

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 83 Other Considerations in Transit Exchange ƒ In instances where there is very limited Design space, a strategy which can be considered is the painting of a guiding line on the Several further design considerations that apply pavement to guide bus drivers as they to both sawtooth and parallel island platforms make the turn. The guiding line could be in are presented, in order to provide tips to the form of a single dashed line delineating accommodate common issues that arise in the outer front wheel sweep path. transit exchange design. ƒ In extreme cases, which involve exceptionally complicated manoeuvres, the ƒ In conducting a sweep path analysis, layout should be eld tested. This can be designers should design for some buffer done at a bus depot, using traf c pylons to at the edge of the bus loop. Drivers will provide a layout of the proposed design. not always execute the turn in exactly the manner shown in the sweep path analysis, ƒ If a bus transit exchange is also intended therefore, giving them a buffer zone to act as either a timing point or a terminus provides some degree of “forgiveness”. loop, and multiple routes are scheduled The exact amount of room that should be to arrive at the same bay, provisions for provided depends on the site conditions layover space must be included. This at the end of a transit exchange, and the would typically be provided around the severity of the consequences if the bus outer edges of the loop, and may require exceeds them. For example, if the transit additional land area for the bus loop, exchange has a large gravel shoulder beyond what is shown in the above (with no major obstructions) adjacent to drawings. it, then if the occasional bus drives on the gravel shoulder a bit, from an operation perspective, this is not hugely problematic. Conversely, if there was a major vertical surface, such as a fence/wall at the edge of the site, more buffer room (up to 2 meters, depending on conditions) should be provided. This gives for some extra room for the bus’ left mirror, and a bike rack. The additional buffer space also reects the severity of the consequences of an improperly executed turn; unlike a gravel shoulder, in this case, the bus would have to reverse, and then try the turn again. This can pose both a safety concern, and also impede ef cient transit exchange operations.

84 | BC Transit 6.2.3 Bus-Pedestrian Conicts within a Transit Exchange

Bus transit exchanges should be designed to minimize movement conicts and collision risks between buses and pedestrians. Painted crosswalks, handrails and/or way nding signage can be provided to guide pedestrians and direct them to paths that enhance their visibility to bus drivers.

Painted crosswalks should be provided behind where a bus would stop, before a point where bus turning manoeuvre begins, or at a point that is after the bus turning manoeuvre. These potential locations are shown in Figure 6.6. Curb extensions may be used to enhance the visibility of pedestrians at a crosswalk placed in front of a bus stop.

Crosswalks should be located in a manner that prevents pedestrians from having their back facing oncoming buses. The placement of facilities on or around the platform area should maximize available sight distance between bus drivers and pedestrians. For example, consideration should be given to site a building away from the top platform edge as shown in Figure 6.7 to maximize available sight distance of the pedestrian crosswalk for bus drivers making the turning manoeuvre around the upper part of the transit exchange.

The use of handrails to funnel pedestrians to use a speci c path and/or crosswalk(s) is desirable where there are potential shortcut routes, especially if pedestrian visibility is limited on the shortcut routes.

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 85 Preferred Pedestrian Crossing Locations (At Beginning or End of Curved Sections or Behind Stopped Buses)

(Source: TransLink Transit Infrastructure Design Guidelines) Figure 6.7 Pedestrian Crossing Within a Transit Exchange

86 | BC Transit 6.2.4 Passenger Access, Boarding and Alighting Activities

Pedestrian access both within a bus transit exchange and to the surrounding area are important considerations in the design process of the facility. Walkways to surrounding areas should be as direct as possible, and walkways should be wide enough to properly accommodate the expected pedestrian ows.

The Highway Capacity Manual (Transportation Research Board) describes the relationship between effective walkway width (the walkway width available to pedestrians after discounting lateral restrictions such as a grass boulevard, trees, and other xed objects) and passenger ow rates on the basis of Level of Service (LOS). The relationship is shown in Figure 6.8. Maximum capacity for a walkway is considered to be 80 pedestrians per minute per metre, which corresponds to LOS E. Generally, a LOS C is recommended for design purposes. Using Figure 6.8, the required walkway width can be determined based on the expected pedestrian ow rate, if it is known.

(Source: Highway Capacity Manual, Transportation Research Board) Figure 6.8 Relationships Between Pedestrian Flow Rate and Effective Walkway Width

Effective walkway width may be lower than the total width, depending on what is located adjacent to the walkway. Effective walkway widths are shown in Figure 6.9.

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 87 Roadway


Building Face Building Line Building Face (wall/fence curb) w/ window display

WE = Effective Walkway Width WT = Total Walkway Width

(Source: Highway Capacity Manual, Transportation Research Board) Figure 6.9 Effective and Total Walkway Widths

According to TAC, the suggested minimum effective walkway width (WE) is 2m to accommodate persons in wheelchairs. An effective walking width of up to 2.4m is suggested in commercial areas with higher pedestrian volumes.

If pedestrian ows are even in both directions and are anticipated to be heavy, the provision of a directional line or a physical barrier may be considered to improve passenger ow.

If a particular route is expected to have heavy boarding and alighting activities, it may be necessary to provide separate unloading and loading areas to minimize pedestrian conicts and reduce dwell times.

The sidewalk adjacent to a bus bay should be of suf cient width to accommodate waiting passengers and permit pedestrians to pass freely on the sidewalk. A minimum sidewalk width of 3.0m is suggested.

88 | BC Transit 6.2.5 Loading Area Estimation

A suggested methodology for estimating the number of loading areas is included in this subsection. The source of reference is the Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual – 2nd Edition (Transportation Research Board). It should be noted that the methodology generally refers to linear stops (as in parallel loading) as opposed to a sawtooth or other loading con guration.

According to the Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual - 2nd Edition, the capacity of a linear loading area in buses per hour is:

Bl = 3,600 x (g/C) ÷ tc + td x (g/C) + Z x cv x td

Where: Bl = Loading area bus capacity (bus/hour) 3,600 = Number of seconds in 1 hour Green time ratio (the ratio of effective green time to total traf c signal cycle g/C = length, equals 1.0 for unsignalized streets and bus facilities tc = Clearance time (seconds) td = Average (mean) dwell time (seconds) Standard normal variable corresponding to a desired failure rate (assume to Z = equal (1 – failure rate), where failure rate is 0.25) cv = Coef cient of variation of dwell times (assume 0.6)

The resulting capacity (Bl) is then compared to the desired provision of buses per hour (typically derived from the arrival ). If the resulting capacity is less than the desired provision of buses per hour, additional loading area (in the form of extra storage length) must be provided for the route.

The site characteristics and desired access and circulation pattern will determine the arrangement of the various loading areas, given the various lengths that may be required. Nonetheless, there are circumstances that warrant the provision of additional loading areas, such as layover space for routes that terminate at the transit exchange and/or vehicles that may be stored overnight at the facility.

In a transit exchange, linear stops are typically separated by the required pull-in zone as shown in Figure 6.1. Therefore, the desired length of loading area for each route can be provided and separated by the required pull-in zone. However, when multiple stops are arranged in a linear manner without the pull-in zone, the ef ciency may be reduced due to the following reasons:

ƒ A bus arriving will generally stop at the front loading area and as such the rear loading areas will be used less often. ƒ The dwell time of buses using the rear loading areas will be longer compared to the front loading area because passengers may be waiting near the front and would need time to walk to the buses towards the rear. ƒ Sometimes buses stopped behind the bus in front may not be able to leave the loading area until the bus in front departs. This depends on the available gap between the buses.

