The Mojito

Possibly the most revitalising drink there is!

The mojito evolved on Cuba, and they certainly know a thing or two about refreshment there.


60ml (2oz) white rum

20ml (2/3oz) fresh juice 20ml (2/3oz)

6 – 8 mint leaves

Top soda water (optional) Crushed ice

Mint sprig to garnish


A jigger

A barspoon A glass A tea towel A wooden mallet/rolling pin A bar napkin (unless you're making this for yourself!)

Method: First you need to crush your ice if you don’t have a crushed ice machine to hand. Some food processors are able to do it, otherwise wrap your ice securely in a tea towel or two and bash it with a wooden mallet or rolling pin until well broken up (although don’t stress too much, some larger and some smaller pieces are fine). Add all of your ingredients to your glass and fill with ice to just under the top of the glass. We don’t muddle – just give the mint a gentle clap – so as to keep the drink lighter and fresher, but if you do, do it gently. Place your barspoon in the glass and cover the top with the bar napkin. Churn through, add more ice and repeat until the glass is pretty much full and the mint is suspended through the drink. Top with a cap of crushed ice and some soda water if you like a little spritz. Garnish with a mint sprig, and enjoy!

Suggested spirits: Bacardi, would have most likely been the original rum for this and we’ve stuck to it for it’s fresh grassiness. Another light, Spanish style rum like Pampero Blanco, or

Havana 3yo.