
Volume 15, Number 9, September 2009 Archives Conversion Reaches Milestone ix years ago, the Archives, a special on-site ARI server to store all of the image files, and phase are the conversion of the digital files onto S collection of ARI, took on a formidable a dedicated off-site back-up and storage system. bound acid-free paper and microfilm. The third challenge: reformatting the Ayn Rand Papers, While the digitization phase is complete, a and final phase involves the development of a an important collection of personal materials quality-control process begun earlier this year dedicated browser to enable scholarly access via from the life of Ayn Rand. The reformatting, or continues. Every one of the image files is being the Web and custodial management. “conversion,” would reproduce the entire collec- individually checked and, to date, approximately “While there is still much work to be done, tion, which includes manuscript pages and more 35,000 of the files have undergone quality control the accomplishments achieved in the past year than one thousand photographs, in media such as and been approved. represent the culmination of years of painstaking microfilm, acid-free paper and electronic files. Two major phases of the conservation proj- effort,” said Yaron Brook. “The completion of this Such a project would create enduring copies ect remain. The major components of the second phase of the project is a major milestone in the of the materials and permit scholars around the ongoing process of securing the permanent legacy world to access the collection over the Internet. of Ayn Rand’s work. I would like to thank the Now, after the creation of approximately a hun- donors who have contributed to this vital under- dred thousand digital images, Impact is pleased to taking and to encourage anyone interested in the announce that phase one of this three-part conser- project to contribute to the next phases, which are vation and access project is complete. just as crucial to the project’s goals.” The hundred thousand image files represent Going forward, major investment will be the digitization of 185 legal-size document cartons needed to complete the remaining stages of the and twenty-six oversize boxes—approximately 150 conservation process. If you would like to con- linear feet of material. The digitization process also tribute to that effort, please contact Duane Knight: included the creation of a digital file structure rep- [email protected]. licating the arrangement of the papers, a dedicated Ayn Rand’s papers being photographed by a technician Anthem and The Fountainhead Essay Contest Winners Announced he results are in. More than 16,000 Anthem that one than the others,” she said. “I liked the competition between us, but we’re also really Tand 7,000 Fountainhead essay contest idea of trying to explain the hopeful aspects of supportive of each other. My siblings were very entries have been judged, and both contests set the story, since most of the world in which the happy for me when we found out that I had new participation records. The top prize win- story is set seems pretty grim.” won—and Erin was a semifinalist!” ners are Hillary Purcell (Anthem) of Cincinnati, Ms. Purcell faced some stiff competition Ms. DeWald, an eleventh-grader at the Ohio, and Dinah DeWald (The Fountainhead) from within the family. “My brother Tim and Arizona School for the Arts, also has an inter- of Phoenix, Arizona. my sisters Erin and Stacy also entered the con- esting story. She has won Ms. Purcell, a tenth- test as part of our English class. We’re quadru- the $10,000 Fountainhead grader at Mariemont High plets, so we were in the same class and had the grand prize one year after School, entered the Anthem same assignment. There’s always a little friendly placing second in the 2008 essay contest as an Eng- Anthem essay contest. “I lish class assignment. Her was very surprised at win- winning essay answered the Thank you to Essay Contest Donor ning again,” she said. She question why the novella, On behalf of ARI, Impact would like to extend a special attributed her success in despite its bleak setting, is a “thank you” to the Emmett and Miriam McCoy Foundation, the essay contests to having Hillary Purcell Dinah DeWald story of liberation and hope. which generously funded all costs associated with the read Ayn Rand for years and “I chose to answer the question I did because Fountainhead essay contest this year. to having thought extensively about the ideas I thought I could make a better argument with continued on page 4