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 89 To account for reduced ef ciency, the Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual - 2nd Edition suggests the application of a factor that represents the equivalent ef ciency:

Bs = NelBl

Where: Bs = Bus stop bus capacity (bus/hour) Bl = Loading area bus capacity (bus/hour), as calculated from the previous formula Estimated capacities as shown in Exhibit 4-14 of the Transit Capacity and Quality Nel = of Service Manual - 2nd Edition (reproduced below)

Number of on-line loading areas

1 2 3 4 5

g/C g/C g/C g/C g/C g/C g/C g/C g/C g/C Dwell Time (s) 0.5 1.00 0.5 1.00 0.5 1.00 0.5 1.00 0.5 1.00 30 48 69 84 120 118 169 128 182 133 189 60 27 38 48 66 68 93 74 101 76 104 90 19 26 34 46 48 64 52 69 54 72 120 15 20 26 35 37 49 40 53 51 55

Note: Assumes 10-second clearance time, 25% failure rate, 60% coef cient of variation of dwell times, and random bus arrivals. To obtain the vehicle capacity of non-linear on-line bus stops, multiply the one-loading area values by the number of loading areas provided.

6.3 Park-and-Ride Lot

A park-and-ride lot is a facility where transit passengers can park their private automobiles and continue travelling to their destination via the use of transit. A park-and-ride lot generally features ample supply of parking and may contain other amenities such as bicycle racks, lockers, and public telephones, etc.

6.3.1 Location Considerations

A park-and-ride lot is commonly sited in a suburban area and adjacent to a transit exchange with transit connections to regional centres of employment and other activities. A suitable location would meet the physical size requirement for siting the park-and-ride lot, based on the anticipated demand (further described in Section, and the required footprint of the transit exchange. It would be well integrated with adjacent land uses to facilitate pedestrian trips in the vicinity and increase the prominence of transit within the community.

90 | BC Transit 6.3.2 Design Considerations Design of the Park-and-Ride Lot

To support transit ridership, a park-and-ride The elements related to the design of the park- facility should meet the design requirements of and-ride lot include: automobiles, transit vehicles, pedestrians, and ƒ Number of access driveways, driveway cyclists. The integration and balance of these geometry and traf c control provisions are important to the success of the ƒ Parking supply facility. ƒ Parking stall type, dimensions and Once a general location is selected for siting con guration the park-and-ride lot and the transit exchange, ƒ Site circulation speci c considerations are given to adjacent ƒ Site security road network traf c operations, the design of the ƒ Paving requirements park-and-ride lot, and the interaction between various traf c modes. These considerations are Access Driveways described in Sections to Refer to Section 6.2 for the design of a transit exchange. The number of access driveways provided should be determined based on a balance on the peak Adjacent Road arrival/departure volumes and the adjacent road Network Tra c Operations network geometry and traf c conditions.

The surrounding street traf c conditions may Where traf c volume is relatively high on the determine where it is most appropriate to adjacent street, it may be more appropriate to locate the access driveway(s) of the facility. provide multiple access driveways to minimize Access points should be located away from any delays for vehicles exiting the park-and-ride lot bottleneck that would result in delay for vehicles and the associated queue lengths. At the same entering and exiting the facility. Access points time, the locations of the driveways need to be along exclusive turn lanes are not preferred due considered in the context of the surrounding road to potential conicts associated with vehicles network to ensure that entering/exiting traf c will slowing to turn into the facility or exiting vehicles distribute among the driveways (i.e. driveway crossing traf c lanes to merge into the traf c locations are convenient to/from the adjacent stream. streets) and traf c operations conditions can be maintained (as described in Section The placement of driveways in the middle of a vertical crest curve is not preferred as sight The anticipated traf c volumes and movements at distance may be limited for the exiting vehicles, individual driveways will be used as input into the resulting in increased risk of angle or crossing geometric design, including the number of lanes type collisions. and traf c control with the intersecting public road. Typically, the access driveway is 8.5m wide for a 2-lane access and 11.0m wide for a 3-lane access. Simulation software can be used to

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 91 assess the appropriate traf c control needed at the driveway intersection.

The design should also consider the available storage length (magazine length) for the anticipated queue in the exiting direction.

Parking Supply

In the planning of park-and-ride facilities, the longer term need rather than the immediate need is often considered. The trip generation, and associated parking demand generated, can be estimated with the use of a forecasting model Figure 6.10 Right Angle Parking which considers land use, population growth, demographic, social and economics trends, auto Right angle parking stalls are typically 2.6m wide and transit travel network, and future increase in by 5.3m long. Handicapped stalls are typically transit ridership. 3.7m wide by 5.3m long. An aisle is typically 7.0m wide for right angle parking con guration. The Trip Generation Manual (Institute of Transportation Engineers) Land Use 090 Site Circulation provides data for Park-and-Ride Lot with Bus Service which can be used as a reference on The con guration of parking spaces within the the relationship between vehicle trip ends and park-and-ride lot should be as simple as possible the number of parking spaces provided. In the to minimize the time needed to locate a parking early planning stages, surveys of similar facilities space. A single, continuous path from the street may also add value in identifying trip patterns and to a parking space is ideal. Guidance that is parking utilization. clearly visible at the major access points (signage, for example) as well as guidance within the lot As a general rule, the number of handicapped (pavement arrows and STOP signs, for example) stall to be provided is 5% of the number of regular can be provided to control site circulation. stalls being provided. Design that minimizes inbound vehicles from Parking Stall Dimensions and Con guration backing up at the entrance(s) onto the public street is preferred. The right angle parking con guration provides more exibility than the angle parking con guration as it allows for two-way traf c between the aisles and two-way traf c is generally easier for drivers to comprehend and follow.

92 | BC Transit Site Security - Way nding can be provided to direct pedestrians to follow desired paths A safe and secure environment, both for through the parking lot rather than pedestrians and parked vehicles, is important. cutting through parked vehicles. Potential measures to eliminate unauthorized - Maintaining a reasonable walking activities include: distance for pedestrians (300 metres ƒ Provide natural surveillance if possible or less, equivalent to travel time of 5 minutes or less) will also help to reduce ƒ Adopt an enforcement policy this undesired behavior. ƒ Post signage to indicate the enforcement - Pedestrian/vehicle conicts can be policy minimized through the provision of ƒ Co-ordinate with local police force for marked crosswalks and appropriate police drive-throughs signage where pedestrians are ƒ Provide adequate illumination expected to cross in the way of traf c. ƒ Carry out on-site security patrol - Raised pedestrian pathways can further enhance the visibility of pedestrians ƒ Carry out remote surveillance but may not always be feasible for ƒ Provide fencing and pathway bollards to implementation. control access by pedestrian and vehicle ƒ Providing separate access for transit Paving Requirements vehicles and automobile traf c to minimize conicts. Pavement design for individual Park-and-Ride ƒ Providing separate access and secured/ facilities is subject to local bylaws and other protected storage for bicycle traf c. requirements. The general considerations related 6.4 Passenger-Pick-Up and to paving include: Drop-O Facilities ƒ Expected traf c volume and bearing weights Passenger pick-up and drop-off (PPUDO) facilities, also known as drop-and-rides or kiss- ƒ Local geotechnical conditions and-rides, are short-term parking areas that allow ƒ Local weather conditions passengers to be picked up or dropped off at a ƒ Properties of paving materials chosen transit facility by private automobiles. Interaction between Tra c PPUDO facilities may consist of either a Modes designated series of parking stalls or a pull-up There are key considerations related to the zone alongside a designated pedestrian area. interaction of the various traf c modes that may Generally, they are enforced with limited parking be present in the Park-and-Ride lot and the duration (usually 5 to 10 minutes) according to transit exchange. These include: typical observed times required for drop-off and pick-up. ƒ Providing safe pedestrian connections between the parking lot and the transit exchange. For example:

