Tugboat, Volume 11 (1990), No
TUGboat, Volume 11 (1990), No. 2 G.A. Kubba. The Impact of Computers on Ara- to Computer Modern fonts-I strongly support the bic Writing, Character Processing, and Teach- principal idea, and I pursue it in the present paper. ing. Information Processing, 80:961-965, 1980. To organize the discussion in a systematic way, I Pierre Mackay. Typesetting Problem Scripts. will use the notions - borrowed from [2]-of text Byte, 11(2):201-218, February 1986. encoding, typing and rendering. J. Marshall Unger. The Fiflh Generation 2 Text encoding Fallacy- Why Japan is Betting its Future on Artificial Intelligence. Oxford University Press, In the context of w,encoding means the character 1987. sets of the fonts in question and their layouts. In the present section I will focus my attention on the X/Open Company, Ltd. X/Open Portability character sets, as the layouts should be influenced, Guide, Supplementary Definitions, volume 3. among others, by typing considerations. Prentice-Hall. 1989. In an attempt to obtain a general idea about the use of the latin alphabet worldwide, I looked up the o Nelson H.F. Beebe only relevant reference work I am aware of, namely Center for Scientific Computing and Department of Languages Identificatzon Guzde [7] (hereafter LIG). Mathematics Apart from the latin scripts used in the Soviet Union South Physics Building and later replaced by Cyrillic ones, it lists 82 lan- University of Utah guages using the latin alphabet with additional let- Salt Lake City, UT 84112 ters (I preserve the original spelling): USA Albanian, Aymara, Basque. Breton, Bui, Tel: (801) 581-5254 Catalan, Choctaw, Chuana, Cree, Czech, Internet: BeebeQscience .utah.edu Danish, Delaware, Dutch, Eskimo, Espe- ranto, Estonian, Ewe, Faroese (also spelled Faroeish), Fiji, Finnish, French, Frisian, Fulbe, German, Guarani, Hausa, Hun- garian, Icelandic, Irish, Italian, Javanese, Juang, Kasubian, Kurdish, Lahu, Lahuli, - Latin, Lettish, Lingala, Lithuanian, Lisu, On Standards Luba, Madura.
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