Essential Reading: ARI Publications, Voices for Reason OAC Applications RI writers and Voices for Reason, the blog ABC news anchor John Stossel quoted Up 52 Percent A of the Ayn Rand Center, have been attract- ARI analyst Alex Epstein’s Voices for Reason ing attention from major media outlets, academ- blog post “Government Propaganda” in his Applications to the Objec- ics and businessmen. Here are some highlights. professional blog. This same post was also tivist Academic Center for ARI analyst Tom Bowden’s “Justice Holmes linked to by the heavily trafficked Web site academic year 2009–10 have and the Empty Constitution,” published in the Instapundit. Mr. Epstein’s op-ed “Google increased 52 percent over summer edition of The Objective Standard, has Deserves to Be Celebrated, Not Persecuted by last year. The OAC, which offers four-year under- been making the rounds in scholarly circles. It Trustbusters,” originally published in Investor’s graduate and graduate programs in Ayn Rand’s received mention on George Mason University’s Business Daily, was quoted by Steve Forbes in philosophy, has witnessed steady growth since its History News Network, on the Chronicle of his Other Comments column on Forbes.com. launch in 2001. According to Debi Ghate, ARI vice Higher Education’s Arts and Letters Daily Web And Mr. Epstein’s op-ed “Why We Should president of Academic programs, the magnitude of site and on the blog of bookforum.com, a Web Celebrate Oil’s Birthday” was published in this year’s surge is especially notable. site for book reviews. Investor’s Business Daily. “We expected a boost in applications given An article by ARI fellow Keith Lockitch has “Why Ayn Rand Is Still Relevant,” an article all the attention Ayn Rand has received in the been published in the academic journal Energy by ARI executive director Yaron Brook and mass media this year,” she said, “but a 52 percent and Environment, volume 20, number 5. The ARI writer and research specialist Don Watkins, jump in the number of people ready to commit article, “Climate Vulnerability and the Indispens- was published on CNBC.com. Dr. Brook also to seriously studying in a four-year able Value of Industrial Capitalism,” defends the appeared on the CNBC television show CNBC program is especially encouraging. It’s one more thesis that capitalism is man’s best defense against Reports on two consecutive evenings in August. piece of evidence—in a long chain—that interest natural disasters. A PDF of the article is available Video clips of those appearances are available on in Objectivism and awareness of ARI is spreading, at aynrandcenter.org/media_topic_science. ARC-TV.com. continued on page 3 Prime Movers in Activism How to Fight Government Health Care By Lin Zinser