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 93 6.4.1 Location Considerations 6.4.2 Capacity Provisions

PPUDO facilities are typically included as part of High-capacity express bus service will likely a dedicated park-and-ride facility. The speci c attract more drop-and-ride passengers than local considerations related to the PPUDO facility or other low-capacity bus service. location are as follows: Various capacity provisions for PPUDO facilities The PPUDO facility should be easily accessible are currently adopted by agencies, for example: from the adjacent road network and its operation ƒ The King County (State of Washington) should not create conicts with adjacent road Metro Transportation Facility Design traf c. For example, high turnover is expected Guidelines suggests that as much as 10 at the PPUDO facility during speci c periods percent of vehicles accessing the park- (typically in the morning for drop-off and in the and-ride facility will be for drop-and-ride late afternoon for pick-up) and the design needs purposes. The King County guidelines to take into account the surge to avoid queues recommend that space for drop-and- from encroaching back into the adjacent road. ride vehicles should be provided for approximately 1 to 1.5 percent of the Conversely, the access points should be located park-and-ride lot’s capacity. The same away from any bottleneck that would result in guidance is included in the Park-and-Ride delay for vehicles entering and exiting the facility. Planning and Design Guidelines (Parsons Brinckerhoff Inc.) The PPUDO facility (the drop-off spaces at ƒ TransLink’s South Surrey Park-and-Ride the least) should be sited close to the transit Expansion project assumed kiss-and-ride exchange entrance. This will provide convenience demand to be 15 percent of the park- for the dropped-off transit passengers. However, and-ride demand (source: 2009 ITE Quad conicts between transit vehicles and PPUDO Conference presentation entitled “Building activities should be avoided. Up Transit Ridership: South Surrey Park & Ride Expansion” by the Coast Mountain Pick-up spaces may be located separately and Bus Company). The number of kiss-and- be slightly farther away; however, they should ride stalls provided is 16 while the total not require passengers to cross more than one number of stalls built was 451. Based street. Otherwise, the passengers will likely be on this information, kiss-and-ride stalls picked-up at locations that are considered more represent 3.5 percent of the park-and-ride convenient and closer to the transit exchange. lot’s capacity.

94 | BC Transit Chapter 7 Signing, Pavement Markings & Lighting

7.1 Design Standards

The design and placement of signs and pavement markings for transit operations should be in accordance with the Manual of Uniform Traf c Control Devices for Canada (Transportation Association of Canada) and other relevant jurisdiction standards.

Consistent and concise signing and pavement markings will reduce confusion for passengers and the general public. Regular maintenance will ensure that signs and pavement markings are conspicuous during daytime and nighttime conditions. 7.2 Bus Stop Signs

BC Transit is currently developing a new set of signage standards for its corporate branding. The draft versions of the standards are shown below.

General Sign Standards

Pantone® 282 C CMYK: 100-68-0-54

Pantone® 354 C CMYK: 80-0-90-0

Font Helvetica Neue

Figure 7.1 General Sign Standards

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 95 Strip Sign (Draft Design: Approval Pending)

Size: 4.5” wide by 30” tall

Reective Grade: Diamond

ƒ Required Information ƒ Stop ID Number ƒ Words “Bus Stop” ƒ Universal Symbol ƒ BC Transit Logo ƒ BC Transit Website ƒ Municipal System Phone No. ƒ Funding Partners - Provincial - Municipal System(s) ƒ Wheelchair accessible decal (only on stops that meet accessible criteria)

Figure 7.2 Strip Sign

96 | BC Transit Flag Sign (Draft Design: Approval Pending)

Size: 16” wide Variable heights

Reective Grade: Hi-Intensity (HI)

Required Information

ƒ Stop ID Number ƒ Universal Symbol ƒ BC Transit Logo ƒ Bus Number(s) ƒ Route Name(s) ƒ BC Transit Website ƒ Municipal System Phone No. ƒ Funding Partners - Provincial - Municipal System(s) ƒ Wheelchair accessible decal (only on stops that meet accessible criteria)

Figure 7.3 Flag Sig

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 97 7.3 Other Signs

Park & Ride Sign (Draft Design: Approval Pending)

Size: 8’ wide x 4’ high

Reective Grade: Hi-Intensity (HI) On blue area:

ƒ Universal Symbol Required Information ƒ “Park & Ride” ƒ On white area: ƒ Location (address) ƒ BC Transit Logo ƒ Funding Partners ƒ Tag Line (Linking Communities, Businesses - Provincial & Lifestyles) - Municipal System(s)

Figure 7.4 Sign

98 | BC Transit Building Sign (Draft Design: Approval Pending)

Size: 6’ wide x 4’ high

Reective Grade: Hi-Intensity (HI)

Required Information On blue area:

On white area: ƒ Location (address) ƒ Funding Partners ƒ BC Transit Logo ƒ Provincial ƒ Tag Line (Linking Communities, Businesses & Lifestyles) ƒ Municipal System(s)

Figure 7.5 Building Sign

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 99 7.4 Transit Shelters 7.5 Lighting

Transit Shelters Lighting at bus stops and other transit facilities can (Draft Design: Approval Pending) improve passenger visibility, promote personal security and deter unwanted activities. The Size: varies lighting level at transit facilities should be no less Reective Grade: to be determined than the adjacent street lighting. Supplemental

Required Information lighting may be required for speci c situations, such as at: ƒ BC Transit Logo ƒ Isolated bus stops To be con rmed: ƒ Transit exchanges (above-ground and ƒ Location (address) underground) ƒ Funding Partners ƒ Park-and-ride lots - Provincial TransLink’s Universally Accessible Bus Stop - Municipal System(s) Design Guidelines indicates that lighting level of 20 – 50 lux should be provided at all ground level bus stops, based on a review of various guidelines. The TransLink recommendation is now a lighting level of 50 lux at transit exchanges and bus stops.

100 | BC Transit Chapter 8 Working Examples

This chapter provides examples of projects Key Design Elements that the Project Consultant has been involved To optimize the design, weaving and ramp with. The intent is to provide a background operations for the current and future horizon years, on the planning of various facilities, to highlight as well as collision history, were analyzed. The considerations in the design process, and to proposed design also includes recommendation provide references for future BC Transit projects. of the location of bus check-in and check-out 8.1 Bus Lane detectors, ramp and bus signals, advance warning ashers and intersection detectors. Project # 1 Stop Bar Locations Highway 99 Transit Lane Project, Richmond, B.C. The existing on-ramps located along Highway Overview 99 within the project limits were designed as a parallel lane entrance, as shown in the gure The main feature of this project is to design a below. The driver entering on a parallel lane is 4.0m wide and 3.0 km long dedicated bus lane intended to accelerate to close to through traf c along the shoulder of Highway 99 between the speed on the parallel section of the terminal northbound off-ramp to Highway 91 and the before making a lane change into the adjacent south approach at the intersection of Bridgeport through lane. The length of acceleration lane Road and Highway 99 northbound off-ramp. (La) excluding the taper length (Lt) is the distance The detailed design includes widening the required to accelerate from speeds as controlled existing shoulder for at-grade bus operation with by the ramp to speeds required to safely merge signalized metering at on-ramps. with through traf c. The length of acceleration lane (La) is measured to the beginning of the Project Images taper (Lt).

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 101 Parallel Lane Entrance

La L t

controlling curve (iii) parallel entrance

Since the ramps are proposed to be metered ranges from 215m to 325m. Section of the in this project, the location of stop bars must TAC Geometric Design Guide states that longer take into consideration providing available entrance terminals (i.e. the higher values of the queue storage space on the ramp, and allowing design domain in the above table) are desirable on vehicles suf cient distance to accelerate to higher volume roads to enable entering traf c to freeway speeds at stop condition and merge merge with through traf c safely and conveniently. safely with freeway traf c. Table in the Based on this guideline, it is proposed that the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) stop bar location at the Highway 91 eastbound Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads (as on-ramp will be located 215m upstream from the shown below) provides design domain for lengths beginning of taper due to its low volumes. For of acceleration lanes. the Highway 91 westbound on-ramp, the stop bar is located 325m upstream from the beginning Design Length for Acceleration of taper. For the Shell Road on-ramp, since the existing acceleration lane exceeds the 325m The posted speed limit along Highway 99 is 90 upper domain, the stop bar is proposed to locate km/hr. Under this criteria, the design domain for at 10m upstream from the beginning of the gore length of acceleration lane under stop condition nose to maximize storage space.

Speed of Roadway Length of Acceleration Lane Excluding Taper (m) (km/h) La Length of Taper (m) Design Speed of Turning Roadway (km/h) Assumed Lt Design Stop Operating 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Condition 60 55-60 55 85-115 70-100 60-80 45-60 20-35 70 63-70 65 120-160 115-150 100-135 80-115 50-85 15-40 80 70-80 70 160-225 150-215 130-200 115-185 85-160 40-100 90 77-90 80 215-325 200-310 180-300 160-285 140-250 50-200 40-145 100 85-100 85 275-450 250-440 240-420 225-405 200-375 140-325 100-285 40-230 110 91-110 90 330-650 320-645 305-630 290-600 260-575 210-525 150-475 100-410 120 98-120 95 410-730 400-725 375-710 370-690 340-660 285-590 250-515 195-430 130 105-130 100 550-885 540-880 510-870 500-850 470-820 400-745 340-655 300-550

The selection of ramp design speed as discussed in Subsection should be referred. Notes: The acceleration distance curves in 1994 AASHTO are used in developing the design domain

102 | BC Transit Vehicular Clearance Periods The following assumptions were incorporated into the above equation to determine the vehicular The vehicular clearance period is the sum of clearance periods in this project: the yellow and red time at the end of a green interval, which allows motorists approaching an ƒ A perception/reaction time of 1.0 second intersection at the end of this interval time to either ƒ An approach speed on the ramps of 50 stop or enter and clear the intersection before a km/hr conicting traf c stream enters the intersection. ƒ A friction factor of 0.36 under the posted For this project, using the same guideline as for speed limit at 50 km/hr a signalized intersection, the vehicular clearance ƒ Approach gradients of -3.7% for the period is the clearance time which allows ramp Highway 91 eastbound on-ramp, -5.2% for vehicles approaching the intersection of the bus the Highway 91 westbound on-ramp, and lane and the ramp entrance lane to either stop 0% for the Shell Road on-ramp at the ramp signal or enter and completely clear ƒ Clearance distances for the on-ramps from the intersection before a bus arrives at the are illustrated on the following page. As advanced warning sign. shown on the following page, the clearance distance is measured from the location of The vehicular clearance periods are calculated the stop bar to the point at the intersection using the following equation: where on-ramp vehicles are completely clear from the bus traveling path and the I = t V D D pr + a + c — b body of on-ramp vehicle is completely

2 (f + AG) g Vc Vb inside the downstream accelerating lane

Tpr = perception / reation time (s).

Va = approach speed (m/s)

f = friction factor on wet pavement (varies depending on speed)

Speed of Roadway Length of Acceleration Lane Excluding Taper (m) (km/h) La AG = approach grade (m/100m), positive Length of Taper (m) Design Speed of Turning Roadway (km/h) if approached traf c is climbing: Assumed Lt Design Stop Operating 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 negative if approach traf c is Condition descending 60 55-60 55 85-115 70-100 60-80 45-60 20-35 70 63-70 65 120-160 115-150 100-135 80-115 50-85 15-40 g = 9.81 m/s2 80 70-80 70 160-225 150-215 130-200 115-185 85-160 40-100

90 77-90 80 215-325 200-310 180-300 160-285 140-250 50-200 40-145 Dc = clearance distance (m) 100 85-100 85 275-450 250-440 240-420 225-405 200-375 140-325 100-285 40-230

110 91-110 90 330-650 320-645 305-630 290-600 260-575 210-525 150-475 100-410 Vc = clearance speed (m/s) 120 98-120 95 410-730 400-725 375-710 370-690 340-660 285-590 250-515 195-430 D = conict distance (m) 130 105-130 100 550-885 540-880 510-870 500-850 470-820 400-745 340-655 300-550 b

The selection of ramp design speed as discussed in Subsection should be referred. Notes: V = conict speed (m/s) The acceleration distance curves in 1994 AASHTO are used in developing the design domain b

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 103 On-ramp Clearance Distances

Clearance Distance = Highway 91 EB On-ramp 80 m

3. Highway 91 EB On-ramp Clearance Distance = 90 m Highway 91 WB On-ramp

4. Highway 91 WB On-ramp

Clearance Distance = Shell Road On-ramp 85 m

ƒ A clearance speed of 50 km/hr is assumed to be the same as the approach speed ƒ Conict distances between the on-ramp vehicle path and the bus path is small and assumed to be zero

104 | BC Transit Based on these assumptions, the vehicular takes a bus to travel from the check-in detector clearance periods are 9.0 seconds for the location to the advanced warning sign should Highway 91 eastbound on-ramp, 9.8 seconds allow for on-ramp vehicles to enter and clear the for the Highway 91 westbound on-ramp, and 9.1 intersection. If by the time a bus arrives at the seconds for the Shell Road on-ramp. According advanced warning sign and there are vehicles to MoT Electrical & Traf c Engineering Design traveling inside the intersection, the advanced Guidelines Clause, the maximum allowable warning sign will start ashing and the distance yellow time is 5.0 seconds. It is proposed to between the sign and the beginning of the provide only 3.0 seconds of yellow time to reduce gore nose should allow for buses to come to a the window of opportunities for vehicles to run complete stop before entering the intersection. through a yellow light. The check-in detector location should be