The Prime Movers in Activism is a network of nals. “The legal treatment accorded to criminals is prolific activists that have The Non-Objectivity of much superior to that accorded to businessmen,” come together to share she writes. “The criminal’s rights are protected ideas and plan events. Antitrust by objective laws, objective procedures, objective In this column, ARI rules of evidence. A criminal is presumed to be vice president of Public Each month Impact suggests readings and other innocent until he is proven guilty. Only business- Outreach Lin Zinser highlights the work of resources for fans of Ayn Rand’s fiction who wish men—the producers, the providers, the support- these activists and suggests ways in which to learn more about her philosophy, Objectivism. ers, the Atlases who carry our whole economy on others can become involved in activism. yn Rand described the Sherman Act of 1890, their shoulders—are regarded as guilty by nature A which declared trusts to be illegal, as “the and are required to prove their innocence, without t the time of this writing, mid-August, most infamous piece of legislation in American any definable criteria of innocence or proof, and A health care is the crucial public policy history” and singled it out as “the turning point on are left at the whim, the favor, the malice of any issue. At town hall meetings and at Tea Parties, the road to the ultimate destruction of American publicity-seeking politician, any scheming stat- angry Americans are voicing their opposi- industry.” Why did Ayn Rand find the Sherman ist, any envious mediocrity who might chance tion to the government’s attempt to radically Act, and all other antitrust laws that would follow to work his way into a bureaucratic job and who expand its control over the health-care industry. it, so damaging and abhorrent? feels a yen to do some trust-busting.” (“America’s This frustration presents us with a tremendous The antitrust laws, Rand wrote, are “an Persecuted Minority: Big Business,” Capitalism: opportunity to provide intellectual ammunition unenforceable, uncompliable, unjudicable mess The Unknown Ideal) to those concerned. of contradictions” that have “kept American For more on this topic (in addition to the Many protesters oppose government businessmen under a silent, growing reign of ter- works already cited), read Capitalism: The health care solely on the grounds that it is ror. . . . Under the antitrust laws, a man becomes Unknown Ideal, and watch or listen to Ayn Rand’s expensive or inefficient. We must jump at this a criminal from the moment he goes into busi- lectures “19th-Century Capitalism,” “The ‘Robber- chance to teach them that the reason govern- ness, no matter what he does. For instance, if Barons’” and “America’s Persecuted Minority: ment health care is disastrous is because its he charges prices which some bureaucrats judge Big Business,” available for free at the Ayn Rand goal—“free” health care for all—is immoral. as too high, he can be prosecuted for monopoly Multimedia Library. All these items can be pur- As we know, unless the opposition takes back or for a successful ‘intent to monopolize,’ if he chased from the Ayn Rand Bookstore. To order, the moral high ground and asserts that gov- charges prices lower than those of his competi- please visit www.aynrandbookstore.com or call ernment interference in medicine is a vicious tors, he can be prosecuted for ‘unfair competi- 1-800-729-6149. violation of individual rights, the battle against tion’ or ‘restraint of trade,’ and if he charges the it will ultimately be lost. same prices as his competitors, he can be pros- What can you do to spread that message? ecuted for ‘collusion’ or ‘conspiracy.’” (“Choose Additional Resources from the Here are some tips: Your Issues,” The Objectivist Newsletter) Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights Antitrust laws, Rand observed, are non-objec- aynrandcenter.org • Write letters to the editor often and to as tive. “[N]o one can tell what the law forbids or Read: many local newspapers as possible, including permits one to do; the interpretation of these laws • “Vindicating Capitalism: The Real History of the Stan- weeklies as well as dailies. Letters should be is left entirely up to the courts. A businessman or dard Oil Company” by Alex Epstein articulate and short. They should emphasize his lawyer has to study the whole body of the so- • “Set Yahoo Free” by Alex Expstein that Congress and President Obama are advo- • “Punishing Google for Its Success” by Alex Epstein called case law—the whole record of court cases, cating reforms that are not only economically • “Big Business: Home of Individualism” by Yaron Brook precedents, and decisions—in order to get even a disastrous, but are also immoral. They should generalized idea of the current meaning of these stress that health care is not a right and that Watch: these reforms, like all existing government laws; except that the precedents may be upset and • “Why Conservatives Are Anti-Business,” by Yaron Brook interference in the health care industry, vio- the decisions reversed tomorrow or next week or • “Capitalism Without Guilt: The Moral Case for Freedom” next year.” (“America’s Persecuted Minority: Big by Yaron Brook late the rights of every American. Use Voices