Advanced Warning Sign measured from the farthest point on the upstream approach lane just before the bus enters the The advanced warning sign locations for the intersection, and the check-out detector should on-ramps and bus lane were determined based be located at the middle of the intersection. on MoT Electrical & Traf c Engineering Design The distances should include the clearance Guidelines Clause 402.6.8. Using the grade interval periods plus the advanced warning sign % and approach speeds assumptions stated distances. It is noted that the check-in detector above, the advanced warning sign locations for for the Highway 91 westbound on-ramp will be the on-ramps were calculated to be: 45m for located upstream of the Highway 91 eastbound the Highway 91 eastbound on-ramp, 46m for on-ramp intersection due to the short distance the Highway 91 westbound on-ramp, and 41m between the two ramps. for the Shell Road on-ramp. The location of the advanced warning sign for the on-ramps is When an approaching bus reaches the check-out measured upstream from the stop bar location. detectors and if there is not another bus activating the upstream check-in detectors, the on-ramp The advanced warning sign locations on the bus signal will switch to green immediately. In the case lane were determined based on the assumptions when there is more than one bus approaching at a that the traveling speed of buses is at 90 km/hr time, the on-ramp signal will switch to green after and the grade % of the bus lane is at 0%. Based the last approaching bus reaches the check-out on these assumptions, advanced warning signs detectors. should be located 131m upstream from the beginning of the gore nose. Intersection Detectors

Bus Check-In and Check-out Detector Due to the heavy through volumes on Highway Locations 99 during peak periods, it is possible that the intersection of the bus lane and the on-ramp lane The bus check-in detector locations are based could be blocked by on-ramp vehicles trying to on the vehicular clearance periods and advanced merge with through traf c. It is proposed that warning sign locations calculated in the above detectors should be placed at the intersections to sections. The basic idea is that the time it detect the presence of vehicles.

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 105 A bus signal is proposed to be installed on the bus lane in conjunction with the advanced warning sign. The bus signal should be located upstream from the intersection just before buses enter the intersection. The detection of vehicles in the intersection can trigger the advanced warning sign and the bus signal to warn bus drivers about possible downstream conicts, and also trigger the ramp signal to stop releasing vehicles to the intersection. The detectors would need to be able to detect stopping vehicles from traveling vehicles.

Ramp and Bus Signals Display

Signals at both the on-ramp and the bus lane were also suggested in this project in order to improve safety at the intersection. The signal at the on-ramp is a standard signal head with red, amber, and green displays. For the bus lane, it is proposed to install a customized advanced warning sign and a ashing red signal at the intersection, as illustrated below.

Displays Descriptions

When ashing, to inform bus drivers that they must come to a complete stop before entering the intersection. After having caused the bus to stop, the bus drivers can approach the intersection safely with caution.

When ashing, to inform bus drivers that they may have to come to a complete stop before entering the intersection.

106 | BC Transit 8.2 Transit Exchange

Project # 2

Capilano College Transit Exchange, North Vancouver, B.C.


The task assigned is to develop various conceptual and functional layouts of the proposed temporarily transit exchange at Capilano College. The candidate site for the proposed transit exchange was a parking lot on Monashee Drive.

Project Images

Before Now Key Design Elements

Various conceptual and functional layouts of the proposed transit exchange were developed and evaluated by going through the design considerations as listed in Sections 6.2.2 and 6.2.3 of this manual. Since this proposed transit exchange is located inside the campus area where high pedestrian activity is anticipated, particular design considerations were given to site the bus platforms where available sight distance of the pedestrian crosswalk for bus drivers making the turning manoeuvre around the upper part of the transit exchange will be maximized.

Where there are potential shortcut routes with limited visibility, handrails were installed to funnel pedestrians to use speci c path and/or crosswalk(s).

Swept path analysis of each layout was conducted by the software Autoturn and were then con rmed by a eld test. In general, 3 key conceptual layouts were developed and they are illustrated on the following page.

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 107 Conceptual Layout Option 1

Conceptual Layout Option 2

108 | BC Transit Conceptual Layout Option 1 Conceptual Layout Option 3

Option 1 was eventually selected by TransLink for further development of the preferred layout. After conducting the eld test, the drop-off bay at the entrance of the loop was removed. Although the spare layover bay at the bus loop exit (with the widening of the exit driveway to 10 m) has been tested to be adequate for the swept paths, it may create some sight distance issues between the pedestrian crossing and the exiting buses. Moreover, according to the Motor Vehicle Act, vehicles are prohibited to park within 6 m of the approach side of a crosswalk or stop sign. As such, the spare layover position was also removed. The transit exchange was constructed in November 2008 and is now in operation.

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 109 Project # 3

Review of Transit Exchange Operations at Brighouse Station, Canada Line, Richmond, B.C.


A review of Coast Mountain Bus Company’s requirements was conducted and alternate arrangements were identi ed with attempts to minimize the number of buses stopping on No.3 Road northbound and to maximize the number of buses that would be using the new bus mall.

Bus Mall Location

Future Brighouse Station

Future Station Entrance

Future Bus Mall

110 | BC Transit Key Design Elements vii. Unnecessary routing inside the mall should be eliminated The proposed future bus services were reviewed and the information was used to estimate the viii. The distance between the drop-off and the layover bus requirements. Bus routing options layover position of each terminating route were assessed to determine the impact of access should be minimized; and egress on each bus route that terminates at ix. Dedicated drop-off and pick-up positions for the station. Upon consultation with TransLink’s the terminating routes should be provided Planners, the following guiding principles were used in re-assigning the routing and bus bay x. Bus on side streets should be kept location: to the minimum. i. Drop-off and pick-up location for the Handy The proposed number of bus storage units at Dart should be located as close to the station each bus bay was reviewed to ensure adequate entrance as possible operation during peak hour passengers loading. The required bus bay lengths were subsequently ii. Stops for the local routes should also be identi ed using the formula as discussed in located near the station entrance, since Section 6.2.5 of this manual. In estimating the they will have the most transfers to/from the bus bay lengths, an average bus clearance time Canada Line of 10 seconds was assumed for a bus to start iii. Stops for the regional routes could be located up and travel its own length when departing from a bit further from the station entrance since the bus bay. Apart from the above assumptions, they will have less Canada Line activity a 25% failure rate, 60% coef cient of variation of dwell times and random bus arrivals were also iv. Bus routes with higher passenger loading assumed in the assessment. should be assigned to bays where a larger area for passenger queuing is available v. Bus routes which are going to the same destination and serving corridors that are often parallel or intersect with each other would have their stops either sharing the same bay or locating close to each other so that customers may be able to choose between two or more of them for their trip vi. Bus travelling time and delays to the designated stop should be minimized

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 111 Bus Bay 123B45678

Total Number of Buses per Hour 39 20 12.5 4 7 19.5 19 34

Green Time Ratio 0.6 0.6 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.6

Average Arrival Headway (s) 55 108 288 900 514 185 189 64

Average Dwell Time per Bus (s) 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70

Assumed Clearance Time (s) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

No. of Bus Storage Unit* (raw) 1.5 0.7 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.6 0.6 1.3

No. of Bus Storage Unit* (rounded) 21111112

Note: *Assumes 25% failure rate, 60% coef cient of variation of dwell times and random bus arrivals

112 | BC Transit Project # 4

Review of Pedestrian Crosswalks at Bridgeport Transit Exchange, Richmond, B.C.


A review was conducted for the proposed crosswalks in the vicinity of the Bridgeport bus loop. The potential issues related to pedestrian safety and bus operation were identi ed. Potential improvements to the design and other mitigating measures were identi ed.