Business,” Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal) • “The Monopoly Myth: The Case of Standard Oil” by for Reason blog posts or material on www This non-objectivity leaves businessmen in a Alex Epstein .aynrandcenter.org/media_topic_healthcare as legal state that is worse than that of actual crimi- models for writing your letter. Have some- one—even a friend or a spouse—edit it. • Speak at local Tea Parties or rallies, if you are able to get on the speaker list. If there is Advanced Placement Conference a comment period at a rally, prepare a short, clear, polite statement (no more than two or the second year, ARI hosted an exhibi- ing to Ms. Dahl, “We advertise our free books minutes) to read aloud. Make the moral case Ftion booth at the annual Advanced Placement and essay contest programs, we showcase our for free-market health care and against social- (AP) Conference. The event took place in San supplementary resources such as sample syllabi ized medicine. Antonio, Texas, July 14–18. As was the case last and we give away review copies of the books to • Take flyers to rallies and distribute them to year, the booth was a huge success. interested teachers and administrators.” Nearly all as many people as possible. Print materials “Just as last year—the first time we attended the material ARI brought to the conference was from ARC’s health-care page, such as Leon- the event—our booth was jammed with visitors distributed. ard Peikoff’s “Health Care Is Not a Right,” from start to finish,” said Marilee Dahl, ARI Both the presence and popularity of ARI’s and hand them out. Check back for updates Education department manager. “Many teach- booth, Ms. Dahl noted, shows that teachers and and additional releases. You can copy and ers who already use our services stopped by to administrators across the country have come to distribute any of the material on our Web site thank us for the work we do. Often they were so recognize the value of ARI’s educational pro- or blog as long as you provide a statement enthusiastic that they’d turn to whoever happened grams. “The word is out that students love to that these are from the Ayn Rand Center for to be visiting the booth at the time and promote read Ayn Rand,” she said. “More and more, those Individual Rights, a division of the Ayn Rand our programs to them. Talk about word-of-mouth in the field of education appreciate the fact that Institute. publicity!” not only are the • Forward good articles via e-mail, Facebook ARI’s goal in novels great stories, or Twitter to friends and others. attending the AP but that they chal- • Write brief letters to your legislators and to conference is to lenge the students the president. Let them know where you increase attend- to think about stand. ees’ awareness of life’s fundamental the Institute’s high issues. The students Now is the time to speak out on this issue. school programs. embrace that chal- Your life may depend on it. The top students lenge. As thousands in high schools of teachers can If you would like to provide financial support for are usually in an attest, the novels activism or would like more information about Advanced Placement can really energize what you can do to become an activist, contact program. Accord- Education department manager Marilee Dahl in the ARI booth at the AP Annual Conference a classroom.” Lin Zinser at [email protected]. 2 Museum Displays Frank Lloyd Wright Inside the Archives Rendering of Proposed A Portrait of Promotion Studio for Ayn Rand By Jeff Britting preliminary rendering of a studio A designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for Jeff Britting is manager of the Ayn Rand is now on display—and for sale Ayn Rand Archives. In this new —at the Edward Cella Art+Architecture feature, Mr. Britting presents museum in Los Angeles. anecdotes from Ayn Rand’s life, Many readers of The Fountainhead have accompanied by images from wondered if the character Howard Roark was the Archives collection. modeled on the renowned architect. While Ayn Rand explicitly dispelled this idea, she n late 1948, while Ayn Rand was working did have an enormous appreciation for the ar- I on her novel , artist Leonebel chitectural master, and a real-life connection Jacobs visited Miss Rand’s San Fernando Val- between Wright and Rand did exist. ley home. The purpose of the visit was to render Rand requested to interview Wright while pastel portraits of Miss Rand and her husband conducting research for The Fountainhead Frank O’Connor. Several months later, Miss Rand in 1937. Wright declined, but would read the wrote Jacobs and thanked her for a photograph novel six years later and write to Rand, “your of Frank’s portrait. She was “thrilled to see how thesis is the great one.” The two continued beautiful it looks in the black-and-white print.” to exchange written correspondence until the Ayn Rand took great pleasure in Frank’s pastel late 1950s, and even met in person at the ar- portrait. “[P]robably the best of my material trea- Leonobel Jacobs pastel portrait of Frank O’Connor chitect’s Wisconsin estate. Rand wrote to him sures,” she wrote in a letter to Jacobs in 1948. At in 1944, the time of the portrait’s creation, she was deeply immersed in the writing of the novel. But she was I felt, whenever I entered a building of already looking toward its completion, if only in yours [that] here one had to be a hero and one respect. “I am so happy with this portrait,” lead a heroic life. Miss Rand wrote in another letter to the artist, “that I am terribly tempted to put it on the book In 1945 Rand asked the architect to design jacket of my next novel as a portrait of its hero.” a country home for her and her husband. That wish would come to fruition, in part, Wright agreed, and it is a rendering of this with the publication of Atlas Shrugged in 1957. remarkable five-story studio that is now being Although not on the book jacket, Jacobs’s portrait exhibited at the ECAA museum. Of the studio, of Frank O’Connor dominated the print media Rand wrote, campaign launching the novel. In advertising copy by expounding the book’s virtues The house you designed for me is to readers, Mr. O’Connor’s portrait stood as the magnificent. I gasped when I saw it. It is the particular kind of sculpture in answer to the question: “Who is John Galt?” space which I love and which nobody The spirit of the campaign was captured by but you has ever been able to achieve. publisher Bennett Cerf in an ad targeting book “Most personally: Thank you for sellers: “I urge you to read this astonishing and the fountain. That was as if you had controversial new novel. It will hit you with the autographed both my house and my book. force of a sledge hammer. Many people will be This house is one of the greatest rewards utterly dismayed by it. Others will rate it one of an author can receive. the most important novels ever written. EVERY- BODY will read it.” Despite her admiration for the building, The choice to use Mr. O’Connor’s image had Rand and her husband ultimately decided been fitting. “All my heroes will always be reflec- to remain in , and the studio was tions of Frank . . . ,” Miss Rand had remarked in never built. the letter to Jacobs. The exhibition, titled “Drawings and Objects By 1970 Atlas Shrugged was an unquali- by Architects,” runs through October 10. fied success. Yet in Miss Rand’s mind there was one remaining piece of unfinished business. She The biographical information in this article wrote to her publisher New American Library: was drawn from Ayn Rand by Jeff Britting, “The matter most important to me personally, is Letters of Ayn Rand, edited by Michael the new cover for the [paperback] reissue of Atlas S. Berliner, and from Dr. Berliner’s essay Shrugged. I would like for once, after all these “Howard Roark and Frank Lloyd Wright” years, to see that novel in a cover I really like.” in Essays on Ayn Rand’s “The Fountain- About the design, she wrote: “My idea for the head,” edited by Robert Mayhew. All titles cover is to have [a] face featured and [a] bro- Random House ad featuring Frank O’Connor are available from the Ayn Rand Bookstore. ken globe (designed as a globe, with continents, etc.) in the distance, smaller and no larger than the face—as if Galt had shrugged and the world broke, rolling away into space.” For the face which would be depicted in the cover, Miss Rand suggested Jacobs’s rendering of Frank O’Connor. “It’s a portrait of my husband,” she mentioned par- OAC Applications Up 52 Percent, continued enthetically. “I neither hide nor publicize this fact.” from page 1 As far as can be determined, her idea became the basis of the Robert Heindel illustration for the especially among college students.” 1970s paperback edition of Atlas Shrugged. It is unfortunate, she added, that there are now With the phenomenal increase in sales of Atlas more qualified applicants than there are available Shrugged this year (more than 300,000 books, year positions. “To take full advantage of the demand to date), Miss Rand’s appreciation of her husband’s for the OAC,” she said, “we need to urgently contribution to the novel’s promotion is worth expand our resources. At present our primary limi- repeating. The following inscription was found tation is funding.” on a publicity still in the Ayn Rand Archives: For more information about the OAC, visit www.objectivistacademiccenter.org. Although the “To the face that launched a 100,000 copies— deadline to apply for academic year 2009–10 has from the one that wrote them. passed, there is still time to register to audit courses. To Frank – with all my love – Ayn If you would like to contribute to the OAC Expansion Campaign or to the new Ayn Rand June 5, 1961.” Campus Initiative, visit www.aynrand.org/support (See image of the inscribed publicity still on the next page.) Robert Heindel cover illustration _campaigns_oac. 3 An Update from the Anthem Foundation Anthem, The Fountainhead Essay Contest Winners Announced, continued from page 1 The following is excerpted from the quarterly interests vary greatly. letter by Debi Ghate to donors of the Anthem • Anthem made a grant to support the publication presented in the books. Foundation for Objectivist Scholarship. of Dr. Robert Mayhew’s Essays on Ayn Rand’s Of the three essay topics, Ms. DeWald “Atlas Shrugged.” The Ayn Rand Institute is responded to the one that asked readers to com- Dear Anthem Donor, working with the book’s publisher, Lexington pare and contrast the approach to life and basic Books, to offer review copies to professors motivation of two characters from the novel. . . . In the past quarter, we’ve in select fields. This means that some of the The choice of which