Original and Final Crosswalk Layout Designs

Original Design Final Design

Key Design Elements

The review involved identifying pedestrian desire lines, potential conict points between pedestrian and bus movements, and potential signage and physical measures to be installed to funnel pedestrians to cross at the designated location. The guidelines as stated in Section 6.2.3 of this manual were followed.

Originally, the bus loop was to provide with two crosswalks for pedestrians access to/from the Great Canadian Way. The two crosswalks of concern are located at the northeast and southeast of the Bridgeport bus loop. Issues with regard to the original locations of the two proposed crosswalks were identi ed as follows: i. The diagonal orientation of the SE crosswalk may increase pedestrian exposure to the bus traf c ii. The rear of an articulated bus entering the bus terminus from Great Canadian Way may block the sidewalk crossing, the bike lane and a portion of the travel lane on Great Canadian Way when yielding to a crossing pedestrian at the SE crosswalk

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 113 iii. When pedestrians cross from the SE sidewalk to the island platform, they may not be able to see an approaching bus turning left from Great Canadian Way NB into the terminus driveway

iv. The rear of an articulated bus stopping at the passing lane beside Bay #13 may block the NE crosswalk

v. Pedestrians crossing at the NE crosswalk may not be able to notice a right-turning on-coming bus BC Transitto the driveway Infrastructure beside Design Bay #13 Guidelines while Bay (Final #12 isDraft) occupied

These potential issues are illustrated in the gure below. These potential issues are illustrated in the figure below.

iv.iv. The The rear rear of of an articulatedarticulated busbus stoppingstopping on on the passingpassing lanelane besidebeside BayBay #13 #13 may may block block the the NENE crosswalkcrosswalk

ii.ii. The The rear rear of of an an articulated articulated bus enteringentering the the bus bus loop loop may block thethe sidewalk sidewalk crossing, crossing, the bike lanelane and and a a portion portion of thethe traveltravel lanelane on on Great Great Canadian Canadian Way when Way yieldingwhen to yielding a crossing to pedestrian a crossing at thepedestrian SE crosswalk at the SE crosswalk

v.v. Pedestrians Pedestrians crossing crossing behind behind Bay #13Bay may#13 maynot notbe beable able to tonotice notice a right-turninga right-turning on-coming on-coming bus bus to the to drivewaythe driveway beside besideBay #13 Baywhile #13Bay #12while is occupiedBay #12 is occupied

iii.iii. Pedestrians Pedestrians crossing crossing to to thethe busbus i.i. TheThe diagonaldiagonal orientation orientation ofof the SESE platformplatform may may not not be be able able to tosee see an crosswalkcrosswalk may mayincrease increase the pedestrian the approachingan approaching bus turning bus turning left from left exposurepedestrian to exposurethe bus traf c to the bus traffic Greatfrom GreatCanadian Canadian Way NB Way NB intointo thethe terminusterminus drivewaydriveway

Taking into account the above concerns, the following measures were suggested to TransLink for their consideration:

i. Eliminate the NE crosswalk and provide only one crosswalk to facilitate pedestrian access to and from the western sidewalk of Great Canadian Way;

ii. Relocate and re-arrange the orientation of the new crosswalk to be perpendicular to the bus travelling direction in front of Bay #13;

iii. Moving Bay #13 slightly to the north and install a bulge in front of Bay #13 such that the bus drivers coming out from the passing lane beside Bay #13 would be able to see the pedestrians using the crosswalk; 114 | BC Transit iv. Install fencing and signage to regulate pedestrians to cross at the designated crossing location;

123 Taking into account the above concerns, the following measures were suggested to TransLink for their consideration: i. Eliminate the NE crosswalk and provide only one crosswalk to facilitate pedestrian access to and from the western sidewalk of Great Canadian Way ii. Relocate and re-arrange the orientation of the new crosswalk to be perpendicular to the bus travelling direction in front of Bay #13 iii. Moving Bay #13 slightly to the north and install a bulge in front of Bay #13 such that the bus drivers coming out from the passing lane beside Bay #13 would be able to see the pedestrians using the crosswalk iv. Install fencing and signage to regulate pedestrians to cross at the designated crossing location v. Install appropriate signs to warn pedestrians of the bus movement in vicinity of the crosswalk vi. Install appropriate signs to warn bus drivers of pedestrians crossing the sidewalk at the entrance and exit of the bus loop vii. Install pedestrian guide signs along the sidewalk on Great Canadian Way and inside the terminus to direct transit passengers to the nearest crosswalk when accessing the bus loop and Canada Line viii. Discourage jaywalking inside the terminus with TransLink Patrol Team enforcement during the initial opening of the station and the bus loop.

The Bridgeport Transit Exchange was opened in September 2009. Images of the pedestrian crosswalk and its associated signage provided are shown below.

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 115 8.3 Park-and-Ride Facility

Project # 5

Maple Meadow West Coast Express Park-and-Ride


The objectives of this assignment was to review the existing park-and-ride lot on the north side of the Maple Meadow West Coast Express station and to develop a new conceptual layout that could accommodate more parking stalls as well as to improve the circulation of the current drop-off and pick-up bays.

Existing Park-and-Ride Lot

An aerial photo of the existing park-and-ride lot is shown below.

116 | BC Transit Key Design Elements

No design standard was available from either West Coast Express or District of Maple Ridge for the dimensions and spacing of parking lanes. The existing parking stalls provided on-site have dimensions of 4.5m x 2.5m which is considered to be sub-standard when compared to the current standard of 5.5m x 2.6m.

Five handicapped parking stalls are currently provided and a loading/unloading bay was dedicated to the HandyDART vehicle.

Surveys were conducted in March and July 2008 with respect to the pick-up and drop-off demand at this station. During the busiest time of the day (in the afternoon when the 2 longest trains arrive), approximately 5 cars were observed waiting for approximately 5-8 minutes each. The results observed in March were similar to those observed in July 2008. A factor of 1.6 was further applied to forecast the future ridership demand using this station. As such, a total of 8 pick-up and drop-off spaces were recommended to be provided.

A conceptual layout was then prepared to provide additional 44 parking stalls and 8 pick-up and drop-off bays. Signage and pavement markings are proposed and vehicle swept path analyses were conducted as shown in the following drawings.

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 117 118 | BC Transit Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 119

Appendix A Bus Stop Request Form 122 | BC Transit Appendix B Design Checklist for Bus Stop Facilities The following serves as a checklist of the design aspects of a bus stop. The Section(s) which more detailed information can be found is also noted. This checklist can be referred to at the onset of design and/or towards the end of the design process to ensure that all aspects have been considered.