topic to write on was an added two new multiyear essays in the collection could be used in obvious one, she said. She and her boyfriend positions, one at Duke and one college classrooms or referenced in scholarly had been rereading the novel together and had at UNC-Chapel Hill, thanks publications. Some professors (a few fairly new been discussing the characters of Gail Wynand to your increased support and to Objectivism) have told me they plan to use and Dominique Francon when the essay contest our partnership with BB&T. the collection. topics were first released. But there’s been plenty more • As soon as we have some additional resources, What will our winners do with their prize happening in the background. In addition to all the we will launch a project to contact all professors money? “Well,” said Ms. Purcell, “I’ve been terrific work described in the attached reports from at the top 100 universities who are teaching meaning to replace the earphone jack on my Drs. Gotthelf, Peikoff, Salmieri and Smith, I’d like Ayn Rand. If there is even a handful of new iPod—it only plays out of one ear right now— to share some further highlights: professors out there who will incorporate but other than that, I’ll be saving it all for col- Objectivism into the academic discussion, lege!” Ms. DeWald plans to put the money to • Anthem donor Wendy Milling challenged Anthem would like to reach out to them and good use. “I don’t know exactly where I’ll put her fellow donors to help Anthem attend the offer our resources. the money,” she said, “but I’m definitely going American Economics Association conference in • And, we’re currently in discussions concerning to invest it.” Atlanta this coming January. This is the annual three potentially new university programs. It’s a The winning essays and the essay topics gathering of academic economists. Thanks to little early to predict what will happen, but I’m for next year’s contest are available online. For Wendy and those of you who responded to expecting to report some good news coming out more information, visit www.aynrand.org/ her challenge, we will host an exhibit at the of this in the next quarter. So stay tuned! education_contests_index. conference, where we will introduce attendees to Ayn Rand’s philosophical framework and help . . . Thank you to the donors who’ve been able them see its relevance to their work. to increase their contributions over the last quarter. • We will also exhibit at this year’s American The question of how successful Objectivism will Philosophical Association and have procured be in this competitive academic environment Impact is published monthly by the Ayn Rand® Institute (ARI) and is complimentary to current donors who contribute $35 or more per year. a great location in the exhibit hall. We want to crucially depends on whether we have the financial For information on how you can support ARI and to learn about make sure that every philosopher who walks resources to make new commitments and offer our projects, please visit our Web site: www.aynrand.org. Atlantis Legacy®, the Institute’s planned giving program, and related indicia through the door sees Ayn Rand’s books and new programs to universities and professors. As are registered trademarks. The Ayn Rand Archives is a special related scholarship. This will be the first year that supporters of the Anthem Foundation, you’ve collection of the Ayn Rand Institute. Objectivist Conferences (OCON) and the Ayn Rand Bookstore are owned by Second Renaissance, the Anthem Foundation attends as an exhibitor; recognized the long-term, fundamental role that Inc., which is operated by the Ayn Rand Institute. Second we will continue and build on the work done by academia plays in determining the direction of the Renaissance, Inc., and the Ayn Rand Institute do not necessarily endorse the content of the lectures and courses offered. All photos the Ayn Rand Institute for many years. culture—we will take every feasible step we can to of Ayn Rand are used by permission of the Estate of Ayn Rand. • Anthem has launched another phase in its bring Objectivism to that audience. Purchases from the Ayn Rand Bookstore do not qualify as Professor Resources program. Thanks to your tax-deductible contributions to the Ayn Rand Institute. support, we can now provide review copies of Best regards, Editors: Don Watkins, Jeff Scialabba Editorial Advisers: Yaron Brook, Mark Chapman, Debi Ghate, Ayn Rand’s books to any qualified professor who Anu Seppala, Lin Zinser Designer: Simon Federman wants to learn more about her writings and ideas. Debi Ghate Printing: David Antonacci Copy Editor: Donna Montrezza • We’ve improved the look and quality of our Senior Director Headquarters: 2121 Alton Parkway, Suite 250 Irvine, CA 92606-4926 Phone: 949-222-6550 Fax: 949-222-6558 monthly e-newsletter for professors, Ayn Rand Anthem Foundation for Objectivist Scholarship in Academia. Over the next month, we will © The Ayn Rand Institute 2009. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced without permission. The Ayn Rand Institute (ARI), launch a new version of the e-newsletter to better For information or to support the Anthem is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. communicate with an audience whose research Foundation, visit www.anthemfoundation.org. Inside the Archives