Design Aspect Relevant Section(s)

Far-side, near-side or midblock con guration 3.3.1 ƒ Advantages and disadvantages

Bus stop visibility 3.5.1, 7.2, 7.3 ƒ Signing

Passenger access 3.3.3, 3.5.2 ƒ Route characteristics ƒ Traf c controls ƒ Personal security ƒ Route transfer

Passenger amenities 3.5.3, 5.3.6, 7.4 ƒ Passenger landing pad ƒ Wheelchair pad ƒ Bus shelter ƒ Miscellaneous amenities

Universal access 3.5.4, 5.3.7 ƒ Minimum requirements

Pedestrian safety 5.3.5 ƒ Interaction with pedestrian crosswalks

Bus stop layouts / dimensions 5.3.1 to 5.3.4 ƒ Curb side stop ƒ Bus bay ƒ Bus bulge ƒ Multi-position stop

Maintenance 3.6 ƒ Preferred conditions ƒ Frequency of on-site checking

124 | BC Transit Appendix C BC Transit Bus Turning Templates

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 125 126 | BC Transit Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 127 References

Accessible Bus Stop Design Guidance for London, 2006

Design Guidelines for Accessible Bus Stops BC Transit

Bus Pre-signal Assessment and Design Guidance Transport for London, 2005

Bus Priority at Traf c Signals Keeps London’s Buses Moving Transport for London, 2006

Bus Stop Design Guidelines Omnitrans, 2006

Chittenden County Metropolitan Planning Organization http://www.ccmpo.us/library/glossary_list.php

Department of Transportation Services City and County of Honolulu Transit Glossary http://www.honolulu.gov/dts/transit_glossary.htm#d

Design Guidelines and Standards for Sound Transit Capital Projects: Sounder & ST Express Passenger Facilities Sound Transit, 2007

North American Glossary Revision 3 Ian Fisher and Tom Parkinson, 2006

Public Transport Bus Stop Site Layout Policy Public Transport Authority, Government of Western Australia, 2003

Public Transport Guidelines for Land Use Development Department of Infrastructure, State of Victoria, 2006

Shoulder Bus Stop Guidelines Department of Infrastructure, State of Victoria, 2007

Toolkit for the Assessment of Bus Stop Accessibility and Safety Easter Seals Project ACTION

128 | BC Transit Traf c Calming Measures for Bus Routes Transport for London, 2005

Transit and Land Use Planning BC Transit

Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual, 2nd Edition Transportation Research Board, 2004

Transit Design Manual PalmTran, 2004

Transit Facilities BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, 2009

Transit Facilities Design Manual SunLine Transit Agency, 2006

Transit Friendly Design Guide Transit, 2006

Transit Infrastructure Design Guidelines TransLink, 2002

Transit Stop Installation Checklist BC Transit

Universally Accessible Bus Stop Design Guidelines TransLink, 2007

Urban Design Framework Portland Mall Revitalization, 2005

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 129 Glossary

Segmented bus that has rear portion exibility, but is permanently connected to a Articulated Bus forward portion and has no interior barrier to hinder passenger movement between the two portions. One type of bus stop where a bus pulls off from the roadway to a designated area Bus Bay (which typically consists of tapers and a loading area), stops to pick-up and drop-off passengers, before re-entering the roadway. One type of bus stop where a widened piece of sidewalk extends into the parking Bus Bulge lane on a roadway and is used as the passenger zone. The vehicles which are operated by BC Transit. These may include conventional bus, Bus Fleet double-deck bus, HandyDart, minibus, low oor bus, community bus, or alternative technology bus. An overlay of concrete above the area occupied by bus vehicles stopping at a transit Bus Pad facility to minimize pavement wear. A building or other structure that provides protection from the weather, and may Bus Shelter provide seating and other amenities for the convenience of passengers. An area where passengers wait for, board, alight, and transfer between transit Bus Stop vehicles. It is usually indicated by a bus stop sign and red painting along the road curb, where a road curb is available. In the most basic form, a bus stop sign is a rectangular plate mounted on a pole that contains the bus stop identi cation number, the words “BUS STOP”, and other Bus Stop Sign information such as a wheelchair accessible decal, if applicable to the bus stop. Where multiple bus routes share the same bus stop, the bus stop sign would also include the numbers and names of the bus routes. The horizontal distance taken up by a bus vehicle when it turns. The width increases Bus Sweep Path when a bus begins to turn and decreases as the bus completes the turn. Commonly known as CPTED, is a proactive crime prevention strategy through proper Crime Prevention through design and effective use of the built environment which can lead to a reduction in the Environmental Design occurrence and fear of crime. Also known as a curb ramp or curb cut. A short ramp cutting through a curb or Curb letdown built up to it to provide continuous and accessible access between the road and a sidewalk or raised concrete/asphalt pad.

Detector A device used for indicating the presence or passage of vehicles.

The scheduled time a vehicle or train is allowed to discharge and take on passengers Dwell Time at a stop, including opening and closing doors.

Far-Side Bus Stop A bus stop situated after an intersection, in the direction of bus travel.

No designated location or physical signage for the buses to stop. Buses will stop and Flag Stop pick up passengers wherever the bus drivers see a pedestrian who ags or signals the buses to stop. A hybrid combines a conventional internal combustion engine propulsion Hybrid Bus system with an electric propulsion system. Layover may either be recovery time for the schedule to ensure on-time departure for Layover the next trip, or break time between trips for bus drivers. Regardless of the situation, layover space is required for parking the bus vehicles.

Midblock Bus Stop A bus stop situated midway between two adjacent intersections.

Near-Side Bus Stop A bus stop situated before an intersection, in the direction of bus travel.

130 | BC Transit A bus stop where bus vehicles stop on the curb travel lane to load and unload On-Line Bus Stop passengers. A type of platform con guration characterized by an area running parallel to the Parallel Loading roadway. An access to transit for passengers who drive private automobiles or ride bicycles to Park-and-Ride a transit station, park their vehicles, and then ride the transit system to reach their nal destinations. A stable, level, raised and slip-resistant surface to facilitate passenger boarding and Passenger Landing Pad alighting. Designated spaces, usually located in the vicinity of a transit station entrance, for taxis Passenger Pick-Up and or private automobiles to load or unload passengers who are coming from or needing Drop-Off Facilities to access the transit station. The spaces are usually enforced with limited parking duration. The area which passengers use to wait for, board and alight buses. The area may be bounded by the road curb, adjacent property lines or boulevards. The passenger Passenger Zone zone consists of a variety of amenities, such as the passenger landing pad, wheelchair pad, and bus shelter, etc. Pull-in zone is the area occupied by a bus vehicle as it decelerates to come to a stop Pull-In and Pull-Out Zones at a bus stop. Pull-out zone is the area occupied by a bus vehicle as it accelerates from a stopped position at a bus stop. The provision of accurate information about the arrival of bus services at a bus stop, Real-Time Information through an electronic display located on a pole or under the roof of a shelter. A type of platform con guration characterized by jagged edges which allow buses to Sawtooth Loading pull-in at an angle.

Sight Distance Sight distance is the length of roadway ahead that is visible to the driver.

A line of sight from the eye to a perceived object. In transportation sight line typically Sight Line refers to the ability for a road user to detect an object or another road user.

Timing Point A location, usually a bus stop, where a bus vehicle reaches at an agreed time.

According to the Transportation Association of Canada, traf c calming involves Traf c Calming altering of motorist behaviour on a street or on a street network. It also includes traf c management, which involves changing traf c routes or ows within a neighbourhood. A focal point for passenger transfers between transit modes (for example, between Transit Exchange bus and rail) and/or transit routes. All the xed components in the environment in which transit operates, such as Transit Infrastructure components that are occupied and or used by transit patrons waiting to get on and off of bus vehicles, as well as the roadway used by bus vehicles. Measures that give transit vehicles priority over other road users, such as exclusive Transit Priority Measures bus lanes. The alteration of normal signal phasing or sequence to provide preferential treatment Transit Signal Priority for transit vehicles. The ability of all people (including people with disabilities and other mobility Universal Access challenges) to have equal opportunity to access transit service. Areas where a “blind spot” occurs for bus drivers on both sides of a bus vehicle, Visibility Impairment Zones which are outside of drivers’ direct line of sight and the areas visible through the bus side mirrors. A designated area within the passenger waiting area, located near the front door of Wheelchair Landing Pad the bus, which allows the safe and unobstructed operation of a wheelchair ramp and for the manoeuvre of a person in wheelchair.