books/audio/videos . . . for the rational mind TM

Spotlight on the Bookstore: Winning the Unwinnable War

Winning the Unwinnable War: America’s Self-Crippled Response to Islamic Totalitarianism, a new anthology of ARI essays on foreign policy, edited by ARI fellow Elan Journo and featuring contributing essays by ARI executive director Yaron Brook and ARI analyst Alex Epstein, is now available for preorder from the Ayn Rand Bookstore. Winning the Unwinnable War argues that America’s foreign policy response to 9/11 has failed to make us safer, and explains that the reason for this failure lies with the widely accepted altruist ideas underpinning our policies. The book demonstrates how selfless U.S. policies are to blame both for unleashing the jihadists prior to 9/11 and for Washington’s deliberate renunciation of victory in an eminently winnable war. The authors argue that victory is still possible, however, and spell out how we can conclusively defeat the threat from Islamic totalitarianism. In laying out that policy solution, the authors take as their moral framework Ayn Rand’s code of rational egoism. To preorder for October delivery, or to purchase any of the hundreds of titles available at the Ayn Rand Bookstore, visit www.aynrandbookstore.com or call 1-800-729-6149. Ayn Rand’s inscription dedicated to her husband on a publicity still for the first edition of Atlas Shrugged

4 CONTRIBUTOR BENEFITS FOR LEVELS OF ANNUAL GIVING The following shows the annual giving levels and the donor benefits associated with each level. For each level, you are eligible for the benefits that are listed at your level and all of those at the lower levels beneath yours as well. For example, if you are a “Major” ($500–$999 annual giving) then you will receive the benefits listed for “Majors” plus those listed for “Sponsors” and “Donors.”

“DONOR” LEVEL: $35–$99 “BENEFACTOR” LEVEL: ■ Impact Subscription $10,000–$49,999 ■ Choose one of the following three perk ■ Exclusive invitations to banquets and items: other events – ARI license plate frame ■ DVDs or CDs of ARC (Ayn Rand – ARI-logo refillable pen Center for Individual Rights) Lecture – ARI-logo/Ayn Rand stamp keychain Series events ■ Other exclusive “Benefactor” benefits “SPONSOR” LEVEL: $100–$499 announced throughout the year ■ ARI-logo lapel pin (on request) “EXECUTIVE COUNCIL” LEVEL: “MAJOR” LEVEL: $500–$999 $50,000–$99,999 ■ ■ Choose one of the following three Upgraded amenities at summer perk items: conference and other events – ARI-logo leather luggage tag (2) throughout the year – ARI-logo deluxe keychain ■ Periodic special gifts from the – ARI-logo coffee mug Ayn Rand® Bookstore™ ■ One-on-one briefings with the “SUSTAINER” LEVEL: $1,000–$4,999 Executive Director ■ Choose one of the following three perk items: – ARI-logo desk clock “PRESIDENT'S CIRCLE” LEVEL: – ARI-logo deluxe travel mug $100,000–$249,000 – ARI-logo 3-D mousepad ■ Periodic exclusive reproductions from the Ayn Rand Archives “ASSOCIATE” LEVEL: $5,000–$9,999 ■ Special access to ARI-affiliated ■ Online auditing or recordings of select intellectuals and ARI resident fellows Objectivist Academic Center (OAC) courses and lectures “President’s Circle – Silver” ■ Choose one of the following three Level: $250,000–$499,999 perk items: – ARI-logo leather organizer “President’s Circle – Gold” – ARI-logo wristwatch Level $500,000–$999,999 – ARI-logo leather desktop photobox with portrait of Ayn Rand “President’s Circle – Platinum” Level $1,000,000 and up

To find out your current level: Check your most recent TO REQUEST PERKS: The ARI logo perks are available on contribution receipt for your year-to-date total. Or you may request only. If you wish to receive any of the perks for contact Donor Services at 949-222-6550, ext. 204, or e-mail which you qualify, check all that apply to your current

[email protected] to ask about your current level. annual giving level below. Tear off the bottom portion of this

Remember that there are several months remaining for you to page and send it in the return envelope provided in this issue of increase your total for this year. Impact. Be sure to fill in your name and address. 

❏✔ Please send me the following perk(s) for which I qualify:

“Donor” or higher “Sustainer” or higher “Benefactor” ❏ ARI license plate frame or ❏ ARI-logo desk clock or ARC Lecture Series 2009 events ❏ ARI-logo refillable pen or ❏ ARI-logo deluxe travel mug or (select one of the following formats) ❏ ARI-logo/Ayn Rand stamp keychain ❏ ARI-logo 3-D mousepad ❏ DVD  ❏ CD “Associate” or higher “Sponsor” or higher ❏ ARI-logo leather organizer or ❏ ARI-logo lapel pin ❏ ARI-logo wristwatch or “Major” or higher ❏ ARI-logo leather desktop photobox ❏ ARI-logo leather luggage tag (2) or with portrait of Ayn Rand ❏ ARI-logo deluxe key chain or ❏ ARI-logo coffee mug Your Shipping Address:




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