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 131 Index

B I Bicycle Racks - 39, 90 Intersection Design Bus Turning Left at Intersection - 46 Bus Acceleration and Deceleration Rates - 39 Bus Turning Right at Intersection - 47 Grade Change Points Without Vertical Curves - 48 Bus Bays Lane Widths - 42, 44 Corner Type - 64 Maximum Gradient - 48 Island Type - 65, 80 Mid-block Type - 64 Sawtooth Type - 78 K Kiss-and-Ride Facilities Bus Dimensions See Passenger-Pick-Up and Drop-o Facilities See Transit Design Vehicles: Vehicle Dimensions L Bus Loops See Transit Exchanges Lateral Sweep of Articulated Bus - 41

Bus Pads - 61 Lighting Levels - 100 P Bus Stop in Bike Lanes - 68, 69 Park-and-Ride Lots Bus Stop Layouts General Considerations - 90 Curbside stop - 80 Layout and Design Parameters - 91 Bus Bay - 76, 78, 82, 88, 111, 112 Bus Bulge - 14, 23, 24, 67 Passenger Amenities Benches - 28, 32, 82 Bus Stop Placement Bus Shelters - 28, 31, 33, 70, 74 Far-Side Stop - 17, 20, 62 Passenger Landing Pads - 30, 70 Near-Side Stop - 18, 20, 21, 68, 70 Passenger Zones - 28, 30 Mid-Block Stop - 63, 69 Wheelchair Pads - 29, 30, 71, 72, 73, 74 Gradient - 21, 48, 103 Transit Signal Priority - 21 Passenger-Pick-Up and Drop-O Facilities Route Transfer - 21, 22, 27 Capacity Provisions - 94 Location Considerations - 94 Bus Stop Sign - 8, 9, 26, 27, 34, 60, 95 Pavement Markings - 95, 117 D Drainage Grates and Utility Covers - 22 Pedestrian Sight Lines - 58 F S Flag Stop - 8, 15 Sight Distances Acceleration Time for Stopped Buses - 53, 54

132 | BC Transit Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 132 Braking Distance - 50 Crossing Sight Distance - 53 Decision Sight Distance - 51, 52 Merging Sight Distance - 57 Perception and Reaction Distance - 50 Stopping Sight Distance - 50, 51, 57 Turning Sight Distance - 55, 56

Stations See Bus Stop Layouts


Trac Calming Measures Curb Extensions - 58, 59 Speed Humps - 58, 59 Tra c Circles - 45, 58, 59

Transit Design Vehicles New Flyer Hybrid - 37, 38, 45, 76, 80, 82 Nova Bus - 37, 38, 42, 60, 61 Turning Templates - 37, 38

Transit Exchanges Bus Pedestrian Conicts - 85 Walkway Level of Service - 87, 88

Turning Paths See Transit Design Vehicles: Turning Templates

Visibility Impairment Zones Blind Spot - 40, 58

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 133 List of Figures

Figure 2.1 Example of a Bus Stop with Pole-Mounted Sign ...... 8 Figure 2.2 Example of Bus Stop Amenities (Urban and Rural) ...... 10 Figure 2.3 Example of a Transit Exchange ...... 11 Figure 3.1 Steps Involved in the Planning of Bus Stop Facilities ...... 14 Figure 3.2 Example of a Far-Side Bus Stop ...... 16 Figure 3.3 Example of a Potential Disadvantage of a Far-Side Bus Stop ...... 17 Figure 3.4 Example of a Near-Side Bus Stop ...... 18 Figure 3.5 Examples of Potential Disadvantages of a Near-Side Bus Stop ...... 19 Figure 3.6 Example of a Mid-Block Bus Stop ...... 20 Figure 3.7 Bus Stop Placement for Route Transfer Co-ordination ...... 22 Figure 3.8 Examples of Design Elements for a Bus Stop ...... 23 Figure 3.9 Example of a Bus Stop on the Curb Lane...... 23 Figure 3.10 Example of a Bus Bulge ...... 24 Figure 3.11 Example of a Bus Bay ...... 25 Figure 3.12 Access Driveway Issues ...... 26 Figure 3.13 Example of Unsafe Route Conditions ...... 27 Figure 3.14 Examples of Bus Stop Amenities ...... 29 Figure 3.15 Bus Ramp...... 30 Figure 3.16 Example of a Bus Shelter ...... 31 Figure 3.17 Examples of Seating ...... 32 Figure 3.18 Examples of Bike Storage Facilities ...... 33 Figure 4.1 Visibility Impairment Zones ...... 40 Figure 5.1 Lane Widths ...... 44 Figure 5.2 Bus Turning Left at Intersection ...... 46 Figure 5.3 Bus Turning Right at Intersection ...... 47 Figure 5.4 Grade Change Points for Design Vehicle ...... 49 Figure 5.5 Stopping and Decision Sight Distances ...... 52 Figure 5.6 Acceleration Time for Stopped Bus ...... 54 Figure 5.7 Minimum Crossing Distance Along Major Roadway ...... 55 Figure 5.8 Turning Sight Distance for Stopped Buses ...... 56 Figure 5.9 Merging Sight Distance for Stopped Buses ...... 57

134 | BC Transit Figure 5.10 Curbside Clearance Zone ...... 60 Figure 5.11 Far-Side Bus Stop Conguration ...... 62 Figure 5.12 Near-Side Bus Stop Conguration ...... 63 Figure 5.13 Mid-Block Bus Stop Conguration ...... 63 Figure 5.14 Bus Bay Congurations (TransLink) ...... 65 Figure 5.15 Typical Pullout Lengths (Provincial) ...... 66 Figure 5.16 Bus Bulge Conguration ...... 67 Figure 5.17 Conguration of Bus Stop Between Access Driveways ...... 68 Figure 5.18 Bus Stop in Bike Lanes...... 69 Figure 5.19 Passenger Landing Pad ...... 70 Figure 5.20 Wheelchair Pad (BC Transit) ...... 72 Figure 5.21 Wheelchair Pad (TransLink) ...... 73 Figure 6.1 Example of a Transit Exchange ...... 75 Figure 6.2 Parallel Loading Platform ...... 77 Figure 6.3 Example of Sawtooth Loading Platform ...... 78 Figure 6.4 Sawtooth Loading Platform Reference Points ...... 79 Figure 6.5 Multi-bay Curbside Sawtooth Stop ...... 81 Figure 6.6 Platform Size Requirements...... 83 Figure 6.7 Pedestrian Crossing Within a Transit Exchange ...... 86 Figure 6.8 Relationships Between Pedestrain Flow Rate ...... 87 Figure 6.9 Eective and Total Walkway Widths ...... 88 Figure 6.10 Right Angle Parking ...... 92 Figure 7.1 General Sign Standards ...... 95 Figure 7.2 Strip Sign ...... 96 Figure 7.3 Flag Sign ...... 97 Figure 7.4 Park and Ride Sign ...... 98 Figure 7.5 Building Sign ...... 99

Infrastructure Design Guidelines | 135